The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 29, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 MAYOR AND D.B.LESTER CLASH Kxrm*o uriiwn i> roi il AcrorwT or % u rn it. Iflter Hr Hr. to Ihr HiT*r Atlurklng III* Poalfloii ■ Hallway I’rmirhUr, *ul liullrrrtl) KrUcrl tug I |iun Hi* •• •y HqMt of lli** 'l*‘r •"* ■ nrrrd-Hr I f*l*r Alttmplti ti Heplr. Itui Wat Talil lu rut Whitt Hr llwl to *•! * %% riling —Mr 4l |rin|it*<3 to llrnoi thr Matin V% Hit the H> nr After the Mrrttni. Hof Wmm I'rrTrntfd—l'erinnnl DHDrulfy *>eeuir*l Imminent for a Tim* The f* ' who wrre In the secret aha? there a *n*f!nn brewing for the tn-elif.g of Count II last night and who wrrt on hand at the fne*tlr.g wrre t. t disappointed The wensntinn war the lam thin* ot th* bid, hut tt cam* off at! rlgh* and In ita way was about ina warm***! thinr o t the kind Council haa hut for r m* time. Thr aid* rmm came out of the Mayor‘s i.xim abortly before 9 o'clock and die* patched the hulne*a before them In al"ut half an hour Ckrk of Cour< I had Juat flnlabed a formal reading of Iht tax ordinance for I*>l at lightning #p**l and announced no further business! before the meeting when Mayor Myers elated that he had something whl h h wiciei to bring to th* attention of Coundl as a matter of personal privilege ilr th hand'd to the l* rk on-1 bed read a letter addressed to him n* Mayor by Mr 1 B theater, In whl-h the latter referred t statement# mu 2** at a r* **nt cau *• by Ihe Mayor, ari also disc owned the May or’* position with regard to the petition# for atreet railway franchises in m manner which <xhiKl hardly I** construed other* wHm than Ir.tended to offend At th* to* * tir.K *f the Committee of the Whole w*- k before last. which was i to consider ahe petitions for street railway franehl* s. Mayor Myem made th*- state ment tiiat the city wa# under no obliga tions t<* Mr, la. *r. as the latter hod h*- t*mpu*l to gotnr* the city by devnandint I2£.<M* for about a mil** of the White Bluff r*el wh i Bull air* • was extended #*v oral \*a- ago Thl* statement r*-u he*l i Mr I 4 **ter and aroused hi* ire. Undet the stress ot thi** prove.vtOon he wr*t* th** which Mavor Myers had real to Council last nlgnt and also similar Ih ters to thre* of th** aldermen. The lHt* r In question r* ad* as follows Savannah. Oa , Nov. 21, lftrt Hon, Herman Myers Mayor, City,—Dear Hlr The aldermen with w horn I h**v* talk'll In ref**!*n ** #i* my Mr* et fnn h.s* peti tion fully agree wih me, when I s*y that U should be settled one way or the other et on** No is r+onal freilngi should |*l.y any part In a iJu*- # ng this matter Certain statement* have been made In reference to bis affair thnt was intended lo jlo me’ great Injustice. Horn** one fan otatetl that I have pr* - vlously d*"ilt harshly with th*- city In con lon with the extension of Hull tetreet some years ago. and that should be taken Inn * on*-hb*ratM>ii in this mat - • *-r. It has been charg'd iha* I tried to m ike the city pay a fabulous price for that |.*r tm of the road arnl that the road re.illv received Jr. f#jQ, but the party making thl atatenx-nt did no* say that a Jury of my rest n try men ■* id that I should have that amount and the Supreme Court of my etnte'sald thwt th* Jury wm right, he did no* say that years of litigation and lawyer*’ fees took a great portion of that; He did not say that h good-rise two-story atx-room. I*4 h*d and plastered house coat unite u sunt; he rttd not expia n that It took money to build burner, stables. whk >n i*h# Is liarnews arx! tool-hoo** . rinks wells, and fence up the right-of-way on each rid. of this new toll house f<r nearly half * Chile; h*- did not explain that the Income tt the rod war reduced nearly on*-third ard that while right am! proper L make the change, it was not a profltaM* thing to the mad. If 1t war nee*.\ry for thl* party t* have railed attention to thl-* matter a* till, would It not have been fair upon hi lar t to follow It ui with the exulanat no Just athsh-d to** It bah also b**4i staled that thin franchb wa* wanted aoWMy for rprculwtlve purposes, am! I nnt*"f*- the statement had reference m the protmlde of cue of ch it h.m count v*s toll roads Is there a loyal clttsen without om s<|flsh motive** who would *lare say. that If such tt thing could h< brought al*out that It would not l*e a blesdng to the community at large? 1 notice* you are very much in favor of the* city ©©lltng It?* frurK-iu*** now at th* very hiwheet price for h> i ljt I have heard nothin*: nl ait your s.y* lug that you were a <ttr*ctor In the iur*; • fctrect raitrocid n>oi>**i*ly of thin city, an-! t* tween yotir flr#t **rtn as Mayor f the* city and your prewnl term, that t/wt railroad monopoly atfippm Nvh nr ah Itti© c'ty yon love no much now > of the brightest ieerh *h© had In the way of frnnchlaea. without offaiing penny In return .Mr Collin*, who wa* * ©o-dl’©- tor with you In t/uM *am© rallrooel want* prac tically the Minx- fHree*t.x that I ni nskltu; for. Mikl It xtrikr* m* that for h- ♦• era: welfare of the city and countv It wo ild he the right thin*, for Mr fol io to make* In aide traffic arr in*en*ent* wltl 2Rr rnrxovt* to operate hi* cara lm*il© th* !ty and for you ae mayor of Hnvannah to d* all that you ran for an enterprise tha* will add taxable property to our city mil k!\< tabor to Idle people. You know well u 1 do that everv truant of |rn*fmr(at lon In and out of th* city adds w ilth and |iopulatlon, giv©* extra Ulor to the cl i lawns a tuft reduce th* cost of living therein. Th* d'ldy In this matter has been un pececimrt and wide I nek no favors. I do demand what Is Justly due me and 1 trust that you will call Council together at once and eettla the matter. • Very respectfully. D. II lister From Uio o|enin* |tara*naph < f Mr. I, * ter's letter It would *• ©n: that there was torn* pwraoviul feeling l***:w©*n hlm-tdf and Mayor Myers. It will also t e otm. rv *hd he aj**ks of "somaone*' Hind* the statement to whi -h lie objec'w fraiteud of charging It directly to the May er himself A latter almost identu.ii wuh the on© to the Mayor, except a t. tne rpeirfng (• ragrapfis, to Alderman ll**rri pan, was also read It Is also uii 1 rd- 1 that letter* were received by Alderman Graham and Jarrell which were practi cally th© same as the one to Alderman HorrlfftA. After the rending of the letter Mayor Myers aald h© thought the letters con tained s**me statements which required little expiai ution on his port. The le'ter contain*d many Innuendoes by ImpU atloi be paid, which require** to he answered by him “I did tat©,** Slid the Mayor, '’that Mr Jyalcr had no clulin on the city; that when the city attempted to pruchase a portion of the White Bluff road for the -xten*i©n of Hull sti*e-t he demanded $26- 0 0 or tZf | forget whi* h, for a of road from Hlxth street to Twelfth etreet. The **ty r*fuaed to pay this prl* * and appraisers were appointed, the lourd cone|*ting of such eminent citlaen* as John Flannery. K A. Well ami oth ers. Thle board tlxed the value of she portion of the rood In question ut S"OW Mr I©*ter declined to accept the award of the appraisers and appealed to th courts The Jury guv© h!m 15.500. Npl *.visn©d with this he appealed to the Rupreme Court. which sustained the award of the court below, so that he only got $5,500. In view of there facts I think I waa perfocaly justified In saying thst h* (Continued on Third Fags.) IIHI ll l AM’ f lit M< l HCDIII^U. < krtf Cluin-h at the Kl llott-Wlillr \nptlnl* A brilliant gathering of memhem of the represaniatlve famiUee of Havar.nah wit nessed ycsiorday at noon in Christ Chur, h a iMsautifu! wedding The groom was Mr Arthur Heverly (Eliott. th* elder son of Mr* Joseph A Huger, while the hr d** was t!it daughter of lb v. and Mrs. Hold* White. The weather was perfect for a morning w-edd!ng and lor g before 12 o’clock the church was thronged with relatives, friend#, ur.d a .-quul Manors, all eagerly waktlng the coming of the bridal jairty. The char and was fi -d with t.*ll isalma while the iltar vs*.es were filled with white chrysanthemum# l*r- t n- n th* well-known chords of th. y from ’ThengriH*' reul*l forth nr. I th* ushers advanced uj> the liitl* . Mr Kdward K C. H.iber *nain and Mr. \V Gordon Harrison, lead ing the way Mr. T. Pin kney Huger ind Mr Arthur Oordon am* next, and Mr. 1 S 1 idiot followed th* m. walking alone. Pr* -Hng the bride, entered the four h rides nrtldt. M*e Hally Haakell. Miss Ndl White. Mis* Carolina Pinckney Huger, and Mies Kmnm Middleton Huger. Th. y wore the loveliest *f organ- Sl* gown*, the skirt# finished with iceordi*T piea tinge Over the tuek < 1 waists were worn t*oiero Jck ♦*i of vil#fi(*k*nf)fls lacs, which were < 4 ight <ri the left side wtth knot# of r*>*.* pink satin. The glnll* s a* and col lar!* were of the n.*mc ahade a al ware t.'ie pbf iir' *nd becotnlnjr hit shirred vhffon Bouquets f la TYance roess, loosely tied with wafln rih ■ *>ni*. completed the**e charming conini- e T*he lovely bride who enter and with her brother. Mr Hobb White, Jr . wor*- a beautiful gown of white et.n with -***..ptng train. ov*r whl h f- ll Hie gra- ‘ ful f-dd** of h**r t 11-* veil. A fichu n r'i -- .ft fdd * ctl ffOU trimmed the bcdl* * and formed M draperv ■- * i the left -id- f the >kb A ►prwy *f orange I*W> -*otn* fastened the v* 11. in Ia prayer lo**k iound In whit** vtHum, was irrled. Mr Klllott. cc*mpanled by T*r W W. *wen. entered from the w*-*try and m- t th* bride it the foot of the chancel et*-pff At th* conclusion of the Impressive c re it. i \ th- Iwldal iadv left the church to the strain- of Mendelssohn*# "Wedding March.*’ At th* borne of the bride’s pi rent# oti York :r•• i i-ast. a br‘akf st fo.) >w> *1 t? wtii h w**re i*r* -. t>f only the hi *lal party an*l fmcnedtate relatlv* s Th * r<wm w* ' <i. *.? fteil with pUittm, -in iux white (iry nan the nu ms. and A tie. I can Heathy Rove*. A’ two o’cki k Mr in*l Mr*, fallott left oti thdr w*dlin#c Journey to Kl*ri*la On !h*dr re-turn tliey will make their homo it apt rt men Is on York and Idruoin streets. Few young men are lad ter known or more un.ver-illy lojailar than Mr. R 'l •tt He Is th*- manager of the Plant* rs Hice Mill, ami In business a* well as *1 other eircles, l< thoroughly llk**-l ami *• - tecm***l. The charming bride 1 the eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hob!* Whit** uh| In the years that she lias Ilvel In Havanash has 1 herself to all win knowr her. 4 It %WfiiHn-KKNIH. \ H*n ti tlfnl Home Wedding Cele brated nl High At high no*m yesterday at the residence f Mr and Mrs. J T on Bol ton street, west, a beautiful wedding took lac© uniting Mr Hobert Angel Crawford iltd Miss Meta K*-mpa. the attractive niece of Mrs. Hhiiptrim* A number of dii* r itiv* and friends of th© popular wimg couple assembled to witness the remony. which was p**rformed by Ir joint I*, imsior of the First Bap tist Church. Tlie flor.d dc. orations were elahomie. The yellow ehryMWth*mum was th*- fi*w -.-r of tiu* <*•<•■.*-ion. and, against a back ground <*f r*alm© and smllsx.*- a brilliant show. Mantels were hanked, with th© gorgeou- autumn flowers, and the rooms were aglow with lights veiled with yellow- j*ha*l*. Th© weliding march from “I*>hengrln,“ played by Miss Jessie Freeman, announe ! the rutntiio* of the brhlal jwirty. Mr Harry Ulchardson ami Mr James Free man wen- the usher-, and Mr Crawford was accomisinicd by Mr. Frederick Hub bell, his man. Mias Hula Hhuptrinc, th© maid-of-honor, pr*. <d* and the bride, who walked with her stepfather, Mr. Sid ney YV. Huff A hat..l traveling gown of ©flMor cloth was worn by the bride. The Kwl: e was * dgc*l with mink snl opt n* and over u vest of whit© satin, quilted with gold A belt of Persian embroidery fHton*-*l the waist, and th*- fawn-colored tint was trimmed with mink and tucked chiffon. The bridal bouquet was of white irnatlnns surrounded by a frln*e of maiden hair fern*. Mlc* Bhuptrln* s lovely costum© was of pi id gr. cn ►hk poplin. Th© skirt was finished with n deep knife pleating, head* . I by an applique of cream guipure, gui pure U e also trimmed th© bodice with gold-woven thorn© and tiny buckle* of dull gold Bh© wr© a hat of green pann© vel vet. nn-l carried u lovely bouquet of Mare chat Nell rosea. 1 luring tin* <- remony the soft strain* of **Tra-uineret" were faintly heard, anl Mendelasohn's **%V*ldlng March" was played when the -arvlo© was over Mr and Mrs. Crawford received th© congrat ulations of their friends, standing be neath th© palms, and later refreshments were served. Tha dining room wa* lavishly decorat 'd with yellow chrysanthemums, and th© bride's tabl© was a lovely blending of yel low arid whit© From th© chand©llera scarfs of full© w.-r© drawn down and fass©n*d to th© damask while resting on n i-cnier piece of tvnalMMtne© lie© over yellow, was a cut gUt m cp and© In brum wi h yell low ©n dl© and shades. Chrysanthemums in slender cut g!a* va-©s. further adorned the table and it on** * n i w..s placet th© bride’s cak© In th© f rm of an imm na# heart inl -mto*e**Nl with yellow Th© r freshments w* r© by Mls* J mb- Hhuptrinc, Miss Henrietta Turner M|l* Mary Davin arl Mlsa Anna Anderson. At on© o'clwk Mr. and Mrs. t'r.iro and left via 4he Rout hern Itailway for th© North, wher© their honeymoon wl’l i© rp©nt. On their r-tum they will make th©ir hm© ut Pi Wald burg M©*t. east The w*-lllng gifts received wre numer ous uial l’a ut if ul. for U>th young |© pi© have . wide popularity Th© bride h* been greatly admired both for h©i l*ea*ity and fig her fhany other attraction*. Mr CrawfoiM is a w.lbknown and hichly es teemed young man. ll© l In busin ss with tin- firm of A Norden A Cos., cotton exporters. 4\ ST. %M>lli:WS DAY. l*rclsl Services 1i lie Held In flic I '.|t!s©|>nl < liuri-lies. R. Andrew’s Day, which falls to-mor row. will b© observed In all the Kptscopal churches of the city. At 7..*/ In the morning there will b© holy communion at Rt. Paul's f'htirch. and At 10 a. m. holy communion and a sermon by Bishop Nel son, will b© followed by a meeting of the various branches of the b#ad4©*‘ Auxiliary. At ISO In the afternoon the Hun-lay school* of the several parish©* includ'd in the Savannah Archdeaconry will hold an Institute at the B? John's Parish Hall. A paper on the Sunday Hchool work will he read by Mr. M Tempi© Taylor A* % p. m. a miss km service will b© hekl at Christ Church conducted by Bishop Nel son. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. THEY HALUED FOR REYNOLDS POrNTH niHTHICT AM) CONSniiV A TIVF. ( I t IP I.IM B I V FOB HIM. Meetlna Held nt latti*r Hall, sf \\ hleti Menstfer* sad Clerks for the V,I ret ton of *>ntlirla)r Were Niuiinl —f lull* Hid Not ln|rae n f nmlltlnte for Minor, but Will (.** lugrlhrr W el e tn j Mgbt for Tbs I Pu r pose—.lotto lllllynrtl, ('sit dl(ln Ir. unit life Troubles In kfteluu llndf m \otrr Heglatry Clerk 1 urni Him I)o%m iiihl llealatrsr* t pbold This Arflsa—Nerosil llls trlrt's Hally for Nslliana. A Joint meeting of the Reynolds Fourth District Club sod t .e Hldo Conserv ative Club was held *t loitKir H.ili l*s night There w. * large sttendsn * and much Intert"*! in the Issues of the t umf aUn t <r th*- muycrslty, ss well as that for m Justice of the peace for the Fourth district, wns manifested. There were number of speeches from the club members, a*mm tiding th# record and espousing the candidacy of Justice HeynnUh to succeed him elf. The follow ing were appointed managers and for tl.e •!• ton of magistral#, that will twk plar# on Saturday: Manager- M* -r John Fit age raid. John fkafTord and Curt- k Butt 1 met Obwkr Messrs \V F McDonald, T. P Reynl*l# and c A VMtcr. These apfiointments were made by Pres ident Hill, on behalf of the club, and Magistrate Reynolds. President Hill stated, in making the appointment*, that all tha>t are* d**sired was an honest ballot rd o fair count and thic with the triumplMut re-election of Justice Rey nolds whs aaeured. The question af the Indorsement of any one of the Cltlxns Club candidates for Mayor was postponed, by c<n* nt, until after th* election for Justt< e *f tl** |h i a There wl.l lie a meeting of th** Reynolds Club on next Wednesday night, when the Kint Side Conservative Club will meet with it anin, and the andldate of the two clubs f*r Mayor will tw -ho**en. In the ranks of the club* there i* str ng difference of opinion * to whether Mayo Myers nr Alderman I)lx* n Is the t* t rn n for the pWi< e and it* ra’her doib - fill that the clubs can cast th*dr votes solklly for either *at Il*lat*. Mo h have warm friends and j*ijpf*> f t* r* among ti e club members and Wednesday* mailing promise* to )*e <*f inter- t. Th** Wednesday tight meeting will 'e for the purpose of formally inaugurating, **o hir as the two club* an* c *nc.*rne<l, the mayoralty camiwiign. It i< the in en tdon to stir up active Inte . wt In the tight iiiKt! to get all the m*-rnter.-i working for that randidate w ho. e claim* am Indor e I by the body. In the Fourth District Magistrate Rey nold* 1h oppiiM'd by ex-Constable John Hlllvard, who has not yet been permit ted to get bl* name on the list of regis tered voters He has been resident of Chatham county only about it year nl hit** not been ithle to prove to Registry Cl* rk Sullivan, of the tax collector’s oftl* e that he has |aid hi* tax*#* f<r previous years In the county in whl-h he formerly lived. HUBiird |si I*l the Morning News cfllre a visit last night He had with him a large nn*l enthusiastic kLk against the registry clerk ar.*l th*- board of registrars of the county The latter had upheld the decision of the former and told ! that there was ‘‘nothing doing." Ho f, it ha 1 about It He r aid he had produced his tax receipt* f*r list y*ar and had offered to mk* affidavit that he owed no taxes to any county. Mr. Sulli van did not foci thnt he was authorized to a *Pt this . omjimmlse with the lw Hill. >arl *ai*i he <ll*l not f**e| Ilk** lwii)g th*- results of all the hard Ih ks h** hail pul 1 during the Inst month to .*a*oure his election an magistrate in the Fourth Dis trict. and claimed that he was being dts crlmliwtisl against strongly. If h hn* been. It Is probably by the law. for the registry clerk ban only cur ried out and Into effect Its clear nn dts. Whlb it i dtstre-sing that the ran dkbits for office should thus b* deoiise..i of the fruits of his lalior. there s#tns *. I*e no!ldnv fr him to do but grin ami hear It. No one In this part of th*- state, living closer than the county seat of the county which he formerly adorned. Is in a position to do any*hing for him. WITH TORI HU* AM) Ml NIG, Second District Nnthnns flub Held n <*rnnd Itnlly. The Second District Nathans Club he! ! a rally last night at Hendley flail. The club formed at the Roiithsde Armory nt Whi taker and Twelfth atreet* and headed by Middleton s brass l and and sccompan lel by numerous colored lights, m iwhad down Jeffers* n street to the hall In Its ranks were borne two transparencies in dicating the sen* 1 ments of Its members in the present amjwlgn. Dn the Ilrst of these wa* flic runic of •he club, the Second District Nathans' Club, and the motto*'#, "In Cnloti There Is Strength," and "We Are the People The second transparency was much mor IM*rsoiia] In its allusions, atinmg th** s**n tenrra with which Its side# were emh'.ax or.ed Ding the foTlr*wlrg "You • tiuiot fo >1 •he |*eopl**, Mr. \’;*n "Ixx>k out for a snow storm Satunluy," "Usurer and Mag Istrate, Whitt n CrrmMnatlon," ami * No 630 per cent For I’s." This Is said to be th' flrwt !im* th*’re ha* over been in Hav.u rah n torcli light procession In honor of m magisir.itc, or a c m*i4*late for thwt office. Th** club wa* aUwr three humlred strong and completely tllhd t e hill Though the nwetlng was quite n •u --thuMuMie one it last* 1 only a short time, long enough lo b** aU <<l by three apeak er*. Mr. -.i John I# S*hw tx s. L. Uiza r ot) *ikl C. We*to tt. the p eal-tent. Mr. Si'hwarz won the tins* *p aker. He said that lit* sp.ech m i iMwmrly l*o short a* In thl* eampil.i the** were none of the Issues that usualh charac e*-- Itol political c impugn' ! w*as simply a question f keeping th*- rt;ht man it the right place, and t I- *vm!d. and word Is* done by ra-electlng the pr-sent Incum bent. Isaac N ithans. Nat Din.- has his fault*, he said, who has not?—and he may n* t i* a brilliant scholar, but who expr-us a Judge Kr-dtlne *ll the bench Of i Jtioflc** of the p.*.i*-e; but he know* what I* r ght. ard giv* • very man Justice. Tin* speaker >4t;*l that h*- exp t 1 *hat the opiM>n* nts of Id* candhiate might claim thnt Inasmuch as he. a Liberal Club man. had #i *>k n at thD meettiig th it Nathans had affiU|itel him-* If with that l*.r:y Rut Mich a claim would b purelv i:fouml*-*!, ns in this campaign there was **‘.tuer CRlxen 4{or liberal Hub .itbc th ne If furtht'r arpumefit wer* needed for the election of Mr. Nathans," h ••id. It could - is a lcwr man. l*T**fulant upon the re dpts of the office for hi# living, and for the sup. port r>f his mother, while the *>*her man. Mr. Van (Nt*n, If he were to 11-continue buxlre s to-morr w w tild have enough ti lust him the of his days. He extolled the generosity of Magis tral Na?hn. citing ns an Instant- of It the fact that at the last Confederate re union held here he had given to a num ber of indigent veteran* his office to sleep in, and bought for them meals on several occasions "But what can you expect from the other man. who, on account of {Continued on Third 1 age* DITI OFIHH.It r.WAN DKfIUKD. Major Decision In the t asc of •'nlleentnn shrebnn. Mayor My ora pewterday ail hr eased a let ter to Bup**nntetid**nt H-reven, notifying him tiiat the * as** aga.nst i'oliceman She- - han f>r M iflrct of uuiy In fatbng to ar e***t the .at** isetaetlvs Bh*a, wnon called uion to do ao by Mr. J-hn J Hart, and mu# preventing he tragedy which fol lowed, waa di-milM-d with a rprtnam of the oftl rr Mayor M>*rs, in speaking of hts decis ion i*j h Miming News r'iswtar, said that he consider'd Officer dheehan'a error n '♦*ry grave one, th' more so because of the fatal result which foil /W*ed. and which m ght have been averted by in<*ftip n .- and alertness on 14s |rt "In view cf tbs fact," he said, "tha Officer Hn*dian has been a member of the fores for eighteen years, during which time be has borne a good reputation snl hs a vary fa r record, I foil di-posed to view his ewror with as much iealenry as (a>-s!hle. lied he been a younger man. or -a t he served a shorter time on the force, r 1 <*i his record t>e*n l*-s excellent, he weu and ertainly have l>een *f i -ml*se<l It is only Ids bnirth of service and the goo*! record w deb h** ha* made in the |MHt which saves* iilm fr*m dismissal " Mayor Myers Mil ) :lat hi# lnvistigUlso of Officer Hheehan’s ?ondu*.d had bio*ight out the fact that mtNnberg of the po;i e force are very much indisposed to arteei #ih*r members of poll* e fore*-, and timt they avoid ding so when possible He l* v< • *** a paragraph eai*dally tu tilts m Irl letter to Sui-erlntenueivt S reven. as fellows: "In hi# connection I desire to say that it iM'i**ar# tiiat it Is th* custom p*- bcemen rv*t to Irvterfrr** in matter# in which ti***ir fellow officers are Involved Tnis J# certainly wr ng If a policeman and a cltlaen are engaged In a dlffi ulty, ■*r *wo |m> Icevneti, and or.*- of them call# for the atreet of the other it k certainly tti#* duty * f th p* Ice officer near tuf to arreet <*f Imlh of * tie |4rl*S iO tnc ilfficidty. It is tlie du:y of a policeman to up press a quickly *•- he can any <-.,rv dj< t on lh> |airt of dllsenc. no matter wlieth*r they are potlcemen or not, wlii h tfir* atone to (create trouble and peruape tiring xhfiit bloodshed. When a fficer Is not ongared In an official a t tu- merv tu*H that he la a memt*er of the fore# should not and *kes not shield from arrKt at the i*-*|U**st *kf a (duaen wHh wb* m be la uaving a difficulty Td* Hioukl lie Iraprcsaed o 4 ell members of the force " This i*clanstion by Mayor M-er will uiai l*e apj>rov*d of by clilaon# g.-nerally In s(Making of the matter Mayor Myers said that a detective i# no more **nntld to cooabh*ration at tlu hand# of a poll* ctnan than any otlwr cUi x* tt, unices the detective be engaged a! H.e time in tl disc barge of h*a official •iutn-a. . THE f lIASCKB IEC3N GOOD. Thai Penitentiary Commit tee Will Report Toomrr Hill I ofa% >rally. County Attorney J. R Bauaay, who rep resent* and the Board of County tkwnmj-*- sloiter# before the Penitentiary Gotmnlt te** of the House of Representatives, ai Atlanta, when the Too me r ml#detn*nor oonvlct law aas being considered, return •%l to the city yesterday morning. To a representative of the Morning •Newt. Mr. Saursy expressed himself as well satis fled with the results ot the hear Ing allowed the opponents ot the measure before the committee. While h*' would not venture a prediction a# to what re port the committee would make, it waa evident that he thought himself In posee*- - ion of g*>od reason 10 believe that the re port W4il*i !e unfavorable t* the sk>ptlon of the bill. The < ountles of Chatham. Fulton. Rich mond. Bibb. Floyd. Dougherty and oth ers were represented before the commit u* of the House The opponents of the measure had been |*ermitted a previous opportunity to state th*lr grounds of o>- j* ion to the memlsTa of the Prleon <’om mlsslon, which 1# responsible for Its lutro •hiotlon. The Frlson Oommle-lon was told ihat If it would consent to the excepting of the countt* s r*-j*t••>* nt*l *t the bear ing from the operation of the bill, there would bo no further protect from the#** . ounttew against ita pas# ige. A# the com mission would not make su< h s con h*- Hlon, there was nothing left for the oppon ents of the uj. isure but to tight It be ft*re the Penitentiary Committee. This they did. Mi Baussy being one of thus** who mad* talk#. Mr Ha,u>> aid he believed, from the fact ihit i.* tllspauh from Atlanta has an nounced that th** re|K)ft of the *ommlt tee ba# leen made, that the flnU d* l>‘ion has ben po*tponc*l until next Tuemlay. when th*- committee will meet again. A- the supp'rt*-r- of the T***mer bill are having other forces than the courwy authorities In those counties where regu lar convict gang# have been orgenlaed and are worked to fight. It would seem to the casual observer tha# the chance* of It# |>****Me are ex*'e4ilngly slim. The *oUrltor* general, clerk# am! sheriffs of • ther countie#, where different conditions I . • i tt* Mu* bill Just a# much ami ore lighting It Jusl as hard A# these ofth-er* are active, determined and Influential politicians, they are iikeiy to carry their point. FI SKR %L OF JOM* 1.. JUIDW)^. 1<...1 > ,‘nm mllled tit llarlli th r Oak. ol ll*.n il vruin rr. The funeral of the la,* John L. John son look plare from Wesley Monumental Church at 330 o'clock yesterday after noon. The services were attended by Solomon Lodge of Mason*, of which Mr Johnson had locr been a consistent mem ber, and by many of the friends of hts family and himself. The services were conducted by Rev, Ed F. Cook, po.tor of Wesley. Rev. Mr. Cook, in iho course of the service*, deliv ered nn eloquent and pathetic prayer. In which bo naked <U.t those qualities of piety, uprightness, honor and truth which ha.l bene exemplified In the character and life of Mr. Johnoon, might be perpetu-aud in the church. A trio. -Hi* sting of Mrs. H. E. Crit tenden. Mr* A. T. Ackerman and Mr. A. F. Kmc. sang very sweetly the hymns. "He Thou Still.” "Rock of Ag'ts” and "Abide With Mo " / At the grave In Bonsventure the funeral riles of the Masonic order were celebrated by Solomon la-lc- and the services of the church concluded by Mr Cook The pallbearers were those named lt> the Morning News of yesterday, with the ex ception of Mr. H It. Adaina Mr. Adam, was unavoidably prevented from attend ing and bis place was token by Mr Davit Freeman. Try M Once used it takes the prece dence of nil other*—Cook’s Imperial Extra Dry Champagne. It has o most dtllcious bouquet.—ail * I'eenns I’ay t’rnflts. Beautiful shade and nuts. 2S to pound, finest earite-t bearing known. I have few hundred trees here. Call to-morrow or Friday W T Dixon's office. 15 Terry street weet Trices low If taken now J L. Anders, prop . ne plus ultra Nurseries of Tecao, N. C —ad. Fast Time to Jacksonville. Fla. Via Seaboard Air Line Railway—Lease Savannah 5: a. m . arrive Jacksonville 9 10 a m ; leave Savannah 12:1( p. m , ar rive Jacksonville 3:50 p. m.—ad. WILL BE LARGELY OBSERVED. Rt BUY BODY PKri'tHlM] TT) BWOI TNA3KM.IYINO DAY. Yearly Fverybody %%11l Get an Fntlre lln I lin or Half n Ons-Hud *•• I'vople tirnrra 11 y Will Take a Hall Molitlo > —%lsn y Parties of Sports men %\lll 'psiul the Day In the € oiiut r>—Football and the t Iren* Will Attract l.arge frowili Till* AftrrniHin Union Tliauktvlna Arriirr to be Held at the Uir*t i'rraliyterlaa I hurch and the I *ual gervleea f*r the Day nt the Dpi*- copal € barchea. Ail the Indlradons go to show lha’ Thanksgiving Day will be in good old style In Savannah Then* will be much feastlnr. considerable recr**atio . end some thanksgiving and prayer. M n people will take an entire holiday wh I* others will have to be content with t.a f a day A l.ttle work In the morning a good dinner and then football or the cir cue in the afternoon, and perhaps the tlieater at night will be the pragramm with many peoida. Numerou* hunting ani fishing (iartbs nave teen made up and the exodus from the city on this a<x*oun: will tie quite large The weather is Ju-t right for either sport, and a# th** gain reason Is now fully on the aportame will have th!r choice of any game ’h* choose to go after, frren joirtr.dg* # at. I doves to deer and wild turkey. Game said to he plentiful thl# year, an*i worn large bugs will doubt!'-# le brought ba k w ith sufficient w nierf ul tales on the port of the unlucky ones to account for any slimness In tn-lr game !*ags The City Exchange will l# rlo* 1 and the city officials and nwst of the sty em ployes w;ll get a full holiday The entire force under the dire tor f pub!, work will get the emlre day with the exception of the scavenger m n. who will put In a part of he day only The *ourt Hou#* will Im closed, and the officials and in ployes there will huvr holiday. The bank# will close a# u-uul. The <Ti#tom Hou# Kid Posfnffice will oliserve holMay h*Nif’*. on the Bay and among the merchants and buMlnesM men generally, th day will b a half holiday At the Poatoffi e th-- money ord* r window will be c!t>?*e*l for the day. The registry. #t;tiiu and genera, delivery wlrwiows will n-nruim open un i 11 o*<‘>ock. city tim‘ Tim crrl*T# wl 1 nuike their usual collections and deliver ies until 2 p m. The ma Ut.g and ,*ustmn will miMitn *i>**n a# usual A union Thanksgiving aervl e will b • held by the evangelical congregations of the city at th** First Presbyterian f’hurch at 11 an. The scrm<n will be delivered ny Rev W. C. Bcliaeff**r, D.D., of the Lutheran C’hurch of the and the |MStors of the other evangelical chureive# will ak* part In -Che eenrlc** Ttutnksglvfng service# will be held at all the KpDcopal churches at 1! * m A thttnksirivtng service will be held at the Kpworth Methodist Churrh to-night Th*- Isle of llo|*** Church will hold Thanks giving services this morning A Thanksgiving service will be held in the Temple Mlckva Israel at 12 o’clock by Rev. Dr I P. Mende# The foot la* 11 game between the Savan nah and Jacksonville trams and the clr . us will together attract a large jortlon of the pleasure-see* king popular lon to the southeastern section of the city. th* circus at BottOf) and East Broad street** arsY the football gam* at the Bolton Hr reel Pork. Just a short distance away, that neighborhood will be th' cent'r of attraction for the afternoon. The Klimt- Hearn Company will be the attracton at the Theater, presenting "The Fatai Card’ both at the matinee and night perform ances. Popular prices will prevail. Sells A Grav e circus will also give n mght performance. Th' Savannah Cadets wil go out to she rlflle range at a o'clock this morning with the expectation of adding to their already remarkable record a* marksmen. Apparently the year haa been a good one and the people have much to be thankful for. The books of the city treasurer ami the county tax collecsor -how that taxes have been paid more promptly than ever before and this Is considered a reliable evidence of the pres ence ci considerable money in circulation. There are probably fewer people in Sa vannah who will go without tie-tr Thanksgiving dinners to-day than on any similar occasion for many years. The butchers an*! gTeen grocers are counting on u large consumption of Thanksgiving provender and have pro vided thefnaelves with supplies of good things for the table in the mnd lavi-h manner Home of the shops are very tastefully flx*-d up and the finest of roaaie. the fattest of turkeys and splendid mut ton# are fvttr.ictlvely displayed, intermin gled with game and poultry of all descrip tion* nn<l pretty much everything else In the moat line which the Western pack inghouses and the local market can fur nish. Anew sh*n Whitaker street present# an sapec-olly attractive appear* anc*" which never falls to cutch thr eyes of the paasersby. The hotels and rest#uram# will as us ual make special efTn*ts #o furnish their iMtron# with memi# which will make them feel thrtl It Is good to be there In fact, good living will lo* the nil© ami not the exception to-day and it Is to Ih* hop*d that too fn*e Indulgence In the good things Wkli have no regret# for the mor row. <u ii.ii mo—el upKicKßg. \e dletvorker. Turned In 1,203 5m fiarmenle for the I’oor. Th* anrttial meeting of the Savannah Rmnch of the Needle Work flu id wa held yesterday at 11 o'clock In St John I*urish Hall The ebstlon of officers re sultisl In the choice of all w lw> had serve I the previous year. The officers are as foi lows. Honorary President—Mrs. I. T Mend*,. JTcMdent Mrs. David Wells Vic* Treat dent—Mrs. Mix Wolff. Secretary— Mls Jennie Willlnk Troasurer—Miss l'annie Prendergast owing to Mrs Wells being lrwl.|nsel. the tne.'lng was predded over by Mr* Wolff Mrs C A Klcbmorai acted a* sec rrtary, a iwsltlon the has creditably tilled for some time. The following are on th" executive committee of the <1 did Ml-s J \V Myddleton. Mrs A Ke-*el. Mrs. E. R. Oll'htt and Mr* T H Itnindon Th* garments turned In by the motn ts-rs of the Guild dur.nv the are ifow ready for distribution. They may b. hail from the sixteen charitable societb s tn th* city to which they were turm-d over by the Guild There were 1.3*: gar ments received, all of them tuw, and 'he r distribution am, ng the poor ie .pie of the Otty will be n boon. Sixteen packages of the garments v e e n.ude. the d.visloti Iwdbg as nearly equal u* i>sstbl*. A package was turned over to each of the societies that applied for the clothing. Tile dlatrlbutlon of the cloth. Ing will be entirely In the hands of the social lee. Perfectly heatthy people have pur*, rich blood. Hood's Saisaparllla purlfes and en riches the blood and makes people nealthy —ad. On Exhibition In Living-ton's window, corner Bull and Congress streets. Is a correct photograph of the Seaboard Air Lin* terminals. It Is forty Inches long Mode at Istdeveze', Art Store, 10* to I*3 Congress street, weet. —ad. PRIZE Piratic WIJiJIBM. Awards at the 4 aaera Clab’a Anwwwl Exhibition. The Savannah Camera Club’* annual -vhibit lot. will o|*n to tha public ai the club room* at Bull *lre<t and Bark ave nue at 4 o’clock this afternoon. The ex hibition hours for the public will be from 4 to 11 o'clock to-day and during the na hour# to-morrow. The (ornuil view of the pictures by the club look pla •* la night when the pr.x a , r* awarded by a vote of Che nrm er* The task wae a difficult one and In .1 number of li.stance# a second bj.lot wa 1. . fy to d-ede whlcn waa the wtn p ,ufa. It waa ne.rly !2 0.-lok when the announcement of the vote wua made Theie were tw. class, a wth L. Mvtiuni In the first end thri-e eeet.ons in !f . on I I us.- There were In all eeven ty-elahl pictures for c nip' tltlon. Tne prises were .iwsnln] aa follows: hirst Claes. Se-tlon A—Portraits. Fleet Mr 11 C. ShUftrme. • Orandp. s lleartatrlnys". eocond prlxe. Mr. A. Jer ger. a fwrtrall. Section 11.-Flrat prlxe. Mr A Jerxer. "A Home Study"; eocoi.d peixe. Mr IVrey Sugden, “Cbeckinaie.” Section C —Kira: prlxe. Mr. J M John tone. Jr.. "Sunset"; second prlxe. Mr. A. Jerger. "f*oojer’e View." Is— First prlxe. Mr Percy Sux ,ll, Interior view of Savannah postoffl.e. com! prlxe. Mr. A. Jeryer. "Beeuly," a horae picture. S.<n n K. Enlarxements—First prlxe. Mr A. Jerger, portrait of a well-known Savar.nah n,an; se -on,l p:lxe. Mr. Percy A .,iUn. ' A Lg Cabin." B<*cor.d <’ a##. B*-*il*>n A—First prize. Mr J d* Bruyn Kope. of a lady. Sf ion t*. Landscape#—First prlxe. Mr J M Jhrt*‘fe. Jr. B'cti *n 1* Ilrst prlxe. Mr Frank C Battey. "Atop the Earth"; second prtx* Mr r E Yonge. "The Argument." A s; il piiaa wa# awarded Mr I* Van Wagen'n fr his combmailon pic ture. "Th< B*jhoard Terminals." The ln!> medal went to Mr. Jerg'r The prize pictures reposenk a wtl -of ph**ogTaphy. or rather of pr*>t4- graphic printing on various kinds of I P*r and material, the* o|als as usual being a feature of ttie collev'tftotL Tt • prix* - will bf* marked and will b* -tarred during the public exhibition- T e 'Ollertlon of photographs Is larger and -1 per lor In merit to any that the club hi- exhibited at any of Its previous sm one. It is of a character thut will be more interesting, too, to the public. The Exhibition t’*>nimlitoe will be at the Huh rooms luring exhibition hours and visitors will be mud** w.-b-ome. The Camera Chib i* one of the re.>igniz*l InetHutlon# of Sa vannah. It Is compose) largely cf young men and hue done much to elevate thi art <f photography. WEATHER FOR DEO:*HER. The Kind SarantiMh Haa Had for Twenty-wine Yean. Ob server Royer of the Weather Bureau hns compiled from the records of the bu reau the dt i of the weather during De cember for twenty-nine years a# a of predltlons for next month. The m*-an temperature''at Savannah for December I# flfty-two degrees. The warmest December since IF7I wa* tiiat of IYO. with an average of€• degrees. The oldest l*e<'*mber was that of 1876. with an average of U degrees. The highest December temperature was 80 degree*# n JDth. in 1&75. an*l the lowest W4ia U de grees on the 29th In 18M. Ti e average Ihcmber rainfall la J. 21 Inches, the \crags number of days wth 01 of an inch or more being 9. The grea - •t December rainfall was 7.!* inch** in 887. and the Iraat was a trace in. 18*9 The greatest amount recorded In any twenty four hours wa* 3 #3 Inches on Dec. 1 and 1, 1894 The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any twenty-four consecutive hours, th* record extending to winter of 18W-86 only, was a trace on the 6th, I*6. the 27th. 1892 and the Slst. IW. The average number of clear day* In December, 12; partly cloudy days. 10. and cloudy days. 9. . The prevailing winds ar* th* northwest The highest velocity reached in I>* emier whs ts mile# from the we#t n the 7th. In 1890. Death nf .lame* Vi hnlen. Mr. Jam*-# Whalen, a w.-11-known car penter. tiled suddenly ahou4 4 o'clo* k yeaterdoy morning from epopb*xy. H*' had been 111 for some lime He was w nn flvc of thfcy city. He leaven three daugh ters and three *on lo mourn hla sudden demise. A MnsnlNrrnt UeiNlna Present When vort read In the ne trope per# that a recent bride or groom was the recipient of a "chest of #llver’’ thl* Is generally what It means, as supplied by Sternberg A Cos., though the contents may be In creased or decreased or varied by substi tution. a* the purchaser may elect On* dosen dinner forks. On* dozen oyster forks. One dosen each table, tea, coffee and de#sert spoons. One dozen knlvew. One dozen dessert forks, one d<en l*-e cream spoon#. One soup ladle. One gravy ladle. j Rutter knife. Bugar spoon. All best sterling silver, wtth Bternberg A Co.’a guarantee back of lhem —ad. I)r *oto II it Ir 1 Hrtnnran( ( The management of the Dr Soto an nounce the opening of their ladies' ami .-.’ill lemen" s restaurant, located In the • room on Überty street. A spe - tail feature la the large variety of game ami an foot from the New York and h .me markets Service of high and prices popular. After-theater parties ran have tuhei reserved by notifying the hotel office.—ad. Nee Train to Augusta. Ga. Via Seaboard Air Une Hallway—Urave Savannah 3ii p m, arrive Augusta 9:30 p m.—ad •'lt Cared .He,” "Orsybeard broke up rheumatism on me.” says Mr Chas. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health 1 have enjoyed In a long llut.'* Take Graybeard Pills for that dlssy fe. Ilr.g—ls>M appetite and follow It up nlll. a b ttle of Graybeard. It la all you need licet css Drug Cos., sole props., Sa vannah, Ga ad. A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert (fpeneer Is an elegwnt elgar and It I truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It Is and delicious See that the name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every elgar, with out which none art genuine. The H* rbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the Pox of 50. Conchas at $3.50 and I'erfectoe. D 50 at Lippman Hr< . who'e sale druggiata Hamard and Congrras streets, of this city.—ad. "Orat beard Is a family m dleine with u.” said a prominent business man yes trrday M' wife takas It. and I notice h- Is enjoying baiter heath than for ytars The children keep Hell by taking It ** Orsybeard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to us for It. Rea peas Drug Cos., sola props , garanaah, Ga.—ad. ALL KINDS "LAP ROBES” HOUSE BLANKET. —and— HOODS. Consress and Whiuk*r S’.i LEO FRANK. ”''^ ~ '' (" ; for the Ixwt 17 years has !ew trifle over !?.(> per year. v*g. su --•-' —i ra .ad n i—. . It 1* THE BEST and the iar*'f a <l*nt Insurance corporation for (’ m . rial Travelers In the world We ha,. \ of over 21.5*n We ha'. A r*. eerve fund of over lI4VOOO N.* eommer traveler can afford to be without ’*• c - te tlon we give him Write the Be ~r who will cheerfully give all Inf** m t n H D. IMXLEY. EDWARD TKi:\ KTT, President. Be*-. & Treas. its ((|&p | This is tho Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mig. Cos. Those who contemplatx building should send for our artistic Drochure "Artist ana Artisan;" free. H. H. PEEPLES & SONS. 126 CONGRESS ST.. WEST. SINGLE AND DOUBLE GUNS. LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. Hunting Coats, Vests, Hats, Leggings, Etc. 11 IMS M 113 Broughton Street. West. ORANGES Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGE* FRUITS AND VBUETAUiOCS •* kinds. BKKD RYE. SEED OATS. HAT. ORAIN. FEED, FI-OfR. CHEESE. BEANS. Teas. R!c Straw. ' VV. 1). S mkins & Cos. W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY AMI MILL ■IPI'I.IE*. Provldsnt BullalOtf. Bsvannsh. am seal: via. SAVA IN Ta HTHhA?£T MATINEE TO-DAT 2.30 p. 51. TO-NIGHT * 30 O CDOCK. THE port I.AIt , KLIMT-KEARH CO. PREIBXTINO “The Fatal Card.” 100 and 20r; NlJf* l ** 10c, 20c ami 30c. . gAVAINNAH and HI ATB K TWO NIGHTS. FRIDAY ANI> BATL’R* DAY. NOV. ft) AND DEC. L BARGAIN MATINEE HATTRDAT. 80c and 26c. M. B LEAVITT’S Oorgmua Fantastical Spectacle* “SPIDER AND FLY.” Seats on sale FRICKS—Night, SI.OO, 75c, ■’ aad- 90.