The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 IS A CENTURY OLD TO-DAY. *F.R%I4Y7 Ol 4ING ANIMATION HOI II or tih: iinnr > in in hi in. Mvinnnli Itnptl-t r liarrh I' * I'm***! |if It* I ait r'tc** t i° n * •••irrilnj Mornlng>Mli and *rrm#n %V • r** rtnun Hua l , rra*h*’| lit Hr). Dr I M K*rfcwl-U th© lin H#v Dr.*. I. .!••• ftuu nn<l Ur. Kerfoot %V rrr th© flpraLrr-ll*>lli I alkrd #f H •••# lHl*l>na-l>r .lanicana *|ok© f th© iiroitfli of thr IlsptUt* in Urorula mid Dr, Kerfoot l ook m H lilrr r it* iii The f!r*t *©r\S~** of thr ©'Fhralinn of fh f fi 10I.T - ■ • \ ' h lUlftlst T' ;f *1 fra** I . * cl l:. : i.;/ig. tvh*n n.l IhS 4V. ;a *l# | a In Ih* *d!fl<* v% . tak* r, j i* * Ur** c-r>r,gr gat!4>n 11*rat fopl ciMitn I in a|* it of (ha ffl!h<*r, 1 (frvi. r was fi aowd w;u tr.tai* - *ht mun. t* (ng f.i hi - • *-. . • a;d *\;’ ?g thf careful prpara wr. a Iv an It !*\ M r * heir. and l * Mrinan t TiKardrd • singo ar y In -resting, a ar>4 Instructive. Rev Dr K If Kfrfool of Atiiinln. (<*• f* tin nf the H*im Roar.l c? the |{Jt|i*t Chi.i | ria \ !■©*#*- fnor., thft t©\* f..r w'■ I. w.i© *J tan Hum Komar.* *:2A ' \ i w kr > t it nil thing* work U-ev#r f r good to th#*rn * *•© i , ,* • •corUlrr to Hi* i u #*• Rev. Dr Jot r I>, Jondar, p**tor of tha chur r. u ■ r*A , *d Ir K< • foot. h> j.g Pp •; rTii., r,.3, -jv Set 1 m*s • ©sr*V' • v?.*: ■£, r 1 *• ;v "V UF.t. F. 11. K Hit FOOT, IF Dm €orrrpundlnc Arrrrlar) Hoinr Nlisaiun Hoard, .*>oalhrrn llnptlftt ( ##a vr n t l*n ♦ha I h.*i mad? -t • hil request that ths vHiring minister the n- nnon from HomaiiF I>r Kftfoot announ<l that h* had InUridM delivering an ad dr##* upon florin* Mi r on*. but that ha had to yield to Dr. Jordan. Times. h** said. had changed, ► if wan not eo fininy years ago that hr, .*♦ a ;rofeeeor In t:n Theohnr mI 8< minor) .t lajuHvlll* I*l tweri acruatofn* and to direct Dr Jordan, who hud turned the tab.*** completely, tilling him what dlacours*** he hould delive r. Tb- pastor and officer of tin i hur<o felt fc*r*a' - tri ilw riumlwr* tint art end#* t th*- morning servl • It wa* nu<l f4* u. to them that th*lr peopl#* felt the d#>**t>*e* inter#- 1 p) the w*fk. m*t the earru* *! love for nr tong re *uon. wnlch to-da> iktso the first ftnlury of Its e*ta:.. • There w*is no element of eorprk*< it* such an attendance save. I*o*- aihiy, that K might have been suspos t***i that the* weather would serve to ke*p vr.any away, we the psator of tn* H.ivan nth Baptist is upon assured ground wn n •ay question arlw* concerning the st tsndarc.*• upon servic*s. This morning from II until 12 o'clock It le Mpe-nil that on** of the m>- In teresting eervl * of the centennial **•- nee will he h**M Thh service will !■ purely tutorme!, there being no pro KRt f . j. n. mum, n. n., (Irsrrsl hoperlwf enilent tieorgAa Mnptlaf Orphsai' Heme a-• • Tho* of all congregation* care mv •-1, and several piston* of the city will doubt lan be present. Th- hour is that sup p.p*.l to have marked the actual or grnUattofl of the congregation 100 years aer<> when the fifteen original member* ware ban<td together. To-night the service will he In a meas ure rem olt • n'. owing to the r*l Klonehlp of the two fpeakrra to the church. Itev. JJr W, W. l-irwlrum. r nred In Ravannah. a ton of a former pastor of the church, the lament* I Itev. I>r. hand rum. will ho h*re from All mo. where he is p.otior of the First Baptist Church, to jmralrl pate tn um cole brat km Hla addraaa will ha Upon r. mlro*<>n< • -.u* will that of Rev Dr. It. J. Willingham of Richmond, who Is •arretwry of Foreign Missions. Roth Dr. and Mrs. Willing ham a forefather* wer.* conn* ted with the church In Its earliest days in official rapacities. The concluding service of th# celebra tion will take pla * to-morrow right, when Rev I>r. J U Taylor, general manager of the work of the Baptist Or pnana In Georgia, will be here from At lanta to deliver an address. Dr. P D Pollock, president of Mercer University will come from Macon to apeak on Chria Man Education. tirimlli of Hapftat* In lioirila. % i ..iJ pt ogrjn;r© was * v-n !•©? right two addresses* being delivered. n# by Rev l>r. H Y Jameson of At*at **. •** * T**tar) of th© Sat© Board f Home M*• ••t th* prtr >.| ii speaker. >nl ’he •ti-r by It** If Kfrf-.n In J.m Kk* upon a line *-ug*r©*t#d l> (,!* w *rk h fain; Parity hi* p ii>y * haring grwn from hi* devotion n .ij and effort to It "On* Hundred V< n of Hrow to in w ■ the *ut>jecr lr Janveeon .iniNj.iirf •and, a *ulijr* t. i. ml t’.lt thfi i" hi* hi .irt nr.*! thfit f < tr it* Ihipt r‘ >f the -late After dir” "i gt * otigr*- v ition'a attenuot to tn t.i .alien u H **iata at the cioae of trie century. hs turu*d to a ' i-r *. >f • * Mt .t* a- they w.-re \i. <;* . * • it* ot ininir In IMjm, hr imM here wen U*ut ft.UH ItAf.ti * o•' o' it;; tM- ; . itiOf) tv a* afiont 1- "*• The m.*iitnih'~arH )>anl ( f irrew Jhf . the ln te (iiNHi! |u An th I Of iUtlO.i ißfr<ol t' about ; T**.tam. Tiw In qtm ' imß !m r of pi i>i‘ ui r,r. , i therefor* wa utoii f i.rh* : ' I : -A ■ - if r• t• o' R! n*t- w.i* ibrait r inety-fok) Arr i*rn *••- in* r Is. ; oj>u|.tf h.f l'ir i t •* ••■oil • * t i ■ *ll • • k f t* fW I iafltHf -4 W >• untirittit atvft I*e /. nr# ,r* il t. r h .i *p -t old th-ir principle* a* to how Huch a In th* I‘nlt*d Sat* in > Ir .InW* rOfl <ontirud. there w* re ah*Hlt (o*o’'’ I'. irtu’ while in iyp there *ie ahout The Increase Ifi | f./it!on in 11*• ! n r- I stater* h .* -er iloj! **i - f . i and t .at 4 t .* - -#ut *l*tv f-.t l. that <*eoricia iuo *fc 11*1 the h ’.**.* -f h*r •** Hi *t ' fro I *r .• r : !i> r# • r arid lo the I) ill.. / ]iA|i'ht* Iteafii for the t#rimth. Aitierl* a the r’{ d*• kr<*<l, was Iht hi country . n i# 1 t| ii-;© m whi h their principle- >uld Ih- ae rted whnont f*Mr of rrilglou* (•#•?>• utiui or ititerfer* "i * ftorn a government w*d*l*d to om* Fp* ial form #f w*rahip. In chi** coimtry t*i#*. primipi© * iHikl fr*-4*ly tnanlfeat th**ttiael\ ©ft and .-how the 1© nefl -nt .*nl h© dtkful Inffuen* •- they exert wherever •'ley r** (giver) op; ortunl* v It • * .#fher • ountry had it in-tom* hi e-t.iiili>*h-i ;md legally ra-ignlxe*l dfimlnailon. receiving th* njii rl4f i*f government and I*< oimng tin* < ©p(#*i| xynteni of worship. In i. * • ifur© of t.iiOßx tHim . . i..| r *.t have U-en tor the Uai 'tj* .tn* un.litem:ly >|*Nto-d t* llie union of church und et tie Here. whi*r* th© r# ligbHjK m**pher4 v% © free arid unr*-etri i.l by narrow* view.-- 1 !<(>- tiot ii )• •; i* * • * • *.%v n ffooi iih *i Anothe r r* ao-ri!#.*#! by Dr. Jurne enn to th#* great growth of th* ItAptlet* n <i#-org?i wa* th imlefatlgabl* mvl ■•artvemt bitiure of the piiM-er #*f th© •<. torn!nation, who *prtr©#J no pair* to add to their number* an I m tk© i. tent the Influence of their church. The ©p*ak*r gave several Inatunce* in which minatoa work had been cotithlcrol by orgHiiixa tlonx, agreed upf#n anl pu*hil to u muc • #•'© that is reflected m the numerical ©trength f ’he < hurch go-day It won during the early years of the century that • ii#* echlHfno* ©inred. the ** II Hh[k tvitft. to whom the fellowship J.lea w.<# nbhor rent, clinging to tb*ir pri n.l plea tht • rled out ttg ito*! evili lUulon and ml©- ii‘Hl work Now. ©aid Dr. J.imrion, th'r© are aovne 11.000 "Hard h©llH" In ihe -tate, while in I*lo th-r*- were U **• j\ few year* ago there wei* •*•#. '|. rahly than 11. Odo. but Hunriay - aooie were er)?t. If ) ###v n BY. It. J. M 11 1 tVt.fMXt, n. D.. 4 rre<i|oi4ltiut 'frrrtn ry if Foreign Mlaalon Hoard at '•milhrra Hap tl*t t on en (ton inaugural• l by eome of th*- “Il.irdthrll" congrega tio© ?!-i there wix a f,.©ble branching out Into n -j© h nf n-.ift* on work that reunited in acce©fdom of m©m bern. "Go#!’* Il# *©• and light." the -|©*;*k©r •aid. "aeefnlrig to break among them and ©how • m that th© G *►.-*;*• *-!>ould l© *|gonl among all men. Iff •*l we r#- nunltd with th# m. ln*t*nd of 4.v* on. w© might to-day be Bo.floi, arwl I Hmnk Gol that the c*n©#. rated rn-n of th# ©arly year© lranch#*l forth Into their mb*!on work. Baotl©La of thee en:ly dava tM lleved in AdU-'at!*n and It iv.v to their effortu to ©pro ad ktiow!*dge that the growih of th i#ronmia lon ii< l*-en ©o iiLgnal Mention wn© mail© by Dr. Jar,e **n of the lOfttßutlon by Rev Dr. Ibnry Holcombe, th#* |#)tet**r of the Hu van nah ILiprint Church. •*f a ©mlnary and of the atari given Mer<*r I nlver-ltv l the iubocrlptlon mad* by Jo i !*• nflel I towanl a futxi lor tie en owm©nt *f a ©chool In which te received. Mi Orion work hao been adopted a? port and parcel of the Baf tof faith The d* nomination. I>r. Jameson ©aid, lo unalter ably committed to It Ita orxanlza in nniM be maintained, and the con :rl but lon a tCoiuiaued on Third Foge.j TTIE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. AN INSULT TO CITY COUNCIL %l l. TIRDKtItVt OPIMOA Of rill Tint - VIIIX. Ilrflsah the Pa bile to Know It* Fall Import —lie %\ ill Introdnrr He*ol tiuiif nt thr fir*l Mettn of i own- il ( ondrmiiin* the Hill —Rut* Fa ll relr Too Xurh I'uwrr In the Hand* of the *!• or und I* * Vlrl on* Hill in Ollier VV o*— l*arlUnti |*re|arina to Ufrr Inolhrr Hill, f'laetna I'.lrelloa of \ll oflki-era in Hmiml* of In oio I n#a HonrH. T e Mornißtr New- |*rlnte tha full text of the nunkti .il * iee*|oo and apf*oln*.m*-(>t Idit, j-rovidinir f r- m inner fur the **!*• - uctv. of city oftit err. and whi h will prob ably be Introduced in th ttik vri-*-k Th* mray wbk’h ha* boon obaerv e#l wttti r- srr.rl t Mi - ha* been n* of the i-*- i.*r f'U jre* of it* Met or y •in-e the movemeiit for a cluin> in the fivinner of imi* rtinf * *y offt-ers waa be gun, arvl it has !>•-* t napedfcUy noted that the men.te r* -f t’oumil w <- pow er* are very m.iteri tiy curtailed by th< IHU, have been almost entirely Ignored. A opy of the hill as publish#*! I* low wi* r* r \*| yaaterday from Atnnta by AJdarman ti*ra# \V TladU-rnan. < hairman jf t'ouii : Ali-rman Tiedetruui f*lt that it was important that member* of f’ounciJ ehcmld la made arquilntHl witli the .<*< ant a of a bill which no maiertaiiy ♦ hii hi;.-* fh* manner ##f seie# ttns ity of- FI- - rs and put hi mat if at some trouble to i'-urt t t*(-y of it. After rtaullhf; the Mil he deeded that the lert !hint to b* done wik to ;icqiiiiint die public with its p/os .! >,► TTio hill In foil I* H- follow ’ An Act to fix the f ;mr fo the d*- t* *n .r.J ctfrfK>intni nt of al! ofhc**ra of tii- < ity of” io |rovi*a for th#* terms of ofti>'- of >iil an h offi *■* to rdtiiia'c th all aaiarie- arid for other purpos First R* i* enM't#*d h. *• tbti iai Ae vemniy of the * f T* ro .*i and it i hareny enacted bj i utl< itv of the mm* . That tner* ahull I*** a inoctmg <#f te Council ot the Mayor and Aldermen of the Ity of Havutiuh on ttie *v i j.g of the Thursday aft*t th* •-eond Tue* a* in Jsnuar>. iSoi. and of i-acn * .cess-din# year ih r*h#r, s' whi h nieOtUp: the of ficer* of the city of eiavannan shall •• *-le, ted In the foilowli.g manner At I eiid naieUtitt th* Mayor aiei Alderiiseu shall els t by rsalkit a of ju *.|c works, a suj>erin tenden t of t e pot Ice de partment, n Miperintet. lent of the file d© partment, .i < ity irtwirsi aial at the earne of th Mayor and A kmen *A the city of Havannali, the Mayor shall appoint a health officer a ’uperint Of • B ( attorney, r order, a c.erk of Council, an oasis!&nt clerk of Council, a secretary to the Mayor, a city •oginrer# an aad-<t ant o th* city eng ini r, a feputy #rk of Comiril, a clerk of the dt> market a hsrtn.r master. . |iiiim>>lnK msp-- tor. wn* sliaß be e\-off! *i • .• f piurntier o: tn** waterworks department, a superintend© of the wsvmitfr le|turtniei.i. a <*up* r n teiHient of th*- city lot, i -up rint*nileiit of the O. K, M deprttm r.l, .< ktn jer o Isiurel Grove < • ■met* rv. • k**|M*r of ti*e tolornl cemetery, five (i> city poyeicians aid all other officers heretofore • tlve by M>*- U nor iuil Aid* rmeo .nl ii**i h**r*— In expr*e*ly named, except the tax a*- awsor> who ah.ill be electfsl srvl t 4 I their of office as now provided by ordinance “Re it further enacted. That th- •■- ms of the officers so acted, or appoint* 1. ►hall begin on th* lutceeilrg day and x tend for iwo year.** thereafter and un h their auoceaaors are lawfully * elected and <)UttM!ed and the stibirie- of the !fi • > **# ; ct*d shall neither be in reased nor diminlsheil during their term of **lfl *. “Third. R- it further enacted. Tt.: any vi*-an* v in any of the -,nl offlte- which hall occur after the regular t n< for tha . Monor ,ip|iointn**nt hereinoefor* pre vHi*il for, may fiil**l by llie iliiyor or by tl** Mayor and Aldermen a* the • Wee may l* *ip|#tntlvs r al otivc at any' id j ular meet log of •Vmmicll. “Fourth, lie it further enacted. Tha* the •aid Mayor b** and he le h reby a nth *r kxed at any tiro* aft-r nuetir u of M>. ('utmeil of the Mayor and Alioirn n of the city of Hav.annah to appoint such othr oflfccra a the puldic servli * of the i city of Savannah may rniuln-. ' Fifth. Be it further ei at i*-d, Tha a i law - or parts of law - in con ft I t with this •i t be aid the -ame are hereby i*- pcaled." Il is hardly n- r* arv to -Sate inn! Al j dertnan Tied* man is opt><*sel to the bh hs* ! lire ‘ The MU 11* direct insult lo llu* im tnlH r of t’nuncd. in on* senae, he hu.d i r Morning News re lorter. and >e. it* nw4iet *•’. ** iw a tmpllm-ni to the member* of that isNly R nrly shows that th* P*P • | who ar.* M'hliid the llb acknowledge that ' they I'tmnot get Council to do their bid ding. and that they therefore propose to .ulopi some other mount to secure th© acoompfelahment of their wish** It is an insult to Council in that it carries with U the presumption that the numbe urn not fit t be entrusted with th* selection of the public servant* and in that it proposes to deprive them of a lower end a prlvlleg* which h*s Ken **x .♦rcised by the tody for years; and it Is a further insult that a measure of su h i imfstrlanct* line Ken prepared .in#l 1 ■ M uout to *c submitted to the la g*utiiru without any onnsultntkm with th* Mayor •aid Aldermen, who are most effecte<i by it. “The measure is a vicious one. in Shut it places entirely too much power in the hands of the Mavor, and n power which is subject to .* great deal of abuse. In discussing this feature I do not have ar y special refer* nc to th* present Mayor, hut it is very eosv to !►. ••••* now a May or who l> *i thorough po.ltl * t art lean and with i.ds of hi own !•* serve, might load th* city government down witfi his own political parilH.inw wit • ji r*-card to the nH j dS Of the public service Besides p.aelng the apiwlntm* nt of nearly all the offim-rs and oth r salwrl'd employes *f the tty in the hands of th*- M yor, the f>urth n# lion of the hill klv*s him ih- rlg!it to Hppilni at any tlms 'such ther officers a- the publn- wervk* of the city cnay re quire.* Council doe not have . be con sulted about (ii* matter nor i* it ilUw*d I ny voice in confirming or rejecting the i -Mayor's api*>lntment Alderman Tledeman wl I not stop wtn nCmpiy expressing his public totwl* mna- I tkm of Uie id., but will immediately pi' • | pare w >*•' of rcsoluuon*. - ondemntng th* | bill and egprt-J'Slng unqualified dts-tp proval of it?* aim and obJ*©ts. which lie will introdiae at the fir?*t me*'ting of j Council held tin* wreck T ier* is to be j x regular maetlng WoJtieelay night, hut it is possible that a r.***? meeting may l*** calitsl to-day or te*mor ' r*.w, oi*l Mr Tlch man prop.***-.- to have Council put Rim if on record in th** utMttcr !. the firM opportunity. It will •** obserVMl that of nil the *•!> • #ftl -ers oc.y four, by thi* hill, ar** to re i •*; ctlve by Countyil. These four ar th** j .fir* tor of |* >Ti w*rk>, .<*uperint*si*l* nt 1 ,f |olicc. superintendent of fir*- or I it) i treasurer. It Is un ten*tH*d. howevV* that the trill will Is* t aanged t>fore b••ln i introdu* *<l. if it is ever introduced. wnl that >** lir* tor of publl* works is to j t##* pis wl urn*ng the off! erw *>n the ap pointive list I? is fssodble. however, that the bill will never be Introduced It pretty i\ | tssured itiat it will meet win the opposi tion of two of the represet tatlves from this county and the senator from this district which would insure pc defeat There is another bill in progpect. however. It le understood that at a ~*ueua of the supporters of the bill held here Saturday it was nirreorl that in case ft should be found that the prrpv*ee<l bill had no aliow of another ana eutirv ly iirt*f©nt Mil should le Introduced, is i g in* fie Mon *rf a*, tha otno**r i J in the first in the hands of t~e lr. uwng OouncH. the partiaens trusting to tf.eir ability ;© iuad the new Ostmall ,*.wn with rri"ti who will d** rheir Mkkne. *t.i wntb whom th*y writ! hav© no trouble Hi putting t .rough tr* -.ate agreed upon. make %> % vinii ritF vi F.m. Illrector ld*-a \% Itb Hrgartf (• tb- Park liitnaton. There w:.l lie no difficulty a: out placing the IY*rk Extension in proper oofellthH), ar.*| th*- indpsiiions are that the i >u in ft.,' direction w ii result in put tug tre Exteimion in much better con dlnon than it was bef-u*- the Iriks’ fair wag I**Ul At ~ nan Dixon, t h.i.rmm of the Rtreet an* I I-an*- <*ommi:tee. wnen ask*-d ahout request of the military offi- ers with regard to r<oring ar.d improving the Kxtefi -lori, ua.*% that he was Migfiai that tlie n*q-j**M wo ikl ba h*erful,y compil'd With by Couneß. T i.- is not tie proper season to break borrow nf.d roil trie groural," sail AcTer man Idxon. ’This had better he •i <• in If;*- spring. Tn* wr>rk of rogtor t ► t •• *x tension to it-* former condition W 4.1 ba Kgun just as mwici an the Elks have removal their lumber anl other de nt, i>d I r.av* no <loubt that Council w;ii agree -o ih.w and burrow th© ground it the profe-r esason. If it be so desire*!. 1 he expanse wii! not K great " Erector ■ ##*T.-d*f e idea Is that there *..*u44 be lnthg made in the ap earan* w *f tn#* pinls groural “Tb* .rr#iiiti it# t-dt* filling in in pla< e* and lav ' dng *k>wn m others, he said. “My idea woui<| u to fill in .i a*ong the sides, 4i.:i.g '# j*vr. from ttie MdewwJks toward .e iier Ry making th*> #-nier lower than the surrounding side* a great natural smp.hltneater would thiva be created which wou*d make (t (M>awibie for many tirMiratids of people to \i*-w an event of fr***’ interest. *>u h as tne review of Army t’orps. without inronven er.c** to fh#-m*eiv©. There are already rtlo - #f the parale ground which hav** ‘ n.xrural slant towards the center, and I have noti .| <*i |iu.'#;t( oceasuawi that • rowA f.aiy twenty f*e? kep coiikl view b f * riu* (bay frotn lAm (#int% lutivtn |f,! *’• Vl* w of Cue in the rear iw * v unobatruered by tho-e tn front * .'T* coat of making thU tuuige in the I•(ra*W* KT#und would ra* be grant.“ fie and re* tor. “.aid It walk! add greativ to the v**Jue of the pa rad* ground for public or *ton* It a >uld not in any way injur* th* groural for military' *r °ther public |*urjK**es. r.u would give the •ity . great islr ilieater such aw is not i*#*.-•.-wad by any other city la the ountry. The <iratriag-* would lea very slaipie matter." Chairman lufhn of the Park and Tre* (Amin ca.ii, s* entirely willing for th© - ,ty to go ah* ad and put the parade groural in pJ*°per coraiition. • \V. were not consult'd when the Elks were given permission to use th* Ext# n *l’>n. for m filr # " said Mr. Baffin, “and I l for on*-, would have opposed it Aa we ;ia*l nothing to do with permitting this *le*er ration of ih* gr#*und. I do not see that we -bouid be expected to restore :t •* i’s |*ri‘fer ondkkti, esp‘ -i.lly a- w. have hardy enough motley to Ilnlsh th*? yeor with anyway." Oialrman Da ftin said that hereafter the I’s/k and Tree rommi.*lon will assert its authority in such matters and will oppose any further ij?>- *f th*- Extension for fairs or similar entertainm-nt> MAY HUE 4 rU’BH MUX. < >mpnnv Organised to Manofactare Paper From Cotton Seed Hull*. There I** a prospect of Savannah secur ing anew and novel Industry. Mr Rob ert Thomas, who has been prominently 'onr© i. 1 f*#r years with various large paper in th** South, claims to have •Ilfcovt rr (Ia prcs*e*i for manufacturing a -4uperior quality ;f while pupor from i ooltot ee*| hulls. Ho <ds* claims to be ha©k* and by millions of Northern capital and announce* that he |rnfMiw©e to put len largo paper tmmufaoturing plants in the Kaith, scattered fnm North Carolina l to Texas. Of th*-*c Georgia is to have two. one of v\',l h !** t* I*** lo a ted si Atlanta and •he location of the <#ther has not yet been <!• ridi-d upon. Mr Tiiotnas doas not pro !••>#• to etmjJy take the waste product from the oil mills, but to manufacture frotn th** s*-*-*l *Urect.making as a by-prod list an*l not h the principal object as is the case with the oil mills. The Increased demand w hich will T>e created f**r cotton- as a result of his pro***#*, Mr. Thom as contends, win more (lain double the present pri -e of cottonseed. If th* r* are to be two of these plants In Georgia it would seem mosk rmtural that one Siam Id be Kat ed at Savannah. Cot tonseed can be obtained her** as cheaply as at Atlanta or any other point in this territory, and as the chief markets for the product of the mill would be New York and r*her larg#* Northern cities, which are reached from Savannah by the st. amsblp lltj©e at low* rates of freight, it would seem that Savannah’s fa* llltles in this line would alone be sufTi ci*nt to warrant h©r seb'*ion as the lo <it ion tor one of th* largest plants of the company. Nl.\\ FINE TO 4 II 4NIJ£TO!f. ( nit. Phillip* to Pat the .atmmer Pilot llojr on the llcinte. A Kleiimboat lin#* betwe#-n Charleeton Beaufort and Savannah will ahortly 1© inaugura ted. Capt F. D Phillip* owner of the at earner Pilot Boy, after looking into the matter, ha* decided lo pti* t e Piio< Hoy on the run. Tiie ip© of the wharf .it the foot of Bull ©treet ha* been secured. *nd th* steamer will leave Sa vannah mi her Arst trip next Saturday Two trips a week will be ma*!** t‘ie steamer leaving Savannah Wcdne-day and Saturdays and touching at Beaufort initfi going and • oming Capt Phil ips writ** friend her* that h- has 10-kd into ih© matter, and that h© !* sat!*rl and l .at sufficient i isi(i#*s© tan be fount *o make the Hr# . paying one < harl©.Ht.n ft.©. no Kt > aniship lines to IViltlm<>r< and Phl!a*l*!pha. snl arrangement have ready t# vn made with the agents of th© Savannah lin**© to these cities to p!a © freight In Charletuon at the ?m#* rat a from thoae cities as the Savannah mer chant© enjoy. I'his will In Itself furnDh considerable business to the new line It 1* l*e leved hlmi that tber** will 1-e •'msl*leral> © money in th#* t©i©seng-r bud in©-. .* th© steamer can nfford to mak>* a much lower rut# than that now offer-d !' th* Plant System. Then again, ther • will be the excursions, so dear to the \f ri an heart, and for which Savannah, < hailcstun and Boaufort offer unrivaUM opportunities. Kittle lMi I on Htnl. Kittle Holmes, the woman arrested on the charge of robbing a visitor to one of the Tenderloin resorts of >7O. wx* r©- *M-ed yesterday morning on bond Th* rose will be heard this morning b> Re cordci liuitrldge. The l otted States Court hss swarded th© Anheuser-Busch Brew tr.g Ass n absolute and exclusive use of the name HI’DWKIgBR. and all other brew*ers who have used that nam© have bftou dsfsated ami oocnpxlled to drop It. TRINITY CHURCH BEAUTIFIED. IMPftOV FMFAT* LA THE AI !>T<>H I i %i. oh(. 4> i orr a \u n i.rn. First Xwtie©! tIBW the f*hat**e* llsit tteea < atple©d Held €n 1 e* terdsy-Hei Lnkltony. the fNiinr, Preached at Hoth M*ming and Fren In a Lertlrfi -Organ and Choir 101 l ha aged From t.allrr), Fadua the Pulpit, to a Position Behind It— t.reck Pillar* of Aleoae l.rntl Ilea ar e to New % r ran aeaeo t Ilecoratioa* iu U hlte and t*IU. The congrexat >n of Trinity Cburcn worst.tpi#--d in the main ©riiflce yestfrdN momuig. tor the Are* Time since tne com p>ii*a ot th© extensive altera kwis a< ri improvements niaa .n c auditorium, or gan loft and ptiipj!. There was a large st the morning ervb e ar.d frequent expr*"ssnr.) of admiration and pp r o\ii were heard It coukl not %vt H have been otherwise for the near arra ar**t eni *f th* riraii e and pulpit, roaxdncd with t. * other in. prov tenant* that ha e te-en ma*h it. th i*o*iy of the church, unite to impress upor the eye of the ‘he union uf f*i haauty ami cheat* smphrvty The moe- rasKie is in the (ioei:ton of the organ and cnotr ioft. wit i i hoe been removed from tne gilar>* facing I th to * station boh a .1 rhe pulp! The c>r*ek (alters of th© a.*xve from whv n ao m.m> of Tnettj s iotcni t<*. prewicneri to thetr peop.*, have been mil© im + of to auppor* rhe pipes ot in© oi- aa. which are arranged *©*w*en ;h m In front of t he organ and etind the pa.pit at* tha •*-*(• for rhe cnotr. which ar* w©paroan the pulpit by a herriaoro#* rgl.kig. ot the o.or as tha otasw K'v>rar|**tis of the ebtiren Th# general effect is that of th© fa. arie of * •>*#-©* temple and In its slmpi. beauty it Fn lm{r*siv* a* * pu*|#it and * ir roundingn of any church in Savannah Tn* • lac oration s throughou: ih* n idlng are of whit© and gold, wfdch harmonis* well with the style of ncoi . ’ ©oture mo.I t!i* bo*d and fre* llnw of the auditorium A number of minor hnng©- nave aiw> be©n male Th* pew* hav* been r*.Aiah- U*r*ed in bug leather and th© m©thud of J.ghting th* bulkllr.g chlßg* and t.' n; *** to e*ectrtcity Th© man) cluster* of Itgnt* have been disposed about the walls and . ©i,- ing- to giMM) a*l\afiag© arxl yleid s e*fr radiance et)tlr*|> in nnractrr with th© red use* and purpose** of tn© edifl e. Th* organ has T©*en compln.-a renuvat •‘1 and repaired and !• now m thorough good -on<lltion. It is run by . water m**- for, instead of ih© d>l hand |K>. r Which h*a given rretigth to it* t or.m In the past. More than SI,OOO been •s©ut in its repairs alone R©v H.iscom Anthony, pastor of Trin ity. proseh©d at both th© momii.g si.d evening oar vices, but at neither .11 i h© touch upon the Impnn ©monte mid© in the building Interior Ootnmenta m*'’ its .id-i©i beauty Are likely to tvme at tiie services next Bunday wh* n to#* chur i will ceiebrate the aemi-c**nt©nniai of its cxiiitnce. At the evening aervtce Mr. Afithoti) preached .*n th© subject. “Vi*tor> Ov#r Death.” delivering a strong argumcnr In favor of the ©intention that on.y through faith and bell#*f and confidence In the promt*©* of Christianity and th© r©* ir r© tlcn of Chrlet this victory be u.a 1* perfect or complete. It i* not so nard.' said Mr Anthony, "to conquer death simply. Men have dor.© It, by the simple exercise of th©lr own bravery, through the coneckmanes* of thalr own strength. Men have walked to death with a smile on their lips, who had n*t trust ii. th© promisee mr gave al .‘©srianc* to the banner of th© living God The unbeliever h*ta passed away without a murmur or a shudder—ay©, th© con demned felon hlmaelf has as ended th© st©P* of the gAlbtwa ami rtppnju< hei the throshold of th# world beyond the ©tarn with a Hgar i-*tw#*©u his keeth arid a ribald jest on his tongue. "The very fact that death is Inevitable that It la sur© to come, that our prot*ats and efforts alike avail nothing to prevent t. inveots even the weak man with th© fortitude to meet It calmly. We all have known men who hnv** shivered In th© pr*'aen©e f even the little thliigs of life, who yet m©t dakh calmly and quietly There was no us© t<* complain, there w> nthlng to T© derive,! from protest and tie* man yiel<l©#l up his life without a groan. “Hut the victory over death ih c |* th© reward of fixe faithful <*hrltlan i higher and better thing than the mere ability to face it calmiv. If there is a Tact that has be*n proven, it js that our I>ol and Master was y|elb*d up by th* tomb, he <md or her- w-lth him and that they walked the # rth living men m l wsatnen To tiie Christian there is.tti- U#-s©©*l Rtsuranr© tht he <o will \f raised os th* resurrection morn and thu h© wril wr.iik with his Redeemer In ih- Heavenly City. "Th© Christian conquers not only *l*uth an*l the for of death, but doubt a w. 11 In th© glad con*>'>iisri©a** of n future ©x lotence. when th© troubles of earth have vanish©,! and pln and grief hav© ©** ©! to be. !;** Inis that abiding peace rnd ©om for: v.hlch can remain with no other cia s of men. He has u hieveri a vii-tory. in deed." Th© in dement weather of last evening combined, poeeibly. with the fa* t that th*- aiinlv* reary service* of the Fust Church were being held, i ©. n elderably thf six© of the congregation a Trinity. At both tbo morning and e.*n ing servlets s|sk*mil and Inten-sting po grammes of mutdc were rend**red by th* choir. HU*. ki i.a %. hi-: %i \ Her Henmlns Will %rrl%e From .%!• Inula Till* Mornlnti Mr* Kll* A Hearn li* I jn At Fir ♦ y**i. trnl.iy morntn* .it 3.30 o'clo. k. The r- - mains mill bo brought to Savannah *i\ the Central train thin morning. ani wil be burled in Laurel Grove Cemetery thin I afternoon rat 330 o'clock. Tti** rt-rvlr* - will be rondut’liMl by K**\ Robt Van l>evsnfer. at ihe home of Mr* lletirr; parent*. Mt and Mrs Joseph Phi.ll; s No 113 Henry street, *t. Mrs Hearn we 41 y* n 01. l and bn\‘H be*;dei her htisbat 1. five omMren Vl* >r- John G Arkn. Tho* M %rlen. Jr u I James R Arder. Miss Anna May Anlen, •ml Mli*** M.iry ll< rn The |iill-U arena m ill b M< sf*r- W B Met after. Joseph Hefferrmn. J Ball* v. Joseph M Aiken, Isa* l*i Hoc be, Fred Butler. IKH VI( K.t %T I ITNbUH IL Mission Will He Continued t*y the \ Islttna Father*. The visiting priests. Fathers I junior, O'Fikafthan and O'Connor, mi.| *mt|nu their mission at the Fathedna] of fit. the Baptist throughout this str-ek, con cluding neat Sunday night Mervi ** will b he.<t *l*i!ly as follows. Mam at san am., mass at 9 a m . stations of the crops at 3 v m.. Instruction to children at 3JO p m rosary. sermn. .mj benedlr tlon of the bless*-t| sa r.imen at * p ni. Father O'Cailaghan a.felre*-. j a c.auttegatlon at high mass ye- er*ly, and the sermon at night was preached t>y Father O'Connor, whose sermons have greatly ples.ed the congregations during the .ty of the priests Thl* mornmgr ■: o'clock pontifical high ms" will be celebrated h> Ri Ficv Hi*n op Kelley for the repos* of the souls of the bishop., priest. i,d laity. SLR. JOHN L. JOHNSON DEAD. Heath iarrl* Away a Proalnrst Cttlsea of havanaab. Mr John D. Johnson di*d quit* sud lefdjr, s few minutes after 10 o'clock lost r. gnr, at his resiJtfiice, No Jhi (Charlton s-r*et. east H# had beer, feeling 111 foe t©v©rai days. I jt up to twenty-four hours before tn* end. his condition had nvt been regardsd an by any other than r. mself He seemed to have a premoni ion t .at the pains h has recently uf ferad f<r©tol 1 hi* approaching death. Mr JohnsoTi returned fr*.*m a business •:,I t • Southern Georgia Friday night During h at-rnce fr-tn Savannah he had iit,.l* rgone two af'w kf. which he though* r • be bror.* t 1 In their nature and which©©*! sever*• pain H* spent Saturday morning in ofTV ©. hut when he was returning to bis !e#*k in the afternoon Ar again attacked Even than .:* stmld not conf©*s tno h- was IU, ar.d Alter resting for a few m nut* • in t.;.* office, he refused to wilt for the , .in th<*t had beer. (SIW. out w.t.ktd across the Ri\ to meet It. H * r©'.re*i .i a.K>n as ii© reached his home • rwl Ir Sim mo n.** was c*i*td. Ycsierday morning tier© cum© anothe*- •f th* bronchia* attacks. *?* he then *i, • ►*ht trrm. t'omhinsd with cardiac a#... <th©r comp!l itione. but his *i ditioi. b* am© easier •luring th© da> . •id he uh? rhoug it to b© mush better. W .ji** hi© mind .isionaßy wandered, for ihe greater part of tn© time he was per fectly rational. About ir* <* i K*ck h - son. Mr. Walter T. Johnson fb* only number of th© family :n the city, was < > ll©<l o th© b©dskse of ■.*'. *!. ll* wis toil that he vo*jl be n©* <l# I during the night, and that w a* u.-©l©st< for nim to keep awake. Hut o few minute-* later th© yewinger Mr. Johnson, hi> ittcrtion at tract ©*l by the apparent r©iM.©>**n©>' , of his father, r©- ’urT.*l to tiie bedside of th© latter. His '•tn©r even them was in th* throes of htsoirioti and in u \©ry few' moments the *>nl came. Mr*> Johnson. Mr. William F John-on arid Ml <‘**rr.©lia John©**) the two !at *©r the on and daughter of the decease 1, * r © now in N.*w York, where th© son is .i stui* nt at ('oiumlLa T'nlverslty. Mss •*Gir© Jo”ri-r. the elder daughter, 1© In M*©un All of th*-rn were telegraphed by Mr Walter T J#hn.<©n of his lather’s daih. and nil! ooth© at one© t Huvan nah It will b© Imposribl© for Mrs. John -on and the *©n an*l daughter now *n N©w ) *rk t*> reach S.\ ai rah la* for© to norrow aftern<©a>. and It is (ron.Me th T t c* funeral will not take in# * until Y\ ©<l n'*s-i,>. R©nd)r.g th© return to th© Tjr of Mr© Johi.son, or the re- ei, t **f som© lnf* r ma'lor .is to h©i q** < \ no arrang**- met. - for ihe ftu,**ral are being made. Mr ah Iwn In Be© county. Georgia, on 8* (*t 10. IS3U. uni was. there for©. more than To years old at th© lime **f hi© death. Hi© youth and early man hood were spent in M!Hedgevtll*. where h© was tngngtxi in bustrvers until th* out break *>f the <Tv!l In this groi he an actlv* participant *r*s:. \t% ii -©ption to the surrer-W of I-#ee nr.ri hi© armx at Court House H© entered th** army n private in :h© Baldwin Blue-. of MllKigevih© with whh t I'onmuN he ©er\ * and In th* Virginia c.unp.iun during th* first year of th© war. \ft**r (hat urn© he w* *Jeta.'rved and dur ing ih*- r* rnati>i#T of the war was acting i ruviai marahal of one of th* <llvlsion-< of th* Army of Northern Virginia, c*m -! metaled, at different tim*©. by Gen j Hode© anti Gen. Ramsey For ©om* r*- , <oii h© w.© never commUnl*xn*d, but In | thi© Unp*>rtant ar.d trying capacity he render'd, until th* very end aervK* Ih© rno-' earnest, loyal and devoted to his country. T.© arbitrament of that struggl* he ac ept©! cheerful.v# Ho returned to Mill ©dgevtll© afier the close of hostilities, but remained there only until imw, when h© • am* to Savannah. Il©r© hi* Industry, worth and rir. s i©d huslneas talents found r*ady rec ognition. For >©r h© was conn*rt*l with the Irm of Dillon A Stetson, and . fterwjuvls with th** *'.*rr.r hmiw of L. J Guilmnrtln *v <■*. With thi- latk*. firm h* remum*#! until shortly Kfor# H Involution, in I*TT. wnen he *• urn© i mber of the firm <*f John Flannery Ar Cos . •*f which he whs •till i partner t th© klme of hi© death. In IV7I Mr Johnson (married Miss Mary* Fisher of Irwintoci, who. with four chil dren. survives him Th© rrUldren are M'-.-sr# Walter T and William F. Jotin “on. anal M.©> Claire and Mim Cornelia Johnson. Mr Johnson was well known In th© bue life .f Savannah. In which he oc cupied a prominent pin*-*. He was h d*- votM and active member of Wealsv Mon umental Church, and a irvmlier both of Its Board of Trustees and It* R\ ■ 1 of Stewards. H•- w* also m member of Sol omonK I>slg** of Miisms. N %l.|. % SOI Kt I* OF D4N4.RH < Ii atli it m Leadetn) It Hint Idkely to Tnui lile. During the high wind yesterday after noon h g©nt©man fussing the Chatham A- a*l©mv ruins on the Ogiethorp© avenue si*l©. noticed that th# wall w-n* about eight inch* • out of plumb, overhanging the © id© walk, hi 1 tna: with ©very gust of wind it vl>r.t©*l a el threaten**! t* com* ii- .mg to the street. ll© thought Hie danger to pedestrians sufficient to report rhe matter at the burra.-k*. arid a police man was t*rationed at the place until iop*'s . ou.*l bo stretched, larrlng jai.-Hers by from th© danger gone. The matter win also be reported to the Mayor to-day In th© iioje that some steps looking oward rha (earing down of th© wall can be taken. ■ IT! ATIO\ I* i|l IKT. Mayor Myrr* Think* Tronlilr n I Tampa la llioiit Oier. Mayor Myers returned last night fr.m Tampa. where he made a flying visit on .i mint of ttie strike situation which a|e I■!!..! to l*e ass liming threatening pro in,rilon* The Mayor reports the situa tion much quieter ut Tampa. and with much hsa pru*iM. t of trouble than was the cnee last week. No agreement ha* been reached between the clgarmaker.' union*, but several of the fa lone, will lie o|n to-day, and It Is believed thu a number ..f the operative* will return to ! work. <*ur Heat W ork t'annot be done tinle.s you have good [ liealih. You cannot have good health without pure blood. You may have pure liml In taking Horst's Sarsaparilla now. Y..U . mnot rvalue ih. goo.l It wit; do y,, u until you try It Hegin taking It to-day Mild ne how quickly It will give you an nitpetll., sirengih and vigor and cure >our rheum.iHim, catarrh or scrofula. All liver III* are cured by Hood'. Pill*. 2So.—ad. Tbankairlvin.l whom Window*. The Thanksgiving show window* of Deo pold Adler and of Foye * Eckstein are novel and uetra i a great di at of atten tion. lie Adler window Is devoted to table linen, artistically arranged. The words I hanksgiclng. l'- are made of while tabe napkins Itelow this Is a smalt table around which a doxen dolls are s ai.d at Thank-giving dinner. A real live Totn-ca- snooges ur.der the tibia. The window of Foye ft Eckneln la beautifully dressed with fine linen nap kln, table damg.k and bolt, of uncut ma terial. Priscilla, attired in a real suit of black, alts at a linen .pinning wheel. whlcU le In motion a.I day The wheel te said to be more than m years old. The raw material L here exhibited. Just o* M appears when amt pm ofi wU*Bi H 0 T STUFF S T O V E S W.M. & N. H. LATTIMORE, WEST CONGRESS STREET I I ~ SINGLE AND DOUBLE GUNS. LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. Hunting Coats, Vests, Hats, Leggings, Etc. [| wi ■ ID Hmughton Street Went Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have b*©n laid in many of th© ©©•- fort ab I* horn©* in New York Bot'Jfl ord other cities Mere cleanly and eoonoaort. than carp©** Plain and fancy fl **r *H and poiiahail complei* <a*©r old floor*, making h solid and beautiful improve mer.l Having a number of floors to lav lr. vannah thl month w# ©an quot • *w© ('atslogue and *silma may h* had by iiddres<*lng J M ADAMS. Box 242. Savannah, or 227 N Chart** Baltimore, Md A BUP V KS Hyspcpsia CaFe mLv Tablets • ttr4 -r. I y * ' r f r <1 ■ i ;7*V r . h#rw*- B) .•• • .nr. IT Promo|e the Appetite U end Put Flesh on Thin / Pennli* Ail kift*i.rtsf %n* wi f M wpiX.. h,>n# r U U ( U f*d •- !'•' - inb***rr'ftl n tf * © • ■ •* f>ir# V- per hit At ftil Irwfr-M* B LOU auss q CO . mcmmtns*w*. 111. STOPPED THE COUGH. I Prather s Tar and Cherry Couth s Cure 25c. j DONNELLY DRUG CO. Empty Hoflsheads. tempi, U.ilum Uo,akM4i <** Hi. .7 C. M. GILBERT & CO. AMtSEMEXT*. gTVAMNAH THtTBK TO-MfillT, A. Q. SCAM MON'S Prcsiuctlon. The Itroadway CoenedUn* In the f-ft" nlest of all farce cvfnedies, “TOWN Tones,” with W. H. MACK. Presented by a company of Comedlsn., Blng-’ra and Dancers. PRICES—tI.OO. 75c, 60c ami Sc. gSVANNAH THBATBB One Night Only. Wednesday. Not America's Oreaiesl Comic Opera Comebss lHlb. (). SLABKOOhh / r and hi. .uperb company In the . ' *>) latest N. Y. success. W “THE ROUNDERS.” AMe-HTAH CABT—lrene |vrry. 1 * Mmuk*vlllr, Herth* Waltftlnger. UH 4 T*rriss. J**,innett Loffflit 1 1 Crlssle Carlyle. Herkrt C. Oripp** flump!nous New York prcsluction In •• Its splendor. ITUt’Kfl 3k\ 60c. 75c. *l. *nd V H'-uis on sale Monda> '* s m SAVANNAH THEATER. TWO PERFORM.tN< T'rt INO DAY—MATINEE AND The Popular KLIMT-HEtflN CO. The recognised popular price amu.cmSW enterprise of America. ID.'W ' nv< * teener '. royalties, e ectrtesi ai J BW ... csl efletcs Presenting at matin** • night the succe.ful mtiodram*. or *'' ally produced by Mr. Charles Frohm"- “The Fatal Card.” PRICES—Night, 10c. c and M * U ' act, 10c and 30c.