The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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the morning news ] .labiu • is- 1 • - Incorporated 1W J II KSTII.U lTrl*nt. H 1 IB" The Cry Raised in Marseilles When Kruger Landed. POLICE CALLED ON TO ACT. Enthusiasm Marked Landioii ol the Boer President. WARM WELCOME GIVEN HIM jirik r Declared the Boers Would .Never Surrender. MamlllM. NOV. 32 -T-1y prowl a <rlumi>h lor Mr Kniar ,u<-h a, even th. jio. r an.l hi, most ardent uA tnirer* billed to intldpitf Tl- I© Irlum of enthusiasm which : irk'-l ©very st©p of h.s progr©** from i tin*.' he landed until th© hotel was j i h and wan a ri‘Vi iatlon even t th** j **o. j • of .\lar*allle* themselves. It fully * ium. i! if It did not surpa s. th** frantic mn s’ihiion of patriotism with which Irn> • ened her arms to MaJ Murh i and a * Toulon on his return from Fa l odo Xn assembly of such niasnei. exceeding n he moit sanguine estimate. might I rhap* he partly explained by the cere r ntoim of the Hi*h< p of Mar t I***-. including an imposing religious > c©*tdon fr. m the cathedral, hut notli ran minimize the spontaneous * n of sentiment lisplnypil tow-jrl Mr I. uy.r by th** entire population of th© t port, and one of the largest cl tic* of 3 liter. Vet the grandeur of tills demon*!ratlin, p -haps rank* second In Importance to t emphatic manlfe to* of *no compro r -©." which Mr. Krup r delivered in a a voi •©. but one vibrating w ith emo t n a omponied by energetic gesture* of \cat -hr hand, stlrrtng the heart* of all v *i hearing. last sentence* of hi* declaration \ uttered with a vigor ami decision v i bora out hi.** reputation as the in • i tlon of Iron will ami stubborn re- lll** Hi nv re lalftv*ry o' a ihclaru • - ~f *.ch far*reaching Importance !•••*- t i,* th'* inde,end**nee * f Ills ch ir:i ■- t (8 it came ,i- a surprise c\en t hi* r intitio to political uuvi-iT*. who u; i- !ii* last were in Ignorance of hla d— i iination. \ittl-ItrtiUli liemonatration. An unfortunate occurrence at the hotel r the mu in boulevard ulone marred th* t\, • i*ier of the demon*! rat loti, which up c.t na/ment had been unanimously * exclusively a tribute of sympathy and i {ration. Ive Kruger!" "Vive I* Boers!" an l ii lib* rte!" wer* the cries that : ii hurricane of cheering and swept > i!u* city, Unfortunately the high y r i iieibb* f ollshn©* of half a doaen in throwing small coin a into th t .as Mr Kruger pass'd acted Ilk© in conjuring up an anti-British out whlch it ne# dtd nil the prom pt Bud© r nergy of th* police to prevent be c i: a *. rlou* dlst urbane©. hotel remained for the real of the ti a, • stale of siege. while, at one tlm*'. • . 1 ion several thousand strong, r >ii in the direction of the British at*-, shouting "Down with the Kng i and raising o:h*r threatening CD© ? r- *u!t was that u strong body of { • was compelled to diapers© the *k n ‘ i .r*. although It wns not found 1 * ary to m.rke more than a few leni- I* *r arrestd. ighout h© evening, however, large of studema and other youths inarcn iii.i down in front of Mr Kruger’s *■ ind of th© hotel which was th© * i of the unfortunate incklent, cheer * horue for Mr. Kruger ami the oil. and denoiiuitig England, demonstrators were more noisy •iun* • r.'U*. and th© police wisely Pft ■ t. relieve their fe*.iiig* hy shouting. *l *' Interfering w th them, which r ti have created dlwikr. >©••© nt tlie I.finding. • 1 Kruger, formerly Ptealdcnt of Ih© •i Afr i un Republic, linded here at a. m • * ’n al the landing place was ;.n one. The decks nf all steamer* 1 • l.yon* ba-in were c*owd© 1 with The crowd swelx#! to great " rtion* as the news sprsud through f .at the (i* Idcriutiil lad * nt-red 1 harior. Ino r thw©st #y|nd. w hich ret In dur ’! night, ci.-areii away ypst* r.a . cd the nntrnlng broke •resh, l**t 1 igiit The inntf harlior ! t* * gayer for th© decoration of a r of Fr©nch yachts with rsultl- l- M ign und |©nnants. imctix whl h 1 flags wer© prominently di*phyed. <©ilarui wi- sighted several • ut in nn* morning, and Dr Loyd-* 1 M>*srs Fischer and Wesaels, %n In “• r. and Dr. Nan Hamrnel Intncdft -Ir. .-.• led to th© Dutch warsllp in in .uuocii un*l loard*d her. A cot:* t.* ivv..n th© Bo'-r leaders envied, • the < Iclderland was slowed dowrlle -• • Dland *f the Chateau d’lf. "run nod tliere until 10 o’clock w|rn <• jmwl into the outer harbor, firtig *te of tw-©nty-ono gun*, to which 1 i'attery* replied. , OHderland was decornlod with flout • iit>ow fashion An outburst of cheer f'f in on board the vowels In the har announced to those awaiting to re film that Mr. Kruger hl loft tin-' - il.siml ii ij j (aw minutes lator to" ■ of th* <iol loriand. with th* Dutch ft.' ng at her stern, a gold laced of tarsding at tha tiller and a group ot ,n sitting tn her stern. In the esn r • e untnltiakable figure of the former * r president, was seen approaching the 1 stage. His lint Rased In Crape. " companions, Messrs. Fischer. Wes **'* *nd other* were bareheaded. Mr. Jsatoamtal) Morning Kruger wa* wearing a tail hat bound 1 with daep crape and much tne worse for wear. i% till* k. dark v* r***at ant muf fler in I Meel-rimmed **!*> *• s A* h* approached the whore h* rai*- and hi* hat j and acknowledged the cheering He *eem- i atrong and h id no r *1 of a helping j arm from the Ivarge to the shore Mr. Kruger was borne on an Irrewistl- I hie wav* of enthusiasm fr*m in*- landing stag** to hi* hotel. The brqod streets and boulevard* through which the route lay presented a i*erf*- , t sea of human b ang-, i all gathered ther** iromi*ted hv the unant* | lo i II star -mar From the moitiei t th* white, t w ••ive-emred bulge !*• f t the eld* of ♦ h* Geiderlnn* I wiiti Mr. Kruger, who appeared to h** In good , health, sitting in her -tern surround* l , ly tne Boer represent at iwe. inludlng I*r. mid M--srw l**ie- * r anl W- •**• *• a s***rm of cheering hrok* and n**v<-r **m (! until Mr Kriig*r <*nt**red nls hotel Kvi-r; then *• vast * • out ~ of (N-op.e remained in front of the hiiMuig until Mr Kruger ap;*i ar*d on the balcony, ki> •wl.mlc I rli*- i.mi * -of hie thou- t.*- of a'knlr' is i\ cont i. i* and cheer ing until they were h**urs* with -houtlng. H**l lying to the .i-1r• -*• s of w ' *>me of th* presidents f t a Purl- msl Matwelll* * <*• inmittcTs. Mr Kruger .*i**k in Dutch. •*.*l in a low vol • •*ampnnying h: * wotds with epergitlc movements of hi* }**. wht i he h*'**l ii. his right bund, lb said: President Kruger's "I thank ihe pr.-id- nt of the M *r e|l>g committee and t!i* pr. >id*nt of the t>.- tral (Aimmltt* e *f the ln-l* |- • deuce of the Beer* tor their w I oine. J tuank all this popu!aii*>ii ass-m *;s| In g’*ft on* course t( r* • t m** ur although i w*i mourning f*>r th** misfortune* of my coun try, and although I have no* com** t *#-ek festivities, still, I. neverths’e-*. i< ce, t with all my heart th*-* ac. .motions, U r I know they are dictated to y- u by the emotions which at* ii -* lr.- i | you by our trlaN and by yo r **v input iiy i r our ause, which is that f iil* ry. whic h iwwkoned you. I mi truly proud and happv n having a m point o ! Haling , port in I' -c, * s.-f not n fre* soil and t in recelv*sl lv you as freemen. But mv first duty le to thank > ur g*)vernment f*r all th- token* oi In reM that again only recently it was pleased to give me. I be leve England, had she been Informed, would n v*r have con sen let I to tills war and since th* **x- of Jameson, who wished to *elxe tlie two republic* without the necessity or firing a rifle shot 1 have never cased to demand a tribunal of .ti itrf :<-n, which up u< now has alw i>i been r* Iu *-1. Will \r%er Surrender. "Th** war wegtd on us in th*- two re public* n-a* he-i the last iiinite of bur itgrlmn. During my I f** I hiv*- had t •ight many time* the savage* , th** tribe!* of Africa, but the barbarian* w.- have t * ! gill now at*- w< is*- than t • others. They • •veil urge the against us They i ui ii the farm* w* w*)rk*l -•* hanl to con struct and they drive out our w >:n*-n and children, whose husband* and brother* iey have kill* and or taken prisoner*, leav ing them unprotected ind ro*>ti* ss. and of i> n without hr* *>l to eat But. whatever they may do. will never surrender. We will fight to th- end Our gr. a*, imperish able <\*nhden e r*-|s*.***s .n th*- eternal. In .*ir G and Me know our ause Is Jusi. and If the Justice of men Is wanting to u* lie, the Eteriml, who is master of all ph*e, nnl to whom belong* the future, will never abandon ur I assure >.m that if the Transvaal am! the Orange Free Suite must !•* their in d pendent e it w ill b- lx ause .*ll tl* Beer p. .l*!e have l* -n and strcye*l with th**lr wo. turn nn I children " I.reeled tilth th err*. The d<--kiration that th* kwr* would pot surrender dispelled nt on*-** any lm pr. .-ion that Mi Kru c-r Intemls to - v-pt i compr mis<* from th‘ Brltlwh gov ernment. Ill** nnnoun<' m**M was greet • ■ •Kruger! Vive le* Boers’ Vive le llberte!" The sun was shining down on Mr Kru ger and he held his hit to shad* his eye* from tin* glare, which, apparently, was painful to hb eves A* h*- si*iod in this attitude, his head slig *I >* bow* and. with his hair hrushctl hack, he was an unutter ably pathetic figure, which at one* w.n th* sv m|Hihy and reverence of every per son present. X Tliundero#!* Ovation. The s|>*“ .making over, a profession w h form' and and Mr Kruger was >cort©! to hi* ho©i amid th© o him.itlona of th© crowd-* which Mr. Kruger r©p©aied!y ac knowledges!. S*e*n after arriving at the hotel, in r*‘- s|onso to a thumieroui- ovation, he ap peared on the balcony ami repeaiedly l*owed, but ns some ten minut©* *la|- ‘'l without . *ign of abatement in th© * thuola md he opoke a faff wotds whl h were in(erpr>'tel in Freiwh by Dr. Leyd>. Hid were toll*lived by 14 renewal of the frenzy. Finally, to testify his gratitude, he took in his hand corner of tu© French tri-color that woe flying from 'be balcony between the Transvaal and Free Suite flag* and prs*d i'im to hi* heart again and again. Tn© enthusiastic people cheer© 1 him until h© withdr* w to hi* rooms which h© found half-fill*-d with bouquets aisl gariatMla presentid by iik* admirers. The prefe. t nn<l mayor thin Cußel to pay their r* -t*©e(- tlie latter making an eloquent *pe*ch in *>mpathy with tt a floors. Mr. Kruger replied briefly, declaring how deeply !#• had b©**r lou died by th© un#tg|H.cted warmth of hi* re iMeiiMi in Marseilles and by the sympathy of the French people. Arfer luncheon aid i little rejioe© Mr Kruger dv.-cend***! to the hall of th* lio tei. where h© recehed the ddegatlo s This proved t** fatiguing at and In* .*“kel tiKit the addr* *l* pr© * nted to him in writing and Ihen wltiidrew again to ns ap.rtment*. where h< |gtj-*ed the eveidng quietly, r© eivlng no one. XVIII xt Xflrßti 11*© llM**|nrl, Dr. Lryds represented him at th© ban quet given In his honor, where all the Boer official* and numbers of the pro iu>. r committees w©r present, and read th© following mcssiigi- from him: •*I am fatlgu* 1 and am In mourning Moreover, I never attend banquet*. Oth# r wis* 'I should have liked to hav© *n©nt a few minutes with you and to thank you l shall never fo’-g©* th© warm welcome I have had in your beautiful city. Your r© reptlcn of me hi* surpassed all I could have expected ev©n from tiif dty which tfuv© France her admlrnbla national hymn, that Marseillaise’ wh < h is the s -ne of ail peoples whose indepen ience I* threatened, •ir.d who ar© struggling against invuder* • I would that your acclamation could haV a been heafd by all those Boer* In H rm* who ar© en am pod In our moun ta,n- Th©v would thank you from the bottom of lluir heart*. I thank you on b-hatf. . "Could 1 have heen with you I should have also espressc-1 my thanks to all France and wou’d havr raised my glass in honor of her worthy rrealdent, M LoJ tat." . . I)r Leyds then said: "In the name of President Kruger 1 h, v „ the honor to drink to the health of Cos President of tha French RopuWtc gr Kruger will leave for Parts at o'Sock to-roorrow morning, remaining (Continued on Fifth Page.) SAVANNAH, GA.a FIH DAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1 mm. BOWDEN REAPPEARS in: w as m min i) m i\\: m i x IMIOUM.II \l HHId. HAD HEAVY LIFE INSURANCE. lin lit* .11 T IIKT* RM'A TO 111-110*11. 110*11. m:*u < iili *im *. .iil.l ||,. to l<••■l•■o••n•l iin.l lln.l Not llruril of III* 1.-|..>rt-.l llrMtli. !.>■ I'omlll I ■|>l,,.NHlni > . \*n. |M- <■■ of Ilia l.r<iK-TlliTf *Vo n I.OOM —aroh on r,>-r for III* 11..i11—111. Hi-tnril I n s—n.u t ion. Columbu*. C*a.. Nov C —Mr W. O , Howiirr, who kh rrporiol drownol at Ttlar lat Kumm. i, nn i for ho* a .nil . h na. Krf>* up f..r day*, turned up 10-rlahi eafo an] noun.! II- ram. down on 10-night'e tiouthern (rain from Atlanta anil *tm off it Utr fam ily home-teed at Kl it Kork, in thi- north, rrn yait of the I.a.f Aueu.t Mr. Rowdrn went dawn to Havammli with a rriativr, j.rr.umahly on an oultr.K fie wn rrr. rte.l !•> li|. rela tlve. and frlrnda to have jtnne In halhiny at Tyt>— one nlcht ll<* did not roiurn liom flir hrH.'h, eo far a aa. known, and era* yen.rally rrport.-1 ilrowrr.l A lon* narrh aaa mnd>- for til Ihvlv mhlrh was perron ally ■ durf.-d by h: * brother. Nrw ll K Bownlon. a rv. 11-known yoona builtw— mati of f-o.umbu*. It limld r.ol ho found, however, and aurprlao wa. eauard thereby, a* lol.r. n: porron. drowno.l ofT Tybee are aimo.t In variwhlv iccovared. Mr liowdrn carrln.l hei-wren IIVO' and |30,000 In.uranr®. Th- c.anpanlrw r fu-ol lo make payment until they Invo.-tlaa •! the cane. The repnwentotlve * onc of tlo* comimiles wren! down to Tybee p* r omally to InvestlKuti None f Uie •urance com|.*nb * bavo i aid ka II- Mont to Itlelimnnd. To po*.ongor on tin* train t,.ulaht Mr I-owdrn statrd that ho left ' bimbos ..n aorount ol family uniilrasant n. s that ho went liom here to Bwtannwh and 81- v.iuuah to Klohmond. %.1 lie ay thit he did not know of the repotl th it he wo* drowned. He fell .'ok in Kichmotvi and -ra. 11l *evorl week*. fpon hl recovery, bo etartod homo, ai ■! whon he roachr.l Atlanta to-day. bo i>* that ho llr.t hoard ofhla reported death KoKardlng bia Inauranre, hr .aid that II any of It had l*on paid, ho w. 1 I hav. r* j.a, I the Ineuren o company. Mr. Howden’a lather. Mr M M. How ,|rn. n prominent cltiaen of thla county, .Hod throo work* ago. and he said to nlKhl that he had ju.t heard of It to-duy The return of Mr. 80w.1.-n ha. natural* ly create.l u son.nlion, ■ he I* w* .1 known, and laM .prln* wa* a candidate for the l.o(l*Sature Havannahlan* will readily ro all lh story of Bowden'a aliened drowidnif. 11. camn to Savannah with hla hroihoi-In law* from C'olumhu*. and the two r* Kh torod at the 1-ula.kl Houae. On 11 Sun day afternoon they w<n to Tybee, and about 10 o'ekK-k thal niaht the brother- In-law -ought Proprietor Char.ea F. (Ira liam of the Hotel Tybee and nodth-l him that llowdr-n had undn -.• and on the hc.uh more than an hour before, leaving hi* ckithca In hi. brother-in-law* . are. ulul if.yno Into the water for a ewlm. The brother-ln-luw hail sat uimu the c.othe*. which had been plact il on a 10. to keep the wind from blowlnk them uwa>. t'rcdence va. alven the atory, aiwl Jl otK'e a numtier of per.on, i.-iran to walk the beach In seerch of ltow.len or hi* body. The eearvh re.ulled In no dliicov ery. and It wa, not lontf l.'fore doubt, of the .lory were exp re (wed. A* hour* IMf-ed am! the body wa* not ill* -over.-d and nnuKhi wa* learned of ltowden, thi-.e .kiubia Increased, ami .011 many were .avuiK that they* did not 1.-lleve the man had lieeri drowned. The rtory of Ihe In- Mirancr* got ahro.ul, a motive wa. ,u*- t->cte*l. nud ihe number of doubter* grew. Half a doaen Ineuram e men, repre*. niing . oni|ianle* In Which Bmvden held pollcle.. aggregailng atiout ISu.unt), have InveMlga;- i*| the ca*e at varlou, tlmca with no ■atl.faeiory reault,. Bowden eoeei-aled all traces of hi* movement, well. Whether or not thin wa* by design, the tart remain, thal no track could he discovered lie had practically parsed out of existence, ami, Were It not for the above dispatch, none here would know that the theory of hi, not having been drowned wa, correct. M . r. CAHTKII IX I*AHUO\KI>. former l’mlm,.lrr at Xlelilrim to Hr f.lvrn l.iherty. Columbus, 0., Nov. 22—president Mc- Kinley granted a pardon thi* afternoon to tv K. faner. who I, serving a two year,' ~ utenee fr<im tleorgta for the embexxo*. m< nt of po*lofTi< e funds. Carter was chairman of the State Popu list Comm.tlee of Georgia, and po.(mas ter in a small town, it was charged that hi used a portion of the fund, for politi cal purposes. Carter Is suffering from a complication of diseases. Standard Oil SHU Koine Ip Sew York. Nov. 12—Standard Oil shares made anofher new htgh record to day, selling up to 1741 a share ‘•ex-dlvt dend.” This represents a Jump of II points for Ihe day and Is equivalent to nn advance of II points, the dividend be ing 10 per cent MINISTERS MAY NOT AGREE. I lllltfHf Xs*KtlMf £•• ll* Mill l l.*lk I liaollt*—**r> Hill. llm Hfrn ll*nril Krom I nrr. W a**hlngton. Non . 22- Th** Hiritr D* |4ir - iii* nl no fur iiHn lirgrd nothing fr**m Mr 1 *’kgig.*r r* .i ** ti i* tfie r*pori *l in iKive turn reach* .I hv tht J m!f)it*r > In f * * ►<iv*' i hrl*f *xi r* *ton ct- ! it 4? th* in* fh. it'iioy of ttir punl*hment j. ~* . . i.> :ii*‘ t’fr.iitH*-. government o U* i rti I u|gm thi* re*|M>ntt>o of th* iu\* r m.v* m**ni, Mr. Conge." h.i* n* i txHiiinuiiii .iterl \siih tlie I* ji.irtniont , for m if than .i wn-k. , , > i. u • M l f r* -*!,.■ thi" matter of panUhinont*. th* St ilt* I)*p.irtni**ni ha carneatly •**!- ; vi. . i li .in i.>t i inlii u |*on ImjK li.'lbl# conJllionit in th** negotiation*. An itilri*-siliiig iiroblem In !*ngg**plt>l h> th* j* *xihility, nhi‘h to-*lay .* aimot * 11 uhahiilly, that th** minimi* r* n*pre**rx trig l ow. r - at ivkin * aimot reach an iigr* • ment If llu *id, l iah ♦* llWl the I nilevi Suit* > t refuse to ac* *|>t the German ilr., a* m lonUvd by ihe llrfdah r|*r.-h niu’ivo \rry mu eh would -lepend ii|>on JiiKin, and even *om >f tla* Fow*m !...*• • ni*J ut Pekin by mkil*- m i it gr*.t power In awaylng lh* i • • •iling* of the rounoil The iinir* >ion *• mu lo l*** that if * nii}oiil> tf ii;. mlniatrr*-. r |e rhap* even fin of ihe r* ,* <• fi.ia’lv* * *f a g>eal Pow #r, wlthhoHe • nt to lUo agrewment. then the w nol* undertaking fall*. an*l then' mu i I either f**b negotiation* <llrerti> l* iw*> n tlx* home governmeni* in the effort to agree upon new ha* of art ion. or tin* Power* inuat pro *"l <o with ti * r in •• pliuitlon vingly. oj In gtoup'. th* latter eontlnjceney having l n :imW*<i for in th** Her man-Bril l* h gr***t ment UTOIXThIAT € \M Pit. I .80. lint Innlher IIhI i hlinunnn "*• l*nt In 4 lianK * *lnee. London. Nov. 2! Dr Morrlaon. wiring to the Time* fri ni !'*kln TueMiay. *ay*: 'The iipp./lntmeni of Yu Chang a* g‘v ertu r of tlo* province of Hu l*et |i*h been , iM .il.,i Till- wu* due to the *trenuou i:n h iiioi..*.t Chlng H-Ing. tr.-.-ur**r r f H Nan. who ha* he*n ap|H.>inrd in Ills |* a *• 1 regarded ht ntoat • jua •> ohj* 'tl >n.i :*>. ■•*! he f..:*lgn envoys have agree*! that ti * •oi >'f*i<nt ha I fith which the Chl n*-*e hav* ehtfwrn tn dl** mlooting abroad . id g nu le*in c shall ba nt of4td in th* pr* imblfi to the conjoint note. It rejM.rted I hat Chlntse hive r* pnßffl a Gei man expedition, but no de taiU h \** been rectivad.* * i y ut u ii iii;po4Ti:o dead. •lut the Mun US* I nfonnded, • He I* \<m lin|iro % I iim • Brii-e* *. Nov. 22 A private telegram from I fit make* the ae- rtum that the is dead There |* no confirmation fioin any other wmree. 1 a >i:<)■ *n. No\ 2-t The rumor of the < r,n <!♦ i h apt**‘ ; ira to have leen tin fnuici . Nothing to * onflrm It hi* been r* •iv * lii the Btowlan in Ber lin ami I niD 11.*ft the ombaasy here ha* r* • lv*sl nothing *lnco the hulletln ye*- t* r.!ov (Tluirwliij). St I’etrr-burg. Nov. 22 bulle tin fr> m l.iv.idla ap|irently Indicate* th.v the *Tl*l* 1- i-.i-t laiv.i iia. Europ* k in Kuael.i, Nov. 22.—The t'7*r p.i.sw,d (i fairly good day yt*tenlay. At 2 •* do. k in the afternoon hi* tempera tur* i'll to JO. In the evening it had linen to 101.7, puße iiv During th*- night His Majesty slept a little. Marly in iho mornin tli* |>ail#'tit'* condition wa* goft. 11l- atreiigth was satisfactory. At 0 o’clock his ternjH-rature wa* 101.1. pulse 72 w %u hi;u:mk hkim ition. Ways Mud Mean* Eommlttee Atioui Itenily to Draft tlie Hill. Wasiiliigtofi, Nov. 22.—The Ite|Hibllcan member* of the Way* and Mem* Com miit ** to-day. l* • ided to present the hill tor tho reduction of the revenue to ihe full committee on B.iturday, Dec. 1. a: 10 o*l. k The >*ili, however, will be pre pHi' 1 aome tlm* l>ef*re that. CommlMioritT Wilson, of the Internal t Revenue Ilurenu, was ft**fore the commit - t.*e for some tlm© to-day, giving infor mation concerning th** effect of th#* re i ducrlon of c-rtaln acheduiea, and also to th** amount of revenue rained by por tion* of th© pr-*ei f law*, is lift* Ii It i* po - re luce. The committee hie agreed on a num ! be; of *che.|i||# to he r#**ltlc*N| while n : other* th-re I- • dleagr** ment Ii I* prob ! nble that sih 'ornmltjee will be apftolnt id to make a draft of the meaeure Th* commit if bus made *uch *atlsfoe | tory pr>gre*a with fh** bill that only de tail* n* w remain to ie coneldered. Tt • m* rn * i •>( the commltt* e after ad j nment thla ifternoon, *i l that th#y belleve*l th-ie would he no dlfTftcuftty wh n to* bill u pi*-.-*nfel in full committee or in the ||u*e, either among Democrat* or flop ;!*l|f .in* Although they have not consulted the Democratic member* it a tin*l*-r*tr*Ni from Information om- <f h*- It* publican nu ml* r> hav© that the I> *m- I o ruts do not Intend to mako any fa - tlous opiiofltion to th© measure. UKIIKL rtlHt Fa ( HI HHKU. ( nlomlilNtt Ir| ( aptnred Three l.uns iin.l Two l.rni-rnls- Colon. via GalvoMon. Nov TI. —Thw ri-t'.l forces at H ieoaventuia have been completely . rushed by *>•• Coombtan (rovernm-nt irooi*. Who cajiturnl thiea cannon and two .cncrala. Gen. Al'an. the Governor of Panama, personally 'll rccreil the opeiatton- from on txun I 'he Hritish slenmshlp Taboaa, sailed by the Colombian authorin' *, and aaved the sit uation (here. UWD HOIir.MTS XVAI IIKIISBD. Out He la at Work, and Will loon Dr About t.aln Un ion, Nov. ti -The followtni dtipatelt has been receive! at the war office from I.ord Roberts, dated at Johannesburc: "My horse fvii with me Bunday and bruised me somewhat. 1 am dotnc work Hope to ba about U a few days.” i STRIKE ON IN TAMPA IT iS THE EM.II I OF OM) t MUX At. IIM I WO I 111 11. SERIOUS TROUBLE IS FEARED. MOAT 1N1441F, UK %Tll\ 1% l.tlHMt I \ MIX |W t oil \ . (irtifml *Mrll*© Unulil *crl*ti**l> l*.r nhir lliikiu*a—Hrltr%rl Mam t thr Aiucrlcmi lgNrmNkrM XX til D-‘rt Tlirlr t Ite imilii nl U ork-Mrikr I* Ordwrrd for fttuii •lu —>l iliiiirt l* *illl I mlrr %r* nnil InniliiiK li*- Outronir. Tampti. Fls . Nov 2 On --count f the dlff©r©nc- •ii it* iwo i* *t maker*' union* her*, which led t** •• *r* iii riot bring übom -t agreement hv th© ln(*i i iiiouhl I'titiNi refusing to .-amply w( i ail of th© HTtk'ic* wubmlticdl l*\ ;n .\ri ir.ition Coanmitt©*-. tit© fra-l* .* -mu *t\ to -lay formally order©.! u *n* rii *trik • of ail organised i l*.r in th* t il), to b* gin Mon*Hiy ■. A fnaj>rftty of th© uni>n lsbor©rs In othci branch©* now !© tar© in oppo*i;lon to t.i nft©r. Th© situation thsrefor© I? full of *©rl* ou* t->mtvicrti"n© Th© g©n rul sink** would irrlouniy paru.N i** huin b** It* re if < arrkd Into ©fr* •: There ha* !©• n in .p©n revolt on th© |>.rt of t;t* m.tjoiiiv ..f th© union men to-day. ami i *v .I*-. r© that tii©y wT.I rn * go o r Mor<iav Few clti©* hav© lah**r no wi ii o s-.iiii/* *1 im in Tampa Th© Milk© woo and tak* ut carp©nt©r*. hrl k m*ons in tcliin *t, IMinter*, |'luml*©r*, tlun©i*. w oiwork la engineer*, printer*. ©.* tifr worker. , i*\ makers, trimmer* iri'l ev© ythl.-g ui i I© the cigar Industry. There ®r© jOO house* in coiif e of con struction. w hi* h would be stop, © I Th© contractors ar© under som* heavy for f©lts, and tii©). as well a* other wul I nuik© efforts to k©i th© nt* n u* llii lh© vaunt ;;*©* und thi* wtmM hrlru: ui*ou h *©rlous confll t. X I nl<|ur SMiistliin. A cttrioii* |*rt I- th© Milk* won 1 be agAliist th© Hr-l-ticla t lurni.k* r•* Union, and a* they nr© all u r work-r* It wouii hav© i* ©ff©-i. I*he hit* nt.iii *i .1 lt" thre© fa tori*-s complete. *ft *® strlk* would l'-ave th©*© in th* ii.m i ot Kesftstencia. Union m©n generally d©©l*r© that if th© aortnhly do©* not i#-**intl th© order f r .t *trtk© before Monday, tl©> will ahatwhui their union*, and am*©al t*> tit© nui.onai o dice re They w* uld at th© Htnc l M w* * f ©*i a* "scab#" ')* thou© striking and thi* would create trouble It Is a'lmlticd now by th© !ni©rnutl*n ii cigar maker* that fully 300 *f their m*m l©r* hav© already Joined the H* •*!•*?• n* ii union. Th* lr < lh **r* say the pm i*v t* nr.* the union will bo wiiwtl mil bifon th© strike occurw All oflftcer* of th© union fought * r**n-r v in hav© th© arlld*•* i*f agr* *-rn©n >• ©i ©•I ns present-**! hy tl* It*-.-latcn li, but they w©r© swept away by th© r* d* ••■ ment who d©m nvh and Hun (h*dr w i ll©* t© agreed to hv Ih© RenDien* i.i |** *| l' There l mucli resi*©**n©*H anl *lgn *-f brewing trouble Th© mliMurv i- yet * s ■ *l©r guard Th© altimtlon I* ih© mHt crit ical and unique ever known In Southern labor circles. SOI TIIfTHX I4F.TA TO T. MM IH. I*r©ha*© of tl© laialaxllle, l-hsns vdll© Mild HI. l M*i* It*Ml. TxiufsvrUe, Ky . Nov. 22 Th© Loul i vilbv Evansville and Bt. I/)uk*i*l, omimonly calhnl th© Air Mne, w*i j liought at public sal© today by tie* ' Southern Railway ut Huntinghurg. Ind.. | for |4.<U,0(10. Ju'ig© Wood of th© United Hiat*** Court is exp©<-t©d to confirm the hil© at Indianapolis to-morrow. iut the Houthern Railway will not a sum. con trol uirtll Jan. 1. Tlie only bidder* wer© Francis I. Stet son and Victor Mora wits of New York, representing the banking firm of J I* ©r pont Morgan <r Cos., and th* S*ut <• rn Railway. To pay f*r th© mad the n-w purchasers will Immediately Issue sh'.- (YiO.OflO of Southern Hallway Air Line di vision lon*l* at 4 i© r cent. In securing the Air l.ln*-. the Southern Railway gains nr entrance • HI. I>*ul. thereby placing it on on ©qnal f.oling with th© llaltftmore iirnl Oltk Southw* • ' ©rn. Louisville n*l Nashvlll© an.l oth©r roads entering Ixiulsvlll© and th© South • tlon t> this, new anl v*lunic i©rrit*ry is opened up to th* Southern Kullw i> in ifoth Indiana and Illinois % EE.R OF TIIM Xl\ XI, 11 HU Fit X’E. It | an lni|Mrtniit llrsncli fr l,o©ul Delrn*© Farpoaea. Washington. Nov. 22.—1n speaking *i9 th© naval ml.itia the report >f Assistanl He* * r©tsry of th© Navy IfackeM - iv - "For local defenses th© well organised naval militia ought never to f*© dipen*©*l with. Aw at present constituted **>me state* i ik© a d*-*per lnt*u* - in the w<rk than other*. That th© w-*rk Itself i" of I value, and is susceptible f lning trui*!© of sflli greater value, will not ** dlsput . id. Th© subject of a naval reserve d©- I ngrvee the earn©*! consklcrstkMi of th© department an*l will b© * t©l on In th© near future. The need of a reserve fou* Is char to the mind of ©very frl*-nd of the United Star©- navy and the tlm* * .it hand whan appi *i should r to Congress to enact apiuoprlate 1- . ia [ tlon for the establishment of a a* li found ! • and system." A NEW ( IITTOX MILL. l',rlrr With Itt.tttm tilill.-, tn lt ttnllt nt < hnrlntlv. i Ghnr'.ottr, N. C.. Nov. 22—A n. w 12 0,- : rnu cotton mill. wHtt, 10. W ,piri il- nwl fn loom,, *n announc'l for Chariot tit j to-*l:iy. B. A Btnlth If pri -,'Wtit "f tin* 1 company. J P Wlliton l ltrx, fti>k j hol'lcr. The machinery tor the mill w i i.uri-harml a month atfo. Th- <> itlon b lon Ihe Hayea prop’rty. lhra ml e of Charkin* W B. Smith Whaley of Columbia 8 C„ 1 h, anlnaar. nJ f ir nlahet the buli!tn acd qulpm#nt plan, A|>|iotntm*lil for Xl.rrtltth, Washington. Nov a—Capt W. >f Memdtth of Itllrol, h, b#®n appoint,! chief of th Burau of Engraving aid Printing Hu ,®rvr! a, chl-f of Iho mi raau during tha HatrUoa admlnlatratlon. KAISER WILHELM AGROUND. tli* (trrnl M# wilier I.* 111 © red Xi- UM-rowa ttlid serious Trouble* In 4tt ml hi* Xeroa* N-w Yt*rk N©\ Thr Nor*h German |,i \.i t< iimn Kaiser Wilhelm d©r Grosac ,i ? rlve<l t. lay forty • ght hours overdue. ,ind (•• add t* her other mlsfortuiua, mu: I* I tear th© nthwat spd In the l> %t j I*uy tit•*r |.i 'ii iii ihindy ll*ok H.'it l-fl i'lid Nov 14 nt 11 3 1 * I* m. and airi\©4l at th© Handy lli4k ''glit!bi|* at - * | m , to ti. jking t:.. p ©-.m© in rev* n twenty hours atid twenty minute* w l h an .44 ©rage *i>* >i of I*' .’2 kt*ts itil-* I* th© slow ©at trip ever mod** by the si* Tii© . .ii.-t' of her iiel.44 w%e primarily t;e w other, l-’iom l li© immu ut of I© - 1114 Uh©t hours *h ••\|** , rlcii’ , *l * rinv u. nhei At Uni* • th* s* *- lMair*l©<l th© huui l- * r.ift md aused som** 'ftauuig i bet rods iitHl fittings u th© ikih a( s V ni . oil* blade of th© |*orl prtqiellcr WN4 la. mini thr *-igiti* ©I * w*i oblige) 10 ‘-xv ilonn th* ' likm* - oil ih* ♦ *‘*!l trimmer named Knl> k tumpNl overhtonl srtft wm k*s* ll© was i •b-irnou o hoi if 17 v* ns of s© During ii/ w. 41 her im Hi* 21st (h* liner ja**©d an . t ink str.imei which was le itvlly'ii tii! th© in 'l'S'i* i-oukl it**k *i*4\i 111*01' h r !*• h u-.t-l :* I • bu I • Sanity llk pilot boaid.d the if©rl On roumllog th© "outhw©**t spit the * m.*r l*©lng un.ler t*o in i' h ht-idW'iv t* turn Hi* sharp mu!.*- **f Hi cluinnel ran Into th© mu.l. ; letter in b.i -klns off she fouled m spar \ Ihiov ait| ii I- Mipi*<■<l that tlie chair) in I itHiiit tl*‘ propeller a* th© v* **©i i*j k|t©*l ii I w un i'.l* n* rno\. VVr*< k | in-: -tiHni<r* w©nt t tier asHatance, but |i • . u.luln und pll*l tiought tht tugs [ w©r© not nl*, t*> tow lh© In A I iiv-r - mtvli'ph will be used to-mortow I morning to .**• *utsln th© ©tact condition b© foi . \ a'tempt l* ms 1 * m mox© h* r FIGHTS WITiTINSURGENTS. nu© lt***l I nptured l) Force I nder 4 pt. O’Xelll—XflMcla ti) Another Forty I'r.iio Xmluli. Mania. Nov. 22. A detachment of i® j m*-n from Fompanlca 1 and M. Twenty ! ttfili Unl#©d Htates Infantry, colored, un i *|r 'apt. ti’NHlI, made a clever grain lira *>f thirty InsurKfiit*, with ilfl©*, sup|Mca nid I,.'■*•* rouii.l* f ammunition. In a camp **t of Hon Marc* lino, which the Atm rl . .1. i , irynl ui day hr* ak. Am*.nn the rifliH * UiMur.d w.-re it few Krug Jorg* nf'U which th© Insurgents \ ha*l r*-< *nt> ss.nrei. Several of the Fll- IpillOh W*l WoUtsfted. ■ t’.ipt Dual* k with slxleen men of the Fort)-seventh Infantry, had an encounter wii i Insurgent* con ©*.©d tn a blorkhoua© ’ near BiiM*raigMn The insurgent* fired ti j \*>.l©> from ihiriv rifles, on the ap|roacn rf th© Aneri ms. wounding two. one mortally. The firing soon hecama liot on both sl.kc*. \N trh riln© m©n, Capt. Gullck *-wwm th.s river, g lined th© hlllofct©, rout©l Ilia ©n • rn\ ;*nl incldcntaliy killed several flee ing holomen. Th# sam- purty, with a s.or© of com rad©*, drove the insurgents from nuhisan, wh©'*' they wer© entrenched. Tile detach ment ki.l I four ami * iptuted five In two days, Numerous r©|knM* • f mlrv-r engagements •nd captures in Southeastern l-uzon litve arrived her© in letters brought hy s’camer. Tii© Fhlilppine fNwnmlsslon has ise l (he uni for th© Ivl government of town* - hit * in ih* provlre © of I ten gust, first id(n>ting h f©w minor mneiMlments sug g,-Hted by Filipinos. IMIIIHX IHIt H 4 lilt ITI ail. Tlielr Force XX iim In I 'on# mn nl of lie XX el nr#l *!©! n. Ms*, ru. Ba>ll misnl, Nov 3d, (Tu©s*ftay) Nntlvtw refayrt thut ex*l*reld©nt Steyn , nihl <* * Hi Wet with a thousand nu n j tiav©r>'.l !*•* Brliish lints h© w©en Alex amlria arnl Warrinriiam's et*r©. and ut tn* ked u British post. *uisquentiy retlr i lug bv the road to DeWetsilorp. in thu I Orange River Folony. INILHN IIXII Hi: XXX I.OKSPA vinii) XX ere Klll©l it ml Tlirlr Leader, If rand. XX mm XXoundtl. Bloemfontein. Nov. 22. Tne Boers un i der Itraixl w* r© defeated Nov. ]H at Bak*- 1 iapan with heavy lowtu*. ihe l.anc©rs. hording through th* flying Boer lino. <k>- ; lug deadly damage, a* a mm*©-r of rider- I* s hors©* demonstrated. Brand him-elf w - wounded. The liitlsh casua'tl©* were led serious. xl: VX It IX Fit XXII II Xlt IMIH MILL. i o*ll Ml I tic© XXIII Meet 'loo day anil 'lake tlie Xlstter Ip. W ashington, Nov. 22 -Uhalfman Burton of th© House Commit tee on Rivers mi 11 trtiors. stat***l to-.lav that th- ommit | t*© would meet next Monday to begirt th© preparation of a river and harbor bill, and he ©Xpc* 'ted to g©l It thfough th© before the holiday*. Mr Burton said that noth ng *l* finite been *J> id* *1 UfKju, hut that th© nsn mlttee would draw slrlct line between improvement* whl# h wer* for th© publi • go<al arid those for private lnt©r-*fs He <ils*i ststid that some |>o l©y regarding jH*rman**ot improvement of ih© Mi*ialp pi river would li© determine 1 upon. - - ( ( lAHTiiIP, IHIIKH CUIIPII. Hr Mnut Appcr In I otirl hnl Hr Unir I lll.rn', rliithM. Eravrnworth, Knn.. Nov. C.—Tiw hcar ln in ih" hlß>ii, cor pus proicnllmt, in th. c .bc of O. M. Cur'i-r. laic captain of*. T’. H A., will rum. up In Ihr l'nlic.l DlPrlcl Cotirl In thi* city to-morrow. Ju.lkc Thayrr of the PnlicJ Ktatc- Court nt HI. I-oul* will prralilr. fjrtcr ho* maile ■> effort to hnvr thr ciw hoard without having to apprar In court. 'l.afrlmt to avoid the paae of lb<’ < urlou,. HI, requrat ha, tirrn denlnal, However, he will hr aimre! lor rletrrada ! don of oi't'.arltitt tn hi, prison uniform uuv. .inrono is ttonin. IHa Drottirr. T. 1.. Pnmford. Died HnlnridC] Sliiht. Opelika, Ala.. Nov. 8.-Oov William J. Hem ford waa not ao wail to-day. He il>ti*aed a reMleiw nlKht T. I- Warn fool, a brother of tho Gov ernor, died lax night. HAII.Y l A YEAR. I i liNTH A COPY W t KKI.Y : TIMh.K-A-tYEEK.It A TEAR BRYAN WILL NOT RUN .HIM Hill Mil -||||\K HE WIUi 'IIM: II tt tJ. THE CHAIRMAN HEARD FROM. THE TXI \ oi It! mn; XXI/.A TIOX l* XI I. xnx%i:\if2. llrllevrM Tliaf Talk ( Antes Only From Those XX Ito llrarrlrtl ||te Party. Ilewnli b( the IClrctiiin XX iim m (.reat ViiP|irir to tlie llrniiiirNO—laaiira of |!M>| XX til |lr|M'iiii on •I©% eIo |4 men to—Thinks the Sfltrr ifiirailun XX 111 t e ltelf. LM Ile 1t... k Ark . Nov. 22 Unltett Hihi*-• S* n.i!r Jam*-.-* K Jon©*, of lh. 1 U'liiiH rrtii N ill.muil C'onimlttee, sjM*nt th© dav In 14;lie It —'k *l left (>. nigh! for \\ ashlngtcn Before leaving h* said in .in Im* rvi'-w : “The election r nil a gr#;it sur prlsi* (' ail l*m < All were so confi dent of auc'.'frt th *t lh© r*w-'ping |{©- pubrlcan victory ■ nn* a* a fevers sho k. tix-en oil fin* •v* itlng of til© Uu> i*efia •Ie tlon reuNßuring I •'leg run© cam© from l©Ml* r* th<M N**w V k wu* - if© f.r Bry an slid futn b'.tders In other piwual *ta(©n that th© I*■ ui. >• ra I * wre sure to win. Ii wm* ilipn. forecasts tiint buoyed u* up f*i ihe l**• i motnent and uuid© tha actusl result tn.*r© startling "But Mr Bryan i o gr. it man. on© ol lh© gr©at© t In Amert.-.i to day, and hia influent • will b© f< t fr ninny years to • -•an*- In Am.rl .in |mlltt< N IB i© a gtai t in !nt< lleci iml simply Indefatigable in the pio©ciit|on of u campaign Whether he will In* a candidal© for lh© presidency In Ihe near future remain* to b© sewn, but It is ru* probable that h© will. It is more reasonable to presume that ha would d© line ihe nomination even should It be offere| to him. Will Mr >n HrnrtfnnlßNtlon. “Rcorgamzwtim? Oh, that ! all rwrti •*n*c There's nothing In it and l will blow ovar In thirty davit It la Precipi tated by those th<* b rle.l fhe tarty and gave aid and comfort to rt# enemy, and docs not represent th** strength or •ho spirit of lha genuine Democracy. What they would do is to adopt alt the policies of th** I(-|hiMi< hii party, and I*** Democrats only In name. Hut granting that there Is nans** or strength for *o-ra)tet reorganisation, who has th* (tower within the party to o 1f now'* Not the dlsfrruntted rttsorgantser*. who have raised the issue If there is to he a reorganisation of National Oommtl* tee or platform It cannot he done for four ye?m or until the neat national conven tion. "As to the issue** they mt|f defieral largely ujnwi the national and Internalwm ai dev*'inrnent of the nest four years. It may t** laid down primarily, however, that the Democratic istrty will never vary from its established fiindnmentils, a strict construction of the constitution. and •in nne serving adherence to its prlncl* P*°* and an economically ,ilinliitster and government for the benefit of in* gov erned. “The silver question rnay solve Itself. Htiould the amount <f god produced ha artip.i to maintain a stiff! lent volume of metallic money and Insure the stability of prices, the sliver question will he subordi nated. hut shoo'd the supp'y fall short *f the demands of tr.ulc the sliver ques tion will iw made prominent. "The question of Imperialism may ah find a solution outsl I. the ballot 1104 I hollava the ftuprem* Court will decide against the Porto Hi in law. .rid shot* and this be done, there wilt h* a ravulsbni on th** part of the H e jmi bile an themselves a* limit the retention of tie Philippines. Hut just what the Issues of will be, no one can predict with any degree of certainty. ** %tlft|**|pprw l*4il # t biTIO>. IVna Increased g|lll.<l7l or 2U.2 Per I vsl. Since IMM. Washington, Nov The population of Mississippi, as off!' :ully announce*! to-day Is 1.561.270. against In ltm This U an Increase since 1100 of 21,6?0. or % 2 per cent The population In I*9o wa 1.131.597, snowing an Increase of or 13. 9 imr Cent, from IHMi to Hon I*ol*l NATION or M I**ol HI. Wfate Shows an Increase of 427,4*1, or 15. fl Per t ent. Washington. Nov. 22.—The imputation of the state of Missouri as announced t< y id 2.108.665. a, again*! 2.K79.1M In 1.90 Th!. I. an |ncr*n-* of 427.*01, or 11.$ r rant. The f|>iilai|on of \V i Virginia In SM,- M> aa again,! 7*2.794 In 1990. Till* t, an in* crea,, of !> .'*■ or IS*.6 iter c.n4, mil iii ihi n ai i.i.ii tft in: in. I'ainoa. Ilu.lonl I nmiMmrr anerumh rl to 11-rl Kfllltirr. I.ondon, Nov. 22 —Blr Arthur Sullivan, ih mu,leal comiawrr. died of heart fail ure at 9 o'clock lhi- morning. Sir Arthur Bulilvan had h**n ailing alnc, he return**! from Bwltser.antl. la the mhl.lie of September He cuughl a chill there ami hi, thru and lung* be. itame affected. He took to hi* tied a fori, r.tght a no, but tea* convalescing anil sit ting u|i In hi, be<l laughing arid talking Ju,t la-fore he expired Th** afternoon (*- l*r print long rut*gle of the deceaaad. TO PHOIKI ITK LTXCHHMb Colorado to Procrrd taralnal Tho.e Who llurnrd Porter. Irenver. Col . Nov. 22 -I>kdrtct Attorney M. Alllater of Colorado Bprlng*. hni or dered Sheriff Free man of lJncoln, to pro ceed again*! the member, of the mob who burned Preston Porter at the Make ll week The order woa leaned after mrteepondence between Oov. Thomas aud Mr McAlltater. Port: SAID TO HAVH3 KtltTKll. Ciperlearetl Such Patigne That He Had to G, to Med. Parti. Nov 23 —A dl, patch to the Tampa from Home laye the Pope yeeterday vie- Ited the Basilica of St. Peter'a and ex perienced such fatigue that he had to taka to hla bed. It 1, further claimed that ho .fainted twice.