The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Bei>tmbr .. f.ti ! **3 | f M | 5.90 Cu ’•(r i • ••• i•••• 1 •••• W.t mber .... !<• i • ••• I•• I 1° i. .mlxr ....1 ?K Ii P_ i. * M _ LivciPoni cotton MAitKtrr. Liverpool. Nor. ft —Potion. spot moder i, uetnre*. pri • -aster. ml(l --„ -.1. The rale* of me day w. re h of which &Xt were for specu litein mi .1 < and included 8,7*0 Arnrr iui receipts 12.iw boles, including s,Mil. I'iilures opened quiet anil riosel steady. Ain,n mi middling. tow middling clause November, lilt. seller#; Novrm Ivor • lie * centner. St2d. huvers. Lu-cember-Jamiaty. ii -•’i ' " l buyen*; J tntiary-Fsbruary. i „. ;|ers. February-Marc/t. 5 Jed. hue . Mareh-Aprtt. f 24.1. buy ere. Apt II- Mav. 5.220 '23d. buyers. May-June, 5.21(5. i .iyeir. June .Inly, & llal, buyer*: Jtilv- Augiisi. 5 IM. buyers; August-September. ( 'Sul. sellers. Mill ORLEANS COTTON FIT! RES. Ni Orleane. Nov. 32.—Cotton futures ■ steady November (bid) 9 *: April 9 7401* 7*! . I-e. ember “• 7M19 7- May !> 71ff9.75> 9.7409 TSlJune* 9 74i11* 7b 1 ■iii.iry ..9 74U9 T'l July 9.73;i9.7i March 9.7409 75, I OTTIH 4.KTTERB. New York. Nov 3.- Murpliv & Cos. s.v Cos lon m l.ivei pool unchanged for spot*, middling s"e. Futures declined .-fill during the forenoon, r* (- led 4-64*1 during aftern'tio and closed l-gpl lo 2-64*1 alovve yesterday's dose The recovery In Llv ,-rp. -i and Neill's ssUmnti of Pto 9.750.r5n bales. caused thb market in open about 7 poll.i- higher, hm the advance brought out f. ung orders, whirl) resulted In some etl i k but Southern buying caused a .trailer tone. Kecelpts continue moder- ' hi.. port# stlmatrd to-day 4on. against 4f Oil lav week nnd 39.090 last year Inte rior n.irket* are likely to continue the holding policy, o* 9.750 non as maii' ;m yield In Ihe South. Kh'< ~I Neill's estimate become gcneraily ! i I it market I kpt to advance j to ii ' y of Southern mnfket*. as our ] *t,x k is small. Think very little to he n and n short side of the mirkrt How- I ever indication* seem to point to heavy I realizing vales hy the hull crowd when ever January get* above 9b New Or ion* and local* bought very freely In ♦Ms market during early part of the ses sion Tbs amount In sight was also lees th in expected, being 372,1X0. against 412 '"n last year New- Orleans expects to-mor rvw vox> to 9non against 14.472 last year; Houston. ir.,##fi to 17 VO. against 13.419. N“W York Nov. 23. Hubbard Itros A Cos say: Heavy realizing bus followed the publication of Mr Neill * estimate* of th. crop, ranging from 9..vx.rssi and 9 TIO'O" bnlee This selling would a pi- ar to show that theeilmate has been known In advance, Hu-h a crop of cotton would mean nearly a complete exhaustion of the supplies unless consumption was arrest ed hy the stoppage of Ihe l-sams The trade hav not as yet rendered their nv erase estimate lo Mr. Neill's figures, con sidering hi* views to he extr* me They expert ihe market will he controlled frr.m now on hy ih movement of the crop to market rather than hy opinion* of Its yield. <m this point they look for n rom pnrallvely light movcm-nt heenuee of the disposition to hold for higher price- and the relative rhrnpne** of price* here as compared with Southern markets. Manchester Hear* Neill's Lars*. Manchester. Nov. 23 —Opemtor* here think that Neill's estimate of the cotton crop mean* a rrsrclty and that before $, ptember the snimu-r* mostly will let w oking on short time. WKEKI.Y t OTTO 91 HBPIMtT*. V w York. Nov. 23 —For the week end ir, to-dty: N* t re-edpt* at all T’. ft. ports dur ng week Nit receipt* at all IT. 9 ports dur ng same week last year Total receipts lo this hiie 3.067.5d T ral receipts to same date las! vear *.•! export* for the week 156.861 I xisirt* for the same week last year 130.TT3 Total export* to tht* dais 2,141.251 Total export* to same date last ~M r 1,779.02*1 Sock at oil United Htaic* ivris.. T71.92S Stock at all u. 3 |girt* same lime last year 1.014.7*5 Slock at all interior towns f>M,2*l stoek at all interior towns some :tma lari year 735.137 Stork at Liverpool 43.(kM .'lock at Llx-erpool same time last \ air 799.00 b 'lock of American afloat for Great Hrlialn 315.00 r trek of American for Great Britain -ame time last year 130.0-' iVimparailve statement of nei receipt* t all ports during the Week ending Fri day evening. Nov. 23. 1900. and during ih- same week last year: nn-ni. .-<o G ■ 1 vest on " i. 97.72; N-w Orleans 78.597 ill.fid Mobil# 4.594 7.3 2 31\annah 29 011 43.117 I'l-arleston . '*.300 9.51*7 \V liming ton 8 22* 7 2*4 Norfolk 12 932 19 mr. llalilmoro 5.008 8 57- New Yoik 1 Kb'. 1,221 FI ion v. .. i .;• ipbta ....r. ' 713 um Pensacola ; 5.201 .192 Brunswick - * 171 Nswporl New* 4 013| 2<* Total 277.197 283 734 | * .>n.|*arallve stalem* nl of net receipt* * all ih* | oris from Uvpt 1. ISOu lo Fri day evening. N** S3. l'Jui, and from Sept 1 Kc* to Friday, Nov. 24. 1*99 ll* * < l|*is tflnrc Sepl. 1— jlnub-oi 1859-Oh flalveslon 870 819 93.5.01*' "rleans 92’.782 7*s* Moljl.e | 83.125 82.319 Sivannah ; 478.4**9 tNI.Sgs *rlesion J 148,432 139.09* >5 iimington I I*>4.l** 18*.917 Ni folk j 171.157 158.924 4c*l;imore 12.34’ 32,419 i New York j 14,98.5 1*279 Poston 52.492 19.93*' I'liiladetpbla I B,6u* 11.438 ' a i 30.7*1 28.7U*) Brunswick j 26 598 W.Sui* N-wpurt News j 15.5*4 1,011 ■TsmITZZTZZ 2.787.241 2.791.855 m . < *.,' i oiioii st ill ,ions. Nov 19**. and on the xanw day ot ihe neck col >tar. Ports. ; 19**1-01. 1899-b* '*•" OrUuns 294. W! 333.501 Mobil- 27.12" *7.099 ‘l.i.veaion ] 221.847 24'>.*90 ■- vnnnah I 8* 225 1.52.497 cartesian } 23.t<86 38,791 lYi.m.nglon | 15.052 12.17 J '■ ’ rfolk j 27,101 41.435 New York 4! I 103 *l3 Iner |*orts | 25 389 1R.379 T"ii .. | Movement Into Wight. New Orleins. Nov 23 —Becreisry Hes weekly Nsw Orleans COlion Ex 'ange statemend issued to-day. shows a •** tease in the movement Inn. sign! mpared with (he seven *l*ys ending Iht* ias; year. In round ligures. 41.x*). * or the eighty-four days of the season Pal hove elapsed, ihe aggregate is ahead ■ ' the 84 days of last year, 215.000 The amount brought Info sight during * pas; week ha* been 171.916, against • - 384 for tho seven days ending Nov. •ast year. h* movement since Bept. I. shows re b*e at ail Pnlted States ports. 3.073.'23. against 2.7*8.954 last year; overall-*! across 'h- MMsisslppl. Ohio and Potomac rlv* e* Northern mills and Canada, mi-7 Hwatnst 514.836 lasi year; Interior stacks .n ol those held at the clone ot ih* MURPHY & CO., INC.. Hoard of Trada Cuildliig. Bavaonah Private leased wires direct to Nsw Tork. Chicago and New Orleans CUTTOA. gTot. kM AM* (.11 xix. New Yorli office. No. 41 Broadway. Offices In principal cities throughout (he Couth Write for our Market Manual snd book containing Instructions for traders commercial year 525.189 against 477,38* lasi year. Southern null taking* 381.4 K. against 395.974 last yssr. Foreign export* for lb# week hsvn been 118.711. against 132.296 last year. Tho to tal taxing* ot American mills, Nor.n snd Bouin ut il Canada, thus far for the ae i son. have been 9*B.i*l, against 1,245.188 last )*r. These Include 59>.044 by N’lr'.hetxi spinner*, against 84U.273 Bio. ke at tile ecaltoard an*l the 29 b-a.l Ing Boutliern Interior oaolers have in croo**vl during the wc-k hales, against an Increns* during ih< con*- siktndlng period laai seaaun of HC.578. and ate n is 397.8 m, smaller tliuu at tin* dale In IBT*.* World's Vlaslble Wnpply. New ians. Nov. 23 - Brcretarv ||e. tet siatement of the snrM t visible sup ply of cotton sliows the total visible It 3 2 2.312 -gainst 4.042.039 lasi year Of this tlie total of American cotton is 2 ■■ I.' against 3.4*6.1138 last y. ar. and *.f all otli et ltinds. moulding Egypt. Brasil, lndi t, CIO. 491.1X8* against 5581** last year The total world's visible supply of cot (on shows a decrease compared with la-- par of 7x9.727. Of the world's visible supply there IS n W afliHit and held In Great Hrlia.n and Continental Kurope. 1.758.9n0 ag ,'t st |,**;, In las' year In ICgvpt. 132.0 W, against i:*9.xm last year; In India 12.<X1 against I*B3 <■-* lan year, and In ihs United Bia(* s l,.;‘,i*.(Mi against ljil4.(**>i last year. HIM €304109. New York. Nov 23—The chief feature It) cotton goods to-day has been an ad vance of *c |a-r yard In several hading lukfll* of bleached muslins of which slocks ire exhausted. In brown sheeting* and drills Ih*' stnailion Is unchangtd Print * loth* are firm, hut business I,in • led. Dentme ticks, plaids and oilier coarse colored cottons very Orni, business moderate Prints ore in about average re quest si prevlotn price*. Linens llrm with fair demand burlap.- In Indifferent re quest, but prices ai llrm. MI .U BTOHKI. Friday, Nov. 23 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Th.- turpen tine market showc*l a w*ttk tendency Ihroughtmt the week, clntdnx to-day a i-entt an*! it half below last Saturday’s price. The decline Is due to the le-s* nod demand. The large buyer* have appar ently deserted the market for the time being, leaving tha field to the domestic crowd, w ho do not like very large quan tities nnd hence do not hava mu h effect In hacking a downwai I movement. The Inalnc to-day was firm at 39<- with the demand somewhat better, and the market very firm at thin price. To-day's receipts were 944. and the t X port a 6.857. ROBINS —The rosin market ruled firm and unchanged all week. w!4h a good de mand prevailing and dra.llng on a satis factory scale. Riles for domestic account were made during the week at prices above Ihe market, hut if was not under stood these sale* were sufficient to make the market. The receipts to-day were 2.54*. snd the exports 2.415. Quotations-At the cloae of the mtrke; to-day ihe following qqntmion* were bul leilnol at the Board of Trade: Spirit* Turpentine—Firm at 39:; sales of 579 casks. Kostn firm; sales. 1 390. A. B, C I *> 1 31 80 D 1 38 K 1 C, 0 1 35 M 1 70 F 1 40 N 3 10 0 1 45 WO * st> H 155 WW 285 R ime Week Last Year— Spirit* Turpentine—Firm at 47>-e; sale*. 1.095 casks RoMn—Firm: salt* 1.288 barrels. A B. O -.31 05 1 II > F> 105 K 1 35 R 1 Of. M 1 70 F 1 15 N 2 30 G 120 w <1 275 H 130 W W lin Beeelpts Past Week. Spirits Rosin Receipts past week 7.29! 27.78- S ,m* week last year | 7,397 20.615 Exports last week j 18.109 2'..40' Same week last year | 3.213 9,174 Movement a— New York 1 1.041 1.651 Phlladelphl* | 218 3.(C.; KaHlmore j 6 1.97" Interior I 12" !."3' llambtiig | l.fta' London I 2 58* Antwerp ! 6.5*1 2.9U* Garvton Bock *| 190 3.33* Flume I I.iiki rtuenos Ayres | 2.4U* Liverpool ! ! l.otxi Manchester 1 2*>’ Add*-! (sea note •) 1 *.H7 Total exports 18.109 25.4*** •I’.du t. l fium Stock to agree with count. Beeelpts and Atncks. Receipts, shipments and stock* from April 1 1900, to date and lo the corre -rton-ling dale, of last year. 1900-11*11. Spirits. Rosin Block April 1. 1900 2.117 14-\tt>; Received this week 7.29! 22.7V> Received previously 277,377 874.378 ToU ! 2*B,WS 819.870 Exports— Foreign IM.*G 4.*T7 New York 31.J27 84.881 Coastwise aivl Interior .... 40.7.16 227.488 Total 57.A07 71 * i • 4,,4 Stock on hand this day 29.858 133.186 ISB-19(*> Slot k on han*l April 1, 1899 . 3.598 111.39*. Received tht# week 7-387 _ ' ; l3 Received previously 361.481 720,337 Total 272.471 *12.348 Hxporls— Foreign ..............I*B *94 370 893 New York 29.724 125.941 Cuaetwls* ami Interior 28.4*7 2"7.T44 Total 237.1*15 701.3*1 Stock on hand 35.309 177 9*7 Charleston, R C , Nov S -Turpentine firm. SB' Rosin firm, unchanged Wilmington. N C Nov 2.1 tur pmtlne. nothing doing, unchanged; re cetpis. 100 Rosin aiaudy. II 2001.38; re ceipts, 211 Crude turpentine firm f; I" and ri tu. recetplx, 131 Tar stea*ly. 31.55: receipts. 372. New Orleans, Nov. 23—Receipts: Rosin, 737. turpentine 125 Exports to Tampico 50 barrels rosin; to Cosia Rica 10 barrels rosin FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly jp with Ihe suoplv BANK CLEARINGS—The hank cl ar ings during ihe paat week were J M 2,57 85 against 14.213.1.S for Ihe eo re sponding period last year nd 32 977 157.83 for Ihe corresponding period of 18x8. —— ■■■■■■ FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY. Block and Bond Broker. AIOLITA, 06. Write for Mat. IHE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1000. by 1'•) - Situr-i.iv $1 u AlofitU y UU6.IV.' uv Tnetoy fpj **>', 2| W'cdiU'Nlay I,'iKv * *7 Thur*.lay Fri O-i) 1.0C4 217 Total* .57 €2 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Mark-t ai‘jiOy t .inun-r uil ilcmiMiil. 44 W 7 k* •kiv a } a,|| , , . i|jn ji n w 11 mm !*nri uni) Havre, mxi.v diiyi. RialF* Mity 2f>\ H iRt in. 5 24'* mirks - x * .1.8. *. V t. DOMESTIC EX'IIANOE - l*anka *rr at l-lt .lt ount m l xllln. follow ** 125 aikl uml r. 1A |^ maim: lo } >) iv |*r>mlum |.v> to F<v*, e* l i remlum, IUO lo •!>■. 2* |>r**tuUMn, I.U' lo . prrtlUUIU. 41. UO alul !%•'T. i 75c i*i M premium. SE -Cr ntr;l tncomcn arc loav #r ‘••rmrifly the New York market*. Stock*. rm Auk Aug i>i i .ni Savannah H II 109 - ll 'j Atlanta n-l Wot I*olnc 129 l4> per cent cart 1 flea ten ... 1n ! Atigut factory K 2 US It sene Rink U 4 13* Chatham Hank 110 Chatham It K A I C*> . A .... .'*7 TA 4o do B ki 57 Eagle an*! Phoentx Mfg Cos 110 E.’ieon Electric Ilium. Cos W 7 110 Enterpriae Mfg Cos IQS I German!* Bank ISO Georgia anil Alabama 23 2*t Georgia Common 215 217 Gratiit‘\illf* Mfg Cos I*s 17* J P King Mfg. Ca. ► Uanglry Mfg Cos 115 I*l Merchant*’ National Hank 113 I National flank of Savannah 150 Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust ..lift P ople’e Havings and J.oan IQ> Be.iho.ircl rommon 11 12 do preferred 2f> * Houthwestern Railroad Cos. 110 3 Savannah Ua Eight Cos. 24 l a 25a Southern Hank U>4 156 Mil Bank ind Trad in Sibley Mfg Cos . Auguida M %% Savannah fir* wing 102 104 Honda. HI-1 Ark Char.. Cos! A Aug l?t $•. . I<* b* Chat. & Gulf It It 5 per rent, lut morigag** . ..IQ2 104 Atlanta city 4 p. 1922 . 107 AugUMa til) 4*. 1927 I<* 1(9 do 44*. 1925 11l do 7a. 19h3 107 do fi-. 1913 13 A c Mid s*. ind’d. 1923. M A N I*o 101 Aug iata Factory. * per cent 1915.111 113 Hrunnwkk an<l \Vei#rn 4 . 193 v K3 to c it R a Ranking rullatenl &• 95 9*; C of a li*t rnotg s*. 1945 ; F. Ar A 120 121 1C of G. con. kr 1945. M AN... 944 95\ j C. of G. Ist income. 194' 104 514 do 2d incom4* 16 17 <i* 3d Income*. 1945 3 9 C of O. CM O. A A DIV.) 5s 1947. J A J 97 9k C. of O. (Eaton Rranch), ss. 1925 J A TANARUS 974 9*4 Gitv A Suburban R R. Ist 7* .1094 ■ Columbus City B, 1900 107 Charleston city 4**. 1909 103 Eagle At Phoenix Mill* 6, 192* .107 110 Kdifton Kit trtc Illuminating iar K'Herprlr** Mfg 1!*02 108 Georgia Railroad (•. 1910 US 117 G 8 A F , 1945. J A J Hf 114 tp'orgin A Alabama let 1 Ge4rgla atate ** s a, 19 ‘ J A J .110 112 do :14a. 1915. M A S 105 107 do 4>*. 1915 11*4 1194 Macon 4ty be. 19K. J A J lib 11* do 44i*. quar . Jan \m 1!3 Ocean St**4trshl;* be. 1920 .104 Jci* ' Savannah city .*. quar. January 191*i 110 lit io &:*. quar February. 194* ...109 ij9* 4 South Carolina a.ate 44a. 1931..117 118 Sibley Mfg Cos. s*. IX4 102 South Bound 5* w ion j 8.. F. A W. gen. mt-ge H.-. 1934. .135 I^’. , do do Ist 5# gold . 1914 115 117 do St John Dlv Ist 4*. 1934 .... 94 %\KEK’ft IHMv (ItKIIIIMd. New York, Nov 2- —The total bank s ri#*arlngs. a tho prlnc ipal citie.** of trie ; I ’nltetl St it ft- f>r ihe week ended Nov'. 22. w*re $3,345,117,834. n increaae of i9.5 per ont., wltn th* name week loot yeor Outrode of New York the to tal watt $766,544,533, an Increaee of 8 9 p*-*r cent. New York. Nov. 23. M nev on call viead\\ 24414 per cent . Uat lown. 3 |H*r ! cent Prime nv r* .intlle paper. per 1 cni. exchange atrong. with aci iihl buwlnesH In banker*’ hill* at 74 f£>Q i 4 v.i, for demand. <n*l at $1 814414 14 for jlxt\ day* Posted rate*. II *2 and $4 S* j Commercial hill*. Si 90 , 4 414 Silver cer- I tPUates 44ff2v Bar silver, Mexican dollar scv Government bond* *tr*>ng State bond* *tedy H ti.road bond' irreg i.lar. ATO( %\l> noMB. Reaction Ilia %||*arently Ripened Into n Rear Raid. New York, Nov. —The flump In Steel ind Wire of 4'* point* Ju*t at the close ! of dhe trading la*t evening wa* un Ivor ! *ally regaided a* a danger signal. The j speculative pubil came down to Wall | *treet I hi* morning In a mood receptive to *ugge*tion* of depr *>ion and r>a< tlon I The first suggeetton came in the form of a further hreck of 3 point* In Steel ami Wire. A| patently ho more effn lve jolnr roukl * liavi been eel* t*d at which (o attack ih* mark t. Thl* u,.> known from previous • xperienct* with tide particular *tork The Mißlden vtuknes of Steel and Wire did not r.d*e any doubt* of the renori* heretofore accepted of the pro*perou <on ditlona In (hat iradr nnd the excellent pro*pect# for the future, hut It did erouu uloui apprehenidoi. of a de4**rmUs.itlon • m the 1 art of *>tne of the *teel magnate* to enter U|*>n cour*e of ala*hlng corn | im tition and to unsettle the trade. The wlde>reaching effect of *ucb an out* bleak of hostilHie* in the *tel trade may j be mvaaured by the degree of apprehen tlon exhibit'd tty holder* of long stock today The etecl ftoik* them*e4ve* were mo*t immc.iki(ely affected, but heavy de f line* an* ho u In a.m< *t every depart nent of the stock lie* The sharp effect produced wa* due in part, of course, to the extended *per-ul itivc account* held all through the market. The purpose of the tMr maneuver was palpably 10 dislodge these holding* I he local tract on stocks, the Gnitiger*. the Hadfl* and Baltimore and Ohio were tha m*t protn!rnt In the downward movement. Sugar was freely sold on thr cut ii! price* of renned sugar and coffee wlrlch seemed 10 threaten a renewal of the trad*- war But (he stock wa* very feverish at all time*. Practically the only effective offer’d to the decline was In the early dealing* Nsw York {'antral and Chnapeftke “bd Ohio ahowed ccntinuad streiigth .it that time. New York Central rising 14- over last night. An effort aiu ni.i ie to boom Ami l g .mated Copper on the occasion of it* first (wing dealt In In (he unlisted depart t nerH of the ex< hange. but the flt price, which wa* 994* was the highest. The pric e subsequently fell back to 974. com pared wiih 9*4 Ri the curb market Ua: nigiit- The frequent rulll* during the day. w hen room shorts were raking qut k pso. nt* showed ihe professional charac ter of the atiack on (be market But the . buying demand aeemed not 10 extend be* ; yond the short lnteie*i and the markc*. j quickly knit animation on the rallle*. The closing Itself was wavering and unoer a*n. but at considerably above the lowest fur many stock* There was no;hfng In the money market l to cause apprehension. rats ruling at 34 per cent, or lowrtr practically al day. Th* receipts of gold from the Pacific f*oaat insure a good incrwaae In cash reserve* for to*mortow‘a bank statement, although i(!to net reoetpte from the Interior 00 the e%pre>,' movement show a considerable failing off fT(*m last week There firm spot* m the bond mar ket. but railroad botal* a* * wh*4e were uft. t*i by sympathy w th the reaction ary movement In stork* TVxal ealesfcwi value f2 t ‘ Fntted States regls*erel advanced 4 and coupon, and the & l i (he old 4* 4 and hew 4.- 4. and refur.dlt g *s 4 on the last tiU Th fetal sales of rtocke to lay were 1.077 share*. Inclu ling z\tchl*on. 53.k' Ai ht*on preferred, 37*300. Italitmore uni Ohio, 17A* 1 . ( % he*ar*c <k mul Ohio 41.400 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. 13,2h>. ROl k la]ll *i 13.309; tou rllU ind Nash vllle. 9..9V'. Manhaeten, 37.1(9'; Metropoli tan Ftreer i:nllwv. 9,000 N!i**ourl Pa cific. 14..V0, New York Cnutal. 39.**** Nir* fclk utul Western, 12.1*0 Northern pacific. tvVIOG. N rthern Pu til preferred. pennsyhanu 38..V0: Heading first pr* ferred. 9.300; St Louis and B*n Fran lco, 7,Va>. Sf Paul. 44.aW. Southern I’aclfl J.- KO. Southern Ualiwa>. 7.w*. I ni * n 1 >'. 4* sto. t’r.t 11 Pacific preferred. 7. t'. Hm i lug and Refining, ' -‘O. Arn*ti<.u S:*l and Wire American Totud’O. 17. O'. Firooklyn Rapid Transit. U,IX>. Oolo ta lrt Fuel and Iron, ?.'>■ C *t>Unenil T* bai co. s Jio. Federal Hlefl. 44. People m Ga*. 57.m**, Hiigai. 75.fT0; Tenne*sc<* Coal. 23 IC*': t nltfd s; He.- Era er. 15.K0; Unit- I State Rubber, 11,100, Amalgamated Cop I'er, New York S " k Atchisoil 33*4 Wa Im* I 74 pref 924 to pr f Ht. A Ohio 404 Wh l A L E !<>’, Can l*ut 934 lo 2d pref .... 2*1% Can Sou 57* Wise ("*en P Che a A Ohio . 354 Third Avenue ..IU Chi Ot W. . 14'. H a O pref ... i C., B. A Q 13*i 4Nall Tulie ... M 4 C . 1. A L ...33 do pref IC* do pref r^I'. 1 '. Adam* Ex. ....14 C. A E I. .... 9*4.American C. a* Nw K 57 1 United States .. 4x4 C . U I. A P... 1154 Wells Fargo ...l** C C. C. A dt Am Cot Oil. .. 314 lg>ui9 6M 4 do pief ** Col. Hou Am Ylaiting ... 5 d> let pref .. 414 pref il do 2d pref .... 174 Am 8 A R .. 5 4 Del A Hud. 1154 k pref 9.*S I)., E. A W. ..1* Am Hpinie 14 D. A It U 22S do pref 17 do pref 78% Am file el !ioo| 29 8 Erie 134 do pref . 7-4 do let pref , 39*, Am 8 AW... 45 Gt North, pref 179*4 do pref 87S llocklng Coal .. 18 Am. Tin Plate 42*1 Hoi king Y f . ... M do pref . 87* Illinois On. 134*4*Am Tobacco ..iw* b'wn Cen. 20V* ‘ 4o pref .139 do pvaf I . N na L*. E a W. ;>4 Brook. R T .74 4 da prof • c a 1 fsSke Shore •••.tlu>4rCaß Tob 3*i U. A N 81V do pref 914 Manhattan L*. ill 1 * Federal Steel .. 49>* Met Ht Rv. 1724 do pref 754$ Mfex Cen 13 Gen Bier .. 1(77 M. A Sr. L f4 (Slucoae Hug r .be do pref 99 do pref 102 ■ Missouri Pc .. 59*. Ihfkrn l‘a|>er .. 214 i Mobile A Ohio 4 pref 71 M. K AT .. 114 lasclede Goa 7l\ do Igef Notl Hlncirlt .. v j . • ’ 1 do pral N Y C. 141S Natl I-e id .... 194 N. At W 4fS do pref ex-div. 924 V pref 9" Nail Steel 374 Par M T , and. pref 924 do pref BIH N. Y Ali. .155 Ont AW 24** North Am .... 18', Ore Hy. A N 42 P*efflc Coast •• 58 do pref 78 do Ist pref B*. Pennsylvania 142-"* do 2d pref .... 87 Rea-Mng 18" Pacific Mall .... 41 do Ist pref . Cl4-People a Ga* ... 9#V )o 2 1 pref imVPresse-l H Car l l t Rio G W ... • do pref 85 ! (V. prrf ~.. SJ 1 Full. Uni far ,I.'* 3. L Hi 8. F 17V* 8. R & T 5 do I t pref .. 72 Sugar 133% do 2*4 pref . 45*. <V> pref 110 St. I*. Sw . . 13* Tenr C A 1. . 73% d* |*ref ’ W ... 33%i|i. H Leetlirr 14% .HI. 137 U pref 75% do pref 17*. n*. a 4 ? Rubber . 3"4 Bt. r * ri. ...lift ) do pref *7', Sou. Pas SO l .'Western t ! nlnn . M Bou Rv Il'.it, I. r 8 18 do prpf 6-V, do prei 84 Tex K I’ac I'.P C * Bt. Union Fsc 71 Ijoiil* u,". l.v pref . If’i \mai.imn!ed C. *7'*, fiords U 8 t ref. rp 1!. ;N. Y C. Its V'j do roup ;0 r > I.V J. C |rn is do 2., r*. . ..lit! 1 , N. Usclfie 3|*..,, 71 do 2a. (0U.....114 do do is . do new 4e. rf.l-’V N. Y.. C St St do r**w'4-. c'p,l37la L 4a t'ff .1 .1 i r .\. & VY ,i, '.*• . do old 4x. c 'p.ll. • One. N iv. do 6a. rv d<> do 4-* HH', do *,a coup . .11314 Ore. P Line 6*..13714 r> C 3a 134'-| d* do ion 6-.t!' Ateh. sen. 4* . 1 IS R*'S'V en 4s ... M*Si do ad) 4* ... Hi K O W. tats . Wi, C Point, Mi.lM*. B. L * I. 8 C & ri. 4V4* 10l . on. 5e U3Vj do do 5a I-'* Bt. L. 0c 8, K. C. of G. eon ss. **•, en 6* 137 do Ist In .... 51 Bt. T. eon 175 do Jnd Inc . 16‘x Ht. I‘. C. A F. C. A N eon 7a I*o la* HS’4 do do P. F. do do & 1.0 , h- Il IP Fscttlo 4- .... H '4 Chi. Ter 4s ... KI H lUllway 5a ~E3'i pot Po is P Ro**- W T . TANARUS% P fir n G 4. ' /T. Sr P tala ..11*’4 Erin *en 4* 71Vj do do 2i.d* .... 53 FW. An. ri. l*t 7* •, U. P 4s Gen. Etc 5a . ltJ'i Wabash lets ... llO'a la Celt, lata ...11* <l® 2>i*le I®* LAN uni. 4- 9*% W. Hliore 4a . 111 M K AT 3nds 7 * Win Cun tats. K7'4 ,W ,io 4- M Va. Centuries .. n M. A O. 4a y;„, York. Nov. -1 —Standard Oil, 7-di T 35 Murphy * **'• l“*'k Letter. N. w York Nov The stork market .xree.Mnly active un*l aa,n rhowirc irTruular pr!~e ehn<w New York Central and other Vanderbilt* to gether with Pennsylvania art Granavr Share- were all .neptcuously stror : Tho Northern Paeltl iasnea. on the other hand were eomew iat r**uctlonirrv. and elsewhere in the railway list prices had an uncertain drift The tnitlHl deallnpa to-day In the stoek of Amalffamsted Cop i*-r Company, were rffected. en*t ihe stock in Bond request ■ The Industrial quarter P*iKs r wa- decidedly weak, while Ferteral Pteel. Bieel and Wire, to. ther wtth the other tow priced In dual rial*, were feverah. Th*- local trac tion group '** fairly active hut the price changes In that direction were com paratively limited lon don market lor American e:rv~k* after beln deprerse*! in th* earlv detidn*,. score.! a ffeneral re ,-Overy and price# were quoted somewhat above parity with N'ew York's filial fit urea The de <ll,it* here for foreign a. ount continued In tremendous volume on both aide, of the amount There w little local new of any ac.-otint hesrime nr, the teneral mirket of particular stocks. Sales*) snares MIfICKIX-tHKOrs MIBKETk. Note—Thesa quotations or. revised dally, arid ar* kept a* near a* poe-lbla In sceorl wlih th*- pravatllnt wholeeale pru-e*. Official quolaitons ar- is*' used when they dlsatre* with the pries* whole saler* ask Country and korfhern Prtttlser, POULTRY—The market I# steady Quo tations Broilers. itOffttc per pair: hslf grown. 450*0*, three-fourth" arown. itff 60c. hrns. (T7r, . roosters, 495tx. d'tcks SCtITSi-; |*s* 75cfl*1 EOGB—Fresh candled, J3c, cold storat*. WJ*. BUTTER—The of the market 1* firm quotation* Western creamery. IMI Jl'sc. N* w York state dairy, 15833 c. extra Eifftnn 35038* CHEEPE-Market firm: fancy full cream cheese UV; for 10 to 23-pound average; aMiy'-pound sverage*. Uc. Ear I y \ e*etables. IRISH POTATOES—northern. sl.lO sack CA MB AGE—M,7c per head ONtONlt—Yellow tn barrels. U-ffit; crate* 80c; red. II 00. nreNdstnir. liny and Grain. FLOUR—Market steady; patent, 54-V; ■(b,. Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah .at (Kith Meridian Time—Tin* Hour Blower Than rilly Time tn Effect Nov 15, IW, RKAt* I*. *WX * Ti' I'II.Y\.-T t; Miff No 3( No 38 c sni a. : i No l; "pr; . .'-tn, . .. . Savannah At 5 tdsm 115p*n 11 a ■r * i Tima t | 4 :iptn 4 .'.mi Ar Ji t Lv 3 OOam| 107 pm 6 Ohpm t; " ■... it t ,\r t *>l umhta Lv i M*m it -ant :pm s c.mi Ar Chirlotu* a I.v i 6 bi*pm loam It 44ph*12 Ar (Ireeti• .*..... Lvj 7 lltptn 5 4Aain \ Norfolk Li I (opm 12 ism 1 Ar D* vllle ~ . I.v 5 i*m 4 Sam (Want t, ipm Ar .. Itl hu.m ) ... l.vj 13 Olpm 14 CBpm 3' 1 ' Ar I.v hh'ttg I.V' 3 Mem 3 Baa 4 Ban •• pm Ar * * l . ■ vtlk Lv 108pm|t354pm 7 s..aiit I. , Ar \\ ishtngton Lv II Isatn, * V*p:n : tn <r Ball mom I.< 3.'*m k 2.'pm • *•• tr ... . i ida tll . i. I Kami * Op** * "PM * -tain Ar N w Yark . L, 13 ' **n. 1 t* • 8 khan *■ tm ai Bagla, I.v IMpmlll loatn g To Tilt S dITII AND VKf ! No S (ri*n*r*i Tims ' 13 S'jtn Lv Savannah '.. Arlpfllai* (Ej ten Time I * *i,tm i.v i o umhta L> ; 1 75am 9 50mm Lv Bpartonhutg I.v 8 tSpn, 1": m |L \ h v ... . I v Bpm ' # Ac Hcß Ept (~ .■* Id U 4" m 7 attptn Ar Knoxville Lv,| I Stain " ' La Id " 80p*n 7 4f*am tr Cincinnati I.v 1 t tXH'ni m at si Louts .. .... . I.* I Mnm J_Vvitn Ac I I.' , . * n o All trains arrive and d*|ir( from Inel'lani Hyatrm Biallon. THlt'ifOlt ritlt SERVICE. ETC TRAINS S AND 14 DA II.Y NEW YORK AND FIjOIttDA ExrnFSit Vaatl htil-d limit*,l train*, with Pullman Dtawlnx H<>oni Hlerplng risrw teiween Sav *n n,h and New York ,'nnne. t* at Wavhtngt -it with Colonial l-.vt'iesa lot P. **n Pullman tfieeptng ('ar- heiween Chart <lte and Richmond and Charlotte aid Nor folk Dining I'tir* Serve alt meal- h-tween Savannah a ret iVaehlngtnn TRAINS 35 AND 88 DAILY. TIIE UNITED STATKB FABT MAM. Ve*tlbuled hmlirvt trains carrvtnp Pullmin Drawing Itoom 81.-pliix Cars tvetwe.n S*vi*n eh and New Y'ork Dining far* serve all meals Tveiweeti Savannah and Washington Also Drawing Room Sleeping Cars twlween Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and The let nt! of tie Sky ” l-’or complete Inrormttl n*# t* ril-n a. hedulee el. Apply 4*, F 8 GANNON. W V I* A <1 M J \l CULP T M W A TURK. O P A . Washington, D ri S tl HARDWICK. A*t Gen't Pas" Agent Allantn On G GltririVEß. Ticket Agent Plant Svst.m Stolon JAMES FREEMAN, ri PAT A . 141 Mull Mrrel Savannah. Ga Thonea Mi) straight, *3.yi; fancy. 53.75. family. 53 50 MEAIs— P*tirl. |ter barrel 13 7b, ,|h r *a. k 11.35, illy m*al. i*er sack, Isvlte.l. tll.'Sh 51.15; water ground 51.15 11.17'. city gilt ►ack* I! 3>t. peat 1 grli- HudiiUls, per bar rel. U 75; per eavk. |1 33'x. sundry b*an<l* |I.I7MM.S" ***'k CORN—'Market firm white. Jot* pvt*. 85*', carload lots. 32c, mixed corn. Jot* lots, 83c. urktad tors. 53c. RICE Marker steady; demand gorsl. fancy head. 6v. fancy. s'gC Prime G**u*t 'iO3V. Fair ♦ tl<S Common IS OATS No 3 mlxrd, carload O'y. J*h tots. 35^J38c; white cllwa-d car*, 18c; Job. 40c. BRAN Job tig*. 95. . cat load lol* HAY—Marker steady. No 1 timothy. 90c. Job, 95c, No. 2. SOc Job. *sc, cars. yugnr anil Coffee. BI'OAR Cut loaf < 19'Diamond A ... .5 M Crushed * 34 t 'on feel loners' A 584 Powdered .5 94 White Extra C.. 554 XXXX pow and ..5 99 Extra ri 6 3* Granuiet**! .... 5 M Golden C .* <a Cit tie* ............6 99, Yellows ...........4,94 Mould A * ' COFFEH7— M„cha 7* e*Prime No 3 11 e j -VH 38 c Utvtti No 4 IWtr Peaherry 14 r Fair No 5 .. K*e Fan ' No 1 . .lt.r'nrdlnary N>* 8 *,, chol.e No 2....11 ejeommon No 7 91p- Dried anil l.vaporalrtl Krnlts. APPl.Bß—Evs|X)rated, 7075 c; sun dried. 5194/6v. . APRICOTS— Evaporated. 10c |iound. nectarine—. 10c. RAIBINB—Ie L. 53 10; Imperial cabinets. 53 75, loose, 50-pound leixea, *"■ pound PEAriHEt*— Evaporated, pealod. 17V4C. uri|<eal*d, Rv.'t'.v PEARfk- Evaporated, 6\c. Hardware nnd Huildlniz Anpirllea. LIME. CALCIUM PLASTER AND Cement Alabama amt Georgia llm*- In fair demand and sell al So cent* u barrel; *p., iat .H1.1n.-d |>: teler. 51 <fi P> r barrel, hair. 4y5 Rosedaie .ement. It .My 1.35. , arloatl. M*. special; Portland cement, re tail. *3 3... carload kl. 52**01'.'20 Id'MIIEH V O. B VE4MH&LB .SAVAN NAH Mlnlmusn. yard slxra. ItOtoeil.W. .ar *lll* 512 SMH3 (*'. tllffl.iill sixes 3'l.<U ~is rst. "hip slo.k, 516 00fri 00; sawn ties, ti* rarer a. far. hewn lie*, ffkflltls'. OlL—Marker sloady. demand fair, sig nal. 45860 c. Weal Virginia hi a. k o.til. , lard. id. ; matsfool. Ao/Toc, ma htnery. 18 ft2sc: linseed oil. raw. trolled. 78Vi<'. k'roo* ne (irlmr while. II . water while. 13c; Plait * asiral. 14c; deodorised stove gasoHne. drums. 11 Vfcc; empty oil barrels, delivered. Me. SHOT—Drop. 51 50, B. R and Inrge. 5175. chilled. 51 75 IRON Market very steady; Swede. Hyc NAILS —Cut. 52 H) base; wire. 52.35 l*ae 11A It BED WIRE-53 let per too |>ound* OUN POWDER— Pet-keg. Austin eraek shot. 54h"; half k*gs. Y 2 35; quarter keg*. 11 25; champion ducking, quarter keg" 52 25. Dupont and Regard amokele** half kegs 51! 35. quarter kegs. 55 75; 1-pound canisters. 51 f; less 25 per cent ; Ttol dorf smokeless powder, l-poun*t cans, tl; 10-pound can* 90c pound hall. Hides and tt'mtl. SALT—Demand it fair snd tta- market steady, carlwd lot*, 100-pound burlap sacks. 44c; 100-potind ootton sacks, 45c, 110-pound burlap "arks, IMy-; llh-pound cotton sack*. 13<4"; 225-poond burlap rarks. 5.V-. 135-pound cotton sack*, 66< 230-pound burlap sacks. 85c HlDEß—Market firm, dry flint. 15V dry salt, ll'jc, green salted, 6. WOOL—Nominal: prime Georgia, free of sand hut* and black wnt>|. lr; blaek, 18c; burry, ffOc. Wax, 35c. tallow, 354 c. Deer skint, Mr Frnts nnd Nuts. APPLEB-Northern variety. 52 504)1.15 ORANGEB-(Fla ) 52 50<9t 00 |e-r box PRUNES —the to 50*. 10c ; fn- to )s. V: 80s to 70s. 7e*. 70* to 80s, 654 c; (0* to 90s, *c 9>'s to tons, iv BANANAS—SI26OIOO hunch LEMONS—Market steady at 53 50 COCO A N ETB-54.35. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand, market firm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia per pound, tvjc; hand-picked Vlrgltil*. ax trss. I'c; N C seed peanuts, 4c. Nt'TH—Alnionri*. Tnnugona. 18c; Ivies* lie. walnut*. French. 13c; Naplew. Uc pecans, 12c; Brsxlls, 12c; filbert*. 13c; as sorted nuts, 50-pr.uud snd 25-pound boxes, 1314 c. riot ton llagglnir nnd Ties. RAGGING—Market firm. Jute. 314- pound **4c; large lot*. 514 c; small lots. 2-pound 7V; *na island bagging, 12V TIBS- fitarwlard 4'.-|<otind. arrow, large lots. (1.2 k). small lots. 51 33 Unran, Hams nxd Lard. BACON-.Market firm. D. B C R side*. 7%c, D 8 bellies. *V (Essiern). ac cording to average size D 8 Behles, (rye (Weetern); wmnkrd C. B sides Kite. HAMS—Sugar eursd limTU'-yc LAKl>—Pure, In tierces. Btr. tn 50- pound tin* and (O-pmtnd tubs. 444 c. eom|*ound. In tlsn *e. 814 c. 60-pound ttna and fft-pourd tubs. Sly. xiisr t;i.i, twin *. FlSH—Mactterel. hsif-barreis. No 1, 55.rst, No. 2. *7.00: No. I. 55.75. kits. No. 1. 3120. No. 2, 3110, No. 3.65 c. 1-pound bricks. 61yc: 3-pound bricks. 4c. Bmoked herring, per ho*. 17619 c Lmfch herring. In kegs. II to.•new muilMs, half barrels. 5175. HYnt’P-Market quiet, Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 24030 c. selling at siql’s-, sugar houee si !"015c. HONEY Fair demand; attained. In bar rel*. i-Vgaor gallon.* High wines oasts, $1.37. Of FAX FRtMGIITN. m tiria b to |ia inn. 1 >ee ewt to New- tors, i" r• wi ;<v-. to Philadelphia tier hale. 51; Baltimore. II FOREIGN DIRECT s* . etpool. e . Hamhiitg. 4Mc. ti nit, 53--; it a roe l* ma, 85c; Mancheeter, 4.V , Havre, 4" . Ahtw-erp. 40; RevoJ. f*ie. RottarlaW, 4*< . Trieste, al. INDIIIKtT l.lverpool 3503* Hamburg, 00c; Gothenburg, 53c. I,EMBER By Ball - Freights steady; to R-tlllmote and eastward. II 60 to H 75 per M tneludlng Portland. LFMItEIt Hy Steam Savannah to Baltimore s*. ar, to I’ It. R., or B and O, dock** 52. Wt. to Philadelphia, 18V per cwt G pounds t*t f*a*tt; 10 New York. st>.is> pec M. 17 25 to do k llglilere l to Boston. 56. fat NAVAL STORES— The market la firm; mxtlum alz* veaeel* Rostn- t’ork. for order*. 3e 8d per barrel of 310 pounds, H n*t 5 |n-r cent primage Bplrtt*. 4- 9d tier 40 gallon* gross, ant 5 per ont primage targe vessel*, rcwtri, Se, spirit* 4* and. Steam 11* per too imtinds on roln. 3110' on spirit*. Savannah lo Boston, an t 914 on rosin and 19e on spirits lo N'ew York Ult AIN. I'Hov isiova. ETC. New Y'ork. Nov. 23 —Flour easier and less active, reflecting the break In wheat Rye ttmir quiet, i'ornmral quiet Rye st* adv Barley quiet Bailey malt qolst Wheat—Spot, easy; No 2 red. 7614'* rip tua,. ex|Ntt lent e| a sharp toss to-day Tlio decline started with dlsai'pointtng rsttss ind bearish Argrntlne news bul develop ed later into unmistakable December liquidation, which destroyed all of yester day's Improvement nnd left senilment rather discouraged over Ike outlook HI lsHils selling, smail dearanees unit a light exturt trade also helped Ihe decline. Closed eaey. N-I V net lower; March closed WV, May. 797*0; November, T64*o; t*ecem!>er. 7714 c. Corn—ffpol, easy; No. 3. 4*c. Option market was quieter and quire weak. In sympathy wlih wh*-al. tmphoved weaiher West, talk of larger receipt* and unsat isfactory cables I'iwd weak at lavUtC net decline May. 42'ec; Decemiier 4214 c. Oatrs— Bpnt. firm No. 2, 2*> ; *i Options dull and liarely steady. Beef quiet -Qult-t <'ut meals quiet L>r4—Firm; Western steamed, 17.8A: re filled firmer; continent, 37.75. South Amtr loa. 36 40. compound. 6at4'c. I‘ork, steady Tnllew. firm Petroleum, dull. Rosin, quiet. Turpentine, quiet; 421 x Rice, firm. Coffee—Spot Ri. weak; No. 7 Invoice, 7V*-. mild, quiet; Cordova. 9'44iini4c. Fu tures o|w-rted tur<Jy steady, l*Bil. |*|nts lower and followed an Irregular cour-e all day. with weakness a prominent feature. Helling wa active and for all account* based on lower speculative mar kets abroad, heavy Brazilian receipt*, weak spot market, foreign pr> ssure and an absence of speculative support. Fur ther sold off In the afternoon under weak late Havre rallies and re|iorts of rad..-al ly loner spot prices Closed steady, litf jn points lower Total sales 41 nrn bag*, tneludlng December. 6.10 c; January. 8.15 c; March. 30(10 35* . Bugar-R.iw. sieady. fair refining. .T!4c; cenirlfugal 98-test, 4*r; moiassea sugar. 344' ; refined weak and norntnal; standard A. SOie. confectioners' A. 5.4*s miaitd A, i.ISc; cut loaf. <<Oc; crushed.; liowdcrnl. 5.70 c; granulated, 6.60 c; cubes. 5.75 c. . Hutter—Qulet; creamery. 19030, atit ■ Ulry. 18024 c. Quiet; large Beplember fancy. lOAic; small, 11c. Eggs-Quiet, elate and Pennsylvania, 24 fij7c; Western. 3062714*-. Potato#*— flteadv. Jersey#, 51008)137(4. New Y'ork. <1 SVfj 1*2314. Ix>ng Island. 51.50 01.75, Jersey* swctes. 51.750-2.r*. Peanuts—Blendy; fancy handpicked, 4Y* otc: other domeallc. 4*- Cu Idoiges-Quiet; Long Island, t>er 100. 53 o#f I >n Freight to Llverpoot—Dull; cotton, by steam. 30c COTTON 6FED OIL. New York, Nov 23 —Cotton seed oil dull and eaey: spot oil selling 32V In a small way Prime crude barrels, 29029 V nnen tnssi; prime summer yellow, 531y#**c. off summer. 32c. prime winter yellow. >7n 39c, prime white, 3v*iJ7c; prime meal, 526 00 (728.50. ( HK Af.O N4HKETI. Chicago. Nov 33 —December wheat, de pressed by rabies and Argentine ship. mFr’ . closed 4 lower 40-day. Corn wa* quiet and ckierd easy. November lc. and DK.smber, lye down Oats closed a shade lower, and provisions. 2406 to 2314 c hlgh #r. The leading futures ranged as follows; fipenlng Highest Lowest.Ciosing Wheal. No 5 Nov ... 704 70*,0704 70S 70*40-70'* Dei 7‘8407**14 T/S 7014070S 705070A. Jan 71M17114 71S 705071 71S<(71', Corn. No 2 Nov w 48 43 4414 £•* 3*,5038'- 38V *>V 36V May . VA.OMV MV 381, CM A. Oat*. No. 3 Nov ..,..31-i4 SIV 2114 Ml, Dec 21V022 21V&33 21V021V 21V May 24 24V 31 24 024 V Mesa Pork, per barrel— Nov tM 73 511 < 110 78 lit (A Jan .. 11 TO 13 f*i li To 12 00 May . 11 70 11 90 11 TO 11 > Lard, per 100 pound*— Nov . 7 IS 735 7 IS 7JS Dec . 696 T 0714 * 92V 705 Jan .. 8 4214 8 90 8 42V 8 90 May . * IS 8 9JV B*s 92 , Mhort Riba, per too pound- - Nov . .... . Jan . 8 27V 615 8 37V *35 May .830 < S7Y4 6 30 8 (714 Cash quotation* weio an follows: i- tour Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by 901 h meridian time rim- hour alower than city uma. In effect rict. t. Has) All -runs I. Fav.mrah Dully. Ar bavannah Bel ween 3 15 am Ha. iiiii ih I 1 60 am 539 am .. Way raws jlo 16 an* * I" am Jacksonville ill 10 n n 6■* pm ... and Florida j7OO pm Between 13’ a- ... Bavannah ....... |3 46 am 6 v- >m i'liarlcelon |7 in am |6 10 pm Ar ltrunawlck Between linin-M-lek 818 am leuup 8 Ik pga t-o "".is and .... 7 10 am I 1 k nvilb . ~ |5 35 pm Connect 100. ai Poll 'lan>i*a with Pen insular and o Unlal a. 1111,1 ■ leaving for Key West and Havana Mondays, Thursday! and Saturdays. 1 1 no p. m. Call m Tii kn (Mi.. for further Infor mation J. H. POLIIFUUP. T. P A . WARD CLARK '-t v Tl ket Agent. He dun It.lie! Phone 73 ft W WRKN'N, Passenger Truffle Man ager, Bavannah On StGEORGIA BfYCO. y i B-haduls Fffertlva Bept V> 190#. Trail -a 1 rive al and depart from C#l it.. 1 WsM llrrntd. foot of Liberty street. kh Meridian Tina One hour slower than city nine. Ln-ava Antes Bavannah- Bs vur.nnh: Ans- Me 11 Atlanta.l 01 46asn|Cvingion, MlLestgevtlle • oopm laud all Inietmedlats isdntsj |A'ig Mia, M a non, Atlunta.' l Ai ln ne, Montgomery. Co-j •9 OOpmdiimhue, Ittrmlngtiam. Am-|*B 00am Isricu*. Eufaula and Troy.j 6 Onpni I saver Anroramodat loff ffTliam 13 60pm Guyton Dinner Train , 4 SOpsn •I >ally lEx -r |l Hunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBBE. 751 h meridian or Bavannah city lima. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only 625 a 111 Dally excsP* Monday 9.30 a m Dally 300 p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Monday only 7.16 a tn Dally sxcapt Mnn.lay W 25 a m Dally 830 p. m. ' "line. il.ane made at ITmlnal point* ■dth all iralns Nortnwest, Wsat and South west Bleeping cals on night trains batwaan Savannah and Augusta, Maeem, Allans and Hlrmlngnam l’arlor car* on day trslna between Ba vnnneh Ma* or and Atlanta Fr * * anpieie Information, schedule*, rates and •-'•ruiectlana apply In V 5 O. 11RE54 KR. Oily Tloket end Pasn •nger Agant 107 Bull straet. or YV H. YIeINTYRE Depot Ticket Agent. J 1 HAII.K. General I's.wig.r Ansi 5- II IIINTYUN, Traffic Manager. TIIEri. D. KEENE, (Jen Superintsndgnl. Bavannah, On. _^^Vestibuleq EITgBI lIMITED rA |NS Double Daily Service The short line 10 Norfolk, Waslditffton, IDlllmore. PhlladrlphU. New York and Ihe tail. - 64 i Na Lv Bavannah R A L Rylll 35pm|U Mpm Ar Columbia. B A Ryj 4 Mptni 4 Mnro Ar llaielgh, H A I, 8y...(U rpmjll 60am Ar Durham. H A. L. Uy..j 7Xu in 4 18pm Ar Pe4erburg. K A L By 4 Unm 4 Mpm Ar, B A. L. lty 6 16am 6 48pm Ar Washington. Penna sLa 9 Mpm Ar Baltimore. Penna 10 (gamjll 26pm Ar Philadelphia. JVnna.... 12 27pm 358 am Ar New York. Penna 103 pm; 8 13am j’ No. 44 No 88 Lv Bavannah, 8 A I. Ry|l3 Ifcpmlll 6pm Ar I'orleinoiith. B. A. L l(y 7 UOnm; 5 Upm Bteamers leave Norfolk dally, except Bunday, lor liilllmor*. Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. The abort line to Montgomery Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Bavannah at 7:35 a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7:® p m , at which l>oint rioe# tontioctian la made with the L 8 N. R H . arriving at Mobile 3.6 ka. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a. m. The ahort line to Femandtna. Jackson ville. Tampa and other Florida polntn I No. 37 | NoTU Lv Bavannah. R A L Ry 6lßsn| 3 7pm Ar FeriMndlm*. B A L Hy 9 35un> 9 u-pm Ar Ja. ksonvllle H A L Ry 9 Mam 7 40pm Ar Tumpa. HAL Ry 6 19pm, 6 Main Magnlfl* enl Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Waahmgton. Baltimore l'hila dGphla 1 n*l New York; also to Jackoon vllie and Tampa Dining ear* from Ravtntmh to Ifmis', ami Richmond to New York Buffet puilor cal# Savannah to McOt g ornery For additional Irformitlco applv to Ticket office, Hull and Bryan atrsats. Phone 28. dull, unchanged, Nu 3 spring wheat, 05549 71c; No. 3 red, 715)073V No. 3 corn. 43(5 14c; No. 2 yellow, lie. No. 2 while, M 548 27r; No. 3 white. 345)0J7r. No. 2 rye. *c; fair to choice mailing, barley. F408Oc; No. I flax seed, 51 091401 71c. No I NorthweOl ern, 51.71. prime ilmo'hy seed. 54 tucM-59; meas pork. 1- 61" G'yUll <•>; Mt per 109 Itis 57 39; 26; short nho sides (loom-i. 58 7*07 75 dry salted shoulders (boxed). .53*085*, . short clror sides 1 boxed 1. 6.5588.98 c. I 43AKK BT3IPI*S:n ( 111 Ht H MCRVICE. Women htootl on tlte Sent* While Hen 4 baaed thr Reptile. From the Philadelphia Ledger, flhlppensburg. Nov. 31.—During revteat service* In the Untied Brethren Church u snake sw discovered crawling over the floor under the seats One lady no tided something moving over her shoe, and In a few moments fell It passing over ihe other. 45'hen she found It was a snake she Jump'd on the *<!, and tha church, which was crowded, waa thrown Into con fusion The ladle# stood on the seats while the man tried to rapture the reptile, which raced hack and forward through tb* church in Its efforts to escape. After It was . aptured the nervlces were resumed. It is supposed some mischievous person carried It Into th* church and turned It loose. I yard ftaiishurye favorite dog h • great boar-hound wtU'-h I* named Phara oh. bees uso "he wilt not let Ihe yooyta go." 9