The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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d:atm i)i i: to milk. I>r. Ilmnnrr %||rove the l*ln of Municipal Hirrlhintlon l*lnnt. Tie Morning Nrw l In receitx of a c \r .<n lellor from Mr. Nathan Btraus, >; w York * well-known philanthropist. In ~-jii n he ftrongly advocate# municipal ownership of |4ants for the Pas teurisation O'- aterlUxatlon of milk lor the use. of infant*. Mr Htr.iu* relate# hi* own experience In •ne * .-‘.ut>.!*hment and opeiatlon of a t*r tllsation plant for the benefit of the |**>r children of the city and give* some *tat -11..g ehowtnic the great saving in Infant mortality effected thereby. Mayor Myer* and Health Officer Brun er \\*-rw ahown Mr. Btraua* letter yenter d, a! <1 a-k***l their opinion of the 1U •dvteaicd by him. Both apoki u>ro\ln;- | V 0 t Mr tkrauK’ work a* a philanthropist, t>u* ~ai*l they could not exprea# an opin ion n the subject of muiilcliail ownership of a sterlUiatlon jriant without further consideration. Th following extracts, taken from Mr - ular letter, will be of interest , , parent.' k rurally: Ti, .ueands of infants’ live** are need* j,, -i rllice.l annually by impure milk ey>t*sn of milk t***v or examination inw n• p* ration or capable of being gen e;4i apj !• i. eufhcieni to protect the p . jf.jj children against the nox luU. i present in a large portion of t 12 K delivered In Its natural state in c n . Hhakesneare. of Philadelphia, no #>u, i lit authority slate* that nearly, If | ue, one-half the death* In cities In ! > .ntry are du* to that class of ch , wtu h are known to be preventa ble * ’ among these preventable dls c., I- he diarrhoea! dUturb-iiicp# of vou: *• iren, aim the prime agent In ib p • iu< t n of these is impure milk T Mte of affairs was brought to my a i, ? After miking a thor qui uminwtkm of the subject and ink r >uriel with pysiclana at home a: i who were a<!oepu*d its authorl tie*. . 1. irope, Ib gwn to experiment as to what ould be don* to bring absolutely par milk. and milk fitted for infant con sumpt Hi, within th* reach of those who n It. particularly the poor. I found •! testimony absolutely unanimous at*. to the requirement of perfect sterlllia tton <l’ st< irrigationi for all milk intend ed for food in citlee. I accordingly **- tabllshe.l t eterillzlng laboratory, and be gan the dispensing of pure milk, both In Its natural and sterilised form, from one booth in one of the most thickly popu lat'd districts of this ritv. The system of sterilization adopted was of Dr. Howland <J Freeman of New York Thb system combines the preservation of th* nutritive qualities of the mlk and th complete destruction of all noxious germs ‘ This work was begun In IV*-. when 34.. 400 lx4ties w*re distributed, and each suc ceeding year enlarged and widened In scope, until the present year, up to flats. (>96.677 bottles have been dispensed and M 2. XI glaxs'-w of milk drank oti the prem ises Its results can be more eloquently told by the statistics of the hearth depart ment than by any words in my vocabu lary. The table gives the population, deaths and death rule of children under five years of age. and shows that the death rate per thousand w s gradually decreased from 96.5 In 1191 to 6-’.B In the year Just passed." "Brwtistle* of the deaths find death rate for th** three hottest months of the year. June. July and August, when the peril to child life Is greatest, and •'onsequent ly. the distribution of sterilised milk the 1 rge-1. demonstrate more convincingly t*> what the culpable sacrifice of It font life may be irrerted. The follow er table show** th* deaths and death of children under 8 years of age f the month of June. July and August: Popu- Peath- V ar. latton. Death#. Hate. >: 194.214 6.612 136.1 ! * 199.896 5 892 117 9 •} 215.723 5 788 112.6 ♦ . 212. MS *6.183 116.1 ;#7 220.641 6.401 91.3 • 229‘29 4.689 81 8 >p 223.587 4.562 78 1 Th** rate of moriallty Is hero wn to have nontinuougiy decrcfttd .* • * tht* establishment of the Pasteurised rillz**d) ml k I*oolll* from 186.1 In 1f93. *** 78.1 ill the present year The#o rold fl#?- s are fluent nnd |*owerftil evidence of beneficence of this work of iriacing I' ieurize<l <sterillxed) milk within th r rh of every poor family In Manhattan, ft 1 of Its efficacy In routing the force* f? isease and death. "Uonfftilng the eompirlson lo death* f- <n diarrhoeal disease- <iurlng the two r -I fatal months of the year. July and A c nt. we find the following state of af f r> For fhe three years IW>-1892 the to number of deaths from dlarrhoeal dis * during iho months of July and Au r si was 6.122, for the thr*** year* 1994 ■*; the total number luring the .ame ■' months whs 5.262. showing h saving (' s- . deaths in the presence of an In average |M>pulatlon frotn 1.700,- * *• 1.970.000; for 4he three yeara 1897-IKW 'otal number during the some two r ,*hs w*a* 4,060. showing .1 still further MVI g of 1,212 with a still greater poffli. a mere hint of what might he ae r mplisheri by municipal ownership *rd r 1 Ipal operation of plants for the I'as * .ration of the milk supply of o.tle*. -ults of the estghllshm* nt of ,1 plant the Infant Asylum at Hand ill- isl- N'ew York city, may be quoted: In •n.i* death rate amongst waifs picked • in the streets of New York and taken ' hospital wan 44 36. * rate so high be. ome a matter "f grave concern v in charge. 1 1 ked |>erml*sloai to 1 the asylum with all the U milk they reiiulre*l This of f‘ r was declined. and the .p death rate continued. Fin • v in 1898. I secured permission • m Fresklent John W. Keller of the •artment of Charities, to install In this • 1 m a complete plant for the Pasteur tioii of milk food*. The following nta • *1 e. furnished by the rep4rtment of irtties, nhow the resuit of tne first at rip: nt municipal proprietorship and op nioii of a mlik Pasieurl.atlon nlaiw *.C children treated. 1.214; death#, 511; I* r c.mage, 42 02. “ - ‘ltldrcn traateJ, LIU: Jith. 171: i rcintagc. 35.11. *’•‘7 chlklicn ircaletl. 1,111, Acalh*. 621; I ' civtagg. 11.36. 1 tcurlxlng |>l*nt wn. In.titllcG .n •' -wrly part of 18(kt, ati,l tht <lcath rate ’’ h'-llatc y,,pp*aj an follows: chicirrn treati<l. 1,2*1, rkraths. 21S; I ' •ling-, 13 10 ** Chtiiir-11 irctttcrl, 1,997; death*. 263; I' r • Max-. 21.52. "hat may we call this heedle**, need • -i rlflce of Infnnt life? In the fa op 1 *•• f • t*. I* ll too strong l ' call It ' -lor, i rmltted murder? Whtn tin 1 "* of a railroad wreck nnd aoronpanif* ■ -of life |p telegraphed arr* the •ibent. It la followed by a shudlcr of r, *r. ml If any life-saving prec.*Jtlona ■* I tern lacking there la raised t cry ,f '-i.Keance against the "soulless" ror i 'l* rs whose duty It la to provide every •• lord for life. Rut what of the th®' I *- ■ ' Infant* whoae llvea pay the aen of lack of precaution? No shudder r tor ;>a*-e over the land; no t ry for rm la ralaed, yet Just a* surely aa Proper pre. au:lon would have pe •<l that railroad cataatrophe. Juat to >y would the llvea of the thousands ef " helplesa Infants be saved dll our 1 !• tpal authorities adopt the preventive ’ ures here shown to be effective.’' • - mortality statistic* for Savannah, •mmon with those of other cities, ’ *w the death rate to be greater among 1 *reu among 5 years of litre than for other else* and greatest among In* ••'.l*. Tha mortality amcng the negro children of th* city U very large and I>r. Brunner has frequently called attention to this fact in his annua! report* and urg ed various sanitary measure* a* check to the appalling death rate It may be • hat this high Infant mortality. e*;ecially among the negroes, is In part dus to con taminated milk or milk from diseased iat tle and that a etertllaa’ton plant for up pl>*ing sterilised milk to the poor of the city and to all fathers who cared to pay for It would result In a considerable re duction of infant mortality. MILL DIBTHIBt TtO UAH MK NTS. * Needle Work l.nlld Will CSlve Them fiat on Wednelay. The garments to be distributed among th*- poor of the city through the effort* Of the member* of the Needle Work Qulld are to be delivered on Monday morning from 9 until 12 o’clock at the home of the president of the Bavannah branch. Mrs. David Wells, No. 222 Charlton street, east On Wednesday at 11 o’clock the annual meeting of the Qudd will be held at Ht. John’s Parish Hall, after which the dl* tributlon of the garment* among the va rious church socletle* making appitcatfcxi for them will be made Great good ha* been accomplished by th. Needle Work Guild during he six years of Its existence In Savannah One >ar there were upwards of l.dflfi garments distributed among the poor. It 1* thought there will not be so many this year, the number anticipated being about 1.800, which was that distributed last year. Borne th.rteen sections of the Guild exist in Bavannah. and each of thorn wtil send in the garments it ha* collected. They will all b* carefully assorted and equally divid ed among the charitable organizations of all the c hurdle# In the city for distribu tion among tha poor with whom the of ficers of the organization* come in con tact. This is a plan of reaching the dc m rvlng poor with the garment* that has proven very satisfactory The officers of the brunch are anxious that all who care for membership In tha Guild attend the meeting The only re quirement for membership of man. wo man or child is an annual contribution of two new garment* The la lies are greatly interested In their work. of which the poor of ail cre**dn and sect* are tho benwflCla ris* The Guild 1* itself strictly non-sec tarian. all denominations laing represent ed in the membership M6RTINK7. DENIES THE STORY. 11l- Stnt-m-nt to HI. C.pvrrM tlon \<lth Mr. Mohlbrrg. "In Justtc- to my.-lf on*l Magistral- C. D. Kline." Mr J. Martin-* *l<l yra t-rrtay, "I whth to make tho following natem-nt a* to th- cm— atAt-il by 11111- ywrd and Muhlb-rg: "When I dl.cov-r-d th# loea of th- ,-v --cral artlcl-* taken from me. 1 sought the aid of th- <l-t-ctlv-s. and in company with them visited the irawnshops and Sound several article- which I Identified aa my property, and which were delivered to m# At Muhi*>-rg' we found th- wlswrf. which I Identified The detect Ives told him to put them aelde until they were called for. About an hour after I saw th- de tective. and he told me to go to Muhl rg and lell him to give me the rrlnort, which 1 did at once, and he refu—d to give them to me unlew I pakl him 36c, which he claimed he advanced to the party who pawned the.m I refused to pay th- 35c, and told him If he did not give me the scissors I would have to take oth er tep to recover them "After I left the establishment 1 met the detectives on the next block and told them lhat Muhlberg had refused to give up the scissors unlees I paid him 35 cents Acting on advice I went to Judge Kline s office, and hnd him Issue .a iese*or> warrant for them I went with the con stable hack to Muhlberg's In onler to Identify the scissors for him As soon as the warrant was presented he delivered the scissors at once *‘l deny most emphatically the state ir.ent that the setasor* would have been delivered to me If I bad brought a dete-- t|ve. or that I had taker, any unnecessary (Heps to recover them There Is a suit now pending In the City Court against him a a result of the language need by Mr Muhlberg at the time, .ami the evidence given there will bring to light the facts as to what was said." .MAYY ISTWHESTED IS WWDK3. People Aaxlens to Hear Mr. Waller's Version of the Alleged Drowning. The dispatch in yealenlay'* Morning News relative to the return to his home, near Columbus, of W. O. Bowden, who was supnosed to have been drowned at Tybee last summer, created no end of talk among those familiar with the case. The Insurance people were particularly Inter ested, a* more than one of the companies In which Bowden held policies at the time of his reported death have agents In Sa vannah ami in several rases those agents had been looking Into Ihe affair by direc tion of their home ofllcea. It was generally admitted that while the companies had not at the time made the par mints rail**! for by Bowden s poli cies they would have had to do so In the long run. as despite the disbelief In the mans death that was so widely prevalent In Savannah, there could be found not a single fact upon which the company* could have liased a refusal to pay the amounts of the claims. Bowden's statement as printed was rather Interesting In Itself, but what the majority of those that discussed It wsnt to see Is the report of a heart to heart talk with the brother-in-law Waller, who was with Bowden on his trip to Tybee, and who afterward told so minute and Circumstantial an account of Bowdens Inflexible determination to enter the surf, pis own attempts to dissuade hin from so foolhardy a resolve, and Anal reluctant consent to sit on his clothes; Bowden s entry In the surf and tragi, disappear .not and bis own frantic efforts to find the body on the beach. UlflH-'.IIKAVUII t'AMvf* TKIKII. James Cook he"* *° ■" ,or Twrnty-twrt Months. Judge Norwood dealt out Justice, undi luted and unadorned, to a baker s dosen of negro offenders, charged with misde meanors. in the City Court yesterday Several of them were acquitted and of those convicted the majority escaped with short terms on the gang. One of the exceptions was James cook, who was sonten. v*l to serve rhalngnng terms aggregating twenty-two month* It appeared that Cook had been decidedly Indiscriminate In selecting for hi* per sonal use articles of wearing apparel be longing toother people, a bat and an over coat both being of good make and In good shape, being part of the outfit with w hich he had provided himself He was tried on two charge* and found guilty on both In each cos* Judge Norwood Im posed a sentence of eleven month* on ths Bradley Thomas, who when arrested for another "offense, was found to be carry ing a concealed weapon, was sent to the gang for three months This I* sn of fense which Judge Norwood ha* always strongly condemned and never hesitate* to punish severely. He b accustomed to aay to those whom he sentences to terms of Imprisonment In Jail or on the chon gang for this offense, that the habit of carrying cornea led weapons Is responsi ble for the greater part of the crimes of i violence that arc committed in the county. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24.1900. PERIODS OF PUN. How Three Women Found Relief. . 'jty While no woman is entirely free from periortical sufTorinff, it iloea not n-em to hnre been the plan of nature that woman should ffer so severely. I.jiliu E. I*lnkham's Coiupouml is the most thorough female regu lator known to mealu-al neienee. It relioees the eouditiou which produces so much discomfort and roixt menatruation of it— trrenrs. The three letters here published should encourage every woman who suffers : Au*. . 1898. “ Dcar Mas. Pi.vkiiam: I have suffered sine.! the a*re of sixteen with painful menstruation. I have been treated for months, and was told that the womb had fallen a little. The doctor savs that is now in place npain. but I stlrt have the saute pain. Please tell me what to do.”— Mas. Emma Ki'khi.. 112 Trautman St., Brooklyn, E U., N Y. Jan. 19. 1599. “ ThtAR Mbs. PntKHAM : Afu-r re ceiving vour reply to my letter of Autr 6 i followed your kind advice, and am triad to tell you that 1 have been cured of the severe pain at time of menstruation through the use of Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Com pound. I have taken six bottles of It, felt better after the first bottle, and after a while had no more pain or womb trouble. “ I hod doctored from the of six teen to twenty-six, and hail lost all hope, hut your medioine has made me well. “ 1 would like to have you use my testimonial, so that others may see, and be inspired with hope, ami take your medicitie."— Mbs. Emma Ki’Riii., 112 Trautman St.,Brooklyn,K. D.,N. Y. Feb. 20, 1900. “I saw your medicine so highly recommended I thought 1 would write to you for advice. “ My menstruation oeeurs every two we'ks. lasts a week, and is painful. I hare been troubled in this way for aomc time. I suffer from siek head ache and backache all the time, appe- If there is anythin# about your case about which yon would lllte special advice, write freely to Sirs. Finkhitm. No man will ace your letter. She can surely help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience in treat ing female illft as ahe lias had. She haa helped hundred* of thousands of women back to health. Her addre&a is Lynn. Mass., and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. • MA REWARD. -We b*ede| -Ited with the Nuttona! City lisnk of Lynn. .', r I which will be paid P, any |>er*en whuest, find thst the .hero te,ttrnoDtal letters ■ arc not gt-nolao, or were published before obtaining the writer's special t>ef f mission. LYDIA It. JMNKHAM MEDICINE COT nil*: m tiii:k tiikih imwt. Members of file V. M. I*. %. lilvrn fli* Second of Ihr kM*lnla. Tho Duther League of the Church of the A.- on ••lon gave to the Young Men’s Christian Association last night n> enjoy aMe aodable. Th** member* of the |Mfuf. particularly the lady m. m:•? . had ipcnt the* greater part of the morn ing In preparing the gymnasium hill for the occasion, and the result waa well worth their efforts. Tables were arrang ed on two sld*s of the hull and b* uti fully decorate I with flowers of different kinds and email palm-, ban 1.-one Ku queta also adorned the piano. while h** platform lor the u-e of the j<* : form- r • w.ia edged magnificent giowing chrysan themums and ptlms. To the rear *<f tha platform and above It wa- draped *ha colors ol the Huther Hose the emblem of the league. Each of the memle i- aDo wore the colors. either .t featis'ii- .f •null ribbon or In an embtemnll* badg*. After a short address t>> Mr. Fred W • * pels Jr . the president ->f the hagm the fo. lowing excellent progrumm* was given*. Reveille d* Amour." as a piano duet, by Misses Mattie Wlegand and Adah-n.i Entelmen. Song. "A Dream.” bv Itarth it sung by Mr John Hanks "A Warm Reception.” played by th** Apollo Mandolin Club, com posed of Misses Edith T* * lah . ll* h n Thompson. Minnie Decker. Minna Suiter and Mr. Otto Kolb. Piano solo. “The Al pine Storm.** Kunkel, played by Mr Charles Donnelly. Recitation. "Kugcna Aram.” by Mr A B. Green. ‘•Forsaken.” for two violins and piano, arranged by Mr John Wlegand. and played by Messrs. C E. Connerat. Jr., and Fred Wlegand, and Miss Mattie Wiogand. A seh tion from "II Trovatore," played by the "TrouNslour?." Messrs. Beckett. Carrlck, Btaib and Selden, who were drtssed In the ■ o-turn* > of th* Hpunish rttudrnts. knickerbockers, velvet coats and plumed hats. Alm<*st every number wis encored, and the performers. In th** tnajorlt) or cases, responded with r*-<-all pie* *-** At the conduslofi of the programme re freshment* were served* LEFT % i;tt% NH tl.h K*T ITT., I.lfflc .Vnlinn Had %r*|ilreil Most of in terns e lhea* *a*lnas. Temporary letters of admlnD’r.iilon on the estate of the late Jeremiah J. Sh a were granted to Dennis Hh*a by Judr© Ferrill, in the Court of Ordinary, yester day. The administrator Is t * father of the detective who was shot and kill and last Monday night. It appears from the |etitlon that Dete - live Rhea left an e.t t** of vm mill value, the personal property con |.-tln.; of rot more than flso. I: l fcimwn that • year ago he had more thin $1 JW In • ne of the savings banks of the city none, and It is |*> stble that h- h *1 ive-l in from his salary and other earning* more than this sum. Vn deep study of the situation Is ne d nl to discover whither his saving went For a const leraMe tlm** the unfortunate officer had been spending large part f what he mide and what he had upon bit* ale Johnson, the woman his attachment for whom finally caused hie death. He Is known to have bseo vary generous with her. Stite poor, sick at Ktomaeh every n.oruinK, every thing 1 eat hurts me,am very weak, thin, and aallow. “ 1 have tried a doctor, but he did not aeciu to do me any ifood-” — Miss MawolE iMII.I.ABD, ® l# . S °- 11 ' St - Uictnuond, v a. April 23, BKK). “ Since receivinjf your answer to my letter 1 have been taking your VegrUble Compound, and it has done me more (p*>d than nuy medicine I have overtaken. My menses are all riftht now, and appear once a mouth, and l feel ho much atronirer. 1 shall alwaya praise your medicine."— Miss Mahout I‘oilabo, 31m So. 4th ht., Uiehmond. Va. “ I was troubled with female weak ness.irrefrular tod - t -ff—, painful m.-nstrua- 4 all on, and leu- 1 7 JfC* ' X eorrhoea. The F^3-Y<_. doctor's medicine ¥ 1 did me no kocsL I have taken one IxitUr ami a half Jl \*y of your VcKetahle 0 1 Com pound, and tha uk s to your In.'. JftyT mi> f , mcdlciuc.niv pains areifonu. lad vine all women buffering as 1 have to use your Vegetable Compound."—Kuna J. IhiiRHLK, Indianola. 111. riHToi, %%n jik%hh the wßH’oti. I lint riaiired In l'iulil Retwfrs W. C. (irnvi* ami %. J. Peters. Quite <i sensation was created on Bull street and Oglethorpe a venue yesterday afternoon by the threat of W. C. Gmvca to *dioof A. J. Peters upon whom In* drew his pistol, and the subsequent flghi be tween them. The difficulty took place In the store of Ha dam Ac Cos. where Peters D employed. Groves Is the proprietor of the Mir of the Planter’s Hotel. When seen at the bar re ks, whire h had been ret. but from which he was released on bond, he said that the whole trouble had been brought about by a disagreement between his wife and Mrs. Piters. Thi* men were thus drawn Into the dlffi ’Ulty and at the tlm** thi quorrtl liuwt*ei tlem started. Grov<*s had gone to Peters’ place of bus |n< ss to ask him about an alleged Insult ing mjm •■ h that he had made to Mrs. Groves the night b fore. According to the story told by Groves when he made known to Peters the object of his v*ot, peer* cam** from behind th*; counter where h<* was standing, and walked with him t* the Bull afreet *kor. In a short tlm*- the discussion got **o warm that Grot**** called Peters a * ■*-—■ liar, which Peters promptly resented by a blow in Groves' face. He then went In the store, followed by Grove*. Who says that thinking him nrmed, he drew his pistol, but threw' it out on the side walk when ha was assured that bis oppo nent was unarmed, and went for him with hD As;-. He nays that In the fight that followed they were both near the counter, where thcr* w lying a pair of heavy rutting shears, and ihwt with there peter* attempted to stab him. but that toe threw him down before he was aide to do so. At this time several on-lookers inter fered. and, separating the men. Induced (Irovw to leave the place. Meantime Mr. Pritchard, a clerk in the store, had tele phoned to the barrack* for i policeman and Patrolman Frank J. Smith arrived and arrested Groves a short distance from the scene of the encounter peters tells a story that differs In many particulars from that of Groves. lie nd mti* that he struck Groves first, but say* that it was only after Gtoves hud applied to him tin ©pith* t no man could fill to resent. Also he admits the fight that follow**.i In th* 1 store, but denies that In th** struggle h* attempted to cut Groves with th* shears or even to get hold of them. Th* f.* t of th* matter a*, he said, that after he and Groves had struggled for nwhile he was thrown, and while lying on the floor Groves threw the shears at him. narrowly missing him. #i.l also threw' a heavy doth weight at him, but this fortunately also missed Its aim Peters says that even after Groves had hem arrested, while he waa In charge of tb*- polleem* n he made a second assault on him and struck him on the head. (i roves will appear before Recorder Hartridg** this morning to answer the charge of disorderly conduct. pointing a pistol at the witness with a threat to kill him. assaulting him. and also with car rying concealed weapons. —A Type—Mr. Jones—lm afraid Mrs. Brown sacrifices her comfort to her ap pearance. Mis. Jones—Yes; and sacrifices It In valo.—Puck. ’ —- CLASSIHEI) AilVtHf IStMENTS. •'i:nzoAAL. ia s' ut- i ting trr- anti gtr * aiterfi>t. no ntintlr * t hopi'ing, or novJse pra‘iftetnc—* j but out b> ih< UniTKIA hair expert him *elf, bring thin al\ on the 24th. between 3 anl 4 p nv. 28 K.*t Broughton, hair. Jeeelry anl wlaivtng miih U hou*e Th* place for everything pertaining to hair, xwitehe* tai a* p rnTVttW iir*. wig*- mm tartie*. whlxkeo. f r .tally, zlag* nn quermb aiul !•• . live u*e; mail otvlerz prompti> nn.i art fully f'k'd APVI ItTISI MKNTH SET IX >AP ITAIsS WILL UK PRINTED IN CIAi4 SIFIEI • W*VEKT!HRMENI KO|t TUn FI NTH A WORD. N< AD TAKEN FOH I.ESS THAN .V TII \NKS JIVING DAY WILL BOON i" lit w Mi ■ KI lor for a zollgl u *.*t • ~ I* It < . * md ti milk ng in in blow. *l*llmmil*. buffet*, china cl*v.t\ chalrg to pl ac anylKxl> 3u7 Drought on. V ift. YOU will like the milk from Hpringflcl.l Dairy. It'* rich an.l pure; try It. DON'T lOHGKT THAT Ml 1.1. EH *elle doll* ,inl toy* Dome aril t*e* our holklay a** >rtment. 207 Hrougbton. w**t IIY \"fNTII AND NARCIBBUB UELBS palm* rubber plant* cut fl<era are! floral dvHig* from tMlachlg'a Nur*ery. op|x*tte Cat hollo tVmetory. J (lurdnur. agi nt. 12 HrMighton etn-ei east. I-’ -Vi FOR ART Syl’AllKS WHILE th*\ last Kllg ••ffortment. all ftroilcii of art miuare*. rug . mat*. porTere* C P Miller, agent rifOß'K LINE OF WILI J 'IV AND cobbler *# rocker* for tin h II lay?*. *' Teeple*. 317 11 rough ton, we*t. 1 AM NOW UVATITi \T 414 WKHT Itrxigliton. ring up lIM If you want to h*v your furniture moved or packed It *h!pm<nt or etorige. I guarmi te# prl*e* the *anu- * 1 *!o the work that’* given to me A H. Griffin. 414 Broughton *tr**t. went, matlre*** a mad* t* orel< r IF ITB RUOO YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from MoOlills 91 FOR WOVEN WIRE Ft T 8 WHILE they laat. C. P MUb r, agent KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN *urpais< <1 (or rtchne*.-, delivery I* ier fect, phone. 2W> fEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS office table*, office matting. tfflce ahale 2<7 HroughtAn. we*t. WHEN YOU SEE M GH.LIS SIXTY - Inch 99-eent rug*, you will bur them. Ju*t can’t help It; will *el! in any quan tity TKBPLE IS SHOWING A NICB I.INE of cir|et*. matting rug*, *hde-. lino leum. cheapest In town "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE.’* I* a ftperlotty with M *Gllll. tr• -*<* reti !. antique furniture repot |rtied, furniture pgoked. and ihippel in b t manner. Hnd mo your order*. C. 1* Miller. iig*nt KIMBALL’S ANTI - RIIEUMATU’ ring every rheumatic ought to wear. J. G.mlner. agent, 12 Broughton *tree. *a*t. “M GILLIS’ LAGE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. M’GTLLTS IS CHEAP ON RUGS VETS lace curtain*, hammock*, water cooler* pilloft*. pictures. *to\'e*. be*lrx>m atilt*, and furniture of every de*crl|rtiofi. IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU want where you are dealing. wupt>owe you tr> Miller. Ilia aaaortment 1* th? l*at In town 7T Broughton, weal. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM SUIT PrVr ami dining-room furniture, you • i • pie’*. KENSINGTON FARM 1H ON AN elevation In the country, free from city drainage Impossible for mbk to become contaminated, by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jer*ey milk, phone 2345 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MGILLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and *tore piano* and furniture; Peat work only, no ’ Uhcap-John" price*—no "Cheap John’’ Jobs VAN ARY BIRDS. GOLD FISH WA* ter grur*. bone flour at 12 Broughton atreet, eaet. SEE MILLERS NEW STYLES IN rartM't*. matting*, linoleum*, window shade*. Ail work done In ffrat-clae* at vie Get our estimate. 207 Broughton, west. M’OILLIS SELI#S SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna |>attern* —for 99 cent*. 'TEEPEE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON stove*. *t*H range*, oil heater* and hot *tuff heaters. 317 Broughton, weal. SHE MILLER S NEW STEEL STOVES nml rang**, oil heaters, wood heater*, beat make*, reliable goods, reasonable price* 267 Broughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP* IT AI jH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD I VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJSKA THAN 30C MEDICAL. Tf^yoTr fret are trmbilng you. call on me and I will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nails, corn* and all disease* of the feat without pain; charges reasonable; can give the beat reference# ftn the city; pa tient* treated nt residences; order* can be left at Livingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress street*; telephone 293. Lem Davl*. surgeon chiropodist HELP W IBTKD-MALE. at once. A|fly Planter#’ Hotel barber shot*. 894 Bryan, west. WANTED. EXPKIUENCEdMaN TO handle thirty-five or forty bond* In tur pentine worel*. Address J.din on lock box 115 Tifton. Ga. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS LUMBER Inspector and shipping clerk. A ddres* East Coast Lumiar Company, Water town. Fla. 0 ""TRUSTWORTHY GENTLEMAN OR lady, each tounty. to manage our bu l ne*. salary, S7B p-r month and all ex penses advance*!; in •'!*• self-ajldressol stamped envelop* Manager, 380 Caxton building, Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED TO HELL OUR good# by sample to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest and only man ufarturera In our line in the world; liberal salary pal I Address. Can Dex \Jf*? Cos., office. 28 Board of Trade Building. Savan r.nh. Go . HELP W 4 BTi:i>-FMI4LK. hands; only white need apply* 221 York, east. WANTED. A WHITE GIRL TO 1)0 llgnt housework. Apply H Liberty. W*at, between 3 and 4 p m - ADVERTIHEMENTH SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. ROOM* M OTKD. two OR THREE NICE furnished room* for light housekeeping. Room*, care New*. 'WANTED. A FLAT. NOT LESS THAN five rooms; Mate term* and location. Addre** ‘•Comfort ’’ 'are News. ITHIVKII. STRAYED TWO WHITE AND black Holstein cow*. T. D Clark. 323 i park avenue, west. ~ STRAYED OK STOLEN. FH<EM NOR ton pasture, Ogeevhee road, one small ilack horse mule, blind Me eye Re ward If returned. Thoaaiwn A ilarvey, 819 Harrlt, west. w m i p-iim r.i.i-DWH 8. PATENTED AND UN PATEN TED inventb>u* bought Shd sold. 1/na* A t'o. Ht lauit*. Mo. CHICKENS WANTED WHITE WT andottsa or White leghorn* preferred, would also buy Inctihatar. etc . if cheap. 3! N Thompson. Fnm.induia. Fl# WE WANT T<> BUY SOUR FER mental syrup Addre*e. mail •empD at and price*. Augusta Steam Candy I tury AugUflftA. Gm WANTED SUFFERERS FROM STOM ach. liver, kidney and intestinal disorder* to write Rev Alpheus Winter, Tryon, N t’. to learn about remedy that almost aL wav- cure** Em lose stamp. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Siwlngffekl Dairy. It’s rich, purs and if you wan 1 ? k Place t< • and nrth. dirt. rami, manure, etc. fte. of chatge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road write >r telephone Brown proe . coiner Andeison ami East Brvtad utie ts. advertiseaii:nts sit in CAP ITAIsH WILI. BE PRINTED IN CLAS hifif.d advertisement column FOR TWO CENTS \ WORD NO AD VFUTISKMENT TAKEN FOR IKMS THAN IIC Foil 111-:* T—ROOMS. "ITTTtIv FURNISHED ROOMS. \i.l convenience a 80s Barnard street, mar iv rt). NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, southern and * *tern xposure ilr*t hot nd ami .old water; fur tIMMS M ! Ml Blftll t * ROOMS FOR RENT AT TWENTY Mull street, west, sultabb far school or .>ffl e o r home * FOB IIF. VI'—IHH Mia. No 217 Wald burg street. ea*t. belwsen Aberenrn an 1 IJncoln, fir**! ’4a*s or.Wr and condition every conveitlencs Right rent t* right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. West Broad anal Broughton stresta. FoR RENT OR SALE. THAT MAG nifleent residence on the southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard streets 1 l> Roi'he FOR RENT. NEW MODERN BRICK dwelling Whitaker atroei. one dor north of Taylor Ajnlv tr. II F Ku k Ander son ami Alter- orn streets FOR RENT. RESIDENCE U3 PERRY street, went. Apply to Andrew Hanley Cos. FOR RENT THAT DESIH A RLE REH Irian.'* with outhouses. * tables ami a beautiful garden, 118 Taylor strse?. **t For particulars Inquire H tluckenhei mcr‘s Son*. Bav at and Jefferson stre*f FOR RENT. 11l JON KB STREET west. Immediate |<*m e-el.m M H. Biker, agent T< It I-'NT, 221 ANb 222 HOI.TON trr#t, im.t; th,- r- x°* M * hou,- Ini'mlon -xrellcnt A|*f>l vln <’ A M‘'ln I tr—. <4 It urd of Trml- HtilUllng ~k6r lIENT. BBVKIIAI. " nraiHAIII.R thoroughljr r-fn>vt.'l A|>i>l> A Wylly. xt-nt, 12 llryn ,trrt. ot I'oit nr.KT—MISCC4.I.ANKOI X. lAit<;i; wXitKiu^hiT'X^r^TrKici: RUNT. CORN Kit nROUOHTON ANI> WERT ItltOAD RTItEETB. FOM MKHL.Y Offl’l'lEP MY TIIE HAVAN NAH CAHItIAUE AND WAGON CO. II f SMART ~FOH RIINT OR BAI.R. THAT EI.E xmit farm, fotir mlira on tht* AufuaU ro<l (|V-<l| rontalntnx two hundrrrl nml thro- iK-r-a. fifty <f which am under a ht*h atatr of cultivation; thar- r on the place threw ilwrlllnKa. taro lirr tarn* him! packing hwl. a fine ortarian wall; -v.rythlnx In tlrat-cla** order; two ratl ru.ida run throutfh lha lawd. I. I>. Rorhi* . a FOR RENT. ON THE OOEW'IIfcE road, between three and four-mile poat* (trolley car. nearly to iwo-mHe |>oo. land In Mn from one acre lo one hundred, urn, ran In- bouxht In lame or amall lota on eoay lerma. C H Dorntt. ADVKRTIHEMKNTR RET IN CAP ITAlrft W 11,1. HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVBMTIBKMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CKNTH A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOII IJSSB TITAN 80C- 1011 ti Y —mu is t'\ 11 AI > VKItTIHKM ENTtt BBT IN OAF IT AMI WILL RE PRINTED IN CIeAS -BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN rolt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I-EAB TUAN BC. I , ,11 j iuS \ Eof FUR TWO Hun dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth afreet, near East llrotid. no city taxation. C. H. Do roe It FOR SALE IXiTH ON NINTH STREET nrar East Itroad. no clly Lues, al 3200 h; twenty-five dollar, cash, ami rasf monthly payments. C It. Dorsetl. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, hi 1200 each; will won lie advanced to 3225. when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a hums bulll. C. H Dorsell “RESIDENCE ANn~Su!LD!NO LOTS for sale all over the clly. Robert 11. Txtrni. real -stale iP aler, No. 7 York strict, west. FOR SALE THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, n-ar East Broad; have only b—n sold lo first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none others car, buy The terms are very easy, and I hay are cheaper than any other* In the vicinity. C. 11. Dorset!. “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIJt WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAB HIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 300 Foil SALK—MISf'RLLASBOI S. SOV REM. THE COUOH KINO! TRY It when your favorite rem-dy fails, at 25a bottle added to a gtll of honey makes a splendid imxiure for Infants and children TtKNZOIN BALM. MAKES THE SKIN Ilk- velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Ab-rcorn, Ivrsse Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor slreat*. FOR BALE ONE SHARE SAVANNAH Cottage and Improvement stock for 335 Aldrees Stock, are Morning New*. A RARE CHANCE; FOR SALE. A well-established, profitable business; capi tal required, ahout one thousand doil.i a owner going in other buslncsa. Address L, New* office. FIRE PROOF SAFES—WE CARRY A fine line of fir. proof safes In elock at ill time*. The [wrtles can see exactly what they are gening Our price* ore a low , manufacturers o-ll 11, with freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe will do well to Inspect our stock. IJppman Bros., Llppman block, agenta for manufacturer*. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY 18 NOTED for having rich, purs milk; try It; you will be pleased. “TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sl . 13 crop* first y-or boxes; 12.0*' a ra> round limber, at 3130 par cr,; f‘ per thousand boxes for leased timber; plenty of timber to hr- got; In five nub. of rail road; will give possession now or al end of .eason Address Round Tlmb- r, ra . Morning News. “advertisements sitr in““oap- ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. LOST AND FOUND. "TdST; BRIN DDE JTcLL PtJP. sfx rmmtbs old. Reward M returned to No. 31 Jiryao street, west. AifTios tti.Et nrra iht. A SPECIAL AUCTION SALET* TO-NTOHT at i M rfrlork we offer to the public 50 High Grade I-Mryrl**, as gotvl as new. non fisting or i lent s’ and PhllttraiPg who*lj*. Also n few new and the following am tha names: 1 CLF.V ELAND. 2 Hamilton. 3 WESTMINSTER 4 STEARNS. 1 LITTLE GIRL t PERMITS. 3 UNION. 3 LADIES. 2 EAGLE. 2 II \NLY * 8 PKLRLLrtS. 2 FAST MAIL. 2 CRESCENT. 2 WORLDS 2 IaADY HURST. 2 PLA K AND. 1 DAY'IV>N. 2 WARWB'KSL 3 SPALDING 3 FRAME FA IK DR I LADIES’ WoLKI AMERICAN. 1 CAKSIIE 2 MORROWS. AT SAVANNAH AUCTION AND COMMISSION CO W. 11l Whltriker Street, WITHOUT RESERVE. A WINKIUGIIT. Auctioneer LKftAL KALSI. UNITED HTATEII MARSHALS HALL United Stab** of Amnitti Eastern di vision Southern District of Georgia It\ \irtu- of ,m order of state out the Hiiitf* District Court for tb Southern Iderl< t of Georgia, on th* seventeenth day of November. IIP', notice le hereby given that f vrlU sell, by public au- tb*n. h* • •< . on FrWb\ the thirtieth ln\ of November, IPn. at 11 o’clock a. m., 1m fre the Uiistom Metis#*, at Savannah, Ga . the British irk Ueale Curry." now lying at Gordon's wharf. In Savannah riv er. together with her tackle, apparel and furniture Also ,t|l sail* belonging !• said bark, now stored In the warehoua* of J.tmee G Nrlsm. on River ftreet. foot of Aberoarn street. -4ty of H.ivannah In- Spe fUJO Of Vftseel i Invited JOHN M BARNES. United State* Marshal. B> CHARLES J WHITE Deputy Untied State# Marshal. lio Alt til Mi. WOULD LIKE A cheerful, companionable couple, or tho refined gentietncii to take rcem and boanl In home, terms no object to right i*rty; iqdendtd!) lecnlid. Ilotne t'Ottlforti, rare of New H * ffl t. HOARDERS WANTED. TWO YOUNG men ran secure Liard, with mom. No 114 Liberty street CHOICE FRONT ROOM WITH hoard, desirable locution. JOT Charlton street, weet. 11l vim gg CHAU K*. HKT ITAlil WILL IIK PRINTED IN 81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT FOLL'MN F* lt TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTIBEMBNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN JOC. ' 1 ■ "■ ri.i mißu. MODERN PLUMUINO. IT WILL HE lo your lnt*rrat lo let m< Rlvr you an *- Umola oft your plumblnK. now or old work: repair work a aprclally, a* I am a (,ra< tk ol pluinhor. No uwa work to -ndanx.r your life. Wiggins, ‘phone (HT, Oorg 18 or Hell. tHMF.M.ANEOia. Boirr TROHBIdfi TODRBKLF ABOUT movkiK your fuoiltur*. relaying your cor peta or malting Perry A Renton will re lieve you of all that trouble. ~WF. OPARANTEE TO DO YOUR plumbing work cheaper than any ona else. A C. Price A Cos.. State and Jef fcrival afreota; 'phomw 668. "HAVE Yt It Hut ME PAINTED with Herman ready-mixed palm; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adama Paint Company. “WANTeS ONE THOirBAND HC.n: gry people at tha Bouiham Grocery Com pany, 111 li.rrinrd stresl. *WB SELL HEWER PIPE, PIJUE pipe, Are clay, lire brick a< kmril prices. Arinina Paint Company, lot Congreaa, weal. “perry a hkntom; m state street, weal, will move, pack, ahlp or store your furniture al short nolk-e; alo ren ovate your old maltreiiaea at 1811a coal. Hell 'phone 1121. NOW 18 THE TIME TO OITT RID OF your second-hand afnve; we will lake It In exchange for u new one. A. C. Price A CY> . State and JeSeraon afreet; 'plume* 668. ~ MORE Til AN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every rlollar of your hard-earned hard ca.h at the Suiilharn Grocery Company, 111 Barnard street. ‘ OYPSINE 18 Til if REST WALL FIN lh made Adama Paint Cos., Savannah agents. ]ot Congreaa. weal. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF MAN tela from 10 cent* to 26 cents put up free. A. C Price A Cos . Slate anti Jefferson streets; 'phonee 666. “ REDUCE TOUR LIVINO EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with tha Boutharn Orocory Company. 11l Rarnard street “"ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA 1.8 WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAB - r<>it TWO CENTS a word NO AD VKRTISEMBNT TAKEN FOR LESS than snr. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. LBUAL ROTII.C*. (IEGRGIA. CHATHAM COI'NTT Nolle- Is hereby given lhai I have mad* application lo the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for leave to sell an un divided one-third Interest In the southern on*—half of lot numbertwenty-clgtn.O'Netll ward, formerly known aa I'rendergasl vtlle. In tho city of Savannah, with Im provement* thereon.belonging to estate of Annie and Julia Collins, minor*, for the purpose <V providing maintenance and support for -aid minors, and that aald or der will le* granted SI December term, 13wi. of said court, unleaa objection* are filed thereto JOHN T. COLLINS. Quardbm. ~OEOROIaT CHATHAM COUNTT Notice la hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for leave to sell an un divided on—seventh Interest In the south ern half of lot number twenty-eight, O'Neill ward, formerly known as Preiwler gostvllle. lo the city of Savannah. wP*t Improvements thereon, belonging to eolale of Margaret Collins, deceased, for the rioyment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be granted t Decem ber term, ltno, of said court, unless ob jections are filed thereto. JOHN T COLLINS. Administrator. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 30U for 16 CSOU, at J3U£ki66s Office Morning News. 3