The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Tin: TAi.r-if W Aiin dawk. All 11.M.1T for IK* lirml laalril on IK* firlillron. Mow Hvt. Conn, Nov. 23—Alt I* In r*.ltm'** lor the game between Yale ami Harvard to-morrow on Yale fifld. Indeed. ho flrat Harvard contingent arrived In the city (M-nlght on n train ot ten iwrlor ram from .Boston. With the arrival of that romionv of "rrtm*on" supporters, the flrat money to h* wagered on the tame from Harvard *i pfwctera at peared. The Harvard m*n demanded odd* of 10 to 7 In the hotel lob. biea to-night there la Intenae excitement The firellna In thi* city la that the ream* will be a t'ioar one The odds In what lit t* hotting there I* favor Yule elight ly, and the oonflleno* of the Yale ooaeh *re *a rreal The pwyera do not express themnelvea The Harvard men In town *eem to be Just nnflder.t a* the blue *ii|ipurter* The Yale 'Varally eleven of ISho ern tains more veteran* than for *nme year# ,even f the men having played tiefore in lh< big game* agalnat Harvard and prti eier In weight the team averages alee t the same as on prevlon* year* but It dlfler* from past 'varsity elevei,* n thst the line Is exceptionally h avy. The total weight of the team la l.H*o pounds nf wtilch 133! pounds Is In the line. I av lna po’inds of hone and mua le hehln l to and" t' • running and line bucking This mag. an average of * per cent of tha total weight of the team In the line, wh per rent I* lehlnd It T> 1 ■!<■ eleven I hi* year developed verv o>:t kly and (rave promise earlv hi the '-"0 of bring one of lh*- atrong-st tha' represented the college. The flr** . itn* were all won on large mar gin* o Ithe season a (speared very roviin -1(1 IV, eleven met Columbia o' New York viii'ii there came a slump and the Mur and while scored for the firs tme ags , Vale in lt<n The Coaimbl i gam , however was a rrsat henertt to the •lever. ■ It brought out many of Its pep in i the i*am was *o strengthen'd that i line up rapidly and In two weeks' time almost swept the Carlisle Its! a a off i held, much to the gr.itm aimn of . .si tiers Yale has been verv fo tu nvte thta year In that hut two of the Star players have received Injuries la-fore the Mg game. Till: H tid'd IT IIEVMKti*. laip Mas a Slruns Favorite lint She boil Her It nee. IV ishlngton. Nov. 23 —ldeal racing weather oral a desire to see the marc Imp run drew another large crowd to the Hennings race track to-day. Imp dis appointed her barkers In the handicap race. She was a strong favorite at al most even money, but First Whip beat her by • head. Summaries: First Race—One mil- and fifty yards Althent. 10 to 1. won. with Rare Per fume. 7 to I and 0 to r. second, ami Fir rh'xhugh. 9 to 5, third. Time 1 IT Recotul Race—Five furlongs. Cherries. 11 to 10. won. with Almra 13 to V' anil even, second, and >bliged. 10 to 1. third Time 1:8 4-5. Third Race—Seven furlongs. I-eon Fer guson. 1J to 5. woo. with Murd. lino, s tr. 1 and .1 to 1. second, end Old l.ank. 3 to 1, third. Time 1:29 4-5 Fourth Race—Six and a half furlong* Me Addle, S to 5, won with Sadie 8.. 7 to 5 and ! to 5, second, ami Robert Waddell, sto 2, third. Time 1:15 2-5. Fifth Rare—One mile and forty yards. Evelyn Byrd. 3 to 1, won. with Spurs. 9 to 1 and 3 to 1. second, and lieverage. 4 to 1. third Time I th t-5 Sixth Rate Handicap, one tube ind one dred yards. First Whip, 7 to 2. won. * th Imp. 9 to Ml and 2 to 5. second, and A' lUilh. 12 to 1, third Time 1:49 2-5. ATLANTA HACK* ruitf'.ll, Cirnar (.la <ll In Thai (ho Truck Wn Too Hens*. Atlanta. Nov. 23 —No rare* were run I at Piedmont Pork to-day. and the autumn meet of the Jockey clu! has been uncx- j pestsdly closed. The track ha* been very heavy under the recent weather and running ha* been with great difficulty. Many of the horses which have been Will be taken to New Orleans for the winter season Hare Helt* at hewport. Cincinnati. Nov. 23 Hesults at New port. First Race—One mile. TJtt i. 1* to 6. won. with Baffled. S to 2. second, and Barilla, S to 1. third. Time 1 Second Bare— Six furlonirr Ed Adnck t to 1, won. with Aaron. 7 to 2. second, and Horaa. IS to 5. thltd. 1 IS I *. Third Race—One mils and n sixteenth, selling. ('aslie. S to 2. won. with Nearest. SURPRISING RESULTS. .1 Simple Internal Itemed* 'lakes Re markable fares of Catarrh. People who have used sprays, inhaler*. *elv.-a and washes for caiarrh and have found how useless and Inconvenient tfiey are. will be agreeably surprised Ml re sult foilowlna the use of a pleasant, In tsr and t.-mealy In latlet form; druggist* everywhere admit that B'uart's Catarrh Tablets, which they sell at 50 rent* for full tiled treatment. I* the safe-t most effective and popular of all caiarrh rem edies. Nearly all cheap cough mixtures and thr.nt Wnengers contain opiates, these h- ip medicines give a temporary relief. ‘ Specially with little children, by cleat roy. Ing nerve sensation; the Irritation In throat, which causes coughing. Is tempo rarily removed, not by removing the hum. but by deadening the nerves of feeling the Irritation Is not fell although • Is still there and will promptly re turn. Stuart's Catarrh Ta!d*ta Is the lies* r*-m-dy to remove catarrhal secretion, whether In the nose, throat or etoma h, l a use they are composed of wholesome entlseptlcs like Bueolyptol, Oualaool. Can (uinarla and Hydraslln, when you use ' i*e lableis you know wh-.t you ate put r.g Into your system and not taking uanesa with cocaine, opiate* or stmlar l>dona f.amd 111 so many atarrb aur* n< l cough medicines. Ur. Itamwleli In commenting on #atarrh urea aeys: "I ran heartily recommend hiuart's Catarrh Tabieia. because they < .r.taln no cocaine nor other dangerous found In so many advertised catarrh ires. | have known of nant cases of ng standing catarrh of lha head and throat completely cured by the dally use the iablets for several we. ks One us In particular, which I could not each with an Inhaler, end where the ra t rrh caused dully headache* and not •de loss of hearing. was entirely cured '/ this harmless but effective ren edy." Ur. Walnwrlght saya: "I never hesitate lr prescribe Bluett s Caiarrh tablets for arrhal heg.laches imd catarrhal deaf * because I know them to be perfectly *•l' fur child or adult and have seen ' any remerkaln* cures resulting from •-r regular dally use; because they are " .verllsed and sold in drug stores b no *' 0,1 why any good Physician shouldnot '* them, because we ahould seise upon • f .e means of cure wherever found.'' Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are especla ly table for catarthal colds In i hlldr*n •cause they are pleasant to the taste aid ' "* v be used freely to brenk up acvete ■' * and croup hi the very beginning *** drugglets sell the remedy nt fifty “ nt# for full atsed packages. A M,, 1 book on cause and cure of ca ''rrb mailed free by addreseln* the V. A. Stuart Cos., Marshall, Mich. PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND GIVES STRENGTH TO ALL WHO £Hj|| ARE OVERWORKED AND EXHAUSTED. t* £ Overwork has first eft vet upon the nerves; ■ ' wasted nerves dram the vitality of stomach, liver and kidnevs. Impure, thin hlood is made; the body throws weak for S vva! nutriment and there is indiges mrs. v. a. farron. Gon, acute pain in the back and head. I Could Not Do My Work “I was suffering with rheumatism and was dis tracted wiiith th, pain when work, sleep well all night, and wake up in the morn- US EO NLY PAINE’S CELE RY COMPOUND 13 to 5. second, and Tuckful. 7 to 5, tf.W Tim. 1 57% Fourth Race—Six furlongs, selling Tom Collins. *1 to won. with Nancy Till. 7to 1, s.rond, and Hurry Thobutn, 2 to J, third Time l:15!i. Fifth Race—One mile and seventy yards Winter, 7 to 2. won, with t'terp, 3 to 1. second, and Albert Vale. K to 5. thud Tlni*- 1 '!>* Blxth Baer—Six furlongs. Gold Ls*-k. 12 to 1, won. with Louisville Belle. to 1. second, and l<ord Kruger, 2 to 1, third Time 1:19!*. 'll** U.t'T 'TILL LEADS. She Is 'lxmlng the Way to the Wear* Bicyclists. Now York, Nov 22.—There was a large attendance nt Clermotit rink. Brooklyn, this afternoon and evening, to watch the grind for supremacy among the six con testants out of the eight original Harters Ml** Oast sill! show < the way for the weupy cyclers, and at the etwl of to-night's riding she had scored 397 mile* and 15 laps. But Miss Brandon, who l second, la always on the lert willing to spurt around the track with a view lo making up that Jop which separates her from the lender. At the cp.*.- to-night th f.glowlna scores were reeopleii: Miss (lust, 397.15, Miss Brandon. 397 14; Mrs. Lindsay, 392. Mis* rtavls. 391 12. Mr* Bayne, SB 6. Miss Pothard, 315.3. Field 'trials at 'ruins. '• Newton. N. Nov. 23 —The ill-age sink*' contesi of ;h<* Kistern Field Trait Club was concluded this afternoon, with the following result First. Bloux, owned by Avert nnd Dor. yea: second. Minnie's Otrl. owned by tlcorge Croeker and handled by ft. C. Bradley; third. Peg s Olrl. owned hy Mr Jainison of Toledo, O . and handled by- Mr Alhaugh Birds are mote plentiful and the sports men tire well ],-used with the results. The suhserlption stake will begin to morrow The prises are 2250. first; sl*o, second, and LVt third. There are nine en tries. T q , 1 'lf Tlton OF ntOCQII ItF*. Plan lla Been Adapted by the Ca ban Convention. Havana. Nov. 23 - The Constitutional Convention to-day adopted the following motion "When the convention has been defi nitely constituted, n period of thirty day* shall be alolwed during which delegate* nny pr. m iii proposal* as ths i.h-i* of a conatilutlon, or an entire, draft of a con stitution On the eghth. Sixteenth nd twenty-fourth days the Executive Com (Yilitee *h ill classify and print tbc various projects in order to give the delegates an opportunity to study them. The con ventlon shall then dlvido into live ootn mlttee* for tlie purpose of considering the proposal*, making additions where It mny *. m desirable or necessary These rom | inittees shall each name one member to i constitute anew comm ttee of five, whose duty ll shall be to draw up i final project tor presentation to the convention." Mitt i tt t.KOHU t ( iiM i.iti;xi;, an Id a Plan for It* lllvßlw Will Be flri>n*lil t p. Atlanta, Nov. 23—It la said there will be sprung ah tiie North Georgia confer ence a question that to the ministry Is laden with s.|itional features—the di vision of th< North Georgia conference Into a Northeast Georgia and a Northwest Georgia conference. Those who are working for the proposed division of the conference tnslet that th" present cohesion of the b:g body I* due to s ntlment alone, and that with sentiment set aside a vote fuvorable to division I* sure to follow The plan was proposed two yeirs ago, at Augusta, but failed by seven votes Kroger Invileil to Imerlea. Boston. Nov. 23 —At a meeting to-night of the Boston central branch of the Irish League, resolution* were adopted pro testing against the arbitrary suppression of free s|>eeeh In ire.and and exist easing graltflcwtfon at the splendid welcome ac corded I 'resident Kruger In France A cable message *• sent lo Mr Kruger Inviting him to come to America. especlal- M Bus bar THE MOHNING NEWS: SATFHPAY, NOV EM HER ‘2l, 1900. I m.VTH Mvtll W 111 ttaw*a. A t hurcK f uafvrrare lit h*-e*l*t. (Miter \ewi %iitr.. Wnycroe-. Oa.. Nov 23 Mr? William Corbett's death le reported at Glenmore, wet of till* city. Site hal I 111 about two months. Her remain# were buried In the Booth Cemetery, tear Manor. HU" leave* a husband n<l eight small chil dren. all girl* bin one. It la thought that Ordinary-elect \V. T. How.ll of Clinch county w.ll appoint Hon. R G. Dickinson hi- deputy. Permanent officer* have been elect.-.I for the Oustoea Cigar ("omptny a* fol lows: J. S. Halley, preswlent: J S Will iam*. vies prenklcnt; aecretary, O. It. Hrlngon: treasurer, A. M Knight, direc tors, J 1,. Crowley, J. Dopes. K W Fain, G. It RrlnwHi. J S Williams and P. M Harley. The eaplisl ato k |* • >'. with s<i prr err.:, already |m:• I ill. Twenty elgar maker* an* implnyed. The firm of Guthrie, Arnold A Cos., at Manor, ha* been dissolved. Joe>-pn Ar r.okl and T J. Jordan retire H. S Guthrie iieaume* nil llabllllle* and col lecta all debts The business will be run under name of H P. Guthrie ami J. R. Carmichael. Hon. H O M.ddletnn of Atkinson, plnnt ed five acre* to sweet potatoes this ;tsr. and hie yield i* fully W bushel* per acre Ketlmnflrg the potntoe* at *1 cents per luiehel would give him a crop valued it 22**1 per acre or ll.hnn on five acres The c*-*t of planting nnd harveailng the en tire crop 1* about IIUi, leaving a net profit of 2S) on the live acres. The flfih annual conference of the Wes leyan Church of America I* In *<-s*lor. here at the church on Albany avenue, of which Rev. C. 1,. H. Dai I* I* pastor. About 30 delegates and punchers are It. attendance. The appointment* will Is- an nounced to-morrow afternoon A com mittee on pastoral relations Is ai work on thi* matter now Rev H 8 Abbott of Knoxnße Tenn.. le pre*ldlng. and J Dawrenca of Ahburn. I* tm." tary It 1* understood that Rev C. D. H. Davl*. the pastor at Waycroee. will not oaillnue in hi* pastoral rdetlou. but will engage In evangelistic work Rev August Mvers of Tlfton la *poken of as pa*:or of the church here, to succeed Mr. Davl*. Git AND .H 111 lit 155 lI'TIGATE. f Knraril There I* n 84.00n.U0U lc -tlelener in \** lurk. New York. Nov 23—The grand Jury on Monday will begin an lnvestlgnilon of charges preferred by the Merchant*' As sociation that there |* * deft-lem-v of tl,- UfiO.OhO on the book* of Ihe water depirt aiciu, representing sum* which lh# city las been k-p: out of In the U(l twenty years. Tallnlinseec Ifni Note*. Tillabnssee. Fla , Nov, 23—At a epeelal m<-et!ng of tho Pity f'ouncll on Wednes day bight, A C. Rplller was unnnlmouslv elect'd councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John T. Bradford Thomu* C. Watts captain of the Ja. k sonvllle Rifles, ha* tendered Ids resigna ;lon, having decided lo locate at Dake Flty. The Ollmore-Davis Hardware are doubling the *!zn of their buck tore on Monroe street A A Johnson has been appointed In s|isctor of naval afore* at the |g>rt of JrkonVllio The Seaboard Air Dine will put on a new passenger train between Tallahassee and Jacksonville next Sunday. The schedule will he as follows: Reave here at 315 a. m . arrive at Jacksonville *:!(> a m. Reave Jacksonville at 7:9a p. m.. ar rice at Tllaha**ee l:0h a. m. l.ntertalnnient at fSnrien. Darien. Oa . Nov 15 Th*- conc-Tt at the Courl House lasi nlglt: lor the Iwnelit of Ihe rrosbylerlan Church wa well at tended and In all re*r#* was quite a success. Home talent was drawn upon und responded generously There were muftic an.l recitation# of all sorts, and It wa# si' of a high order Refreshment* were served. The proceed* of the even ing were finite satisfactory nd the church debt has l sen materially decr#a*ed The tollers arc practicing as el il noddy, preparing for the Thankegivlng Day game with Savannah, and also rur the Chrl#’.- ma* Individual conte*! lor the silver -up presented tfi club by Mr. Robert Man sion. MAKER 54 151* Ilia HI IT. I'romoffej Mm-il for III© *lnrr for I orißliiK * olfon Triii. Mew York. Nov. 22. —The api Liit- di vision f tn© Bfipwnt© Court to-#lny nftlrm *•! th© Julkm©r.t of th© low©r court h iL- #t** v in W. Baker, against John H. lvrk© oc uL Thi© ra* i >uH by n pr<vn..t©r ©pmfriWi fhr©© other© prooKNcrf. t* i* over what wii rJl©©*l t*> h© stn- Bok* r un lwr a >n!r©i l**iklnK to i • roi Noliflaiion of th© cotton duck it*Hi ry of ih© country. Th© rlffeiiilHiit demurr©4 n rul c|iim©l tiiai ftiich :% contract m a rcotmint of 4r*l© and coull not be ©nf.r4*©l ll* iiilm* l that th© combination finally r -ri©'l • • *it wa© an Illegal vmhlnation on iru©t and for a©rvt*e© t> a*’comfii©h ©uch a purpooc ihcr© can b© no r* *v* r>. Th© combination w.© * ff* ©i♦**■! through trwn©- f**r to lh© Mount Vernon Wood berry <’ot t>n Thick Company, JuHiice Plttf*’nlii overruled the demur rer an I (tin-* i*tj ari inprlix'utorjr Ju*ls mnt It© ru r* *l with th© umal leave t. withdraw ih- dccmirrcr and anjw#r Thin Judpm©tU th© atKM lint© division alhrm ri 4>kort % i b\ im it off. Onl> Mt*nm of 4 omiiiiinirntlon With V*©kln It l> \4 Htftm. Ti n Tain. Nov. 24. via Shanghai.—Tran*- jx-rtation by l*>at to I>ltin c©a©©d y©a©r day owinsr to *■ © lr fh© river an*l in fu ture iintil th*' raid road ©hall hav© l< ©n complof©d. tho only mMhotl nf tranwpor tatlon will l*© by wagon train**, which will occupy thr**© day© in m-iklrta th© Journey It ki announced that thi rail wny will 1© ready for operation by f’hri©tmn A British 'l*lf©n of Tonaku wa recent ly ordered by th© Ruaalan nuthorifle© o vacate the pr* owned by h m within forty-el*hi hour©. A company nf M©dr©© pioneer** w.- ©©nf to protect th© ritis*-n and to prevent hi© ejectment. min t:* for Tiifi ni.imoi. Itaay of Them l>lf rlhiifed In lh© N - llialeef*. Wa©hlnfr ©n. Nov 23 - Mi*lff *ry actlv ity In th© Philippine I© indicated by a report received © th© War Department, which ©ay© that flev. J. C. Goodrich, th© agent of th© American Bible ffociety In Manila. 1© buejiy ©r.gaired in dietrihuting the ft*rlpt>ire© in native dialect© th© variou© J©hfvfc A cople© of th© jro*pc| a ordlnf to Bt. Matthew tin©iat**l into 1 galg already hav© been dtftrlbuted. I>r VioodrWi l© now w*irking on other traneiatloii© of th© Goapel Into V;Mv,m, Cebu-ViMiyan. Jliocano .rwl Pam panco. Th© native# are ©Jd to receive rendintr matter of thi.* kind eagerly. Aftlll.*4TEVl n\ ©I N*|< |>3f. Wheeler Mm ll© Imiillraterl In lt©- reuf Iraln ltll©r%. 8t lAdin, Nov 2S.—Jame* Wheeler, who dei lares he 1© a rsUlnta-l man from P • dneah, Ky . wa# arrested n* the T'n on ©tiitifai bite t*>-ni*ht on au#pl of I>e ing connected with hold-up of an lr >n Mountain train near Gifford, Ark \V# 1 nday night Wheeler bid l-k* In bill© In bl© I* el*w ' the lm* ©f hi* ir re#t Underneath hi© Jean* trxiaer© h© wore a pair of overall!, which were cov ered with mud. M© explained thi* by raylntc that h© b.**l traveled over ina mountain# of Kentucky for eevcral day© prior to hi# J |*artui© f*>r PU. Louis Many 4 lafmnaia In Alnakn. \Va*hlngton. Nov 23 annua! re fort of Gov. John G. Brady of Al*k io th© Secretary *>f *b Interior ur*e* kOncraaalonal le<l<daUoo on the axtenton of the genera! law# to Alaska, giving th© native© th ©am© leal ©fatu# the white© nivl ihe representation of Aia#k i by a delegate In <'ongre©#. Tho report My# that at Cap© Nome “everything and everybody 1 pci* mail; mere are now ©ev eral claimant© for each town #oa, beach claim and claim, fully 25,000 p©opie are waiting the action of the court there.*' kennfor Ihivii I© Worn©. ftt. Paul, No\. 23- Senator Davis 1# worse to-night, hi# dcsirUUA having in (Brcaaad* *l.l. lilt u:u AT W Pi HUM. Hits •••! rut mi t(©*irl— % lilaao tu WrM \% *} ••#*. r*v • * Nov A w© put *u r rl \ !t*nUy by 4h# clerk of u b'i|*#n-r i ourt of War© eoum\ which 1..* i in Intern*! revor.u© *t.imp* at t > b<x| i. u It wm * tltv W-i from Fo*©- man a V:l nine *n to J. 1< nihl T Itunn for the t i'i' run v \\ :UniM>n turp©ntln© pla< •' >n in til from to H kl i hi iik *everal fhotiMPd acr©* >t tin i*t jif land in South Georgia 1 nil the ©to* k ami fixtun i* of the place Thf M - Harm hitvr arh ud , new j mil l'o* tmi * tv *in lUntv. <hi th* liruiif | wik ai i! Western IVillroad That! iM* oftlo le * aUf'l l silrfnx. A Jorge row.l fo.lowetl tho llromen to! th* plant of tbe Sntlltn Manufn- Turing ('iji i \\ t-1 W.n. riHH Mi •h* ' at - v\llf'ii tu imu jient in fi*m ihn* i*rt of i*w Tif uunouiK emettt ihnt bhi/.e w . tn the s.'iillU (’*onii*dny’M plant • aiiMil a riv/i 4>f But th#* j hi* 'i| in S4itn* i 4' hn*t**>. l* ' 4 <1 s4 \ i (*u )Mt(U fr*>m th*- mi.l Two of ihem were *l#-*ii>>*•*• I. one •f w i- ti h t>ng< .! t 11 S the other to Minn* Mt hlleton ll Ull*h l f*l. I. i• Wtii b‘* eoine I!.ki M m the l>uk* Ml* wi or t’n- i. Another >.-nr A>M* uua terriicirv w.ll I be take in ai .1 tie work ma*le miu-i •Mrongei rt w •] . m Ml m* \ ha i ‘•••r\*l th* w<ik ihi' Viiii til if |e un ilirruxul vit h |* op;# want him t> r*- turn. Th# 11 mw> m.. rj( |v fetr nominating • in 411>ii• h f.i ,\ti| un i ••itiit Hmni %\il h* h* I*l *nr|\ |r In*. • itv:***r T;ure I * ntm# : iik of ofipoollkili t the mnnht -I**l “fl* * “*. a *f ft , por*ibo my t**- a lively , HlMi p i V K Nelman wi! x -sit \Vaittom P‘ lit * lutirK the A 'hde nxMiry of StMi wh m nim* here nf that There wall U- u number of mlnlu ter an.l *l* •* -*•■ from |H''<A4'Mt fait Mr NYlhoii will ■n : onflrm ili r\ . n Them lv i gtMl clan f*r confirmation. thi nr* %it i intii in -m I lint *#.%• I lint h llenioumriitrU lit Hie lllri'tiiiii. N-w York, N**v .* I'httrlfi It Flint *n he coiirifw of .in .i hlremi m*forr the fmt lo.*k Club at M.*i ?. lair. N J . referred to t*Mn ns folk ws “Tbln new ‘consolidation’ has come t<* -t *v I.ef no young man think otherwln That fh.■ i war# f>etl*.| in o;r re *n f preal •leniiai election. The tru f It* here for uinl uiKler the near eyitrm that 1' htlriK.'* In bualtieee, lncreaaeil ;otclllgn. mi mental m-umni are rtfnwinil** I of the hutlnew* man P may iherefore f*e that a c#a||*gt .t* eln. at lon wlih tb# mental tralnlnK it mv .iv# win n the future l* of grear • r iin|M*rt nce than It was tn the |aat to tfi* man In . measure thle ha* t*e*n a I really ihown ' I MIKH wi.mioi a < || %llt.t:*. %\eik Indlrttal for rorving !'•>• tiiina ler (*rn#ralb \naaie. Irwllur idils |ii*l . Nov & —The f. .Wai cr mi Jury to*iny returned four ln#H ‘t tuetile >**calnH J* .e* Wetk *f Oreen<aat|e, prominent i** lltlcian an#l one of the au tnom of He mi n an I Waik'a “hlff of Lltuoln hi th* li*st r!r*‘ rmjntv V\’4*lk ! - orfcvi with iefrau rallrtwnl com >ini9* I*> a I nltel Htate*. •tfleer. erh count being for a e**T*arate • -il* i**e The f l| Count la th* m*.et a* Pone, however ari ettarg*.-?• him with forttlrg the name of Foatmaater tleneral Smith to the credential* as a poetofflca In jai'tor. which tie meii In dt'fraudtng tbe Milr<* i*i n>m: an!* *f%n h%\ |,|7| hi, %|| | % KNITTED. ~~ 1 1 " llltf•*! Iteitiniitlcfl \\ nteli After I■•*• tin If an n Met. Lima. 0., Nov 22.—William Bigelow to iiy mu*e| the arreat of hi* aweetheart. Mlag Zella Mullahan. on the charge of pocket pi- king I Mg'low w ager* <1 hP vatrh aKHinat Mlo MullNhau'i han*l In marriage that Pry tn wouM be e|ec*ei *r**l the watch wan pl.iee/f In the hanie of t glrl e Mother aw *iakeholier Afei t !i* •! ction Htgelow #fetiMin*le#l the return of the watch, but the girl refueea to Mir temler It H\ltt Ilia HE %HT l IIHOKEh. ... V\ rgerate*|er Hr lll** Wurrfliearf for llreneli of l*r*rtle. Apringflehl. HI.. Nov. -Oenrg* Weg erateier of New Berlin, filed auH to-iav osklng and iriuit' from Betty !>>n • ••f thlw city. He allege* he hue been keeping comian\ with Mtew Long for two >era. .ind that ah** h hrok#m her promise to marry him; that In the lan mvo year* he ha** H|enf *-oneldenihl* money for railroad fare and other ♦ * leneea in hla *'#>urtihip. and that h heart 1a broken W %\T** THE IMAVKY Aftf'H. rhnrleafon Mm It for Her f on* - Inn Eipowltlon. New York. Nov 22 W’ork win auepend ed on tearing down of th© Pewey arch 10-fiiy a a reault of a renu*‘ii receive I in thla city from the management of the Routn t'.irollr and Wert India Kapod tion •< Chiirlewton H C. Thia exponttion m scheduled to take place tn is>l and thi management havo expre.-aed a w|ilingne>** t* r**mnv the arch from N**w York to (hi 1 * city. I lon <f the I*, mid V I mil Millie Nov 23 —Tb*- moat thorough inspection trip in the history of the vllle and Nashville FUilroad wm t**rm n ate*l to-day. The prlx** for the beat *ll - was awirded to t ie Montgomery 11vi|on. the ugura being h 3-t Tn© beat section was captured by A Idyvli •. 11l , a small town on the Rt Lou ,* division The weather.' For*--ftl for Baturday mix* Biwlv: Giorlu—lt do Bliirfl*y. •x rpt fair In dou:h*-**t [*ff I 100. rol(br in nor I h wo, l [Mirtlon. Kumlay loir, ooolor in oamorn portion; varloblo winAo. liaftlorn Florlli -Oon-rvlly flr Bilur. 'lay nn*l rliifirViv; vxrtablo winflo. mod 1 v i fr.iih In Mterly. Rlv*r Rfpor; —Thr high! of lh> ftavxn nnli rlvrr t AusiikH. at * n m 75th m. rlhl in tlm*', jrnffinrflav *m 7 ! fr< t a fill of 0.l foot during th>* pr>- oding twenty four bouts. H. B. Boyvr. Iri KorwaH oflic Ml Prevention better than cure. Tutt’s Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. . If you will buy three Old V lrginia Cheroots and smoke them to-day you will get the greatest amount of comfort and satisfaction that 5 cents will buy in a smoke, and get it three times over! You haven’t any idea how good they arc and cannot have until you try them. Try three to-day instead of a sc. cigar. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots amoked this yesr. Ask your own dealer Price, 3 lor 5 cents McDonough k ballantyne, y Iron Founders, Machinists, m 1 # ##• *• • •it iiiml I'lirfMtilr I liulli*'*. \rr*lil iM*t I** H miH.tu. K- - t orn Mill. **,, u „r lit II HIM I *’•■. **! ••*. M* i >JT‘ , iifir^Si TELEPHONE NO. 123. A \nVKI. FROroITIt>. I'lnn tu vritlr 42ubrruntnrlnl Conirtl tn lllnuraftla. 8: Raul. Minn Nov 23—Clmliman I, A Rooinc of ihu l>vm.-iail<- Biam < >m mtltrc. haa wrliian lotlrr to Oapi C. C M hlinuy. iwcrfttary of ihu Him* If.- t '.vmndttftu, tn which h* makx h novel pioiHiaiiiloo It: view of the talk ,il i content over the goveinortihtp. Alt Iliulna (>rofioftrft that (he I.itm. rati. Coin mute.: nle.h four oountle- ami the It'- |iut.tu ina ftetert lour, aiul Hm lh*- vole ,i, there counlte* be inmnlnl. If the rr<wMint doe.* not ahow net gain for Oov. Und of fell vole# Mr Itcelon de. jare* ilia all furihei ronton! will !# abandDn-l, Kilt eheukl tlov. Uud niwke the gain 111 (he ."Hilll.-O 10.1 l aie.l the elate le to he recounted On the face of official returne Van .■4un(. Repuhlloan. h* a idiirallty of 2,30 u I’rnmoilon lor Rllrhener. lavndon. Nov. 23 —The cabinet to dev .l.'Cl'led to recommend Queen Victoria to make \|aj Hen. Lewd Kitchener u lleu teiwatit general, eo an to enable him to take over Uie eupreme command in Buth Africa when l.ord Roberta leaves the ■•ourrlry • ho IllaKt lo 'ltn l hem In<lkma>o|l!i, Nov 2*.—Jmlge Raker of Ihe roiled Slates ldetrirt Cnurl, In a in.log to-day eald flint In hie o-union rutigreee tiae no right to tax judlelal ppo r*-e.ltng and certlfleatea of the fteveral atates 1.1 a. %I. MITII K*. OKORQIA. CHATHAM f'fil'NTY Whereae. Primp M Ruatu.ll Jr has ap piled to Court of Ordinary far letters dle mleaory a# guardian of Ihe pro|eriy of Nellie 8 Bnrhee. formerly a minor There are, therefore lo rite and ad monish oil whom M may concern lo ho and appear In-fore eald court lo m >ke ob jection on or before the flrei Monday In Pecemlier next, otherwlee eald letters will be granted. Witness, (he Honorable Hampton 1,. Frrrlll. Ordinary for Chathom County, tMa th# 7th day of Novrmber. 19U0 FRANK K. KEIL.BACH, Cl#rk Cl. Ord'y. C Cos OFHRrtI A? CHATHAM CnINTT Wh#ri. Hopple Htrmanii # has applied to Courl of frrdlnary for letter# dlsmlasory as guanllan of Morton M. and Arthur 8. Siarnahlna. minors Th#e* are. therefore, to rite and admon ish all whom It may concern to b and appear before eald court to make older - ttoo on or before Ihe flrel Monday In 1 ccinber neat, otherwise raid letters wl I be granted. Wltneae. Ihe Hon Hampton U Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham connly. this lh# Mi day of November. lf FRANK E KKII.HACH, Clerk Ct Ord'y. C. C. NOTH'F TO DKRTORB AND CREDIT ORS OETlIiniA. CHATHAM CDI'N'TY Notice |e hereby given to all jiereons hav ing demand* against Jonah la Wal thour, late of said county, deceased, to present them (o me. properly made ou>. wrhln ihe time prescribed by law eo a t< show their character and amount; and all person# Indebted fo eald deceased are required to make Immediate isymait lo me EMMA ROBERTS WALTHOFR. Administratrix Savannah. Oa . Nov. 7. 1900 HEOROIA. CHATHAM COCNTY - Notice Is hereby given lha 1 have made appßcaiton to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for leave in sail thh east ern |x*roci of lee of land Number 37 O'Neld ward. In tha 'tty of Savannah, having a frontage on Walkar afreet of 45 feet, more or las*, and a rectangular depth of 54 feel, more or leae. together with the lmprovem*na thereon belonging to eafate of Ellen Morgan, deeeaeed. for Ihe pay ment of debt* and distribution, and that eald order will be granted at the Decem ber term. 19m. of eald court, unless objec tions are filed ther-ro. M A O'RYRNE. Admlnletrator. Nov 9. 19hh NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITOR*. GEORGIA—CHATHAM OOCNTT -No tice la hereby given to all persona having demand- against John Murken. late of •aid county, decea.ed. fo prevent t ena to m'- properly made oul. within the lime prescribed by law. an as to show ilieir chararter and amount. and all par-ona Indebted lo said de. eased are requir'd to make Immediate payment to me MRS DOROTHEA MFRKEN. Exee-utrlx. Savannah. Oa . Nov. IS. 19#f> JOHN G. BUTLER, —DEALERS IN- Ihtinis. oils end Glaaa. Sh, D'tona. Blind* anal Builders' Suiqtlles. Da In and lueoratlva Wall Paper. Foreign and Do mestic Omenta. Dime. Plaster and Hmr. Hole Agent for Abegllne Cold Water Pa ot. 20 Congraaa atrset west, and 19 St Julian •traat. weal. I STOIMMiI) THI: COKill I Prather’a Tsr and #Serry Ciu*h I | DONNELLV IIRUO CO. | Empty Hoflslicads. Kaapty talaaaea HagshraUa far ’ ”' \M. GILBERT & CO. i 1 111 1 11 1 si.. Tiquor license! City asf M.tvjiinah, om * CUrfk **f Council. RAVanmiti, Oil Nov. 16, 1900. Th© folkwlik*e uppl. uiioiui lo retail liquor riunn* lh© yai li©l w'r. r©aal qt *f Cou;v* U \*>v. 14. U<. *tul r f* rr<l i< Committ** of ih Whoi** WM V HAII.KT rifrk of Council. Ahrm. M I> . No. 4.- Bull ©r#-s* lifN-km inii. U©o . .N* U 2 \VhlUk©r Cotilr>rhnin. Joiin. •-*rner l>ray ton ami Broun hum wii#***t Colt inf ham. John. No. . Brouirhton •irr©t, w*-af Curr. John, <ri#*r Httl<f*nharn nnd B,iy air#-tj#. Ir#*#*at*n I! i: nortlwat *#n<l \VlWin IViarnn. I*mt# l. No In*llan #tr©©t. Dirki* A J , No 9K WMlnkw Mr©©4. Brouahton an*l l*r *• mrw Urnttam. C. F . Buluakl lloua©. Bull afre©t Hick*. R M . .No. 23 Comrr#*©© west. 1 mmrn. John II northw©*t corner Jonca an<l llal*n*r©n mr**lr Klurniati. A No AT? Him© ©tr#*©t. Luhn, John F. rnmrr I#kh©r ly an*l 11 ah© r© ho m ©t r©>#* t© Y’hirl. No Liberty ©lr©©t ©aft M ' ormU k Wm N* *. Ir.iiin ©tr©©t McllrM© T F No. Mb Bav ©r-**, ©aat. O Krrfi*. J Mfnaa**r. ©*thw*Rt ’ornar f>r©ylon #in4 I’.ronahion tr#rli. Huiilvati, John. No r. Comer*©© ©tract, w©at. Sullivan. John J . No. 3h Bryin ©tr©af, #*nt Tr vt m, K., No 34 Bull atr**©t, flrr©Y©n House Watson St Bowers. !>* Hoto Hotel, Liberty street, near Bull ©#r**f Wal#>, John T . txirnrr Oirl©thorp© ava nu© ami Houston ©trccin. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors llav© Ilaid in nwiciy **f ih© * fort tbit hmi © in N< w York. Boston and othrr i'Hl©** M*r* ©laanly ©ml **-on* than BliUn and fnn* y fl*wra laid and |M>liluii •'ompb'ir ov*?r ©ld floors, mikinK a all*l *n<l U*HU4iful imi-rov**- rm-nt H n vlna a number of floor© to lay In Ra vannsh this momh wr ©an quot© # ina© mrur** CatiUoitu© and *-a4lmat©© may hn h*l l*y oddrfwdn* J M AhAMH. Box 2A‘l. Hnv.tmi.tb, or 2J7 N Charlaa Bililntorr. M*l Bone Meal For Chicken NITRATE OF SODA InvHluabl*' for "homa-mlard** fertiliser Th© and m**st ron**entrat©d on th© markrt 8* and for partl- uiara. iHY.tiH.IB, t 04% H.U>, IIK 4%, Hit. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, ■Phone 223. 11* Buy street, west BRENNAN BROS^ WMOLESADB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. *33 bay m wsm. ItkakUiSSt. Pennyroyal''pills > M Cm< 4 IIKTKR r S RNfiLdfl la urp %4 *©•..!• VIM M*a V —T• ■*. riMse.k Taka ■■ alb** WA yj liaftrtM m 4 latte I / IT (>•* s-#r r rwsr ira#s**t l w •* *■' PartirMitn. T V W JB aaN** Itrllrf Par I •#!*•.•• **•* ©• A P fr* Moll. -Hua.-.*.* "2** -r #1 liiMiir. CBOwUr <#f| i#al £w MNii'k HM |>l© V*4lM4i ()••©. * llllftA-. I*4. to mu. *©**••! * u*- • #•• yaa raayfr^B!iiHL These tiny Cspsulea ar tupenod I\l to Balsam of Copaiba, INI CabehjoflniectiensandlttinYfl CURE IN 48 HOURS\3©J Mri the eattie diseaees wlthoitj £*M />r ft lldru~fists % j SCUtE YOURSELF! .Ree JIUT s fnr ennelunl lie-tiftre*#. ingsaiiusdoas, rrltttJ "ft, or ui<vr*lio#g <( til uCo • . Dj.lulr.MS. fftluleee. .0-1 dot ulrta , g.nt or tnuoaous. •oM kg DriirtUU. o sent le Hein wr,**, Olfealar am <,u rmmmttk W. ROSS qravener. Manufacturer’s Agent, UAH.WAY AND MIDI. 91IM-LIBS, rrovld#ot Bullflkif •svtnr.ab, Oa, 7