The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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VAN WYCK A WINNER W>v. HOOIKVUT HEFI !•■ TO RE MOVE HBW VOHK'D MAYOR. NO WILFUL VIOLATION SHOWN. j thimc* wmow* homum# ice STOCK WAS WHOIG. " Hr l)r *ot Coßildrr I Tteiil Thrrr Mu* llrrn Commltl-d %tr oflrn- J*lt*lent to Warrant I W*>or Van H>rk's Hfmoial From itllrf—l Itriurilr l Ap peal lo thr IN |ilr- Mrongpp Anfl frmt !*%▼ I hrrdrd. Albany. N. V.. Nov. 23 —Gov. Hoosc veit to-nigh: gave oui hi# iVnluioai in thr at ion for the removal from office of Mmyor Hohori A. Van Wyck. of New York City. Hr terllne to rrmovr the Mayor *n the ftr >ondi* that, while he wan uiulu|>t r<liy a atockholdrr In the Amtrkan tee Company, there ha br*>n no proof that h** u. fully violated the law forbidding puhi, officer to be eto kho’.ler in 4i cor poration having dealimn* with hie mu ni-iiw > The Governor’* memorandum •*I rot tr n the attorney opin ion M> Judgment 1* that the no-called ire ti >t 1* not corporation In which the Mover of New York rhould hove nun * itll no proof has h-en offered of m wilful violation of law on the parr of the Mayor. *uch <* would Juetlfv the draeuc meaturo of removing him from . fff e. The power of removal from off - * *( elertivo officer* *hou!d lw treat ed mu a a* we treat the power of im peachment. It 1* an extraordinary and rot m ordinary remedy. "Th- normal remedy for had govern* men! muni he an aptr il to the |*ople and only In wholly exceptional cs v e* fa It desirable to euhpiiiute for this appeal toy he people an appeal to the power of removal or the power of impeachment. The case U, therefore. dl*ml*aed. In giving out hi* decision, the Governor said; "Although the matter of the trust* t not dire tly involved In this decision. I wish to jmlnt out that the existing law of the state. even provided thit under it the Attorney General** action against the Ice corporation should b<- successful, is not adequate. In my lust tnnual message to the Legislature I rec. ummended the adopt l>n of a system which would secure reasonable publicity of *ucn facts convTnlng corporations as the pub lic ha* a right to know, and reasonable restriction of their power*. Event# have -hown. especially In view ot w what ha* occurrtd In connection with the Ice trust, that stronger action than what I recom mended should be taken. Not only should Mjch provision* concerning corporations as above mentioned be enacted into law, hut there should be lodged somewhere the l"w<r to jrecrlbe the conditions under whi h foreign utul k>nestlc corporation# •an do business In this state and to le > • them of their charter* if they at an> time violate these conditions." U Alt HKV UM K It KIM t TIOY. Will fie f'niiflneil f liA-fll>- to I uttlnic flown Mump Taxes. Washington, Nov. 23—Chairman IMyne :? Rapresentatlve* I>.i)zell and Hopkins, a ? ng a* a mib-commKtee, spent a por tion of the day drafting the bill to amend the war revenue law. The gcncml provisions of the bill have n agreed upon. Trv reductions to be tsade will l* In stamp taxes, as hereto ■or- indicated. A mcmlK r of the com miee said to-dny that although there ' some discussion concerning reduc tion* upon beer ami also on clgar and tolsicco*. there did not m*em •o be any Inclination to reduce the pres ent tax on these articles as long as there remained stamp taxes, which he mud *• re obnoxious to every one using them. Although It I* generally understood that t’' r Is a very complete understanding in ong the m*mler* of the committee a* “ 'Vhat change* shall be made It I* tin ■**>< >od that no Ironclad f*reemeiH ha b n reached, and any i*rt of the bill le tak*n up and han*ed if found de. finable. Hut the members of the commlt • do not ex|*'ct many changes, for It i.n **• I The full Heptthllcan membership will r.v likely meet again until next Friday, c lay l*ef rc the full committee I* to be together. The committee expect* To ; reaent the hill to the House, on the Erst or second day ft the session. I raker Lookrd Nick. Queenstown. Nov. 23.—Richard Croker '■ v *‘d somewhat lndipo#etl when ttfe f'un.irri Line steamer Lu*anln arrived this afternoon. He aid that he was t ■* In the best of health and intended to r in Kntland and on the contlnet for tit months. STOCKMAN’S FINGERS *um# on Both Hand.. " K. Beckham. • corking heavyweight Burton, Kan., I* In the live Block bttsl -1 He did not need to pay much at trition to the food he ate. until about **o year* ago an attack of the grip left •' partially paralysed HI, eiperlence •itli food I. well reading T e third and little ringer on each ‘ir l h ,am, partially paralysed, and mi *■ ,n " w '<b offected jul helew the hark of neck Thia came from a Bevere at ' ‘ k of ihe grip two yea re ago. I almost *r 'lrelv lost the nee of my hands. Ttds comlitlon continued several r nih*. In spue of all kind* yt bath, and 1 atmenis. In 4he meantime my atom • i. bowels, and digestive organs be •ine affected and deranged. My liver ►" m. | to have no more action than If I >1 no liver at all. No food of any kind ’ right, and I run down from 210 Hound* to lflo. 1 die day the grnceryman asked me 1 had ever tried Grape-Nuts food He 1 me ,hat It was recommended as a n and n<-rve food and that It was pre d sted. * '- anand carried • w an,| then wjien I felt hungry would some of the food Into my mouth and • ■ It to ineli ticfore swallowing The ' * has a delicious 4asle and i legan mprove right away. In three ('ays’ me i was very much better. ■ continued the -use of Orape-Nuts. _'d continued to Improve steadily. 1.1 n weeks longer I strong ami rad airie.l the use of my hand* perfectly !•* than live monthn I was back to r aoo (Kiunds. as you see me In tke 11 re Which I send Am now (1 year* 1 and never had better health In all n ; 1 passed h flrst-elaas medical exam • -non about four months ago In a life 1 "ranee company. 'lv recovery to good health U oolely ’ " ’® the use of Orapc-Nuts food. A* -1 r * ln r>d nerve food, there hi nothing ’*al to It. you can use any part of thtf '*r. and I hope it may lead some un -1 '-“hktc Invalid to health.” > The Fountain of Youth “ I feel Ulto a boy again! ” exclaimed Oeo. AY. Attridge, a man 7 years oid. after a three weeks course of DUFFY’S pURK tMALT WHIBKKY. And ho looked it too. The ruddy flash of health was in hischeekt. the youthful lire and brightness had returned to hi* eyes, and in his walk there was all tho light -hearted buoyancy and vigor of hi* carl v manhood. A m Traci"? No; that is just what DUFFY’S PURF. MAI.T WHISKEY Ls doing every day for the feeblo and ailing who u.'c it a* a tonic and stimulant. It ctirea like magic. Abram E. Elmer, of Ulira, l* 119 year* old, and ha* taken no medicine except Duffy’* l‘uro Malt Whiskey for twenty-live ye*r. It is the only Whiskey taxed by the Gov ernment ea a medicine. This is a guarantee. All drugelsts and grocers, or direct. (1)0 a Imttle Refuse substitutes. Send for free medical booklet. DITTY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Hochester. N T. ■— 1 " PRAt TICH HAMIB* HBEDPD. Slsny Intpravrairsls Are t rged hy Ihe lloiiril of Ordnance. Washington. Nov 23 —The auntml report of the Isiurd of ordnance and fort ill a tlons Juat mad-' public sums up concise ly a very large amount of experlmen-al work a.-.-omplished by the t:oai<l during the past year. A gcneia] statement of wha* Is needed In the future Is contained In the following paragraphs: "The work of equipping our roast for tifications Is progressing rapidly, or-1 a large portion of the new armament Is al ready Installed There Is Imperative need for an adequate force of trained artiller ists to care for and man the gun* now mounted. The board, therefore, deem# It within Its province to Invite the utteut -n of Congres* to the necessity for reorgani zation and matsrlul Increase of the ar tillery arm of the service. “In this connection, also, the h or-l recommends that steps he taken at an early date to provide the coast art ill ry personnel with suitable rang * and other facilities for carrying out each year a sys tem of practical drill and target pra lice with heavy guns under condition* p -proxlmatlng those of actual service. "As the primary object of the defenses is to protect the harbors and waterways along our coasts, ihe guns are. as u rule, so placed that target firing with full • 'narges and at the longer ami more Irn l-ortam ranges can seldom take place without endangering the live- ami dam aging the proiwrty of private cltlxens This Is partlcatuily true In case of fortl flrallone defending the larger harbor*, where there ls shipping constantly with in range and where private houses are ■in such close proximity to the gun* to be seriously affected hy shock "At least three practice ranges should he provided-one for the North Atlantic, one for the South Atlantic and Gulf, and one for the l’aclflft coast." HtRUWtnK MEN AIKItH H*. t leveland, 0., ( hates na the Seif Place of tleetlna. Richmond, V„ Nov. S3 —The National Hardware Aasoclallon closed Its annual meeting here today. The following offi cers were elected; President. John Rlndley of Pittsburg, re-elected; first vice president. R. W. Shaplelgh of St. Louis; sgcotul vice pres ident. Bruce Hayden of San Francis o. New member of the Executive Com mittee: J. D, Moore of Birmingham, Ala., and Samuel A Bigelow of Boston Cleveland, 0.. was chosen as the next (dace of meeting The assortatkm adopted a resolution calling upon Congress to change the pos ts! laws relative to first-class matter, so as to make more reasonable rale* on commercial matter that now Is rated ns first-class. trial of the UTOCKTOY. Has Completed Her llepnlr* Sootier Than Expected, Washington. Nov. 23 —The torpedo boit Stockton has completed her repairs Conn er than was expected, and will start on her trial trip from the moulli of the Sev ern river, near Annapolis, at noon to-mor row Baltimore. Nov 23,-The torpedo boat Stockton, which was hroughl to a more ship yard on Tuesday to be over hauled prior to her s|>eed test, lefi thl* evening for Annapolis. Her apee-l trl and will be made to-morrow from off tie mouth of Bevern river to Smith's L'and. In Ihe lower Chesapeake With 30) re o lutlon a minute, her contract require* a speed development of twenty-tlx knot* per hour for two consecutive hours. another firm ia line. Southern Cotton Spinners Will Se cure no Reduction. Philadelphia. Nov. 23.—1n addition lo the list of <tommlstlon bouses announced as having declined to consider the selling of cotton yarn on a basts of t per cent, commission, us deidred by the Southern Colton Spinners’ Association. I* the firm of Catlln A Cos. The firm take# the same position. Th*rt* was no of th* Arm of Catlln & Cos. in this city on Thursday, hence their name was omitted Irom (he list published Th* firm now authorizes the Malenient that It absolutely declines to consider the propouldon of reduced commission and has *■> advised the South ern Cotton Spinners' Association COFFEE A AII HI GAR FIGHT. lied net leas Are Made In Roth of These Products. New York. Nov. 23,-The Woolsen Spice Compuny ha* made n reduction of 1 cent per pound In roosted coffee This was followed by a similar reduc tion hy the Arkuekles, who also ma lea cut of 1* points In refined sugar. Th National Sugar Refining Company fo jowed the Arbucklea’ cut Tne American Sugar Refining Company has net vet acted, but Is expected to make a reduc tion of 15 point*. FIT ON THE RETIRED LIST. Capt. Edward T. Strong Given Hank uf Hear Admiral. Washington. Nov. 23.—Capt. Edward T. Strong was placed on the retired Hit of the navy with the rank of rear admiral Cap,, strong recently was In command of the Monitor Monadnock on ,h# Ada atlc station and his health broke .town sv nil*- on that duty. The vacancy In the list of captain# will be filled by the pro motion of Commander William W. Rei alnger of the Pensacola navy yard. Iltrmlnulinm Printers Strike. Birmingham. Ala. Nov. 23—A strike was Inaugurated by the typographical union here thla morning. Every Job print ing office In Birmingham la tied up owing to the refusal of th* firms to adopt a scale of wages recently proposed by the union The newspapers are not ye* afTsoted. They have Iroen given until Monday to sign the scale. Knulaud to Issue Hon.l*. 1 London. Nov. 23.-TH* treasury has given notice of Ihe issue of a.0,f108 3 per MPt. ex cheque! bond*, irpsyaWe In 12(4. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1900. WHAT NEW YORK NOW NEEDS. VUHHOf* POTTBR *t**GH*Tft VM.I um f. i oumm'sK. Would l.lkr tn Un* t of It<*(ornirr* Wftlh m Cftral ( Gin lit I tier of Klvr Men—Tfctra k• ftueh n (‘OMMIHtf Honld Come \•■* r i leiißln Nen Yrk-W •••! Wmm Hone %e*erdnx Ton■ rd *tup prraulnx % Ice. New York, Nov. 23.~ l!lhop Henry C. I*oiter itnljy dt'livrrffil xn xMra* on "God and the Oily," before an xwdlen of 2,3h0 |n St Paul’* C*h pe!, in whi'h he bUkiK^.Ated the or**nixxtlon of m vim lain**; iAomnilttec of JYOhi reform4rt*', l> cleunae the city of vice. He favored x central *mmttee of three or live m*n. under whose orders the huge committee should act. The Blahop *ld. In pa t: “If In New York to-morrow there coo’d he organised a vifrilanee ocm mil tee nuch a* wax In Sin Friinclaco. or 2iJ.00 m n •worn lo service for three year* and pledged by night and by day. when their huaineee and their opp°ribnlte* gave them the freedom for It. to *ee for them *elve? whether our aoul* had •mit ten with the *orrow of that little victim of 5 year* who wax picked up In the •tree? the other day In brood da\light and ravished by none brute who bed lived here, would aH h thing* be (MMialble in a recant God-fairing tomraunlty? No. men and brethren, not If you and I had our eye* open and kepi them open and fctood where God call* ua to stand to-day. And then. Anally, we must have not only vigilance, but |wr*it*nee **\Vc ahail not r**de*tn Now York, men and brethren, by enwlona We *hnJl not redeem it by denunciation; we *hn)l not iF>ln‘m It by |>e**iml*tb’ ti-mper that wrap* it* garment around It and turn* It* hack upon it. There are burnm* with xeal and en<hu*ia*m and h blch purple of ewcrilloe in thl* rreat city to-day tnutitudea of men and women; they are of different mu*t forget that, they are of different nailonalltle#— thev mu*t forget that, they arv of different |<ollM*al a**orlntton. mo*t of all they must forget that, and If. huvlng reached that point, we could find three >r five mm whom all of ua iruated and believel In (.there are hundred* of them) and say to these three or five men Now. then, tell us what you want u* to do. where you want me to stand w hut rela tion you want our party, our church, our organisation to lear to the betterment of Naw Ytwk. we will tru*t your Judgment we will f*lk>w your lead, and the work la done, and next to that in ttita service of th# enlightened soul we want vigil ance." 1\ % POOL ROOM. Out of Fifty Occupant* the Fnlflee %rre*tel Only Two. New York. Nov. 23.—Armed wlih war rant* l*autl by ..faglstrate < ran* 1 In the K**ex Market Court. Tarkhurat Society Agenta Burr. Thompson and Igß*rberg*r. relnforcefl by the entire Kasex Market Court police eijuad. r.islel an alleged pool loom at 27t) Grand *tr*et tnli afternoon. Fifty men were in the place. There wr* a twrUc and a terrible fight among th* inmate* of the pla< ♦* to get out. Men were knot k*i town and trample<l upovi In the effort to escape. Two orresr* were made nnd several telegraph Instrument* were **lsed The nvn arrraied gave names •* Oeorge Ho gan and loiwrence llrown. They wers nekl for t X4imu .ition to-morrow. THE TAMMAKY i UMtftITTRK. inked llialiop I'uftrr to Co-operate Hllb Them. New York. Nov. 23-The committee of five appointed by Tammany llall for th* purpose of securing evidence preparatory to taking a step toward the *uor>re**ion of vice tn this city held Its third meeting to-day. At the last meeting Mr. Nixon announc ed that he had written o Bishop Potter asking him to act with the committee and to furniah them with any information w blch he had In hi* posee.udon which would aid them in their work To-day he guve out i he following reply: My Dear Sir 1 beg to acknowledge your letter I7th inatnnt, which I will bring to the notl e of those who arc directlv • oncerred In taking action In the matter to which It refer*. Bln<*crely your*, ’ll C. Potter" A committee of two consisting of Messr. Platshek nnd Nixon was appoint tl to wait on the chief of police and ask for the co-operation of the police depart ment. The committee adjourned until next Monday. After the meeting Platahck and Nixon called on Chief Devery and hod a long conference with him. mineatio\ (tmtmiM. I rgcfl on Pre*l4lenf Importance of I'rraervlna Foreal*. Chicago. Nov. 23 seseion of the National Irrigation Congress wis de voted to paper* and addreases pertaining exclusively to the question of practical watering and reclamation of arid land* and arid plant life. A resolution that the following Islegram be sent President Mc- Kinley was adopted: "The ninth onnual session of the Na tional Irrigation Congress, now In session in Chicago, respectfully urge that In yout message to Congress you call "attention to the national Importance of the pres ervation. of our forests, and of the exten sion and conaervatlve use of the forest reserves; and. further, that you empha sise the need of national action to store the flood waters that now' go to waste." Thomas F. Walsh. Washington. I>. C., was elected president, and H. B. Maxson, Nov,ida. secretary of the permanent or is intention WAS A kFKV %\T TO IMYI*. An Aged Aegro Worn in Found In Want In flilengo. Chicago, Nov. 33.—The poverty-atrhdcen cofnllMon of .\della Burton, who claims to have been a confidential servant In the family of Jefferaon I>avl* during the Cl/II \\ ar. was brought to the attention of th* pollx heir to-lay and her wants at end- I to The old woman, who was Usrov-ro 1 In .1 lonely hovel on th** Houh Bide, ik ( l,*res that when the Presid -nt of the ClHlfederate Biate* fled to eca|>e rapture xhe was intrusted with the private effe * a of the fugitive. Bhe was born in slaver/ eight) -seven year* ago. ><roL Some Soon tobe Mothers j tIRI.V AM) HUAK IT Mb' "a i • • • i f# # Tfls§n ij through th# weary time befer* cmfloemest. c T V'Sr The latter attain thissos* by osing esternslly tb# unique % lini “* ot “Mother's Friend” C • rf# # lu beneficent laftaenee makes child bearing a pleasure, as L— j,- I It relieves all Bervoosness, headache, pains and nauaes. iff - A riimeit, etu* eth sad • Mskt'i rrtwU * Um M do Set l r V Ik 381 ! t (hnert lhroa.t tel <rof lel'tro-.ul-, I- *s.l • u \ pi p.,|MtU, t.AVTOS. Urecrul. Iwyuro. 0.- * |*st b* emm* S*IS °* vweipt-t j..SI see bettte. Book fa* espKtsst - 1 aeduceq cutlet •• Mofherh—j, ' *,*..-) <t*. -mnt.*Meeßi r~ MatheEs Prleod •* t*M by ail Ixacsuu. TO HEALTH Are in the use of from four to six tablespoonfuls daily of WARNER’S SAFE CURE. Tens of thousands of victims from Kidney and Ltver Troubles £ **’*^ have been cured when all other means have failed. Bright's Disease, the curse of mankind, has been mastered and its terrors banished forever. If you suspect kidney trouble don’t delay a day. Be on the safe side, take WARNER’S SAFE CURE. It makes the vital organs sound and well by en\bling them to purify the blood of its poison ous deposits; it tones up the whole system and speedily cures Dyspepsia, General Debility, Nervous Pros tration, Female Complaints, and Urinary Disorders. 1 • No other preparation has ever done the work of WARNER’S SAFE CURE, and no other has one half its long list of victories. % Free simple of Warner's Bofn Cure sent on application. Address WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Rochester. N. T. , , ricase mention this paper when writing for a sample. - • ’ Bright’s Disease Cured. OXFORD HOTEL OMAHA, NEB.. Feh 1. ldno. "Thanks seem so llitle when compared to service rendered, and after th© wonderful restoration to health I now enjoy through the use of Warner's Safe Cure. 1 want to more than thank you. hence 1 gladly give my test 1- IDOL OF THE FRENCH. (Continued from First Page > dons and Mr Kruger regained hie car rbtge with difficulty. f are lo He Taken tn Perl*. Paris. Nov 21—The pen< eahle but en thusiastic manner in which the irttlr of Marseilles greeted the arrival of Mr Kru ger yesterday and th* warm wei ome ex tended to him In h cities he imsse'l through to-day. all ocrurrmg without any antl-Hritish demonstration* of any oonse qtienc*. have mud*' the nuthoriti#-, l* rc f*e| comid* nt that his re** |tlon here tn momAr will not result in nny unpleasant lrc*dnt M the prefect of tolkr. eald to-day: "We have full confidence In the |vpie of Pari* ami courvt upon them n>t to do anv'htn* likely to cau-e diplomat I-' cm pii'Mtlons However, th** |-*ltc<* hove *h strictest order* to permit only crle whl- h are complimentary to Mr. Krug*r ao<! the Boerr They will not tob r,it mv cries uneompllmentriry to i nighT* rlng and friendly country. Any person* u taring such uncomplimentary crl4?* will be arretted." Mr. Kruger will arrive at the Lv.m* railroad station at 10 M m where be will be met by committee- repo sent tu the Iloers, deputies. *nators. *sc. After a abort inforum! rc epnon l.* will bs sscortwt hy tvay of xrai„l loul var.l* to hi* hmrl. wsh h Is stluat.-.l •<( a promlnont boolsvr<l. Ill* tlnn* of pass lax ihrmixh tho tl*orulif.rfs wUI *••• oolncuw-nl with lunch hour, nisi many at fh- stores, sto . wiil !>•• eh—-1 for th reat of th- aftsrnoon There Is certain to be an Immense concourse of people slot!* the entire route. t|r..iisr Frtstw llollssri’s Queen. The llnxue Nov. 2f> -yu-eo Wllhelnlna hae sent a ntse*** to Mr. Kruxer s-iylnx that she wss happy to l< m that he It is completed hi* voyntt- an.l Is In >d health. Karltrd Debate In fork. fork Nov. 23 -As a protest nxslnst the refusal of the Istrd Mayor of <’"tk 'o entertain a motion to confer the freedom of the city upon Mr. Kruxer. the cor poration aAJourned t.cWty. the idjourn ment resoiotlon Iseiny tdop-ed by a lar< msF'rtty after sn excited debits. prrantL of t harlem ii. hoat. Alsny People Vtewed the Remains of thr Pln>vrlht. rhsrieetmvt). N H . Nov. 23,-The ftm eral of Charles H Hoyt, the playwrlxht. WSB held in St Isike's Episcopal Church this afternoon From 9 oc.oek in the morning until the hour of the service*, th* body lay in state tn the church, and a continuous line of people passed tn to view the remains. The tody lav In a cedar casket In plain black letters on n broad silver piste was the |ne rtfdlnn: "Charles Hale Hoyt. UKO-W." The floral offerings were almost with out number, coming ftotn all parts of the country . The service# commenced t 1:4. octo-K. the offlclntlng clergyman being Rev. II ft Ijaslter. rector of fit. Lukes Fhureh. assisted by Rev Howard K Mill of Ton cord A large number of people follow 'd the casket to the mausoleum in the vil lage cemetery. _ PHILIPPINE LFAiIRLATIOR. Commission Eetatillsbea Civil Gov enarnt in llrnifuel. Manila. Nov 23-The I'hUtppine Com rp<s*U>n bn* enacted the Aral legislation establishing provincial civil government In the Phlllpp nes. namely, an net for the government of the pro.lnce of Dengue!. This was adopted to-day, with the act paseed yesterday for the establishment of township government In the same prov ince. The governor, who Is appointive, will reeelvo s salary of ll.fifln. Electors In the province of Uertc! will tw- re quired to nfflrm that they have had six mon hs reetdenc. and are at le.,t is -..are of age. They will also be required to de clare the‘r allegiance to American author 1,- Ecclesiastics and soldier* ore de barred from offlee. Army Holldlna at tialvrston. New York. Nov 23 —The Board of Uni ted States Engineer*, who for some days pust ha* heen in seseion at the army bunding considering plans for rebuilding the United Suites Army building, destroy ed near Oalveston recently, adjoum-l to-day. It* report will be sent to Wash ington to-morrow LETTERS FROM PHILIPPINES. TWO VALDOSTA Unit WItI TH t,F THEIR BXFERH9WCE9. They Were Willi Company F of the Twenty.ninth Regiment Which Was ta p til ml on the Island nf !|a rind n q lie— I nteres ling Advent ures nf the Georgia llo.s With That t mu ai a ail— Eselting Invi ilrnls nf l.lfe In the Army. Valdosta. Ga., Nov 23.—1n Its next tseua the Times will print two letters from members of ('omfisny F. Twenty-ninth Regiment, which wss captured by the In surgents on the Island of Marlnduque, Philippine Islands, on Sept. 13. One of | 'he letters Is from Quartermaster Ramey Harrell of this city, who was in the elegc at Santa Crux, ami the other Is from Corporal Tom Williams, who was one of the raptured men. A# these are the first lerters thiU have come from the boys since the capture, they are full of tntereit. The letters are as follows: Santa Crux, Marlnduque. p. I, ' Oct. if. inn. My lienr Mother-On Scja j| my tain. Shields, and fifty-one men of the company went out on a "hike" looking for In-urgents. On th* Ikh they were surrounded In it large eadyou. had a hard flghi for four hours against overpower ing nutnlrers. hod four killed nnd a-vcral W"’inded. among them the Captain T ietr ammunition gave out aml the entire body was f< rce,i to surrender. | ™* left only thhty-nlne m n In the garrison and ss aeon as this was lesrnel. we pr.s-e.ded to move the government property to the church, which I* a rr rounded by a large, high wall. The agu e driv one .and our e. m|*ny died of slcltnss. 'Alien night esughr us we had m red marly everything from th* crnml- av quarters. About o'clock p m a general *ll,leg WU# made on us from all four sides of the wall at once. We returned Are, and kept |r up for two hours, when tha enemy, finding they could not gain *n limi • retreated. A large crowd of boo nien killed the president of the town in I two Chinamen friends. They de t oyed lh- • mire town around us. causing th* occupants to leave and go to the moun tain V. e were rut off from all com munication. The nearest, end only com h*ny on llc island, except u*. was tw n l)-to miles across th# mountain*. W made sev.ral efTort# to gc ihem word of i.ur dlstr -slng situation, but every friendly tsitlve that attrmirted to go was sclzwl by the enemy and his bead prompt ly cut off. This lasted for fourteen days, being fired ■MI by the Filipinos day and night The only ihlrig we could do was to wait for a boat to happen along In the meantime. c had four of the best shot* In our squad stationed In the tower of the church, where they did some very effective work. : demoralising ihe • nemy considerably. I Innlly a gunlxmt came steaming down j H'" bay and we signalled lo It. and the billowing day we had two companies of the Tblrtv-eighth with us At the pres ent time we have eleven eomfainles scour ing the island for our men, none have Iteen found yet. I tm assistant post quartermaster and did not go. L. B. Renfro* Is assistant In 1 ihe ho*;gtal and was left also All of the other men from home were captured Tom '•Vllliams. Berry Nelson. Ke|tpard Caswell. Henry lla.gwuod. 1 am satisfied Tom Wil liam** Is allright, as one of th* searching Itriles found a banana leaf with hi* name tn 11. This Is the worst country on earth, ram. mud. heat. Insects and malana world without end. C orporal Williams' Letter. Manila, I*. 1., Oct. 16. —I know that you have heard about our capture on the 13th of last month. 1 had the go<*l luck not to get wounded. Every man of us was captured Four of Ihe hoy* were killed and five wounded. Including Capf Shields, who received n Remington hall through his shoulder and a Mauser ball •that went In the bock of his neck and cut of his mouth, knocking out aeveral of hi* teeth and breaking his Jaw hone. Most of fir men were captured on the evening of the 13th after fighting ail day Myself, Merry Nelson. Rep Caswell and seven others eecafted. but were rapfured the nest evening about dark. We were frying fo make our wav back io Santa Crux, hut were surrounded In a creek hy about ISO Filipino* and raptur ed. There were so mmy of them that we left out guns to the i-reek and w.-nt (sit In the opening with hands uplifted to surrender, hut they began firing upon us. so we rushed back lo our gun* tnd returned the fire After exchanging el,a for some time, one of our toys Axed up a white flag out of an undershirt md went out on the line with It * • • fbon afterward I heard one of our men call me and tell nte that "everything was uli right." 1 recognised the voice as one of the men who was vaptuted the day be fore, so w* left our guns in the creek and rave up. He wna awful glad to *• u* alive, as we had been reported as dead. The Filipino ofllcer* had all they could do to keep the bolomen from butchering us alive after our capture. They were Just Axing lo charge and kill the last one of u*. when the boy alth a flag of truce ran out. We were kep p ,on< r, and fed on rice and an occasional pi w o' beef for fiat thirty day* tv* stood tnonlal For several years I suffered with Itr ght's disease, which no doc tor seemed nblo lo cure, the medicine I took gave only temp wary relief, until I put everything else away and used W arner s Safe Cure falihfully for four months, when i felt better Hum 1 had ever don* before. Thl* ta over eight months ago and I am entirely well now " JOHN E WRIGHTER. Treasurer Sons of Tempernno*. the Imprisonment well, and 1 fattened on tt. though I do not care to go through the experlene* Again After our t*>c in we were taken alioard the Rennlngtoo anl part of the boy* acre sent to Sin a t’rua, while the IsiUnce of us *eie brought to Manila I guess we sill slay here unlll we start home Asa prisuner I found out bow much trolled rlc- u mm , can eat when given nothing else. I ate ! more of It at each meal thsn an Amerl | ran housewife would cook for a whole | family BOWDEN’fsiDE OF IT. (Continued from Kirt I\*M jury, chnruoff with thr munlrr of Bow* • lrn Tho rrjw>rt w that dttfctlvd <ln I mol to have m>rh**<l up m 'lwr etae <*ln*t W allrr for munlrr Thin rtorv wi* told whrrc It WU* llkrly to rrach VVaflrr. Ofllcrr* hrlkvrd that It wc.u.d rtlvw him *rvrrr frlflht. na hr woukl hr iimaM* to know Jut whnt thr drlrcttw* know. ir h>w rtronw • n irr Ihry nr.lcht lr h|4* ti niAkr K.ilnt him If thr lodv of Mr Bowdrn wo* nut produerd. Th# ofllcrr# think thl# rtory rr4*hl Wallrr, mt that It workrd all rliht A frw day* latrr. thry *fiy, thry hr.ird niratn fr- m Hlrhipond that thrlr man wa* thrrr ail r Mint. They wrrr not #urprird to Dan I Bowflrit wu on hi* way home. FAIR I'(IM*t'LtTOX. \A 111 Re Held In December and l.asl Three or Four Days. Clsxion, Ob.. Nov. 23—A branch of Ihe Sout Carnival Association was or-' ' ganlsed here last night and within thirty days, a street fulr and carnival will b h.kl Jlr Groover, a rcpreseneatlv* of the Industrial dspartmen, of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, has been In Claaton for several days for the purp-w of working up a carnival and fair, the principal ob ject of which I# to advertise the splendid resources of this section throughout Ihe North and West Similar carnivals have high held at a number of towns in the Carolina* nnd Georgia, with good result* tn those sections The Southern Carnival Asso. latlon was organised *t Pine Bluff. N C\, enene months ago, and Its work Is bring tracked up hy the enterprising Seaboard Air Line Hallway, which company spare* no ax ! irons* or labor In advertising the mag nificent resources of the terrtt try through whb-h ha various line* run At the fair# and carnivals the best exhibit# to be ob tained of agricultural and manufactured product*, speclmtna of timber and woods, live stock, iroultry. etc., are shown, and pnxes offered, and they are extensively advertised throughout the country. At n meeting ol business men of Clax- I ion Saturday night the object of ,h* Cat ’ nival was explained hy Mr Grover, nnd ihe amount ask<-d for by him for odver ttsing purpose*, was readily #uh*erlh**l. At the meeting last nlghl representatives from Hagan were present, and pledged assistance from that town. In considera tion of which, the carnival will b* best on the grounds nf Tattnall Institute, sit uated In the corporate limits of Ctaxton near Hagan, so that both town* will be benefited by Ihe fair. Judge P W. Will iams and J If Perkins were added to the Executive Commit fee a* Hagan's repre sentatives. The date for the fair ha* not been definitely fixed. Inn II will Is- some wheie about Dec. 30. and will last three or four days. to flirreen rev. rr. kvaya. Rev, Air. kallerlee Called tn f'nlatn liln. . C. Colombia, 8 C,. Nov a.—Rev Church -11l Batterlee, son of Bishop Setter ee of Washington, who for the past tlx years has been rector of Grace Church at Mor gantown. N C.. has accepted the call <# Trinity Episcopal Church. Columbia, o All thr pultkt made vacant last aprlns, when Rev. \\. E. Evans accepted a rm I to Richmond. Mr. Batterlee Is only 23 veers old. but Is regarded hy Itlshop Chisholm of North Carolina as on* of the very ablest preach ers In that state. After graduating at Columbia College and th# General Bern- Inary In New York, he studied In Europe. He did hl fire, work at St. Peter's. In Allauiy. N. Y„ a,el from there went to Morganton. N. C. He has a reputation as an orator and a worker. Trinity Is the second largest psrtah tn the stale. Fatal Accident tn a Little Roy. ' Columbia 8. C.. Noy. 23 Four weeks ago Utile Eugene Ileall, 10 years okl. fell while running across the floor with a pair of scissors in his hand. Tha point enter ed hi* right check under the eye He suffer*.) Intensely and four day* ago lock jaw developed lie died yesterday at th# home of hi* father. T. K. Ileall In Green wood. • , Tss Alleged Moonshiners. Wsycros. Ua., Nov. 3*.—Deputy United Slates Marshal John P. Cnoon arrested two moonshiners In Clinch county. Thar lived near Homervtile. and thelr r.amen are Levi Herrin and Dave Delk. They were given a hearing before United Suite* ,lommbsinner John T. Myers and were placed under bonds, Herrin 3180 and Delk Hiw, for I heir appewmne* before the JJaiHO States Court to Savannah, - WITHIN THE TRADE WORLD. H, SIXES* | HD OYI.HtNO ROTfg ACTIVITY \ll TO XE. Ufa n a far fared Gauds Are Gulag Ip la Iteapaase la a Better Demand. There Is no t bange la the Ir.ig and At eel ttnrkef—Much Interest Is t entered Saw in the Movement nf fat I an—Some Feaiares of th* Market. New York. Nov M.—R. O. Dun A fto'g weekly review of tra.le will say to-mor row : With reasonable promptness business la recovering both preivlty and tone. and. fortunately, without the sharp rise In gen eral prices which was seen In the spring, and which wss followed by a sudden and serlon* transition to a mors natural range. Manufactured goods are rising In** to a hotter demand from dis tributing source*, helped at th# end of jthe week by the more seasonable weath er. Business Is not yet what It was on ,h* top of the wave of Induetrlal proa perlty, but fhe working force Is fast In i'i -using The ordinary measure, ot business reflect Increasing operations at all potnin, but Ihe textile market* ara at thr point of least response to th* Im proved undertone of trade. Recital of conditions In th* Iron and steel market has become a monotonmat repetition Each week there I* the am record of activity so generally distributed tint everything from the raw material lo tlm finished product enjoy* a share. Thera Is also the same free pan from spoc ulatlva accumulation tn anticipation f fancy prices that ha* been for weeks tha most encouraging feature In fhe t ottnn Market. Undauniod by rscen, revere**, specula tors in cotton advanced the price about S3 30 a hale In ten day* Receipts Itova been of a moderat* volume, but the slaa ot th* current crop cannot b* approxi mated hy tiny onfcnsry system of aver ages thl* year, urnttig to th* ample funds In the handn of planters enabling them to hold haek much of thelr crop Rati metre have fallen below 10,00a,1U0 tailes. because of the alow movement, and tills fact together with lat month's record breaking value of export*, forms th* tar si* of present pries* October shipments are unlikely to he equalled again, whllg rales of next September's options at • cent* do not take Into account plana foe n large Increase In acreage next year. Consumption dec reuse* on account of he high prices. Northern, spinner# having taken Ifo.tytn Jules Isa# than last year to •late, while Ytlitlsh of notion cloth* In October were 13 per cent. I*e# than In IS, and of cotton good*. 21 per cent smaller. Failure* for the week were 23* tn ,h* l'nii*<! States, against 191 last year, and 29 In (Ainada. against 22 last year. 1 RAY l*T,i A at’HOOVER. Steamer Nsmlillts Had a Serious Collision st Ses. Portland, Me., Nov. 2*.—Paesengers on •he steamer Numldian. which arrived hers to-day. report that she was in collision with an unknown schooner la*4 Wednes day morning, and after towing the schoon er unlll Thursday the latter broke sway nnd was not seen again. Th* schooner was leaking badly and fear t* felt that she may have gone down. Ttie schooner carried a rrew of aeven. and two of th* Numldian a crew bed been placed on hoard to asalst In working the pumps Scboaaer Alma Is Safe. Halifax, Nov. 23 Th# British schooner Alma, reported to have been sunk In coA- I'eelon off Halifax with the ste.imer Nu mlMxn. arrived here on Saturday last, and is still In port. It (spot known there for*. what schooner wss tn coiiistoa wlUz the Numldian. POPI LISTS CALLED TO MEET. t onv ration In St. l eal* tn Dlseaan Party’s Prospect*. Houston, Tex.. Nov. 23 National Chairman J A. Parker of the National Committee nf the Potsjllst party baa Is sued a call for a convention at Be Louis jtaturday. Dec 2k. to "conaider the best Interests of ihe party and the moot effect ive mean* of continuing th* fight tor Populist principles; also to confer with such reprcoenlaflve* of other reform par ties a* may desire to attend, looking tn the organisation of all reformers against the capitalistic parties." Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Refunded. WHY BUFFER? Hold tinder guarantee at following sfortmi Bowllnskl's, Jones'. Masonic Tempi*. Knight's. W T. Reid's, Marlows Cleve land's, Donnelly's, and tV. A. Plgnyn"s. Bavannah, Ga. LIPI'MAN BROS.. Savannah. Ga. and jv, F- RfiLP, Aunookfe. Ua.. Dmriiaaok. 5