The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 29, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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hanksgiving doxologies Vliuudill Krulu and Harvest*. , r uirealag* Hereditary and CU ,ioltc. ■ TO. the Christian Herald. New Y^rk. V k. Nov 28,-Fronunotameneo* of - .! and Governors call us to an ,i. i meet 100 (.articular cu> or , ratllude. but they cannot men ,jf of our bier-slng* In our n wo sea the wonderful eroos ,r. and while we look at the ton, we fancy we see the i al the Georgian plantation. ..bee shining aruld dork are- n i matt. i. w >*i- terir.g in thv on end i a' the evening time awn* resound with mueic tot.on- uatc -live of warmth , , con fort ond international . i be ti> r.atne of Eli who invented the cotton gin, ..ard Arkw right. who showed i , r how to do the work of one ~i it.-l thirty spinners While w turn, we see the plowing and jour grains in * hill, and nt-idlk and the cutting frode, • t,.. rhont of the buskers. Good t , otn! What would we do It:, -sings upon the head of : anted It. cut It. enueked It, and garnered It. While we look anv. we sss the hard work -t..tit hern fields of long stalks, . i-ressln*: out the saccharin*. nil all our exqui-lt# syr . n ano**try of molasses, and .r the land the gay it roups t tiling, and wcixler If -He of modern oonfectfnnorv h dtliy as tha dark-onlr-rcd me up from the sugar pUr •tisiana. And how suggestive —the monarch of all Mpdtme-t th rue on earth—a held. Sown befotro winter an 1 tr.e snows its a Chrtsdan bv rrow. and waving Its green tn -(.ring, and then under ripening i of sun and shower preparl -,g . tot . etnooewed with gold, to the ~ ome ami get bread and led e hunger. Mlnnes • a wi.e.t 4 , . . a wheat fields. Illinois wheat ater wheat fields, I-ona 1e1,4 ,4 „ . fields. A planet slrdled and .'d loroneterl with wheat fields in Imagination the pil'd up out thought <if the orrhatd , m. when we used to shake th' ... r them and crunch enough in one ... n t.> bring Into use all our mo h kill I ♦fore morning? Ap d to be the kind of , . n Eden's forbidden tr e. b - , . f the umptation we all felt B to steal api>les. But boya should ,pp,es. An appat So omon's fa.- . (or with the fruits of all ion • . bts conservatory, he eriel Out. • .tr,; -rt me with apples." And there Is u it satirised pumpkins, robed In r , t o day dawn, with great round i th' aldermen among vage .. : i that they ore as tall when . r. as when they stand up. i ad Near do without the 1 chef of queenly plea and pi the ia.-i century of thauiksg.ving? And r.ow clear out of the old channel' i.Uonal Thiinksgl . Ing. I cad to : t. t -thing you may have forgott- n , r thought of Among th , l>e grateful for are our i b e sings Have you ever God for good parents? But for c we got. we would have prob i in poorhouse or penitentiary, the crade and I will make a of everything clear on to <*>* \V ~t a glorious rare of old folks who passed on In the last genera- Ijlk about vour doctors, adopath i .eopath, . h>droi>athl>- ar.d eclectic. ■ p in it'd of them, but was there • i tier do tor than your old-fash - tititrv mother? What boneset tea . .11 ..lit colds’ What catnip to soothe and>' What herns for the , * .f distempers! What hot pil . t-witha tdng lace until the village . ,:!*.\e up the lane, and with one the terrific turnkey took out the leaving you under the impression . 1 ; ..ncep g-'"e n-, like v.,nr 0,.l r <r t-- p lilce without hurling a run r,.| • ger, or make a hell stop boll- Voi. Bere not H*hamd to let her v. u .-ry. though you were so big the mud have called you a cry-baby. -i responsibility of the medical ' r , onfertlng degrees, and I doc a. that generation of mothers on them M. D.—Maternal I>oe v,'. Id that we could have treated . well as they treated us! for. p*T - might have kept them with us. lay nt our Thanksgiving table i vanished fates might have beamed v. is among ihe home group, and we ,ave taken from them • more bleating before their nurture. Some say they would not a- parted to this poor world • i If they could; but I would lie wlll <•' r.-k It. and if 1 could bring bock ir dmlr.g ball the two old folka to- I Bond put them one at each end r tahia. and you and your wife afford to stand and wall on them e celestial visitors tarried In your But I must quit this, for It y iv, s with something that makes ult to write these reminiscences. . race of ok! folks! Have placed ou can seo them their staff, their • .es, their Bible, and thank Uol ir manhood and your womanhood h advantageous launching. • ••*•** ri - now for Thanksgiving pur (r..m hleseinga hereditary to blees -•.ih.ric. Have you bethought • f th,- (act that Ihe moat of the of the human race are In climates forrld or horrid? Take up the ■ f the world and thank God that you > far off from arctic Icebergs-wn the and Ihe five-foot iong cobrss on l ot what multitudes of the hu i ife la an arctic expedition I'n l nuts. Nine months of winter ■ ireable barrenness Life a pro- Ivt-r Our front door steps on • night genial compared to their Ak some Arctic explorers about ir|e Of life around the North ‘ i 'tend of killing so many brave -tr polar expedition*, we had •HU messenger* to persuade those ' of polar < limes to say good -1 ■ • < rna! snows and abandon i rn* of ,arth to the* and ir, and shut up those gates of u.d ;me down Into u realm where ■ tmomeicr seldom drops below must life be at Nova EemMn, i'h freeling on the beard? Oh. '!■ of Baffin's Hay—only eix 1 star open What a delight- hen they mlik their cows and ' :nt but l>e cream! Lt all those '"imelves itvk between thirty of north latitude, thank ’ I -jv sympathy for the va*l pop f the hemispheres who freexe n sixty and eighty degreei of latl* • s • a • • "Hare our atmosphere with the " Infested with reptilian and te m which moat of the human f e Think of Cochin-China, and and India Travelers tell you of ! Cl* orange groves, but ask them - centipedes They tall of the • forests, but ask them about h utes-s They tell you of the rich o' the birds, but ask them about dor!as They tell you of the fine ask them about the Bedouin*. - vou of the -road plane*, hut m "tout the midnight* with ther ’ ®* n Insufferable 110. Vast the torrid e.lme without s*wer ; without cleansing; crowded and > end idled up wretchedness, and all (ASTORIA for infants and Children. Thv Kind You Unto Always nought lius borne tlm sijjna turo of Chas. 11. Fletfhitr, anti has ben matin under his personal supervision for over HO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “,1 health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears tne Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. mu——■ ii ■ ‘ ■■■■ dia.-omfort What beautiful hyn, Wnat fascinating scorpions! What p..-a urn bio ;aranml! What captivating h nrd*’ What wealth of hugs! What at opportunity to study anatomy and hrp> lology! What a Chunco to kk Into the open countenance of th* pl-n.tng ertvo. ,llle! Hundrpla of million* In such sur roundings I would rather live In a house with two rooms in these rs glons that to live in the torrid lands snd own all Mexico, *1 Bm*i!. all Hindustan all AraMa and all China: In oher nord*. i woul-l ratmr ive between thirty and fifty ring ees of latitude and own nothing than to live, bet >*n ten and tw-epty degree, of lail tude and own everything Forty yea-* of life here are worth more than e ghtv yeata of life anywhere else You have here the furs of the arctic and the fruit* of the torrid, withal: the plea.ur.ihe reeplnatlon of the temperate o.*l stirs to say, "Come down, north wind with , tonic, and come up. south wind, with a bodm. and mix a healthful draught 'or the lungs of this American nation ft ns aid doughiers of the temperate ton . thank God for your surroontings f‘. r multitudes of people It B-a> a dt aster that they were born at all. In fiction a .tory is told of one Pantagruel. who <ame Into the world accompan!**! by e:hty-one s I -of salt, each lew 'lr.g a tnnle by a halter; nine dromedaries laden with ram ami smoked tongue; seven camels lad -n with eels; beside- twenty-five full of leeks, garlics and on Ins Only t ink of on* arriving In this workl under a ch embarrassing clrcum-tanoee. But that fiction la only suggestive of r<al pe pi.- that you and I have known, who seem to have bean overweighted from their start In life as by their saubbamnes* lea dng forth quite a* many rtviles. by the r un certainty of aotlon quite as many eels, by their offensivenees quite as many garlic* by their cloudy utterance* quite as much smoked tongue. In this Thanksglv n wceg not only praise God for the bias ings bestowed, but for dt.*poit;on* capa ble of appreciating them. T. Be Witt Talmage. 101 THKRM AM) PEVNWTfI/V IM4. Reported That latter May keonrr Former l atter leasr. The Southern Railway, with It* miles of road. 1* a key to the railway situation In the South and It I* reported lh* the Pennsylvania Railroad has under consideration an agreement or plan to se cure control under a long-term lease. The movement to bring under two central heads the working operation of the great east of the Mlasl>sl|ipl river seems In a fair way of accomplishment Th# deal Is on the board* President damuel Spencer of the South ern Railway, on bis return from the In spection tour of Pennsylvania ofll iai*. said while at Salisbury, N. Saturday night, that he was nog a wore of any con solidation of th* Southern and Pennsyl vania, but he did not talk about a pros pective lease of the road nor of the pros pective control that Pennsylvania had In view by securing th* stock The move ment gained publicity too early. AXXOnriMI III.* GOVTHOI,. Circular Relative to Mr. Pleasants lamed by O. * . V Cos. The circular announcing that Mr W H Pleasants, genera! freight and pase'-nyr agent of the Ocean B -sm-hlp Compiny, assumes control of the traffic of the com pany on Bee. 1 was Issued yesterday fern the office of Protdcnt John M Egan Th - circular will be sent to all the connecting lines and others Interested. Mr Pleasants has gone to New York •* hav# moat of th* others who go to as sume or continue connection with th“ Steamship Company In that city. Mr W P I.evl*. who was chief elerk In the oftl e of the assistant general freight axent of the Georgia and Alabama. Mr C. B. Kealhofer, assistant chief rat clerk of the Steamship Company In Kavanmh Mr Courteney and Mr. Richardson, boih of Jacksonville, have gone, and Mr E O. Watkins, chief rate clerk leaves to-day. Mr. Watkins has beer. In Savannah right years, and hi* many friends here wl 1 be sorry to lose him. A body ofgflf" c..lore I ! i**.r*t • lef: via the Fe e: >rl Air yesterday for Jacksonville where they go to work on the Clyde Line docks. ITesldent John M. Egan of th* Central Ral.road Is In New- York on a bu!nea trip. FOR A CIRLAin OF FISH. Florida Commissioner Sought to Ar mour Tran* porta t lon. Fish Commissioner John Y*. Belwller cf Florida was In the city yesterday. His visit was for a consultation with the au thorllles of the Beabrnrd Air Ure relative to the trunsporiatlor. of young !l>h (rmn Washington to Florida, where they are to be released In Ihe lake# and streams Commissioner George M Bower* f the United State* Kish and Fisheiie- Hoari has notified Mr. Betwller that Florida can have one or two carload* of “(ry" s ad. the sdze that are turned Into stream- for the propagation of the *,cle. The only stipulation of the offer • that trsnspo it I ion be furnished. The Seaboard n*d already agreed to handle one of the car* from Washington to JackeoovUle. and Mr. Detwiler wanted It to consent to han dle both. Effort has been made by Mr Betwller to secure new *p*c|e# of fre*h water fish for Florida, but he has thus far been un succeeaful Inquiry of a hatchery ellct and the Information that ft had no fish suit able for Florida waters save the black bass and goggle-eyed perch that are al ready found In abundance. The commis sioner. however, will not be dete-red by this mfotmatioti, but will continue his effort. _ Ten Days of Revivals. A ten days' series of revival service* will be begun at the Lawton Memorial Rummy. Rev. W. A. Nlabet. the pssto-. will preach the Sunday eervloe* while the other service* will tw conducted by Rev J. H Patton of Marietta, who will reach Savannah on Monday THF MOWNING NEWS: THUKBDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 100a \ VICTORY ON THE GRIDIRON. WILL RR FOl.fiHT Frill Tri-DAV BY .1 ACK'riXVILLK l\n R4VARRAH. .lacksout life Tram to Arrive Thl* Vlornlng, and the tinme to He ('ail ed at Itil-V rii lock—>lck*onvtlle Has an luhrokru List of Vlctorle* for the Present Season—The Sale of Tickets tor the (ism* Hu* Been latrge, nut! With Good Weather it Kxeeptlonul Vt tendance I* f .spcel #l—The Ltne-l'p, and the Color* of the Team*. That the Bolton Street Park will be crowded with large and brilliant array of rooters this afternoon when the Sa vannah and Jacksonville elevent* fare each other on the gridiron 1* assured by the already large sale of tickets, Thla Is not lh first meeting of teams representing theme cities, and In every case the match has proved an exciting evens. Although some time has elapsed tine* the last game, when nel-her side was able to score. It has only caused In oreased Interest in to-day’# game. Jnok- Mwnille, having defea’ed every eleven she lias played thl* *■ a-on and without bring f ored again*;. Is especially anxious to adl Savannah’s s<alp to her belt of trophp* and thua retain her clean record. The Savannah boys are confident, how ever. of br, ak.iig Ihelr opponent#’ winning streak as they have been putting In some bard practices, and under the skillful couching of Mr Gordon Saussy have made wonderful stride* towards perfection of team work Both team* are In tolendld physical condition, and are made up of the best foottvail material of th* two title*. Th* Jacks nvllle team, with a crowd of rooters and Its little mascot. Bill arrive this morning, and will he taken In charge bv the loc and te im. The game will he call*,] at 3:45 o'clock. Inst'sd of I o’clock, as ad vertised, In order to Insure the completion of both halves before dark The line up of nan fer the first half nnd their weights sre: Hicks, m c Fra zee. Jones. l?o r. g —.' Bowden.lSO Brown. ITS I g Leeman, 15 Johnson. Itl .......I. t Allen, ITS Wtsnesky. 15$ r. t Jones.l7s ; Bmlth. Mote. ISS .1. e (Headman, 154 , Mclntyre. 140 .. r. e Bavin. 137 Gordon. lf>< . quarter Huau. 135 Sullivan, J . 140 . ..r. h Vlnzant, 141 Sullivan. 8.. 143 I h. .. Tipping. IBS duTtlgnon, 141 f. 1, Moteley, 147 Minohen. Lawton. Gf>rrton, Ronan. G. j Smith. Lowtnsteln. Hull an.i Krcnson will also he placed In the game In case they are needed. Much credit Is due Manager Jones of Jacksonville for hie strenuous ef fort* In arranging this game The game will he refereed bv James F. Evans, and umpired by A. C. Common The colors of the Savannah lem ara white and navy blue, and thoan of Jack sonville orange and purple. Savannah a colors are sure to be largely In evidence fat-lies will be admitted to the grand stand without charge. S. 4 WTO Si CADETS V*. HIGH SCHOOL. A Gome of Fontbnll to Be Played hy Them Thl* Morning. The football teams of the High Bohool and the Lawton Cadets nil! play a gam* this morning at 10:30 o'clock at th# Bolton Street Park Both team* have been prac ticing for some time and will play a hard and scientific game. The colors of the opposing teams are. High School, blue and nblie, and Law-tons, blue and red. and the* of ihe teams are expected and re quested to weal the color* The line-up of the teams will he: High School. Lawton* Monneiy Center Robertson. F HarteMge, E M. Right guard Flood Hartlidge, A L. Left guard Kleffer Sullivan Right a kie Breese King Left tackle.... Tison Johnson Right end Rythewood Col!i(M Left cml Robertson, O Bell Ouvrter hack Riley Adams ... Lefi half-lack Strong Care I las ...Right half-back Raskin Kehoe Full back Ross Mr. Ban B Hull will set a* umpire an I referee. Th# gam* will start promptly at the appointed time and doubtless will be well attended. WILL KEEP THE COURT W$T. Criminal Caaea In Snperlor Likely to Consume Host of December. It is pro!able that the month of Becctn ber will be almost entirely taken up In the Superior Court In the trial of criming] case* Already case* have been a*, for trial up to Dec. 12 and these embrace only those In which Indictments ware found by the last grand Jury The grand Jury of th* December term e'.H probably tm-et Monday, after it has tieen charg'd by Judge Failigant. ar.d (here are a number of cases which await Its cons deration and In which URL: imerit# will probably be returned. These arc like, ly to consume the time of the court for th* remainder of the month. Monday will be taken up largely in the trial snd decision of case* of divorce and alimony, of whloh tbote are a large num ber on the docket It seldom nappene that ther* I* any opposition In these cases, the defendant being about as willing to have the marital bonds severed s# is (he plain riff. and they are tried, and one meta morphosed into two. ’with nearness, co ler-ty and dispatch." On Tuesday the case of (he negro Bam Rlmmcns. alias Bsrnss. who has bean 'n dteted for the murder of John Wollender. a sailor, ha* been assigned for trial. Barnes or Bimmona. whichever I* hla real name, shot an I kllbd the sailor In Tam craw. as a result of a disagreement with his victim as to the amount of comp n >stton he should receive for ptlotlrg a , uar’y about am ng ihe dives of that de iactable portion of th# city. Tne evidence j against the defendant, due possibly to , the fact that the witnesses were all Uta •omewlai muddlrd ctmtltl n cn ihe i tgh | of t •* htmlcklr, is doidnl-v c nil t r.g and on this account It may be difficult t | e#< ur# * conviction. Wednesday has besn sslecteti *> the d*> upon which J B Hlroch Bill tie tried Hirecii was Indicted by the laet grand Jury. In connection or at the same time with a number of others for th# offense of maintaining and conducting a polio lottery. Hr wa# captured in one of the raids mode, under the dire lion of (hr grand Jury, by the sheriff and hi* depu ties When Fukon and Henderson were sen; to jail by Judge Failigant, Htrsch disappeared and haa only recently return ed to the city. Thursday will be devoted m large part to the trial of Edward Gardner and Josh Butler These men have been 11. di.ted by the grand Jury as occosones after the j fact to the murder of Mot or nun Lucius B Varnodoo. by Seaborn Hay>. Gard ner re eived th> negro murderer and con oea.ed him ai his rooms on the right of the crime’* commission and kept him von rented during the nv. Ut tne Mloalny night Hay* made his way to the home of Butler, on th. ogeechei roa-l. where h- was kept In hiding until hit when about* were discovered and hi* arrest ef fected. These are the principal and more !n --tercsilng of the criminal .-• rl h hae been assigned for trial Ver\ many olh ers. posilldv two dozen ii. all, have been assigned for various days during the week AT THE 1 HEATER. Seshronke nnd III* People Slade a lilt Id -The Rounder*." Probably the best house of the season saw Thomas Q. baabrooke in the New 3’wk Casino success "The Rounders" last night. The opera Is somewhat different from mow of the Casino production*, in that Ihn scene of the piece u> laid in France, while m past reviews the pieces have alw-aya had New York and Its vi cinity as a background. However, the characters all smacked of Broadway and the Tenderlngn ond everything about the piece had a touch of the Casino Mr Beahrook* is one of the cl*veto fiinnleet and le#t comedian* In comic opera and he has a gieat part as Magtn nis Pasha, the "Irish Turk " with a pen chant for pretty women. Hl* atwlc* w.-r- Inimitable am] his gagr set th* house In roars, and even put she show pevH’le to laughing in the hist act h had Mis- Lowrle giggi ng so that It l<g>kel for a vhlle like the performance might break up. Hts Imitation of a jag was ve:y clever and hi* "I My Be Wrong." which nought on ao In New York, wa* a happy hit Mr. Mandevllie zs the Buke Du Paly 1* Clam was extremely good atsl hie song, Same rld Story, N> thing New." was en csvsed fully half a doaeu times ao goo I did the audience find M Mr Terri* was a capable Marquis, and Mr Bernard as the leader ft the band w is splendid Miss Jeannette Lowrte and Ml** Perry dlvldsd the honors among the ladles Mis* Lowrle Is a delightfully pretty and dash ing bit of femininity, and Miss Perry e* Priscilla cared for her part to perfection. Mis* WaUzlnger and Miss Carlyle are also deserving of mention The music of the piece l of Ihe catchy sort that will be heard whlstied on the streets for the next tew weeks and the gags will be sprung for some time to com# Altogether the show Is a very amusing and entertaining piece Th* rule which Manager Weis announc ed last week that no one would be seated during the action of a pie.* was not lived up lo and the r-will was a great deal of confusion, a* a great part of the audience wa* late, and thoee who cam* early had to suffer the annoyance caused by the seating of persons during aimoet th# en tire first act. M. B Leavitt’s "The Spider ami the Fly" will be the attraction to-morro.v. Saturday matinee and night It might aptly be called an operatic extravaganza a* the music J* of an or dqr. Interpreted hy artists of oj-eratlc reputation, headed by Mias Florence Wol cott, whoa* mezzo soprano has de lghtel so many music, lovers. Mlts Marzuortte Mayfield, the drama’l contralto. *<* or the Ca#tl* Bquare Opera Company. New Y'ork, and others well known In the mu sical world. The chorus ha* tieen espec ially well trained an I the concerted num ber* are particularly well rendered. The Klimt-Hearn Company will be seen In two performance* of The Fatal Card” to-day matinee and (right The company is not a atranger u iiavannah, having played here before so pleased audiences. Last season It- engagement her# was a very successful one. The company has been playing In Charleston to large audi ences. It gave way to "The Rounders" to-night, and will return there to-morrow Th# News and Courier ays of Tuesday night’s performance* tn Charleston: “The theater was tilled to the doors and the audience frequently gave evidence of ap proval by applause. The moving picture*. Illustrated songs and other speclalth* were all good and thoroughly appre ciated." There l every assurance that the company will have large audience* to-day. WHISKY AM) MORPHINE. Liquor and the Drag Ceased the Death of Allen F. Owen. Allen F Owen died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock a. the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs F. F Owen. No. 229 Gor don street, east. His death was due to an excessive use of whisky and morphine. It la not known whether he took the drug with suicidal intent, nor Is It known un der Jus* what circumstance* It wa* tak en. Where and when It was administered and whether by himself or some other are mysteries that have not been solved Owen showed up night before last he. tween 7 and $ o'clock at the house of Mamie Winters on Wayne street, west. ar.d hi* condition then, apparently, was that of a drunken man The women In the houoe said that he hed been ac .-•uaiomed to the exceaslv# Induigenee In whisky of late that wa* apfriirent when he arrived, and for this reason they were not especially observant of his actions He talked for a few moment* as a drunken man might and then retired to a room of which he was ihe sol occupant. In tending 4o sleep off the effect# of the drug and whisky. Before retiring lo the room Owen re marked to one of the women ihst he had just had "four shots of morphine." mean ing that four hypodermic Injections had been given him. They attached no Im portance to this believing it to be no more than the Idle vaporing* of a drunken map. but three or four hour* later they were told by another man who had en tered the room where Owen lay that he wa* purple in th* face and evidently about to die. Th# women repaired to thg room and did all they could for Owen, bathing hla face In cold water, trying to make him etlr himself and putting his feet Into a basin of hot wrater. Their efforts were Tried Friends Best. For thirty years Tutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man’s friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa tion and all kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. WOMEN MARTYRS No. 322 iycamore it, Evamvilli. Ind , AUrth 2*. 1000 Wirw of Cardul hat dont me a world t>( good I have been afflicted ten year* with irregular and painful men itruation My monthly period) would come on with great pain snd I had to It* down to be at eat. I had heart and nervous trouble. I Have taken Wine of Cardul and ThedfordT Hl*.k.Draught and find them to be the betf medicine) women can lake (or >ch trouble). My period tame on last month without a pain or an ache and waa nearer the right time than it had haen lor many year*. Tht Wine aUo helped my heert and nervoui trouble which I had had lor five yean. I have been treated by many of th* hett physician) In Cvanivtllr and had paid out hun dreds of dollars without anv relief I will advise any tufftring woman not to go lu doctors for surh troubles as I have had but to get Mine of Cardul at once and take II There Ii no use suffering I have tried il and know what II will do. Mrs L L. LINDSAY. WINE°'CARDUI What a itory Mr. Lmdaay might toll of long dayi and nights of torturr, home in iilentr and in tccret! Month after month tht endured th dntreue* of diaordered memtruation and pa and doctor* fees for the relief they never gave her. It Bno wonder that thouaandi of women are being driven into inline asylum* and early graves by (he suffering they endure. Mrs. Lindsay's letter shows how unnecessary such suffering is wiien Wine of Cardul is at hand. It is a rtmedy which meets the need of every auffering woman. It makes menstruation natural and painless. By it the ligaments which hold the womb in place are strengthened and Invigorated. The terrible pains in the head. neck, shoul ders. back and legs, the common "dull feeling" and the sensation of exhaustion are banished by Wine of Cardui. This simple remedy is a bltssing to any woman, curing her in the privacy of her home, permanently and quickly. No ont but the patient need know of it. All druggists sell SI.OO bottles. For ftrivirc in <•••• requiring roorl*} directions sddroes. giving symptoms, "The Lading' Advisor? department." The rhattaaoof* Medicine t'ompao?. Chattaaoogn. Tenn unavailing though thev worked upon him for several hours Finally It vvaa Sig gesn.t that some qrie v th# vming mans home and tr.'orm hi# f.ilher of his I con.utton. Thlr ( vH-ne. an t the lather burned to the |.ia< ♦. w.ilb a krotiwi went to the ..(?!<■* of Br. M L Currie and con - ducted him to the house where Owen lav This was at about 4 o'clock I)r. Currie found the young man aunost dead when he a rived, tbare being nothing more than a fid tor of Ihe beau to Indicate Ilf# Given was put In u Im k and driven to hi* home There l'r. M X Corbin also saw him. but he arc! l>r Currie wore tin. able to save hie life ttwaigh they mad strenuous effort# The usual sirong stimu lants end meriu-ri* wore emp oved, but ih* trug, telnfontel by the whisky. I tad been al work too long liefore the physician > were . ailed In. Owen wa* a ivamter bv trade and fo- - marly did a gtvod deni of interior decor. t’.-n lie sx Im ApaclttMel by an open lion he urdir*nt #■ >tnc time ago. how ever. and i> done no work of any c. n "v-quer.oe sin. e When the Ravarnah Ca h"S left f* r s. evict- In the Firs: Grtvrg a Infantry during the t-panish war. Owen e Hand He mud* .■ * and soldier, one cf the ulll erw of the company SA.d yes ter ■ lav. t 1 waa often eelected es orderly. Afi*r tho mus'er out of th# First Ge r- K.a. Owen, .wt'h <aher .Savannah men, J Itnd the Fourth Virgin!*, wtth which h> went lo Cuba While on a march In Cub.i he sustained on Injury In the aide and never recovered from It# effect* It was on account of this .njury that he had to undergo an operation In one of the host-Hal*. LEFT TO FLAY GOLF. Vsvsnnsii Kti f b uatasta off for n tiatrli W illi Darien To-day. Bavannah golfers left !at night al-oe.r 1 the tug Jacob I'aulsen for Barlen where they will play match game to-day. The riivammh team Is '-ompo-ed of Capt Henry Blun, Jr , Mr. C. W. Bausey, Mr Bieln Bryan, Mr Notde Hard-e n nd Mr VV J L’Engle. A number licetdea the team went to see the game. A vt. tory for the liavannahlans woo’d :he rather surprising In face It would surprise the Savannah team. The Darien player* defeated the Bav annahtan* Juwt a few weeks ago. enl praotloally the same teams will be opposed to each other to-day. KUi at .it iv' t iHcr*. Will Give Two l'ertormnnees To-day, Hells St Gray's rlr us will give two 4>er formances In tAnvannah to-day at the rlreu* grounds at Bolton and Ear* Broad street*, one afternoon performance at 2:30 o'clock and a night performance at $ o'clock. The show will arrive this morn- Ir.g from Jacksonville A free street pa rade. with bands, elaborately decorated i cages, den*, tablenus, chariots an<t strlk ! lug noveltle# ut 107*' o'clock. parties desiring to purchasn tickets I other than the show ground# can do #o by calling at Gardner's gentlemen's fur nishing store, comer of Broughton and Hull street*, where a down-town ticket seller will be stationed on snd after 9 a. m Card Engraving, SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Engrftvintc nam* W card*—7so Enffnvtnff name plft* 10> curds 1100 Printing card* from your own *dai*. .3fco Printing 100 caiiift from your owti plate.f&o THE BEE HIVE, 3. Nt 111 TZ, Sl. Julian ar.d Whitaker street*. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have been laid in many of Ih# com fortable homes in New York, Boston and other cities More cleanly and #connmc*l than carpet* Plain and fancy floors laid and pollahed oomplct# over old floor*, making solid and beautiful Improve ment, Having a number of floor* to lay In Sa vannah this mrwidt we can quote close figure*. Oa'aiegiie and eatlmaie* may be had by addre*lng J M ADAMS, Box 242 Savannah, or 227 N. Charloa Baltimore. Md. J. D. WEED ft CO gx VANS AM, 4) A. Leather Bellini?. Steam Packing 4 Hose A gaol* lot NEW kOAUt Ml! HALTING ANLi PACKING COMPANY. JOHN G. BUTLER, —DEALERS IN- Palm*, Oils and Glaa. Saab. Boom Bllr-de and liulidtrs' Suinr.cs, PLIn and Decorative Wui* Paper. For* Ign a..4 Do mestic Cement*. Llmt. Plaster and Hair. Bole Agent for Abeatlne Cold Water Paint. 31 Con gre a* street wot, and U St Julian street, west. STOPPED THE COUGH. Prather's Tar and Cherry Coujh Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. I PRINTING THE Lithograph and Printing Department of the Morning New *l* one of the largeat in the South. It is equipped > to do the best work in all branches of printing. Its plant y is modern and I# operated by skilled people . . . > BANK BOOKS— Bunk Monk* of nil kind* Is our sprrtolty. Checks. I*gfo*lt glut general hnnk stationery thn Morning New* does in ft titiperloi gty> And n hank It matters not how small, should b without our lithograph check hoiks. MANUFACTURING PLANTS > We make a!y of Jolng enl work ts well *s lithograph work for all manu ? fadurina plants not only In G#er*>a. l-ut In Alaiuitn* FloiMn ami the fsr-IWva). > Under this head Is emhra-sd Guano Fan > biriee I'kiw Works Turpentine I’lants. • Raw Mllle. Foundries Brewer!**. Marbln* ? Bhops. In fact all kind* of enterprise# tri , this rharartor, > COMMERCIAL WORK > A b islneea man. no mailer where b* does > business, ran t afford to l- without neat ’ stationery If he ik> riothlna tori ssll t acse he ought to have it Tba Morning . News makes a apecldlty of doing neat Jobs > for country merchant*. And It taka* > pleasure In sending samples with prices ’ from which **!*< tlons may In mad*. ? COUNTY RECORDS ? Record Bonks for counties. Ta* Books. ' Official ffrarionery for towns and ctlls* > l-e*l Blank* atul Form# of every deacrip > h lion i are equipped to do quickly and ’ cheap and well 5 LITHOGRAPHING— ? Lithographing Is a branch of Ih* business tn which especial attention ls drvotad It > b th* largest estaUlthment In th* state > and Is operated by the best artiste In th* • country We cheerfully furnish estinwias J nnd submit samples of lithograph work When writing to ua address the Doming News Job I>e , partment. Do not think thst you gre consuming our time by > itsklng us questions and writing for estimates. W hether we > get your order or not. we shall be glad to offer the best we > nave. > Morning News .lob Department, > BAVANNAH, CA. OUR STOCK OF Useful : Articles Is Composed Partly of the Following: PORTIERES FOH FOLDING DOORS. HOT STUFF STOVES. INLAID LINOLEUMS AND STRAW MATTINf* READS ODORLESS REFRIGERATORS. UPHOLSTERY OOODB AND LACE CURTAINS. BUCK’S STOVES AND RANGES. AXMINBTER AND VELVET CARPETS IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS. SHADES TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. LEATHER LOUNGES AND ROCKERS. VESTIBULE LACK AND LACK PANELS. IMPERIAL BABY JUMPER. MANTEL SCARPS AND CHINA SILK PEDESTALS AND LADIES’ DESKS. < COUCH AND TABLE COVERS. K K R()SEN K 01L 11E ATE RS. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS, ALL SIZES. COMBINATION BOOK CASKS. Theae ar* only ■ fw of tha thin** we have. Wa have Jul what you want, an t the quality an<l th price ta alwaya right Our Motto. "Not How Cheap, but How Good." le carried out all through the •lock We want to aell for CASH, but If you have not got all the caah. aiul your raf •rencaa are right, your credit will be good for the balance. LINDSAY & MORGAN McDOKOUGH BALLANTYNE, W Iron Founders, Machinists, § 1 ltla.-l.ew.llt.* M-.llern.ah. re .... la.f<ir. r... f M,..|.. u ■Kyp&r'jVfjlj ere and Portable I ntne., an.l I .|. Ilnnnina lorn VIIII n. u*ar 'till ..".I Inn. Mia fun*. I'ullf)., fir, f* . .j! TELEPHONE NO. 123. -i 'Ji~- l g 'JBL'JJL-. Ji!" L-"™.. 1 . mi ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS* SAVANNAH 7