The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MORRIS SEVERELY ATTACKED. l.tlliiH JOIHYYI M Kl' rHAltlil YGYIYWI HIM |>inß Mr rrnmlßril *" V'tlr for < bltd Labor lltll unit Thru • •llul to !• H.|lr W• Muilr .|irnker |>r> Iriu.—Urlvlil liiiriMUrr* l ,h.hl,.|,|„n ~|,|„n mil —* nion* ■'• ,hr nilrlkoriH' >lnnnnriil on *l* r ** ' |cre.le rlca. \. . - . r ' <Ptn Nrlor. M ri‘ • of c„hb I *h* übj*ct of h ana. k In to-day"* Atlanta Jourrv* 1#.4 * it.- organ *1 the G#or f4j\ j. it; f L*a or. written tr,<4 igi td ‘ ■ tt* (Hlitoi 8 M Whit* The O' union of the article i Mr Mor r\s tight *n the* hi *1 labor bill, whi h v . df*at<l in ihe !lmi* Ihlx week. a<l on whi< h Mr Morris made one of the mo*t radical *■;*••. in> ever heard In opposition to that moa*ire. The Journal of charged Mr Mor ri- with ••duplicity.” In that he prom >e*l hi* - ipport to that measure m **ri* r to aecute the vote** of labor member? of tnc lloure In Ids r* • for n>#ak#r pm t-in agalnM lion. Kondfti Mitchell of Thom *** who. by th< way, m*d* vlgrou* tight for the {Mistaga of the bill The labor members of the Hour wen indignant a* Mr. Morris* change of position on this measure, and the Journal of Labor vok% s their resentment in th* orti-'.e which ap {•** in it? i *• this w**k Th* Journal of Labor, irn* b is in part a- follow*: What I lie> *a> It*- Promised. Mr M in* w.r * candidate for spak er pro tern of t!u* House lie personally and by letter aollclte i the of Messr?. Houston, Kiiburn and O'Connell l r such office Mr. Houston and Mr O'Connell. I am Informed, who knew that he had made a sim.lar v! iotn fght upon the child lab *r bill last >e*x turned Mm down prompt ly. reminding him of his record Mr Mor ns. it appears, wanted tne off! r bad promiM *1 these two gem lemon to sin-port nil their labor measures, and particularly tne child lalor bill, if tiieee labor repre sentatlvef wuuld vote for him "Mfx#r#. H*iu ,, t n and O’Cotifwll S rllned to enter into any Mich deal It *e m * that Mr ICilhurn did not know Mr Morns' record. tvl partially .*greed t< *upM>rt him * • • Mi Morris then and then* eaM that While he had fought the mea?ur*' last aes aion h** had thought differently over It. ami that if he. Kiiburn. would vote for UJm Is- would vote for the lull or allow hm to control hsh vote on all labor Nils. • • • ■ ff da\s l-cfor# >** bill was to come up In th* Home, so th* story go*-*. Mnc i., brought Kllhurn a petition •uppo**' l to have lcn .ion*-* by acme of the of-r --gtpea *1 lln.n -11 fo ' ry sgainsr lb* child labor bill He Nil In* Mr Kii burn, who I- modest and ma*. .in mo***. Immediately to him ih*< he. Kll burn. would rcleas. him from hie tolun taiy promise io -ale for th** bill * * * 1 Hut tl.. .Inc liar part of th** whole vtory I- null t petition from the Roe w factory kh* not anew tlilhf to Mr. Morri* While poaalbly Mr Kiiburn was t*notant of the fa i yet at Hi* last •ca tion thie* same man Morris had the Bum* eort of ptililor. from eh* -im* mill. *n*l. therefore, be d.d not have any - hang* of heart or new light to make him chan** hi*- muni or promt** after talking wllh Mr Kllhurn - H r lit inn Prohibition Hill. Falling to pan his dlspemvtry bill, Mr XX’rlghi to-day Introduced In the House lhr following anti-barroom bill: "A MU to hr eisl'led an act to prohihtl 4hr *al* by rr all of splrltou*. malt or other Intoxicating liquors, or intoxlcatln* hitter*. In thr -tao- of Georgia. •<> provliV a t-nalty therefore. nn<l for othrr pur "S< ilon 1. Thr General Assembly of thr *t*t of Georgia do mart that from M i if . ■ is, | .(■ of this act, l> shall sot br lawful for any person to *ell al rnad or keep for sole to furnish, or give away to Indue* trail* or for any tthrr valuable consideration, or to furnish at stir public plant* any spirituous, malt or Intoxicating liquor, or Intoxicating blt trra. frrnn nterl or distilled. or othrr ilrtnk- which. If drank to ex.. -s. w ill pro filer Intoxication. In thr limits >f thr natr of Georgia ••Hr*-. 2 Ur It furthrr rnaelr*!. That nothin* In t h|a act shall hs con true I to yrpral este'lng laws reguatln* 'h s i]r pf dome I- wines nor aha I anyth ng la* ctmstrued o rroral -nv I *'il I l * either by hl*h license, special or general local option law or >thrr egtslatlon. .-> long ss thrae !o al law* remain of for e. but this Inw shall Income operatlv* Imm* <ll - before thr repeal of said laws "Sec 3. Be It fu'thrr model* That any person vlolatlnx anv one of thr pro visions of this not sha I on con vet ton thereof, be punished as prescribed In *<*c tlon 1035 of the rod* "Per 4. Br It further enaetr i. That all laws or par's of laws to conflict with this act are hereby repo tied. ' Mr. Na-raTore r.f Early Inimical .a tdll In th* II use le-day to lnctjrporste th" town of Blakely. al*o to eat a>l *h the Pity Count of Ea’lv eounty. For OatlctUorpr* Monument. Mr Symons of tllvnn to-day offered a resolution in the House to apprurlitc eer'aln money to ae*l*t In the erection of a monumrr.t to Ogled o pe. to hr situate! at the set lenient of Ftelertca. on St. Si mons Is.and Ths movement has been In *orporatel under the name of the Ogle thorpe Memorial Association. This Is en tirely s-pnrate iron* the Savannah move ment to eia-t a monument to Oxletho pe Frederica wo* (Vn Og'eth rr*' hea 1- auarter* and for years the principal tty of Oeorgl * The rraitter ha* been left with the Appropriations CommllPc Tnxnlioi, ,f t uriiiirsttoiis. Mr Steel of Taylor this morning ha*l •wo tails read In 4he House, provldtnc for Ihe i.ixatxin of teli-phone and I*l* - graph companl*- iluti.r bu-tnes* in lh.' •UK. These bill.- provide tha! the chief executive offi'-er of *ueh .-oriioratlon# shall make annual returns to the Con troller General Such return* shall show the aggregate value of th* property of •he company In the state, and shall also show the separate vatu*.- of It- proper*> Ir. each county. These returns shall be assessed for taxation to the same extent and In the same manner us other prop erty. Ollier Legislation. Mr. King of Fulton ha* Introduced a Mil In the House lo demand a tax reiurn ► a <-ondll*>n president to registration. It provides that before being allowed to reg ister each voter shall swear that he has made a full and lawful return of his property to the tax receiver. Senator Ellis introduced a resolution In the Senate this morning to allow the rail road* to offer 4o build the depot on the stale’* property, and for the state to give the roads Its rental for twenty years free, or lo pay them back out of the rental Mr.urad The resolution was pass ed by th<* files Cared XX Itniiut the Knife. Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Piles Your druggist will refund your money if psio ointment fail** to cure you to cents.—ad. —By IBs Pen—"And you say yon have made . fortune by your pen?” rail the esroeM young man with th literary look "Y*-s. sir." replied Ihe comfort able per ron. Aral I deserved It. It la one of 4be tresi fountain pen* ever pul on Ihe market "—Washing urn Btar. Eruptions Dry. moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions proceed frorr. humors, either Inherited, or acqu red through defective digestion and as similation. To treat these eruptions crying medicines Is dang-rous. The thing to do Is to help the sys tem discharge the humors and to strengthen it their return. n*wd ' .Scrraparllla permanently **ur**t J 0 Him*, f III., of ecserua. from wU.cb b? suffered for *>orn and Miss Alvins Wr.ltrr. B * 212. Alj • s. Wls . of pirn pics ou her fs and back and chsfcl skin on bsr bo<ljr, which she had been greatly troubled. Thera are more testimonials in favor of this great medicine than can be published. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps th* prom ise. No longer put off treatment. Buy a bottle of Hood s today. HIM \\ ON THE 1.1.11* TIOV Ills Opinion of the Iteault and the n uses of It. William J Itryan. defeated Democratic candidate for Pmsidcnt, dl'cuaaea hc t ion of !>*• m n article in the Dsc mh.r number of tu North Ravlaw, in which, among other things, he rays. Tlu old h.tymei tlwit it i.- not ato to swap horwb whib r -wing t “ti nw. used for all it wa- worth, notwHhAiaiel mg thw fan tlpit. in thin instance, it wa ar Ofisn im-tea l of u stream tnat wi? being < r aaed. I*r imperialism is .n td .4 of European origin ••The ft* publican vl* tory war due to n on- v. war and -tttr times ** "The worn of education must continue, until th great majority of the i~-i*l. recoguis* that < private monopoly 1? In defeasible and ItitOlcrablr The votere who rejected h* conserva live remedies pnd*ua <1 * v the Democratic party have aid* •! tl. ** who ilv •*-< more tad *1 m*a-ure Th* mrwi aurprlaing f rc of th itni w.d- the Indiffcrr.. tnanlfc?td by many Hepiti*!leans t< th* isttick on govornnit m priixlpb s Iterotofure regarded as aacred The dr stlnv of the American n* opl must be determined by tne American jot pie tb#n!*elv#s " “The powerful financial Inter# which protect industrial trust? *• bom*- ... 1 1 • 1 nation * “A Joint resolution p-‘*d by Con*res' will hardly restrain a party which scoffs at traditions and disregards tho .imita tion* of the constitution ” "The po* ket neryc. which at this time seems to he the mrs-i sensitive nerve. Is liable lo be touched hy the exlravaitanee <f th- s* who have com** *• r-gard the government as a srt of Santa *'laus who • urns everv day Into Chrt-tmi " To consider this election as decisive of the money sweat loti WiMiio * 1 " as to have regard**! the elec I lon of Ufa* as devislvp of the tariff question " "Asa matter of fn't. an election Is not n* -sarlly coneluslve upon any ques tion " "When prosperity falls the gold stand ard will lose it* charm "Those who believe In equal rights be fore Ihe law. and dr sir* a government which rests upon the consent of the gov erned and deals Juwly with all who are under Its Jurisdiction, must continue the contest In triumph or defeat." “The alarming feature of u contest be ta* en Ihe trusts an.l the victims of trusts Is that the former, enjoying great profit* out of th* system. *t< the arid willing to contribute liberally to perpetuate th* system, while the people al large are not * wav- able to calculate the amount of the extortion oral ar* [her* tore, slow to apply a remedy." "A combination which controls n grtat Industry Is. obj* ulonable on moral. *•• o nomlc and political grounds." "The trusts supported the Keptihliean party, and the enormous rise In the \ due of irust stock* since the * < tlon Indi cates that th* trusts arc pt* isiring for a saturnalan feast." ' "The party out of power cannot criticise the p*trt> In power without proposing a change of poll* y, and the gr*-aler lt,<* priv ileges bestowed upon corporations by th* party in power tn* graster will oa the forces arrayed against a change ” "The rich object to an Income lax. an I most of them threw their Influen*. to tin Republican ticket." "At present the Interstate commerce lew Is practically Inoperative," t YTFIsM FOR SXLMON. stuns From the Mississippi River lo He I'ut t pon the MicJ*rt. From the New Orleans Timer-Democrat "The story that Mississippi river cat fish are being sent to California and can ned as a substitute for salmon Is Incor rect only in a matter of detail. said a local dealer. "They nr*- nol tadng emit to California fat the m' go.-i reason that the naut Is long and transportation charges would he* prohibitive. hut they are going to Chi ago for th* < x*t t purpose named At pre-ent the Industry Is In Ms experimental stag*, but I have private Information that It has proven a success, and the p.opl* behind n are going ineo the business on a hug< scale next spring It Is quite .% gcogtaphlcxl Joke, whn you ■ome to lhink about It—a factory In 11 llnoia for making California salmon out of Louisiana cattish, but hall what they piojioee to establish. They will utll- He the cals that aie too large for the regular market and are at present a nui sance to the llehertnen "The canning process Is a secret, but I I understand that the meat is lightly smok | *d and then put In a solution that gives , it the characteristic salmon pink color. ! Afnr treatment, thev say It Is Impossl j Me lo *listlnguisli It Irotn the real tiling. 1 and It Is. no doubt, equally good a- the objection* will h* entirely of a moral and i ethical character, which don't go very far ; in modern business "Canned salmon Is one of the staple food product of the workl. and there Is I no denying the fact that the Columbia 1 river supply Is beginning to run short. The | catfish, on the other hand, are appar i ently Inexhaustible, so there weem* to he ! a Ida fuiur. for the industrv if it proves feasible. I shall look to s. e canned -ilmon ' factories established In the vicinity of New Orleans, for t ier* Is no logical ren own why the ilsh should be sent so far away from home lo be put up, and Ihe trans|*ottatlon chart*• add mat* tolly to the expense. Now that they are begin ning to find out what a useful fUh the Mississippi river cat rea'.lv Is. It wouldn't surprise me to see It figure among table delicacies in a number of different roles." Irish V\ licti tiocior*. From the- Forth.glity Review. The Irish countryman certainly believes that a spiritual race livoo all about him, having horses and rattle, and living much the same kfe that he doe*, ami that Hits race snatches out of our life whatever horse or cow or man or woman It acts it* heart on; and tola belief, har monised with Christianity by certain In genious doctrines, lives side hy side with j Chrotlnnity, and has Its own priesthood. This priesthood, sometime* called "faery doctors." someHm--- "knowl* dgewble ' sun," and sometimes "cow doctors," THF MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1000. VIRGINIA SECOND CROP SEED POTATOES. lieans. Peas, Tomatoes, Etin Plant, And everything in Warranted Seed, suitable for market gardeners’ needs. Write for special prices. J. T.SHUPTRINE. Seedsman, Conpress and Jefferson Streets, Savannah. Ga. from it . ur.tig cow that have been •‘swept.** a the word U, ha? seerets wtw h no folk-lorl?t mav ever irerbap' wholly and •v*• 1. for it lives in terror of the -p ritual race, who are. it believes. 1 hr* makes nt.d t * *n-mit ‘cr? of its seer* t; . 1 have f|ue• uoml there men. and soma of them have t*lke| to me pretty freely, so freely, indeed that they were afmtd for them-elv afterward, but 1 feel that there is m#re to he known atout them. *ini that I know |e atiout them than atxtuf anything *!-• In Iti-h folk-lore. I met one man. whom I will call Kirwan, on the 0.41 w * mast list year 1 cannot tell ha. wh r*-.ieuts more freely, for be is afraid *f the priest*, and has n.*le me promise to t*U noliody wher* he liver. A friend of mine, who knew I wa*- curious n thcM matters had asked some of the roast pet pie if there was any on** who did cutes tnrough the |*ower of the la* ner. au I wantivi a cure for m weakness of the eyes ihat had been troubling me A man I will cull Daly said: “There's a man beyond Is a great warrior in this bufiiir and no m n within miles of the place w ill l ulld h house or .* cabin or any other fhlnr without going there to ask if It's a rl*?ht pig * H** cured me of a i.ln in my arm. I couldn't yet rid of. He gave me something to drink, and he tod me to go to quarry an I to touch som* of the stone- that were lying out “i-le It. and not to touch others of Anyway, 1 got well.*’ TO M HI, \ ( IN ONE DAT. Take laxative Bromu Quinine Tablets. \1 druggists refund the money If It falls to cure E. W Orove's signature Is on rich box 25r -id. PI U.ltif* INVITATIONS. AEOO—Tlie relative* and friends of Mr and Mrs i rank A* go iro r* siw tfully In vited to attend th~ funeral of th*- for mer from bis late residence, 7US Ott street, this (ftaturdayl m* rnlrg .•? JA o'clock ONANN —The friends and acquaint in * of Mis ffusan D. dnann ;re In vited to attend her funeral from the rel dence of her uncle. Mr. Ft U. Hnar.n, No. k© Wa.dburg street, west, at 4 o'clock this (Saturdayi afternoon. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. NPEf lAL NOTICES. ™ iimTi. In Re*anl to thr A*ss*mnt of Property in the City of Savannah for Taxation f r the Year 19"1 i iffic* Tax Assessor* and Receiver Fa • anna It. Nov. IP. I9M> Fnder a resolu tion of th - le.ard tax payer* are hereh not|f<<l that tne as*. >mti- nt and valuation of property f.f tho j.-r I**' in the Hh senc’n of nbjectlon*. will h* continued i the ha. Is of laxaflon l*v the city of Savan i ah for the year I*ol as to real . state, lncludlr* Improvement, covered t hereby, except to Washington. Warren. 11. io,ld*. Derby. I. .-K r and Franklin ward and such other wards as tnav le re-as .s-ed. due noth'* of which will be *l\et through th* press on Jon. 1, Iffd Ohjcetion*. If any. must b.- mad* In w r|iln* and filed In the offh * of the Boar i of Tax Assessors and Receiver* wllhl.i FIFTEEN DAYS after the date of thc P ihlleation of thl* notice No ohjectlon wlil I*- considered unless vertticd by an afhdnitt made by the proper!y owner o his agent. Mann* that th* property has Urn hl*her ihan I'* actual mat krt satin- In the ahs.-nee of objection* within th time speelfled the assessment and valua tion will be cons drret ns satisfa-lory, a,i,l will be hlnd.nx tor the yrs.r l'JOl J 11 11. OSBORNE. Chairman. Savannah. Ga.. Nov. 91. l‘.*W *Plt< 111. 1011. I To the voter* of the Fourth Gcoriiii Militia Dletrlct, Chutham County I nni a .andldate for r-ele non to the oftfee of Justice of the Peace, and respectfully ask tvr your von- at an ele-ilon to be held this Saturday. Ih-c 1, lies'. Election in bs- held at b> Abcrcorn a:reel. Polls open from 7 _’l i tn to k:2t p ni Very re |-■ tfullv SAMUEL REYNOLDS srßri 11. MiTICK. All hills against the British hark Co*, mo must he presented at our office hefor* 13 o'clock m thla day, or payment there of will la* debarred. HTRACHAN A CO.. Consignees. Savannah. <!.. .Dw 1 IMO - \ y ivx ut, HE M FUR r. tlivn l.KecrttA. Steamer Pilot Boy leaves Bull street wharf Saturdays 10 a m. for Ctitr neon, touching at the Naval (Mattcn. Port Royal, lleaufort and way landings. Freight anti passengers fottted. Fare Bacannah to Charleston I-'k). Us. Phone iM. “ MITICK. The Arm of W'althour A Rivera having liecn dissolved hy the death of Mr. J L Walthour. the undersigned have this day formed a coportnershli* for the purpose of carrying on the rcul estate business un der the firm name of Rlveie tv Gibber H'dRACK HIVERS CIIAS. H GIBUEd Pec. 1. liWO. 11 jot t l. v The flrust turkeys, the finest wild duck*, the flnert bird*, the finesd game of all kind* brought to Savannah. Phone* PC J.X6 J JOYCE p S— Remember that I have also thr tiest beef, lamb and cornet beef. X’egr tables .*n*t fruit*. K tlsmais, celery. AT GARDNER’*. Wild Duck*. XVIM Turkey*. Bird*, fresh and tat. X'egeiable.-. Fruits. Pbonts 675. M. 8. GARDNER AT CHANG'S. 26c Meals, 2fv Meal*. Je* Meals SAN FRANCISCO RERTAFRANT. 11l Drayton Street. r gi Our meal ticket* enable you lo board with us cheaper than you do at home. TH XNRStrIX IXt. GOODIE*. Turkeys, dress-d or undressed The best lamb. Tn* l*e*l beef The best |iotk. Phone us. 1173. for whst you wish. 9COTT A DAVIS, tn Market. P. S— Brains, tripe, sweetbread, saus age, spare ribs, backbone. XX F xx KHK Til t\li FI |. for many reason*, chief amc-ng thetn that all of my customers were greatly pleased with what I supplied I'll keep it up. by •ending nothing but the very best at wu>< To-day. I'rlm*- li*,f L-tnib, Mut ton and X'eal, Match!*** Corned Beef, ntut all Ihe dellcavlr* including g in* JOHN FUNK. Both I’lionrs 667, City Market. | Meeting* (dGtmt.uTinn i.iP\(r,' it. a. h. A upcciul convocaiKM- of , tin# * napier will • neid (Saturday! evening at Ma* / ' *onlc Temple at k.IS o'clock I Ld The M M Dcgre. will be conferred. I Visiting companion? frater- 1 a naily Invited to mot with * * us. By order M H. 8 COLDINO. IL P. W. 8 HOCK WELL. Be* retary. NO t ll I Th* annual met tin* of the Board of - ommliudoner* of Chatham county | will ia pe'.d nt th# Court House on Mon- ; day, Dec. 3. at 10 o'clock a m G. 801 EQCIN. Chairman. JOS. E. HAftTY. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTH l. .NOTICE. The undersigned invites sealed bids (re rarving the right to reject any and ill ( bids* for the whole or any part of an issue of SI3,SJU first mortgage six per cent, cou pon bond?, in denominations of SIOO each, interest iwyabi* annually, of the ftavan nuh Yacht Club. da*d Jan. 1. 1901. due Jan 1. 191*'. with the op*ion of retiring said bonds five year? from date, secured by first mnrig .gc on all the real e?tate. of rhe ciub Thu of ?a.d mortgage and bond is deposited with Hull A Lathrop for the inspection of bidders No bids re c ived after noon I> 14 \\. W STARR. Commodore fisvinmh Yacht Club. Mill* FOR *i fPI Il N FOR STATE *\Nll %HII k. MIU.KJ)(d:\ iiu:. (1 %. Beale#i propoolh will be received at the office of th* Prudential committee. Geor gia State Sanitarium, unt.l the i9th day of December, 1 a n> . next, to furnish this Institution with the following clashes of applies for tnr#- months: Dry n *o*ls. notions, 4-*>me*-:l':' i . hosiery, shoe?, bars, groceries meat, flour, lard, syrup nay, oat-, bran. corn, brooms, rockery. (ardware piping, plumbing supplies, whisky, spliits turpon in?, drugs, chairs Samples sent In with bids. If deeme-i needed nrt reasonable in prl- e. will be purchased For particulars and specifications, or any further Information, address Dtt T O rmVFI.L, Jhipt. Nov 22 MUledgevllie. t^a 1 ini: .1 or ro-i>\l FRESH PR I IT*. Fancy Navel Oranges, extra sweet. Fancy Iliver Orange? Fine Sweet Otangee. Flondas. a loxen. Fine Sweet Oranges, Florida*. 150 1 •loxen Extra Fancy Y’ork and King Apple* heap. Fancy Baldwin Apples. Fine Grape Fruit. h. Extra Fancy Malaga Grape'* Dx'ra fbao PtfiegpfdOfl Hk tie and he Fancy Banana#, cheap \ P.bKTABI.I V Extra Fin* White Ob ry. 6*- each. Extra White and Yellow Yam Bwte: Potatoes. * 1 \ 1 it Fine Dried Prune#, 5c a pound Atmor 's Mine# Meat. lOr per pound New Mixed Nuts, ail kind*. New Dried Figs and Dates New' focoanuts. Extra Fine ('ranberrles. 10c per quart. Seeded Raisins. Ilk*, two pa kages for E 0 Rest Currants. I.V per package Extra Fine Ma< kerel. lhr each. Try our Fruit Jams In glass. Iflr each. New Macaroni and Spaghetti 5c h pack age. C. A DRAYTON GROCERY CO . G. 8 Van Ham, Manager. Suwanee Springs Fla.. March 1, 1900 Oh! Suwanee, Sttwance, lovely old place I leave thee with so much regret; My numory of thee'll t.ever efface. Thy | leasures I'll never forget. Thy moss-covered tree*, thy bold, bub bling sptlng. With the leautlful river close hy. The pines as th*y moan, th*- birds as they slr. Have charm* for the heart and the eye. Of all place* where our poor holies own rest. You certainly discount them all. For surely thou glvsi tie all that Is blest. As many who ve been here recall 6c. good-bye, Suwanee. and may thy g< o 1 power Continue with sl*k and with lame. And may those who come to thee bless the good hour. When to thy good hesllrg they came T E 111 RPHY. Macon Oa All you can and ink for Sc at Llvmgaton a SAKE OF STALLS. Ctljr Marshal's Office Savannah. Oa.. Nov 34. !. The stalls In the market bulkllng will be offered for rent at pub.le outcry on Wed nes*Uty. the Fifth day of peeembor. lfaki, at 10 o'clock a. m. lartlra desiring to retain their stale and renting hy the year will have the pref erence. but must be cm hand and respond promptly. Ily order Committee on Market JOHN POWER. City Marshal. itoana executed. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore We are autho-- Ixssi to execute locally (Immediately upon application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceeding* in either the state or Untied States Courts and of administrators and guardians REARING A HT’t-U Agents. Telephone B 4 Provident Building SPECIAL xotice. Now- Is a good time to select rose plants lo plant In your garden. Come out and see them at JOHN WOLF'S NURSERY, Oil and Anderaon streets. 'Phone 634. HEX KM ANN'S CAFE, 111-114 Whitaker Street. Plamoud ftack Terrapin Stew s. rv and any tint*- to order. Alao game of all j kinds, and only the beat meats ar pro-, eared In the beet style. Oulf voart O-,a ters rocleved dally. Wueitburgtr Hoff | Brau on draught. Phono no. HEATERS. BARLER OIL HEATERS. ALUMINUM OIL HEATERS. The Special “B” AIR TIGHT HEAT ER, burns woed, cobs, chips and trash, 18 inch, 21-inch, 25-inch. PALMER HARDWARE CO. FOMENT PRICEO. KODAKS and PHOTO. SITPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SLOO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking CRANKS REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch .109 Bull St. Phones 2‘.t. Phones M 2. mi ■iii i n—iii■mi in mnwi ii win arßTiAi. torn r**. hkui-ii \l'lßH I UK • AKC >1 tTERI Currama. 1-l*> pks ISr U-.-OMI Layer B ,lalr. U*r it* ,&c Fin* 1 Ralrln*. MT- [■‘‘F 15 -' Fancy Corwcan Citron. |-r lb !•'*>• F.ncy L* men .inl Oron*<- P**l r*T It- New Duch*!-* Fig* Pr l h : ° l ' Shcllfrl Aimonl* pr It) N-w Date* l—r lb T® o firot-n Sugar tor o,k'- California Shciry lor Cnk** California HraiKly for C-ik*? N. • Almonda r**c lb New Walnut, i--r lb -" r New P*c.m, per lb LV Cry.talllrtd c.irger per pk? 1" Cranberry S-iuce j>er jar 3®c Fancy FlorLla Ctran,-,. i an y A'ork lmi Apple*, f in*' llanai-a, Guu-a JrilV per |>ks Mins'* M-at per It> plum PuAdlna. l-lb -> Plum Pudding. --at— JOHN T EVANS A CO S. 'onsro* nnd Barnard ,free:s. ; Fon* y*. UREEH'S *< OTI II WHISKY'. Thl* celebrated f.imn't* old votie.l HUrhlarwl W hisky is imp rted direct fr. m the dl*tt!lery by us This Greer Scotch Whisky Is ffuarantecd to le bottled abroad and Is s unsigned to us from Glas gow Scot land, aid I in bond In the Fnltcd S ate, Custom llouie In this city Thl* grand ok! Greer Scotch W h!*ky Is beautifully mellow am! mild to a degree and Is soft to the palate as one could poaMbly wish, and there Is a* shout It that la especially ng. We are glad to let the puh’lc pur chase a* small quantity as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Fcotch whisky extant LIPFMAN BROB . Wholcaal* Drugglats. Llppntan'a Block. Hole A*ents for the Greer Distil leries. G.sgow, B>'otlat.d. and Dub lin. Ireland, for their ficosch and Irish Whiskies FOII *\LE. One 10-Inch Steam Shot Otin Feed. 32 feet long, one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig ger. Sand 10-Inch cylinders, only used aboiM thirty days; one flier and Stow-ell Gang Kdger, with three saws, one full set of Filer amt Stowell Lathe Machinery, consisting of bolter ami gang lathe saw mill; one set of machinery for making tosin barrel naves, also a lot of Circular Saws from IS to fsi Inches diameter, from the mill of H T Smart & Bro. In Fmanuel roomy. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFC., CO.. Savannah. Oa. HE NOVJAT I AO—MATTRESSES HK.\. OA ATIMJ. Hair, moss, ticking fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material and manufac tured product# aie up o cate, our reno vating anJ remaking baa delights*! many ptomli.em residents Ask your acquaint ances Material sent us Is picked, steam ed. cleaned and m**ll aied hy modern ma chinery Making dona by mechanics. We coniine our work to mattreaaes and bed ding general y. • -e.l l All g of al hair, cqt'on fiber, feathers >• - ..Hi- naedrd n mat trees :n* NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENG- V ATI NO CO Bell Phone 1136 Ml Drayton street. till)* \\ I til * CMy of Savannah. Offi.-e Clerk of Coun ell. Nov 13. 19*0—Bid- will be received at this office until Saturday Dec. 1, at non. for the following ammunition, stored at the powder magaxitu of the city of Sa vannah on the Ogevrhee road 13 cases Hotchkiss percus-lon sheila (10 10-pound shells lo the case). l*e case* 12-|w*und csnnlser shot. The right Is reserve*! to reject any or ail bids Ily order of -h Mavor. W. P BAILEY. Clerk ol Council. TUB WAX' TO CLEAR < IRPtm. The only way to gel your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for lhe summer. | 4o turn the job over lo the District Meas.ngsr and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 33 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coal of the work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos C. H MFDLOCK Supt and Mgr. MOTILE. City of Savannah, Offloe Clerk of Council. Nov. 14. All parties desiring to retail liquor .lur ing the year Jfst will n> their applica tions with the Clerk of Council a< once, so that same can be referred to Council and action taken upin said application before the expiration of limit provided for by ordinance. WM p. RAII.BY. __________ Clerk of council. PLASTERERS' A All mvayv jjjj |._ PLIES. Cemenl. Ume. riaster. Hair and River SanA Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BITLDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congtesw l .ion* 619, GRAF 110 PH ONES and RECORDS ni SINKS* NOTICDP. RICE WHOLE RICE, 4c pound, 60c peck. HEAD RICE, 5c pound, 75c peck. HEAD HEAD RICE, 6c pound, 90c peck. is. lira a. Cor. Firou*lwi and V ntakcr. Ptiont.- TANARUS SMOKE FRANKLIN CIGARS. Sometliing Nsw, Si'll* I Vt. Ml | |< IIS EXHIBITION OF l. X The Handsnmesf in the 1 nlted Mate* The winner of blue ribbon at Ihe Horse Show, now to he seen at Feeiey's Stable*, ha. k of the theater • Mr. Kohl H Prigg say-*-. My Chadwick Perfect Two Wheeler Is an I leal rig. es pecial,y for ladles, there being actually no horse motion, and as the smart ap pearance ol my outfit war recognize*! in stantly. I drove In the arena at Horse Snow, not only • vldenced by *h applause received from the large audience, but by the awarding to me of first blue ribbon LIPI'MAN BROTHERS. Sole Agents, Wholesale Druggist* FROZEN niCE BIRDS -at— SCHWARZ'S CAFE. Greatest dainty of the reason. Oysters served In every style—prepared by the most noted cooks In the South, t'ongresa and Whitaker streets. Open Day and Night. Ut Y ONLY I HI. HE ST I.IMiEH .ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Olnger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Helfast. Ireland, from tue celebrated Cromsc Springs of that city. These spr.ngs arc the properly of Wheeler A Cos. henre no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has those waters but them selves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure .! vmaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as other* are. one ,s deleterious—the other Is a tonte For Healthfiilness and Purdy the eel*, brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale In th* best. LI PPM AN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. NOXV I* THE TIME TO Hr DETER*IVE ELI ID. II will make your old elnthlna look like new. Sold in large bottle* al 2Tte. SOLOMON* CO. Hall Street Store Open AII Night. SPECIAL NOTICE. Wo are now giving special attention to house painting kalsomlning r.d |p*r hanging, etc With a corps of only first, class workmen and a competent super intednent we ,-nn do your work promptly and satisfactorily. Gst our estimate on anything In house decorating nne and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. LAND TITLES. Abstracts ot Ihe recorded land titles of Savannah and Cnalhum county from ths settlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Interest on ctly real estate. BBCKKTT A BECKETT. USOi*OUl> ADLER. JNO. il Ij1; ~ President. r., C. & EIJ,IB. BARR \ Vic, Proeldent. A,,;, c, .1,,, The Chatham Bank Will be pleased to receive th< , of M. reliant*. Firm*. Indl.u . and Corporation,. Liberal favor* extended. t’n,urpa**d collection facLltp.,, In* nrcropt retutne SEPARATE SAVINGSDEPARIHtSI INTEREST OOMPOLNPED yl LY ON DEPOSITS' Safety Depo,lt Boxes and Vau t, . rent. Correspondence solicited The Citizens Bank OF IAVAKNAH. CAPITAL 5500.000. Trane, rt. a Uaaer.l B ank lluelneea. Sollrlt* Areonnte of IndlTl.i o „ fc Merchant., Rank, and other f.. r p„. rafloaa. Collection* handled wllh eaf„, eronomy and dlapatrb Interest, rompounded qnartrrl, allowed on deposits la our Sa T |r,, t D<*|mi riiiiFiii. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vnalla. DRtXTLF.T A. IIFVMAkK. Tre.ld.,, SI ILLS H. LASiE. Vice President. GEOHI.B C. PHI FM AS. Cashier. atmnOK L. (.Ronven. Asst. Cashier SOUTHERN li of ibe out, of Georgia. Capital Surjilus and undivided proflta , DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE "or GEORGIA Super.or facilities for trareactlr.* a General lUine.r.* TTui:n*u tlona inada on ali no.nt.- accieslble throudh hank's"and hsna.r, Atcounts of Banks. Bankers. Merct ant. and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boin for rent. Department of Savings. Interest payab.r I quarterly Sells Sterling Exchange on Lcndor. il and upwards. I JOHN FLANNERY. President IIOP.A ’K A. CRANE. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNERY. WM W GORDON E. A WEIL. W W. GORDON. 4f H A CRANE JOHN M FO AN ; t.EF. ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FEPST H P SMART CHARLES SI ' I EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBT Sail !i! I® a C APITAL. $3.10,000. Account* of banks, trt.rchant*, eorpora tiona and Individuals solicited Dep.irtment, Interest paid quar !*rly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults f r rent. Collection* made on all polnla at rea sonable rates. Drafts eold on all th# chief cities of tti world. a.*-A# Corrcspondcnc* Invited JOSEPH D WEED. President JOHN C HOWLAND. Vice Tres'-dent. W. 1 McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Capital i t'laiivtded profit* " ' Xhla bank offrra It* service* to eorp ‘*- j tions merchant* and IndlvlJudL. lias authority t.> act as execute, ad : mlntstrator. *uardlan. etc lihues draft* on the prlnclp,*! cliM in Great Britain and Ireland an.l on the Continent. _ , Interest paid or compounded q tsr r y ' on deposit* In th* Savin** I>eprtmen ! Safety boxes for rent. HENRY RU N. President. GEO w TIEDEMAN. Vic* Pre-Hent JOJIN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Asa't Ca-hier. No. 1646. Chartered !6 -THE— Hills HI Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. *bUMMi SURPLUS !.< UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A G CARSON. Prealdent BEIRNE GORDON, Vic# President W M DAVANT. Cashier Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chant* and corporations received ucm the most favorable terma consistent ttk safe and conservative banking. THE GEORGIA STATE Bl ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 13 YORK STREET. WEBT. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed or. deposits of ever, hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods GEO XV TIEDEMAN. President. B H. LEVY. XTce President. F. XX'. BELL Secretary. C O. ANDERSON. JR. Treasurer lo Reiner Pli For sal*, a Forsslth Newspaper Folder: will fold sheet 27x42 It Is In good r * r price 100. It cost originally H- 11 * B _ we have no use for It and want th* r o ’ li occuptaa. It trill be an Invaluable adjunct to T newspaper office. AddreMi MORNING NEWS, ftMvaanati. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Go. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IF YOlf WANT GOOD MATBRI Al and work, order your lithographed J printed slstkmery and blank books O'™ Morning News, Bavannlth. Oa.