The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 29, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Mali's (irrai IMi oirry. Oa rm*. bottl# of 1.4.1 s Groat Dt* to\ r> cure* ail kidney an J b.auder Iron* tiM, tu uvt- fiidvii, i ur*- dUb* it .*■, * Inal cm.*- >n*. w#.* an 1 i*nr bj ihsum* .m and all *ireijiariUoa of Iba kl-lnys ni ii. • *> .. B*n rc4iu...> b.auuti .t\sjnv *n ctu** Uteti i! .u. *4 i>) >tur orugglst anl j b MBt b> i. a.i u;e of *l. un am*.. Louie .* two UiOJ. n ***4 wtii cure *n> eft.c above manUoned. Dr. b W 11*1.. infti.uU to er, I* b Hox C. I *, St Wo. fiuid lor tcun.onlal*. hota t> 4.. 4!u*i*t and Co., fsatanboh, Ga Mend Thla. Outnb*rt Ga , April 2. I*'* This ift to certify that 1 waft afif#'t#l With gr-vei iral that 1 t*ok Sixty drops of Hill> Great Discovery and It com* pice y cure*! me It h worth 11.000 ioi Lottie to any one finding It. j, t stevens IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. m:ws am> vibwh or the iu 151 TWO STATIC. linr. Heekhftm to t lalt firrln. W alt-ll# Assailant 4‘aptared— •on In ( mined o<la I'ruvrd Kninl. 4 111 l*hi 40n% en t lon to Meet In Atlanta—*nm#fhlnji Ha-k of tlie IftmpN Hrlkr-Mr. l/la*l#r’s (ifftrr —Ot lire lliirhln New*. Jim Al#xaMl#r, aho attemjrfed an as s at. Ml- Lumhii , n* .ir D*’u**t Grov< Saturday, was captured near J • ** ~o; Tue-dav mon Ire i:x *:t* m#ru Is very high aral a ly n- hit g I fear- a. Goa. fleck limn to \ lalt Grorsln. Oov. and Mrs of Kentucky, wtil lie th- aM* of Mr and Mm J II l!a> fsok!*. In K i ?Ii me, I>* c. ! r * Th** amor arwi iis bride will atop over whil #n nu#to h vl->* to Florida M)s Rey nold* w*> a brl P smoJd at th we lding Rurjclnrs %fter ( oltnn tlfttirjr. Covington H'ar An army of burg arc are no* at work all over th# country, and safe* have bean blown open an I 10b bed tn mat y pia #*, during the P*-t f* w week* An they ar*- rv!l* iMiy Inter t n "fftthrrliiK the cotton money crv>|*‘ throua:ioiU the country. out pop**' ar-* warned io look out f*-r th#m. and I • ktep tholr rn>>i> y and ot her \aluui>lft li. *• cure pi** #a. I Mini I'oUnn In ( n*n#d flood#. Another leath ha?* he* n a-Mod to th# list of fatalities coueed by eating canned good* at the silver w*ddin< of Mr ard Mr* E I*. Chamber# of Oftlnttvllit. Miss Helen Johnson. on** of the guests at the leant and * charming young la*ly. dl#t there Sunday The *4lv#r wKkliiw occur red on Oct. 22 and * large numler of g lentil were present. many of winttn *#- ani< Ili after refreshment* were serve }. Am*ng them were Mrw. II X M**rck. M . J. O. Adams arwl wife. Mias Turn Ip *d. of llamidoii. W. E M Kinney FI yd Johiwor John 11. Hosch ttnd wife mi and others. Those who have been seriously 111 since the feist wm- Mr*. J. It. ICata whose death Occurred lust Mofi'by, and Mia JohnaHi wh*i and **l Bunday. Several others are rtlU qid’e sick. • 'hi Phi. lo Mefl. Th* Chi Phi eonmn. with •I*-'*'*/* e •from nearly avery chapter of the ftater nUy In the VnltM Bta'eu util m**e*t In Atlanta on Nov 30 ami l)*-. 1 l, <-a of thix xtroruc fraternity are mattirtf prtptmllonM to rn ** tain th* Visitor* hin<V-iiely during their atay In Atlanta The ron*r** mat-la annually lo illxru.. matter* (>*Ttall.tria to tha w**i fara of tha fraternity i* a wh I* Tha rotitrr* ■- mat laat >aar In Now Y rk A natal; Thornton and lhlnl*y Calh* un were tha delegate. from lit* rjrtH. Th* y exlanheri an Invite**l**r, on bahtlf *• ha Oaorirt t t’hl Phtx to tha aasr ia to hnl I |ta naxt x-xslon In All*nt*v 1: a Inn a lion t%* a. • epte*l Tha vlattinft deiexale will ronvrnt nt 10 o'olo-k next I rl lay morning at tha Ktn.lxdl, and will h* II tao aaaalona dally while tha ooaira-i lx In eessloa. I'lty Wonltl 1.0. e l> 11. Mayor Woodward and Mayor-elast Mlm said Monday tha city of Atl-nla would l>a matarUlly beneilte 1 In tin n -clal w- ty If tha nt-* union <l* p • w< iot hull' ii> tha alata The city. It th ware tl, would dartva an additional In on e of at laaat *s.w<i each y*ar. a- un. suffl lent to build a now sehool bout*. "Thl** la tha city's position In rairxrd to tha tepd ' Mayor Woodward all to Mai* rIM Mima and a n.w> rettortar who wart in hi* office. "The city would it** no tix*a from Iht naw prop* Tty It Hi* t-l ita hilt It on the *tte ol th* prevent deoot. If tha -iwlt ilot** not hulld •* new depot th Southern and other n-nlx all ‘h id a munniti atvt station on tlit* M.tch II *t a t property. Tha .-tty nan u> t t.*x* iroin the Bout hern on ll new depot- s, you ■•<•*, ao far ae tha * tty i* coo ante l It wouhl tie to her advantage to have tint and lot Mil kll!a*d In th.- Mouse.'’ FLORIDA. Tha protracti-d warm retail f* r mora than two wae*k* wax brought 1° an abrup close at A|>i achtcola M* fulay mornliiK by a "nor w-t-m* r" that ftr a few minute h.ew a cyclone Kxceyg for scattartlbi a few f* n* 4 0 .him *ge wax done, but th trees wait '.tnp.etriy xtr.pi-d of all 10l lag* ami b *>k as If stricken with a rail I winter froet. Mr. I'lnaler'. Oeneraatty. Th* heart* of th xtx;y obi mm.(tea of tha fttx'.e Inatllut* for the In .if >n*l 1t1.n.1 at Bt Atiffurtlne will te to . i* hapPJ by * lull and < mpl* te Thanklvln* dinner. Thl" I" mad. ya.- lb a through the *am r o*lty of Mr. Kinglet A telegram wa r* eel veil from him Tuesday authorising 11. with lr.strucllons to have It faminel* In every parti, ulr.r. he to pay all the lulu. The different char I table organltat |.4i> of the city have made arrang. mantx to siti ply worthy fann b" of t ie city, who rnr* ly enjoy any of the l ururt- of Ilf*- wbh n full and complete T uink -i u. K "> hi ar Provisions will be contributed by ill who f,e| inclined to If p. and th.- list rl bubo, will be made through the pruiwr oil! er of tha organls.itlolu |*rwane !••*■ < Hsnsicola iTess: M*- ar*. WlilUfn W. f litre*. president of th** Wi itam M Blerr* c ompany builder# am* of >* r - lorn of cotton comprc###* In thl- lty and 4i*whfrf. C. limbuf Blare** of .Now Or* | ns. Jam* * K #*o: i*r of Tern f ,d rhnr I** F. rearc* of N>w ‘>rlcn* all utrK'k holler* of th** Hl* rc** Com on < om l>r*’*s sin*! M .n g Company o.' tht* city, arrived hurulay t>* m* * Mr A + Thom In won. chi*f **ngli *•* r a* and mo khod ar of r. n* u-ola The pur poe* of the vi*it,w.'ij |wcft*ld o fc-rnwi i> ecoepi tht- tf-mp ■ - from th# chief en pd'-eer aid lo p-or. *nlio 'he c<*iiny, A nif *iliif Of i • !•' kh' .l**t - u i hel l .it Hotel h> arr.Ma Bu- .lay aft*rno n. at which the nipr*.-- w forma .y re. cu* ! from Ch! f Kturlneer ThomitiMn in* n vote of ihnok- w o emended him for th* efficient and m t r*‘ ( y *atl*lactory manner In which he had erected the pres*. Plinlltntv * Innt lltirned. Oaineavllle Bun. Toe report reached thl* city yeateeday to the effect that th# phoe phate plant of H. E Dutton A Cos., knowi. aa tha Carliale plant at Dutton, waw to tally daarUoyed by Hue. Tha reporter celled at the harking house of this firm and wa* Informed that me io# waa rtdmiiei at | at* ut with an Inaur ince o |i/4 Tite plant, sheds und Incline went u . in llamer The c.iuse of the fire i* unkn *wn. I hut the proprietors believe that *;*• nt-| n- us >mbus*.lon caused th*- coaflaxrailon. i Thi only partlcidars in th* r are j that E, Lu<is)f, mHiuicr of the plant, had gone over trie p ant Bun*is> morning to see everythin# wa* *U rtgii H* returned home i*eii*\lrg ? it *ll right. He had ju t fit h and dinner and * ami out of tie houte w hen t saw the plant in flame * Th* lire t** :isv# origirustetl In the fifln** room This ;s the first ndsf*Mar > of the kind ft> ft has ever t> the pt;*/p .*ia of thl* fiim. lIH.U of lli** I him pa strike. Tamp* Hera! i. There Is r<SHon to be li*v*' ui*d* r the surface of the pres. nt labor trouble# in T*mpi la ooAcealed ; . strife ' f much greater magnHud** then is alt * t vis.t l* or eu.-i*et and It is nt lmp< s .bl* mat this cii > Is la rtg mi l® a t-H U* ground for inter#*** and to fur thr plans of which ro information Is given *. lit It Is no -. •vi that Hlvera 4ii.*i a * >* .t*s *n*d in an ef f rt b* form a federation of ilavais h. nl. w ork eg - r i *k* rs, to *xl t I <!*•,♦ i d* n ly * and to have rsj -He t onn*vTlon with tha Intermsiional M*k-i I'movi. Th*' y . talm Hu- workers In pure Havana gs>! 1 have no inter*-! In common vpii any of ih#* ot . r gr tdeft of work, hand# earn *nd m a chan**, widen nv.ikes *iflh. itn neo-*- s.*ry. on th other hatsl. nn>|wff, l**-r --kitk. oral the other aut.horlta -of nl oil If* 1 with tla* lnt4PTha<lafiai will hardly accept any terms of -I**race which a!l*>w* tli* iirMeii I® 4< ealst—for Re ibt.nrla is tnw nucleus of the proposed federation of * hand worker*. I'ti ler then# clrcumafaiwe** it tolerably cer tain th *t nobdy In Taxnpa can msk a |n ace which will be | * rtnar em. ( HIM li%T < I'l l JIM KEY CM B. i;rr> thing I4eal> f*r the Opening | On) of the Heeling. New Orleans. Nov. & Everythin# Is In { readiness f r th** winter m* * tlng of the j ('res* *nt City J** key Flub, which will be inaugurat'd tomorrow* afternt>on. The meeting tills winter no doubt wrii. be the ; Im4( ever he Id here. Wilhln the past five j years the thorn ugh hr *4 hSI t**ken a ftM hold on th** hearts of ihe p* ople of mis . lty ami they now look for the opening day *f lh* racing m •*o as ca##rl> a® they do for Mardl Gras mid other big hol iday*. There are tlv* ra< * • on the curd f*r to-inorrow, in 'baling ihe Inaugural hatidbap. ill s* <1 flil***! Ihe following are Hu* entries for to-morrow: First like• One mil* tnd h sixteenth, purs*, (‘harlle O’ljrlen. Helle Hlni(son. Tom Gilmore, is, John Halsey. Rti; Ja< k Martin. Eva Rice. Ud. Grey Forge, LHa H. UH>; liohul, lJk. Atiangest, *l2; Obsi dian, 117 Becond Race—Five-eights mile, At Bluff, lu6. Irving Mayor. Gracious, Tootsie Green, Juanett. Kf7, Krewer. Aen- Htor Joe. IY4. Tonlcum. 110; 111 Ix>. Glen bow, 11k. Third Race fin** nll# and a quarter, selling. Kid* rim. 93. Frangible. MsJ Man air. 9C*. flood s llrfgad* . Tei. False farad, 1 102. Gray !>og, 104. Helen Paxton, loti; t'hotus Hoy, Monk Wayman, Me. Fourth Race Three-fourihs mile, the Inaugural Handicap. Fitke. 99; Alex, ltd: Morad. luG. Georgle, I**l. TrtadUxa, lbs. Savoy. 113; Rumni* r. 112; Moncymuw. 97. and May Beach. 113 couplel as Wood’s entry; Hlmtln*. 12D. Fifth Race—Severv-elghtha mile, selling Chiffon. Phidias. Sister Alice. Village Pride, Tago, Jim Gore 11. 103. Mfe# Red wood, Frank McConnell. Eight Bells, 107; , lYousterswlvel. Dandy It.. !<M; Acushla. :*4‘, Heroics, I*l, KITIA POI H UIMKHI. Tnlenf IIm.I n ,*mml lint of It on th# lleUtl Illicit 'I rii*k. Washington, Nov. Th# talent again pk'ked f*ur winners at th# R iming* track to-4*y, th** * ightli lime tills has occurred ' ilunng th# ten days of th# m#*tlng HumnioTit*#: First Raoft~Flve and a half furlong* Plral#. 4 to 1. won. with Impar tial, 10 to 1 and 4 t’ l, second. n*l Giv#- arvl-T4k#. Dt> to 1, third. Tim# 1:10 2-6. Second Raoc—Mii-I#n, 2-y#ar-olds, six at.l a half furlongs. AmurMa, 7 Cos won, vu h Flaneur, 11 u a un*l I to 6, *#*- n*l. and Holvaleta, 6to 1, third. T.m# 1:26. Third Ra## llurdl# handicap, on# nn*l thret-fourih miles, f#v#n liurdi##. I’crion. 7 to 5. wtn. with McFonso. 6 to 2 and 4 to 5, a* onl. and Sir Dick. 12 to 1, thlnl. Time 3:24 4-5. Fourth Rac# —8* liing, on# mile and lAO yards. I-con Fergutom. 6to 5. won. with Magi# L ght. 15 to 1 and 5 to 1. second, and ('buries Ertes, 2 to 1, (hud. Tim# l 53 1-5. Fifth Race —Two-y#r-olds .'in*l upward, ***v.n furl<*ns- oriental, 2 10 1. won. with Blcusktn. 3 t< 1 and cv* n. s# n*l. and li mu! vie#. V to 1. third. Tim# 1 >*. Hlxth Itao#- Selling, six furlong.*. Lady Contrary, 7 to Id. won. with Flak* 6 to 1 and 8 to 6. second, atul .Mian Mlt< hell, 15 to 1. >thlrd. T.m# 1 17. liner Hriulto nt \rwprt. Cincinnati, Nov > Results .it New port: First Rac#—Hcvcn furlongs. !*r n# 1 Iviicr, 2 to 1. won. with \N G Wei ii. 4 t> 1, H** ond. and Soudatm. ti to 1. thir i. Tim# 1:34. Hecontl Race—Five an*! half furlong.', selling Utcrp. even, w n. with Flop. H to 1. s*- ond. ii:l urrie, Goan, 10 to 1. third. Tim# l:l M * Third Ra * H* furlong'-. s*-l!l a g Bn Frost. 20 (< 1. won, with Ag tator. 11 to 5, s# a ond, and Avatar. .*• to 2. third Tim* I’. urth Ra'#--On# nib. ding F. ta. to 2. won. with t'retty Rosie, 15 to 1. s*v ml. ntnl Ra!ll**. 4ivt. t r*l Urn# 1:47. Fifth Kir# Five ukl a naif fus 1 n,s. n. liing l.#n x. to t*> 5. wot., w ith The o\ - i wilier, % fa 5, mc n*L * n*l Mty c lurry, ; . t* 1. third Tim# i 11‘. S xth Rac* - Hlx furlongs. #ll ng. Fairy Hell, k to to, won. w th l u mtnot#. 4 to 1. ... -ond, and A her dal#, st> 1, ‘hud Im* J It Is contend#*! th*t th* • pt#! ep‘*d f n shoui l b# a sea wiil *h on h# maintained during . peri**l of at aft sixty hour**, and (ms at the end of hat time the ship should ro: b# in any way fatigu*<l. but shoul*! b# m all mate rial and personal respects sbl# to con tinue the speed n righting or*if. NERVOUS Ri-fl >■- of a chronic nature ar# th— w .- i Dr. Hath itxov tr#nts #xc iwdveiv I *>r 3# years h* has confln*Ml hi- pra -dec to th> clus* of 'ompiaiifs in tn**n amt women, and tl# uniformity of his nr# has w*n for iutn worki-wid# f rr# M#ti OB! ?# How*—* to 11 m.. 2to 3 *11(1 7to 9 p m (Uinday K> a m to 1 p m. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M D. DR f#ATHAWAY * CO. t 6 "A" Bryao gireot. Savannah, Uo. KNOWS NO DISTINCTION lilt h and Poor Alike auger from 4 a~ larrh In I III* 4 llmale. All observant j* .>>. ;ana have notl oi t:i** tf.ormou ire-r* -• m * utarr'ta* dUtae** in ret-ifit y**4r.~ stei tue most libera* and en lightened hav** 'i- crtuliy given their ftp* rr*a* f4gMwly,gyi I Catarrh lu >lt u, a* the most ruix'oifo, and by f.r the safest retuwiy for eatarrh yet produced On# w* it ki wr. cararrh #(■*<-la 11st. n* soon as !ielt<l rruole a tnoruft) test of tins prepuratioci. (Ilsurded inaalers, w - es atol sprays and n<*w *i’if**i#is ent.r- .> upon H<uarte Catarrh Tao.ets In treat ing catarrh, wts-ther Mi tne h*wl, thiuai or atom.t Hr. lltMldi says in | itlents w;o hal lost Us* .- •*. ?mell *-iitlrely and even w ner# the hearing ;*.*# t t* aft* ed from ruurn 1 hav* ha*l line results per *nly i*-w W'-k" use >f Atuar: s Catarrh i < an only explain tn-ir action ot. (he theory that trw* and antaiepUc properties of the taho-f* d*Ptroy the ca tarrhal germs wherever foun*l. becatie** I have- f*Mind the tablets e,.k*.ly \a.uabl** In catarrh of the throat a. 4 itom • a .is w. na -.*l catarrh." Dr. K.*ta ri*k says Rtusrt s Catarrh Ta olttt* are • -;•*- illy useful n. nasal • -*- tarrh an*l catarrh if the throat, clearing •he m*rnlvranesi of mu- *ui aral spec*lllv overef>m.*g trie basking, cougntng ami ex P*<m orating. Any suffer* 1 r from catarrh will And Rtuirt's < i .wrfi Tablets w'lll give imtn* - • lat relief, and being in tablet form i.l pi*asant to the astc ire convenient a *4 ilwavw rea|y few use an they can lie car* rl#d in the |n> k* t snd used at any (tin**, as t.i#y l omaln •> irugs. t* ji only th# - banning sn;l# iHlc property *.f Hu* alypttis lairk. GuaLacol, Idood root Hydra at In. All dr igglsta well th# tablets at &o cents for ••onip.ote trcaimcnt. The Thankaililns Carver. From th** Baltimore American. Beho|.i me man wrho carveth th# Thanksgiving turkey. Verby, he liath biiternesa of heart, and v* xaiton of spirit, and gravy on his vest, j *re he enVth til# • (trying.* Y*a, he maketh hlmaelf • byword nd a reproi h. and a source of kiughter. and an obje *t of acorn and contumely. t on!i*ler how boldy he a|gr>ach#th the \ task: Hoar that he aelxeth the knife, and whet teth It. even as he hath *en the butcher In th# market place whet his knife; And he mketh the fork, an l se#*keth to insert It Into th# inside facts of th** tur key. Yet th# turkey hardeneth Itself, snd the frk glanced off and hattereth a cut glass tumbler. And the man smlleth gladly, and seek #th to conceal h# broken glass In the napkin Yet again h# would poke the fork through th# armament of *he turkey. That h# may cut therefrom the whit# meat and the dark And the fork allppeth one# again, and rlppeth two yard* of th# costly table lin en. which waw Knight for a price, and is only used when the rich relation* com# to dinner. And the hotr* smi.eth a smile that Is full of the sw*e tnc*s of Joy yet In li#r hrxir* -he think#* h that would have to Is* cut out of a poH t# vftUilevllk* turn Howsoever rd |eradventure, the man • Wtcheth th** iurk*y unawares and pbre rth It with the fork. Whereupon every on# about the table, yea, even every one, mytb that he WunU eth the leg; Which giveth the man the opportunity to hr* ak th# Joke of Hncient days, when h# say#4h: "b. this is a turkey, #v#n, so, and not a centipede.’* And he begin net h to try to cut off the wing. Rut h# fallcfh. because he knoweth not that it is ettsiAr to break th* 1 Joint than to cut the bone. And he wrewtleth mlKhtily' with the turkey. He choppeth 4t in hie rage; An*l his eyes Sake on the glare of n great wrath, even a> the glare of the tnnn who sltteth upon th** ta* k. Anl lie stabl#th th** turkey in the neck, Atid In the fifth rib. And In the solar plexus. And h whirl**h it up n the platter 8* tliat the gr* ase, and the dressing and the shavings of the turkey fly even unto the uttermost corners of the room. Yet. then h# fmi would cover up hi* tig-r and his wrath by saying: It is written that th* grease of the turkey is good for the freckle# that do polkadnt the faces* of women." Whereupon the wit of the table, he that is - died by th# newspapers "th# soul, of the occidoti.’i r#mark*ah: ••Verily, It fc* better a* an Inward treat in* tit " Yet In th# fulness of time th# frtikey ! carved, even a* a man whWtleth a stick >when 41(# #nrv#r ris#th from th# talde. behold there is a gixzard In hi# vest pocket; Aiml his shirt frm lo<>k#th bk# s crime; And hit beard Is garnished with the dressing And Id® heart Is sore within him. and his soul Is mightily worked up. and his anger consume*h him; And h# hDm#th It on his wife, but unto himself he sayeth: "Verily tHo nuin who maketh the fr nk lection bet It ns Solomon companxl unt<* ni "Y* . ho who purchuse’h th** ol*l brick Is a tower of wisdom l*#jdde me. for veri ly I thought I w*u* n carver. Wh#r#fore I itn undone. n*l find that I am simply a peeler, "Andi poor one nt that." Yea, surely it Is **o —Josh Wink. Tl# Ilslinn-Julissati ahoolln*. Ada belle, ili.. Nov. > talltor Morning N*ws I rotl-* .an rib* li # I ' of S> v. 77. daod Daisy, tla No. .*'> headed. **Eoch Killed th* other." TM* Is In regard t> • hooilhf affray lveiw*- n j tny brother Robert U Hatton and K , Johnson, it Kennedy’s Mill. In Bulo* h j county. The dlsivitch is Incorrect. At lids I writing. 9 a. in., my l*r t* r i- no: dead, j Johnson did not tlitasli him. 1. *- trouble* j was not caused over a game *f *rds, id j which Johi.son oas i® nicer lit and Juhnon | ! got hi- revolver fit lb wu- r o s!>o in | the back It was Indeed . id ccurr#r*c#. i and I am Mil* v#l to r,o # il l* N• wt (hi embmrasslng and Incorrect statement. N 1. Hatton. —Torn Is “o pi* ntlful :n th** vicinity *f : Chetfea. I. TANARUS., that tlie f-irmer- are letting ! ILrot In the fields Twenty cents a bus lei ! j is all they ran g t for it in*l they io not I think that price pays for harvesting. who have ios: youlJi’i vigor ar* mad# r* • ng and wind# again ry this th*roughly c >nsututlonal trmtmah* of Dr. Ih* ha way's. No ni*U*.n# with simp!# t#iiu<* *ry tude effect **• cur# you: yesi n#**d a tn t ttv nt w -jcfi will go to th# foundation of your trouble and w*ijk? it c*tt. medi an v ipTvousiy atid ph. *ic d’\ Al; form* of Chrcni*' Die n#s. Inrluutng Varicoco!#, .HUrlcturi. ltio*") l*o4soniig. Kl<li- v u • L’rin ir> Cum jdaint*. etc., arc cur#<! by Dr. H ttnaway s system of treatment. 11# ari l h# glad ti have vou writ# him or co.l at his cffl'# for fr#c consultation examination and a*lvlc. H. svl ? i ri to send free postpakl in m plain .rrapptr. hi* now Ci-pag# book. "Manliness. Vigor. Health." to ary i#, men or woman, who auffois from any chronic dlsews# or weakness. THE MORNING NEWS: T HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. H%HI AK ITTKI'MGBJIGK. Hatter# of Inter##! to Stopping Men Otserally. Th# talk of the inuwwtatian of fruit to Pv r,r th fats been revlvad. with tha t*roe j * t that an InvesdgatloD may f*e mad# snort y Into the advantages wnlch would |,rorM ly U offered in distributing the r# efipts to th# surrounding territory. The United ! lutt Company, which operates *• vrnty in the Iruit trade, has * lift# of srearners into liailifTWMv snd Mobile. th near at r* receiving ports I j b .vanish. The l*#.lef Is ger.erally ex po* e*| that trie large amount of fruit -n tr*i in the territory suppheaf by Ha vant.ah would tnak a line to this port ti *rt n venture Al) Ihe bananas a co* • anuts us*d In ebivunnah come thro gh Mobile, wid h Is the distributing poll t tor a erg# p rdon of the boutn. With a line to Savannah its territory • <>u.*i b# supplad quit ker and more sad—- fa *ortly. and the chances are a larger fruit trade wou*d be built up than now exists. The barge Carl von Dobelfi cleared yes terday with a cargo of yellow pine lum b*r for Havana, wi *rr >he will b# tow**d bv the tug Wnv K M -<’auley. Hhe will taken to sa this morning. The barge h * ia*en l akiXMt for -ome time, but P' irc.tlona hav* been made to k#ep h* r fi ** on the voyage <’apt Estes, formerly first uui:t of the Asn*-rican ship llenry Yl lard, wh i sail'd from Savannah with a *argo of phoai r m* ro k for Honolulu, omm inde th# barge. knvannnh Alotan*#, Sun rl-cs at 644 a. n and seta at 4.34 p. m. High water at Tyi"*# to-day at 12:33 a. m. avnl 12 f* p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. |*ha#s of the Muon for \ovrmbir. D. H M Full nv*on 4 S o eve. loist quarter 13 A 17 eve. N* w mo*n 22 1 17 mD. First quarter 29 11 MS mo: n Moon perigee. 6th. Moon np g* e. 17th. Altlt I \ ALA AMI DEI’AHTI Hgg. Y rs#l# ( Irsrnl Y#sterdiiy. C’srl von LsobHn. I*>tes. Havana- Master. S* hoenrr Stella B Kaplan. Merritt, Bos ton. Y#s##la Urnl to,4fs. 8* boon* r Edward II B ake. Smith, New Haven. Hcnioranda. K* y W. sr. Fla., Nov. 2L—Arrived, steamer Olivette. Smith. Havana, and sail ed for Port Tampa; Miami, De.ano. Miami, and sailed for Havana. Sailed, ct earner Fanlta, Thompson, Tampa. * Charleston. Nov. 2S.—Arrived, steamer Nava hoe. Johnson. Boston, via New York and proceeded to Hrunswick, Georg# W. lyde. (’hlchfstw, Boston, and proc<*#ded !to Jacksonville; Agnello Ciainfkft (Ital.), 'lorurulio, Hamburg Sai!#*l. >*temer Aah field (Br.), Btrl.*k- Uid. Hr#m#n. Jacksonville. Fla.. Nov. 29.—-T*l ear* al. steamer Iroquoi**. Kmble. New* York; schoonera l>nol<’ort. Hay#*. New York; J#nn4e R Rlghter. Chase, F.ltxabcthiort. N J.. NeJlie T, Crock alt. New | York. Baltimore, Nov. 2* Sailed, steamer I Fannie Rciche, Charleston. Flilltdciphia. Nov Arrived, steamer James A. Wright. S^ivar.nah. Rotterdam. Nov 2S.—Arrived, at earner iUr>tnoor. Fernandlna. via Norfolk. Hamburg. Nov. 36.—Sailed, steamer Da ventry. Charleston. Bremen Nov. 28. —Arrived, steamer Asama. Savannah. Hnvr* Nov AfTtvrri. steamer IJng ' field, I’ensactda via Norfolk. Benaa oa, Fla., Nov. 28 -Sailed, steam **r lVnc;**o!ii. Simmons, Galveston I Cleared, bark Euigit.a (ltai.>, Raxeto, Genoa. Note Tiro Italian bark I/*ilah Belle, ! formerly the Italian bark I'arentl. which ; tut into thi*v tK* r ( mm** time ago In n j i* iky condition, cleared to-day In baKus: for Mcdlic. Port Royal. B C.. Nov. 28 —Arrived. | -emvr King*wood (Nor.), Patna ran via Madeira Aisilachlcota, Fla.. Nov. 28.—Cler**d. j hark:* KirntMona Fa. t'omllgila and Angelo I .H i, Ha r Buenos Ayres. FemaikJina, Fa., Nov. 28. Arrived, j -chooner Sarah D. Felly, Loveland. Pori Cleared, schooner Fredlln Htcken, Cav | tiller. New York. S>iiled. - houfier Agnes Manning, flyers, i N* w York, M. Loittt, Cumming*. Boston. P .-a oia. Fla.. Nov. 28.—Built**!, steam. • r R -‘M* I (Br,). McKee. Antwerp, bark Luiglcn h Rax* to. Genoa. ir irul. steamship Theresa ll* vimnn j (Br.), Key. Calais; Henrietta H. (Br.), i Ret g. Antwerp; Rosefleld (Br). Me Fee, Intwerp. Ahe la (Hi an.). Huts, Liverpool; -hip Stephen (Ocr). Fr***aa, liuei oa \vr* **ark Sherwood (Nor.). Malland, ! Sharpness. Not* Five of (h# above vessels, which • nr*d KMlay. arried nearly 6,600,000 feet | :lmler and lumber. \utlee tu %lnrlners. Pilot chart? u.| all hy*trogrnphlc Infor rnitlon will he furnished masters of ves •‘•els fr## <f charge In I'nitisl States hy- Irographlc office in Custom House. Cap tains are r*qu#st#d to call at the office. Rep* ris of wrecks and derelicts received , for trunsmLiuon to the Navy XXpurt. i ment. Foreign llvimrta. I*#r toftpr- Carl von Dob#in for Havana (in tow mg M Cnuley). 322.013 f#* t p|ti*h iin# I micr. 1. ud.KM’argo by Southern Fin# Company of Georgia. t on( hr I'.xport#. P#r schooner Stella B. K. plm for Floe, ton if* *<■ ci <s>tis. me a soring afeet —Cargo by fborgln liutnber Company. TUB t illU>f. OITIIREAK. % \H**' Account of tlie klcge ot the Foreign Legit I loti* In From th# N#w Y'ork Tribune. There have been many accounts of the si* ge of the foreign legations In Pek n wr.t en or told by the persons under lire. A Chinese acotint of the trouble Is given In lb# latest issue of "The Independent" by Chuan Sen. snristtnt prof#*M*r of chemistry in the Imperial Coliege. Dur ing th*- siege Prof. Chuan B*n lived tn the Tsung ii Yamen with 300 Boxers. He tr.inslat* for the Imperial Court all for dgn oommunFatiooe. Hp#(k4ng o! what led up to the out btcak. C # > H* n says tha-t in cern n districts the people formed hands for evil luri - w iFh w* re known as "Rig Hword S'w letles." These asserted (hat th#lr l>o*lt#a w-r bullet proof end that no**ns could wound them. As ih* *•*<-(*’!ie grew in power they’ fw>k up milsttu drill announced their intention to kill f*r#ign#r# and named th**lr organixi • l**i "Righteous and Htrmonious MUltis." According to Cuhan B#n: "They claimed the power of taking the souls of spirits Into th* s !r own bodies when ih#y were boxing, made the foolish t" pie finer rely believe th dr do le g*. but thos* who were wise s:lll deemed it as sup< r* t.tlous "Why were rhe people so inti-foreign* The case w that th# Chinese Chris .an convert* took the advantage ot the mis sionaries sheltering them in lawsuits be fore the magi 'tmtea concerning property. Thus, when then# people declared that tha*r raaolutloo was to slaughter Chris- tians. very* many of the* people were glad to Jo4li the (KC*ety. Th# boxing w* is gradually gpreading to Tien Tsin. Chi cnou. Cbuo (*h u. Pan Ting Fu and s,*mr other diMrl* '* Those Box**r# w o balcsiged to the Kan (. e., the north group* iaul red doth >*n their h-ods. around th wa.t.s tnd ’ legs, while thoee who belong***! to • ie Chicn (northwet) u****l yed*>w ck*4h. Their weapon* were *r \y •is-sri and swords It was report*d that they w re o easily fed that one pint of ri * w nil tie sufficient for several hundred p#t >ns. and that they eouM pass th# seas *nd oceans on p#c#a of Ins road of * * r*- In Tien ther* w* r# i**t• #-■* of it * Lanterns which con*l-**’*<l of only young girls, who could walk in the air If they held a handk* rchief *n one hwnd and t red Kmtern in the other, which could • P the Boxers to burn tha f*. •*.*cn bui - Chuan Ben declares that the Fknprest D*jwg#r wished to sup: r**#s (he E -xts but she "dtol not Ilk# to kill 1* of :hem as there were aenorc them som# go*>l | • o p*e. wr.o had fw> real intention of stU a inc foreign#!# sr.J who w> r.* -.nip v in duced to do so owing to their went of wisdom." So she s**nt for th# leader** and "advised th#m to Atop boxing." Bu: they didn t stop Instead "After (bk* the Boxers gave more trou ble and began to commit murders. A rumor raid that pom* old women were sent out by missionaries to pa blood on th# doors of em* sou • r *1 1 it if not removed by th** Boxers th** :rm e of the houses wou)*! a.I become fatally mad. "Two women charge! w ith putting blood on doors were kill#*! nt orce. A rum*r said that the r#*! lantern eirls would pui down high houses with :hin string'- and could #t fire to the house simply \<- moving A f ili. anil Im) that th#> lift i the jiowtr of hanging n of several hundred pcM.idw on a hair. "I*4 n** eveciing of th# —— day T heard fhe cry that Boxers had entered the Hai- Toj r#tf. After a moment dens# smok# ro# to h great hlght and a not**# of flrli.g guns was h#>r<|. I knew It was th# Amen an missionary bulUUnsr. InsH# th# Ilai-Tai gate, which was being bumrtl iown by the Boxers. As they moved northwni l ih#y ord#r#*d every snop to bum in * i - the Eng'.Dh h<*#;ital. 4a# house *f Yu K#ng. pr*s*nt Chin**-** Minister in France, nii th# shops then## southward to th# entran ■>* of Teng-Hhi-Kou. th American Chur<h in T#ng-B:u-Kou. th* | French Church at Pa-Mien-Tsao. and th dwellings of th# prof#- * or* of th# Imiveri il College were burned on# after th* ©th#r "Iu Terv-Shi- Kou seven] Box*rt cam# crying ’sha* rkill i loudly, With swords jn tneir hnnl As th#v w#r* |* i along two Christian women. #i*'h having a little* child in her arm*. m#f them. \Vh#u h**y w#re Just going io kill the*# Chris (lnns I was In such sorrowful stale that I could not Mar to se# them d(* Then I turned back nnd walk* I toward th# Hal-Tat mif. In the main stree - 1 siwr several d#ad bodies, which, as I was *#ld. were kill*.l by Boxers." The Boxers had by this time made up their minds to sweep the wo-ld nr I w!p out ail foreigners They p*>*ted placards all over Pekin, saving that th# j am# of | legation street was changed to "Ctlt-up forelgners-cork-crowing street." Refor -1 ring to the murder of the German nmh.t - | sador. Chuan Sen reports that "it w'is ••aid that th# man who killed th# mine- I *sr got promotion.” They hd in circula tion all kind.* of sto? !•- aK*iii Chin* se victories at Taku, and p# pie were grave ly Informed that the I (oxers co 1 ild burn foreign warships by simply (olntlng the r fingers at them. "Th# Boxers." writ## Chuan Hen. "n w got th# liberty to kill any person th#y wlsh#*l " Prlnc# Chlng prote-ted the folly of attacking foreign anifa* o dors. and this mad# Prince Tuan ng v. It was rum*r#d F , rlr.c# Tun ad | "b#| with Prince rhtng that If fore gn nations be defeated Prince Ching should : lose his h#ad. and if China bed fe-te l ' he should lose his own head." The Empress Dowager b*cm* f ight ened, winlieL to negotiat p n'-e. end wanted to ap|*olnt LI llunr Chang • Viceroy of ('hi 14 agdn. Hh# was ".orclldy prevented" from doing thi* bv Prime Tuan, Prince Bhiiang and their adherents, "for they firmly believed th** H#aveny VolnuDiecrs .*otild sw* |* over th w# Id which would lo very ca.-y when th# ilm hould have come." Each day’s n#w* and rumors or.* plven in detail, concluding thus: "On the twentieth day (seventh m<vi), hearing the sec.u>nd firing c.*nn na anl guns, which continued aroui and ih* citv, people knew that for* gn tr*> toe had a - so they w r In a state r.f gre t excitement, now they hid ih m-*lv s so u.h to avoid fl>lng bulb'ts. Th* Empr * Dowifer escai#*l, and Prince Filing knew the city could not t*e d#fend#,i, an dl* trlhuted flags of true# t< the soldi* rs. anl ordered them to put them on the Uv* wall.'* FAAORITE IMIIURL *utf !tnt#* f*ir Alf*ohol Whlrli Cheer. Inelirlnt# aiit Ruin. From tlie laandon Mail. Drunkenness Is now knowui by oil scien tists to be a disease. That is to say, !h<* brains of certain individuals ar# so con stituted lii it at times the desir# for vom form of intoxicant D ns overpowering as the craving for food of u starving man. Fnfortiinaiely. th* r# nr# m*re ways than one of getting drunk. Bplrits an I beer have plav<xl gr* vt havoc, but the "Uloititiiteft that ar- b*dng us* and now b\ hundr*ds of thousands of people are far worse. Knu d# cologn# has h##n mor# or less use*i for many years. But of latvyear the quantities sold by chemists ar# * nor mous. Chetnbtd who supply rich cus tom'rs will tell you that fashionable I des buy an amount of *au d# cologru that th#y could no 4 possibly use for toilet plir|K4S. Th# novice, who. by *iie way, would h# shocked at the idea of drinking hr ar. ly near, usually begins with flve or s.x do * of #au !# i-ologne t.ik#o on a pi*-#** of u It gives a glow W ihe cheek* nnd a sparkle to tfx * - eye. V *1 w*h< n a woman is weary after a dance It p delightfully stimulating Krcm six drops th# Jo** in * reas***s to twelve. By n-l by thirty or forty tlgops ar# token In water Ai I wh* n well 'nto the habit worn* n drink it t*y the s|*oonful. Of court# It ruins th# heaPh. f>r th# ling of the stomach i- qui#k)y ru r.d sleep!#e*ne**s follows and aft. r a while melancholia sc:s in Fr?r!ir.*l and •'.# Fnlt#d Btntes are tN lading countries in mu de cologne tippling Kssenc# of lav* nder i- also becoming n much-used IrMox catn p is quite #om mon for a man to walk into n chemist * snd drink :i couple of drams, or vrn an ounce, of this still more destructive liquor As an oune of essence of lav ender Is equal to about nine pence worth of pubUc-hotise whisky. It can be refills# ! h#w* dangerous the practice i* Pretty slmiWir to tho* # tw . Intoxlcnt* Is essence of glmrer Dtp th . | tr*. j, even me*re harmful K* en# < f irj Lf . j M degrees over proof, or about twl . a* strong as root whßkv. It Is quite surpr.slng what a Jot o peo ple drink ginger on th# sly \ n n j,| Idndon barrister never •>,> p iou* without a bottle of it. P>rgm r t ke it L4tcrair men take It. p ! n , take It. But th# greate I c■ nai.m**rs a*.* women Fsually thes# people begin by tak g drops for painful sch Then they often g* t op t f >j t s day. and numerous chemists' # ;stonier* buy awcnce of glncer by the ra in Cinikam drinking is o * ft, , rw #t forms of Indulgence Ti ture o #;*• Icum is a vlry valuable mr<J -n i whvn trooerly ua#<i But If consjmsd to ex cels it destroys ths holy. Anl the |k lr4t some peopi* f r it | extra ordinary. An army officer who #gan ik ing capsicum as a relief for chi ly s#n satlona became so addlctwl to iu us that Most everybody knows I something about j Old Virginia Cheroots > as of them are being 1 smoked this year. Ask anybody about l them, if you have never smoked them [ yourself. They have made their l own reputation and their own place 8 in the cigar trade, wholly on their I j merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste! . Three hundred million Old Vtrgtna Cheroots smoked this year. Ask yoor own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cents. J Malarial poisoning may show Itself in regu- . Iff lar chills and fever; or in hard headaches, J ll aching bones, sore muscles, indigestion, nerv-f Lippman * s II and Fever Tonic^ TEST MALARIA AID AGOE CUBE II THE BOELD. 'ij isitivc and never-failing specific forbil-*> ver, malaria, chills and fever, and for all J stressing complaints due to living in a j district. f -rrrml gu- fnrß,- wki, *nd no n'.firr rrawlr t ern to. k me. but. Ut.lj I w jrour A.ip[)mj' Chill *nd Freer Tontc ' mj I bought a bottle, anl it baa eflected . perfect cure, aud would j ■t for peraon* to delict- heelth it t. the be*t toolc the; eatvOM."— { br. Savannah, tin., Autcuat 28d. 1800. LIPA*n II Rltoi., nracsl.ta, flol. Proprietor*, >#> SOc- per bott,e - *** dru K'* ts **•• ft- JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes I'rom th. ninxl r.lrhrxt.J;i, both flro-proof and hnrglnr proof xaf.a and vault door*. XVr rarrr aa inin.n.f atock of Flr..proot fxt.i. Oar stock rrn liriPP, a very •lecaat liar from 700 to d.ttOO pound., Incln.itp, • InKlr and doable door*, and a to our r.labll.hmrnt to to ■ pert Ibp.p plrK.nt .nfr. will bra xiurrp of in nr U profit anil lu .traction to oor frtrnda. Tbr price will be a. low a. any really Klre-proof Safe can br made, .ml our motto I. Quality nad Safety of tbr ttr.t linpin ance. * Bend nr call on a. for farther particular., catalogue and price. LIPPAAAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. he could take no fluid without it. lie put It In t**u. coffee, beer and even The t'onj-equence wii that irorn t* ime a happy, eh*** ry rAan he h*ecame p ony and rn lane holy, an.l In a iwlv* month l<#k'*l twenty y*ors ohlrr. different from the foregoiny are ether md * h oroform. The*** ter Ihla at*- us**l by an immeoae numb r *.f {tenion*. M* n whom you m* et in bud nt*4K, and whom you would nev* r *u of giving way to th** worat o! all f.rmn Oi Intoxication, go to eleep every night under the influence of e;her or chlorofor m. Chl'-roform la reiillv not very dl!rtm lar ;il ho . It I?*, In fact, made from • 1 oh* . and It Hr?* excite**, and th* n Munwie**. precisely like alcoh>l In one •* a\ it i. not ao injurious, for It doe* i • • Injure the etibetance of the liver t*l >• i* r organs near.y ao much. Hut it kill*, all the same. Home |Mople drink chloroform, others inhale it. The habit la 'startlingly common in ring and. medical men being the mowt un erou* victims. Dr. Kerr ways that h las found It consumed mostly ly ma!*e. m* stly by do*tor*. and mostly by r*ii b t\v**n the ages of forty and hftv. After he h*<rr blc* * xp*rience of Inhaling .I *** th r f Hows a perfectly dc -11 j uncona ioueness of all dls<*om f' .tt and ti’.l things external to ones self. H mtifnl vllona are s* en. One expe r t ■ till #he hai-plne- we conceive to • \i-i In heaven. But this state is very at int Hon there Is n most unol* iis mt .* tketi ng. / And until th** next dose Is tak*n *x st-nce is js-rfect mis**ry. Th* n ruin ir* gtesses very swiftly. Nausea be tr. • nst int, *itspepsla of s *ver> f rtn me* n, w ith hatred of food. There •tl •’ bprawnl b arnlng thbwt. a hO |1 l t -in in the 1 e rt Th** victim becomes r rvou-. lat.guid. dtow'j*. thin, cold. h*g • rnl. w rn and utterly ho|*eless lie has an hour or tw* of pe*-f r ct bliss eve**y \ at and twefMy-two hours of almost In tel* ruble misery T u* quality of chloroform used by those accustomed to it Is astounding One wo rn in was known to have bought a pint of it every day, poured H on her h'anket. and Inhaled H. Yet a single tcnsnoonful sometime* kills a strong man. Kther Is quite like chloroform In Its ef fects. Hut If you Inhale It the action Is mu. h slower, while if you drink it the fiction is quicker than that of chloroform. At Prt It is most exhilarating. Mixed with whisky It excites men almst to mad n *• ’ It is not so dangerous to life as chWoform. Hence It is more commonly t v * 1 It takes a terrible bold of the ron liner, and many people get drunk on II - v* rn. flint*' a day. AJter a time It pro duces gastrtfts. In Inland, some years ago, the popu lation of an Immens* district were, al most ev.ry man. woman and child ether ti *■ praci •. i *• !' • • * rhir** nd I on*lon! and even crossed the A* antic It is not quite so extensively used row. but ns It is • cheap way of getting drunk, th*re is a progressive !n ---Tcsse of the habit. 'll** Itoel4r*fr||ey Is tnliappy. From the London Standard. Tne Wiener Tagblatt reports sn inter view between Its represerrtstlvs and Miss KocksfeUer, the daughter of the Aatn 0 ! can Petroleum King. After |•; frnl qu Mkms. which the >• ,r udlly answered, the enterpisMi i | viewer ventured to say: "An*i me. as you no doubt belong t.* r jof th** most envied of all worn* er T may presume that you ir .Miss Hockcfeller Is reported tc - plied: j “Happy? Can one buy happii v money? Are there not fanny t I make us qni;e ui.happy, will* r r cannot change? And then. r pofle*-| ones more sensitive to ' dpi** of life than the others? > 1 not happy. ar*l >*ou may tel! i and sundry %vho en\y in* Tne interviewer was ast -nl* *•! MM something about the r i4 philosopher, to which she r* “Not phlloeoph* r. only t 1 - P poverty which perhaps, taught * rt think. I learned It thro.igh w-. " Miss Ilockefellcr ha- come ♦* \ consult the doctors for an ear co 1 -• telegraphic* markets. (Pnntlnued from Ninth Pnc ) 1.. T l !0,l t,,. ,],HH V. , ~ calx Qc ami provision. E>ti7H l< t prexxe*l. The leadlnß future, ranfre-l ns f * : Oien.nk IliKhvat.Lxiit Wheat, So. s Nov To 1 , 70*4 7 7 . Uec f....70>4t)7tH W> . T ll 7 J<n 71 1,71 V "H* ’!*-•* Torn, No. 2 Nov ir.O.'iO JO 11 * Dee St 5iJ S, S*;>,fi <i r,', May 3t>, 36<J 36 ,f,3T. 3 Oats. No. i Nov 3tl.i2>*i J 1, IT, I'er Jlli2l’v 2T4 HSffl;*, May II i.’l', 14V4 IS 7 , Mesa Pork. |*r biirrel— Nov .... .... Jnn 111 IS *11174 Sll'Jty Mny . 1J i,74 12 074 12 Or Loril, per 100 pound*-" Nov . 6 924 * 93 t S7’ * D* 0.. 914 6 9.'4 tST’x Jan .. an 6 t 24 6 774 May . 6 *74 l*o 6 *7‘ * Bhort Kl Us. per 100 pounds— Nov .... .... Jan 31 * 34 6 22V4 Mny . 3O 324 *3” C.nh uuotatlon. am 0a t dull and unchatttccd; No. 3 sp* - t> ■ * ':7oc; No. 2 tel. Tt’sfltSo: N* ~ 41 117. ; No. 2 yeUow. 4UH7* : ; 2, 7 ,1i22r: No. 2 al.l'e 2*U'*<2* White. 24*j36 1 ‘.c; No. 2 r>e, I*'" 1 *'' *" , ' chc*oe rrnliiny. li!*y. 17ti>- . N* xe.l. ffi.tS; No I North a extort. *' ■■rltno timothy x***d. I4.SCH *3: n • l‘ I*e r bbl.. *11.1244(11*; bird. 1- r ' *<■,.><so6*6; xh<ct rlbx able. (’ 0 * . ► (.75; dry salted siiotlMcr* <b *x > •4c; short clcnr .Idrx (boxetl*. 7"' —The forllesl of the Urltlth destroyer., the Havoc, ha. m*st wt' l • urloua accident. She has recer. rebollerad. and In the eo*ure of re •> atrunlon an extra funnel wa* r u * f ward of (ha ortfflnal pair. Thlx funnel 1 close ctnxt the ntaat. and durt“* l! trial, eet the meat on lira Tha boat wa. 001 aartoußly InjurcA