The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Image 1

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the morning NEWS rbU*hHi in* l ■- - ln<-rportd IMS J 11. t'STILL. Prtljnl CARTER IN COURT MKHH IIIM'H.IROB PH on rmo\ AT liKAI IWVOHTH. declares he is innocent. Ill] GAVE OPT FIRST ffTATKNKXT MM a: IVCAKCKH ATI Off. Arm unienl lleffor* J•§**' Tha>rr on Habeas * orpmm Fetiflwn Farter \\ m |rr*t In nitirK'* Uolhra. \\u* ArntMi* ihl Uttldi'U Im* I'nlillr Unst-PoInU Maaalr lr -|or- the 4 oarl—A Derlalon U Kt %V Ifliln n Month. Leaver,worth. Kon.. Nov. 23. —ln th* Vr .<;at** Diatrict Court hew to-day tW<-r. J'Mg** Amo* Thayrr ;n*l Hook, h n> |irw ii ' roiKbl by Attorn**)* for Oberiin M Carter, ex-captain. U H. A.. %vho * m dl*ml**ed from the army. fine*), nix! ..i itft to a term of >cr** in th** 1V i* nil j > n at I-cavcti worth. on the rharjf' of complicity in all****! frauds in nhe . r.mpnt harbor works contract* it! 8-n ti.imh. Carter was brought from ptisan to the r.Mirt r.*-m in an ambulance t>nattsn*ff*<i i*i> t\ Warden MvUluughey. He nppeafed at-INpoweasal. hut avoffl . 1 gaze of •‘per-taion* who . rnw lr-l the ro-*m. H** waa attired in ;i n* w* black suit, which the w arden had. Ht the prts**ner’a earn ret solicitation, i***r- 1 mitt*.| h.m t* aubntlttite for hm prison garb Hl* hair I nd ht ivj 1 were mu h Rr,t> r than before he n 1 ervim; his term, and hla face was wan Frank l\ HWiir f Chicago, and Con tre*Nmuit <srosv#r>or of Ohio appe.r**ij f r farter. while Col. J W. Clous, dep uty Judge advocate general of th- army. and Diet tint Attorney |. K. L.imb*rt and h.n aaeiatant. H. K. Hone, represented ire government. Judge Thayer limited Carter'* attorneys* • three hours, and the government to •to a I* l one-half hour* argument. Attar r v HI air opened for Carter, whose con i .ion. he .ill* I. was Illegal. inasmuch a it suould have ffen secured under the xtleth article of war instead of the slx • -e* und. and w hen the President <ll*.ip ; \. ! several finding* In a court-martial, full ttemence pronounced by the court r. -?DI ceased to exist and It* execution • illegal and void. *l*o argtud that when Carter paid 1* * tie and was dismissed from the army • degraded, the power of the court* was exhausted and bore no right ti ime imprisonment. er showed slight nervousness as th* l • g proceeded. Hl* eyes went qulekly f t. his attorney to the Judge’s and oc t r ally he took notes on the argument, (imrrnmrnt’i **llr of It. • n court convene* 1 * 2 ©'clock. Col. * began the argument in behalf of v *©vernment. In reply to Mr. Blair <"kii* contended that the court-mar ;vas competent to decide under which •■Aarse the prisoner should l*e tried and its ftteeiwion was not subject to re y • by any other court. He further ar * ! that the conviction on four charges the same act was not four oon vie Ilona 1 r** offense In hi* opinion. Carter l* 1 *‘bl a public prisoner of the United •* as an offend* r against its laws, the -martial retaining Jurisdiction for a.I s of trial. Judgment and execution, matter of sentence standing un * < : the specifications in which Carter found guilty. Col Clouse held, was >rdan% with custom. *1 Thayer announced that the ras*' * ** taken under advisement, and h< 1 1 tify attorney* when he I* ready *’t • I down a decision. ’* !i * >’ Biair asked that in case Carter * and i"‘ dis hargad he may le permit led < to without guard to Saxannah to sir ? himself for trial under the indh t -1 ’ found against hltn there by th** * jury . few month*- ago. Carter was r : ’ ”1 • the federal prison. A decis -2 looked for In about a month. • aj*.- Thayer will homo to-morrow. w 11.1 nun 1 ms i\\<m MM 1: l" r ner (apt. tarter Assert* \ Indl entlon l lloiintl to ( oMf. ■nenworth. Kan . Nov J. 5 —Oberlin M 1,1 t former captain cf engineers, to for the lirst time hint, his arrest last 1 t r for d-fratiding the govurnment on r ? h.*m burlior contracts, made public a 1 1 tiw nt it- lefcnae f hi* acts ‘•’*cr had attended the hearing in the 1 Htate* Uistrici Court of tne ha f,otpu* pro* ectlings bre tight in iii* and was procee<ling during tli 1 ‘-n recess, a't ompanied by his *ttor •n 1 t!e warden of the penitentiary. * • h. tel for lunch, w hen he accosted a 1 -p ij*er n porter. It was the tirst time 1 Carter had been out of the prison *' since his i nearer ration las’ April. n e my arrest," he salt). *1 have 1 r given out a statement for publlca * but ! have prepared one today." h t .• . w.-rds he handed the r*|w>rt 9 * bngthy typewritten document. The meat, in port, follows: I this moment I have never mthor •n Interview, and you will understand t on-id. rat lons of delicacy and pro forhid m >iylng now- one word "ning the matters iteforn the cogrt. ms manifestly proper, however. ti*t I :lvc to you my reason* for Ins l ih .* proceeding*. lam nil r*iy • ' t and I shall not rest until mr ice. proven at mv military Inqutst* ’ I officially proclaimed. It will be 1 that not one dollar ever came *nt > I it* Is Improperly; that not one dollar ic funds was aver mtsappropria e 1 ipplled by me. and that the gov was never defrauded through 1 r. any manner whatever." A’letim off knaplclon. ,r Q*rttr then quoted Oen. CratghUl “ ang.iwtsrs to prove that bis du- Savanna!) Morning Anns. ties were performed "faithfully and in telligent |y," and added the only ground a***ignad by the Attorney Gen iral for hi* condemnation v.a ."adnilt tdly that <>f pure suspicion, not only un supported by any evidence whatever, but in dire t conflict therewith, and has hhi '•* l**en shown in i court of law utter ly false." “In ti**tlti(ing habeas conus prin'eed ingit therefore." he * nl, "I hnv* an In finitely higher motive than to secure mere liberty. What te mete liberty r even life to a man of my aim**, associa tions and anUdtions. to a man whoae life has beeti Oovehtl to the faithful service of hi* country, and w uoee g.ssi name i* Is votKl price? I have smignt liberty |m*. cause 1 am imio*tu. and that I may have the opportunity before health and strength are gone. t- compel tne legal vindication **f my chara ter i recogniae that wiper’s life us In the hand* of his miil urv sutierion m i miv be i rifired by them at their will, but no gov ernment has the r| K t | 0 jH imlt imlltar) or poUtical power to sacrifice the reputa tion of an itmoc* ivt man no matter who?*** errors or interests are concerned, nor w ho-* * crime are -<>ugnt to t vilebKsl. lb* A\ n Proven 1 11 noccti f. AVhat be<* m .- of my body matters lit tie, fur 1 am tut one man. but It doe* matter to tl.i** entire untry that a man sliouhi have In en den e I .1 fair trial and held guilty when he is innocent, and that subsequently, on a prei-r*i#d judicial re view of th exi lemi, virtually on a a cr - retrial of hi* case, nt which h** was no*, even allowed to be prevent. My Innocence, e-t tblishtd ever, dcr.r.g my military in tjulsition, could have Ih* n proven ig.iin publicly anl with nbsoluti certainty l*ng re this had not tl.* m-ans of doing s< bieu suf*pr" • . but .- oner or later, not withstanding lb - *r tr • <*f my perseeu tors and the consfdr*i clamor for the 2>hatne of an inn iv cut man, my vindication i* U*tmd to come." In case the application for the writ is dented, Carter’s * t*>rn ys will appea* to tne United States Supreme Court. aguinaldoUay be dead. lt*l>ort lln* It So mill Htlier Lewder* Are sigiilnu Tht'issehrs n t oui ninniler-ln-t hlef. Washington. N*v. Z). The Manila pn pera of Oct. 1H devote consbkrible sfaace to a renewal >f the report con*’emiK AguiimUlo * d*iiii in Northern Luton. They say that the circumstantial chara ter of this report. t**getner with the fart that Oen. Trias recently has been signing himself ‘commander-in-chief of the insur gent forces," lend* strong color to the belief that Aguinukio may bed- id. The laieat account cm this line conies from Ntreva E* ija- In Northern luaon, where in an outpost skirmish. Agulnakto horse was killed and his s.idllebig*. w'ith s\ numiuT of |Mrstnal |apers, were nip tit red. Akulu. .k. wis shot from hi horse, and severely wottn*led If* was carrie*l by hi-* followers into a Jijiikl* at I subaoqueml) was reportt*l t* he ill with fever. lit- txsly afterw ir*! was < arri*d down the liver on a raft, siting in a hammo. k ali<l comidetejy I •over*-1 with palm lcave. but tne fi ilives who saw til*- p.i-sage of th# raft w- rc im- rtain wheth er he was deal or uliv**. Tais. together wub the claims of Trias and others • * tne insurgent geip-riik*. i the • d**f "'inm ni l of the* army, hods th*- Usal Manila paper* to give considerable crtslence to the story. Inaurgest l.endera Arrested. Manila. Nov. ”* Kurrngriag an |n “irg* nt lieutenant c *buul. uxi Mama lo Las.trs. who. it i-* I. was Gen. Torro's quartermaster, have been arrested In 1 till - scan province. Karr.ig.lng had p* vkusly been arreefed and parobd. HIM MM. Vlo|;i, kIGH'ICD. Steamer I ller AAent to Her nnce lint Un \*t %eedeil. New York. Nov. 21 Toe f’nltcd Fruit Company's steamer Filer, which nrrlvisl to-day from Tort Antonio. Jamaica, re ports that on Tuesday m< rntng. Oct. 2'. at a o'clock the oftl er of the watch re ported a burning ship in sight tow.r*l the north-northwe*t, some dlstanci off. mi he thought he saw some rocket* fir •!. The filer ns earned down to the hurnlng craft. p r ep.ired boats and lin*s to r* n i*r any required assistance. At t? o'olo*k the filer was close along*! io of the burning ve-sel, which apiM-ar**d to have been a woolen sailing craft, probably 1 timber* schooner. wu* burned to tire water’s etg . except in the low. wh-re the tNvsprlt awl part of the foremast were standing. The filer steamed about the vicinity, but could *#<• no signs of life; the whistle was blown Mini lie* o** an was swept with the glass, but nothing could bo seen of onittawuys. The v* *• i had evidently been burning a long time. The p> lUcm in widt h the burning ves tal was sighted by tiu filer was lati tude 27.41 north, longitude, 74 32 west, or about WO nidei. due east of the Indian river Inlet, Florida. I? Ls probable that iho v* **♦ I I* th* d* re |u t schooner Mury K. le* rmo <-l of Tnom as(o:i. Mi which wa- ibnndoned while on a voyage from Fertiandina. Fla to Mauritius, with cargo of lumber From the time she abandon* I until last sight.*l on Nov. Id in i- itud* 2? W north, longitude 74.33 wert. It is c I :ulated that lb*, vessel h ! traveled over *a>" mdes. Ml ST Mill* HI I t It. AIUCTTEJI. Action In Inna Due to the Supreme 4 anrt Derision. Dubuque, lown. Nov. 23. —An order came to all tobacco dealers here 10-4 lay to at once ship out of the state, their entire stock of cigarette- an.! cigarette l iN*r* The order *me from the Am*r l.-Mn Tobac**o Compsny. and is suppos'd to In due to th** cigaralte cas* decision of the Supreme C*urt of the United States recently. \ TO RE4TORE IT TO AOLVKM Y. effort Ilelna Made li> ktock lioldcr* of Newport, Kj „ Hank. Washington, Nov. 23 —The controller of the currenvy has been Informed by Na tional Bank Examiner Tucker, temporary rtcelver of the German National Hank of Hew port. Ky., thit an effort l being by the directors and slock holders of the Uiuk to restore tne bank to sol vency. j SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 11HH). A 28-FOOT CHAKNEL REPORT OF 110 Altl> Itl CfOBIRMB IT FOR NO \NN Ml. WILL BE SENT TO CONGRESS. IIKMF.VP.R ( OM.I4F** U 11.1, At I 1 PO\ IT I’O OR Alin . Hoard It rent m*• ltd t oatlnim t lan of fhr Iropriarmrnt* With some Modifications—- 4,*n. Wilson *a It Will Mr sntlslMctor) to the 1 It). Ilcport of (hr Hoard on lltr Nil \at Station About Head) lt Will lircosi mciitl It cum* % n|. Washington, N* v 23 In af* w days tie* rejkirt of the board of rugim-cr ofii r* M pointed to uiuk' a *;** dal • summation cf Havunnah hartsor with a view t* **n tinuing Its Improvements, will Im In th* hands of th* House Committee on ltivers • lid Harbors. t’lpt c. K Gillette of gavannuh. Ca‘ Hanford of Churl*.ston, with fol ll.uni chairman of th** I-urd. met .it Hi* \\ *r I department to-day to finally consider their report lcfore sulmiitting it to Gen Wilson, chief of engine t-r*. en Wilson and the member* of the board declincil to discues th** dation contained in th** icort <-n tic groutt*l that thr informatlun w. call' and f**r specially I* Congr* *s. an*l .r would lc n breach *f propriety to publish th - rc|>rt lefor** it reaches Concr * It is understood, however, that the r* lort favors th* contlnoati*>n of tl • Im jr vt m* nt in Savii.n.ih harbor uvsl* 1 r • existing project, with certain molinc.i Hons, calculated t > give that hatbor foot channel. Gen Wilson without committing himself > any definite plan of operation, unof ficially expressed the lx-lief that th** r* - mmendstlon of the boa id will recetv*- not only the approval of t'oi gr*--. but If will Ifo be acceptable to th** citizens of Savannah, who nr*- Interest*.l lii se curing the b* *t foe lilt!* * 1* sslbb for * ar rvlng ot tne constantly ln* r. auing com merce *f that flourish ng city. Tit** Naval station. K.-ar-Admiral Ro*lgers, chairman of tl ! Hoard of Naval Officers appoint*-*! t> c*m slder the proposition of transferring th** naval station now at Fort Royal. H. C . to Charleston, had a lengthy • (difference to-day with Rear-Admiral Kndlcott, chief of the board of yards and do k rela tive to his retort which will be submitted In a few days. There was a rumor current yestenliy i rlist order* for the transfer from Port I Itoval t*> had l*ecii lone I It* r Almiral Eaubcott stated to-day that j no such order had been promulgated, m view of the fact that Beur Admiral It l ( has not y t formally **iil*mitt-d m- j report to the Mwcretary of th? Navy When this is done it will then b* in ord*-r for the Her*mtary of the Navy t* conahlr 1 lie reic>rt unl m;*k*- mi* .1 re ommendution I to Congress ash- may d• m • -nsi-tent j writh the rep*>rt of the naval b< ml and the attending circumstun < Before an opdsr for the transfer can he |*u*d. con gressional action will ! n* •*• '>• Ai* has la**-n previously stated, th** ru port of the b*>ard is favortiNe t* th* tran-- f r tn*l It !* only a question *f tine w!i n tne formal or*l*r to !ta off* t will **• iSsue*l. M* misers of the i*oarl de* lln*' t* discuss the rejHrt prior to its trun.-mltta! : th* Secretary of th*' Navy. < /. Alt’s M Ntis llllti; AICNI.I). If True Tills Will (•rrtifly t <mii|ll •site Ills Tronltle. Si. Petersburg. Thursday, Nov. ?2 It was rumored here th!s afternoon that Em peror Nicholas Is threatened with pec to ral omplicatlofM, which. If they exlsf vould in ib t lolly limin:sh his chances of recovery. Inflammation of the lunv* Is a common complication of typhoid fever In liUfw a. 'Phus far there is no official confirmation of the rumor. t snr Is Getting lletfer. Ltvad 1. European Russia Nov 23 The fallowing bulletin was issued thi- in< rn* ing "Th* Kmi>< ror parsed quin day >- *ter dny. ll** sl**pt alsout an hour. At 0 o'clock In the evening his t* mperuture was 102.7; pulse. K 2. Hi- Majesty pas*.-*! a very good n‘ht. Ills rm*li n aid str*iigth ar- very satlgfaniory. Thi* m< rt ing at ft o’clock Ids temperature was 101.3; pulse, 73." tins Typholdie KnferltU. INnrfs, Nov. 21. s:*> a. m —"A dlAgno-l-i of the Fxir's malady." says disp'teh fr*>m Ht Patrrsburg to the Hlc e eti \\h that he has typholdic enteritis. Hi- brain Is affected and his intellectual powers are endangered." 11l AAA I.ONS|> OF THE IBOEItN. Ilnd I**n ( unnllic*i In Two Recent bnuiiu* meats. London. Nt*v, 13.—A s|e ial dispatch fom Mlddlrhurg. Transvaal Colon**)', sav* that in the surprise f the outp*ist of Hv "Huffs" (Third Infantry!, southwest *f ll.ilmornl, Nov 1* the Ho* r ksu sixty men killed and wound* 1 Th* burgh*‘r. th- dispatch a*lds. Him ußaneotsl> attacked a garrison of Fu siliers on \Vl!g* river, but were beo'*ri off with th*- loss of 13i men killed on J woundssl. l A|mmil*li t ount's Protest. Madrid. Nov. 23 In the Senate yMM*c day Fount Ferdtnonda prot*-s:cd against the action of the Americans in c*gnpell ing him. as he put It. to lose his Hpuniah nattonalliy. He saiJ he hO|e.i that th** g. note would not rob him of nls *'tiat*r ship. The mlnlater of foreign affairs. Marquis Aguilar Campo, replied that the question would be submitted to a special committee. ( liNirmsn of the Directors. New York. Nov. 23.—1 t w* announced to-day at the meeting of the Bord of Director# of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail way Company that William Bol**n>n was re-elected chairman of the board, and j John K. Cowen president. PRESIDENT WANTS POWER. Cnntltiit Army Hill l.ik *ly to t all for a Force of tO.tMHI Men—Mail) 1111 p 1 11 on AAottltl FnlUf. \VashingtiMi, Nov -J Fhainnan Hull of th- Hour* mmltta* on Military Affairs, to *la> railed a meeting *f tin* commiti***- ft*r 11* xt Tuesday. He hopes that a quo rum will Ih* prw*nt, an*l that the com mit!* e . an g t.. work imnt*dlately upon the otHliiK s of anew army bill "It will b. in the *ll notion of economy to 1 1 - th-' army bill without *h‘lay." sold Mr Hull t*- la>. "Th** aim> now in th** I’hlhpp.n* ? will hn\r to te> brought home in ih* summer, that ie. thus* of th- men w do i.*a car* to rc-eitllet The trnns l*>rt- win h go out f*r them ehould de jN*r laden wiili the tloops who an* to re l!a •* th* in. • -if** the ship! will make *>ne v* yag* * ti|*t> " Mr H tl; w 1 in conference t.*l.\ wih Hi* 1 l’i*>l*i*i)t and xvith officials : the AN .r Ik - .ii tmciu u 1 Kin the character of legislation l***lfe*l by the admlnistradon ll* -*i l 1 I'r* I irnt wi l i**uinni4 ilf to 1 ongres.H very f ally his r* * *nm nh ti**< - al. it the army, and h ild 11 t is lUiii* to .*• p*ag the IT* sident’a mini in ad \ a lice. H thought, however, that the a*linn Istrai *.n w*ii*l n*t la* *mi* iii wrlih an\ nviL ddft lgir* . ion. such a-* a pr*id tl*wi to 1 tmllno** li* |*r* **nt aiw tor two yeai s nj.M Hi unpr* --ion Was that tie |*t* ... lit w *nted authority to ml-*- a nealar army sufficient f*r th* nerd.- *f the * ounfrv. 100.<i**t men. If necessary, th** nunilnT t* * re*Un***l when th*r** is no 10 • r ne* 1 in. in*m. i Mr. Hull Mild th* Taft commission ha l r* I** ;i* I that U <M Filip n**s could l*e *n |) a. *| Imtio d.ately in the army f*r the j i’billppini > aisJ that they would mak j g,,od - -Idler- unl r American officers | There was n*. I* ar of a r* |e*!lticn of Great j Biitaln s . \|H*nciK*** with the S* ;sys. f>r th Ktiipiuo . Mr. Hull aid, have no tin ti' iial feeling, like th* natlv* of India M"/ .--•ver, allied M. Hull, the experiment of *n;istHK n.imu tro*.i- lus proven su - -sful. ami there are n* more loyal or tti lent so.‘llera than I*** tußlvea enlisted j in the British anv In India. NI.AA Mill’. |!M bll ON (TUNA. Secretary *f male Alakea Wuaaesi ftona to the Pnarn. Was-hli gton. Nov. 23 T l* sk-cretnry of rtu*t** has aodre -*'l mii i*i* nil. il not** to Ihe Rower* Interested *1 til** Chinese ►il lation rotting out tersely and afreeh the obje’t off the I ’luted States governmcnl as to Chinn, ami j* iiting out how such oh jots ar* common tq the Powers can b.-s he securAl. The not** marks th** ln|tif*tloi of fresa negotiations on our part on the arrange ntetu >l new* basrti i tide over the ini jMSMUie Mtuatjon <*r*ated at the lost 11 . -thtx uf th* in.aiaiera 10 Pekin. Rome rtsj**ui.s. already ar* at hand It |w staled ;:im( generally our advance* Have been well received, an*l the state <l* partmeiit **xprt *•-■* a **iefaction witn the progn ss so far nchlevod. It is .**hcv*\l that tne nt** Is an appeal fnmi tin *xir* me course suggested by -••in** of tii** power* to the treatment *>f t'hina cs|M-. tn the rnatver of puniehni* rite and link rnnities to wnlca i!u* minlater* at Pekin sum inclined. The in • nt is to push tin* negotiations *m a . n rational f GFITIMi IN IN) Ait olll). A 111 It nn lor AVlilte Con (era AA itli Huron ion II id* tli*iff. Berlin. Nov. 23 Unib and States Ambus- I sudor White had an important Interview yesterday with Baron von Richthoff. the secretary far foreign affairs, at the for elgn office h Is understood the Interview* took place an th* result of instructions cabled from VV.i tiingi*>n and that the >**m* wh*t • ngth\ *1; .ii.-‘H*i b*iw*c*n the dot and .*• *r tnry had reference entirely to the ele.i- *if th* United Btafes govern in* nt t* airdinic th* iw utlod f the war lu FhilM and Hi** * ration of the United Sta# w;th Germany and the other Europe an Powi-r- rtgurdlng th<* con < I 1 peofl t<> h* * xa.H .i an*l the indimnlty 10 be se cured. It Is aKo tiislerstooil that the mod friendly and satisfactory result was reach 'd and th *• It U rak'ulated t put at r* si th** dis<iu!**tng tumors recently circulated regarding exhibitions of Hi feeling toward Germany in the American press, which, II has l>*.*n pretended h*Te, tvere iiisjrfr- ■ ***l ftom Washington. DIFFER!*;NtIN |KkIA. Ilut T hey AAlll N*t Atiifi f,*Mt*r>il . Peace feea at la Ilona. Ix>ndon Nov, 2i A serious *llA'ergmc** fn- arls. n in P* kin," says the Tien Tsin 'rj * |s*cdent of th*: Daily Mail, wdring \Y**ln* alay. J * an. the United States, Russia and France f ivor demanding a milder> nt than the execution of Princ*- Tuan an i the others, while Great Britain, Germany Austria-Hungary and Itu.y hem anything bss than the death Penalty useless "An important decision has been arrlv "l at, however, that this divergence Is, nr*i to Interfere with the general oeace j n*ro tint lons Another rcnrirkabl* feature f the wit - u it ton Is the staklen \it* face of Russia. v*.u ii w I* * ilia - either to wHhdt iw her tr p- fr. ni the prnvin* * of <*hl Id or to hand over the ratlwax as j>romlscd.‘' XTII l.i: Al A I IT/I LH <M T. >!**t of the Awrrli un f mnrmaksra AA ill Not Hites flit* Order. Tampa. Fla, Nov. 23 It Is stated au- j tnoritatlvfly to-night f at the union men of the r,i>* railed upon by ihe federation ; I*, go on u g< n* ral strike Monday in con s* f|uencc of th** unsettled trouble hist ween !he two clgarniak * •** n. n*. will refuse to do so. and tbot the order will of nt* <• slty Ik* r**' ii <l* 'l l*fore that lime. Th** slumt of m* ml*ers from the In- | 1 *-mat lona I to the Re*|*enc:a C igarmiK- | (•ih Union, continues, and several of the 1 member* of the international are making nrrungm*n*s to deposit their cards and leave the city. AH International m'*n who are Joining the Resistencia are txdng put to work In the factories Powers* t mmr In As|>rtM foort. Frankfort. Ky.. Nov. 28—In the Court of Appeals to-day tha case of Caleb Pow er* versus the Commonwealth warn sub mitted without argument with leave to . file brief* on Dec. 1. Powers Is under j life aentenoc* is an occsesory to ibc kill- j ing oX Go nsbvL j IDOL OF THE FRENCH (•It F ATI at NTIIHM DM tiWFf I * Kill Mil FA lit A AN 111 ill I . ANTI-BRITISH CRIES HEARD. RHI t.GII'S A I*IT A| A A M AD TO I N- Pl.i: D A NTNIiSA. Antl-llrlltah |l*iiuiii>irNl*nn Due to N Foollali llUtjik* *f Aiir Cng lihiii,*n al A|| r4*||| AA arm Hr* rriillnn for Kruger tit I %*r l*olu( AA here •!!• I rain A|o|,|rtl - I lir lloer l*resllrui Dt*cpl> Affeeted l% the lt**e|| l**n . I>iJ*m, D*'p*irim- nt f Cot** and or. Fraifce, Nov. 23 Mr Kruger, on his ir rlval here thl** evei rig, WII gretted with the sumo embus 1 **m a shown by the prop!** of tli** oth*i **ithv- of France w u< h he has pttKsed through since his arrival Air Kruger ha* Im-coitm*. f<r a moment ill l**HSt. the |Kpular idol of the French His triumphant progress northward, through the country from Mar■-tellies * Dijon. Iwis placed this Ih y**nd doubt. Ib* met with a treni**tMb>us r* *-ptkm tn each town along th# r ui*> where the imhi stopped, culminating in scenes of frcnsicd enthusiasm her** this evening. il ulated to turn the head of any man. Tne population of fifarMiib* g*ther**dln tlMHisandn this mortilng tv • n him to the railroad station und ga\ him a rous ing send off. whll* t Tai o*n, \vign< n Valence. I,y *ns, M;ic*in and Dijon. lh* In habitants who crowded the rallro ' l si lu*iH made th* raft* r i ireinble with en thusiastic shout’ of * \K* lvMif:*.!" mil "Vive |es fhaers! ' The dernor.stration fill the more sig nificant In-cause It shows that the prt fer vid seel mat inns at Mats, ill* wr- not merely an extlosl -n of exulrcrancs n th part of the wirm-hnntsl n| excitahie l**pul ee of n sunny cltm**. but s**niinients shar.d with even greater Intensity by th usually l**<* dem* n -trative *n 1 c. kb r blooded Inhabitants "f the imrih* rn prov inces. The warmth of the enthusiasm iner.-aw ♦ I Instead *af and r **l. n might have reasonably I** n -xi**- t* • I from th< *TRT* r **nc* of character of the Inhabit ants of ?he provinces through which Mr Kruger passed, but one of th*' most imiHriant phases of the d* m*>nstmtl ri was tin turn It took In sn anti-British direction. Mistake off n i>w F*allhmea. The few criminally foolish Btullihnwti whose Hi-limed levity at the Hotel du Buvre In Marseilles exaap-rmed the n**o pie In the streets there never dream** I of the aerioua consqucnces of *the|f net T-ev sowed the wlim! m*hl b !iy the English people are reaping lh* whlrlwin*l. The news of the SU|>|M-**l Insult to Mr. Kru ger seems to have -pi** I aero*- I ran.* , an*) st all stations, but i* da ly • *d’- ons and Dijon, shouts f**r tn** lk r* w • r* mingle*! with loud c(lc** of * iOwn wash the English!" Indeed, at loons Ih* de nunciation* of the F.ngll h dpwne| the llMiiftinff for the Ber 'lni- is a disturb ing t* uiure which unlvsr.-aUy di-cu-s. |. Fears arc rxpr* >se| that tomorrow s reception in Paris may assume a chara ter calculated to nr. u- th* feeling of (Jr* at Britain against Fran* ** to such <*n . xi*iit to result lu unid* • ou >* 1 • tMtns Ik t wen th* iw< counrl**e The w armth of ••nthusi.ism t* u hed In Mardh* • yeslenkiy, palpably nD* and tin apirltH of Mr Kruger and his ml .*r la a high pitch. The faces of Dr. I**yd*. Mr. Fis* her and oth*t wld* h. *ti t t v#* nf th arrival of Mr Kruger 1 vculed th* anxiety 4c felt i.grudint. his* rece|ftlon. wer* unby ||ghft-.| up wi a liappin* aiwl * onflden* * Evci*ntl> a*M>* hM*i revived in all that tils mission to Kur*|*e would Ih* crownwl w 1:h -u** *- * Departure From ffsrwlllr*. Manudlleh. Nov. 23 —Though th** *ti thusivism at tending Mr Kruger's depar ture from MarM*ilb , .‘- was no’ *o lMist*r o 0 tad tlwra a nowi crowd pn ent as awif-d him on the quay when he land'd yesterday fr*>m h- (b-iderlund. h* had no reason * * unpluin of r*> diniki utkHi of warmth on the port of ih* peo ple of Marseille* Mr. Kruger was up at n early hour and was ready and waiting when Ids landau reached the hotel t . .*mi.. y him to fhr railroad dc|**i Amidst th* cheering of .1 large assembly th* former Pre.-ident of the Transvaal enter**! his carriage til 9 o’clock and was driven to the station. He was accompanied by Dr Loyds and Messrs Pearson. AV* ss la. Fluff. Fis'-!s*r V 1 n H lmn • 1 B • . jinn |efore the departure of the train Mr Kruger ppear**d on the *teps *>f the railroad *rri.ig**. In resigns.* to life shouts of the crowd, an*l said: "fitliens of Murv*i||,mi 1 thank tt* I <4pulat|ofi of Mirs' ll’* for fwarm w 1- rom** I trust I shall find the am* en thusiastic sympathy tn *ll th** dtps wh|.*h I am going to travel through, fc l I hot* • It will Ik* follow • l by actions which wdl continue to assist us and f sujt in abor ting our cause." As the train left at 930 a m. a gr it cry arose. Extensive pdlre pf* autlonr w*r*> token this morning Dei hm*ni?* of p*><b men were massed along the rocte from ih h*td to the 1- tat lon. but \l K■ ug r’s departur** took placc without a y dis agreeable Inc I* lent. Prrseutetl n t.*ll Aledal. T.yons, Department of Rhone. Nov 23 Ther.* w a great demonstration when Mr. Kruger's train ariiv l The u- ri ant muv*r w Itamrd Mt Krtiu*** m l I ,f * s'tit* *l him with a Iwautiful gold in*‘i and. csip*** lall) engraved fur Hi*- <*• **aiofj On one Side was the head **f * w.unan, r* pr sorting h** Hty of Lyot* . and n th** rrvriH 1 '*•’ woril* • Tn.*. Mf tv.n rill* I .if Uyorm 10 IT.-ni'J. 111 Kru. r. In , i:. t . ini ■ -of hi* herolr .Irfcn*. of th. ('•■tnh Afri .ih It.lHlbllr." Mr. Kruu.r. ir|>lyki( lo ih" *|. rh on th* pre*-iitlloi> of '*>'" . >UI *‘l hit profoundly touch'd hi h* h..m --• r*r|K*i uml 'omln fr.m •nllr.- J-'rnfK-r. fllvo fnv iluink.-. io l>.|.<ihilK.ii of I.yon*. It 1" Jucl cilia".. which nniniHlc* you. , chu-.- for Krirvc an.l for nil Kurop*. to aif. iiiiar.l I am firm In fh* conviction that our hop-* *lll b* roallifd. W* ar* hofilm; with you." Th* Bo*r :•(,man then <l**c#i*H! from hi, earrla** n1 walked twar.i* *h* entranca of Ih* mattoh. which faun I th* ch**r* to be r***ouhl*d. The crw.| *v*oluaUy ta-oke thromrh !h* police cor- i •CwtlßiMd on Fifth I’a(e.) , COFFER’S NARROW ESCAPE. Il*i% f Ihnnmllr AA sral Him In I \pre* Itwt (lie lif-rial Ala chiiii* I nilcil to I \|lmD*. Chur). -i* 111. Nov 2.5 T N Goffer. Jr., a 1 0111 in l • 1 y*ut g attorney and I•* m* r*ilie p i Ictan. h.a Just esvbped al dructlon in se ms a miraculous manner. ll** gave <wl to-!.v the detulls of an itt'inpt on hi- lit. b> means of • "rre • nt’’ fr*>m tM>ni unknown i*crs*>n, a lox vniiiliH* dyr atnlt. It cam** to his of fice by ell*-*-** l-t Mm*iav niorfiing aihl he oj.n**l th* | 1. k.tgc while the expree* in*'•••--tik'-i wa** still thcr* Tin label was 1v p* wrttt* 11 and sat. l ’Sample puxxl** i*x Open, puli string with quick jerk, i* • ri-.-viiit wtb l** Mitpri *ing " At! t'offer th* string which pro ' Bud* i fr in , hole a Jctk. bill It br*k* | Th** ts'\ w tli n prh *1 open. liscioslug .tin** big s i k*' of ivtainilti* wrni*p**| in • inbi 'ilbl* .iifl holes lioretl In them with ■ fiih'*-s atta !)ed A huitdr* and match h a*ls gl**i t a and!, k w r* intended to lntMle when h** mrlt-ag elutiild dmw a pi*** o of -iii and I'lper .ict•*-*.* their toad.** Alwat half *f thm wi. ii*nitd with the tli -t null •*f I ,i• fdtllsg but in ,-*>tll** mitU‘UliOUS ; inauner *.,| a(il toil) a sulnliiir • tnell him* tut when tin l*x w o|k tie*l Th* 1 c w s enough dvnanut* In the |m< k v* t wink ib* whuff aid* of the public -qUiitc ill whleb * • D r * *tb • is |*n-<isl The |..ii Kug* c.itn** rn*m Auroi.i. but the •X| r*- agent t:u*i*’ hits not •dew • the •'otislgtior ilm f* not knw of no • n*-!iiy in tlie w rid D* i* > lives have l*** , ii • t ( vv**rK both bv Mi *fT• r and Ihe Am* ri* an Express (’"*m*any atul every ef fori will •*• null*- to ferret out the would t** oostissin. * SOUTH CAROLINA’S SHOWING. *tnfe lln* n l*o|ulatl>n of I ~*! lo.Jllff. nn lii€*reae of |K!I, KIT, **r Iff.4 I'er ( etlf. Alwi'c | (110, AA’.*shington. Nov. 23 The iM*ulatim of Houttft C.ifxilltia *- >tti tally *ii.ii**uticed to d.iy Is 1 H", .I*. .iw.iln-t l.litl. 1(9 in IV. This in ;n Ii . r* sin > ivm of 1X9.167, or 14 I per .ent. Th* |M>|uil**t i* n In P-N was ,577. show ing nn leer* * * * f I " 572. or 15.6 |er cent., from iw#* t* 11190. The |H*|iulutlon I'y count lew Mlowp: Abbeville 33,5 m Gr‘* nwood 2X..H2 Aik* i 39.ux? Hampton ...23.73k Anderson .... llorry 23.3d Ha mt N-rg IV.JJS* K*-rsh w 24 *•!►. Ihirnw.ll .... • **l Lancaster 24.111 JSaoufort x 19. Lauren 37.3K2 Berk* l* v IMW la Chat I*-ton .... MjtM Mxriiin .35.1X1 ( berokec 21 ••!) MarliKiM 27,(LD (■'•’ ter .. Newlierry ..... 30,1X2 (* rfudd Id * k-otiee 23.414 rliirsiKiutk ... >.■*•-.M*.'*irg —-59.(kv. Colleton SS.U' I'U ki’M 19.375 Dai llngtoii 22 2* Richland b.>**# Do re he at or bi.JN ftxluda •—l*.!*'*- Hdgefl* Id 25.47N dportanburg ~..4V64U Fairfield J9.43vituniter 52.*37 I l.rerc* 29.171 I Inion 25,reil (korfffown . 22.X4' Williamsburg ...31,405 Or®* nv Hie 53 49" York 41*441 AAOAtI.N lli:i A AIK II A aTFHIt’%I*. ttrk r AA l*o Hepreaewled 'l’liem %•- lit* I ail ore. N*w York. Nova Chester H. law* retv 4-. Jr . * member *>f the c'ooaolldateA Hrs k Ex< hang*-, mad- an assignment to day t*> odrge II Wollierl. Among Lawrenei s custmera were many W'omen un*l a number cf them be . amc bv M.*rl* a| tn Ills iHfire wrhen (he a ••'igimieiit w.“ announced. Liwrenn*. who has five if* •111*' KV. is Sllld to have been in dllfb ultles fr we-ks and his trouble** were brought to a h* and by * customer win# lias had Law* rn •• nvl lalw>*r i R Fisbrhlll. hla office ntai ager. hutiiusiis'i to court on the a* 4 - usatlon of withholding bar money and Ikxkls and refusing to give her an im mediate st/Heii lent. N -1 a lenient has been made, but it D ladlaved th* ii.ibllltl* * will exceed 1200.- OU) 1.1 this afternoon Mr !a*wretice, with \A’oltx*rt. the .isslgnee. and lclwxirl 11 !r t* rhlll. Jr manager of the business, wer* arrest®d i*> Centr!il offfi*-e <kd*ctlvee aial lorked up ill police *..kpiartera. They an* *h.iru*<l with grand larceny on th** •peclfic aanplaint of Mrs. Catherine Itouokeiidorf. Hhe claims that tl stock 1 broker has thre e 11 .*•• hotala b* longing [ to her. Till: ATI 14 H.Il l* VIOLATBD. Turkey Trlr lo Turn Ikiwn Our ( olla ti I Hrnt ( llar|MMit. C*wial .l ntmopl**. Nov. 23 The I'orte has •1 finitely reje* !'*• th** r***|tiest for an *•*• e|ii aur for l’nlud Htates on mu I at 1 inr|ss>t. This r* fu-al is regar*b-| by the Fnitfsl tftiiio* legation as a direct violation of ti**aty rights, and. consequently, despite th* refusal. Dr Thoma*- II Norton, who was appointed by I*resid**tit McKinley some ||m*‘ ago, to eat a d*di the COflSlliate nt Hiar|SM.t baa t>eeii direct***! to proceed to his tiost, Tfc* exjMs'feil visit of the liattleshlp Kentu* ky to Smyrna is believe*! to relate quite a* mu h to (Ms mutter as to tffc indemnity question. NI.AA IIKIIO.** 11l MILLION*. *!ie Is th<* Da iim liter of ASr. and Mr*. AA . K. A underbill, Jr. New York. Nov. 23 Mr. and Mrs. W. K Vanderbilt. Jr . are rejoicing over the birth to-night of n girl, w ;io will .#**ome (lie heir***-'* to t 1 Vatelerbilt miliiorin Mrs. Vanderbilt, Jr. nee Virginia Fair, i at the Vurul* ruilt r** kk nee, find uc* • ording to ail • ounta. mother and ehlkl are doing w*li. ab rm ih i4*:*i: MWFwTfk AI usf (me Three Alontbs for Crttl 4'lsinu l.ii|trr*ir' speech. Berlin Nov 23 K B**hultxe, u Berlin <abjiu ttnak'-r, lias been sentenced to thr*e nwriihe imprisonment for crlticiaing E® prt(>r William e "No |ar<lon" pee<*h. A*nultsa Is (be sixth victim within a week. Nrrretary M*mi *trls Home. Havana. Nov. 23 -S** retary Root. Gen Woo*! and Mr s<n left Nuerltns ibis afternoon on th** w:ia for ht. j Augustine Fla , where they are exfiect- j •and to arrive Hun*lay. The Secretary of | War will go direct to Washington. Kentucky (iolns to (myrna. Naples. Nov. 33.—The United Stata battleship Kentucky, which arrived hero J Nov. 19, Mills to-oiorrow for ftknyrua. DAILY D A YEAR CENTS A COPT WBFKi.Y 2 TIM Eh A WKRK.It A TKAR BOWDEN’S SIDE OF IT HOH Hl' Ul'l in* *1) ITC.RIOID I*l- **ll *( ;. DODGED WALLER AT TY3EE. A* ENT TO RH MMOND AVHEHD MW %\ %* TAKIN *|l K. Declares He Had nn Intention af llcniltiM lasaranre < <im|iulea or Anyb4) Else— In (he lInII f Ms k iiiu *mcli ’I rlp—lll* llritflier • -lan I*rtai* I** ■; e*l l % Detect Aura, llrnther nnl Father 111*1 N*rt lte lleve ll*s|en AA as Dead. ColumlMix <a N*v 0 The return of W i Bowden, who was rejwirled drown. e*l at Tybe*. Aug J* catlse*d a sensatkWl here, and has be* n a I the talk to-day Tli** Morning New-a r®pr‘.(mitilvs via* it*l Mr Bowden hl> ban* I some naintry home n* ar l lat R* V f*#uri *n mil*’** frnt tbi* city to-day. When the reporter ar rtve*l. Air liowtlen w t.* standing In a grove in ti*(a of bin hoin-e, leaning against a tree, talking to *ne of hla younger brothers lie greeted the rr i**rt**r pl ***anll> anl said he was glad f the p|M>rtunity to >et himaalf right be fore the [*tiMb* "The story of mr dl<M|ipenranee ia a vary simple one." said Mr. Bowden "I wore two sun * *>f l*.t‘i*e When I went down to th* be.* b with Mi Waller that night I pitll*-*I off Ih*ii suits and slipped the new cl.*(h**e under my arm as I went bit** the water, unknown t<* Mr W ll#r. I -aw * larg** wave timing and c*alled *ut t Mr, Waller to took out after my clothe* n.| carry them little further irj* tha beach | saw him sEtlng on a log I walk*l down th* beuch at an angle, con cealed by the lug wave, ami came put about a hundred yard* below, where I l#ft the bearii. Waller *1 uft rot see me. Ra was cither still seate*l on the log *>r else had gone high* r up the beach, whre ha rqertHl to meet in* I did not nail him to know of my movmenis, so I put on tny new suit nnij went to the *lei>ot. where I took the first train for Sa\aor.h "I was not feeling well rwl ik-celed to g*i over t* Rh htnorid I isuight u f|, • n*l left on the rushlight tralp When I reached that city. I went at once to a private haunting house and **s|iei a phy sician I remained there quietly (Iff I felt well enough to travel 1 did not see anyone m Ite iimoud 1 knew, and hi>rd imUilnc of wn,t w* on >n rv>tumbi. or of h- r-port, of my or 4lMnvwr,n<r. "'•*•* Hr,l One. "I* —’ii* not until I but rr*. hra At ln( that I t~ Kn to rra I knrw atul to hmr romo of thr thin,. ,l lal wrr „ mM. I think aurh lltlnia iin • allwi ha Hikl thrjr h.ivr certainly ma.l.. t"" f '- ,, -'* n.l ili'imiw.l. | t,i. l hami 111 th lull,it of ROlntt off an.l (tavin* aav. -ml month, without mulnk any one. I m**' • * r ll to Vlratitiia on< <> hrfora, "Aa 1.. hcitinK Ih. 1 Inminnm .•.mi|.*nl,, .'rr.ll 1 ora. or any otir, I have nrvor had any su. h Mr... If any |m. y hail hrrn ll<l iliirltiK >ny ahacn* •>. the m.m.-i wo'i and moat crrtalnly have lirrn rrfun.le I. I will hr In t'oliimliua to-morrow for tha t.urimrr of arttllna uj. my affalra tlia a. an.l to pay aurh Mila ua I may owe "A to my tukiriK out Inauianrr ro'l* rlr.a Juat hr fora I J.-rt htimr thrrr ia no truth In aui'h a n-porl, Th laat rllcy I took .Mil waa Junr |# | j *ll.l not want Mr. \V tllrr to know of my movomrnla. •' • '>-*1 not ta..n ,|ok In Itli'h mond I wouM crrtalnly liavy tot urn d h*me sooner." Th*- rrimrirr rallr*! altrull.m to Ihe ta |w,rt that Mr. Waller hail left the county. "That la not trur." aanl Mr ll.iwilm. "I aaw him thla morning. Ho la at home and r ill alay thrrr " Itow.h n liar t-hamr* ,) In appearance con* ahterahlr alni*e hr left t’oliimliua. laat Au. teuat. Hr worn a full l, trlmmad down 'o a point In thr Frrncli (aahlon. Ula 1 lK>ard iloea not conceal Ihe fact that ha la Very Hallow nfiii thin Hr haMta vrry ha 1 ami la rvkl.-ntly *> or SO pound, off from III* in'll il wrljtht. Mr liowiJrn app—arril to frrl ilrrt.iy thr • troth of hla faihrr, which hr aaya hr did not hnr of until after hr Irfl lit 'hnimal. Hr aay, he tr. Krrtteil the rtitlrr affair very much. Mr. H.iwdrn - * family apprarrd overjoyed at hi* return to them. •that Ilia llrnther aaya. Newell llowdrn. who conducted thu aearch for hla brother at Tyhre aald ‘Via n.ornltitt "I have never believed frn Ihe time t returned from Havanfioh, after making a thorough aearch for the body, up to tha preaent minute, that my brother wa* drowned at Tybee " Mr L. B.*. a farmer I Ivina near Flat flock, war here to-ilny. He aald he believed until recently that Mr. Dow- J den wa* drowned at Tybee. but that ho wa* not really aurpriani to find him alive, "Not five day* before hla death," MMd Mr. Ilanka, "I railed on Will', father, , Mr. M. M lbwilet!. Hr aakl to roe. 'lf I wit a well a* you are, I would have Wll lie hark In my hou In Ira* than three wrelur. told Mr Bowden I thouirltt hi* eon out dead. ’No he I* not daad,' was t lie reply. T mve my eon *Z,U tha day before hr left Inane. The inauranra people h ive been here aml know about 11. ! If I w i* utronit like you. 1 would gn WII | lie hark home rlKht awny.* “Joel la-fore Mr. M. M. Bowden'* death." continued Mr Hanlut, "he told at least three parties the same thtnir. that ho did not believe that Will waa dead.” Mailer Was i'rlahtrnr.l. The report that E. B. Waller, who ao* roropanlfd Bowden to Tybee. haa skipp'd, la untrue, but detectives My they ht'A had him tn hot water. Ofllrct, traced Bowden to Richmond, hut lost tra k of him from Oct. Ito Nov. 1. During this time drlecttve, cauaad a statement to b' made to nonie of Mr. Waller's neUtbbo • that be would be presented to th, grand on Fifth I’agaJ