The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WORK OF THE LEGISLATURE. A lill.L WITH K12441tf TO LEGAL %l\ i:il l I*l 'll vi *. Jil<*amirr • **• qnire f,nill mllon in Papers lluvlna ll* l.nri*. et ( Ircnlnilnii - liiiHhllh I'rom Dr. Ilrouft It ton liiniin , d-'lijr !*• *iil Hill* Passed —Hill* InlrinlurfH lt> Mrrii llunli'ii him! Wells f 4 hathain—Other Ulllle Ml -ir r. Aii*n i \ - Mr Twmlln. of "*ar ro 1 lntr**luce i a Ml! t<>-d*y requiring t i• . l\erU*en©nt* of earh county hh*ii L-© t in tne newijg tr h.r i- ’* t •• t general rir lt *n in th* Mr. Tumlin k Ihw *w to I\. th: In orpornted in Ihe Park bill. >njh l- * * !*• f jf the . -mmlMfl* The Park bill leave* It to the ordinary to > • t it'.. I•jj.ii organ Mi Tumiln rat. f ihe 4o bo required to ©©Del t * paper with the .arg***t b<ni fi b 1 r c i Imnon Wherever paper* Mir an ippli • Hon to be Appointed lb lic-rlff * •**. tha* official has th** right o Inspect nil the book* of *u< h pul-ii ' *tbn f* mal b* can deteimmf th* of th* Drs rat circulation in toe . >un \ The HmiftK accomplished considerable TOiHinr w-t.rk to-di' The henrts of th*- member* with pet local mfaiurct wer** made glad, a iaig* number *f th'** be ing pikik] Only local bill* arc to l*t tor t rtlcrei to-morrow. In. Ilndoit Iron) llroughlon. I>r lirougbton extended nn invitation to the member a to attend hia church on fcurviiv night to hoar a special w* rmori to be prwa< bed by him on *‘Bom© Needed Reforms in I^ielaiion.” He announced that he w< *.id *l!*. tifs three thing* The dlspensorv bill, the excesslv© nee of nor cot.ri n< tire cigarette habit The invt taiion w..e re id hut no one seemed <llß -I>. *wd to propose He acceptance At 12 o’ k the ’wo house* convene I In Joint ion ic* hear an n idre%* on #-d uc.iti**ri from Dr J L M Curry. Mr lamd of Butt* Introduced reo|!- f|on to appropriate $l • t > protect Indian Spring from the overflow nf the sir *m converging there and to build n j ivill n over such spring Mnu) laical H lll • Passed. When tlie third ro.irtlng of bile won reached It at once became apparent th it the attendance had become suddenly email and tha? some bill.’*, that might have opfHwt'lnn. would be In danger of d*“- fent because of til*- lack of a few vtlfi. To ebvtste this* Mf 11.10(1 111 *-1 only local bill* h.r there .i no .p- IMMdtlon. be taken up. Thl 'im .i*re-1 to, and the following Mils were p.iwd Ry Mr. Freeman of Troii|-To create a new chatter for "cm Point. Hy Mr Mulllfi* of Cftctokee-To remove ©hrtruciiona ftotri I.tttlo In Chrr> lit. county. Ry Mr. Hlue of Morion To prohibit the rale of tnlcxlcdtlnit llotior* In Marlon county, rx tpl in a rllapenrary By Mr Mitchell of Thonuu-Tt> eatan llan 4 ay stem of public>)vLa In me tos t, of Bouton. By Mott P.itk on.. Ho. well of Orecne—To rerpitre own. r. of lanrls In Greene county traversed by aster rouiae. to clean out the some an.l keep *uch >t>- • tractions rsmovi I By Mr W. I. ii r.f nilmst —To imen l th- Charier of Kllljay by rc.iiitrtng niial ItemiSel reiarrts of receipts atvl e*- petailtures to t- publlahcl. My Mr Not.itivrr of If.illy—To Incor j* the town f K.stler. By Mr Btithbs of I>lurrns—To atmllsh the County Court r.f Laurens onrl to es tal.lbh the City Court of lmblln. By Mr. tilk'w of Worth—To Incorporate th- town of Cluktlelri. By Mr. Mltchill of Kmanuel—To amend the charter of Htillmorf By Mr Symm. of Glynn—To amen.l the set rrtt.ilatliuf public Instruction In Ulynn county. ( hnrlrr of fUron. Mr B'ecd of Taylor, chairman of Ihe Com ml moo on corporations, submitted * rr|nrl favorable lo the bill In amend th* of Macon. authorlgmg the inoor ponttlon of tho suburb* th*r*of. Mr ninlork, rhilrm.m of th* Appropri ation* Commit!**. reported In favor of tho resolution to pay th* remainder of the year * inltry of John Mclntorli Krll. amounting to 1*47. to his widow Tho ootnmliOo reported adversely tho hill lo allow l>ser- of property by reason of robbery and hr. any to receive one half tho fin* Imposed in such <*•*• or half th* hlro of the convicts whtre no tlnu Is pobl. It also reported In favor of pnylntc John Vauichn SIAI for work don* In th* penl tsMlary nftrr he bud been [ardontd by tit* Uovernor. > r n Hill* 1 ntrodurrtl. Th* following new hills were inlro durert Bv Mr Push of Mlli*r*To rrrate a health rteportm*it of thr suite By Mr. llowHl Of Meriwether—To In corpora t• ih* Woodbury Shoo! District. By Mr. Harden of Chatham To ab.)lt*h the (trand Jury In Ih* City Court of Sa vannah By Mr Wells of Chatham—To define whut mail constitute a lawful fence In this mi t when th* s*n>* Is constructed Of wire. By Mr Feider of Bihb. by request—To amend th* law providing for the lakmg of ath bivlts without th* limit* of Ih* stale dm 10 amend section <2 of ihe cod* Rv Mr Johnson of Bartow—To reduce th- pay of non-re*:dent wltn*e#*s from to It p*r day and l cents mileage Bv .Mr Tumlln i>f Carroll-Tr require •hertffs to publish heal nolle** In Ihe newspaper having ih* latgest genual cir culation in Ihe county. By .Mr Freeman of Troup—To provide noii. e of nt i hnvni on uno • upled I ind l>y publication Uy Mr. Miller of Mu*i‘<*sr**-To pay the gientdou lu* 8. J Truitt. By Mr. Davis of Murrlwethef—To amend the act prole tuix game In this stale By Mr. Harkins of ilordon—To amend the charter of Cainoun By Mr Gary of Kichmond—To aulhorlie clile* of *.* end more lo la\ o n iHirks and driveway* for n distune* of five miles By Mr Parker of Talbott—To amend a*, lion SM. relating lo me operation of the new road law. By Mr. Hardwick of Washington—To provide for the employment of i lerk for county school commissioners in counties o' 25.ois< By .Mr Frankltr of Washington—To amend the charter of Ter.nill* By M-s.*r Hardwick an I Franklin of Washington—To d.l Tennllle to the list of ell lee where state depositories may b“ kvated By Mr Shipp of Colquitt—To amend section fCf!* of volume 2 of Ihe Cod*. By Mr Bell of Milton—To prescribe the •legibility of Jury commissioners as Jurors By Mr I'ark* of Trouis-Fiaclng the onus on corporations In can* of damage* ui**n ■ .idren under 12 years of age. By Mr H i kins of Gordon—To amend I 1m- -' si .Hesac.i By Mr Wright of Floyd—'To make the defendant :n criminal oases competent 10 testify. By Mr Houston of Fulton—To pay Ihe pension of A. A. Fowler lo his widow. Illlla Its the Srnatr. Th* following Senate hills were read th* first time and appropriately referred: By Mr Chappell—To amend th* law providing for the . ondemnalioti of land to maiadamig* public roods By Mr tiilla—To aoeisl the charter of Macao. The Small of the Back That Is where some people feel weak all the time. They are likely to be despondent and It Is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble as if they hadn't enough already The fact Is their kidneys are weak, either naturally or because of Sickness, exposure, worry or ether Inf.uences. *’l tin thankful U< ay writ#-* .!. I*. < arap b#ll. rif hyfamor*. 11l that Hood * Sarsapa rilla ha* rurrd m** For many jr*ar f ww troi|hl*d with ba <arhf At tiru** Iwp *o ha*l I had to l> hlpwd fmm ths or ohair. I am now w ll and itr<>ngautl fre fr-ru pam What this grai uiedtcius did fur hitu it has duu* for othrrv Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Begin treatment with Hood s today. Hy Mr. Hamrick—gu tting the f*<hool tax of Carrollton. Hy Mr'}t*ttY To amend station IV*’. of th*- Cod- Yty Mr. Hfrr'U To make 1t to forge or counterfeit any school ffwchers licence I’Y Mr Stone To Authnrts* instirai .• 'cmpinles . rganlx l in thie .*taie : ui crease or decrewr** it* m. k skupatioa i\ ( ®l' ts rI er At Ira thr llltnd Tlgrra %%’lfli m kiinr|i Dublin, fit Nov. 22 Col T J. Qtlner of this city published In the CourW-Dls* patch yesterday a vary eenaotlonal |*tt.r concrming the vlc*iwHon of the ibpjor | 4 rs of Lauren*. Cdi Orinar .lie upon :ha people of lAiirena county to me#-t at the (Vviit Hou*v in Dublin next Smur*!ay to di’*' , use mea*ireyi to rid n*mty < t bilnd tigers. He charge* that whisky Is now being ih#l*l *n three side* of the cltv, an *l lecantly it was roi*l in the itaea* mem of the Court House He charges that |t i.< being rdd in Dublin, mo Kh as i matter of fact Dublin !> -m, *. lively frre of blind tiger*. th*>ug|i ttte t the method* employed by tlies** wh<> ®re charged with h. illegal ale of wnfts kv. Col. Orlncr was vr> severe. Col frriner is one of th<> I* ti*l:ng m* m l*ers of the Dublin bar and last year was the chairman of the Central Prohibit ion Committee of lUaurens county. Up tt a few years ago he wa* either an anri-tao h l bit lon Ist or was silent on the queatUMt lie Ib now. however, one of ihe strongest proniiHtkmlsfs in the state It \n <lnMtis- m<Ntiurr will l># tak#n to rid loauronx oounty of rh* 11- * **K#l f whisky Col. Orlner’x *'#irl th* t*lk of th* town If Is probaNr that fifty rmiM reniwi in I>uMln In a f* w hotirn It i© *all thrti a certain <lrutcctiM will hv* to leev* th* city bv ui> h* <hi 1 not #*- ‘*ur© h hotifu aft*r Jxn 1 nexi Th* homu* n‘w orcupled by him in by ?i n<m-t*tlon. who hit* mitH u to an oth*r non-r*Ml*nt who \*itnx to rmv# tn Dubllfk *n<l rniH—l th* rent In orfl*r to itm th* hotittA- A lnrx* number of h>uee ar* built In Dublin *v*r y**ir, btK never *nou(rh to lupply tb# *s*mi*fnl. Mr P. L W**t, *ui>ertnt*n-I*nt of th* Kufflula. A!>t . iVxton Mill*, hli b©*n *m phyetl ,** miper*nt*nflent of th* Dublin ’otton Mill* and will movw to Dublin D*<- If) noxt Mr \Vei ha* h**n con - n#ot©4 txith th© ronnufactory of cotton for twnniy-two yean, ©Khouirh he is Just turn*<! .Vi y*nr of ax- Afr*r th* work of u|i*.-kinx Mr W. C My#n In I*p<Tt ntr*nt in Dublin for ih* Wriirhlxvllle n*l T*nnlll* road h#<l b**n almost rompl*t*d, h* xuddendly decided to <t©*lln* th* po*tT|.n. The road mad* *y-*ra! tn Mr My-rs. ‘.r Is ©Hid. In order to indue* him to nceeiM tID*, (toattlon. but Mr. Myers ank-l th* auditor to make atill another <-one***ton which h* refu**d to do Th* xenoy haN b*en t*nder*d to i K*nt-I©man In Ath*n§. htit hi# name l- wbhh*M by th* mtthorl tlea of th* Wad Pllr < urrrt Wltnout th* Knlf*. Itchlnc; nilnd. Itl**d!ii|{ or Protrudlnx PtlM. Your druirxiNt will refund your money if Paso Ointment f ill© to cur© you. $0 cents.— ad. DR ITII OF HIM|Op MIIORR. Wrll-kttawn Color**! I>l%ln* ©or mniti*d to llrlutit’K Otm**. Jacksonville, Fla Nov 22 TTlshop M M Moor* of the A M E Church and pr*f* ld*nt of tie* American Prcichers’ AM Bc i elety, died at his horn* h*r* th<s evening at 7 o'clock from Hrlghfs dl*cs* Itlshop Marcus Marccllua Moore mas born March 15. 1154 eldest of fourteen | children of Wllliom ami Tim i Moore, slaves of lb* late Col. Henry tie*, near Quincy, (iadsden county. Florida. He entered Ih* first private erhool establish ed in Florida for negroes by tleorg* W Morris of Massachusetts ll* ms page | n the Florid Legtsla | ture. student of the Ylow.trd and C.<kn>in Ine'ltute In *ksonvlUe, an I was apj*| she riff of Hra Iford county In I#?S. but was too young to qualify I*ater he was r llw iy m*il was licensed to preach In fl* h - | cam* presiding elder and In 1W nenenil financial s* r**tarv of the African M th*> dial Episcopal Church, which ofho he held until )je ns* -'t .f he Thirteenth Dies at the g-neral * nf -i • ei'.-. Co'tinibu* ft Miv .•*•' his ] r - diction in hiding the stale *f IsOtHsim* and Laiheiiu and Bt*rra I • one Africa. i 111 s \|ll l* • UN'I \l i:. Mul. Iflllllnrd of Pcnannils tins Tliken I p III* I iidurl Per. Sri cola, Fla Nov L\4.—Mayor 111'- liarl's crusade apalnsi vi.r was f gun ! earnest this evening Warrants hav been tssu<*l for the arrest of forty or fifty prominent sporting and club men and sev eral of them were urr* -ted to-night and will *• trle*| to*morrow >n the charge of g.<mh)tng It l rc|orted a’ the M iy* r will fine each one -onvtried and loqulr* • i*u they either |oy the fin* or leavi the city. .% \*%t Saelety nt V.mory. Emory Codege, xfor<!, .i , Nov 2.1 Last evening club was form**) by err ■ tain members of the senior class, which will be known ** ti t “Naughty Ones ” This club is composed of fourteen repre sentative men of < ■ i*• las- md l *x pected to I** a -**nr<e <•! gj .j .*. .uurr ou h and sit f It metnb-rs The *r gan;zation is u its nnrure purel- so* la> The formal opetUiiß of th* “Xaugnty Ones" sill occur Fihlm> evening, ©hen they will entertiiln t a reception In hon or of th* I’tlMdlia Club, to tn- given at th* home of Preside!* Plowman Among the gu*sts will b* several >oung ladies from neighboring • ities TO fl HI. t 4 IK,ll IN 4>M; DAY. Take |lrimo Quinine Tablets. Ali druggist* refun i the money If it falls to cure. E W Grove'a signature is on i each box. ttc.—ad. THF MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1900. VIRGINIA SECOND CROP SEED POTATOES. Beans, Teas, Tomatoes, E(ifl Plant, And everything in Warranted Seed, suitable for market gardeners’ needs. Write for special priceu. J T. SHUPTRINE, Seedsman, Congress and Jefferson Streets, Savannah, Ga. CHI ll II i O'VbVTION LMb. Inferealing ‘•mice* nn the I’inn I list 111 tllgllßlN. Augusta Nov 23 -T.'*e state convention Of th* < hri*tian Church**# of Georgia r!o **l to-night with an eloquent sermon by Ir I W.ttkin of Si atoiah who ti.ii! Enthusiasm'' for his th#imc. It was i close i* Is pronoun* * i by th* and *•;•<♦'* the tw,*t *r*n vent ton t rat h* been nwld hv thl* church In Georgia. There w*re about 120 deleq.ite* in at * ni ante Th*- eio*.Uona to-day resulted as foi.otvs. In thn Women s fk- i* ?y *f Georgia .Mb* .‘*ki*s I'rwldvnt, Mis Albert How i| Hr. AtlaiH*. rs> ordli>a 4*e.rotary, Mlkh Bunnlr- Love, corresponding *a* reUry. Mrs U O .Mllb-r, Augusts, tnasuter. MUs Mattis Mit. hell, A -#**rth, odltrcs*. Mrs F J Hprsfiing. Atlanta. in tha *itr rnisnonary coovsMlon rresulent, Hev 1 L Hhslnutt, Atl*eu. p# mar y, H©v. It L Cave, Rome. trs*us urer, J F !’owning, Atlsn a. Executive Otcnmlttee H M l'a tier son It M Mitch ell. R. L Cavs, M F. llarmon. A. G Rhode*. C. P. Wiliinmaon Tha plac of the next masting will t>c in tire naw church now nearinff c*mpie t.on in Meet Mt 1, Atlanta Th*- f*at*irta of to-*l.iv s programme apart from th* 4ecilona were lire .-onven tlon sermon t 12 o'* l**-k by Rev C 1’ \Viiiiarn.->‘n. i*f Atlanta, on The Twen tieth Century Church.** an a*ldres at t o'clock by l’r A U Thomas of Atlanui Why W* Kh ild do Mss in Work in Georgia, a missionary story by Mls Bssie Farrar from India a recaption to the lady delegates t rfe home of Mrs Dr Thm#i- I* i>|etnan t 4 o’clock, and rh* closing addra** by Dr. Watkins to night Th* delegates are enthusiastic In praise <f their entertainment In Augusta, and adopted complimentary resolutions of thanks TIKI* IT M ' STKIKE. Ke> West Mtrmea and Conductors lists Molt Work. Key Warn. Fla . Nov. 3 -The rntlre ntreef runway system of Key W est 1* eomplstely and indehniteiy tied p by th* strike All of the ears have been run to th* ohed. nd kKko.l up. The ("tßxr work.Ts httve. In mßßttnit. offl.lßlly w.T .rmn ronfltipttfl, an 4 will isive th.m flnnnolnl l<l Th<* company threat >n> to from the city. It I* 1- hyei. an.l all nafotlaliona thus .far to t*rinK about a settlement have been fu 111s. _ TUB UKOMI.IA KLKtTOH*. Oar, I aiitllrr la.uca Order for Ik. in ui*M-ril<- Ticket. A i lan to. Nov. a.-Oi*v. issued an order this mortUn* .Iccl irlny Ihe elec lion of the Kerno ratio ole. tors of Geor gia to the elecloeal The electors sa 111 meet In Atlanta at an early date and ronsolldate the return# of he election for President of the UnllOd Rttla*. A 1 nrollnn Murder I'aae. Columbia. 8. C . Nov 23 The trial of joruis Swlr.k for th* murdr of Mrs Wli h*‘iriina Pearson will probably begin in Spartanburg next week U is a *as*- It* whi* h there is gr* t interest Bwtnk is aUg*r*l o have ur* \ Mr* Pear—n s dsuth by whipping her because he brought n n*te from a young nun to his houss. Head Tills. Please! Kindly let m* know your hot prl'c on Bryan* Fever Curs by the dozen l have u M and it n my family and find that u cures fever before you can get a doctor. J \V. < Irifhn. Cat Creek Ga One bottle of Bryan’s Fever Cure cures fever to •• su <le day.—ad. DEATHS. 11 Jones, in hts forty-third year. Fun t-r il notics later. aPIA I 11. NOTH ns. Mlllh FOM HI |*||. Ins lH ST 4Tb MMTUtII 'I, 'IILLUHiF.VIbLi:, la %. Se!ilel proposal's will be re.'etveii at the ofh'' of the Frudontiul committee. G* or git At ate S.triitarium. until the 19th day *f December. U a tn . t ext, to furm- t this in si l tut lon with th*- 'lowing classes of siitX lies for lltree in- nth- Dry gi>o*ls, notions, domestics, hosiery, shoes, hats, groceries, meat, hour, lard, syrup, hay. oats. bran. corn, brooms. *rock**r\ glassware, hardware, piping, l; imhing supplies, w:! ky. spirits turpan tine, drugs * hait> Humpies sent in with lid.**, if deemed needed irwl r< i.<-ualne in price, will b purchased For particulars and specifications, or any further infrni.*tion. .i*lres?* DR. T O. PuWRLL. Bupt . Nov 22. 14 MiltS'ige vlile, Ga nn*' \\ \\ti:i>. t ;ty of ftavannah. ofllcc i)!r tor of Publlv- \% ork stavannaa. G. N>\ ;fx&~Bids will be re *lv..| at this ofUce until Friday, Nov S> I9ut), at 12 o'clock noon, city turn, for furnishing feed as fol lows N 1 Timothv hay. |* rKu faounds. l*cst quality f* *l bran. p**r 100 pounds. best quality corn. i<*r bushex. best quality tnix*'<i osts To t*e weighed at th*- City !>r Knwloj s to lw marked "Bids for Fee i " The cltv res* rves the r.;ht to re ject any or u.i bid.-. Bj i.- i ■ i •*.- *>p‘n *1 in the presence of bidders GIX M GADSDEN. Director. PHOPO* %t.w W DTEI). Clt> of Savannah. Offl* e I>lrector of Publlr Work*. Savat nh. f*.i . Nov 24. 19m* Scale*l proposal- wil h received at thl- office until Frld ' Nov 2* nt 12 o\ .o k noon, city time, to f n l*h in* city of Savannah with ruj !• * until l** 3. 19* Ali p.i-> tni.-t '* mil- on i ofTb lal forim whl* ■ n *c se<ured at till.- 'fTi>c on .*i l tf*er lat* Envelope;* to be marked Proposal for Supplle> The city reserves the right to reject any or all I*l*l** Bid?* to I- op* n and In the presence of bldd*r rs. GKO. M GADSDEN. Dir* tor. noth Neither the n ister tae agents of the British steamship W.nio* will be re sponsible for any u**L*ts on traded by the rew WILDER A- CO., Nov 24. lfr.o Agents. "|| IM\Mx*i.H im, for ev* ry other occasion you can al ways get the v* ry best of everything nt rav stnll* in the URy Market. To-day. Prime- Beef, Mut'.on and Veal, Limb. Pork. Mat bless Corned Beef, i B*ullr>. Wild Turkeys, Birds. Celery, etc. Both Phones JulhN FUMk. APFAINI. NOTH HS. FINE WINES AMI IsIQI OH a FOR THF. IIOLintY TR4DK. Wa* carry the finest lino of liq uors. wines. et< .. for th© holiday trade that can b- had. Old stand ard brands, such as Henne*uy 3 S r Brandy. Martel 3 Star Brsndy. Old Export Whisky, pure straight goods. Hal Walters’ Whtaky. 10 years old Jtoblnaon Coiin: y Whisky, full quarts, Tbc. AmoroMUdo Sherry Win#. Duff (2ordtn Sherry Wins. Fine Old Port Wine. Bw*et Catswt*w Wine. Firie Cooking marines. Claret, Old Tom Gin. —at— JOHN T. EVANS A CM.’6. Congress and Barnard streets. ! Foass 2A6 |kO TICK. The undersigned invites sealed bids (r* farvlnjc th© right to reject any and al; bids) for the whole or any part of an Issue of first mortgage six per cent, cou pt*n bonds. In denominations nt each. Interest payable annually, at th© £avan~ nah Yacht Club. datM Jan 1, imi. du* Jan 1, ltld, with the opilon of retiring said bonds five year* from date, secured by Dm mortgage on all the real estate of the club The f**rm of said mortgage an 1 bond Is deposited with Hull Sr Lafhrop for the Inspection of bidder*. So bids re. ■ • Ived after noon I>er. 14 W W. STARR. Commodore SHvannah Yacht Club. NOTICE. The section prr©4d*nis and directors of the Needle Work Guild are requested t*> send tn th*lr garni* nts on Monday, Nov. >?. between 9 and 12 o’clock, to Mrs I*\id Well?. 222 Et>t Charlton street. It Is also requasied that the church so'let lea wishing to share in th* distribu tion w ill send in their names at the ** tlm* and place. A the Guild tr strictly non-seetarlati* the by-laws require that th* names .>f chut he* shall nor he used in the dis tribution of garments Dy order of THE PRESIDENT. SALE OF STAIaIsH. City Marshal's Office. Savannah. Ga.. Nov 24 lgno The stabs In the market building will be off. r*d for rent at public outcry on Wed nesday. the Fifth dnv of December, at id o’clock a m Parties desiring lo retain their stalls •nd renting by the year will have the pref erence, hut must he or har.d and respond promptly Py order Commit!*** on Marker. JOHN POWER, City Marshal. YOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the British Steamship Tanagr*. T C. Marst. r*. master. wi;| he r©apon*lh!e for any debts contracted by crew of said ves- J F. MINI.Y& CO.. Consignees. AOTII E. All bill* agrtlrMit th* British steamship I.*v khart, master, must be pre sented nt our office by or before 12 m this du>'. Nov. 24. or jHiymw,i thtieof will b* debarred. J. F. MINIS a CO.. Consignees. THE WAY TO 4 LEAN 4 4KPETS. Th© only way 40 get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken rare of for the summer. t go turn th* Jot* over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos. telephone 2. or call at 22 Montgomery stre©4. und 4hey will make you art esti mate on the oat of the work Pikes n ssonublc They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos. C II MED LOCK. 8 apt. and Mgr NOTICE* City ol rt4ivann.ih. Office Clerk of Council, Nov 14. UM). All de.-irlng to retail liquor dur ing the year IP'l will fl;* their uppli a tlon* with tne Clerk of Council . one* <> that same can be referred to Council ami action taken upon said application before the expiration of limit provide 1 for by ordinance. WM T BAILEY. Clerk of Council. AMI AM) 4V PH EH* LI MHEII KIIH BALE. 150 (V 0 feer of ash suitable for wheel wrights carriage makers, car w irks an 1 |nt*tk>r house finish Aim* cypres* luml* r of all *!**► We hav© resumed rutting our famous brand© of cypres* •hlngl** and will soon hav* a full line of them for sal*. YALE ROY Al* MFC. CO >IV LI AT. WIM Duck*. wj\ Turkey*. Verlron. Quail. Doves. Lamb. Beef. Fork. Yeae t ibles of all kinds Fruits. M 8 GARDNER. Phone 575 Whitaker street, near Jone* FA >4 1 % All HB-PI'BMKD 11 RICK. W* manufacture md sell all kinds f fui.< y un ) r< prvMSi and brick, imvlrn; an 1 building bib'ks. Our common brick ,ie th** best for building purpose*, being larger thsn other kilns make, and cheap er. Bee -ample* ami prices. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO I’ongr*** and Drayton street*. 25( MEAL*. I am serving th* best 25 meat yo i ever sir Kv rylody eb© asks 50c f<vr t Everything to ord©r. SAN UKANCISCD RESTAURANT. 114 Drayton sti©.i. P B.—Meal tickets her© ©nab.e you to live < heap*r with me than you can live at home. THE HEAT BEET. If you want th* finest roasts, or steaks, or Urnli. phone 11 <L Scott Sir Davis, Malls 7 and f. market They will supply you lies! pork rousts. I’ouitry. Brains. Tripe* I i CORBIN DOOR CHECKS AND SPRINGS The most effective check on the market. Every one guaranteed. For sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH, ' - - • j - GEORGIA K<)DAKS and GRAPHOPHONCS PHOTO. SUPPLIES and RECORDS EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SEOO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY'S^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congreaa. Branch J(W Bull St. Phones 29J. Phones .182. *PUUL NOTICBB. WHAToirLIiA VF. FHt TO-DAV. Kttr.ii FHIIT*. Kir* Swsst KlorVts Otonses IV nr.d V< do®. Kxtra Isrg* B*‘**t Florl la nrsna*. *"-' f **-* Kanoy (Jrsp* Knilt only 4c each. Indian Rlvsr Kir.*api>l*s I.V sach Fancy MaiS 34i' pound. N* Null, Kxoains and Kl# cheap Osi our j.rlc on Priori Fruits t>*li>ra you Iwy Kxlrs Fin* Wnlia Cslcry 4e per stalk Gxtra Quality Hsreet riUatoe., 24c f#eck PH KHI I T*. New Dried Haisin*. Currant, and Cliron New Dried Fix. 10c. 14> and Me pound Just In New Dried Prune# V p*'r pound New Pried peach. lsc per pound. turn *>NF.n wmm. New Lott. S teed Peache. IV 3 can. 2V New tioll. While Cherries 16c; 2 cans 3. New H..>w>rn Btfted Pea... New Mountain Hose Baby Corn 16c, 2 for X cents N* w Arp.rnxue Tips IV cn Cross *■ Blackwsirt Jelly Tahiela lftc each Will make ono pirn pure Jelly, all fla vor. Port. Sherry. Madeira, Champaxne, Lime and Vanilla Jordan Bhalled Almonds. New I’lne ippl* and Kdam Cheess. FISH. Kxtnt Bloater Mackerel 3V Fine No. I Mackerel MV each FJxtra Codfish It. package; X parka**. JV>, C. A DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY. O 8 Van Horne, Manager. NOW IS THF. TIME TO l‘*R nF.TRB.nT. ri.riD. It will make roar old clothlna look like new. Sold In lame bottles nt 2Re. SOLOMOAS CO. Hall Street Store Open All Mtsltt. FROZEN RICE BIRDS SCHWARZ’S CAKE. Greatest dainty of the season. Oyster, served In every style—prepared by the most noted cooks tn the South. Congress and Whitaker streets. Open Pay and Night. 11l V IIM.V HIE BEST GINGER ALE. The best Is ths Wheeler Rrsr.d of Bel fast Ginger Al made by Wbeeler A Cos., of KelfsM. Ireland, from tne celebrated C’roma. ftpring, of that ctly. The** spring, are the property of Wheeler * Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has those waters but them selves The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Hoot nnd not from Red Pepper, as others are, onl ,s detet.-rlou.- tne other Is tonic For Hr tit hfulness and Pursy tne cel*, brntrd Wheeler brand of Belfast Glnggf Ale Is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Rile Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga ,lll>S AA ANTED. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov. 13. ISO -Bids will be received at this office until Saturday, Dec, 1, at noon, for the following ammunition, stored al the powd. r magaxlr.r of the city of Sa vannah or the Ogerrhee road: 13 cases Hotchkiss percussion shells (10 liVpound shells to the esse) l*a esses IJ-pound rannlser shot. The right I* reserved to reject any or all bids By order of the Mayor. w r bailey. Cleric of Council. special notice. IV.< are row giving attention to hnu-e painting, kalscmtnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of on.y first ijis n.-rkmcn utul a competent super- Inl.-dnent a can d.> your work promptly and satisfactorily Get our estimate on anything In house decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. BONDS EXECUTED. By the American Bonding and Trut Compony of Baltimore. We are autho-- t<l to ex- .ut. locally (immediately up n application), nil br,t ,ts tn Judicial pr .. renting. In either the state or L’nimi States Courts, and of a Iramlstratorw and guardians PE.ABING * HULL. Agents. Telephone 32*. Provident Building IIEt KM IN vs t til., H2’llt B'hltaker street F:\erythlng up to .late. Game. Fixh an<Y Ojurri our Imported Wuerxbtrrger (for Brau on drsughl. Phone 710 AT JOYCE-* A bountiful Mipihy of turkeys (or Thanksgiving, dressed and undressed Ad the trimmings, as Cranberries, etc. Phones 107. JAB. J JOTOE. P 0 —Remember I have the best meat. If you havo tried tne you know. Fancy grweartaa. AMI SEMBNTB. The Only Big City Show Comio* to SaTaooih This Year. A Georgia Institution—The Great Wm. Sells & Jas. H. Gray's UNITED SHOWS will exhibit at the following places JACKSONVILLE FLA Monday No y VALDOSTA. GA Tuesday, Nov. 77 JJOBIT GA . AVr lueielay. Nov. 2s. S.AA ANN AH. THIKSIIAA. NBA. 3tt. Show grounds Bolton sret East Ilrou 1 streets. ( -ne D*v Gnly. Afternoon nn-l Evening CHARLESTON H C Nov. 3U IILMNEU NOTH 13*. For Breakfast. DELICiUUS lift MACKEREL At this ..Mun tit.* appetite calls loudly for these moralnx appetisers, NOH WAY at at K Kit Rl Extra fancy, whit# and fal; 1 to 3 l v w each. 5V lb. NORWAY Hit KRRF.U- Fancy. medium stxe; fat nn-l flskny, 16c sach. two for 26c. i*niOK. OK T*E SEA MAf'KKRRL— Eleaint for broiling. Five pound tine. E EtiTß.t SHORE MIIKI'.RF.I— A really good fish Five pound bucket, gv Besides these wr have, of course, all sea foods carried by a first-class tcroccry. The S. W. Branch Cos., Cor. Broughton ani Whitaker. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam’l Kirk 8c Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., East, Md. pm i iL No-rim*. GHEJEH’I SCOTCH WHISKY. This celebrate! fan;ou old vattwl lllghUral W’h.ttky i* imported dire I fr* m the dlatlllery by tie Thi* Greer Scotch Whisky U guar*nt**ei to t>© hottbd abroad and l* consigned to us from Glas gow. 8co? laiiid, and is in lond In the United Stares Custom House In this city Thl* grand old Gr*©r Scotch Whisky I* beautifully mallow anl mild to a degree and l ©oft to th© palate ss on* could possibly wt-*h, and there is a nuttlne-* about It that is especially pl*as:ng. W* ore giad to let the public ptir cha*e as small quantity a* they wish, even one bottle, for the ptir pos* of Introducing th© best brand of Scotch whisky extant. LIPPMAN HRO9 , Wholesale Druggists, Lippman’s Block. Sole Agents for th© Greer Distil leries. Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for thoir Scotch and IrDh Whi klcs. 4 ULMf. vi i\g—>i \ i nti sxi s _ he.\- Ol ITI.IU. Hair, moss lickin* nbsr. fssthsrs. Our stock of naw material iuj msnufac- ! tuteil produ.u sit up to aate. Our rt>. i r, ms kit. a itaa Jel,*ht#.j nuiny it-idcnls A.-k tour acqualnl* Manila! ,n; us L picked, steam t 1 Cieoi.s-I Bill in. It ais-l by m.-xiern ma- 1 c;.li r> M ,kt, kU,I , l,> mechanic*. We ’ c*rfT..t.e ~ur n,.r t.j maUies.s* and be]. • ■ ! W* el t: kina of a I k!i la in - air. cotton, fiber feithsrs. ! or any artl ie r.sclod n matir.-a# line NATIONAL MAT TRESS AND RENO. ' V ATI NO CO Hell Phone 11K til Drayton atrwet. land TITLK*. Abstracts of Ihe recorded land titles and Savannah nod Chatham county from tj Mt:lemnl of Georgia to date. Monty j loaned at low Interest on city real estate, j ■*UCik£TT & Hi.CKi.rf, j LSOPOLD ADLER. JNo it t , , President. c‘^° S C. 8. ELI.IB. BARRON r-.-, 4? Ntee President. A*t c. v, ' The Chatham Bank Will b© pleaM'l to r©c©lv* hw of Merchants Firms. Individual, t * and Corporation*. " nk, Liberal favors sxtsnded Fnsurpased rollrcUon facllttte, Ing prompt returns SEPARATt SAVINGS DEPARTMINT INTEREST COMPOUNDED o . LT ON DEPOSITS Safety Deposit Boxo. and Vauiu . rent. Correspondence snipped '* The Citizens Bank OK S.AA ANVAM. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts ■ Geurrat lin.i a _ Bualxeaa. Solicits Arronnt. „r lod|, idn „ Alerrhauls. Banks and other t „ rations. Collections bandied with economy and dispatch Interest, rompouuded qnrt.,|, allowed on deposits tn our Department. Safety Deposit Baxes and Niorat. Aanlts. HHANTLEY A. DENMARK. Pr..,4„, MILLS H. LANE. A lee Pre.lri. GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. C.. b ,„ SOUTHERN UK of the slute of Georgu. ! Capital Ku , m Surplur and undlvldod profits .. kg DEPOSITORY OK THE STaTiTo* GEORGIA Superior facllltlss for trnnsaetlrg treereral {tanking / ,<sm t oUnctl—l made on all oolm# through banks and 6ar.jta, Acoounts of Banks Rankers Me- Sagfe and others sollclced. Safe Deposit Bun for rent. Department of Savings. Interest ,*>*!>. quarterly. Sell* Sterling Exelwnge on Lon toe H and upward* JOHN FLANNERY, President Horace crane. Vice Pr- .d**t JAMES BTT.LIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNERY WM W GORTON E A WEIL IV W OORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN r.FF ROT MYERS JOSEPH FERBT H P SMART CHARLES EI.LIS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY SMIMHiKIi CAPITAL, SUMMMXHh Areounts of hanks merchants, rrryets tlons and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid attar- I ferly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* for rent Collections male on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all ths chief ettie* of ths world . 4 Correspondence Invited JOSEPH D WEED. President JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W. K MoCAL LEY, Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital Cndlvlded profits ThL bank offers Its services fo corpora tions. merchants and individual- Ha* aulhortty to a-1 as executor, ad ministrator guardian, eec. Issues drafts on tn* principal rules ;n Great Britain and Ireland and on -be Continent. In tercet paid or compounded q nr-er’y on deposits In the Saving* Departfiten' R.ifetv boxes for rent HENRY BLI’N Irssldcnt (JFkl W TIEDEMAN. Vic* rretllenL JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cs-hlr. No. 14*6. Chartered IM*. —THE— Mtdnils lid ■ OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. louu.vMU. SURPI.VB Lo6.®) c.nitf:i> states depository. J A. o CARBON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice PrestdtrL W M DAVANT. Cashier Accounts of bank* and banker*. tn*r chanU and corporations recched ui**n th* mo*t favocab’e terms cnnsUteri safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION is york Street, west. 5 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand interest credited quarterly 6' PER CENT, per annum allosed on deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO XV TIEDEMAN. President. B 11 LEVY. Vice President FL W BEI L. Secretary C O. ANDERSON. JR . Tre-ttr*r To Honor Piitt. For sale, a Korsalth Newspaper will fold sheet 27x12 It is In good price glory It coat originally I- 1 * ws hav* no uwe for It and want t e 11 occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to 7 new.papw office. AddrtM MORNING NEWS, Savannah. 6*- The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans 0n Reasonable Terms, IK YOU WANT GOOD and work, order your printed stationery and btnrk bxttu MonUtig News, Savanooh. <*a*