The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MUNYDN'S COLD CURE Wrier Prof Mu .-or. >*y* hi* Cold Cur* null d* he on says w Oat *4 the word kr,o* - Nearly everybody M*m • h. nk . tr.i remedy **r.(v*r * •*>•< , • ; t r< t• • • be . .ra nos*. throat and lui t■> that a raid need no longer t* a for*runner of grippe, diph theria ■ c pi . .in. u. i Every < i of hi* remedies la * tore ai. ij iiitaii m< it vial Quito •> Health >• Write l:r..*dw#> ar) Nth f . New York fir medical advice fret ADMISSIBLE AS EVIDENCE. | Ilk OF WVEMB *TAHr* UK* Mi r II I Ik T DIM I m:iT*. Ururula Supreme Court < on grna l enal Preeeribe Mule* of llvidrurr for *UI* 4 nurl*—That !• One of Ihe Right* of Mate* XX Ulrli I Hitiimi I annul Interfere llllh. Document Without Marnp Goes In Any State t ourt. Atlanta. Nov. 27,-Th* Supn-m* Court handed down a > ghiy Important decision to-day aff* ■ t. only *ne war stamp tax, but involving a question of nai* - lights The point Involved, wh. h wan In the rant ol email *1 ul t lilt, itn et at, he- j fora Judge Hart. Ir. June* .Superior Court. , aula for eje men! whether or not a lea** contract which did not bear the ape- i . ta! tump require.) by a* t of Congrtfa la j admissible ae evidence. The Supreme Court rule* that Congte.* while it ha* the right to levy taxes j through a -tamp act auch aa it pasted, ha# not the right to pre* vibe rule* of ev:let. fir stale . ouris. which would be conceded if a do ument not bearing a fed eral stamp wa* denied admission as evi dence. Tb# court. In the decision rendered by- Judge Simmons goes on to say that under our system of government the state* re- ; tainel all powers of sovereignly which were not granted to the federal govern ment by the ,ot sfitution. Text of the Derision. Til* court * and t.-ion i- as follows: ' Small et ai. V. Si<> tun et al Before Judge Hart. Jons* Superior Court. 81m- Rioki. C. J —First. The vendor of land who retains iltie thereto for the purpo-e of leurtri the (wvmenl of the purchase money, cannot by injunction prevent the vendee from tearing the land and cutting j ta* umber thereon uniea* such acts Im pair the value of the vendor's security. "Second. The evidence be.n* conflicting ret this point, this court will not Inter fere with the discretion of the trial Jugo In finding that tii* value of the vendor's security wa* not lessened by til* acts of the vendee "Third. Congress ha* power to levy and railed taxes by requiring revenue sump* to be placed upon certain written Instru ments. and nas power to prescribe a pun ishment for the failure or refusal to com ply with that requirement, slid to provide that such instruments snail not. unite* stamped, hi admissible in avfclenc* |n the federal court* It has. however no power to prescribe rules of evidence for a stoic court, and therefore the act of Congress which declares that certain written In struments shall not be received In evi dence in any court until stamped as re quired by ihe act ! io he understood ns applicable to the federal courts only. "Judgment affirmed. All concurring, except l.ewls. J . >i e*nt. Iketau, Harris * Harris and Hall 4 Wimberly (or plaintiffs George g. Jones, Hardeman Davis and Turner A Hardeman and Moore for defendants " •TOP* THE rot tilt nil W UK K a OFF 1 Hl'. COLD. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets cur* a roM in one day. No cure, no pay. Fries * cent*.—ad. apEa i u noTirra. ROTirC. ~~~ " We will sell to the highest bidder for cash at H O k .a I-- *. J9u., th. Richmond County Diet Ulr.g Cos. plant, lo cated ahree mi'e- from th < Ity of Au gusta, ne-ir Dan Howl- This is anew plani, built riper Ihe plans of an expert Kentucky djfflilsr, with ;ff. uu-st im prove! m • bin* t at i all equipments to get the be a- result with the least amount of labor. Now running 19 bushels per day. but can be Increased to ion bushel* without extra cost A five-year l*a-c for one-half acre of land, in ludlng two of the- finest cold water springs In the South go With the plant A rare opjmrxunity for distiller! Sale to take place on premises Nov. 29, 1909. E M DAVIS Mgr UTITK AND Ctll %TY TUB*, 1990. Office Collector B'ate and County Taxes, Chatham county. Georgia Savannah Oct. 6, 190 —The digest is now open for the collection of the above taxes on all prop erty. real and personal, the specific m on professions, al.ra the POLL TAX FOR F.DICATWXAL PI R FOSES OX AI I. AI AI.K H E*l HE VTA of the city and county, between the ages of 21 and year- Office a- the Court House. Hours. 9 a. in to 2 p m. JAS J McOOWAN. Ta* Collector C. C. ax mu xt r Iff: XT. My mv store will he formally opened to-day The puMi U cordially Invited. The celebrated Newiln* led Mocha and Java Coffee will be served all day to the ladles who come in. THANKKGIA IX(aI —Fat Turliess— —Fat Turkeys— —Fat Turk,-)*— —Fat Turkeys— —Fat Turkey*— —Fat Turkeys— Phones 873. M. B GARDNER IIKLHKEV* CAFE, Liberty and Whitaker Th* fashionable cafe of Savannah Within a block of the De Soto Every thing In season Fat game Fresh oys ters. Private parties—dinners Phone MB. FOH THANKSGIVING a* for every other occasion you can al waya get I lie very best of everything at mv stalls In the City Mjrkel. To-day. Prime Be■ f, Mutton and Veal, Xjmb. Pork. Matchless Corned Iber. Poultry. XVlid Turkeys. Bird-. Celery, etc Both Phone* MT JOHN KI NK PALACE CAFE. RESTAURANT AMI OYSTER HOl-SE 42 Hull gtreet. Biu* pejinte. Little Neck C.aros. received by every steamer. Native Oysters In ail styles. Chop* and steak-* .trid game in season. Everything the beat. Just received, fresh lot live lobaiart, • M D ABRAMS. Prop. P. 8 —Hot lunch from U to 1 every day. At TIIOHIZED TO pay TAXES Important Court Orders ta llultdina and Loan reset. Atlanta. Nov. 27—J. F. Pendleton r. eiver for ta* Southern Horn* Bu ldti . and Loan was to-day authoris'd by Judge Newman to pay to the city of At.anta It - IMl* In full compromise of a.i tux * laimed to be due the iry by ib South ern Home Bulking and Ic-an AMU-unoii prior to arel it.i hiding i- vear i‘*.c. Receiver Pendleton wo also *u .orixed to allow rebate of lie-test or. ..quit ted amrunis sinee April 1, iTi. The pennon of 1. gon Johnson aid Gtorge A Mpei r rc -tvers for me At lanta Nations Building und Loan Ar vo in-tone, ai-Klng ini' !hc> oe auihor xed and lnuti u led lo allow- rehal- of h - Uteri on liquidated amount# due to bor rowers amce April 1. i:-*> in ai. case* where settlements shall be voluntarily mk> on or lefori Jan 1. !!• ;. wu signed 1 > Ju-Igc Newman this morning ft . .ii and settlemen! not be made within rhe time limted. the receivers are in ► ru ?ed lo al uiate Inters! rgi the liqui dated sum. from April 1, 1* to date of paj meat DR AX K AX Ot Xt E tic LAI DAM * Crittenden AA ns Drlnktna anil the Dose AAus Fntal. Atlanta Nov. 17.—Joseph 1,, ('rt'tenden of Fat-: Point, a young man. 27 >eats of age, dr ink an ounce of laudanum litst night about 7 o'clock while Intoxicated lie died at 919 o'clock hi* morning. Crittenden was employed at the Booth ern Bjs- Work- and was |.pu ar among the men. For the last wetk he wi known to have been drinking hea.i.y an I had not been at the rhoje for nearly ten days lie lived with his parents. Mr and Mi*. C M CrHtenden. whose home Is Just this side of East Point ALDERMEN til ATHENA. Election AAas liieltlaa In Two of the fit* AA arils. Athens. Ga . Nov 7.—ln the elections held In the different wards of the city to day for aldermen, XX'. D. O'Farrell beat A XV X’ees in ih* first word by u mrjor- Ity of 27 and A II Hodgson defeated ,1 P Fears by a majority of 73. in th- Kcurth ward Messrs J L Arnold and J II Rucker bad no opposdkg) in lie Secotid and Third ward*. The election ti the Firs: ward was very exciting and large amount* of money changed hands on the result, Capt. f> Farrell, the win ner, lias tM-rn mayor of Athens for two term ■ No Gripe, Pain Or discomfort, no irritation of the li te*tine*-but gentle, prompt, tborouyl hcattbfifl cleansing, wben you ta u- Hood's Pills Fold by al! druggists. 25 tents FtXERAI. IX X IT* ATIONX. JOHNSON—The friend.- and a< quain tances of Mr John L Johnson and family are requeusrd to attend the funeral of the former, from the XX'esdcy Monumcmal Church, al 380 o'clock this afternoon Interment Bonavt mute Cemetery. MBKTIIMM. m >T7TvTt . A*spoe|al communication of this J 9 lodge will be held at M i oni- Tcm TY **' ihe purpoet of paying a last tribute to our deceased brother. J. I. Johnson. Memlier* of r lodge* and transient brethren are fraternally invited lo meet with us. JOHN W PARKER, W. M •IAS. R CAIN. Secretary. run OH LODGE XII r.i. I . A A VI A regular communlcwtlon of this D lodge vv ill lie held at Ma • T-til- TLjf pie this (W’ednesdayi evening at err' 9 o'clock. The M M Degree will be confrred Members of rlutr lodg.s and viewing brethren are cordially Invited to meet with us A S COHEN, \X\ M WARING RUWIELL. JR. Secretary. EA AT AIDE COXAERA ATI A E I 1.1 II The members of the Fas!side Conserva live ci and are Urge ntlv re |U, ate It(, meet vvilh the Reynolds Club at Labor Hall this evening at *39 o'clock itusn<- of vital Imjkirlance. Ity order of the Presi dent. J. P. FIUG. A M. LI'CAS, JR , Secretary M.t IIXII DIATRII P t I I M A m eung of the Scoml I.strict Club und all voter* of the dutrict who favor ihe re-election of Isaac R. N nhans ss Justice of the Peace ore requested to meet at the hall corner West Broad and Brysn street, shls (Wednesday) evening al 8 o'cloek. Prominent speakers will address the meeting. C It WFSTCGTT. President FRANK McDERMOTT. Secretary. *i-i,t i ai, xoTicm. rm t til iit .11 HUH a. Juror* no- impaneled In th* trial of the case Ethellne B James vs. Florida Cen tral and Peninsular Railroad are dis charged until Monday D-■ 3 !'**'. ul 19 a m By order of the Hon. Tiio*. M. Norwood, Judge, WARING RPFSELL. JR-. Clerk C. C. S. CEXTB AL OF GEDHGI A HAII.AA AA CO •ME AX STEAMSHIP CO. Thursday. Nov 29, being a legal holi day, she offii'f* ar..! freight warehouses of these compunhs wdl tw closed, with tho exception that their local delivery sheds will remain open until 9ho a m . standard time, for ihe delivery of perish able freight. R G TREZEVANT, Agent NOT it l Nollce Is given theatrical comp-mle? that business between them and the Au gusta (Ga.) Herald tnusi. from tht.- dale, and unlil further notice lie transo ad directly between rinse companies and the Herald. 9FECIAL NOTICE. We, the undersigned merchants, repre senting *he Retail Merchant*' Associa tion, will close our places of business at 13c o • lock on Thanksgiving day. Thurs day. th. 29th M Dryfus. F M Klrhy 4 Cos . Falk Clothing Cos . Thos, XVest 4- Cos. Daniel liogan. Krouskoff Millinery Cos . Nicholas Lang. Biernberg 4 Cos.. Big Gardner. B. H. Levy 4 Rro . Leopold Ad!r, Lindsay A Morgan. Byck Bro* . J E Gutman. I Coliat A F Nichols. Gell 4 Quint. Hub Clothing Cos . Jackson. Mclzg< r 4 Cos., Metropoll'an Cio*li,ng Oirfunkcl 4- Pons. XVin 4 11. I! l-utttmore XOTII E TO IHE PI BMC. To-day being Thanksgiving eve, ihe City Market will keep open till 5 o'clock p. m. L. P. MASTERS Clerk of Market. fSoTK E. All bill* against the British steamship Ormesby. Robinson, mas er, must be pre sente ] a: our ofllce by 13 o'clock ihls day. or payment of some will be debarred. W XV. WILSON, Agent Consignee, gavaunaii, Ua., Nov. 29, 1900. THK MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2S, 1900. The Ho? . and the Li|y iliumrntc the illfterenoe between lard and WESSON onoaieEs COOKING OIL A PURELY VEGETABLE PRODUCT. An.mAi mav carry diwane with It and be um iran and very indigeatiUc. Wfiton i OdofUit Cooking Oil it pure, *r#-t and ck-an It never betomea rancid. It tv*kc ai far ai lard or butter! Hmon i Salad Oil far better raiue than the olive oil and hat the tame flavor. Aiic your frirndiy grocer lor it. APIA I Al. NOTH UA. City of bavannah. Mayor'.* Office. Nov 27, INS' Whereas the President of th**e Polled S#o!es ha* ••! *|irt is a genera! thanks giving day, Thursday. Nov 29: and XVherea*. it is eminently flt and proper that all persons in every ailing of busi ness should observe said -lay in a flt and pripcr manner, and Where*-* the peop.e of Ihl* city and community nav much for which to thank an Allwise Creator, now Tn-refore, I. Herman Myers, Mayor of the ri*y of Savannah, do hereby Issue this mv pro-'lamatlon inviting mv f allow cl tit eng to iiy aide their aecu'ar voca tion* on that day and to a- -mt-le al their respective place of worship and *;ve thanks to Almighty God for his mani fold Ides sings be* towed upon us. Given under my hand and seal of the city of Havannah, this 27th day of No vember. I!**> HERMAN MYERS. Mayor Attest XVM. P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. NOTICE. The undersigned invites scaled bids (re serving the right to r-Jrct any and all bldsi for tii® tv le or any part of an issue of lilton firs- mortgage six per cent, cou pon bonds. In -b nomlnalk ns of 11(0 each, interest taivable annually, of the Savan nah Ya hi flub, dated Jan. 1. 1901. due Jan. 1, 191S, with ihe option of retiring said bonds five years from dale, eecured by first mortgage on ail the real estate of the rluh The f-Ttn of said mortgage and bond I* deposited with Hull & I-alhrop for Ihe inspection of bidders No bids re ceived after noon Dec 11 XV XV BTARR. Commodore Savannah Yacht Club. III! - v v v V V v II fit I 1- Ml V nut t- A( Until . MILITARY. Harris and Barnatd streets Ormond R Strong (Cornt-H), Head Master. Greek Latin and English; Rev. B P. Johnson. A M (Princeton), lately of St. Mat thew* Military Academy. History, Oeog raphy and Modern Languages: John Siclxrr. A H Mathematics and Chem istry. O.i. Teleph ne 1911. EXHIBITION or A LADIES* PH AETON The Hntidsonirst in the (titled Atntes The winner of blue ribbon at the Horse Show, tow i* be seen at Fee ley's Stables, back of rile Sheaf r Mr Robt. II I’r.g.- save Mv Chadwick Perfect Two Wheeler Is an Ideal rig, es pe 1.i1.y for Sndl-s. there being actual)' no horse motion, and as the smart ap pearance of my outfit w is recognised In stantly. I drove in the arena at Horse Show, not only evidenced by rhe applause received from the large audience, but by the awarding lo me of first blue ribbon LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Agents. AX'hole--a.e Druggist? Georgia I'hum No. 3. Beil Phone No, 31. AA. . I IIII'P A ru. INSt’RANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Real Estate bought and sold on oommia slons, and Renta collected. Representing Travelers in urunce Comiamy Life. Ac cident and liability Departments New York Ei.dvi writers Fite Insurance Company. Greenwich Fir* Insurance Company. The City Trust, Bale Deposit and Surety Company. Issuing Bonds of Surely to contractors, administrators guardians, etc. KIDS AX AX I 80, City of Savanrah. Ofllce Director of Public Works. Savannah. G . Nov 11. I*99—Bids will t* received ai this office until Friday. Nov ISue. j* o'cloi'k noon, ciiy time, for furnishing feed as fol lows: No. 1 Timothy hay. per l> pound*, best quality feed bran, per 100 pounds, best qua.liy corn, i* r imshe . best quail!) mixed oat? To be weighed at tip- City Lot. Envelope? io lie marked "Bids for Feed." Thu cit> reserve, ihe rigiti to re ject any or ail bid- Bid* to be opvni.l in the pre nee of bidders ISO m GADSDEN Director. THE AA A Y lt> ALLAN l Alt I'Ll*. The only way so get your carpels prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken are of for Ihe ,-uinni t |h io turn the job over io the District Messenger and Delivery Cos. telephone or call at 22 Montgomery street, und ihey will make you an eatt mnle on Ihe cost of Ihe work. Prices reasonable They 010 pack, move and store furniture and piinos C. H MFDEOCK Port and Mgr Iv Xri.ll I ' I'll Alt *1 At A , The Original All Night Drttai Store. liuib Syringes, guarani*ed J&C Eouniam rtyrlnges, guaranteed*- CtMal Prt ra <. Chamois Vest li.Tt It*) Empty Capsule* 5r Razors, guxranteed $1.09 R yards Aseptic Oauie ah l-ih Aboorbeat cotton k- Hot Water fieltkl 7fic Hair Brushes (Adam?) *v Ha 1 mportotl 1.. ..••• Tootn Brushes £-- > As-, guaranteed Beef. M ine and Iron TV Bryar's Chill Tonic av XVe smporl our own Tooth Brushes and guarantee every one KNIGIIT'B PHARMACT. Mail orders solicited. AT IL AHK'tL ' Let me upholster that parlor suit and make f* good as new Look a* well—just as *. r\i # I‘rte- Saves vou money 1 car ry tii* liiwttl and pretties; lux of cover* and curtains In Lie cn> DAVID CLARK, Hi Jefferson Pi P fl—Remember. make the mattresses which have pleased Savannah people so long TII AXKVtill IXIi I*At h AGE. Get your Holiday XX'hiskey at Roh-rt Bernier's No charge for pu king Hhlp peit to any pari ol tn< ti tle. Only the best brands soid ROBERT REMLEfL A*hone 813. Cor. Liberty and Drayton LEE ROY MYERS 8 CO^ ; _ * CIGARS v l:..[: V . ' •' -Ci ' '■ ' V; ■; . ‘ ■; - :■ < / A5 GOOD AS CURRENCY ■ - - ' .: w ? -•; ■ -v -•-2 • ’ THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.00. [X- I 0181 nr n Ann Sole Propnatora. C XX'hltaker Straal _Bt LUI N UIH W UUU Fi 11. I.IM.UK ct\V l avim s BE THANKFUL AND SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, PHONE 383 SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR TII XXKfiGIVING DINNER. Finest Or, noblo XValnuts lac pound. Flne-t Jordan Almonds 4.V ,und. At more* Mince Meat Uc pound: 4l>e best Fancy Cranberries Iftc per quart. New Dat*s 10c package. New Figs lA-, 13c, 20,- pOn<J- Ifinest Cleaned Curranta li- pound. Seeded Raisins per foickage Hie. Extra fine Citron l‘< per pound. Extra plain Pudding cheap. New Edam Cheese. Pineapple Cheese. Finest assortment of Cracker*. Fine Sweet Florida Oranges 15c. 39c. 35c doxen. Finest White Celery in dfy cheap. C. A DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, G. S. X’an Horne. Manager FROZEN RHE RIItDN —at— SCIIXX tll/.'S CAFE. Greatest dainty of the season Oysters served In every style—prepared by ihe most noted cooks in the Hnuth. Congress and Whitaker streets Open Day and Night. Y G XME TII YNK VGIVIXO At Frank Dieter's. Fine Western Turkeys lac per pound, fine Western Ducks 15c. fine Western Geese and Chi. kens IV. fines) Beef Roast 15c E-a\e older* for XX'lid Turkeys. Ducks, Partridges, tmves and D<r (San sag, a specialty. N ft—l ss F. C. D. Turkey Stuffing Nothing nicer ■ALB Oi" M XU.s. City Marshal's Office Savannah, Gt , Nov 21. i®'° The slat s In the market building will be offered for rer.t al public outcry on Wed nesday, the Fifth dav of December. 1909. at 10 o'clock a m part esiring to tetain tht Ir stall* and renting b> the year will have :he pr- f erenn . but must be op hand and respond promptly By order Commiilee on Market JOHN POWER. City Marshal. JtPECIYL NOTICE. To the Public in General: Logan will be oren all day Wednesday and up to 10 o'clock on Thursday. Send In your orders Everything, from the fores*, farm and stream LOGAN. City Markea. SPKtIAL NOTICE. Now Is a good time to select rose plants to plant in your garden. Come out and see Ihem at JOHN WOLF 8 NURSERY. Oil and Anderson street*. 'Phone CM HE4 KWXNV* C 9FE. 122-234 Whitaker slreet. Everything up to date Game. Fish and oysters our tpe.-ialry. Imported Wuargburger Hof Bran on draught. Phone 719, llllts XXANTBI). CHy of Svannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 13. 1990-Bids will he received at this office until Saturday. Dec. 1, at noon, for ihe fottowmg ammunition, star, and at the powder magazine of the cil> of Sa vannah ra the Ggeechee r-ut-i U cases Hotchkiss percussion sheiks (10 10- pound sheiis to th# case) IVt cases U-pound canniser shot. The right is leserved to reject any or all bids By order of the Mayor. W P HAILEY. Cierk of Council. TI RKEX* FOH TO-MORROW. Gel your Turkeys to-day for to-morrow I have them to sui! your purse. They are selected Orders filled at any hour to-day or to-morrow JAB. J. JOYCE. BPE4 IAL NOTH n. GRtIER'H NCOTt lt XX II !*K X . This ceiebra ed famous old I Ilignlnnd U' is Importe 1 direct I from the distillery by us I This Greer Kcoich Whisky Is I guarantetd to be bottled abroad I and Is i onslgncd to ua from Glas- I sow. Scotland, and Is In bond In I Ihe United Siates Custom House m I this city I This grand old Oreer Scotch I XVhlsky is beautifully mellow atal I mild lo a degree and Is soft to th* I palate as one could possibly wish. I nr.d there is a nultlness about It I that Is especially pleasing. I XX'e are glad to let the public pur- I ehase as small quantity as they I wish, even one bottle, for the pur- I pose of Introducing the best brand I of Scotch whisky extant j LIPrMAN BROS, j Wholesale Druggists, j Lippmsn’s Block. I Pole Agents for the Greer Dlstil- I lerles. Glasgow, Scotland, and Dub- I tin. Ireland, for their Scotch and I Irish XVni-kle*. x HEAD THIS, Messrs. Slnat Bros. Cos., Savnnnab, Ga, Gentlemen— l have been a great sufferer from indigestion and suffer n great deal. Heard at jour Vege table Bitters through a traveling salesman In Baltimore. I ,roeared u buttle and find It gives me great relief. I certainly recommend It to an, one suffering from Indigestion. Yours respectfully, (HAS. A. CRANDALL, Annapolis, Md. SPECIAL NOTICE. Jl!*T RECEIVED One carload of Moyers' fine work of Syracuse, N. Y.. open and top buggies, the most complete Una ever brought to this city. We defy competition on ihls work. I ask Ihe public on* iind all who are In Ihe market for end and side-spring easy-rkl lng vehicles, that they can be found at my repository. Al o a fuli line of deliv ery wagons, open and top. milk and baker w agons X'ou make no mistake by calling at once and m ike your -elect in MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY, 329 Broughton street west. Kelly's Rubber Tires, the only rellabia lira on Ihe market. NOW IS THE TIME TO t 9F. DETERSIVE Finn. It will make your old rlothlng look like new. Sold in large bottles at iiSc. x SOLOMONS CO. Hull Street Store Open All Xlght. UI Y ONLY THE BEST GIXGER ALB. The best is the XVheeler Rrand o! Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromn ■ Spring# of that city Theic epr|hg arc the property of Wheeler A Cos, here - no other Ginger Ale manufacturer in Ireland has those water* hut them selves Th* Wheeier (sUiger Aie Is msd* from pure Jamaica Otng-r Root and not from Red Printer, as others are. one ,s deleterious— the other ia n tonic. For IDalthfulne** and Purky the cele brated XVheeler brand of Belfaat Ginger Ale i* ihe best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Bnl* Souihcrn Agents Sxvannsh. G*. PROPORAL* x\ ANTI n City of Savannah. Office Director of Public Work*. Savannai. Ga.. Nov J 4. 1 9(1).—Sealed proposal- wU b received at this office until Friday. Nov, 30, 1900. at 12 O'clock noon city lime to furr.leh the city of Savannan with supplies until Dec. 3: IS*> All proposa., mu<i l made on official forms. W'hich can be secured at thl* filli r on ar. i after date. Envelopes to he marked "Pr,|>oaai- fur bu)tplira." The city reserves the right lo reject any or all bid*. Bids to be opened In ihe presence of bidders. CEO. M. GADSDEN. Director. Here’s to You! May Thursday find you with a furious appetite, plenty of turkey, celery, mince and pudd’n!— the thankful heart will come of itself. If you are invited out, don’t go in those shabby shoes —get a pair of our “ECLIPSE” 3.50 Shoes Patent Leather Calfskin 0 1 uS\ U Vici Kid cor. Broughton Box Caff & Whitaker sts- AMI 9KHBAT*. The Ooly~liTcSTsiio*"Com~iifTo Savannah This Vear. A Georgia lastitatioo —The Great Win, Sells Sc Jas. H. Gray’s UNITED SHOWS Wi I ,1- .: at the following places: JACKSUNVH.EE FLA Monday. Nov $ X’ALDOSTA. GA Tue*iav, Now. 27. JBSI’P GA W*.insiay. Nov. 28. !i.AA AXX All, TH I RM) AY , XtIA . 29. Show grounds Bolton and East Broad streets. One Dav Oni) Afternoon and Evening CHARLESTON S C Friday, Nov. 39 111 SIM£M XOTICBi. WE~ARESHOW!NG _ THE FINEST stock of Jewelry. Silverware. Dia monds. Cul Glass and Fancy Goode ever shown In Savannah Especial attention ha* been devoted lo silver for wedding gift#. A glance through our store will he convincing An ele gant line of Lamps suitable for wedding gifts. THE US BROS. Without a Peer Office, 307 Bull Street. Telephone 700. GREENE A CO., K- Whitaker. Th* new Picture Frame Factory lairg esl assortment of Moulding in the city. Prices reasonable. Call und see new grad THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 11 Y ORK STREET. WEST. 5 PER CBN’T per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest c-*dlld quarterly. 6" PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits Of ever, hundreds, withdraw able at onn-ial tserlod* GEO \X TiEDEMAN. President. It. H. LEVY. X'lce President. E W BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR . Tr-a*,irer. in B IE For eal. a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold eheet 27x12 It Is in |i order, price 2100. It cobi origin*.iy $1,196, but we have no use for H and want the room It occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, .Havunnali, Ga. The Chatham Rea! Estate and Improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. 19 OTIC*. Cl;y of Savanneh. Office Clerk of Council. Nov. 14. 1909. All pr(;e* desiring to retail liquor dur ing the year Ihl will file their npptvs ttens wiih the Clerk of Council at once, so that same an be referred to Council on d action taken upon said application before the expiration of limit provided for by ordinance. WM. P. BAILBT. Clerk of Council. — LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLON President. Caahler! C. S. ELLIS. BARRON CARTER. X'lce President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased to receive the t'-co.n , of Merchants, Ftrma. Individuals. Baasi. and Corporations. Liberal favors extends! fnsurpas-ed collection faci!l:Y*s Iram lng prompt return- SEPARATE SAVINGSDEPARTMfM j INTEREST COMPOt NEED QKAIMER. LY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Rtnes and XTau'.ts far | rent. Correspondence solicited The Citizen Bank OF RAX'ANSAR. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Solicits Account* of Indl* Idas!., Merchant a. Hanka and other Corpo. rat Anna. Collection* handled with aafety, economy and dispatch Intcrcat. compounded qaartecYj, allowed on dcpoalta In our Saving. Department. bafety Depoalt Hoaea and Storage i X'atilta. BR43TI.EY A. DENMARK, Pre.ldent 9111.1.S fl. HXE, X’lce President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Caahler. SOUTHERN BANK < * tii* fiUic ol Georgia. < apltal siMXxi Surpius and undivided profits .. Iw: ms DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA Superior fill little* for trarsartlng a General Hanaing liu*tre, Collection* .iS3a*on~air Doints — ' * cessible :hrough~Banks and batoars. A- counts of Bunks, Hankers. Mercbsnt* ntsl others solicited. Safe Deposit Box?* for rent. Department of Savings Interest pavabls tuarti rly. F- 1? Sierling Exchange on Lcndra <1 or.d upwards. JOHN FLANNERT. President H(HA‘*E a ( RAVE. X’lce Preald*"l - SULLIVAN. Caebler DIRECTORS JNO FI,A NNERY. XX'M XV. GORDON E A TVF7TI. XV W GORDON Jr H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN I.EE ROY MTERB JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY SiiiitiliM CAPITAL, moo* Accounts of bank*, merchant*, corpora tion* and individuals solicited Savings Department, lnte'est paid quar terly. Safety Boxes and Storage X'aults for rent. Collections made on all point! at r * A ' aonable rat*!. Draft! sold on til the chief cities ot the world. ,„ A* Correspondence invHed JObEPH D XX EEL. President JOHN C ROXVLAND. Vic* Pr*!.deni XV F. MCCAULEY, Caahler. " ... - THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA, Capital * """ y .ox Undivided proftts ■ This bank off T* It* servl.-ea to corp tlons. merchatxs and individuals. Has aulhort-y to acd as executor. mlnlstrator. fuardlan. tc. Issues drafs on th* principal rills# Great BrliaH and Ireland and on h Continent. . , Interest piM or , ompotinded quarter j OP deposits in the Sivlngs Ih'Partnven Safety ho*-* for rent HENRY BLUN. President. GEO W TIEDEMAN Vice rrssriant JOHN 3< HOGAN. Cashier XVALTtR F. HOGAN. Asa't Ck-hlar. No. lto. Chartered IM* -THE nns ini ■ OF SAVANNAH. CA"ITAE. kuu.uuv. bLRI'EUS tUO.COO UNITED BTATEB DEPOSITORY. J A G. CARSON. President JEIRNF. GORDON. Vice President. (V. M DAVANT. Cashier. Account* ol banks and banker*. m*r >nts and corporations received !** (he most favorable terme conalateot “ Mfe and consenativa banking.