The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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The Sign of the Seal WJnf M k f - | .11 ' ■ ' < 1 ■ i*— 4 v. *.■) .J*rv. t wsi - - t : ' ■ • ■ 1.- • '■ /in[er\ \seaT/ THE VERMIFORM APPENDIX. I JITI Ri; IMl'KSl\r. WITH A> I \- u.ii>..\Hr nt.tovKKT ’ i A\ A rowv. |oiv at *>mnnnHli l*l ? n l*lnn l-T.\pin In* the l>nrrn*e la Appemll rillt mill the Fact That the llinenae Wia I nknnun In Former lmr. An tlir \ppetills (.rowi Smaller If ( ontracta and Falla to Helena** K ore lit n ’Halter—The \mr llelng I owrr In the Social •‘rale Than the White Man, la Not Troubled With % l|M'UlU*i tia—ln the Nest S£,IHN> Iran 'lnn liny He llinaa the .%!•- pencils. 'Heme 2.00D years henre. pcrhip?, man kilt! will re.tso to puffer frotn appetvll < - u prominent physician r*marki L* Mornlnjr News reporter yesterday. reporter had callnd upon the physl so Inquire about a rumor to the ef- that the physician had performed an ;*• r . lon at one of the hospitals upon a *■>* ir-uid boy and had removed fiom the t; dtx an apple seed. As well informed ? v bins aenemlly have contended that It Imp* <-ltde for an apple, or an oranir**. I lemon reed to find its way into th* ! •f* nils, and that appendicitis never <- ts from such n source, notwlth •' <;ng the very *en belief to this which was prevalent at one time. I ii ih i;ht well to look Into the report | • r • whether or not the established t had leen contradicted. A-* mlynt have been expected the report * nfound' and. "I have performed two | *-'■■■ i for appendicitis recently upon •' ." said the physician, but in nellh * • did 1 discover an apple seed or 4 * fthr kind of a seed. Asa matter of *t is impossible for a seed to find Its *•>’ Into the vermiform appendix for the v impie rtason that the appendix Is 1 Mrl- (itl to permit the entrance of *• b*dy. I found In these cases what n nearly every opera of the ‘ little foecal neittri’. from which moisture had iw**n absorbed, an I * h h..d become encrusted with the * ' r the liody. forming a substan c* 41 1 lr>ic like chalk or lime i' the history of neatly every *• • ( appendicitis. The hard *ub#tanc * irritation and pun trtid fli ally In ■•'v. mat lon, and. unle** attrnded to, *■ Ir{ l ter produces death. A p<- my have a dosen atta ks of ip i**l ' ills and xet relief from sa< h wl h -1,1 peration, but the trouble will fln * l>e the end of him un>- he U ro * * of it by A n operation No other ‘ Cleans of relief lias been discovered." ** * t ap|mmu|iritis seem to he on the the physician was asked. * or t it physicians have pimply <1 s ©v i a form of UU. aae that was formerly v _ r, *wn to them?** ndniibtedly many cases of appendicitis * •‘•axnosed as InnainmatUm of the ■ 'fnach before the cause of the disease and.- covered," rephed the physician, it Is undoubtedly true that asHMiult ’ "* on ihe increase. Judging from the Candy’ - Esculetts Ciirts FILES or Monty Rcflldtd. WHY SUFFER? 1 “"der guarantee at following aterw: Mlnakt's, Jones'. Masonic T* mple. * t's. W F. Reid's, Marlow's C <ve- I’or.nelly'a, ami W. A. I'lgmans **'nnh. < Ja. : t*t‘MAN BROS,. Savannah. Ga . aad "' 1 RlilU. Savannah. Ua., Distributors. The seal is a sign of security. It is | as old as Assyria. But Assyria never produced a seal that was more significant than il ln-er-seal." It's a seal that means something to everybody who eats. It's the sign of a revolution in the mak ing of biscuit, crackers, and wafers, and of keep ing them good after they are made good. Here tofore many of the best products of the baker have lost their goodness before they reached the consumer. The won derful patent package— distinguished by the sign "In-er-seal,” keeps them fresh, crisp and delicious until you want them. When you buy Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscutt, Butter Crockers, Boltioes. Banquet Wafers Sul tana Fruit, Graham Biscuit, Sea Foam. Oatmeal Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Handmade Pret telettes, or Vaailla Wafers, insist on getting them in the ** In-tr-aeal Patent Package " TVe (genuine k package Upat ■ entc.l and con ■ tain* only our products. It can a!wav* lie identified by the design of the "In-er seal" on each end. -OS J National BtKuit y J Company / J statistics as to the number of operation* performed. The op* 1 ration 1. no longer a rare one. but almost every phjrlol.n, In the cit|en at least, has become familiar nUh ti. Not only in the larger cities are hundreds of r|era t ions |>erformed by prominent surgeons, but even at our k>- ial hospitals the operation has become i)ulte an ordinary occurrence.” "How do >ou account for this decided increase In appendicitis?” the physician was asked. ”A few years ago It was not known that there was such a disease." "Itecause It Is anew disease.” was th* reply. "The human system Is changing ami the vermiform apindlx plays an Im |K>rini part among the Intestines. In the anatomy of man It haw thisrii to have any lunctlon, and nature, with her character istic habit of dispensing with what Is needless. Is doing away with the appendix, gome 2.9U0 years hence, perhar*. Vermi form appendices will be rare ar.d appendi citis will bo unknown. Nature t* very slow and taken time to do her work "The trouble to that ns Ihe appendix grown smaller It becomes more constrict ed and wnatever foreign aubslance slips Into li remains there, becomes coated and causes trouble. In former days when the orifice of Ihe apfien.llx was iarger foreign ni liter slipped In and out without causing serious inconvenience. Now this Is no longer the cose and wo we have to undergo dangerous and painful operations to be re lieved of something which nature if pre (siring to dispense tvlth by a very slow process." "Old you ever hear of a negro suffering with appendicitis?" the reporter Inquired. "I don't know that 1 have.” replied the physician. "If there are any such cases tr.ey ore very rare. Th* negro, being lower In the social scale than the white man. Is not yet troubled with a lessening of his appendix. This portion of hts an atomy Is Mill large enough for foreign matter to slip In and out without giving him any trouble. Hts sufferings in this line are still In the distant future.” "Old you ever know of a caw of a pa tient without a vermiform appendix?" Iho physician was asked , "Yes." he replied. "I knew of one case, a woman, who was operated on for an other trouble, where it was thought that iho vermiform appendix was also dlaeas ed An examination was made 10 ascer tain If such was Ihe case, and It was found that the patient was minus an a|> liendlx. There was simply a little knot or billion In the place where the appendix Is ordinarily found " The physician said that no reliable m.tms of giving tellef In eases where npiiemlicllls has developed has been dis covered, with the exception of the opera tion. ands. the process of dispensing with the vermiform appendix appears to lie In an acute atise. the present generation and Its successors may expect a consider. ! able percentage of their number to be 1 mounted upon operating tables and In ! (Used upon with knives In order to lie rid of something for which they have no u and they can neither retain nor dia ls nse with without Incurring serloua dan. : g*r. K BALI. TO-AICiHT. The Proceeds to Be Itevoted to the Wnrlt of Benevolent Aasnelallon. The boll to be given at the Guards' Hall to-night by the Police Benevolent Asso ciation promises to be a most successful affair. Over tM ttekets have been sold and as each ticket will admit a gentle man and ladles, the attendance will doubt less be all that could be desired. Rosen feld’s orchestra wilt furnish Iho music. Supper will be served at midnight, but dancing will be resumed after aupper and las: probably to : o'.doek or later. It Is not yet known to whom will t*c awarded th*' medal offered by the com mittee for the sale of the greatest number of tickets, as all of the returns will not lx* In for several days. The amount secured from the receipts of the ball will be rtevened to the uae Of the Benevolent Association. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2R. 1900. GAVE AN ENJOY kill E CONCERT. The l*n|lla of the Hm unnnli Cam art story Meant nt Melanesia Hull. The second monthly concert of th Pa vsnnh Conservatory of Music teas given last night at Mehrtena Hall, an exee lent programme of music being given by the pupils, and members of the faculty of the conservatory as follows. Plano solo. "Petlie March.” Miss flattie Roseignol Piano solo, "Nocturne.” Miss Oertrude Jones Violin solo, seltetlofi fmtn ”M irtlu," (Kiotow > Master Jack Avery Piano solo, “The Palms.' Mlsa Gibson Piano rok>. "Heart H* at hit-K N)uiul*, M IMano solo, "Hondo a Is Turque.* Miss Anna Hell Plano solo, "Nocturne. (Ilelmund) Miss Annie lless Duel, piano and violin, by request. •Serenade." (Bchubertl Misses Btev- sits anl Winter Plano duet. "Blonde* Eocken.” .... Miss Anna Itell in<! Prof M h?*n* piano solo, "Nocturne." o|> 15. No. 2 (Chopin) Miss Freeman Violin solo. "Leg end*." (YVlen iawskl) •***• Winter Plano solo, "Polka • oncer., OC.tfO Mra. A Bergen All of the numbers were well pi\* ’ th<we of the pupi.a showing the resti!: o' caraful training an l excellant nu Among the t*e*t of the pupils mum were those of Miss Anna Hell. Miss son Miff Jones, and Miss Hew*, w> l Miss Roes I g nol's nuinl*er. her first, w also played most crtnllMihly. Mieftes Winter an I Freeman, niembei of the faculty of the ooservatory. pla>*d in their usual nrtisiic style. Owing to the holidays no concert n l Ik* given in D**cember. The next will take 110 e Jan. W PNPOMTt N ATE >KOHO CHILD. %u Idiot of Tender Y ears Whose Care 1s nn 1 naol%ed Prolilem. A dlstrewlng sight was witnessed yes terday afternoon in the ofllce of th** Or dinary. when a little negro girl of 13 years, an idiot, was brought before Judge Fenltt. with the request that she he com mitted to the state sanitarium at MlJcdge vllle. The request war m i<k by Bophle Mor rell. who stated that she had brought u§ the chiki from Infancy, both her father and mother being dead. She s iid that the child's name was Phoebe Waters The unfortunate creature had now reached an age when she hid acquired some strength, and in her moments of rage, whh h were not Infrequent, hid become a source of djuger to the other children of the nelgh borhood. Thu woman said that she was unable longer to care for the child and that, be cause of the child's deplorable menial condition, the charge involved responsibili ties that she did not care longer to as sime There le no law which permits the Or dinary to commit to the sanitarium n Child of the aue of Phoebo Waters and Judge Ferrill felt that he must decline the request. He to!d the nomnn to oine again to-day and it !** that some m< tho*l of caring for her charge will V* devised. The can** emphasises the for lncrea.*Ml accomodattocis at MMledge vllle. with euch changes in the regulations o/ the sanitarium an will permit children to be received and cared for there. ( HIM) GOB* TO KIIXTKK *4OTHER. Jnilgr r.rrlll llrfa.rd (<> Kettirn An nie Mine tn l u.l'idy f tier I’m 1 lir. The hearlnjr upon Ihe writ of halwa* corpus. Issued by Ju Ikc FerriU, nt the In stance of M ij. liluc. otrulnst l.lzaic Jen kins, was hs<l yeaterdoy In the Court of orrilnnr)-. The pialnllfr represented him self ns the father of a child. Annie nine, who. he alleyed, was In Ihe ill. gill cusiody of the defendant, lie sued for Ihe child's lorsesslon. The defendant answered that the chill had been al'en her by Ihe mother, the wife of Blue, who had stated at ihe ilme that Blue was not the father, and Ihnt he treated Ihe child Inhumanly. The moiher had told Ihe Jenkins wanan, accordliiK to the answrer filed by her In eourl. (hat Blue would nol rake care of Ihe, and that she had lo give her away for her own ood. The defendant said she had eared for the rhlli alnee June 10, I*9ll, and th.d If she wa to he deprived of the child’s cus tody she ought (o lie repaid the amount of money she had expended In Carina for and tmlnlmr her. The evidence established the truth of wnal ihe defendant had anwer.d and Judge Ferrlll's order awards her the cus tody of the child The order provides, however, that Blue and his wife are to have the privilege of visiting and being with the child for n reasonable time twice a week. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /V , Signature of /-&CcJuA'. AITTIOX ttl.M THIS I>AV. AUCTION SALE~TO-DAY” WKDNBBDAY. Nov. 3ft. at It o'clnek a. m . we will sell at otir rooms. 11l Whita ker atreet, 1 Mason A Hamlin, 1 Bml*h American Organ, nearly os good os n*w. a large lln* of I..udles' Hailn Evening (flippers. In all colors and sixer; Ladles' and Chil dren'# Shoes, button and lace; large line of Ladles' Plush Capes, also Beaver Copes and Sera* Jacket-, Skirts, Millin ery Good". Trimmed and I'mrimmed Huts for kidie and girls; Window Shades Lace Curtains. 2 Pine Show Cases, and a lot of other goods, at SAVANNAH ACCTION ANfa COMMIS SION COMPANY'S. NO RESERVE. A WINEKIOHT, Auetloneer. Another Hlcycle Sale Saturday night. Ml< 111 MHDOl'g. "~CVYPhTnP IS -norMPST WALL KIN -1,11 made Adams paint Cos.. Savannah agents |ht Congress, west. now is tut: time to have iirvh coll* overhauled and repaired; beer puma and faucets of nil de Options. A. C Trice Ar Cos.. Slate and Jefferson streets, 'phone 6aS. “IIEDCCB TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned bant cash with tha Southern Orocary Company, 114 Barnard street “advertisements SET IN CAP ITALS WILL PH PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN *OO. "NORWOOD'S BOOK, "818 MSI cm; For sale at all News Brands In Savannah. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Weak or Diseased kidneys Poison the Blood, Break Down the Entire System and Bring on Bright's Disease. To Prove What the Great kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, Will Do for YOU, all Our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free b\ Mail. Slpg 62“; - 2 - 3Jd 3i3 32M 53f fgf! fl&BfesbSrfcll m ?31P Laboraiu , •. owainp-Kont, the World-Famous Kidney kcoi.ii). and i.-pured. You know what hHpprni to n sewer’ when it become a clokk 4. don't you? Do you know what happens to the hu man system when the kidneys become clogged? They are unable to throw out •he Impurities from the blood and become Infee ted with poisons, they decay, fall opart and pate out In the urine, the | unflltered, carrion the poisor. all through the system, and If not checked death fol lows. The kidneys are the sewers of the human system. When your kidneys are not doing their work, >oine of the symptoms which prove it to you are t*ain or dull ache in the back, excess of uric acid, gravel, rheu matic pains, sediment In the urln. scanty supply, scalding Irritation In passing It, obliged to go often during the day and to get up many times during tha night to empty the bladder; s cepleasness, nervous irritability, dizziness. irregular heart, breathleswnecs. sallow, unhealthy com plexion. puffy or lark circles under th* eyes; sometime* the feet, limbs or body bloat; loss of ambition, general weak o f-s ami debility. When you are sick or "feel badly." lb* first thing you should do Is to uffor l aid to your kidneys by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-R**ot you afford natu ral help to Nature, for Swamp-Root is the moat kidneys that Is known to medical science. Perhaps you are in doubt al*out your kidneys and want to find out. Here’s a simple test. Take from your urine parsed CLASSIFIED AIiVEH riSEMENTS. PERSONAL. "'"THE BANKER" 1 must C 4o enjoy hi. million., the |>oor in,in must C to earn and enjoy a *<|' ! meal. Before going to Dr Kaloon. Atlanta —C what Fegea* can do for your eye. Though not the only pebble In the spec tat le line, he may ave you quite few dollar., and make reading and working a pleasure. where now It Is a hardship. 2t East Broughton Hair. Jewelry and Shav- In* Supply House The place In Savannah for solid gokl spectacles, at 12 49 per pair. •'■MI-i.i.Tl; V't’E THAN K.-‘t iIV IN< I INNER WITH ONB "I-' KRAIWI CELEBRATED HOMB-MADB MINCH JIKAT hits ordbh KAHI.Y I*. BCIIAFKR. JKFFKRBON AND 121 ÜBERTT. KAST. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE. HI Hernard street, buys and .ell. all kinds of second-hand furniture for rah. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTU.H clothing' 1 let us put It in shape; (1 per month. Sterling Pressing Club. IS York. w. TRY IIETTKRICH'R CANDY; POBl tlveiy pure; crystaltzed fruit, assorted. 4.1 c pound; cherries and ginger, same pr|ee; chocolate, assorted, 230 pound; assor'ad tine candy. Jic |>ound. 11 State, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALB WI LI, BE HUNTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. THANKSQIVINO DAY WILL SOON Ite here. See MPler for a suitable table to hold thas turkey ar.d trimmings Dining tables. sideboard., buffets, china closet., chair, to pleas, anybody. 307 Broughton, rest. TOO WILL LIKE the milk PROM Springfield Dairy; It', rich ond pure; try It. DON’T rOROET THAT miller sell. doll, and toy*. Come and see our holiday assortment. *O7 Broughton, west HYACINTH AND NARCISSUS BULBS, i .alms, rubber plants, cut flowers and j floral designs from Oelsehlg's Nursery, : .*p|Mj—lte Caihollc IVmetery. J Gardner, I agent. 1$ Broughton etreel. .isi, SCHAFERS CELEBRATED HOME MADE MINCE MEAT HEB FOB THANKSGIVING DINNER ORDER EARLY I’ SCHAFER, *H> JEFFERSON and i2i* Liberty, east. 12 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big assortment, all grades of art square*, rugs, mat., portieres. C. R Miller, agent CHOICE LINE OF WILI/IW AND eobhler seat rockers for the h It lays, at Teeple'g. 317 Broughton, west. “HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing? let >1- put It In shap* ; $: F r month. Sterling !’r('*lng Club. 1!> York, w '"c.O TO HKTTBRICM 8 FOB CANDY, mint wafer*, cinnamon wafers; delleloua for the sp-k llotterlch . 110 State, w.-ai. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up lIM If you wanl to have your fun I ure moved or parked for shipment or st, rage. I guarantee price* th. same as I do the work that's given to me. A S. Orifflo. 414 Broughton stre.l, west; m>de to order KKNSINOToN FARM MILK IS I'M sut past'd for richness. delivery la per fect; phon., 2346 Tr~!TB RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlills. II FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they las: C I MIlMr. agent SEE MILLF.It FOR OFFICE DESKS, office tables, office matting, oftlcs .hade. tn Broughton, west. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLTF' SIXTY- Ineh *-cni ruga, you will buy th.j>. just can 1 ! hi ip It; will acll In any quan tity. I TEEPLE IS SHOWING A NICE LIVE jof carpets matting rug*. rh*des. Uno ' leiim; chliplil In lowfi. ■‘FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." I* a specialty with McGlills. ~M T GILLIH 1 lace CURTAINS WILL beautUy your parlor. whrn you arlfu In ih** m**rnin a)til four outiofu pla-t t# in a isli* l * bottle ami i't It Ktm.ti fur twenty-four hour.-* If upon •UMmination you tlnl any ■**Hliikh or arilimrnl. If It la miiky or rloikly. or If rrtlck* float about In It. 4l*#a*e ha** irot#**?: a hold in your kidney a and Nature |* calling for help If you have tin allßhte**i aymptoma of ki'lney or bladder trouble. r if there I** . trace of H in \.ir famliy hlitory, you would profit f\ taklrx Kaamp-IGxit ovary no* and thru a* a prevontlv.'*. an<l thim abooiutely for* i.*ill kidney .ml bladder troubles. The lAmoue new dlacovery. Heump lU*ot, h.tti been teeted In wayr, In hospital work, in private pra lloe. amntiK the heipleaa too poor t pur* ha*e relief, and han proved *. tiirmifui in every ra.e, that a e|e< i.t! art inzement haa In*h mad<* with the "Nran" ly whh'h all of our r*aden who have not alieady* tried it may have a eamplo bottle eent Hbaolutcly free by mill, also a lot*k tel?- IriK' all iilhuh kidney* and hladiler diseased and eontalnltut som* of ihe thou? anda of testimonial lettera from men n<l w*men r i Uiinied to lives of happiness and use fulness by the means of Swaui|*-Koot, the •rr* at kidney remedy. Swamt-fioot D pleasant to take and Is t remarkably sum sful tiiat our reader* are advine-d to write for n free cample Ujtlle. and to be rule and Mate that you r* id thin generous offer In the Dally News when send:me your address to l>r. Kilmer fie O©., Hinghamton, N . Y If you ar* already convinced that H*.imp-Hoot Is what you need, you can purchase the* r*Kiihcr flfty-ecnt and one dollar size ladth-s at the drug stores everywhere. I’l .ItHON 41* FTRMTriIK rrHOLfrrKRKD. MAT trcrsei renovated, antique rurnlture re(>o! Irhed, furniture fcncked, and shlppccil in best mann* r. H* ml me your unlers. C. I* Miller, agent KIMYt ALL'S ANTI - HHRI'MATfr ring every rlieiimath* ought to wear. J. Gardner, agent. 12 llrcMighton street, east. HOW AHOI'T YOUR WINTKH clothing*' let us put It in ship ; t p*r month. Sterling Dressing Club, 11# York, ar “M'aiLLIS IS CHEAP O>J RUGA. NETS lace curin n*. hammoc k-, wter coolers, pillows, plcturas. stoves, bedroom suits, and furniture of ovary description. “IF YOr DON'T FIND WHAT YOl* want where y<u are dealing. supiose you try Miller. Ills assortment la the leat In town 307 Broughton, west FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM St'lT. parlor and dining-room furniture, >©u should go to Teeple’a. Rl NSINOTON FARjI II on AN elevadon In the ,eountry. fro* from city draiimge ImpoaailGa for ml k to heroine contaminated, by lrn|ure odors; If you want pure Jersey tpilk, phone 7J45 Do -11 very prompt; satisfaction guarantaed. M'OILLIB MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and store** pianoe and furniture; beat work only, no "Chagp-John" prices—no "i heap Jot\n" Jobo. "CANARY BIRDS GOLD rtSH WA ter grties. bone flour at 12 Broughton street, eoet SEE MILLER'S NEW STYLES IN carpets. mailings, linoleum*, window shades A!l work done in first-class style. Gt our estimate. 207 R rough ton, west. M'OILLIB SELLA SIXTY INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for W cents. "TEEPLE can save you money on stoves, steel ranges, oil heaters and hot stuff heaters. 317 Broughton, wat. ~BWK MILLER S N£W STEEL STOVES and ranges, oil heaters, wood heaters, best makes, reliable goods, reasonable prices. 207 Broughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA I/* WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3QQ. MEDICAL. IKYOTR feet sre troubling you. call on me and ! will give you relief; 1 cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of th* feat without poln; charges reasonable; can give (he b*at reference* In the city; pa tients (rooted at residence*; orders * n be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 2*3. Lem Dnvl* surgeon chiropodist HELP W lITRD-MALE. clerk; state e clary Address Re tail Grocer, care News. “WANTED. BY RETAIL GROCER A quick, bright boy. with some experience. Address In wn handwriting. Grocer, care Morning News. HALK9MEN WANTED TO HELL OI L goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade we are the largest and only man ufacturers in our line in the wcrld; libera) salary paid. Address, fan-Dex Mfg Cos., office. 2S Board of Trade Building. Haven nah. Ge. MECHANICS. ENOINEICRB ELEC trlclans. firemen etc A frre scholarship in engineering will be awarded to a few well recommended applicants American School of Corresponds net, Boston. Mass WANTED, ORGANIZERS FOR AN up-to-date fraternal Insurance order for colored prop’s exclusively Address Afro- American Insurance Aaso. Memphis, Tcnn. HELP WANTED—FEM.4L*. WITH MEN! A tlons. white nurse fur two chi! *ren. Ad dress P. O. 97. WANTED? YOUNG LADY CABAIIBR; must w rite goot. plain h nd; mu't !*• quick; state salary want*.l Address m own handwriUDtf, A A A A, Morning Nawfli THE SUCCESSFUL MECHANIC. The PROBPRRftUfI I*ABORING MAN makes It his buMneoa to hava his hood clear and his feet msv. You can |*l k him out In a minute on th* street -his BHOKH are substantial atai correctly !ltt.el Nine times mil of ten he ocwnia to ua —hecauac he kiams that whateve r prke ho isiy* he will get tha beat *huo valua hi* nioiury c an buy. Union Made Calfskin Shoes, guaranteed, $2 - 50 iWBw Best Hand Sewed Welts, in all leathers, $3.00 111 I I* %V IMT.P-H'Mll.i:. \\ \NTI;D C.4UARLE DRKHHMAKER, fall at fed Broughton trcei, til FIRST l-ABS CcMiK AND HOt’flH giH wanted, no other n**e , *l apply. 3UI Vest Taylor street, corner Taylor Je*ff<rson ADVERTISEMENTS SET TN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAN 81FIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO c’KN'TH A WORD NO AT* VKRTIHKMENT TAKEN FOR LESH THAN 300. I Ml'l uUlt vr \\ %>TEI. OOmTeTFNT lb M >?< 1< EEI *Elt AND office man want a isjettion. fiN-miim- n*l ton* given. Alclr*“* Com|s’te*t, c.r*e News office. WANT ED. A POSITION. BY A YOUNG white man. willing t* work m anything Harry W. Holt on* 27 Houston atree*. BEHPONfIIBLE MAN AGED CA p.thle of handling a buelnes-. • x|*e*i|en*i*l In general offb-e* w>rk. ralltood and me r cant lie. familiar with r*t.ll Imslness anel w hel*ale* wHrt houfie* w*rk. b‘st of ref*r endm. desires to corr* <p*nd with a view to engagement after Jan 1; reason. h rlHtv Ad*lres• T 11.. ‘231 East Asiiley, Jacksonville. Fla. lUIOIH W mill). MS lN goo*i iart of city, nle #lv furnished f*r light houo* keeping by .ai> •*I gentleman Tnomas F James, tieuetal Dallvery WANTED. FLAT OF FIVE OR SIX r00m... ce ntrally located, nenlerato trntol, at on* i. Uonlblentlal, e are New.-. U % \ rill)—m*CKLl.A HiHOl FEOULE TO RENT maaquerude* costume* Mrs. Iletirich, State street, near Whitaker. WANTED, TO HIT Y OR RENT. HEC ond-hand <ur|HinUne still Address The Powell Cos., Reynolds, Ga. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OFT IT from B|tringfleki Dairy. It s rich, pure and wholesome. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, rand, manure, etc., free of eharge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road write or telephone Iliosn Hro* . e orner An*leihon an l East Broad street*. ADVERTISEMENTS NET IN CAP ITAIjS Wild* Mb) PRINTED IN CLAH Sl FI ED ADV EHTIHKM ENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VF.KTISKMENT TAKEN FOR IJ-:HS THAN 3QC FOR IIIIVT-HOt)MX. SOUTHERN ROOM. UNFURNISHED. 12 Liberty, west, for married couple or single lady. Afeply between Dare! 10a. m. LARGE. COMFORTABLY FUR nlsh*4l roems f*r genth-men: also light housekerfdng; bath. 131 East Ce*ngre?*s. NICELY FI’IiNISHEI > ROOM, southern and eastern expoaure ilrst floor; hot and and cold water; for gen tlemen only. 33d Bull street FOR RENT-Moranfi. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Aberoorn and Idncoln, first das* ard-r and condition; every ronve’nience Right rent tn right tenant Ertate Salomon Cohen. Weet Rroad arid Broughton streeta. FOR. RENT. DESIRABLE DWELL likg. with all mode rn ln(re>venv nts. .ftjft Jones. ea*t. Kolloh A S* re veil. FOR RENT. DWELLING WITH ALL modern convenience- 3f*i Jonea at reel, east. Kollo* k A Screven. FOR RENT. HHVERAL DESIRABLE reshlene#**, ihorougnly renovated A|ply A. Wylly, agent, 12 Itryan street, emit. Ktllt HldT-HISf’ICI.I.AM-.01 It. FOIt KENT. COHN Ell H HOUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS; Folt- MKRI.Y OCCUI’IED HY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. I* SMART “FOR RENT MASQUERADE C<>h' tcme> for chlhlren, ladles and gentlemen. Mrs Hetterich. Stale, mar AVTillaker. FOR RENT. ON THE OOEMCHF.E rood. Itetween three and four-mile post* (trolley cars nearly lo two-mlle post), land In lot* from one acre lo one hundred; same can he bought In large or small lols on rosy terms. C. H. Dorset!. FOR RENT. MASQUERADE Cos tume* of nil character* from II up. Mr*. Hetterich, 110 State, weal, near Whitaker. “advertisements set in cap: ITAIJ4 WIKI. HE PRINTED IN UI.AS * for two cents a word, no ad vertisement TAKEN FOR UE.-Sd THAN V*' Full AI,K—MKAI. ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS SET JN CAP ITAIgt WILL. HE PRINTED IN CLAB SI FI (ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJCSS THAN F*' TURPENTINE LAND. LA ROE tract for sale. Gifford A Cos.. Jackson ville, Fla. ______ FOR SAKE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near Kast Rroad; no city taxation. C. 11. Dorset! FOR SALE IAITB ON NINTH STREET near Easi Proud, no city l.ixea, al *OO each; twenty-five dollaia <a*h, and aasy monthly paymenta. C. H. liorsett. FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTft. NEAR Fast Broad, ni IJD each; will soon he advanced to 122*; whan a lot has been (mid for 1 can arrange to get a homa built. C II Dors* il NOE AND BUILDING LOTS for sale all over th# city. Robert M. Talem. real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. FOR SALE THOSE LOTH ON NINTH street, near East Broad: have only been sold lo first-class parties, who will m ike good neighbor*, and none other- cun buy The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other* In the vicinity. C H. Dorastt. ADVERTISEMENTS BFT“TN CAP ITALS WILL RF. PRINTED IN OLAS HIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJ33S THAN 30f. HO 4 It DISCI. TaatoaU, third from Liberty. rOH X4IJC— MI4I 1d.1,% MOOTS. SOV REM. THE CoLUH KINGI TRY It when your favorite itnndy fails, at Lo bottle dicl tea a gill of honey makes a splendid tnutur* for Infants and children BENZOIN HALM. MAk * THE SKIN like velvet, for rale by diu*gtxt or at lien r\ and Ahei orn Per*?" Drug Stores, Whitaker and T>lor sti e-eta HELGMN HARES START RIGHT with our Big Four >ffe*r. for |3f We seid you npr'-u pre ll<l. three fin* pedigreed. red ee* most |s(ular *fralna hr* <1 te bu< ks s wln; *v*-r %. Fashodoa. Britain-, etc., an.l one fine high scoring stud lti k Save tnutdh man's euortmiUMi profit and orelcr dlre*t ft*m Bri tain Rahbltry. wholesale breeders m l shipper*, Watsonville. Cal.; tK>uk|et free FIRE PROOF HAl'ns WB CARRY 4 fine line of fire proof safes In sto* k at til times The parties n see exactly wh*t they sre getting Our prl'eyi are as low as nisinifrt njtrr * a**ll |t. wttft freight aM ed Partle* Interested, who wish m cud fire. pr***f safe will do well to tnapevt our stock. Linpnian Bros . Lippman bloek. an ids for nisrufae-turers. 8 BRING FI ELD DAIRY 18 NOTED for having rt**h. pure milk; try It; you will be ple**e*l TURPENTINE LOCATION fOR gab II crops fir-et year ho****; 12 00) n ros round tln*ter at fl !k) per .icre |* par thousam! ho*es for le a* and t*mber; p|u ty of timbe r to le got. In five mil** of r *|U road; will give pn*r*t>n tv w or at end of sen von Addles* Round Timber, cars Morning News ADVERTISEMENTS SIT IN CAP- WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTB A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR 1J .69 THAN HOC lost 4411 FOUND. 1.7:7 T ON CHAULEB ATITPsTJ place. Thunderbolt. Nog lt *Vei 1 >4**-barrel e’tot-gun. |5 reward if return* *1 to 7U Meeting street, east. • 1 ... M I STM 4 \ ED. STRAYED OR STOLEN. FROM N'Olb •on pasture, Ogeei he* road, one aatail black horse mule, blind one eye. Ra* w <td If returnel. Thomason A Harvayi 210 Hurrl ', west. "" i .■ fit tiu U HANt F4. ADVKRTIBEMENTH BET IN OAP n AIF WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAK HI FI El > ADVEBTIBEMENT COLUMN Foil TWO CENTS A WORD. NO Al>- VERTISF.MENT TAKEN FOR UOS9 THAN 30C. PLI ttMIAU. UK to your interest to let me give you an •- timala on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a *i*e. laity, aa I am a |*raril< at pluinlier. No gua* work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phone Off, Georgia or fiell. MISCBI.I. A *fKQrg. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloea finish porfwt work. For eat CSy laiundiy. Park avetnit. OLD SILVER AND GOLD TAKEN If* ex. hung, for n. w Jew'dry. Koch A SyL can. 44 Whitaker. HHPORK YOU PURCHASE WALL pa(>er. dpn'l forget Taylor, hla new aloek ar.d low prices will pious.- you. 141 Bar nard. THE HEHORCINE ANTfiSEPTIC cess la the mo*t satisfactory to clean rloriiee: done only by New York Hiram Dye Worka, Whitaker and Blatc. NEW DOMESTIC. WITH RALL hearings, on eaey terma; try one; buy one; deal with your people Panton & Hon. roR FISHING-TACKLE. NETS. ETC“ go to Cornwell A Chlpman. “don T TROURi.K YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car ;>eta or matting Perry A Renton will re lieve you of all that trouble. “GIVE US A CALL FDR FI REPLACE grates, grate baskets, blowers and a*b panii; any site fltte.l to your grates. A. C. Price A Cos.. Stata and Jeffeiaon streets, 'phone AA HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German readv-mlxad palm, entire aatlsfa'tlon guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. WANTED ONE THOUSAND IIIN. gry piople at ike Southern Grocery Com pany, 1)4 Rernard atrest. “•PHONE im FOR FOREST CTTT laundry' They will call (or your lines Immediately. “WATCH INI' JEWELRY REPAIH Ing given personal attention, at Kach A Sylvan's, hi Whitaker. LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF WALL paper, Just arrived; will make pri es to null you William Taylor. 141 llamard NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE with hall hearings, lock and chuln etlteh; two machines In one. Paninn A 8 -n. 'W* ARE DYEING NOW RY THE pew oxudyn process; especially od.ip4ed for ladles* fine cre|<on and tailor mads dresses, send us your work ami you will hr. pleased. New York Steam Dye Works. 'Phone M3. FOR HARDWARE ANITTOOIA GO to Cornwell A Chlpman's *WE SELL SEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, fire clay, fire brick at lowest prS-ea. Adwms Paint Company, ltd Congreas, went. PERRY A RBNTONr 1> STATE street, west, will move pack, ship or ators your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old mattrenssa at IKtla cost. Bell 'phone 1124. IF IN NEED OF A BATHTUB. CALI, and see our ten-fiollar, steel enamelled; big value. A. I *. I 'rice A Col, State And Jefferson streets; 'pbo*- 46k. - MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned hard cah at the Southern Grocery Company, 115 Barnard street. “THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS bring lurried out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1(71 OKI’ Y' 'll: V'UDI INC !• '•-> NT at Koch A Byh'an's. 4rt Whitaker. They arc beautiful and cheap. FOR THE MUST HELECT AND largest stock of wall paper In the City, go to Taylor, 141 Barnard. PENTON A SON. WILL RENOVATE your machine and guarantee It Bell new or okl machines. “FOR RANGES AND STOVES. GO TO Cornwell A Cnipmao. 3