The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 29, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 BOUNTY’S FAMOUS MUTINY. lim'T. iiurn mu nr hi* terbihi.k uramnir.. HI. *nll of l.SSttti I miiim In n !>' KiMl for safety—The Mlwry ol anti I ..topaninn- lll* hr Ulmiiil ••••!•*•• from ■'nr.Hlbg I •*•— I b. I Innl I nn.l lug u rrlndlf *fllliiiil. |- r rr> ih* New York Sun. Mutiny m board H M * Bounty wht n Imw i .*• boot Wound by tn Bankstde Pr. >f Li t Wm. 1*1!" In dire t tailor j,, i• ♦* .-) ot oi.e of t * mo* re* nmrkj # rral * ever rra-j* in a sm*ill Ixat No mminy in r*v; Tuttory ha 1 k i fsr-r*n** i In g '*f>**equefK # ap that v. it • ur ♦%! or brar*l the Ikwity In t <■ S* *# than a century nro V.'.i ;m M!i a xkitful 1> rl:i r.av- Ira tor a was bom In I>rmbCi In IT.VT Am a imiloimM be f fnpm lr*l r m*' n. sixl by Georg# 111 to import Lrevl fruit tree* iral other vegreiable# from t * J* * itli Sen ,>,vi > to t, f Wot If ■! - • *1 Ii tl in command of th** TF LW jnty r* O'ah* / r lh# w ror if season of the year and •'.ns* qvi#*nt- I•, • • •#*■ ura her arro A* station with toe native w.nvn t rn*{- l t *■■ ■ r'W. nn<l It 1* eviiiet ♦ from Lieut !’..?!<'• <liry that t< this b attribute* the m itiny He •• • “The am at Otahrlti aie haru!'>nr‘* m I anl leer ful in *Lrr rnann* re ar*l • nvereatiof !•*• of great ssmst- Muy, ar \ . • e f?,- t deft jv-v ro make them ar|n ' *1 aid baloved Tne chiefs waf# eo mu r aitm .! to our reopi* that they rather * r ■< r red their ati> among fl em than c*i# r*ii awl ‘-v*-n made them froml*## of tar*.* {*.*< **<nn* Frl ; the*e and mar \ other a*rer.denr elrcum* eir*ef-f e-qua,*.* ')*sinble. it |* now per lil# not nun to h. wondered t, though ti’irrtiy [x-sslble to hate for form tha, set of sailors moot <if hrn vopi o? oonnectiont ahoubt l>e led • • •fx- tjllv when. in addition to >ti h y-.wtrf ,-j they imagined It Ir their poor to hg th-mset* e tn th tt -h of t>iirtv. o*i th flnrtt liltM in ‘ - they nr<t not labor • r< * ,r b'-r<- tho allur*-m,t of rllaaipattoo •-o lirio4 unythtng thg; enn m> con r>’h" wrl!*r- who hnvo Hv|t with ihl Irt-r-ollr.g r, r v of the .-* tart .I't.grc i 1 • ' Mifi uettwr PMMpI m w<* the chief cgtitw for th* tr-oih which broke out on hcwr.l hto .hip nlight * tnih e'-'iuent career a* Governor of New Smth \\ |en er i>d jri bin h ift arraatad for ty rwrnhaJ 'fwulur* and that hu Uert nr. eefttwii a* a fMrtlal Juptlfteation of the rrritJny Mwjt nilgh’a etory of ft *lve* • o c#f unneree*4rv pevere dic|. f'ine ,n f*‘ w fv • * The FV>untv Mailed from Otahetf, tH) April 4 17W* The erew i.iu tinted on April 9 and after *ettfnr Lb*tit Hitgh and ht* Hghteen loyal men ad'lft In an <t*en i t wl*b only IFA pcumi* of br-ad pr- irde rf fnk * quartn of rum • ‘ ' ITtfM tad 2k aa!!onM o' wid* fr proviaiona. the> v>re ..way to Otahelt* Kojrbi-n •>( tbe rn'itlneers who there ware arr* -te<l fn !79i *\ ofH *er o' the Hri?!h pfilp Pandora Four of then* •nan were loaf b\ *hl|wreek rn the voy age home • * remaind# r W#rr tried. th-e -• I • • ' '• and . * ■ ♦• - .t ♦ acquitted or pardoned. Fletcher <’hrl-tiin one of the muttneera on th* Bounty with eg*rr ,f the m :tl r.eTi rll • native wrmen and nlre native nen, left Otahelte on the Ti* unty and wail ed to Plteapn 1-land, where *he H unt', wae that all trace* of her he destroyed Pit atm Ifiiard 1m * lv alevut two nrl a half ml!*** tong and one rnlle and lad It not been for thh mutiny ft probably would hve be n un pett|ed todiy. A’l traro of an I hm muttheere wr*Te |aji unt l tk*e w twu f’apt Mitrr of Nanu>'k- f • a’led n* t*lf calrn l*Jarwl thinking It unlnh dt,| To Me *urprle two men of light color came out In a canoe and greeted h m In KrgiiMh. They were deacem at of th* original mutineer the onlv turvlvor f the party at flat time lacing Alexnrul r ftmkth. who afterword iiMeumed the napn*- of John Adiime Smith pr pire*l a *d • for the government of the |hnd and el i governor nr l tea her lie w- af jaarently m man of uniiMual M I y .n tw.s p|t*alrn iMl.anlera were moved to Nor folk ImU.*J. leo.tUMe It wan believed that they Wo :)d be hander there Two fam lliei of them, numtaerlng seventeen ,acr- U ame honn u'k at. l returned to Flt alm Islard. whe'e they and ttaetr le aeetidanls have lived Min- ♦ tlio! tlm Lieut. Bligh’a narrative of the mutiny on the Bounty is to! I m the Mtmole man. fo r of a I*g lM*k Hie dovrlpdon of the mutiny Im t Id a** follows; • Junt lef *re . unrlelng. Mr FhrlMtlan. with the master it arm- gunner*# mitte. anti Tioma* Hurkct. eeaman, • amc into jny 'ul<ri while I was and Metslng m* tkle my hand# with a cord l*e|lnd rn\ b. k and threatentd me with Instant de-ith. If 1 spoke or made the leMt role* 1, however, calhd mo loud .m to alarm every one; hut h**y had alr- ;*dv *eciireil the offlce-M who w*re of their i*art;v by plating entintis at their door# Th**r. w-ere threg men at my cab n co.*r. besides th** four # withln ChrMtlau had only n In bis hand, the other- had mu*- Vf *. and bayonet*. I wa# ho tiled out of ed .and forced on deck in tm ahirt. uf firing great |*ain fru'm the Ugh’ne.n w .ih which t ey had tusl my hands I deman-1 •*I the reaiMon of ruch violence, hut re r ivd r.t other n-wer than thrmn of lr -iart death, if I did net hold mv tongue. Mr Elph.rston. the nianter** mate, wa* k* pt in I .< 1 rth; Mr Nelson. lotanlMt. Mr P* k*>v* r. gunner. Mr la*lmard. sur g* on. and the master, vv# re confined to their rabint' r 1 mIo the clerk. Mr Bam. pel but h* -f*tn olualnetl leave to come on deck The foro !iat- hwny wa# guarded by MMUintlM. the boatswain and carpen- Coughs W% KiU ifcwfei 9 'e know of noth- JlyjqHfcaW in g h tiler than coughing to tear the lining of your throat vSiF and lungs. It is bet ter than wet feet to cause bronchitis and leumonia. Only keep it id you will succeed in re your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making cverythingexactly right for the germs of consumption. ftssa kills coughs of every kind. A 25c. bottle ta just right tor an ordinary cough; for the harder coughs of bronchitis you will need a 50c. bottle; and for the coughs of con sumption the one dollar size is most economical. >• u rough reduced me to a mare skele ton. I tried mnv, but they all failed. A fter iiain# the < berry Pectoral I immediately to Improve, end three bottles motored nr to health. I be lieve I owe toy Ilf* to it." I BJJUU F. Momoaa. Oet.T.llff. Brownwwn.Se. Let its twenty years istantly-growinp success talk. That ou^ht convince you that there’s “ something ia Pearline”' rt-enty years Pearline was anew- idea no new idea could have come into favor aifevv so rapidly and so largely, or would have been !M*wAV co f )iefl imitated, if it hadn't been a good HI idea Pearline saves more, in washing, than anything else that’s safe to use. *# r #rc. I wcv#r. ill w to t omc on >• k. w t they sww mt alaft th< mix i* uni te* my hwnds *d l>* h.nd my : k. i!**r guord. with Christian at th#tr h*^*l The f* -a i ■ w*ain wa now or<l*r.l to h. -? *he ur. h out wh thr*.*t. If ha dl r*! c H ln-tunt.y. t* t#ke jre of htmsalf biigh to stem tha tide, hut t w *>© was ippartnty th# m<*t •I*>l< n**i *1 toon otti n*f tlic mutineer#. • ir'* triwl to kill h fn Imm*dtat*Ty if h \% ii i fu*t •* -i'l • Th men who i* id 1 *-# n loyal to Itligh were forced over th# Midi Into it mnl. boat w ilch had been • quipped with hardly enoufh |-r>v i*n*. i| t*a r er4ly. to laMt tiiern week It whm appHoni fi <m the remarks mad* by the muttneerw that they bared to give Hi gh mu , in th# w iy of equipment for hip bowt kttowtog h m to be a m.n of r#- ** ir*-. * nxA H IM'*' Mng tint if he bad a ghost of n ban •• he would make hi* wax t“ <ivltixallofl Ae t’ si*, hi# trait w* bMided with men mo deeply tnit 1.1 - >unk w in the wuter Among tn# ofTWr# of the Bounty who werf c#t adrift w*re John Fryer, matter. Th<ma I,edward, - titig Mtirg'-on. David Nelwot*, bobinlMt. William <*ol#. hotewa;n; Hay ward and Halleft. mblMhlpm-n, aid Wil liam burred j*n*wMcr The nw/Mt able men 11 th whip ornpany rematne l on 1 the Hour;*% A* th* Houutv. uieDr itnmaVid <■( the mitin#ers pulbd *wv, p;i k *h heard th#m yell Huxxa for ota ln rnmmertlog on the mutiny. Ideut Bligh May#: • The Me recy of this mutiny U beyend all . Thirteen of th* party who j r. with m- had all iv#d forw among tf >et neither they nor th# me**- or Mfeworth* H#nry or Voung had ever observed any rlrrumetanra to giv# them suspicion of what waa going *r The poaMlbUitb * of Much a consplrmy wom ever the fariheat from my thtghiM ” j H.'gh flrM d#M rminstlot\ woe to seek a supply of breadfruit* aid wot-r at To foa. where the Bounty ha*l been hoxtt.d after leaving At.rim*oka. one of thr PriMi i • Islands Tha it-ai ir w Teh he f.>und hlmeelf w th* whip's laun-h. wlth *ut ehelter It was provided with oar and a pall the right of the day fol lowing th# mutiny Bligh r**a hed Tofoa and kept hi- boat ureler th# I#** of the island until W>Tight T*>foa iw the north wepternm*pf of the Krler.dly lMlan*l Here he obtalred a few quartp of water. <r. Thur* i*v. April >* a strong wind made It langeron * g<* t * sea and BVigh's men rlimbed t > eltfTe and mc ur**d aiwuit twen tx rocs>anut n the day follow ing a f#w n*lives apj#ir* l with whom Bligh made friend* and from th#m he eecured a rmall . to hi# -• k of provisions Two kilefn ap|>eared on Sunday and to them IH;ah gave art old i*‘ tri and ** knife They knew that he had been with Capt rook and thev were MirViUM to fltvl out how h ha|>penel to be rruieing in a * mail boot B.igh’M plain narrative of wiat reads: Ttie h*-ach wo- now lln**d wish the na tive-, and we h* :trd nothing but the knok'ug *.f r* together, which they < •! In * ach hund I knew very well thl# w ■>. the lgn of an ntt k. It being now n-e>n. I aervrd a *nut and a bread frutt to #*. h jersnii for dinner sr.*l gave -orn# to the hi* with whom 1 -VwtlntMed •o app*ar Intimate and frlendlx The> frequently importuned rne to i*U dowi., but I ,n* conMtantly r* for It ocetirr**tl both to Mr. N* Dm and mys* If that they Intended to * i * x* hold of me If I gave hem Much an opportunitv " The sun wan -ettlng a# Hllgh gave the word to hla men who were ashore with hirn t<# |>i k up their g*o*l- and rush for the boatm The tiatlv. - kept knocking sones together *We had now all hut two or three thlngw In the boat, when I took Nageete by the hand, and we walked down tie* beach, every one In s -llent klrat of horror. When I < am** to the boat, and was -eeing the people * mliark. Nngeete w anttNJ m* to stay to wp* ak to K* fow . but finding' I w uld not -tup. Na g-eie loosed hima**lf from my hold and Went off and we all got into the Uiat except one m n. who. while I w in* getting on bos ml. quitted it. and ran up the beach to *af the stem fast off. notwithatanding the master at and *dhrn culled to him to re turn. wnlle they were haulng me out of the water "I no attack by ?i* men. th un fortunate i**or m m who had run up th* b* i h w.s knock*-1 ilown. and the ston fi--w lik** it show.-r of ehot. .Many Ini.on koi hold of the <tern roj*\ and were near h tuling u* mi •hore. and would certalnlj .)3vf done It If I hod not hat! a knife In my po k’f, w th which I cut the roie th*n hauled off to th grapnel, everv one being m< t e or le-s hurt. At this time I *:iw five of the natives about the poor man they had killed, and two of them were heat inn him about the head with stone* In their hand* "We had no time to reflect, before t<* my surprise. they filled ihHr ranoea with stores and twelve inn* off after ti •o renew- th* ntra* k which thev did so efTectually a* netrlv to disable all of us They puddled round us. so that we were obliged to sustain the af i k without be inir able to return It. except with such ! stone* h* Indg-d in the twxit and in thi• ! found we were very Inferior to them At dark they save over the attack and returned toward the shore, leaving us to rrfle. i on our unhappy situation." After this experience Bllgh derided to look for n-Hstance at the Inland of Ti mor. where there was a Dutch s*-ttir*m* nt This was n diet a.n r of j.joo {r ogues Ills boat was only tw % < nty-thr• f • long. h*- had no chart ami only a general knowl edge of the alt nation of plare> a-let#* by a book of latitude* and longitude* The men agreed o li\* on an mine* of bread and a quarter of a pint of w iter .1 day. and away they .-ail'd, Lieut liiigh'i diary for the f* w following day* con fine-- itself to the details of sailing his J small float, whi i> proved unexpe tcdly se.aavorthy and bis careful division of I ca<-h day's provision*. He ma i* toward I the Feejee Island* and .ich hit of land | which be passed, he charted ns well as lie , w.* able. Me landed at none of them for far if hotl- natives, having no .arms for defense Wednesday, Miy rt, was j notable b ■-ins* one of the men hooked j a fl*h ami was mb r.ably disappointed In i’s l*eing lout in pull uiK If Into tb* boat. Bllgh lie; rib* * the conditions on his Ikml in the fashlei. "I m*w dtre tml my course* west by north for th*- night. and served to ea*h person an ounce f the dam.a are* I lire id and a quarter of a pint of wa***r for sup per. It may readily be supposed *hat our I miffing* wr- %'•••> mber.ild and ccotfin rd. and 1 had only in my power t> remedy i lie latter defect l<y putting our selves at watch nnd watch; so one- I half always snf U| while the o'her lay down on the brot'a bottom or upon a I cheet, with nothing to entr us hut the heavens. Our limb* were dreadfully (Tnm|>**l ( for we could not stretch them out, and the nights ware so coki and we to constantly wet. that of t**r a few i hour*' sleep w*e could scarce move. \ dawn of day we again discovered ! from west southwest to wwt twutiw. ar>d another Island north northw.*t the latter a high round lump of but little ex tent; and 1 could see the oouthgrn land THE MORNING NEWS: THT7KSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1900. that I had relived in the r lght Being verv w**t and <-Ul I served a -pnonful of rum and a mor- of ir* <1 for hreakfspt Ot a-tonally anoes fided with rwt vt cha** and his l*4t a# Wng a- it was In Bligh say# \erv littl# kout the Mufferimr of hie m#n sr-d himself lie entertained his men h> tktrrlblta th# situation **f New cbiinea nnd New Holland so that In am# an\ accident happen*-*! to him they might know how to direct their roar* Day after 'lay they sailed or row. 1 on sometime- fiercely Mt**rm ieaten Hi gh found that h# had to red i< his alow afire of liead to one twenty-fifth of a pound for es<h man three time- a d*y After severe -torme he served a tca*i>oof.- ful of rum to melt man Thl- is a samp# of his diary during -this j*art of the voy age ‘Saturday May th# !kth. Fr#h gale from the H E and rslnv weather In •I* dltion to our miserable allowance *f one* tw*ny-flfth of a pourul of bre*l ; and a quarter of a plr.t of wh'.er I Issued for dinner about an ounce of suit pork to each parson. I was *-*fl*n solicited fo* tH pork, but I ■ onsldcred It better to gb-e It In small quantities than to us** nil it once or twri e wh!#h would have b* en don- if Iha 1 allowed It At noon I ob • erved. In IS degree* 33 ml mites H 1* ngi •rjde made Tofoa. It .}eg*-* 27 ml •- u*e* IV, course N S2 degrees W dl-’an a 101 mile- The sun gave us hopes of dry ing our w#t clothes Sunday. May the 17th - The Mjnshlne was but of short duration We had strong hreexes at S B by B and dark glojmy weather with storms of thunder lightning and rain. The night wae truly horrlM ■ and not a star to be ##n. Our situation was extremely miserable, always wet an) suffering extr'-m# cold In the night wi'h out the leae* arvePer from th*- weather. Being constantly obliged to hale, to k-ep the tmat from filling was p#rha|m not to be reckoned as an evil, as It gave us ex •rcls** ’ By this tlm# every rrsen was suffering front extreme hunger, and Bligh save Thurwbiy. May th* list Fresh *.* #s and heavy showers of rain Wind K N K Our distreese- were now very grea*. and tve wsr* so covered with ram and mm*t water that we could scarcaly s## Bleep though we longe-1 for It. afforded no com fort for my own part. I almost llve*l without It; we suffered extreme cold ,nd avary one dreaded the approach of night About 2 o’clock In the morning wo were overwhelmed with a deluge of nain It fell po heavy that we wer afraid It would fill th# boat, und we ware obliged to hale with sll our might At d="en of day I serve*! a large a*iow • new of rum Toward noon the ram 4bated and the sun shore, but we were mieerahtjr <xid ard we*, the sei breaking ♦< • onsiantly over us. that, notwithstand ing the heavy rain, we had not Iwen oh;** • add to our stock f fresh water The *N*iinl sHnwance of one 26th of a pourul of bread and water wws served ot even ing. morning and noon.” On May 25 he cautiously land***l on an •land where he secured a few oysters *nd fresh supply of water He nam'd t ft'stnration Island nn-i after two *ky left It Jqsf as the natives had discovered ilt* presence Hi* course ied him through -land channels and whenever he lar.'W-d it was with fear of th# natives. Thursday, June 4 he stcere*! out into rh* •pen ocean for Timor An mall fWh or a bird was caught to add *• their stures Writing In his diary on June* 11 Bligh says • I. however. hope*l to fall in with Timor every hour, for I had great apprehen -lona that some of my i*eop|e could not i hold out. An extreme weakness, swelled '-g*. hollow and ghastly countenances, .crest propensity to sleep, with an appar nt *b*bidty of understanding secnM-d to me melancholy presages of their oppr- i li ng dissolution The surgeon and L-* ( ■gue m particular were most miserable bjerts | occasionally gwve them a few • asi*oonfuls of wine, out of the little I had saved for this dreadful which n doubt greatly helped to sup[ort them ' For my own jnrt, a share of • pirlte. with the hop-* of being able to tccompllah the voyage, seemed to be mv i rlnctpttl supfiort; but the boatswain very nnocently told me chat he really thought I looked worse than any one in the boat. The simplicity with which he utter I nch an opinion diverted me. and I had •;*>d humor enough to return him a bet er com pi, men! * This indicate* the kind of .a man thU :ng|l*h navigator was He sighted the i u.arul of Timor on the followln day an.l l# * n began skirting the snore to find th* Dutch settlement On Sunday, June n, he found settlement of friendly natlvrs tnd secured n gyide and **>fne dried tur l* . and two day* later he reached th* Dutch settlement of Courang. The <;ov riior did everything podble for his cr w '1 Ftilgh. now that hi. voyage was end i lnlu!g*i |n a little descriptive wr.ting. aiming the condition f hia men. who a ere ragged and nearly dead The inhab it ints nursed them back to Ilf., with the x* ep:loti of ItAvtd Nei*r*n who diel. Whan 1 rtfloct • aav* HUgh. how provktentiaily our lives were *aved .* | lof on by the Indians delaying their at- i i k. nnd tha\ with scarce nnythlnsr to j -’ip|orf life, w-e crossed i sea of mon •ban 1 2ho leagues, without shelter from I rhe Inclemency of the weather. M i* n I !♦ fleet that in an open boat, wla mn •nuch stormy weather, we es.uped found r i g. tlnat not any of us were taken <fl -wse, that we had I ortune to pass the unfrlei;d!y natives • iher countries without m* .bn*, and u st happily t** m*ei with the most frieml sand beat of pr*ople to relieve our di**- • tosses; I say. when I reflect on all the-e wonderful escapes the remembrance of -.ich great mercies enables me to bear witn resignation and cheerfulness th failure of an expedition, the sure. ~f which I had so much at heart, ar and w hich aas frustr.ired at .* time w hen I w n * ongrntulattng myself on the faireai pro-- i .•ct* of being aide to complete |t m a ! manner that would fully have ir >w r <d •he intention of His \la|ee;v an.l tl:. hoi -i rabl promoters of so benevolent a \ an * Hitgn died, in London, tin admiral, !n Tlie Imllathr lllnrkbird. From the Bpectat*w A blackbird of Fpton VilJog* Berkshire ha* given widen, ~ of a quality - , |,...#.| to lie U>t g only to the <g. I* id tan and <*m the faculty of imltatbai of drier <-ongs and sounds than It* own. an I .•§ “Uch an accomplishment must t. , ( | n . tercst to the naturalist, perhaps th* Sp,*. . tator would not think lr* nern h, un worthy of Its pages. A blackbird native cf the place hss surpri<<| u- Dt*|\ by idllng to hi* rang four note- from the j song. "Merrily Danced the tjUfk<r*H ! Wife," always the same and h. ken off I ibrupty, and this copie.l from a cgj live I parakeet j n a neighbor's garden, hung • •iitslde for Its health and j-i a u , on stantly efferelslng Its acquisition, b ;t re nouncing It immediately ujon i*etreptkin of the theft. The *far< ial Interest In this Is that 1t I* voluntary acquisition; no -saining no teaching, no capture, no dark ! cage but a wild blackbird fnl owing Its ' *wn pleasure and -stli.g (tun in . ird beyond w hat ha* be. attribit* j,d to It, and of necessit> lnterratuig to I the naturalist or k>vsi of bitds. Miali a-n* and lhair way% I*OLI4 KMKVB ASM M. HALL. Wmm (ilrn at the liusnls' Hall and Uni U ell Atfeadest The s#<>r.d annual baM of lie Police H** #voler,• Aiao<4lon to"k ptaca iaat night at the Ouarla' Hall, and was ex- j *p*ion*iiy well a'teni-d. -*w*—n gk> an l >• person• laving been present during the course of the earning The commit- | pc of Arranr#merts ror.*ited of J Stark, j chairman; Hergt. E. B Muee Berg? W. j H Fove.l. and W. V. <*ro*b>. A M. j Brtnmt, J H rmba h. H B Fender, J. H Ldiiige. J J Murphy. F T Wall, A. lunxin. T J Farrell. H. IJonobue, J O. Hsrfwr it Stafford, l,s*i done Ms work tr-*rouhly no that everysn.n* was well; ordered and wen# off wt*i. u* a hit 'h. Th*- jcraid match, w .1 h was het >• shortly cii.i, rrwn Stark. ar.<l Mr. * i Mr#. J A, !%* >* r dar.clng followed an I wa- *ai tinued until shortly oefore midnight when j iMewaik was gl.**. by • it i Mssarx Ik. Mgysr. and wj lie Ball* I*' All of the KsMlrtren w*-r>* b.ack-d up ar.i Me-srs Flnny aiwi Reilia), r#p rrsei ting kuhes. were ip in femi nine finery. Bupper w is serve 1 in th* lower par? t , u . Lng at mMti fnt and was at •* i* and by about thra*i hundred or more f i rs*>t;s. Th- ornm.ttce hal taken car# to pr#- p re a plentiful supply of comestible#, however. r*d ware aWe to supply aJi de mand* The remains from tn# supply will be given to-day to win** haiitablc Inatitulion. probably th* L*rtla Bisters of the Poor. After supper dancing *r*ts rewumed and *or.t!r.uwl until early this mocotng The sale of ticket# was quite large ard wil loubfle#a net he Benevolent Asws:ia tior quite art addition to Its treasury A gold medal will be awarded to the person not on th** cornmltt#-*. that soil the great cat number, but the winner will no* be made known for a day or two, as it will take at I'aat that long to g#t all the returns in Practically the whole police for## par | ticularly the committee, has worked hare! | for the affair, and they are <-on*aquertJy I gratified * the eu #*# thiit %U#n*lwl It. the cask with tiif ji mr. Ilantage Balt of Jssis* Children lanlnst Hie F. A I*. HwJlroad. Th** Jury Ir. th# as# of Ethellne M Jam#! and Marian A Jamea. against the Florida Catktrsl and Penlnaular Railroad, which has been pending In the City t'oart for the last thr**e days, retired late yes terday a??#*rmon to ooneider Its verdict. The suit Is for 515.0 W Arg'imen*# were made yesterday by Mr. I>\d <V Harrow and Mr Hope Har row for the plaintiff#, and by Mr. Him uel P Adnms. for the defendant. Judge Norwood’s charge fo the Jury was a long on#, covering every feature of tb# sotrv what involved caa** at ba- Judge Nor wood left for hl horn*- In Liberty county after th# Jury retired, leaving instruc tion* With the twelve good men and true to return a s-eled verdict, tn case they found themselves able to agree If an agreement Is reoh*<! the verdict will he ri>ened this morning The pslntlffs In *he case are the minor daughter# of a railway postal dark, who was Injured in n ac/ddervt while run ning on one of th** defendant’s trains and afterward* died. His -hildren *xmtend tbet bis death was due to *he injuries then received, while the defendnot sn#w r er!* that If lenth were due to any accident ft was and Is attributable to one In which Jamas w*ns Injured, occurring two years before tha on which the cult Is lmed. Iklt *l. I'bll.OS 8L Mr. I! M. Abratna of Atlanta Is a the Pulaski. Mr \V. T Grave of Kirkland Is a *nist of .he Pulaski Mr- A M Hagtirs Is .lotting rels.tves In Quincy. Fl.i Mr W S= It.nnntt of Augusta Is regis tered at the Pula.-kl. Mr O. R. Flournoy of Macon Is regis ( ;ere.l at ihe Pulaski. Mr Sam tlarllngton of Augusta Is reg- I tstered at the Pula%kl. Mr Byrd B Lovett. Jr., of Sandrrsvllle K ,i guest of the Pulaski. Mr II P irsoue left vl the riant Sys tem yesterday for New York. Mr Sidney It Smith of Oohwalkee w-a. a guest of the Pulaski yeeterday. Messrs. T K. Stuhl* and I L. Tobin of Allendale urc gurata of tto- Puhiskl. Mr Ed. Stallings .if Aug'jato aas among the arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday Messrs. M I>. Roberts and It II Kelly of Colquitt are guests of Ihe Screven. Mr. Dallas L. Jones of Charleston was among yesterday'a arrivals at the Pu laakl. Mr R. J Knight of Crystal River was among the arrival* at the Pulaski yes terday. Mr. W P. MrOehee was a passenger of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Jacksonville. Mrs. W. P Bliley was among the pas sengers of ihe Southern yesterday for Washington. Mr and Mrs G M Torter were iws *< ngers over the Plant Hystem yesterday for Georgetown, S C. Mr ami Mr* Jacob Gasan have return ed to the city an-l will be at home to their Mimaiism Rheumatic pains are th* cries of protest and distress from tortured muscle*, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned l>y the accumulation of waste matter in the system, ami can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system icels the effect of this acid poison; and not until the blood has been purified and brought hack to a healthy condition will the ache* and pains cease. Mr. James Kc I. of 707 Ninth •tree!. N. K Washington. V. C. write* •• follows A f*w month* ag * I )ui<tan Kttack of Sciatic Khrutna I iam m ill won t form The pain W.ISM) iatenKths' I tine completely pr> •- •tel Thcattafk wat an •evere one, Bint my conrli.n vai regard ♦ eittg verv danger* V\ t I wit aiten'letl by ne of tlte mnwt able loc- Ak> •v < fa mr Ucal sAjfoy, lies'* hr re llrt !l me * continue hi* j.rrarntv . . I wou: Irn well After hafttifb filled A --Ire line* with ut receiving the *lihtct rqftl. I declin'd to continue hi* treatment anv ~,(rr luvm* heard of S. h s Swift *hpec!6cl ecomir.eiided lot kliruiiijniim. I decided, almo*i tu despair howerti. lu |i the medicine a trial, • nit after 1 hs.t lik*n a lew tmtlte* I W'.iiblet hobble around rn cruirhe*. and very soon there after had no %i*e for them at at!, 8 S s hum* cured me * und and well All the di.treumc twin* have left me. my appetite h* returned, and I am happy to he agatu l'Stored to perfect lieal lb. ''V '(os' Of* purifier ami toni-, is the ideal remedy in all rhettmsti *+ Met. itjgp There arr no opiates or minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special liook on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It ia the most complete and interesting hook of the kind in existence. It will he sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. We make no charge for medical advice. IMS 4 Wlfl (PECIrIC C 0„ ATLANTA. U. i Pd and n^\ellow , llow Label /niShEY ,re Bye whUkq l mor* Mrengthen n.l uplmildltiff than the conventional nnal tonic, tildes lieing stimulating - nerve? and the blood \.u are “run down and need a cer" drmk Tellow Labul. If you lot. drmk it as afdeasant preventive. a ,i (<iri and firttf-rltut liquor houtrs W r "T) WE Ll TREAT. (l , v i 1 'to h.'V U- dlfter.-ae--Ul ■RV yHkvV vV( 'x ) 7) . * (o defrsy JK TTVat -V, V) ~( V / A4dr gv IvHh.. S H N 'ck M PFK’FER -4 C . . J dt&tte*' q \ ..(3A.1 /\ till U lIIWMT, tmcmnifi. O. cion a to nt const' la that . atiuil till y in ( that not S I qm il big# the Cot Hon I: |i •* t truU b*r M tha I way lulmiz* !. ir 1 to !*a |S his! Fr T 1 ttlbeW ku'Uig j I Th* an Hu .other ■ lot once kdoti | porfr |ovem |un of Boit S lie has 1 a ( lon 4 rty In ii . Y# 2 '3? c I 3 - your llr.ata Itton 4 one m r witq i denq <ha i given Hot* i i speg wir.g r If a t Rapes La R wi.s o cm av. Its art i admit orgurU f> of I Repq hore t| II pra* Btandt ir R#t lore if! long b Morn lly w er.t cq tieae t If Ml can n 1 one t*> yotj Ivste | Do v| o sian> Seterm g** to '. Hry -ha? 1| lf fge* COf t know ms am dtffai I readl •salt by lies In lonopn all rq ent kt >oa q Ms ns k> you le ro s ago) If t. if t ever J commi*" •lust 4 • Do You Peel Broken Down in Body and Mind? * “Graybeard did me more pood than anything I ever took in mv life. I was troubled with Indigestion. Shortness of Breath, and was given a great deal of medicine by my doctor, but it did me no good. I saw Graybeard adver tised and bought it, cured me. I began to gain flesh, and weigh twenty pounds more than I did a short time ago. MKS. J. G. BROIV N, “127 Lee street. Montgomery. Ala." For Rheumatism GRAYBEARD is Without a Peer. “I hax-e used five bottles of your Graybeard Compound and I have ex perienced greater relief from it than from any medicine I have used in the last 15 years. I have been a great suf ferer from Lumbago or Rheumatism of the back all these years, and your medicine has well nigh cured me. “S. G. DENT, “St. Simon’s Island, Ga." Price SI a bottle. It yoar druggist does not keep oar preparations write us and we will be glad to serve you. RESPESS DRlti CO.. Sole Owner*. Savaunah. oa. e —s Veed s'tot Is apu and ■ of hla 3 * I gx I- I kmopll ttvrne; I: lent fi In fair anlt-lr ■ding t las tie W Oi I riot • irlou* a h ai thla a otllc a Out of aw. th admtis ed of t t) tn t they . ry It. or I * policy ky mo kho n t skep fri-nd* * No. 231 Bull *fi-r r>- 1 Mri>-ri>. Julian flnhl.jr, K L. M-rc-r an.| r..orK< A Maccar. Jr will in.-mw rs ol a largn party that will so bird hunting tu-du) . CITI BKKVITIBB. Among tho lnt-r.ilnp f.tur<-a of rh |inramm. at th- monthly rnneart of th. Savannah Conam-aiory of Mini* waa ,h. piano aolo. and. I’onr.rt, hy Mr-, A B.rg.n, Th. ptfc.. waa r.r,rl.rfd In nn .ixrt-talnlng and thoroughly artt*'tc manntnr. and brought Mra. H.rp.-n ntim.r -ou congratulatlona from frl.n.l., many of whom w.r. In h. audlenc*. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Thursday and Friday— tborgia and Western Florida Oener* ally ftr Thursday and Friday; variable winds. Ksstern Florida: Generally fair Thuraday and Friday; fresh north to east w nds South Carolina: Generally fair Thurs day and Friday; winds mostly light southerly. Yesterday's Weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature 2pm W degrees Minimum temperature " ■ m 43 degree* Mean temperature degrees Normal degrees A cumulated excess since Nov. 1 *5 degrees Arumu ated egress since Jan 1 27* degrees R ilnfall inch Normal ,<•* Inch Kxcess since Nov. 1 1 *• inches Deficiency wince Jnn 1 700 Inches River Report—The hlght of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at * a ni i7 h rne rl an im. | yesterdaj ■• • • • • fall of 14 feet during the pr* ling tw.-n --ty-four hours. Observations at the some m >me t of time at all stations Nov 28, IPO, 8 p m . 75th mendlan time N:<m* of Station T X Rain Norfolk, clear \ 4*; 4 Hatterif. clear ! 4* U | #| ft Wilmington, cleir I* *0 Charlotte, cloudy M L It ileian. clear *0 H *0 Charleston clear M * Atlanta, dear v, 12 Augusta, clear 4 L •> Sa%ann.*h. clear f* H ' 0 Jacksonville, clear 58 L Jupiter, pt. cloudy 70 n nr, Key West, cloudy 7> 1 T tmpa, clear 62 L 00 MoWle. clear $ n> Montgomery, clear ... ro l . a N w t rleans. p ? cl'dy . flo a oi Halve*tod. cloudy v n Corpus Chrlstl. rt cl’dy m 12 T Palestine, cloudy ,2 L 11. it. Boyer, " taocal Forecast Official Will Install t Imre It Officers. Messrs. C. M. Quarierman nnd 1! C. Harden, who were recently • I ■ and riders of the Second Presbyterian Church, and Messrs. Charles M Chandler. Fred <• De bele and Joseph Martin, who were elected deacons, will be Installed during the Hun* day morning service at the Lawton Mem orial. Mglithouse I nnuiinur. From the Boston Transcript. The broadly visible wo k of a 1 glithou.*e light may not be all It ar and While ,t may aiuwar to be sending Its whop strength sedward, 1t I* oft n interestingly busy an adjacent shoal by cf a beam thrown ncross It from a rel panel looking tha-t way, Ibted with its correct hearings as a "sector." Th charg ? of color In the light be i*ees warik* the sailor to opc*n out quickly again the right colored light, which means safety. lights In range may show Ui safe way. as th** !• *- shift'd about in its little house down °n thf I ,i as *he -iar outside shifts, to bring it in *h- line >f safety wriih the per manent pghr farther in shorw. Another of the w ys devised to keep poor Jack In the chgnn I I- to blind the light towards a loosing the light will, of course, signify danger, and finding it again, safe ty Then there are pest lights Indeed, the very !lrsr light "over the border' ’ls a lantern sup*V)d*d fnm a pole," on the H: C-o'x liver And there are gas buoy* everywhere, that rid* at a moorirg Ike little lightships, showing a Lght that bums unattended night ar.d day for manv weeks tJas buoys are promptly p4seed on wrecks and other temporary ohstrue tlqr* a* well ns permanently kept at tiirnirg j.-nt* in the channel not easily covered bv Adjacent lighthouse or light ship lights. All these r* Is are made available for the sianger pilot, ar.d fully explained to the coast pilot wdio commonly knows them -ill with his eves shut, by mean* of "list*" Issued monthly from Washing ton Present and proposed aids are here in minutely described and all changes made, or to be made, recorded carefully. T w -rs nr* llst.d with special reference to their value as davmark*. intended to ! ejp the approaching seaman before be Is finally t *ken in charge by the elaborate system of buoys that mark out the chan n 1 for him from the mou'h of the har bor to the dock* Before the day of tall towers, sailors used to steer by the wind mill and the meeting-house steeple and c rtaln big tree landmarks. lI4ILM % Y Tit %I \ H GROW WfilßY. •‘Tired tales" and ••I'nllßiird Ralls'* %re >o| l in|t* Klanres of “perch. From the lyvndon Kxpress Pissengens on certain railways notorp ous for their sn •11 -like* speed may be in terested to learn that a brand new ex use can be concocted for late arrivals or even ♦rdv departures In future irritated travelers who still cherish a love of Jue tjce must ti*k if they are on a weary Ira n before voileving forth their unkind mal dl'tlons at the heeds of blameless offi Ms Is. Trains, like human beings, are more easily we tried Lie older they get. and the giddy, darting motion which they found ra*y to nr omplish in the heydey of youth sobers down a* the years creep on Into .i slow and more or less halting progres sion Then come* n peri's) when, if hu rnen. they would take no crutches or a grandfather’s stick, but n* no satisfactory cruto.n has been devise,! for railway train* they at allowe*! to potter about on sub urban lln* s juat for nil the world as If they were in n ‘ i'*k garden mtsing tulip It mav sound stt isgely to hear persons talk a -out n t!r*d steel axle" or a "fa tigu'd Iron rail.' but that sort of talk 1* N-ard al*-ng r*li*.v\ and in machine sJ.‘P*. nnd js <• nsldered correct. "The i of ln.iii.m itc m-vs! becoming weary." may )h i our th ight. hut experts fa miliar with the *a\s of machinery say •bat work m.kes r tired, and* that It needs rest, ns you do. "What caused the axle to break?" asks* :li* traffic manager "Fatigue of the metal," answers the in spector. T u- answer is frequent, and often In i ordnnee with ihe fact*. At times an axle or a rail parts or a wheel separates under much less than the usual strain and the most careful examination i- *sih]e ni;i show no defet or weakness. This le is engineers to charge fatigue >f the metal with the reault. Sinew* of steel can tire as well as mu*- of brawn, nnd metal that doe* not have it* rest will cease to do It* work nr. I ma* . ause great damage. At least “o ih- engineer* sqy. arid asoert that without rest the affinity of the molecules of the metal foe each other become* weakened, until the breaking point If reached. Then comes trouble. L l s I. Of m\ n Mil G u IT K UhOl I.t For lal, of Hop,. Montgomery T .. bolt. Cattle I’ark ard W.,t l. t „i Dally eacepi Sunday,. Subject i without nolle. ISLE OF HOPE. Lv City for I. of H Lv UK ot H , t> 3> am f.-om Trnth *am fo- I 7 30 am from Tenth j tat .tm t • him from Tenth j 7 uO am fo; - l£ am from H0..0n 1 S <s> am fo. ’ lt> 10 am from Tenth luu am f„ r 12 00 n'n from T-nth ,11 (,' am for i 1 IS pm from Bolion 11 i> am f r 230 pm from Tenth | 2 M pm f r 3SO pm from Tenth ,240 pm for i , r 430 pm from Tenth 300 prr, tor ;. i3O pm from Tenth 00 pm for T-. n 3O pm from Tenth i tob pm fo r j 710 pm from Tenth 700 pm So Ter h t3O pm from Tenth 100 pm f ur Ter 53u pm from Tenth -0 pm fci 10 30 pm from Tenth jIOOO pm for Tet h _______ ,11 in pm for Tenia UONTOOMMRV Lv city for Mong ry Lv. Moi tg mer 1 30 am from Tenth - f 7 13 am f r T-1 t 230 pm from Tenth 1 Upm for Tent 6 4*J pto Slum Tenth s 00pm tor Tenia CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat.Park] Lv Caaie Par* X) am from Holton 70u am for It t 730 am from Hoilon Soo am tor b 1 (b pm from Hotten | J 30 tan for B 30 pm front Ho.tOn . 3 U 0 pm f. ; ti . 700 pm from Holton , 7 3o pm 8,.i . * w pm from Holton 38u pm for b . n rh -■ Kent a Ittt r variou i whtd Cnen Oht phraM ft law l Si#r titarr* |P hm lorney ■tea o ,vai tl-rrua r-port htn-ei r hatn Iratkm a pr<-a feaitni *, com t, flna y hav. t para la tha • mill Ml cal and “I .y ant ind hit and pur k' (i --br th. he -tv nd ih clvHly i* hou. It hav . l"r -m to. viola mpltat * hop. I to b. d-!*r aar*. I am hr ot na.aea i nam. ur re r that poop a THI’NDERHOLT Car leave. Holton eueei Junction i y a m and every thirty minutes t.-.e.-ea until ll:30p m. Car leave. Thunderbolt at 6 no ant. j every thirty minutes thereafter m 12 00 midnight, for Holton street Ju-. c . tlon. FREKSHT AND i*ARCEL a IT* This car carries trailer for passenger, ou all trlpa an-l leaves west side of market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 30b a ; 1 oo p m . 8.00 p m Loaves Die of Hope for Thunderb -. City Market and all Intermediate pc: t at *OO a m 11 • a m . into p. m. WEST END t’Alt Car leaves west side of city market for West End *OO a_ m ami every tn minut-s thereafter during the day until 11:30 p m Leaves West End at *:JO a m and e ■ try 40 minutes thereafter .during the day until 12:00 o'clock midnight. H M LOFTON. Oen Manar*r Ot'UII.I dquorTucensl City of Savar.nah, Ofßce Clerk of Council. Savannah. Oa., Nov. 18. ISA The folio-tng applications to m* ’. liquor during the year 1901 were r id a: meeting of Council Nov. 14, 19.*:'. and re ferred to Committee of (he Whole WM P BAILET Clerk of Council Abrams. M. D . No. 42 Bull street Beckmann. (Do.. No 112 Whitaker Mrs-! Cottlngham. John, southeast corner Dray ton and Broughton afreets. Cofttnghsm. John, No. 208 Broughton afreet, weet. Carr. John, corner Habersham and Bay streets Dreeaon. H E.. northeast comer Stews-1 and Wilson streets Delgnen. DanSel. No S* Indian street. Dirkr. A J No. SO* Whitaker street. Geffken. Herman H . northw-at comer Broughton and Pr.ce streets Graham. C. F.. Pulaski House, Bull atreet - Hicks R M No. 23 Congress street we<t Itntnsn, John H . northwest cornsr Jots* and Habersham rtreeu Klugmsn, A . No. 637 Stma atreet. Luba John F., northwest oom-r Lbr ty and Habersham streets Mendel. Carl. So ** Liberty street, east. McCormick Wm . No. 628 Indian street Mcßride. T F.. No. K2S Bay atreet. sast. O'Keefe, Ja* . Manager. so\ithwet orasr Drayton and Broughton atre. f Sullivan. John. No. 16 Congress atreet. west. Sullivan, John J.. No. lb Bryan atreet. eaat. Travers, E., No *4 Bull strew. P-reven House. Wataon A rowers. De Boto Hotel, IJber'y street near Bull street | Wade. John TANARUS., corner Oglethorpe ave nue and Houston streets. irs * CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tonic A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, Intermittent, Malaria. And All Forms of Fevers. ALL DRI'OGISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE. —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA. BRENNAN BROS* * MOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. ZaiAV STREET. *•*■ Irlcpbonrssa. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for ••homa-rolxcd" fertiliser The cheapest and m si concentrated on the market Bend for particulars. HAY, GRAIN, COW TEH!. Bit AX, ETC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 223. 1 Bay street, west pnOFOSALI W A WED. U 8 ENGINEER OFFICE. BT. Al ausllne. Fla.. Oct. 29. IM Scaled pro posals for completlna *un and morur bA^ tertes and bundle* concrete stor.-nojaeW at Fort Taylor. Key Weat, Ha * IU received here until 12. neon. Nov. S*. ■ and then publicly opened Inf >r" *•" furnished on application. C. H. Mctuns try, Capl- Ears. Old.) NEWSPAPERS. MO for cent* “ Builomi Offlc# Mornirg Newk