The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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FAIKMAN'A %M (XWriaiT, yy m . Ultra nt lk ThfUlcr to • Vrr Hnmll Audience. Falrtnan a Bih) lvr a Un**!l con c ; At the Theater iaat night. and play ... an fx vlk'iit profranmt, but to an cx ,. dinglv -mail audience. The programme a follows: overture "Tannhanwr" Wagner \ unit from nrct Bynphory licet hoven lnternuno. "Forget M* Nut" Macbeth Tie Holy Ctly A llama Mr. Q. Fieurant, Mr 11. Roussl. Grand Deacrlptlve Fantasia Hermann I, p>rt*ntinjr ihn voyage of Columbus and the Dlsi'overy of America geh t'tfon "Robin llood" DeKovin Ito 010 aolo. "Kanin-.•• Demare \V. C. Beane. ••ftouihern Plantation Song’* Conterno Grind March "The K.ks" Falrman . ated to Savannah l/ilg 11. I*. O K , No. IK3. T* the **Tannhuser" overture Mr 1 pluyni a- nn encore a iopulr in hi and encored the l>eKovtn *e!ec i , with t spirited rendition of•• Whi stling Rufua." The Hermann font isle hi* given with spectacular ♦•ffect#. The l I will leave to-day for New York. The next attraction, to-morrow mitlnee m 1 night. Is Murray A Mack’s "Shont li ..' the Chutes." The play Is a tar e cometiy. and has won xucoea* of the most emphaii-' type this (teuton. Olllc Mick v nullified with "Finnegan Hall." an I y, , i r fteven years associated with (•i.iiil- A Murray. They form a team o s-4ir> r*Mom equaled In ihelr ne Id line -f <nilc work. They sot a fast par* of ii n.aking in this piece and the other |w*rf iuc i•- forty in all -convene t* make n perfuitnunce t tat is w th* it an ille or tl tl m n eiil. IT**'tv girls, lit beautiful goa *, various #q>*vlalti* . a real race tbe tv% * it horses) un<l a chut** in ac'loti ara up r the Mill* n* features of the ier lorrn . n* *. A Milk White Flag," to be seen Thur-- <fa* nlifht, 1* one of the brightest of Hoyt’s farce-com edka The i>;e e has I* • n partly rewritten and furnished with a nw mu.-i al programm< . 01 1 a num ber < f novel vaudeville turn.s There Is a honw* of pretty girls, eixlow* and wPh e\ *dieii* volcca and showing th* result of skillful stage maroigement. Many of the old favorites appetr among the prln cipila. and Little Chip as "the Private." continue* lo iitnuit • Too Rich to Marry" will he seen Fd dn \ and Katun lay night, with • -p*ciai matinee Httur*iy. The following is from t ie Kputanburg Dally Herald; "The .t --tra tU n at the oj era 1 "i-** ws ‘T o Hich to Marry.* The audience wan not large, but was very appreciative, and en joy* Ia splendid I day rendered by a troupe of artists. The o Hi g was wry good, and every one who atiend**l enjoy ed an evening of plea are." TO I*l T ON % Tilllll> SHIP. s**.- anna b-Plti ladelphln Line Online h Ilia llulueaa. The Savannah-Philadelphia Line of the Merchant*' and Miners’ Transportation Company is having all the business it can handle, and a thlid steamer U to bo put on e*m. The He onl navs: "One of the busiest whorea along the Delaware river front in Philadelphia is that of the new 8* \annah line, at the foot of Lombard f reel. The vessels are taxed to their t .11 cap* ty on both north and ooutlw t *nd trip*, nnd as soon as a third ti can Ih* got ready for set vice. It w ill t. add* and to the Heel. The Berkshire left this port for Savannah Saturday. **arry i'g a cargo of intsv* Ilan**>ue freight as extensive as her holds would i>**mlt. The freight on ih* Berkshire came H tn the Ka t ami West. In addition to largo consignments fr* in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in* rebuilt* Several carloads <• |Mi*r came from N*w England, and i elve carload* of grain came from Chi .go an<l lowa for points In the Koutli. V,erc were several cnrU nds *f machinery f -tn Ohio, whlb* Williamsport. Pittsburg Heading nd other Pennsylvania manu f>* luring centers also contribiitiHl large •nsignmortts of machinery. The Berk tire brought up a full cjirg of pig Iron. 1 mber. baled straw, cotton and caber Southern products, as well as a number if pasaengers. in add tlen to her heavy load of freight the Berkshire took with her on her ooutn bnund trtf* 2? first-class |*sHengers. the larg- st number ytt taken by either steam .T of the line. Carroll 11. Smith, the 10-1 1 agent. Is receiving many Inquiries f om persons who are making up par i*es to take the trip. The company ha* Hen taxed to the utmost to car* for the H.iw freight business and has. in rnn uenee. n *de hilt little efTort In •hr. tlon of passenger business Neverthe ' a numter of tourists have accom • ;ar *el ihe vessels on each trip As soon n third steamer 1 placed on the line row schedule will go Into effect with . -ailing- each way per week and the r- mny w ill then m.ik** a hkl for passen* m r business." oItIH?lt IN CON'NOLLY CASH. Jndge Vnruooil l)rflnr What Prts jirrly llefi*rc Him. J\ le Norwood another ordrr In •h. Connolly attiu-hmi nt enw on yratrr liav Tho orrtor rtmply rrcllr. .lcilalona >r. iily nta.ln by Ju*l. Norwool n>l nx.rka no new trp In Ihr trial of thn . of law ant fact lnvolvr<t In the hea ring. T luoatlon of wheth.r or not the Ar t . ,nl, the Atlantic Contracting Com ; i > I'.rnjamln D. Oreene, an.l John K * 1 Kilw/.r.1 If. Oaynor. have any food <l. f n... t„ the artion InMltute t against n b} Conno ly. rnnnot property M in • ~| tr (h* present heuring. ►ys Norwood In his decision. That t be tried when ih.* declaration in a ' hmem ha* been filed, the answer of lefcnd*nt made and the case **>- 9 • and t t jury fer trial upon !•* merits. • t er contention made by Mr Bar • ..r . if„ ib* plaintiff. Judge *. hoMa is proptfl) fctfoft W® jjf • ion This i* the question of Mi W • r *r;tc#n's status *!• ihe attorney *’ •v *f the defendants If he I* not. then I u not the rignt to make an affidavit * th** It 'Ufllelency of the kamd; if he * bii engaged properly, his affidavit ether hufticient. Mr. Pharlton ears • i*i. tc?: th- defendants and Mr ? hays Mr. Charlton loes not. I* • s question whl*h Judge Norwx>l * 1 have to d.Tlde Mr. Harrow's contention that Mr Charl b dK*h not represent the Atlantic Pon ing ( >mpany and the other defend • ‘ - li* b-• <| p? in* ip.illv upon U tters r*- "and by him from (he firm *f Fharlt*n 4 arlton. In which that firm protests *• ' 1 ** being served with pai*er*< conn* t- w >h this hit ,f litigation Mr Charl xplair.h the** letters by saying that l s npieaent th*- <k*fcndr *-. firm d'*c* not. EAT-WELL HAS IMITATORS But No £ at . hk Mwriifc pnftttß "How to by happy though munnl." ha* bfrn cntirrly aolvnl to the *ati*fartion of buntlrrfU of thouMtid* of womrn Tbrrr ran hr no lutpptni without hraltU. The jft-nrral liralth of woman l* dependent on the local health of the delicate womanly organa. When there are debilitating drama or inflammation, ulceration or female weakneaa, happinea* in mamotrr ia practically lmpoMihlr. A hoit of happy wives testify that the secret of happiness in marriage ia found in the u*e of Or Ktm'l Ft norite Pre scription. It dnes the drains, heals ul ceration and inflammation and cures fe male weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. Mo Anna Willy, i Michigan tlenap), North etlle. Spink Cos , S l>ak . wrttr. "I am enjoy, tna go! health thank, to kind advice and valuable remedle. t suffered very much with female weakneoa and other ailment, tor more than two vest,, when I wrote to you for ndvice After carefully foltowtag your advice and takiay ,it ta'ttlea each iA Dr I‘ietce ■ h'avortte frr acriptlon and ‘todden Medical Utwovery ‘ lain now a well and happy woraeu * Women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Correspondence private Address Dr K V Pierre. nutTalo. N. Y I'IKTIT-THHKK RKKOIIB RBt URDBR. tllshleen Perinn, Who Ilnae No 1,1- *rim* to ll#* Tris-st Tlila Morning. Flfty-thrc* prisoners v.'cr** before the Heoonfer yesterday morning the majority of them being up on small charge*. Frank Me Don iM. Chat. Belltnayer, and George K. Well-, showmen, grreated by lNitr> O'Connor for playing crap In a car in flic Hlanl System’.* yard, were **nfenced (u or t**n days each. They w * ro anxious to get out of town ( Join ih*-.r respe.rtivf shows, no paid up. 81 ymon Barvtce. field on (h* h.rge of having shot John Wollertnan, Sunday morning, had hla case continu'd to await (h* result of Wollerm.m’a wound. Jdf*. A. GiUi.ird, and La wren* • Field*, the colored boy* nrre*(el Saturday night on the charge of stenUng a package from the dellveQT w gon of Mr. L. Adler, were remambd t*> th* City Court on the charge of simple larceny. Jas. Lew!*, who la aupposeal to he on escaped conv'lc! from the county chain gang. was order* 1 held subject to the demand of th** county authorities. Three negroes orrest***! for gambling in o house in Italian etreet lane, were sentenced |5. cw ten days each. At morning’s s*-sslon of the Re corder’s Court will Ih- heard th*' cases of eighteen nttizen* who are on the In formation docket charged with doing busi ness without a license. SBNT IN ll\ THR POLICE. Hfifril Arrratu YMlrrdar on Mnny < liargr*. Artemii* Brown. colored, wia arrested yoierday afternoon by Patrolman Shee han at the of Josephine Urown who charges ih* prisoner with having* drawn a pistol and attempted to shoot h* r. At the barrack* a further charge of carrying • nnct.tled wrnpooa was anter ed against Brown. Jltn lajw*. colored, w in arrenlal hy De tective Murphy and Is held at the bar ra k.** on the charge of robbery. Iw Is one of the three negrof* that a short time ago entl< el John 'ro< k**r Into Jones* Ok! Field an l there assaulted and robbed him. The other two were rrestl early In the morning after the crime bv Patrolman M. ftavlfl, but Low' had disappeared and was found only yesterday. John Trupplre. colored, was sent to the barracks by Patrolman Wall. Trapplre is charged with having been drunk ami having entered the store of Mr. A. 8. Griffin and assaulted him with a stick Another arrest made yesterday by Pa trolman Wall was fhnt of Frank Mum for I who Is charged with scorching on the street, thereby knocking down and Injur ing a small white child. Bessie Ui\ingston. of No. 10 Jefferson street. The acident occurred at Barnard and Broughton streets about !2:3U o’clock. The child was not badly hurt. Mint: Jt IMiMCNT OF court. Superior < ourt Directs \pw Trials for Mel I Mini Moultrie. Th remittiturs from the Supreme Court, overruling the decision* of Judge Fa 111- gont In refusing new trials to W. H Mell and Jake Moultrie, were filed In the Su perior ('ourt yesterday, and. hy Judge Falligant '* order, the judgments of the Supreme Court were made the Judgments of the Superior Court. No date for the new trials which have been awarded was set. They will proba- Ily not take place until the December term of the court. ii .% i NOTICE*. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given 'o all |* rsons hav ing demands against Mrs. Isabella Nelli, Inte of aak! county, deceased, to present them to me. proparly made out. within the time prescribed by law*, so as to show their character and amount; and ull persons Indebted to said deceased, are re quired to make Immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 1. 1900. JORDAN F BROOKS. County Administrator, IS Bay street, west. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Char lei I). Baldwin, late of said county, deceased, to present theen to us at Southern Naval Stores Uom pany’s office, \2A Bryan street.east.proper ly made out, within the time prescribed by Inw, so iis to show their character and amount; and all persona Indebted to said deceased are requl.ed to make Immediate payment to us ELIZA J. BALDWIN. Executrix. WILLIAM C. POWELL, Executor LAWRENCE M< NEILL. Executor. Savannah, Oa.. Nov. 12. 19U0. iROIX CHATHAM COUNTY - Whereas, David 8 Waters has apples! to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration on the estate of David Waters, de ceased. These are, therefor**, to cite and admon ish nil whom t may concern to be and U ppar hefote said court to make objection <|f any they have), on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise ad letter* will be granted. Witness, the Hen II impton L Kerrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the am Jay of November. ,n > prank k keilbach. Clerk Cl. OrO’r. C., Cos. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20.1900. POLK LHI NN It % 11. NOV. >. All (he Arrnitfli mriiu omplrted and Ihe Outlook (or It Bright. Ths second annual pollcs ball, which will take place at the Guards Hail on Nov 28. gives promise of being • most successful affair. The committee having ths matter In charge of whl h Mr Ju lius Stark Is chairman has left noshing undone (hat will add to the enjoyment of the evening The music wil. be (urtlhhel by Rosenfeid's orchestra, tti.d suppac will be serve! about midnight The sale of It. kets has been quite larg* end th- Police Henevolent Ascla tlon. to whose us-e the proceeds will be devoted, will receive quttu a hn*lume amount. LIM, OAK I%LL TO-N UillT, The l.rulff** to liny l*nrnphernnlia W till llie Money llrsllied. A ball will ha given by Live * *.k D**lg-“ of odd Fellows to-night at th* Knights of Pythias Hall It* o! j. t is to s*-cura money with which t> buy p.* rxphcmult i for the bulge work. The arrangeiitenls, of which i committee c i g *f Dr E. A Oaburne, Mr. Butler and Mr. Frank Wt-rm ar in charge, hav* been made as * • mpletc as |>** >lbh .*! there Is no doubt that the aft air will t-o o most (upceaiful one. Iteenfald’s *r chestra will furnish the murk Supper will b** s?r\e*i a!out mldn'ght. H tiunv IHE Ml N \% ILL NKKTs Mr. A. H. Palmer Off fr the Conven tion nt Itlehmoutl, \ a. Mr. Ali. Pa.m* r left last nig* t by the Southern Railway for Richmond, where he goes to attend th** annual convention of th** Nationa. Hardware J* • • A #*,♦!tlon Bonu- 4***' or and leu it-r* will attend tho convention. w*i h will • h**M it fha Hi will begin to-m*>friw and hist •->*•*• iluv.* 4 LEGAL SALTA. A.M COIM \ Will Ih- gold, on the first Tuesday in De cember next. being the fourth •!' *f D ‘ cember. at public out* rj at the Court House in said county, witnin the l 1 hours of sale, to the high*—t bidder for cash, certain property of vhb*h th** fol lowing is m full and complete d* s ripilon All undivided one-fourt i ( l 4 > port >! oil that (rat's of land, wharf property, won th** appurtenances, situat'd, lying mid b* Ing in the eastern portion .f .-ait *ity of Kavanruih. and known and d:*dlngul*h*-d In the |gn anl upon th* map of , c a\ an null as Lamar’s wharf, -aid wharf prop erty being bounded on the •-artlt by th*- Savannah river, east by laimar’* ca nal, south by trustees’ garden lot nurnb r fourteen, and wst by th*- public do* k by the works of the Kavanmih Gas (**m lany n*l by Reynold-* street. Bay str* < extended passing through said wharf property; together with nil th** rights, members, hereditament* and appurJc n Alices to Ih** mm*- lie longing Bald property levied on ns the property of Harriet C. Jones, executrix of G. I*- Hosset Lamar, to Fatlaf an execution 1- sued from the Sui* rtor <’ourt of sti *1 county on the twenty-flrst day of Febru ary. USB, in favor of Frank C. Jn**s u 1 Harrl**( C. Jones, lehninlstrators of G. 11. Umar, against sai l Harr!* C. J*>ne executrix, as aforesaid. Bsl property being in poaae-lon of the owners repr**- wnting the three*fovrtha t 4 4 > interest In th** said property This Ist day of Nnv*mV-r. irsi* T J SWEENY, Sri* rlfT • Cos.. Off CITY SHERIFF 8 SALE. Sheriff's Office, City Court of Savan nah: Savannah Ga.. Oct. D. M*m -I’nder nnd by virtue of an execution l--*uing out of the Pity Court of Savannah in favor of Amerb *m Linseed Company, agam-t Forest City Varnish Company. I have this day levied upon th** following de scribed property as the property of de fendant. to-wit: All that varnish nnd paint manufactur ing plans. **onsietlng of one tw*n'v-hor.- Uiiler engine, paint grinders, pots, ket tles. varnNh tanks and other machinery ii*ed in conn** tlon with plant, and all located on Stiles avenue ;n th*' city of Savannah. Aisv a I tha( >to k of raw material, consisting of mein. oils, white lead. powder. et*. Ail oontaln*d in tb* building at said plant. A4so on* (D iron safe and office furniture, consisting of dek. chair, let ter-pres*, etc. Also ahou( six (8) cords of pine firewood, the same being located and contained also at said plant. Also one (l) roan horse and or* one-horse wagon. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at public outcry on th* firs* Tuesday In December, 1W (same being the fourth day of th** month), during the lei it and usual hours of sale. In front of the Court House door in Chatham county, to satis fy said execution Defendant notlfhd of levy. Property described In ex. utlon. Terms cash. E J WHELAN. Sheriff C. C . 8 LEGAL AOTIt KI. IN the City Court of Suvar.nah. July terra. 1900 Michael A. Connolly vs The Atlantic Contracting Company. fhnjurnln l Greene. John F. Gaynor and Edward 11. Gaynor. Attachment. To the defendants. The Atlantic Con tracting Company, Benjamin I). Greene. John F Gaynor and Edwrard II Gaynor: You. and each of you. nr** hereby com manded to be and appear nt the next term of the City Court of Savonviah. to wit. the November term. 1900. on the flr-t Monday ir. liecomber. during said term, at 10 o'clock a m.. before the Judge of said court, to show cause why n order for the sale of the property levied upon In the above entitled case should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable Thomas M Norwood. Judge of the City Court of Sa vannah. this 10th k*> of B*ptember, In the year of our Ird. 190* WARING RUSSELL* JR. Clerk City Court of Savannah. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED / ITORS rjfcoßOlA. CHATHAM COI’NTV- Notice Is herebv given to all p* r-n* hav ing demands against Mary L. Quuntock. late of s.ild county, decease*!. t* \ r sent them to me. properly made out. within the time prciTrlbed by law. so n* to show their character and amount; and all per sons Indebted to said deceased .ire re quired to make Immediate payment to me. WILLIAM J. QUANTOCK. Administrator. Savannah, Ga . Nov. 4. l^o NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demand* against Margaret Valert ne lale of said county, deceased t>. pre-ent them to me. properly made out, within the tlm** presented by liw to as to show their character and amount, aid all par* sons Indebted to said decease! are re quired to make immediate payment to me Savannah. Ua., Oct. l9d GEORGE MOURO. Exa utor. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice is hereby given to all persona hav ing demands against Inditna Williams, late of said county, deceased, to present them to the undersigned, properly made out. within ih* trr* present**-i by lw. no as to ohow their chara ter and amount, and all persons Indebted to *u*d deceased are required to moke immediate payment to the undersigned THE GERMANIA BANK. Administrator. Savannah. Ga., Oct. 27, 13W. Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey AmrlnlUnMni Mullcta*. CURES Consumption General De bility. La Grippe. Cold*. Bronchltle. M aiaria. Dyspepsia. Depression, and weakness from whatever causes It II Ut** UillT tt ?i,U*f l*t> X bf t‘ .* UtrrrMOl( M % lOriilcinr. IL. t * |i*rnier H<* ur* y*-n ar: ih riiiiiae. All •triMuitsu m i 4 r<*efi t>r direct f; 00 tllr* Send f. r medic* i b k;#• i>d *-•.moniai*. I>ufl> Walt IX Slake) ( 0.. Hu* Sealer. X. V, CLASSIFIED AUVtKMSEMENTS. ri:HSON a. week ha^Tkobt ting fr* • t<o> a an*l gli at t*-nt iM. no sunlle’s chopping, or ih>vU-<* practb lng but cut by the Geurc a hair expert him >e|f. ht Ing this -itlv. i>u th* .ith. lie tween * aml i p. m.. East Broughton, luitr. Jewelry an.l shaving Mipi lv liuuce Tile place f.-r everything pertaining i* hair, >wib hc* baju - | rnp *buir , wu nius tit lien, whisker-**. fr stage, tnas •4*•• r• B- nnl dLcttv* u-* mail orders promptly and carefully (Iked BLA*K AND GARDEN DANCING A i'l* my. (athull** Library Halt, * lass for ••dulls every Monday and Thurs*lay even ing fim v to 11 o'clock ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IjS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD No AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN iC. THANKSGIVING DAY WILL BOON he here. Bee Miller for a suitable table to hold that turkey atul trimming.-* Dining tables, sideboards, buffets, chins closets, chairs to pi* m anybody 3)7 Broughton, v cst. YOU WILL LIKE THE Mil K FROM Bpringtb-ll Dairy; It's rich nnd pure, try - It. don't* forget THAT MILLER **l| doll* and lovr* c<*?*> and s* our holiday assortment. 37 Broughton, west. oEieBCHIG NT HSEHY. OPIoSITE Cat ho! I** Cemetery. • hrysanthemuma. 'iime 11a Jnponl as. are* ar* is. palms, flow ers n*l floral d*signs. la*ave your order* w ith J. Gardner, tig* nt. VI Broughton, east. Y S FOR ART SQUARHS WHILE they last Big nssortm* nt. all grades of art **|inrs. rug.**, mats, portieres, C. IV Mill* r. agent. SPECIAL. AN UNLIMITED HUPPLY of new willow* rockers, ladies’ size, at 82. J. W. Tee pie. I~AM NoW LOCATED AT 414 WE AT Hr*iughton; ring up 11H** If you wont to have your fumftturs fn*ved or parked for shipment >r storage. 1 guarantee prt *# the same *s I *lo the work that’s given to me. A B. Griffin, 414 Htoughton strest, west; mattress* a m.ula to ord r IF ITB RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlills. 81 Full WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they lut-t. C. P. Miller, agent. KKNSINUTx.N FARM Mli.K 18 CN surpass'd t r rlchnea.**; delivery is per fect; phone. 2346. HER MILLER FOR OF KICK DKBKB", offl* ■ tal i* h, off)* o matting, office shades. 2U7 Broughton, west. WHEN YOIT HKE M GILLIH’ SlXTY inch 99-<*enf rugs, you will buy them. Just can't ht-:p It. will sell in any quan tity. HER THE JEWEL STOVER AND ranges for sale by J. W Te* pie; also agent f r Insuran e gasoilna stov* . "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," is n specialty with MoGWfs. UPIIOLBTKRKD. MAT tr* -*■ !* renovated, antique furniture repot Che!, furniture packed, ant shipped in l* m munn- r. S* nd in** yout ur*)*-rs. C*. P Miller, agent. FLoRAL DESIGNS, BULBS, IIYA r a ths. nanlssm . |*ulms. cut ff*wers from o*lxchlg‘it nursery, opj-oslte Catholic (Vm et* ry I.eav** orl*rs with J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east. MGILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your [srlor. M OILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, luce curtains, himmcks, water eoolem. pillows, pictures, stoves. b*troom suits, and furniture of every description. IF YOU DON’T KIND WHAT YOU want where you are dialing, euppooa you try Miller His assortment Is the liest in town. 27 Broughton, west. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation in the country. frr* from city drainage. Impossible f* rml k to fiecoute contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey m Ik. phone 2J45 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’GILLIH MOV KB PACKS. SHIPS and stoje- ptan*ia and furniture; best work only, no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap. John" Jo!s "ootJd fish water grass, bone flour. 20-pound hag 00 cents. J. Gardner, agent, for the present at 12 Broughton. SEE MILLER’S NEW CtTTLBfII IN ceri**ts. mattings, linoleums, window shades. All w k done in flrr.claas style. Get our estimate. 207 Broughton, w-'-st. M’OILLIS SKLI-S SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns-for cents. YKK“MILLER’S NEW STEEL STOVES nnd ranges, til h* -iters, wood heaters. h*st makes, reliable goods, reasonable prices. 2Cf* Hroighton, west. ADV E RTIBE-M E NTS SKT IN Ca P- WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN yoft TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOC. vi i:mc %L. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Bannyroyal Bills nr* the bes* Hf**, re liable. Take no other Fend 4c et mi*s for particulars. “Rcllsf for laHll* s ” in letter by return null Ask your druggUt. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Bhilaki , Ba. HOW Ain; YOUR FEET** IF YOUR feet are troubling >ou. call on rr.** an 1 I will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nnlb. ori 1 and all disease?* of the feel without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best ivf< rerc *s In the Ity; i tients trKitd *t riddances; orders -n be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 29t. Lem Davis surgeon chiropodist. HE Ll* VV INTI’IMiLK. retail grocery housi.*, a young mar. who understands fhs buslmss. who Is willing to work, with rec ommendation fr n Ist employer as re gards his moral bat-:a; none other na*d apply. Add res Gu •r. In own handwrit ing. care Morning News WANTK.It A YOUNG MAN BETWEEN 15 and 18 > m II to t ike care of p*aty cash and to writ** letters; must D- able to take letters in * north and; none tbt on who la willing to work hard ami long hours need apply Andress X Y Z . care Morning N*ws. WANTED. FERTILIZER SALESMAN for Gs:>rgla ;t.n*l Altdama. Stab* x;#eri ence. tonnage, full list of reference* Ad dress ••Manufacturer," vurc of ConsUlu* UoQ, ALanta. Ga. HELP M (MLU-tIUF.. good Park svenue, we*: WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEAT cutter at ice. Apply ICC Ogb thorpw ave nue. tN f WANTI I • . LRRK alsr> .\iirt !••• or apply at lloltnes Drug Cos VN bey, da WANTED TWO KI RBT-CLASS CO A T nl trouser makcre Apply G Fwntlnl, No 4h Bull s:re*t SALESMEN WANTED T(* BEE! OKU good* by an>|de to wholesale nt I retail trail** w<- .ire the largest atul only man ufacturers in our line in the world, liberal salarv paid Addr **s. • nti D x Mfg (*• . office. Board of Trade Building. Savan nah, Ga WANTED A FIRST-CLASS LUMBER Inspector ir and **lerk A l*lr<- * Kct c**.iat Lumtsr Company, Wit r limn, KUi, HUI P U FEMALE. A GOOD GENERAL BE It vunt that in *k. West Duffy street \\ %NTEI • AN r \ i’l l!! i:\* i ; * searn*tr< k Apply at 19 Broughton sti'*t. u t Ht. AIVVEH rISKMI NTS SET IN CAP IT A1 iS WILL HI? PRINTED IN CLAB SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT I’OLUMN Foil TWO CENTS X WORD. No AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C i xiri.oi xti \ i' u in t i'll. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE WOMAN want** i |ia •* to do housework. 4*32 Chxrlas wtr* **i "wanted by Kxi hTi nced San |xwiil*n .is Uxikk* • per, -hipping; or bill ing clerk, beat ft\ reference. Address “Earn* st " *re of New** WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. Posi tion shipping and receiving clerk, ten \.rn *■-fperten* e. A-ldr* n C. J. II , care Morning News. u %vi i ir—*||*M | | i mxh s. WANT (loop MILK. GET IT frtxn S|m tngfleld Dairy, It's rich, purs ami w hob i*otne IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, rand, manure, etc. free of chstge. Ju-*t at city limit*, hauling over hard road write or t* hq>hn Brown Br . corner Anderson and East Broad tre*-ls. ADVGHTI I XfENTS SET IN’ CAP ITAIA4 WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ('oI.UMN FOR TWo CENTS a WORD No AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOC. * <lt MI N I— NODUS. TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISIL o*l riwrnia for nnt. privilege of bath. 21A Eaet Henry. “‘NEATLY FURNISHED HO*MR. Aid, convctilrnccs. Jia Barnard street, near Liberty. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, southern exposure; modem canvanlencas. 310 Jotiis, •■ust. FLAT* FDR MITKT. TWO FLATS FoR RENT IN 4i4 M/C ccn. east. K. J Kennedy. FDR HI.XT— HOI HHB. " /^hTdT^?NT^TT?XriroiTi: XH^^ N* 217 Waidburg street, east. Ih tween At • riurn nn I lain coin, first dim ord*r and condition; everv converlenr# Rleht rent to right tenant Kntata Hal*mon Cohen. Wi st Broad aid Broughton streets FOR RENT. NEW MODERN BRICK dwelling Whitaker street, one door north of Taylor. Apply to 11. F. Kink, Ander son and Abercorti streets. “FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE RES Iden* No. (tgbtbnrpe avenue, Wf*t, near Barnard; Immediate possession. Ap ply within. ““FOR RENT OR BALE. THAT MAG? niflc* nt residence on the southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard street a. J. I> La- Roche. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE I'd PERRY street, west. Apply to Andr* w* Jlanl y Cos. FOR RENT THAT DESIRABLE RES 1 donee with outhouse*, stables nl a Is** ulf ill garden, UK Taylor street, east. For particulars Inquire S. Gu< kenhel mer’s Hons. Bay and Jefferson street. ““FOR RENT. “ 214 JONES STREET, west, inuuvdiute poowaaolon. M S. Baker, agent. TO RENT, 221 AND 72% BOLTON street, wist; these ar* good houses and location excellent. Apply t C. A Mdn tlrr. 4Vi H *ard of Trade Building ““for BENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE reshb ri *-.*. ihoroughly renovated Apply A Wylly, agent, 12 Bryan street, FOR HUXT—ffTDMKB. Most DESIRABLE RETAIL store in Savannah; situate*! No 125 Whit aker street. Qppo<qf- new Postofflce; w**li ii'ht|(**d for any kind of retail trade. Ap ply W. M A W. E. Con*y. FDR IIIM-MIX CLL4XKOI . FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. F* )It- MKRLY occt PIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. If. P. SMART. “FOR RENT OR SALE THAT ELE rant farm, four miles on the Augusta road (paved), captaining two hundred and Hire** acres, fifty of which are* under a high state of cultivation, there ara on the pla* e three dwellings. tw large barns and parking shod; m fine artesian well, everything In first-claaa order; two raii " .j • ■ lia Kgi i l i ■ j^- Y FOR RENT. ON THE OGEECHEE road, between three and four-mile posts (trolley cars nearly to two-mile post) land In lots from one acre to one hundred; as me can be bought In large or small lots on easy terms. C II l*ors*tt. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN cap itals WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS • fdr nxi.c-Hbxi. >rm:. IN IT AUS XX ILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN F<)R TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN lIC. u< *it SALE x lA >l ■>R TW (• HUN dre.l dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Ikirsett FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET nar East Itrcmd r.o city luxe*, at t3OO each; twenty-five dollars * a**h. and easy monthly payments. C H. Dorsett FOR RALE. I-OTS ON NINTH NEAR Ea*t Broad. t l- ,- t ea*h. will soon h** advanced to t22.'. whan n lot lias been |will for 1 ran arrange to g* t a home built. C. H l*or*tt “RES IDF. NC E~A ND BUILD I N’G~ I/)TS for salt all over the city. Robert If. T.item. real eatal# dealer. No. 7 York street, west. Norwood's "Satire" lor salt at all News Stands io Savannah. FOR HLIC-KI 11. PSTATR. F( *R SAI .K T 11( ! street, rear Hot Bmnl. hav e only he. n •old to hr*: •!••* iMrtl*who wiki make good re-tghi or*. nn| n<>n* othen can Imi> t The term*- ar*- very • my. and they r** ? cheaper than any others In the vl inity C. H. I>onM-tt j ADVERTISF.MUNTS SET IN CAP ITALB WILL III; PRINTED IN *'LAB [ SIFIED ADX KTRTISEM EM co!,l MN Foil TWO CUNTS X WoRD No AD 1 VERTISI MENT TAKEN FOR LESS TH XN IOC. fiir • xli:—xiim myit x. BOV REM. TilK COUUII KING! TRY It When your favorite ron-dy fa.l*, a* is butllt tid* and to a gill of hon* \ make* a splend.d mixture for Infant* ami children “benzoin BAI.M MAKES THE SKIN i like velvet, for *ala by druggl*t or *’ ll**n irv and Abera-orti Persia Drug Stor s. Whitaker mihl Taylor streeta Dill SALE. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD md kit. lien futviltuie; Pew, h liargulu. 314 Hill. west. FOR SALE A FN >Ull YEAR-OLD H wy <*w with calf, eight days old. A|>ply N 756 Jat’kHon street Foil SALE CHEAP. ONE SIDE tank • ngtn* . 14 by IX. *an I*.- *een at lb Pivird. Sn*dek#T A .’* - tumb# r >arl. Ilcnry rtr***'! twl S. F A XX. It. R. "“FOR SALE oNE MULE XT Ik*. ONE mule at fi:. Apply It* I*p *r I Sn*-*l k'i Ac * * * lutnlH'r uml, li*nr\ - r* * t amt Sa \ Hindi, Florid.i and XX **• -in Railway yard BI DDING FOR SALE. AT REPUARt>, Sn.bk*r A <’*'* ltimltcr yard, lliiry • tr* **t un iS . I'. A- XV It It FIRE PROOF SAFES XX E CARRY A fine line of fir** proof safe* In oto* k ar all times. The irtles can ***** exactly what •••\• * i ■ < ■ * manufacturer* a**ii |t, wttli freight add ed parrie* Inteie* *<l. wh< wt*h a g*e>l fire priH'f oofe. Will d*> well to inspect our stock Lltqxnan Br*a . Llp|*tn in hiock. ag*ritn for rnanufo turer* SPRINGFIELD DAfRY IS NOTED for having rich, purs milk, try 11, you will Is plea**cd TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR eab IX rro|M fir*t year hoi i; V: n ra round limber at 81 F* per **ere. I* t*er thousand h*xea f-*r lets. I t!m*.*r; pl*-*tf *f timber to 1m got in five unl*s of r.|i roa*l; will give |* * l*n now *r nr end i- • s M*rnlng New* AhVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP* IT AlO- WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED %DVFSRTISBMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISI !M ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. I.OHT %Ml trt All, LOST. BHINDLE rmaditK old R’W ird If returned to No 24 Bryan street, wee! I-oST DIAMoNDHCARF PIN. BE tween Drayton in*l Lil*erty r afreet*, going from Th* ate* lt*‘ward if returned to Rolh rt llemb-r. * LOS I’. HOl'Nh PUPPY. WHITE, black and tan. four m*nth* old. Reward If k-ft at S.ivannaM Brewery. W, Al. Jones. FOUND. A COW OWNER ('AN HAVE same by |wiving charge**, and applying (* >l. Hcott, lver’a Ilrb k Yard. HKU XIII). "7? REXVATTn FOR RIOTURN OF white with reMixh l*r*wn marking, set ter dog. brown ears, rump and e|*#t over heart, named Jok; strayed frrmi Kings- Un*l, Ga . Friday. XV. L. Wilson, Sa vannah. Ga. BOAHI) IK (ft. ' r fG^VtHtAlTVoulN<?^d^ In private family; desirable loc.itirm an l all conveniences of bom*-. Apt >iy A*7 Waldlairg. weat. 11l v| M S** || M KX, WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOC. I*l.l MSI KG. MODERN PLUMRING. IT MILL BE to your Interest to let m* give you an es timate cat your idumtdng. new or old work; re|air work a s|h laity, as 1 am a prai'tk al plumber. No gu*e** work to enlanger your lift*. XV!ggtns, 'photo; K 7, Georgia or Bell. XIl w. 4 ICLLAftKOI a. DON’T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture. r* iaylng your car pels or matting IVrry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. WE GUARANTEE TO DO YOUR plumbing w*rk cheaper than any ona ♦ .*• A C Prb'e A Cos.. State and Jef ferson streets; 'phona (5Wi. HAVE YOt R Hot SE PAINTED with German resdy-rmsed paint, entire satlsfa<ilon guaranteed. Adams I'aint i *.mpuny WANTI l 1 ONE THOUGAND HUN. gry |e<gle at tie Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 lUrnard street “\VH SELL SEXVEII PIPE. FLUE pip**, ffre lay, fire brl k at lowest prFe?i A'lurnu Paint Company, PS Congress. wet. PI RRY A BENTON. IJ9 BTATE street, west, will ni ive, pa k ship or store your furniture at short notk-e; also ren ovate your old fuattrenne* at IStla cost. Ball 'phone 1124 NOW IH THE TIME TO GET RID OF your second-hand Move; we will 4ak** It In a*xrhan|re for new one A. C. Pries A Cos.. Httito and Jefferson street, 'phones “MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard ca*h at ths Southern Grocery Company, 111 Barnard street “OYPRINE IS THE BEST WAIX FIN- Ish m*b Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents. 104 (V ngreea. west. WK HAVE A FULL LINE OF MAN tel# from 10 cent# to 25 eenta put up free. A. C. Price A Cos., State and Jefferaoo #tree; ’phone# €fA. REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your bard-eario-d hard cash wtth the Houtharn Or near y Company, 111 Barnard street “old NEWBPAUi;nS. for 25 cents, t Business Office Morning News. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAI/4 WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30 r. Good Positions Secured i- B/tdiilit{d( ualf Young Men 'v Women jF- **--! J \A*;o curpucticl Business (oUrse Of { f/</!*///n/rA COLLEGES.! j irnttorCataiy*' At CTIOS MUM THIS DAY. aTctTdK XK ILfSiST At It o’clock at 22R Ocmgresa ac. waac Orgtng, Furniture. Stove* (cooking and heating). Carpets, Oilcloth, and a variety i of other gmide. l,l ‘ 11 XJL3 %t ( TIOK hAIdCS FTTI HE DAYS. ADMINISTRATORS SALE? ' *lt I tMI OV IMII ll HOAD, * DOH.KTT, tmtltim. > > r -in.l hv virtu, of u) onl.r (rn/>. •* *•> th- llonorabl. t'ourt of OMlrury ‘<i* ounty. I will Mil at thw * <>rt II •.!. In Hiiannih. ilurtna thn 11 " ll * l ' •'**• Of "••I-, -n TIfBSDAr, Im. * ** ' p - . PS) m* nt of I •*"*■* f t '.l-irll inlon, th. f<4.ownlp iM il„ ~f |h. mat. of I. M. j W .rtt.lil, <1.,. . j'*’ 1 ' P* *l, nn-l n lnt.r..t In ■ f that Waal **f l.llirt 111 Ki|,| . ~il\ ~, ( th. Monty >in- i > aihl \\ .iti-i r.Htrta, known a* 1 1 1 ' I • In a .nrv.r , mart-' by I ,| ml J Thomaa Jan i. IMI4. j " *"*' o* whb-li I iih.i -t.,,1 to ,|.l frurn Orabam A lluM. to Trvirtitna I>. U aril. 1,1 r. ,nr.l. ,1 in . |,. ,„ mh , ~,.>1, •>f *ukt rauntv. book, e It* folio 34a Tho I micro. 1 of .alii o.tat. In wl-1 lot No. M I •"■in* unknown .11. I unrt,'iomim.<l at thla j linio form. . |.o, ~ ~ ,yin* for • revenue wtami * md paper*. II 1 * ft'NNIN'IHAM. - Artmlnkoralor 1 1 a .M.n r I. M War- I tt.lrt .10. ~n| Th. HU.vo la,i.| adjoin, ih. rountv Inrida I (|.r farm!, and la on th. rayt .Mo of tho ; Water* root, ih.- Hu.- ( j about .1 .(liart.r of nit ■ in.- 1 * *lO . lo.ij Tto jiv. fraefa flr*t i in.-nti.pi. .1 .oiii.nn .t.Hii ttrty thrw a. r., ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. (< Pltril't It I X (M* l.t. I IKiHl'l7 %X EM E, %Ml IXJTft. c. 11. Doit Auctioneer. 1 iwlcr n*| by virtue of an order granted \ the llotutrald** <>*urt of Ordinary of Chatham County. 1 will sell at tho ( *urt House in Savannah, lurtug (he usual lw*irs *if sal*. on Tuesday, iA ci mlar I, for th* pur|wie of distribution and i !h* |a\rneit *f debts, the following, which is M*ii as th*- pr..|*.-rty of the estate of George II Slone, desaased N*. 3S. (’olumbla waul. anl the Im provements thereon, *‘onsl*t|ng fa largo two-story *f tor cellar) reai *l* •*’ with store attte hed, sai| lot leltg **ltuatd on the northeast eornar of llth -♦ rsham and Ggbdhorpc avenue, formerly South Hr *i*l street, and being rub Joel to all amnia I ground r* lit of fifteen 62 IWO dol lar**. payable to th* mayor md üblermen of the city of Savannah, also l*t*< letters "D" and *’G," In Dale ward; lot letter "D" having a front of HP* feet on Writ flroad street, between Thlrty-elghtli an*l Tlilrty-nlnth etr*es, an*) facing Weils rquare, by a depth of 110 f**t to a lane; lot letter "O" hmitig a front f thirty feet on Thirty-eighth street, letween West Broad and Burroughs streets, by a depth •f or htindi* I and twenty feet to a lane Terms cash, purchaser paying for revenue stamps <*l A FILER W. RAUBHT. AdmlnDt!ator Estate Geo. II Rtons. NINE ACRES NEAR THE CITY AT AUCTION. r. i. imitsr/rr, Asetlsseer, Will e 11 at the Court House, on TUFJR DAY Dee 4. B**>. during the usual hours of sale, fur account of all concerned: Nlic naff* of the Bi**lr form, with largo frontage on the Thunderbolt road. Just le ynnd the tollgate. and *mh three hundred feet l*eymd the Inter *e**4lofi of Gwinnett agree t and Waters avenue. This bind is Just outside of thr- • orpo rate limit* of the city. and Ih built up to with gMNt Improvements, all the lands opposite to tt h iving been sutallv ide*l Into city lota and sold. Thle sol# pnaaots a fin** chotice to secure the ette for a wubur- Un home, or the chance for a specula* tkm In I**4 *. WELL LOCATED SEVEN-ROOM IIEVIDENCE %T tiriHH. C. 11. DOR #HTT, AsHlosrrr. Will sell at the < *urt House during the u;ual hours of s>, on TUESDAY. Dec 4. 1900, for the purpose of division between owners. I,nt Jitter B euldlvtslon of 109 and It# Barry ward, 32 feet front by M feet deep, and the Improvement* known a* No 1710 llaltershiioi street, same consisting of a two-story rcMdanrc, containing seven r until* besides the Isith. This property must ls sold. Is well lo ratsl and Is a splendid cha lies to get a bom*- for lews than the house cost to build. Terms can be inel*- very easy. LEGAL lAlJfifl. PUBLIC HALE OF LOTA GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— IWsuII having bean mails by Daniel G. Burse In the iiayfnent of ths n*lea ss cured by that certain deed to secure debt, made by Danb-I G. Pima to me, Charles H Domtt, Ml Dt Ml IMS. and I. Charles 11. lorsett. the Indorser tlereon, having paid the same. Now I, Charles II lmruftt, under and by virtue of the power contained in said deed, which Is recorded in the oftl e of tlie ierk of the Huperlor Uouct of Chat ham county, In Book of Mortgages 3lis, folio, 334. reference to the same being hereby especially made, will sell at public outcry, before the Court House dor of said county, during the k*gal h<urs of sale, Oft Tuesday, the 4th day of Decem ber, MM), all tb>ee i*-veral lots o pure* is of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Kavannah, county of ('hatham and state of Georgia, ami known on the map or plan of the Burse subdivision, In John •ton and Atlantic wards, preftared by Berry Bugdco. city ••nglneer, as lots Num ber seventy-seven (T7>. seventy-eight (?i>, seventy-nine C 79). eighty fM), eighty-one 1*1). elghty-two (#), • tghty-thre* pa>, eighty-four (M), eighty-flve I*s). eighty* six <S6i eighty-seven <*7. eighty-eight (WO, one hundred *m*l six (10*), one hundred and seven (ICI, one hundred ami eight <lU*), one hundr**! am) nine Gobi, one hun dred and fourteen 41145. one hundred and fffteen (III), one hqndred atsl sixteen (114), one hundred and seventeen (117); on** hun dred ami • tghteeu flit), one hundred and nineteen (111), one hundred and twenty four (124). one humlr*d ami twenty-dvo (125). on< hundred and twenty-?!x (124), and orte hundred and twenty-seven (127). (all of said bits being in Johnston ward); terms rash, purchaser latying for deed and revenue stamps on same C. II DORBETT. UNITED STATER MARSHAL’B BALE. United Staten of Amerh a. Eastern di vision Southern District of Georgia. By virtue of an order of state Issued out of the United States District court for the Southern I>4sirl*t of Georgia, on tha seventc. nth day of November. 1900. not lea b* hereby given that I will sell, hy publlo au tlon. for ash. on Friday, the thirtieth day of Novemlier. 1900. at 11 o’ckKk a. m.. 1m fore th* <*ulom House, at Savannah, Ga.. the British bark ’ Ussle Curry. M now lying at <iordon’a wharf. In Savannah riv er. together with h*r tackle, appurot and furniture. Also all sails belonging to said Dirk, now stored In the warehouse of Janes G Nelson, on River street, foot of Aborrorn street, city of Savannah. In spection of vessel h Invited. JOHN M BARNES. Uniti| States Marshal. By CHARLES J WHITE. Deputy United States Marshal. IF YOU WANT MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books irons Morning Nears, Savannah, Ga, 3