The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HALL BILL ON THE CALENDAR. WAMB TO I*l THE 4;W.TaO TO I*l 114 II 4?E IIUNDS. Hour Drrlmnl IO *<•! thr 4*ser*c Report. uu.l Hl Measure Will Ur (unentered Aloaaat W Itla Hllicr# Mr- Inliuu to I laaal Fund-II I* Tfcla Money Thai l W anted o llulld Atlanta at Orient. Atlanta. On . No* 22 -By a vote of 12 to tl thr flout* thl* morning disagreed to the report of thr Appropriation# Com mittee. aa .eh wa> advet#* lo lhai Hll bill applying tin' |>ureet of the sale of l.ub.i prop* rty. am .tinting lo 1U2.750.n0w in thr treasury, to the purchase of out eland ne ttond*. at 111 or Itat ThU tannot in tiny sense be taken In thr natura uf a tret vote a.- to what the flouaa will do wrilh these funds, a* Mr Mali hue tried to tnakr It appear, for Ideal many favorer! giving the Hall bill n chanrr to be considered alone with thr other bllia disposing of thle fun I In d. td. Mr. Hall e •tatement that hr would naovr to table his own bill until ail oth-r bill* afTrctinis title fund had hem die paaerd of hael much to do with to-day's 'Tn View r.f Mr Hall's as- tranm the House by a vote- of 2 t" h rt fd to l> t tnr Hail bill g*> to th .i|rn<li*r (or a reading. hot It wi.l not I- -’“..rKlerr I un til thr Mil* ~1 M- -re Kim: aind Hlalork, providing for the final deposition of there funds, have be**) pa-ed upon Mr Hall said ll* at the depot advocates were trying to do by Indirection whet thr constitution raid rourl mu he alone directly Hu urg'd that disagreeing to the r*|>rt .lid n*>t mean to pass It. but to piare thr Mil where the House could deal with It In the future Mr. Hl aton at aural forcefully lhai It wit not a good policy to pry an *n deblewiCH re long before It was due. *ep> • dally where the debtor . not in a posi tion to pav That le the * oreliilnn of the atate in relation to the bonded debt. Hr read a letter from the state tr*-asurer, raying that the bond* were quoted from Jl*' to 111', The Hull bill provided for n premium of 112. Mr llall said some of there bonda bore 4S per cent. Interrat. NEXT Bi ll till OF A MI.HUTS. Felder Won by a l.arire Plurality Over noth Competitors. Amerlcus. Oa.. Nov. 2-.—The Demo cratic primary to-day resulted In the nom ination of John B. Felder for mayor by a U*j plurality, he receiving ninety more 4n>i<‘ than the combined vote of both his rotnpetltors. W l\ Willis and IV. F. Clarke. Out of MA votes i>olld Falder received three hunalred and six teen. Out of seventaaen can lldste* for Council Messrs Oeorge Olover. Lynn Fort and Joseph Cameron were winners The primary was one of the roost In tensely Interesting ever Ip Id In Amerlcus, due prlndpaaliy lo the fact that ex tremists arr>>nr the prohibitionists forced that issue Into the campaign, backing Weills and Clarke, though Felder recenal a consider*Me potion of this vote Fel der was for fourteen years Mayor of Amerlcus and one of her most popular and progressive citizen* He now suc ceed* Mayor Jam-** Hlxon who has held office five ya-are. All the candidates tn In-day's election are among Amerlcus' best citizens and the result was principally a matter of personal preference (OTTO.A anno HILL PAPER. Plans Consuiaaaaaated for the Erection aaf Ten Plante. Atlanta. Nov. 22 —The Journal this af ternoon t-ays that plena have Men con summated here for the erection of ten plants for the manufacture of cotton eeed hulls Into piper of different grades Robert Thomas of New York, ai pres ent In thla city, stys that the s-h<-nv i being backed by the National Saw Com pany. w-lih s:,*.no capital, and Oat work will he begun In putting up the plants tn • bout thirty days. He says he le il> > backed by the Hi in.laril Oil Company. It Is the Intention lo have the factortea ecatteod well throughout the cotton belt, and they will extend from Texas to N rth Carolina The plants will run wlih a ca pacity of from 12) to 300 tons each month. ATHENS BOY til’ll It Hl*. Fell Into the Itnnili of the Filipino Insurgents. Athens. Ga.. Nov. 22—'News was re el ved here to*.lay by letter that Mr Cicero Andrews, sn Athene boy in the Forty-first Regiment In the rh!ltp|>!n*, bad been captured by an Insurgent bind, eighty miles from Manila lie and a friend named Mattox, from Farmington. Us., had started lo walk to Mexico, a little town six miles out from the camp, and were c tptured by a band of Alejan drums Insurgents It Is probable that they will be rv.eased on parole. g m HOLD GUCCrt DHUStTORB. Charleston mil Western Curollnn In t) 1101 l t 011*1 I t 1011. Charleston, S C.. Nov. 22—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Charleston and Western Carolina Rail road Company was held here to-day. The offices of the road were declared to be In a satlsfa lory condition, and the fol toarlng officers were re-elected: J. B Cleveland, president: Harry Wal ters. vice president, IV A lonian. J O. C Fuming J B Dowdy. Avery Potter. J. B Cleveland, B F Newcomber and Har ry Walters. directors. HACK BO FATHER TO PIECE*. Argro Warn Convicted of Murder aud A* ill Re flanged. Charleston, 8. C.. Nov. 22 Andrew Will iams was convicted In the Court ©f Gen eral Sessions here to-day of the murder of his own father on July 7. M'llllams used a butcher knife and backed the old negro well nigh to pieces before he died It Is probable that he will be sentenced to be hanged Jan t, along with James Kelly, who was convicted Monday. J. R. FRIED A CO. FAIL. Macon Firm's Assets Are Almoat ns large a* Liabilities. Macon. Ga . Nov. 22 —J. K Fried, whole sale dry good*, tiled a petition In bank ruptcy to-night Assets are estimated at t7MV*> and liabilities at tSI.OOO The firm failed about two year* ago. but straight ened their affairs and seemed to be doing a prosperous business Pres I lie n t Hunell'l Absence. Atlirii Nov 22 -Tn* presld-nt pr •'it. .*• th Ms 1. *1 i* chair about noon to-day to t**kr tha floor on a question of personal privilege, which dealt with the absence of PreetJent Howell. Mr Ellis said his attention had been called to an editorial In a Macon newspaper criticising th President for leaving Atlanta during the eeaion of the ftenste Mr Kills stated that he kn* w the editor of the paper, and that he hal written hla editorial on the erroneous aa- Kauri pilot* that the President would M sb want for thirty days, whereas Mr Howell return from New week. LOW Aim* HI I EH 1014 COt RT. Aegro €*ets Life Sentence for the Murder of a White Man. Valdosta. Ga.. Nov. 21 —ln the Hup*. | rtor Court yeaterduy fourteen divorce ! cases were disposed of A majority of them were negroes. This morning Robert Wood? we put ii|<e> trial for the mutder of |ti Phil ips. a white man about five years ago | The evidence showed that W.ssle met Philips tn the road Poiilie* being In a wagon with ha* brother. Tne nrgio siartssl a row. or t uner renew.-.! u row tvl.i h they had had that m* Phil ips undertook to get out of th<- wagon and was who to death The murderer es c.ped sn*l was not raptured until a lew weeks ago wnesi he was pi* led up In’atna lb* admitted the killing, hu' set up a plea of self-defense The Jury r. turned a verdict of guilty of minder an.l recommended life Imprisonment. There woe some dissatlefti tic-n over the verdict Philips friend*, who * lalm that evidsnre might nave be c n Introduced to siow that the negro had planned tne murder lit the ease of Tom Bu hanan .he white mart. who. whs* In a drunken "edition, attempted in assault upon a little g.rl her* Is* -e summer, a verdtlct of guilty w 1* returned to-night. The Court House was cleared during the trial of this raee mi l •>nly the o(fii era f the court, the attor- ! neys at..l the Jury were allowed to heir the avlden* e. Buchanan has not been sentenced vet. hut it is presumed that he will be given from ten to twenty yeans in the penitentiary H.s past reputation vva.-t very much against him in the *g*e Cl.l 11* AT THE I MIF.ItMTV. Two of Theta That W 111 |t the Insll tnllon Much tiond. Athens, Nov. 22.—There have been or ganized within the past week in college. lwo clubs, which will lo* of undoubted good to tha University. One of these Is the University Press tduh. The object of the club Is to have a university letter ap pear al different Interval* In every coun try paper In the stale A!l the dally paper* have correspondents In the UntvnraMr but this club proposes to put the Univer sity In touch with the country weeklies It Is also probable that a college maga zine will he Issued under ih** auspices of the club The ether organisation Is the Wlregrass Club, composed of boys from tha Wire gras* section of th* state The purpose of this organization Is to foster the Uni versity's interests In that section of tha Mate, snd also to hand together for so cial intercourse in college Tha club ha* no officers * The Board of Visitors from the Legis lature to the University nrrlv. *1 tn the city to-day to Inspect the workings of the University and Normal School Wh le hete tl>ey will be given a reception by the Athenaeum ALBANY'S HAV-D4V rtHMVAL. One of the Moat Surrt-wfsl That llna Vet Hern Given. Albany. Ga . Nov 22 —lf the opening ol the Southwest Georg a Hay-Day Carnival and Street l-’alr was a great success, the second dav has been a greater The city has been throng, and with visitors stn e ear ly (his morning, and the show men pro nounce the carnival tha greatest success of all (hat have been held In the state. The carnival and agricultural features are alike gratifying and Albanians are proud of (he success of her latest com munity enterprise To-morrow will be the last day of the carnival which will go out In blaze of glory The feature of to-day was the big free fireworks display at * o'clock this evening. TALKAT II \R A GOOD DAY. rirkrit Onl Four of the AA Inner* on the Renolngs Track. Washington. Nov. a —A promising card with delightful weather, attracted th • largest crowd of the meeting to th<- Pen ning? track to-dnv There was libera! be:- tin* and the talent picked four winners Summaries First Race-Heven furlongs. Marlbert, 1 to 2. won. with Hardly, 8 to I and 2 to l. second, and Humboldt. f> to 2 thiol. Time 1 V Be mid Race—Five furlongs. Pigeon 1 '..At. even, won with Termless, 2 to 1 and 2 to .A, second, and R.ibunta, A> to 1, third Time 1:08 3-5. Third Race—Hunters' steeplechase, about two miles tligbte, 7 lo 10, wo*, with Self Protection. 8 to 1 and 2 to 1, second, and (Socket. 3to J, third. Time :0. • Fourth Race—Maiden !wo-> ear-olds. fix and n half furlongs Blueekbl. 12 to 1. won. with Automaton, even and 1 to 2. second, and Amorlta, 4 to 1, third. Time 1:3 1-5. Fltth Race—Selling, six furlongs. Hart xllopochtle. 9 to 5. won, with Midnight Chime*. It to 1 and 5 to 2. second, and Brisk. I lo 1. third Time 1:18 4-5. Sixth Race—Handicap, one mid rale etgth miles. Kntght of the Garter. 7 to 2. wor.. with Alslke. 12 to 1 and 2 to 1. sec ond. and Rochester, It to 1, third, lime 1:57 2-5. Haves at Piedmont Park. Atlanta, Nov. 22.-Custodian, tn the fourth race at Piedmont Park this after noon waa the only favorite to win. Weather cloudy. Track slow. Summar ies First Race—Five furlong? Saline. 3'l to 1. won. with Dr Carrlck. 4 to 1. sec ond. and Nannie Nolan. |h to 1. thlnl Time 1 <W. He- ond Rac*—Helling seven furlong? Mark MU#*. 5 to 1 won, with Cakewalk. 5 to 1, second, and Monk Waymun, 8 to S. third Time 1.4' Third Ra.-e—Selling. Ove ands half fur. long?. Lady Unsung*. 7 ro l. won, with Carlotto C. 3 to 5. eecond. and Iris, 3 to 1. third Time 1:17. Fourth Race—Four and a half furlong?. Custodian, even. won. with Centerfield, 8 to t. second, and Prentice Young. 5 to 1. third. Time l.t. Fifth Race—Six furlongs Two Annie. 2 to 1. won. with Golden Rattle even. *ec. ond, and Ouoio. 1 to 2. third. Tim* 1 24S line* Result* at Newport. Cincinnati. Nov. 22.-Results at New. port: First Race—Six furlongs Aaron. 7to 2. won. with Orrte Goan, II to 5. ee-ond. and Xanlhos. 8 to !. thlnl Tune 1 141* Second Race—Six are! a half furlong? selling Loyal Prince. Bto 1. won. with Avatar. 4 to !, second, and Poor Lands. sto 2. third Time 1:3. Third Race—One mile ami sn eighth. ' selling Gov Royd. 3to 1. won. with W i G. Welch. 5 to 1. second, and Exit, 5 lo . 2 third Time 2 <B<x Fouith Race—One mile, pelting Brulare. 9 to 2. won. with Horseshoe Tobacco. 3 to 1, second, and Left Bower, 12 to 1. third Time 1 It 1 *. Fifth Race—Five nnd a half furlongs M e* Aubrey. 4 to S. won. with Dolly Wsg ner * to 1. second, and Dynasty, ion to I. third Time 1:12H Sixth Race—Six and a half furlong?, selling. Joe Martin. 4 to 1, won with ; Agitator. 5 to 2. ?* <*>.!, nnd Acushl.i 4 to L third Time l 214 The Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate— Hood’s Pills THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1900. THi: i:Molt 1 "PHOEAII.” tn Lirr I ten t Number of the t "liege tlugaslne Just Out. Kmory College. Oxford. Ga., Nov 3 Th* November lasue of the Emory Phoe nix appeared 10-duy, and I* ona of tne most creditable number* of that magaz-ne that have ever been put before the pub lic. It eontalna articles which ah~>w thought and careful preparation, and ut ihe same tlm* presents a very attractive appearance. The fiontlepte-re la an excellent full page half-lone of Edward Canning Bas net! of Atlanta who so well represented Emory in the recent contest of the Geor gia Hi ate Oratorical Asso .atlon Indeed, the Issue might be styled "the oratorical number as ■ great deal of It* si*u*-e Is given thereto Mr Hasnett's epec-h "The March of Science," is given in full .Ki-I ■ * **..' sin . . ? Mild poems f iring mi this event of Eliavl.le. The Gentleman from Ruck Greek a New Roy Story," bv Samuel R lirblges. Is quite a unique- und Interesting produc tion A *k h of the life and rriU lsm of th<- r**tem of Ric.-iard Henry W1..1, from the |H-ti of Mr Kdw.n A Rogers nf Walesca, :s an article showing car* (til r*--ai h and clear thought Mild style ..( writing This Is me first of a aeries of irtlcle* on (j. .*rglv poets which will *|e | ar In the eurrent volume of the l’hoc. nix. and is imp.riant as the sign of r‘- 1 hrwe,j inierest on the part of student, of Emory In the poets orsi other writers of their native Mate This renewal has been largely brought about by the Infln- ! cnee of Emory's professor of English, Mr W 1. Weber Another series of arttele. ; begun In thw. Issue is that of sketches of Ihe lives and labors tn behalf of the col lege of the early president*. The first ; paper of this series deals with the found- j er and first preslilet)' of Emory, Dr Ig natius A Few. and k* written by Mr. Robert H. Timmons of Atlanta. This nr ucle shows In a near way how the prln - Ipie* of Dr Few * life have efTtcisd the coll, go that he founded, proving ho-v large an influence for good a truly great llte may |>erpetuate Tnera are other aril lea ol Inierest mostly of a local unit humorous nature The editorial department Is particularly strong out nfi. ts great rr.-dtt on the editor-in-chief. Mr N C. Napier, Jr The departmental features are up to a high standard, the athletic department s.lowing i ,le. tdi-d Improvement It con tains accounts of the tennis tournum. nt with a photograph of the *h*mpton. Ip, Robert F Hemphl!! ot Atlanta, utsl nl the annual relay ram which was won by the Sophomores. Alti-gether. m,. onr great merit, and Is particularly excellent. In tnat It reflects in a manner thoroughly true to life college thought, and life, as P exists al Empry The Phoenix, under the present administration. I- t* splendid tepres. ntuilve of the literary aocietlts. oii'l is un honor to Emory. STOP* THE ( Ola.ll AMI AA ORKtI OFF THE COLD. Laxative Rromo Quinine Tahleta cur# a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. price 25 cents —ad. LAMER Hl'vr ARRIVES. II AVIII Re I ■veiled ut Emory College Shortly. Emory College, Oxford. Ga . Nov. 22 The bust of Sidney Lanier, which Is tn Ih- prevented to Emory College hy the senior class, has arrived It Is a splendid piece of workmanship, and when set up In the rotunda of Candler Hall, will pre sent a splendid appearance. The unveil ing will l ike place some time In the next week or two. as soon as all arrangements in he perfected Judge John AV. Aiken of Carlersville has been Invite*! to deliver an address at the unveiling anil ha* ac cepted the Invitation. Judge Aiken Is one of the m*>st noted of Emory's many lllu.-- trlous alumni, and I* an orator of great ability He Is a graduate of the class of 1177. The committee on programme has pr* • pared a set of exercises of great Interest which. supplementing Judge Aiken * l*ereh. will make the day of the unveil ing of the Lanier bust a memorable one In Emory's history A prlie for the best poen| relating to Ihe life or work* of Lanier has been offered to the student body, and the produet lon that Is suceass fill In winning the prlie will he read on (lie day of the uiivcdlng Invitations to be present on this day will be extended lo prominent literary men of Georgia and Ihe South The setting up of thla bust will. It Is hoped, be but Ihe beginning of the pay ment of the debt of praise and gratitude which Georgia owes to her authors, and no better location for the bust could be found than In Emory's magnificent lihrv rv building, known as Candler Hall This library I* one of the largewt and best In the South, und contains **n especially fir? and rare collection of the writing* of Southern men. n*l particularly of Geor gians. The dato of the unveiling will piohably be some time In the week fol lowing Thanksgiving, and the event is awaited with great interest by every or* at Emory. The second game of the basket ball league serle*. was played this afternoon between tha Senior* and Freshmen, und resulted In a victory for the Seniors, ay the ecorn of S to 2 Itrad This. (Mease! Kindly let me know your best price on Bryan's Fever Cure hy the dozen 1 have used It in my family and And that It cures fever before you ran get a doctor. J AA* Grilfln. <‘at Creek. Oa One bottle of Bryan s Fever Cure cures fever In single day.—ad hi MM-:** Minim. STATE AMD COUNTY TA A Id*. MMKt. Office Ccdlertor State and County Taxes, Chatham county. Georgia Savannah, Oct. 5. I*oo—The digest Is now open for the collection of the above taxes on all prop erty, real and personal: ihe specific tax on professions; also the POLL TAX Foil EDI C ATION AL IM It. POSES OA ALL MALE RESIDENTS of the city and county, hetwren the ages of 21 and •• years Office al the Court House Heir? 9 n m. to 3 p m. JAB J M'-OOWAN. Tax Collector C. 0. NOTICE. The section presidents and director* of the Needle AA'ork Guild ore requested to send In their garments on Monday. Nov. 2*. between 9 and 12 o'clock, to Mrs. David Wells, 222 East Charlton street It Is also reqtieMc.l that the church societies w.shtng to share In the distribu tion will send In their name* at the same time und place. As the Guild Is strictly non-arctarlin. the by-law* require that the name? of churches shall not be used In the dis tribution of garment.? By order of THE PRESIDENT. i'moi'eht; oaa nkuan. If you want your plumbing work done reasonable and up-to-date, call on the former plumbing inspector. CoSGROA'E. |l3 Drayton street. In rear Lutheran Church. THE BAA AM* All PREPARATORY SCHOOL. MILITARY, Harris and Barnard street* Ormond R Strong (Cornell), Head Master, Greek, l-attn and English: Rev R I'. Johneer. A M (Piincetoti). lately of HI Mat | thews Military Aca.leiny, History. Geog raphy and Modern Languages. John Stelxer. A B . MsUx-mallca and Chem istry. Ga. Tclcpbooa UU. : FI lEtt.lL INVITATION*. BARBOUR—The relatives and friend* of Mrs. Mary Kelly Mrs A Harbour. Messrs J F 8. end R T Barbour, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs Bridget Harbour from th* Sacred Heart Church this afternoon at 3 #) o'clock. In terment Cathedral Cemetery BTROBHAR —The re.attves and friends or Mrs Henrietta E Strobhsr and fam ily, are respectfully invited to attend her tuneral eervlces from St Paul’s LEple < opal) Church, this (Friday! afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment In Laurel Grove Cemetery. MBKll*.* PaTestTmiTcoMMAADKIIA SO. 7.K.T. Attention Sir Knights A reg ulai .an lave of this • rnmund e a a/cl • sing .t your asylum M .sone Temple el S:ls o', lock Order of Red Cross will he conferred. Visiting Sir Knights are cordially Invit ed to attend. By order of H K WILSON. Eminent Com. AV S ROCKWELL Recorder SPECIAL NOTICES. FINE AA IA KB AMD LIQI OH * FOR THE HOLIDAY TR ADF.. We carry the fln->t line of liq uors. wines, etc. for the huliday trade that can be had. Old stand ard brands, such a* Hennewsy 3 Btr Brandy. Muriel 3 Star Rrandy. Old Export Whisky, pure sira*gh goods. Hal AA’altera' Whisky. 10 year* otd. Rohlnsen County Whisky, full quart*. sc. Amoittlludo Sherry AA'lne. Duff Gordon Sherry Wine. Fine Old Port Wine. Sweet Catawtsi Wine. Fine Cooking Wine*. Claret. Old Tom Gin. —at— JOHN T EVANS A CO.'S. Congress and Barnard streets. • Fone* 3* WE INVITE YOU —fo Our— DEMONSTRATION OF MIHEDDED WHOLE WHEAT HI fi ll IT. The natural bone, blood and muscle build er. It contain* ail the elements that are found In the human system It Is a light, short bread, and Is already baked We recommend thl* food to people (troubled) with weak digestion. Very respectfully, A M & C. W. WEST. BUY ONLY THE MEMT GINGER ALE. The best 1? Ihe Wheeler Brand of Be.- fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Cr.wnac Spring* of tnat city. Th??* spring? are the properly of Wheeler A Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland ha? those water* but them selves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale ts made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root an*] not from Red Pepper, as others are; on* .s deleterious—the other ts a ionic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale le Ihe best LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agent*. Savannah. Ga. THE WAV to CUPAR CMURII. The only way (o get your carpet* prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the lumni' t. is 40 turn the job over to the Distrtrt Messenger and Delivery Cos, telephone 2 or call at 31 Montgomery street, and (hey will make you an esii mate on the eoet of the work. Price* reasonable They also pack, move end store furniture and piano*. r H MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr BECKMANN'S C 4FE, US-114 Whitaker rlreet Everything up to dale. Game. Fish and Oysters our specialty. Imported Wuerxburger ilof Rrau on draught. Phone 710. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Cterk of Council, Nov 14. law. All parries desiring to retail liquor dur ing th* year M>’l will file tde-Ir tipple a tlons with the Clerk of Council a once, *0 that same can be referred to Council and action taken upon said application before the aspiration of limit provided for by ordinance. WM p BAILEY. Clerk of Council. I'AL.vrt: ( AFE. KBSTAURANT AND OYfITEH HOUSE 42 Bull Btreet Blue mints. Little Neck Clams, received by every sl.-amer Native Oysters tn ail i*vle*. Chops and steaks md game In season. Everything the beer Just received, fresh lot live lobster*. M D ARRAMS Prop. P 8 —Hot lunch from 11 to 1 every day ami AM) CTfMH WH— 1 • ALE. J 30.000 feet of ash. suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car work* and interior house finish Aleo cyprea* lumber of all size? We have resumed cutting our famous brand* of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for ?•?’*■ on?-** ?t*v: f?o DB. W. W. OWENS Ha■ Itet.l rnett lo Ihe City and resumed prnrtlre. NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of the British steamship Motmlea will he re sponsible for any debt* contracted by crew of *td vessel J F. MINIS A CO , Consignee* SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the German bark Bretna will he responsi ble for any debt# contracted hy the crew BTRACHAN A CO.. Consignees Savannah. Ga . Nov. 3. )9ftn NOTH E. All bills ,against the Masonic Temple Association or the Masonic Fair Associa tion must be presented at once, Itemized, to JACOB COHEN Treasurer. Ill) Bryan street, east. DB. SIDNEY J. LANIER Has returned In the clty aa< resumed practice. ‘ .- a, JP9* LEE ROY MYERS SCO. . l'\ ■ ■"! -h;|, >*•> HUMBOLDT c i n ji D C I? I L/A n J viwi-vnw A5 GOOD A5 CURRENCY -• it ' - 'r - UP-TO-DATE. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY I! Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 .SPECIAL AUTICW. rir ' n ' r ?t A \vrrr~>rTti *<.* <o. Kind Friends—l huv. go' aom of tha people here 11 inking there mu t he some thing In th.- H, rb g 1 gne a e:l?.y to a |k> r man who I* it. U* and wltti Kidney trouble (No wras than 1 was.. I an. certain It will help him. If so friend? are (o send him arid wife to tbf Spring Mr. Po oi k. prop Hotel Hartford In tins *1 y with 'laughter and Mi Is to go there a* so n a? he .n tlx husin *s up A banker was tore. also, two oth< r wealthy m*n. 1 told t t-m to g at once to Ruwanee. exp ait *-d the l*en*-flt ther* more than a h -me Still they wanted the wapr to u?e until ru<-h tIRIOS a? they could g. t away l hai Is why I sent for the five carboys 1 have n*. Idem what amount of w<*u-r I can sell, but 1 will do what I .an. but I woull sooner see pe pie go lo the Hprl. g Had a sh'-rt note ftom Rev p A'. Har tigun He I? Improved, an l sahl. my next va.-at'on will re spent at Snwan?* in a busine* . letteir irom Mr S'athen. be said, "My wife is fine. Had she remained at the Spring two week? longer she would be sweet sixteen again " AA'ell. It Is certainly womlrf J; all ge heni-fUed by the water*. Chance* are Suwan*e will cal. h all again Sincerely yours. P J DOUGHERTY. Hartford. Conn yu on drtr.k for Sc at Living ston'*. MOAV 19 THE TIME TO l 9F. DETER*!A'B FLUID. It nill make year nl.l elotliinu look like u-w. hold In large l.otllr* at 2-Ac. SOLOMONS CO. Hull Street Store Open All Mlaht. FROZEN RICE REIDS St It \v A HZ'* t AFE. Create*! dainty of the ?e*?on. Oysters served In every style—prepared by the most noted cook* In the Houth Congreea and Whitaker street*. Open Day and Night. RIDS AA ANTED. CNy of savannah. Offlre Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 13. 1900 —Bids will be received at this office until Saturday. Dec. 1, at noon, for the following ammunition, ator.-d at the powder magazine of the city of Sa vannah on the Ogecehee ,r.d: 13 case* Hotchkiss percussion shell* (Id 10-pound *he|ls i*> the rae>. 14 case* 12-p und c.innUrr *hot The right Is reserved lo reject any or al! bid? By order of the Mayor. W. P BAILEA’. Clerk of Council. SPECIAL NOTICE. JI *r REA LIVED One carload of Moyers' fins work of Syracuse. N. Y . open and top buggies, the most complete line ever brought to thl* city. We defy competition on this work 1 ask Ihe public one and all who are tn the market for end and side-spring <a*y-nd- Ing vehicle*, that they can be found at my repository. Abo a full line of deliv ery wagons, open and top. milk and baker wagons Y'ou m ike no mistake by calling al once and make your selection. MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. 120 Broughton street, west Kelly's Rubb*r Tire*, th* only reliable tire on the market. Georgia Phone No 34? Bell I’hone No. 34A AV. t. FHIFP A CO. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Real Esiare bought and sold on commis sion?. and Rent* collected. Representing Traveler* Insurance Company Life. Ac cident and liability Department? New York Underwriter* Fire Insurance Company Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. The City Tru*t. Bale Deposit and Surety Company. Issuing Bond? of Hurely to contractors, administrator* guardian?, etc ■n i ai. mu mb. W* are now giving special attention to house painting, kalsomlnlng and piper hanging, etc. AA'lih a corps of only first class workmen nnd a competent super- Intednent we own do your work promptly and satlafactotlly Get our estimate on anything In house decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. WALL PAPER. PAPER HANGING. We carry compleb- assortment of latest style psper* oral employ only best *rs|..i? See our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work Our prices the very lowest SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Draylon and Congress. Phone 519. LAND TITLF.ib Abstract? of th* recorded land lltlea of Savannah and Chatham county from tha settlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Interest on city real estate. J3BCKETT A BECKETT. 4 Ml SKMGNTS. Ihe Only Bin City Show Cumins to SiunDih This Year. A GcurMid Institntion—The Great Wm. Sells Sc Jas. H. Gray’s UNITED SHOWS Will exhibit th*- following plae## JACKSONVILLE. FLA Monday. NO; 2* VALDOSTA. GA Tu*.a\. Nov. 27 GA Wednesday. .Nov 2S. vt% %%V%H, Till HMD IV, XIV. ttt. Shorn* jrr*Min<fe Bolton n<l Eist Brood tr*e<s. rn* Day Only. Afternoon anl Evening CHARLESTON. S c Nov hi mm:w noth +y*. IIRI\(| YOIH IfOHSK UU\t, and sec the up-to-date vehicles and har ness we carry on hand. AA'c are th* lead ers In our line In Georgia. COHKN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY, Babcock's Repr.eentatlves. WE ARE SHOWING THE FINEST stock of Jewelry. Silverware. Dia monds. Cul Ob. and Fancy Good* ever shown In Savannah. Especial attention has been devoted to silver for wedding gifts. A glance through our store will he convincing An ele gant line of Lamps suitable for wedding gifls. THEUS BROS. We invite the public to visit oar works on Anderson street, west, to see how wash is cared for by ns. • FECIAL NOTICES. till ni'.ll'fi St (lit It WHISKY. This celebrated famous old vatted Highland Whisky Is imported direct from the distillery hy u? Thl* Greer Scutch Whisky Is guaranteed to be buttled abroad and I* consigned to u from Ol aa • .1. .*• g ! tn 'be t I :'<■ I 8.41* ' ustom H-.'t?. It. this city ThU grand old Greer Scotch Whisky It beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and Is soft to tha I*tlate as one could possibly with, and there ts a nuttlnoss about U that Is especially pleasing. We are glad to let the public pur chase aa small quantity a? they wish. • 4■:) one bottle, for th* pur pose of Intr during the best brand of Scotch whisky extant. LIPPMAN BROS, Wholesale Druggists, Llppman s Block. Sole Agent* for the Greer Dlstll lertes. Glasgow, Scotland, and Lub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. t BEV.iTIM.-MAITRt*K| _ ||K. OVATISU. Hair. moss. ticking. flbar. feathers. Our stock of new material .n.d manufac tured producta ait up to ate. our reno vating and remaking haa delighted many prominent resident# Aak >our acquaint noces Material tent ua la picked, ateam al, cleaned ana nudl ated by modtrfi ma chinery Making dona by mechanics. We coniine our work to mattresses ahd bed ding general >. Wa sail t king of nil kinds. 8.0-a. hair, cotton, fiber, toolbars, or any i trie t e>drd n rr.attr as lln*- NATIONAL MATTRESS AND KENO- V ATI NO CO.. Beil rhona liJb. 3SI Drayton atreet. UOAD* EIBCCTm * By th* American Bonding and Trut' Compor. > of Baltimore. Wa are author* ’ to *■ ute locally (Immediataly upa application), all bond* In judicial or t reetjing- In either the state or Units! States Courts, and of administrators au guardians DBARIVO * HULL. Aganta. Telephone 311, Provident L)ul Ml it I LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R Dll is. President. Ci“~V S ' C S ELLIS, BARRON CART*. Vic* President Ami r*, kWl , The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH '' will be pleased to receive th. a of Merchants. Firms. Individuals and Corporations. n< ‘- Literal favor* exiended Unsorpaeeed collection (arllltiet i,, . ing rrompt return* SEPARATt SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTBREST COMPOUNDED QUARTkV LT ON DEPOSITS R ' Safatv Depoalr Boxes and Vault. rent. Correspondence esllctted. * The CitizenTßi OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL ssoo*ooo. Trsstart. s General Rusißeaa. •elicits Areoania of Individ,,,, Slerehaafa, Hanks and other C 0,,,, rations. Collections handled with economy anal dispatch Interest, enntpnunded qnartrrl. ■ Ilnwed on deposits In onr ?, T i„ g . Deportment. •(el Deposit Boxes and Ntarag, Vaalta. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Fre.ig.,, MILLS H. LANE. Alee President GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cnshler. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. (*.h|„ SOUTHERN BANK uf the State of Georgia. Capital lug Surplus and undivided profits .. Dj.y. DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE of GEORGIA Super or facilities for transacting a G7neraT _ Bnnklng Rusinra Collections made on all points • through banks and 1-■ Accounts .if Hunk*. Banker? S2et and others solicited. Safe Deposit I!:i*' for rent Department of Savings. Interest paysk* quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London C ond upwards. JOHN FLANNERY President Horace a. crane, vie* President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY WM TV GORDON E A WEI I. W W GORDON. Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARI.EB ELM? EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRIiT SilllilJlMfl CAPITAL. *3.10,000, Accounts of banks, merchant*, corpws tlcns and individuals solicited. Sa)ti.g? Department. Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxes end Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Draft# sold on all the chief cities of tin world. ,g . C'orrespondenea Invited JOSEPH D WEEb, President JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice President. W F McCAULEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA Capital Undivided profit* sV<oi This bank offer* It? services to corpora tions. merchants and Individual? Has authority to ac as executor, ad ministrator. guerdtun. edc. Issues drafts on the principal cubs In Greet Britain and Ireland an.l on rh' Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarerly on deposit? In the S.*vlng? Dc(Gmn'. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLI’N. President. GKO W. TIEDEMAN. Vie* President. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Asa t Ca-hiar. No. 1840. Chartered I** -THE- Mills Nil Ml OF SAVANNAH CAPITAL. Wti.Ouo SURPLUS '. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY JAG CARSON. President REIRNE GORDON. Vice President W M DAVANT. Cashier Accounts of banks and banker?. *r chant* and corporation* received upon the most favorable term# consistent sits safe end conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BI'ILDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEBT. 5 PER CENT per annum allowed on *) deposit*, withdrawable on dssnand Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT. Per annum allow'd on deposits of 'ten hundreds, withdraw able at annual period* GEO. W TIEDEMAN. President. B H. LEVY Vic* President. E W BELL. Secretary C. G. ANDERSON. JR.. Treasurer To Mur For rale. A Forsalth Newspaper FoM*r: will fold fleet *7X42 It t* In goo-1 or*' price *lt It coal originally L.l 61 we have so uve for It ond want th# room It oecupt#. It will be an Invaluable adjunct o m new# pa [Or office. Address MORNING NEWS, •avanoah. C*. Thf Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IK YOU WANT GOOD MATEWAjj and work, ordar your lithograph'd printed stationery and blank books > rv '" Morning New*, Savannah, Ga.