The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WITNESS CURSED ANOTHER. f nun rr hoi IHHtUI M3) MKCKO %fft U*. Triiaiar <#* *• !>••• Mr* laK la c *t? ®n—FiriM w•• tk *f 9k* Tti* W kirk %4 a* la !*■ Url4a( *•< • U |fM f• r ta |H*4aat Wlilk 9h|rv Hi# MrHBM *4 a WMa#M f*f ffc# Klalatl*-liarkfr war# Tfea# M#aai NM4 M W <1 i# U illiaa f *ft*l*r laia tkF r,r4-n# l/rl4#ar mf fhr Ta H b F>iW %ai at 111 %trr# TX# r■• A , * Ct *\ /#! * dC. ar •* ' # K*rkr.o h t'd Marhar A Ja/rr* a# '•' ?r. fkrtia £*r*i s : JNMHfcMar tat •' n4 t '** f'.lj y r a*r !• 5" B&OfYUftf 4 M tf|f tto— Tlm u> MMHM iwtfMy aai a i‘* i mm ry A !. 7e* aao mi •<* r g nun/ a# ti* r.a I *c-i of :&• rra parti**, la ic* i*<* *'• trrexx. a . --.a** ' h*a (Aa-Mf oa *i* 9 Xlr D. * Haffiaa to r* *i r** t • <*e • g'.-m.. by a atf.*** for *r* <§**•'* Har.', •• t* tft# 4tat**# aaH fft'-f** of ra •• way (oaa! rbffci H# r.a4 fir:abaci f■ • ** oe t'hia *;&# w *c* W4l • **! \r- to? harro-m * '4 ,**' .-r, *d ■ • ro^g *. t o.t ffct raff-*: iivrtilOf ata* aaa/.: frm him. War* yrrj *b tr.*m *a a* x 4 ry ■ • *ra a*f* **>fr** *• ttw. D X Ft **!&#, in* teMflM9*e of b* if wa or * ' item dm rorr..r| at t.' flmr r-* Mk r., ,***f wft'4 irM.'iM •• • rr.orr.ir_a far *f * drfctlaot. ar.d Ctorot fNNo.or Ihr Ar*naa of tba Train, wra t- IJSihJ nit * for TOa ''l a4* *a • r*4 art LAr* "Teij u j-g; Xat *K' n—l "I Ita4 j 4*' i#fi th* 'O'*rt rwm artbm I I aaw Mr nms tat *n4 Jtouiar. ststvi if *r at or f*#ar *w .o'erimioii of Hu *O. 1 vjra 7r.- . m 4 gpAAmnxiy b*9f T-.t.rf ir.'a ea r. *'h*r. I only r*a l tf/- uaa-* {mat* of f4t *a -%:i I ,’aa/O Mr Kant nar fitna ar-4 tfiianaa filmlrr a// a mi Mr rr .** taraat*o-Of *nt jr* 'b* * H'ttal 4:1 fa* aa T *a*4 Mr Barr-va TV*-., r *!*? #■• ir4W#r*d ;•* a a— r 'I r.**r4 • n *•> *a *!r.* fir*fo • '— /o. J’ni iff aatoi9 to aeair.p yo*- lA’-tO ir.a fround.’ I *ook fihjfcrr away aW tft*- pna*.?* All t4R '>! tM ra :i i'a. rf by tra ba *. ftfKf. '* yiaminf *jwk nftnaar, It a wMii tnar a/ f) flfc al#r Uy* firrenan, a Mfro TV** aprMkNMMi ever. I#> fr* far Mr •• a# rrwftr if. faior f r* rai r /Msa fc that of w*a avf wm in fa* or of ? r > I* alß'-’f M” Aiarr. 9 w> J# Pw for lf*f.ian 414 #>• riam-na t.oa iHIMM at •• i Ifei* r ‘- c.Vf t M of ft tWB' O# fhft '"O -T, arat *4 *0 ?ft* ifffwljcflof. of ** |*r mMKb tai.BMf Faf •* Janwt /**•!l T>i*r** w fha uaual fi' 4ifr*rfnfr.* Mmwn th* *sr'a for p a a/<4 jo t* for th* 4rf*eaten* j ta or hat rmlJy proH jt*4 rina ar.<4 1 rtia' atHr-aW fp * into 4irr-t!jr trvr'- Irif ca .a* atid 9** trirya) Th* 6€aftan -a *•*•) in par, on th* j r4fi(#9tk*n that Jam** dratn tt 4ur to a I 4 ***■ of '!♦ kidr.fyt c*u#**l t*y ar. aVl*nj or rr.rr in ii. whJ 1 ha t* ; Ultiftd Th# aoi<i#nt on tf* H*f*rv-iar? j Ha*, roifji ;• t.*i#* orxatton of h* pr**< 1 •alt, or md two yaara tatr fWjcrwa furtlwr wvi4or.r may ba Intro whao 'Wirt ronvwiw this ariaf trwn tha a*fron*nta will ha mrl< Mr IniviaJ C* larow will op*n f f r Mr Aterr.a will rrmk- tha ar- I C'cmant h* defandant and th* I I Irr armimanl for th# ptainnfr* w. 4 ** hry Mr I'of* Barrow Th* ?nd of j th. W #ipwt*4 by t,j g aft.rno.* T ■>* pjaini fTa ar* Httl* n*rro • " nij# rnipmrsy tor S2' >. for t v I ! omW'lHa of fh*tr fathar H* wan H rail way {xj**al ri*rk to tha F"9*r*i rr m*nt I>Oi 41, l ( JllO<l4U M- J W Moor, of Atlanta la at th. PihlkL Mr r W Ortffln of u of h. FulaakL I’ *nrtl-h of AJbar.y la a caul of th* Pulaakl. Mr H 1, Orlffln la r*dt*r*i •*. th# Pulaaka Mr J***** Xtt of BroxtOQ Is a r >*iM *>f h* Ho#*v*n FUor M Taylor laft for A'laota yu. f . n*y via an, f'antral. Mr H r fMara-ood of Atlanta la a ruaa. 0/ tha Meravan Mr W A I aft via tha Cantrat ra**.f(4ay for,'a Mr F P Karmt I.ft ovar tha fmtr rmiarAay for Atlanta. Mr Frank A Lora of A jft'mfa la r*a b"'T*4X* ,h * S-rrii Mr. John J Phillips of Charl.atnn i, fact, tar art at tha 8-ravrn. Mr 0 r 8, . ; * °f Allan'* *<■ unont th* irftvik u h* y*t#*rdsy Mr J E Carrlll of Amarir-tia wn amor.r tha arrla-alr at the IV-ravan yratrr Pay. Mr. I. P Rtflttar of Rrcatar w.a amot tha arrkvala yratrrlay at tho Pu la, kl. M' a/vi Mra M A f) B;-rn. laft vU the Boutham yratarilay for ll.imori' K C M r V’. A Moora wa* a (none th. paa- of tha P.n'ral v.aiarrtay for At lanta Mr ar-rt Mra O C Pr.w. Jr . Ip via tha Sailvanl Air Lina y.atar'lay f<-r Jiouatoci Mr anrt Mra r a Plrk.on war. amor, tha te.aaruttr. of tha Baiitham yat. rrt . for Naw York Mr ar.rt Mr. W p Hurtar anrt r,tf*].| Ilutvtrr war* anim* tha paanorctr. of tha Kaooo-'haa at hi oh .!!,I fra- N.a York laat nlcht. Or. J I Ttartiy of r*hlaf aor ■">o of th. Fourth Fttvlalot of tha K lo*H Air Lin. arrlvart In th. rkty o.' nlcht by Mra. Itarby Th > will rlalt Mr and Mra W. O. Charlton a Ilf Taylor, wrat. Tha parly of ftpartana which on Mon day a waak aCO want on a huntinc trio to Oraabaw r.turnad last nlcht and r|p* t'f.d at th. Pulaakl. In th fMrtv -ir. Mr and Mr. C. # Oirr. Ml*. M If Cary, Irr. 8. J.rnkran &n<l Mr H. A Oravaa. ofj'ii r.ita to *trm fhiday. I.laat, Col. W ylly Has laan.d Clranlar * t ninmanllc Offlrar. Tla fir*' r|r< ular aln.a tha raalcna'lon of Col A. It a* ornmotiC.r t 4 th* First Infantry La. btra Isauatl by lAaut fVA t. 8 Wylly, Jr. Tha circular calls for a meeting of tha om*era of tha *lm<r t at th. k.-almantal Armory lay after to-morrow t,th( tor th. purios. of dlat ttaamc th. v*-arol.a now aclat'Bt a name th' Acid om >rs and Ih. tranvac tloo of other l.'iatnaaa fol. Wylly ,-tnd III* adjutant, 'apt W E Con ay. in- WW" th*t th-y will t. at It'-clmctital haadO’tart.ra da! S inday* and holhla>a a-a|>tl fnari *-IS to J p m to clva thalr attention to any matwa raouir- i Inc It. 'tfflrara of Iha rcr.rn.nt *.*m to have all r.M that h. I. mail so <o Col V/’ !I> tuitl that th. v. mafotlty of tha Third Halt*Hon provf.d th-- oul r.f-toan offloara ar. wllllnc, etuill ha mini by lha alactlon of c*|* O. A (W.tag 0 ( toe Ottathorpa L4bt Infantry. .1 TALK OF HIIIAIMD Cf£4L Rswfffi % t -ilstsiho •( Owiff' •bib" rlipri •#•!#•• A r*i**r *•? 't+UA • */' * *m*mg r*<s>* *> 9a# ;, ru lO* 1 f ’*f* if. rsk, *%• fi f If* Ke * " f' w t. Ml • *f. t **-a* ;*aiy ovr.fftf..;* # *** ,•* * **’*?>■ '*sdo* ic*. j'*'*msr,*r ** jr rs..* trliter>—m wc*-4 I'* tr* fir . ’n A*- o* * ? if* T** W'i-r* i ..f *. r>; ** *** *•'. iwr ' -R r f *‘f i** A A fif.ia —r %L4* w, *a crr„* *f f # i&twrss'* i tfe**t* fir m* ng :bs r* Tfe#r* * s >w -*• . .* r*>r fo 'r*4s‘ S tts** S' 4 4 9tOf of i f.M • r-'-l * * t - :**i* *-wSr O * ir (. ry “ a >/. • rr . .e of ' " Pdk..''Ml * ’ * *‘g' j r.* '#r< IR j< is '•;a • " - *n •.i -v fr • 4 ..grsf fin -w *r.s A si i'.<) *- ** • K.i *• * •** •'•rk r Ls' f ' Cos *** .* *j*. ,’jr,|* of owr- TJbgfti .* *•* of ?h*# wo r<44 T r * wr -.f ' **■#• -tr* *. *•**■ is t• - • '-> tm o tr.* S*iflnr4 r *o sr. sjrr*** m*r.* but • * iii>r rr.A'i* to warm *r-st !t •** * i* •*:*.* piArM sUy or. •Ia % m'h mo* *m is*■* r •• If it s t’.f -* mfri'h fi *s t#**c trouff r. •'c besr .# N*w Yoc Tftir* te* Wa, p| f IV* Jfa ,#* **) ft<k A 'JTr- S aOiAS T• o yf it# * *?r.* of X>*. si f'f'i*r rr* ir* w ’* ' t.s# f, # *y* w; *r. ijt/i i 4*- • *rm.r.#tfj >ffor *• "*a*> "j • r si.* r*s e'e’i.i rr. s* • * 4*m of whft'fc •*.• • ‘ * • '*-a' r *,n i ,ry :.#• wss I.•**) V is h*trl2y iM*rt*4 ir *n* *yr<4; *♦ * * *'•■#* of w'n y oir Of# •u#* rrptf.a*# /. #as 3 rH*fiSCB :r. tL* • rr.* • * .I-* •. m**. 4 u, • k *1 o n *ar if 4's Tht'r* offijr, o* te* # •#•* ia *ft * •*** s *xs **l '•r.rrA li'kri r.# s/r.* tn • jcs>.isft**i f S*L Tr* Rwhoird r r i# r iy rr. if row b* • 1 * ( *PIM ‘b* *r. sr i *ft* msfbwi s^>.;**i to t tr jr.k tirvejtrfHiry t/i* N*w yepfi 1 tfi!rii-P#nrj).viSiSe .J 4 '.mor #r4 Ofto i • os s. if # 4r-f>r plsr Tr * rrw** • ii-* ulk ut s a# .44:iyc#f o*r..' r .p ( t.MOT 1 OROIkD MCft.leO* 1,1 KOHII4a. ' rw %*#t >m#d for fh* SrwKwwrH Air Mite #t l>rriin>itn 1) II Ground formerly fßi*f f .th r .• offif* of Vi'# I'r*t W;t 4id f jm*nl i*t itf Ij E Of *h* f ior-a-l'i • ewril site P*filr *u sr. has r **ri nEri*o ’oc*l #*?*? sr F#man4rs for th* B*# r 1 At laaira* 1 jf'o4.Sl K f> I. .or.- T fx>n 'f>f -o ; ■:■■? of • *>* work • f th* FiorMi fVfttrti snd Pwianlar with *h#9 of f-* ilx>sr-| Mr Ground wsnt to Portißxsith, wfirr* h* n *m oy*4 in t * * fPS of Gn*rtU Bupertn *;td*r# M I** Mr Uuksr.blH s *ck Mr W ums hs* b**n in f fiars* >f hs Ffnss4irs off * for *om* t:ms fi. A A. 4NM 41, m-EThO. H to Mm * r H**w Mold llwt lla H**# I'oatpftßrd. Th* sn#i'i*4 m***lnf of th* Gsoryl# wnd \ ihsm wia to bsv* h**n h*4 t'^day. u’ It wo * found n *-#••• ry to pottpo#.* • **aut* of fh* In* it ry of rr*-. l*ot n Sk*llon of th* B*#bo#rS \ir I An* to Attend M' is nmt ) m*w r Nwr York Tr* mr*fin( ws to hv* *-n h*.d *wo w**k ifo, but it was im - to ir*t a utioroTTi ju** st that rn*. and t •* pOStt4>n*fiM)t Won ord*r**d * pro'ob,*- tr.*- jt , t>* r**pd • w**k rn** •fr \\ If f’>4“.in!9. #• r*rol fr*l#ht .rd p#p*n#*r 4#nt of th* <> sn Pfpjro ' 'ocrii#4. it N*w York j*f for Now ' or fc > *st*nl*y vkt th*- H*itAMM Alt Idn* If*' 4K ■ nmpinlM by Mr J K r* o irt*. r, ry. wfto will 9** orir,* r*<i w .th n.m offt' • Mr T R. Kriifht left for Gsbrl*UA y*s t*rdsy vis Ih* B*4'**r*l Air I,in*, t *kinc wi?h him tw*4v* turi>*ntme iitide fw t>* • *MI I'.iAHeJ Ar. ether . 1 f tw*9v* #9 r* s-nt by th* Mine fr* nto River Junction I ITI HHEI ITIF.A. Mifblrit* r I Kli:<* yesterday moved OHl* from Ir*tyton .tr**? #nd Hroirhon street lane to Itrrom No f In *■ *' • v **‘ f 'n? Nukkn, Bank building Th* ronditk n of M M - Q .id* sh **| no improvomeiit y*st*r<isy, if anythin* l wsa wore* tiwivi the <\my Im< o,rm to his condition ro furth.-* tt*rnpf to find r<l remo\* th* bullet fi m hi* wound ha* -e*n made, ar and 1* !•* • t :ro9wt>l* thiit th#r* will 9 m arwdher 4! t*tnpt UMil id* at ref Ath In* ream-•. Mr Hnfsrl ()!•• of Fi>klr* Hou* No ha re*lv*d 4 letter fr*jer Mr I**rry M L>oL.eon. vm#ul general it* ¥U jad>r, amt ir>* that he ia* ehipf>*d o him via a frt*nd in Hurnt'-r 8 C . Houlh AmenrSai monk*v t. add to hia col e tion of p*t Vir Glass hai written to ib* on at cnee of th* animal, and experts 10 get It within a few day* The *xpe'?e*i m** 1? *r of th* military nimlttee 4H4| th* t natrm n of th* Htreet •ml ix*ne Commit f*e. the dire* lor of p*ib. df* works ard the i.tuli man of the lhrk nnd Tre* Cornmi**l<xi o naisult about fh* I'srk ExtansPm waa not held yesterday afternoon ‘naiimin Id son of tie Brr**et #>l !sn* Committ* of court* 11 wa oat • f the city Hla ett.ndafx-. was .ape. UUy <l.aired. > It wa. de l-tart in pnat|ion. the onlerencc until Friday afternoon. Tli. Havannth I'a leia will a.a.mbl. at the ll.yirr' ntal Armory t*'-irwrrnw ni"rn *' ' o'ck> k f-.r their trip to the mill '.ary rid. r.tfe wh.t. they will have .r.huat shoot It la axp.-cl.d that nearly •II ilia tnemleri of the rum’-any will turn out for lh .vrnt which will | of a,ld'.l ot.rxat mauw of a pcnape-ilv. oyat.r ro.tal r.frcahmcnta The • om iwoy will -ho t for i-o m-.lal-, the com pany and the bullvey. Iti-phl.a, OKIOt k> t. IF t II l M E. I olnittcra* l flair at the t.uartl. Mall (.really Kajsytd. Tna flcmiart Volunteers cava a vary I'lcfl-ytit darwe laM r.lchl at the liuarda Mali The -’anrrr. ctijovert ttia yffair ‘-really, rem.ilnln until a Isle hour Sup per was aerv.rt In the arvemhly rooms be. lew the hall at ,2 "'dock, t.mptlnc dcll- CArdea i.einy uttr.nrively arratut.d upon dacorated tabic. Koliwhk are those who served upon tha oommltlca of arrangementa. Lieu'. K W. Hauchr chairman. H-ryt E 1 Btruck. Corpl W II Httltc. Private l> II Monaccr J K Vetter. J, F Lynch, John Flolham. II I lAiba and Felix Mendel Taken la by the Police. W. B Harris, white, wwe arreatart laat nlcht by Patrolman Winn on the charge or being drunk awl disorderly aid ttyinc to enter lbs houae of Mr. J r Hardee John Bapp was arri tt I !>'. P.itto.m n IMiffy for curslttc and übitalna and at tempttnc lo draw hla pln'ol tar Mr*. J Hmlth A further tharce of cwtrylnc con called weapons sraa etMctcd against him THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2-. 1900. "Now Dont Get the Bluest T ■ ' 4 ■■ ~ & •• - ■BSa i ■ ;J inT ilftigrbli wiA-LA* aJ. . -ARw- ■ w Tar- aTk , -Hg. if T , -m oumnii* ■** mm ■ ■ THE BLUES. To k<N>p a “stiff uppor lip” is almost impossible for an ailing woman. She doesn’t like to say anything about htr troublos to her husband, because she knows they will worry him. She knows that he needs every minute of his time and all of his ingenuity to hold his position and maku headway in his business. She wants to help and not to hinder him. Yet, she has those awful sensations of weariness nnd weakness which, fight as she will, she cannot conquer. She has headaches and a dreadful bearing down feeling which nothing relieves. She doesn't eloep well, and is frequently attacked with dizziness. She keeps her troubles to herself as much as possible and consults the doctor, who doesn't help her. Then she gets discouraged and blue, and after “a good cry,” tell3 her troubles to her husband. Of course, her troubles are his troubles, but a man is always more hopeful than a woman. It is impossible for him to understand how unbearable are her sensations. “Now, don’t get the blues,” he says to her. “Keep on with the doctor’s medicine and you'll be all right soon.” She is more cheerful for a while after that, but the medicine doesn’t do her any good, and the feeling of failure comes back, bringing the old melancholy and depression of spirit. Let this disconsolate woman turn to Mrs. Pinkham and she will get the help she needs. In evory neighbor hood there are women who have been helped by her, and almost every day tliis paper prints letters from some of those grateful hearts. If you are ailing and discouraged, why not do as these women have done and get the advice Mrs. Pinkham so freely offers to every suffering woman I Her address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Pinkham’s medicine has a well deserved reputa tion for curing the ills that give women the blues. It over comes menstrual irregularities and pain, all uterine and ovarian disorders, and brings the nervous system to a normal state. An ideal medicine for women is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. gum DF* tl/A DH .. ° wtn * •* P~PW. h... from tun. to Hm. .rwrtln*,^ JS M if r 1 jfT Tv LWM s\ D V** ‘■" n 'i' n ' o .r*.J ir T* i* M * M F >1 , V 1 * B , 1 .leivvutert Wllb the Nktionkl City li*nk. of I.yno. Mae* , *.vW which will I* paid 9 a J t f 1 # tokTT perxtm who out how tht the sbovee t*®lmomX rv bo* (t*muu.... or went puUliß*J bMors obtiialo* U_- •riwn’ qxartkl (jenniaion Ltdia E lixkiux llxl)ICI.VM Cos . Lynn, * FOR imi.tlilMl Ih ttltl MBMHPIHR. I, v|. 4'. t. \\ orkera l-littcr-tatneil l-aat Mu >" by 4he Ladles taalllary. A supper was given at the VounE Men’s Christian Aesaa-latlnn last 1 lyht In such mcm!*ere of the Member*J.ip 4'ommllteea as lad. prior to Nov. to. brought In one or more new members to the association. Two commuted! of flfty men each had been appointed, one under tha ibalrman chip of Mr. B N Harris, and the other under Mr. C. O Rowland. The mmhliiM efforts of the two committee* resuded In a Rain of ninety-three new members The eupper was served In the reading room of the association at 7;>i o'clock. ami win attended by al-out thirty m. c After an excellent menu, ciiort addresses were marie by a number of the met.. Mr. Row land. apeak!!.a m the aoei.i! and elu~.i tlonal branches of the saaoctaHon work. Mr \V hi Coney, on the physical branch, I with a abort and humorous account of tha i Mrs. Pinkham Cured these Women. jt/f&jiPjiito. pririlege to tU of the great good your rcedieise has done me. I had inflammation and falling of mj* 7K *hc womb and inflammation of orariea, and waa Ant *. MtOk in great pain. 1 took medicine prescribed by a £#* &Wf physician, but it did me no good. At last 1 heard f of Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound, and ■A J after using it faithfully. lam thankful to say I * J am a well woman. 1 would advise all suffering f V~l@ii women to seek advice of Mrs Pinkham I remain j a sincere friend of Mrs. Pinkham and her Vege j table Compound."—Mßd. U. ii CEAPPELL, — '■■■ —"*l Grant Park, IE “ Pkar Mita PixKHAM : —For years I had suffered with painful men atroation every month. At the beginning of menstruntion it was impos sible for me to viand up for more than live minutes. I felt so miserable. One day a little book of youra was throw n into my house and I sat right I down and read iL I then got some of Lydia E. Pinkham * Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills I can heartily say that to-day I feel like a new woman, and shall always praise the Vegetable Compound for what it lias done for me " —Mbs. MAKGAEET ANDLKxON. 00 Maple Street, Lewiston. Me. "T 1 “Drar Mrs Pixkiiam —I cannot praise your medicine enough. When I wrote to you iast winl * r * was all discouraged. I had terrible pains in my back and sides and felt so weak. I __ M did as you directed and now feel like anew wo jpßy r- tnan. When my babe was born, labor was eery short an-i I 1 ave a large healthy child, which we , A f feel assured is the result of my taking Lydia E. ai / Pinknam’s Vegetable Compound. I used ten y ' J bottles of your medicine and two boxes of Liver 4 1 Pills. 1 beg of you to accept my thanks for what you have done for me I would advise every woman in a pregnant condition to take your medicine, asi* is such a help during labor, and Egyggl *• 9 •• Drsr Mrs PnnntA* :—I suffered for several years with falling of the womb. Was treatcil by some of the best doctors in the city, but they failed to cure me. After takingsix bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vege table Compound, lam a well woman The pain in my back has left me af*er taking the second bottle Your medicine has done for me what the doctors could not do, and I wish all who are troubled with female weak ness might know its worth."—MßS. SAKAU UuLsX£l>, 3 Llavu Block, Gorham ht., Lowell, Masb. Mrs. Johnson is helped through "Change of Life.** " Mrs. Pixkiiam I send you this letter to publish for the benefit of othera I was siek for about nine years so that I could not do , ... my work. For three months I was in bed and et.ultl not sit up long enough to have my bed made. 1 bad five different doctors and all said there was no help for me. My trouble was change of life. W I suffered with ulceration of the womb, pain In S_ - jr- XL sides, kidney and stomach trouble, backache, 3AS Swy w headache, and dizriness. I heard of your retne- W w ** 7] dies and Ivgan their esc Bv the time I had taken •U /-~a\ r eight I >ottles of Lydia F. Pinkbam's Vegetable i J Compound, twoof the Blood Purifier, four boxea \ wf / of Liver Pi'!*, and used four packages of banative Wash, I was well and strong and felt like anew fijx,. pi rson My recovery is a perfect surprise to everybody that knew me There ia no need of "“men suffering so much if they would taka It Msatctn jOMxsoNl your remedies, for they are n sure'cureMBS. ■ - - "J CHARLOTTE JOHN SON. Monclora, Ohio. first gymnasium of the organization, and Mr W R Btubba. on the religious work Mr. Il< nry M Johns'*. , the re, retary, read the report of the work of_lhe committees, showing the number of members brought In by each men and the present size and class of the memherchlp of the associa tion Some of the men did very wed in deed In their canvas* tor nev. members, three huring brought In five ew.h, one siz. another seven, while Mr Johnson led the list with eight. I The present membership ojugisU of SgC seniors, TO Juniors and 5* sustaining mem bers, a total of £l4. The ladles of the auxiliary, of which Mrs Mailer Coney Is president, received many thanks and congratulations for tbs excellent supper. " right flUpesMry mil. Atlanta, Nov. TAN- The Wright dispen sary till |s ne rp- tal order In the House for to-morrow. The bill has been tenon, ed on favorably by the Dispensary com ets*. gild a may i aae me Uouso 1 1 jl.ofmbt ua ill rr •< iir.ut u: For laia of Hop Mostgoraary T* bolt. Cattta Park and Wast F-nd. Ltwfay txitpt iuodaya. Subject u r ,, without none* ISLE OF HOPE. Lv City (or 1 of H * L-. laia uf K-, ' I St am from Tentn” (a. un for R,- . 7J* sm from Tooth t> am for - 1' lam from Texita T sfr an. for T- ' •it am from Boaot. lOe am fo- 7 , ‘ IS Sam from Tena a IS tit am for T U® n n from Tenth L® ~m f->r L 1 11 pm from Boltoe Ultta ■ r T -1M pm from Tonth -SF pit f-jc 1, . 1M pm from Tenth Isi pm tor E 4M pm from Tenth 29) prr. for Tar lX pm from Team 4imf rf , a 4pm Pom Tonth <M pm for t- t 7■ pm from Tonth ? % ptr. o~r a IX pm from Tonth •Xpmf. T- r - X pm from Tenth , v 0 pm : - j It X pm from Teeth 'lO m, m f • t..- a ________ 11 <* pm for Lv city for Mor.g r> Li Mo- g mrt 1 M an from Tenth , 7ii am f.r Ter t 2X pm Tenth 1L pm tor Teat (X pm from Tenth <Hr pm for Toe la CATTLE FAKK L city for Cat. Park Lv CatLe P. r . •*1 am from Bolun 7Cu an. for Ba 0 7 X am from bo.ten t *r am 'or and l w pro from Bo.too 1 Xr pm for s’ , •A pm from Bo.ton JWrpm f- 0.. 7*• pm from Bclion 7X pm ft- o3 te li pm from Bolton x> pm for Be-- THfNLERBOLT Car leaves Bolton stree. Junction a. ra and every thirty minute* there*; until 11 Xo m Car trava* Thur.derbolt tt COO a tn a- . every thirty minute* thereafter or 12 midnight, for Bolton street >•. c . tMo. FREIGHT AM PAR.'EI. ITT" car carrte# trailer for on si! trtpe and leave* west ;le of •, market for lale of Hope. Thaaderbo and all letertnediate points it ic a r lon p rr. imp m I-eaee* Isle of Hope for Thunderbr t. C.t> Ma-ket and all Ir.cermadra-a pci--, at 1 * a m . 11 (* i m . 2 a- p m WEST END <'Ajf Car leave* west tide of dty marke- *■• We*t End fan a m and every art m‘r.. thereafter during the day until 11 y p - Leaves tv*a- End at (Fa m arl e eev a*e* ii.e*i"*' durtre the da until 12 tw o'clock tn'dntgh* H M L/'iFTfV Gen y.r.yr omniL. UQuoTTicENsiT City ot Savaonah Offles Clerk of Court-:; SavannaL Os , Nov 11, ;>v Tta foll*>jn applicattors :o r-ta liquor durm* ftr* year I*ol ware r**i •: mretin* of Council Nov 14. !*•: jnrl r*- l*rred to Cotninltiee of the Whoi* WM P BAILEV Clerk of Co-.r.Ml. Arrams M D . Nc 42 Bull (Tree* Beckmann. Oeo . No. 112 Whitaker fir**' Cettlngham. John, southeast comer I ray tor and Broughton stree-i Cottm* nsm John. No. KB Brongh'oo •trees w*at Carr John, corner Habersham and Biy street*. Preeeon H E northeast comer Steirx-t and Wilson street* rteirnan. Dsnw. No "2* Indian street Dirk* A J No 21* Whllsker street Geffker. Herman H northwes'. comer Broughton and Pr*ce stre Orsham. C. F.. Pulaski House B *treet Hi ks R M . No 2S Congress street we> Immer John H northwest corner Jore* snrt Habersbsm atreet* Kluemar. A . No. 437 Slme street Luba. John F noethweet corner leber ty sad Habersham streets Mendel. Carl. No. W Liberty stree- at. McCormick, Wm , No. €2f Indian *'reel M-Bride T F . No SSS Bay tree- rxst. O Keefe Jax.. Manager, amathwa*'. corner Drayton and Broughton street* Bulltvan, John. No. 15 Congress street, west Sullivan, John J., No. *> Bryan street east Travera. E, No. *4 Bull stree- 8-revsn House Watson A Powers, De Soto Hotel Liberty street, near Bull street Wade John T corner Ogl*horp ve nus and Houston street* IT’S A CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tonic A trade mark WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, Intermittent, Malaria, And All Forms of Fevers. ALL DRCGGIBT3 SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., savannah, oa. BRRNNAN BROS. wholbsalb Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. *33 Bay STBI.tT. Waau tetrrbeaevaa. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for ••home-mlzed" fertilizer The cheapen and moat concentrated on the market Bend for particulars HAY, GRAIN, COW KEU, BRAN. ETC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thene EA 1 Bay straet, weet PROI’tIAALI WASTED. r s engineer office, bt ac gustlne, Fla.. Oct. VM Sealed pro uosals for completing gun and mortar bat teries and building concrete ttoc-hous-a at Fort Tsylor, Key West. FH. wtllbi r+cvlv+4 h*r+ until U. neon. Nov. 90. 19 0, and then publicly opened InformaHOn furr.lshetl on application. C. H. McKlns try. Capt. Egrs ____ oldi NEWSI'APEM. MO for cents, a* JBuaiotas OXttc* MoralhX Ns ire.