The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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COTTON STUDENT FROM JAPAN. MR 11. FI HI H AHA OF TOKIO HF.HK TO STI U 1 THK Ul £ ipf etfl la *vr nil Two or Tbrrr In %nnuali A.gulrluu n 1% u 0%% ledge of lUr Export I'ofton Itu*l After W hlflt Hr \\ 111 Kn* ter tlir Importing lltaslnea* In .lupan-Aollun Alanufnriarlng on Important Industry in Jaian—Mr. l uknhari Talk* Inim-Mlnglr t l I M . liualnraa—lliilltllne of Mi a rNKiia Canal Will Greatly Inrrraar Japan's Tradr With tlir Mouth, Me Mss. b ivannah has a young Jap*ne.-e cttlxon. Mr M Fukuhara of Tokio, Jap in wno l Mi# &e< tdrJ to make Savannah hia home for the next two or threo years. hU ob jfC' if! locating here being to acquire a K- g.*lge of the cotion business. Mr Kukiin.ira. whose p©ojde are wealthy and pr mint nr In Japan, decided. after com pleting his education at the University ,f japan. that ih* business of cotton tm ujrttn-t offered a desirable opening for a >o i*k' man who would go about it in the r u.i>. un<l a* the bueineas which he I ~| n v; w referred more particular;)' to tii. iii;i>rtation of American cottons, he \,r. • iiliy decided that the best thing loin o do was to come to this coun try and learn the business fionj this en*l a! Ibe line Hrgt. Mr 1 .kuhara arrived in Savannah sev • r.l and ago and Is at the Pulaski. He u-> n hi th© Hussar* Club last night by u Mining News rejorir7 and talked v * r> m i lily of his plans and his Ideas W S(I, je and lo ihe future of the cotton trade b* tween this country nnd Japan. Cos id ' ring the fact that he has been in thP intry only a year he *p©aks Fng psh w: r markable fluency .mat exprea f very inPdllgently. showing he ha-- c •<n cun ebb table study to condit ion- n. this country. •*I | mded at S*-a tile n year ago.' said Mr 1 tkuhara. "ni.d went lo New York wh're I begun the study English un der a tutor. I made pretty fair progress, •ny fr id tcII me. but l not so many Japan*)- In New York that I whs con tln i.iliy tempted to s|eak mv own lan guage I thougnt 1 .-tumid nike bettr l-r 4" -- If 1 came t Savannah, where 1 would also begin my work of acquiring a knowhdg© of the cotton business. I think 1 mad * no mistake In selecting Savannah.’’ said Mr. Fukuhara. in an swer to a quewtlon. “The city Is a ve~v beautiful one and ( am alreud\ In lov© witn it Th* p* pie arc very kind and hospitable. and my r* 'option ha- been mot* cordial than 1 had any reason to eape 1 think my stay here will be a very pleasant one. The gentlemen in the •of ton business.esiMH’lally, have been very ordial and have promised me every a distance I could desire. My plan Is to l*erwi som** time, whether weeks or months I cannot say. In acquiring som knowledge of the cotton business, and then to get a position with an exporting on**- and • arn th* de oils of the busi ness. especially how the banking ex i nangev are conducted, as w* II as the I living. shipping, insutanr? and other matters ’’ “I am especially Interested ‘r the set l*lan<i cotton busint ’ slid Mr. Fuku harn. "Japan uses a great deal of Bgyf tUn cotton in miking fine \arn- Your a island cotton Is pnctlcdly unknown there. 1 am satisfied that the set Plan's >u per lor to the Egyptian* for tine irns. but some of our manufacturer** .:\*-d at me when I told them so I red the prices of se t l - lands ar pretty t©*‘ and the * of transpordtuc *o .n is ronaldcrabi*'. but I believe th©r* ii large opening in Japan for sea Isl ci I cotton." pan air* dy has an extensive cotton i i ufacturlng busirw—s. Mr Fukuh*ra oi, *•#. and h© lo“k* forward I I trge In ■•*s© in this business ©q* lallv when editions In China have reached a *et i 1 base. a problem b\ tt • way. in v Mi is consider,ibly In i’ *wted. The cotton plant grow- In Japan s l Mi. Fukuhar.*. but th* print 1- small I th lim is very shirt. It Is nearly all ;n into yarn by hand by the farmers sno raise it Th.- Japanest manufactur* obtain their suppth * chiefly from :na a1 liombay. The Chinese and .vptl.m cottons are not e to th** A’nerl *an staple, nnd the latter Is much referred, but owing t the high cost of i' iimportation It la used at t*r**sent to .• :> It limited extent. With the complel of the Nicaragua canal n very large r* tse In the amount of lotion export 'd to Japan may be looked for. ’ I** the Japanes" business men take rr it-' i interest In th* Nl aragua canal pro ? Mr. Fukuhnra wn- askel They tk* th*- deepest Interewt/' h* r riled. “They see m it tn* means of • itly increasing their commerce with country. At present rates of trans > • • iion by rail acroes this ('ontinent. and •* by ship to our port- ire almost p ohlbttory. and we are prevented from l ng a* largely from the Fnited States v'• otherwise w<>uli Our navigators r • hunts mid manufacturers take a great in th* and question, and many * •: from your pafiers relating to th itwi are translated and republished by ’ ■•* lApanex* paper*. Wifn the can* mp:*ted. 1 expe.t to see b st< imehip routes from the pmewv i*>rt* t* New Orleans. Savannih and \**w York. It wootd mean a large in i-e In our commerce with the South.*’ Mi Fukuhara inqiiir* I as to the poll* *' of the people of the South towanH ' • building of the canal nnd also / to ' • policy of the administration toward* • itlmi. ' fiir gtv* rnrnentV policy of the 'open Is the right | icy," he declarer!. It will never do to nik a partition f • Th** open dijor Is the tru- policy J’lpar. and th** 1 *nit and Slat* .m*l f*r > Hrituin ns well. 1 trust It will adhered in by till of these countries “ Mr Fukuhara has mad* u good lmpre*- " h* r* an.l has already made n num t c'tuumtar* * s who ate dispofrd to al*l ui in his pursuit of knowledge, not only • the cotton business, but of various • r 'uhjects. both tmlloial and local, i he w ill dotibtb ss find of Interest. • i a son of (*en. N Fukuhara. of the r r *- a 1 st..fT of the Japanes. nrrm The 1 ter was traveling In Ruropt during the • m * 1 f the It x*;’ out break li- Fhlna. but i• w on hi* return home. Jlef**re m -t<* this country. Mr. Fukuhara was 1 ' lu iated f**r a Mine with an exporting • n fm*lu te*| by his brothers it Kloahu •n. engage.! in exporting coal hil • nber to China. - I HI'PHII AT ll\\AO\ I.UM.F, 1 Ika Committee of the Cnnntry Store I'.ntertaln 'I heir 4sattnnt. A merry party of Klks and thtl* lady Ind- took supper last night at llinnon 1 Ige. Thiinderbolt. The party was Tiade th** committee In charge of th© niry Htore at the Carnival, Me-ar*. Heyno.ds, chairman; W. V Holt, •irl*-. dradot and J Fllncker. The la- were thirteen in number, all lint • i assisted In the store l*eng Invlnd tn party went out on a special car aui hn * l * most enjoyable time. - * n&wp! 1 fpMmmnwßg I f IN Elf\ V CF A I y vDtALy This is the sign that guarantees the biscuit in the box on which it appears, to be always fresh, delicious and crisp. When you order Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Butter Crackers, Saltincs, Banquet Wafers, Sultana Fruit, Graham Biscuit, Sea Foam, Oatmeal Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Handmade Prctzelettcs, Vanilla Wafers, tell your grocer you want those contained in the “In-cr-seal Patent Package,” with the trade mark design on the ends. Used exclusively by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. m\\ < omi:m\ iih.iit or ay vy. s., F. anil \\ .** Inlnnotloa %aalt Po*- tal Tel. < o. ni**olwd. The application of th© Savannah, Floti *ll and rn Ralls, v Company for an Injunction prohlbltlhg the further contin uance by the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company of the pro • ■ ding* Instltutnl by the latter to condemn for Its pur|*w*e* portions of the right of way of the f.r --nu-r was refused by Judge Falllganl In the Hu I rlor Court yesterday. By the Kim*- order Judge Falllgant !!*- -io|\.| tit** t**m|orary restraining order previously granted. It i* altogether prob able that ( oim.-i I for the niilw .iy < om|- any will irry the case to the Supreme 4’ourt. without waiting for the ticaring u|n the app*cation junction OiherwD*' th** plaintiff wouli have to wait until th* Mach term of the court for th** trial of the case. The Pom 11 Company sought to con demn. for th* pur|H>e* of ere -ling |*o!es and stringing it wire- a strip of the rail way company's right of way. between Al bany on 1 Thomtsvlllc and Thomasvllle and VaUlostn. so that It might complete Its system in tha* section <*f the state in which these tow is are located. The railway om|Mn>. In >• apfdlcntion for an Injunction, alleged that th* pro posed roii'li mnation anl the use of Its right of way for the suggested purpos* wouhl great.v dim.ig** B. subject Jts busi ness t*> new and In.• rea?e-l dangers. For this reason the petition anil the resulting proceeding* f*r condemnation have been vigorously fought Mr. Charles F. Prendergast has already been apisdnusl Ith i*ss#.-vor to act with two others, one tbe . 1.. t* .1 by the tall way company and tn** otb*-r to Ih chosen by the ih.i others thus s *l*ctel. t< fix the value of the i'ompany’s tight und the damage to !*<• don*- B by th** rondemnat’on of u portion of B for telegraph purposes. CTfltlbTM %* TH HIE lIIXiIM. Uilli Only n lew Merchants, How ever, Hi** It Been Lively. Already the Christmas trade has become perceptible nmcaig th* m*rch*nts. With om* of them it Is s-ar elv noticeable, but in certain lines there has been a very appreciable In. ntie". owing lo the desire many hav> to seure their Christmos g.Mvi* Ufore the rush. One of the leading Jewelers said yester day that th r© has been evslence of a distinct picking up In his buemes. nnd he . i*dlts it t> the approach of the holi day season. Many Rave call'd upon ti*tii and mail** pure host -of t'hri*tmas pres* *nts. while many more have .teked that U* laid aside for them r*r a few l:i>s until th* y *oi: i d<< *le whether or not they wanted them. One of th** leading lot hi ng merchant* Mini th.u there h.i* been little doing In his ire- tsi ikl accredit to the holi day trade. He hold* that it lias not >*-t opened up 111.* business, he said, has held up well, but it has not been nearly wrhtP It would have been hi*l the cold weather appeared The unusually warm day* tnot have Ix-rw experienced lately have given a * > , t-l*a< k. to the sale of w in ter clothing, und th*- garment* :hat ire ( usually sold In greatest quantity it this season of the >. ir ire no? demanded by customers. This, however. Is a trade that 1* only delayed, for it will be had b> th© clothing mi rehunt* whenever tliu Cold we#thcr puts In 1 appear ince. Their holldav goods have ur* idy been 1 received by in inv of th© merebants. S*'nie of them h.i\'' not received their etitfr-* stock of wintr gi**l*. hut they will b* arriving almost dally, ond aeon Christmas ..op|Hrs will b- abb- to find whatever they iteslre. Almcat Invurlnbly. however, j p is the custom to wait almost until tlie Dst moment before purchasing Christmas presents This custom Is particularly nn- Mceahle with men, few of whom ever think of buying present* for thus© to whom they wish to prewtit them until m!k>ui Christ mas eve. nr.roKK hkcohdkii iiihtiiidge. W onlil-Hr Wife Jlurilrrcr to Awiill IImul( of Ilia W Iff. ln|nP|i. In the- f*ourt ywtPrday Bm Brook*. colored, who the night IWorc h:<| h-l Tosher liangioo* arr*u*t*l. *h*rg*i with APsauiUns him. haJ the * aril* turn *l, Hanglcos bHng dl*ehargcl arxt In turn preferring charge* ngalnxt hi* ccu*er. Brook* wn* fined $. with the* option of ten day* Imprkonment jamea Cook. the rt\mk thief captured •ever*, day* ago, n *ent to the Cliy Court Slits Robert*, colored. arretted day be fore yesterday, charged with criminal op* •ault upon the 4-year-old child of ni* roupin. was remanded to the Superior Court. The caae of Jemew Porter, colored who *erloiip)y <\t\ hi* wife. Savannah Porter. Wedneaday afternoon, at Weat Broad and Wew street*. was continued to await the ttauil of he woman s injuria# j THE MOKNING NEWS; FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23.1900. ' A> EC’I ADOIt H %ILR4I %11, <on *iil-<•©ii© rn I Perry M. del.ewvi'* D©*© rip I tun * f It to ( npt. 11. •. Piirsi-. In a letter recently recelvi*! by Capt. D. G. Purse, president of the Board of Trade, from hi* friend, Consul General Perry M deLeon, formerly of Savannah, Mr. deLeon states that the railroad from Guayaquil 4o (julto .ipi*-ar* t< L an j.* surer) fact. The work D being actlveh prosecuted by two thousarxi Jamal, a I - borrm, who hav© arrived within the b r month, and th* ** will lie f- 11 .w*-*l by tlir©* or four thousand more In tin* next two month*. The road will be 300 miles in b ngth. and will pierce the heart of the And* . ■ kir! li.g far famed Cfcimboraxo und running along th© base of Cotopaxi; It will cost many millions, and require w.-veral >• r* to complete. It is being built by Eng.ish and American capitalists, who are ‘ 1 to hav© made iheir m lllona in the Trans vaal The contractor D Mr J P M 1 H>h <ld of Knoxville. T**nn.. but Mr F C Dunn, a native of Virginia, and for many >ears a prom 1 nem railroad man m Ala bama, Is in charge of th© w, k. His w lf* . a member of a well know n Virginia f m -ily Im with h* r husband Quite a number of other Am.-rbsn ladles have* also *me cut to Ecuador Mr del#©on think** there is a tin* opp>r tunfty for young railroad men. either < • mploves or sul-coniru' to/-, sklile.l cl.-rk* are also tie* d* and. but tlrst-elass refer* n *.* ur.- m all • .*-• • rtqulred uid obrteti Is ,i 'hln*' qua non ’ On© *t wo good si* nog rnpbers who understiui*! S|anlsh and Ktu:- h-h can obtain lucrative employment. Preference Is natuialh given to South erners for the that the pHnclt*ab are themselves Southerners, and also from the fact of th* Ir being b**ter able to stan 1 th© climate than Northerners Among others <mp oyed by the rompinv are Gen. Samuel Wragg Ferguson of gou*h Carolina. Frar k D*nt of Rem*. Ga and O. W Taylor of Atlanta The r*rl built by Meigs in Peru will Im* ©quailed. If not eclipsed, by this stupendous under taking TII HOI 4*14 NLRRI'EH LDR voatliern llallwny Will Neanme Um Jaek*onvlll©-K••*•* lt> Line. The Southern Railway will re-.-t.hllsh Us through sleeping r line between Jacksonville and Kansas City on Nov 2ft This will offer a very convenient and quick route from Savannah to the West, <n .1 doubt le jk- th" line will be li* rally paironlxed. Trains Noe. 13 and It will han dle the cars, which will have buffets, thu* enabling j*asaengera to avoid the Irn *•- venleoce of having the train f*r ih©|r meals. This line wn operated last >*-ar, ami its resumption will be weleomed by those who have l**en accustomed to us© It iluring the winter. Mr W. G. Brew* r. city ti ket nnd p©*- sengcr agent for She Central Rallr**ul, was among th** paaaeng*r* aLxird the steamship Tallahassee for New York a-t night Mr Brewer ha* gon* for <i grcutly needel vacation, and his many friend.* In Savannah trust that hi* h* *lth. which has been somewhat Unpaired, wld l>* entire ly restore*! by hi* trip - - - WKHK UUK I.U M KIIIIKI). Itn l.lo)il entitled In Vrar'i lap part I ruin liatHli* of Hr • |ji to In. Judge Fcrrlll rendered a l* lion in the Court of Ordinary yesterday in th< mil ter Of the <a\e.t of Abe Llo\d rind Other lf the application of llo**. Ltoy i for a widow'* year * support from the estate of Benjamin Lloyd. The caveat to the application wn ba*el on the rontemlon that Roen wo* not tin* (awfully wife of Benjamin and therefore not entitled to the >• ir Mip |iort Kvllwum and arguments wer<* heard at great hngrh. Judge Ferrlll, In rendering hi* decision dl.-tnh and (he <a \eat and granbd the application for >iir‘p iuppori. thu* etubdhlng t l> - gal statu* of llf>sa Lloyd, a* th *i low of the Intestate. mu i:vri:T%i\ to-night. I.utlirr l.ragur’* Social at tile 1. 11. C*. iMorißliiiii. The aoclal annoutufil in the Morning New* yesterday to have been given i-y th-- Luther I-eague to the members of the Young Men's Christian Association last night, will take place to-night The pro gramme will be given in the association * gymnasium at *.30 o’clock After the vo. cal and Instrumental music, refreshments will be served, ami a social tmi will Ut Indulged in Those who have attended these socials In the past know how en joyable thev are an l to-night the Luther Leaguers promise, if anything, a more pleasant evening. Every association nn ber la expected. |fh‘s Q I 5 w I jaaSß AIiTIOX *iu:m th ir hay. SAVANNAH AUCTION AND COM MIMMO* l BMP IM, 111 Whitaker Street. TO-DAT at 11 a m wr© will sell fine (oltshed Oak Btdroom Suite, 3 flne Pianos, 2 Organs, 1 6-foot nnd 1 12-foot Counter Cases, 2 Sewing Machines (n**w), Lidl' M Km© Trimmed H its, Fin© Bd v* rw ire. Washburn Mamlollns nnd Guitar. 2 ' \\ Indow Shades, all colors. A WINERIGHT, Auctioneer. SPECIAL SALE. 7: p. m SATURDAY we will sell s> Lilies’ and Gentlemen'a Wheel#. Ail in l*erfect condition. li %\4.i;u \ \ME OF ( 111 Rt tl. The Bt%estli *irerl Mu* llrrome K|i %%rth M©ilnll*t t hnreh. . The name of th© Seventh Street Melh ! odist Church lias been changed to Ep worth Methodist Church. This was done by a unanimous vo;© of the congregation .i ti* . quarterly conference, whicn was n *1 la-i night at the church. A ill* names of the -tr**te south of Ai.dcrso,'. w• r© iwingt*! som© weeks uu > by tin* CTty Council, “Seventh Street M<-tho.l*t Church” no long*r had any .* Ignlfli an * For thl© r* a *on it was dc . i*.*l to mikt a .hinge. in*l Mr. J. L t’hrut. iti, < hairmiui, Mr. W. M. t’nif!©, Mr \Y II Flfer, and Mr J. I) Rogrs w * re a| ;olf (. <] ,i committe© to suggest a new name Epworth Methodist Chtirch,’* was th*- st:gg*?|on r*f the committee. The name w i* chop'll l**-< iuse f th<‘ association It l. i w 1 * u John and Charh** Wesley, Um- ; gi*at M* thielist* Aln-ady there is a We.*- I* > M*'num*ntal Church, and at* th© com mit tr© desired to further memorialise th. \\ esb \ in S*\ ifinali. the nam© of the birilqii e* was <-ii'>*©n for the church that 1.- row on Thirty-seventh street. An ol*Jcctlon that was raised to the t “Thirty-seventh Street Church" v. i that It sounded ns If the church were ; away out In th- country. Strangers In the city might ho think Horn© of th© congr** gat loti h and always tleslred a name other t! in that >f th*’ street on which the church was located, and the change to “E| worth*' wa especially pleasing to them. Presiding Ebb r J A. Thompson pre sided over the conference The pa*tor, 1 Rev. J. A Smith. Rev. W 8. Ifeath. city mission rv. and the off!' ere of the chur h r n |er©d r* |*rt Them* report -, touch i? * u[>on th© v mo.* Interest* of the * .’lurch, showed It to I*- In a most flourish ing condition. Blxtv-i ire ni* mls r* have be*n added during the year nnd over $1,600 j from ;iH sources h;- leen ral*ef The foil .wing oftl •r* were elected for | th© ensuing year: M©e*rn. J. L ChrD ttnn. Jam*-* J ick*on W. M Craft?*. I R iw’md. J N McGinis. O p Murphey. W. II Flfer. W. P Ridle. F. C Stone, Y \ i v and W s Wolf •Mr J L. mu eb ted Sumbiy ; School sufw rlnb-r.dent. and Mr J N M - Glllis wsi - ©l©©ted sirperlniendent of the I'd© of Hope Sumlay School. Mr. F. C Stone wa* elected recording steward and district steward. \ Kit tin t roit the iimttKit. J. \\. K*lls Gels fart of 11l I lain* %untnt \iirnilt Company. J \V K'dlv. formerly m nag- r -f the Fores! City VarnPh C>n|ari . <>!•: n• I verdict and Judgment for tllf.Ot against that corporation In th* City Court yte t* r lay Th* plaintiff sued for 4/7<191. but th** several claim ■> of -••i-off made by the • vs' • rt gnind In part tn ’*• Jury slid the compromise verdict was the result. The claim of the pi dntlfP wa< for the payment of his salary ** manager, pay meni of which, he averred In his petition, hod been denied him The defendant an •<vs* '■'<! that ln*ead of It owing th* pliln tiff h * ws* himself Ind -tel to It it little 1. * than SPO Th- Jury Just about split the difference. WILL (.11 i; WOMKEHk % Ml I'PKH. y, t|. %. lint m Who Secured Slew Mean her* \\ ill He (.neili. The Young Men's Christian A*mh laelon wlil Tuesday evenir.g rhow Its apprecia tion to those who during the recent mem bership canvas* brojght one or mote new members into (he Association by giving them a *upp-*r It will be nerved by the members of th* Ladi* * Auxiliary. The canvass brought the association in over ninety new rnem hers during fhe few weeks It was In pro. gresa. A gu<l supper will he served and the occasion promises to be very enjoy- . •M*b I CLASSIFIED AUVtKHSEMENTS. rr. 11*10* %i„ “* TIIM MKN s VV 1:1: K “^IiXIKOrT- Itng fr*. ho)* and girt** atlenllmi. no auntie * . hopping, or novice practicing but cut by tb* u<* rgta hair ex|*-rt him* **df bring tht* adv n the 24tf. f*etw*en .t *•*. ♦ p m g East Broughton, luiir. mid ahavlna Mi|*t>l> hHie The pla* e for everything pertaining to hair, ewttchee. \i g p mpatkaire, wig*, nms *"• Ni a- f.* x daili • queralf* and detect Iva us* . mail uplere prt*nitly hi and an fully fllled ADVERT * HKMRVTH HET IN C W IT A Wild. HE PRINTED IN CU A-t IIIFIKD ADVERTISEMENT fOMMN FOR TWO O:\tr a WORD NO AD VERTIHF M ENT TAKEN FOR I.ESM THAN :< V THANKS' i! VINil DAY WILL So* N U- h*r** S. • Miller for h ftuitable tub •t. bol l that turkey un l trimming** Dining mbb-e. pldcboarda, buffet*, tdilna clo*rt*. rh*lr* to |ii* an* anybody 907 Itroughion, v r*t. YoD Wild. UIKF THE AIII.K FROM Hpr.ngfl.ld Dairy; It’* rich ami pure, try It. HOW AllOl’T YOEII WINTER clothing ■* 1.-t u put It tn *hap< $ p. r month Sterling Preaalng Club. D York w TRY IIITTTKItMMI S ( ANDY; l‘< *SI tiv. ly pur**; I'ryiUllsed fruit aeaorletl. Lie pound. chcrrt* h and ginger un> price; chocolate, a*eorte*i. Ik pomel. neur oi fin** candy. ”.c pMind. ID St.?r we**t. I HAN’T FOIUJET THAT Mil.! EH r* l|** tioll* .in I t>\ ('otue and e* our htdUlay a4<>rtmcnt. 2u7 ltr>ughton, w.-.-t HYACINTH AND NARDISSFS Hl DItH palm*, rubb. r phutt> .ut fl.*w. te anl floral <l*l*4 m* from iK'Nlugs Nurmry, oppw!te < *thollc * *.lll* it ry. J Gardner, agent, 12 Broughton wtreet. eaat. I- •-* FoR ART Hgt’AHES WHILE tin v |•*t 111*4 aMftortnient. all gra len of art equarca. rug , mats, |*ortlt-res. C- I* Miller, agent. SER IAL AN ENLIMITED HDPDLY of new wtlhm locker*, ladle * *lxe. Ml %2 J W. Teeple I AM NOW LOi'ATFl* AT 411 WEST Broughton; ring up 11S9 if you want to have your fun l ure moved or parked for ehlptn. nt or etoruge, I guarantee pr ra the eamr * I -lo the work that * given to tile. A H. (Irtflln, 411 litoiiirhton etr*al. erst, mattreee.* m • let. ortor IF ITS KEGS YOI’ WANT. Y*IT CAN get them cht.iper from kii'Glilt* II FOR WOVEN WIRE COTH WHILE they laet. *'. I* Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN eurpamed foi rlchneOs; and livery Is per fret; phone, 2-146 SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, nffb e tabl* ofllce matdng, office shade*. 2f7 Broughton, west WHEN Y4U SEE M tULLIS SlXTY inch V9-c* ni rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In any quan tity. Go’to~IIETTBRICH H FOR TANDY nrtnt wafer#* cinnamon wafers; le|lcloos for the hI k listtertrh v 110 Stale, west. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let um put It in nhsp ; 91 per month. Bu rling Pressing (*lub, D York. w. SEE THE JEWEL HTUVK.ft AND ranges f.*r sale bv J. W Toepie, al.-o agent for Insurance gas-lb © stove. ••FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," Is a specialty with McGlills. FURNITURE UPHOIitTERED, MAT* tr*>M*s renovat'd, antique furniture r©i*oi Irhed, furniture packed, and nhlpped in best maun* r 8* nd me your ordti.* C. P Miller, agent. KIMBALL’S ANTI - RHEUMATIC ring every rheumatic ought to wear J Gardner, agent, 12 Itroughum street, east. * M GILLIH* LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your (tsrlor. M'GTLLIR IB CHEAP ON RUGS NETS lace curtain*, hamm-wks. water cooisrs pillow*, picture*. ©to\es. bedroom suits, und furniture of every tie scrip! ton. IF YOU IkiN’T FIND WHAT YOU want where you are dealing. sit|f>ose you try Miller. His assortment Is the Usi In town 2>7 Broughton, went. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN ele\a(bn In the country, fr©© from city drainage Impossible for milk to become ! contaminated, by Imfmr© odors; If you want pure J< rsay milk, phon© 2343 I>©- llvery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed M’GILLIH MOVER. PACKS. SHIPS and store** pianos and furniture; best work only, no “Clusap-John" pr| es -no "(‘hasp John” Job# * HOW ABOUT YOUR ’WINTER clothing'* let us put tt In • hap->; | p. r month. Sterling Pressing Club. 19 York w CANARY BIRDS. GOLD FISH WA t©r grass, bone flour st 12 Broughton str©t. east SEE MILLER’S NEW STYLES ~IN rnrp©t*. matting*. Ilrnd* um*. window shade* Ail work done In first-, lose style. Get our estimate. 207 Broughton, west. M’GILLIH HELIX SIXTY-INCH HUGS -Smyrna patterns— for cents. ■"PEE MILLER H NEW STEEL STOVES and ranger, ©II heaters, wood heaters, best makes, reliable goods, reasonable prices. 2()7 Broughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP !TAl*i WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN KoR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al> VKRTIHEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 300 MEDICAL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and i will give you relb f. I cur© Ingrowing nail*. <orns and all diseases of th© feoi without |*alr.; charges reasonable; can glv© the best references In the ©By; pa tient* treated at r*©ldence©, orders tan Im left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 2k3. Lm Davis surgeon chlmi-odlst. HELP W IMHII-M ALE. JlalesnlTn^^^ Hoirth t’arollna. prefer on© with some *x- P rli> ©of the millinery mndne**. Ai -lr *•* X. Y. , h** offl* * WANTED. EXPERIENCED MAN TO liandl© thirty-five or forty hands In tur pentine wcmsls. Address John?on lock box 115. Tifton, Ga WANTED. A FIHBT-CLABB LUMBER Inspector and shlpikng clerk. A East Coast Lumlwr ComiMny, Water* town. Fla. ’WANTED. A YOUNG MAN To Co£ bet Address answer '*• ’ollector,*' care ! News Office; state i©fereri<* - SALESMEN WANTED TO goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade, we are the largest and only man ufacturers In our line in the world, liberal •alary paid Address. < n De* Mfg Cos., j office. W Board of Trade Building. Savan nah. Ga IIEI.P IV IVTIH-I-'KIMI.K. wa.ntkd. a good cook apply *ft*r 10 o’clock, No. 17 Mcl>onnigh atreet, east. ~wanted7oon. be liable <'ook. call at orwe. No 223 Houston stre#*t. W ANTED? FIBBT CLASS WASH WO. man. none other need apply. 3k llaber. sham sire* t *A L V BUT 18 EM E NTS S ET~I N CA P * ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS than toe; ROOM* tNTF.IE '’”wXNTED7ATI2CT!^n^TTESsTTTAN . room,; elate term. and krvatioc. | Addre,* "Coinfort," car. Newi. . •EMPLOY m:\T U %*TKD. AI DRESS GOODS MA \ TnTTXi VV kTiD •Dement writer pri-.'nt writing ad* for the largest deimrtment store South, In desirous of * change A'klrew* Mur phey. P*G Austell buf dlng. Atlanta, lia. DRESHMAKKIt OWN SYSTEM DE algn. .ut and flt, out !.*>. IP* Price •tt eet u 4ATEB—MUM I l i yM.oi t. WE WANT TO BUY Sol’R EBB mentrsl svrup AUI* matl .ni|b > a* and prices, Augusta Mtcam Candy l*'a*tory AugUfltt.* Ga. WANTED SUFFERERS FROM RTOM a.-h. liver, kl*tt** v wnl |nt*-<*ttnal di-.u-l* t> write Rev Alphcu* Winter. Tryon. N. (V. to b urn ai**ut r. medy that almost and w% * * ui*' < El.. -> -tar;;;: IK YOU WANT OOOP MILK, GET IT from B|HingiieUi Dairy, It s rich, pura and w bole soma. II YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc . free of charge just at city limit*, hauling ovu hard road, write or trieph*ne Brown Bros . corner Anderson and Eat Broad streets ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN 'CAP ITALS WILL UK PRINTED IN CLAS Sli ILD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN KoR TWO CENTS \ WORD NO AD VKRTIHEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. FOR hi: Vl It now*. two ei itnishi;d or u.neurnThiu '*l room'* rent; privilege of hath. 2D East Henry. NEATLY FURNISHED llTaiMH' \!.L con veti leiK'ea. Banuiid ei reel, neat l-i --\h rt >. Rooms FOR RENT AT TWENTY Hull street, west, nulutde for ha>| or ofTl* •• or home*. FoR RENT, LARGE SOUTHERN room, unfurn shed %ppty 12 Lib>rt\. w t. Im tw*'-n houra H an.l |©Jm a m only man and wife r single lady need applv. FOR HEAT—HOI ag. T*TTrTrENTr s^T\rrTrirr^rßrrir^ No 217 Waidburg atreel. east, between Abe room and Lincoln, flr*t-rl.i*a and condition: avery convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton ati >ats F(lt RENT, NEW MODERN BRICK dwelling Whitaker siren, onr *lfMr north f Taylor Apply tc. It F. Kin k, And*r >on and Al**-ivom street*. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE 103 I'ER iY “tn et. weal. to Andrew llanl *y Cos. FOR RENT THAT DEHIItARLE RES M* t *• with NitlMu*ee. -tld*o* ami a r>utful garden, lIR Taylor *trre*. #.-f |%r particulars Inquire S (#u. k- nfiel roer's Bay and Jefferson street FOR RENT. 514 JONES STREET went, Imuii'dUite |o M 8. Hike-, agent TO RENT. 221 AND 723 BOLTON | treet, n*t; the** are good house* and location exiient Apply to c A Mcln llre. 4S It anl of Trade It ul ding "FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE re*|t|enc*s, thoroughly renovated Aih*!v A Wylly, agent, 12 Ittyaii street, east KOI. HK*T—. 'T^Ttrrir^rxiuTrrrirj.i~XM^~r>? r KT7T!; Foil ItKNT. eoiINKK KKOITUIITON ANIi WKHT IIItOAIi KTItKETB FtU -MKIII.Y fM-rri’lKl* HY Tin; H.VVAN nah rAimiAOE ani> yva.ion eo. n !• HMAIIT “for kknt. on tiik ooebchkk rckad. bet wean three and foui -mtle post* (tru.ley • .rs nearly to two mil* post), laiit! in b>n* from one act# to one hundred, name can b*- bought Ii larga or small lot* on easy term*. C II I>oi*eit. ADVKRTISEM I:NTS SET IN OAP* ITA iJH WILL BE PRINTED IN CL AS SI El ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN EOlt TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN .W FOR SALIC—HEAL KSTITK. IN cap" PI A I*4 WILL BE PRINTED IN (’LAS SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN IFOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. I O!t SAEeT A LOT FOR TWO HTTN .Ired dollar?*. e*y term*, on Nlntn etret-t, near i:-t llrnatl, no city taxation C. II I torietl. FOR SALE. I/TS ON NINTH STREET • Brood < - ly tiiiq SI SSI •a* h; twenty-five doiia*a * a*h. .irvl ay monthly payment*. C. II In.rsett. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH NEAR East Rroid a* |2 f ew. h; wld *oo le H<l\nn *-<1 to 522&. when a lot ha* been |Hid for I run arrange io g. t a honia built, c. II Dorsett ‘IiEHiD! N' : and BtTYLDINO""LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert II Tstrm. real estate dealer. No. 7 York *tr**et. west. FOR SALE THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad; have only been •old to first-class parties, who will m ike good neighlors; nrel none dher* ran buy The term* are very easy, and thoy are ch.i|>er (bun any other* In the vicinity. C. 11. I>or*ett. ADVERTIBEMI NTS SI T IN CAP ITAIaS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. FUR HAI.B—MISt 1.1.1. t N 1001 N. StiV HEM. THE COLUII KING! TIIV It when your favorite r-fn*dy (alia, at -< t>ottl. a-lilrU to a sill of honey make, a ■l’lvndld mixture for Infante end children IIEN/.OIN 11.M.M MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for .ale hy druxst.t or at ll> n ry and AberroTß. I‘rra.e Drug Store. Whitaker amt Tavlor atreet.. I ’ KOII KALE. RIVER HAND BY WII.U ’ lam It l*uder, 1775 Hell. FIRE PROOF SAFES WB CARHT A fine line of fire proof ..fee In eto<'k at ill . time* The part)., can ee* exactly wtwt 1 they are getting Our prl.-e are aa low a* manufacturer, aril It, .Mil freight a<td *-d Rartlea Interer!.!, who wl.h a greet fire proof aafe, will do well to Inapecl our to> k Idppman Ilro. . Elppman Mu k agentn for manufa. turera SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try It; you will be plee*ed TERPENTINE LOCATION FOR eale. M rror>e Itr.t year boxea; 12.000 n ra. rrmnd llmhor, at HSo |.r acre. s■* par thouaand hoxee for leaa>.| tinner; pf If of limber to la- got. In five mll'B of rail road; will give poeeroeFn now or at end of ere.oo Hound Timber, raia Morning Near*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET " JN~CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN rLAS SI FI El* ADVERTISEMENT POLE MS FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VKRTISKMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOP LOST A>l FOE AD. IdrST. IIRINI >LH BELL PEP, SIX month, old Reward If returnnl to No 24 Itryan .tree!, *nt STRAYED. STRAYED OR STOLEN. FROM NOR ton tuMiire, Ogrechee road, one amal! black home mule, blind one aye. Re- | ward If returned IThomnmn A Harvey. 110 Harrl*. we*t. ItF.VV litl>. $2500 REWARD FOR MOEBE-COLOR ed mare mule, .tolen from W, R. John aon. Emanuel rounly. law night; wire chief of poll.. Ulilwi if found. U. L Da- j via. ROARDISO. ME^r^r^bTAßD In private family; desirable location and all convenlen ea of home. Apply *l7 Waidburg, went. PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD LIKE A cheerful, companionable couple. r two retired gentlemen to take rcon And hoard lt> home, term* no ovject t* rigtit pit tv; spb ndtd.y located Home C omfort*. ar of News Offli c. CHOICE FRONT ROOM WITH b* ar*l. *!• .■(raide k> aGon. 3/T Charlton at reel, wcet. — - 11l aiM as ( || %*(>:*. VDVKItTISCMENTS SET IN ITA I<K MILL Id PRINTED IN CLAS Sti ll D ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN i lt i w *<’!.NTS A WtiRD NO Af- VF.RTISI Ml NT TAKEN FOR LESS TH AN *ic Pl.t bill \li. MODERN PLUMBING IT WILL BE to your Intei* c to let tu- give you an eo timau on vour plumbing new or *U| work; repair w.-rk a;- l*lt \ a* I am a practical plumber No gut-e* work to emiatigtr your life. Wiggim*. 'j hona WJ7. *#eorgla or Bell vi*t I*l.L % Mint a. WE GIVE >•( CITHER DOMESTIC or gloss llntsh. perfect w*ta l or• t City Laundry. Park avenue. GET YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS a* Koch A Sylvan*, at Whltak r They HIO Im auttful and i heap. BEFORE YOU PURMIASE WAI.a don’l forget Taylor, hl n**w stock •*l low prl *•-* will p , you. 141 Bar nmrd. THE REHORCINE A NTISLT*TIC PROI res* Ia ttie most satifffa* lory to clean . I ah* don* *ilv h\ N* w York Ht*ani Dye Work* Whitaker and Hi de NEW DOMESTIC. WITH BALL bearing*, on r ■> urine; try one; buy one; deal with your people Pet don A Hon. FOR FISHINg i A* KLK, NETS, go to Cornwell a Uhipman. "7mN T TIP l HLI. YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pet* or matting Perry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. WE GUARANTEE TO DO YOUR plumbing work cheaper than any on** else. A C Price \ C. St?te aid Jef f rs**n etr*'Ots, ‘phonen ♦„> HAVE YOl R HOI HE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire *at!*fadlon guaranteed Adams Paint Company. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND llUN grv people at the Southern Grocery Com pany, 111 lUrnatd street •PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITY Laundry They will call for your llneo Immediately WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR tng gtv* n |*ereonal at Koch 4k Sylvan’*, 4ft Whltuker. LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF WALL pop* r. just arrived will make to suit you. Willi mi Taylor. 14! Barnard NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE with ball beartngv lock and chain stitch; two machines In one Penton AS n, WE ARE DYEING NOW BY THE new oxtidvo pro* - - '*qjally nJ.iSeA f*>r la<ftlew‘ Iln** • r*|m and tall*r-m*l dresses; #*. nd us your work and you will l*o pleased New York Hiram Dye Work*. 'Phone 043 I olt HARDWARE AND TOOIJ4. GO to Cornwell A Chlpmnn’*. WE SELL HEWER PIPE. pipe. Are t lay. Are brick at l*went price*. Aki(u* Paint Company, l*d cHi(reas, weal. PERRY A BENTON 13n STATE street, west, will move, pn k. ship or atom your furniture at short notice; alo ren ovats your old mattrensea at Istle coat, llell 'phone 1124 NOW IS THK TIME TO GET RID OF your second-hand Move; we will lake It In exchange for n new on* A. C. Prlea A- <\> , St .He und Jeff* r*<m street; phones ass. "more THAN ONE HUNDRED cents In every dollar of your hard-earned hard rash at tha Southern Grocery Company. 114 Barnard afreet "THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK~IB being turned out by Forest City Liundry. 'Phone I.YTS ’GOLD WATCHER AND DIAMONDS nt all prices Koch A Sylvan, 4ft Whitaker at reel. FOR TIIE MOST SELECT AND largest stork of wall paper In th© city, go to Taylor. 14! Barnard. PENTON A B<N. WILL RENOVATE your machine and guarantee It S* II new or ©ld ma -tilre*. FOR RANGES AND BTOVIM. GO TO Cornwell A Chlpmnn. CIYPHINB IS THE REST WALL Fln". Uh rtiMlr Adiirn* Paint Cos., Savannah agents, 104 Congress, west. \ E HAVE A FULL LINE or MAN tel* from io cent* t JL r * cents, put up fr**e. A c. Price A 4*o, State and Jefferson streets; 'phones 6M. REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hanl cash with tha Sou them Grocery Company. 114 Barnsrd street * ADVKRTiai’hUKNTS *KT IN r-AV ITAIX WII.I. MM I’UINTKt) IN ri.A BIFIBn A1 >VBHTISKMKNT COI.I MM Foil TWO CKNTH A WOHII NO Al>- VKRTIHK.MKNT TAKBN FOR I.K3S THAN W Norwood's "Satire" For sole at all News Stands in Savannab. LEGAL \OTICE*. rND^MGrrrrF ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice 1© hereby glv< n to all persons hav ing demands against Pauline l it© of ssbl county. d*eer*©l, to pr* *• rt fh-m to us, profh rly mad© out. within tl time t l ©* *4*rlt>etl by law. so as to show their rhura* t©r und amount a< *1 sli per sons Indebted to -aid deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to uo. Savannah, Oct. , li LEWIS LICVKOY. DAVID I.KVKOY. Executors. BRENNAN BROSn HOLE3ALB Fruit, Produce, drain. Etc >UV At HI LT. WtM. likptoMM*. JOHN G. BUTLER, -DEALERSIN- Polnt*. OUa .nd Gian. Sa.h. I* ora. Blind, and Btißd.ra' Buppllea. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Per* ten and Do mestic Pement*. Lime. Plaster and Hair. Bole Agent for Aheetlne Cold Water Paint. X) Congress ilreet areal, and 19 St Jullaa street, Meet. 3