The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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GEORGIA’S EARLY RECORDS. ll,iw wumiikh* of u. h. more tu h ive TEM n BL19IIKI). 4)rltn*l llrrorilt Arr In the lrrhlf „f Rnglawd—Th* l of Capyla* (ho I ©r> Comprehewalve Work wad „j I'u I, I 100 (lon Would Dr ( onwlder (i li I Daughter* of Ihr lletnlntlnn \\nni (hr State to Delray li— llrr ordii W rrr Copied hi • foot of 4i:i.- mal. hut (hr op4r* W rrr Hurnrd. The Savannah delegate# to ,the Slate Convention of (he Daughter* of the American Revolution have gone to At- I inta. where the ealon Will begin Iht* morning Mr*. Edward Karow. Mr* T jj Morgan. Mr*. John M. Bryan and Mr*, j s. Wood will lie the Savannah Chap ter . representative* In the convention. M ,j,,rr II I* expected there will he aome 1® delegates Mr*. I)arile! Manning of New York, the president general of the aooley, mil Mr* Donald McLean, regent of the >;, *• York City Chupter. will both be pne. nt. The session* will be held In Cringle House, and Mr*. Robert Kniory j,K of Macon, president, wll! be in the chair. While they nr* In Atlanta many of the number* of the society will exert their Influence to prevail upon the members of the Legislature to make an appropriation for the publication of the colonial records ,f rporgia. They are greatly Interested In rhi- work, having had It In mind for eon. month* and having expended much tltr.' and effort upon It Mi park has appeared before the Ap- I ~.|.rl Uion* Committee of the Legt-la tut on behalf of the appropriation the Da'ighters ore striving to *•■ nrp. Just v .11 amount she has sought for the work J- not known In Savannah. Mrs Karow. when n la*! night, did not know, hut ex: .lined that 313.0*) had lieen expended 1. f,. r ,. ,n securing i-ople* of the original n ..|, ilia tar# ft led away In the archives of England. Georgia. Mrs. Karow said. Is th* only one of the ortg! thirteen state* that h*.- not Its colonial record*. Even Ala bama. not one of the colonies, has record* Thai antedate those of Georgia has of t,s own history. Other elates have ex pended large sums upon this work, va u- Ing tlielr records highly enough to spare the money. It Is the deulre of the Daughter* of the Confederacy that the re-ord*. w n*n trans ,.rir...i be turned over the Georgia His torical Society for wife keeping They would remain the propeny of the *ta:. end a* many published copes as might 1.. desired could be ©in i!u',d The mem ber* of the society, sail Mrs. Karow. have no personal or selfish Interest In th,* mutter, their only wish being to bring the appropriation and to have (}• or gta in possession of the history of its colonial days. }ly virtue of a resolution ol the Georgia Legislature |si seed on Dec. 23. IS3T, th** Governor at that time appointed the Rev. Charles Wallace Howard an agent of the state to go to lcondon for the purpose of |.rorunr.g the colonial records, ot copies now 111 the cokinlal departments .f Greet Britain. The** do uinents. comprising twenty-two large folio volumes, avetag- Ing over 3X> page-* each, were carefully opted, at a cot eg 37.000. which had been appropriated by th© state for that pur lot ami they were committed 10 tie archives of Georgia Two year* after this. In May. 1839. the Georgia Historical So lely was organised nml In the act of It* Incorporation spe la! provision was made, whereby these valu h • documents should be cuhflded to Its are and keeping, until further dlepo-itlon so.aid bo made of them by the Gemrgl v - mb|y. During the next few years 1 iop WUltara Haeon Steven*, who was li.en writing his hlsiory of Georgia, ha 1 im atant acces* to them, and later the 1 Georg" White !-o nail© u.-e of pm in preparing hi* Invaluable llls t Meal Collections." It I* seen, therefore, that the-e pap r malticd sa/l> in the cugicdy of the ..rgla Historical Society In Savannah until ism. wlien Col. Charles C. Jones ob i rod the p©rmt>*loii of the Governor of i, otgla to have the records sent to him ■u August*, to he used as leference while s itiiig his history of Georgia. vfur th< completion of ml- work, i >* j. lM wro:e to the Governor ami *t tnc , tlmo to th* Historical Society. *ug ting the advisability of returning (her. .nils io the archives of the state whose c <,|K*rtv they were, since they liud beep Us*d by several historians. This sugge©- i ti was #■ '."d upon and the documents i te aent to Atlanta and placed among it" inpers m the old Capitol, whe * . y resnd until they were unearthed by in. ,-icomr> and stnrn*d upon the fata, .rney which ended In the burning of hi inlilcnr* at Oxfotxl.• (>., and the total ti iruc'i'.on of th (iotumniti*. While ill of Ike material of * strictly natur*. Mr Karow raid, wsi u* fitted by thoite h!*rtan* who hod h*J i ,ctm to fhen>. ther* rerniii*l n>uah dat.i f icreat value which haa never been pu> inlerwiini mutter (Hating to h* • to 1 and religious lit lons* of the ce ntal period, bemde* fetich rwwili a* the pnio-fdlngi of th** Court of Pifiidenti ** Ki AaiUtant!* between 1741*17&4; xlao che api'.tcatiorMi of peraocie to whorr allot rm-nti of land were made and other like .!■ formation of eapeclal Interest to members • th* patriotic sodetlcw. No tranacrlpe of record* prior to 173S em- Ir.uMnr * period of from 1732-ITJTi had been t \ de In laond>*ri The Gxonrta Historical icty upcai Irartili.jr of this information * v t no time in appropriating Ifi.OOO to ’ ive those addiiioriai record*. Indispensa ♦ o the complete history of the colonial I- Had, transcribed. The application of ' ■ *** >rj*l,i disclosed the fact to the lCnitllxh (fvemment that important papers relat t.* she early history of Geo rain wer* eprated and In a state of confusion In •ha public office and an order was tmme • • uely made for their transfer to the •• piper office, where they are now. T **>**• iast transcripts were ahlpwrecked *Y the . mm of North Carolina, which ac ■umta for the had condition that they •ere In when they reached Georgia. The aiaiaturw afterward* reimbursed the Historical Society for this rxpen *'ire. and the*e additional rec ■ rds bemme the property of the state • i.l w.‘re, with the other paper*, turned ■ • < r to Col. J>nes and eventually met the •me fate. ‘ Thun it appars.*' said Mrs. Karow, aft r. dl'MMiHainK the matter, "that the state ' Georgia valued h r colonial history iflklently to expend a total sum of $13,000 " order to obtain a complete copy of her ••lonHi records. It is to he earnestly 1 '!•*■• I that the pre* nt l*<Rislature will • t turn a deaf ear to our petition, but nulate the patriotism of their predeces rs of ivT7 and that he*e Wcti- will be reclaimed by the state rou*h the efforts of the I>.u*heni of f ■* American Revolution.'* TO TALK Ol*’ i'HIXA. Her. r. C. NeigH to itprsk at the tirlattan < harrh. F C Meigs of China, who has n In country aince 11*7, will speik '' the Christian Church to-nlirht Mr Is a very interesting and effective • *ker. and will be well worth he<rnx Hi add rets will describe the present con •*uion of China—the causes that have led • ' . ami the probable outcome t'nlieenmn Ur(|uadf'a %eellent. 1 itrohtiAti M. M(Quale. who was acel- - tally shot last Tnurwlajr, passed rather unfavorable day yaaterday. l-iat night ' K. 8 Osborne and aaetsilrjf physicians mpted to remove the ball* but were LngucctasftiL The Way That Women Work, i B It’a enough to wear any one out. First it's washing, in damp’ and draft. Then it's ironing with the hot stove and the hard work to endure. And in be tween whiles, meals to get, hou*e to clean, and children to tend. It's bad enough for a well woman but for a weak woman it'* alow torture. Dr. Fierce’# Favorite Freacnption cures the diseases of the delicate organs which weaken women It make* weak women strong and aick women well. Sick women are invited to consult Dr Fierce by letter, frtt of charge. All correspondence ttrirtlv private. Address Dr. K. V Fierce, Buffalo. N. V. "My health is the best now that it has been tor four years,- write* Mrs Phebe Morns of Irm. Caywp C N Y Bo* *i -I hire taken hot two bottle* of tout medicine. ' Paeoote !*re scnption and t golden Medical Discovery These medicines have done me more eood than all that 1 have ever taken before Before I took your medicines I was u;k in t*ed nearly half the time I couldn’t do my work only about half the time and now T can work all the time for a family of four My advice to all who are troub led with female weakness is to take Dr Pierre's ysvonte Prescription and c'aolden Medical IHa coverv the most wonderful medicines In the world " Dr. Pierce’* Pleasant Pellet* sweeten the breath. ItK<’ORDER IIAD LtROE DOCKET. Kittle flnlmew, Cttitrged With Thefl. Sent to f'lt* C'onrt. The u*ual large Monday docket wo* In the Recorder'* court yesterday morning. There were forty-three ca*e* from arrest* of Saturday and Sunday, ard several that had been left over from prevloua day*. Kittle Holme*, the member of the demi monde. who was arrested Saturday night on the charge of the theft of tTO from , visitor to the house of which she I* an Inmate, wu remanded to th© (Tty Court on th© charge of simp,© larceny. To the *.<m© tribunal w*s *erd tv. c Grove*, the proprietor of the hir of the Planter'* Hotel, on the charge of i!n'- Inga pltol at another not In hi* own defense Tht* I* the ease mat giew out of the row that oerurred Friday be tween Grove* and A. J. I'etera. It ]C ■urred In the afternoon In the stor- of llaslam A Cos., where Peter* t* employed, and created a great deal of excltem nt The case of William I.a. ount c010r..! arreated for an assault with Intent to murder, committed with a rock u;o:i lexw Wntteman. wa* continued. a* Whiteman 1* still too 111 from hi* Injuries to appear In court. Allen Bryan colored, arrested Bun lav night on the charge of having robbed ihe store of Messrs. H. H. A Son on Nov. 6. was remanded to th- Dupe.l r Court. To the Superior Court will sent also Sam Walls, colored. Giiarg'd with •result with intent to murder The case of Tom Holme*, colored, wao Sunday afternoon, cut John Calloway, a'so colored, was continue*! Henry Manning. Harry Cody >nd Charles Johnson, all white n.en. that were arrested Saturday for vagrancy, were sent to the City Court on that charge. _ A t OAKEDEH ATE CALBADAR. He IB gold to Aid the lvl* Monu ment Knnd. The Daughters of the Confederacy have uidertaken Ihe erecdon of the Dava, monument and It 1* their wish to accom plleh the work a* speedily a? posslbl' In erecting thl* monument to the Pre.d dmt of the Confederate Statea It t* an honor not alone to him hut a loving trib ute to the cause for which he suffered To he.l, raise the fund* (or the monu ment n beautiful calendar ha* been gi out. It m sold to the chapters throughout the South at the cost price of 10 cents, to be resold at 21 cent*, thu* enabling them to realise IS cent* Thl* eem a very little, but If each Veteran. Ron of Veterans and Daughter* or Confederacy would buy one. It would mean much. The . deodar I* artistically arranged, the four Confederate flag* on outside covering, without make a pretty picture for framing. Koch state has a page de voted to event* In If* Confederate his tory. and monument* of Interest. Mi Theu*. #lo Mr Solomon*, ha* offered to •ell these calen'kirs. and Ml©* l’lna Hl* Oglethorpe avenue. ea*t. historian of the Savannah Chapter, will giadly All any or der*. Mr* N V. Randolph. Chairman Central Committee. aiPKRSEDKA* WAS RE El AED. Judge Falllgant Refnaed In atop I onilemiinlinn Proeeedlngs. Judge Kalllgant refused to grant an order of supersedes*, asked on yeterdav hy the plaintiff In the InJunetlon *ult of the Havannah. Florida and Western Rail way Company, against the Postal Tela graph-Cahle Company Judge Falllgant. a short lime *lnce. re fused tlie temporary Injunction and dis solved the restraining order previously granted In thl* ca*e. The plaintiff sought to have the defendant prohibited from constructing It* line* of telegraph Along the railroad right-of-way and from the further continuance of condemnation pro ceeding* for thl* purpose. Judge Fiilllgan't decision, refusing the temporary Injunction, will he carried hy i fast bill of exception* to the Supreme Court, and the plaintiff wanted Judge gran the order of superse deas. preventing further proceedings hy Ihe telegraph company, until the Supreme Court ho* rendered It* decision. A* tatid above, the application was refused HEI.I.ISG LITTLE CLOTH IMG. Ao Demand for Heavy Garment* Hir ing the Warm Weather. None appreciate the advent of sneer weather more heartily than the retail clothing merchant* of the city. Their fervent hope Is that the thermometer will go to some very low mark very soon, as there ha* been t>ut very little doing in their line thus far thl* *ea-on. Rave for a few day*, the weather ha* not been at all suggestive of winter. ,n.l it has not occurred to iieople to buy their heavy clothes Th# clothing houses hod laid In their *lo~k and were expecting io sell a portion of It long before thl*. Th*v have had to meet'the payments upon the stock* when they fell due. and there have been comparatively light sale* to .-mb'e them to do so. One of the merchant* said that it ha* been a matter of some concern to some of those In his bus 111 as to cope with the situation, and tht they are obliged to hove cold weather come oon for their own ealvettoso. THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27.1900. A Day Like This You Need a Barler Oil Heater! The absolutely "NO SMELL" stove, and the only stove allowing the oxygen In the room to remain. The Itarler coet* less than A CENT AN HOCK TO HI'N Saves all the Lthor and dirt of a grwte fire. Give* out *) times the heat Will heal with ease room It feel #<iuare. We have all style* and slxe*. Come and examine till* great heater. Thos. West & Cos,, 11 BROUGHTON STREET- WEST. CLASSIFIED AUVtHIISEMtNTS. I’KIItllA AL. ~"THK MILLIONAIRE BANKER' must C to enjoy hi* million*, the poor man must C to earn and enjoy a square meal. Before going to Dr Kalooti. Atlanta —C what Keg. as can do for your eje* Though not the only i*'bble tu tu* spec tacle line, he may nave you quite a few dollar*, and make reading an 1 working a pleasure, while now 11 i- a hardship Jt East Broughton Hair, Jewelry and Rhav Ing Supply House. The place in Savaon m for solid gold spe-’tacJ-s at I-' 13 l" r pin. "rEDDICK-ADAMS DANCING ACAD emy' soiree a: th. Catholic Library Halt. Friday evening. Nov 3o Admission V 1 cent*, la die* free. Ra-kin’s Orchestra Secure your Invitation* from She man agement. COMPLETE TOUR THANKS' II VINO DINNER WITH ONE OF SCHAFER'S CELEBRATED IMME-MAPE MINCE MEAT I*l BF ORDER EARL* I' SCHAFER. 210 JEFFERSON AND 1 LIBERTY. F. VST ~APV E ItTIS EM ENTS SET IN CAI* ITAIJt WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLI'MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN OC. GO TO Jets H."BAKER IN MARKET for fine meat*, poultry, gam", hralna, sweetbread. I rip'.; ‘phone 23i. THANKSGIVING DAY WILL - SOON be here. See Miller for a suitable table to hold that turkey and trimmings Dining table*. *ldeboaril*. buffet*, china closet*, clialr* to pirase anybody. 3W Broughton, veil. SCHAFER’S CELEBRATED HOME MADE MIN- ’E MEAT PIES FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER ORDER EARLY P SCHAFER. 210 JEFFERSON AND 12* LIBERTY. EAST. YOF WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM SprlngileLi Dairy; it's rich and pure: ir> It. DON’T FORGET THAT MILLER sells doll* and toys. Come and see our holiday assortment. 507 Brought,,n. west HYACINTH AND NARCISSI’S BULBS, palm*, rubber plant*, cut flower* and floral design* from Oelwchig’s Nursery, opposite Patholle Cemetery. J. Gardner, agent, 12 Rroughton ©treet. east. CSO FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grades of art squares, rugs, mat*, portiere* C P Miller, agent CHOICE LINE OF WILLOW AND cobbler seat rockers for Ihe holt lays, at Treple'a. 217 Broughton, wed. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 4M WEST Broughton; ring up lIS6 If you want to have your fumliure moved or packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee price* th* name as I do the work that’s given io me A S. Grlffl.i. 414 Broughton street, west; mattresses mad* to order KENSINGTON FARM MILK 13 UN surpassed for richness; delivery Is per f eti phone 3346 IF ITS RI OS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them che'aper from McGlllla. I! FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they last. C. I*. Miller, agent. BEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, office table*, office matting, office shade# 307 Broughton, west. WHEN YOU SEE M OILLIS SIXTY Inch -ceni rug*, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In ny quan tlty TEBPLE IS SHOWING A NICE LIVE of carpet* matting rug*, shade*, lino leum; cheapest In town. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." I* a specialty with McGIUI*. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT treme* renovated, antique furniture repot Irhed, furniture packed, and shipped In best manner. Send me your orders. C. P Miller, agent KIMBALL’S ANTI - RHEUMATIC rln* ©very r reumall© ouaht to wear. J. Gardner agent, 12 Rroughton street, east. MOIIXIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor M OILLIS ISA CHEAP ON RUG®. NET®, lar* curtn'n*. hammock*, water cooler* pillow*, picture-, atove*. bt-droom aullf, and furniture of every daaerlptlon. “lF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU want where you are dealing, suppose you try Miller III* assortment I* the beat In town 2 7 Broujrhtrn. west FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM SUIT parlor and dining-room furniture, o<i should go to Te©pl©'s. KCNSINOToft FARM is on AN elevation In lha evumry. free from city drainage Impoaalt le for ml kto become contaminated, by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jersey milk, phon*- 234 V Da llvrry prompt; atl*factlon guaranteed. M’GILLIH MOVES FACKH HIIIPB and store- piano* and furnliure beat work only; no "Chaap-John" price*—no ’'(’haap- John” "canary birds, gold fish wa ter grave*, hone flour at 12 Broughton ■treat, ra*! SEE MILLER'S NEW STVI.F.S IN enrpet*. matting*, linoleum*, window shades All work done In flrst-tda* > style. Get our estimate. 27 Hrughton. west. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS -Smyrna pattern*—for 99 rent*. TEEPLF CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON etove*. steel range* oil hea'er* and hot tuff heater* 217 Broughton. w©at >BK MILLER 8 NEW STEEL STOVE® and range*, oil hcvler*. wood heater*. b*t make*, reliable good*. r©aon*bl* price*. 207 Broughton, wed ADVERTISEMENT 3 SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJEHd THAN C.. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lltho*r.,ph©d and printed stationery and blank b oka from Morning New*, Savannah. Oa- RnirL. !>tuiyiovn! ruin *rr the !f Aiff, rt* llabi#. T*k# no oth#r B*n! 4 pf uni m for particular*. ’'Relief for Igmllea." in leitrr by return mail A*k your tlrugxlKt. Chlcheater Oiemlcal Co*. PhiUtia , )'. HOW ARK YOUR FEET? IF TOUR fret are trouhlintt you. call on in* anti 1 will give you rtlkf; I cure Inxrontns naiU>. orri and all dHruci of the fcot without pain; chanter* rcaaonnMa; can five the lre! reftrencea In the dty; ia* Rente Irwifsl at reoktenree. orders * *n be left at Llvlnxeuui'e dru* etore. Hull and i’orijrM atretie: telephone M. Davie, onrgeon chin>pol)t IIKLP \% %VI ll—%l %|.E. HAUEHMEN WANTED TO HKUI< OUR foods* b\ ►ample to wholeeale and reta.l trade, we are the lariteet anti only man ufarturere in our line In the world; liberal ealarv pild Addreee. Can*D#x Mff Cos. office. Doanl of Trade Building, Savan nah. On \\ \\ r*S ORGANI 'KS rt >i: iP-to-d.te fraterniil Ineuran ' order for colored people exclusively Add Term Afro- American Irseurance An*o. .Memphit. Tenn IIRUr W UITF.O-riH ALE. UoiT I' NT USE one that can oome well recommended No SIS 0,1-ton street, east. ADVERTIBEMKNTS .:T TV CAT ITAIjS WIU. RE PRINTED IN C HAS SIFTED ADVERTISEMENT COhUMN FOR TWO UFNTF A WORD NO AD VFRTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR UCBS THAN 30U. :%tri.C*Y HUNT W %NTEO. wanted situation of any kind by younsr man (34). f|*efike French. Itelioi Bpanlah, mlno ttudird nil) ine in Europe three*. AiMreea K I* Morniruc Newe WANTED. UY A FIRBT-CEABB MEAT cutter and grocery man. ponitlon Ad* Jrej*j* Reliable, care thta office WANTED. POSITION AS BUTLER, steward or night cook In restaurant; brat references. Box 12, New*. WANTED WORK IN A PLUMBING shop *s helper for a boy It! year* Any one In need of such, please addres* Mother, care New*. “POSITION AS BUTLER DRIVER OR man around office hy Industrious 1-oU",* 1 man Addr. - Industrious, care Murmlit News. WANTED. GENTLEMAN WANTS 1" sit Urn a* clerk in wholesale or retail gro cery. or hardware house; has had several years’ experience in holh. and has first .lass recommendations from where I worked Address Competent, care Morn ing New*t. ANTED—MIgf g. A NEVVtTpTpKH EABt" ner. The owner of a newspaper and Job office in Klorwtn who is a practical (Wint er, needs a partner who is an experienced newspaper roan, sol a (borough hustler. Not necessary hut preferable ttrat he he a young man. a practical printer and have about I2.Y> to put In the business; munt Iw a good business solicitor. INiper is old established, and In richest agrkuliti rnl county in state. Address with No. 1 reference* only, •'Partner.” care News HTEHEOI'TIfON OR MOVING Pic ture outfit, must tie in prefect order and cheap. loimp, New* Office. "Wl WANT TO RUY SOER. FER mented syrup A<ldres. mall samples and prices. Augusta Hteim Candy Factory. Augusta. Ga. IK YOU WANT GOOD'MILK. OCT IT from Spiinglltld Dairy; it's rich, pure and whokaome. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, rand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limit*, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson and Eaal Broad *1 reels ADVERTISEMENTS RET IN CAP ITALB WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAft -81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.EStt THAN 30C FOR meirr—ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM southern and eastern expo*,ire. ilrt floor: hot and and cold water; for gen tlemen only. SM Hull alrprl NEATLY FERNIHHED ROOMS. ALL convenience*. M* Barnard street, near Liberty. I*ol4 Itl.M —Hill SEA. FOR RENT xoMF'.HTABLE HOUSE No 217 Waldburg street, east, U tween Aberoorn and Lincoln, flrsl-claaa order and condition; every convenience Itlgni rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Rroughton streM*. FOR RENT. THOSE TWO FINE house* on Duffy street, near Lincoln. Jut completed, with every convenience and modern Improvement. Apply Nugent's Bakery. 310 Bryan *lreet, west. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE REB tdence No. 3® Oglethorpe avenue, west, near Rnrnard: immediate possession. Ap ply wllhln. FOR RENT OR BALE. THAT MAH nifleent residence on th# southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard strreia. 1 D. Iyt- Rorhe. FOR RENT RESIDENCE Ed PERRT street, weal. Apply to Andrew Hanl.-y Cos. ___ 'TO RENT, 221 AND 2.T R"t.T<>N street, east; these are good houae* and location excellent. Apply to C. A. Mcln tlre, 4H B ard of Trade Building “for RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE residences, thoroughly renovated Apply A Wylly. agent. 12 Bryan street, east fob HI %I' Ml*' I’M, AM ot n. ~ T.ABtTfT'wXm^BH^ tH~ANirTjfT’TcK FOR RENT CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST RROAD STREETS; FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE. SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H I SMART _ FOR RENT OR SALE THAT EI.E gont fatm. four mile* on the Augusta road (paved), containing two hundred and three acre*, fifty of which are under a high state of cultivation; there are on the place three dwellings, two Drge barn* a,.,| packing ahtsri. a fine arteeLn well; everything tn flrst-rlass order; two rail roads run through the land I D. Iji- Itoche . for RENT, on THE OGEBCHBR road, between three and four-mils post* (trolley cars nearly to two-mlle poet), land In lots from a * a- ra to one hu' same can be bought In large or small lot* on easy term*. C H. Dorsett, SEVERAL NICE FARMS TO RENT near dig for the yejtr. D. B. lis ter. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN I for TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD- I VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TUAN 800 1.09 T %%D FOI Mi. LOST. WHITE. BLACK AND TAN hound bitch, named Countess. Rewanl If left at Savannah Brewery. W. M. June*. NORWOOD'S BOOK. "mir msi cm; i For sals at all Nanrs Stand* In Savannah. FOR * 41.1:—HF. At. ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP !TAI> WM.I. Ill; PRINTED IN CL.AS SIKIKD ADA ERTISBMKNT COLI'MN Ft) 14 TAAii CENTS A WORD No AD VERTISI HUNT TAKEN FOR LEAS THAN MC FOR SALE A L< >T FOR TAVo HUN ffrr<l flktJiiirs o.4 #v trrm. on Ninth f.rppf, uexr !:*m Umid; tu> city (axntion. C. li. FOH SALK U>TS ON NINTH RTKKFT l i t rn 'li> f x#*h. hi rat h, twenty-five UoiUix rtth, ,ttd cany monihl> I'xymrnt* C. II lKnw*ti. FOH I! I*OTB ON NINTH NKAH P.A*i Hroad mi etch; will hf mly ttm •-*.! In %2£>. wlitn m lot h* h#pn |mUl fi>i 1 tm airing* 10 g**l m born* built. C II I*orit ni:air>KNri: and ni’iuptNn~i.otb for Hal* All ov*r ttie city. Robert 11. Tat*m. real estate l a!er. Nx 7 York •treat, we.-t. FOR BAI.K TIIOW laOTH ON NINTH •treet, lira* Kant Hroad; have only • n •©id to Dist-rU- part ten. who will make • noi|til>o:s. untl none ntbern ran buy The term are very rssy, and thev r cheaper than any others tn the vicinity C. 11. iH-nwit. APVI i <i:mi \i s BET IN •' \l ' kUI WILL HR PRINTED 1% CU9 81 FI HI Al\ i : ItTISI .\\! •!NT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS \ WORD NO AD vi;rtisi:mi:.nt taki;n for lesb THAN 30t' for sm:*-tth( ut.i. %m:ii . BOY REM. THL COLOR KING! TRY R when your favorite iiu i> fail#, at Zoc bottle m itlrd to *1 Kilt of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children TiKNZOIN HALM MAKKH THE BKIN like velvet, for h.ila by druggist cr ar ||**n r\ and Alu*r rti l’ r- m lrug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor streets FoR SAl.i: STYLISH fVMRINATION liorM*. at aurtnm io *Uv, H . 1 k. at Younglove A Slpplf’n staide-. HKLOIAN IIARLH START RIGHT with our Rig Four >ff*r, for 125 We send you e*prea |re- Crtl'i, Ihree fine prillxri'id. red mont |ipular eir.itfia l ied to bill ka and taring over )'H>b*i(is. Itritaina, etc , and on** tin** high scoring ntud buck. Save m!tdleman’ft enormoua profit and order direct from Hrl taln Rabbltry. nrluriesaie lreeil*rs n-i shippers, Watsonville, Cal.; tK>oklet FIRE PROOF SAFES WE CARRY A fine lin- of fire proof safe* In •tof'k at vll times Tlie t*irties can see exactly wrhat they are gettinx Our price* re aa lw nionufa durera •*'!! It. with freight aWl e*l Forties Interested, who wish g'v*l fire pro f safe will d4> well to Inspect our stock Llppiuan Bro*.. LU>|mau block, rtgento for manufacturer*. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pura milk, try II; you Will be pteaed * TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sale. 1S rroiei first y r tioxe*; 12 00 ‘ n rw* round limber, at SI 50 per acre; par thousand boxen for loaned t:vnter; pier ty of timber to be got, in five mil*a of rail road; will give pn*9f-*t>n now or at <>nd of reason Addito* Round Timber. c*ig Morning News ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAP ITAIaS WILL HE PRINTED IN OLAS SI El ED ADVERTISEMENT UOLUM.N FOR two cents a word no AD VERTISEMENT taken for less than 300 vm % F.n. STRAYED OR BToiJSN. FRoM NOR ton (•aeture. Ogeeehee road, one small Ma k horne mule, blind me eye Re wanl If returned. Thomason A Harvey. 310 Harris, weet. HO All 111 SO. FURNISHED ROOMS, FI RBT-< T-ASS table bianl. Ml Jones street, eaat. 11l SIHIS.* f M INt’KM. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IJ* WILL 111-: PRINTED IN FLAB SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. I*l.l ASIII Mi. modern plumping, it will he to your intereat to let me giv* you n eo -1 tmale on your plumbing, new or ok) work; repair work a specialty, as I am a prartk’al plumber. No Kuesn work to • ndanger your life, Wiggins, ’phone 807. Georgia or Bell. mi*< a. . DON T TIIOUIILE YOURSELF A ROUT j moving your furniture, relaying your car j pets or matting Perry * Renton will re* ; lieve you of all that trouble. WE GUARANTEE TO DO~YOUR 1 (dmnbing wrk cheaper than any one tlae. A C. Price A Cos.. State and Jef | ferson at reels; ‘idtonra G&8 11AVF YOUR HOUBi I’AINTED with German ready mixed paint; entlr* satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Faint | Company. “ WANTED ONE THOUSAND HUN gry (xople at H>* Soul hern Grocery Com pany, 114 Bernard street. 1 _ WF HELL HEWER FITE ELITE pipe, fire clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adams Faint Company, 104 Congre**. weal. FERRY “ BENTON. 19)' STATE street, west, will move. pack, ©hip or alore ! your furniture al short notice; *lo ren ovate your old maltrense* at IHtle coat. : Bell 'phone 1124. NOW IH TUB TIME TO GET RID OF 1 your second-hand Move; we wIU sake It In exchanre for n new one A C Prlca A Cos., flrata and Jefferson street; 'phones m. MOM THAN ONE HUNDRED '*ENTB In svery <kllnr of your hard-earned hard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street. "OYPHINB IS WALL FIN j l*h made Adama Paint Cos., Savannah | agents, I©4 Crngress, west WE HAVE A FULL LINK OF MAN i tele from 10 cents to cent*, put up free. I A C. Price A (*©., Slate ami I streets, phone J* 81. * REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSE* by Investing your hard-earned hard rash with tha Southern Grocery Company, 114 Rarnvrd street j “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA Ml WILL PE PRINTED IN CLAfU SI FT ED AD V ERTISI7M ENT CO LI TM N FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD : VERT ISE M ENT TAKEN FOR USX* THAN SOT n "SITIONS BgECURED : Bv'active Wid <vakv Young Men Women curpriclic*! Business t BUSINESS bUiva/tnatefto COLLEGES.! QJcrt/rj/cvrf/'t Snd for CataJaprr ‘tftt/H.H/lfA, IK YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, oruer your llthaaraphcd and print©d atatlonery and blank book* from Morning N*w, Savannah, Oa. LEGAL ft%LK. PUBLIC SALE OF LOTS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— ' Default having been tnab by Daniel G ! I'urae in the |ftA\ni*nt of the no lea se cured by th.i certain led to secure ilebt. | made by Dank it). Pure.* t* n**. Charlea j H Duraett, dated D< 3* \kki. anl I. i having |>ail the aani< Now I. Chari* *. H u t. r anil ' by virtue of the post-r ontalne*| in s.ikl deed which is r * led in the offi ■*• if tin* tlerk of the Superior Court of Chat ham county. In Book of Mortgages lit;*, i folio. M 4. reference to the earn* being ! hereby especially made, will sell at public | outcry, before the Court tlou-i dnu of ■ county, during the kgal laairs f sale, on Tuesday, the Mil day of Decern Ih t. 19UU. all those several lots r pateels j of land, situate, lying and bring in (tie city of Savannah, county of Chatham and state of Georgia, ami known on the map or plan of the Purse subdivision. In John ston and AHaitl* wards, prepared by Percy Sugden. clt> engineer. h lots Num ber seventy-seven fTi>. srv*nty-*lght <7M), • eventv-nlne (7f), • Igiily ivm, elghty-one • All. elgbty-IW'O eighty-three <M), eighty-four tM. eightv-rive tftt). eighty nlx . alghty-iN'ven tK7>. eighty-eight (M>. tne huiwtrr and ami Mx 006i. ana hundred • lid aevevt (Itffi. one hundred and < Ight tinsi, one hundnd and nine tla>. one hun dred ami fourteen (114. hundred and ffften (IIS), one hundred ami sixteen tllH), ne hiimlred and ncvriiteen (117), ue bun ire! ami eighteen ill***, one hunlr*-l .tnl nineteen (lit), one hundretl and tweniy ftmr (1241. one bumlrtd ami twenty-live (125*. one huitlr*dand Iweiity-six a**l one hundred uiul twenty H vrn (127). *all of said lots being In Jtdmeton warl*. t*rms cash, purcha-* r |w\tng for deed and revenue stamps on Itne C II DORBKTT GEt *RGIA. CHATH AM COUNTY Will ie- Add. on the first Tue?..lay In De . ember n> xt. Iciiig ti*** Y*irilr *lay of De* e*nb‘r, .t iHibib outer> at th* Court House In raid county, wluiln tlm legal hours of sale, t* the highuiM bidder (4r cash, certain profierly of wid I* the fol lowing i*- *i full and complete description An undivided one fourth (* 4 * part of ft.l that tra 4 of land, wharf property, wttn the op|">rtrc>an< -s. situate#l lying and be Ing in the eastern |*ort|on of sai*l city of Savannah, ami known and distinguished in the j*ian and upon the map of Savan nah as I©a mars wharf, said wharf prop erty being Gouided on the north by the Savannah river, ews: by I*nar’s ca nal. south by trustees' garden lot number fourteen, anti west by the public dock, by the w'orks of the Savannah Gas Com I winy and by Revnold* street. Ray streM extended passing through raid wharf pit>pertv; together with nil th* right mem l>ers. hereditaments and appurie i.hik m to the Mini* bemusing Batd property |evlel on u* the property of Harriet (\ Jones, ev • uulx of G. De ltoP*t l.imir, to *atlM\ an eimutlon )*• - suetl from the Suie'tlor Court of snkl county on the twenty first flay of Febru ary. IsKS. |n favor of Frank C Jones and Harriet C. Jones, aknlnl*trator* of G It lanmr, agaln<*t said Harriet C Jon* * executrix. *e aforesakl Sakl pr*>perty being In possession of the owners repre senting the three-fourtha t\) Inleresl In the sakl property. This Ist day of November. 1W T. J SWEENY Sheriff C. <%>.. Ga CITY SIIERIFF’B SAI#E Sheriff's Office, City Court of Savan nah Havannah. Ga Oct $. IPS).—-Under and by virtue of in execution trailing out of the City Cairt of Savannah In favor of American Linseed Company, again** For* -l City Varnish Company. I have this day levied upon the following de scribed property an the property of de fendant. to-wlt Ail that varnish and paint manufactur ing plan*, ((insisting of *•* twenty-horse I toller engine. fMint grinders, (tots, ket tles. varnish tank* and other machinery used lit connection with sakl plant, and ail located on Stiles avenue In the city of Savannah. Also all tha* stock of raw maturiat. consisting of rnwin. oils, white lead, powder, etc All contained In the building at sakl plant Also one fl| Iron rafe and office furniture, consisting of desk, chair, let ter-press, etc. Also about dx (4* cor*la of pine firewood, the same being locat' and and contained also at sakl plant Also one (R roan horse and one one-horse wagon. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at tmhllc outcry on the first Tuesday in De.-ember. 19I* (same b*lng the four*b day of the month). 'Hiring the legal ami usual Hourw of rale, In front of Ihe Court House dror In Chatham county, to satis fy said execution Defendant notified of levy. l*roper*y described in execution. Terms cash. E J WHELAN. Sheriff r. C., 8 LEGAL TOTH Eft. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Margaret Valent n late of said county deceased, to pre-ent them Io me. properly made out. within the time prescrll*ed by law. so a** to show their character and amount; and all par sons Indebted to wald deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to rne Savannah, Ga.. Oct. 20, 11*00. georgf: moiiro. BxOf utor. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlce is hereby given to all persona hav ing demands against Indiana Williams, late of said county, deceased, to present them to the undersigned, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their chara<ter an.l amount, and ail persons Indebted to sakl deceased are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. THE RANK, Administrator. Savannah. Ga., Oct. 27. IHJO. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY,— Notice (a hereby given to ail persons hav ing demands against Charles N West, late of Mid county, decease*!, to present them to me. properly m ide out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indented to sakl deceased are re quire*) to make immediate payment to me. LANG DON C WEST. Administrator. Savannah. Ga.. Sept 8. 1900. NOTICE TO DEBTORS©, AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notlca Is hereby given o all persona hav ing demands against Mrs. I salad la Neill, late of suwl county, deceased, to present them to me. properly mode out. within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persona Indebted to said deceased, are re quired to mak* Immediate payment to me Savannah, Ga . Nov. 8. 1900. JORDAN F BROOKS. County Adm nDtrator, 15 Bay street, west. Card Engraving. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Rnftcavlnir nam© pl#t© •nfl to cart#... TSe Kmrmvlnß nam© pl#4 ml too card* II 00 Printing card# from your own plate..SSo Printltiß 100 card* from jrour own elate. Sic THE BEE HIVE, If. M lit 'XT. St. Julian and WhltaAer atrwata. AITTIOA a A t.K* 'rill* HAY. AUCTION BY A. K. WILSOnT 223 Con(tr©a tre*t, w*t. al U o'-'kiek. Child Fonejr Bukkl, # and llarneaa, Furnllur©, M.itllnv. ('arpel*. Uooklns and lit.Hina rttovr*. and a variety of K'xxU. \ i , ii(i% * IIM M It HR nu ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. \ 111 %llLi: I.A ft I) Oft 111) All. t . 11. I)OMi:tt. Aaetloaeer. Under and bv virtue of an order gran*- rd hy the Honor a hie Court of Ordinary of * hat hunt I will sell at the Court ll(Ki%c in Havannah. during the usual hours of sab. n TI'ESDAY. Dee. t. ]:' for the purpose of payment of (b it 1 and f*r li(rlbulion, #h** foLowntg as* the projwrtv of the eetale >f L M. W\ and • • I>*lm 67. 6S Ut .*t *l, nn ) an Interest in* lot M of . 'Uh-dtvtwton of that *ract of kind In said countv and state, on the M*ntK*rn * v m l Water roads, known ae Ksni Chlpv *. . >rding to a survey made by Kd* rd J. Thomas Jan. S*. 14. a copv of which la attached to a deed from Graham a )ti>M#dl to Tr\ph!na D. Warfield, recorded in *he . ount> i . *>rda of aail countt>ok f, |r folk* 24 Tha interest of said eatate In •-ai.l lot No. M being unknown and urwb t* rmir* I at this time Term* • a-b. |*r • r paying for revenue siainpa and papers. II < CUNNINGHAM. Adminietraliw *■ la. stats L \\ Wnr* field, deceased The a love lanl adjofns fhe county landn (poor farm), and Is on the east side of iba Wafers road. th southern line being about a quarter of a mile from tn* 1 Mont gomery cross r*mi l Th* live tracts fir-1 mentioned contain together about fifty three acres. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. I'HOPLim tMILF.THOnrV: D Eft I E, 4ft 44 LtlTft. C. 11. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. I will sell at the Court House In Savannah, duting the usual lanire of sale, on Tuasday. December 4, i9OO. for the pur|MM>" of distribution and the payment of debts, the following which Is sold as the pro| rty of the estate of George II Stone, ilmr i dl l.ot No. M. Columbia ward, and the im provements thereon. iwo-story m* basement (or cellar) resi dence. with store attached, said lot being situated on the northeast corner of Hah t-rithnni and Oglethorpe avenue, formerly South Brood street, and being subject to an annual ground rent of fifteen 52-Hd dol lars. payable to the mayor and alderman of the city of Savannah, also lota letters ”D" and "(I," in Dale ward; lot letter "D" having a fr<nt of .31** feet on West Hroad street, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth streets, and facing Wells rqUare, by a depth of 110 feet to a lane; lot letter “O” having a front of thirty feet on Thirty.eighth street, between Weat 1 1n>ad arid Iturmugha streets, by a depth <*f one hundred and twenty feet to a lane Terms rash, purchaser paying for isvenue stamps CHARLES W SAUSSY. Administrator Estate Geo. 11 SRgrc. NINE ACRES NEAR THE CITY AT Al t Tin*. 4'. 11. 1)011 MOTT, A*rllnffr, Will ©all at th© f onrt H'rt(*#. on TURB - I>©'-. I. IWi. .lurdqt Ih© (i*nal hour* o' *.il©. for Aotutni of all oonc#r*ia(l: Nlii" nor©* of th© Hi>©lr form, with lar*. fnmiKK© (Ol th© TiuiHl*r(iol( road. )u*t hPV'XHI Ih© lollaat©. anl almut (hr© hundrtl f©©l h©>’n.l *h lnl*r©i'tlon of (ivlnn©lt air©©( and Wat©r* v©nn© Thla l,inl Ju#l 0(11*1.1© of ih© corpo ral© llm)!© of th© eltjr, and I© bidM up to with irml lmnrov©m©ni. *ll th* land# oppoall© to It liavlnv )©•© *Uhdlvl<l©d Into <-!•> lot* and ©old. Thl# ©al© pr©©nta a fin© chon© to awcur© ih© ©it© for *tthur l,an (ion©-, or th© ©lron©© for a ©p©cul llon In lot© WELL LOCATED SEVEN-ROOM HKXIIIKAIY. AT AICTMI*. C. 11. IMlltinrT, 4©tl©r, Will *©II at th© Court Houa© dxrlnc (ho UKital hour* of nal©, on TtTBHDAY. D©c. 4. lt*. for Ih© purpose of division b©twr©n owner*. I-ot Letter B ©utMllvlKlon of IH and 114 Barry ward. 32 f©© front hy !•■©( d©p, and Ih© Improvement*, known a© No. 171# Ilnhersham ©>r*©t, *am ©onl*tln* of a I*.>-*tory re* (del)©*, containing *van room* l*ld©# th© lath. Thl# property mu*t la* Hold, I* well lo cal©.! and I* a splendid chan©* Io K©t a home for I©** than Ih* house coat to build. Term* can b© tna*l© very ©aay. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. IM.AThHKK A CO., Auctioneer*. Under and by vtrlu© of an order r*nt ©d by th© Ordinary at Chatham County, Oaorcla, I will *©ll h©fnr© th© Court Mona* door In Chatham county, dnrlnir th© l*l hour* of aale. on TtieMlay. th# 4lh day of I)erol>©r, IPO, th© fnllowln* .t r.h©d protwrty Uewlt Th© northern i-oril-m of lot of land 37 O’NMU ward. In Ih© city of Bavnnnah. ©onmlnlr* m feet, more or l*a. on Walker street, and M feat, more or !e*a, on Wilson (treet, (<©th©r with the Im provement* thereon. Hoid for payment of d©ht* and distribu tion Term* ©.t*h. pureha*r pavtnic for tlllea and revenue stamp*. M A. O'BYRNE. Admlnl*trator E*tat© of Ellen Morgan, de ceased. RESIDENCE AT AUCTION. ft A’ M. 11. TATKH. A Mellon©—-#. I wIM ©ll at Court llou*© TI'H3DAT. Dec. 4. Ih© house and lot No. 606 Tenth *t reel. wMt. For parilculara sea auc tioneer. l l t.AI. 3UTUB3. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS OEOROI-A. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlce I* hrreby (riven to all persona hav tn( demand* acalnst Mary L. Quanlock, lale of said county, deceased, to pr-.ent them to me. properly made out. within th* time prescribed by law. fo a* to *howr their - h irader and amount; amt all par son* Indebted to said deceased ar© re quired to make Immediate payment to m*. WILLIAM J gt’ANToCK. Administrator. H.ivannah. Oa.. Nor . R9O OKOKUIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Where**, Davtd 8. Water* ha* applied to Court of Ordinary for letter# of t Imlnht tratlon on the e*tate of David Witera, de ceased. The*© are. therefor©, to cite and admon ish all whom it mav concern to ho and upie-nr before said court to make objection (If any they have), on or before (he flrat Monday In December next, otherwise aald letter* will be jrranted. Wltne**. the Hon. Hampton L. Kerrfll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this tha &th day of November, 1901. FRANK R. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C. Cos. ' NOTICE TO DEBTOR® AND CRED ITOR®. I OEORfIIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlc© I* hereby nlven to all person* hav- Imk demand* attain*' Charle* D Baldwin, late of sab! county, deceased, to preaant them to u at Houlhern Naval Btorea Com panv'a office, l>i Bryan *treetfent.proper ly made out. within Ih© time prescribed by law. so a* to ©how their character and amount: ami all oersona Indebted to oald deceased are requl.ed to make Immedial* payment to u* ELIZA J. BALDWIN. Executrix. WILLIAM C. IN)WELL Executor. LAWRENCE Mi NEILL Exicutar. eavaooah. Ok., Nov. U, 13iMl 3