The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE CHINESE “BRAVE." HE WF.AHI THE KVHBOL OF Hl* CH.IN OS Hl* HICK. Vry Seldom loee Hr Host A>indr ■■4 Our ran limrh Battle Hr t**era Irnln of "lira*#*" In Purr and Safety—The CMee*# Now la the Field Are Not the “Ururr," Pat Tlirir Are Likely to U* Failed tint If the ItrbelMoa Spread#—Two and a Half (ml* a IT la Their Pay, oarl Tbrr St*er Got It. Mead-Haullau for Reward*—Some time* the "Brave" la Foolhardy, Dot Srrer C'ouraaroaa. New York. Nov 23.—Should the threat ettrd rebellion In China assume euon pro portion* ae to rail to the Held the mart of ao-calieJ fighting men o( China, the for eign troops on the around will ere a spe nt* of aarfaro *urh at they never before t>eh*l<>, unit** on the comic opera etag- There la no doubt that the Chinaman, when properly trained and led by Euro pean officer*, who will art him a right example in bravery and da*h. makes an excel.ent soldier Thl* Vv* amply demon atrated during the Tarping Rebellion, when “Chinas*" Cordon drilled and |e.| the "Evar-vlctoriou* Army againai me rebel*, and It hat again been made manl feat during tha present unpleasantness. tb "First Chlne*e Regiment of Brlltan auxiliary troopa. trained b> English oitl • cer* lor ftarriaon duty at W#|.hal-w*l. having done, gallant acrvlce at the elegc and rapture o( Tten Tun Some of the Boxer and the Imperial troopa too. hive fought well But they •re led by men who have had tome mod ern military training. The great mm of war material In China t* made tip of man nr ho march under the flag of some *oca; princeling or vlrero) The "brave ’ fa the unit of tlila aggregation, und a woroe mummed Individual doe* not exist on the face of the earth Nevertheless thl* till* la not given him by way of a Joke hut n ober earnest, the ebaracier for "brave" being dtaplaved on the back of the hlouee whb h he wear* In place of a uniform, so that everybody may know what a ferocious animal he t*. anl hunt •over accordingly. It la scarcely to be wonderrd at that he la not the highest tvp- of mllltnry charwrter Hla pay la Jv* cents a day But be never by any chance get* It Tha vtoeroy of the province attends to tha A* for food, he la supposed to receive sufficient allowance of rice or millet with th* usual concomitant* of a coolie * meal, a bit of dried Ash or pork, but tv- get* that only "In his mind " Th* viceroy attend* to that also The result la lhat the poor wretch I* obliged to beg hla food and If refused, he take* It. wtllv ntlly. It la a common sight In China to see a man In the garb of the "brave" •skins for food at the door of some store or residence It pays to he civil to him. and ha usually gels what he asks for; for he carries hi* sword with him when he la out foraging As for his officers, they are of the clasa of some of tha ancedor* of Mark Twain, whom tha* humorist de scribe* a* ' rushing whooping Into bat tle. right In the rear of the army, airi rush'ng out right in front." A recant writer on Chinn gives what he calls "a very pretty summery of the wlio'a duty of a soldier." a* laid down by an officer of the bowmen , ' Should the enemy continue to advance after the drat flight of arrows the bowmen should endsavor o frighten them by loud erlea. feigning the voices of savage beasts au-l deadly tnakw If these be ineffectual, the archer* will naturally take flight, or else run to meet tho enemy, protesting that • hay are convince.! of the Justice of their cause and are dfScrmlned to tight on thalr aide in future." Thl* aounda like a libel on the Chinese military man. but there Is no lack of evidence that such tactics are actually pursued by the Chinese In warfare. Dur ing the Tae-plng Rebellion, there was considerable fighting around Shanghai, and the foreigners raeldsnt there h* 1 many opportunities of witnessing It Rev- Dr. Yates, an American, who witnessed In all mace than sixty engagements, de arrthe* the opera Pouffe style of fighting as he saw jt. wkhoul himself Incurring any more danger than the flghtera—which was practically none The Aghttng was |e see big burying ground on the out skirts of the city. From time to lime attacks would he mode flrat by the rebels. • hen by the Imperialist* Almost Inva riably the Wounding of a single eoldte: wee the signal for the whole army to re tire Every warrior wa* too careful of hla own akin, according to Dr Yates, to take any chancea In hla attempt* to perforate the akin of the enemy The sold! ere would nevtr at and up and light fare-eo-far* like men, the practice of bo' i partlee being to skulk behind gtaves. Or they would carry bundle* of atraw. be hind arhlch they would light. They would run from grave to grave, ao as to flank the aumy and try to get a shot—all th* tlma. howaver, being under cover. On one occasion he saw two hannerm*n stand behind grave mounds, some twenty pace* apeta After wnw conservation, they rushed toward each other, but when near enough to uee their epear*. these weapons were seen vertically |n the air. and th* men ruthed Into each other'* arm*, ex changed banners and ran at the top of their apeed In opposite direction*, each doubtless securing the reword for raptur ing the banner of a foe which wa* tael* • "On another occasion." write* Dr Yatea. "I saw a rebel with a *pear. chaatng around a grave mound, an tmperlallat. with a matchlock In hi* hand If tho Imperialist had stepped to prime hi* gun and to adjust hla flrerop*. the rebel sou'll have apeared him Finally, however, suc ceeding in getting nil In readiness, he ran to the top of th* mound, and tired; but the shot did not take effet. I*ecau-e, a* be pointed downward the bullet roll and put of the gun, for th# Imperfection , f the barrel necessitated the us* yf a hall of !e**er diameter than the bore of the gun. and the general plan of touting *u to (iron the shot Into the loose charge of powder, "Both rebelr and Imperialists were mo t cruel In their treatment of the wounded I saw a wounded rebel pursued hy three Imperial - *!* who wanted to get his heat as a trophy Two of them speared In man to the ground, to hold him a*l I while th* other cut off hi* head but be fore this was accomplished one of them was shot by another rebel, who rushed to th* spot In the hope of getting the hea 1 of the imperialist, but In turn he was shot by the two other Imperialists—so three were killed In trying to get one head It was aommonly reported thst many poor countrymen were beheaded by th# Imperial troop* simply to gain the reward of bravery. And. on the other hand, many of th# soldier* were cut .ff by the pea-antry when found looting, and burled In their gardens Individuals <n two occasions displayed the most :ool k. ITONXCH It Strengthens . iMm —. n ’ll' nerves end IriTTEI* 4 * CDCC VA/ARIMPRH > tt SAFE CURIi To *ll who suffer with Kidney. Liver. Heart. IttAdder or Blood dlea*. a tem ple bottle of Wimer'i Cure the pioneer KMnty and Liver Remedy* will I** ient absolutely Free of C'ott by eddret*- ln* pontal card to WARKCR'H BAKK Ct’Rß CO . HdX'hetter. N Y , end men tioning thl* paper. har-ly bravado A man from n . t of imperlaiitt*. who wr mil. # i* hi 1 my bout*, ran out to th* corner >f my < ompoumi. in front of the *u*.d steiion one of the haMion*. and. eprending ur bit ermt. Intuited them In the v!l *t manner and railed on them to tty aid fhoot him They flred the- < inr.on .ni several rout.L of mueketry th*y hit him When he wa* wound*i the whole force retired to amp 1 ' l ope irbi h have h*i the of fonign trainhrr in mlli* tarv matter* or have felt the influence of foreign meUixle tha Chlneee goidler* are to- lay who', the* were when ler Yatee *•( on the fence. o to rpeaK. and watched them fight They are .ip unpro creaetve ait any rtaew in unproff r*lv thma That the tr add tonal methode of the brave ' Mill hold !*■ shown by the fat r that the buslnepp of hs ad huntlng hat been Indtiftroiiply purem-d during the prevent troubles A few* ago In P*- kin, the foreign patrol c.iptured a China man carrying a a< k in which wap the head of an American marine That China man .ilro ir now mlnu< bead Headier bodies of both Chinamen and foreigners were found hy the score after the recent engagementp m Tten Tain Tung< how. and l*ek!n. The hea ts ill represented a few taele reward, cheerfully paid by the Chineee government, a* representing no many “fore gn devil*** th* fewer pollut ing the marred aoll of the Mkklle King dom It Ip an ay matter for the lngen lotip Mongol to fix up the head of a (Mtrlct po • to enable It to pies mutter up the head of a ‘fan-kufel.*’ .And. any way. the Phiroae dtphurting ofR ltl la not over particular A head it* a head, and the more heade captured he ip able to report to the Hoard of War the greater bis < hancep of promotion Dr Henry Liddell AT THE THEATER. •Town Top lea" Will Mart Off the W eek. The we*k will open at the theiter with the farce comedy "Town Top** ' to-nlghl Faanionable boarding-bout* life often fur niahaa acenep and pgvlngp tnat am culled funny But the real thing t* hardly ejuil to Mage production* upon them, nor ae laughable What, in thla rei>ect. la aaU) to be "holding th* mi 10; up to nature ' with varloua exaggerat'd phaa a. la “Town Toplca.” The flrvt act repr - •enta a t*o4rding-boue aone in N w York city, and here the fun. tha' .aata until the end, bagina The chief charac ters tare Min. Quick, the landUy; her ) oua husband; a German profeMor. With a colored valet; two chummy young m* n who tiellove It la better to "jump their board bills when they con. than to settle, and aevtral pretty young women The tei-ond act taken place hi the Qiiick'i aeaaide home, and the third and lat act at their city residence. There ia abund ant diversion throughout the perform ance. The ftorga, dances, specialties and (oatumea are t*ild to be n*-w and up to date. Wednesday right Thom * Q Scgbrookg will be seen In "The Rounder*." Th* production with Scabrooke m ra thief funster, rollicked ahng at the New York Casino last aeason for arj nlghta. It la described aa a comic op*ra vaudeville m three acta and four a ene*. and wav adapted by Harry B. Smith from the French version of "L. a Petards'* (‘ The Jolly Boys ’), which was written by Mars and lfennequtn The music la by Ludwig KngUnder. an<j It la aaid that hla present effort sur passes in tunefulnewe all of his former coni|Kaitlons. not even excepting "T ie Paseing Ahow" score The scenes of the play are laid In War rits and Parle and iermit of *oine picto rial Ideas in costuming Tin- flint srfn of tha second act ia, ponaibly. the nv>t startling Thla l supposed to take place in the atar a dressing room in a theater in Paris. It la In thl* scene tha? Ber tha W ait singer, in the character of Thea, a ballet dancer is intruded upon while changing her costume by the Duke de putty du Clam. Thie hit of Mage busl ness. while of an anxious nature (or a fewr moments, is said to b* turned off luufi ur.*A/rou?ly. One of the newe-t the Incidental characters Is Rl-gfrled Got terdammerung. the lea*ler of a German street band. Tie has teen *nna:el to play, and has h*en (Mid in a Ivan ©. mid. therefore, instate upon rendering hi- dt-- cordant music at the moat Inopportune times, simply because he his been paid to do so, and rometiody must get tin* mualc. Seabiuoke himself l* credited with the greatest success of his career In thla piece lie a|>t>eara throughout Its tbr e acts as Magtnnl* Pasha, an Irish Turk - th* combination issuing from the Celt * wreck on the coast of Turkey and hi* subsequent adoption by the Hulian. In all three acts he I* -\artouly come in hi, repeated searches and capture of "Thea. a tolly dancer, of w-bom he Is enamotot. Thursday the Klmit-llenrn Company will give two performances, matinee at 2:30 and night. 3 3J o'clock, presenting Mr. Charles Frohmxn'* melodrama in four act* "The Fatal Card " The sale of seat* will begin o-morrow morning at 9 o'clock The price# re. Night. 10 20 and cents; matinee, adult* 9‘ cent*, children 10 cent*. DEVELOPED INTO Alt !*T sTtmtl. Wind Hearhrd Thirty-Use Mllea an Hoar and Brought < old Weather. The hlgn southwest winds predicted by the Weather Bureau lor yesterday devel oped during the afternoon and gradually Increased tn lnten*Wy until between 3 and t o'clock the velocity of 33 miles an hour was reached It then developed Into a regular dust violin, and the flying sand drove the people from the streets so that very few pdestrlany w-ere to bo seen. The temperature for the day was. max imum. 73 degrees, at L3O o'clock, and min imum 69, at 3 o'clock p. tn. when the day report was closed, but after that time the mercury fell quite rapidly and at 10 o'clock registered 55 degrees and was still falling The talnfall was .09 of an Inch On Fiturday morning the weather bit r<**u gave notice of a mild storm centered then over Arkansas and Eastern Texu .ircl hy Sunday morning It had moved eastward, to a position over the eastern portion of Alabama, with increasing in tensity. It then began a northeastward movement, and at 1:45 p m , storm warn ings ware Issued along the eastern coast troen Jacksonville to Waehlngton. Thl* message conveyed the following tn. formation "A storm Is now central over Northern Georgia, moving northeast It will cause high southerly winds, shifting to colder west and northwest by Maniay morning " By 3 o'clock last night U u central In North Carolina, having moved dlago t.elly across Northern Georgia, and wa then of more than usual severity and sill increasing, lllgn wli.Ja have been ex porlencid over all tht Southern stater and last night they weie beguiling to It. crease In force over the Ohio valle) lower I>ake region and the Middle At lantic states The colder weather prom toed lot Sunday night, came In on time but local forecast official Boyer, tay, freezing temperatures need not be rxpe. i ed At Xo'clock last night the storm’s rain ara covered nearly nil tin- country eM of the M s*ls*lppl river, and at the sam, time the cold#*! place within the region covered by weather bureau report* was St .Paul, with • temperature of £2 decree*. THE MORNING NEWS; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1900. HIS PULPIT NOW VACANT. ItKV. ARTHt R J. w%ITH GOKE TO UMT at’PBHIOR, Will. Preached Ilia Farewell sermon Vea- IrriiS) MnrniiiK f the Flrat Prea byterlau ( hurrh-The t onrr|e Hon That Heard Him I nusaally Large—Hex. Dr. J. \. Fair Preached at Mght ami Declared the Pulpit Vacant—A t oninillfce Appointed to Secare Another Minister. To an unusually Urge congregation yes terday morning Rev Arthur J. Hmltrv at the First Presbyterian Church, prea he I his farewell sermon It was mou appro priate to th< o 4sin. beitsg on the duty and relationship of the people to the min ister. It was the same sermon that he had prea< bed Dec I*. when he as sumed the j<a*tora?r of the church The text w-ts Mai n hi. I. 1 "The hurlen of the word of tho Dorri to Israel by Mai achl.” "The word of the said Mr. Hmith. "on account of the sol emn poMtlo pw rmniaur of tha goapei oc cupies In the world to-day; he stands be tween (iod and the people as a messenger of God Paul felt thla when he aaid •Woe ia tne If I preach not the guapH * It Is a burden because of the rexponaibiisty plac ed on she minister. f*>r God will call him to account, for the wav he bears It. Again it Is a burden lecauae of fho great desire that a true minister has for the upbuilding or the church, ami the Hav ing of lost souls. ‘‘A minister needs something more than a definite call to prea- h—more than the mere training of the college or atmlnarv. or any peculiar quality granted to men in public life He needs a heartfe.t ex perience Hla fVy to repent will he hol low unless he has first repented himsa.f "If In related that Goldschmidt, when he flrs heard Jenny Lind alng remarked that he intended to marry her and break REV. 4HTHI R J. SHITII her heart, and that she would then sing Ilk* an ang>d He did hoth and the re sult proved the eorreom*** of hi* theorv. for Utnd. having known sorrow, could the better King of it " Continuing on the same line of thought. Jlr Smith sail th.u he had once tieen told by a friend that "If any minister l* evar to be effective he must first have had a crushing sorrow." "To many ministers who feel this bur den of God’s word, men who realise th-lr responsibility to God. and who long for the upbuilding of the ehur h and the saving of lust soul*, this burden some time* becomes *o heavy that it kills them "There wa* In New Jersey, not long ago, the rector of an Kplsenptl Church, who had had some trouble in his church. One night he went to conduct the u-ual eervlcae. only to find ihe church empty. He went home and to bed. but lit the morning fulled to respond wnen call- and. end ■•> found dead The coroner * Jurv derided that he bad died of a btoken heart." "My people, I do not plead for myself; I plead for my successor. Thl* bunion rest* not only on the minister tn the pul pit, but also upon the people in the pew* Get under the burden and help lift It. You can do this by your sympathy. If the preacher helps you. tell him *o. Th* greateet compliment that 1 ever received was In Philadelphia when after conduct ing a aervice at itethuny Church Mr John Wanamuker, who had been preseirt. •aid to me; "I want to thank you. for you have helped me to-day." "Again you. ran help him hy your prayer* ff a min >t<Tdo snot preach as you would like to hav* him preach you can not crttlclae hint right, but you <*in pray him right. Anybody can crltletge and And fault, but It takes a consecraie.l Christian to pray. You can uphold hi* hands In the wvy that Aaron and liur upheld the hands of Moses. In the atti tude of prayer, on the mountain tote while Israel prevailed over (he Malachites In tho valley below Victory always ccmes to a church w here the people up hold the hands of the minister In waver "Still again you can help to lighten the burden* hy your united effort* One man cati not Hft a ton. but one hundred men can lift It with ease A minister alone cannoi carry u church to success: but minister and people can overcome almost any difficulty " At the conclusion of the services many of the congregation hade Mr. Smith good bye. while other* waited to do so until the night setvlce. which he conducted at •he Independent Presbyterian Chur.ti A congregational meeting, which also was called after the service*, elected a com mlitee. consisting of Messrs. C. 8 Wood and Mant Hood, elders; Messrs. E. C. Way and S P. Qum terman. deacons, and Messrs. Walter K Coney and E W. Barnwell, to attend <> the m liter of *e curlng a successo. to Mr. Smith The committee has not the power of Anal ac tion, but must refer Its chohe o the congregation for ratification; meantim pending the appointment of a regular pas tor. tha eesslon of he church will at tend to the supplying of the pulpit For this purpose Rev Dr. Byrd of the Theo logical Seminary, at Columbia, will he Invited to preach Sunday It will be some time, probably, befor the appointment of another regular nnn later, ae It It the purpose of the m*ml>et* of the committee to make a very careful selection. None of the avowed candidates for the position will be considered l.ast night. In ac.-ordanc. with the di rections of the presbytery. Rev Pr j Y Fair conducted the service* at the Fir-' church, aiul at lh*tr conclusion declare l the pulpit vacant, a* Is customary unde; such circumstance* He ad led that h wished to express hl personal sympathy with the congregation In th# disrupt! n of the pastoral ties, and that It wa- h's prayer that the pulpit woalt soon le xraced by an un ler\'iephetd fl I* I wl. the spirit of God. and that hla ministry would be to the everlasting go>d of th< people ‘Mr. Smith left (julte early thla morn ing for West Superior. Wls. Mns Talk Hallway Franchise* Mayor Myers said laei nlglil that It w i ttosslbl* that he would call a meslli .f the Committee of the Whole of t'oun :hla afternoon, to teaum* consideration o' lie pennons for street railway ftancaise Your Liver * Will he roused to Us natural dutle and your biliousness, headache n> limit I ration be cured if you t> food's Pills V Sold bjr Nil druggists. 25 cents THE VA**AM TEAM READY. The Football Players In *hsr for the li.uie With Jaekeoavllle. By far the beet and most enthusiast.c practlca the Savannah football team has had this year, was held yesterday morn, ing at the Bolton Street Park Coch Bautay gave the men two'hout* of good, hard, steady work Th# team has been greatly atrengthen*! by the addition of three men from the , Battery at Tyhee One of these man t* Brown, a guard, who stand* six feet, two Inchea. and wrlgna IF I pounds H# closaly resemble* Capt. Brown of this year a Yale team, which beat Harvard so decisively on Saturday. He formerly played on the team of Fortress Monroe, ar.d If Jackson ville make* any gain* through his posi tion. she will have to hurry Wlaenswky, another soldier boy, wno also plays guard, played for several years on the Chari*#- town. Mas* , High School team lie stands five feel eleven inches, ar.d weighs 170 pounds. The third inan. Is Jones who plays tackle, and he I* a good one. too lie wa# tackle on the tram of the Uni versity of Illinois In 'S*. and was pick'd by exparts for the position of tackle on th* Ail-Western team of S* He Is ftv feet ten Inches, and weigh* 172 pounds* these three, the following men were out for practice: Jim SulHvan, lllrdle Bulilvan, More hmlih. Qua Smith. Johnaon. Ronan, Holt. dußlgnon. Mein tyre, Gordon. Minchen and Bernhardt The work of the men wa* chara' tertaeil hy a snap and dash they have not here, tofore shown, and there was vsry little fumbling The men all know the sig nal* well, and Coach Sauasy haa a few tricks Up his sleeve that will be sprung on Jacksonville. When the team lines up on Thursday. It will be one of the best tht has ever rep resented Savannah Manage; N*uberg*r has been Indefa'lgabie In his efforts to ges together a good team and Bsvannahlans will doubtless show their appreciation of hi* efforts, by turning ois* In large num bers lo see th# game It will be called promptly at .1.45 o'clock Savannah s col ors will be blue anti white, and Jackson vile's purple and gold Manager Jones of the latter team write* thai hi* team will be accompanied by a large number of rooters, and that they will have a good wad to put up On their team, goes with out saying The Jacksonville team wrlll line up a* fol low* Right end—Davlf. Right tackle—Jones Right guard—Bowden. Center—Fraxer I-eft guard—Desman. Deft tackle—Allan Deft end—Steadman. Quarter hack— Husu Deft half back—Tipping Right half hack—Vlninnt (CaptalnY Full hack- Mosely Judging from the number of tickets al ready aold. and the Interest that Is be ing manifested In the game, there should lie wt least a thousand people present when the hall Is kicked off The officials have no* yet been selected, hut compe tent men will be secured hy the manage ment Htt THREE IIHOKE* RI BA. Predicament of a Stan Who Would Rot hot ( hose the W rong Stan. Robert House, a white carpenter, has three fractured ribs, as the reattlt, he say*, of a violent desire to "box." and the grat ification of that desire by a hanl-hltllng frtend Saturday morning House, who was un der the Influence of liquor, went into the barroom on Dlberty street, near East Broad, and asked one of the men that he found there to box with him The man declined the conteet and Houae. seeing C. M Maiphus. whom he knew, lnalsted so sarenuouaiy on being accommodated with n boxing match, that Maiphus An ally consented They got Into the mid dle of the floor, and. after a few paases, Maiphus landed a blow on the 2>reaat. of hla opponent that, pugllistlcally speaking, put him out of business. Anyway, he said that he had enough and shortly after left the bar He went to Maiphus' office later In th* afternon, however, and In anything big n boxing humor He held one hand to hla hrraxt ar.d used a stick to a—ia: his tot tering steps He told Maiphus that after he had left the bar, where the bout took place hla breast had pained him ao that Anally ho had seen a doctor about It nn.l that he. after examining It. had told him that three or hla riba hud been broken from ihe breast bone, and that ha had hotter get to a hospital at onqe. House wound up his story to hla friend by the naive statement that he knew that lie was going to die. but he didn't blame him for It. a* It was all dona In a spirit of frtendllnees He then went to the har rack*. where he wa* put Into an ambu lance and taken to the Savannah llo*. pltwl. STOPS THE enroll V\n WORKS OFP THE COED. Uixatlv# Promo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Prtc* 2S cent*.—ad. EOt AD PI lit SO A tL Mr, E, White of Atlanta Is at the Screven Mrs. J W Ward of Macon Is a guest of the ruiaskl. Mr Jack Cranston of Augusta Is regis tered at the Pulaski Mr M A Hamilton of Cordele Is a guest of the Pula-kl Miss Anna Black of Manassas la the guest of th* Pulaski Mr W D Edwards of Daisy Is regis tered at th# De Boto. Mr J D. Hardy of Columbia Is regis tered at the De Soto. Mr T. H. Divlngston of Dgvlsboro la registered at the Screven. Mr*. H II Fudge, of Atlanta registered at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. E W Hancock of Alley st among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Messrs J 7. Wimberly and If. II Toi hert of Dyons are gueete of the Screven Mr J R Miller Of Statesboro was among the arrival* yesterday at ihe f’u aiskt. Mr*. Harry Caeeil of Rrunw|-k sn among the arrival* at the Pu'askl yes terday. Mr. J R. Tippett of tlawklnsvllle was among Ihe arrival* at the Screven yes terday. Mrs M F Cummings of Menassa* was imong the arrivals at the De Soto yes terday. Messrs. W. C. Wolfe and Harry II Brunson of Orangeburg are gu**t* of the I’ulaski. Messrs J E. Hinson and J A. Hinson. Jr., of Rock Spring* are registered at the Pulaski. i CITY BREVITIES. During th high wind yesterday after on the large sign of Mesar* A S Bo on A Sons, at Bryan and W'hMaker -reels, was blown down, being wrenched 'rotn the supporting post. John Callaway, cblored. yesterday, in a ilttK kilty with another negro. Tom Kdmes. atta ked t'hi with n knife, and fter cutting him. got away. The fray currrd on Aiu crson streel, u>ar Price, ■iiortly after . o'clock Holmes Is not adly hurt. Callaway ts known to Ihe 011.-e and will doubtless b* arresftd shortly. * , STODE RIATEBA PISTOL*. Negro W lie Entered Store of Hrssr*. Peeples A Sons Captured Alien Br>sn. a negro burglar, was ar rested last night by Detectives Murphy and Watt. Oil the mght of Nov. t. Bryan entered, by means of a false key. the store of Meser.- H II Pep.#s A Son*, and stole sixteen pistols One of the weapon# wa* found on turn last night, while in hi# pocket were found iwo pawn tickets for two others Head Thl*. Plraae! Kindly let me know your beat price on Bryan • Fever Cure by the dozen I have used It in my family and And that tl cure* fever before you can get a doctor J W Griffin. Cat Creek. Ga On* bottle of Bryan s Fever Cur* cures fever In a single dav —ad. M ATHB. JOHNSON —Died at his residence in thla rlty. Nov 27. IFn. John D Johnson Funera! notice later. rt'NERAD IWITtTION*. HEARN—The relatives and friend* of Mr. and Mrs. Ella A Hearn. Mr. John G. and Thoma*. Arden. Jr and Mr and Mrs Jotieph Phillips and family are In vited to attend the funeral of Mrs Ella A. Heirn from the residence of Mr Jo seph Phillips. No 113 Henry street east, this afternoon at 3 V> o'clock. Imerment Daurel Grove Cemetery. MELTING*. MAGNOLIA EAMPMBNT I*o. I, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting ot thl* encampment will be held this evening The member* are earnestly Invited to attend Th* Royal Purple Degree will he con ferred C A VETTER. Chief Patriarch. JAP. VAN BERBCHOT. Scribe SPECIAL NOTICE*. SALE OF STALLS. City Marshal's Offle*. Savannah. Ga . Now 2t, l*nn The stall* in tho market building will be offered for rent at public outcry on Wed neaday. the Fifth day of L>*c*mb*r. I*. at 10 o’clock a m Part!** desiring to retain their *tal.a and renting by the year will have th* pref erence. but must be on hand and respond promptly By order Committee on Market JOHN POWER. City Marshal. NOTICE. Neither the master nor ronslgnees of the British steamship Tanagra. T. C Marsters, master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said ves sel. J F MINIS & CO.. Consignees Suwane* Springs Cos . Huwaoee. Fla Gentlemen—Having been a resident of thl* and adjoining counties for flfty-weven years, and a practicing phyalclan about thirty, have had a favorable opportunity of observing the effect* of your spring as a remedial agent I ran cheerfully say that for certain classes of dlwease* 1 have seen some miraculous cures, viz Rheu matism. kidney and bladder affection*, skin dtwa*e cronle dyspepsia etc The water haa a fine tonic and alterative ef fect. ae evinced hy Ihe magic increase of appetite, tone to the system, ete. 8. T. OVERSTREET M D.. Dive Oak. Fla All you ran drink for Se at Dlvlngston'a. RENOVATING— MATTHKMBN BES OV 4TING. Hair, moss ticking. flhar. feathers. Our stock of now malarial and manufac tured products aie up to date. Our reno vating and remaking naa delighted many prominent residents Ask your acquaint ances. Material sent ua la picked, eteam ed. cleaned and medt ated by modern ma chinery. Making done by mechanics. We confine our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. We *e',l ticking of ail kind*, moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers, or any artk'l* needed in mattrea# line. NATION AD MATTREBB AND RENO VATING ro. Bell Phone 111* S3! Drayton street. SPECIAL NOTICE. Nowr Is a good time to select rose plants to plant In your garden. Come out, and sec them at JOHN WOLF'B NURSERY, Ott and Anderson streets. 'Phone 634. THLJ H tt TO C LEAN t lltl'FTS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for Ihe summer, is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos, telephone 2. or cad at 33 Montgomery •treei. and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work Prices reasonable They also pack, move ami store furniture and pianoa C H MEDLOCK. Bupt and Mgr AMI AND CYPRKBB LIMBER FOR RALE. ISO.nno feet of ash. suitable for wheel wrights rarrtags makers, car works and Interior bouse finish Also cypress lumber of all sizes We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for •ale. VALE ROYAD MFG CO SPECIAL NOTICE. We are now giving special attention to house painting kalsomlnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corp* of only flr*t clas* workmen and a competent super- Intednent we '-an do your work promptly and satisfactorily. Get our estimate on anything In house decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. BONDS EXECUTED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ized to execute locally lint mediately upvn application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceeding* In either the stale or United Flutes Courts, and ot adminlatrator* and guardians DEARTNO A HULL* Agent*. Telephone 324. Provident Building. BECKMANN'S CAPE, 112-214 Whitaker street Everything up to date. Game, Flh and Oyiier* our specialty. Imported Wuersburger Hof Brau on draught. Phone 710 LAXD TITLES. Abstracts of the recorded land title* of Savannah and Chatham county from tha settlement ot Georgy to date. Money loaned at low interest on city real estate. BECKETT A BECKETT, i PLASTERERS' AM) MASONS' SIP PLIES. Lime, Plaster. Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 611. THANKSGIVING TI RKBYS. Send In >our order any lime of day for a fat turkey, dressed or uiu)re**ed They are beautiful. Phone* W 7. JAS J. JOYCE. P 8 —Wild Duck*, C'ranbcrrtet, Kala- I nwzuo Celery. * Ht'AlNE** NOTICE*. pf / fa . !©W why FISeST Fit A MBO, FINEST LE\*i:*. Oar Good* are the Finest In ttie South. We are the only Opilctiiu lu Savannah. Our \\ nrk *hop la Onr fttmnat Feature. We grlml all |re aerlptAnn mirk on th* premltra %auie ln% recel%el. Re|airlaiac alone while you wait. Kyra examined free, DM X|. (K HW AH A So. 47 (lull St. Cia. I’hoatc 1104. Without a Peer Office 307 Bull. Telephone TOO SPECIAL NOTICES. GREER'* SCOTCH WHISKY. Thl* celebrated famous old vauod Highland Whisky la imported dire t from th# distillery by us Thl# Greer Scotch Whisky I# guaranteed to tie bottled abroad and Is consigned to ua from Glas gow. Fcotland. and I* in bond tn the United States Custom Houae In this city This grand old Greer Scotch Whisky Is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and Is soft to tn* palate as one could possibly wish, and there Is a nuttlness about It that Is esnectally piraemg. We are glad to let the public pur chase a* small quantity as they wish, even one botile. for the pur pose of introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant LIPPMAN BROS. Wholesale Druggist*. Dlppman : Block. Sole Agents for th* Oreer Distil leries. Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies now I* THE TI*IE TO I fE DETERSIVE FM ID. It will make four old rlothlß* look llkr now. Sold In large holtki rtf 2f*c. SOLOMONS ro. Bull Street Store Open All M&ht. PROSES NICE fllßDft ICRWARI'I ( Arc. Onatni dainty ot tne rcascn. Oysters served In every style—prepared by the moat noted rook* In the South. Congrests and Whitaker streets. Open Day and Night. ill v MU ihh HD onon ÜB. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Crnmao Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler A Cos. hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has thosa water* but :hem selves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Hoot and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one it deleterious—the other Is a tonb- For Henlthfulness and Purity the cele. brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale la the best L.IPPMAN BROTHERS, dole Southeri. Agents. Savannah. Go nilM WASTED. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov IS. I*o —Bids will he received at this office until Saturday Dec 1. at noon, for the following ammunition, stored at the powder maitazlr.e of the city of Sa vannah on the Ogeechee road: 13 cases Hotchkiss percussion shells (10 10-pound shell* to the easel. U cases 13-pound canniser shot. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids By order of (he Mayor. W p UAIIJSY, Clerk of Council. IllDt WASTED. City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Works. Savannah, Oa . Nov 24, -Bile will lie received at this office until Friday. Nov. 30. ikm. at 13 o’clock noon, city lime, for furnishing feed as fol lows: No 1 Timothy hay. per 100 pounds; best quality feed bran per 10b pounds; best quality corn, per bushel, best quality mised oats To be weighed at the City Dot. Envelopes to be mark.-d "Bids for Feed" The rlt> reserves the right to re ject any or nil bid* Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders <iEO. M GADSDEN. Director. CMFOtAU WAITED. City of Savannah.’ Office Director of Public Works. Savannah. Oa. Nov 34. ISO). -Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Friday. Nov So, i*r>. at 12 oVI k noon, city time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until Dec 31. 100 All proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured at this offl-e on and after date. Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Supplies •• The city reserves the light to reject any or all bids Bids to be opened in Ihe presence of bidders. OKO_ M GADSDEN. Director. notice. Cliy of Savannah. Office Clark of Council. • ... „ , Nov. 14. itoo. All parties desiring to retail liquor dur "* ,h '* Mr wlll fll hlr applies* tlons with the Clerk of Council a once, so lhai sam- can he referred to Council and action taken upon said application before the expiration of limit provided for by ordinance. . WM. P. BAII.BY. '* ** s. Clark of Council LEOPOLD ADLER JNO. h i.-TTI President. C. 8. ELLIS. BARRON ,- v Vic* President. Asst r-,..'' The Chatham Bank Will be pleased to receive the of Merchants. Firms, Individ j. r * and corporation*. B * nll A Liberal favor* extended Unsurpassed collection facilities ... Ing prompt return* , ' Jr ' SEPARATfcSAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTUKLBT COMPOUNDED Ql'a LT ON DEPOSITS 11 th ' Rafety Deposit Boxe* rd , rent. Correspondence solicited The CitizenT Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000 Trauiset, a General B.*hi,_ Builam. % Nollclts Account, of ladlrl.lo.l. Merchants, llnnks and other t orpo .’ rations. Collections handled with safe,, economy and dispatch Interest, compounded quarterly allowed on deposit* la oar Nasi,,; Departmr at. *afet> Ufpoill lloxra and Storage Va nit*. HRANTLBY A DENMARK. Pre.i*,,, MILLS H. LANE. Vice President GEORGIA r. FREEMAN. Cashier OORDON L. GROOVER. Aast. Cash,,* SOUTHERN BANK of me Slate of Georgia Capital Surplus and undivided profits M)‘> : DEPOSITORY OF THE STATK Of GEORGIA Buperior facilities for transacting * ~SonerarßahTtTng~R .nnn, Collections made oa~all oolnts accessible Ihrough bank*“and t-*nx*n Accounts of Banka. Bankers. XL I,t . and others solicited. Safe Depo*i; bam for rent Department of Savings. Interval payabt quarterly Sell# Sterling Exchange on Lor.den (J find upward* JOHN FLANNERY. President HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Ca.hier DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY WM W GORDON E A WEIL W W nORTVvV !•. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERS7 H P SMART. CHARLES ELUS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBT samurai CAPITAL, 8350.U00. Account* of hank*, merchant*, cerjar*. ilor.s and Individuals solicited Paving* Department. Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxe* and Storage Vault* fsr rent. Collection* mad* on ail point# *t r*- sonable rate* Drafts aold on all the chief elite* of th* world. j,*. Correspondence invited JOSEPH D. WEED. President JOHN C ROWLAND. Vic# President W. F McCAULEY, Cablr THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital Undivided profit* Thl* bank offer* It* service* tn corpora tion*. merchant* and Individuals Has authority to act ** executor. d -mlnliHrator guardian, r*e. Issue* draft* on the principal cfl-* in Great Britain and Ireland and on 'h* Continent. Interest paid or compounds I quarer y on deposit* In the Savings Departmen Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President 0130. W TIEDEMAN. Vice Preyllent JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. Asst Oe-h;*r No. 1640. Chartered —THE iclis Nil! in OF SAVANNAH CAPITAL. hsL.UUO. SURPLUS •**> UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR*. J A G CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vic* President. W M DAV ANT Cashier Accounts of hanks and banker* lac chant* and corporations received upon the most favorable term* ronltent wt*n safe and conservative hanking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STREET. WEST PER CENT per annum allow'd on 0 depostta. withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly CENT, per annum allowed ot deposits of even hundred*, withdraw able at annual period*. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B H. LEVY. Vice President E W BELL. Secretary c O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer TO fleilfldf MM For sale, a Foraallh Newspaper FoMW! will fold aheet 27x11. It I* In f"0 orl j* ’ prlc* LOO. It coat originally * *“ we have no us* for It and waut th# *“ It occuple*. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to ■ newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, .Savannah. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATFR and work, order your lithograph™ printed stationery and blank tx** Morning New*, Savannah, Ga. .