The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A Big Circus. Valdosta Ablaze With the Pinery of a Co lossal Aggre gation. Sells & Gray's Big Show Will Be in the tbrifty city of Valdosta TUESDAY, Nov. 27. Ornate With Pomp and Splendor Unity Muir llraatu—Th* Horlil Re nownnl lliarcha* k Hitler The i l<nin \\ iili U hiakrra The fltranuc l*h tl I ipi u* I• I *\%lltl Anlmal-llif lltiliy Mnnkrjr, No matter tv hat the odd are, Bella' * Gray'i *;rrat ir tw* will pkch Ita tent In Valdoeta n**xt Tueaiay. the 271 Iw Mr Bella am to Savannah >***terda>. anti arrange* I for the ndvertlalny to be don* througn the Momina New*. as he waa unabl. to buy mwi in th* VnMo-ta |m|*er *. Nut knowing that the Bella A Gray .atkn cotucmpinteil atretehtna its can••• In |yiru)<-a county, the i>at>**r* In Valdontu •lt*|op*f| of their apace to un other show Nothing ".• left for Mr Bell* to do except to ap*‘ak to the i**o>ie through thta i*ik*r Accordingly at an tMitlay of n (Otaldcrable aum of nion**\ he ho* |urchaee<l • great many papers of thle inoue. and sill eatahllah a head quarter* in the thrifty city of YaWloetu from which the paieri will be dlMtibute.l fleely and gratlUtoualy. The fact that he could not mak- hi** announcement in th** Valdoatn paper* would have fruatrated the pl! of many a showman, but the earn*- Indomitable rptrtt w hich hae char acterized thla gre*t show and which he pisccd It the fore moat and hr* of all ahem* of the earth moke* It surmount those obstacle* at any coat, ami where others would fail. It plant* lta banner of auccewe. Ho It will do In Valdosta Tues day. Till. t INCT •* \T \*T%. This undivided and unporallehNl circuit will reach Vaklostu Motvlay night, th** 2Gth, and by early afternoon the next day, Tuesday, tin* performance will be In full blast A grand sireet parade, comprising gor geously attired actors, richly ca|art**ooed horses and savage awl untune-I beast* will past* in review before the spectators, on the morning of the 27th, Tuesday. The procession will be through (he principal streets of Valdosta to (he show grounds, where the grandest feats of modern times w 111 take place. Mr. Hells Informed a Morning News rep resentative that the performance at Vat dosta will positively be one of (he best the show ever wave. The whole thing. sal-1, he. will be an ornate outpouring of lomp and splendor. A great many fea tores which mght have been omitted will be put on In Valdosta, with Increased In terest. atul the fact will lx* demonstrated beyond doubt that Sells & Gray have the great*t and grandest amusement institu tion of h; earth. Tin: RIKKIIMK RIDER. This show has the world-renow nrd bareback ri-ler. Miss Kdna Marat ta—the only person t the present day who Is accomplishing the wonderful f* .it of throwing a backward somersault * n u running horse. She is an Anarlcni girl, a native of New York state Thl-* 1a worth the price of admladon, Mr Bella nays. It has also the two famous acrid g>m nasts the Karl sisters-Maude and Has I. No other show has ever been able to em ploy these performers. They d* f-at* which have never been attempted by iny other gymnast, ami they an* to-day ’h* hlghrat'salaried women in the world The celebrated Eavardo brother*, the world s greatest acrobats, have been specially en gaged by Bella & Gray for thl* grand *# roUitk carnival This 1* thotr first .p --pearanee In America. William Delaney. the world-renowned down, is with Beds A Gray, ii* in ag funny a* funny can be TIIK IMdUA %Hf3 CiHBAT. Mr Bells raid that the animal pari of the show is th* largest and most com plete of the country. Bonn- of the most vicious wiki bejsts in captivity will be shown A collection of the l***t trained „r.unu.r- ever brought to Valdosta will 1m? seen under this canvas. Their startling and thrilling performances have never leen and can never la* equalled. Kloc* tigers, white bears. leoparb and Germ in boar hound* form pyramids, drill mid glance. The monster double horned uni corn. the only beast of Its kind, to is* exhibited under canvas In Valdosta tale year, will ap|N'.tr in all his gorgeotisvtess. The bovalspue 1* one of the strung- <t anlmul* of modern time* It I* m cross Itetween a hypopotamra and a rhinoceros li bos i ng horns on Its proboscis, and i> very viciou*- It Is a water animal. It was captured |n the Philippine Island*. it •! * la a won-leriul beast, and Tantpu Im l!)M). crowds poured Iti t* lav eyes for the first tine upon this sti tnge animal TIIK II 4114 MONK BY. In Sclk. & Gray'. tcrmti nggrexation ihc people o( U>wn.l. ! county will >e< what >ot many o? them ever *w before Ur unyboii.v <*lw‘ lit Georgia lor ttim nutter. It u a Imlty mot.key. nur ..1 tte fcl an.l lotted by tl father int moiher. A I*:nFKI T IIY tTIU\. The performance* In Florida, front whence - Gray com. to Valdoun. have le-en attended by great txiii our.i - of people. In fact it might be .aid that the ahow ha. been given .1 great ovation ulong He entire tour in th. South The show her encountered oher aggicg.ition. In lt trip In Miaeleelppt. I.outidana und rXlubama. and the competition haw been lively. Kach clr* ue liar b<en playing and. indeed, I* playing It* level beat And, ar uual, lh. S*-i!e & Gray comiiination have lorn, away the honor*. IN YVIYTFH Ml IHTKK* IN \\ N AII. After placing their engagment In C'harleeton Friday, the y>th. It le expected that the ehom will go Into winters uuar tere In Savannah They will conetnict quarter* and go regularly to Importing, breeding and training wild heart* This etate. aay* Mr. belle, l p<> ullarly adant t-i by climate and water and railway la cllttle* for wintering hi* ehow. lie con template* be. tuning a real Georgia ineti tutlon The fact that It will m..k' It. K me In Georgia will no doubt w.n filend for Sell Gray*, great colkai*.l aggre gation Itnorg (b-orgtan*. and the entire Bottth, for (ha. matter Follow lug t the route of the clrcur un til Dec 1: Jarkaotcillle Gala Week, Monday. Yur, tin. Tneaday, Ny. at. n VV e.l ner.lny, Nov. US. | -t'nmitli. Theaktglvlig, Nov. gti. f Ckarlealuii, Frtduy, Nov. iW. PERILS IN ALPINE SNOWS. I IIUII.IIM l\ S\\ IIVT.It I. \MI IN. rorvrmt mam aiuks of im%TH %V lirn f#%crlMk*n ly Mrma Thdr (linscra of It•• *Hr %rr all*lit—Ter rible I Nlr of Party tf ta*flrsi on Mount Hlm ue—\\ omnn uml t*ulUr llrp TltrouMh th** 'nun t rust Into ton. From the flos’on Trat.- rlpt A perusal f !->iwjfd Whymi*rs r*- rjH'ent - l turcs . moun tain climtung, and |Mrti ulurly thi* clos ing i>#o of the orb 1-Mii.s vividly |o my mind recoil- ti r- •>! my i personal ue- to .aM**tJon with Uat -ad event wlij .’i Mr. Whymper rlghtU deaig- Hai *‘t I.vror*l •at i*trr>|di<- > the Al|* Aid Jum Inn allow* m- to cor re t nc m nous tror which in your r nl ahith w<- utid-uibte 11 • a alp of the reporter's i*-i The c4t>iiroi>he r* fern-I to oc.urrf*d not “.it th- end of .* you bav it, but twenty-on \--ai' c rller uittiieiy. it. th* mouth of H**jt* niicT P7O. Thai ye* . you will doubtless rem4mlK*r. wa a fateful one or the oontlnent of Kurope anl mark—l some notable i hanso** in Its pollu* l history. It was (he ymr which ui-i - . i th oit brenk *€ that terrible I'rei. rh an l G* r mn war whl- h so soon resulted In th* downfall of tin French army, th.- sur reti-lcr of IdOUi* Na|MU*on at the h-a.l of hi. army, th* fllirbl ol Kuir**iile ant ilia ultimo!, establishment **f the pre-ent F Ten oh rej.ubii . rulmttwMnx with th cosslyui of Alsace and Idurr.iln* th*- in vestment of Paris by the German army ami the crowning of King WHII in: s'* \erwail.-s a* Kmperor of Germany. It was thl" same fateful ywr. IRTti, that *w the Italian army ent.-nn# mo-I <•< the imp* rial city of Itorns. hi -I the mts-♦*- qurnt ejwrtloii by un nltn st unanltnoi yote of the Homans of Vi 'tor Kmmafiuel, father of the iu(<- lamentesl Kiiat Hum bert. as ruler over united Italy. Hoi oo Mount tllnne. It whs my fortune to l>e traveling In th three centuries named during the progress of them* momentous events and to have leen at t'hninounl at tin- time when th*- "worst catastrophe .f ih** Alp* ' occurred, hetice th*- vivid which the rccera relation l-y Mr Whymper have awakened in my mind. It was on the af t moon of th*- 7th **f S*-pt* nbcr—the earn* fateful month watch wltn- >l th** down fall of l#<ns Nuiioleon, the invewtment of I'arls nri-1 the occupation of Home—that in company with a small party of tour ists. Including two k< ntlcmen und four la dle* from Itoaton. the majority of whom have since |tu*se*l fr<n *rih—l enter <1 tbe little village of ('h.itn-.iinl umler very |M.'ullar tv> found the vlb litKc*- filled with excited villagers. ro n, wom*-n and children, many of whom were weeping and tnounlng and wringing their hands. Th*- *ause of thin ilemontstra flon we sM*n Irimnl from one of the few visiter* who had r* mained after the war re we ron*hed them The substance of the Information given us waa that iw* days ptevlousiy a party, consisting of Hires tourists, three guide* and five porters-- eleven In all—had started to make the ascent of M<nt Ilian*' They had been watched through th*- telescope with mote than usual Interest, s It was lab* in th*- season f r such •* enterprise. No very great anxiety had been felt In regard to Hum until the morning of the second -la:., when, as I was informed by i gentleman who had been a special watcher for them, they were seen for u few moments, not far frfm the summit, ai-parerxly de* end- It g and looking ash- expressed it. IK** files crawling over a white sheet "Bud •I. nlv," ht said, "while 1 was lm>king a veil seemed to be thrown over them and they vanished frmi my sight I looked long and earnestly, hut saw them no more f was convinced that they had been over taken by n snowstorm and feared that they were lost " The chief gut-le, who was also mayor of the village, was com municated with, and he dispatched an • x|*erlenced guide with order* to go up to the Grai and Mulct* and signal hack any Information he might obtain In regard to the party. In due time he returned an swer that they had not been there nor were there any signs of them In that vi cinity. t.niiiK to the Rescue. This was the condition of thing* at n'sai on the -lay *>f my arrival th** third since the party's departure* from th- vil lage The f**-ltng whs -iron* t!*t they were lost and the excitement was In tense. The chief guide at once •vdled for volunteers to go in search • f and en deavor to rescue the mi-sing ones. lie would take no married men nor any over 30 year- of ng* About 5 o’clock tint afternoon twenty-five stalwart \o.jng men. * a-h w ith a coll of rop* over d* shroulder. an Ice ax In hi* t*Ht and aJptn* -tesk In bund, gathered In the q i.r .n*l ret'elved their Instruction- from the , hlef guide Then they set off nmid t e ch*ers and *ohs an*i mmiy . Gtd t-l-• you from the assembl'd -row*! of vil lagers .mI stranges* w o h-1 t in with anxious ••>** till th- gatertng dusk shut them from sigiit. That night about two hours after the departure of no ble hand then* - im* on a fearful tempest of wind and rain, accomp nl-l by thun der rod lightning, such ii- rarely kn>w except among th* mountain*. It was nn f r aM -*f us Hu he storm paosi'd after .i couple of hours :rj about milnight. .dthough >ou r* p rt M Whynifw r a> saying thaf .ifter no u* aw the top oC the mountain for eight d.iy*, ’ I saw the nearly full moon rise clear and bright above the summit and shine down upon ih* pur**t w dt* snow field th *n* eyes ever lcokct u|ion Ami o:he s s*tw It. too. and the halo that surrounded t e moon, while on* .t l*.ist dee i e-1 sh* ?aw - cross Inside th** halo. It was indeed a glorious sight and there was a fe ling among us that It might l*e * sign of hop tor the missing ones %li 11*14*** %lattlonel. Hut the brave volunteeis return**! dur ing th- forenoon **f the n* xt day and re torted that the storm had overtaken them before they reached a place of safety, but they struggl' and through li and at last fund shelter for the night The next morning they e-sav-d to continue the'.i search, but the soft *nov had f-’len to such a depth on th- (Hader I |tolon* tha It wa- Impraeti. ilile to at*, mnt to *ro*'' It. but they sattsth'd th*m** lves th-t no one hud been in thwt locaiit) or at th<* tnatal Mulets. There was no longer any dcuht tlt a t the entire parxy had perdih-d There was w-*i!ng and w.tiling In tn?• little village that day, for nearly If not all the guid-H and |K>rters hint left fami lies wTo w**re d*qien*lent ui>-an them wives and children or fathers and moh **n-and they were very poor, for the sea son had !*cen a bad one. excurslonl-K having been few on account of the war \ subscription was at once set on foot among t • f**w stranger* In Chamoutii and about* fraixs v**r* mlhil unl distributed amt r ; the miet needy one*. Allow m- to make one or two more cor reotlon* In your report of the lecture r-*- ferred to. The tourists who were lost this oc< tslon were J (' Itan-lall, who w i* not exactly a Hostonian. lut a well known reMd-nt >f Quin, v , arwl treasurer of th* savlt gs l.*nk of Huh place. He was t'.J years of age, but w* vary anxious U make th- ascent, mi and had put himself n severe training for,several day* previous ly. Hut he seemed to hove had some mis giving* u* to th* result, for I was told that he had mad* his will some days previously and left It with the t'nited States consul of Geneva. He left a num her of children at hom* Tr. James B. Kean, the other American, was a young physician of Halt .more. .M l foot of Ten nessee, as you have It). This I .Vam l from his passport, which, with <i few small effects, he had left at the hotel where \ \ l was Maying, lia had kitara from the j THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 190a Hunyadi Janos IS THt ORST NATURAL APIiRIRNT WATER KNOWN. *u# Tfcoosaixl phyildtM ha*e testified ** thia fs**t |‘ *-1 wtist Pw i fH ft,: IM ot i,l -i ni**tiltf| * srltri Jan • im IsUloputstiy th *•• •! of liilll***. It • •■lmlrtblf tsb i erntF*l by th** noairt, it sets rltb' *it f rise to istestiasl lrrltstiso. §ud It, 1 tbsrefore. tJa*rt* Its oalverssl populsrlty I Nature’s Remedy lor the Cure ol i CONSTIPATION, ' Disordered Stomach, Biliousness and Liver Complaints. I C|/ ror ll Full Nm. I ADri 4 HOA HI'NYAiII JAMS." | LMDfcL lth HKT> Crnir* ronl Hmitheoruan Institution Washington, commending him to ac.entißc ass*>ciadon* In Kuro|- and < ommlasc>nlng him to ex amine museume rsl similar institutions in the cities he might visit Rev. G. Mac - orkinda’.- *B* H*h clergyman, was th** thir.l tourist of the tarty The names of the throw guid-e, which I noted at the time. were John Haimat. Joseph Hret ton kind August <*ot **t Th*-% were m- f k the best and most trusty gutdew *f that time Nona others would h ve boon sllosred to make the as cent, I rnn ii In Their Track*. It was ten days after the catastrophe that a searching party was enable*! to reach th* point on the mountain near where the mKolng ones were last sewn through the telesoop** A number of them were fund hurled In snow In a silting posture, *e though they had w*tt down to res' Olid so died, they proved to in- I*r Mean. Mr MacOorltindale and two of the lorters In •he stiffened hands Of IT liean was found . notebook in whl- h be had recorded some Incidents of that fatal trip, with date*, the last of which was H**p? 7 Tiie record stated that they had been two days In the midst of lerrlb* snowstorm, that they had had trouble with their guides and the party had !••- i'onii *eparat- *1 They were conscious that they were lost, for the record closed as follow* "We have dug a grotto in the snow at a hight of 15.000 feet. I have no hope of descending; my feet ore frosen and lam exhausted I hav* only strength lo write these, words I die believing In Jesus Christ with sweet thoughts of my family, my friendship* n-i ah I hope we shall meet in heaven “ Mr Randall • body wa* not <ll* overed unUi several weeks later and was oent to Geneva. Where h* had left instructions In regard to the disposal of his effects in case he did not return Had th* guides known this they would never have made the ascent with him, for they are particularly sensitive on such points There ww* another cat istrophe on Mont Hianc the same year, I#7U, which I think wo* not spoken of by Mr NVhymper In either of his lectures, though by no means *>f such magnitude m* the one of which d**r ills hav b* *oi given A young Eng lishman with his bride. vislel *ham*uni early in the *<*.iaoi- I believe in the month of June probably with a vietv to enjoy ing the beauty and grandeur *f the scen erv in a quiet vav liefore the rush of sum mer visitors. w*hbh usually enma later. One day the bride express**) n *leslre to ascend the mountain to a certain poin*. whi h she Wignated. n*l which could I*** reached without danger an*l with no great expenditure of strength. Together with her husband a fem.ile companion, a guide ami a porter, the point designat*xl %vae soon reach***! and |x*sed. Sank Out >f sight. The lady was so much pleased with h*r *\|criefi e that ?fi*‘ d*-.-lrel to go still further, an*! her husband an-1 th** gtik! therefore left her anl her compunion for * few mint He** while they went forward to m.ik*- a path through the snow %vhlch had fallen the night previous. They ha-l gone hut a abort distance when they h**rl a piercing shriek Hurrying hack to their starting point, they found the companion* standing alone und In a frensled condi tion As soon i* she was abb* to s|>enk coherently she said that while she und the lady were standing their feet became chilled, uisl they began stamping them upon the sno%v to restore the circulation, when without warning the ertast gav* way, anl th*- Indy and the porter sank through It und disappeared from her Fight, leaving her standing upon the elge of frightful chasm partially Ailed with snow* It apjxared that they hal been standing altove one of those treacherous crevasses euch as may he rememhere*l by those who have ever crossed the Mere <!*• Oluce, und which. h*lng narrow at th** bottom, are soon Ailed and hidden from sight bv falling snow. Every effort wns made to rescue or at least recover the )<odte* of the missing ones, but without avail, they were never seen again. The stricken man returned to bis hotel, and for some day* -Mit at a window neither eating nor sleep ing. but gazing upon that pHle*e moun tain where ail his hopes of happiness lay burled forever. Buch is the tale m 1t w is toM to me and recorded nt the time, thirty years ago. and such Is the true history of not oniy one. but two of the worst find saddest catastrophes of the Alps" on record. WIN OF HIM l GIA. Fiery In linn \\ hoar Fenfs Rlxnl Thoae of €>rano le lleruerac. From the Philadelphia Press. Col. Hon Augustin Cervantes, of Ha vana. Cuba. Is a man who can truthfully declare he'd rather right than eat. Hl* thlrty*Ave duels are proaf sufll.'ient of such a statement lnde*d his num* rous encounters of hon or—(he thlrty-Afth tavlng occurred re cently—without -loubt make the Aery Cer vantes the world's greatest living duelist, a modern man at arms that will compare favorably with the knlghs of old, who. ac cordtng to rhyme and story, carried their desire for combat so far n* to tight a duel or two before breakfast just t arouse gxd appetites for the viands their .gentle dames cooked while swords and lance* clashed. As Don Cervantes traces his descent for i toiig Him of anebni v'astllllan kntght*. It Is easy to understand where he gets hi> abnormal bump of comb.itlveness. And sin • his family history and tradi tions tell that then* old knights never knew what d* fnt meant. It is not liftl - till to umb rebind, also, how their Cul-an descendant has come by that unerring dexterity which has roan him \leior in every one of his thirty-Ave duel* Cervantes* Is only .72 years of age now. but In his short existence he has man **•*! to surpass th** achievements of h.s most famously combative ancestor; and If he lives long enough it will not >e at all surprising If h* equa!* the -untuned records of all bis fighting progenitors. He is slarte*! we 1 on the way towards such a goal. Now. nobody should think for a single moment that the.-*- dvie ** of young c*er \ antes at* after he French or Chinese fashion. Nine tlm* s ha* Cervantes killed his man outright, and as many times he has given his antagonist wounds that af terward- resulted In death daimlng them. Cervantes' exploits with la** rat-ier hive made htrn kn wn and f* .r* i throughout 'the Pearl of the Anil 1 *>" as th "Cuban Cyrano" and lh* "Cuban D Ariignan This dueling paragon Is tall and slim p A Iff Ml ha ' in *' lli dark brand and weighs only I3f> pound*, but his ever>* Alter s****tris u combination of at***! and rubber In fencing h- movti-wlih lficr*d- Ihie *-ws*< and rapidity. his eye is like lightning, and, daspite his hot Spanish hlnod, he Is as 000 l and impiiraWe a* ice and ever ready to take advantage of an opponent's slightest error His skin Is swarthy, his eyes bU k and restless, find his whole bearing Is notable for an air o: mystery and romance. It was In IW7 that CervMrtm Aral learn e*l to fence. Ht studied under the great *at ma*tera cf the art Bo extraordinary was ht* progress that within leea than a year he w* recognized as the Arat ■worcWman of Cuba, atul since then the moot noted expert* have failed to tnk away from him this distinction. When Pin), th- celebrated French fencer, wim* In Havana he was defe;te*i twice by Cervantes, whom he declared to be mon **xt>ert with the rapier than any other man against whocn he hod tr.*v) ids skill Most of Cervantes' duels have had their ongin ht poll ft il quarrel*, for the hot-headed Cuban !u* had a stormy and has played an Important part In all of his country’s struggles for free dem Although his fame haa been won In the MUMpjmary role of duelist. Cervantes started life in the pea. * ful call-ng of Jour tuallst. and hut for the turbulent condi tions *xittng In his field of operations he might have gone quietly through lift ti *• wr’.ter and without n string of moral nomhuts to his credit. Don Cervantes Mmse-lf contends tha? he only became a due I let through droumatance* for which he had no control, and that at heart he Is a peaceable man on*! would sooner w'.Wd the pan ihan the sword. In I*V when only twenty-one y*rars of age, he start**! the Hfurarut Dally Trib une. In ’h%s paper he lonvely attacked He Hpanish government and contended !x>ldly for free Cuba The Tribune be came intensely popular with the Cubans, wh.cb fact so IftcerwKd the Bpantsh ofA •dals that they arr*te<l its valiant edl tor. put him in prison, suppress**! hh* j*ter. and oonAsraud his effe<*fs I>on Cervantes emerged from tnison a ruined man An inrlally.but with unbr*>kon spirit, his ardor for Cuba burning as fiercely as ever In n short time he had started nncaiM-r revolutionary the Dally Separator, which strongly advocat ed Cuban lnd*i>en*lence. During thl* i** riod he was frequently attack#*! by Bpantsh *Alcers, and. K ing compelled to defend himself, resorted to the ancient code of arms, and stretched several of his opponents cold In death on the field of honor. Ill* rapl-l succession of victories ar*l hi* In- >mparable skill as a swordsman soon caused him to be feared and dreaded, and the beat duelist in the Hp.nlwh army hesitated to provoke th** ir- of th* swarthy Cuban, burning with zeal for hi* country, and roady to fight on Ihe slightest excuse. When th** revolution tyhich resulted in the Anal surrendering of the B;*nnlsh yoke was still in it* Inclplemy and before the Culans had yet taken up arms. Cer vantes w.s working night and day In pi shing the conspiracy. Ills popularity and inAuence with th* adventurous young blades of the city en abled him to secure valuable recruits, and he was also Instrumental In the raising of funds. He went to New York and en gineered several successful Allbusterlng expeditions, notably the one which result 1 in the sinking of the J. W. Hawkln- Returning to Cuba, the brave knight of fortune pi iced himself In the rank* of his countrymen and fought gallantly all through the war lie srtved on the M.lff of I acref. Ruiz. Rosa and Gomez, and ommanded the brigade of Colon In sever ul engagements. Eight days before the peace protocol was signed, Cervantes was mi le n prt* < ner and confined in the castle of Ban Heverlna, being released on the entrance of the United State* troops B nee that time and after leaving the milt ary service, with the rank of colonel. Cervantes has led a checkered life !!*■ had the misfortune to be out C symp*ith> with the United States government, an*) two papers which he started Freedom and the Reconcenrrmlo—had to b* sup pressed h-ausA of their rabid ant I-Amer ican sentiments. Driven from his preferred calling. Cer vantes was compelled to look to his sword for a living, and he founded a school for fencing The duelist numbers among hi* pupils some of the best -known men of Havana. As it result of his romantic career and hi* reputation as a swordsman Don Cer vantes has become the center, the leader, of an admiring company of blooded youths, who regard him as their Wl-m1 their patron, their model On all points concerning the code of dueling his word K law. ard he has . fA clat*l as ma**er of ceremonies In no le*** than 2'7 duel*. In fact. In spite of him self. be can scarcely vvotd h*ing drawn Into any duel which occurs among men of the upper ca ses. The gilded youth si*ek of Cervi nte a* the "Providence of Havana " Iw-*a'is of his skill In saving them fr-m the legtl consequences of violating the antl-duelb g l.iw which have gone Into cfTt* t s.nce the Amril'an occupation Of the thlrty-Avc duels whl h Cervant s has fought twnt\-fotir resulted from tw* lltlcal causes and right were affairs . f the heart. Sixteen w> r. fought with ra ider*. eleven with swords and nine with pistol*. Cervantes has Ken wound and twice, once b> .i pistol shot In the hr* at and once by a rapier thrust In the stom ach. Many stories ir told of the daring an I high temper *f I*>n Cervantes th*- fol lowing characteristic aamplc will suffice to show the character of man he is and the chance* one takes In trifling with him. According to the accepted vend on. It Is said that one night, while Fervant-s wa usonrting a fair danseuse from the §t ig - door of tle theater to her carriage \ Spanish offber, standing near. ns<l> remark- al*out the woman’s personal chcrms Cervantes imt hi* comp mon i t her carrlag** -hatted for a moment ;it the door, then returned to wh*re th-- Bpm l.trd was talking with his friends, and without a word hnrxled him hi* card "But an actress." rcmon*lrated the challenged man, "enjoy* being rompi men ted I had no Intention of Insulting her." "Aetres* or not." replied Cervantes, "in sult or compliment, has nothing to and * with It The lady wa with m- ' To refuse the challeng-* mean sneere*! at by *ll a* an act of cowardice, so the two men repaired lnatantly to a convenient place, after pro urlnc weip. ons at the nearest club. Orvanbs ran the*l through the bod\. toll the k*ad man's friends to dl*|o*c of him ■* they liked, then went his way and si* nr the remainder of the night at l *up;*cr party. This, of course. O'curred at a tlm* when the Cuban hatred o[ tha Bpanlari rau vary lugh, MONTANA B.APPNIVIffSt. One of the Most Remarkable Mines la the \%arld. Helena OorrespofWksnce of the Bt Ix>uit Globe -1 eono- 'ra t. Fergus co'inty. Montana. pos*e*ae* cme of the most r*tnarkab*e mines m the work! -the Yogo MMppmre props rt lea—ln th t the pr#*iou* stones are found in regular ly formed veins like gold, silver an*) other valuable n* tub xvhereae in other commu nities. diamonds, sapphires, opal*, and the other buried treasure are found n l*. k- i or dusters Consaquantly i *ie. scrip lion of this unique mine and its n*i' of operation will prove Interesting The sapphire* are found scatter*#) all abn.g the lead or vein. and. as in any klnl of mining there to much "dead" work, as well as fr-quent rich strike*. month for Instanc--. Ave blocks *>f groun*) wer- worked, from one 10,000 car ats were -xtractrd. white from another of equal dimensions only 74 carats were taken tnd the cost of working the Mo k fnm which the lO.fifd earn e were secured was only al*>ut one-tenth that of working the other four hlooks. from which R. 00) rarats wer* r*alis--l The sapphire* iro found in n perpendic ular lea-I of dry' clay, with wall io'k • n either aid**, and. .* this - 1 yev formatio • Is mined. It is thoroughly w'.**-h*-! n I the gerns extracted anl picked over. They ore of all -lies and various degree* of excellence but the amethystine gems **oll -very ran*. 80 far the company Isas worked down only fifty or sixty feet, but prospecting he* been N done to u a- ;th thre*- times ;in great and there tx?e sap phires all th** way down. The deeper they go the harder the formation be comes. requiring greater expos ire *0 cause disintegration. All dirt that * worked over this year will be exposed through the late fall and winter *0 be action of th* element*, causing ands mi gration, and next year it will le washed over ..gain in the s..ii e tiox***. and there may be extracted as many gems as wer* found this year. '1 hrough the Summer many g* ms nro thiwn asni* as cull* tut men aro left at tl>e miiws all through the winter and they <Wvote th**lr spare time to sor*tng over the culls Th*re w**uld, however, he :o danger In lea\*lng the mines uti i-uar t.*d through the winter, for nature I*r<*tecta them. After the water freeaes. no ot>*‘ con extract the *uqphire from their ha id clayey bed. The cctnpany secure* Its water from point twelv* miles distant from the mines, canv+y li ig it by ditches ar.d Aum The supply .f water thl* -*• *n hu* ?*e* n smaller than usual awing to a ligit snowfall last winter but it was rot nee essary at any time to suspend operations. At out f* rt\ men are conatantly employed a? the Yugo mines The output for thl* season will be very Urge, and some particularly line ston s hava Ix-eti secured. The largest ston*- yet f*iund .*t the mines was discovered aarK in June of thia year, and it w ighed nine teen •aratb The demand for the sapphires is constantly increasing, and the supply I* Insufficient, deapite th** fact that many Individual* are also engaged In mining lham at various ap>t* along the Missouri liver. In addition to the Yogo mires. All the stone# are shipped direct to London, where many of them are cut, while others ere sent to Antwerp for that purpose. But about half of the pr**- duct find* Its way hack to the Unite*) States, several Urge American companies having < > ontrart* with the English Arm to which the mining company eellw its product. The duly on the cut gems 1s only 10 |*er cent The actual mining eea * n is from April 15 to Oct. SI, or until the water freexes. There Im no Indication that the mine* are pfo\tng out; on the contrary, they teem to he getting richer A* a by-pro duct, considerable corundum Is being m net), but this will be valueless until a railroad shall have be* n built to th* mines Fergus county being ihc* only one tr the state unacquainted with the Iron horse Corundum 1* worth £lO per ton In lx>ndon, and ia used In the making of *mery wheels, etc Th.-usands of tons of this mineral are now lying on the "dump' .waiting cheap transportation, ami even should the saphires become exhausted, the tailread would make the mining of the latier 11 most profitable undertaking UTKAAOE Gil nTMUW. lion Arctic Highlanders CYiaoae* Their Hires. From B nbner • Magazine. It was natural that thoae on the Wind ward shook! Im* good *ain*tregies. Fine© they were th** wives of picked hunters. When a Smith Bound Esquimau choose.* a wife h© apparently has regard only to housewifely qtialities. Bhe must te able to do the cooking, and to sew. and to chew hubs. This lust l? ti sine qua non. Furs im** the only possible dress, and of these they must have an abundance, else they will Irtish with cold. When the sun 1* about the horizon, the women spread the skins of seal, and reindeer, and bear, pegging them out hid*- up. and allow* them lo dry thoroughly. One** dry, they ore. of course. 0* still as boards, and Ik*fore they can Ik* mad*- into garment* th* Abwrs must be broken. Accordingly the women ben 1 the hide double, making a crease through its length. Iteginr. tig. then, at <>*• end. they chew steadily to the other. Then, creasing the hid* n lltle farther on. they chew again, and repeat the wimple process until *v* ry Inch of the surface has been < h w and. urn) with Abers br*dc*-n. the skin 1* flexible enough to he sew***! into garments A good co*k and seam stress and cbewer of raw I>l<l** Is certain of 1 rM for she will he taken u* wife or;. * ? th-t- lust of the young hun*ers. who Is. ther*f4Tre. a good pro vUter. There Is no ceremony of mar riage. the hunter taking his bride from her father's tuptk or igdlu (also spelt eg 100. winter hou*e) to his own; nor. so far as we learn**). Is lucre among them ceremony of any kind, nor formal wror ah'p. nor any rl e* unless the incantation of the ting* koks (medicine men) be given rank as a rite. Hacking A. There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. It tears the W tender rr.emhrane of ,tu ' throat and lungs, aWlgWj4 j and the wounds thus made attract the germs W of consumption. Mop your cough hv using the familv remedv that tfvmKyy* has been curing coughs and colds of e\er> kind for over sixty years. You can’t afford to be without it. /hWKS eherrx Pectoral loosens the grasp of your cough, i The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed ; all inflamms tion is subdued; and the cough drops away. Three sizes: the one dollar size is the cheapest to keep on hand; the 50c. size for coughs vou have had for some time; the lie. size for an ordinary cold. - For is rear. I had a very had eoa*h. Th- doctor, and everybody l.c thought I lud a true.,.- ot conaumiitaia. Tb-n I trust Ay-r' berry fectoral und It only took a bottle and a halt to cure n>." F. Maaioa Mm-lks. Oct. ■ tSSS. Umdra, H T. M' J / £ ** ** Asktorour New Paris Shapes THtY IiOW BUST. STRATGHT FRONT & LONG HIP •w> Styles jyo 552.440-441 44$ 447 rOR SALE AT/IU. LrADINC RfTAILWS **°Ti SpeGial Shade Work LINDSAY & MORGAN’S SPECIALTY. Even-body knows who has ever had a shade that they make you think —if they do not work right. When we put them up you won’t have to think. We have the only expert shade man in the city. He does nothing but make shades and hang them. Also Draperies and Lace Curtains. Want to do your work. Send for us. Two Specials for This Week. 50 Daghestan Wilton Rugs, regular price $9.00; Bfl ftA our price wOiUll 100 Brussels Rugs, regular price $2.00; #| ti r this week OliZu Go visit all the other stores, then come to us, and we will surprise you with the completeness of our FURNITURE AND CARPET stock and the prices. Remember, “Not how cheap," but “How good," is our motto. HIS RHEUMATISM IS GONE. “Five bottles of Graybeard Compound has well nigh cured me of lumbago or rheumatism in the back, of which I suffered severe pain fifteen years. Everything else failed to relieve me, and I have tried everything I heard of. S. G. DENT. “St. Simons Island, Ga." Graybeard is worth SI.OO a bottle; 6 ror $5.00. If your druggist hasn’t our preparations in stock write us, RESPESS DRUG CO., Proprs., SAVANNAH, GA. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From Ihf moat rclrbratfd mnnulartarr.'i, both fireproof and buralar proof aafr and vault doors. Wp carry nn Immense stock of Fire-proof Aafes. Oar stock em braces a very rU’inint line from 700 to 4,(MNI pounds, lclalvr, • Inale and double doors, and n visit to oar establishment to In spect these eleannt safes will be n source of mieh profit and ln strnellon to onr frlrnls. The price will be an low ns any really Fire-proof Hafe can be mode, and our motto Is Quality nnd Safety of the first laiport aace, head or call on us for further particulars, ratalogse and pflf**. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. \ Jfruttocjoer, Twice the price could buy no better. LIP PM AN BROS., Savannah Agents. 1 ORDER blank books from the morning news, savannah.