The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MAY NOT INTRODUCE THE BILL. Hl***HK*R\T ATI Vl* \ I \* KH* T %i\ Allot T \mu\nii:M him Dot* \<t Knon AA lief Her Hr Will InirmliM'f If or >M—Other Urmlirri of llr llt 1.-iiiiflon Ofipoard lt llir Mftaurr- A (*•••■• H. ltl Haiiday iiml m Hill Hnlltird I*l fl* I'ollfl rlnn* I it % oni I*l ft* • •** Measure, (ilvra flit* Minor All A|*|MdntMenl It|| ( ili rt*r—< *it itt*ll !• Too fn -aervatlte for flu* tMllceaee Inn •ioil Thr) I'rrfrr for flu* 'lor fo llmr lll*’ A||itln linn I’nwr, Th* adn:r ?ra n poilU* *•• * and other In Sav in.ah have M-m aw u lm wiili 111 terred th* annoum *mcnt from Atlanta o f the intro- .t* i of the* much dlx u*e*d toll to mak* thr hulk of thr city ofll * * wppcintlve l> Ihr Mayor. A* ! w**l knetvt cue * -non of ih*- n<lmln tratlon supporter* is ftrongly In favor of thr hi!!, and aiiOiJur n twn 1*- bitterly opposed to It. A atICU* of thr support* r* of thr I xv*s hr id .1 few (hyp ago, hut thr o inn ii t i quiet. Thu mrdinfr indors'd 1 1• ■ h.ll .*f course. md th.s will hr <,atrru* pit i> indortrnufit. but the opponemw of tin* im eeurc ( ialrn that tlir meeting wa no* representative onr f tin* party. and tnut Its action will huvr no * ff - t in view of thr act.on tak*- bv Colin eving *t ursMiimou i lor-in* nt to a tot.illy differ ent hill, whl-■;! I** to he introduced by ( Ilepres* n .if l\ W<l. Representative Horen, who war In the I (Ity Monday wo under*tond to hav* a copy of thr h i to* • greed upon l*y th*- caucus. hut l* ilnr*| to d< rues tin mut ter when i’ l)rd upon, or to -n what he j doing in thr pr* tn> •-*. Thr Morn.DK N* w * iegr.ip:ied it* A l int * • orre*pot dent a f right to s. Mr Har den and find out when the Mil would i** Introdu.d urid w hat 1 feat urea ui* The followu p rep.) w s i• • - •'tv•l Mr Harden r-fir- i to discus* th* hi I Hi Id he did nt know whether lie would Jntrodu* e N *r i ot " It la possibb- that Mr Harden may not Introduce the hill. Mr Well* ha announ* • and his deck!* and opposition to the me • ur* , and It i* stated by friends of Senator Cann and Representative II I li that they will both >:>poar the hill. If Mr. Harden finds that the bill 1* llk< > to meet with such • cold reception a thin by hi* colic agu* * be may <•>* r to l>e the I >4l r |*> i< > not to off* r it at all Th© main featur©* of Ihr bill • rat iff©*) b> th© raU' Ui* are !•©* • tiling known h©r*\ howfvpr It N ptiiird 4 >ii g*<-| aut!iotit\ that thf raiiriM l>tl| pro|tos(*f> to make uj fiotfttlv© by the Mayor all of th. city of. flee*, both major an#l minor, with the ex ception of tbr*. tin three exceptions b- Stilt the clerk of Council, th* iiit©rlnt©n<l ent of |K>ilre and tin* fiiiperinti<ni|f>nt of the fire d©i>artm©rvt. The r< a>n for I hi.* txc©jtlon Is ‘-aid to !*© that (h> thr*- olHcen mention* and hic not tn lle;ait* . ami the preM nt tin imilH nm ar* nt Ilk* l\ t* have any trouble In •eeurlmf their re * b * - tloft by Council. The director of public xotks, the sii|a-r --lniendnt of wait* ! work*. the city ©ngin eer. the city rnimhal. the Imri-or ma ©r uv *1 th© numerous minor nf!l< *t Hr© all to i>e made a|q*omtiv© by that bill, the ap j*ointment>* to be mad* by the Mayor •hirtl> l>efore the expiration of his present term, the appointments b*!ng * tlno**l n< to fall nftcr the titjr>n©htrig city ••lection Not only the present elective him! ap peunttv© offirers. with the exception of h* three nnme*l, but all the clerks, heads* of dpartm*-nts and other salarle*! employ*** tiruirr the***- off! *er- ire h)m> made appoint ive. the appoint merits to la* for iwo years, with salaries to r* main ufirlMtngrtl during the term of offl*©. It Is easy to la* seen why the hungry politicians, those who r© doubtful uf the Job* they now hold and th*©*© who are !©- sirous of obtaining Jobs r*•© held by others, should le *>x©©* iltigl) anxlou** to pee the bill depending ii|hi Movor Myers s*n~e of f* 5* 11\ to party to reward the faithful after the omitig © Pot The great Incentive furnished by the bill to office ss* ket> to make xiruoMllnary ef forts for tn*' sue*-* —* *>f their tuk*t th© * not n* * i to b* dwelt upon Th** opp*uht of the masure say that this Is entirely too milch power t• put In the hands of one man. even the Mayor, find that it would tend to* th* * lty government entirely a political ma hin. In which cfllt lent ©onduot of their off!**©* wrHikl Ik* a *© -ondairy ronsldetatlon si h the ©ffl< • h and ier**. It I- also point* I out that th*- head.-* >f departments would is* very seriously hampered b> having th ir as-lstants Appointed by the Mayor, as tn case of insubordination or Inefficiency tm on the |k.irt of their assistnnt- the su periors wo*ild 1* pnitticaliv help ess Their hand** would Im* tb l an.l they would have to d* petwl upon the Mayor t. take their views of wh.itevei dlffet ©n< e* might atlse between them and th*lr sub> ordinate*. The reason* for the anxiety ur*on the part of the workers with regard to the bill are not for to see. Tne present Coun cil hs developed ale M*-dl\ .on *rv • tlve tendency ansi the partisan spirit which w.i- * xpect■ I to marl. ,!>* * x*-* utlv. < lias* alnin*: entirely ©vitp. irate*!. if indeed It ever existed. Th* able mien, or a ma jority of them, are only *l* -trou* of see ing tht the city gets an efficient board of officers for th* ensuing two years, and * the present Incumbent* have for the most part given general satisfaction iha Italicattatis are that very few of them will haw any difficulty In being re-el©* t *l. If th mitt* r left to tin* pr*- nt t*oard It is even predicted thi: torn© of those who were b ft in offl*-** by the re tiring inlmimstration will be retained In other word the psdbi Uns, or lh* element which d*wir© t parcel out the offices, have found that they * annot control CVitm* ell, an*l they *l* sir** to provl.te sun*' other way of filling the ofllees which will insure m*re satisfactory results, to them. Pres ent Indication* ar* that tiw-lr *)* dr h will not be gratlfl**!. DiKb i' ti: %mu i. % m i:. John llriinarii files oil HU \\ mj to kt. Josepli's 101 l ruin r> . John Hclmsci), a white man, and • 1 in the podee ambulance l ist night whlh on h;- way to Ht. Joseph's Infirmary. Heims* ; was a native of Savannah and al>out ©• years of uge. He had no o < upatlon an*) for year* existed on the small amounts h. could beg. chiefly In the business section, lie mad* it a practice to hang around the banka during banking hours, hm! by his miserable Mp|*urin © attracted the rym f*athy of th*. patron- of the banks n*l thus obtained many small contribution I‘reity much all he received went for liquor and he lilerailj drunk himself to d-ath. Ilelmsf-n's • ondition Dpt n.ght was such that some parti* * who noticed him. took compa-sion on him and secured from Ir O II Joimson, city physician, a permit for his entrance to the Infirmary. He never reached there, dying on his way tc the Infirmary In the ambulance Th** body was taken to f'oroner Ooette’a un dertaking •'ll- inmit, und will b * turied to-day Tay Twenty-Five t ents and get a pack of highest quality playing cards, having our American heroes' faces on the court cards Just like other cards In every other respect-practical, ard •oay to read New and novel. Malt-Nu trtne Dept . Artheuser*liuscb Brewing * Aaa'n, 91. LouU, Mo. Mil*. 11l Ml 11 ITT A *T HO (111 AH OK All. tier Funrritl Fmm *(. I'ntil'i Kplsco litil l httreh This Aftrraoon. Mr* Henrietta E. Htrobhar. widow of j the I tte ll**nry J. Htrobhar, died yester day morning at her tqnn*. No Ml W tld* liurg street. went, aft r an tllnr** of al*out | two w*eka Mm Htrobhar wa 7r. year** , <d Bha was t*orn .n Bcreveti county, of i l.i.gllsh tb■■*nt, and was t ladv *f deep ! religious conviction?. and known for her i acta of charity. Her l ln* - • w> not at | ttrat thought to be eeriooe. ud even with- In the la*t few day *d,e was thought to j l** improving. I*tit b- fc-t* l.iM h* r • ondHion h*-ame xn a atal 1* iti came as a r irf frtwn b* r earthly uff* ring** Mr S'robhai bUM-and. the late t’apt St rob ha r. and * I in the early TD’a Hhe b* v h I five - r . apt If A Htrobhar, Mr V\ U. Btrthhai of Havatinah. Mr K H. of TnmiM Fla Mr. roiward H Htrobhar |: lit iih rr, and Mr t* M Htrobhar of ‘Si, and four daughtera. Mrf Ida Oliver and Mm t'. *’ l*urae •*' Havatinah. Mrs Ilaiietwh.itn King of N'Wti it. <ii and Mrs I N Htr*bh rof • fainr will* , |'i |t* Ides her ***as an-l and 'ichter* ht, !*• *\* sw*nt v t hr* • grand i i.iblren, ar il thr* •• gn at gran*l • hlldran M Htrobhar was a • hart**r m> mhr un.| fhe ii a tn* miter In v# rs of Kirby SrnUri * ..ift*r of Daiiglllcrs of the f’on* f* leraev of <Salnesvllb*. Fla . the home *f on** *-f b* t tlauKhtcrs. A telegram of .*■vrnpathy and * lawlojenee from the * ha|e ter w.i r<i*lvrd by Itie tiere.ivrd family ist night Mrs Htrobhar was also n n* m *-r of St I'aid’s l*pia>jif>al r*hur< h, from i funeral will lain i*. * • ai i/'bk i in nfternooi.. All of her won a hi* I dau. ’tier will b* nt th* funeral •v --*cpt .Mr Kdward Btr*i4i ir. who I** detain •and by ll.n** In llaltlmore, and Mr F. 8 S'robhor. who Ik In S*ith Florida The funeral rrvbe- will like pla-W* at " o'*lock this afternoon. Th*- Interment he In Ivmrel drove *<n*<ery. The • live pa.l tieacer* will le- six nephewa *f II:*- #|.* • *-*I. Me*sr** A. !► Htrobhar, II H Ollv.r Hcmane Oliver Frank M. Oi ls *r. Hulllvhii Oliver anil Frank I. I'uree. The honorary twill bearers* will b** M* -r* I It Morgan \V it. Met*g. r. John It. AS' T fllbaon. Ijrstrr lluhbell and John II Fit on. it \\ \ * a PM ICTTI aa BDDtM. 'Mint of Air. • linrlr* <•. Kleeltrnotl nml A| |mm Itnelirl Farr. A pretty home w-t hug took pi c** ta*t evening on Wal-lhtirg etr- t. east, wh n Miss llache| lomilh** Farr hream** liis hrlde of Mr rbartes Own Fleetwood, lies !r J. V Fair, pa-tor of tfi* Indc pei*lent I'r* *bv t**ruut <hur h. |erf*tmd the rerrtnnny at R. 30 o'clock Only thv* families of the young couple writ pres nt. The residence tf Mr. and Mrs T C • arr parents of th* l>rwl. was bright with flowrrv md lights Palms and potted plants wer# groupesl al*out ihe doulde i*r*r lore and the mantel** w*r* ia k*> l with white and pink chryatufthcmum*. The ceremony was i** rform**d l*en .th an arch of palm*. There were two little f!ow**r girl-- Miss llatti* Hauaay nt and Ml-s Frankie Ntley. They whip pretty organdie dresses f pink ud blue and carried haaketa f Us Franc ros** The bride's lo\*lv coulnm** w ■ of whVte organdie, trimmed with whit** railu ribbons and lace Hhe carrle*! a t>ou<|ue? of Nephitos rosen rtnl fcrn>, *md s*< e a cluster of white flower* In her hair. A number of useful an*l beautiful presents were received by the young coup I . and the gift of the groom to the hr id was a hundaom* upright piano Mr Charles Fle-twool is the ablest ion f t ap*. Henry Fleetwood, artd is an * titriable and well known young man. Th.* pr*f’s bride, who Is the young* r • laughter of Mr Hn<i Mrs Farr Is h*th sweet himl attta<tlvf. and Is n gifted inu e.**?an. Mr. ami Mrs. Fleetwood will make tlw lr I otnr a* No 410 Wrtldburg street, east and will b a< home to their many friend after Nov OKI lilddi l> IH.bIMH i:\T%. ll*mU* of Tax t l lector tlnor Marked Improvement In This A special rncetlng <f the County Pom mi‘slon* :>. t* r**< civ** the report o* Tax Potlector MctSowan upon cU*m nis h*sk for the v*r IW, w.m heUI yesterday aft ernoon at the County Court lloiis* The towing made by the tux collector w most pleasing and s-atisfactory to the com* mlsskHiers. Th** r*|srt rchtHl prlnclpilly an*l espe ntly t* the *.ll* iloti of *l*lin<iuent t.ix*s f*r years prevl*us t* the *urrent year. It showed that at th** present time less than Jjyot** In d ( *lint|iitnt tnxes remain un*i- Unt*-.|, while but . very few years go the de.inqtien! tnx*e excevle| s?h.oS> Chairman J J !>al , of the Hoard of fount > t*mmi!*s*loii* rs. expressed himself . • mo-1 g tit titled bv th** showing. The g*xl work *l*ne Is <iue to the cotn bim**i efT.u i of Tax Collector Mcdoar til Hii'l Klierlff Sweeny The sheriff acts is the agent **l the tax collector In <*ollcot* li.g Iheee tax*-* sn*l lots ren*l*re*l turn niovt iiclive und loyal *uitort. thi: mh ii u:i mt. It Uiu n Ih* oi* Fll* tine Made in <*oot Fnlth. New York. Nov. 22 Editor of the Morn ing N*w- That part of paragraph In your dispatches issue of 16th, hi*a*l***i “Had hern a Dummy Hidder," states "He y Mot 'uuley i admltte 1 that he hud been a “dummy bidder,** etc.. Is false, atel no such admission wo- mode. No such t sti tnnny was given, tin the contrary, Mr McCauley testified that his bid was a s>na nb* oi * tn le in g*ssl faith, and without collusion with any one Ills tes timony w •->rrotorated by ill blKl*t‘, and showed conclusively that the P ttlng >f th** government contract w is fair competition, free and without any suggestion of fraud. Abram J. Hose. wild. HKKT m:\t ui;ik. t onl*l*rnlloit f Street Itnllway l'etitlia to He Hcstimed. City Knglne* r Wlm. Ims not yet com pleted (he maps showing the routes |* sired by the opposing |M*titloners for street railway franchi**v,a* desired by the Com mittee of the Whole, mid on this uccount th* **nimltitM will hardly* resume Its cn sideratlon of the petitions tn question un til some time next week. Ma>**r Myers said yesterday that he would call th* sp*- lal committee apitolnt • 1 t*i vnsl*ler the ciuestlon of cnin|>ens tion to the claimants for streets opened in Collinsville to hm* tn ti day or two The Mayor if a member of the commit tee. TO \ I*IT It I *l. %Tl\ 13k. Mr. Johu Mart I.raxes the f its for a khort Hum ih*i*. Mr. John J. Hnrt left last nUhi to be absent ten dya or t%vo weeks on a vial: to r*latlves. Owing to the recent un fortunate affair In which Mr Hart wt* compelled to take the life of Detective Shea, the membere of Mr. liart'a family bought it would be beat for him to leave the olty for a *aor< time, while the mem ory of the affair la atill fresh In the minus of ths public. Mr Hart's mother, who hua hern quite 111, U reported to bt Im proving. TTTE MORNING NEW S: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2H, 1000. TO BUILD ACADEMY AT ONCE. THlAim:* ami HOAHD OF KDH A TIOA IV A% K liOT HM.bTIIHiI. I npl. 11. C. < it it ninu h im. President of the Hoard of 'I rosier* of Ihe Academy. Mid the llonrils Have Agreed and the Holldtag AA 111 He Itestored at Once—Trustees Ac cepted the Proposition That Was hulmiitled u tlie Hoard of l.duea tlon—lliils for tlie V\ **rk Have Al ready Hern sulm* I tied by < on trac tor*. The Hoar*l of of Chatham Academy and the Itoar I of Kducation have got together in th* matter of the ri.-ioratlon f the A ademy building A mcertltig of the |;*>ard of Trusi**c*s was hel l yesterday afternoon at office of t'ap* II C. Cunningham h* president, bejfln ning at 6 o'clock, and listing for more than an hour. At the* meeting were Capt. Cunningham, Mr J. Haiti win, Col. xri A Mercer, Mr \V I, Ciay, Ih*. William bur an and Mr. (Forge C Freeman The meeting wa* held for the ronaider i t.*n of the prope.sHlon that was presente.l on behalf of th* Hoard of Felu -atlon Th# latter lioard had h* Id a meeting the night before, account of which appeared In the Morning New of yesterday, when it was •ii hied to r*iy in *a v Installmenta th* • x . abov* V' (hat might cost ti r* tore tlie A* ad* my. The pro|xeltton of th* Board of Kduca tl**n w is counter to one that had been uhmlttrd to It by the Hoard of Trustaat* funding *ommlttce Ho minor wr ■ the two or thre* |olnts of difference In th* two proposition*, however, that the Hoard •if Trust*** ** h.*l no difficulty in *•* hin ii conclusion to accept the proisisttJon of fered by the Hoard*of F.du atlon After the meeting Capt Cunningham 1 iii to n representative of tlo* Morning News, that the two hoards h il agreed tip on the matter of the restoration of the building, am! that the irwdevny will n*' rebull: f on *i No tim* will te los* m t o* aw ird of the contract for the •uiMing A number of contractors have suhmi*- ♦•>•1 their estimates of cost plana and ■|h Ifl ation- for the new huiUling tnat were furnish*'*! them by Mr Henry Ft t*a# th** archlte t. *-4*ni** •'ays ago A nwsllfled form *f the bulMing descrlb.-**! soni** time slime its buying been agreed upon, hi-l *• !-• udopted when 1t held that the m*-H'- of the Hoard .if Trustee** would not a.Unlr of the ere. tion of the structure us onginaliv planne*l Just what the rout of the building will be tvlll noi te known until the success ful bid can b* announced AA 1 111. M W A K AH** F.VK. Interrst In thr IlNnuhter* *f the t’on felerney*H Hull !• Keen. The rarnimltti-a apiiolrit*d ftom among the mefn}K*rs of the Hav.mnah Chapter of the 1 laughters of the Confederacy Is con - I'lcrlng % the advl ability nt i h miltut the dale **f the mlllt.irv hall, t-> h- given by the chapter, from !*>e. 27 to N* w Years Eve The first dale Is regarded as too soon after Christmas to ail*w as m tny to aHen*l the affair fia wou’d te dew red f%>r this reason the <’hange miy he made, and those who aid the ladles In their de sire to raise funds for the Winnie Davis Memorial by purchasing tb ket* to the ball will have an op|x>rtunity to In lulg In th*- time-honored custom f dan l< g out the old and danilng in the new year. Tickets to the ball will l*e a Id f *r $1 It I- ex fie*-ted that a great many will b dl>jß*-*el of. and a coaisderab'e sum will Im- cleared for the lauds hie purpose f*r which the ImII will l*e given A gr*-*t many arc broking forward to the ev nt with Interest, and numbers of th- mil tary feel that they an cs-ieclxlly Imouikl to aid In making th*- ball a success !>e . a use It has iH*cn denominated a military hall. The Wives of the officers o.' h gh •st rank In th*- city will be iskcl t-> t chaperone* while all offb-cr- and th ir wives will !*•* requested to a* t as patrons It'-freshmctii* will l<- xervcnl. hut ii I* understood that there will l*e no deco - tlon <f the Guards' Hull, where the . vent Is to take place, because of the adied * \- pense and the *l* ire of the ladb-s t* make dl they can f*r the Winnie Davis Memo rial. Itlklior it l‘ % lilt l \ nutix., lie Will Hr In kwxannwh tfter the *tiiiu f the Cnaferenre. Bishop H H. Hendrix. I>. I'.. LL I>*. f the* Methodist F?pl*copal Church. South, will Ih* In Havannah. after th* meeting of the jt'Mith <o*gia Conference, for a few days. ll© Is to preside over the confer ,-nce. which convenes in Yaklosta on lec ♦; and continues through I>ec. 12 Th** Ba vni riili members of the conference, clerl *al and lay. will leave on lec. 4 for Yal lost a A visit to bis daughter. Mrs Waring. Is the primary obj* t of Bishop Hendrix's <m!ng to Savannah. While he is her**, however. It Is ex|* ted tbit he will preach at Trinity and nt Wesley Monu mental chtirchef. A union meeting of the ftp worth I.* agues of the city is also be ing firrang*'), and Bishop ll* n inx is to .tl*lress it. This will not Ih* the Bishop's first visit to Savannah, and those who have met him before will be glad to re new their acquaintance. I* %THOI,M \ > 4|*t| I tI)K shot. lilt li) n lltillet From III* l'ltol \% It Ich \\ n* %**4*lei to 11 > Fired. Patrolman M McQutds received a pain ful wound y**st**r*lay from his revolver, wh*h fell to the floor wall** the officer was dressing In th© sleeping quartet* at Hit* U>rr*u k preparatory to going on duty. • Tne pistol Is a 44-* ullbrr. It stru'k the hammer on the floor when It f*II and was fired, the bullet striking the officer in the left leg Jus! it iove the knee, and r inging upward until stoppe*! by* the thigh bon** T.i* wounded mail tv.u* put n a b*sl und Hr Norton s*nt for He arrived In a wry f*-w minutes and assured the man and his frien*!© by telling them that the wound, white it might prove (Mliifui, w t n*>r serious. Mr M Quad© was put In the police m -bulance and taken to his home at Hub ersttom and Anlervn streets. He was resting qtii* tly night, though the bul let has not yet been extracted um: THtit vwn Coal llol* nnl klinxel* to He tilven .4way Friday anil kntnrday. Just received. 1.000 coal hods and shovels, to be given away to all pur chasers of any of the to lowing articles One pound Thea-Nectar i© 6tx One |s>und Japo tea 7ic int* pound A. A P. baking j*>a.|. r I.V one |M>und best pepper jty One p*>un<l b©st mustard 50c Two bottles extract fee S: worth of coffae, any kind. 60: worth of tea any kind. 75c worth of tea and coffee. Friday and Saturday this week Coma early and avoid the rush; first come, first served. The Orest Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 10C Broughton atrest, west; *lephona *l6.—*4. H 11.1.% Altir* IIKPId TO KUAK. Pawnbroker Atuhlberg Add* a Word nr Tow to It. John HUlyard. form r - nstable In tha ofTb e of Magistrate 1 Kiine. paid a visit to the office of the Morning News UM night. Magistrate KMr* had Input* 1 tt Hlllltfll tiM : * I- 4 \* tigation ot the c a.du i of his office now In mg made by the grand Jury, and the ex-con stable was ou rag.-. 1. Very much 0, he said "Whereas,*’ ra> the ex-* onstalde, In a ' <rjmtnutd< allon which he furnished the Morning News, "f hailes I*. Kline has put forth bis (trade of abuse, etc . of m** ?n public print, in Justice to my character, which I have bj* nt years to bulk! up. re gardless of the j ngle of th*- guinea iel|>j ti e hurt that honor feels’ and In defiance f the advice the. old Scotchman gave hs -on, My son. make (ha money honestly. If you can, but, my son. make the money,* l am rovnptiied to make statement to the i übllc Then the ex-eons table proceed* to make his a* he says, tn Justb e to bla h*na ter He avers that be ent*-r*d the employ of Magistrate Kline only at the earnest and re|eatei| soli It tloi of the latter and left it because th* mgl-tr*t*- w**uid rot |*av him the money to which he was entitled. ll* il-o charges the magislrate with various unnatn*d of • ■ **e*. The above U Ui* gl>t of hi.** state ment. A tatement of mor** definiteness wag made to ,i Morning New- rcjtorter r**a five to Magistrate Klim s troubb-s wi h the grarnl Jury by Mr. I*ji Muhlberg. "Along in July, said Mr .\luhlt>erg. “a pair of a* issots. sai l l( have le-en stolen from Martlnes. in*- tailor w* re p|*-dg and at our plate VA> advanced 20 -nt on them. The city detective.**. Bering the ?r\ sort, determlnts! thit they had been tolcn and ln.-iru ted us n*>t t* dell*ar item without furlhcr Instructions irom them. Martinet turned up t short time sfter wards. Identified (he - iseort as the pair that had been etolen from him and d* - mnnd* and them We informed him that the l-tectlves had stopi** and tlielr delivery, but that w.* would readily turn them over (o him In case he would find one of the dc tertlvew and get permission from him "He left, but returned In half an hour with a negro constable, and a |nese*‘* i *try warrant. Then (he ecis-OTH were given up. though w told Martinet that he had tak *n unne-es.-arv steps to secure ihtn He ould have had them merely by bringing us one of the detectiv s. as* w had tol*l him when he first cam* . •Shortly afterward* Hie negro constable returned, with Instruction* from Magts tra** Kline t have my father come to lib ofll* * He went, and the magistrate told him that (here must I**- a trial of the possessory warrant at once. "‘I don’t want a trial.* said my fa ther. ‘The scissors are worth very little, and I have given them up Ho far as 1 am concerned, this Is the end of it "Well the magistrate insisted on a trial and my father asked time to procure hi* counsel and wlfnesw. It was denied him The next morning *h** constable turned up w ith a bill of costs amounting to lo Mv father refused to pay It The next month be returned with the same bill, to which ti* cents •> interest had been add ed. M\ father refused to pay this, and w- have nev*r heard anything more from Magistrate Kline or his constable on the subject. "I don’t want (he public to believe that HUlvard tw alone rexponwthle for these charges against Magistrate Kline We, and other responsible citizens of Havan nah. ar* pushing charges against him, ami intend to continue ♦<- push them.” Miv in: iii*:%omi ji iumhctio*. ♦ lin*li More l* lw* \\*ull limn K plrntlnnnf Harris* linlUlmrnl. Oorpl. H 8 Harris of the llepuhliran Blues may have nothing to fear from the finding f the general court-martial tried him. even though the Judgment he •gainst him The delay In 4he case since I th© pap* r* were s. nt to Atl inla ha* been ► o gr**at that it is by no meant Inconcelv ible that It may not be settled before He* 11 n that date, an officer of th*. Hepubli* an Illtu s >at*l y st*r lay. Corpl. Harris’ term of enlistment In the company wiil * xi*lr*-. With Its expiration, the of li • r sat*l. the cortmra! will no longer be amenable* to the military law ;*.and m pun ishment could l*v lull I upon him for offenses that may t.u *• n committed while he was yet a member of the com mand Speedy action In th© case was said to be probable a few !avw ago when Col. NY. i. Obear. lns|H*nor general, (liorgla State Tr*M)ps, discussed it Col. Obear thought that It would be a matter of but a few lu\> U-fore th** matter would Ih** given tne (l*vernor’s attention. Capt. J. Ferris ('urn. a*’*'* rllng to Col. Oh*ar, will have a h* arlng before the Governor, represent ing C *rt*l Harris Ills right o he heard and to make his c>-parte showing b**fore the (iovernor Is challenge I by softie of t i> Savannah <ffb ers. who hokl that both shies, if either, should be allowed to |>lca<* th* case. Ik 1,1*3 OF IIOPK I.nil till r\n K. Trlnl of Me**r*. Ilnrliee and Handy to Take Plaee Monday. Th© raw** of the stale against Alexander Barbee and Joseph If. Handy has been assigned for trial In the Superior Court r xt Monday morning, the last day of Ihe present term of the <*ourt The i.i** has been pending u long time. Messrs Barbee and Bandy are the pro prietors of the restaurant at Isle of Hope und were Indicted by the grand Jury for alleged Infractions of some of th© state laws governing the sale of liquor The defendants deny that they are guilty of any offense whatever. They say, on the contrary, that the only liquor ever •old about the place has been to members of th.* 1 sic of Hope Yacht Club, and that tli© club was the owner of all th** liquor sold. The defendants had nothing to do with It, save as agents of th© lub. ANOTHKH tInHMIiN KI,I)PH. I 11 111 -r ln> ,-mlnla Non llarr Four Mtaalnnarlr. In Harami*lt. KUlrr Jam.i P. CiisllHon of Ihe Churoh of I-mer Pay H.ilnfx obialnnl a prrmlt from th Mayor y.aferday <o pr.nch on th. afrrrta, rxrlualvr of Hull un.i Brouirh lon afreet*. The rider w acoonip.-uil.-d by another elder who already had a per mit and they atatnl that with thle latent a.Mition there are now four Mormon mia alon.irl. a In the city. Aa the el.lrra are ron.luctlntr their work very quietly and evidently take patna to avoid notoriety thr> have attia ted little attention Ap parently they are not makimt much hra.t way. hut they must rettard Savannah a* a K.od held. jtidalnK by the number of men they lueve worklnu here. HKt kOLUF >!;% RALLIED. Cnloreil Voter* of Fourth Dlatrtet Ttirneil Out. A meeting of the colored Reynold*’ Club of the Fourth District was held last nlttht at Harris Street Hall. Ths meeting waa presided over by Chairman J. 8 Brown. About 300 were tn attendance. The meet ing waa to rally the ondorsers of Justice Samuel Reynolds for re-election. He. marke were made by Bamuel Hoimon and John H. Toomer In the Interest of Judge Reynolds. TURNED OUT A WATER HAUL. It AID (\ roiM A MITTF.R I !!* HA *ll Kit IFF AM> 1418 DKPI TIB*. There AA ns Nothing lining—A I.title lllrd Had I'robahl) Whispered n AAnrnlng • the Proprietor* of tl*e Wheels—On I > Ttt •* 11 l‘l*l (aught In the oftb-ta! Net— One *l the I uiiiiv liieldents T hat Tk Place. There wrns an attrmpte*! rat*! upon the policy shops of Savannah by Sheriff Sweeny aiel hi* deputies last night. F- r some rwisor.. however, there was a w iter haul, for the *uk* r fish had got .iw > and two dlmii nlv* Mirdlnes were all or was caught In the of!- lal net The raid partook a good deal of the burlesqu*-. The gland Jurors, of course, were in earnest In their efforts to hove •he gambling stopped, and the sheriff and hts deputies made real and dI.U-Ilt ef forts to get the policy men. Tnc cus tomary little bud w is aUnit in i got In hi* work. though. Either he hirped a song that spoiled the game or else* the grand jurymen had P tmed their fntfi to Incorrect Informa tion as to th** exact tim*- when the draw ing* of the p*li' > lotteries tk* plam. The pia ••* w here t he drawing take pla e an- wed known, and no *llol* ulty had be* n exi - rt • need in dit*< ting the sheriff exactly where to go Wuft eight of his deputbe he went, but trie festive wheels had .-eased to roll, and in nil of rhe principal p; there was not n (toll v p.ayer, white, bla k. >eJlr.w or any od cowir. to he found or s* *-n Paradise Alley." In the matter of fi * *-*lom from policy whcc,.* at any rati. d*-ervod Ms name, and fli* other resorts of old Dame Fortun. 's am b,. i.|*>rs to th* pope of Havuiinuii wert • quie n u tomb Down In Congress lane Sheriff Sw***n and Input) I.ilnnn.*l ma*le a thotvxigh Jfi -jM-.-tion of ui! the tla - that lookc| 'Us|e l;us. but they found nothing Evi dently there th*- drawing had either ju**? *akcn place or been postponed, for ther was an gro hanging ulnmt who ought to bo tired by hi* employer*-. Ili* net tons marked him h* unmistakably as a watch, cr that he spoil*-*! his own ganit Hut •her*- was nothing In progresa Which the siieriff c'ould interrupt Hut in the Western section of the erty, wnere* a numls-r (f the bran h office- ;r*- located. Chief Deputy O'Connor and (•arty made the sum*- effort* and a hi- v i the same lack of mi* cess. They fours! places that bore nil the out w. ml lndt*-a tlons of being the abiding pli es of the fewtive policy writ ere. but there was nothing happening inside The sheriff however, was st|i| d'termin al. and he extended hii irve tig itl nw to the sane quarter In which ('hief Deputy O'Connor had operated Down on Jon*- an*l Purse streets, at the en I of n dirk alley ihot leads back of some ..f the hotirsew. the only at*-h of the *vening was made. It was . gallant party that a hi v.*l thD single Ml-cess. It pro eede] !o th*- k. **ne *f A< tlon tn a cab. ii l in lu 1 and Sheriff Hwh nv. lb putl*- 4 Ula nthai ar <1 ilarttgan a Morning N*-ws reporter md a small an.l lively black-an*l-tan ilo. T * last mentioned mrml*cr f the party took lout a* n.uch Interest In the pro ceding* a" any other. The party broke suddenly upon n s * ne familiar to those who pay any a: tent ion 'o the darker side of Savannah life Seated behind a partition cf slats was a large, fat, sle.*k n<gr-> writer, of the regu lation t> |e. lie had a pil<> of copies of the numbers drawn ar the evening per formance before him and wa> redeemlr g the f* w tickets that had proven lu* ky He had worn a look of snug content when the party, headM by Sheriff Sweeny, entered his place of business, and It never chnnged. His expression are me* 1 to be frozen. It was a branch of the Sivinnnh lot tery'. Around the room, on th*- side of the partition n*-arer th* door wen* p r hops ten or a dozen negro ni* n worn* n and toys. They w* re of th io*rer c!. s of the negro population, appar ntlv. • f the kind thatsp(*nd only b-iw.en and J-* c**nts a .lay l *>n llcv. A flickering •ml sputtering oil lamp i t rather a weird light u|*>n the scene. "You are iind.r •rrest." said Sheriff Sweeny, and "You ire under nr?e>t; don t one of you move." shouted Deputy llurtl gan There was an uneasy shuffl. in the rimm, the ©yes of the negro©** onr-n*d wider and allowed, If that were pojc-lh * . more **f the white. Th© writer behind th- Partition and the table stared unblink it gly at the officers Nobody noticed the wooden shutt*r *f the window behind him. the room seeming to have no other place of Inlet and outlet save the door Sheriff Swieny began to *ort out hie pris oners. and, r**ulltlng that they were n >t what he was looking for, permitted nv st * f them to go Suddenly* the writer sprang from h‘,s chair, mad** one swift turn, pulled open th© wooden shutter of th* window, Jump ed out headforemost —and dl.-.pne ir©*l One of th** arresting party rushed out of th© door and behind th© house to pre vent the negro s es- a|>*. and m* into violent collision a wire clothes lin** that extended across the yard There w .*• a muffled grunt, a noi-© of bn aking tlrn hers, n p*tr of No. 10 brogans wildly flourished In th** air—inl a second <llst>- |H-arnnce Pursuit was useless and the officers returned sadly to the house In the excitement a used by th** disap pearance of th* writer, about the only one In the house who was really wanted, several of th© others, wanted It ss badly, made good their ©si ip** A negr> woman and n ©tnall boy*. Itoth of them found with ticket© In their hands, constituted t • only arrest"*. They were sent to the J ill. It is |*osrib!e that nad th*> at tern {>t to raid the loiter!©* been made earlier thin 1t was, better results would have been achieve*!. As It Is the only ting hopeful of accomplishment Is th r. for a few days there will b© no "Imwlng*. FIRE DKIMRTMKXT < IKJBT. knpt. Slnaiitre neks for gtt.oiMk More Thau He Itlil l.nat trar. Supt Mitaulre yesterday hnnderl |n ntc estimate of the current expense, of the fire department for tht year 15—>l Tn. ! auperleitendent tiek* for tkJ.3QB.Wt, ..- | HMllnst SM.QOB for the present year. Tti < | In chairs $*,5R&.60. .ettmated cost of eon* du.-tlntr the new lire station on Klghth street und t3.M5.98, estlmutr.l cost of com pletlng this station The estimate also In eltales a part imymrnt on the new enrtne r. -ently purx-ho*e.l for the fire <l> |Mrt nient. While the npproprlatlon for this year was |*l.Ono the exiM-ii lllures will clo-..-ly up proximate 172,an. The excess Is ex plained. the superintendent staice by the fact that It was necessary to nuke a paym-nt of M.uOO on the targe . HKine now stationed at No. ). this debt having com over from the previous year. The -tint estlmatot for the m.-ilnttmmre of the new station |s simply for the pa* of men, Including one foreman, one en gineer nnd seven flrem.n. the total of their salaries for the year amounting to *VS 50. The fire department esttma e |s the first to come In. The heds of the other de partments are working on their budgets, and will probably hnva them In hy liec 1. ths tlms ape-lfied tn the notlcrw re cently sent out from the Mayor's offlet. Dyspepsia la difflcult digestion, due tn the absancs of natural digestive fluid*. Hood's Sarsaparilla restores the digestive powers.— 4 HCAIIDKTA ANO B ACHBI*OH!I. Will Meet In n Toornnment at the t.olf Link* To-morrow. A tournament Ik tween tht bachelor# and the benedk’tf of the Bavannah Golf Club will be played at the link* to-mcr iow afternoon It Is cxir -ted that there will b* many entrle*- The bachelors will Im palrsl of against the ts. *nd a close and * xcitlng eontetrt Is looke.l for us the teams will be about evrtily matched, it Is thought, a man’s partiality for matrimony >cemlng to have nothing to do with his ability to handle a golf Stick. , . At h ast tw*lv*- on either side are l*ok *-l for to parth'ipfltt in th* tournament. \ yet It has not Uen decided whether nine or four ten ho>s will le played. tut 11 nriang*n)*nt> will hnve ne*n perfected by 3 oTiock in the aft. rnoon, when the Green t’otnnUtu-- will be ready to m.k* It.- unnoum-mnts r*latlv* to the tourna ment. Trie plnytTs wl.l be matched .in another In accordance with their ability, ihos of about equal repu tation in golfing being expected to context for their rc.-p tß* sides OwiiMfrlW** interest will *-’flier uion the result, a* Ik th ba k lors and b**nedtct will have many udmii’tK I: will be a muttr of • o:te let- r. xt in the novel contc *! to see which side can bring out th % larger crowd uf enthusiastic "rooters." A cl; ular will be sent out bv the chair man of the House Committee of the Ba \anm*h Golf Club announcing that the lady m* tnb.-rx of the committee will s*tvc (<\ni t: i* - links every rtaturdav afternoon. This will lv an added attra tlon. aid It t- thoaght will serve to draw many more visitor.- to the club hou-e than now ap ;k r I ion the scorew made m the ha* iiek>r .. i *.;i tournament, will depend the <ectten of :h* fifth man for the team that la to represent the Aivannah flolf Club in game that is to b*- played on I hatiksg.virg Day u Ibirien Four or fly players not on the team have .-n:r#d for the tournament, wrwl they will ■ pitied one auatnet tn** other. an*l the •-1 - :e will probably m*- n that the one who innk*it will have the honor of pi i\ tug on the te mi Va tn*- Darien ?*trn lefented the Si -v inf ah earn In the match that was play 'd some d> ago on the Savannah links, the Sivaunan team is mor*- nnxious than • v#r to del* i t its (’ompeiHors on their wn link?* That the result of the came c Drl* n will be in accordance win tils •i -ir* is fervently hoped bv m v of ne memhetw of th* i*e’| cluh. twit tb Da' n |uyer> ne unusually clever with (heir ks and their victory vvoubl •• no great surprise. A large party will go • • D -den. The f ug Ja oh P iulsen haa be* n ch rf**re 1 lor the trip, and -©me twenty-five have |- * iiy gr* ed to go. The list has not been • •!* I. and others desiring to take tie trip may do so by ipplvlng to member* of the golf team. The fo :r tnrmlv r* of the te irn already selected are Capt Henry Blur. Jr captain. Mr. C. \V. Hausay. Mr. Noble Hardee and Mr Stein Brjan. >rw Delivery AAngon. The Cohen-Kuhnan Company has on ex hlbltb n n heaudftil delivery wagon which lias Just won first |*rlxc at the Carriage Makers* Convention In N* w York The vehicle Is th* manufacture of the Geneva W agon Company of Geneva. N Y It Is large and roomy, beautifully paiiiu l and elegantly finished Nell* Itroik * t trrua. Thank?giving Day will ho signalize! in Savannah by the best exhibition of train 'd animal* and finished artist* that thin *ty has seen. S< Us Bros’ great show Is heading th! way. At Tampa there was not even stand ing room, and the crowd h id to be turned iwav. It reaches here the night brfore Thank-g vine, over the FMar.t Syvtem. and vlll give two performances, afternoon and fvvmng. Every jrovislon will le* made to k*- care of the crowd. The show- U to • xhlbtt in Jacksonville gala w**ek. 36th. In Valdosta. Nov 37. Jr sup 24th, here 29th, and Charleston 30th. Th© three car loads of fire-proof safes now rn rout© for I,tf>pmAn Bros., wholc ''*il© uruggfstv. I.ipi man’s Itlo* k. are ex pected to arrive to-day or to-morrow. They are agents for th* Karnes Fire an I Burglar-Proof Safe, and which no better * *f© is In existence. I.lppman Bros are the only concern in the© that carries a stock of all sixes, from small to large fire-proof safes, and w* invite your attention to this magnifi cent stock They also make a specialty of silver ware chests for private dwellings. When In want of a fire-proof safe, b© sure to call on Hippmun P.ros —ad. Tettcrlne Is the Nsntr of If If you have any skin disease such ar ©cx©ro. *tll rheum, ringworm, or teller, nothing will cur© you so quickly or thor oughly is Tetterine I? has cured thous and tnd will cure you. Numerous testi monials for the asking. Accept no substi tute. J. T Shuptrlne. M inuf’r., Hxvan n.ih, da., will send you a box postpaid for In it imps if your druggists* dotin'! keep It —ad. For Out Fifty Vrara. Mrs. Wins.ow s Bo>thing Syrup has been u.-©d for hlklren teething. It foot he© the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cur©* wind *ol. and Is the beat recn©H for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a l*>tK —a*l •*lt € arnl Mr,” “Graybeard broke up rheumatism on me." says Mr Chas. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me in better health than 1 have enjoyed In a ; long tlnw*.*’ Take Gray beard Pills for that dlzxv f • u g Host appetite, and follow It up wfh a bottle of Grayhearrt. it is all you need. Itespess Drug Cos., sole props . Sa vannah, Ga—ad. At I '*• 1111** New a Depot 15 Unit If, "Palac© of the King,'' Marlon Crawford. “The lame That Had no Turning," Gil bert Parker; “Cardinal'* Snuff Box “The loiv* of it Parson" and other, by Mary I-. W.lkln-, “The Biography of a Grimly, by Hat nest S. Thomp*on; “Th© Ih'tgn *f Uiw h\ Allen. "Dr North and Ills Frlcrnis by Mitchell; "Th© Idiot ot Home." by K Bang-; "More Fa ble*'. by George Ad©; 'Tommy uni Gristl©.“ by J M Barrie; "Th Moran of th© I-dy !> tty.“ "Young April," by ftger lon Castle; Father and Hon." by Arthur Patterson. "IVccavl." by ft. W flornung ' I nleav. md Bread." by Itob**rt ('.rant; “Th© Master Christian." by Corelli’ “Flut© and Yloltn and other Kentucky Tah • by Jam©- iJine Allen; “Th© Mid night Passenger." by Savage; "Idyls of th. Bea." "K*eanor.“ Mrs. H Ward. "Mr I>ooley in th© Heart* of His Country m©n. H©d Poling.*. A Furnace of I Earth." by Halle ft Riven; “My Filend ' Bill. Found in th© Philippines/* p y King j • B*i Blood anl Blue Drop. By Mer ritnan, (H. 8. Mrrlman). "ft|^ n Holden" by Bocheller; “Bet ladyship'* Elephant!" “Q ray boo rd Is a family mrdlcin© with us. ' *aid a prominent business man ye*, teniay. “My wife take* it. and I notics Mhe Is enjoying better health than for yara. The children keep well by talcing Oraybeard tn*y be obtained at all drug ■tore* or write to ue for it. Re*pee* Drug Cos., eole props Savannah. Ga —ad. j A Bhort* r C011f,,. o*. Writ* for I Hot Stuff Stoves WM.&H.H. LATTIMORE. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Our en ire stock to be sold. Don't tail to get tirst pick ot all the good things. Geo.W. Allen&Co, Wedding Presents Specialists. ST AT K AND BARNARD STS i A VHnP 113-115 ' BROUGHTON STREET; K P I P Mru.4HD. l'rr,'<j,nv Vlro Pruida^t lIINHT—. Jr Sac r anu Tru NEAL-11ILLARD CO, Boildcrs' Material. Sash, Doors and Bllols, Paints, Oils, Varnisbes. Class and Brnsbes, ELILDFRS’ HARDWARE, Lime, Cement and Plastei. •nr ——d Wkliakm dtr—i ufuiia, a. £> BURK? Fe Dyspepsia -s'- Cm'e ffit'? Tablets * ! Jfcr'y j I *'4 •'Hr m-H Mlfcs ' '*•* lnd>r**f <n lU' • < rendition * •'•■ I ui • but tfHiti • pripn*nl cur*. y Promote the Appetite ly and Put Flesh on Thin / Prnrtlp All 4i*r<tmof t*c •tn'* ,h •*•* / reopic. bommU r%u cwr^, UM Nml r*n he r.r- ed n the p* ■ ■ rt F',r Ve p*' ►- A* *i! dr Off •• Hot Air Furnaces. Wc make a specialty of rep.ilrin.J I 1 " 1 Air Furnaces. Your order* will re . IV * prompt attention. K. C. PACETTI * SON. Phone Bit. ]i AMtBKMKKTS. gB VANNAH rlt I *=■ •' To-night and to-morrow matinro at J night. BARGAIN MATINEE, ttc an.l I*o. LEVI II it OS. Preecnt the Eiughlng Succetii. i himv: A fln-de-atecle high chut Comedy of Amusing Situations and Witty Dialogs* The King of Corned lea presented by • metropolitan cast. ■Wight Prkee—ll, Tic, 80c and V<