The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial and commercial ~.rn>' PITI RGt MARKET CLO9K \\ ITH 1*1414 E 9 13900 I |l. liir Imprn* mient Dnr In Buying From All Sovrrfi. lurpentlnr- Market l lw> Firm t j r mil. With aaln Alter the ■ i<lnv nt Higher I'rleee—Koalna , ir „i Hint t nrlinngcd—Loral anil I .-legraphlo tlarWeta. The Morning News Office, TueeOay. Nor 27 • ron futures marki-t regains) it lost ground 10-<kay by art Al- I l to 30 points above yesterday * TANARUS; i improvi mem was due to i\lii*. which would have been „,, r but for an Interruption tn the serrl.e In tile W.-st, sale i , , ,t niucli huslnass which would have . ntered Into the day's transac !>t tnaißets were generally firm , fair business reported. Cotton i ml to ta> llrinly held In the tntc • -h no disposition to sell In rouse- j i yesterday's drop tn prices • > ity ilrnier tendency Is noted in . i mli.e mark*’. which open and rtrm 0i,.1 closid film at 3%c bid. It tcil (h it after the closing sales ,de on a basis of >*.- above the . i price, and that the tendency •etter prices. Tne rosin mar- I firm anti un.-hanged, with a volume of trailing r. ported, t w ou - lie markets continued steady The following resume of ih I will show the lone anti quo'a , lie closing to-day: I mill General Markets, .non—Firm, unchanged .. . Weak, reactionary M 1%t14 per cent m —Firm. SS%c bid. Firm, un hangeil. Novi niber. 1c higher s ejdy, December %!!%•' off. A shade up. .ot I nchanged to ?%’ down, t , .1 bet I Oil—Dull. weak. IOTTON ,e ut >n market closer! lirm in, I un , , . with Halts OB lb* s(>t . ,1, The tlcmand during most of t . t\ w . light, however, and the vol t. . i trading during the aetlve hours ci.ily tg! Ik .at mcld.lng ;. ; . .! hstilhl-P . with tit*- offering* I: ,,I l it rl r I ght. The day's re . Ipt* ngatrtSt (>,970 hist year, nnd 7.- * | .... lx | r. last The slock to-day win j. . i.nst lM.sot last vear. ... ....Inc were the otllu.ll spot quo- j l i ,it it.-- t lose of the murkex at ihe , i l.x.uange to-day: | Thl* loaavi j day. year. ;oo l 9\ 7 l j MkklHng TV* lan*.* ml M intt '"5 M a:.* firm. **les 722. Si • 1 K* elpti. Kxport* and Stork* n. * .pi* this day 7,75.1 !{#*• :;•* this day Um ymr ♦►.wo T • \*-ar l*efore lrt“t 7 W*> H* ; . since Sep4. 1. 1W) 524,*H2 £*-..• day l**t year 454.126 export* 35 Rte k *n hand this day 1A1.H73 Sam** *kiy lar ye:tr .. 154.6A4 and Slock* af the Ports— Ue Hpfs this day 69.182 H* < *ipfe fhl* day last year 41.1*62 l: i'ta this day year before last T* receipt* sines ft-pt. 1. 1iny....2.230,995 time last >ear 2.914,669 r b fore last 4,172.111 > • k •* li porta to-day 816.449 k m!M' day list year 1.A81.967 r ally .. .v.m*nts at ♦ *her Ports— •!\h i —Quiet: middling. I**; net re >i* ni.f'*. greet*. ft .666; stock. 234.171.* N v orl*uin~~Qulet; middling. 9\: net ejpt- .• < gross. 20,836; sales, 4,.V5); stock. 292.C72 i M Qin# •. middling s‘. net re elpls, 1 groas. 1.355. sales. BOO; stock 30,270. *: •*<• i K.tsl*-; . middling. 6N; net re <!pt* M3: 512; wtock. 17.3 W Wi.ntinitton-QulH. mid lling. 9*. net re < nf‘ 2,412. cross. 2.412; stock. 6,035. Norfolk Quiet; middling. 6H. net re. S 1.881; gross, 1,881; *ales. 87; stock. Ha; i imore—Nominal; mild.ins. lA**; r - 150. mo, k. 10.67."* V w Y -k Quiet; middling. 10>H; ret re rt . 1,024; gross. 4,653; coles, 102; stork. 216. n -’nr Quirt, middling. 10**; net re cmp’s. 22 400. gross. 3.810. * MUd* phU—lßtead> ; middling. 10%; r ‘ok. 5,0 j. .1 y Movements at Interior Towns— \ igusfn Easy; middling. s"*; net re • 3 ’:2v. gross. 3.408: sales, 1,205; stock, Mmphlt Quiet; middling. 0 11-16; net Ipt* gross, 2.636; sales, 1.800; t'oek. 117,233. '♦ !/• i u Quiet middling. 9%; net re ’s 2,36 k; gross. 11,865; stock. 58,705 nr att—Quiet; middling. 9%; net re tv 1.54* gross, 1546; Mock. 11.029. • Quiet, middling. 9\. net re i ' . 26,|r.’ gross. 28.432; sales, 288; stock. d' vllle—Quiet; middling. BT.8 T . ' \ports of Cotton This Day— * lverofi—To (ireat Britain. 6.641. w Orleans—To Great Britain. 18.48-1; o > twlSf 1,600. i .> —T’oaatwite, 787. • vannah—Coastwise. 350 “i*tnn—Continent. 7.400. "folk—Coastwise, 1,666. N ‘ w York—To Ore Britain. 1.012; *' e, 221, continent. 100. •'Mon—To Orem Britain. 2.238. ’' exports from all ports this 1 To Great nrituin. 25.37; to France. i the continent, 7.500 ■•'il foreign exports from nil ports ’ !ar :hls week To Orrai Britain. 41.- ; :o franca, 10.371; to tha continent. 11.- „ ' ■**•* foreign export* since Rapt. l. j,oft: r ’ T-at Britain. I.W.Mf: to Franca. 241,- !n tha conilnant. *M.O7. wl-ston. Nov. 77—Cotton firm, mid *Sc. aalas none. SKA IM. AM) rOTTOk. ! ' "CS about as follows: _x,ra choir* Fast Florida* 23 24 choice and fancy Florldaa.,73 tt 'Ta r>io|r and fancy Oaorglat HVyf/8 '’ lr " *Taorls 3H,4f2! T, r flna Gaorirlaa 20 (J— --(J r “ '•corylaa (nominal) 19 a— flna and common 1* if— I( I*a . _ - - 1' r,| ltx and Stocks— |l9otM)l.|l*99-Of’ [ ' past week | S.lTt ~4 073 n Por, P#t week | 952 nape >l* ht* season I 29.423 39.467 PM week | 8!9 2.tOft it on hand ~ | -L3M ~2L512 * OTTO* FI Tt'RE*. Il " float ns vary Itraity niih Prlrn 13T20 Print! l'p. Nov. 27.-Speculatively. the * •' peculiar one m the rot;on mar "’hereaa the feeling at radically • inl though price* acored pro " 1 rle*. operation* were confined ‘•arrow, professional Interchange for mow | >art representing aonl.-raent of ’ count! The market alaried ateady J>rtc* HIM poire a higher and atead ■n rlowly advanced on room cov tt'ere-t Inveetmnut purrha*e and i "* ** mpport from the foreign oon , I he influence* serving to ln*tlll (, r >i*tltlence were not numerous. In ti ru , K " Tn r *We end renort* that the h waa not ashing lui cotton, aa waa MURPHY & CO., INC.. ftoard of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New Yorlt Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON. TO(.K AND ON AIM. New York office. No. 11 Broadway. Office* In principal cities throughouf the South. Writ* for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders freely reported yesterday, sirs the dm mating factors all day. Receipts were de cidedly larger then and tne average estimates by the New York Got ton exchange members pointed to a larg er y-ield than the trade had looked for. The pubj.c appeared to be entirely absorb ed In other markets, while presumed wires tn the West prevented burin.-wc reaching the pit from that quarter. Liver pool stated the! American buying orders and scarcity of offerings from th. South bad cause.) the advance there At the ciose the marker was very steady with pri es net 13 to 3* points higher I'Ll CT4 ATIOY9 IN I'l Tt ni3. New York. Nov 27 —Potion opened steady at the .idiau-e and cloaeil very si. ad\'. Prices as follow | Open High Low Close. January ..... f> 71 fI.C 9? " 9 TANARUS" February . I 97 9.7!) • 7 9.77 Mar -h i 97! 963 9Tt April 9 61 .S7 9 ] 9 71 May ' 9.#n 9.7* 9 59 9 70 June i9 t 9.7! [9*l 959 J nly 959 971 | 9 f.t 9 59 August .. .. 912 sft 942 954 September ~| 8 Bft j, -to 544 October | .... November . 995 999 9 w 997 December ...j 975 943 971 94! MYF.HPOOI. COTTON M 4I4KRT. Liverpool. Nov 27. 4 p m -Spot, fair demand: twice* 1-32<1 lower. Ameie.n middling, fair, ft 21-J.d. *,,►! middling, ft 21-32.1. middling ft 9-lftd; low m. 1.1 l nt. s*sd. good ordinary. ft',d. ordinary 4’,d. The sales of the day were 10.00 hil-s. of which 500 were for #pe< ulatloiT and ex port. and Ineludr-d B.4nu American. Re ceipt* tit..'OO bales. Inelurhng ff'.VO hal.o American Futures opened steady and closed quiet end alesrdy American mldillug. low mid dling clause November, ft SJd seller*. No vemlver-Deeember. 5 29.1 sellers; lrec-m --ber-January. R.26d seller-; January-Fehru ary. ft. 24.1 sellers February - March. 5.721 sellers. March-April 5.90,1 buyers; Ap ll- Mav. 5.15115.19.) sellers. Miy-Jun., rid sellers; June-July. s.lftd sellers. Ju.y-Au gust 6. 13d sellers, August-Septembcr, 7.03d sellers. M7U OKI.FAX' COTTON It Tilt!.' New- Orleans, Nov. 27.—Cotton fulurre si. ady. November (bid) .9.70,April 9.625j9 64 December . d.tltif.M May 9.62b9 At January . ..9.6109 *3 June 9 6; v u9 •>! February ..9.6109.63 July 9.6109.63 March < OTTON LETTERS. New York, Nov 26.—Murphy * Cos * iy The advance In Liverpool this morning was more of a surprise to our 10. al* than the decline yesterday. \Ve received cable* from Llveriiool reporting advance due to covering by yesterday's sellers on account of failure of Southern spot markets to follow yesterday's decline Futures open ed about 2-t>4d lower, reacted ind closed 2-14 to 3-4td above yesterday'* price*, with sales *,onn. middling uplands. 5 9-16d We opened on a range of |0 to 12 points over last night's prices There was a libera! amount of selling both by locals and out of town account, iwrtlcularly during . arlv tart of Ihe session, causing a reaction of i to 4 points from o|enlng figures, hut the strength tn the New Orleans market In cenneotion with buying orders executed here for their account, gave the market A lory firm undertone, during afternoon session. January advancing to 3.92 c. clos ing at 9 SOe. with a feeling rather bullish New Orleans and New York locals were the principal buvere during the last tw-> hours of the ses-lon. Receipts were on a rather liberal scale to-da-., port arrivals estimated at 64 Oftft against 7!.ntn last week, and 41,iW last year N-w Orleans, experts tt- morrow 12/00 10 130 agalnwt lifton Ur vt ir. <louston 17,500 to 15.5*0 .paln-at 25.'0* last year New Yo k. Nov 27 Hubbard Rros A ro say: American buyitrg arrete<l the deelin,. In Liverpool and changed the lone of that marker, cl.edre qu|e| and stea li ar i sharp recovery from yesterday Our market opened with local buyers at 9 to 10 points ndvanre, arrl slowly advanced further under this support Little new out side buying .apisarol and the short In terest Is nominal In fare of the reduced crop estimate; now- rtiar*-n; The members of the excha i*> tn their U"U:il crop estl mat- place the erop at 1U.075.000 hales. This sh ■< how narrow the range of .ti mates Is between the different centers of the trade and would seem to be itrc. live to Investment buying wore It not for the Increase In the movement shown In the semi-weekly statement. DRY oons. New York. Nov. 27 There hvw been no changes In prices to day on brown or bleached cottons The current demand Is moderate for both In coarse colored cottons some Kassern makes of nine-ounce denims arc advanced V> per yard Prints are In average re quest and no new pries developments. Olnghams very firm throughout. Trim cloths ft'.so firm and fair business In nar row odds on basis of 34,c for regulars. NAVAL 9TOHE9. Tuesdav. Nov 27 SPIRITS TURPENTINE—TIse turpen. tine market opened firm to-day at :;9'.*o. with sales of .M 2 casks, and elose-1 firm at 39>,c h.d, with no further sales re ported It was reported tlii after the closing sales were made on a basts of '„<■ .above the bid price The demand scenic 1 to be fairly good at the better prices, and the beHef *>• expressed that 4c would be command, and for stuff within the nest day or so. This better feeling Is riu. to the Improt ed demand. The day's rec-lpts were 1 397. and the export* 141 ROBING —The rosin market lose) firm and unchanged to-day. with a cor Mnued g<-o1 Icm ind prevail ns The present I-v. 1 of prices has been in force for days, the prospect of a nw-v.’. If an. being in favor of bcttr prices. The day * receipts were 4.AM, and the exports 3.991 Price*! as follows: A. U. C II 1 *> *9 Dl* K 1 5 K 1 35 M 7 70 F 1 4U N 2 10 0 1 4i IV O 3 s<> H 1 tt W IV 2 si Receipts Tuesday— Spirits Roslti. C R. S!7 957 a F &\V 5*7 1.912 8. A K l. Steamer Day ** Steamer Murchison 7 07 Exports— R S Alleghany Phila 191 1 190 8 8. Cunaxa (Br.i. Genoa 2.9‘ Fit ANCIAL. LEWIS A MAY It CoT Member, N. X. Con*olldated Stock Ex change. N V Trodtiee Exchange 91 and S3 Proadway, New York Branch Office, cor. 2th Bt A Broadway. Connected bv private wire*. MARGINS 3 TO 5 PER CENT COMMISSION 1-1 DAILY MARKET LETTERS and our new Moot rated book, "WALL STREET, tent fro*. JOHN W. DICKEY. • tank and Band Broker. Al Ut lit, OA. Write for Llel. I’HE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28. inon. Naval Stores Statement- Spirits Rosin. Stock April 1. 19h> 3.197 142.5 M Receipts to-lav 1.397 4 454 Receipt* previously 29>*,li 709.52.’ Toto. since April 1 294,409 ISS.S2 Exports to-dai 11l 2.994 Export* previously 259.025 710.*>7 Export* since April 1 259.20 ii 714.411 Siock on hand today 21.434 1*9.219 Bto- k last year 34.010 151.144 Charleston. S C , Nov. 27-Turpentine firm. 29, Rosin firm, unchanged Wilmington. N. C . Nov 27 —Bidrtre tur pentine steady. 39\tj34',r. receipts. 14 Rosin firm, r 2" and tl 27. receipts. 11 40 • 'rude uirprnime steady. II 4"V2 40. re ceipts, 71- Tar tirm, 11.55, receipts, 27A N. w- Orleans. Nov. 27 Receipts rosin, 3*ft. tutpentlne. FV Exports to Liverpool: Rosin l.<*oo bar rela financial. MONEY The demand keep, fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market barely steady •'.anmer.-lal demand 14 44,. sixty and .v- 1149,; ninety days. 14 795, francs. Paris arid Havre, sixty day*. 5.21 V Bwlss. sixty days. ,5.241*; Relglan, 5.24, marks, sixty days, 94 ninety duvs 93S domestic exchange. - Pteadv; banks are buying at 1-1 dls-ount and selling follows 225 and tinder. 10 pre. m.uni 7; ■ to J. 5, I ft.- premium; s'*i t-> lino 3x- premium |IOO to |3*n 2Sc premium. IS** tn |l non. t, premium. 11,000 and oier, 7r I- r M premium. BE-’I RlTlES—Central Incomes ■ire low rr - followlnc th<* New York m irket-* are In request it advinclng figures. Stocks. Rll An*. Augusta and Savannah R. R l'9s lid', Atlanta and West Point •1" • Par cent cerun.-ates 104 Augusta Factory 42 (A CltUens' Hank 13i Chatham Bank 11l Chatham R. B A I. Cos., A 17 7X do do R :*i 57 Eagle and T'hoenlx Mfg. Cos 105 Ho Mlson Electric Ilium. Cos in; no Enterprise Mfg. (N 100 Germania Rank 131 . . Georgia and Alabama . 23 M Georgia Railroad common 215 217 Uranltevilla Mfg. Cos 14ft 170 J P King Mfg Cos 100 103 lamglev Mfg s'o 115 12) Merchants' National Bonk 115 National Rank of Savannah !42 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust 111 People's Savings ar.d levin 100 Seaboard, common 11 12 do preferred 29 30 Southwestern Rsllroad Cos 110 1105* Savannah Gas Light Cos .4** 35*i Southern Bank 1*54 Savannah Hank at,.l Trust lift Sibley .Mfg Cos, Augusta it tv Savannah Brewing PO Bonds. Rid Ask Char. Col. A Ang let ss. 1900 log i> Chat A Gulf R R ft |r csn*. Isl mortgage 102 104 Atlanta city 4s. 1922 107 Augusta city 4s, 1927 I<*> 109 do 45*s. 193 11l do 7s, 1903 107 do tt*. 191.3 122 Ala Mid. ss, ind'd. 192*. M A N.lOOty 10!(j Augusta Factory. 4 i-ercent.. 191ft.Hl 113 Brunswick * AVrstern 4s. 193* . *3 *0 C. R M. A Banking collateral ss. 91 9ft C. of G Ist tnotg. is. 1945 F. A A 120 121 C. of G. con ss. 1945. Al A N... 94 9Cj C of G lei Incomes, 194.5 51 52 do 21 Incomes 14 17 do .3-1 Incrtnes, 1945 4 9 C of G. t.VI G A A Dlv ) 5s 1947. J A J 97 94 C. of G Gallon Branch), s*. 1954 J A D 971* 94' : City & Suburban R. R, Ist 7s 110 Columbus City ft*. IN9 107 Charleston city 4s. !9i# 100 102 Eagle A- Phoenix Mill* S*. 17*131 107 110 Edison Electric Illuminating 4s 105 Enterprise Mfg. 4s 19t2 102 Georgia Railr-at-l *. 1910 US 117 G. 8 AF , 1945. J A J 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1945 104 104 Georgi I SI lie 3 1 ;*. 1930. J A J .110 113 do 191 ft. 91 A N 104 107 do 4>s. 1915 Ilf 120 Ma-cn city 6s. 1910. J A J 114 111 do 4'js, quar . Jan log 112 Gccan Steamship fte. 1920 104 tog Savannah city s*. quar. January D'** ill do ss. February. 1909 .. .109<*110 South Carolina stale 4t. 1933 .117 119 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. 19U3 102 South Hound 5* 9919 pxn, 8.. F A IV. get), mt ge 4*. 19J4. .125 134 do do Ist ss. gold. 1931 lift 117 do St. John Dlv.. Ist Is, 1984 91 94 New York. Nov 77—Money on call steady. 3’,'.i4 per cent ; last nan 4 per eent I*rlme mercantile paper. 4 ,65 p,>r cent Sterling exchange easier, with a,-- tua, business In hankers' Mils nt $4-8514 for demand, and at $1 siVffl 41S for sixty days Postsl rates, II 42’x-ffl 44>., Com mercial bile- $1 9t\t)4 M', silver certtfl eate*. 143M5C liar silver, 44',e. Mexican dollars 6<i Government bonds Irregular, state bonds **rong: railroad bonds strot.g STOCKS ANO llONisa. Market Yields 7 niter the Pressure al Profll Taking. N>* York Nov. 27-Belllng to take profits again ovirrame the market to-day and the general level of stock prices I* lower to-night than It was last night Th# day’s net changes whleh are (rart|orl except In a few stocks, give no Ilea of the wide mevetr*-nl of prices during Ihe day nor of th-- notable attenglh shown at time* by a few atock*. This Is ,|ua to the fact that the markn* was generally strong In the early dealing* and was only carried below last night's level by a very sharp' teactlori, which also reduced the gains of the strong stocks. The notably strong points were In ‘he Coalers. Southern Raiiwav preferred. Bal timore and Ohio tkiuihern Paettlc aid American Sm-Ulmi stocks. The move ment tn the Coalers was heated by th -1 intr> weather i-ported The mo.ement caused the revival of o;d rumors of con -olidatlon of con: rol. the effect being not ably manifest In New J. rsey Central, which rose 6 rwlnt*. to I4‘*. reacting It*. Th- business in the group as* smell, ex . ept In the R*dings, w.uoh reflected very he ivy and concentrated buying Thr nr t pret-rred roar- at one time 2 a and .Iced a poinl lower. lairge buying continued of Bou-hern Railway preferred and rumor- continued of a coming Increase of dividend ar.d a dissolution of the voting trust. Thl- was OBtj ' k ex ept I>.c Den -r and Rio Grardes of yeterday's stro g group which held out ta-day The Ameri can Smelling Mock* rose 2** and for the common and preferred on talk of the absorption of th* principal icrapetlrig in terest. International Power rose 4 points without explanation Shortly before the close very large buying of Southern Pa cific came Into force, the individual trans actions running from one to six thousand shares and lifting ihe sto--k 2 lOlnt*. During the early part of the day. while the genera! market was strong th* steel and copper stocks were weak The s:a*l stock* snowed a disposition 10 ral y, ea peri ally Steel and AVire. which got above 14 at on time The stock co#*d un changed. Am.ligated Copper was very heavily sold end late In th# day fell to 9tS. and closed with net lo* of Th general reaction In th* market was net accompanied by any unfavorable devel opment In the general conditions, bul to disappointment of some speculative ex pectatlon*. The principal of thee- w*a to-day's that London Stack Lx nang* set tlement would develop a very heavy short IntereM in Americans On the contrary It was shown that quite a large ong ac count . listed tn American*, and that Lon don sold stock# here for the new account. Oondttlons In the money m,rkea continue very eaay. In spite of the gain by the sub-treasury from the lank* .wi toutlne operatloag and the approach ot the monthly settlement period, which usial ly makes demand* on the money market The -bond market was active and prices were higher. Total iwr value J\- OT&.OOi) United Blate* 3s declined an I the new anti old 4s advau ed on the las’ call The total sales of sto ks to-lay w-r" 994 ;l<n shares. Including At.lils ii *3O Atchison preferred. 37.9m'' t'hesapeake and übto, 13 90U. Burlington ID**). Deni-r and Rio Grande 30.7 W. Denver and Rio Grande preferred 11 . Louisville ti<4 Nashville, n..s)o. Manhattan. 22 9' . M e sourl I'aclflc, 36,1300; Missouri. Kansas and Texas preferred. 9.350 Now Jersey On tral.'. New York Central o.iiai * r folk and Western. UMU. North*:. - clflc. 45,IOO: Ontario and AA'esem - Pennsylvania, 12.300. Reading. 4.100. It*ad tng first preferred. 99 <*o. Reading second f.ieferre.l 3.9X>, Si Lsn- ai*l San I ran cisco, 5 at"'. St. t>uul* and Bou4liwestern. 7,100, St laiut* an.! fkiothweetern pri fer red, 10.800, 8t Paul. IS.sUat Southern la clflc. 144.9 V. Sotithetn Railway. 74*0 Southern Railway prefrrrei! 24.708. T.-\a • and Haclfl. JJo T'nlon Paelflc. 40- n. Union Unolfl, preferred 7 3“'. I'orHw' 23 - 400, Smelting * !A'. Steel and Wire 51.Ns* Tobacco. Mist. Anaconda. Br.iokl'n 14. AV; t'nntlnental Toha o. 7.9“'. K-d.-ra steel, 11.480; N.uHh American, in I‘> o ple Gas 44,900, Sugar. 21,100, Tenntss- a Coal and Iron. 4.900 New York Sto k List Atchlaon .39’ AAabash do pref BA; -lo pref 3"* Malt. A Ohio .. MS Wheel A L. 14 1"*, ("wn. 7’ac ... 97 j do 2nd pref 29'* fan. Bou . s*>, "'i t ent 11 Gheca. A Ohio 359, Third Ave ...112 C. O AA' 144, H A t • ofd M , G-. R A Q 134S Natl. Tutu- . 41 0., Ind 4 I, 23 do pref. . 10C\ do pref. 57A-Anutl Copper 9f.’, | C. A E. 11l 97'y Adam* Ex 133 Ghlc. AN# 149 Am Ex 142 G„ H I A P. . .115A* f- M Ex 4* r.c. C A 81 L. At'; AYeit Fargo Ex. 130 Colo. Sou 71, Am Cot Oil Sl< do Ist prsf. 424 do |>ref 9! do 2nd pref 174 Am Mulling 4' ! Del. A Hudson .117 <b> pref 23 I Del . L AW. .I*2 Am B A Ref. sl\ ! D A R O. ... 244 do pref 94'. do pref 784 Am Spirits .... H* Erie 144 do pref do Ist pref. 404 Am- S Hoop. 29%, Great Nor pref 181’j do (“ref 74A* Ho king Coil Ml At Am 8 A aa 1 . Hocking Val... do pref 064 111. Gent 125 Am. Tin plate 421, fa. Central 20', do pref *“ do pr-f . 44 jAm TArlwco .. 1"9 „ L* E A \A H . !"• t do pref lac. Ana. Mm <'o. . 49', lak Shore . .210', Hr.ok R. T 7ft . Dante. A vsh * . n p. t I HU Marhattan I. .1m 1 , Gout Totiacco 96’x Met. 81. R> ....1729, do pref 91 Met Gent 134 Fed Steel 49>, Minn A St. L. 4 do rref 754 do pref. 99 <lec. Electric . . .149 Mo Pac. 594 Glucose Sugar . .V, MAO 39'; *to pref. 102 M . K A T 12\ Inti. Paper 4 day pref. . 374 do pref 72 N. J. Central .M”4 I-*'lead- “la* .. 714 N Y Central ..IYW, Nat Biscuit .. 3* Nor A West .. 424 'lo Ptef 92 do pref 804 Nal Lead 2" Nor. Pat- 70‘-.- do pref 92'; do ptef 82', Nat Steel 36', tint A AA'csl 2.V4 do pref 81 ‘3 Ore, R A N. 42 |N. Y Air Brake.t6l do pref . 76 North Am 19', Pennsylvania . 1414 Pa Coast Reading 194! do Ist pref. 84 do Ist pref KB4 do 2nd pref. 47 do 2nd pref .. 31't I’a- Mall 44 R. G. AA'. . ... 70 !’e*>pl. * Gas 10c'-.. do pref 95 Pressed 8 Car. 814 St. L. A 8. K. 19** do pref K do Ist pref .. 74 (Pull. Pal. Gar 196 do 2nd pref W. 8. R AT 54 SI L Hw 14*, Sugar 133% do pref 36 j do pref 116 St P. 4 til 1279,1 Tenn G A I. .. 73 do pref 1754 I'. S. leather . 14 St. P A Om. ..1 J do pref 754 Sou Pac 434 U. 8. Rubber .. 24 Sou. Ity 174 do pref *7 e*o pref, 66-S'AA'e't. Union 84 Tex A Pac. . 1841 R. 1. A 8 1% Union Pac 724' do pref 654 do pref *)4P. C. C. A Bt. 1* 56 Rond* U. 6. 2s. ref reg 164 lo 4* 944 do doup .lit 1 , M- A O. 4*. hid W, U. 8. 3s. reg 114) |N. Y. C. lets .109 do 3*. coup lIOA, N. J. C g'n s*lX4 do new t reg 13* jNo Pac. 3* 704 do new 4r, cou pot jNo Pa?. 4- 104A* do old 4*. reg 116 jN. Y. C A St. L. do old 4s. c0u.116 ! *9 '* do ss. re* Nav l*l*...l<r.< do ss. coup —1134 do 4* I*>4 D. of C. 3 68*....1244tG. H. L 6s 1274 Atch gen 4a.. .1017* do consol 5s 115 do adj. Is 88', Read. Gen. 4*.... 9974 C. of G. con. 5s 964 R G- W' Isis... 99-4 do Isl Inc 51 84 L A Ir. M do 2d Inc I'd, consol ft* 11234 Can. So. 2nd*. .108 jSt. X, A San F C. A O 44*.....1014 general 6* ...12* do ft* 120 (SI. P consols 1734 C. A Nw con :Bt. P. C. A P. 7s 133 j Ist* 1194 C. A- Nw. 8 F jdo 5# H 94 deb 5a 119 ISO. Pac. 4s *4 Chi Term 4*... 93 180 Ry 5a 1134 Clol 80 4s 834 B Rope A T. 6s TtH D. A R G 45...1d, Tex A Par. lata 1164 Erie gen 4s 75 | do 2nd* ........ 82 F W A D. C. |U. Par- 4* 10*4 Is4* 754 Wabash Ist* .. .11*4 Gen Elec. 8* 143 | do 2nd* 104 low a C. Ufa. .. .11* West Shore 4- . 1144* Le A N I'. 4s. .1004 Wts Geni I*l*.. 86 31 K A T. 2d* 70’. A'a Cenlurl** 91 New York. Nov. N-Standard Oil. 745® 749 Morphy A t o'* Block Letter. New York. Nov 27 The lndon mar ket for American stock* was ex cedlnclv Strong, q circumstance which effec tive In the advance* shown in the rail way 11. particularly a* foreign house* bought quite heavily here upon the open ing of buflnaoa. The settlin' nt of the loondon Stock Exchange wa. reported <e pi.tgrcssinx quietly Apart from the rill wav list, tin- trading was In comparative ly light volume. In tha Industrial* Sugar wa the active feature, but even In tha: instance the movrmrnts weie compara ttvaly limited. The ftteel Industrial-. iate from Steel and Wire, were no; con-p c i oua The local traction share, wore al* C.anparallvtlv neglected and rhow.d sma 1 change In prt e. Southern Pacifl w a Ihe exception to th, general rale, and at the close *ll largely dealt in hy fltna with Morgan connect lor- Laig buying of thl# Intereri, oupled with heavy real ising elsewhere, caused rUf of Boutn ern Itallw*). Rending and Sou hem I clflc lielng put up to rtia*k realliing ra tal sales of stock* 10-day were A, 14* share*. Ml9l KU.DBOI 9 MARKET*. Note— Three quotation* are revised daily, and are kepi a, near a* possible g> a.vord wl'b • prevailing wnoieanio pricer. quotation* ar- not usr.l when they disagree with the prlcea whole salers ak Country and Northern Prodore. POULTRY—The markef |* ateady Quo tation* Broiler*. 3'WSe per pair; ha.f grown 454590. three-fourth* grown. siu 6U. . hen*. 657)75.'. rooster*. 4a)c. duck*. 5.4175 c : ger. 75cf11l <n EGOS—Fresh candled. 23c, cold storag 18090c. BUTTER—The tone of Ihe market la firm Quotations: Weetern creamery 199 2nc; New York state dairy, IB2Sc, extra Elgin*. 2Sflc DHEESE- Market firm, fancy full cream ohet*. 13Hr tor Xto 22-pound ovaroge, 2fl3(V-pound averegee. 19c. Early Vrgelablr,. IRISH POTATOBS-Northern, 5190 sack. CABBAOES—6O6c per head. Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90lh Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Time B.hedala tu Effect Nov. 15. I*oo. read 1 - 'Wn . in. 1 i-T Head i p No 3c No X 1 (Genits Tlm>- ) No. A* N-. S3 ant Lv Savannah At | 5 10am 315 pm (Knategn Tima.) I. | 4 2lpnt I Xant Ar Blaekvllle Li, 3 o#am 1 07pm 6 O.lpnt t. luant Ar t olumtua Lv 1 -B,tm 11 -am klipin 9 6.U11 Ar Charlotte Lvi| 9 56|m “ u.utt 11 44pm 12 Ar Green-terro Lv 7 lllpm 5 46am * "Ac 111 Ar . Norfolk ... l,v ; 100 pm 12 ..lam 1 >pm At 7.. T ... Unit villa Lw: 5 40pmi 4 Ham AjMum - . |HTI ir p.ihm-u-t Lv BlUliU 40pm 2 40am I|m Ar ... L> hhurg lo ' 52|i*n! 3 s*• 4 15am .pm , 4‘harl-u tesvUle Lv 2 (“*|m;i2 Wton •0 \r Wank lagoon I,V 'll I.Vim * Spot * 15am 11 .frpm Ar* Lv 8 2-1 111 8 l-'tun H 35a 11 . 16 m Ar lid 1 . Lv I Man 6 05pm 2 (I3pn 6 _;.,ni Ar N w York Lv U Muni 12-pm _3'i-i pm;Ar iu> tiui .. Lx • tlk* N ' TO THE NORTH AND WEST. “ No 35 tCentral Time ) ij R J>am * Lv~~. Savannah AriTo Man) (ka-lti n Time ) 6 A'am Lv . go laV! I 35atn 9 6u#m Lv .'part inbur* * l.ipm 12 10pm Lv A ah* villa . Ly J ukian 4 02pm 'Ar 110 l Bprlnga I 4 "" * 9‘l'tn Ar Knoxville l.v j I Ssam 5 It).im Ar .... lav 10 $ 4&cim Ar Clucliinill i< v ‘ * Wpni m ; - l * ♦’' n Ar I .oil I villa I ill 1I • ‘ All tr.(in< arrive arul from thol’lanl Hvmem Blailon. THIIOI-OH CAR HKBVK'K. I-*TC TRAINS 0 ANr> M I>AII*Y NKW YORK AND I UUUDA BXPRPM4R Vvvtl bulf.i Imnifxl irtlnp, with I’ullnan Diawlnx Huom Darn briwm-n Savan nah aaifl N w Yrk ( onnrt mai \Yli|nK(on %%:ih fob)nlil lApM***- f t Bo *n. Pullman Sic. plriK t' r - iHMwron CfMkrl4t<* inl Hit hmoml and Chariot!• and Nor folk Dining iNirn Hor\o ill maih between Bavniuih -i*l Wa>hlncton TRAINH .ISAM) S DAI IY THK DNITKD BTATKH KART MAID WalUnilM limttra) trains, carrying ruliniin lnawiug Room C*m Mwß*’n Sivnmmh iri'l Nea York Dining (an evrxo a!i meal* between HnvaniMih and Waahlngton Alm l*ulimn Drawlnii Riom filauplng Jara b*'iw#-en Sttvannah and A'lnclnnatl. through Aahevill* and * Tha Dond *f tha Hkv. For complete litformadon ua lo whalulef eic apply lo K H GANNON, 3d V P A G M J M Cl UP T M W A TURK. O P A. Washington. I> C P II HARDWICK A**t Gen’l Agent. Atlanta Oa. (• CIROOVFR Ticket Agent Plant gy*trm ta#i*n JAM KS FR KF MAN, C P AT A. Ut Bull atreel Savannah C.a Phonea AO onions- Yellow m harrtfti, 12 10. craiw, 90c . red. 12 00 llrradattiff. Hay and 4*mla. FI.OFR M irket steudy; patent, tl hiralglir tl ao; fun j |i 7*. family. $3 * MKAI, -I't irl. per iurrl. S~'7o; per if* k. 11.2.'*; city meal. |*er *ark. Fm>llt*l. $1 | 1 IS; n ler ground. 11.1:411 yl*> Rrila, -•Krki*. II 20. |Mt*arl icrUn Hudnute. per I*r -r i. 12 7' per ea* k. |l.22Va. e*t try brands SI 17*a#l.J0 eck. CORN Murket firm, white. Job lot*. i.V; rttrlo.*! lot* , mlxeil corn. Job loia, *2 •. atrlo.ol Joe**, SS-’. RICK Market etaady. demand good; fancy bead. 6c; fancy, Ily Prime * .4Sti4%k - * 4)44 Common . . 31^ MATS No 2 mixed, carload. SIS I '. J rt b lota. Jl.vf3*l . white cllppegl, 4*arg. ikt , job. gk . PRAN” Job lotp. p.n ; carload lota. MAT Markef Re 1 (|IH Job. X, . .Vo 2. Ak* Job; r. care r and Coffer. Sn;AR- < "* u * 6 Diamond A SM 1 ruMied 624 confectioners' A.r>.6! Powdered ..Vtl While Kxtr. C. *. 'd XXXX (tow'd .. ‘.AKmtra C A29 S'-* 4 -9 Yellows 4.91 Mould A GO9 COPFFK- Mo ha f Prime No S , 10%c Iva ,y> c Ooo<) No. 4 io(|r Pea berry 14 c Fair No h 10 c Fancy So. 1 .. .11V Ordinary No. 6 Choir** No. 2 ... 10%rjCommon No, 7 9c Dried and Ktapnrnle.l I roll,. APPLES—Exaporated, 7a7‘xc; sun drbd s>Aic Al'ltlGOTS—Kn-aporaled, Hk; pound; nectarine* 10,-. UAIBINB - 1- L , 92 I*'; Imperial nal.lneta, 92 7ft; 100-e iVv-iound loit-s. poui.d PHAt’HBS Eva|>rated. ponied, Utrp. ale l 9*,fi9 HEARS— Kv.iinralexl K\.c If ard %* arr and llillldlng 9appl|p*. LIME. GALOHTM. IT.ASTER AND Om.nt Alat.anv. and t.eorgia ilme In fair demand and sell at 90 rent* a barrel; -;.erlKl .xib-ined pla trr SI.OO per b.rtet; hair, ttjftc Rnsed.ile ..-ment |l 3r.rl.;S; arload loi*. special. Hortlatal cement, re tail, 12 2.'.; carl,*id lot*. 920612 ?V I,l' M HER. K O H VESSEIS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard sixes, iio.hrnii 00: . ar t ill 412 ■'•-)l'on difficult e xes, |:th) •'.(l*.*', ship stock l'6's.i 18 <y>; sxwn tie-, fg.oiig SO; hewn tie* s>|B9.- OIL Mink.-: otoady; .lemand h r la nai. t.'sfiftt*-; West \irglnla lihlek 9*rl2c, lani, 5Ac; neatsf.wt, tk*ii7‘i--. machinery. 16 W 2-. Ilnsee.l all. taw, 7**-j •; tailed, 78'A'; kerosene, prime wldte, 13 ■; water white 19c; I'ratt's a tral He, d-oiori*. and sl-.v-e gasoline, drums, llUBi empty oil tour. is. delivered. Bftc. SHOT—Drop, II 50, B B and large, I,7ft; chllleil. 91 75. IRON—Mark'd vary eleady; fiwr<le, s'yc,. NAltdl—Cut. 12 Vi base; wire. 42 T. base HARHBD WIRE -59.60 per 100 r*>und*. GI N POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack *hot, 94.00; half keg*. 12.26. quarter kegs. 91.2),, champion do king, quarter keg*. 92 25. Dupont and llaxar.l smokele*.* half keg*. 411 X; qua tier kegs, 9ft 76, l-pound, canister*. 4i <*), less 2ft per cent.; Trol dorf *mok.-l<'s powder. 1-poqnd cans, 41; 10-pound can*. Doe pound Salt, lllile* and Wssol. BALT—Dmn.I I* fair and the market steady; cUrF-ad lots. PD-t-sund butiap aatk.**. 47c; 10)-pound cotton wack*. 4*. ; buriap sack* 61 Vic, 110-pound cotton sacks. 52'ie; impound burlap sacks. 58'y; 125-pound cotton sacks, 50tic; yr>-pound bur.ap aacks. 91. HlDES—Market tlrro. dry flint. 13Vic; dry salt. llVic, gr-cn salted, 6r WOOL- Nominal: prime Georgia, free of sand bur and black wool. l*c; bia-k. 16c; burry, loc. Wax. 25- ; tallow, 3Vc. Deer akin*. ->c. Fruit* nnd Ante. APPLES- Northern variety 92-5003 M. ORANGES -fFla ). 42 S**.)3b> per h.x PRUNES—O in its 10c. 55 to 1 *V Oft* to 70*. 7c; 70a *o 80*. 6VjC; 90* to 90. 6c; 90s to tons. sVic BANANAS— II 2502/91 hunch LEMONS Market steady nt 92 50. < 'OGOA NUTS—S 4.26 tr 1(0 I'EAN UTS-Ample stock, fair dsmnnd, rv.rksl lltm, fancy hand pl< ked. Vligtnla. per pound. ta t c. hand-picked Virginia, ex tras. 4Vic. N C oec-i t*-*r.ut. 4c. NUTS—Almond*. Tarragona. 16c. Ivies*. 16c; walnuts. French 12c, Naples. |2c; pecans. 12<\ Brasil*. 19 . fllherta. IV. as sorted nuts, 50-pound and 25-pound lx>xes, 12'.c. Cotton llnnatng nnd Ties. BAGGING—Market firm: Jute, 2 1 *- poutid. Mac; targe lots. BV*c. nmall lots. 3-|K>'ind. Va <•* Island bagging l2'-c. TIES— Standard, tft-pound. arrow, large lot*. 61 90; small lot*. 11 93 llncon, linin* nnd laird. HACON—Market Arm. D B C R sides. 7%r. D S bellies. V (Eaitarn). *rcord cordlng to averaga sixe; D. 8. Bellle*. BVc (Western); smoked C. R side* Mie. HAMS—Sugar cured. llttflMr LARD—Pure. In tierces, lv; In Im pound tins end 90-pound tub*. BVec. compound. In tierce*, '*c, 50-pound Un*. and 90-pound tubs. 6'ic V9I9CELLAYF.4M 9 FISH-Mackerel, half-baire!#. No 1. 98; No f. 17 00; No 3. $5 75; kit*. No |. 91.90: No 2. 51.18; No 9. 85c. Codfish. 1-pound bricks. *%c; 9-pouna! bricks. 6c; ftmokd barring. P# r box. 17fll#c Dutch herring. In kegs, $1.10; new mullets, half .barrels, 59.75. 8 YRl’P—Market quiet: Heorgli and Florida ayrup. btiylna at 2k<i3l . celling ai 2st23Sc. .sugar hotuw* ai lOu I HON Hl* Fair ibnun-l. si rained. In lar rvl gallon High niiuv laisi.*■. SI 27. ot 10 hu m. iip COTTON S.ivannah to Hosinn, per wt 2.V; to New York. i* r< tv , 3l>c, t* Phtlad* lplil* in i Uwli SI. lial(iin4>ie tl FOUKIUN DJRK6T llrem* n. ♦•■; |Jv • rpool. kk, llanCxjrg. ie , Genoa, sic, l;.u t IH4, i* . Mant he-1r 4*- , Havre* 4o* . Antwerp, 40 ., l*h', H tte <ltm, 40c; Trloitr. LNl)l|{|*3tT IstveriNßd. X4isX* Hamhurg ax-. (*othenburg, U I.IMHKK My Ball FreighU*, lo Baltimore ami eaetward. Si to i>or M Includlfiff Portland laf’MHFR Mv eteam Savannah to Baltimore, S'> un, to p R. R or H. and O. dak*. s*'&>. to PhlHile.phla. -wt <4 inunib lo foot), lo New York, SA6O |er M. S7 20 to tkirk; lightered to Boston. SJl.&h. NAVAL BTORKH Tl)e market I* firm, meiiiuni •!*• vees-U. lioein cork, fr order*. .In *>*i per Itarrel of 31h pjun*ie. and 5 per cent, primage. Spit Pa 4 tM per •* gallons grume and j per cent prim i** Mik< veaeale. iaitn. >. epirlD. 4 Id. Steam. 11c |H*r I*6* |Miuinb mi nuih .1* o*i eptrltf. Havant h to Ronton, attd on tosin an* 1 19 *fi xptiite t 4 New York GRAIN. PHOVlgloNa. Y.T(. New York. Nov. H Flour—Market wan well sustained with nhsletato deniunti al obi price** Rye flour quiet Corn meal firm. Rye dull, Barley steady; do malt dull V\ head— Sx*ot (Urn. No 2 red, 777®**; op tlon* o;en*d easy, reflecting lower rabies and selling by room operator> A auhae fluent recovery, I•*‘•**l on fairly Urge clearanew, the strength in corn, modr ate local covering, yielding finally to de (re*n4on promptetl by di aviF Intlng ex port developtneiita and < lowed w*-ak at , 4 ,, net darllne. M.irch cloned. 7S\r; May chaf ed Novftn'ter closed. NVi I Decem ber closed, 76Sc. Com-Spot firm; No 2. 47Hc; opt lona had an * iwy o(>enlng with wheat, turned •trong in Ixavy e ihuard claaranrwa an I another jutnif In Noverabar at Chi cago. hot eventually iard off under re- a •! c|oh**l weak at a |idl il V? net l**sb May clowed, 42’,*c, Docembtr c|.jwfl. 44 1 • Oatw Sp 4 firm. No. 2. M%c: >ptiona In active a it* I alM>ut eteady. Beef firm; cut meals steady; pickled ham * I*ar4l weak; Western at earned. 574&. m nmd • •!*>•. continent, J 7 , Houth Amt.l can, $* 40; compound c. Pork steady Tallow nominal. Pat roleum dull. U* In sr*dy. Turpemlna quiet. Rice steady Butter tsdy; rreamery. MQISr, state dairy. 14023 c CheY ■ firm; large Hcptember. Ib'atfllc, small Septemlter, Fgga steady, state and Pennsylvania. 21 ft 27c; Western regular packing at mark. 3<dt23Hc Potaroew quiet; Jersey's, tl New Y'ork. Sl.Xffl 62V4; Pong Island. |1 til. 75; Jersey e West a, |1.75<*3.7& Peamxts steady. f-*ncy handpbked. 4\tf >; other domestic, 4c Cabhago steady. Ixmg Islund per 100 I! d* 4 46. Cotton by steam to Liverpool. 20c t'offee-Hjio* Rio quW; No. 7 T'iCTV; mild quiet. Cordova, iv. 4 c. Futures oivened steady. 6 to 10 points low er aml ruled weak, much of the seaslon under io< al an<l foreign selling and an ab sence of spavulativc rupfiort D|a taint ing Kuropean cahlea, larger Brasilian re celpts, latne epot demand and lndifferenc. of public, all worked against continued advance; closed steady with prices & to 15 points net lower. Total wales .It nnd bag*. Including November. 6 0.WK.10.-. December. 6 I Or:, January, 6 27*c; Kelfruary, 6.20 c. sugar, raw, steady; refined weak. COTTON 9EE If OIL New York. Nov. 27.—C0l tonserd oil dull end weak Kulurey told at 32- for prime simmer yellow, and po> oil was not worth over 3Hye, with *e<i||mciil favoring still lower twice*. prime crude barrel*. 28‘*c nominal, prime summer yellow. SlVic, off summer yeliow. 31c; prime winter yel lon-. J?t)37Vie. prime white, 55c, prlme mcal. 326UCu2.Vi f 14 It AGO M4HKET9. Chicago. Nov 27. —November <orn (-Mali lished anew high re-ord to-day and clo*ed 1 cent over yentrrdy. December at Ihe close was SUV lower December wheat ciose*} Vi)V- down. Oats was a shad* up and provision* unchanged In 2*V down Th# leading future* ranged a* follows Opening lllghsst Lowest. Closing Wheal, No 3 Nov 7fA 768*970*, 7l)iA7n*A mvAffTON Dec 7Owff7o’y 7i*fl7oA, 708* 7m* Jan D 071V* 71V4 7t)' 71 Com. No. *— Nov 19 % 49** SI W sft Dee 36S4WX M%ggl* tA 36 May 96*, 368* 3fttl.W' % 365938-. Oats. No. 2 Nov 71% 21% 71*021% 21\ Dec 21% 31*022 21** 21% May M M 024V* 24 21 Mess Pork, per barrel— Nov .511 25 611 25 111 25 611 25 Jan . 17 15 12 27L 12 nr. II To May 12 02% 12 12% 12 02% 13 W Lard, per 100 pound#— Nov . 1 01% 706 7on 7to Dec .. 7tw 7OR *97% 4 *7% Jon .. 695 • 90 6 XJ% 6 97% Plant System of Railways. Train* gpmlsf hr fl’th tni.rl.liin t'tn*- Ons hour slower than eltv ttmo. In effeet Nov. X. 1964) Ail tr Lv Favannah Dailj Ar Savannah Between 3 II m 8 iv afitiah 13 Hi am 5 3i am Waycos* j l tx> am 9 i'l an !0 15 am 3Z* |*ii an,| l-'ioi la Jlj 4-, |,tn 8 > pro i*ant* ) 7 on pm Between 1 M ant . Savannah 'J 46 am * I" a tn GhartrrWon (7 40 am ' 1 ' M ■■ | t . . *'• ion Lv Brunswtrk Ar llrunawtok Between 6 4rt am ~ Brun- vri k % Of* am 99- pit! . Jt-Uip I* 26 pm •,- 8-ivannah and (7 15 am # 96 pm Connectt.xi* al Fori lamps with 1 'an- Insular an,l ti. , 01.-r tal ilr itMn leaving for Key Went ml Havana Muavdaya, Thuradnyi an.i latiirdayx 1194 pm. Call at Ticket for further infor mal ion J. II l-OLHEMHB. T T A Ward clark. city Tt k Ant, le Bivto lintel l'hnn* 73 n. W WRENN, I’ansengee Traffic Man ager. Sivannah Gft % RYCa 7 ReheAule Effective Bept Id Itfli Trains arrive ai and ,1-part from Central gtatlon. West ltrond. foot .it Liberty street. 9Wh Ueri'Uan Tune One hour slower Ihan city Mme, Lenvo > - t - Bavannah: Augii.ln Macon Atlanta.: •8 45am Covingioai, Milladgavllle •• aopm I n.l ait Intermediate |>tntsj lAugust*. Mnooei, Atlanta. Alii ens, Montgomei y, Go-| •9 OOi'm lnnihu*, IHrmlugham, Am- A trim <rl us. Eufaula and Troy | t* txgun Dover A,* •nmindatlon 17 48am 12 tg>m Gui-ton Dinner Train |M 6>pn •Dally. !Kx ppi Sunday. between havannah and tybek; 75th tnerlillan or Bav-onnah ellf tlmo LEAVE BAVANNAH. Monday only 6: ant rvally except Motvlay 9.30 a m Daily 300 p. ni. LEAVE TYBEK Monday only 715 a m Daily except Mnrnlay 10 Xa. m lally 130 p m ' aitie Hone ma le at terminal potato with all trains Northwest. Weal and Mouth west fllsefrtrqt cats on night trains h-twsen Mavantiaii and Augusta, 51 . on, Atlanta ant Itlrtningnum I'arlor cars on day train* between He - vennah Ma.-o. amt Atlanta. Eor nomplets information. *<hetkil*a, rate* end evnoeettone. apply to V 7 (1 BREWER, GHy T|. ket and Pasa enger Agent. 107 Hull aireel . <ir W R McINTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J C HAILE. General Uasaenger Agent. E II HINTON. Traffic Manager THKO f*. KLINE. (Jen Superintendent. Havannah, Oa Double Daily Service Tha short llna to Norfolk. Washington, Kal'lmor,-. >'tilla<lr(>hla. Na* York and tha Cast ARHIVAI. OF TRAINB _ FROM No. 27 North and Kail g 00 am No. 33 licrimark and l*-.l Bta . '*" 10 30 am No 11 North 1 and Kast 12 It) pen No t 4 Jacksonvllla and Florida... IB> pm No VJ Montiiomary and W.-I * 3. pm No. 74 ll< iana and la *l I’olnta . 8 4t> am No fit. Jacksonvllla and Florida...ll 10 ,im DKPARTt’RK OF TRAINS ' ron No. 77 Jackson,lll. and Florida.. SMim No 3! Jacksonvllla und Florida .12 II ion No. 44 New York and Ka*t I pm No. 24 Danmark nt.d Augusta 3 K pm No 71 Montgomery and 7 23 am No, 73 tlalana and laical Htallons * 30 pm No. M New York and Koat It .13 pm Magninrani Pullman bnff-t slaaplmt ear Mrvlta to Wa>htnton. Haltimore. I‘h la driphia and Naw York, aiao to Jackaon villa and Tampa Dining cara from Savannah to liamlot and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cara Savannah to Most gomary. For additional Information apply to Ticket Office, bull and bryan streets. Phone 2*. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OAK HI TON LINA LOiOMOTINK -KOH- A ORARBD BNOINIS TO Bn ( HCJ) ON WOOII TRAN APPLY TO * T. n. WVIrI.V A (0., <AV ANN NII. AA. J. D. WEED * CO ftAVAUAM, OAa Leather Belting, Steam Packing 4 Hose A recta for NEW YOKE kUBBU tltUlLNc. AND 4'ACJU.NG COMFA.NI. JOHN G. BUTLER -DKALKUBIN I‘u it, ia, oils and UUd Hash. I >ooCA Blind* and Builders' Supplies. t’laln and Decorative Wall t'aper, Foreign and Do meailc Cement*. Dime, 1 Meier and Hair. Sole Arc tit lor Aheatlna Cold Water I'alnt. • JD Conyrc' . street wat. and It St. Julian at reel. w-et, OLD NKWHPAI’KKS. s> for Si centa. at litlelr.ce* Office Morning Newa. May . Wl* a til* • M Short 1 1! or. per ! O pounds— Nov ... 7 3<4 dan .. a C tt% a> May aS3 aat a a srt& Caah ouotatlOn* ware a* follow*: Flour dull and unchanged. No. S epring wheat, Aa .No 2 yellow. WjiQlPe; No. S oat*. 22l*#r. No 2 White. tUkc, No. S white. 21 Vurttsc: No 2 rye, Of, fair to cholea malting. 57rMe; No. 1 flax need. *1 No. l Northweatam, timty, prime timothy eeed. SI.2T4M 25. mea* port;, per bbl., Ilt l-’V* 11.55; lard. |>er Ki Ih* . |7 fa7t*>. abort rib- aldett (loose), la *2\rJA 71*4; dry rafted -houMera (bowed). stafi4tac: abort dear • idea (boxed). e.Mfta.Mc: whisky, bast* of blah wine*. 11.27: sugars, rut loaf, l ife; aranuhwed. 5 oc: confectioner*' A, S.lle: off A, 6 KA, dover. contract grade, 1:0 00. 9