The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. Ilnll'a t• r*m f DUnnrry. On# mat. bottle of Hails Great DH covery rurfK ail kidney aiut l*ia hDr tro>* l*le. remove* gravel, cure* din Ih tr-. *en Inal ermesiorv.-. weak u.J .ne bu. k* rhaumaiUiu and ail irregalxriue* of tn kuii,>* atid to* JvJn m*o nmi and w meti. leg uaia b.uiucr .1 a.-' b* 4 -a. drtn If not * id by you a: .*t*lt *l be *ent by mail cn '< L 1 '!• amai* ta lu* tteatin*fit, and Wll* cure m> ■ ** atwxe mentioned. Hr. K Ns Ha ■ 1 ' * u ’ •J*. 8: Lou.- M- Head for te-:lmoiUb fold t v .1 .iiugg and H .otiion* Cos. taxatuiMh, i*a Krud Tit la. ut nb< rt. G . April 2. IflOO This I* to certify that 1 wa* affected tilth r v-l ami that I took sixty drop* of HaliV Great Dlucovery arid It >rn- I eteiy rur<l nr 1; U worth 11.00* i*ei battle to ary or.r deeding It J. T STEVE VS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. mjws % \i of Tiir. nt\ in two Between Alabatt. * City and Atlxlbi near Rom# Monday right . fa-* L**uH vllle and Nxhvill** train ran o. * r ni l in atantly killed t* white non named Whittaker and Add* olt T* • rn-n wert drunk and wri t in i*-ir • • and on n -L.irp nw IVI tt.iker w i mangled lf > .ml .ill t# .* ;t. -i \ nldoain Unnl* it %w**lii. Macon TANARUS !• •.p Tb* m*eflng h* r yesterday b t%k •*n M* - r M r< and Oranfmd of \ n ti ind Ire .!• r t .1 Pope Brown i • S'a Agr..'MlturaJ So dety pin |> ■ • t gu -ng but none of the thre.* *n n‘ #• would nay w as *u niff*'a nee. If any w.- to u- utt n hed t the meeting It ).■ known, howevei. that Valdosta H int- the mi fttstr Fair, •he m* mi • - with the one Ju-t heat M oon 1 i o n *tlv b.l’• r f r that attra**tiu. m l it If now a question Of u what city will Pc o fori unde •* to get it. t lih miion potato lirnwrr. Marietta Journa Mr I* who ha* Just finished diguing sweet potatoes, repor’* a yield of 2*~- bu-hcl* on twelve a. res of land, on average of 22* bushel* per acr* K** v‘s Improved frt*r Stem |**- titto Is the vnrletx Sir Igrows With thl* potato he w.Mi th* flr-t prise of slfe tif ih* Southern I>t r-tine Fair this \**ir This |m;ito hi* taken first premium in every -ant* t In which it has l* • tient< r 1 over l.V> in all Thb Is only Mr I .egg s re end yenrh ♦ xporlen#*#- In farming. We thnnk him for .i quantity of these excel - lent potatoes Married In llaatr. Mia* Julia Holland and Mr S M Wo*si both of Gordon county, were murrie-i Tuesday In the North Home depot by l<e\ J W Gllllam The -oupl- * mu- to Home with little id . tf welling but n a iort while before departing fr liome to <m trk on tin* nviirltnonlal s*a. A preacher** ** rv n • seouretl just l-- fore the train on th** Southern Itoad ar rived. In tl* preaence of a few travel ers they w n made htislsind ami wife Ito h uf th* |Ktrti* ar* well known in Gordon unty the kt. tan le ing quite a wea.thy man and the bride a very hand pome FLORIDA^ Bartow Courier-Informant: Orange* are rolling p*e us now in good style, about twenty-four carload* having come op tne road 1-? week. le.-i.lew what !•!: the pa kmg houses here. The coloring ha* reached deep >*lk*w, m.l th** pulp that'hobit* mm unation of *u- r and acid that no other fruit cart approx imate. Our pa< kers are very busy. in*l paying fine prtcea for ill they can get. t lu iifr far * Tiger Hunt. Fort Myers l*r*'t- Hunters looking for tig game can I.• -m mod ale* Il> Poking til* Dave Pool, .s he s i.vs he can |Mit them on the trttli of a big tiger m t o- Corkscrew. ll* ran ucroes a cottpie *>f 4l* m*l deer, cover•*•! with straw, evidently the work of a big tiger, hs th** un.nnl s tra< ks could r*- soon all about the prey. Dfcve woukt hav* gone ufit-r the animal, but hlo dog turned tail and he had to give It up. Overburdened WKb latwa. Quincy llerwld: Our Btate Dcglalature i obliged to b** called together t -asion .ly. nitd in molt cases each r thinks he muet intro*lu<*e some retv law The state i* over-burdened with Inws bow, in my of w ilcli. if rejeale*l. would l>e a bleesing •* the people The game luw, for Instance, reaches, or mod I fin I to such an extent a to give :h* nan** Floridian m fair chance nt the game in his own territory The Saw as it stand*, will equal up with any trust trial Is In existence. IftftPKfTßO i II ITT tIHMM lit:*:. filter and Harbor Committee (Enter tained Hi t oluMbat. Columbus, G Nov 22.—Congressmen Davidson. Wisconsin; liishi* of Michigan. Alexan.h r, N. w York; laiwrenct, Mas sachusetts; Hunkh. ad, of Alabama; Les ter, Mu !(!o\ .ti and Adamson, of Georgia, niembt r* of th* Klver and llarlstr Com mlttee. arrived in the city this morning, and this Af4<-rn*M>rt tc<k th** n w se.rn r Kelly for * trip down the Chattahoochee Ms far • \Yo|folk's betid A umt * r of prominent cltlgens accom panied the cotigress lona 1 party, th* mem ber* of which were very much Impr -sad with th** import.mcc of h large uppro l*riHtion fer p* rnanent improvement of th- river Heretofore annual at*proprUt- Cons have hardly . n suffl< lent to pay salaries, k* p government projaTty in re pair and fsrnov- t.-mporary olaitructloiiH from the stt*.t> The engineer in • narg** estimate* that fvMi"* wl l be sufU ’* nt t* permanently im prove th* *tr*m * it will h. n.nvisible to Columbus • all stages of water This Is In addition to usual annual appropria tion of |yMO an I Congr.'ssmuti s)m wl’,l Insist ii;on th* total ir'*roprlH tlon of IJbh.ono even. If the annual Mims must be cut off for a few years in order to secure it. This ev*t Ing th* party left for Mobil** by a special train provided by the Central Railroad Urdding In 4 olunibiie. Columbus. Ga., Nov 19—Ml** Rosalie Tarver and Mr Howard Wade were mar ried at Pt Luke's Church at 9 o'clock to night. the bui.)ing being crowd*-*! to Its utmowt capacity by the friends of th** young couple Then* were twelve eouples ns it!?-? <!.*r t- and the w odlng w ■ one of the chl f s. r .al events of the season. Smsminlt Hill !•** Tlirugli. Atlanr.i No\ 22 The h'enate to-day concurre.l in th* at lon of the House in pust-ing the bill by Mr Wells of Chatham to allow the Mayor and Counciimen of Havant! h to purchase lands out side of the city limits. Field Trials at New I on. Nswton. N C . Nov. 22 —The all age race which begat, yreterdav with ;he run ning at two or.* ► wa* . >mlnued to-d> with Increased Interest. The weather w.. fine and the ganerul conditions satlsf.i lory. (irrm**)'* l*lg Iron, Berlin. Nov. 22 —Germany's pig iron for October was 742.720 tons, k ib• highest figures ever reached Ni:\*%TlO> | N 4 OMIIIIEMn North Georgia Nletlmdlst I’rraeber Mill Ms Tried. Ftom the AHania Constitution A '*i.-i:i 'ti w,i- sprung in tte M* tho <!l*i conference inset ing yesterday morn ing. when a committee w** ai p .inted o *ry Hev. C. S <wn* of A- i on a muet serious charg* The * hurge is im morality and •on tain* tbr** v Iff ca tion*. as f*/; l•.\%' First—Drunkenness H* oiml-1 sing 'll** and harsli language Third l;r*.n h *4 pronii *. Presiding i:.*P r J It King of the Au guxta didilct et. a. r pi* t**i that a trial Im- kj\ i. Mr Ow*n* anl Hl*hop llt ralrlx appoint* i the fo l<*wing * oiti* mitt** to ihw-t.g* • Hie • mrg* - D J Mvrick H I nsori. Wiliam Dun bar < M Verdr.l V* < Mark . H M. QulUlan H C 1 L l'l rc* an I J F. In k \ This twnmJtte* met in -cor"! . ion In it* afternoon an 1 it s understtsMi that * r* jrt will i* ready for conferen* * tti* morning The vidlct .f !h . rnml’te* . however, !■* Inng care fully guards! It j i.o I. rstood that Mr Owen plead* * ullty t** the tlr*t two *je :fl* atlof.e. mit.g • xtcnuatlng clr' Urnsiai.-e* so*) ji) ti b r. guilty to the lust *pe Miration. If th** *.mmitt**** find* him guilty It will ■ x i,l* puni -fito**nt, which. It I** thought, will i*e di >.*rtnent from the North tieor gi . * I ferei . Tr mean* tbs* h* *r.- 0.0 s* • ur* another lien*** to preach for *♦ v* ra ar Im. and nt until he shows the proper repentance Mr <w*ne wa* pa* tot of the li**.sir tni*lon *f Augusta, when the riiarge w.i* preferred ng.*u.M him Tle first taro -f*er. iff* t l i!- tr.- fl* outgrowth of Ihe Thom son Methodist Church, preceding his go ing to AuguM.i It is charged that he broke his engagement to a young lady without her consent while he whs pastor of the First Methodist Church of Griffin The outcome of th* * sse will be wat* h*d with interest U IN 'lll9. kHEt.F OF PEKH. Ilurglnra at l.rea— M oman Was Over Mill Mtrlltera. Columbia, 8. C . Nov. 22-Dr. H M Hey t.olds ha* received a letter from bis ls t* r. Mr* <*llbert Held of Columbia, who K now in Hhaoghal. dated Oct. 7, In which she give* an account of the siege of Pe kin, und their sufferings During the tlnv* they w*r* |a*nn* and up Mrs Hold’s baby hu t f<ur .iita k <>t f* v* r. As so >n a* the i rhtld win- abb* to travel, he was tnkn t* the M*Tyelre ivoin** at Hhanghal.Mrs Bei l trawling with some frietwlw, under the ♦* corf of I tilted Htafes soJ<li*r* Rev Mr Held w i* shot in ih* b*g July He i* sup |M*sd o l*e in ivkin. but may have gone with an expedition to re*cu* Christian* Hurglar*. believed to l*e th* same gang that ha* been operating In North Caro lina. appeared at Barnwell county, yesterday They blew op.*n the safe in the store of J It Glliani, Jr . an*l securest alvotit SIOO The aafe, office nnl furnttur** was wrecked by the exidosion of dyna mite. The strike in Rwh Mills, at Langley, !*< under. Th* - aider*, weavers and splnnar* demanded that Mrs Salley Fr*nk ins be discharged Bh** was the only woman weaver In the mill and would n*t J*ln tlie union The management refill**!, and th* strikers w*nt out. They have a!) re. turned except about m doxen of the ring leader*, who were discharged and Mr*. Franklin* continue* at the same old stand, determined not to be a tin.on woman Tin: mi *TILL PLEUIKI. % Milk White Flag** Was Wall Re* reived I HU Xtight. **A Milk White Flag" wn* presented nt the Theater last night to an audience that tfe.aigh large, would have been larger, p-ohubly, had it not been that the play was seen for the third or fourth time in Savannah. Among those present, how ever, were manv who witnessed the per formance for the second or third tint**, hut they enjoy* ! It none the I*** for ail that. “A Milk White Flag" was admlra hiy staged, well played, and well received, ihe hous** being almost continually In laughter. Ai>ova all In commendation should rank The Private, showing that the last shall !*♦• first Lit tie Chip wn- evidently off the o,d block, .in*) seldom ha* there been t*etter comedy eeerv li**re than that he In troduoed The Sisters Fanchonettl wer. captivating and apogether suparlor In tlveir line of work, such agility *nd grace ns Is theirs being eilom **e**n. With their dancing, as did Little Chip, they won i utnerou* encore*. Others rnlgiu be si** gl*l out for prals**. but a critic would scarce kr.ow Just where to stop, a* all v *re good. * Too HI h lo Marry" will l*e the t -traction to-night and to-morrow matlnwe and night The plot shows a rich young man who cannot marry th-* choice of his heart because In* Is too rich and a pdor young man who cannot marry the girl ho lov.-K In . HUr h- If too |. or. nr.l lh tMsn.tooi. mi.l hlirhly nmnlt'it ' 'n which th. v remove nil turner,, tiictn.tln; it... ..poo.lrion of wn .m tvMc mo ti-r ~,,,1 ii,. wrwth of an Inte fathar-ln-mw. H.,|. i„. main Int-rr i hiring tho threw •„IS ot th. lu>. A counterplot mint throuxh the a way* ptovoklnit hr.rrtv lat’Whter amt ain'lsue- 1 Th> prtcw for ntwhl are we uenwl Th-* matinee pricer, are SO cents a n't -S cents. l\ IIDMIH lit >llt. PMITH. tonne People - # twirl) of Christian I'.rnten) or tlntertnlne.l. The Voirntr People * Society of Chrte- Iran Kndenvor of the Piret Prrehyterlan Churcn last nl*ht. save a recepMotr to Uev. trl Mr* Arthur J Smith Mr Smith ts the retlrln* prstor of the church, arwl tt Wts as o farewell function that the affair was *lv,n in honor of him ar.<l Mrs Smith. The attenrlance was lartte ■ 11.1 all Biwnt the evening very pleasantly. A musical an.l literary procramme serve.l to enliven the evening Mrs Willi im i'.ark s sutKlriß was Kreallv enjoye.l, as were the selections ren.ler.-l l>y the fol* UiK tpinriett. Mrs i’.ark, Mrs ll|hnj), Mr Hours aril Mr Hymen. Mr Mint 1100.1 nave n humorous Irish re.i.line The lecture r.s>m was <lc-.airai.Hl in Wi-hlte Dial blue, the colors of the wnclrty The memherr rervtsl refreshments, arnt rli.l much for the enter(a.nme,n of thetr vis itors. Another enterUlnmeWt will he given the afiermon wn.l evenliiK In the lecture room hy the Worker*, lastltii! from 4 until lh o'clock. Chronic Diseases £ferera themselves. tut doctors a- well. All sort* of drugs and patent medlelnt* and "family remedies” are tried; medial “Institutes” and “Companies” arc resorted to, but the rondllton Irfcomra w or* rather than better. It In the nature of the disease Itself, together with nil Its complication*. which must he studied before any sys tem of treatment can be prescribed It Is an Individual l>ersonul treatment which Is needed in every chronic case, whether It be Isas* of Mnnty Vigor, Varicocele, Stricture Wood Poisoning. or any form of Oenltal or frinary Complaint II Is such treatment that Dr. Hathaway gives his pailent, and auch ireatmen - only. That his method Is right h> been proved by the uniformity and Invaria bility of hi* cure* for the past SI years, a record which hat placed him far In advance of all other specialist* In ihe treatment of Chronic Disease* Call at hi* office or gtwtss sirsiwiY n n write him for free consultation and alv ■ > f,.r a copy of 1 his new *4-png* hook. "Manliness. Vigor. Health.” and *• If-examlraitloo symptom blank. Offlce hours to 12 m Jto 6, 7 to !* p m Sun day, 10 a. m. to Ip. m J NEWTON ii ATIIAWAV, il. D. till, £ Cos.), 2oA Bryan autet, Bavaituah, Os. - f THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1000. Look ttyourtongue ! If it’seoated, yout stom*ch your liver out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Laav to take, easy I to operate. 25c. All druggists. Wad- fwur ir-*uti. f,r or a btuMui lintn of rich l Urk P Tlirn %• BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMSr, V L* A— - ■- % \ 411 N4i 4.ti1l V|4IK V. gaga Nhr \\ a* l.rrt lo a llnsr of lll f nmr lit r** tin It I'romlar** of Work. A path* tic *c* ne wh* efa't*d at tb* Mayor s ofllca yaaierday about 1 aVloc'k. Two young women api*eared it that hour an*! request**l to *** tK* Miyoi. !h*lr m,inner iruli ntltig that tey had * tale to unfold. Or.*- of tin young women wai* already known nt th* Kx diang* he having frequently vl*lted th-re with her mother a* an appMcant f*r hurl’y when a child ai *1 having later been IM to lead a life of rham* . through clr um-ian not *o much her own fault. It l* Mid, *• that of ttr unnatural par*--nt. The other girl wax freh and young looking nnl with a om**wnat unaophH ticut*t appearance To Be*retiiry G.mb tv wha inquired th*ir mi**ion. the e|*i**r ten gave **>me account of the rnug* of thHr visit, to the effect that coft|Minton hu 1 bNen brought t J*.*\ annaih from b* r home In 4>hlo. under fake promir* -of employ ment *rwl She ha<) declined t la*l ih* llf* which the lnm.*t#s of the hoti*** nought t* for e u|rfn her arwl had left th* |*l* ••. but be ing without frbnd* had le-en i*ik*n to the b.Ati** where the Savannah wman r** *ld'd an*i hal b*en barl***r*l tirrr* for \ f&w day*. Her companion did not d***lre to l*-.i*l n life of * lain** the young w*mnn Mud, but <l**lre*l to return t- her home in hlo It#ir.g without mean* *h. h*d deoided t* seek aMistance from t*e city. The iwo girl* were admitted to :h- prey ence of Mayor Mv#r* who heard th*r atorv at * in*' length Th** young strang er aai*l that h**r liome tv a a at Jv kern, l>.. an*l that there eh*’ m**! a woman who i* a uleter of tPiir* K**r*tenr. who keep* u place in this city, known a* th Swedish twlace This wo man told her that eh** wn- coming S*uUi to vMt her (Meter, that the latter had a nice home, that Savannah wa* a fine !*.<-e t* live In. an*l work could b** *a-ilv obtdined here. an*l that she wouUI g!al to have her frleiwt come with her and atop at her elatr * until *>e could ffnl a place t* work The girl -ai 1 tho* letl bv th****** lnlui**- men**, and not knowing tle character of th** woman, who*** inintnn *h* l m‘le yn* cume jo Savannah and w nt to the house of the Keraten- woman So* was not long in learning the rhara ter of the bouse and It* nmte. bur being wi n out frlrndx nns knowing tiothlng of th'' dty. she did not know where to turn. The girl broke down and sobbed a* she told In broken fence* of the efforts which were mad*- to force her to adopt the ii'e of ttu*e around Roth thrext** and prom isee were used anl she w m told that she could hive fine tre**ei nr! J.wiry If she would but do h* the others were do ing. In her story to the Muyor the girl *d tim ed that she resisted n’l th* s* ind ic** menta. arwl that -h** w>* finally ordo'-d to leave th* house after being th* ro •v --eral dava. On leaving the h *u*e sh- mi I she got a hack and told th** backnrm t* take her whare *h* could stay until -he could get assistance to return l*im<* The ha* kman took her to :\ h*ue In th** southwestern t*art of the tv. res*rie*l to for purj*o*4‘* >f us-'igna'l n, n*l where she m**t the girl who ucc m ftenled her to Ihe Mayor - offl *• T' l* paft of the stor\ the M ivo thought, lookt'd -*>rn*what llshv, and he *|ie-tl *n* and the girl closely. The latter prat* t* and. hw ver. that she had led a virtuous bfe. an*l that sh** had not yielded t the Influ ences by which she was surrouiabd and her companion bore her out In this state ment The Mayor promise*! th* young woman that he would Investigate the cuse and that If he found her *.dement* w** - true h*> would see what cou!*l •* .lone to as sist her to return home. lie Instructed her to te at th*- b.irra ks ni .1 >'*•!*> *k and notifletl Hupt. Bv* v*-n #** inv* tlrai. ti:** use. The girl went to th** Ivirraekw in the nfternoo4i, anl. after telling h*r story i* Supt. 8 reven. the latt**r h*l the Kersten* woman ami her alleged sister xurnmonel to the barracks There was n somewhat lively s**ene wh**n meused an*! accuser faced each other. .n*l a-sertlons, recriminations and tears were ah on tap in the superintendent's office. Olga K* rstena and her companion ilenled the gr-ater part of the girl's story. Th* y claim.*! that the girl had been an Inmate of a workhouse ai Jackson, (>.. and had gone astray there, accepting *h*>rt|\ if ter ihl* the Invitation of the other woman to come Bouth They a- • ried that she was not only familiar with th* < ha meter ot the house, but I**l th** sam* life as the other Inmate*, remaining there nearly two weeks. and sh** left the house because she be came dissatisfied, and objecting to pay ing th*- expense* which the proprietress ha i been at on h**r account. This sgory the Ohio girl denied, but a it wns Mmfily a case of n-sertion and de nial on each eld*-, th*- truth of th*- matter w.w left considerable in doubt Bupt. ffereven did m>t * are to say |-t night w'i *t re|*nrt h*- woiibl make to the Mayor on th* tubjr 1 to-day. HE I ARI> A K A/.t>|(. In a Drunken Mus Mnshrd Another Nlnn Twlr<* nnd F.aenped. A white man named Dav*.*-. an employ* of the BeaU>.tr*i Air Lin* y* -tenlay af ternoon cut twice with a razor another white man named Mlchc.* r. The fra* a** occurred about 4 o’clock at West liroad and Charlton streelg, an*l was irobab!> the result of n ilrunken nuarrel. a* both men had been drinking Micheler was not badly hurl, nnd after having his wound drewsed, spent seme time In trying to fln*l his assailant, but without tucc*-s Ihi vis wa arrested about midnight by Patrolman Douglas. d'flki; OF |k 4 YON A KOLA. The Second *l tlir snmnnah 4 ovrar .f Lecture* t.|-n l.aet Mklil Dr. F W. give a orildant .• • uie last night on Savonarola. It was the second of the Savunfvih lecture course ai. * wi- given at to* iu.rds Hall. It wu- h-tened u nice attentively by an *x •| t i M.aiiy * itg* *u*i■ *'U ’ Dr Gun *utii- w i ,ntro*lii * 1 b> Ylr II W. Wll* over Ir Gun ulus spoke first of Bavonaroia. htn t ,-httia* t-r in general terms. *l**l* t •*** ;*oiiti ,i .ai 4t<d r-tlgioue • *nht,*a.s that oblau a the itme .f hi* lurth, ht* troubi* i ut rn-roic career, id t/i* Ir.jgi * i,d of Ids life At muni I*m of the K-cture th* speaker drew par in i*ta ers itsl ■ ircumstances %\itn th**?*** of nior* modern ;im*w. hU amoroii.r at tim* •* epigrammatic, re rnirn aiwl ommtnt giving an a*lded *• m to di** lecture. B.ivoi.aiota he ;<| that be 1 i--*l tin prophet luiih. Ills l ain •< penetrated nh emtglons. und every em*s* ,lon H *c iiraiialei with thought. 11** wts m**f- to l fitly than wu.- > i *rn to Hum*, ai i t * Florence, mor* ihan Demurt en**s w *-• t . t!t*•♦• • He wi an Oliver Cron* v he 4f*at Lnglishmen. ii a John Hancock y*.tr* before the American patriot of that name. ll* w that things were deformed. anl lie f..|t it hUt mission tc* make them *on l"fni H saw aiove art. llKratur*, chUr* h and state gr* at ai.i lmprs-lve i b*il>. He t* li* v* and that justice would pay It >wn exp* i| * an-i that tatesmanxh p wa- tin in of seeing in what wa> Gml Almighty p moving, and gett ng thing* out of Xsi s way. After telling of the and siist it meant to mat and future age*, the -i** k*-r again t*s>k up the biography of Savonarola Re was an aristocrat, he -lid "but t .* re ire mi-to rats and aris tocrats. soin*- as lw us hell, some as high is heaven; liier*- P th* arlsto racy of tx-ie and muwcle. and it i<*k-- as if we w r.* omlng t>a* k to that plan*-, if one may judge of th** output of som* of our institutions of learning, for more hair ia raised on h*- outside of the head than Idea* inside, Savonarola would have made but a |*oo? enter m b Then there is the arl.-t.M ra y of possession ttnl cash. I don't know* how it is h*-re. but thh* -r 1 seen in the streets of Chicago is n most as brutal as that of pure physical st i eng th God cave to Savonarola that noble*t of the gifts that he imparts to genius poverty. Savonarola's aristocracy was that of brain, hollnews and charac ter. Fer.m bis father, a doctor, Savonarola inherited his intelligent method*, and a gr.isp of fa-ts It is fortunate that a *l- :r wa** ids father Instead <f i priest, f**r the priest- w-re all in the atr. niid if one am** down to material things he was tried for .i heretic and burned. Home Idea of the state of affairs may l*e grasped when it i- kn wn that it was in Savonran* la h tim*- that two d*ctor* of theology "f Bologna were arguing th-* qutstion as to how many angel* could stand *m the end of 8t Anthony's ffng- r ut the san:** time, and two other learned gentlemen m Paris were busily i- to jvhut litriguag*- Hi* devils ueetl in fi* 11 Tliey finally decided that It was He brew So you **w th* do* tor- hud some fwctw there was tlie fa - • of the l*dy f*r Instate **, they bad (hat, f*r of course the tdiristian 8* int i had not come yet. f 8 iv* r iiKua * lo\e uff tlr h<* started *iii with a brilliant and Ironical descrip tion of the Btrotsi family, then of the girl Iterself All lov* affairs, he said start out with "there was a girl." much the same wa\* that all fairy stories start with Yn-• upon a lime." and thl- was strictly an orthodox love affair. To get on with the story he Dll into lave; It is a mark of g* nlus that it an fall Into love mare dismally ami desperately than a dull |M r>n ami—set out quicker The girl re fused him on account of family pride, and *eros till th* ages we ought to send to that young woman our hearty thanks for doing so Gcal had something else for Suvoranola to do Instead of hunting rna* itronl In Ferrara for the Btrozzl glil After ii comprehensive review of the lif•• tmd work of Savoronotn ut Florence, and the debt that all reformers since have ow-d to hltn, the lecturer closed hie ad dr* *s with a spirited account of Savonaro la's rep.y to t ‘i* lshop by whom the hull of cxcommunic.trion was r*-nd to him Ltlt M. PKHHON % 1,. Mr A W Bartm of Atlanta is a guest of the Screven. Mr. D I Mulky of Athens Is registered a * the |*ul.i.kl Mr. Guy Mitchell of Atlanta Is a g teat of the Pulaski Mr W R 0.1 wford of Atlanta Is a guet of tin* 8* revt*n Mr. B B Jones of Millwood Is regis tered at the Screven Mr. S \V William- of Atlanta Is reg istered at the Pulaski Mr W. H. Wtlllfonl of WaycroN is reg lsr.-# and at the 8* reven. Mr R Swin.l*dl t*f Balnl>rldge. Ga., Is register***! nt ♦* Pulaski. Mr. D. A M Galium of Ro-twrtck. FT, Is n guest of Ih** Pulaski Mr. and Mrs A. K l.egare of Columbia nr** guests of the I>e Soto Col W G f>lear returned to Atlanta yaaterday via the Central. Mr L Hess ieft vl . the Plant 8j st*m y*—t.-rday for Montgomery. Mr A \V. McDonakl of Fla Ih reglst r*l nt the Pulaski. Mr \V G Brewer sailed on the Talla hassee yc-terday for New York. Mr. J G Btinders of Alexar.dersvllle reglaterisl at th** Pulaski yesterday. Mr C. W Me Lane f Dublin was among th** arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. C H McClurg I* f vkt the Be.t -l**ir*l Air Une yesterday for Per -m utn. Mr. \Y. It. llul* hlns left via th* Sea board Air Lln* yesterday for N* w York. Mr J C. Ousby of Iron City was among th*- arrival* ut the Screven yester do> Mr. K F. Joyce of 8t Augustine tvn urn*mg th*' arrivals yesterday at the Pu laski. Mr J T Tilley of Fort Fremont. 8 C.. w.i* among y aterday's arrivals at tne Screven. Mi an*l Mrs. A L. Ostiome wer** pf*- sengers y*stetlay on the T.illah *ss f.>r N* w York Mr L. P. W Iker was a p s-eng. r over th* B**.t hoard Air Lino ) Oder day for Portsmouih. Mr and Mre G< >rge F. Armstrong and chlblr* n w*-r** tnc-ng the gue ts of *h* Pulaski yesterday. Mr. C. G Anderson Is a |*assenger on the City of Augusta, which sailed from New* D*rk Tueeday. Mr. and Mrs. M E. Mason were among the |*nsf*rngere of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for New Y’ork Mrs G A. Whitehead was among the IM*'* tigers of th* city of Augusta, whi* h sali* 1 for Savannah Tuesday. Miss F* Id* r. w hose father was yester day elected Max or of Amerlrus. Is a guest of W •> Charlton, on Tax lor street Mrs R. M Butler. Mbi Butler an I Miss A. Butler were among the iusen irers of the Taliah.i-aee yesterday for New York. CITI IHKVITIK. Nine arrests were made by the police yesterday up to mtdnighl. bu: none of the prisoners was sent In on any serious charge Savannah Porter, the colored woman, that was cut hy her husband. James Por ter. Wednetday afternoon, la still alive, thouch in a precarious condition, Mr F. E. Kellbach. clerk of the Court of Ordinary, request* the Morning News to state that he was not at the Second i District Nathans Club Wednesday night As reported THE ARMY 01- HEALTH. The Arm) In Hie riilllpplses laslg nlfleant Compared With This One. If all the people in the l nt;**d dts'es. •"anadtt an>l Groat Britain who mas* dal*' >e* of Btuart s Dyspepsia Tablet- * oubl t*e sssemb.ed together It woud make ai utmy that woiild outnumber our army of Are hundred thou nd by at lex it lixe to rne. Men r *1 women, who are broken dxw n in health, mrv only a part of the thou szvids who u-* this poiiuhr preparation th* greater iumler ite people who .tr in fair bal(h but who kn*w that h** we> to k**p wed Is to keep the digestion i* fret and use fftuart s Tablets r*gularlx a- meal time comes to in-ur** g*Ki d.ges tlon and pro|***r a>sirnllatlon of food Prevention Is always better than cur** and disease can fftsl l>a foothokl if ttu* digewilon is kept in g o l working ord.-* f y the dally ue *-f Atuart s Dyspepsia Tablets. Mr Thomas Bea ■ Mayfield Cal. sav* "Have use**l and rec - *mmetided Stuart s - noth tig dk* t ?k in to keep the stoma h ngnt Min* Dlvei). tfJT Plummer sr**et Pitta burg. Pa writes J wish ev**ryt.* to know how gmttful I am for Stuart Dypsp* ps:n Toi 1 -nff* r*d for .* g time and did not kirnw ailed fn- I lest flesh right .Cong until one dax 1 tv* an adxern*ern* of tnese tablet 4 nrd Immediately a SO cent l* *x the drug stor* 1 -*ni *t.lx or the sc. on I tox and am gaining In flesh and color I have ut last found something that hat reached my aliment From Mrs Dei Eld red San Prairie. \V|s "T was taken llzzx very suddenly during the hot weather of the pas* sum ner After ter days of- *ntint dlzzlti -s I went to our local physbvan. who sail my ltf\*er was torpid and had over-hen ted my blood, he restored me for two w*-ek without much lmpr*vement; I' thought cf Stuart’s I*vsi*epsla Tal'le’ (which I bad tted 1 ng l*f > • Fr varioti bad feeling* ) and the ffr- three tablets I alped mr They nr* enellx the be- nil around fam ily medicine I ever used ;* The army of people who take Stuart - Tablets are mostly pe**t*le In fairly goo<l health, end who keep wreji hv taking them regularly after meals They contain uo ope ten. cocaine or ary ealhartic or inju rlrus drug-, simplx the natural peptones and digestives which every weak stom nrh lacks Stuart*- Dyspep.-la Tablet* are • M by druggists every wb* re in Pnlted State-. Canada and Great Britain. ATM It KFA tiN % hTHF.KT t Alt. George IV II Jones Mae nn Apoplectic fftroke un*l F.xplrnl. Georg** P. H Jones, residing at Mont gomery and Thirty-second streets, was stricken with a pop ex y while riding on an A her corn street car last night and died, in tho street railway waiting room nt Whitaker and Fortieth streets, i few min utes afterwards. Jones was returning fr* m h meeting of Haupt I>vlg* of <Md F**ll vx when be received thl- last s'r<ke If*- fell I>*-|ween the seat- and was never con-clous after wards. When th* waiting r-*om w.u reachetl he was retn v* i from tle * ;*r and medical aid summoned, but nothing could be done for him and in a few minutes he breathed hi- ia-t. Cotwner Ooette w;i- summoned and re moved the bodx* to the reet-lenre of (he unfortunate man The coroner *lecksed that death from perfectly nat ural causes and no Inquest will be held The stroke of a-t night wa- the third by which Jor.e? has been attacked. He was 4.7 years old and leaves a e ife nnd five little boys For some years he has kept a small shop near his residence, ind before and during that time was a city drummer for one of the commission house- on the Bay The hour of his funeral has n* ( been determined. DEATH OF Alltv 11. II A 14litsI 11. Her Funeral From *H*r**| llenrt tJinreli This Afternoon. New -of th* death of Mr-. B B trb*mr at Meldrlm was receive#! in Savannah last night Mrs.BarLuir went t* Meldr.m Wed nesoay. and was at her country place a? the time she died The announcement o 1 her death will In* received with surprise and regret. Her husband died several years ago Her only children. Josejth aiel Robert T . the latter an employe of (h* Morning News, at one time, died lei Sep tember. Mrs Bnrtiour's remains w*i!l be brought her* for Interment The funeral will take piace thl- *if**r noon nt .1 o'clock from the S. red Heart < hurch. The Interment will le in the Ca thedral Cemetery. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have been laid in many of the com fortable homes in N'-w York. Boston and other c*tle-. More cleanly nnd economical than carp Ms. Plain and fancy floors laid and |*oltsije*l complete over old floors, making u solid nnd beautiful Improve ment. Haxing n mimtwrof floor** to lav in S. vannah this month wt can quote close figure- Ca*a4ogue and eaiffnates may Im* had by addressing J M. ADAMS. Box 212. Savannah, or 227 N. t’harb* Baltimore. Md. Bone IVleal For Chicken Fee l id Fertilizer. NITRATE OF SODA lnvnlunblo for "hoine-ml*.'<r fertllU?.' Thr ch<*p-(.t n.l m .t ronerntrated on thr markri. P-nrl for pnril vilar, hav,oit ii>. i oi\ i r.i:t>, mt av. tnx. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thnne E3. IIS Hay tr-t. w#t ORANGES. llra.lQuartrr* for FINE FLORIDA OHANOE9 FlU'ITa AND VEGETABLES of all kln.l*. SEED RTE. 8?:ED OATS* HAY. GKAIN. FEED. FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS. I’m, Ul<- Straw, ele. W. D. Simkins aV: Cos J. D. WEED fc CO aAVAmn. ua. Leather Beltinfi. Steam Packinii & Hose Acanla for ***** EUBBL.It AND TACKINO COMBANT. STOPPED THE COUGH. Pralbcr'* Tar and Cherry Cough Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. OLD NEWSPAPERS. WO for a ceuU, at jOuiloiM omc* Morning New*. special snade won LINDSAY & MORGAN'S SPECIALTY. Everybody knows who has ever had a shade that they make you think—if they do not work right. When we put them up you won’t have to think. We have tlie only expert shade man in the city. He does nothing but make shades and hang them. Also Draperies and Lace Curtains. Want to do your work. Send for us. Two Specials for This Week. 50 Daghestan Wilton Rugs, regular price §9.00; OP Aft our price uDilill 100 Brussels Rugs, regular price 52.00; (J| (Jr this week UIiZJ Go visit all the other stores, then come to us, ami we will surprise you with the completeness of our FURNITURE AND CARPET stock and the prices. Remember, "Not how cheap,” but “How good," is our motto. McDonough & ballantyne. w Iron Founders, Machinists, lllHcU.ii.m.., Il.illirinnl.rrv ni nnu f n r of Mnllon ,.r, ,10,1 I'orfahlr l imlnr.. Wrtlrol ••* Top Hnnnlnix S l on, Mill,, nniinr 'I 111 n.l 1’n..., M>o lllnu. rn110,,. rtr. TELEPHONE NO. 123. MAHIM7 I>TELUGEX('E. (lallm cif ln.-rrl to Milpiiiti* Gtarratlr. Cipt. L. ~llvirl of fht> Italian bark Sllai.xlo roporli he pawM on Nov. 12. In latitude 27 4<; North, aril kvurituda 74.2* \AVat, American bark Mar> Earmond illa niaM.d and abandoned. The thud ala a|t parently In good condition. An unknown Brltlcb clramahlp waa ra lortod p***od In at Tybcc ln*t ntltit, but her nitni could not bo made **,, fftan tit** Marti 110 tower, uni uhe was no* nyltdt -lan-Cs. Th<- • -l>.vm*r Xlytu B. Weaver, from , I • I h MU towed to 80-lon !a-t wvk In a dismasted condition ha* been examined b> a diver, and It • fond that h*r kill tans gone and hltaes marie • The ve-ss'l * bottom was alao otherwise badly dam iced It Is impos stble to keep her free from water. The Norwegian bark Elleaer. Capt Maruezren. from Wilmington, N. C-. on Sept If., hound to Indon. which was be fore reported having been piaeed on Oct. It In mid-ocean, with mainmast, foretojs gallnntmuet and mlzxi nn pmaat carried llway ard bulwarks dsmigel amldahtp. haa arrived wifely at Hi. Michael s. .More*. rassrngers l> Ateamalilp*. |**ngers by steamship Oily of An guata. New York, tor Savannah. Nov. at 11. I>. M* Venn. It. Ashley. Mrs. It. A 11.1*. Mrs. M F. McKenzie. J B. Thompson. J Slctwin, Miss N ltlshlnc V* LI Marten. B. K. iKilney Bill wife. Mi- \ Dotncy, Mi* Q. -\. Whitehead, \\ |< ['oat, C. O. An leraon. Jr Mr. I’et tincr-w. James Holllncshead and wife. \v Mackltn and wlf.. Mrs. I hers. Mr filers. Misses liters, J K rarlah. Miss K M I’arlsh. Mis- M IVivle. W Hangman. J Burrs fi 11. Sk* rnier. Frank Post. J I*. Mat hies. W K. Neater, M It McCol lum Mr Elbert. Mrs. K Prelemtz, Mr Siork. AV. C Paterson, 8. Henry. Miss A. McDonnell, J. Farrar. J. ferry. J. J. Gal liulur, 17 Wilson. Churlez Metjee, 8. <}. Dear. 8. Codner. Miss J Hone-, J. Olsen. pnerengers by steamship Itasca soiling to Baltimore yesterday—O. T. Taunln. J. p OTonnor, C. P. McFeeley. Mr*. Elzzle I'avey. I* issengcrs by steamship Tallahassee for N.-w York yesterday—W. H. Brewer. Mr* It M Butler. Mias Butler. J. Mur ray. Alfred De.aney. J C. llempie. A Is Bred W. Churchill. Mr Diaz and wife, Mr. Htdlguez. Julius Moll. D. Michael. freights and 4'hnrter*. S-hooner John O. Schmidt. Savannah to I hl adelphln, lumber, private term*. sava n unit Almanac. Sun rises at 6:33 n. m. and sets at 4:55 P m. Hleh water at Tyla*c to-dny at *Ol a m. and Bis p m High water at Savan nah on* hour later. Phase* of the Moon for November. D. II M Full moon * 3 0 ev, l,a*t quarter 13 8 37 eve. New muon 22 1 17 mom Klrt quarter 23 11 K morn Moon perigee sth. Moon ap (fee, 17th. AIIHIVAI.S AND DKPARTI RE*. A easels Arrived !e*ter*luv, Bark Tlkoma (Nor.l. Bjorge, I.a, Pal ma,.—■Chr. O. Dahl A- Cos. Arrived at Anchor. Revenue cutter Algonquin. A esscls tt ml to geo. Vtcamshlp Tul ahassee. Asklns, New York Steamship liasca, Billups. Baltimore Bark c. nsigllo ilalatsla (Hal). Am brossiimo. Hume. whipping Memoranda. Charleston Nov 22—Arrived, steamer Comanche. Pennington. New Y'ork. pro ceeded Jacksonville. Port Tampa, Fla., Nov. St.—Arrived, ! St itnrr olivette. Smith, Havana, via Key ! Wet and returned. Kev West F.a . Nov. 22 Arrived | steamer Miami. Delano. Havana and tiled for Miami Baltimore. Nov. 22._Sal|ed steamer Florida. Savannah; Slate of Texas, Sa vannah; Augustus Welt. Charleeton; The Josephine, Savannah. Baltimore Nov 22 - Sailed. steamer Oliver R Barrett. Jacksonville Philadelphia. Nov 12 -Arrived, attam ■*> c*n*vt. Jacksonville. Havre Nov 21' Arrived, itramer Nlth. j Pfnsocola vln Norfolk. Jacksor.vil * Fla Nov 22 —Clsre<l • team* r Jessie MeQuarrt#. Nutvltaa. Persneola. r:<* Nov tl -Arrived, steamer Oadltnno (Span ) Oecoplrhea Or 1 vest or. put In. l bark* Msmlanl (Ira ). Gari. Havre, flc*lln <ltal). Pat assn Valencia. Bulled, steamehlp Leonora (Open). Bustlnsa. Liverpool. Cleared, steamship Hexihflsid (Br.), M< Kensle. Hurno* Ayr**. Ou*five A oi'o (Oer.). Helmburg, Glasgow. Ft. MichariV. N>v 31 Arrived er Ape*. Pen#acos. for (irn-)*, for .j Port Tampa. Kk Nov. 22 Arm-d. inp;im<r Everett, Howard. C*rtar*?. N. J . tuc I>a unties* and schooner Ft iik i. N>all> . wreamahlp Crtivelte. Bnlth. FU v.-ina. via Key Went. Hailed, uteamehip PsindfWH. Cm •+ Cette, vlfi N<* tuff DuuntU** :d •rhooner Neally. Havant*, iteamr ;p • veitw. Hmlth. Flnvan.*, via Key Umi Port R C.. Nov. r CJ. •rhooner harah r> Foil. Fernandlnn Fernandlna. Fla.. Nv. 22 Sold, a'hooner I'.rlfcj.viler, Arraxo. l\ru HI co. Notice t >t*rlnera, Pilot charte .ir.d all h\dro*raphl<' Inf• nation will he furntehed m.*aier< of \>n. eel* free of charire In United Srat. - - droirraphtc ofTice In ( UHtom Hou*. < it tain* are requented to call at the r Iteport* of wre'ke and derelict* r*- ** *•! for tram-ml-elon to the Navy i.'* ment. ( oMinlic r*i|ior(. I Ter ateemahlp Tnllaha*ee fer N-w I York—AK hale* upland cotton. h>e* ! *ea Inland cotton barrel* cottcn*M oil. boxe* rottonaed oil. (572 Pal i me*Mr* barrel* rl'e. (<#> harr.-l% r • 121 barrel* turfw*r.tlne. I’OO.ll? feet lurrrxer, turtle*. 14 barrel* fl*h. I‘M rne .sr 1 *, .* 1W boxe fruit. 3 barrel* vec*M,. 370 crate* vegetable*. 2 bale* aweepln** X oUI car wheel*. 5 bale* to— < s i ,rre* roeln oil. 7.M4 rwik *tave*. 2 w ->1 package* merchandt*e. Export* per *te*m*hlp Itlica for - tlmore-Jf) barrel* rosin. * l>arrc|- turf.n tlne, 303.87 V feet lumber. 11A boxe* r r.- *, package* vegetable*. K\ b.irn l* •• n oil. Art bfirre’* |.|t, h. 1.727 hu k a h **od. 137 package* merchandi*c. i.i k xe* -Wr- Kflc* and yarn. & 1- metto rtb**r 4.32 ca*c* canned gool* U'lle* * weeping*. I’er *tearnshlp Herkshtre for Ph -11. phla—77 bale* upland cotton. 1.4#) hirr lx ro*ln, S3 horrel* turpentine, 23.1.474 f* ‘t lumber. 755 boxe* orange*. 35 pi K.x*.*>a vggetabli**, io tarre|* ro*in oil. ♦'-** I -irw • ottonwrtl oil. 4.87*5 o.k *tave*. 247 !■ k rte* merchandise. Hf> packages dnm.*" * ni yarn. 75 bale* lln ter*. |ial*-> r; *traw. > tn* pig iron. 278 *. ks clay. . ) case* cannt and good*. TELEGRAPHIC* MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Paged p 5 2A^its.3A ; January |c.3o; February. March. !♦> 4ftf<s bO. Mutter, ateady; creamery, f’ite dairy. KHi24c quiet. I gg.. steady; state and Pennsylvania, 24fi28c; Western regular packing. 2i -4 I'otatocß, steady and unchanged Peanuts, Steady, fancy handpicked, 4YJ Fk*; other domestic, 4 - . t'abhnge. steady; Long Island, per *'• 13 OTVii t 00. Cotton by steim to IJverpuol, 2dc. COTTON I BED OIL. New York. Nov. 22 —Cotton seed n| steady with sale* of !>ecemb*r*Janufir' vt .!{•*. and *|ot on the same basis, hut .• • Prime crude barrel*. nominal; p* ' summer yellow. 33c OfT summer *2**c Prime winter yellow. SNtflor l ,r :c txhite, 37b3Kc. prime meal. s3t*.Ao ,, i < lllt AOO MARKET*. Chicago, Nov. I*l The November n deals monopolised attention to a gr- • tent on the Hoard of Trnde to-Io *■ delivery a* well a* for December s ’ higher Wheal was dull and un • * *d Oat* at the dose mere %c highc a,i 1 provision* a shade to 6c lower. The leading future* range I a* f > * Opening Highest.Lowest.Cl- - ng Wheat. No 2 Nov 714 71 Ml 71Y 71 1 '• Jan 72*t§724 724 71** - * Corn. No. 2 Nov 4.'. Pi 17 4t Dwa sc. May ... ~V.VUA>S JH, MS • Oat*. No 2 Nov 21* 21*4 21% r>*e 21 fa S 21% 21V 17- May 21 24% 24 34 iß* M*z* Pork. p*r barral— Nov .... f‘l Jan ..$11#) *ll > sll7O s’*;"■ May . 1175 II 77*4 U 7, laird, fr 100 poutul*— Nov . f 12', 7 12'* 710 HfP . 6 87', * 97% 6*• * * Jan . * K *7% * A2% * * Slav - * 97% 57% *7% ‘ * Short Hlba. par lrt> pound*— Nov , 775 7 75 775 Jan ~ *O' 0.% 2& Slav . OJO 25 * 30 J*. P rt if Calh quotations were as follows r dull and easy; No. S spring wheat. •> * 12c; No 2 red. 72'*W7-: No. 2 com H I No I vellow. 44 l *iif> , sc: No. 2 '■"* :;v No 2 white. 26t*bV; No. 2 f P|*l2fic: No 2 rye. ‘ 4 c: S'**} feidlng barley. 20f74c; fair to choF inditing. 660 She; No. 1 flax seed *1 *>• '£> 1h: No 1 Northwestern. Sl.Tl; Pf l * thtothy setd. 111(04.10: mess P rr * leirrels. *lO ITHtfllOO: lard per MO t 1007 12H: short rlhs sides (loosct. r In. dry salted shoulder*. lau-iV. * . rlesr side* (boxed). a.ajflgHS: * ’ V,' basts of high wins*, *1.27; clover, c° mmc ‘ grade, *lO 0(6