The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 20, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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TALK OF WHITE CAPS toUMiffiTY .iHoiAD griffin U DAIJU XTIKHEI) IF. THREATS have been made. , T fho*i*ko thi;he will hi. WO HH FOR OH AMD Jl UY. lu ,Unrd Crawford, a Wfll-Knowa planter, Oat in Trouble by De xounclng the Whipping of Inno ,..••11 Negro**—He Will Help I'roor ,.ue I lie Caeca—Tbe Trouble la suppose* Hare Urima Out ol ,l,r Maldugr of Illicit Whisky. (irtfiin, Go., Nov. 19— Fayette, Spalding. 1,, ~v gn.i Clayton counties como to a „ r ,., Just twelve mile* from here, near , ,*•}■. on the Atlanta and Florida dl of the Southern Hailroad. an<l that , n Kelly lorn up over the result j . ( n t.t apfdng aegnoes nnel threatening I, tt : that are being received In regard j i, tiit< men. Kldhard Crawford, a wealthy bach- j aho owns over l."0O acre* of land i u .iinjunctlon of these counties, has . , , most seriously' nnnoyrd of ur.y , .1 id as a result one man Is under 1 j . , ■ bond of Sl.(do und another 1250 for assault. fh .inning of the trouble dates hack n . • ,vo months alto, when some ne gr „ i the name of Strickland were n> 1 n<l warned to leave the stntton by ifirye |>arly, many of whom, It Is ... ill have to appear before ihc next pr.i i ury. This act was generally con ..<i n*o by the better clam of cltlxens of t tuui.lty. Mr. Crawford expressed his i..justified disapproval of the act. Severe 1 brents >lude. As result of this Joshua (loodson, a ne gro. living on Mr. Crawfords placa, re ceived a letter containing the vilest tiir. itf and abuse that could be heai*ed i,i- i h m, telling him that ho must leave with th< rest of the negroes on Mr 0 raw fool * place within twenty-four hours.and that "if Crawford, a d— fus. io nelp in moving you all, w‘ll bring hi- nous.' lown." Tills was signed " Jack Hlpper." and staled that "we are the boy* mat have come to do the business." The letter was mailed at an Atlanta and Mx >n railroad postofßce, and Mr. (Yaw ford at once placed It In the hands of the postal authorities who have been trying to 1* -ate the writer. He reassured his He arts - by guaranteeing them protection, end has succeed.<l In getting Gov. ('und er to offer a reward of 91t> for the nppre Pension of tile whltecappers to which he has added ISO. Pir.ce the first offense, negroes on the places of Mr Green Wesley and Messrs. Hen and Ahaolom Ogletree have been shipped until the victims of the mob number six, and the negroes are badly < emorallscd. Mr. Crawford learned that or.e of his neighbors had some connection a. ii It, ami m.-ntlomsl the fncta to sev eral, whereupon the neighbor tn question sent over with his gun and it Is sold that inly the presenee of others prevented h““ 'dsdied. As the result the gentleman no made the assault Is under a peace I l of SI,OOO, and a bond of $250 for as sault with Intent to murder. Mnny tVnrrsiils Issued. A the matter stands now. there are * rants out for about fourteen, and the grind Juries will have a lively time .n -- igaltng the matters in dlfTerent conn where the aflcgid crimes were com - r 'ed Mr (Yawford Is giving them all t aid in his lower, nnd K Is prole i that there will be some sensatlora.l developments. , Mr. Crawford says that he believes that i I i*. entire trouh'e has grown out of the :... free talk concerning mon-hinc tl'ls | r. ! that somebody is going to set Into j terlous trouble when the grand Juri a do ir duty. | IT It A COI IIT or ItllllßY. Investigation of the Case of ("apt. Met alia of the trnarli, Washington. Nov. 19 —The proceeding in [ the .-as* of Capt. McCalla Is a court of [ Isqulry and not a court-martial. The navy deporttnent wa* advised some I !!■!]• ago that trotible had arisen between 'ap< McCalla. rommnndtng the Newark, ir. I l.leut. Commander John C. Colwell, 1 formerly naval attache at tcwidop, ar„l Mw executive offl. er of the ship. While tin department was acquainted with the U it left the ma'ter to the commander r def of the station. Admiral itemey, to H has now found It necessary tn ai>- ! lure a court of Inquiry, which will de : term ne the merits of ihe dispute betwee i " "wo cfflcers. Should this tribunal re lommend a court-martial In the case of M i’.illn. II would l>e necessnry to "• •< s him Immediately from his com i and order him lo Ihe I’nlled Slates, lor "(ire Is not a sulllclent number of <1 -w of the requisite rank on the Anl "atlon to form a court-marllal for "... apialn. HE DECLIMID THE OTKICB. •srsfsl Will lleniatn With the Lara* motive Firemen. U Ington, Nov. 19 —ll was learned to rn t that Mr. J-Yank Sargent, chief of I * brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, •" w ’ m was tendered the office of chief •* Hi ore iu of engraving ami printing, £ ‘" ■ Med definitely not !. take Ihe po * n hut lo remain at the head of Ihe la kr rc mlxallon he now represent*. •H IV GOES TO PHILADELPHIA. He H 111 lleiurn to Florida Before the Holidays. 1' "ft Pierce. Fla.. Nov. 19 Ex-Senator lisilhew H Quay has left hi* winter c t '***' at St. Lucie for PlillaJeli.hla- With ;" "er. ihe friends whom ho hrouslu 1 rida ten days ago They traveled “ 'lr Quay's private ear '‘Wildwood," h‘i itor Quay expects to return to his * " t" r home before the holidays. **■. P. A I*. Ilallruail Election. Mnond. Va., Nov. 19 —The storkhold f Ihe Richmond. Frt*derick*burg and “ Hailroad Company met here la* * 1 T. D Myers was re-elected prest* ’" 1 n d Ihe following were re-thecied di • n th< part of the Individual stock " Henry Waters, H. F. New wner. W. j K. ak „ alM j Charles Chauney, Lily son was announced os director on •<* part of the stale. 1 “ ~ph ‘K Home Haarly'a llemnlna. "hln*ton. Nov. 19 Inatructlon* have •• sent t.. (hr. consul general a; Yok<>- ‘ in have the ratnulns of K. A. Mosc , r • late I'nlied States consul genetal "Yaporo. forwarded lo his home. In ' ma, fur Interment. Consul Ucnertl j, I'’’ 1 '’’ •' *M*d last Wednesday at Yoko lf ' "here he had gone on leave of ab- Heary l'l K iron Shipment. < r,| "'r. Ala.. Nov. 19.—A shliwnrnt of I—,. ' ' ~i* Hon was made from here Ut ,:' vl * Hrunswlck. Oa.. to Bremen. t j Tills is the third shipment * w Uty daya to a foreign port. H 9PKMION9 VMI FAILI'HES. Several Small Firm* In Yen York tirl float* to the Wall. New York. Nov. 19.-Harrl'& Cos., gen eral brokers and commission men at 63 Broadway, made an assignment to-day, without preferences, to an attorney who said the liabilities are esllamrld at $30.00(1 and the assets at from slß.<<o lo IAWO. Harris & Cos, were not members of either the Stock Exchange or the Consoli dated Exchange Their customers were for the most part out of lown. Ths suspension of J. Fletcher Shera was announced on the Slock Exchange to-day. Mr, Shera Is a comparatively new mem ber. He lias no outstanding contracts on Ihe Siook Exchange. Hi* failure Is due lo Inability lo pay balances due io cvi toener*. The total Jiab.llles tire compara tively small. 8 M. Hibbard A CY>.. br. kers, failed lo meet their obligntlons to-day In the c wir ing house of the Consolidated Stick Ex change. The firm cannot be said lo have failed or suspended, as under the Conso I duied Exchanges rules, the Arm has twenty-four hours to make Its cantract* good. Mr. lllbburd aald this will protahly t> done to-morrow, aa the amount Involved is less than ll,no. He said, too, that the embarrassment Is due io "the absence"' of on employ* of th firm He deciln.d lo say that there I* an embezxlement. WILL OF ANIIHOMi McAiltkXiOH. standard till Millionaire I.eaves Over gdJMMI.OUO. New York, Nov. 19.-The will of Am arose McGregor, Ihe Stai.ilard Oil mill ionaire. who died last week al hi* coun try seat at Mamaroneck-on-the-Bound. was admitted to probate to-day at White riatns, Vl. The value of the estate is not mentioned in the petition, but It rep resents more than H.jAi.dOo. Among the bequeaths are Ihe following! To hi* brother. Alex M vir. gor. of Ge neva. 0,,' hla Cleveland estate, compris ing S3 acre*, and valued at $1.1196.000; to Edward T. Barber of Ohio. 25 shares of Standard Oil cert 111 kies; lo Adelaide Louise Barber of Ihc same place. ST. shares; to hs son, Bradford H. McGregor. 250 share* of Standard Oil certltlcaic*; o the I'niled States Trust Company of New York, he gives tho proceed* of 125 shares of stock of the oil company In trust for his son Bradford, while to the l.'nlmi Trust Company of Manhattan, he give* 126 shares of stock also In trust for hi* son. Ol It (il IS AHK ALL (LIGHT. Chaffee Answer* Criticism* Thai Were Passed oa Them, Washington, Nov. 19 Some disparaging criticisms upon the American field guo as exhibited In Ihc Chinese campaign led Ad jutant General Corbin to address the fol lowing Inquiry to Gen. Chaffee: "Adjutant's General Office, Nov. 15. llrid. Chaffee, IYkln Asserted our light artil lery guns did not meet all requirements service compared with arms of other ar mies. What sre the facts? Corbin." T'- fallowing response has been re ceived : "Taku, Adjutant General, Washington. Nov. 1 Replying your number 72. our batlery better than buttery any other army In campaign. German battery Just arrived some features superior to ours. Powder charge In case fired with rig*ir like pistol. More rapid fire result. Brake arrangement also better Caliber gun not quite so large. Our battery highly prnfitej particularly so by Gen. Elnevetch. who aald he felt like taking off his hat when ever he sew It. No battery so effective ns ours In attack* on Pekin. Chaffee." W OMEN BICYCLE HAI F.H9. Mias Cal In Ihe Lead at Close of the First Hay. New York, Nov. 19— At the conclusion of the foitrth hour of the women's six days" bicycle rare at the Clermont ave nue rink. In Brooklyn, at 10.30 o'clock tv night. Miss Marguerite Cast of Brooklyn hekl the lead with 93 miles nnd 15 laps lo her credit. Seven of the eight women who entered held the track Miss Oast was closely pur sued by Miss Lottie Brandon of Canada, who wa* only two la|<s behind. Thesu iw > fought hard for,lhe lead an.l there was continuous excitement during their sprint* for tho place. They were nbout eight lap* ahead of the next nearest. Mrs. Emma Bayne of Brooklyn. The racing I* to con tinue from 2.39 lo C3*> o'clock each after n,on, and from 8:30 to 10'30 o'clock In the evening. The track Is seventeen lap* to the mile. During the Inst hour Mis* Marie Davis ha<l a bad fall, but ehe remounted her wheel quickly and lost hut little distance. COAST LINE'S GOOD SHOW I TO. Expenae* Only JMI.H Per Cent, of the Gr>*s Receipts. Richmond. Va.. Nov. 19—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Company was held at the general offices of the company In this city to-day. President Elliot's report says the gross earnings nnd receipts from nil sources for the year were $7,717,758.15, nnd of this amount $7,588.715.59 was received from operating the ro ids an I $131,012.59 from other source*. The expenses of mainic ruiiue nnd operation nnd the taxes ixild amounted In the aggregate t<< sl,s*'* 0ci.25. The operating expenses were 50.$ per cent of the gross receipts. The election of officer* resulted as fol lows; W. G. Elliott, president; If. Wal lers. first vice president: Alexander Ham titon, second vice president; C. 8. Gadsden, third vice president. FAMOUS BOBBER IIMIAI'EA nrooLa 9lory Gels Amny Prom Peni tentiary the Fourlh Time. Jackson. Miss.. Nov 19—Brooks Stoey. ihe celebrated express robber, escaped from tho Mlseiselppl penitentiary at i o'clock this morning. This Is his fourth escap*. TAMPA THIII HI.K I >SETTLED. Laborers Are Still In s Disturbed Slate of Mind. Tamps. Fla.. Nov. 19 —The situation In th# labor trouble* here between the or ganisations In ihe cigar trade remnlna un- I changed. No settlement of Ihe dlfttc :1- , le* has yet been reached and the la tor er# are generally in an unsetthd state of mind. Doctors and Mid wives Recommend | ‘‘Mother’s Friend” - * because It is *d externally In cases of tb#delicate ] sites non of expectant mothers. It lo * constootre- ( - W.f.if fi.f, robbing childbirth of It* terrors, latsrosl re#- ( O' Mr(‘l’ <1 In are dangerous. “ Moiber's Prisnd is a bleMiag l . JmßKtrnM ’ | B b bottle. Tber* is nothin* Ilk* It. ■ * ■■ Tv- m(tu<f cf lhre diMwo. X* wVrred g—.Mr *9* hh* *f l No r** mn rot* “ ruh ,tuiM<l • l-e-l- ml 'M- •;('• yn<' tmy e>g *• '**• t." f-ucl' < cetsnseoh “and"( 9 ‘<a-Xl> . All maU-JX *s k *’'efro!. Hi LlTmIVu! o*." ] wkss-i- v7rr .t ' viva .OU. .V xuu DttiuouTx Te MRAHriSILB THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1000. STATUS OF THE CIGARETTE. I\ UOOD 111 MM.** mMUMi SAVA HI PRMFa nil RT. TfniHKPf Won Her (mf an Far ■ Keitulatluii llie *ale la ( onrrrurll, but thi* I ourt Heel a re* Ilia C ln -retfe an Article ul Commerce—Tte llot of Ten. However, la Jlt an Orittlual l*ar ka|| e—What the l>r *iftOll Mt'HIII. \\ on, Nov. it.—Th# United States Supreme Court to*day rendered an opliv ion in cho t'nv* of William B. Au)*aiii va. the tUaic of Trnneaaee, involving the question aa to the re*o*nttk>n to whli h cigorettes are et tttkd under the law The cas originat*Hl in ihe ataie of Ten neeacr, and it cal.ed Into question Ihe validity of the etate l.iar regulating the ►ale of thla article of commerce on the ground that it an infringement of tho right of Congress to regulate inter state commerce. The Tenru's ee Supreme Court upheld the law. n (id to-day‘a deoialon euetainod that verdict, though not without dieai* prove! of some of the pofdtloim taken, and then upon very narrow margin, four out of nine member* joining in a dissent ing opinion, and another member of the court (Justice While) placing his aaaent unon grounds different from those on nounced by Just Ira llrown, who handed down the opinion. The case grew out of the import it ton of Yigarettea into Tennessee from North Carolina. They we r e taken Into the nt.ite in the ordinary i*ed cigarette packages, about two by four Inches, and these pack <* • e were loosely thrown into biskeis which w?r© uncovered. The ciaim wa* made that these < ig<iretie jKirksges were |* known to the law us original pn wages; but without rlenriy dehning an original package, the court held that It wa* clear that such packages could not Ik so regarded. Justice Brown In passing upon the case aald mat the packoges .w< re obviously made up with a view of evading the law. und as he spoke he* hel l one of ihe little cigarette case up to hla auditors. On this point the dr< ialon of the stale court, to the effect that th** packages were no: original, was fully confirm*! i Igurette In honri ktamllaa* On another phase of the raac the state court was not so fully lndois*d The Ten nessee court had held that ctgarwtten are not an article of commerce With this view Justice Brown took issue, nnd he il*- livered quKe a dissertation upon the wub }* • t Whatever is an object of barter and sals Is. lie Atikl, an article of '-ommercc. and must l>e so re* ognlaed. Tobacco had been auch an article for four hundred years It h.l been made the anbject of taxation and indeed had become mor** widely scattered than any oher vegeta ble. l*robably, h** mlded, no other vegeia- Me has contributed e> much to Ihe com fort atwl solace of the human race Th!* llng the case it w*aa entirely leyorvi bounds to say that tobacco was not an article of commerce. Me then took mqlc© of the claim that cigarettes are nn e*pa tally harmful form of tobacco, and while he conceded that this might be the case, he reguirked that this claim was of comjLaratlvely recent origin Still, he held that cigarettes nre oh much a subject of vtatc regulation as is Hq*or. and he further held that while .o state Itw could prohibit importation in original packages It was ntlrely compv t nt for a legislature to regulate the sale because of the original belief in the dl~ U riot** effect of the article. Th- re was ad ssentlng opinion of Jus tl • shlrns. In which the chief justice and Justices Brewer an.l Beckham Joined. They based their dissent upon the theory that Congress bae exclusive control of Inter state commerc*?. WILL 8% 011 K IN If AIIttOXY. Xfennlng nf Fhanaes In nelllmorr nnd Ohio Directorate, Baltimore. Nov. 19—Jlurh speculation was Indulged In to-day n* to the signifi cance attached to the changes made In Ihe directorate of Ihe Baltimore and Ohio Hailroad at Ita annual meeting to-day Capt. John P. Green, first vice president of the Pennsylvania Kudrond Company. Charlee H. Tweed, chairman of the hoard and aecotid vice president of Ihe South ern Pacific Railroad, and Martin Erden of New York, were elected director* By the election of Capt. Green the Pennsyl vania's representation In the Baltimore and Ohio directorate Is Increased to two. Ihe other representative of the Haiti more and Ohio’s big competitor being Third Vice President B M Provost. In Ihc person of Mr. Tweed Ihe Southern Pa ific Railroad obtain* an Important representation In Baltimore uni Ohio af f tlr* Samuel Salomon, chairman of ih hoard. Who presided at the meeting, de clined lo discuss the significance of tho entr.'inie of another Pennsylvania official Into th* Baltimore and Ohio hoard, but II Is tinderatoo! that Ihe presence of bth Mr. Green and Mr. Prevoot mans :hat the two system* will work together in harmony, and that rale wars are prac tically things of the post. AA9IVEH9AHV OF CONGRESS. Will lie Celebrated In Elalxirnte Style on Dec. 12. Washington. Nov. 19—To-day was the lOfrth anniversary of the meeting of ihe first Congress which n**embled In Wash ington after Ihe capital of the republic wa# transferred lo Ibis cMy from Phila delphia The centennial anniversary of the removal of Ihe seat of government to thi* r.ty W to l>e elaborately celebrated Lec. 12. Exercise* will he held at tho Capitol and tho White House of an ap propriate character. The occasion In many reepect* to to be commemorative of Ihe growth of the republic during Ihe cen tury. Another Professor Beslans. (Hanford University. Cal. Nov. 19. Prof. M. A. Aldrich, an assistant In th* department of economic*, lender*l hi* resignation to President Jordan to-day aa the result of the controversy over th dismisoal of Prof. Ross, head or n<e c -onomlco department. Prof. Aldrt-h came to tho unlverotty last year frvm Harvard. Coppered by Ihe Gnvrrnmrnf. Washington. Nov. 19 —The Naval Board of Construction 10-day decided to adopt th# plan of having the new warships cop pered In government navy yards after the : heathlng has been completed by tho con. tractor*. Nltii-U HKI HKH l\ MI M HEBTHKII %n I pper ( nrrrnl of Air Tore Down the Hiuitiiiti \\ Itkinut n HreoaiTi %V wrnltK> From the Han Francisco (’all. “Yes,*' said Capt. Iloever, taking off ids hat and rah hli.g Ids *‘*h vac pretty veil shoot to plec* s, but anc va# lucky that she do not go to the groin *1 already. Ve vus look efery tnima to go down und It vas go*nl lui k that sue va * home again to-day." Capt. Hocver was standi* g on ihe dock and the subject of hi* t mark w. .• ths - bark l*f!uger. tvhlciti lav out In M'ssion baj’ with her two mast gone and the remaining one very crooked acd w4* bly. on her deck there w*io h brt** an l broken ropes stacked up, I vlng only i narrow path for tde sixteen i-ai'.ors who had had thf good forturu' t> com** out of a terrific typhoon aiiv and for th* Oer man sailors pet pig, which had shard their perils. Two week * ago the Htt.e t ugh* Mt B*a King puffed out through ihc Guinn Gate steadily pulling ami ti.dbng u ptout wire cable behind; .it the other end of the ca ble was the stout bark T G. I‘tiugcr, with a cargo of ao.otM) bags of flour on toaid. Ironnd for Queeitgfown. S.* was not de stined to get there. "V* vas start tnlt a line, fi eh treesa " says Capt Hoover, "aid our h*at,*< al) full roll joy because v vas homeward boui and. Ve did not know that th* would be so short hs It b ■ mth* aft'' vvurd The captain lit his p* e and pr*{> • -d t* spin hl yarn, the truth of whb h jy ii tested by the dlsmanUr.l bark out in the bay and the verdl t of the German con sul that she came to her pre cut ii* "through the action of a violent typh <*u at pea oft the 12*h day ’ Ju y, A l> . off the ccaist of Oallfomia me i4b miles south of th** port of t* n Frm l. "Veil,** said he, **ve vas going along fine, at lo knot* an hooi 1 x - about 5 o'clix k In the tiwirniiur. and te st**oml mate haf the vetch. TT)** sky v. > 1.., t nnd only b rtle clouds, vit you could brush avay nd* a feader. There vwa not a vmd. not a bnnth. nod<hng but a steady fresh breeze the send u** along all smooth and not eocwqH t of the dan ger. Ve vas steering south by v half west and the yapls vib braced up a bit All at vouiv'e. vile ituileltner. the 1 ond mate, on vwtcli, vas standing at the quarterdeck there vas a awful n4> and crash louder aa a <.inivor t-lmt Mul* kitner he look up und see the mainoi Mt vas toward him drotqung, und ven ve rushed on hoard it to #-• *• the w*hoie works up aloft all tv snnu und mraining and Tying nw.ty mil Itself, making n like it \as thunder. <>n the deck there vas not ny * iiange. und the bree*#* was not it:- * .'!, just a blowing eteady und calm. V** bind there und von dor. and the vind not blow the hat*, nor make if tuu'omfongble lad ding But up aloft If vis h lof a vind. und It tvlst und pull and yank it th *mibs und the mast till t vas all How to griecc# and shake the hull like ,$ !rle plaything. The tvlst begin at the gallant fret anti swep Awn nst the length und make a loud noise vit< h ve yonder a* und get ready to say our pniy r< In the mMdla of fhe noise, lik* thunk” then** was a squv-.iling und out runs the ship’s pig. vat you e* th** picture of? He vas tear up und down th* cl* < uni •quallng aii the time. He via fen and tin 1 think hk* Time vss room. The mnn* x. falling nnd splint* r vas fiyinc to b>i* the band, und he run und f*iuv*\ 1 Ilk he vas mn ! "Ve vas nil feel 1:K sque'ilii ' too. b** ve haf not th** time, I trlf tl • order f • to take out the Hv< hoain and g- r* nl%* for the bark to go to ♦he ground, for va think sure she van go to * nk. The main mast vas fall in the water along fde. aid vas bump into the bout oil i e Mm-, und it look like jshe make n h I** in fh** hull. The mlssenmast he room -own mb a bang und a crash, und broke off Just In two, leafing the lower part ten! uni the mainmast, out of Iron, broke In two places below the *!* k It vas Ivlsed o bard. The two top* dl yards < rrv and wn und the royal yard broke In two und v s hingin' up a’oft. "It va* the dooee to pay, ai ! v* tho ight id vas up mil the oil I*flu er. All Ibis damage took plaee no longer n* a min can think about it. I I vas ** mo •* t i * two seconds tefore It vat* all -g leg en after It vas quvlet hm a ! mb. uni !n four minutes It vaa all quvlet a* ii limb vonce more, und the typhr- n va e " But vat con'lltlori It va h f u hi! Gotl In hlmmel' The Pfluger lor.k k she vas been In a fight und ret a 'o ar Plexus all ofer Per malnm jsi vas lum - |rg Into the sid'S. lit <1 v*< have vott v< k vobbly wall left to <om<! bid to Fan Francisco The vor-t danger v>s from the mast floating'long Fl', uiwl < f rv m n knew hn must vx.rk for our IP<* i'd efery man he vork like h vs-' m’. lof lo cut Ihe vltvs und r.<i*<- '•>' h< 11 t e mast und yard* to the bark. End It v* the devil's own verk The *•• ■ '* '<■" very high, und all th. yards tui m *t knocked against the ship* sbh" '* ha' It vas hard to stay on feed un In tg* i knocked down efery time. Our ax< v.< blunt quvtck, und ve all think ve '•< II haf a hole knocked In Ihe ship s side y the spars. und sink If lhl va oe so. vv vas In a dose fix. All our pomp* 'a* ma**h* 1 io ‘ in<l VO ‘ l * l he able io vater ou i v!*n © starts leaking "We haf <he llvelmsl* oil ready, hud two off them vu* smithed In. und vcr< lyinu In on th<* afu*cl*<k 1 (no von# left ver< sliding on the foV.r tle und It vas hard vork to svlng them uud by th* bn>ken r|we vere we could get into them al eferv momen \ el! ve vork und ve vork It va. nine loom of inhuman vork. und hwi ve vere out off danger and free from the masts und spars. mil der broken sail Tin Sen was b* hf* very badly. She haf keep the deck under the vater all th* time, und now she quvlrt down lht ÜBd leaf us alone, so ve see about sailing bat k D vas pretty alow vork. Vo couid not come for Son Francisco. S v 100 far. und ve vould gif out Ve gt a atari und then the sea hehaf* h.| again, und ve gif her a tlow of oil lo keep her quvlet It vas strange but (he g<l. etrong ship vus perfectly sound und haf no leaf after all dat I believed nt furst thas her rudder vas hurt when I sc- von off th* yards knock against It and heave the helmrm in clear ofter the vheel Id vas a Unwound thanks to God that no von lose hi* live that day In th aeclden*. Veil, ve *te-r for the neorest place v# could rea<-h, un I It vas Santa Burbara. On the II July ve see Point Conception. On July 18 at von o'clock a. m va see the st- art schooner Greenvood. vlch bring us Into Santa Bar!ra Ve t< legraph to Hn Francls.o for a tug. und on July 19 the relief com* uml bring u* wUhoui having any more trouble Into San Frn<>co So hero ve are. und hero ve wiil stay for three or four mont to get tn god >•- pair, uitd ven ve get fix up again von*'" more V" don't k<- lo meet . typhoon." The captain ended hi* narrative with a big sigh. Then he filled his pipe, thoughtfully, looking out toward (he crip pied old Pfluger quietly anchored In the smooth waters of the bay, and speculated a* to the cause of her terrible experi ence. "Vlch vay H happen." said he. "no von will efer know, und Id la hard <o tell, hut my opinion 1# that a very strong vhlrlvlnd take our masts avay und ffi .ke them break like broomsticks Th<- vind must he in the upper sails only und % M not feldt on deck at all. There vu no aitn In vind und veather sol before nnr afiervard* It ** a coorlou* thing, und noboddy vlll find out Just hotv tt happened." Striking * match on the sole of his boot, the captain lighted hi* pipe and drew a puff Then tie made on exception to hie last remark. "Except," eaid he, "K vas Uud A - THE KING OF AMERICA. HP. 19 HnntSNT OF 111% % 111 A, A lK- N KMIINT OF Till! LTVAHTt. “Ara (>rl<-r f 91. Ijmrc" Rrilrtr Ihi- 11,. | a n lallarr- y\ 111 Plant xprlK t Mojal Oak anil ll Thlngi, lU-toii Irf-tirr In K>ina* flty Journal A Uind of cavaliers, raamig th* rht'- lahr t r< ■ mins, of il, m,. m y to ha win-L*. u|,, mi April 19, 19>)l. j>l*rtl Ifi ruyai Mau.ler.t of Ihn SAtjoii. in the very hvart of Ihe okj mother of state* The*e enthUKiiixt*. take themeelvee very soriouely. xlory m ip,, name of the "Ar* '"" ° r '* i r ol At Georße an.l of Ihe Hoiy Homan Enqrlra " They claim that H II II Ito.e.ri. l*uke of Cornwall an.l olUe*t 90,1 ° ! M try. Queen of liavarla. who ara* '•’ •'ml' martini toll. H. lYlnee** Mar,.- Galwleile u f Bavaria, is the rlshtful heir to the American throne. It may I*, a eurprlae to learn that there •te enough Aineri an* with monarchical belief* (o warrant the publication of a muguaino ivlinl the Hoyai Bt.,n*hirU. th<- tliei number of which hu. JuM iwen i* *Ue| in ihi* city. It. ir.lltiK" tho rhike of Cornwall, the lloyal ritamtur.l any*: "Americana, hav- ItiK no rca-on for nny sentiments hut ... ~f ■ i .rllu*l- .111.1 loyalty to the mem ory of the „f Stuart, umler which :*>. > eat),.-.,| Hherly n"-'eh ihe tn ru.l.-.l •lynsety e.-uaht lo take from them .-honhl 1.. a I,- to unite in conaratulatioua > the ttoo.l prlti *e who w hiM 10. to-day rh. u- pron'M-cme ruler, hn.l th American ■ ‘ .rI -1 -- act.xi in Ii o. on rite principle* nlc.i inapiretl the nun of 17K." Plaatlna the lloywl Irak. 1 "" ' *• of Ihr Oj.l capital of the a,', lera. y tin* p ai.iual with *eem uiK Kteai cure. ; ,n>l eo etronir <k> the ad !n i ents of Queen M..r> of ltv,| a„,l fi t :.u an.l heir. I"ruice It.Arert. rroar.l " lve that they are careie** of any ■ " ' Nwvtr have these royal nobles ™ " " 1 * rt nounced ,t„. oialaw of tne Bill in Kiti* They have hern hut W.iltlna. ami. aithoiqth centurie* hnve ■ 0.1.d into olillvlon aim's rile iley* of Ki.iK Charles, "the martyr." they have n.-..r ecaved to believe that "the Kin* would come Into hi* own aeaht ” The Aryan Order or g, (lenrye ws* es ‘ 1 h< 1 al Baannah In IT*.. nn .l w,. < Itt. r.* l by the state of Geor* a In lhY u I.- officers pro|Miee lo celebrate tlie row tuny „r Chari, a II a* kina of Vl, A '" l • IJ. by Mamin* In th. Hm Hoyai I Nik of Worcester, in which tree ihc kina took refu*e when pursue.) • ~l<’ eol'Mera of Cromwell, after th.. tntil. ..f Morctter In the *reei house ot B< scobel. Krial.nd, acorn* from this ik are propaanted. and ean he otdalnr.l throiißh the proper channel Ati Invitation Will be Sent to Queen Mai \ of liavarla. nnd the ho,e I* expres e.l tliai her ..n, I'rlnee Robert, will be pi - sent lo person. While Ihe plantlnr of the royal sprout is the o*:cn*lhl<- reason for the .lemon *!nit.i>n. Ii |* known that the princlpt of the Yellow Bose chapter of lh- orik*r, w hl-Ii rail* for Ihe return of a monarch . al form of government In this country, I* really the motive power. lieu tin* a petition lo Ihe Governor of Virginia, ire Viscount de kYonsac will *o armril to the conquest. After statin* th • ijects of tlie celtdiration nnd asking ier mh-Hlon t.. plant a aprl* from the "royal .'k." the document continue*; <>ur plans contemplate also a hron*< tablet to he |ila, ivl near the young tree, a parade contdidln* of th<> various local n.111:1a ami colonial bodies, the military' chapter of the Aryan order, the German n Hilary and English mlllisry orgunlsa lions, and such other uniformed bodies us • mil come fr.wn a distance. "But the nyiln froture will be thnt we • x!*••*! lo prevw l upon the hclr-apparwtvt io the undent thnme of Virginia. Prince Robert, ton of Mary, Queen of Barvnrfa. ih" dYect ilejtctmdanl of Charles 11.. to ho present In perron, or to be projiorly represented. "We risk for th* formation of a cxen tnlt*..- from among you lo aid u* in bring n* iht* dls'lnguldi.d and nole wonhy gathering to your cMy. We be- I'eve ihe funds necessary to b' raised will iw tin.ono. "We commend lo you our accredited r. presenlallve. Die bcorer of rids com m -**lo*l. lh* Viscount .le Kronwae." This order that would hove a king "to rule over ue," Is commlaslon.-.!, under She law* of Ihe stale of Georgia, to maintain. Illustrats. continue and defend ’h < Insitluilonsi of chriailry and m-HI founded by Ihe \-arious monarch* who have held domain tn America" since the time of the Emperor Charles In the six teenth c./itury From It* origin, the order Is Imperial, Die theory Istng Dint power. If left lo popular *>le. lion, lends to the decline of mu ouul hoi.or and strength, and that placing authority out of the reach of fac- Don .limagnguo snd wealth renders all :h ng* In Ihc state more permanent. Ilepuhlle Going to Smltherenns. T*ie Young Bose chapter firmly hold*, so fur as America la concerned, when In 1778 rhe fonxreae of the colonies repudiated the rulershtp of King George 111. In America. th-y did not renounce De-tr allegiance to the h*Y of the de ;, ■;(. -1 Stuarta, wlioae aocestora were sovereign In Am< rieu, one of whom, Charle* 11., was proelulmed king In Vlr gin'n *wo years before he wan proclaimed n England; also that Ihe present Qtreen Mary of Bavaria, being the direct heir of Ihe Stuarts. Is fhe legltlmal* sover eign of the United Stole* The Yellow Hose chupier of Ihe Aryan order now come# boldly out with Dus sweeping Invitation: "To this programme fihnl Is. the calling of l*rtn< e Robert to the throne of Vir ginia! the Yellow Itoee chapter now pub licly Invites all Ihe colonial eoclellc# an<l order# In the United Stales and all these from Europe who have lived under fh* beneficent order and Justice of monarchi cal rule, and by contrast In 'hi# unhappily faction-persecuted country to witness the difference. W* call on them lo use'st us o save lo poslerky the rich ad vantages of this mighty continent from the rage of dlshooes* faction*, rapacious trusts, and Ignorant, greedy ami un scrupulous demagogues." The herald marshal of the order. Ihe Viscount de Fromwic, of Montreal and Boston. I* entilualastk In this matter It Is his constant study, and It Is without hesitancy thst he makes the declaration that th-- republic Is going to ruin, that the |- - r-I* ore tired of the Bepuhllcan form of government, and that tlie nttblfi would rather cheer for the King thin shout for McKinley. He way* that thoti m) of foreigner* ore returning to the Old World so that they may enjoy the h'-ncflu of a monarch's sway He further >;< ■ lares that all the German. Italian and Eugll-h military organisations are keep ing Die Ir Identity In this country, that these organisations are favorable to the movement of the Yellow Rose, and (hat when the proper time come* they will be In line for notion. (ineallnn of Patriotism. Writing on this subject, tho Viscount dc Fronsac eays: "The question has frequently arisen: I* Il unpatriotic In an American lo he a royalist? It I# answered here, al least lo the satisfaction of the royalist# And these royalists who have thought and stu died tho matter and are Imbued with tho Import aura of It# worth to the country, could not advocate the claims of McKin ley or Bryan, or any of that Ilk. oo long as there la n legitimate royal dynasty of which lh country may be proud, and which, relying on the entire people, la su. I crlor to Ihe claims of contending fan- Dona and their vulgar demagogue* " According to th* Royal Standard: "in 1779, * iviur hod bvcu received by. I'rlnee flow Mothers may Help their Daughters into Womanhood Every mother pwweMM infornmtion of vital value to her youug daimtiter. That daughter ih a precious lef-acy. and the responsibility for her future is largely in the hands of tho mother. The mysterious change that develoits the tiiought !e*s uirl into the thoughtful woman should nnd the mother on the watch day and night. As she cares for the physical well-being of her daughter, so will the woman be, and her children also. When the young girl’s thoughts become sluggish, when she experiences headaches, dizziness, faintness, and exhibits an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in the back and lower limbs, oyes dim, desire for solitude, und a dislike for tho society of other girls, when she is a mystery to herself and friends, then the mother should go to her uid promptly. At such it time the greatest aid to uuture is Lydia l l'ink haiu’H Vegetable < onipound. It prepares tho youug svstem for the coming change, und is the surest relianco in this hour of trial. The following letters from Miss Good are practical proof of Mrs. Pinkham’s efficient advice to young women. Miss Good asks Mrs. Pinkham (or Help. June 12th, UN. 11 lln AH Mr* I'INKHAM : —t have Wen very much bothered for some time with uiy monthly pcriodi, bring Irregular. I will tell you nil about it, ntul put myself in your care, for 1 have heard so much of you. Each month menstruation would become less and leas, until it entirely stopped for six months, tuid now it has stopped iipaiu. I have become very ner vous and ot u very lutil color. lam a young girl and have always ftad to work very hard. 1 would be very much pleased if -CT-Yjjho you would tell me what to do.”- Miss I'Kaki. Good, . Cor. 2‘Jth Avenue and Yeslar Way, .Seattle, Wash. mmf' 'ijra ,e Happy Result. n February 10th, 1900. B* "PzARMna I‘iskham J cannot praise Lydia M , , u I L I’lnkhatn'a Vegetable ("omnonud enough. It ia M S/ J lust simply wmiderful the eharige your medicine \■ 3 J nas made In me. I feel like another jmrsou My i work i* now a pleasure to me, while before using \ y ,n,r Oicdiciue it was a burden. To-day lam a healthy and happy girl I think If more women W wouW “* .vot Vegetable Compouml there would be h,/ / Jmßwlil less suffering in the world. I cannot express the At. i/T|y l l relief 1 have experienced by using Lydia E, Pink* m'ii'iyiCO™ 1 x >K e, * b Compound.” Mi** P*Aax (chid, Ll-~. .11..:. 1 . Vy;',- ~1l (or th Avenue and Yeslar Way. Seattle, Wash. REWARD cSSsSSSjcsSS wr * ,1 m f V (G >. *> see eemwsatlr jMibtnbmg. ws have 1 I I N B I I droe-oitrd with (hr Natloeu! City Man) el Lyes. M*s> ■ n 0 1 L 8 I I -I ih will be |aid to say pereen *h<- ea eh that the above truiicmsl it n> genuine, ne er helnre ohwiaing (hn wnttf i special permission.- Lvoin E Piskhsh Maotciaa Cos. Charles Edward Smart from some mem lx ra of the Contitteti'ai Congress of Amer ica, offering Dial if the Prince wmild come to America, a majority of Ihe Congress, the colonial families of distinction and the leading people would support hla pre tension to the <rown In America against Ihe claim* <>f the usurping dynasty, rep rtseated by George HI., whose allegiance Ihe united coiooie* were preparing to throw off. "Now I'rlnee Charle* lMw.ird wo* pros trated by trouble at that time, and could not avail himself of the nptsrriuntty of file life. Rut the offer atwl the sentiment laid the foundation of Ihe Royalist parly In America, and with Ihe claims of the house of Smart r,pr"sertte,| loelay lo th# St u*ri - Modena dynast y by Queen Mary of Bavaria, give* a candidate for a ihronu in whom Amorlcon* can lake pride. "11l fact, there in the strongest claim for gratitude and affection which the pco p.e of (he United Stairs) owe to this dyn asty. Because, without royalty as a mo tive, I i* moot certain that ihe Kings of France ond Ho.iln would not have assist nl -tioy—ertapilshe.! lh<' Inek'prntlence of the United yt;,:es. It w.m the ,-xie,-(a tlon of the Kings of Francs atwl Hpain that the: Smart weajlel sit on the threrne as Emperor of ttie ronfokj ttlon of North Ame rica Tin- order of Clncinn.itus, ac tually established by the King of France a his court as a royal oreler with httu -elf an granel inner, but extended <-> Am. rl.-a for the* formation or a military arlotocro y In 1781. nmeing th" officers of the American and their foreign allies of France, spun. Holland, etc., of ivhie-o Washington was nppdnted by the ap proval of Ihe- King of Frnn < prewleletil general in America, t(i accepted his In veeUtitr* from the king with the- decora- Don of the or<ler. which Is worn to-elav by the prswilent-generMl of the Sew-jeey of the Ul) lot; ell m Am"r t wa* (he be ginning The king of France went further vef, ond oo Die strength of whxt he condde-re.l n certainly, on the honor of Am-rb ine involved, creatc.l (he tit'# of Marquis <TAluinvlUe. In 17*1. In the state of New York, arwf bestowed tt on Ml-'hel de- taMbinlero, for llplomailc aer v " rendered ijetween melf ane| th.- Uontlnentnl congr. -s The copy of (hie crewlot may Is* seen hy those- who etouht It In Tnngimy'g Ge nealogical Dl-Donsry. finder the name of Charller ele Ixdblnleio "The loyal an*l (me. Ihe untlaunml unit ed empire loyalists, w.i* remalne-l In the colonies, the old ki Ight* of Ihe Order of (‘inclnnotu-. who refuse and to recognize tho claim* of th.- Ite-publl<-an H>wiety of the fine Innalu ,' .ud the scions of nnclmi eebu l I families, wer- organls-d In 17*'- hv t’.l Je>hn Connolly, then living at Detroit, into the Order of the Yellow Bo#.- of the Empire In America, with the pur po*e of founding In Louisiana the *mp!re they had been cheated e>ut of by the ba l filth of those who had profile*! bv Die generosity of King*. Col. Connolly was Virginian, tend hd raised for Ih. crown In 1782 Ihe Royal Foresters' Regiment from his own state or. which the city of I’lltsburir n-.w stands. He had belonged lo Ihe royalist tinier, founded in 1778. at Savannah by the Governor of Georgia. Sir James Wright, baronet, and now known •a Ih# United Empire Royalist chapter of the Aryan Order of St George He ob tained from the Emperor Joseph 11. (of Ihc Holy Roman Empire), o charter per mitting him t* rontlmto. litas' rale and maintain in America those institutions of chivalry and honor derived from th* va rious sovereigns who have held domain lit Amoricox vrhicb bud belonged to fell I rertecessor, th* Kmpcror Charles V., In the sixteenth centuty.’ Thin order waa #*- lahllulwil In Savannah, In 17*. when the Utnperof Kralwia II granted t-rrolssion for It to Itcnr the name of Ht. Oeorgo of the Holy Homan Empire In America, and w ben, |r )K*>, the naini’ Aryan Ordar of Pi Qrotf* of th* Holy Homan Braplrv in America became Its designation a* homo t the present day. Royalist Personnel. "In the meantime the Royalists, em bracing thn men of true fnlth, the r*hl lovers of thn country, the high hred a O.l honorable patriot* In tha constitutional cmri-ndai, 17VI. tillered their protaala against refajbllcanl-m Throughout Kl- Itot'a debates on thn constitution, and In the report* of the Vlrglnm const It iiilona.l convent ion. are scattered tha evldenea of their temontraiH'K. James Madison trrward.t l*real<lrot there declared. ‘On a c undid examlnatlm of history It will b<> found that republic* eoprcaa more than monarchies.' M.iaon and Grayson, of Vir ginia, protested that a government by ma jority rule wou and crush the minority and deprive thn Individual of hi* right*, and Patrick Henry exclaimed, that civil strife would result In suuh a government when a majority ruling In one section of the country would **k to oppress a minority existing In another. As far back as Gov, John Wlnthrop, of the Maasachunetfs cot. I I words have cun* down, 'that the , At ■ n few aiwl the wlee sr>- the least of thesd and alone fit for ruier-htp ' And all over the. pages of the highest literature of America the same royalist aspiration (troves that It la the moot generous, the bast self-seeking patriotism In an Amer ican to be a royalist " Power of the l flitter Hose. The power of tho chapter numerically I* an unknown quantify, but It Is ■■l aimed that It* membership Is steadily on the lo ci cast The Toronto. Canada, branch haa a membership of m. Havannah and Hon len have nearly JSj members each, and there are branches In New York. Han Die go, Cal.. New Orleans. Atlanta, and In other elite* of the l'tilted Htates and Canada. The Yellow Rose members wear a gilt button wlih a royal crown thereon, and the motto, "Pro rege at patrla.” Ilfsltb the Vellow Rose chapter and the Colonial chupter, both In the United States, there is another In the United States, the Handgeavtun chapter, constat ing of the confederated dtacendani* of the Randgcavee and ('tuques of Carolina, whose families were created by Charles II Also In Canada, the Sclgneurial chap ter for the confederated Cana dienne and descendants of the Seigneur**, who** creations are of Utult XIV. of MO, and the t'nlted Kmptra t-oyailst chapter for the descendant* of the royallata of 171*- *J. rccttgnlxed a* the nucleus of tha order at Savannah In 177* by King George lit., and In Canada by th* royalist act of ITU. twlaaril for Creditors. New York. Nov. t9.—Alvan C Hooper, who carries on business under the name of A C. Hooper * Cos., atodi broker*, as signed to-day for the benefit of bis cred itors to Francis Duffy. —A Connecticut manufacturer ha* re cently finished anew state carriage for <he government of Ecuador at a coat of tiuoooo. It la modeled after the > irHager of the Pope and the Khedive, but lack* the solid gold ornament* of the former and the gems of the latter) - 5