The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Image 1

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THE Mor.NI.NIS KICWB. . - - Incorporated ISOT ' j| I'STII.I.. I’r-eIU-nt. HEWYORK’SCRUSADE MEN BET TO Ain THE l It.HT I T**T TIC*. COMMITTEE WILL BE MAMED. j x-UA'WMI HEWITT HAID HARSH 1 it | NWS OF TAMWATY. l>rr of the Ta in many fonimMt.-r I ntlllrd *" < ommla-rn tloil—lt < rulit-r Had ll—u Slnrrrr. Ilrwltl . (l .hr t nnimlltre Would Srrr ii,-m Appointed—HUhop l*- I, r H.-Ilrra I Tom I’r.tnl HnW of tlo.rmml. mol - llruanaa. j-, Nov. 25 A ifjlh-rln* of bna ( i| rd lr,mi the cm.l for a con ihr Chamber of Commerce to r. of the m—tln were the , ■ tlremint of Hlehop Potter in rank of the movement; an thrun. 8. Hewitt, in which ih. rerpom>lb.llty for the inlon of tifYair. In N. w York .ai ill- mayor nnrt the er n of the following rerolu l - T it a romfntttee of fifteen j, for the ptirpon- of attempt s io i -count Ihoke re-pom Ihle n , .million of affairs." ler. In a leller explaining hie in the meeting, wrote a* fol | .> t. t It atile. owing to a tru . tlnk. to attend the meeting of • | nf Commerce to-day, nor. . I i. ..g'.tt to add. ehould I do ao If of su<*h a meeting should be. • m. lis. lo unify the force* ,ui the dde i .1 < up) .md tly protection of th* v i, In this community Btst In, such t •: on ecclesiastic I* not the brat Ills particular affiliation* i imi distinctly rot |e-sona grt'a .. in I ministers land e-m'-tlm a , ,/ i tmr communions, with whom • . it t nooloKlcum is still n very ae : m. hi The clergy may tltly ex , l .photic office of , mealing, lust In social ati.l p>- , ntfris thetr lest service will rutikv. where. as in time- o' t u.,1 siege they may patrol, mo tnt t e. Op watch, but leave to others tt. t**’< of generalship. .. this, In the present emergency. 1 pine clear. New York wants a B mimutee of tnree or five iruilel ~ co-ordlnato force*, aentlment. I-- urd then, if we can maintain the awakened sense of danger, the i i.l almost accomplish Itself." Sun .r: Smith presided over the r "in. Ilevv lit llonsts farotitnny. is il- wilt, in the course of an , mi >|hi l ily lull rrppted by ap t said ■ Inn tt ... public abuse has Is en I s,,ii , of the men or. the Tam • .1 iri entitled to our sym ii.oi ■ m our commiseration tell duty thiy strike .< fatal .ii imm in> . or. llf the do not. they • mi..ling in the community. ~| 1.. . n any sincerity oil Mr . ihe committee would never app Inied. lie Hi.ill,y f. r ine c.ndl'lvn.* i % iciys primarily lo the |> . t analysis, if things go ic ri li.tisliil ity lew;* w.lh th** ' n;M t. ' i how he troited imntor i h.. was Mayor. t I r Ghb-t o! retire Murray." be i 1 told hint Hint if be could not til ns. iis to at least cover fit "i> tit the places must h" closed ! .'if Mm rav If be were a rich t 1.. M.| he was worth and i an., l u.-ii.e-s but that of po.l’o r .I ■ .. 1 him where he got It. He said In Wall street who gave hr • opor' unities. a Ml. I silent Of the police board | t it.d asked him about the cor t li. told me lo lei It alone—l > . rlv stir up a hornet's nest an t 1 p.i.ln. ii future. He 10l l me the i ilium that. . tv.i- mayor for iwo years New ,i r. s|s. iub> cllv. ealernallv : id no tower but the setitl i is people behind me." Akaii. ttrocted by Vice. i“oldock. reptesriitlug Bishop ! j • mi id: . i men ami women r.n th. Fast \ gone lo the t*il!ce with mi.!:,lilts only to he tod lo yet t ■ ' toe district If they did not like th re. 1 know of a 1 women who have -Itivelt from their b* me* '.-e l.y those selfsame cnndl -v lave le-en threaten'*! wild I .ttort if they should dare to coma p ■ atbedrt.l and submit their i I . an pr.slttce one hundred or ..Hiil witnesses. If th. Ir mimes fiom the pu.dic. unill It Is cer ■... Ia iloubt * the Tammany be.n crushed, for they 1 i tyrant.” e .'tic tins a-lj.strncd to roas-em all of the chairman. who *11! • committee ol llficen .aid. t \n.<iMo% Kii.i.r.i) koi ii. * Thrfw 1 aii of Mtrn-Cil-rcrlnc Inlo n Klrr. ' “lif. 'V V* . Nov. tf_At I.enrcr- V.i . 3h miles Iron Wheeling " titer. a crowd of twenty boy* '■ a tire on thr river bank from ■i. <1 wire watching the rlninn ' f wood cm- of the lays threw •o wan ;i con nartnilly d|led with :! • Immediately lhcf> was a •*0 PI >n 111 <1 t:irc hoy* tgrr.' kII i ii.ipf-n wounded, of whom throe ' r< *nlt of the explosion an Infan' I Mrs liurlg died a fow minute ,f ■ ' '.aid ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. '"nl old to Have hrftttrd B " Irelesa Trlrtirwphy. fi "'ten Nov. M _S;fror Marconi, ac fl t to :h Dal y Express, haa pl\c- B *°'vl the question of ocean traiy. fl hr wireless telegraphy, and ar|l B " ■'bla to use his avstem across thr ■, . Jlateutnal) iHormmj ffotoi PLOT AGAINST M' KINLEY. Police of IInI*oI*• a Fnrninh "iorj ot Aliened I n*|nrni*j to nmr the President. Now York. Nov. 77 —The police of Ho boken, N. J , have received u letter el I* King the existence of a plot to bate President M< Kinle> The writer of the letter give In hi* ioinnuine.itton the nam* of the alleged chief conspirator, w tw :i the police refuse to make public at thSe lime. The letter which la Illegibly signed. 1* as follows ”8lr: Having almost thoroughly axsur jed mvs#!f of an anar hint plot against I His Excellency, McKinley. 1 tMHulder it my duty to advise you of the n.ime of ur.e Mho is more than suhpected of being Ia 1* .id* r. whose name t* found in the en dosed slip. He t# t fugitive from Jus tice find a dangerous man. having been convicted sev.-ta. time*. and on the ln>t I** IMS.on iM iiig nu t. ,. dto five y r im prle- nmcnt for an anarchist attempt. "My statement ojs 11 be verirt* and on 7v pealing to the pref- 't of jo iff at Pari . Prance .111 the coil roe of the pint >e,r h*- had concealed wWh him n man n imed I'ranools. the author of an anar hl t at tempt at Scranton. where he mo. tal y wounded an ag.*n of the police.” The writer ot this letter. the police say has been located, and hla ft o will be investigated. ftfcrel Henrlce In Ignnronrr. Washington, Nov 27 "hlef Wilkie of the secret *• rvice division. uid that the „• -iveMinn t bad no information whatever on the subject. ORANGE GROwIR’S SUICIDE. , I*. T. IVpper. On** of Florida** Moat Promlti'.-tit Orsugr Men #ht Himself ThrotKti the Head. Kin.. Nov. 27.—Edwin T Pep per. one of the wealthiest orange growers in this section of Florida committed #ui- Ide at o’clock :hi* murnlr.g in bed at hi.- suburban home. * Sunny.*Me," two miles • asi of Leesburg. He retired last night In usual good spir it# after having made several orange shipments during the day. At 3 o’clock Mrs. Pepper, who slept in an adjoining room, was aroused by the report o' a pis tol. nnd rushing Into her husband's room found him dying from a pistol wound In the head. Ihe smoking pistol still grasped in his hand. In another minute he was dead. He left no statement, and no cause Is assigned. ll** came to Florida eighteen years ago from \an Buren county, Michigan. RCLATIOVt WITH Till: PORTE. ——— Acute Situation Over the Harpoot toaaalats Matter. x Oonwantlnople, Nov 27—The relatione between the United States government and the Porte are becoming acute. Mr Griscotn. the Amerb'wn charge d’affaires, went to the palace Sunday and had an Interview with Tewflk Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, and Tahsin Hey, first sec retary at the |>aiacc The Interview, how- i ever, was barren of results. While the Porte outwardly persists In the attitude It has resumed regarding the question of granting nn exequatur to the I'nlted Stnte* consul ol llarpoot. there Is reason to believe that the dispatch of the battleship Kentucky to Smyrna has r 4de n tnarkid impression in official cir cles. 11l V TIC IIS TH DEATH. llody- Found In the Woods and flogs Mniiilliiu C.iinrd. Wilkesbarre Ta . Nov. 27. - Word w.ia received hert to-night o; the tragic death at Mi-bane, N. t'.. to-day of Georg. P. S'eshlti son of Abram Nesbitt, prw-td-nt of the Hi-cond National Hank of Will: *- barn and probably the wealthiest min In this vicinity. Mr. Nesbitt left here a week ago on a hunting trip to No. 11l Carolina. Tim dispatch conveying the new* ol his d-ath tnys In- had left a colored at'end ant in a carriage In the woods an Is at s.l off u Ith his two dogs Not to it n- Ing a* expected the negro became ala. mod and -lined to anarch fir him II- found Mr. Nesbitt s body a short distance awiy. Tin two dog-* were wtandlng over It The supposition Is that be fell Hid hl cun was discharged, the load of sbo' enteih g his left side, causing Instant death, Young Nisidtt graduated from Yale in ISS7. • . w AS 'll At t llt F. AT. >o |.oss of l ife on t hesaprake and Ohio Itnllroad. Richmond. Va.. Nov. 27.—The Che-a peake and Ohio aulltoritles furnish lo j night this statement: •'The rumor reported In the press of to day that thete had teen an accident to a pa Monger train on the f'hesapeake and Ohio Hallway Is totally without founda tion In fact. No accident or Injury who ever has hapi-ened to any passenger or *'iu ploy #. - "Traffic ho* lieen Interrupted slice Sun day night by it .son of heavy nUn-torm causing land- lldes In the Allegheny mountain*. where the work of .bn. de- Iracking the tool Is being done Trsffl was resumed at men and tiarni re now running on schedule tlm uv r the entire system " i y. tit KKKI** mrHIIVIJIO. Accor,lln. to the Ilollrlls • I- ‘ elilcrnhly llettcr. LUvadla. European Russia, Nov. V — The Improvement In the Pur', condition roo tlmie?. judging from the following bulls tin I*l*lll*4 to-day: The Cxtr phased a con* l <*y yesterday. At 9 oelo. k in the evening hi- tempera tt re was P‘- • nur " ,,{ ,h “ His Majesty slept £< ThU "'“ nln * the Emperor's condition and general strength were perfectly satisfactory; em perature; pul e '•" COMMKI9IONKR WIMWI DBID. „,.ri of internal Hcven.e ISep.rl menl Mad Rr*tfs Rlaeasc. Washington. Nov 17.-0.0 r,. sen. comstliwcnrr of Internal revenue died this afternoon in his apartments at the Riggs House of Bright s disease con p,jested writh asthma He had been dsn aeroualy 111 for arveral daya paat- The funeral arlil be at Hamltiou. 0.. on . Jhanksglviug I>aj SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. VMMX SENATOR DAVIS DEAD CillEtn OF FAMOI* MINNESOTA ITATBOIH H K>DM). HAS HAD DELIRIOUS SPELLS BIT hi: wa* ration %i. .Ii sst hi:. foiu: hhsui i rio>. Ills Heath NVmm Hue to < onipllcalc| Kidney i rouble*— Hr Was 4lt air man of th> Foreign Relation* t niuniittee of the Senate—% Mim her of the Part* Prare ConmlMlnn. He Tamed 111* Attention Fail* to It e pul* I lea n Politic*. £t. Paul, Minn., Nov 27.—United States Senator Cushman Kellogg Davis, chair man of the Committee on Foreign Rela tions of the Senate, died n hb horn* in this .tty at 8 IX o'clock this evening after an Line*-' of two month* He had suffered greatiy during his si* k ne-s and gradually sank away, being un conscious for several hour# before death, and. so far as known, sufferini; no pain. Ye sterday, realising !;♦ approach of tin end. Mrs. Havi# sent for the vote table T H. M. Villiers Apple y. at 'bdeacon f tne Protestant Kpiinopul diocese of Minne sota. and Rev. Theodore Sdgwiek. rector if the Church of St. John the Kvangeiiat An attempt had be* t made to s* cur*- tin aitendan e of Bishop Whipple. bn that venera b.e prelate was In Fiorhia. l*pi>n the arrival of Ami- m Appleby and Mr Se iw k. Senator Ixi via was for a time sufficiently rational to express hi# grateful appre iatlon of their ministrations. Since Nov IS the Senator has t*e**n sub jet t to delirious spells. In hi# delirium h. j raved of his oongresaional wrk He i would declare In vigorous phra-ea frag ments of the nat on’s foreign policy\Th- re was of count© no coheraneo—a sentence I about the Philipp. nr* would b follow•**! by a in mm* nt upon the Monro-* d*^ctrlne. ! <>T a sugfi. dl .n <*f n impemllng war wlt a ' Sf.iin. But always, in his di#*v*-d mnd. | his patriotic :iwl official dutaa were with him. Kvery day there have been received humlrNls of cable aod tel*graphic m s *wges of inquiry and sympathy. T y have com** from many distinguished m**n i rai*ii of the diplomatb' corps and i.i-th j government off! lals. a- well a 4 fr ni ] <h*ae in the humbler walka of life, and ill have evidenced the widespread In r | est in the welfare of Minnesota s dis tinguished son. llealnnliig of Ills Illness. After hl return from the Maine cam paign In September Senator Pavli- wa* troubled by twinges Of pain In one of hi* feet, to which he paid little attention, thinking It whs due to some neuralgic condition which would s*u piss. He began an active campaign in he stole, s|aklt!g In Ituluih Ser*. 21 and .it Alexandria. Minn.. Sept 2i During 'ho latter *i>-erh he sufferi and . g'latty Ihit he roubl not wear hla shoe lie ro itrc-d home at on. e and was nrt' p.l to bed by hi* physician. It was at tits: bet , cl the case w!* one of bl.o I poison! g, caused by Infection through a slight ibt . silk stocking and sutglcal oi- ra lon* dre v off the a •cumu'.,l:ion of pu*. On Nov It kidney trouble beeum, apparent. b tit nephritis and diabetes c nudhatlng the case and making lit* condition more criti cal. Throughout the past week of hli bi nes* the senator suit* r- and little pain fro-n his Injured fool, which was h<a Ing r.l e.v. His strtnglh was kept up with stimulants !. t ttv failure of his ki t Its tt tit Ills system Impregnaed with poison which In his enf-ebled condition he was unable til withstand. His delirium lasted nearly a week, and Ihl* morning h. sank Into unconsciousness which lasted until death him relief. Cushman K. Puds w a* ham at Hender son. New York, In IS.IV When a child be went to Waukesha. \V! Holering the l diversity of Ml h:gan, be graduated In IK7 lie then returned lo his hutne In Waukesha, studied law. was admitted to the bar and began the I radio# of tkla p o. fesalon When the Civil War broke out be enlisted, and *• rved In the t’nlon nrmv from ltWl to IWI lie was at first a lieu tenant. but ruse to the rank of .■ slstint adjutant The war over he a abt took up the practice of law. but this lima In S'. Paul. TANARUS:, s nroied to be an tin port ant Step In hi* career, a* he was des tined to oerup) a prominent position In the affairs of Minneaota lie > a Re publlran. and early turn-1 hi- attention to politics He war elected a ni. mhe- qf iho Minnesota l.eglsbiiuro in I*7. I nll. and States district attorney lor M nn*-so a In lieis-73 and flovernor of the slate In I*.* In Uh 7 be w.s eli-cted fnlb I S'ate- s rt ator and was re-elacled InJAM and I*o He wa- rlialt man o' the Foreign Ib ntion -1 ConimFAee cf the Fift'-fl'th Congte-.-.PI klw .i> s took a prominent pirt In I gisl,. t,on. One of the most Imiortant positions he In-Id throughout hi* long and husy tin was Of mentlK-r of the peace com mission to Pa 'ls In Ha wrola Tha Law of Shakesi>eori " SHOCK TO 111 * C01.1.K ACiFF.a. President Sent Mrs. Id* ■ Tele gram f Condolence. Washington. Nov. 27.-the death of Sen ator Davis although expected. . ime it" a shock to hla colleague* In Ihe Senate who are gathering here preparatory to the meeting of Congress. Many genuine ex piration* of regret were heard when his ,tenth became known. President McK'n ;ev was Informed of the Senator s demise and sent a telegram of i-ondolcn e to tne widow. Th* sergeant-at-arms of the Senate to night after announcement of Senator Da vis' death sent notllbsition* to the fo.low Ing senator* requesting th- m to represent Hie Senate at the fun* rat Nelson Pul .m. C onker, Ic-lge, Woleoit. Morgan. Daniel, Clark of Wyoming, and Pettigrew SICf'ESAOIt Til U AVIS. Some of the PosalbllMlea for Minne sota Senntrerahip. St. Paul. Minn., Nov. 27 Among those who have been named as likely to suc ceed Senator Davis sra Ex-Senator W D Washburn. Thomas Lowry, th* street railway magnate; F. H Psavy, the mill ionaire grain elevator map. Congressman Fletcher, all of Minneapolis; Dlreotor of the Cenau* W. R. Jlerrlam and State Sen ator H F. Steven* of Rt Paul. Oov. Lind, who Is a Democrat, wbl have ifee earning of tome on* to Oil Ah# va- can > In the interval between now and Ihe ele**ts It is understo*M that the Gov erne r will not tiarm a sena tor of hi# own political faith li ha* been state l that he will mime <-x Senator \V I Washburn to till flic vacancy. The forthcoming will have the choosing of two United Biatea aena ora. HEAVY LOSSeTfROM FLOODS Oirrflow of IHxer* in l*enn*y 1% auln t niisrtl lleatrorliHii of \ nat taaiant of Property. ritt.*burg, Nov 27 After thr*e days of lnct rain, u unpre> edented for this season of the year, ami quite unea p* el lu it fury, down ihe Mon ongaheia and AMeghanx rivers last night. In thi-ir mad rush the waters ruined hundird# of thousand* of i liais wotth and property, t tustug i:> 1*..-- of at least thre * liv.- t>mp.i iriiv threw oul of en -llo\n nt thousand# of workmen by the fur*Ni M.qieuiion of the many Industrial ••>! tbllshment lining the tuinks of t*>th #ir**ans and tetideiiNi h*indreds of fuint* .les homwlff* T:e Inwiai d# In PlFsburg Alleghany. South Pitlcburg. Hiarp#tu:g and Mo- Keesgiori ai> ihundated ami nearly every plant from mg the tw rivets has W**n lor*•*-*! to shut down. Hundreds of faml- Ib # in the Sl*trlcts have either been driven from their home# or are living In the upper floor* si.d using skiffs Thera were many nunow ape* fr*m drowning •hiring the night, and h. vem! men are re portel to t e poll.e a- nu*lng. besides !h*i#e known to have t reo drosnel The n*.t woe th* result of a urn ril rubifal: w*. inch* ' ovr the w it*rahei rf ih* A.!♦•.* en> and Momm gahela \adev This mm fol otr* an av erage of three inches of pr •|* atoi which fell N*-! we. k If t his ran i*l fallen during the month* of Janutry, Fsbruary or Man h. Pittsburg would h tv** bean visited •> the ft <1 of Its hi - t< r> h!il ti v tliset of would I a,\* IO i<-t* been I*.*-.-* and by several feet The entlr Ohio valley wid probably now be fbsxb and. as the rejioris show that the Ohio has risen rapidly at many ;>la MF.t.llil A\ A* SHOT TO DEATH. < lismlilrr Hail Allot Two CHlsens nt Lake < lt> , Fla. City, Flu Nov. 27 Flty Mir hil W. T Strange was shot and serlou ly WDttnde.l to-day by a negro gam |er. n.tin,si H|eisvi 111 Hums, whom he trying to ariosi. Just as soon s be *h*k-the marshal the negro made a break •town th** street, shooting at every nan In sight, and woundevl two more, striking one In the leg. an I graxtng Ihe forehead uK the other. Fully S'- tixens at once gsva chasa an I hrmmesl him up in a sw amp aignit three-quarter* of mile fropj town, and succeeded tn him. though h" was shot all co piaces. lie vp game to the end. ari l fought like a dim >n. Hl* battered remain* were brougut Into Ihe heart of the , ity and placed In front of the Court Hottee, where Circuit Cour' was in session. In rupturing him ysi shot- were ftred into tils ooly. Marshal Rtrunge has servesl two yeaia a* matshal. and made the city one if the la st officer* It h* ever had. Williams, It I- ur dot stood, had a crimi nal record behind him In Pensacola. The Immediate charge against him. and for which the at'eoipt was made to arn-st him. was steeling a i-alr of otnt* The coroner's inquest be* not yet been con * cluib and EMItl M'KRs WITH HOBHS, Lord lloberf a Heports Aeveral. Dae ■if W bleh li as Aerliias. London. Nov. 27 Ixirrt Roberts, cabling from Johannesburg under date of Nov. 2*. ro|>or!s a number of encounter* with the p. ere at widely separated points. In whlcn the British captured toms cattle and a few pi Mssivi s wild siiffei iwl alight rasual tlesi The most serious affair was an engage ment with the fonee of *en. Delarey. numbering tout 1 otP men with three gnoe, iv ho opposed Gen. Clement*’ march toward* Hmtfonteln. The Boers, the d.*- patoh aay*. wre comp.etely dispersed. I*I.OT AGAIAAT RtIRERT). Mine AAna Laid lint (he t'nnsplrsr) Mas Frnatrated. laird.m. Nov. 27 —According to a •pe dal edition of the livening Standard to day a plot to aasasslnate I>>rd Rolierts. In which twenty foreigner* aia concerned, has liven discovered. It appears the' th# coo or a laid a mine which so itc aunl io he blown up Sunday while Isord lb berta w i In hureh at Johamiesburg but the po'lce and Lori Itotairts' body- Cl. ltd fri. trnt.d Hie eon sp racy Ten •A , ItOHKIATA Tl ILIA OF THE PLOT. Five Italian* and Hoe Frencbman Are Aon I nder Arrest. Iyinikui. Nov. 27,-The war office pub lish!-* the following dispatch from Lord Rolierts. datisl Joliannesburg. Nov. X; "As report* of a plot against my life will probably reach you. I think you should know the fact* It la believed that th*r tea plot in exiatence. and five Bai un*. four Greeks and one Frenchman were arrestrsl Nov 1 and are now await ing trial. Thetr inirnnon* were to ex plrsta a mine under St. Mary# Church during the morning service held at li o'clock on Nov. IS." |Af CHE ARE IA FIVE RT ATE R In Att in tier* Trias Alakea the neat Rtioavlng of AII. Washington Nov 27 The population of Texas, as officially snnoun. el to-day. is 2,04X710, againtil MB.IR In !*. This ia an Increase of KIS.IA7. or X.3 per cent Nebraska 1.4M.1t} against 1.0M.A10 <n IS2O, an increase of or p't c-nt Oreg'.n. 413. TV lgalnot *1J.77 for IST•. an increase of ,7i. or 21.7 l-er eeiil. Montana. L.:.2 a.amst 112 168 In !A9O. an Increase -f U1.17U. or M 1 per cent T'tah. 2711.71" agalnet WM In li. an In. retsee of s.M4, or 22 1 per cent, since IS*). ROHUtA ELEtTKH AERATOR. Alabama statesman Heoelved Every Ballot Cast. Montgomery. Ala., So*. 27 Both Houaea of th# Alabama Legislature to-day voted for United mate* Rena tor John T. Morgan received every ballot cast. The result will he formsliy announced at Joint scmMb to-morrow OVATION FOR KRUGER THR ItU %It T OF KAitl# I* XTH.F nt: \ ri\<. roil him. MADE SOME OFFICIAL VISITS. IIAI) IMkRUI U UIIII PHFMIFtt \\ tl,l)i;t K-ttcH S#v %l . (•Iren a Great Iteerplion a the Ho tel dr Y llle— Loudly ( hrrrrd l*y Those In Ihe Habile i.ollerle*— Mr. It rawer I %pre**ed lleep %Plreela linn—bald He XX mild Never t eaae lo Hemiimi A rhlirntloii—liner* Will \*l War rentier Pan*. Nov 27 \lr Kruger began a may day thia tm>ndng *y making u offk'tal • ill. Before ’• • w*ok h' dcp-trt-l from the Hotel H<*rlht>. driving In a lan dau *uri\>unl**l 1 \ lb pulul • Guards nnd bicycle policemen visit the premier. M Waide.*k-Rous-c..u. He wi- ti m par.led bv Ir. I* \.ie Dr. Vanllemmel un*i Delegate Fh*'.i Tne (kirty w*.* met at tie entrance to the |>temler # salon by M Ulrich, director of the cabinet. who Intr.Hlut* ! th visi tors to th.- prime miniNbu T n mtervi w took pla- c in M \ValdN k-liouiCHcau's private wtinly and laacd ten mu ut e A 9.1i o’clock the |*remn r, iccnmp-uh*Nl i> Mr. Ulrich, returned th** I The officer* of tin* municipal roun l| of I*arl* and of the general council of th* Sctne were r> eivcd at 10 a m by Mr Kruger, in the Bcrlhe Tue inter i view private and *ru f liiinv!iat ’*> after the visitors laid dcptr.cj Mi Kruger drove t. the Hotel d* VUb. lb* received an ovation from a large crowd | maseej |n the square in front of the edi -1 rtcc. Mr Knrgor wa conducted to the de ) t atlng hall, w .'.ctc he w given the arm chair reserved lor repr- ■ ntatlvea of gov. ernments The munlcit>al count'll lor# and the people In the pxth.ic galleries loudly | < nec-red th* andl■ tfrgulsh* l visitor. Vice President Eecmßer and lv*red sn eloquent address, saving Paris hud given Mr. Kr*iger a welcome worthy of hi# noble character amt the grandeur cf his cau.-e i He also said "You have hoard the heart of Paris | beat. It !** the heart of I - 'ranee Let th ! peoples tpeak and i**ok loudly, an*l ar hltration will Impose'itself, a** iTN*e#sarv ••aiisfactlon to Justice and civilisation” The president of the general council • spoke in # similar strain III* Thnnk* t l“rn Mr Kra**r :n nerstir tnn**i*. lUmikto* th** rn for th#* n*'itum*ri • fl** h* w jrrJii * fill for th#* wH itwr rhlrh wr i-ontin ii-ition of rul a crwttin* of t.i u Vuu. ■ ttsd fivf*n hhn Hlnc* h* I ho fom#r Pt ‘•Ul**iit h* rui-l ors n rlnliur %v\ of H# vs thrnkfi#i fr w v iji ha*l l4*n* u*t for whm th#y wi*h# l to J> for him nnl lt* wr># Ptlll *tr’‘Kf:MnK nfil fwh* not v*t * Thoir tifU’** nin!li:iio< ian| will rtlil oontimit T *•*>* will #-v*r ttriiXK’ • for |iwl**f>*iwUpn •*. m<l Junlir# M CotHinulnf, Mr, Kruger aiid: “Ah. why t in ;h#*y not hir your #*- r It won’ I rolotiM* th#lr rour- Mr Krug*r naif! h# ho;#1 thr*y won! I know them. <*n day in ih** future, wli *n they hu'l r- ovpiwl thr*lr |ion l‘'no* ll# r#gr#tt* tl .irb^rration ha<l !.* •• mf i •! aiwl ha would n#v#r c4-tm to •l* , marwl it. Th# Ho#r ki l* r w th n s own ihrouirh th# miperhly <!# • r.!#•! h ill of tli Hotel ii# VIII#. On## ti*' up *• :ir#<| at u wimiow Hiii wa,- #nfhu *i tUallv #her#<l Aj* h# drnrv# bark ** h 5 ho ? #l h# wa* aceortlel a warm gr#tin*: on h * rojtil. Th* proßiflßß? df ♦h# M rn! 0>;;n --cll to*ir*rrow will |roiic)p# In th*‘ r 1 in- ! cl I vote in flo or of arbitrating Ih# Tranevaal rl>*pit#j(. Ilttriri Ho#h#fort. a#4'ofirptnl#l by <1 d#P- ; utation. including Mibevoye an*l j Paulin M#ry. B#t>at*>r l*i#vr d# aifl Mm foppee and I*# M litre, tAj-.J iy pr#a#ntrl Mr Knjg#r with a w.rd or ho?or. ilt-Kln* l for Urn <*ron|e, now a prt>*oti#r on tl# lUin<l of Ht. Il#b-na. 'I hia #v#rv*ng Mr Kmg#r ami l*r I# *1 drov# to th*- foreign wh* r** Huy w#re rv t iv* l bv tHo mini- #r of for*ltn affair?*. M. iM*!#at #. witn whom th#y li t I j an l.iaUng lhr#-quart#r* of an hour On their .bfartur# M lh-b a a# *m. j ductel Mr. Krug#r from th# atalroa^-. Dr itinnatration of An lncld#ftt to th# one 'hat took pirn # in - occurr* I on tb r rival of a #iu-#ntiA pro.*, —i n t th# lb*- | t#l An uppf-r wlm! w of th* Uran I Hotel opf>oj*lt# wa# op* nel ami a li nulf il of *o*p#r at.i dowin T!# atudenu, ln#en# *1 at the n I null, w to aIIHA k a rhhn*ln*r oftic# will- h It* 00 tiw alreei level, but th# poll* e interfend. 1 A i#! g.tlon of four *tud#n'* #ntare*l th# hot*! -*tMl | r#e#r.t**l * bouquet to Mr Krug#r. who a* comimtiietl b% them. •!- pMirt'l on the talr**)ii>. arousing grri? vt\ ihuanom amoi g th# H’u*Kn*P who b*TJ 2.0® A #on.“l'i#ra! I i* dv f the *tu*l#nta ftatlooo.l th#m##lve l>#l>w th. 'window from which th* n*n* bad be#ti thrown, alnffio* •ftl-Krglli*h ongr an*l iilioDtlMß “Down with th# KnglUh! .No diaturbance, h#w#v#r ocrurrrd. (11 %vri-iiniTi*i *t;ki-ixti. It !■ tHoml Htt Dngfrtd lropor lions In 4'ape • ninny. I-ondon. Nov S -The Bslly Mall pub | llshes this morning the fn,lowing a.armtsi dispatch from Gap* Town: ••The nntl-Brltlsh fee ing In Cape Colony ' is (assuming dangerous proportions, ow ing to false stortsa spread of British bar barity in Orange River Colony and the I Transvaal. I*)>all fc* r •*>•< 'he Dutch Congress next week will be the signs: for a rising and they demand that martial law be proc.alimtl throughout the colony. "The situation Is declared to be graver j than at any previous time during the ! war.” Referring editorially to It* Cape Town advices, the Dally Mali adopts * most se rlou* tone, asserting that the antl-Brltlwh movement is accentuated by th# with drawal ol troops from Cape Colony and calling for vigorous action by the Brit ish government. The Pope la tlaffe Well. Rome. Nov. 27,-The Pope, who I* quite well, received a ti tmher of bishops to day and preaided over a two bongs' meet ing ol lb* cougreHailua ol ritta EFFORT TO SWAMP PHILLIPS. |!ul the Man With a I orwer In l orn I* Holding on nnd %a*erla II t nn iml He fXmr, Chk ago Nov Uranlk * fforts are be Ing made b> shorts caught In the I’hlHijw i corn t*rner to swamp him with grain on i l ie last day of tit* option. The wav they | t;c*e to d**wii hint arl e# themselves out I of a tight pia- I# bv relnspecilon of tin* ] week’s r**< eipt whh h have been graded j N* one grad* u*' <>w to pass on con- j tract. ’There will be Mg deliveries Friday/* said Charles Blade, manager for Counsel- I n. in A. Cos. and ofs of corn which will b* reinspe. khl will i**' No 2 At n time like thl* when tt.-re u a corner on. the tnspe* ar* ► ared, and to te on ti** #af* side thev glade corn No. 3 when their ! !*• nt \ question about It *• all knowing Unit if they are w r *g the supervising Iti s|***'tors will go over it and give It the , right gra*le *• The> won’t w< t t% at of it graded up.’ said Phillip* l when he was informed of the ' r.ew t tl -of tie shorts “When there is t% corner on there Is always a Idg de- i man i for t. Insp* *tl*n, but It never; amounts i* anything AiuUher s. hem** l**n eeolve-l f r the |*uri*>sr *f sw .tin{ring Phillips Is j t) ••*- and shipment t <*hioac of corn which ws sod by the Patten* in | Huffii.o and Montreal, when they Went out ; *f th** deal In October Ft ft' one t'ent- marked on the board tn *Fa y w** a itvw high price in the N'.orem >e rf**al Philllf#* came tnt* the pit early anil lifted the prw* from 49 cents where it jpened Huw* * n .V> and Gl cenis he un 2tx.(*i bu**hds. hi# total sales for 'he dav being .‘l .'*• As !e li srihng c*>rn .*ouvht t 3k *ents. ha* da>’s tr.ii! i ii'iiis net|e*| turn t Mt?r than $. ••• other *lav* this week *•• sawl to have b**eii equally profitable to him. Toalay’s close was So cants. Big foreigners, who. |t is sahl, chiefly coti#*l tute the short Interest, are *idl hangint on stubbornly, ppw’e-tiotis are freely made that the last day of the deal will see November corn quoted at 75 cents ’ Thia d-al dlff *rs from other**.” rai l Phillips fn-tay. "lit thiil 1 have tiruid and It entirely myself All the buying and • oiling b.*s twen done in the i|m*h pit. and i I have hired no broke s to h *!w.nk I he crow*l. I hove known all abaig low big the short interest was. and who wri* short. They have al-o known how much * corn I had.*' - - SAYS LUKENBILL IS SHORT. A lee President Rt. John Puts the Amount nt RAO.imwx— He nnd Mil Friends AA 111 Retllr. Atlanta Nov 27 A special lo the Jour nal from Portsmouth. A'u.. aay*: "Vice President E. 81 John of the Res. hoeril Air lane stated to-day that F.. It Lokervhtil. former agent of Ihe Realavard Air I-tne at Fernandlna, Ka . wa* short In hi* accounts irouno " The Jouranl this evening says: "The news sent out over the Associated Press wire from New York last right, to j tbs effect that a rleik of th* H*!ionrd : Air Idne had been arrested at Fernandlna. I Fta . for the amhesxlrment of a large smn nf mnnev w i tmtlrmel In Atlanta to-day by an official of the toad. "The officer stated ttiat the agent hail been arreated at Fernandlna three week* ago. but that the matter had been kept a secret. "Hr refu-ial lo give the name of the agent, but stated that he had been In Jail since hi* arrest. "The official dt.l not slate what fbe amount of the aum wa*. bit acknowl edged that It was large." A special from Fernandlna. Fls save: •'E r> Lukrnblll. who resigned the po sition of agent here of the Reabaard Air Line some day* ago la believed by rad road proplo to be short In Id* accounts with the road. K.xpert* are checking over i hi* hook-. Railroad officials ray th y have not the least idea of the amount short laikenblll and his friends -ay that they will make a settlement wit I the railroad when II I* ascertained what amount is short." Alllltl. BEN •< Ol T IA TAMPA. Rome Inccndlwry Talk end Threats Agnlnst the ftealslenela. Tnmpa. Fla.. Nov. 27 —Several hundre.l men w.-re ad-F and to the striking forve* here to-duy. Thrwe came princl|aHy from unorganised latior and huthllng* in Ihe course of construction are more at o standstill than on yesteplay. Much incendiary talk is being indulged In together with threat* that the Itrsla tefe ia union 1* to be forced from the fac tories If the general atrlk. does not have th effect of bringing them out. The Fed eral Trade* Ass* mbly hue mud# arrange ment* for a para-h- to-morrow afte.moon. but It 1* probabie that Hits will be prohib ited. In view of a repetition of Ih* recent la iar riots here President F A Bell of the Central Trades and 1 arbor Assembly, has Issued a proclamation .'ailing on all mem bers of the branches of this assembly o refrain from Intemperate speech or ac tions and to obey the law and see that It I* enforced among fhe other strikers lie urge* the power of |<eru#sk>n on the member* of the organisation* and orgdn ixed lalior to strengthen the strikers A priviamatlon has also been Issued hy Iteslstem la Union that Ihe mem bet • are taking no part In the troubles, calling upon the ally and Hate authorttle* to *ee that they are protected from violence elec It Is declared every man In the union will leave the city In a body. Gov. IterU ham Itetrirn* Frankfort. Ky.. Nov. 27 —Gov Beckhsm and bride returned here to-day from th Ir wedding tour and ere now domiciled at the aaecutlve mansion Then return was unheralded. Schooner and Crew Were Lnat. Sandusky. 0.. Nov 27—A steamer Just arrived her# bring* new* of the loss of th# schooner Mauntce Valley with a crew of seven near Point False, on Lake Erie. DAIL Y P A Y FAlt. • i’KN’TH A rn|Y WEEKLY 2-TIMLb-A W LEIC.II A YEAR CHINESE SITUATION I MTF.It *TTI II \\ I: \OT IET HI.UN I nVIIITTEO. CONGER HAS FULL POWERS. ME PKF.KKKRCn, lto\\rilf # TO f Off 111 FT W %#llfft.TOff. Minister Conger He* Not Mgtted la*r I'rotoeol or Preliminary Treaty. b*OMest lows of I mini #taea a# I ’. inlmmllrd In ffote t * <aer Meet With teneral Favor thread— i abl* net lias Fatly Approved the I ourse of Vrrrrinr) Hay, \V,mhlii*l.4> N..v, 77 —Th- r,Mn-t m<riln ti-.l.iv w.,,1 mainly with— >ll*CU^Bloti of t 'tun-- *> Mfra.ra ,ti.| tit, r-M.UiiK of (H.rtlona of ih- IV. , forth. omniß no-",,x' to t'ltn^viM. I t. ■-u 11 f’t th.- .It ■u- - ton of th— It-l |)ha>. of th- Chln.'i.- i r.. N m wn ttiorouKh n.vroVHi at . v-r> point of ilia poll' > of B'■ r. tary lla>. aml -.fhctiUy of th, hut Irmiiu.tloim to Mr. 'on(tr. wh *‘* >r- for*at |..| jmt a w—k .1,0. " hll- Mr ('o<ttf-r ha, fu.l i--m,ot n tlary |>>w<rr, it mi -on<-ou. nily by ina M.tK at I‘-kill .an filially commit |h- got -rntti-nt of th,' I tiK-.l Slat- to an a.,r. o* II U im.irr-t.,,i hy th- offl-lal. h-r- that no f ,r h- ha. nut -lkn.| any l>rutu 01, or preliminary tr-aty, R., te ii.irtlirna of Mr 1 onya .tl.iajaltl.a ’o - ir.l th- aT—m-ot r-a,-hnl hy th- nitn 1. t-i il rouiull, th. itnrinni'tit of ti.a I'nlted ,t]|| ataii.ia unomimitt-tl, alia, Ih-It for-. la In .1 ikmUiuh toctnleator to hruik ai.Htt au. h chanc-a tit th- ar -1 Mivgetiuuit as are decm*v| Indlipetliabls, Mr V\ liitc, our un,ba>* .i kx at lieullu. ha# not yet tvtrnniuiih aixi to th* Htot* Depart nient the re* . ptlon acc<rded by the German government to the of cha Instructions supplied by our state depart ment to Minister <'anger It Is stated that these 1 nat ructions, not ta-lng in the form ! r -f a dlrwt aiidieHS, wouUI not no* eaaarily [ call fur u formal r*puni#. Private advices received here Indicate that the suggestlotui of this govermneni, as embodied In the Inrtruction* Yifnl#. ter Uong.r, nvi-t with general favor aba'oad. ROI .A 111 At# liTHI'IK PO AA hn R. ‘ Germany Weals to Know Where They Are Going tn Riand. Berlin. Nov 27.-Aiulrew D. White, th* United Htates ambassador, to-day reiter ated to Hie correspondent of the Associ ated Press (hat hi* recent Interview with Baton von Richthofen, the secretary of foreign affairs, was a mere dlscusalon of the I'hiriii-i question German) gave no refusal, ami <lue* not know whether *h will make any answer to the United State.' suggest|,n. The correspondent from various sources gathers the following facts: "Germany, before replying, to Hecretary Hay'* note, wish** to aw nrtaltt from her diplomatic ropres, niailvr* at ihe capitals of the Powers how the other Power* have received Ihe t'nttrd Htatee* *ugge*ttors. Replies from the representative* are ex pend within forty-light hour*. If Ger many from the ntiiwer*. should fln.l Hist that grave danger exist* of Ger many's Isolation by not heading the United ttiates' auggestlona and Insisting on extreme punishments, then Germany will answer the United .States favorably. If, however, Germany ahouid Oral enough of the powers, siding with her then she will adhere to her original de mand* . 1' laid Afarshal Fount von AA'elderaea re pon„ th,i ,-, + Armstodi. with .Jvtaco ment of Grrntao irorqis. ha* left Tien 7 sin on a punitive ex|,edltlnn to W'u Ring lij*i*wi and Nan Tsai Tsun, northwest of Ti n Tsln. Got Yor k'* column left Ka gan for Pe kin Nov. 12. FOTTIIA RTF A HUH OA FIRR. A easel From Aetv Orleans Was Aban doned nt Rea. Falmouth. Eng, Nov. 27,-The British ship Lanarkshire, Gapt. Douglass, from Iqtllque, Aug I*, for ill* channel, has ar rived here having on board Gapt. 7,!n0 and thirty-eight of the crow of the Ital ian steamer Assidulta, laden with cotton, which left New Orleans. Oct. 29. via Nor folk. Nov . for Genoa arwl Naples. The A.'lduita was aban.loned on fire Na. IS. 11l latltudo 2S N. and longitude 39 IV. The new of the Asaldulta were transferred to the Isinatkshlre In a tmavy sea. dur ing which two men were Injured AVhen tn.. loin irk shire arrived hern her supplies of water and food wi re exhausted. t ora* of the Asaldulta. N*w Orleans. Nov. 27.-The Italian steamer Assklulta. Capt. Zltio. reported by dispatches from Falmouth, England, a* having been destroyed by fire at sea on Nov 16. cleared from this port O'l 2* with 6 297 square bale* of coitnn. 1.000 round bale* of dttlori. 31.00 stave*, l.ftfl ton* of pig Iron for Genoa and Nc.i.e*. The value of cargo wo* HKMW OA HI VI 111 R AAH II Aft BOItR. ('•mnlllrrarn t nmiiarlna Aotea n* Tlielr Fomina AA rk. Washington. Nov. 27-The House com mittee on Rivers and Harbor* to*lay con tlnul work upon Its bill, hut did noth ing but rimturr note* on the work with Ihe vlew Inter of formulating 4 bill * hlch will I>e generally aatlefactory. The printed estimates will be received to-raor rnw. and the work of putting the om mlltee’s corcluslotts on paper will bo be gun then. AKI IIFTAHA HOOT KKTI HAS. Hl* Insesllgatlnns In Cuba Were tfnlte Ratlsfaclory. Washington. Nov. 17.—Secretary Root returned from Cuba at 1:50 o'clock to day. He had expected to reach Washing ton In lime for the cabinet meeting, but 4 on the railway south of Wash ington delayed the train flva hours. Mr Root said bla trip to Cuba had t een quite satisfactory. He had ecnflnel his Inspection to the east end of the Bl end. where he said affairs wer* In very favorable shape. Hla annual report, Mr, Rdot said, would be ready for the Presi dent about the Urns Congrese met.