The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FINANCIAL and commercial A < m: TR.niau i% orms n- TI'RH HANKm. Il,r Aril Arn> Hearing on the Mar* u , iv 111 n Arlll'a Estimate f flip I Crop. Wlile-h 'lay linear DV million Italea—Storks Weak anal liaa*i-llnnp>— 'lupiipnllnp Firm m tit i rni-Haln Firm nnd In. , hanged—l-nral anil Trlmrapkl)- Market*- Ttie Mornlnit News Office, Thursday, Nov. 22. The col too future* nmrkel developed unpaid activity on buying at ihr opening i,.pki> and lor a time ranged upward at A rapid gnit. scoring at the be*t a net 4) „ oi 11 and 14 point* above the close cl lint night. Thr closing was steady H . | rlii * 1 point higher to 3 point* 1. wer The next news of Importance h „V-h is being anticipated with much In gres! in the atree;, I* the prospective ,rop estimate by Neill. It le currently believed that this will guess the crop to be about nine and Ihree-quarter million tales, though It not known what may tnve influences! Mr. Neill's conclusions ~i . e h- last gave out a guess Tn stock market was again reaction arc with many of the leading Issues s on'l l; early declines, which were later fets-wed by recoveries, and In some In. s'ei gitna above yesterday's closing. T n erkrt ruled very Irregular to say t anal was so ronfueaal that It v • .1 thi ult to form any correct Idea of shu price movement meant. Th< j ,ii tu.ngewt was by no means setlled n ,t was a wholesome reaction, or nlng of the decline which tnii.-t ■. n • e- ncr or later. Weakness wis I it he Hteelers and Tai lllcs. though r were made which showed re rt ibie resisting power. Chesai>pake ami Ohio which has moved slowly, wue taker In hand end shoved up 2% polnta Si.s ir and Bt. Paul closed up. The turiientlne market closed firm at :'j ents which was understood to be tha mill g price after the cloning. Efforts van- maile to hummer the market, but It v i. not understood they were sorrowful. It "In. closed firm and unchanged. The (• resume of the markets wld s nth lone nnd quotations at the clo*- ItiK toatoy: I ocal and llsneritl 'larketa. I'otton— Firm, unchanged. Sim ks— Week, reactionary. Monej -Call steady. >; I per cent. Turpi mine— Firm. ,39c. ICo-ms—Firm, unchanged. Corn Closing V higher. Wheat -DuN. unchangtsl. cats * losing #> higher. Provktlon*—A shade to 5c lower. Cot lon deed Oil—Steady but quiet. POTTO!* The cotton market cloeed Arm and un changed to-day. with a fair business re pirt*il In both th spot of fob. markets. •~<le ii the sr.d were 225 lales. The re. ceipte were tain-, against 4.053. and kKO \<ar before last There Is much bullish information going the round* at present, and the effect of It Is to give the spot markets a buoyant tone There Is some be-Hat lon In anticipation of Neill s crop t unite, which many believe will guess the t iop t" 8,750/46) hales The following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the both u Exchange toilsy: This j Last ! day. j year >d middling 9 T 7 5-16 Middling % 7 1-in Law middling J 1 ** 16 $-19 Market Arm: sales. 225. Savannah Receipt*. Exports and Slocks Receipt* this day I“ 1 ' K-celpt* this day last year l.*M TANARUS; Is day vear I s'fore last s.S*> H. . elpte since Sept. 1. 19t 499.555 s me day last year 171.1*12 Stock on han't this day 92.724 Same day lasi year 152,123 Receipts and Stts-ka at the Porta: K-eelpt* this day 41.723 Kecelpta this day last year SO Receipts this day year before last 34.752 Total receipts since Sept. 1, Ike. J.IC3AM s .mo time last year ..3.7&2.t13 Stock at all ports to-day 77:*.276 Stock same day last year ** ■ >l6 Italic Movemonts at Other Ports: tialveston—Firm; mkHllna. 9%c: net re • •ipts. 15.49*: arose receipts, 13.196; sales. M3. slock. 231*27 New Orleans—Steady: middling, 9 7 V; tat receipts. 13.90.'. (cross receipts. 13.902; .tie., SIS; stock. 293.5 M Mobile—Steady: middling. 9 11-19 c; net t-etpts. 165; cross receipts, 193, sales. 9HO; • o k. 26.259. ..•rleston—Firm; mi. Mime Sf; net re • t 's. 1,917; gross receipt*. 1.917; stock, :i ok. " iimtngton—Firm: middling. 9%c; net t* clpts, 2,06 t; gross receipts, 2044; stock, 12.6 U. Norfolk—Steady; mMdilng 9,c; net re. ceipis, 1 477; grew* receipts, 1.477; sales "6: •lic k. 37,94)6 I: ill.more—Nominal: middling, lb%c; tri-e receipts. 632; stock. 9711. N‘w Vork—Quiet. middling. 10%e; net r • ipt*. 23; gross receipts, 2.390; sale*. 61; sits k. 41.139. Boston—Firm; middling lh%e: net re '*l t. 2.134; gross receipt*. 4.191. I II olelphki—Quiet; middling. 10%c; net " ■ ipts. 33; gross receipts, 33; stock. 4.- 130 l a v Movements at Interior Town* Augusta—Firm: middling. KV-; net re 's.its 1.573; gross receipts. 1,763; sales. ■ stock, 49 337. kl-mphlw—Firm; ml.ldling. 9 13-14 c; net r * tpts. .7.431; gross receipts. 5.459, sales. " Mok. 117.312 Is'itle—Firm: mitMling. 9 13-I6e: net " elpi* 1.943; gross receipts. 6.109; vales. • -lock. 39.391. ' Innatl—Steady; middling. >•:; net • *t* 991, gross receipts, RSI; sale*. 25, •■■'a 9,(912. •I" winn—Steady; middling. 944 c; net re ‘•‘P’s. 11.713; gross receipts. 11.712; sale. - ock. 95.415. I.' 'ltviMe—Steady: middling. 9V ■ Of cotton This Kay: Mil teuton—Continent. 1"003; coastwise. Nm ' "rleans—To Great Britain, 7,941. ■ s coastwise. 1.101. m '■ Vork—Continent. 30 ‘ al foreign export* from all port* this 4 To Oreat UrUaln. 7.911 to France. 1 c to the continent. JO. ’ ’'• lorMgn exports from all port* thus ~r ’Ol- week-To Oreat Britain 105 460; 1 runce. 16.i*9, 40 (he contlstrilt. 22.233 cal foreign exports since Bcpt. 1, 19n— -4 < (rest Britain. 1,140.099; to Prance, to the oonflnent. 735.292 t'arleeton. Nov. 22,—Cotton mrrket 1 c middling, 911-I6c; sales, none. *KA I9LASD COTTON, j, rh * tendency In the sea Island cotton K, < during the past week was for ; *' r prl.-es Business was cn a moderate with no apparent great desire from Buartar to take cotton The receipts a shrinkage against last year The 'te about nne-thlid what they were ‘tries;ending week last year about a* follows: "Ice Kast Florida* 73 ©24 ,r * bo and fane, Florid •*■ 4- • and fancy Georgia* 21%7|3 r ' "o,gla* IM7I % <J*or*i a O- Kins (nominal) 19 G ot " i ■ >mmoo IS 8— ;' ipts in | Stocks— !iwiMli~tW*-0 past Week ..j 3.529 4.0 l Mstrts fast w-ek 1.731; 2.271 "' pl * ,hl * net.o | 36.30* 16.337 StoTk I •! *•* on hand | u>oKj 17,310 MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trad# Building, davannah Prtvato leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. LOTTO*. STOCKS AMD CHAIN. New York office. No. fl Ilrnadway. Offices In principal cities throughout the South Write for our Market Manual and b°ck containing Instructions for traders C OTTON FI 'IT Rib. The Market Closes Steady 1 Point Oil to it I p. York. Nov. 22.—Early Influences on the Cotton Exchange were bullish and led to a decided rise In values, latter pronounce.! reaction occurred under con flic ting rumors and a s ramble to unload early purchases by timid holder*. Tu# market started Arm and ftpu* high er on energetic hull spe ulation and a scare of room shorts, based upon much belli r English cables and u lignter for ward movement of the crop than predict ed. Claims of higher spot prl •* In th South hcl|H-d to und. rmine the position • I ► hoit* and brought In buying for outside. At the best level of the morning prices were net 11-iii points above the .lose of last night Hut sm alter midda. ih-* mutket stnldenly became weak and Iriog ular under hurried sales of large b.o ks of long cotton ami pounding hv room hears. Not only was the forenoon Im proven!ent wiped out. but u. slight net loss was scored before the selling movem- nt displayed sign* of positive abatement The bear* made the most of rum.r that the Czar was dead. So far us Bu'.J rn mar kets and estimates for to-morrow's re ceipts were conccrnt-d. the hulls had ihc advantage. Trading was ly active ami prices followed an erratic course to the close, which w.i steady, with prices net 1 point lower to 3 points higher. FLI t'TI ATIONtt IN FFTI REI. New York. Nov. 23.—Cotton future* opened steady at the advance and closed steady. I‘ricea as follows: | Open llign. | Los. iClosa- January ... Ml • •• •• :• .1 February ....} 9.8* j 9*t j 975 | 9*o March 9 K 7 9 t 9.73 | 9.77 April 1 9.83 9.88 j 9.77 i 9.7* May j 953 ; 9.87 I 972 j 9.74 June | 9.79 9.M j 9.79 I9 71 July 97* i 9\3 970 | 971 August 9At 957 i 9 56 | 9.55 September ...j 8.82 *B2 | 8.82 |8 *8 October | ... ) ... j .... j .... November ... 10.11 | 10.15 jKi <H 10 03 December ....I 9.95 | 9 97 j 9.83 | 9.U LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Lltrcrpool. Nov. 22-Spot, fair demand, prices steady; American middling. 5%d The sales of the day were lilts*) hales, of which stvt were for *pc ulation and exi-*rt and Included 9500 American. Receipts 18.- tot bales, all American Futures opened quiet and closed steady; American middling, low middling clause. November. 5.34d, sellers; November-De em her. 5 30sy5 3id. buyers; De.-ember- J.inunry, 5 3M. sellers; January-Fehru.iry. 5 Nd, buyer*; Fsbruarv-March, 5 24d. buy et*; March-Aprll. 5 220 5 23d. buyers; Aprll-May. 5.21d. buyer*; May-June, 5 !9fi 5.20d, sellers: Junw-July, 5 17*H5 18d. sellers. Julj August. 5.15gt5.18d. sellers; August- SefAemher. :> eller* >33\V ORLF.AXg CUTTOS Fl TI ftC. New Oriean*. Nov. 22—Cotton futures steady. November . 975 hid April 9 704i9.72 December ..9.73719.75 May 9 70K971 January .. 9 7hfi9 7rjune 9.70419.71 February ..9 7(*i9 72 July 9 898)9 71 March 9 70tf 71 COTTON LETTERS. New York. Nov 22—Murphv A Cos. r*v Spot rollon In Liverpool unchanged: mid dling uplands. 5%d. with saie* of lotto': futures declined on opening 2-84d. but Im proved during the latter part of the -eo ■bvn. closing unchanged to 1-Bbf loser than Inst night Rumor was again circu lated that Neill was likely lo Issue a bull ish circular to-mnrnow. latseff on 9,.YV>n • o 9.750.000 hale* for the crop. I respite the above, the continent sold In Liver pool and our market thia morning Our locals considered Liverpool advices rath r favorable, and we opened 84)8 points (tha.e last night's close First sales on Janu ary being 9 B#'. with local crowd holing; South sold during flrat hour, taking protlla. market advanced 54)8 loot* over o|ienlng flgures. but the tmproven.ent brought out Increased selling orient, anil the demand was not suttlfleni to absorb the same resulting In prices gradually de clining to 9.78 c for January, closing with in 1 to 2 points of loweat for the e sloti. Sentiment at present I* rather mix ed hut the tendency Is to reduce ctop estimates to about 9.75tt.0t*). Receipt- at ports to-day were rather moderate, esti mated at to.iVO, against t la -1 year, but we are Inclined to look far heavier movement during the next thirty days. Liverpool report* that the Indian ship ments would .also be much larger than a year ogo New Oriean* expects to-mo - row 11.00) to 12,'W0 Lllc*. against 7,551 last year; Houston 12.500 to 13.500. ag dnat * New York. Nov 22.—Hubbard Bro*. A Cn say . Rumors'regarding the publication of another estimate by Mr. Neill to be Is sued to-morrow has created a very nerv ous and erratic market. It was generally reported that he would repeat his Septem ber estimate that the crop would be about nine and three quarter millions Many re alising order* have been received on this estimate which more than supplied the demand, and brekt- the market fpon the hi*b prices touched about noon This dis position to realise on the part of the out side holdings whs the feature of the day Receipts were light, and Southern and foreign markets were higher, hut the presaure to sell exceeded the other fac tors Bnould Mr Neill's e-timate he cor rect the question ct supply 1* indeed a F*rtou# oi# for ih# #plniH-r#. DH Y GOOD#. New York. Nov. 22 -The demand for cotton goods to-day ha* been of fully aver age proportion* Tendency In four yard f heelings firmer after a good business Print* ar* selling fairly well. Bleached c-otrons are firm and l>nk as though prleew might he advanced before long on le ullng line* Several lines of plaids, tickings, ad vun.ed %O%C per yard. Print cloths and ai led line* are very firm with cool de mand Gingham* occasionally %B%c higher for staple line* and fancies. NAVAL STORES. Thumday, Nov. 22 sriniTS TVnPBNTINE—Tho turrn tine market showed considerable resist ance to-dav to the pressure which look ed for a lime to ba strong enough to force the price down The opening was firm m 3$ cent*, with sales of 3CV casks, and the closing firm and unchanged wKh further sole* of MO cask* The demand was fair throughout the dav though business was restricted owing to the refusal of factors to make conces sions The fact that supplies could b* had freely at the mark*, price for do mestic account was an Indication of weak ness to the big buyers, and they accord ing!' held back for something to turn up Factor* did not show any disposition to sell for less the mark't. and In Instances declined to accept bids on a low- FIN AXri AL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker. AIOI9TA. O*. Writ* *t 9.lst- THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1900. rr h**i# The receipt# were 1.173. and the export# non* ROBIN ft—The rrnln market closed firm and unchanged, with nothing new- in the uliuattor The #r## a# from: • # It wmw y'sf.*ilay. wml the market looked in * fair way to be well maintained The re ipt# wt-n 3.382. and the export# none Price# a# fol.ow- A H, C |l SO I fl © D 1 K 1> K- 1 U M 1 70 F 1 40 N J 10 G 1 45 W O 110 H 1 IS W W 3 16 Receipt# Thuraky- Spirit#. Rotn C. R R <57 3X7 ft . F At W <r*. I.tits ft A u 450 1,113 Kxport* none Naval Store# Statement— Rotin Stock a\ prl I 1. l#n 5.117 U*.'** Reielpt# to-day 1.173 3. >2 Kecctfti;# prevKH|y 1 Total Mnce April 1 2C..921 W 7.122 Kxport# tfldiy Kxporta previously 530.i. r 0 704.0 ff Kxport# #in e A|rkl 1 .360.140 ftnx k .vn h ind t4>-day K. 771 lUAVt ftto, k l.i#t year 38.0 W 148. M Tharleeton. S C . .Nov 55 —'Tiiri<ntine. Arm, 38V• roain, Arm. unchanged Wilmington. N t\. Nov. '22. —Bptrlfe tur pennno .fe#4lY um hanged, receipt# t2> Roein tead>. tl Xkdl.s-*>. receipt# !.3#n (’rude turpentlna firm SI 40|i5 e*. receipts 17- Tar Me#d). S1.&&. receipt# 91 New* Orieanw. Nov. 55 Receipt#: Ro#ln IT . export# to Liverpool, 600 barrel# tur pentine. I Hl*. RIC'O MARKET. The demand of the pa*t week for rice #howed marked enlargement; fully fifty per cent more than the previotiti one, and fractionally ahead of the ore prior Price# are firm with upward tendency. In the early week there win only a partial re#pon#e to the hardened condition# South, but later the relative parity wan tn#l*ted upon and generally got by holder*. In tcrewt ] fairly diiorlhuied. the moM con pk*uou# movement being in Japan. whl**h 1# by all o>lde the beat trade In market *’ A < onllerahle number of buyer# Mill hold back, retiming to operate for other than Immediate want#, hoping for reac tion and the cuetomary downward trend The trade are #o far behind in their pur chase* that large patronage would #c4-m assured In volume sufficient to keep the market in good form unlew# i*en-hance. planter# losing heart around the h4>lld#v period, begin to Indulge their usual aacrl flclal offering# *Advlcea from market# along the Atlan tic const note fr*e movement and a hrm ner# among holder# worthy of verte brates. HarkNan* is likewise a present quantity tn New Orleans a# well as at In terior point# In Louisiana. 1n fact, price* In the latter are generally higher than the former, henr* letutened movement In auch quarters. Taking primary market# as an entirety, however, the volume of business for the wrek wa# the |.irge.-t of the month and all the premonitory symp toms are favorable to a further increase Receipt* have been constantly behind those of lost year, standing today about fifteen |*ar cent bs#. this doe# not argue a shortened crop but rather. ch*n*el con dition#—prosperity which enable# the planter to market at pleasure and sec ondly. an outlook which gives promise of better thing# to come. Cable# and correspondence from abroad note increasing Inquiry for cleaned with fractional hardening of values. As here tof**ro noted, stocks in European markets are known to be far short of require ment#. and re4*ent calls from unexpected quarters In Houth America ha* strength ened holders' views, both for arriving parcel# and cargoes afloat. Ta Image. New Orleans. telegrapha Ix>u!sina crop movement to <kitr: Re ceipts. rough. 596.008 socks; last year. 68. - -sack Sales, cleaned (e#t bar rels. last year. 183.M1 barrels. Quickened movement: market higher and firm at advance. Talmage. (Tmrleston. telegraphs Caroli na crop movement to date: Receipts 19.- 850 barrels. Sales. 18.570 barrel#. Free movement: strong; higher pr.cos ex pected. 1154301*1. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Mark*! steady Commercial demand. 11*3%: sixty day*. Jltnr,; ninety dnys. II.BS; francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days. 5.2254; Swiss, sixty tlavs. 5.26-3,: Belgian. 5 2C, marks sixty days 93%; ninety days, 93 9-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady, banks are buying at 1-16 discount and selling as follows 325 and under. 10c pre mium: 325 to SSO 15c premium; 150 to flrtt, X"- premium, lint tts fxst. 25c premium. S2OO to Jl.ono, 13 premium. SI,OOO and over, 73c per M premium. BBOURITIKB Money Is working a lit tle close, thus causing Investors to hold off. Slocks. mi Ask Augusta and Savannah B R lit'* Atlanta and West Point 129 do 6 per cent, certificates 106 Augusta factory 92 95 CttKens' Bank 134 191 Chatham Bank 110 Chatham R K A I. Cos.. A .... 37 SR do do B K 57 Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos. . 105 110 Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 110 Enterprise Mfg. Cos. 13 Germania Bank 139 ... Georgia and Alabama 23 36 Georgia Railroad, Common 213 217 Oranttevllle Mfg Cos. 165 170 J. P King Mfg Cos. 100 103 l.r.ngley Mfg Cos 113 130 Merchants' National Bank , 113 ... National Bank of Savannah 150 Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust . 110 ... People's Savings and Loan ......160 Seaboard common 11 12 do preferred 29 JO Southwestern Railroad Cos 109% 110% Savannah Gas Light Cos 21 4 25% Southern Bank 134 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta *4 RR Savannah Brewing 102 104 Honda, Bid Ask Char.. Col A Aug Ist *s. 1900 , 10* 19* Chnt A Gulf It. R 5 per cent Ist mortgage 102 104 Atlanta city 4s. 1922 1"7 Augusta dty 4s, 1927 106 I*6 do tV. 19# 1” do 7*. I*B 107 do 6*. I*l3 122 ..... Ala. Mid sa. Ind'd. 1929. M A N.IOU 101 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent.. 1915.111 IIS Brunswick and Western 4s, 15*9 kj 95 C BRA Banking collateral 5* 95 96 C of O. Ist motg. 3s. 1*43 F. A A 1 121 C. of O con. &. 1943. M A N 95% 99% C. of Q. Ist Incomes. 1943. .. 51% 53% do 2d Income* 17 13 do 3d Income*. 194.". 3 9 C. of G. (M G. A A. D4v.) 5* 1947. J. A J 97 JR C of G. (Eaton Branch). sa. 1926 J. A D 97% 99% City A Suburban B R Ist 7*... .106% Columbus City S*. 1909 .107 Charleston city 4*. !9ff ion 103 Eagle A Phoenix Mills e. 1913 107 110 Edison Electric Illuminating $ I<* Enterprise Mfg 6s. I*o2 .KB Georgia Railroad 9s. 1910 115 117 G 8 A F . 1945. J A J 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist sa. 1943. .104 106 Georgia state 3%5. lt*>. J. A J .110 112 do 3%a. 1915. M. A N 106 107 do 4%*. 1915 119% l!t% Mscon otty *. 1916. J. A J 119 113 do 4%*. ciuar.. Jan I<* lit Ocean Steamship ss. 1920 lot 109 Savannah city 3*. quar. January 1919 110 Ml do 3a, quar. February. !** ... 16* H*94 South Carolina tate 4%a. 190 111 lit Sibley Mfg Cos. ss, 1M M South Bound 5a I* 100 ft . F & \\ gen mt-ge 4, im .135 ljt* <hi do Ist Js. gold . 1831 115 117 do 8t John Dtv. Ist 4s. 1834 ... 84 M New York. Nov S3 —Money on call steady at 3gp4 per cent.* lasi loan 1 per • ent. Prime mercafllUa paper. 4ft4V par cent Sterling exchange firm with actual business In bankers’ bills at )t X4V% for ihutiand. arul at 84 Kl for sixty days. ed rates, $i Ki and 84 Commerrial bills }| m%. Silver !■certificates. 84** fitful Bar silver. 0V Mexican dollar*. She Government bonds strong Htate bonds Inactive Railroad bonds irregular. BTOTKI4 AMI BOM>l. The Market (loses Weak aad He actionary. New York. Nov. 23.—There wss tho same eph and flow In tsi-day'# market that hav# charactetlsed It for several days past. Neither the beglnnln .ior the end. however, was so wll and as yeaterduy. The current ■ and cross currents were very confusing ail and mado It dlffh’ult to analyst* the tone, ex cept during a period of pronounced reac tion. which developed after the oiveulng and an equally pronounced tecovery be fore the close. The close itself wa# reactionary and weak, tinder the Influence of a violent break of 4' 4 point* in Aine'ican Hee| and Wire. That #to k got up to 81 in the general rally of the market, nut plunged downward to 4*4* In a few mlnut *# n*l closed about there, with heavy offerings still coming on the market. The pro fessional trader* In Wall #<r**t have worked for some time In the faith that they were following the bull leadership of a romhinatlon of forces between the moM notable spaed la tor In the street and a newer and almost equally ne op erator who nuikt' hi mark and a deep one at that. In the speculation In #4e*l stock* during the la.“t year #nd a half The break in ftteel and Wire, ("omtng near home to thl# alhged #|wculirtlve r.itn blnatlon. served to unsettle sentiment very considerably at the cio-e The b*r contingent succeeded in pretty well get ting the upper hand early tn the dy The market open'd with price cur ent* moving In whirling eddies There was continued strong absorption tn 'ms of yesterday’s strong Mocks, the lo at trac tion# and Bt Paul being 4 on#picuo is. Later a strong demand developed for Chesapeake and Ohio on buying said to be for Phtla<lel|hta account. Thl# st'S'Jc moved up an extreme 3(6. Thl* move ment however, wa* not sufficient to dis courage the profit-taking and bear pres sure. which had been more or |e-s mani fest. especially in the steel stocks, from the opening, ami the whole market fall away without much support to the lowresi of the day The rally wa# Inaugurated In Hr. Paul. That stock wrae carried to ISO and ih-* other Grangers, fttigar. the local traction stock# and (General Electric made the readiest response An effort wa# nude to continue the movement by the time-hon ored device of bidding up the Vanderbilts, but this proved unavailing In face of the acute weakne*# shown by the Meel mo ks The news of the day was little regarded. Some disappointment wa# felt at the ces sation of yesterday’s heavy demand from I*ondon. That renter turned a< tier to day to the extent of about gi.668 shares on balance. There w.# a failure of ex (tei-ted heavy demand for #tak from the West, which wa# cut off from wire com munication yesterday. The hear# were also ln lined to make capital out of the re|*orte4i dispute among the diplomat* at pekln and their ta< ttc* were Mvwn In the circulation of a rumor that the Csar was *lead. The mHiey market ebneed no signs of any sire#* from the large specu lation and wa# appreciably easier on th large receipt# <f Australian gold here dur ing the week. Bierling exchange hard ened on the large selling of stock# hv London. The bond market wa# notably sitong in spots, hut weakened at <vther point# Total ala>* par value. £I.SISO 0 Pnlted State# refun'iing 2# advanced an i the new 4# % per cent, on the last call The total #ah# of etock# to-day were 1.1*9.50 share#. Including Atchison. 4*.1<0. Baltimore and Ohio. 18.800. Canada ft4Hth ern, 11. MO; Burlington, 19.‘JTi; Hock I*l - Big Four. 17.00>; I^>ul#vllle and Nashvllh-. 0.310; Manhattan. 41 40; Metropolitan. 11.300; Missouri Pacific 11- Missouri. Kansas and Texi# preferred j.40". New York Central. 2*.7*#); Norf Ik ami Western, W.KOO; Northern Pacific. 82.- 900; Northern Pacific preferred. Pennsylvania. 2v3*; Hcm ding first pr ferretl. 18.300; ftt Louis ainl Bn Fran cisco. 8.30. Ht. Paul. 3..200. Bout hern Pa cific. 34.U10; Southern Railway preferr##!. Union Pacific. 6.W0. Union Pacific preferred. 14.9 U). Hmelting. 16.701; Ht*ei and Wire. Tin Plate. 7 10*; Tula - co, 13.800. Brooklyn. 61.800; Coiorailo Fuel. #.4<J. Continental Tobacco, 8.MO; Federal Steel, 34.'SOu, People# Gas. Sl.tOU, ftugtr, W.Nju. Tennessee Coal, 21,8.0; United States Leather, 9.8u0. New York Stock List. AAchlaon J 9% l.'nlon Pacific ... 72% do pref *.!% k> pref 92 Balt. A Ohio . $2% IValatsh 9 Can. Pacific ... *7% do pref 21% Can. So 59% Wheel A L. 8.. 1% Ches. A 0hi0... 39% do 2nd pref. ... 2*% Chi. O. W 14S Wl*. Central ... 12 CM. B A Q ....137% Third Avenue .112 Chi Ind A L... 23 Adams Express.l3s do pref 57% Am Express . .160 Chi A E. 111... it* U. Express... 41 Chi A Nw !6a% Wells Fargo Ex. 132 C. B. I A P .116% Am Cot. Oil ... 31% C. C. C. A fit L. 67% do pref *1 Col. 80 7 Am Malting .... 5 do Ist pref. .. 43%i B> pref 23 do 2nd pref .. IR jAm 8. A Refng 50% Del. A Hudson 116 | do pref 95% Del. D A W....1M Am. Spirits 1% D. A B G 23% do pref 17 do pref 77% Am Steel Hoop 30% Erie 13% do pref 77 do Ist pref. ... 40 |Am. 8 A Wtra.. 47 Gt. Nor pref 191%; do pref 99 Hocking Coail 16 ,Am Tin Pkne .. 43% Hock Valley.. 39 | do pref 3*% Illinois Cent 136 Am Tobacco ...110% lowu Central... 30% do pref 134 do pref 47% Ana Min Cos ... 50% L. Erie A W... 39% Brook R T 79% do pref 17 Col r. A Iron 53% Lake Shore 210%iCont Tobacco .. 17 L A N 2\ do pref 91 Man. L 113% Federal Steel ... 50% Met St. By 173% do pref 79% Mex. Central .. 13%;Gen Electric . .170 Minn ASt L 64 iGlucose Sugar M do pref 108 ! do pref 102 Mo Pacific 59', Inti Paper 23 Mobile A Ohio 4(' do pref 73 Mo K. A T 11% Laclede Gas .... 72 do |, r *f 37% National Biscuit. 39% N. J. Central 144 do pref 92 N. Y Central . 14“% National 1-ad .. 2<i Nor A Western 44 | do pref *6 do pret 91% National Steel ... 37% No Pacific .... 72% do pref 92% do pref 93 1 If. Y Air Brake 163 Ont A West 25% North American 19% Ore R A Nav 42 I Pacific f'oaat ... $6 do pref 79 | do let pref, ... *6 Pennsylvania ..143 1 do 2nd pref. ...97 Reading I* ! Peel Ik* Mall .... 43 .Jo Ist pref ... 3 People's Gas .. .MB do 2nd pref i% Pressed H Car 33% Rio G W A* i do pref do pref *4 IPull Pal. Car 199 St L. A 8 F... 17 U. Rope A T 5% do Ist pref ... 73 Bugsr 135% do 2nd peel . 45% do pref 119 SI. L Sw H iTenn, C. A Iron 75 do pref 55 ;U 8 Leather ... 15% Si. Paul 1' do pref 76 do pref 175%'t?. 8. Rubber .. 33% St. P A Om. ..121 1 do pref 93 So. Pacific .... 41%;Weat Union .... 94% So. Railway ... 14%;R. I. A 8 16% do pref 93% do fcref 9t% Tax A Pacific.. 19 P. C. C A St. L. So Bond# U. 8 2e ref. 104%,N. Y. C. let ...161% do coup. .....KH'S'N. J, C. G. 1#..136% <io la. reg. ...UO% North Par . 3a .. 71% do Is. cenn*. do 4s 104% do new 4a. raa.137% N. Y., C. A St. do new 4a, c'p.l37%j IsOuta 4s 169% do o*i 4*. reg 113%,N. A W. C. 4a.. Southern Railway. Tralit* Arrlva anj Do par; Saiannah an 9<Hh MrrfflUn Tun*—One Hour rloavr Tliaa City Tim, fktirflula In Effect Nov 15, 1990 Kl v'> piMVN 1 fft'fllE EAST HI ND IT No .H No #"[ ~“ (Omial Tlroe 1 N ■ li 39|an 12 Wain jLv Bavmnah 777....h’.'TT. T. Ar ] 5 loam, 3 15; in tKa*trru Time ) |; | 4 21pm, 4 T&atn Ar Ulackvtll* L,v|| 3 Ooam| I OTpm * 9o>m <i 10.,m Ar i oluinM* L.v I .►■’in 11 -Min 9 IPpni 9 tin Ar Chuilotie I.v ; 9 spm X liktm 11 44pm 12 22pm Ar (11004111*110 Lv 7 :opm 5 48am TflKim Ar . ..777777777777. Norfolk L •*w 12 1 .4pm Ar .7 .77.7 r>*n villa" 777.7 77 .77 l.v o tOpm t S'am 25pm Ar 7 HI h-manl .... l.v, iioipm n "V"' 2 41'*ni 343 pm Ar Ljrn' h ' ir* l.v, 8 ;.3(tni 3 :•*““> 4 35am - .Y,pm;,Ar Chariotteavllla Lv 1 08pmJ12 94;n 7 35*m x shpm (Ar Waahinglon Lv ill 15am| 9 Bps 9 15am 11 3&ptn Ar Baltunarn l.v|| 5 28am * 2 pm 11 35am; 2 .'a,.,m Ar Fhll tdelplila Lv ( I I.iaml 8 95pm 2 atpm 23am Ar N- m York Lv 13 loam: 32 pm * 3l*pm 3 p pm Ar Ho t n l.v No St. 1 TO THE NORTH AND WKHT. | No 35 U lOatn Lv Havitinah Ar sif im Ovartarti Tlmt > 4 3km Lv Columbia I,' 1 1 ?Bam 9 stm Lv fp,riiit)ttii|[ Lv 8 15pm 12 Irtpm I.V A*tp vllle Lv 3 tWpm 4 02pm Ar Hot Hprlit*. Lv 111 L'.tm 7 20pm Ar Knoxville Lv \ 8 25am 5 10.1 m Ar Lexington Lvl 10 JOp.n 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv * oopm 8 00pm Ar fit Lout* 7< v! * '**m 7 stt*m |Ar |a>ul*vllle U| 7 Lain All train* arrive anti depart from theT’iartt Syelem Hlatlon. THROUOII CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAIN# 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXTRESS Vaetl bulecl llmltevi train*. lth ruiltnan Dra lug Itoom Sleeping Car* between Savan nah and New York Connecto or Waeblngton with Colonial Hip re, * for fto.ton Pullman Sleeping Care batweon Chari dta mol Richmond and Charlottn and Nor folk Dlnln* t hit * Serve all meal* between Savannah and 45 a*htngton TRAINS 35 AND 38 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES KART MAIL Vcltbul*d llratie.l train*, carrying Tullmtn Drawing Room Sleeping Car Mut Savannah and New York. Dining Car* *ervo ad meal* between Savannah and Waahinglon Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara between Savannah *nd Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Lmd of lha Rkv.'' For complete Information ,a lo ratio. *• hedulea. ete applv t,> F. 8 GANNON. 3d V T. &Q. M J .'I CULP. T M . W. A TURK. O T A.. Wasfrlngion, I) C. S H HARDWICK Aral fim l P* Agent. Atlanta. (1. Q GROOVER, Ticket Agent. Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN. C P A T A . 141 Hull ctre, I Savannah Oa . Phone* USA do old 4*. c'p 1154,1 Ora. Nav. Ist ..109 do s*. reg ..1124. do te lot do or, coup ..1134, Ore. 8. L * ..127 D. of C. 3 85* ..U4V: ilu oon 5*’> At eh , gen 4* .101*.| Read Gen 4* .. 89'i do djt 4* .. 88:. !(* O. W Ist 100 Can Sou. 2rt ..108'e. 3t. L. * I M C ul Ga 5... KV ton. 6* UTi .k) l*t Im* 814. 3f V * A F. do it Inc. hkl. 18 | gen 8a 127 C. 4k O. 45i* ...lOtHISi. Taul con . 174Vk do 5* 118 St P.. C. * P. C. & Nw. C. 7*. 140 | l*t 118% C. & Nw. 8. F. |St. P . C. A P De4> 5* 119 5* HJ’i Chi. Ter. 4* ... 93 |Bou. Par. 4* .. 834, col. Sou 4a ... 84 ,Bou Ry 5a . 111% D. * It G 4* .100 jS. It A T. Ha .. 71‘a Gen 4* 74% T A P. l*t 11 F. W. A I>. C. | do 2d 82 let' 78 Unton Par 4w .. 10* 1 Gen Elec, im .I*3%;Wabash I*4 It*' , lowa Cen l*t ..118% tki 2tl 104’, L. A N. IT. 4* 99’. West Shore I* ..lit M , K A T. 2d 70%W1< Cen. Ist . *7% do 4* *l’<V Cent 92 91 A O. 4* .... 85% New York, Nov. 22 -Standatd Oil 740 Q 7t5. Mnrpby A c'o'a Blnrk l.elter. New York. Nov 22—The stock market opened active and extremely Irregular The London market for American* showed In the early cables at material recessions from the local dosing level, a circum stance which was partly responsible for the noted Initial tendency of the local market. The local tmctlon Issues were the features of the early dealings, all of them advancing sharply, although toeing par; of their gains In the subsequent dealing*. Sugar was the at tlvc feature of the Indus trial quarter, and after opening lower de veloped firmness Apart from Sugar, the Industrial* were the exception. Tb.-t" were no development* overnight In the local 1111atidal situation bearing upon the mar ket. and little new* or gossip was eurrent in regard to *|iedal atock* The dealing* here for foreign account were in tremen dous volume on both aides of the market, with buying order* predominating Total ■ala* to-day 1,391.74** aharea Seaboard's Sreurlllea. From the New York Time*. Seaboard Air Line securities were all strong yesterday, and though none of them was very active in this merkel. they all showed large net gains The common stock sold up to 12 and closed at 11% bid. a net advance of H of a point. At the close 29 was bid for the preferred slock, showing a ncl gain of 2% points, and the bond* rooe from 69', lo 72. The reason for the sharp advance was the re ported settlement of the Ryan suits ■ gainst the company. HIMT-LL.IRBOI’t M tRKETR. Note—These quotation* are revised dally and are kept as near ns poeslhl# In accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are 1101 ward when they dlsagreo with the prices whole salers ask. (ssntrr and Northern Produce. POULTRY—'The market I* steady Quo. tatlon*. Broilers, 30t>35c let pair, half grown 45ft50 . three-fourth* grown. 558 ODc; hen*. 65fJ75c. roosltr*. 40650 c. ducks. 50ft75c geese. 75ctl$l . KKIS Freah candl'd, 22c, cold storage. 19830'. BUTTER—The tone of the market 4* firm Quotations: Western creamery. 19 n 34V ■ New York slat* dairy, 194123 c, extra Elgin*. 25(k29r. CHEESE— Market firm; fancy full cream cheese. 13%c for 20 lo 22-pound average, 2S*tJn-pourut averages, 13c. Early Venerable*. IRISH POTATOES— Northern. $1.90 sack CABBAGE—SfI7e per head ONIONS—YeIIow In barrel*. IX6O. crate*. 60c. red, $1.90. Breadstuff. Hay and Grata. Pfyit'R—Market steady; patent. M SO. straight. $1*0; fancy. $3.75. family. $l5O MEALr-Pearl, per barrel. $2 70; .prr suck 31 35: city meal, per sack bolted. U.12%8 11.15; water ground. II 154*1 17%. city grits, sacks. $1 3". pearl grits, Hudnuts. per bar rel. 1X75. per sack. 3123%; sundry brands. 11.17%81.20 sack CORN—Market firm, white, Job bus. 65c; carload lot*. 2<-; mixed corn, Job lot*. 92c. carload lots. 59c. RlCE—Market steady; demand good; fancy head. 9c; fancy. s%c. Prime * Good 4%84% Fair 4 84% Common *% OATS—No 2 mixed, corlosd. 22%c; Job lots. $5839c; white clipped, car*. JRc; Job. 40. I!RAN-Jb lots, 95c. carload lots. BV HAY-Market ateady; No I timothy. 96c; Job, 96c; No. 2. 90r Job; 95c. care ftwgar and < offre. St'OAR— Cut loaf 9 19 Diamond A 6.34 Crushed 924 Confectioners' A 5.94 Powdered 4.9i White Extra C.. 5.31 XXXX [tow'll . 5*9 Extra C 9 Granulated $ 64 Golden C 5 05 Cube* 3 Yellow* 4 94 Mould A ..$ 96; COrFEE- Mocha 2* e'Prlm* No. S 11 c java 29 c Good No. 4 |6%c peaberry U e Fair No 9 16%c Fancy No I....ll%clOrdlnary No. 6 9%c ChoLv No. 2....11 cjCommon No. 7.. s%c Dried and Evaporated t rain. APPLE*— Evaporated. 707%c; sun dried. APRlCOTS— Evaporated, 16b pound; nectarmeo, 10c. # , RAISINS- L L . 12 10. Imperial cabinet*. 32 75: loose. (*i-t*mnd boxes. 8%, pountl PBA<TIKS Eva|iotaltd. |.ile<l. l.'r . unpealrd. B*,i*c PKARB—Bvafwrated. B>,c Hard Hurt* aud Itultdina Supplle. LIMB. CAI/'lt'M PLASTER AND Cemrnt A It, terrm and Georgia lime In fair demand and sell at Mi cent* a barrel, special cabined plader, >1 u® per t,artel. Uatr, 4it > Rtoudab* cement, 81 20ff1.25. carload, lots, *|tectal; Portland cement, re tail. 4.’25: rarload lots. 13 nniv pi Ll itHKK F < 14 VESSELS SAVAN NAH .VllnlmtMu. yard rlivs. lit) uoo 1109, oar *lll*. SI2 509113-48'. dlfllonU .I***. 14() 81 woo. ship slock. Ilf. >w< l t*', ii.ii He*. Dt*mß 50. hewn tlet. 3-u3B* OIL Market steady, demand fair. lg nai, 4.>qsb< . West Virginia black. 9<ul2r; laid. 58c: neatsfn.a ug;7uc. machinery, 18 U23c, 11 lirec.l oil, raw. Til’.' hollerl, 78%c. ketoeene. i*mo white 12, , water whits, lie, Pratt's astral, 14c, deulorlsed stove ga.oline. dtuni). 11 Vis , empty oil barrels, delivered. Bfc SHOT Drop. H 50. If B. and large. If TO. chllbd. 31.75. IKtiN Market very steady; Swede, 5%- NAILS -4'ut. 12 18) base, wire. 32 25 lta* BARKED WIRE S3 So per 100 (•ounde <H'N I*OWDER- Per kt-g. Austin crack stmt. It Oi. half kegs. 37 25, quarter kegs, 11.25; champion ducking, quarter k.-g, 82 25. Dupont and Hasir t stnnkele**. half kegs $1125. quarfer keg*. $5 75; 1-ponnd ranl-ler*. 3100, Ir*. 25 per rent ; Ttol.- dorf rmokrles. powder, 1 |toun<l tana, $1; 30-pound cane 9A- pound ►all. Hide* nnd Wool. SALT- Demand Is fair and the market steady; tarbeid lota. KYi-pound burlap nark*. 44c, H*Vpound cotton sack*. 45c, no-pound burlap sacks. 44%c; 110-pound cotton sack*. %c. 225-pound tiurlap sacks, SA-, 125-pound crMton sacks. Me, 230-pound burlap sack*. *S<- llnt|J4 sl,rket firm, dry flint, 13%c dry salt. ll%c. green salted. A-. WOOl.— Nominal, prime Georgia, free of an.| burs and black wool, 19c. black. 18c; hurry. 10c Wax. 2Sc; tallow. 3%r- Deer aklna. 2ftc. Frill* and 9sti. APPLES—Northern vwiiety, 12 ORANGE#—(FIa.) 32 .'mul'd per boa PRT'NKH Fw to 60s. Mr. Ml* tn Os. *%r; 80s to 70s. 7r: 70s to 80s. *'yc; MJ* to 9tW. c; tt's to lor*), 5%c. BANANA#— hunch LEMONS- Market steady at 12 50. COCOANI'TS—S4*. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia per istund. 4%r; hand-ptrked Virginia, #g. fra*. 4%c. N. C. seed peanuts. 4c. NL'Ttt—Almonds, Tarragona. 18c, Ivtcav lfe’. walnut*. French. 12c. Naples. 13c; pecans. 12c; Rraxll*. 13c. filberts, 13c; as sorted nuts, 50-pound and 35-pound boxes, 13%c. Colton Massing and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm: Jide, 7%. pound. M*r; large lota, B%c; small lot*. 3-pound 7%r; -na island bagging. 12%c. TlßS—Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large lota, $1.30; small InCs. $1 33 Karon, Hams and Lard. BACON—Market firm; D. S. C R aide*. T%r; 1 B bellies, s%c (Eastern I. ac cording to average elxe; D H Retiles, B%C (Western), emoked C, R sides. B%c. HAM#—Sugar cured. imol2%r LARD—Pure, In tierces. B%c; in 60- pound tins and (Si-pnund tub*. B%c. compound. In tierce*. B%r; s)'-pound tins, and m-pound cubs. B%c. Mine ELLAXROt *. FlSH—Mackerel, half-harrel*. No J. 33.Wi; No 2. $7 00; No $. $5 75 kit*. No I. 1130; No. 2 $1 10; No 3.85 c Codfish. 1-pound brbks. SV. 3-pound bricks. 8c Smoked herring, per hos, 17#19r Dutch herring. In kegs. sl.lO, new mulled*, half barrel*. $3 75. SYRUP— Vlarket quirt; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28f!JOr. selling at 324135 c; sugar house at 104115 c. HONEY -Fair demand, atraiucd. In bar rel*. 55ff0r gallon. High wine* basis, $1.17 OCEAN rrtHIGHTI. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per cwt 2Sc; lo New York, per cwt., 30e. to Philadelphia. |>er bale, |l; Baltimore. sl. FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. 60c; Liv erpool. 40c; Hamburg. 4s-; Genoa SJ--; Barcelona. U> . Manchester. 46c. Havre. 40c; Antwerp. 40. Revel, 50c Rottrrduw 40c Trieste, S3 INDIRECT-Liverpool, 3583* Hamburg. 49-, Gothenburg. 53c LI’SIBKR-By Ball—Freights steady; to Baltimore and eastward. $t.M to $6 75 per M Including Portland LUMBER—By Steam Savannah to Baltimore. $6 *; to P R R , or B and O. docks SSM, to Philadelphia. !6%c per cwt. (4 pound* to foot); to New York. $6 30 per M $7 25 to dock; lightered to Boston $9 M NAVAL STORES—The market la firm; medium sis* veasele. Rosin—Cork io order*. $* 6d per barrel of $!0 pounds and 5 per cent, primage Spirit*. 4* 9d per 40 gallon* grow*, and $ per rent primage Large vessel*, rosin. Js; spirit* 4s and. Steam, lie per 100 feunds on rosin, lt%- on aplrtta. Savannah to Boston, and 3% • on rosin and 19c on spirit* to New York GRAIN. PHOVI!<. ETC. New York. Nov 22 Flour well sustain ed and fairly active without change. Rye flour, steady. Corn meal. firm. Rye. quiet. } Barley, steady. Barley malt, quiet Wheat—Spot firm; No f red. 797*0; op tion* were generally firm sit day except for an Interval of depression al noon un der realising and ehofl selling Strength was Inspired by higher cables, unfavor able Argentine crop news, export buying i Plant System of Railways. Train# of>+r€#d by 90th m#rkSb*n tlta■# On# hour #lowr than city timx In effect Oct. 1, lid). All frAina Lv tUvunnah Imiljt. Ar. ftv*nn#b ll#twr#n 5 IS *m| Htivunnih | 1 00<m f I anij W.ycm##,... 10 If am *lO #m ...... .Im k4snnvilli* jl2 10 n n 6 00 pm j ani Florida. j 7 w yua Hotw.oii 1 am) s#\ nm#ii J (6 am ■' ♦*'* >\ —Ch#rl##lon.. 17 in am It Kn'n| .. nnfi K##t ,j< 10 pm U Ar Brwns*wlclC 1 \A • I * ’W Brunswick |t OR am 906 |m Jump ... 6 iB pm S\i*nn#li Mini .... j 7 10 tn 1 h p I pm Conn#ctloifi l Foil Trn|m with l*#n inrulAr xrvl OiC*d**nt#l *!f,iu4*i ioiving for K#y Wmi mid I ||sv m.t Monday#. Thur#<liiy ami ftttturdxy# limp m Call at Ti. b#t OlTlcfi for further maflon J. 11. POLHEMI.’S, T P A . WARD CLARK Cl > Ticket Agent. IV ||nt#l Phono 79 B W WRKNN. PiiMncr Traffic Man* axrr R/ivannnh. On. \georcia : y fl’he.ftile Effectlv. Sept 10. 1909. Trains arrive at and depart from Central Hlatlon. West tlioad. of Utterly street. 90th Meridian Tim. On. hour slower than city time. ■Ah V 9 Arrlva Savannah- Savaunah: Ougusta 51....) Atiai. a • 45.40 Covington. MlllwigevtllelN OOpin _ iand all Inlermedlat* jadnts; I Augusta. Marta). Atlanta, f" M ntgotnery, Co-i •9 GOpmdunibua, Klrmlngham. Am- I ** OOons lerLu* Euf .uia and Troy | t 8 ortpm Tm sr Ao-ommodallon |t7 48am ti txtpin Guyton I tinner Train. |fi supsn •ftall) tt; -e;.t Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYREEI 75th meridian or Savannah elty tlmo. LEAVE SAVANNAH Monday tody na. a m Dally xcht Monday 980 a m Dally IOV p m. LEAVE TYREE. Ilnndty only 715 a m Dally #*cepß Monday 10:25 a. m. Dally 530 p. m. < 'nnnermwi* mad. at terminal polnta with all train* Northwest, West and ftoulh w*#t Hi* cpinjr ' .'ll on nlirht tr#tn# M<n Hf vnn.ih #nl AufuMn, Mirnn, Allmi# •n.l BtrminxoMm Parlor rmr on A *y rmln# hr<wrn A#* vannah. Mam* mui Atlanta. For tYtmplpt* Information, i' hrduitl, r#t# "'iißfl' Mon# fif-lv fo w a. HHKWBit. CUy Tirkft #iml P##- •Mtr Agont. lOT Hull #tr##t. or W R McINTYRK. Depot Tick#! AffMt. J C. HAII.K. <*#ner#| i’.tti#nfr Agent K H IIINTON. Traffic Muntfrr TIIKO. D. KUNG. (Jen Hii(erinin4ixt BrfVfU.neh. On. /gsHj^VESTIBUIU) aa iiMiTEo rA |NS Double Daily Service The Short line lo Norfolk, Washington. Baltimore. I‘hlladelphla, New York and Iho Last | No. 44 | No it Lv Havnnnah. 8. A L Ry|U Js|.enlll Mima Ar Columbia. # A L. Ityj 4 38tan: 4 Dan Ar Raleigh, H A l. Ry... 11 37pm 11 imam Ar Durham. 8. A. L Ky.. 7 UDamj 4 19pm Ar IVlersburg. 8. A L. Ry 4 13am- 4 38pm Ar Richmond, H. A. L. Ry 5 15am 6 40pen Ar Waabliigton. Patton... 4 4f<m 9 JOptn Ar Daltlmoie. i’enna KMttimUl 25pm Ar I’hlladel|ihla. l'enna... 13 27pm 2 56atn > York. Poona 3 03|anj 8 13am j No. it No 88 Lv Savannah. 8 A L Ry(l2 SbpmlU S9pm Ar l’urtan>uth, 8. A. L.Kyj 7 (n*to| 5 Mpm Steamer* leave Norfolk dally, axcept Runitay. for Baltimore, Philadelphia and Na York, amt daily In W■thlnftji The short line lo Montgomery. Mohlia and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:2$ a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7:49 p. m , at which point close connection la made with the L. A N R R . arriving at Mobile 3:06 a. m. and New Orleans 7 .40 a. m. The Short line 10 Fernandln*. Jackson ville. Turn|ut and other Florida point* | No 27 | No. U Lv ftavHimuh. fl A I. Ry! ft rAajnl 3 Ofpm Ar Kernandm*. SA U Ry' lSaro Mfm Ar JackaonvlU*. HA I, K> ; !n 7 4upm At Tampa, 8 A. I*. Ry....| & lopin' * Magnificent Pullman buffet deeping ear aarvlca to Washington, Baltimore. Phila delphia aiHl Nr York, aiao to Jackaon vlllo an'J Tampa. Pining cars from Savannah to Hamlet ami Richmond to Nw York. Ruffei parlor cara Savannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ticket Office, Mull and Bryan etreeta. Phone 2A ■ In Ihe ttouthweat and a fair upeculatlv* support f'loaed firm and partly Ho nod higher March closed *lc; May rlaaOd ; Novetnta r 77*4; December. 7774 c. Corn—Bpm. aleady; No I. 44c; optlona Irregular, but generally Arm. following the Wei Higher ruble*. dlKtppulntlng receipt a, tlmhlliy of short* and th<> wheat advance all had an Influence. Cloaed firm at %*!*,<■ net advance. May cloaed 4244 c; December closed M'aC. Gala—spot ateady; No. 2. 26 Wc; opt 100a dull but fairly steady Beef, ateady; cut meala, quiet. laird, coaler: Western ateamed. 17.75; r*- flnel. weak, continent, r At. South Amert . an., . .impound. 4i*V. Pork, quiet. Tallow, firm. city. 474 c. country, 4144V4c. Petroleum, aleady Roaln, quiet; lurp*oUne, ateady, 4>HO 44c. Rice, ateady. * Sugar, raw, firm but quiet; refined, •toady. roffec—Spot. Rio. ateady; mild, market quiet The market opened aleady with plicae unchanged to & point* tower and for a time rub-.l harely needy with liqui dation prompt following bearteh advlcea from foreign cofTee market*, heavy port and Interior Braalllan receipt#, alack apot demand and unfriendly domoatlc statis tic* latter there •• a alight net gain recorded, due to rovartng and light naw buying baaed upon a Anal rlae of 74 In the French market At the cloae (he market again turned eay under freoh milling and wae Anally barely atendy. net unchanged to 5 point* lower. Total aalaa ware 41.500 bag*. Including December (Continued on Sixth Page.) 7