The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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RRR la h# (wheitier ®lck or nervous). , tk t i.euralgia. rheumatism, lum- I jin* ani weakneen in the back, r kidneys. ran around In® liver. a* Uir of the Joints ami pains ;tn tti* 1 ■ippilcttlOD f Had way's jirhef will afford imvnetiisre ease, .rt.i 'ifl use for a few days ef j,f manent cure. < i in.* and mcvexTi )l*. uughs. . throat, Hoarers*, rt , i,, llronrbllls, llrudiM* lie, ~ he. lilteuniallMm, jjlh. Aetbmn, *lrnlna, i riiun lay hiin Remedy, ,i r how violent or r*icnictating Kht'um lit* Bedridden. In* , i Nervous. Neuralgic or i a i ll disease rosy suffer. ready relief Will In.lan, Em. VIXY-A half to i teaspoonf it of water will in a lew ('r.imp*. Spasms. Sour Siom \ ..tuning. Heartburn. N r - ■ t-ple.-r-ne*! l . Sick Headache, .•.lie. Flululency and all ln i...t a remedial agent In the m will .ure fever and ague and • rloti-. t II mu and other fa had way s Finns > IIADWAY 8 HEADY HH b iiie P .11 b druggtita : In Get R t.lWiiy'r “LL TEAM ALL READY. II .1 tfK'HWIU.B El i:VE\ MORROW AFTERNOON. The Imkinatllle Agsreuatlnn n u im line, tt IHi a Fine Rernnl. \ .limn li lien Have* I|i Mill in I’rue"lice, anil ’.till Play a Haril name—pome of the lien That W.ll Make llie Team—Savannah rs Iteuneeled In Wear White nail Nile i It I lie. f..ntball will have the rhanre hi excellent game to-mor ii the Jacks nvllle team, arul .1 mtiah Athletic Association ->n\ llle li am cornea with a • I hiving played five game, n which none of their op i m* . -da single point, while their .ee .ore w.ia lei point,. There la , . imih to beUeve that they will • . quaky strong gvme ngalnrt 8 u ih team but the local team ii .sir r two about the game, and , the visitor, llgnt for avery -11 I.iey get In tile way of point* -i ir.nah men have been putt lug it.l work, practices having lak- I- alums' every night during the ■ k and only little less often be ii time. The team Is made up of K" players who know the game and under the skillful coach- Mr. Cordon Saussy show up re r i k li.iy well. -xpected that the game, as far as : , , uien are concerned. will n .i ir. individual w-ork. whlrfh wIW be more enjoyable from the vlew l, ..f the spectators, as they are thus ettrr enabled to keep the ball In and l w i\ s gives op|K>rtunliy for mt runs. . lever Interferences, and e - I tflCklYtf. fi' men have shown up ::.|l> In t ic practices anl will no • nr.- p.i is on the team: Moae .. wno hi is been p iuylng end, and t ■ I nun o get round; Johnson, ami in. who have been I'.aytng tackle; • wio his iieen playing center, hie I * .'.ion ard one In which he Is a < strength, ami Brown ami Jones. Ban. ry 1 men, who have been ptay- Ktur.l in 1 wno from their weight and “ rrner i xperience are amply able to ir. of the position. Wesnesky. is •r Battery F man of whom great are expected. 'he | virions behind the line, the uidldntre are James Melntlre. Mi, Birdie Sullivan, Jamm 11. i I'h.iri duHlgnon, Alex Kren- H and fsisslbly Baussy Thomas r *. also, who Is an all-round goo-d " I always give, a good account '■ f in a game, will doubtless bo ■ position. >i * nnr.ah men have had to put up guarantee to get the Jacksonville > r,. .and the game should be at t at nke an Interest In ath. I- tally In view of the effort that • t ing made to encourage auch * i In this city. management requests that all Ba ■ ... . rooters will wear the team's eol ■ i ami navy blue. Flags, horns. ■ md canes, and other parapherna i which the rooter Is generally i will probably be In evidence, and will hot l.e discouraged by the tm nt Jacksonville's colors are and purple, and are sure to be in evidence as the learn will bring < m ,i hint.' number of rooter*. A i nv vehl leg have already been ■.I I y persons who expect! to attend The* . utlook Is that many per i vi. w the contest from *uch posl r 'f vantage. ■ime will be begun promptly at 4 • inn at lt.i.i:. M| •. \\ . Tlpplna I.rises ltr.rn and till Ili rinses With (nnlrali * lie 'la . Nov. 27.—The large barn ‘ Ime lot houses on Mr O. W. Tlp- M: 'lamaikm were burned this morn -1 fora day. Including corn, fod ■ rtors. hay and other products is farm this year The total In-- bukdlngs an.l (**<3 will 1 ' out 12. u Fortunately none '"V, k was burner). 1 ifl-uis bad Just complete.! these - • this year, and they were the 1 • vicinity. There was no in >r it. any of the destroyed property. " Is • bought to be of Incendiary "" all buildings were burned at 1 1 ‘u.J not well have caught other, a, buildings nearer the at. ir.. lot and forage houses were • l The loss, coming Just as It ,M after the crop Is housed, f.tlla iy on Mr. Tlpplns. 1 her throat with a razor. M H • r nT Three email C hildren Killed Herself. Nov. 27.—With a razor. Mrs. Hdw trda. mother of thr#* children. r throat In her bedroom this morn- Her Jugular vein was entirely Nr '•> deaih was almost Instantaneous *■** <• *ife of p C Edwards, an ' tb- BoiitbrrnsßaflWgy. ’Tem lnsan;ty is believed to have caused ‘I Mr*. Edward* was about M> old ~! -wards family, living at 1 Ira oiisiaied of Mr. and Mrs Ed and three email children, the old- ; “'v ° l4, ina ,h * >“““**t lUiUUKI) IT T. lit 11.1 ll’s. Marriott.' of Mr. A. A. Unreorr and Miss Isabel Ashby Paine in < hnr leslun. Charleston, Nov. 27—The marriage of Miss Isabel Ashby Heine of this city so Mr A. A Lawrence of Savannah t.k place at high noon at St. Philip'* Church here to-day, the Kev. John Keisbaw ottl i elating. The church was fll r.l to ov.f llowing with the numerous fried- a nJ admirers of Miss l'alne. who, ever since her debut at the Bt. Cecelia here, a cou ple of years ago. has been one of Un acknowledged belles of her set. Miss Paine Is the youngest daughtercfMr Mo r ton R. Paine, one of the rti -1 i romln-nt cllltona of Charieslon. Mr Pa n Is the superintendent of the Clyd ■ dteamdrip Company In this city. The bride was gowned In ih* c nven ttonal heavy white silk, iare old lac* and orange blossoms. The gown was cut -n train, high neck and h>n.t sleeves Ihe I corsage was draped with embroidered chlfTon. B|p. wore a harvest m-o • f .11 1- ni.,nds at the throat and rarr.ed a b au tlful bouquet of white Bril,* Miss Paine, the only sister of the bride, was the maid of honor She wore an ex quisite gown, composed entirely of -a e, with accordion pleating of chiffon iho bridesmaids' gowns were of wht e mo ■*- sellne over taffeta, with In ertings of Valenciennes lace, pasiet blue saslie.- and bows In their hair They carried la g hunches of long-stemmed whit-- chrys n themums. Uel with rtobons of blue The ( bridesmaid* were Miss A. B Lawrence, the groom’s sister, of Marietta, G.i . M -s ll*-.en Lowndes Havenc-1 and Mies May Holmes of Charieslon, Mb* Kathe I o Brumby of Marietta. tSa.; Miss Jul.t Courtenay Conner and Ml>* H. len K. Davis of this city. The best ma.. w.c- Mr K-jinuel Lawrence of Nor ok, Va The ushprs were Me**r* P R. Pains c 7\ I.lam*. R. Ollchrlsi, J B Law rence. Shelby Myrs.-k and Le pll Alexander. Among the vls.tlng ga. *t* above the ribbon at the church w-e.e the Hon Spencer Atklnenn of Atlanta. Mr and Mrs R DeT. laawrnce of Marietta, the parents of th groom. Mr. ar.d Mr* H F. Punwody of Brunswi-k and II n. and Mr* W. W. Osborne of Savannah The church was lavi.-hlv rie-rorated wl h imim* and chrysaothemims After the eremony a wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party and member* o', t ie family at the home of the bride's fath r on Meeting street. The happy couple 1 ft here on the afternoon train tor a io-ir which will Include New York. Boston anl Washington On their return South they will make their home In Sivannah of which city Mr Lawrence I* a prominent young lawyer. Mr. Lawrence, is one of Savannah'* mo-t prominent young lawyer*, a m m< or of the ilem of Osborne & Lawrence He has been a resident of Savannah about ten years, and Is ropular among all classes of people. INDORSED THE fitKl HILL. Veterans Want thr Mate to Arcept the Soldiers' Home. Atlanta. Nov. 27,-The Gary bill now be fore the Legislature, authorizing the state to receive the Soldiers' Home, received a strong Indorsement from the Confederate Veterans to-day The committee appointed at the Augusta reunion to adopt resolution* met thl* morning In the library at the slate rap | itol to adopt a memorial In behalf of the Confederate Home, and In the memorial was an Indorsement of the Gary bill. MaJ. J B. dimming was selected chalr- I man ef the committee and Col. P. F Fre-man as secretary. The m<miters of the committee were MiJ J. It Gumming Augusta; Col. J M Pate, of Covington; Gen. P. McGlashan. of Savannah. Col. D. S Freeman, Gen C. M Wiley, of Macon; Col. A. B. Montgom ery. of Home; John Triplett, of Thomas vllle; W B. Burroughs of Savannah; J S Boyiiton, of OrllRn; Alex Irwin, of Ath ens, W. P Prl- e. of; W. P. Sheppard, of Columbus, and W L. Cal houn, of Atlanta. The paper was read before the Commit tee on Appropriation* from the Legisla ture this afternoon, and there is a strong belief that the necessary money will lie provided for to maintain the home. Mr. Hamby of Rabun ha* announced hi, Intention of fighting the bill Inspected the Tech. Atlanta. Nov 27.—The Legislature In spected the Technological School to-nUht In a.ddltlon to the legislator* a Urg r,umler of Atlanta people were preset t The school was In running order, the ma chine shops being fully manned. The leg islators were taken In hand by Pres! lent Hall and other members of the fa tiltv and shown over the building*. They ee.-u*. cd greatly Impressed with the Institu tion. Alabama -Georgia. League. Selma. Ala . Nov. 27.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the Selma Baseball Association, to be held her# Friday night. :h- lit*' steps will be taken in the forma tion of an eight-club Alnhama-GeorgU In terstate League The proposed cities men tioned are Selma and Montgomery. Ala., and Rome. Atlanta. Macon and Columbu* Ua Tho other two cities will be eeiecled Uter. JUSTIFIABLE DECEIT, Little Aria Practleeel by Wives. The way a Cincinnati woman cured her husband of the coffee habit by a little by play Is worthy of imitation In bad cases lie tells the tale himself "For year* 1 had been uung coffee and finally 1 got like a morphine or opium (lend. I kntw per fectly well that coffee robbed me of sleep, nnil I would he awake hour after hour In Ihe night, throwing away my life practi cally, for I needed the sleep to carry on my work. "Common sense and my knowledge of the medicinal eietes of caffeine (the active principle of coffee) told me plainly* enough that I was ruining my life with every cupful, but to give coffee up was another quettlon. I simply could not “About three months ago my wife brought home a sample of Postum Food Coffee, but I would not hear to It. Bha said I wa* stubborn end hard-headed. No doubt I wa*. but 1 wasn't myself “She apparently gave up the effort to induce m<- to change, and 1 went on (as 1 supposed) with my coffee righi along. Ova cups a day. About a month after that I noticed 1 was sleeping very much belter at night, my nerves were fully fifty per cent, stronger I drank Just a* mu h coffee a* ever, and w-as delighted to think ; that It was not the coffee that was hurt ing me." "riptaklnir to my wife about the <han** tn my h*aMh. I told her that there must he aomeihlng tn my habits that had changed my health. for I was eo much better. and I wae glad to know that I could cat battar and allll uia coffee. She laughed heartily and aaid ah* might aa wall Itt tho cat out of the bait. She aald. I have been giving you Poetum Food Coffee for a whole month and you have never known It." The proof waa so plain and tho Poa tum Coffee so good that X waa simply de lighted with the whole affair, and of courae freely forgave my wife for the Justifiable deception. lam getting well as fast aa a man could and am telling my friends about It However, many of them, like myself, will not hear to any change, but stick to their coffee, and complain of headaches. Indigestion, et-- A few of them have been Induced to make lhe change from coffee to I'oalum Food coffee, and I have never known a oaaa where It has not worked a great advantage "-J. B. Huttenmlller, US Baca a tree i, Cincinnati, O. , THE MOKKIKG NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 190 Q, j ASh rH the FULL NAME Hnnyadi Jdnos ~ r !*•*,. aßd Laisttr • W*tsr Kwnrn to tb# nr. . :! - * ***** *•!■* rrm+iiT * r .ii disorders of •i.*oiaeti • | uai'ic • run- ti peupio wiib #**leLfjirT habits and an ar lut* care for chruot i Constipation. I Tor Prspspus. Blllcu.nsss, sad fer 11-. Uh. .n.ln: (nrni nrsttosutn* ih* >lmn 1 miJl ZLZSF’ *?' M h ** *"> tlwrwgbly Iwlutsrd by tbs nidi 1 1 r,M.. j sloo sso-Tslly u iMs ws||.|inno Apsrtsnt Wsisr j LABEL ON BOTTLE S.SSS, THE WEATHER. for \\ e*ln iiui Thur§<i.> . Georgia url South Carolina: Fair ne.-day and Thursday. frci-h i-.orth lo rant wind?. Biiytcrn Florida Fair Wednesday; winds mostly fre.-h northerly. \\rstern Florida Generally f-ilr W*rl i.xt iy and Thursday; ll|?ht 10 fre*h sou h to we*t windy Yesterday'** Weather at Sa\annah— Maximum temperature, ;W> l>. m .. *' degree* Minimum temperature. *. m ttdemevM Mean temperature dnsr. * Norms! tem|>erature M dec r Detlrlenry of teinyv niu t* . 4 degr • A ''Umutated ox since Nov. 2 Vd^rrt, Accumulated excess since Jar. 1 2T*mloc e 5 Mainfal! <"01* < h Normal t i h (Excess since Nov. 1 l.tiou. Deficiency sin e Jan 1 n ' Hlver Report—The htitht of the Savan nah river at Augusta. ! a m 7>th mc rUtlan time, yesterday, wa.- H 2 feet, a rise of >.* feet during tne preceding twen ty-four hours. Observation* taken m the sme moment of time at all stations. Nov. Zl. IW*. k p. m . 75th meridian time. N ibmi if jltf T. V. R®ln Bo®ton. ®now '* -- J N#w York cloudy W F* FhiMHphU. cloudy 24 I Washington. . Icar Norfolk, clear ! 14 Hnrtoras. clear • w I 24 l . f Wilmington. c>ar W I Charlotte, clear 48 | * ® Ralelan, cl#ar 48 ** Charleaton. clear ! Atlanta, clear I | V> ! <•*> Augusta. c>r 4® * Savannah, clear | &4 J • w JackaonvUie. clear i M I * Jupiter, clear !*> * JJ Key West, clear IW| 13 > Tampa, clear ; M ! U 00 Mobile, clear ! i 8 ! .ft) Montgomery, clear | * r 4 U •*•*> Vicksburg, clear 1 L | .40 New Orleans, clear W J L *** Gilvtfion. clear | <5 I 1 Corpus Cbtrlstl. clar • Palestine, clear 52 5 .ft) Memphis, clear j 54 5 | .on Cfficlnnati* clear 44 j U ! -W TMitshurg. cloudy j 40 ! 1* j .05 RufTalo. clear 33 1 0 I -00 Detroit, cloudy | 8*) i L# on Chicago, dear | 4* | U ! .ft) Mirquette. riourty 0 8t Paul. clo-:4y Davenport, St. LxHite. Kan?®?* City, cloudy 4B ♦ .ft) Oklahoma, clear i 4* | 8 T Doclgo (Tty. cloudy 44 | ♦? ‘H North Plat re. clear 42 L. 00 H B. Boyer. Ir*l Foreeeat '.>fflcle , . CHILD I.IHtiH HILL KILLED. Eloquence of ktroni* ddroratp* Could hot ftavc It. A;*nt. Nov. 27—Deaplte the fervid eloquence of It* advocates who urged their cases tn speech** of unusual force and pathos, the child labor tdti was kl.led in the House this morning by a decisive vote of l'H to 56. Mr Houston of Fulton, Mr Miller of Muscogee, Mr Hall of Bibb. Mr. Everett of Stewart. Mr. Copeiend of Welker. Mr IJitle of Muaonge* and Mr Wrlgh) of Floyd spoke in favor of the bill. The speech of Mr Wright of Floyd was par ticularly eloquent and won much applause Mr. Park of Oreene. Mr. GrUe of Pu laski. Mr Hardin of Wilke*. Mr Free man of Troup and Mr. Morris of Cobb op posed the [>a-*.t*e of the measure. The galleries were tilled with specta tors. among whom were many ladit, who seemed to S* all In favor of th# bill. They were, of course, much dt*appoln:l al the result. Previous to !h raking up of th* bill Mr Morris of Cobb offered a resoluilon to the effect that the previous qtie* ion he called st 12 o'clock, afterward allow ing each side twenty minutes tor conclud ing argument This resolution was car ried ll will he remembered that the *wo child labor bills. Introduced hy Mr Wright of Floyd and Mr Houston of Fulton, were referred to the Committee on Labor an 1 Labor Statistic* and thl* committee con soll.luted lioth in the form of * substi tute and referred It back to the House with a recommendation that it be pass'd PROHIBITION COMMITTEE. Organised to Crxtelllr* the Pro. lilhltlon Sentiment. Atlanta. Nov. 27.—The Inter-denomlna tlonal Prohibition Committee, composed of member* of the Baptist ami Methodist church**, was organized to-day at the First Baptist Church, with Dr. F. H Kerfoot. a* chairman and Mr A A. De- Loach. as secretary The Baptist numbers of th* committee are Dr. F. H Kerfoot. Dr. YV. W. Lan drum. Dr. O A. Nunnaily. Rev. R E L Harris and Dr. Len G Broughton. The members from the Methodist Church are Chancellor W. B. Hill. Dr W. P Ix>ve joy, J A Tillery. A A DeLoach. W 8 Wit ham end Rev A J Hughes The purpose of the committee Is to create and solidify Prohibition sentiment In Georgia and to Influence legislation to wards that end hy every legitimate meins. The flrat work of the committee will be to support In every r>o**lblo way the dlspcnaarv bill of Mr. Wright, set for the special order of the day In the Houao to-morrow The members of the committee say they are organised to work, and that they wl I not discontinue operation* after pa swing a few resolution* FLRNACBS WILL BE FIRED. Will lnerrasr Alabama'* Dally Pig Iron <#Hput Tons. Birmingham, Al*.. Nov 27.—The S.osv Sheffield Steel and Iron Company has completed repair* on one En*#y (urns •# o,t Sheffield end has ordered th* aeconil Enaley furnace *t that p ace repaired One of these furnace* will probably be fired within the next two week*. Ti* Jenifer furnace at Jenifer. Ala., will algo be put In repair at one The Wood took Iron Company *t Annlaton has de ermin *-d to irpsir Ita three furna-e- there. When these furnace* are In operation they will mere*## the dally product of pig iron tn Alabama by. at Itaat 1,0.0 ton* "THU HOI Mll.HV’ J Thomna Q. KruhruoLt' In III# l.aiem hi<**ra#fnl l*loy . The attraction a* the the.iter to-night will he ’*The Bounders " The lateM, uol claimed to be, the greatest New York Casino sucres* since the "Btlla of New York" It 1j an adaptation from a French farce ma le b>* Harry H Smith, with orig inal lyrics and a musical setting by Lud wig Englander It held the boardK at the New York Casino for over fl\* month' •ist spring and summer, and will tw* pre sented Iwre by almost Identically tn* ini. ompany a* mad It a sue •*• • tb'' Th .•* i,* .He ah rook*, who will lx' pl< a ntly remembered by r4imi of his x •i>u •mi here Is at < m t id th rgu.ilaatlon li* Is a comedian who Is Mginil, unique and humorous in what mt part he pourav*. Tha Caalno manage - ’ • nt declares he has acln**\*d ih* ai*a* m su' est, of his career in ihe present Tvvducilon The idea of h.i* part Is orlgt tul and humorous to start wlth-ran Irish Turk Whosvcr beard of and how Is su*h u combination possible'* Well, the compoaer of ’ Tne Rounder*" make* It possible by having the Irish character wrecked on tho shore of Tur key adopted by the Sultan and raised o th# rank of n Pasha. 1 pee ms simple enough don’t It? Tho story of ' The Rounder*" I* a trans lation from u French farce made by Hur ry B. Smith, who has brought the .Kory up-to-date an<l t*udwlg Englander has fitted to It a bright, tuneful mui<*al score which ha* added greatly to the sue ess of the piece. Among the catchy numbers ire "There An* But One Hundred Girls In she World for Me " "The Doll Due?." between Miss Perry end Mr. Terris "Nothing In it." "Th* Bounders' Trio ” and a wait* finale **f the flrst act—all of which are really remembered nd have be go me popular succeeees. In addition to Mr fteabrooke there an* a number of well known people who have been seen here in the past, notably Irene Perry. Be rtha Waif singer, Jeannette I*owrle. Crip sie Carlyle. W C Mandevllle. Wm T Terrlss. Jack Bernard Herbert A Cripps The curtain wHI rise at R o’clock sharp. The Kllmt-Heam company will prerent to-morrow, matinee *nd night. "The Fa tal Card." The play' Is woven about ♦wo men. who me** twice at tragi - perk*ls In their lives, ai*d under the mo t <trv ng circumstances They each perform heroic deed*, not withstanding the fact that one of them is a villain. Comedy of the bet ter sort runs a!l through the p?ece The scenery Is elaborate and beautiful, ct on* showing the Interior of a min ng camp saloon, a t two the lawn at Mar rahlc't. I'digiinh home, act three a suite of oflV • In lndon. act four the dr.iw in|-ro m of Marrable's home and the rub ber's rendezvous. In a de-c-rt*d cot'ag*. T?e story, clever ph>e and climaxea hr.* k down the barrier* of chlllincs* and Ih entire audlenc* |~ field In the rk st !n --tereat. M. B Eeavitt’s spectacular pr ductlon. "The Bplder and Fly." will b* the ,ttr - lion a! the thealer Friday and Sa'ur.’.iv night with rdwclal matinee Bat ird y The *aie of sewts will open at the tox offlt-e thl* moming .it 9 o'clock- Prices * , nt Mat it adults, SO cents, children. X cents. The (•real well# A>’ I nltrd Minna Will Fxlilliit Here Tomor row. To-morrow wi;i witness th* arrival of the great 84I* A Gray'* united show* The show will arrive on Its own specia' train*, and will give two performances, matinee and night a< the corner of Bol ton and East Itrcad street*. In Jacksonville. Fla . Monday, where the show exhibited, people were unable to gain admission to the tents, so large whs the crowd. *nd It goes without saying that the enormous business done In Jackson ville will be duplicated In Savannah, for thl* will be the first and only big show t*j exhibit here tnl* season, ami Savannah l ine are always Hberai In their |atronge toward such emuevnent enterprises, es pecially when they come as well mended a* does the Sells & Gray’s shows. Ample preparations will be mad** by th** management of the S< ils A Gray s show s, to handle the people who will wish to witness the many new and startling fe. ture* which are Introduced In the excel lent programme promised, and suffice to say that th® two and one-half hours spent under th® big exhibition tents will be In strumental of awe inspirations at the dop ing and almost seemingly wuperhuman feats, mirth and merriment caused by th* score and ten of funny clowns and the a mating .t'4ma! saga- .fv 1.-Ha *d i sav nothing of the many novelties said in totally ocllp- all other* usually **en with organ.sat ions of this kind A grand free street parade. In ail It* gorgeous *plendor. w-ith Its many* bands, its elaborately decorated cages, dens, tableau®, charlois and striking novelties will traverse the principal dwn town streets ao-mofTow morning at 10 -Ta o clock and should be seen to be appreciated Parties desiring to purchase ticket* other than the show grounds can do so by calling at Gardner’s gentlemen* fur nishing store, corner <>f Broughton an 1 Bull streets, where a down town ticket feller will be stationed on and after 9am _l Ar rv pid yea o through th’ war widen* a scratch? Denny: No? me’ Th’ fVa* wer too plln tlful for thot —Chicago News. tHTA I 5 1- ><t l M 1^ ireriii kOTicii We are now giving special attention to house painting, kalseminlng and paper banging, etc. With a corps of only flrst- Clas# workmen and a ompef.nt super in ted nent we tan do your work prompt iy and satisfactorily Get our estimate on anything in house decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. EIKCtTBD. By the American Bonding ®nd Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute locally (Immediately upon application). ®ll bond* In judicial pr>- cedlng* in either :he state or United Statee Courts, and of administrators and guardian® HEARING * HULL*. Agent# Telephone *?4 Provident Bulldlng STOPPED THE COUQH. Prather> Tar and Cherry Cogjh Cure lie. DONNELLY DRUG CO. line*' ttf-#alt# #t >i'nport. Clnt .me:i Nov. If.-Hrsu t* at New port First lU(-s Dve furlonge. Orile Goan, t* to l, won. with Sam P Cochran. 4 t> 1. second and McManus. 8 to .. thirl. Tlm* | B®oon*l Race- Out mils, *®ll itf AYln® press, v to won. with Momentum s to 1. second, and N*%irast. 2 to I. 4hlw). rime 1 49 Third It • t*ix ar.d a tidf furlong'*. HclliiiK 1 : to 1, won with Lid* Barnes. 7 to 2, second, and The Go®ir, 8 to third Time 1 >‘ 4 Fourth It i c~Om- mli® and • rixti'e th, si lling Fug of Truce. 15 to 1. won. with Winter, tl to *. and Ida L*d.ord. 7to 2. third Time 1 .V4’; Fifth Bin. f*!x furlongs. Trinity B II 1 to 1, won with Glen wood. 15 to 1. -e. •- ond. and Gran don. I to 2. thlnl. dime 1:28*. SixUi Ua Six furkv selling \-:l tutor, 7 to 10 won. with Ix>rl Fraser. 5 tu 1. *• >nd. and Luicy leach, ii) to 1. thlnl Time l:lx\. The It fti- 1 #mi Henning#. Washington, Nov 27 - Four favorite* and two long shots won at Llcnn.ugs to <ia>. gummarlcs First Ua* Handicap, six furlcng* Kinniklnm-'. 11 to ~ won. with chill. 5 to 2 anl ■> to 5. second, and Death, IS to 1. third Time 1.17 1-5. Second li t • Maidetv—Two-year-old ffl Hue. five furlongs The Rogue. 12 to 1. won. with Zonaule. 10 to 1 and 3 to 1. *e.-- ond. and t>bllgod. 9 to 5. third Time j ! 04 Third Rae®—Three year-olds, mbe and 7u yards Astuith, 11 to 10. won. with Bor oufh. 2 to 1 and out. second, 31aril>ert. A ’to 1. third. Time 1512- * fourth Haco-Two-year-old*, six fur longs. Orlenta. 10 to l. won. with Budk S 2 to 5, *rd out. ; • oii l, and Lilue Bkln. j to 1. third Time 1:1* Fifth |{a*' —One atvl one-®ixte®nth miles Oneok Quo* n. 1 to 2. won. with 'Godfrey, x to l and 2 to !. sc *ond. and i Evelyn Byrd. 10 to 1. third Tints ! VI Sixth bnu- B ven furl rtg• Miss Hanover, even, won, with Or* ad. even ar.d out. second ond De lmal. 15> to jl. third. Time 1:32 2-5. ABOUT 'HEART DISEASE. " " ■ m - M.rl)’ I*.t font, of It lt*all> r*aur.t I ri.iu l’tar lntta*<itliin. orKantn h-art troul'l, la Incurable, I but aeaivrly mi* In a humlrr.l la ! organic. The aotlon of Ihe heart an>l alomi-h ara lioth cotjirolle-l by ihe aame sreat nerve.-, the xympaiheii.' and pneumogaa trl' and when th-' e.omach fail* lo prop •rl) !.*• i th* f.xxl and 11 Ilea In (h* nomach fermemln see are formed, which -Hatend the organ, causlnir preaxure on th heart and Ulrica, cauzlnc palptta ilon. Irregularity and ehorineoe of breath The dancer from I hi* condition ta that the continued dlaturbanre of the heart aooner or later may can*- real organic hear* trouble, and In fa -t frequently rtoea no. Furthermore, poor dtfeailon make* th* blood thin an.l watery and -leflrtent in red corpuM-le*. and thl* further Irritate* and weaken* the heart. The mo*t *en*tble to do for h*rt trouble fa to inaure ihe dlgeation and **- •imllattou of the food. Thla ran be .tone by the regular uae af ter meal- of aome aafe.’ fdeaoar.t and ef fertlve dlgreatlve preparation, like Btuart Dywpepeta Tablet*, which may be found at mo*t drug etorra and which contain the neeeasary digeollve element* In a pleaaant, eonventent form Thounnd* of people keep well and vig orous by keeping their duration perfect hy ob.-ervln* the rule of taking one or two of ttp ae tablet* after each meal, or at leaat after each hearty meal. Btuarl'a Dyapepala Tablet* contain IT. 8 r pepaln, dla*ta*e from malt and other natural dlge*ttve, whli-h act onlv on the food, dlgeatlng It perfectly and preventing aridity, gaa-'a and the many dleaed ron d tlon* wht- h accompany a weak ■lom ach When Stuart'* Dyapepeta Table** are u-e-l you may know you are not taking Into the ayatem any atrong medicine or powerful drug, but *lmply ihe natural d.geetlve element* which every weak aiomach lack*. 8-v widely known and popular have the** tablet* become thal they are now sold 111 the United State*. Canada and Great Britain. jtl'lX Idl. NOTICE#. MASONIC TEMIM.H PHARMACY, PRESCRimONB. DRI’Gfl AND CHKM ICALB FIRST! Then Come* Flral Grade Medk-inea, Per fume*. Taper and Envelope* And Last, hut not Lea*), Our High Grade CREAMS and SHERBETS Rend your order early PHONE M 2 PAINT* AND HOI PAINTING. Wo handle nothing but th* VERY BEST grade* of PAINTS and OILB, and employ the very beat painter* to be had. Allow u* to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Comer Congresa and Drayton, ptgine ill. THE HEP IIE-ART. Cincinnati Beer la the popular beer now It oeema to be made Juat right Aak for It wherever you go JL’NG BREWING COMPANY. WM BRICKEN Manager Phone ns li it > MH, \\t HAVB IT. Feilckinger* California Fruit*. dVhlt* and Black Royal Cherrte*. Sliced Apri cot*. Ye-iot* Crawforu and Lemon CUng t'cache*. Rarllell Pear*, and Green Gage Plumb* tn 3-:b tin*. Also Waaean Salad ar-d Cooking Oil at HARDEE A MARSHALLS. Phone tS PHEACRIITIONA. P**criptton* Ailed any tim* of day or night The only up-to-date pharmacy tn South Savannah PARK AVE PHARMACY. J L Branan, Prop , Cor Park Ave. and Barnard Phone 11 PROPERTY OttMlllt. If you want your plundblng work done reasonable and up-t-uate. call on the former plumbing lnpector. COSGROVE. 13 Drayton street, In r#r Lutheran Church. _ land titua. Abetract* of the recorded land titles of Savannah and Chatham county from the aettlement of Georgia t— date Moetay loaned at low tnteroe.i ua uu goal aatale. BDCKIffT * BETKffrT. . FOR A ALE. feet long; on* Hill Oacllia'.lng Steam Nig ger. I and 10-Inch cyllndeni only ue<l about thirty dajr; on* filer and Stowell Gang Edger, with three w; on* full **t of Filer and Btowell Lathe Machinery. conMsttog of bolter and gang lathe uw mill; one set of machinery for making rosin barrel nv*s, also a tot of circular Saw* from 16 to 36 Inch** diameter from the rodl of H. P. Smart A Bro. In Emanuel county. Th* above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFG. CO . Savannah, Ga. - T Al ' l rA - NC -—!—: v ■ • *|.j[ OUR STOCK OF Useful : Articles Is Composed Partly of the Following: PORTIERES I'Olt FOLDING 1)001(8 IIOT STUFF STOVES. INLAID LINOLEUMS AND STRAW MATTINGS. BEADS ODORLESS IIKFRITERATORS. UPHOLSTERY GOODS AND I,ACR CURTAIN'S BITE’S STOVES AND HANOI'S. AXMINSTER AND TELN ET CARPETS. IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS. SHADES TO ORDER A SPECIALTY LEATHER LOFNGES AND ROCKERS. VESTIBULE LACE AND LACE PANELS. IMPERIAL BABY JUMPER. MANTEL SCARFS AND CHINA SILK. PEDESTALS AND LADIES’ DESKS. COUCH AND TABLE COVERS KEROSENE (ML HEATERS. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS. ALL SIZES. COMBINATION BOOK CASES. The** are only a few of the thing* we have, W* have Ju*t what you want, and the quality and the price I* alway* right Our Motto. “Not How Cheap, but How Good." I* carried nut all through the •lock. We want to fell for CASH, but If you have not got all the ca*h, and your ref erence* are right, your credit wilt be good for the balance. LINDSAY & MORGAN ■ LOW PRICES High Grade Trunks. We make our Trunk* at our factory. WE WILL HELL YOU AT WHOLE lion't fall to examine our atonk beforw buying, a* we can *ave you money. SHOW AND SALESROOM. 311 AND Sl* BROUGHTON, WEST SOUTHERN TRUNK FACTORY. McDonough & bALLAim.xE, w Iron Founders, Machinists, ittac i. ni 1 1 1t.,11. rn.iiL. r M lUiWlctSMBe rr| *ll.l I'll r 111 t-l c I 11*1111 •. V. HI. 11l mill lup Him Ef t t orn Mill., -fignr Mill unit !'•. -tin ()>■••*. Pnlle... ele. TELEPHONE NO. 123. USUAL HOTItICg. IN the District Court of the United Statee for the iSjt*rn Division of the Southern District of Georgia Notice of application for discharge In the matter of David Kraus, lounty of Chatham, tn bankruptcy. To Ihe creditor# of th* above-named bankrupt. You are hereby notified thot the above-named bankrupt he* filed nl application for a discharge from ail of th dehl* provable In bank ruptcy against raid Dev el Kreue said app'.lcetlon will be heard by the lion. Emory Speer. Judge of the Untied Bt*'e District Court, for wild district and di vision. at the United States Court Hourc. tn Savannah, Go., on the 11th day of De camber, 1(00. at ten o'clock * m All creditor* of said bankrupt are noitfied to appear at th* time and place elated, ond show reuse. If any they can. why the prayer contained In the *nld petition houid not be granted Dated in Savannah. Ga., thl* 27th day of Novetn tier, 1W H II KING, Oerk IN the District Court of the Unlt.-l States for the Eksstern Division of the Southern District of Oeorgta Noth'* )f for discharge tn the matter of J*mr- If Abbott, county nf Appling, tn Innkruptcy. To the creditor* of tin above-name.) bankrupt: You are her< y notified that the *)>o\ e-n.uned bankrup haa filed hi* application for a discharge from all of tho debt* provable In tnk ruptcy against sat.d Jamea H. Abbott. Tv* raid application will be heard by the Hon Emory Speer. Judge of the United Btat * District Court, for *td district nn-l d)- vialon at the United States Court House, tn Macon. O*., on th* lllh day .>f De cember. 1900. at ten o'clock a m All CKdltors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and ploce stated, and show cause, if any tn*y can. why tip prayer contained in the *e!4 petition should not he granted Dated In Savannah. Ga., this 26th day of November. 13™) H H KING, Clerk IN the Distrl-t Court of the United State* for the Eastern Division of th-- Southern Dlttrlct of Georgia Notice of application for discharge In th# matter o' E r Bradford, county of Chatham. In bankruptcy. To the creditor* of the above-named bankrupt You are herehv notified that the above-named bankrupt has filed hi* appll ltlon for a dl- tar*>- from ail of Ihe debt* provable in bank ruptcy again*! *ld B F. Bradford Tae •aid appltcotlon wifi be heard by the Hon. Emory Speer. Judge of the United dial** DWtrict Coup, for raid district and di vision. *t the United Stole* Court House, in Macon. Ga . on the 11th day of Decem ber, I*oo. at tei o'clock m All credit or* of •• id bankrupt ere notified to a|>- iear at the tim* and place stated an I •how cause. If any they can why to* piayer contained tn the said petition should not be granted. Dated in Savannah, Oa.. thl* 27th day of November, IHO. 11. H. KING, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. IN the District Court of the United Statee for th. Eastern Dlvlarton of thg Southern District of Georgia Notice of Application for DDrbarge. In the mat ter of D C. Cowart, county cf Turin*'l In Bankruptcy. To the Cr Ai o r * of He AiHivr-iMmel Bankrupt You are her* iy notified that the above-named has Idled hla application for i dl oh* ge from ull of the debt* provable In hank lupt ') against -aid D C. Cowart. Tno said application will b*n*ard by the Hon. Emory Speer. Judge of th-* United 8-ates District Court, for said dlstrtet an-l -ll vlKlon, at th* United Btat- ■ C- urt House, Ir. Macon. Ga.. on the 11th .lay of De --ember 1!V1 *t 10 o'clock i m All cirdltors of said bankrupt are no tified t-i app-ar at the time and place stated, an-l liow cause. If any they cgn. why the |rayer contained In th* said pe tition ihoul-l not he grame<l Dated In Savannah. Ga.. thl* 2th -lay of Novem- U r . ism). H. H. KING. Clark NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notice m hereby given to all person* hav ing iletrsind* against Pamela Fit**lmmon*. of eaud county, deceased, to present them tome, properly made out. within th limn prescribed by law. o *4 to show th*lr character and amount; and a-l per rons tndvbt- and to said d#r*o*ed are re quired io make immediate payment to me. EUGENIA CLARA FITZSIMMONS. Executrix. Care of O'Connor. O'Bym* A Hartridge. Attorney*. Ba\iannih. Ga.. On t. 19 flrt TIEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTT.- W'herca*. Robott B. Hepiunl. h ii pllod to the Court of Ordinary for b tier* of administration on lh enlite of Alfred taoni*tim- - called Alt*ert) Evans. <!•- re;•**-! The** are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to ba and .ippeor before *ald court, to mika onje non tif *ny the) have), cn or before ih* first Monday of December, negt. otherwise sal-l letters will be granted. YVltneae the Honorable Hampton L. Fer rlll. Ordinary for Chatham --ounty. this tho fifth day J>l November. 19ri>. FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0., C. Cos., GA RENOVATING—* ni'HKMKI - KES owrisu. Hair. moss, ticking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material and mar.ufac luted pruuucta ate up .u uaU. Our reno vating and remaking has deligbukl many piomlnem resident* Ask your acquaint at.'.-o*. Material sent us la picked, steam ed. cleaned and m-dl aied by modern ma chinery. Making -t .i e by mechanic*. W# confine our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. W# sad t.. king of a.l inoee. hatr, cotton, fiber, (either* or any a r title needed in me I tree# line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell Phone 1124. #1 Drayton (treat. 7