The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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f LOME or Tilt: PICLD TRIALS. Tbr Uiunm Aunounori) Aftrr a Klvc llm y * N* w ton, N C\. Nov. IB.—'Th# Eatem ]•<• U) Triads oklay. %%Ith fine ik*> * !|K*rt. Oh weather beinx much coll rr Ot.tough the %vtn*l proved 'Hu* conclud'd to-day mas th* auhfr* ripiion Make which bfgtn flatitrday inornag. The Winner# a err* anncHio*l *it- i*. I'ir-t. Sioux, owned •> Avent anl Dur* yva. handi*#l by J M Avent. necpn i p,.g Girl; omit**l by l*. LorLUnl. Jr., by A Albaugh. third. Gooeva „wti> ; by I*. KorLUnl. hanik*<t by C. Tucker. The tru.* Jua; ioeid arc to ho follow -1 by tno Contiti*Jital Hell triak* beginning i nd.y Nov. 30 ami continuing a week or i**n lay*. winner of lit /• ■ in the auh- U>n Make w.* w inter also of the ft: .n tho a.i-ag* i la-t week. whil * y • <Jir! jumiMnl from third in fhe alt hk t*> aecotwl place iti the itibicriptioti TANARUS; latter waa owned by Mr. K. L. Jun.- ,-.n * Toierl- 0.. hut wj* sold to P. Ijorhl.nd. Jr., before th** rare* closed. MIMNh PI. Wl' i MbCD. Ilisnwtrou# t-'looil* In I round Diiliol*. Pit. Dubois. Pa., Nov. 2**—Thl* section ex j**rl* r *(1 one of the worst flood* to-day that line occurred In many years. All r-f t • m.nlriK plants situated on low ground wore compelled to close down and many residence* in the low r part# of the in'Ai; v* four t • f*. t of water In th* • mun.l Mo* a The lit aver Meadows . r 1 to , depth of three and four f* * r mih. arourd At Narrows Creek, tbr*- utfl* • i *’. of her* .on the low kt.mlc div! on of the Pennsylvania, a bridge w . w died out about noon, tleing freight trafllt' tip and nee*■?sitating transfer of all passenger. Ai S hula there Is danger should the w r>* hut little more, of an immense * r breaking, which would cause vast .'an to property and possible Joss of II 111 HOTII PIMP. AND I IOOI). liiglieot PI nod Kvrr Known at \\ HintitiH|Mr t. I’li. \Vli:iavns|tori. Pa, Nov 27.—Inside of !; i’ • *-n litiur- ih vi.las of Cro.- For kg hat • * n vsi*M hy a hoptism of fire and water Fire ]• at right destroyed a Jew el! v j r-* ii tlw. iiing. Polder's Kore, j r* ,§nd *lw- hi.*; Ibises m.irk**t. lc hou" ani and v lliug n*i Holmes g'uoer v .-ton . Tne lo*r* is 175 000 and there is some tr.- i ■ t-. b arce|v had the egeltoment over th* fire subsided when tne highest flood ever known in the Kettle creek struck the town. It covered all the lowinn is and rarrletl away two bridges on the Buffalo ami Sust|iiehar.ri.i iUil oad IOWA OF l II % I \< l*\ PLOODPD. Heavy Nnln* < a*••! the Reservoir >t iir There lt Hurst. Athens. 0.. Nov -S —As a result of the heavy rail.- the r*--* voir near Chauncey hurst to-day and fl**< l* *l the town a mile away The r* **rvolr covered three acrea at. 1 was twenty feet deep. A hundred yir . of railroad tri k was washed out and n* rly all the residences In Chauncey wen flooded A hill deflecting the course r.f the w it. r s v*rd the mine, where 100 men were at work, fton) being flooded. MRS, m MMOI I Pill >l> <•! I LTV. | onvlrinl of the Murder of Mrs. lulu Ostrander. ftyraeuse, N Y . Nov 2d -A verdict of guilty was tea hed to-night hy the Jure in t!* H im* • c hmoll muivler .-ase. June f). lfso. Mr hmoll shot and killed Mr* Lulu Ostrander at Baldwlnvllle. It was shown nr th trial that Mr-. Osrander had been Intimate with Mrs. SehmoU’s htisband >i *i bad tautsted her. as the d***- fense claimed, beyond endurance Th* dePusc w i temporary Insanity. hi: w\s i.owf.pi HFD. NuturulUed iiliitfsletr 1 omplalns nl ICigoroo* Trrstmral. New York Nov. 26.—Vincent \* Tissera. ! a naturalised Bin|cs<*. living in Chicago, iilcl i p ..test at the cue tom house to-day j i t.. i i • w’ h> ws treated v* , ) f n iuniei \es(. rda> from tne Monwhlp j <tmpania. ll* made to go into cite in-j* iuj’s rA>r.. end strip ws? o j closely ex.anumi that he thinks he was j t.nm* ess irlly humil*atc l Hie goods | were thrown out ot. the pier and he rays 1 he had to t* '*.*ck then) ofon*. The . us'• *!*i >fh * r * \pl.lne*l to him that they hal p o**lvei Ti anonvmmi? let ter. wamir.g th* vr o that Mr Tissera In* tended t mugglc in valuable gems and hr; - i-l ra* aid that this had made Che search so rig rous. Mnlrr *V s*oi* Hub* t**luniin*nt. f’o umbus. O . Nov Jk.—Walter H. Moler and Charles L. Drake, who have been < raid noting a retail dry goo*ls business un- i *ier a partnership known a- George Mohr 1 ft S *n. mad'* an asslgnm* nt* U.i billtles ure eatimatd at IlSS.tvif); ass**ts. Sin6.hoo. Inadequate o ipital is said to be the wiuse of th** embarrasetnent, and *h.* H.-ifcrnment will lx* lifted, it is claimed. soon .* a roorsanli'itlon c.n l*e if *>mn| Him From llo* Catillon*. Boise, Ida.. Nov 2* —Th** Board of Par dons to-day commuted th- .er.t*n<e of a <’hl!:amaii named Y* •* Wee, sentenced for murder, who*** conviction wa- brought u ltout by a written statement inundated in * ourt .i* a cotif*s*ion. Hie attorney •il!**qucntly bad th** Chinese legation at W <*hington translate the statement, which has placed a different construction upon it and wived him from the gallows. Rodgers Cos c.o Cos the Orient. Washington. Nov. 2* —It i ,; staled at the Navy Department that .Admiral Frederick Rndgara, present chief of the In action Board. slated for duty on th*- Asiatic v fax lon, either as an ah lit.on ul commanding officer, making three on the station, or as a relief either to Ad n irai Remey or Admiral Kempff. accord ing to the needs of the servlco in Asiatic wafers at the time. rnmmlaalonrr lleielan C ontlns. Pin Juan. Porto TUc. Nov 26 —Ser.or Federico Degetsu. Porto Hi an rommi*- sinner to the United States Congress, si I- I for the United Ptates to-lav on boa and the stenmer C.ipt. flatnpson. w hlch Is due to arrive at New York De*\ 1. Mr*. .Innnnn Hohlnson Head. Minne tpolis. Minn . Nov. 26. —Mrs Joan na Rubin son. a second cousin of President McKinley died at her heme So. 632 I aw rence .venue. Ht. Paul, yesterday. Mrs Robinson was 70 years ol*l and was horn in Scotland, the old family r me of the McKinleys. * 1.1 Hung C hnng I* 111. Ixmdon, Nov 27.-U Hung Ci*ntt se wording to the Shanghai correspcndent of the Morning Post, is seriously 111 and ha* t#!<*graphe<l for hl adopted son, Ll Chlng Fang. I.nng kipped Jvartae. BrrlngfleVJ. 111., Nov. 26 Bob L/>ng of vms given the decision over Mar tin Judge of Philadelphia In %ba tenth round here W-iUgUL A SHIP CANAL IMIDft HATTIINAI. % Scheme for Avoldlim Che World'* '!•*• Dangrroaa Cape. From the Boston Herald, Cape Hattera*. the most dangerous l%ilnt on our Atlantic seaboard, will ceas** to exist as a menace to coastwise navi gation if the present plans of the United States government are caril***! out. For g*neratlons the name of Cape llafteraa ha* been synonymous with storms, shlp wicck and lofr of life All soria of •• have been proposed to minimlie its dangt'is Millions of d)lmrs have be. n spent In attempts to properly light the celebrated P.uinond shoals, which aurround Cap** Hattera I* was found Impossible, after years of libor, to build a ilghthouse there The heaviest an*l stanchest light hd ever constructed was pla .1 .it Dia mor.d shoals, only to he blown away from her giant mush om anclfors. Ami during all ibis w nlle steamers lost • ir bearing-, vessels were driven ashore arid midions of dollars' worth of property and hundreds of lives continued to be lost Kvery winter brought a long record of dirast* rs on Cape HaUara* The sailor coming from San Franrlsc<i dreaded this one rpot more than anv other in the long voyage round the Horn Th** coastwise vessels tried to give it a wide l*erth. But ji luia rep lined as a per manent menace to navigation, and hs done more to injure coastwise oornatrce on ih** Atlantic than any other agency. And now,by nuan* of an ingenious and thoroughly practicable -v**m of inland -finals and channels, the coastwise trade will be enabled to pasa behind Uape llai proteeffd from the fury of he cr.-ean the whole way down the coast by low-lying sand bars The Dismal swamp canal a miserable ditch of comparatively small lmi*ortance, is to he deepened through Its whole length. H*re. bordered by cypress, gum ai.d magnol.a. large coastwise vessels can sail or tow In safefv. The extra insuran t now put on ship* because of Uape HaMeras and its dangers wJI, I* 1- claimed, more than pay for tne cost of tow’age ,n this new inside route The -aving in tim* w ill be gr* at. and the eafeey to human Ilf** will he an item of no small Importance The magnificent of yachts kept in northern waters can then pass up and down the coast In comfort and safety. Wh* n th** Inside route is finished, a great advance In coastwise transportation is ex pected to take place In arising out the teims of a hill p*s • I at the lust seaslon of Congress, th* • ngineer r..ri>s of the army is now engag cd in making n preliminary survey for an Inside pnaoage from Uhos.ip* ake hay to Beaufort inlet This will obviate the necessity fur coasting vessels rounding Cape Hattcras. An Inside passage from Boston to Flor ida is believed by official* to be one of the poS'dldiitles of the future The pres ent . lan Is look**! at as the first and m<*M im{M>rtan? step |q this development To a large extent the proposed water way ih a natural one. .ml to flt it for the passage of vessels of the larger class, a* contemplated in the survey now being made, it is simply a matter of dredging channels through the varioim sounds ly ing back of the narrow strip of land w lilch forms Cape Hattera* and the dan gerous coast on Its north and south There are two corps of engineers work ing on the survey, one under MaJ .1 B Quinn, surveying south from Norfolk, along the route of the Dismal Swamp ca nal. which It is proposed to utilize, nnd one under Uapt. E. W Van Lucas, work ing north from Beaufort inlet. It l ex pected that the repons of these officers will be ready to present to Congress when it n* xt meet-., wh*'n an appropriation for beginning the work will be urged. Hampton Roads, which will be the northern entrance to the inside paag*-. Is considered one of the safest and m**st ■ •*i*y of access of any hart*or on the VMSt. Vessels will |>a** Into the Ellsa • th ritvr at Norfolk, nnd thence down t* Dismal Swamp canal to Pasquotank r ver. Into Albemarle sound, through Uro " m sound. Pamlico sound. Dore sound. Rick sound and Beaufort harbor The length of Dismal Swamp canal I* IS miles This canal wdl have to be wid ened and made double its present depth right f* • t. Dr**lgmg to about the same ■ \tent will have to be done |n the Pasquo ink river for twenty-six miles In Albemarle sound the work to be done will not l*e great, as it has a good navi gable depth. Crootan sound, which is the name applied to the body of water lying west of Roanoke Island, and con necting Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, has a width of seven mile* and a depth of hut nine feet. Roanoke sound, on the other side of the Island, has a depth of hut four feot. Pamlico sound, which lies next to the south, is Ihe largest bodv of writer In North Uarollnn it separated from the Atlantic only by a narrow h*sch v -tendirg from Bodle Island ligh house to Dripe Hattera*. a dis'ance of about thirty five miles, ami thence in a southwesterly direction for another thirty-fives miles the turn forming the cape The distance along the center length of this sound Is about dxty mile* It greatest width 1s about twenty-four mll -. and It has • general depth of be tween three and four fathoms Though separated throughout its length Pom the Atlantic hy only a narrow beach which In some places Is but a quarter of n mile wide there are only three Inlets throurh whb h vessels can enter from eaward, namely. Oregon. Hattera* and Ocrarok* InletV The Utter entrance It Is propooe l to dredge and keep open, though It la that thla till be one of th*' SORES AND ULCERS. Sorrs and Ulcer-, never become chranic aiiless the blood is in poor condition —ia lluKKish, '' a k *"d unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The ivstem must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has l>een made pure and healthy nd all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the bl<K>d, building at> the general health and removing from the system 4 OONSTAMT DRAM tffetemstter. <"*>" ™E SYSTEAi. When this has been accomplished the dis harge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, snd eventually to destroy the bones. Local ipplications. while soothing and to some •stent alleviate pain, cannot reach the sea* >f the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattei how apjiarently hopeless your condition, veil though your constitution lias broken lown, it will bring relief when nothing • lsc can. It supplies the rich, pure bloo<t necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr J ll Tslbert, Lock Bom MVW ißoo* Mim ™v : Si* year, my le* from the knee to tie foot w* one -.ini #otr Severs! phvicin • rated mesnd I made two trip*to Hot Spun*. ,t found no relief Ia induced to try S s 11 it made s complete cute I have been a pet ectly well man ever aince " j—w jjs the only purely veg- X* table Mood purihei Xs known contain L g poisonous minerals to Xw ruin the digestion and dd to. rather than relieve your suffer rgs. If your flesh does not beal rea'lily t hen scratched, bruised or cut, your blood t in bad condition, and any ordinary sore s apt to become chronic. bend for our free book and write our ihvsicians about your case. We make nc ;barue for this service. IMt SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. M. THF MORNING NEW IS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1900, CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. CiHtnrln Ih a hiirml*HH substitute lof Castor OH, Pare goric, Props tuul Soothiuu Syrups. It is IMeasant. It coutuins neither Opiuiii. Morphine nor other Nareofie Mibstuiicc. It destroys Worms and allays Fever Is hues*. It cures l>lurrhca 11ml Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Tumbles and cures Constipation. It regulates tlie Nloiutu ll ami IJotvels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Tile Children's Panueeu—'The Mother’s I’rieud. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. N— ; ‘ ----- - most difficult tasks In th** rtaklnr Uorc saur.L which practically rcmplst** the tM nit hern end of the route, is a narrow rod shoal body of a.iter extending aloiiK *n*l Just injtid*- ih*' bf.i h from the south - west of Pamll* o sound to • j'o'.nt J ;s* rosldt* * ape Lookout At its western enl it Joins a similar bo*lv of water krow.i a* Back sound, which extents to ih A westward about six nubs and onn*ctv with Beaufort harM>r end Inlet A chan nel wind.** through Pore sound of from •even to ten feet n depth, but in place* this channel is extremely narrow' Beaufort hirhor i* consider'd the m Important harbor beta‘en Henry and Uape Fear. Its entrain* is ab*u* seven and one-half miles northwest *'f Cape Ix>okout. it Is obstructed by a shlf'- Insr bar. which extends nearly • mile an I fi half to seaward, and at last amounts had about twelve feet of water In the channel croosing It. Inside the bar there Is a depth of from three to five fathoms, and &oo<\ anchorage There are no appreciable tides in th-'-* sounds, although *t northerly ra e will ,>llo the water up .it th* lower end to th** ex tent of two fe< t When the improvements now under wav are made It is probable that the "in side route" will I*e continued below Beau fort inlet This a 111 give the Unit 1 States tne great-st stretch of pr* t- t *1 water in the world It will he Invaluable in war time, as small war-hips and who * fiee-rs of torpedo boats can pi * from Northern waters almost to the Gulf with out once going outside. The l>nm‘tlcntl<n of a Snake. From the Gentleman's Magazine. To carry in one's hand a newly cat ight snake is unpleasant, because in Its fright it emits an effluvium which would dla guat any but srient naturalist*, atwl would, I venture to say, have left Toblt, had he live*! among English meadows, at no loss for a moans Just as efficient as (hose h* used to oca re away the evil -plrit. Nor Is the progress of domestication henceforth encouraging The animal an swers all advance.-* with furious hisses and menacing gesticulations, once a large grass snake, when newly caught flew- at my hand, from which it drew Just a speck of blood. Even this would have been se rious If done by some >f the tribe. But in a few days your ward grow* tranquil, gives o\ er hissing, lo*** other offensive, ness, and may he heid in the hand while It twines its body around the fingers and darts Its tongue in and out We avow have an opportunity of donor examination Certainty its appearance, like trat of many pci* imus flow* r-. !* anowy. Might we not. therefor*, doubt the lnnoc*nc* of the grant- snake? Il* body I* completely clothed with scale-, gray tncllnod to taw ny. which on the back are granular, but broader lower down Here they are met by polished semi-rings, sheathing over on.* another, and usually mcttl***! black n*l ml!k\ white, though they are sometime* uniformly black. Of these there nr.< • bout 170 Th* black I* not mark**d con spicuously. and hare lies the difference, by which this an.ike nnd the adder or viper may easily he dlstlngui*hed; for along the back of the viper runs a zigzag chain of black loxengt? Above he black flank sllf.-e of the gr.ts snake, though not quite corresponding, arc two s<*ts of smaller Mack dashes, which with the other* make a somewhat ringllke appearance, four slits making one ring. Hence doubt less come* one of th* snake*# names. The throat Is Ivorylike, the head brown, and at Its back are four daubs, a yellow and black daub on each side. The eyes have hazel Iridcs, are lkless. and capable of turning through a email angle only Th* yellowish che*k* are .-tri|*e-l with black, and thus the swarthy features are made more expressive. The cloven tongue of Jet Is protruded through an orifice In the Up*, withdrawn into a fleshy sheath, and root ed in the throat. Wh* n active th* snak** darts out. wag*, ami withdraw* this cu rious member every moment, thus un doubted.y invoking suspicion, especially when the tongue is kept steadily out ano it* herbs are in different planes. Aa a matter of fart, the tongue terminates In two harmless hair*. The Jaws are some what bony, their worst features The f-nnkr. therefor* h o reason to make th# most of theatrical bravado, and scar** most j*-op!e, though undoubtedly to Its detriment. \Vniler*>n on llryan. From the New Yotk Tribune. Nov. 24. "Has Mr Bryan the political fibre—the staying qualiti** a* a candidate and states, man—to warrant the belief that he will b* a candidate for President the third rime?" Th;* question was addressed to Col. Henry Watterson of I-ouisviib*. at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday Mr. Wat terson expostulated good-natuiediy against being held up for an interview, but when the new paper Philistines re fused quarter h* said: "Four year* Is a generation in Ameri can politics. Two hour* before James K Polk was nominated for th* Presidency he wa* * weak candidate for Vie# Presi dent. Two hours before Franklin Pier o was nominat'd h** waa practically un known to the American people. Two years before Abraham Lincoln was nomi nated ha tu*d liot had his debate with Douglas, and he had not been h*rd out side of Illinois Two years before Samuel J Tilden was nominated be was a plain citizen right over hero in Grarnercy Park Two years before Cleveland w?aa nomi nated he w is Mayor of Buffalo. When Harrison wa* nominated he was uppce| (.> .nave died politically two years before, on Ills retlrment from th** United fltate* Senate. WRh almost the single exception of Gen. Grant, the candidate* for the presidency have been new men That Is why,” sold Uol Watterson, as he turned to go. *T say that four years t* a gener ation in American politic* " Will Isanr >r* Boniß. Chicago. Nov. 26.-It wa* announced to day that the director* of the Chicago. Milwaukee and Bt Paul Railroad had de cided to Issue la.onoooo new bonds to pro vide means for the physical Improvement of the present lines and to provide for additional equipment. • Wnlver Given *•* Month*. Newark. N. J . Nov. 26 -David R Rntver of Orange, a lawyer, who wa# con victed of embezzling $1,275 from the estate of Catherine Brlett of Rockport, lad., w i# sentenced to-day to six moaib* unprUun mui lu the peudauury. KILLING OF RULERS. %** %**|\ITIOW %YD imtK4 >\ Km;* %m ntu*iDß>T. The It rroril of the Onturv-llltia trntrs That If U *ttll 1 rr Tlml I nrai) Lie# the Head That Wear* A frown or llml**# a Notion. Edgar Mels, in Pearson'#. The bus.ness of being a ruler o\er a na •>n i not as pleasant i* w iLI appear p flii glance. What ex ernal com plications. a disea: isfled jeople. and the probability of assasetn.ition. the head that wears a crown lie# moat uneoev. Ti*l* assertion is Strongly eni{>hasiz‘l bv ih r*oord of the killing of ruler- and at tempt# on their live# during (hit enligtit ned and cDdiiied nineteenth century Not only hava undeairablo rulers been re moved from the scene of a'tlvities. hut tune really useful Kings and Emperor* have been wantonly killed The first attempt at regicide recorded during th* lust hundred years took place in May. llkn. when com** on**, unknown to thw day. shot *r Georg** 111 of England, while the King wm driving through Hyk* Park Ixnd*>n Tne stme night, while at tending a play at Drury Lane The.itlr t mao. lat**r proven a iunatM*. while stand ing in the pit. fired a shot nt the King Ocr>. g. wa* no: hurt. His .tr.-.tuant was plict-d under restraint and kept confined for forty years, until death came to me relief. Napoleon I. The first attack upon Napolron I Is p.*r hap* the most Interesting, for it shows the Coraican. then merely first consul and ne the very threshold of his career, in o typical attltiid** ?hat of |os* ur Owing to hi* lack of popularity, a numt>r of pa riHans (hir f ),, welfare of thwlr country demanded the forcible removal of the Buonaparte, and accordingly two of their number wer# deputed to Kill him Having l*nrn'*.j that the first consul was tc drive through the principal streets of the French *'apital one day in lifcctnler I*® they drov* a art to a convenient pot atsl placed a barrel of powder Hboard One of the conspiiaior*. Hi. Re cent hy name, remained on the cart, readv t*"* apply the match at the pro|*er moment Hi* confetlerate was atntlone l at the Tub irpler. and the moment Na|o|eai left th* palace In his 'arrlage the assistant con ‘plrator tan as fast as ha could to warn Bt. Reg. nf. It so happened, however, that N ipoleon s • oarnmn was addicted to the wine that I* r* and. and having bk*ii a trtfl* t#o much on this occasion, h* drove th** horres at a terrific hp*--d through the e’reets. The result wa* that the oirr ag<* arrived at the fatal *|ot sooner thmi wa* anticipated. fcJt. Regent, s**sing the F'lrst Consul at hand, applied a slow mat h an! ran. A terrific explosion followed, but not until after the carriage containing Na poleon had | a s* and the danger gone Twen t v w. re killed and 52 wounded, including St Regent The moment the explosion occurred Na poleon. true to his instincts, a row to his diminutive bight and exclaimed. "Charge —for the glory of France!" explaining afterward that he had been dream ng of battle, and tlkat the exploaloti had arous 'd him tc Imt coi*fMSCti Sues he wu# leading a charge. About a year later another attempt, known only to a f* w of his intimate*, was made. Ho was Inviu and to .ittend some elec trical experiments with a galvanl battery of great pow-er. After Inspecting tle lib oratory he wa* a*kd to look a* the bat tery Itself. Unknowingly be stepped on a metal plate immediately in front of the table on which ih* battery stood, ami ws about to touch the buttery Itself, when his uid*'-l -camp gave him a violent push, sending him away from <lai>g* r. Without a word Napoleon laft the room—he iad un.ierstood. The next day four scientists were removed from all iraMblo inter course with Che scientific world. I.oul# l*hill||* Possibly the moot remarkable nf all at tempts at regicide was that mad** on the life of Louis Philippe of France in 1525. On July 2H of that year Joseph Marie Fieschi, a Corsican adventurer, opposed to the regim*- to which Louis belonged, deckled to kill the King. Knowing the uncertainty of aim at crucial mom*nt. Fleschi dete*rmlned to construct a gun that would shoot In all c>n • ivible di rections <t r>n*’#. So he built a w-,#pon of his own pattern to accomplish hi* de signs. It consisted of tw*nty-ilve r.fle barrels Inserted In a huge wooden slock so a* to point outward, fanwlse In a*l dttlon #**m of the barrels were depressed, while others were raised. Having fin ished this Infernal machine. Fleschi plac ed it In the window' of a house in the Boulevari du Temple, knowing that the King would pa*" along that thoroughfare on July 2* to hn Each barrel wh* loaded with four ? all* making h total of ICO rifle balls aimed at the anointed head of the oltlsen King When Louis pas*#*! Fie* hi applied a match, and a leaden hall rained upon Ihc King. When hi* entourage r*-covered their respective sense# |t was discovers) that for'y parsons bad be. r killed and many mor** wounded. Louis had escaped Injury, although one of the bullet* had gr.ized his sleeve. iml>e<lding Itself in the ne k of one of me homes of hi* carriage Three other attempt* were made to kil; Louis, by AUbaud In IM6. by Damiens in 1810 and by Lecombe and Henry In IM$ Isabella. Almost is dramatic was the atta k upon Isabella If of ffpain Feb 2. !852 Tne Queen hid J#t recovered from m u • ouchment nnd was on her w >• lo the Church of Our Ladv of A Hoc ha to b "churened." a* has been the custom ot Hpanish mooarchs sinca many genera tions. The Queen wa* attended by h* r husband and the member# of her family, a* well as the entire court Bhe walked while a lady-iiwiralting Just behind her carried toe infant. A# ah# rear hed i spot a few yards from the church a man dressed in cierbal garb threw himself at her feet, a* If to pre*en a petition. The Queen turned and at that moment tin* smirk at her with a dagger. A he did so he exclaimed: "Toma, y*i nen*** lowtante!" (Take |f, you have now got enough ) The weapon penetrated the yolvai Uoak Um Qucca wo# wearing aud cut into her left s*Je. above the heart lns-antl> tne King Consort drew ht* •word .vl rup.iod ui*on u.* would-i)# *- assain. Th* lattei wa# however saved by qu;ck action ."hi the |ri of the Duk' ‘b* Tammu-s who splriud him away. Hire# and >* later he was garrouM The w<uiubM Que. n iva# removed to her w nere t* vns fotaid that her *njur> was i t eerioua. lnqulr> repealed thkt her i*>in't- name wa> Martin M* rmo mi .1 that he w;s an cx-frlar of the Fr it ** Order. year# old. from the Province of Liffroro The f. *>wlng xNar an attempt was road** . * th* .ife of Klnc Victor Emm n -ttei of Italy. Tl *‘ i* \ monarch to be atikd wi Ktg Ferdinand of Naple* most unp pi lar r i:- r He wa shot nf y ,* miklier. Agealia Milano, and l* ause of i:i at tempt and m. v thr*a* renounced th crown ersl fled fnroi Naples \M|v|-<tn ill. Napol on 111 w-t* a ti k*d e\cra! t m* t but esc q*e i injury The most determine 1 ntbmpt Hae that of Or-inl. as-iati-tft by I‘ierrl, O.unea ind Rudto, Jan 4, Af!*r ‘ ‘ratin'! de b Napoleon educated hi* hihlren nnd ai led h > family finan cial! v. I‘rlnee Daniel of Montenegrro ms klll.-l Auk 1 v, and opinion- differ as to whether or >t he deserved d* th Tn** nex . smatl n wus that of Abraham Lincoln who was shot by John \%i K*s |to ih In I- rd s Theater. April l.’ !■*• Booth was a fanatic, on the verge of I insanity He w * kiile I while resisting j c#j>tur* I’ilnce Michget nf Fervia rule*! his iie with considerable *b!ltt\ considering :he fact thr his lmme*ilate ancestors were swin* herds In th* mountains of hi native land He was walking In the Toj* ■•chidei- Park, att * "ie,i to th* paia* e at ! Belgrade, when shot cut short hi* ca reer, June in. in;*. thtfsl %sls. I One of iho# assassinations full of mys terious hop* e*nlnge was the taking off of Abdul A* i. of Turkey and ruler of the faithful, etc A * a Sultan, Abdul : Aziz was far in al\<n ’ of any of his IT* de< *"'.)t>, for h* was intelligent. I rang* l y honest for an Oriental and pro* gresrlv* His first u|e>n coming Into l*>wer wa# to decimate the imperial ha r*■ m and to reduce exjwiises In every posat Ile way Tills aarn*'d f*kr h m the dislike of certain u* miners of the government, i rod a* **ordlng|v ,i number of high officials plotted io rem *ve him fr*tn further par ticlpatlon In the diret'tion of the harem *! other *arthiy afTairr At the hea*l of U;e con spirt* y w*r. Hussain Paslia. \lil -; *-t pHuhfl, Mehemod Ruschdl and *thers | Through bully ng ta tics they forced the I lit an •* abdloit# May .• lflfl jit* dqyi i later Abdul was found dead In a kiosk In the pain* *• gardens, with his wrist** eluah* *d. bathed m blood and *l**w*l **Bulcldo" w.* the news sent abroad, but the world j only *ml!d. for It knew the ways of the I unspe tkahk Turk Five vear* later Mi l j hat Pasha and Mehemod Hus< hdl w*re tried for nmr*lertng Ab*iul Azi* and e**n t•*n*,ed t*td*a h. but **re finally exiled Alfonso of Kpa n f*tler of the present King had a narrow es-pe Ten months after his marriage to M**rcedes she died, ami lefi him. for the time at least, an In consolable widower. After a period of mourning he returned t* Madrid The *lt> was Oct 2V 1478 and the King wa* riding t the head of a ctivaleada toward hi* mi nce When In the u,lle Mayor a young fanatic drew a revolver ul fired at the King's breast Alfonso nhowred great cool nee# tinder the circumstance#, and. without even turning his head, rodo on The assailant Juan Oliver Mon** as si. wa* executed n few days 1 iter. Dec of the follow ng year Gonzalez, another fi nat!*\ made a similar atteni|d. with no damage* to the roval person Another ruler subject to aseasalns* al tempt* w~*s Emp* ror William T In 1878 he wa* ot*nek*d twice. he first tlmo hy Emil H M Hoedel. May 11. and the second time. June 2. hy Dr Nobaling In he Inter Instance he was wounded in the hand, but not seriously. Alexander 11. Aside from the as-n*stnat|on* of King Humbert and Empress Elisabeth, recent anaasslnatlon* have not hen very sper ta ulr f such a word ran l*e applied to so h**rrlt!e n deed The only on-* sur rounded with a halo of sensationalism was tbe hrutAi killing of Alexander II Csar of Ruhslm. the man who had freed the Russian serf# and had don** more to establish |i*roonul fne#vl*itn In Ruiuiin than all his pr*de< -**esars put toe*her Hl** a* saaslnaiioti was a trifle more unjustifia ble than such happening# ueuaJly are. and arouoed i\ storm of revengeful Indignation amotur all deoant and **ane i>#oples. The plot to kill Alexander wqa hatched In the InH*eri#l Rch*ol of Mine* in Hr Peters burg. a pupil named Ruasokoff !n*ing the head s-h#m#r. He had a friend of Rolovieff. Who attempted the life of the Uzar In 1879 and wa** ex<***uted two week# later. Ru##akoff wa* assisted in hi# plot ting ly two women. Hophie Peroff-kuja and Jessie Ifelj.mann. and the following tiiei. Riukoff JGaboff. Kibalchick and Ml*-hailoff The conspirators prepared a number of bom>* fille*! with broken glas* and dynamite On Sunday. March 2. 1881. while the Ufar was driving, one of the crop threw # bomb. hut. strange fo relate. It only Injured n Cossack rid ing beside ihe carriage The cortege wa# stopped at once and the Uzar dismounted "It your Majesty hurt**" a>k*d one of the partv. "No. thank God"* exclaimed the ruler of Russia, crossing himself At that mo ment Ruasakoff threw' an ther bomb and blew off the leg* of the unfortunate mon arch. ll* was taken to the Winter Pal ace. where ho expired soon lifter All the compirafora save Risakoff were executed Rl*utkff was tent into exile with hundteds of other? f<arflell nnd Victoria. Four monthv later the Insane Gulteau shot President Garfield in the Pennsylva nia Hallro.i*l station at Washington. D C. Then came n hiatus of a de* ade dur ing which royalty had a breathing spell Then the turn** i again f * the head of a republic. an*l PresHmt Carnot of France met his death at the knife of Caeiaro Santo. Very little I* known of the de<nh of Nafr-ed-Din, ffhnh of Persia, for hi# coun try *ll*l not and d*#H not iielieve In pub licity In matters of this kind The only positive knowledge the world had of the happening was the pib.l hanging of the Shah's assassin. Queen Victoria has been assailed three time#. The only serious attempt was tha< of Oxford, who Jumied up n 9he step# of her carriage and waved an uni >ad* I pis tol. The Prince of WaJea has been twice attacked, the last time being hy Btpido in Brussels, Tne last two victims of anarchy were* the Empress Elisabeth of Austria and King Humh*rt of Paly. The former was *ab!ed to death with a file hy Lucchenl, while walking from her hotel in Geneva. Switzerland King Humbert was §ho< and killed by Breach —For the purpose of assisting blind pen. i le In the construction < f their baskets a basket modeler ht* be** Invented hy Thoms* Taylor, superintendent of th* Liverpool school for indigent blind. The device consists of a wooden baseboard dr.lied with holeg Into which are fitted steel pins arrang'd to the required shape Ths wicker l then worked over these I ,tn# with the utmost ■ e and rapidity. Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Relanded. WHY SUFFER? <*olrt un.l*r .ir,m€ ,t following io .; Jinwlln,kl . Jono M**-nl- T-mple, KnUMt'f. W F. Rp!!'- M.rkiwi Cwvn- Und *. Donnelljr'n. anPl W. A I'lainan 'n Kjtmin.ih, On. UPI’HAN BltOß. Rnvnnnnh. 'it . nn l V* . k'. KUI I , IvsaimL. U 4., Dlau-ibutori. Id and 15 Broughton St., West. DRY GOODS AT CUT PRICES, To make room for our Holiday Goods display we offer special inducements to buyers in ail depart ments this week. CUT PRICE SALE DOMESTICS. Pillow Cases, 45x36, worth 15c, cut price 10c Ready-made Sheets, 90x‘>0, worth 6‘K, cut price 49c Hemstitched Sheets. 90x‘>0, worth £1.25. cut price....9Bc Peppercl Bleached 10-4 Sheeting, cut price 20c CUT PRICE SALE-TABLE LINENS. Bleached Damasks, value 51.19 to 5i.39, cut price....9Bc I nlileached Damask, worth <*9c to H‘)c, cut price 59c Napkins,all linen,3-4 size, worth 81.19 t* 51.SO,cut price,9Bc Napkins, the best,3*4 size,worth $3 to,cut price. $2.49 CUT PRICE SALE-HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies’all linen II S. Handkerchiefs, cut price 15c Ladies’ embroidered 11. S. Handkerchiefs, cut price.. 15c Ladies' scallop-edtje Handkerchiefs, cut price. 15c Ladies' soft bleached linen Handkerchiefs, cut price.. 15c CUT PRICE SALE-UNDERWEAR. Ladies’ fleece-lined Vests and Pants, each, cut price..2sc Ladies’ fleece-lined Vests and Parts, each, cut price.49c Men's fleece-lined Underwear, cut price 45c Mattclutz Sanitary Underwear at cut prices CUT PRICE SALE SKIRTS. Rainy Day Skirts, value $3.50, cut price $2.49 Rainy Day Skirts, worth s>.oo, cut j>rice $3 98 Black Dress Skirts, the latest, cut price $3 49 Black Dress Skirts. Tailor-made, cut price $4.98 CUT PRICE SALE-DRESS GOODS. Plaid Suitings, fine line, value 20c, cut price 15c Black Parola, 42-inch, worth SI.OO, cut price 79c Venetian Cloths, 52-incli, all colors, cut price 98c Black Cheviot, 45-inch, value SI.OO, cut price 69c We offer better values than elsewhere in Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Trimming Braids, Ladies’ aud Misses’ Jackets, Cloth, Plush and Golf Capes. Fancy Goods, Art Squares. Rugs and Tapestries at cut prices. Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. OUR STOCK OF Useful : Articles Is Composed Partly of the Following: rORTIBRES TOR rOI.DINO DOOR#. HOT STUFF STOYKS. INl.Air* I.INOLEI MS AND STRAW MATTINOfI. v HEAD'S ODORLESS REFRIGERATORS. rrHoLHTKRY GOODS AND DACE Ct RTAINB BUCK’S STOVES AND RANGES. AXJII.VHTKK AND VELVET CARHETB. IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS. BHADBB TO ORDER A Bl*E< IADTV. LEATHER LOUNGES AND ROCKERS. VBBTIBt’DE DACE AND DACE PANELS. IMPERIAL BABY JUMPER. MANTEL SCARFS AND CHINA SILK PEDESTALS AND LADIES' DESKS. j COUCH AND TABLE COVERS. KEROSENE OIL HEATERS. WILTON AND SMYRNA RI OS ALL SIZES COMBINATION ROOK CASES. Th r only a faw of lh thing* w hv\ W have ju.t what you want, and Ih. quality amt tls- price I* alway* ri*hl. Our Motto, "Not How Cheap, hut How Goo.)/' I* rarrlei out all through the clock. W> want to *ll for CASH, but tf you hav. no! ot all the cash, and your ref erence. ere rttrht, your credit will he good for the balance. LINDSAY & MORGAN FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R G. Whiskey gallon f 2.00 Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.50 Crystal Spring Whiskey gallon 83.00 Goiden W edding Whiskey gallon $3.50 IN CASES OF 12 LARGE BOTTLES: The Antedlluvlen IVhUkey bolt * '. by oe born, of New York |l*M The Perries. Whicker bottled In bonJ In Hendenon. Ky .R 2.00 The Peort. WBl.key butt ed In bond by Clark Brotbera IUM Mered|(h Rye Whl.key, bottled el tnelr dtitUiery ,n Ohio .1a. 40 Ooiden Wedding Whwkey. our bottling IUB LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, ... Savannah, Ga. McDonough & dallantyne, w Iron Founders, Machinists, j 1 Itlurk.mlth. 110 11. n.Mi I. ■r • ,ll.'llirrr, f >ll|ni, .-r him! I'lirlllhle I llfillio \eMlcrll nll *1 !'*, HflltlUltu I .. rii Mill. *.ia...r 'till •••* I'lie* ****** "•*. 11 •- . mi*. TELEPHONE NO. 123, lTp ORDER BUNK BOOKS FROM THE MORNINQ NEWS. SAVANNia 7