The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 20, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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FINANCIAL and commercial , „ , rofc I'* Tl HIM TAKE A LE %l* l V. \\ IKD OF IT*S PtllhTS. ,j ht ni.r Dot* **■** n<l I irmrr Tone of lir Spot Market*. I ornl Spot* l|* 't Oat, With the I oar Steady ant Demand Llaht. Turpentine Firm at to Cents—lt<>- i trio and Unchanged—Locnl and Trlraraphle Mnrhels. The Morning New* Ofllra. Monday. Nov. 19. I ~-h new* was pretty freely clrcu , j to-day, and lt effect In conjuno ■,* nh report* Indicating tlrmer tpot was to start future* upward. T . were Indication* of a better da , . !r >m spinner* and exporter*. I ght ,. and de.rearrd crop estimate*, i . hich contributed to tha rle. The ~ aaa firm. at tho beat p:lce of ion. the net rl being 17 10 2£ points .~ iv innah spot market moved up a - er of a cent above Saturday * c105,.5 ,.5 „ At the advance only a moder . .ness waa doing, there being ap . ,i disposition on the part of buy- r hold off. On the other hand, hold* , . ~.k pew courage from the Jump In ur.d were asking materially hlgh r ~ .( for their cotton. Whether they „ get the aeked price remains to be f put a# previously stated In the MO! I News. It seem* that much of th u, .; j , aton I* In strong hand*, and will brought forward by any sore. t e . ter* have gone through during , . two month* what would e. m to t a thorough test of th*lr determlr.a to Isold out. and now that both tne ■•l ■ i;.d speculative market! are look ing up. the chance* are that the price* a,„.,| will be paid. il>eiillne market remained lltra at 4uo *ll day. At one time theta waa an ef f i id the |>rice down to 39V. hut. m language of the atreet. factoi* ~ , . not Hand for this." The fCt thu mi would not even take bid* on „ .pun bast* Indicate* that tbay w.ll trong tight to prevent any tur tle rewalon of the price. R"*ln* te r.,a i nrm and unchanged. with a good ,1,. ~! |, totalling The stock market , O- 1 a live mid easy, with heavy r al- Uu.*. • -i* dally In the railroad Issues. 1,.- *it n comparatively amall losses. Tne foii .wing resum* of the different mark I *;* will show the tone and quotation* at the clo.-tng to-day: COTTON The sharp advance In the oottnn future* market was felt In spot* to-day. by a gen ral response. The Savannah market t lowed steady at a rain of % cent above last Sa urday's*. Sales on the *pot wier- 177 bales. The receipts were 4.071. ar-itr.wt 9.280 last yewr, nnd 5,906 year be- J 'ore last. The Jump In future* seemed to give a decided Impetus to spots, though j the effect of the higher prices did not J producer any grtet amount of trading ] •],. prevailing price* for good middling I f. O h. were around 10 1-16 cents. Many j older* were asking 1014 cents. The de ,ii, 1 was light throughout the day. with rones* at the on a smell scale. There l* a strong dkqiosltlon to hold un . -S the asked priee Is pitld. The following were the official spot quo- j title ; the close of the market at the j cotton Exchange to-day: “ ’ fTni* | Last | day. | year. cod middling '•'4 tl *-16 M Idling 94 I I*l® middling '*% * *’l* ' irket steady; Mies. 177. Sivennah Receipts, Export* and Stocks: Hi elpt* thl* day 4 HI It. e|pts thl* day last year 9,2 fl "r . day year before last C elpt* since Kept. 1. 190 4*4.37.’ Sume day last year ¥t!.9*o ?■ --k on hand this day 77.*** rim* day last yenr 137.759 Receipt* and Stocks at the Porti n' -eipts thl* day 46.336 Ri -eipts this day last year .’4.119 !■;• i-elpt* this day year before last. *1,77.7 Via! receipts since Slept. 1. 1900 . 2.865,909 Line time last year 2.06.1*3 rime time year before last 3,706.33 F ck at all ports to-day 6*8.471 5: oak same day last year 95T..147 .ally Movement* m Other Port*— Idvestor l-'lrm: middling. 9\: net re- I>|. 15.773; gross. 3*.62*: stock, 210.501. New Orleans— Strong . mbklllng. !*■'•; net •> Ipt*. 19.442; gross. 19.642; sales, 7.RT4>; [nock 2&4.1i. 1 Ml,ldle—Firm; middling ?'; net receipt*. SiT. gross. £l7; sales. *00; stock, 23.844. irlesion—Firm; middling. 9-V: net re |.i. 1.698; gross, 1.693; stock. 17.703. \v, mlngton—Firm: middling. 9' 4 : net re * p'. 1.54*. gross. 1.M9; v*. 7,721. Norfolk-Firm; mld-lllng. Vt. net re ! •• ;.!S, 1.797; gross. 1,797; sales, 92; *tock, r ’47. Hi timore—Nominal; middling. 9T4; I oss. 272; Block. 5.495. N< w York—Steady; middling, lh 1-16. ret e p4*. 335; grow, 4.479; sales, 435; stock, V 274 •ston—Qnle ; middling, 9 15-16; net re i a* 655; gross. 1.756. Philadelphia—Firm; middling. 10 5-16; t i receipts. 75; gross. 75; stock. 4.865. I’.sly Movements at Interior Towns— Augusta—'Very hrm: middling. 9“; net h - ~ts. 1.2*5; gross. 1,330; sale*. 557; stock, M mphls—Firm; middling. 94; net re l is, 7.075, grow, 9.759. sales. 1,500; stock. J ' 134 _ „ -< Uiuls—Firm : ml Idling. net re- I S 2.675; gross,’ T. 064 s*4e*. 59.’,. stock. : natl—Quiet and nominal; middling. 9 net receipts, 465; gross, 465; slock. f 1212 It i-lon—Steady; middling. 9*4; net re- K. 210; gross. 22.210; sales, 141; **■ k, 92.2*5. vllle— Firm; middling. VA. I vtorts of cotton thl* day— >i i ston—To (treat Itrltaln. 25.623. r - wise. 5,810. N W Orleans—To (treat Britain. 3.000; to 1 mtlnent, 3.121. I< —('oastwrlse, 250. innah—To (treat Britain. 4.754; to i tlnent, 5,021; coastwise. 970. r ‘-Inn—Coastwise. 219 N (olk-4 - oa*tw|se, 1.522. York-To Great Britain, 1,700; to ' nilnent. 2.40.7 >1 foreign export* from oil port* this *■' T > Great Britain, 33.H82; to the conti ’ 10.547. , 11 foreign export* from all ports thii* Is week; To Great Britain. 67.(42, to ' ’■ '*s; to the conilnent. 12.139 >1 foreign exports since ftept. 1, 1900 • at Britain, l.lOZ.Otl; to Fran e. 212.- ihe continent. 725.159 irlesion. 8 C.. Nov. 19—Cotton * "ly; mldditn. 9Vjc; sales none. 'HA ISLAND COTTON. „ tendency In the *ea Island cotton set during the past week was for | r Price* Business w*a on a moderate with no apparent gieai desire Iron quarer to take cotton The recelpia 1 shrinkage against last -year. The •re alkout one-third what they Were ■rr< >,ivlmg w eek last year. es nboul as follows: e o;ce Ka*t Florida* 23 *124 “‘r* cho . and fancy Florid** fr aud fancy Georgina 21 1 -K22 Georgias 20'iOfl ***'• Geo gla* 39 3 . Gioigiaa i omimil) 19 ff— im line and common U 0— f" nd Blocks— |ISU> 01 !**-' .! m* past week I l.&a] 4iool . ' "I" t>a*t week 1.711 1171 ‘Wo itoioD | 15,500, J 5.535 MURPHY & CO., INC.. BoarjJ of Trad* Building, Savannah. Private l*a*<J wire* dirtci to N*w York. Chicago and New Orleans tOTTOK. STOCK* AND GRAIN. New York office. No. II Rroa Iway Offices In principal citle* ihroughunt the Boulh. Wrke for our Market Manual and bock containing Instructions for traders Bale* past week | 1.190 j.sjg Stock on hand j 19,u9i 17,513 1 COTTON FI TANARUS! lIP-5. The Market 4 loses Firm al an AU vanrr of ITffSKi Points. New York. Nov. 19—The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 2 to S points on stronger cable* than expected. There was n further advance of 15 to 20 points following very strong accounts from Bouthern spot m.irkets;flrmerreporls from cotton goods centers. Indications of better demand from spinner* and export ers, lighter lecelpis and decieased crop estimates, an estimate of 13H tin miners of Jhe M<mphls Colton Exchange pointing to ' yield of 9,707.000 hales being a factor. claims that American spinners a* well as exporters could not afford to pay the udvance demanded for apot cotton gave the market a more speculative ap pearance and there w-tis considerable sell ing to secure profits which caused a par tial re* 11041. But everything offered was promptly absorbed, the Smith being a heavy buyer and buying by ljverpooiurbl tiage broker* also being a fea ure. Wall street parties were not conspti-bou*. but they gave the market some suiqiort. The expectation of higher Liverpool cable* to morrow gave the local market * firm dos ing at shout the best prices of the see don. tho net rise being 17 to 25 points. The spot cotton udvance here was t,c. FLL'CTf ATIONN IN FTTt'RES. New York. Nov. 19.—Cotton future* opened steady at tho advance and closed Arm. Prices as follows: | Open.; High. I Low. Close. Jsnuary |562 | 952| 9 54 9"M — February ....j 967 9.75 960 j 9.75 March j 9.59 979 9.55 975 April | 960 j 9.67 ; 9.60 j 973 May j 9.55 975 954 : 9.74 Juno*.... ....j 953 9.70 i9 53 9.71 July .1 951 9.66 | 9.5! 1 9 69 August |9 36 9.52 |9 36 9 7,3 September ~.| .... 895j559 j 8 9a October J .... j .... | .... | .... November ...I 9Kt lo rn I9 75 998 December I 9.65 | 9*7 | 9.67. 9.63 LIVERPOOL COTTON MtHKF.T. 1-lverpoo!. Nov. 19. 4 p. m —Spot, fair demand, price* steady: American mid dling fair, a 21-32d; good middling. C 21-3ld: middling. 5 9-16.1. low middling. 6Hd. good ordinary. Slid: ordlnaty. 4VI The sale* of the day were loom i„le, of which £"0 were for speculation and export, and In cluded 9.(50 American Receipts 19,000 balm. Including ROuo American. Futures opened quiet but steady, nnd closed steady; November, 8 2905.30d, buy er*; November-December. 6.506.38d. buy ers; November-December, 6.260 36d. sell ers. December-January. 5.2286 23d. seller*. January-February, 5 201J5 21d. buyers; February-March. £ .154(3 19d. buyers; March-Aprll. £.;7d. buyer*; April-Mny, IM, buyers; May-June, buy ers. June-July. 5.13d. huyr. July-August. I'd. buyers. August-Beptemher, 5.(i3d. buyer*. New Orleans. Nov. 19—Cotton future* steady. November ..9.4609.75:April 9.5509 60 December .9 621i9 61 Miy 9 56129 58 January ... t.SMff.SiJuna 9 3a@9.60 February ..9.5*09 60 July 9 5909 60 March 9 5*09 39 COTTON LETTER*. New York. Nov. 19 —The bull contingent were In full control of the market to-day, and we have witnessed the most active session we have had during the past six ty day*. The features In to-day's market were very favorable Liverpool advice*; also further tnlk of Neill coming out to morrow with very bullish estimate, this party evidently has some followers, par ticularly In Liverpool and New Orlvana. The early advices from Liverpool reported that market 6 to 7-44d tip on futures with slots l-16d higher, their future market ■ Iso Improved an additional 441 .luring the closing hour. Bpot sales timotinted to lo.ono. Liverpool absent orders to buy In New York market. Our locals considered Liverpool a good response to our ckiee of Baturday. and we opened on a range of 3 to 6 points higher, llrst sales on Januar, being at 9.62 c. A little reaction of 2 to 3 points followed, then the market grad ually advanced, the Houth being principal seller*, with New York. New Orleans and Liverpool absorbing offerings, then ad vancing to 9.53, eloslng within one to two points of the highest for the session. Bplnners are disposed to buy more freely and Manchester advices are of favorable character. Planters are not marketing very freely, holding for higher prices. The situation on nearby months Is particular ly strong, owing to light stock* In New York. reauiUng In nearby options de manding a premium over distant deliver ies. Estimated i>ort receipt* 49.f*n against 54.149. New Orleans expect* to-morrow 21 000 to 22.0*1 against 6.911; Houston, 24.- s*) to 25.580 aga.nst 29.901. New Y'ork. Nov. 19— Hubbard Bros A Cos. say: The European market* quFkly responded to the Improvement In the American markets of Baturday. and clos ed steady at the best price* of the day. Th# lighter movement of the crop during the past week assisted In sustaining this advance, and Is creating a feeling In fa vor of a further advance. Liverpool arbi trary brokers were the largest buyer* dur ing the day. absorbing the realising sales of the bulls, who are satisfied to arcep: profits on on advance of nearly a cent a pound Some new buying for outside ac eount In sympathy wtth Wall street was also In evidence, but the main feature was the foreign buying A further ad vance Is expected In Liverpool to-morrow I)HY GOODS. New Y’ork. Nov. 19 —A general harden ing tendency has been the rule through out the market, with evidence, of In creased activity along certain lines The announcement of new' istces on tw*o lines of spring prints Is expected to be fo,low ed by others In the near future. Th advance In the raw material has beo the feature of the day. which has b n accentuated by slightly higher quotatl ns for print cloths In wide odd*. VtYAI. STORE*. Monday. Nov 19 SPIRITS TURPENTINK-Th* turpen tine market opened firm at*4B cents, with tales of m • arks reported, and clos'd firm and unchanged, with further sale* of 293 The demand was good all day at the quotation. Buyers tested the -trength of the market early In the day by bidding 39% cents to some factors, but It was not understood that these bids were even taken. The solid opinion wemed to Indicate thl the market I* low enough, and 1 not apt to recede furlher unless something unforeseen turns up. The day’* receipt* were 1.829 and the export* 9,766. , ItoSINS—The rosin market again e.osed firm and unchanged, with a good demand for sup pile* at quotations. There Is noth ing to Indicate that the prices of rosins will not be fully maintained, and with this FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Alack and Hoad Broker, JkCOIITA, GA. Write for Ll*t. i’HE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1000. belief prevailing buyers are now making great effort* to get In on a lower haste than tlie market prices. The day's re ceipts wen- 3.587. and the export* 16,034. Prices as foLows A. B. C |1 SB J II *0 D 1 So K 1 45 E ISi M 1 7u F 1 40 N 2 10 G 1 45 WO 2£B H I£s W W 2 65 Naval Store* Statement- Spirits. I!os n Block April 1. 19® 2.197 142.®6 Receipt* to-day 1.029 3.507 Receipts previously 275 527 679.364 Total since AptU l 252.082 KS.JT7 bTxport* to-day 9.766 16 034 Exports previously 240.926 6*7.684 Exports since April 1 249.792 703.639 Stock on hand to-day 32.361 121.739 Stock last year 31.617 134.549 Charleston. S 0., Nov. 19—Turpenaine firm at 40‘c. Roeln firm, unchanged Wilmington. Nov. 19—Turpentine noth ing doing; receipts 6*. Rosin steady. 31 20 01 25. receipt* 13. Crude turpenttno firm, 11.4002.40; receipt* 81. Tar steady. $1.55; receipts I*l. FINANCIAL. MONEY’—'The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Market steady. Commercial demand. 14A3Ai; sixty days. 14 79*4, ninety days, 14 75. francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days. 5 2275; Swiss, sixty days. 5.2*1. Belgian. 5.24\. marks, sixty days. 93 9-16: ninety day*. 93 5-16 DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady banks are buying at 1-16 discount and selling ns follows 125 ami under. 10c pre mium: 125 to ISO, 15. premium. 150 to lion, 20c premium; ll® to 130. 25c premium. |2‘ to 11.000, R, premium. Sl.tDO and over. 75c per 51 premium. SECURITIES— Money Is working a lit tle close, thus causing Investors to hold off, Nlneka. Bid. Ask Augusta and Savannah R R 108'- llObj Atlanta and Weft Point 129 do 6 per cent, certificate* 106 ... Augusta factory 82 95 Cltliens' Bank 133 ... Chatham Bank 110 ... Chatham R. E. ft I. Cos.. A .... 57 45 do do R C6>4 57S E.title and Phoenix Mfg Cos 1® 110 Edison Electric Ilium Cos 107 110 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 103 Germania Bunk 130 ... Georgia and Alabama 23 26 Georgia Railroad. Common 215 217 Granitevllle Mfg Oo 165 170 J. P King Mfg Cos. 100 I<B l-angley Mfg Cos 115 130 Merchants’ National Bank 112 ... National Bank of Savannah 160 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ..110 ... People's Havings and Loan lrt> Southwestern Railroad Cos. 1094* 110'A Savannah Gas Light Cos. 24(* 251* Southern Bank 152 145 Savannah Bank n>] Trust 114 ... Sibley Mfg Cos . Augusta 51 *9 Savannah Brewing 102 ... Bonds. Bid Ask Char.. Col A Aug. Ist 8, 19® .106 108 Chat A- Gulf R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 102 184 Atlanta city 4s, 1922 1® Augusta city 4*. 1927 1® do 4,5. 1925 11l do 7*. 1908 107 do 6s. 1913 122 Ala Mid £s. Ind and. 1929. M A N 99 18) Augusta Factory, 6 per cent . 1915.111 113 Brunswick and Western 4s, 1935.. 52 51 C. B. R. A Banking collateral s*. 94V4 85'd C. of G. Ist motg B*. 1945 F & A 120 111 C. of O. con. ss. 1945. M. & N 95 96 C. of G. Ist Income*. 1945 52 63 do 2d Income* 17Vj 151 J do 3d Incomes. 1945 5 9 C. of G. IM G. & A. Dlv.) 5s 1947. J. A J 97 9* C. of G. (Eaton Branch). £a. 1926 J A D 97H 98'i City A Suburban R R. Ist 7s W, Columbus City ss. 190 107 Charleston city 4s. 19* 1® 103 Eagle A Phoenix Mill* 6. 1925. . ..107 110 Edison Eh ctric Ji:am.noting 6s 1® Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1902 102 Georgia Railroad 6* 1910 113 jn O S. * F . 1945. J * 112(4 H3M Georgia & A latum.i Ist ss. 1945.. 104 106 Oeorgla state 3'*. 1930, J. A J...1K1 112 do 3'h>. 1915. M A S 1® 107 do 4 1 -**. 1915 11814 11914 Maoon city 6s, 1910. J. A J 116 11* do 41s, quar., Jan 1® 113 Ocean Steamship fis. 1920 ..HI IUS Savannah city £s. qtuir. January 1915 110 111 do 6s, quar. February. 199 ~.l®‘x 11014 South Carolina state 414*. 1933..117 119 Sibley Mfg. Cos. 6s. 193 102 South Bound 5* 99 1® 8 . F A W gen. mt-gc 6*. 1934 ..125 126 do do Ist 7a*. gold . 1931 115 117 do St John Dlv. Ist 4s. 1934 .... 91 96 New Y’ork. Nov. 19 -Money on rill was steady t 3(jo4(* per cent ; the l*t loin was at 3(4 per cent.; prime meresn’lle pa|*er. 405 per cent Sterling exchange steady, with actual bulne*s In hankers' hills, at 24 64*i44 *4Y for demand and at |4.5D54'ti4.8i)14 for rlxty days, floated ra es. 21 ll*->4)4.52 and 24 55*4; commercial hi I*. 24.5004 ® l a. Sliver certificates, 64(.0f"V liar silver, 64c; Mexican dollars, .•' Government bonds strong; state bonds in active; railroad bonds firm. STOCK* AM> BOMS*. Market Yields In Heavy Presaore of Realising. New York. Nov. 19.—The selling pree sure to-day again proved more than the market could absorb. and prices are very generally lower ax a result. There are a few exceptions both in the railroad and industrial departments, but the strength In these few stocks was not free from an appearance of manipulation by the bulls for the purpose of sustaining the market and encoutaxing buying for the advance. The downward courae of prices prompt ly sot in after the market had opened generally h gher Easier money In Lon don and the extent of the advanee for ‘Americans prompted some speculative ventures in that market, and there were Merles cabled from abroad of great trunk line consolldatMna. showing that the ru mor monger hsd been regaling the Btlt- Ish public with much the same kind of fare a* that which bad been offered in Wall street for some time past. The lower prices here In New York attracted buy ing by the arbitrage brokers, which serv id s sustaining Influence, but the con tinued evidence of depreeslon caused I xvn don to turn seller and liquidate very heavily, the sales on balance being es t,mated ar upwards of 40.000 chares, gelling from domestic sources also was vct>- large. The railroads, as a rule, were most af fected and many standard stocks #r* f..rced a |>olnt or over below Saturdays level. In the late dealings a strong de msr.d developed for Northern Pacific which carried that stock up 24* to (*V Oreat Northern preferred rose easily, sn extreme f poinis, but this rally, while It affe ed the market generally and drove the bears to cover, did not hold, lung stuck coming out on the advance. When the bears perceived this they made a fresh attack are! drove prices down ■ gain, and while the level of the market det not fall generally to the early low point, the dosing was active and easy. Among the point* of special strength should be mentioned General Electric. Metropolian. American Ice. Steel end Wire. Colorado Fuel .nd American Smelting and. for a time. Sugar and Brooklyn Transit. The announcement of a failure of a board member had some slight influence on the sentiment until it was learned to be of no importance. Toere was no actual news development to account for the downward course of i prl ,-s and Is was largely due lo technical caue* Th* lrttirv-d custom of profcs-ton al operator* to take the bear utile of the | market agamat a public bull position as serted Itself, and there was much solid • > to be heard that the rise In price* had ov-rrun ttadf and (hat a reaction was overdue. The money market was nlo*ely scanned for sign* of dim>nt*hing resuurr** Call money hardened slightly but ea**.l off again In the late dealings. New Y’ork exchange at Chicago also fell from a small premium to a small discount- The sterling exchange rate held steady. In spite of the sßghily firmer money rste here and an easier rate In Ixxuton. The supply of grain and cot 'on lulls has been much diminished end exchange expert# surmise that the firmness of exchange Indicate* an aacttmulasion going on for son*' purpose probably subscriptions to foreign loans. The volume of business In bond* - veil as In stocks was considerably dlmm ► ed, but prices of bonds held firmer than tu<*e of stock*. Total nales par value, 23 305,- o®. Cnlted Stn'es refunding 2'* and the coupon S'* advanced and new 4‘a *>• on the last call The total sales of stock* to-day were I. 258.5® share*. Including Atchison 49.16 c. do preferred. 53.713; Baltimore A Ohio 8.- 9®; Chesapeake A Ohio 18.880; Chicago Burlington A Quincy ISA*: Rock Island 12.®’; Erie first preferred 7IW0; Ixiulsvllle and Nashville 5 2®, Minhattan 24 3®. Metropolitan Street Railway 72.080. Mis souri Pacific 20,908. M ssourl Kansas and Texas preferred 5.1®; New Y’ork Central 9.1® Norfolk * Western 16.1®; Northern Pacific 103.238; do preferred 12,160; Ontario and Western 11,350; Pennsylvania 63.J0. Heading 5 9®. do first preferred 22.9®; St Paul 15,9®; Southern Pacific 53,- ®; Southern Railway 14 s®; do pre ferred 16.5®; Union Pacific 74.- 2®: do preferred 12.3®. Weeteni & Lake Erie 6,600; American Smelting 28®0, American Steel and Wire 76,4®. do pre ferred 12.7®; American Tin Plate 15,1®, American Tobacco 28.4®; Anaconda IS.- | 500; Brooklyn Transit 59.6®: Colorado Fuel and Iron 20.3®; Continental Tobacco 17.- 4®. Federal Steel 24.6® General Electric 9,368; National'Steel 6,1®, people's Gas 16.380; Sugar 64.7®: I'nltwl States leather 11. New York Bto.k List. Atchison 37'. I'n. Tu 70S do prf. K | do do prf *1> 4 B. & O. 82 j Wabash B<* Can. l a 87*. do prf .. 2IS Can. So 561, W. &L. E . I®. C. A O S3\ do do 2nil prf 3tsN C. G W 1414 Wi* Cen 12*. C. B A Q.. ex- Third Avenue ...112 dlv M6li| Ada me *•* C . Ind A L. .. 331,:Am. Ex 161 <lo do prf. .. .57 f. S Ex 47 f. A E 111 9k\ Wells b'argo Ex I.® C. A Nw 166',,Am Cot Oil ... 61*4 C. R, 1. A P...111’, do do prf 90 C C.C A Si L. 66-*.:Am Malt 4*4 001. So 71. do do prf .... 23 do do Ist prf < Am Smelt A R 54H do do 2nd prf. 19 j do do prf. ... 97% p. A H 11614 Am. Spirits .... Di p.. L A W. .I*2 | do do prf ....17 {). A R O. ... 22 Am S Hoop ...S3 do do prf 7C.' do do prf 77 Erie 14 Am. S 4 W. ... 49*4 do Ist prf. .. 39S do do prf. .... 59 (1. N prf 1® Am T Plate .. 43*4 Ilock Coal .... 17 ' do do prf 57*, Hock Y’al. ... S9S Am Toh 10*H Jll. Cen 124 V, do do prf ...134 lowa Cen 31 Ana Mm. Cos. .. KT do do prf 47(4 B* R T 7144 LEA W 2714 C. F A Iron ..52V* do do prf 167*4 Con Tob 3664 Lake Shore ... MOV, do do rrf. ....93 LAN 88(4;Fed Steel 58*4 Man I. 110641 do do prf .... 76>* Met. St Ry. ...174 Geb Elec 169 Mex Cen 13'4 (llueo*e Sugar .. 56 M id- St L. .... 64(, do do prf. 182 do do prf. 12 Itit'n'l Paper ... 3164 Mo. Pa 594, do do prf 72(4 M AO 40V, Laclede (las ...73 Mo.. K A T .. 11(4 Nat Bis 394, do do prf 35 do do prf. .... 94’.* N J C 145 |Nat. Lead 3®, N. Y'. C 139, I do do prf 96 N. A W 43 (Nat. Steel SBU. do do prf. .... 8! J do do prf 81V4 No. Pa 7S N. Y A B 153 do do prf ... 8014.N0. Am 17 Ont A W .... Ssli Ph. Coast £9*4 Ore. R. A Nav.. 42 | do do !*( prf. 64 do do prf. . . 76 do do 2nd prf 67 Pennsylvania ...143% Pa Mail 45*4 Reading I9'i Prople's Gas ... 99% do Ist prf. .. SU, P. S. Car 54% do 2nd prf ... 31% do do prf .... *6 R. G W 65 Pull Pal Car. .194 V, do do prf. .... 93 :8. Rope A T. .. 6*, St. LAS F .. 1% Sugar IT!*, do do Ist prf. 72 | do prf 116 do do 2nd prf . 44% T . C. A Iron ... 774, St. L. 8w .... 14". U. 8. leather .. 14 do do, prf ...3114 do do prf VI St iHul 123% V. 8 Rubber ... 36*4 do do prf 175 | no do prf 85 St. P A On. -121 West. Un 64*4 So. Pa 41% II I. A 8 17*4 9V>. By 14% do prf 65 do do prf. .... 63*4 P C. C. A 8t.L55 T. A P 19 Bonds. 11. 8. 2s ref reg 104% 'lo fc* *314 do coup 184% N. T. C Ist* 10916! V. 8 3s, reg I®', N. J C. gen is 126% do 3s. cou|. ~109%'N0 Pac. 3s 78 do new 4* reg. 137% do 4* 10114 do new 4s 00*1.137%:%'. Y. C. A St. L do old 4s reg. 115% 4s 17 do old 4s cou .115% N. A W cen 4s 9964 do 5s reg H26,:Ore. Nav lsa 1® do 5s coup. ...112%i do 4* 184 D. of C. 3 65* .121% o. 8. L. 6, 127% At.*h gen. 4*...10!%! do consol 5w . ..114', do adj. 4* 64% Read, gen 4*.. 59% C. of G. con. ss. 95% R. O. W Ist* 99*4 do Ist Inc. ... 52% si. L A Ir. M do 2nd Inc .... 18 | consol He 1111* Can So 2nd* 1886,* 81. L A San F C. A O. 4V4* 101141 general 6s 126 do 5* 11* St P. consols .173 C. A Nw con i St. P. C. A P. 7s 139 t let* 11* T 4 C. A Nw S F j do 5* 119% deb 5* 119 ISO. Tac 4* 53% Chi Term 4* 94 So Ry. 5* 112*4 Coi. So 4* *3% 8. Rope A T. 6s 71% D. A It O. 4* ..M0 ;Tex. A P. l*4w .116 Erie Gen. 45.... 71% * J F W A D. C. |t\ Pacific 4* 186% Isle 77 I Wabash Ist* ....11% Oen. Elec 5s 142 I do 2nd* 1046, lowa C. I*l* ....116 W Shore 4* ....114V LAN U. 4*. 99-% Wi*. Cent. Ist*. 57% M. A O. 4. bid 56 jV*. Centuries .. 91 M. K A T 2dr 71% New York. Nov. 19 - Bt,re lard OIL 701 0702. Murphy A Co's Stork better. New York. Nov. 1 —The trading ** In Urge volume upon the opening of busi ness on the Stock Exchange this mo-n- Ins and the dealings resulted In rather Irregular changes Profit-taking sales w<-re In enormous volume particularly In the railway list and. In consequence, re .**- slons were fairly common In that quar ter of the market Among the special ties ond Industrial* a number ol exceed ingly sharp advances were scored n ta bly In Colorado fuel and iron, American Steel and Wire. Consolidated Os-. Am r- Ican Smelting and A N C. The local traction stocks were comparatively n g lected end showed only limited changes In prices. The London market for Amer ican stocks showed advances ranting from 14 to over 1 per cent., end st h openlng of business hers foreign house* dealt heavily In thb moiket ant i b Ih sides of the account. There was a vir tual absence of anything new over Sn *av bserlng upon the financial situation Ths close wua strong. Investment dem o and commission home* for high-grade stocks offset heavy liquidation Buying In lower priced Issue*. Chesapeake end Ohio and Ontario ond Western, public demand sufficient to absorb London hold ing. Wire eased ofT on report that ex port trade showing very small p ohts Huger was well 1 aright Traders o- er- Ing shorts. Locals sales. 1.374 *33 ahsr.g HIM.'ELLA*LOI MARKETS. Note—These quotations are revised dolly, awl are kept aa near as possible in "SI - Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Tne—On* Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedule In Effect Nov. 15, 19®, filSAl* DOWN TO TllK kABT jf" READ IT." No .61 No 36 ————— p #nt , a ; Time ) No. X". No. 23 12 SUpm.TT jum l.v Sar.innah ... Ar 1 6 10am, 1 li; m (Eastrrn Time ) || | 4 xipin 4 26ani Ar Blackvlll* Lv|| 3 ®.im| I 07ptn 6 uhpni 6 hunt Ar /■ 1 olumbia l.v 1 J.>m 11 an* 9 10pm 9 4£.ini Ar Charlotte Lv | 9 55pm s Item 11 44pm 23pm Ar Greensboro Lx|| 7 10pm; 5 Mam ’*• 'Cut. Ar ......IV ........... Norlolk l.v s .'i m 1-' ... u. .v. Ar Da ivi le l.v S 48pm 1 4 Stvam *latn 6 .pm Ar"..'.V~’7~ 77'. 11l htuond 7.'. l.v 12 Olptn 11 W|>ui 2 40ani r. 4.lpm Ar l.yn htuTrg Lv|| 3 53pra, I £#m CUm 5 .Ipm Ar Chari .< tesv tile Lv I|n;UMpm 7 3&*m s iopm Ar Washington Lv .11 l£.im 9 s'pm 9 l£am 11 35pm Ar Baltimore l.v 8 22am 8 lipn* 11 35.1 ni 2.V nil Ar Phil .delpbU Lv 1 58im, 6 05m 2 03pm 6 Ar N. w York Lv, 13 Item 1 2>pm • S*pni 300 pm Ar Bo i,.n l.v > '"’pin 18 loam No 36 :1 TO THE NORTH AND WEST || No X> (Central Tin* ) 13 39am l.v Savannah 7 Ar 5 Item (Eastern Time ) 6 AVim l.v Cos umtua l.v | 1 25am 9 .Stem Lv bparLmburg l.v 6 15pm 12 lopm Lv Asheville Lv 3 Olpm 4 tr.'pm Ar Hot fiprlnga Lvjlll 61 m 7 38pm Ar Knoxville Lv | 0 26am "mi \ r . L' XtdftOn lo 10 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv 6 ttopm 6 88pm Ar St Lend* l.v x <*atn 7 item Ar Louisville levjj 7 4&am All trains arrive and depurt from tbaPlan! Ijittn Btnlloo. TIIROI 011 CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS S3 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room SbeiUng Cars between Savan nah and New Y'ork Connect* at WaUvlngton with Colonial lixpre- (or Horton Pullman Shaping Car* between Chari Mte and Richmond and Charlotte aiut Nor folk Dining Cars Serve all meals between Savannah and Washington TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vrstlhulcd limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Boom Sleeping Cars between Sivannah and New Y'ork Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington Also Pullman Drawing Boom Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Lind or the Sky." For complete Information na 10 ratio schedule*, etc apply to F. S GANNON. 3d V. P. A G. M J M CULP. T Yl . W. A TURK. O P. A.. Washington, D. C. S H. HARDWICK. Asst Oen'l Pas* Agent, Atlanta. Ga O GROOVER. Ticket Agent, riant System Stalkui JAMES FREEMAN, C P A T A 141 Bull street. Savannah. Oa . Phones BTB accord with the prevailing wholesale price* Official quotation* are not uaed when they disagree with the prices wliole salers ask Country and Knrlhern Proilnee. POULTRY—The market Is steady. Quo tations: Broilers. 30Sj3£h- |*er pair, half grown. 45496® ; three-fourth# grown. U® 60<*; hens. 65f175c; rtmsler*. 40*1 Wi ; ducks, 501!7fk ; geese. Tfs'dl: '•' EGGS—EYesh , andled. 21c; cold storage, 1903® RUTTER—The lone of the market Is Hrm. Quotations: Western creamery. 194 r 24%c; New York slate dairy, 19033'. exit.i Elgin*, 2fdt26' CHEESE- Market firm. fancy full cream chee,e. 13%c for 20 to 22-pound average, 291|3>-pound averages, 13c. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATGES-Northem. 1.90 sack CABBAGE—6O7c per head ONIONS-Ydßrw. in barrel*. 12®. crates. 90c; red. tt 90. Hreadslutr, Hay and 4*rwln. ElAM’R—Market aleady; (ailent tt .30; straight. $3.90. fancy. $3 75. family, t-1 nO MEAli—Pearl, per barrel. t 2.70, per sack. 11.25, city meal, per sack, boiled, t1.12%40 11.15; water ground. tl.UWil 17%; city grits, sacks. II 30; pearl grll*. liudnuts. per bar rel. 12.75. per sack. 1122%; sundry brands. !i 17**491 If* sack COHN--slarket firm, white. Job Vts, 65c; carload lots. 62c; mixed corn. Job lots. 63c. carload lots. Mb'. RlCE—Msrkei steady; demand good, fancy head. 6c. fancy. 6%c. Prime $ Good 41*04% Fair I 4% Common *% OATS—No. 3 mixed, carload. 23**c; Job loss, 3536 c; white clipped, car*. 36c; Job. 40' BRAN Job 104*. 96c. carload lota. 9® HAY—Market ateadv; No I timothy. 90c. Job Me, No 2. 90c Job; 86c. cat* sugar and CoffTee. SUGAR— Cut loaf 6 19 Diamond A 6 64 Crashed 6 24 Confectioner#* A.5.64 Powdered 6 94 White Extra C.. 6 4 XXXX pow'd ..5 99 Extra C •s•** Granulated 5 64 Golden C 5 06 Cutres 6 99 Yellowa l h Mould A ....... *.6.6tj COFFEE— Mocha 26 clTrlme No. * 11 Java 36 r Good No. 4 10%e pea berry 14 e Fair No 5 10%c Fancy No. 1 12 c|Ordltiary No. 6 in c Chot'-o No 2 ...Uncommon No. T.. 9%c Dried and Evaporated Eralla. APPLES—Evaporated. 707%c; aun dried. 5%0® APRICOTS— Bvsporated. 1® pound; nectarlnca. I®. ItAISINH—L L. I2 l. Imperial rablnet*. *2 75; I'sree. ®-pound boxe#. 6%c pound PEACHES-Bvaporated. pealed, 17%c; unpealed. 8%49*c. PEAKS—Evaporated, B%c Hardware and Hallding Onppllea. I.IME, CALCIUM PLASTER AND Cement—Alabama nd Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80 cent* a barrel; special cal' Ined piaster, tl ® per barrel, hair. 44i5 . Hoaedal* cement. tl ML2S. carload, lots, special; Forlland cement, re -1,11 12 25; carload lots. 52<8)02.20. LUMBER F O. B VBMBLB SAVAN NAH- Minimum, yard sixes, $10.60011.®. car sill* $1210011.®: difficult sixes. sl4.® ',(lß®. skip stock. sl6 ®6|lx.oo, sawn lie*, jiirdls 'd, hewn lie*. 25ti3tr. Olls-Market teady, demand folr; sig nal 4606®, West Virginia black. >ll3c; lard. 66c; nealsfool. 60070 c. machinery. 16 25c. Ilneeerl oil. raw. 76%c; boiled. 76%c; kerosene. prime white. 12c; waier white, 13c; Pratt's aatral. 14c; deodorlged stove gasoline, drume. lt%c; empty oil barrel*, delivered 86c SHOT—Drop, tl B B and large $1 75; chUb-d. t 1.75. IRON—Market very aleady; Swede. W*c NAILS—Cut. s2® base. wire. 12 25 ba#e BAKIIBD WlßE—s3*o per 1® pounds GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin crack shot. s4®; half kegs, t 2 25. quarter kegs, tl $5. champion ducking, quarter kegs. 12.25. I)u|SMit and liaxard smokeless, half kegs 111 35. quarter kegs, |5.75; 1-pound canlslers. 11®. less 26 |>er cent.; Trols dorf smokel'ra powder. 1-pound cans, $1; 10-pound cans, 9® pound ball. Hides anil Wool. SALT—Demand Is fair and the market steady, lots. 100-pound burlap sacks. 64c; 110-pound cotton sacke. 46c; 110-pound burtap sack*. 4%c; 110-pound cotton sacks, 49%: , 125-pound burlap sacks. 56c; 126-pound cotton sacks, 66c; 2ki- pound burlap sacks. 86c HlDES—Market tlrm. dry flint. !3%c dry salt. U%c. green aalted, ®. WOOL—Nominal, prime Georgia, free of sand bur* and black wool. 19c; black. 16c; burry. 1® Wax. 25c; tallow. s%c. Leer skin*. 20r Praia and 6ls. APPLES—Northern variety. $2,600X25. ORANGES—(FIa 1 J 2 SOJ ® per box PRUKEB—toe to Ke. I®. 6ns ® to*. B%c. 60s to 7® 7< . TO* to 90s. *%c; to a to 90s. 45 0 Ks to 100a, 5%c. KAN AN All—tl .2502 ® bunch. LEMONS-Market steady at $2 50. "COCOA NUTS—It. 25. PEANUT*-Ample atock. fair demand; market tlrm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 4%c; hand-picked Virginia, ex tra#.*4%e; N. C. seed peanut*. 4c NUTS—(Almond#. Tarragona 16c; Ivlcas i*c; walnuts. French. 12c; Naples 12c; pecan*. 12c i Braxlls 13c; Alberts. 12c; as sorted nuts, 60-pouud and 26-pound coxes, 120. , Cotton llasstng and Ties. BAGGING—Market ftvm: Jue. 2% pound t'sc; large kite. 9'ic; small bits. 2 pound. *%*i9l% -pound. 8%08%c; sea Island bagging. 12%c. TlES— Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large lota. tl.4u. small 6ns. $1 sft. IKacan. Ilaut# and Lard. BACON—Market firm; D S C R aides, 7 1 ** . D S bellies. B%c (Euslern). ac- I ordlng lo average slxe; D H. Ilrllle#, *%c (Weafernl smoked C. 11 sides. k%c. HAMS- Sugar cured, lH*ol2%c. LARD— Pure. In llercen, B%c. In to- IHitind tin# and Mi |Hind lub*. B%c. compound. In tierces*. 6%c; r*o-|>ound litis, and Me pound Subs, 6%c. VMM KILAMOOm. FlSH—Madcerel, halflairrel#. No 1, t*OT; No 2, s7®; No J. $5 75. klls. No I. II 3"; No 2. |l 10; Nn 3. 85 ('odflfth, l-poun<l bricks. 6%c; 2-pound bricks. 6c. Smoked herring, per lx. 174|19c Dutch herring. In kegs, |1 10; new mullets, half barrel*. $175. SYRUP—Merkel qigel; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2602®; selling at 32035 c; sugar houwe al 10O16r. HONEY Fair demand, strained. In bar rels, 56060 c gallon High wines liasls. II 27 111 116% KH BIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Roelon. |r cwt.. 26c; lo New York. |er cwt.. 2®; *0 Iffillsdelphla. per bale, |l; Baltimore 11 FOREIGN DlHßUT—Bremen, toe; Mv erpnil, 4ftc; Hamburg. 4*c; Genoa. 48c; Barcelona. 66c; Manchester. 45c; Havre, 40c; Antwerp. 45> LUMBER—By Ball—Freight* steady; lo Halltmore and eastward. s4.® lo $5,75 ler M. Including Portland. LUMBER—Ry Steam Savannah to Baltimore, ss.®; lo P. II R . or 14 and O d>M'k*. ssfo; to Philadelphia. 16%c per cwt. (4 pound* lo Beat; lo New York. $! 50 per M. $7 25 lo dork, lightered to Boston. $8.50 NAVAL STORES—The market la firm; medium slxe veasel*. Iloaln—(*cgk. lor order*. 2# 6d per turrel of 3'.ft pound#, ami 5 per rent, primage. Spirit#, 6# 9d (a*r 40 gallon# gross, and 6 per cent primage lairge veseela, rosin, 3. splrlla. 4e -A. Steam 11c IST 1® liound# on rosin, 31%c on spirits. Savannah to lloalon. and 3%: on rosin and 19c on splrlla lo New York GRAIN, rilOVialONS. BTC. New York. Nov 19.—Flour, qulel ami barely steady, closing weak and lower to tell In symputhy with wheal. Rye flour, dull. Corn meal, quiet. Rye, steady Barley, steady. Barley malt. dull. Wheat—Bpot, weak; No 2 red. T7%r; option# opened firm and were strong all morning on a demand from aborts, based on higher rabies. unexpectedly Muall world's shipment* and prediction* that the visible might decrease The fact that the latter actually showed a large Increase, therefore naturally started heavy aelMng In the afternoon which broke the market severely Closed weak at Nfftyi nel dr - eltne. March. 80. sMay. 79%0; November, 76%r. Tiecemher. 76%r. Corn- -Hpol. easy; No 2. 45%r; option* were at flrst stronger on unfavorable weather news, the rise In wheal and a further #queege of November shorts at Chicago. Following the late wheat break, however, the market reacted and cloned weak al unchanged prices. May 41%r; December. 42%c. Oats—Bpot, dull; No. 2,36 c; options, dull and unsettled, closing easy. Beef, steady Cut meat*, easy; plekled shoulder*. *r. pickled hams Lard, ateady; Western steamed, 17 82%. November closed, f! ® nominal; refined, aleady; continent, $7 70 Pork, ateady Potatoes quiet: Jerseys $1 OfH Ml Nw Vork $1110175; Ing Island. $1.t001.75, Jersey sweets, $] 5002 50, Tallow, firm, rctroteum. dull. Rosin, steady. Aurpenttne easy; 44f144%e. Rice, otesdy. Coffee, spot Rio, ateady; No 7. Invoice, 7%c. mild quiet; Cor<lova, 9%013%<\ Business on the Coffee Exchange wms decidedly more active to-day. The mar ket opened steady al unchanged prices, and ruled 1001* point# higher on cover ing. following Isle protracted and largo decline. The advance wa checked In g way by lower European and Itraxlltin ca bles. Bhorts were ihe leading tatter* At the close th# market * firm at a net gain for the day of $Ol5 points Total sales were 46,25(1 lag*. Including Novem ber. 6.90 c. Dremher. 6.4006 50c; January. 4.56 c, March. 6 6006 70c. Sugar raw. firm; fair refining. *%c; cen trifugal. 96-test, 4%c; molasses sugar. S%e; refined ateady. Butler, steady; creamery. 19027-; stale dairy. 16025 c Cheese quiet: large. Beptember. fancy, lft%c; small do do. lie. peanuts, steady; fancy hand-picked. 4% 03c oiher domestic. 4c Freights to Liverpool, steady; cotton by •team. 25c. COTTON *Ki:i) Oil New York. Nov. 19 —Cot ton seed oil was not quite so firm and rule I dull Prime crude, barrel*. 29c. n mln-d; prt me summer yellow, 33c; off summer yellow, 3280"; prime winter yellow. 26040 c. prime white, 3708 c; prime meal. lAI. U 836-5). CHICAGO MA3U6KT9. Chicago. Nor. 19—A feature of to-day’s Board of Trade session was the flurry In November corn. Fears of a corner in Plant System of Railways. Train* by K>th m*r!<lUn tlm#^ On* hour nlowrr than < My Mm*. In ffTect Oct. 1. l0i). ’"All trains ivannah Until Ar in S IS nn Htiv.iniuh | 1 00 m b *■ *m; .Wajrorotf. jio IS *m t 1* im| JnclivonvPle !2 10 n'n b '> pm .. .nnd Florkla | 7 uo pm Kftwpco l mi SavAnnth !S 45 am b t am i'h irl'-ton 7 lo am 12 ID cr n .m<l Kant }< 10 pm Com .1 tlona a* l*orl iampn with I’an lnuUr anti o■* nlal xi-uiurr* Itravln* for Ky Want ant lUvanw MunOnya. Thup day* and B*f*irday*, II M p •. Call at Titkrf om*.a for furthar infop maflon J H. POI.HKMI'H, T r A . WAKD r ’I,A 11K City Aa^nt. Haiti l|ii|f*| I'nnnr* 73 B W. WHI NS’ rasangr Traffic Man ag*r. Bavannah. On JIS H hMula FfPnctlm Ift W n'rainit arrive at and depart from Central BialWm. W*t Broad. f*N t f l.ltuTty atreel. -•ftth M<rMtati Tliih -One* hour alowrf lhan * P > (line 1 Arrtva Savannah: B.ivannah: • * M** • i Allan'(• •H Covlmrton. MltlMlßevtllr •* ODpm {and InitnMdlato pMMMi) jAufftiftta, Minn. Atlanta. | \|nnißwner y( Co-j *9 Oftpm liimhu-'*. lUrrnlnifliani. Anv Oftaca _ [erlrua, Eufaula ard Troy | 4 O'pm Dm r Accommodation jf7 ttain *2 OOprn Ouyton Dinner Train |!4 **' ill V 1.4 . ;.| Sillltlav. hkt\vi:kn hayannaii and t^yhcc. 75tli meridian or Havannah dfy Him. LISAVI3 SAVANNAH Monday only ♦; z, cn !>aily xc#pt Monday 3O a m Hally 3 ftp p. m LKAVE TYBBK Mnral.iy only 7.1S a in iMilly eacapt Montlny 10:25 a. m Hally 630 p nv t'onnaciiooM made at terminal point* with alt iruins Northwest, Waal aod Houth wet. Bleeidn* ears on nl*ht tralna between Havannah and Aii||iiela v M on. A Manta and Itlrminfrnam. I'arlor c*ni on day train* between As - Mkoi and Atlanta. *'nnlrto In form* i lon, a hfdulat, rate* arxl niniiff tlont, ti|*j4> lo w il BREW MR. city Ticket and Pats anipr Aaant. 107 Bull atraat. or W R McINTYRM. Hapof Tlekei Affent. J C II A 11. K. Heneral Paaaenfrr Agent. K II If INTr >N. TrafTlf Manairer. TIIICO. D. KLINE, Get Huper Imendant. ftavannah. (ia. /^^.Vestibuieq awpfpi (imited Oouble Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Washington Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and the Kaal | No. 44 | No m I.v Havnnnah. 8 A U Ry 12 ttpnkll Mpni Ar Columbia. H A U. Hy: 4 3* ( an 4 Hwi Ar Raleigh, H. A I* 8y... II 3Tpm|U Mam Ar Durham. H A. U Hy.. 7 ahum, 4 llpm Ar I'etrrahurg, 8 A L Ry 4 Uam 4 Mptn Ar Richmond. 8 A U Ry i Item S 40pm Ar Waahltrgtun. IVnna.... * 4tem 4 Npm Ar llaltlmorc. I’rnna lous . m : Apm Ar l‘hlla<ielphl:i. I‘vnna.... U 17pm 3 Mam Ar Nra York. I’entr.i 3 U3pm • 13am | No 44 No Ev Havannah. 8 A I, Ry|l3 Kpmlll 64pm Ar rorim>uth. 8. A. 1. Ityj 7 oam| C Oupm Steamer leave Norfolk (tally, except Hominy for llaltlmore. rhlladeiphltt and Now York, arid dally for Wnehlnatoo. The abort line to Montgomery. Molrlto and New Orlr-arta, leaving Savannah at 7:S a. m.. arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p m . at whleh jroint rlom connection la made with Ihe I, A N It R., arriving at Mobile 3.U6 a. m and New Orlaana 7.40 a. m. The abort lino to l>rn.ifwtlna. Jarkson vllle. Tampa and other I'lnrlda point* | No. 17 | No >1 I.v Hnvannah. 8 A. I. Ry r> (Mam 307 pm Ar Fernandlna, SAU Hy 9 Stem 9 (llpm Ar Jar kronvllle. H A L Ry 9 loam 7 4upm Ar Tampa. H. A. 1.. Ry.... S lOpm* * 34am Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping ear service to Washington. Baltimore Philo delphla and New York, also to Jackson ville and Tamps Dining cars fioni Havannah to Hamlet and Richmond to New York. Buffet t sir lor cars Havannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply !• Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan street*. Phone 2k that option caused sn advance at one time of HV The close eras at l%e ad vance. leading future# In wheat and corn, though opening firm, were later af fected by a lilt Increase In the vlutb'a supply and dosed weak. December wheat V lower and December corn 4c lower Ix-cemlier oats declined lac. Provtalong were liarely steady and closed unchanged to 2%r higher. The loading futures ranged as fallows: Opening Highest.Lnwest.cioatng. Wheat. No, J Nov 714 714 70% % Dec 7148714 71% 7<% 70% Jan 7*487344 7244 71% 71%T1% Corn. No 3 Nov MViMi 431a 39% 4944 Dec 3544*35% 37.% * VJUi 3514 May ftJc'4 3th, 55** ■% Oats. No J Nov 2D* 314 34 31% Dec 22 22i* 2146214 21%#W% May 24 21% *3% 23% Mess Pork, per barrel— Nov *lO 60 * * *lO !0 Jan 11(0 1175 H *> 1104 Slay 11 (5 11 5 U 5 11 to Lard, per MO pounds- Nov .. 7 13% 7 1.1 712% 7 !S% Dec 9S n% 0 95 MS Jan S Hr, 1.174 o*s MS May 90 M *7% ‘7% snort KUi*. per 1< t>ounde— Nov ... 74 T 4 7(3% 70% Jen * (774 • * Cash quotations were as follows: Flour easy. No. 1 opting wheat. (TflTlo; No I red, 714874 c No 2 corn. *o'*B4o%c; No 2 yellow, 4f)44040. No. 2 white oats, m%e; No 3 whtts. 23442544 r No * rye, 44%’ Good feeding barley. VaJiUc. fair to choice malting. (Oc. No. 1 tlaxssed, *l*44; No. 1 Northwestern. Jl.fg. Prime timothy wed. *4-30 Mess pork, per barrel. *10.504410.044. Lard, par 109 pounds *7124 87.39. Short ribs shies, ksoss. *7.354*7.75. Dry sailed shoulder*, boxed. 5% B’He. Short clear sides, boxed, *( 7384. M. Whla ky, basts of high wines, *l*7. 9