The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 PHOENIX WILLIAMS CAPTUREO. mu.tut > nwni’M \%nnnn him \t Tt MM.H % HtH K l (hr dan Who Brut %#>• rral don*-) UM4*rt of Mr IfatißK Thrit* * mmh Ordrr* to bleb Hr Iml I nrinl (hr \mr of Jwttffor IMhrtl©* |fnniHn>rcirnl ( M|(. Juba 11. 11l 11 *i • Nnntr to a Notr for #A amt .ot Ihr %boM, llal \% mm I nrr*•< to lll*# or* •'—Hr Hoii* Hint Uaniftl **•© Harrh. *h**ri II ( anulii Him Wbtlr Hr Uat I loliiuie m( Tarnrr'a Him ho. Ptib©nx W nn*. tb© former Court tc who hi# w*nt**d by • •*# * o'ir* off ■*; fine* lat March, mi <- 4f* - 1 hv Jihrrtlf Svctltl at 1 c • loch * *■* r'iy fifiernoon. Th© arrrtt v4* ©<!*■- -1 i* Turner'# Ro*k. feat Wrrfi T ANARUS( ‘crt iwt W. imlrvfion ltlmd V: on© *!rn* wma th© xla*# of faoior and th© mold of form for th* col* r ird pof;ti!a’k*r of Savannah. Ilia pr-nt!<>n * * th* Court Ho jw h.m much roor* mon©y than Jr usually ha th© fn©fTib©r# of hi§ r* > totr fh©i. •*- rv *•'** and as afterward* trar.?j ir©fi. f• ht I ot ©r wnyn of add!f*c to hJ* inborn© Th* m44ho4*h# u*u . :* adapt'd wa tm j-ia wd ftn#rnlou* a* *h- sarr.*- t;m© Thrr* arr *#v. .■■ men* .* dr:, .'*)* town who ar*' ;*Jwmju all ng *© advene# monty on th* sal an* * of g.) It* *iTp<oy‘* and Phoenix took ad van* ag* of this w*tJuww Ho r*r© *rdr l ordera for mofwjr to t n. rv© * i©nd©r*, to which t*© ©wS*l * nn of JatAxar Bartley lonovan of th* f ur* H>u.v Mr Don ovan waa to aay. over thw* f *r**l atrratui *~ trw; th* - l©r# **r*- *ll rig and that h* a i l honor th* rt a’ th- ©nd of the m**’ *h TANARUS: * aoiual fact of thr mft©r ti © kr*w notliing about It. Dhoanix nuinagrd t rogv into his an* terprtse another of the Court Houm mo. en if era. Dan V\'f I ram* . Iv whom **Verel of th* f* rc* order were pr©©fH©fi There iem little r* >on o doubt tha? Phoar.ix was tiu- eontrollhrm ftxure *n all of the*r mar erf. at i that he profited al ia oat n ;• h\ th#* eeverml frauds that a ere .mmfttl© 1 l> n a* rof**d b only beoaue* % m* bd, ©la©* a salary had to be used to xplain th* drafts that phoenix was mak i. Th* last effort * f f*bo©ntx, before hi* detec*loti. wai to forge th#- name of Capt John H Dillon to a note for F* H© Pb amt* I this note a* th* Germania Dank a 1 1 M Hogan awoke to th** that It was b iVr**i7 in time * make Phoenix ii" grorge (hr tnofiey he bad thus * ured. Ori tle Mtm? afternoon the money lender* he had defrauded made .* a- * •nt upon the Court House and advised the * ’ourl Ifou** officials of whit had hern In progm end tlx* game w** up In the nv*r tlm bowever. l*hoealx hid dinappe*red and *i not to foatxi Thl* wan in March lair Williams ws* raptured ard indicted an*J p,*aded guilty 1n the Indtetment H* wa ‘*r,ten and to eerve a term of twelve months <o *he rhalngang of the county and l* serving thl* eenten •• now At th* *ime of hi* < onvlction he raid that Phoenix was ihe itvovirg r*u*e of all th* trouble Into which be man iged to get himeelf, and that if th* ar b-c*>o;>lr*tor were raptured and made to nay th* penalty he would him self bo quits willing to *erve out hit* term Phoenix has thntrn blvnoelf • he a hard bird to catch. SherifT Sweeny ha* been partfc*ui*ry anxiou* to effect hi* arreet find ha* made tri|e to Augusta and other cities for this purpose Kecently the sheriff heard that Bhoenlx was ll vin in ear Thun4*wbolt The news cam*- In *Vh • nhape that there was no reason to doubt it** nd on yesterday Sheriff Bweeny determined thot he would achieve th* 1 object he had cherished m> long lie did. At Thunderbolt he secured a naphtha latirx h and went on down the river, os tensibly on a Ashing trip Hl* Informs tlon led him to think that William* would be on band In a very short tlm*\ nnd he ws* not disappointed Within an hour of the time he had reached the *.*>• the sheriff caw sailboat coming up the riv er. and In It wa*> a man whom he re<og trlged a* William* Itsoognltlon. however, was n-k n f n*\ matter Williams had grown a letrd a font long, ai *1 his exposure to wind an I a*aihar had mark* him about two “hi e* darker than h* w e when he was a f - figure to th* people of ftiv nn.h He craugh? sight of Sheriff Sweeny when tpe latter wa y*t a long Ways off and tried to eotioeal himself l*enlnd t**e sail of the boot. The Mx riff did no* I*t on he was bent on making <n arrest. I: t il he wteared hi* launch c!o e t> the seilh at In whkh Williams w-*s and began to hir ter with the other negro In tee hod for bunch of fish H aklenly !- I oked ?.*p Mfd caught, as if y, Wl linns' eye "Who is ths* nigger?’ h* nkel the other Itoatman *’l duntio sir ' sal l tr* indlviduil nd dreesed. "we * alls him I*h nfx * "Com** ,• mm I’boenix." ► i I the **he**. Iff "I n<-*1 you” Phoenix cam** bo* w|*h v'a bV r** u*-t --ere* He did no* want to go t> J alt mi he made * trenuous objes 'lons to i the cuffs sn p • i on his w Id*. Sheriff Bweeny. how* ver. overruled th*rn s||. n *1 Williams w.m* brought In to the cty an I placed In jai He will tx* tried for for t* y t th** nex term of th** • urt f’hoenlx told th*- sheriff that he hid been In New York m st of Ihe time e ne • hi* dkit|ope*ran * from S.ivatinah hu* thl- tale is nt t sieved There Is every good reason to think that he h.a ieen liv ing it Bradley's, a negro saUlevnrnt near The htirbM no life. In, survid. 1' keeps comine out, ffeis thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. The only Rood hairfood you- rXJKlyf stops starva- Ik A 4## ■ Iffg l;on, and file Dg#(L ■ I hair grows f llftAc ■ ■ caret Ofll^ dandruff W I4V| also. Keep) a battle cf it on your dressing i table, it's a splendid dressing. It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Mind, we say “al ways.” II M • beetle All 4r*;fit* **t h*© found fttiur llxir Yftgar to b© i3F**..r fried for the half. My hair failing out ©nr I*4, j to I Cbougbt l would try a liottleof it. bad u#©J only on© botti©. and my hair tj>ptied falling out, and It la now real thick and i ng ’ Maxci J. MmrirrcAaTLK. July 28, \m. Yunkeri.N. Y. Wmftm tho Doctor. H# will iend y-iu hit beak on 1 be Hair and ficalp. A*k him any auHti n you wib about year hair. You w! l receive a prompt an#wer free. Addon, Da. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mata. I /(J Twenty-one Years of Unparalleled Success in every ' part of the Civilized World places ms \ W arnef’s Safe Ctife COMRADE \ T V **'<** we KNF W \ \ Beyond the Experimental Stage asa specific for epje | * * k!r * v nd bUdtScT. • \ Kidney Diseases \ - 'hi a: •• 1: r. m- -to Ia .fit ————— A. i.) lalt.i s i! f<v month, an I I f,l bati#r tnn I hava for Wha- a grxni OMdthtna it la‘ ■ ■ ■ pi, Liver Diseases S,rG’ ro }. Tih niinoi \,untrt, Frr , M mp | w „f WiraWi Safa Cur, >*nt on application. UKI-IMS Clttll War. WARNER'S BAFE CI'RE CO.. Rochfrtar. N. T. Pla* mention thlr paper when writing for rampl*. Thiti .'' I ti of the Mmr Th* 4i,h> lr !’h' 'ik o the i l .lay. h. . lie. n ten *!.n'l .1,11 'l. n 1 tr wa a rw g.. 1 tun he tr*.cai <1 ntllt 1 ia.l tha* rria nhrrif? ■ • on gill I to Jail Hit. H %lI.W Ofliannah fbe *lermina of a Trana- Contlnental l>"trm Another outlet from the Wewt o the (tout.l A). ir.n Hratwanl. with tr,.- termir. if n ,rac.e-c<mtlnental ra.r* wav .v,tm. I* aaaured. If the reported •iea| by which the f.'nortaw. Olt.aitoma • n.l Ou.f iuilroad 1* o paw Into 'he har.4a of Atchieon. TopeKa ar.-J Santa Fee anvl the rumoreh Intreet of the Southern Hallway In the <lea; m true The rumor le current lr I’hila'i* Iphta and New York, If a* euGGeeted I; *.w r . rklat o. m* and Oulf l to be made ;t (mrt of the ,\* hteoti . criteria t a. quitttlon will make n through Bite from tl l'a< 111 rue to M. mphl- Tenn where there la connec tion with the Southern Railway, wnlch ran, through to the .Vflantl aeahoar.l. w...e *ee..■.continental line con tro;!..l hy the Atchtanr. and Rotrthern Railway Fawpanlaa The Fhoetaw* peeecnt line *tnd from M<-mpn!* westward to Weatherford, Ok.atioma and arrarnrement are all per ft i.d to ektetvl the line 1> mUn fur ther to Amarillo. Te* h*r It would tonneci with the Recoe Valley branrh of the Atchison and alao with the Fort Wort and lieneer thty The bulldtnK of hla eatenrton would onne. t th Ak nleon by whort rutile, not emit with the Southern Railway, hut alao with the lllinot* rwr.tral and the laoutavUle and Natthwllle. troth of whb-h run Inro Memphli* The fhoctow ryeti-m l a reor*anl*.i tion of the old f'h-e tw foal and Railway Company. It hae a cai>ltial of g1.715.7un ami a funded dehl of M Jtl W'. which tt am ■ 1-r -ent nruiiKae-. I ' ompany op* ratea about mile— of rll roa t and lae* large coal flelda to In dian Territory The rot,rumination of thia deal would Savannah ,i lermlnut for trant (ontlnetttal line throuKh rhe richest ter ritory of the I'nlted States nWIR *3T*4 TO-1.4V. 'l'rnttlr tit the Oeeßti Ureauhlp fotn |,an> tlßßsaeft tilt". The truth ftf the 0.-eatl Rtesmshlp Com iwny Will revert to the dltertlon of Mr W || Pleasants, general freight an,l (wsserger gent. to*day. Mr Pleas ants and bl* nffl 'e fort e have already got.- t.> New York to assume control of the tram- will h will l>e separate ftot" I of the Central Railroad ■Alt 41. PF*HMW 41.. Mr W. E Rates of Charleston Is at th* pitta .-kl Mr I' E Oliver of Lyons Is a guest of th- Screven Mr C E M< Ru Of Cox I* a guest of the Pulaski Mr I. P Lanier of M.-fla* Is a guest o' the I’ti askl Mr John A Ttson of I* guest of the Pulaski Mr J Williams of Dawson Is registered ut the Pulaski Mr. G. M Maner of Allendale Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr J R Tuten of Jasper Is a gueat of the Screven Mr t> N Hliteh of Bhtrhton Is * guest of the Heraten Mr P 33 Bussey of Is a guest of the 8,-rev,n Mr J H Barrett of Mcßae Is registered nt the Rcrevrn Mr 8 E Greer of Columbia l registered at the Boreven Mr l> R Groover of State-boro Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr E 33 Brown of Atlanta Is regts tered at the Ite 8010 Mas 35'. A 33'ilklq* of Wayneaboro Is * guest pf the D Solo, Mr T H Calhoun of Abbeville Is a I g.rst of the Pulaski Mr. J f Morgan of Houston, Fl* . Is : registered si me Screven Mr 33 II ("aider of Kastman registered yesterday at the Pulaski Mr William N Habr of Charleston t# j registered at the Puiuakl. Mr and Mrs R L Page of Lyons are i registered at the 8-reven. Mr and Mrs J F McDonald of Ijke lotal are gitests of the Pulaski. ■Mr and Mrs f. K Morris,*, of Morrl j ,re registered ar the Pulaski. Mr G Ka-trlner left via the. Plan! System yesterday for New York. Mr and Mrs 1. C Powell o' Mahlen llraneh ar,- gu,-“ts of the Pulaski Mr. P. Sohwnons left via the Seaboard Air line ys*ertlay for New York Mr. A lt,entltol wots a passenger of th, Southern yesterday for Richmond. Mr II . G. Brewer has returned to the city alt, r a short visit to New York Mr J. Jones Gardner of Augusta whs among tl‘ arrivals hi the I’u.askl yeett.-t --.i.t v. Mr. A L>, M.Vallum of Jvmhrokc was anwxig th* arrivals ut the Screven yester day Mr J. W. Overstreet of Bylv.anla was among the arrivals ar the Pulaski yester. day. Mrs. F. M. Fbxner of Atlanta was among the arrivals nt th* De Soto yester. day. Mr. and Sirs. K. Bordman were passen gers of 4he Plant System yesterday for i Green Cove Springs Mr H. 8. K.ialhofer, commercial agettl 1 of the Monon Route, with headquarters ,t Atlanta spent yesterday in Savannah M-asrs M. A. Mcßalnev, G U. D 5 McConnell, ami W. H. Mrt’onnell of I Newton ussre among yester.lay s arrivals ; at the Pulaski. Mr. W. P. Levis will leave for New; THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1900. 7 nrk to-day, where he goe to enter the office of Mr Plea.-atUe, the agent of tne f)<en StmmahJp Company. Mitt fl.a.lya Parker of Macon and Mitt ' tvlan Osborne of CoUimbia S C . r waiting th!r uncle Mr J H H. Os borne, a' 2fC tfWUnnett street, w • ** Meerw j h Rlmet M Furrer, and Vern.rn Clark yester.lay from I-iberty rounty, where they n. 1 on n- Rryawe hunt They were accompanied hy E B Himes of I.herty fit) T>> hunter* refiort ar •turfiiirt < of g im* In rhe *xsrfion of the county which th*y traveled. KMI Prom a I.*mil f Hay. Krank A+ger an employe o' the city, fell from a load of bay on the Waters ro.t J Thursday and received injuries from which he died telegraphkT markets. (Fotttlnued from Ninth Tage.y Short Riba, per inn pounds— NOV . -j fnt" Jan .jn < pt, * j,', K May . I7Hi l a ti >, g 2Ji.i Cash quotatloni r# as follows: Flour hWet. unoliangel. No 3. iqtrlng wheat, ■■■urn -w. ho. 2 red. TtHyt}7T)*c; No 3 corn UTi . No 2 yellow. ; No 2 oats, TJ'yc; No S whtte. No. S whit.' XftMW-; fair | 0 choice maltlns. barley. ’Ml’Sr; No 1 flag IKtt! B>j; No. 1 Norfhweatern. tl *3. prime tlmothv s.ed U Vl>4 4f>. mess pork, per bbl . |lt.l2t' r f 11 2i. lard, per 100 lbs p; trosjg *•.; short ribs side— flooeet, t*2tyo7 ,V>; drv salted shoulder* (boxed). S'ffit4c. short sides (boxedl *<vkfH7ir. tdiidty. batw of high win—*, *1,27. ninoRST tit hkcord. dtory of the at. Pant aground With Kl.3no.fMMi of amid. F A World tn Alnelee's. "When the big Am.gionn lino "hip St. Paul ran aground In dense foe on Ihe Jersey beach near the lower end of I/wig Branch, before dat light on Jan. 3ft, ltf*. Oapt. Clark. I-herd’s agent In New York got word of It at four o'clo k In the morning, he cable.) Instantly to 1-ondon. and f.loyd'a was In possession of the news at *:# a m The Bt. Paul had been Indulging 111 a spurt of speed with the swift Ctmnrder Campania, which In moderate weather 1* nearly at knot faster than the American ship; *h* got far out of her course missing tha Fire Island light, and drove up on the sands of the Jersey oyas! Fh. was held In the embrace of the shelving bra h for ten days. The Campania was also report ed to hove touched bottom by an ol*s r vnnt life saver patrolling the beach. Her commander and her agents declared that the* was not so hut she undoubtedly came within view of folk* song the shore. In the cargo of thr S' Ipol were one ands quarter millions In sold . un signed to a firm In New- York It wa> ee senlial that this should he lan led Ar rangements were made wi.h the Merritt chapman Wrecking Company to have the stranded liner hauled off She and her cargo. Including the gold were heavily In sured. After It was found that It was go ing to he very difficult to float the htg ship, the consignees of the gold who net-led R tn their business. pp aRd to Catt Clark o* l-loyd's agent to h tve It landed. It remained aboard the vessel three days, the fact of It being the—' rendered the’ underwriter* II ihle for a heavier tax In the event of the ve-sel helng floated Naturally, the American line did not n ukc any strenuous efforts to have the bullion discharge,!, and Just as naturally Lloyd's were anxious to get It off as quickly a- possible: for in the event of a storm arising and causing the destruction of the ship, the god would have added so much more to the loss of the underwriters Cap, Clark ■ bartered h ateamer and offered to take charge <>f the gold and land It Thereupon the rap tain obtained a promise that the foil would tie landed Immediately Thus th underwriters were relieved of the furtner risk and expense’ of floating the stranded htp The gold was transferred to the lighter Hanerty down i aigg ng *h ite suggestive rtretch of canvas In hags, kegs and boxes. Twelve mm armed with revolvers guarded the tr. nttre as tt was transferred from pier to i truck nod taken to a vault In Wall street Thu award of IIHCOu* for salvage -ervlce In Iho rase of the Ft Paul was the largest ever obtained In an Admiralty Court. The St Paul wa aground ten day* It was rad that she had not a ptatc bent or .a rivet started." „Roy_’ Please sir. may I have the af ternoon off' My grandmother Is to he burled " Employer—" This Is the eighth grand mother you ha\e burled since the foot- Igtli senson opened." Boy—"I know It, elr I come of a very oil family, and my uiioesiors ran t stand the ex, llement of the game They re .ly ing off very fast."—Tlt-1111. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt’s Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. “Can’t do without them” R. P. Smith, Chilcsburg, Va. writes I don’t know hoiv I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt’s Liver* Pills WONDERS OF GINSENG. % HOOT OX E WORTH IH WRIGHT l> (.Oi l) lt Fame Older i lmn Written Litera ture In ( ImiH Tlir f are- \ll Memed> uf thr Flonery Hlngdom. 11 • *>Q|ipoiel Mlrmiiluu# |uulitlrn. N thr IMmiu Ii Grow a. From (hr New York Commercial Adver- Ucr When I had ridden a few mlie alonx | the Old Fori road I atopped to visit a firm-houix* well. An old fellow, atoopinx amotiß th* |irden haa-hlvm. came cheeri ly over to m* 1 ‘and utwn the unexampled eontrmr!ne?> of u,at partieu lar pump. His chatty friendliness and the cool shade of a hlx elm overhan#ruijr thr well were a double temptation to loiter and chat. 'No. *tr," he repeated "as one who tries no* to be oßchrbtian, I niteraliy *< fi t Ilk* to pee all the white racer pilin' Into the |ore one. hut I #mt to own up itMi.k that ter p rssau miPiner* rr son.H I'd lie willin’ to sao them Chlny for tar* an' axes* ' Thin j ainfui and softhletical statemen* of fac* <.ailed for expiai.atlons. "Why shoul*! tha*be?* ‘What good reason can I hav* r WeiH frierwl. I could shew you. an In half a minute, ten But then. If I *ll*l. woul I It be kept to verse If or blabbed all over the township bv th* end of the week"* Now*, don't gr*t huffy. I know* yer stranger, an' ain’t too likely to talk about It between here an* N’ York, but I xot to be turr’ble cautious. My Dord! If th*m dirk, ** down on the river should xl< to know’” He looked t m© norvoua!v an*l doubtful Fo yet another race was Involved In the oj fellow s mystery iKcldedly the plot vas thickening l •straightway ma le oath by th* mo redo e*s of human trust an*l friendshli* tliat If I ever spoke or wrote of the matter at all It should be in manner o general as to locality and so indefinite as to fierson that J* would mls ‘°*d *nd deceive the arutept of intHiecta. He look-d me ovrr tor a few moments more of dubious hesitation, nd th*n. with .m old man’s bird-like abruptness, turned suddenly and started off throujrh the chip* vard and down the line to the "black lots ! followed. puzxllr.K my brains as to whit, tn the name of the mysterlou**. could !*© lr. sior** for me I did not have to wait lon* The hilly slope of the woods was partly covered with stnali plnee Under their droopiruc brushes, an*! s*emlr>xly shoodnK up wild from the bed of brown needles, were scores of little feithery plants. Their triplets of five-fimrered leaves and centra! stalks of bright, erinisonlnx berries were fimlllar In a moment, and opene*| wide the door to a flood of memory-pictures of a boyhood In the woods. So you know ulr.sen*. eh?” Glnsenx’ Of course 1 knew It. How could any one who had ever known It for- IP t It? And here was a whole plantation of it. that ’’first of p! ints," "Imperial root,” pat a. e.i of alt Imdily Chinese Ills, formerly worth Its weight in (fold-even in precious stones -and to so nuny American country boys the very buried treasure cf nature! I stooped and reverently renewed old friendship with it Yes. sirr.e, that's what it |s. an' I've up ard of roots in this wood lot. too Ive had it growin’ for four years now, an* most of them that knows I’m raisin' it don’t rullv know w hat It Is. An* I'm not eudaatin 'em up to know, nuther Beat me. it's a heap too vallahle to take resks on. It’s w.*rry enough to xrow it. it s such a turr bl© j.artic|er kind of plant An’, my Lord! it's slower n axes to grow! It Is tlt. nhorely! The seeds don’t come up at all the year they’re sowed, an' then its five >* rs before the roots arc anvways near Idj? enough to pull!” He turned up th leaves of a tiny slip of a plant "Here's •i Utile feller that s only been up since May. Don’t r* ckon hie root’s much biK er n an h*|. r. . and with thread throuKh It An' I can remember when I was a boy upon the oho I've fornd roots thirty an' forty years old—you can fell their axe by every year t idin' a notch to the collar of the bull that didn’t wdgh much ovet tn ounce! But, to be whore, six or seven ounces is a mor* rex'Ur weight for th© very old roots An* then, too, you've xot to boor in mind that a crop of ginsen g worth more than % t rop of mangels What do prices run at now? Well, this here war's unsettled prices jist now. but It ain't soin' to run them down none, j sup |ose jf 1 wanted to sell this fall—bu* I *kn’t pull till next year. If 1 do then-I could get |H a pound for fairish single ro*>ts. an' all prices fur the forked ones; they're always iwy up. for In Uhtny they think ther-extr> -jecal magic Into that ftort An' the s* ♦•*! runs along at shout l.’O • pound But I'm plantin' all I xet. I've over two thou* ii l plmts to coni© up next y ar. and lour times as many the year after. Yes. It’s n mightv queer yarh The Chinese an* meet of the other easterners h i- always held it f >r more’ii nateral. an’ scat me if | don’t sometimes think it is, tro! You'd think ro on‘y to se© how hunt in’ it seems i. git into the blood Mighty t* v\ men that’s even put in a summer rliedn' after It even If they don’t tin I a pound in a year—ever s©em willin’ to go back to anythin’ else; I’ve setn that time an’ agin when I was a hoy an* it was half plentiful An’ Ive read that aw ay back a hundred an fifty or mebbe two hundred years ago, when It was first foun ft in Canady, all th© Quebec traders and settlers started to iiuftf It. an’ got craxler an* craibr af<er it. lettln' th* ir farms an’ fur-tmdin' an' fisheries g to waste an’ n in. till the gover'ment. bein’ res|)onslble. . .• half worried to and it *♦ the :oots wns ill dux out. an’ the French e** had to x© back io their proper work or naterally starve. I tell ye. them In authority was eternally thankful! No. no ote thought of farmin’ it here In America till t*n or twelve years ago. an’ then mighty few had the patience to hang rn till they g, * a crop. I haven’t taken nothin* out of It yet. but If the fightm* k*. ep* up to Chlny——” He fell Into a gently pensive meditation, at>d we walked back up iha lane. "Somehow wars don't 1900 THE DDCTOB PRESCRIBED IT. CMcniro. 111. Miy > "For year* ! suffered with iserv ,*ii,nef .nd g, : *nl rroub?e of h^ liver ar.*l kidney*. I had xivrn up all hope of :* overy--had tried a mo- r everythlr*x and ft..j:. i.? a fill j-* \t 1 Uffi my do * r pr©- rtbed Warner f Safe and before I had ' uaed two bolt;- * I felt that it was Juki what I ne* led ard 1 Improved rint aioiMf Six bottle# erst l rely * red m© and 1 h *v* b *r in th© he.-t of health ©tn* * Mat F H BOLTON. 12M I’uiiii n Sr. y-N, Befim't. War En#ineef. seem to hav* no -livin’ p w#-rs nowa days" he resumed at length a it tie quer ulously. "They git two or thr* > of * m into one year t. w in the o!J*n ums* i* they'd keepfnr up tor a an m ?**, lan think nothin of If Mebt** the t'hi- ] j * esc is that kind, they *© m o' w | ! **kln’ up our swift, modern ways of doin’ ; | things, and ” I auppos*- h < aught a glimpse of mv exprer .>n f>r n- <ronied *ds head with a sheepish bu’ uttashaow l grin— well, now, l m not ei. ouriglr 'em to make it a ,u*.k w r. am 1 I left th** old sinner and w*m on my wy. At th* next opjor uiiitv 1 fi-.g far famous root in a> It is r -'•lnly a plar.i of wonderful history aril re[*utation In China its fame is older Hum written literature, and even ** far t*aok as rn.-sj..narus r*-'timing from the Orient rnaJ* tt known In Europe A Siamese embassy presented • |>ri*-- Ics?* I skago of p to -Loi*is XYi and. unfl It waa rsplacod by ih*- I it* r dis* vtry, aar t -i m , ]?•:.. ♦ . . ’he beginning of the eighteen h century European Inter, t *f not faith, in It. was revived by its ills* overy in Canaila. Art <*h©r mtssionafv the father. I>* [ Menu, found tha* h plant thr- growltig | quite commonly along the t:tuw wa the root then w -rth it? weight in gold in P* kln. Curiously enough his attention had ! been called to it by the Iroquois legends am! superstitions clustering about It. it was a ni.gFa) plan) a mor.a .he aborl -1 gtiws of Amt-rF., as wall as of Asia, i Morsovsr. ths In.l an word for 11, •■garsnt ! . qiisn," is suffl, I,inly 1,),, it* Chlr-o* om.omsn to m stud.-nts of oofni-ara tlv. philology prick up cars. A* Iss value was well known a com ; puny was soon formed for the puropoa of | cullacting It Its prlo* at Quct,cc middlv rose front JO to 40 sous a found to from to K Itvica R was then that the whol : population went wild tn the quess ol It i If 1752 It Was eKported to the viiue of ‘•HO,Oft Hvres. Rut naturally It was soon I .11 Inn exterminated, and there was an end of the bualnew., apparently for sal. t.n:e Within the last few years, however, there ha- been a considerable revival of i ginseng hunting In Canada, ami the On j tarto legislator- protects It hy law be. j tween the months of January nml Sep irtnlwr, I fltM it I. In i. prO{Mr setting of the Ce l.rtlal Idea and Ira lltlons that the root Is really of Interest. It Is, It need* hardly be said, the sovereign remedy of the Chineae pliarma.ofgjeU. yet. to use the language of an authority upon the subject, the vir ] 'ues ascribed to the plant are rathe- of a itt|M(rnaturl than a therapeutical charac ter. It Is believed to Is* nhabttcd |.y a life-giving spirit an I endowed with powers of locomotion which enable it to run away when sought for. The most prtiod variety is found In the province of Quantung Here the quest for it IS undertaken tin ter government auspice., sometimes an armed caravan of lft.OtXi men was sent out In th*- old times. Even now great numbers go together, and the majority of the adven turous seekers after It nr, aal.l to perish. I either devoured by wild Iw-asts or worn I out with f i’igue and hunger. Only rarely Ila a favored Individual rmitted to see , tR. "spiritual ess, hoe whb-h Invests the I‘lent as with a halo, and isints the spot I where to dig f.-r It when .1 ijllght dawns " The ginseng monopoly forms one of the . principal sources of revenue |n Corea. ; There the roots of the wild mountain va j riety sometimes grow to a length of four , feel It Is extremely rare however, and | astonishing prices have been paid for It. | A Pekin (l.ixette of 1532 says that the mltl ; tary governor of Kirin, M inchurla. re. (rt* that he has forw irrled by sis-eiai messenger for the emperor's use eight ; large and sixteen small roots. Sf-10 ounces ■ :n all, the total value being given I MQ j taels, or HOI Indeed, us much as *2,00) has been paid for a single specimen, j The ordinary Core an v.iriet. Is farmed under government monopoly It Is pro | tert.-d from thieves hy high walls and ' walch towers, ap.l as setnl-darkness suits it best. It Is grown In sheds, tinder the i ’■hade of mattlrg —-reetts The root Is dried until It assumes a hurl, r.slnou-, i translucent appearance. Th, t.iste of the best quality Is bitter-sweet muclljgin us, and slightly aromatic No elf-repcet|nG Chinese druggist l„ without It. Each tiny p.!- pai-k'-d In , silk and eased In capsules of she-t-|. ,i.| and ; no relic of the great Hoddhn eoul I be given greater ire Customers ar- request,-1 not j to breathe on It, and tne merchant *•• ms to prefer dilating on Its marvelous quall- I ties to exchanging It for gold And curing i ,‘ff-hand as It does all the maladies tha’ ! have ever been mentioned in medical llhcgrlfs. thl* is hardly to he wnnd- red | at. . . According to popular t>eh, f. i the effect of the drug Is to m ,ke the patient tineonselou- for three .lays anl ' 111 for a month; after thl* he recovers | and lives In perfect health for ninety or one hundred years. In China It Is <sften sent to friends as n valuable present, and In such .ae there Is usually presented along with the drug a finely finished double keltic for lis pre|wr itinn The Inner k' ttl< m i le i of silver, and between It and the outer I vessel is a small -pac for holding wuter The silver kettle fits In a r<tig p, , tr the I top of the outer covering, an I is fumlsh | e,| with a eup-llke cover In which r! e j l put with n llttl, water Then the whole | ipparatus Is set over a hot (Ire When the r.ce In the cover i cooked the medicine [ t- ready. The pall, nt eats th, cereal and then drink* the ginseng bn The Afghan princes uk, It even more luxuriously. It I* prepared for them tn u mixture of gummusti, ,nd sngir - indy and they eat It tn delicious nibbling* The patient "retires to a garden where tit* senses are soothed hy mu-te. the song of birds, the babbling of q bro„k and the balmy breexrs. He avoids everything likely to trouble or annoy him will not . ven open a letter b-s* It should contain had news and the doctor forbids anv ©n© to contradict him.” Ooul ! any Sow York matinee xirl with U>x of choro late* be happier? And sometime* this I ambrosial diet l* continue | f nr forty I days. In the meantime a hoary-headed stud- ' cm of the more original forms nt irrl- i culture on th* *RI Fort Road if vou ra n i guess where that l Inis, ilouh'le,. | -,g ago taken the mans of living -| n ' ~sr . feet health for ntney or one mm-lred years'' longer nisi Is shamelessly hoping that the unhappy Oilnese have ahead of j I them a thirty year’ war at the kaet. IAUAL XOTiCCI. IEuRUIA. CHATHAM COFNTT IVHi reat Isaac Reekett has appHsd to Hit of Ordinary for lattvrs *l—loo*7 4, ImlnUtrator on the astato of Andrew J Clayton, tkee-teed Tr.,** are th- ref r* to elt* and ad monish all whom It mav concern to be art ! app'S- b, for, sai l court to make ob je tion (If anv they havet on or before t e :'rst Monday In January, rvxt. other • ; rt *r, w :: t-e i.r.l- te 1 Wl ne s. th Hn o-b> llempton I- F-rrl rlinvry for C-a’-ham county. t-,! t * ;h da, of 8e;-t-mbr. I*W FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ori y. C. Cos, “OEOROIA - CHATHAM COI NTY - \\ here** !’ J O'Connor has applied to Court of Ordinary for Ic'te s dlsmlssory ss executor of the will of Will am O'Con, decoase 1 The*e ate theref re. to cite and ad m rlh all whom 1: r-.ay concern to be vnl atiwar b-fore *., and court to make ob- J,et;on iff anv they have) on or before the ’trot Monday In Jvnuarv n xt, other wt -e said letter* will be granted. Witness the If n rib* H impton L. ■ l nary t . Chatham county. t> ls til* 2J!h dav o' Fept*mb*-r 19< FRANK K KI7II.BACH. Cl- rk Ct OrtJ V, C. Cos. '•7k IRtilA CHATHAM COCNTY - V. terras Jordan F. Hrook*. has vpp led ourt of Ordinary for letter# dffmff -vf am ©xe*ruior of the will of Marxaret I! Brook# deren?©d. Tb,, f( a a?*., therefore. vie© and admon i whom It may concern, to hr and . ( . ,* if before aaul court, to mak© ob* j* !k>n (If any the> hve). on or hefor* •he flr#t Monday in January, othei* #3l 1 l©tter will '•' gTAOIM Wltne*#. the Hon Hampton E Ferrfil. ordinary for Chat ham county, thta. tho 29th dav of B^u’cmher FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk r O . C. Fo GEORGIA TiiATIIAM COUNTY - Wherea# Jordan F Brooke ha applie.l to Court of Ordinao for letter# diemlr e*r\ a# ©x© it<<r • f the %vill of Maria E McNulty. dtcMwl. The#e .tr©. ’herefore. to rife and admon t#.i ait whom It ma> oon©ern. to be and P;-*'ir 1-fi-re mid court, to make ob • !i*n <!f any they have), on or iefoie he firtt Monday in January, next, other wi## #a!d lettera will o© xrari*©d Wltne#* the Hon Hampton L Ferrfil. ordinary f.r Chatham county.* thia. the 29th dav of S*p*ember. 1900 FRANK E KEILBACH Clerk C. O . C. Cos , A CHATHAM COUIfTT \\ herena. M A O’Byrne, haa applied to ! Cour; o * Ordinary for l*tt©r dl#ml#*ory. ♦ * xuarfilan of the peraon and property of Mamie Blanchard, minor, deceased The#e are, therefore, to cite arid admon #h all whom It may concern to be ar.<l ip{ear tefore #id court, to make ob i j* '.ot* df any tney have), on or before th*- firrt Monday in January, next, othei wiftfl tiid letter# will be granted Wltne##. the Hon Hampton L Ferrll! ordinary for Chatham county. thi. the 29th day of Bap:ember, fi** FRANK E KKIIssBACH. Clark C. O . C Cos. kTHAM OOUNTY - Where*#. Elizabeth Mtliefige ha# Applied to (‘ourt of Ordinary for letter* di#ml#*ory i a# administratrix on the eetate of Pat rick A G.enn. deceased. These arc, therefore, to <%t© and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and appear bafore lal*! court to make objec tion (if an> they have) on or before the fir# Monday in February. r#-xt, otherwise mM letter# mil he gr.inte*!. \\ itn* *’# th#* Honorable Hampton L. Ferrll. ordinary tor Chatham county, thin tne 31*t day of October, 1109 FRANK K KEILB AC H Clerk C. O . C. C. MATH AM COUNTtT- Whareas, Andre w G M JDowell and Robert . T Sjencfr have applle) to Court of Jurfiinary for letters diamlaaory a# ©x * iitor? of the will of Lavinta F. Lender, j deceased, Th©#© are to cite and admon j*.j all whom it may concern to be and upy-ur before aakt court to make obJ rtc tion (If any they have), on or before flrti j Monday in February, next otherwise said let ten# w ill be granted. Wltne##, the Hon Hampton L Ferrfil. Ordinary for Chatham county, thin the .Hat day of October. 19^0 FRANK B KKILBACH. Clerk Ct. Or*l’y. C.( Cos. GEORGIA CHATHAM Whereas. Philip M Ruaaell. Jr., has ap l!ie*l to Court of Ordinary for letter# dls missory a# xuirdfan of the property of Nellie S Barb©**, formerly a minor. The#© arc. therefore, to cite and ad monish oil whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make ob- Jectlon on or before the first Monday In December next, oth©rwi*e said letter# will b© (ranted. Witne##. the Honorable Hampton L. F.rrill, Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 7th day of November. 1900. FRANK E. KKILBACH. Clerk Ct. Only, C Cos. GEORGIA, CHATHAM Notice Is hereby Riven that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for leave to aell an un divided one-third Interest In the southern <ne*halfof lot number twenty-eixht,O’Neill w ird. formerly known as Prendergast- I ville. in th city of Savannah, with Im provements i hereon.belonging to estate of Annie and Julia Collins, minors, for the purpose of providing m untenanc© and support for sold minors, and that said or d©r will be granted at I)ecember term, of said court, uni* ss objection# are j filtsl tnereto JOHN T. COLLINS. Guardian. WEOROtA. CHATHAM COfNTY Notice Is hdfehy given that T have made ippitratton to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for Invc to sell an un divided one-seventh Interest In the south ern half of lot number twenty-eight. O’Neill weird formerly known as Ih-ender gnstvllle, tn the city of Savannah. wHh Improvement* thereon, belonging to est ite of Margaret t’olllnt. deceased, for the payment of debt* and distribution, and that said order will be granted at Decem lier term, 1900 of sa.d court, unless Ob jections jre filed thereto JOHN T. COLLINS. Administrator. NOTICE T<> DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. 'HATHAM COCNTY - Notice |s hereby given to all persona hav ing demands against Joslah lav Wal thour. late of nut county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out Within the time prescribed by law so as til show their Character and amount; ami all iierson* tmlehted lo said deceased ore r.quired to make immediate (aiyment io tnc. EMMA RORKKTS WALTHOfR. Administratrix. Savannah. Oa Nov. 7, l9on I lE< >RO IA. I CHATHAM COCNTY- Notle. is hereby given that I hove made application i*> the Court of Ordinary for t "hatham county for leave to sell the east ern port on of lot of land Number 37 o Nelli ward, in the city of Savannah having a fruitage on Walker street of 45 feet, more or less, and a rectangular depth of •>* fret- more or Jess, together with the imprnvem* nts ther*n belonging to estate of Ellen Morgan, deceased, for the pay ment of debts and distribution. and that sold order will tie granted at the Decem ber term. !• of sai l court, unless objec tions arc tiled thereto. M. A O’BYRNE. Administrator. Nov. 9. lisp CITY or SAY Ah AAU POCKET MAC. SO CENT# EACH. PRINTED IK TWO COLORS, K ICE! Y noI.VU IK t I.OTH AKD ITAIIPED IK GOLD OK IIUE rr Sals by 4 ill TnK MORNING SEWS, jb i or net %l. rent City of Bav,nr.*. OfDca City Tr.aaur,-r. Uc Th* following lots ar* In atTw.-, ground rent, of which own*m ar* - nollftsd. C. 8 Hard— aty Tr*a, i ■ r Brown Ward-Lot 51. I quartn.- Calhoun Ward— Middle, >, lot n . t**. aaat V of wort S lot 21. 2 qua-*, let 23. 2 quattsri. lot 24. 2 quarter,. • „ 2 quartrr,: tot 4*. 2 quarters Charlton Ward—Lax 1. 2, **• l lot 25. 2 quarters Chatham Ward—East S lot 1, 2 -, trrs. middle (i lot 11. 2 quarter, , ■ i lot 24. 2 quartets. *#*t S lot 15. 2 , i ter*, east (j lot &. 2 quarters Columbia Ward—Lot Ift, 2 quarter, part lot 21. I quarters; lo* 23. 2 q,iar-*t l>srt lots 2 and 39, 2 quarters; **t ~ ej east part lot Jl), 2 quarters Crawford Ward—Wes* lot * 2 trs. lot 33. 2 quarters; lot 34 2 quart,!-, lot S3. 2 quarters; lot 49, 2 quar’err r r west rwrt lot <5 2 quortar* Crawford Ward, East—Middle par 1, 2 quarters; part lot 15. 2 quarter). (. be 15. 2 quarters, lot Ift. 2 quarters Elbert Ward—West Vx lot 13. 2 quarter southeast part kit 24. 2 quarter*, ear lot 23 Forsyth Ward—Leot I*. 2 quarter, Franklin Ward—Lot 2, I quarter* -as’ t lot 27, 2 quarters. New Franklin Ward—East i. I<y quarters; west > s lot 14, 2 quarter- Green Ward—East '9 lot 3. 2 qua-' east part lot 4. 2 quarters, s-iuth x 1 quarters; northeast lot I*. 2 q ...rt; Jnrkson Ward—Lot 23. 2 quarter* m.-i •lie H lot 32. 2 quarter# Jasper Ward—la>t 2. 2 quarters -a* , lot X. 2 quarter*, lot 36. 2 qua iter* lot (3 2 qtwirters, west lot 4ft. 2 quarter, *4- (* lot 4ft. 2 quarter* Ixifavetle War,)—Weet h lot 1. ! tar*. w-e 5s lot ft. 3 quarters, lot 41 . quarters Liberty Ward-Lot 4. 2 quarters bv . 2 quarters lot , 2 quarters; lot Ift. 3 q ttrs. east (art lot 13. 2 quarters. <•*, 4 lot 26. 2 quarters, east lot ft l . 2 quar - lot 35, 2 qua rtf r. Lloyd Wat*—Weet (ft lot 44. 2 quarter, lot 52. 2 quarters, west 4 lot K. 3 quar ter# f Moneerey Ward—Esst 2-5 lot Ift, 2 q ter*. lot 37. 2 quarters: lot 25. 2 quarters Pulaski Ward-I.ot . 2 quarters, kv -> I quarters, south t* lot 23. 2 quarters Reynold* M ar,l—Trust lot 8. 2 quarters Troup Ward— l-ot IS. 2 quarters. ,<• part lot 26. I quarters; lot 31, 2 qua"*’- north 5, lot 37. 2 quarters **#! Inf - -th c lot 37, 3 quarters. k< 49. I quarter) part lot 2 quarters Warren Ward—West Vi lot 10. 2 quart r lot 1. 2 quarter* Wawhlngton Ward—East v, lot 11. 2 q r.'; west V lot 14. 2 quarters \) eslev ,ird— East V lot 11. 2 quart- All persona having Interest In the ,1 - - lots are hereby notified that If the amount* now due are not paid to tr.* t treasuter on ot luifore I>e.’ Uth ;n -wlll proceed on the morning of De* 14 • enter according to law JOHN POWER City Marshal I JQVrm LICENSES City of Savannah. OBe Clerk of four cii. Savannah. Ga . Nov 90. 19no - Th .owing application* to retail liqistr durir.r tMe year l*ni, were read at meeting of Council. Nov . 1W and referred to the Committee of llie Whole W P Bailey Clerk of OouikH Anglin Thoe . 13* Bryan etreet. w-s' A ruler eon, Joeeph N., No. 39 Rando'pi eir*ei. Abel. Chas.. southeast comer Bay ar I Alwrcorn streets. He war, J. 0., comer Bull and Bed streets. Badetrhoop. J- H., No. 523 West Bread street Hohn, H. N. C., No. 235 East Breed street. I Connery. C. P.. No 110 flt. Jul n S’ T t. Wft. Denmark. J M.. No 147 Farm strr<- Dteriu. Wm. C., No. 334 Wbitak'r street. Doyle M J , Market Square Herat. George. 79 West Brood street Were. William, northeast corner U er ty and West Broad streets. Knidman. A H . No. 71* East Bros’! street, i-orner Gwinnett street. Eichhol*. E . southwest comer Elbert street lane and Mast Broad streets Ek-hhols Sellg, No 1012 Cemetery sire* Groves. W. C., northwcat corner Barnard and street*. Olktea, Nell. No. 120 Broughton sirs' east. *< ;lln*. J. A , No 9 Drayton street Oeffken. Hnrman H.. No. 422 Broughton street, east. Helmken. J. H . southeast comer IJher ty and Whitaker streets Hart. Francis. No. 11 Jefferson street Heltman. J F.. No 634'Prealdent atrec Hermann & Berenthetm. No. 1* Barnard alreet. Kiens. Herman. No. 134 Bryan street Kelly. A. T , ntv lane, near Bull sirs' Dyon. John & Cos., northeast cont'f Hrotighton and Whitaker streets latne, N-. No. 15 Broughton street, east Devan. Chas. H.. No. 11l Congr *' Street, wee:. Metncke. T. A . No. M3 Bryan sires St . M inning. P . No. 23 Bay street. e**> Morrison. Sarah. No. MB Oglethorpe avenue, east Mever J. F., No 541 Sims street McAlptn. T E.. No. 34 Price street Nell. Otto W., 40* Brough:on street, west. Ohstek. Chas., southeast corner Of'?- thortw avenue and Reynolds strens. Ohiek. John, northeast comer Ba> and West Broad streets refers. Fred, northeast corse r Bur* tough# and Park avenue. Retliv. U., 12S Bryan street, west Roe ret sc h. Martin & Cos.. No 3M Brough ton street, west. Regepouolox. A. C. St Cos., No. 21* Be an street, west. Rehm. Is. C.. northeast eorner Jtffersn and Alice street#. Repke. John. No. 229 Drayton street Rocker. J W. Rro., southw-et co " \\ est Broad and Joses streets. Raskin. S . corner West Broad and Gwinnett streets. Simpson. P . 302 Bryan street, wee! Schwar*. George. 317 Congress street, west. Htetnman. Bros., No 41 West Broad street. Steffens, Harry. East Broad and Ogl thorpe avenue. Rchwarg. George C.. corner Congress a™ Whitaker street*. Schnaars. H. J . No 401 Wilson #tre' Schultes. G.. No IW Price street Sehever, J 11., 127 West Broi l street Siahnvr. John. 521 Bryan street, wot. Taussaut. Chao.. No. SOS Oglethorpe •vfmif. Tlmk*n, Fred J.. No. gift Liberty rtW?. *a*t. Veruki. F.ll. No. 42 Bernard street Volktu, W., scmthsAftt corner T v ' r .iid Weit Broad street. Welts. 8.. northwest corner E*t Bros* •nd Harris etrret*. . William & Orlee. No. West Br>* street. _ STOPPED THE COUGH. Prftther’ft Tr and Cherry Co*H Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. J. D. WEED ft CO •AY AS SAM. OA. Leather BeitiDt Steam Packins i Hose Agaaita for NEW YOKE UVBBEH MELTIN'O AND EACJLLNa COM£A s l *