The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall** Great liiarovfrf. Or* xmall bottle of Hall Groat DU covary cures m.l maney and *.*• ider Irou bla, remove! gravel. cure* ibabcta?, Mm- Inal fßuetiutu, weak on 4 lam# ba* k. I heuinauani i*j all *iragularlUa of thx kK.(U )t and l/.a J ikri in o it men *u Wo men, leguiul#* l.ucKci Uwubit* in cult* Orta. If noi uIJ o> >oui drugKlat w,i be ant b> e, a.l on i# #pt of |i. uiu otuau bottle u two riH)Mh treatment, .in i will cur* any coee above nn ntlun* and. Hr. L W. Hall ola itMAufa •* !u ' x CM. Ht Ixtuia. Mo. toftm for testimonial*. Sold by ail and tktlouiuna Cos., Savannah. Ha Head Ttila. Cuthbert. Qa.. April 2, MOO Thia la to certify that 1 . wax afracted with graval and tlm I tc-ok aiaty drop* of Hair* Great DDcovery and it com* plotaly cured me It D worth 11.000 pel bottle to any one needing It. J, T STEVE XU IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. hrws axd view a or the im It TWO •* | tTEfI. Croriln Frail Treea to lie Ofctpped lo Miulli tfrleo—Wife Murilrrrr Ma ker <•#!■ lle|ille—Two Nr* ■rn M u rl*rer* I nutflil—Plere of Florida MnL* Into tle *n*a—More Than n Million Home* of Oranges. Other Florida >rw. Wayne Superior t'ourt nt Jitiirp, after of the civil !< k*t. heard tne raws C. M B;.bhatn, M. J Smoke. Neiaon Rna>k<% D. H ll" r, Henry Frit- h*u. (In ft In White and Georut ]-4Wton. charged t’h murder of 11 hand C. Carter, at Tar Landing hint March. All but ltw toi w**r* n q u 111 • l. Lawt*>n pleaded gut* y to tnariHlaugnter mI wuh •MMiteoceal to five years in the p i.itentlary. (ilvr Nniaimnli the I air. Dublin Courier -D.#patch: Savannah wants the wtute fair In IhU and we hope whe wki got It. There la no o:y In tne stale thaic wow.. I make a Mkk* r *ucc- a of the fair than Savannah. That city In the |u*#t Ini' Imm.ii neglected by •* •state in many ways and we hope that the Kx** titlve Committee of the Agn ul fural Society nt.l de hie at once to give • tew fair to Haviinnnn In lb*l. Then i* no city In th b'Uth as pretty an Sa vannah or tuat contains more hoep.ta I* poopl*- D<t the next lair b* held in (iiot gia'j Forest City. Two Murderer* t |lured. Albany Herald: By effecting the cap ture of two Pul.i'ki county rrimin.i. y --- tertlajr, Mr. Neuman lllli of E**t Doux.i *>►• > i-'c'-jj!" cf hutulrcw to hi* rank a count. For notnc time past the Pulnski officii 1* have lieen eiklisvor* Ing to locate Frlm-e Colemun and Isaac Mann, tw- ncyro* ■ who are charged writ i murder, Fur Cukowti w capture the Gov ernor offered rewail of $l5O. and Sheriff ltHtere*one of s.’. fill'l 325 was >ff#r<*l for the appr**her>sk>v> of Mann. A short time M • Ml HI I imed hat Im if A ein < ami Mann were hiding Up n* ar the lice of Terr* II uml RnwV<j>h count lee. !!*• auccee*ie| in !**♦ |ng them. an| y#*t<r la> morning effect**! th# ir ljvture. Bom Mar# Cogoth* r at th* tim*. u I .heir ar rest was mad*- without difficulty. \\ Ife Murderer Iteplfrd. For the fourth time the grim shadow of death which hi* hov* i- l over Jam* * Ia Baker, the Atlanta wife murderer, has been lifted, and for a little long* r he will l*e permitted to live Another i • .spite was eatetvled \Veln- d.y t. the w ■ mtirdcpf bv Gov t'andirr. which remove-* th*- dot* of hie execution t Jan. JH U*c Time and nga n ha* Maker *e*n approu 'hing wift ly his laat day on **rtti but . *ch time a r*Hnte ha* been granted. Friday, ac cording to the limit of tile laid I ;• te, the execution would hove taken p ( i •*. and preparntloiiA In the tower were com plete*! and, t* all appearances, hii doom was* mlf i Ther h.* arisen, however, In the mln*l of Gov. Candler a .dou'd ns to the perfect sanity of ih* prisoner, and Jr view of this fa*-t he unwlll ng to allow the e# lit i :ak* pU • unti. he made further Investigation. In addition to this, a decision It to be handed down within a f* u da> - \ th** Htiprc-m* Court In the rase Maker’!* friends tr< asking for anew trial on the p>a of Insanity (•rorgln Trees for Sutli \frl**n. Atlanta ConHltiition: A shipment of 10.0(A) young peach lres from G**orgia nurseries. Unind for ('ape Colony hu<l Na tal, South Africa, will In minle next w.ek, and following the Instru. tlons if the Eng lish colonial e r mr> of ugrh allure. Slate Kntormvloglst S**oit will go to August a in lh* next few days to Im-pe t in* tre**s and report thWr >ondltloti l>> tide to the lirltlsh Muthoriti'-w Tli* shipment to t*e made bjr the Augusta nurnrv to S*>uth Africa Is not th* first that wi l have gone from this state Into that cuntry. lat year a shipment about half the ?lx of the present on* win* *nt forwanl. but the lr*s w*re held up at I-.d\smith u ac count of th* liof-Eng.lsh war. An *i wit recently pa *-*l by th*- Hrtilsh *! ** nial authorities forhi I ling the shipment of any fruit tr>e* Into South Africa from either the Cnlted Sto cs or t'anada This was done b*- .as* th* tr< • ? from Canada and th** Cnlted States were the only ones sent, wither into Natal or Cape Colony, that were Inf* st*-d with Ban Jose* s tilt. On the earn* si petition *f State Kino* ntoloplit H tt. wh*> !-* i * ? -. rnil’.y • quaint ed with tho entonoU*glt of Natal, the co.or.lal government has h-uad an order exempting fr**m the law referral to th* trt* s from G *)rul.i durln th** pres ent aeasott. A * it tan.D at pr**-* nt. Gw>r* gAa fruit trees *r* the only cwies any where in the t * nit - • S.itr- *r Cat.uia with th* tigiit of entry li.t* Mtitiwh South For 20 Years Hr. Ilxiltnux) tin* la*rx known xa (h- I'imlluk prrlxlltl In flir rnre of obruslt diiruara, “lueurnblr rnara,” nr# arnt lo him ilntly from all J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 25ABryan Street, * • - Savannah, Ga | Office Hour,—a to li m., t to i and 7t09 p. m Sunday 10 a. m to 1 p nu Africa. Prof Scott Is proud of this fact, for he xtated yesterday that It argued confidence in she Georgia nurserymen, as V* n - general ex- • Hence for th* Georgia tre j- The j*ea< h trees to t** f>r ni* 1 by steamer next week from At)- guMu go largely into Natal, and a large number of ih*- trees going to that -m--trv -trv are cor>slgned to Hadysmlth. (’ii>** Colony fruit gr*wers gel iee thun half of the shipment. FLORIDA. | Tampa Trlhun* . I. C Thompson. n** !*f the directing sptrl n *f the Warm'll Lumber and \ •n * r t omiuny, of plant j< Ity, was in Tampa >-Merday Mr War i wll says that th* • stimate of one rndhon box* * for the rang. . rop of the *tat* this year 1 - ort of the r**l figure* *i* ''tali' iioe* th* am. Mint of < rsi* material ttimed *>ut |y I .e W.nnell mills alone uml* at*s a crop f > onalderably over tluit j I gure. Profeetlng Ills Trees. i Palntka Advertiser: F. C. f'oehran, at cost af atout 11.000, has completaly hiiuM hi- grove of I\o t ameer me and fruit trees at Welaka. ll** proteete.t them ia* 1 winter, and the result 1 that If Inis s<mi** fmlt this year, while th** i ether groves In the n*'lghl**#rh<MMl wen* kd*d to the Kf• *>iint. He *xp*c?a U> gath er several humlred Inixes of fruit nex. v r more tum enough to pay for ih*- outlay for protecting hit* tr*s. %\ ns In W*lf.Hefense. A coroii* r •* Jury at T-tmpa Tuooday f- | ti-moon declared that W. J. Malley kill*-'l Paul lluet lr * lf-lfense Anting on th* fiiaimg *f the Jury, Hatley w* tfnmedi ntejy r* |*M;M’d from custody nnd given file fted. *t) 'I his was <le r* - ill of th** ilt!l * uliy which •** urred at Mango Monday | aftern<s.m. Th* affa r i * plv r gr tt* l l*y friends of Lith g*ni*m*n. Imt r*e**med to ha vs been <>n* of Unim** unfort un it*- nt fair* which could not la* well avoided ■ Tne inmost was h*hl by Ju*lge Fred j Myers, a* tiiig a.-* coroner, with Hh* mtual jury of tx m*ti, who heard all the -vl •l ti< e in tlie case which c*uld t>e pre St IM* and. shipments I’rom innfnnl. Shipments of lettuce have commence,] and are going forward fr*rn Hanford dally The proluctlon *f S.u for| an 1 va lnltv has incr*MS4*ii w>*nd rful y *1 .ring the past year Nearly all th* farms nr*- • Mulpprd with artesian wtlK an-l with . ; sul-dralnage This has given employ- j | merit to a large number of men. and tins Increase*! the Imsita-s- *f Hanford gr*st j|v S**vcn new stores h*v* op*r,t*] (here since B<pt. 1. Dlver*lfld cro.-s are t e |m* ret of this suc-ess. While lettuce Is j receiving the prim i|K*l atterilbui now. th* greatest Interest Is *l wn In th* * e ery . n • iriy 100 acres will be In on this season. Plants an* s. l ing f*r 12 50 |a-r j j thouwml jwick* tl for -diipm* nt ami orders % lilt <f Flfirliln k|nka. Monday night Is known as Town Point, a* * roes th** bay from Pensacola j ivirtlwlly *1 sap|HiM-*l, ami an Island of i nr.ud ami -t*M>- came up A **f tan i I fifty fa*t in wl*lth an*l on* hundred f*>- in I* ngth ha*l *lrop|Hs) vertically Into the lay waters, having a | r|M-n*li*‘ular bluff, ‘ate! where thorn sms a l>ank *f drv san-t M nbiy tlier** Is now firtcn feet > f w*a i ler. * ’apt H C. ( , *>l*f. of Pensacola, who P wst sscs much k-.ow ;<**ig> of in*h af fairs, think- that th* weight *f sand on flu* shore, which is building all the time, became too h*avy for the foundation ot 1 soft mud. and that it sank, gr (dually { forcing the mud to nos# ahov. th* *ir f * *• < f the water. This circumstance h* I a precedent during a hurrleai.e in i.v-t At ! j that Ime a fiortton of th** p int lisap- j | (M-wrisi arv*i an inland .{*]>** red in the wa it* r which radually *iJsoi i**fed In du course of time. Mnllrnrid kurs eying V*nrty. Par ice from he r* ghi*orh od of Mc ilno, nlHtiit twenty miles nrth *f P* n. a j cola, r* inn t that there is i.ow encamped within few mi es of the place a rallroid -tirveylng party, thoroughly e<pii**rwd an-l doing werk at a rapid r:e in surve>|. g a ioite t* this city. Th* t*er>n who give out th* shove Information was told the party was the A .* r-Hu Ivan syndicate which will bit#r build the road. A to a ‘ pi*er. however, dentes this as th** syndi cate had not vet t>egiin ojsratloiu* In that I ! line. It !** thought minx* r<Mil lx quietly building toward Pens *••■•! <if bit* there have l*e*n \m:U>us rumors of eon- i t*mplttted building this way bv several n*ui*. among which are the Houthem. Plant Byst**rn on I Bultbmm* and < hlo. rind a gentleman from Montgomery, who st;< t.H in das** touch win r il.wuy offi cials. states that th**r* were several com panies who had their eyes "Pensacole wonl nnt wl.h a grsit longing to touch at tain city —lvan Orloff r*f toe Hus Man state print ing offh*e of Hf P* t- rshurg I- the iuv**n it*r nf a CMinpnr *t ively n* w* color press, whl h is s id to u gr. hi Improvement over its predecessors. In fact, until the In trod u tlon of thi** m *<hin. multiple col or printing wtis carried ut by first print ing one color -nth* i uper. the iMrts. for ijistan**- ii jink, allowing this to dry than iMinting th** h*h*uiml irnpre slon, |s-r --hapa, the >*ll*w fsirtlons, and so on. n i arat- printing I*, ing re*ju r*l for each color. The difih tilth s *f registration, ex* l>atmion an*l contraotton * f the iM|-r by atmosydier'c changes, etc., which wr* vry s<*rhus in th *!d s**pante im;*re**s on met ho* I, in- ill and n away with in the Orloff ma-h'nc; the whole of the eolorr is Ing applhd a* one printing. This is et fti'ted by the blocks (plates) parting with their ink. not directly to th** pui**r. as Is usually tin- a• , but to an Interrne ! diae elastic ttanat* r roller; this roller taking up the nk !r m the various plates an.l tram*ferring It to a plain m* tal f*late, | from which * ic whole of tin* co!l-\*t**l I colors ttf* t*-tian "**: re*l to the (wiper by a single impr* - sum parta of tH* country by, phvsllane who have had demonstrated to thorn the In variability of hta euro,. To him no cat.' 1“ ‘*bo|Ntleaa " 111, method of treatment I* In, own. It l system which haa been d< veloi>ed and irf.-ct.d during hi, long ytai, of active, constant practice. Dr. Hathaway ha, conllnc.l him,elf lo the treatment of chronic diseases—those of the lllocd. tho Nerte* and the Uenltal and t’rlnary organ* 111, . ure of t arlco ceh at:d Stricture n u.>ut operation, hy ni'*>n, of a |>n nhr-s home treatment. sr. the marvel it tt.e old al profession. Met, who have lo*t the vtitoi of nature ~r who,., hi haa he. n ; ..l ined by oi n'aglon ar. brought hack hi h ni to a perfect stale of itralth and . i.trm He Invl'.s all theme who have any form of chr-nlc disease . r w.aiknets to call at his ofllo.. or write him. for free consulia tlcn and examination and it.- m also send frei. In f. .In wrapper hi, new 64 |*Ke hook and scf-exsmlnatlon svmp mm blanks, L> anyone who writes to him in confidence. THE MOUSING NEWS: SA i LHDA V. DECE.MBEK 1, 19lW. VALUAILE TESTIMONIALS. A trw ofovtr Our i hoanund. from famous PhylviMtaa: Professor Von MoetiK-Moorhof, Vienna, Austria, of -virferr lr*|* Vales ratty anie I h*r •mploycd M **a •! aaaa Wat-r lb ca* of übattiiata * onatu-at. -u ith •* #llnt and lmrne*liai atfr * ’* Professor Lomikowski, CHarkow. Kusia. Prnf**aa*ir tri Thrai***itira at tb Latvaraitf, rita ** llwaywai Jauot ataeda first all Apeiiant Water*.” Professor D. Lam hi, Warsaw, Pussia. Profaaaor f- * i Madh'taa at tka rttea. “ M*n> n*ii ,|nnoa I ittrr w*-r basldea bougai .•'!•• i red ap#riaUy afteoetoas In tL** treatment • f rXr<*nt*. romuiatiou, r#u-*ua obairucUon and c >tig**u*-n, hu*orrbo)*ta< aSet ltou and obaaily.” No Medicine in the World can compare with •• Hunyadi-Janos." THE WEATHER. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday— Georgia: t'loudy Saturday, with rain In eastern and snuthem port lona. Sunday fair, fresh notth to east winds. Eastern FTorlda: Show* rs Saturday an l prolMibly Hunla> , fresh north to north east winds. Western Florida: Fair Saturday and Sunday, fresh north to *.141 winds. South Carodna: Hain Saturday, warm er In smithern ami #a**tern portions Sun day fair, fi'-wt) north**a>terly wtuds. l'*u*r.lay> Weather at Savannah— Maximum t* mp**ratue 2( m 61 <l* gr*'* 1 * Minimum temperature 7 a. n.. 47 *lgr*es Mean temperature 54 degree# Normal temperature 49 dcgrxea Kxc* as of ten|erature 6 and gr.-ea A'cumuiMl*d t*X ej*s since Nov. 1 . 5 dxgreea A* umuiaied excels since Jan. 1 ..2*6 d^recs it.m,fall 00 Inch Normal * us inch Kxctws stncV Nov. 1 1 •> ln nes I>efb k*n*y since Jan. 1 7.14 Inches .River Report—The htght of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at s a. m. (75iu ine rldlan time) yesterday, was 1.4 f*-*t. a tall of 2.7 f*-et during the preceding twenty four hours. u.e**rvdtl>ns. taken at the s.irn*- moment of time t all statkms, Nov. p. rn , 75th meridian time. . rt of Station T V Rat I ! bad on. #l>ulv .TX J 10 i T Nt-w York CHy. pt cl'aly 42 10 <v ' I’hll *i#.j>iiia. nr ... 42 12 f .(X) Wannington Oiy, cl*-r 40 L *i I Norfolk. 4-.*r 42 J H | .<■) . Matt* rut*, ebar 4* Ilf j .( i \Y>,iTilt)gton. c'.oar 4- *'• .(** *'barlcrtl#. clear ...| 40 L j .( I Ualflgh, clear 4‘* L .• Chxr.wxof). oiomly , 50 10 J .(a) \ oU..d.> 4W > 1 _ tat Aueuila. cloufly ! SO J 4 .^at Savannah, cloudy j s r 4 0 .00 JackuonvHl#. ciouOy j *>*i j 4 .ft) Jupiter, clear j 48 J 6 .oo Kay Wer. cloudy 72 4 .* Tampa, cloudy j4s 4 *•► Mobil# raining j 54 L .01 M*jftgom#ry, cloudy ....} KJ Lj .W Vi k.burg, cloiuly j 54 L j T New Or I ram*, raining . S3 | 3 .0! Galvmton. cloudy ’•** | 14 T *hr!#t!. clear ... ♦ | 4 j ,ou I’!*■?*) )#*. Clear :'n) L .14 Nbinplili. clear 4* 4 j .on * ’in. jnn itl. clear ♦*> | L .*• Pitf#uurif. cloudy IW j 4 <• Bi.ff.B* #n**ivtnyf 4*> J* ' T I>#tm4t, cioutly 28 J 14 j u Chicago, cloudy j 38 j 12 | ,(W Marquette. loudy 34 | 14 .2 rf; I’bul. pt cUuMy ... JA j L .<• Davenport, pt. cloudy ....j 3s 4 j .00 St. Itouir, cloudy 54 4 * .do K ir)N* City, clear 44 j 4 .oo D!:!ahnu. clear j L .o*l Dodge Oily, cbar 41 L .00 North Platt#, clear 44 L j .00 H FT Boyer. Ical For*rni Official I.OXI. MROT TOOK \ It U K. Me Won It ty tlie \ er> Niirron Mar ie In of n Washington. Nov. 3ft l-land Prince. sft to 1 s!x*t, .'apturol the fir at race to d,y at Hennings, in a Aefcl of twelve urtcr* by the narrow margin of i neck. T’.tre favoriuw won. Summ iri*f; Pirn Race—Belling. mai-bti Jockey*. six furlong*. Island Prince, no to 1. woe with Evelyn Pvf.l 4 to 1 and * to .i\) amt I*exlngtni IMrltr, 2 to 1 tuirj Tim I 17 1-5. Bocond Rare—Five furlong- Jll* Green* tv hml, & to 1, won. with Provost. * to l and 2 to 1. -• *>n-l. ami Curtsey. 20 to 1. third. Time 1,03 1-5. Third and one-sixteenth mile* Sir Fltxhugh. h to &, won. with Spurs, 7 to 2 and t to 5. second. and Tyrahena, 4to I, third Time 153 Fourth H.ICO—Six furlongs. Queen Par nival. 7 to 10, won. with San I ml*. 0 to 7 and 7 to 5. second, and MU*trees. 4 to 1. third. Time 1:17 2-6. Fifth R.irr-onp mile and forty yards Flilm 8., 30 ti> l, w*n. with The Driver. II to f, nnd 4 to 5. second, mid I’nole .Josh. 7 to 1. third. Time 149 3-5. Sixth Hace—One mile and a furlong. Decanter. 7 to 5. won. with Alsikv. 4 to 1 and 4 to 5. *.-cond, and third. Time 1:58. Winners at >r Orleans. N< w Orleans. Nov 30 hole!, Sit Christopher ami Kohnwi.uth were the winning favorite* to-duv. ftumrnurlo* First ITSn *- S.x n.d u hall furlong* Ij*t*lwl. 13 to 5. won. with Andes "* to 1, second. .nd Tea Gown. 10 to 1, third Time 1:23. Si nd Race—Six furlong*. Georg* Arab. 10 to 1. won. with Umo T- urn, 15 to 1. second, ami Ad i. 13 to 10, third Time 1:17. Third R ice- Seven furlong* S.r Chris topher, 3 to 2. won. with lo • I. •** on.l and Grown Vail. 15 to 1. third Time 1:30. fourth Race—Four and n half furlong* K* imvr*Mth. 4> to 5, *vor.. with Anmi -It. . •i to 3. second, and Fid-he d*Or, 3u to 1, third Time 1 *l*Q. Fifth Race—One mile and an eighth. Donna Rita. S to 1, won with Yoloco. 3 to 5. second, and Garland liar. 15 to 1, third. Time 1:58 Scuta Turn %watvf Whiskey. Fr*m the lainept. We learn 11 11 In Scotland anew socie ty ha* U*en form* and. with hi* Graci the Duke of Sutherland as pr-**;•••■•€t. to be called the "8 ottbh S-lf-Cuntrol Society,** or. briefly the **B S S." The members undertake three thing*. First—Not ro drink Intoxicants before noon or at uny time except at a regular meal. Second—Not to treat—l. not to offer or to accept alcoholic drinks except with a regular meal. Third—Not to give or to accept drink.* In return f -r service* rendered Thai In a • mfry lk S otlun! famous fo* u- i-lignum. tut* lb ml n<! . nle mfc super orliy, the people, without dis tme-ton of church or lass. should <*on fume alc< hoi. chiefly in the strong form Of whisky at all tun* a and rm all oc aeiona Ims long men an tn*\ph - it>|** f s. We do mt know whether th* ' Ten-Tumb ler Club” still survlv-*. but It Is not many< “ln it existed *nd In. hi.* and men of high character and celebrity. When elders and professors have been in volved In the h ibt of dr nk'ng o potson oui quantity of alcohol daily how could a hl*h eandard of tveconal obrle<y be xpected* The use of whisky by the Scotch has proved nfectlous. and It has extended to England on ii scale which de serves, and Is now receiving the grave study of the medical profession, whose authority la too often quoted in Ms sup- i port. M %KI*B I M’EI.I.HsFNt E. Mattera of Intereat to Mt'pping Men taenerally. The steamship George Fnrwcli put Into Savannah y< st rlay disabled. She left Ilrunswlrk Thurs*Jay night with a cargo of y* (low- pine iumt>er for New* York, ond was di.*uibled at jo o' lock Thursday night by the breaking of an eccentric rod of on* of her engines. Temporary r**t>alrw wera made anl too steamer healed lor j ihla ]N>rt for repair*. She i* docked at I the Gordon wharf, where repairs are be ir.g mada by J ka A Son?. A fni •• of hands w* re at work last night, and It is expected that the work will he finish* 1 in time for th* steamer to pro ved to day The cargo is for the Cypress Lumber ( om(<un> of New York. The British steamships Ormaoby and th# St Quentin cleared at the Guatom House yexterday. ('otton, phnsidiate rock, cot tonseed meal and pig iron are the prtnei ] ui products which a|)|*ear on the mani fests. Beaufort. 8 C.. Nov .V-Th* United States tug Potomac arrived here laat rdght on*! will tow* two navy coal barges from the Port Royal Naval Station to Norfolk. Va. Th** I'nlted States monitor Amphltrlt* arriv**d here yesterday from Norfolk, Ya , md I' an- nored off the Port H<*>al Naval Station. Mr. K. H. li****. who wS yeoman of Ih* third division South Carolina Na wil Ibittaiion of this place when It was In active s* rvl * during the Spaniah- Amerlan war. Is now paymaster's clerk op the Aniphitrke. Invannnh tlmnssn, Sun rise# at 6:14 a. m. and seta nt 4.54 p m High water at Tv bee* to-day at 2:38 n m ana j:'. p m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phftsea f th** Moon for December. Standard tim*—9hth m#r. D H M l’ui I moon 6 4 3* morn, l*n.**t quarter 13 4 42 eve. New moon 21 6 1 ev#. First quatter 28 7 48 eve M- >i p*-rigee, Sd and )th. Moon uoo gea, 15th. %Itl<l \ U> \\D DEIV4HTI IE, le*rl* Arrived leaterdar. Steamship G*otge Far well, Ireland. Brunswick —Muster. Two unknown schooners at Tybee last night. f Irnri'd 1 eer*lay. Steam hip Si Quentin (Br). Stxbb. Llv erpo*>; —A. F. Churchill. So amship Ormeshj' (Br). Rohlnwon, Bremen \V \V Wi.son. Bark Tereu l Vico fltal), Tarraro, Ge ts '-4 Paterson-! owning Cos. Bulk Progresso (Ital), Ambrosano, Os noa Patermjh-I *w ning Cos. Bark Cosmo (Br). M.iiigrafl. Pernam buco.- St ra*han <v Cos. S* liooner Aetna, rimpmir, N*w York. \ essela Went t* •‘ea. Steamship Berkshire, Ryan. Philadel phia St* amship Florida, Allen. Baltimore llaik Baegvlg (Nor), Olsen. Hull. vliip i* I it)t Memorauda. Port Tampa. Fla,. Nov. 30—Sailed, steamer Ahhcgla (Aut). Thlanich, Venice, via New Orleans. Arrived, steamship lUtmleh, Dusting. Liverpool. Kernnndlna, Fla.. Nov. 30—Arrived, hooner Brssla Parker (Ur), Carter, Ha vana. Cleared, schooner Etta A Btimpson, Ho gan. Havana: hooner Grace D. nn. llArrlr.gton, New York. Baltimore, Nov -k*.—Arrived, steamer S:a* of Texn*. Savannah. Mn*lelrn Arrived previously, Jacob Bright, Pensacola, for Genoa. Bremen Arriv*il. etearm*r Aldersgate, Savannah, via Norfolk. Key \V* *t. Fla . Nov. 3h.— Arrived, steamers Olivette, Smith. Port Tampa, and n die*! for llnvana; Funifa, Thom:*- son. Tamp*, and sailed for Havana; s -hooner Loul** Hastings, Albury, .Mo bile. Pui-.ta Gordn. Fla., Nov. 30.—Arrive*!, *. •!♦*• ■* >r Maude Palmer. Smith, Havana. Chwrlestor N*v .>l. —Arrive-1, steamer 11 • ju**:- Kemble. Jacksonville, and pro* • ceded to N w York, steam yacht lioamer. Homier. New York, bound for Florida; > h *,* ra Antii* C Grace. Smith, New York: Tofa, WiUon, Phiadejphla; Mary Patt'u.. Steelman. Baltimore; Helen Montague, Adams. New Y*rk. Nettle Shipman. Rayner, N* w York, Augustus IVclt, Spmule, N w York; sloop yacht There*•■.(, Newport. R. 1„ bound to Central America. Sailed, steamer Algonquin, Platt, Jack sonville. Off Chari*ton bar. Nov . schooner Th* Jrwphine, Townsend, Baltimore. b*iund Savunnah. >*ttee to llsrlnfra. Pilot charts <nd all hydrographic Infor I Satisfaction I | . • . I lis unusual with “ Fivc-Cent cigar i \ smokers,” but it has been the every -1 day experience of hundreds of thou i sands of men who have smoked j Old Virginia Cheroots I during the last thirty years, because | they are just as good now—in fact, better than when they were first made. . Three hundred million Old Virginu Cheroots gmoked this year. Ask voor own desler. Price, 3 for 5 cents. • mation will b** furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United State? hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tains ar# requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to fhe Navy Depart, ment. Foreign Export*. Per Brkish steamship Ormssby. for Bremen—2.343 sa* cottonseed, 52.M6; 1.M4 t'ltit* phosphate r**’k. 115.463, 6.7ul bales outon. 4333 573 —Cargo various. Per British steamahlp St Quentin, for IJverfioo.—2so barrels rosin, 1737. 1,400 ton# pig Iron, 521.4U1); Iv4**) sa ka cottonseed meal. 117.304. 142 barrels ochre $374; lfio pieces pitch pine deals. sll2, 2tt* pieces pitch pine lumber. s.'*;>. 2,1 u) sacks txaton seed. $2,270. 122 ton? Florida phosphate ro* k. $1,320. BO bags 000 solol and OOHdB $19,540, 7.)C*i) ba.-s cotton, sktt.4l2; 1 orange l switch boxed —Carg various Per Italian hark IT**gresso. for Genoa— -2.633 barrels r**sin. F.6l9.—Cargo by Pater son-Downing Cos. I Per British bark Cosmo, for Pernambuco ! —2.534 barrels rosin $6,522.70; 404 jd-ce* pitch pine lumber. |5& 57.—Cargo by Wal ler Coney Per Italian lark Ter#a lo Vico, for Ge noa—3.233 barrels redn, s9.3ll—Cargo by I’aterson-Downing Cos ('oHMe lae Exports. Per steamship Berkshire, for Philadel phia—l.sM) bbb rosin, 141 bbls turpentine. 325.341 feet lum *r. 7 l<ox* - crates vegetables. 6** hi*.w cottonseed oil. 249 sacks rice bran. ..u23 o)ik staves. 155 lkgs mdse, 189 pkgs domestic! and yarns, 321.341 feet lumber. Per steamship Nacooche**. to New Y’**rk. Nov. 27.-445 Ha.#!* upU lel cotton, 225 bales sea Island cotton. I.HOi ti*ls cotton*-* ***! oil. 25 bb.a nusin Oil. b* bale.** dom*sib*a, 7'n hbl* rosin, S2 bbls turi***twinc*, 1 m3.11l feet lumber. 11 bbls tish. 6 27*i boxes fruit, 2* bbls vegetables. 471 rm - vegetables, 47 cfisex* eigars. luO.uo shingl*-> 2.k hales to bn cox 7is) (digs ln>x material. 5 bols |dt *h. 373 pkg* mdse Per schooner Aetna for New York—36B - 742 feel yehow pine turn net. Cargo by E. ii. Hunting Si Cos. VESSELS IY POUT. Slenkl|s. Ais’sby (Br). 1.7 M tons, ODcn; Mg tor iiotn* wo**d (Br), 1.291 tons. Ilowland; Id*: fur Barcelona.—Wilder <v Cos. Jur.o (Nor ). 1.567 iocs. Trencrt; iJg. for Revsl.—Barnard ic Cos. M **irt) (Br). 1.473 ton*. laourte. Mg lor Bremen.—Barnard A Cos. 8t Quefit In (Br). 2.170 ton* St abb. cbl for Liver|w>*i —A F. Churchill. Tunagra (Hr), 2,159 tons. Idg. for Bremen aml Rotterdam.—J. F M.nls A Cos. Winnie (Hr). ISO tons. Eli keen. Idg. for Bremen.—Wilder A Cos. lllpM. Harvest Qu*en (Br). 1,943 tons, Forsyth. | Idg. for Rio.—Master. hsrLs. A vie more (Nor), 1.043 tons. Sorensen; Mg n. s —Chr. G. Dahl A Cos lUundlna P. (Aust.) 791 tuns. Rosmonlch; Idg n. s.—Master. Brema (G#r), 1,377 tons. Drees; Id. n. s.— Sirachav A Cos. Bravo (Nor), Jmt tom*. Andreassin; Idg n. —Chr. G. Dahl A Cos. Cosmo (Br>. 3*6 tons. Maligraft; eld. Per nambuco.—Strachan A Cos. IJxjtlt* Curry (Hr), 498 tons, Landry’; disc l cargo.—Master. 1 Friwtiid (Nor), 915 tons, Jacobsen, Id. n. 1 s.—Chr. G. Dahl A Cos. Francesca (Ital), 1,083 tons. Hanc tlarl; to Id. n. s.—Strachan & Cos. Oeselle (Br), 994 tone. Green; Id. n. s Master. Jikovna (Nor), 731 tons, Bjorge; Id. n. s.— Chr. G. Dahl Ar Cos. Ninf (Aunt). 645 tons. Bertoloxsi; Idg. n. 1 h Sn.-*l)Mn it Cos. New Zealand (Nor) 635 tons. Johannsen; id. n. Chr. G. Dahl & Cos. ITogr*#.**' (Itah 479 tons. Ambrotane; cbl. Genoa.—Chr O. Ihihl a- Cos. (Nor), 579 tons. P derscn, to Id. n. s.—(’hr. O Ihl dc Cos. Royal (Nor), 639 tons. Krogh; to Id. n. s. | —Chr. O. Dahl it Cos. Stlensio (Ital). 7"1 tons. De Negri; to Id. u. s.—Chr. G. Dahl & Cos. Teresa lx> Vico (Ital). 5*3 tons. Ferraro; cld Genoa.—Chr. G. Dahl & Cos. Kehonsers. Aetna. 332 tons. Chapman; to Id. lumber. Master Harry A. Berwind. 911 tons, to Id. lumber. —Master. lea.n T. Campbell. 557 tons. Stevens; Mg lumber.—Master. Blanc!)# Hopkins s**l tons. Hopkins; Idg lumber. —3d ster. Hlbbi. tons. Bine?; to Id. lumber.— Master. John It. Rore, 595 tons, BtlUweJl; Idg. luml>er.- Master. Wm. H. Rhulwrt. 502 <on. Doughty; Mg lumber —M i“ter. Jennie Thomas, 576 tons. Young; big. lumber.—Master Berths F Walk*r, 611 tons, to Id lum ber.—Master. %lnl*n>i %Yird. From the Nome News The most common wort Is , *mush.*’ which means go on. march, travel. It 1.- a corruption from the French “marchin." Th* (arvid an Frenchman thus a*klr his dug** when lie wlsned them to nv>ve. When ;n Ala nat) w.mss his dog to move b.* Mys “mush;” he n* vo says "get out * If h* Is -itUin* ad g t.*m he >ays “mush" w her, Ik* wants th* ni td start, if he h is l>e n on the trail he says he has been “mushin” or t at he “mushed 1 In from th* mines. “Chee ■ a*x“ is the Ohim ok word tor nw ■ iiiit or greenhmn. It Is th,* qutvl*nt of tiK* early California wor-1 “tenderfoot." TMuck’ is an l>kimo wopl, atvl mean# all gone. “Tllacom” i 11 sir ng Indian worl. and nicew Loth friend an*l paitner. It Is some *re you have ;inip and with and shared dang'-r* w ith, for v. h m you would - iff r dial who would suffer for you. “Hkookum" Is an Indian word in g.neril us*- tneHnlng gooil. The?* words are In common u** through •>Ut Northwest Alaska. There .ire o;he native and provincial expressions, imt they have not h**n dignified by common use to th* extent of the for* g ring A little saltier on the side with f Yellow Label > WHISKEY Z> makes a drink fit for Kings and Potentates. —j Old, mellow, velvety, to everybody’s taste—that’s follow y& Label. Sore \o please you too. (The best Rye distilled. Ua (’all for it wherever flrtt-rlass liquor, are told. M/r*|i TREAT T>* <*". h e-catb,nv n th and ordinary whtiki-v: to show tht dilfrrtr.. mr 7' j■! will send you sample bottle free, on receipt of 12c. to defray packing, ft.. ■ Addrma, CHAS. M. PFBIPCK A CO.. 47 Main St., CINCINNATI 0. **[• MorsiiTSss or t rTii siu, REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. GENERAL COWIMTION OF TRADE DIRIXG Till: PAST WEEK. %n Iniprnvniirnt noticeable In the Movement of Cotton— %• h Reanlt the \oltame of Trade Shows tialns. Splrlli Turprntlnr Firm at 3Pe. lioalux Firm nnd 1 tlx it > In l.oenl Morl*—l.*rxl uJ Telegraphic MnrLetx. .The Morning News Office. Friday, Nov 3d. The recent ris# in the price of cotton Is beginning to show Itself by an Increaa and mo\ein*nt, nnd a t'orrei>onding in crease in th volume of the week's trade Whik an lmprovrxnfiit In marketing th<* iiiu* "il cotton Is noticeable, it Is neverth**- I* .•* true that much of the crop In hold er's hands la being firmly held, and la to l * had only at good prices. The epeeuln market wabbles about, but the effort ck*es not disquiet holders of tx>tton. They offer It at a certain price, and in moat ii#** an ♦ do not part wtth it for less The Savannah s|ot market closed steady to d.y, at tn advance of l-16c above \V*ed n* - lay s prices The cotton futurea mar k*a closed quiet with price* 1 to 12 points •lgher. The s'drlts turt*entinc market closed l.rm 9 cents, a decline of V*c below * fw* -|H‘nlng r;o. The demand was fair ly *c**od at the de* line The tendency was <-> decline throughout th, week, and much • .. >... . n ■ t r>l ix-mS l%* **MliHiy r**c#dlng I*l ic#a. The rosin market re- K.airW-l tinchnng*Ml throughout the week, with n*> developments of Interest i.o affrret pr.ees one way or tho other Tne stuck market ruled dull and lrreg uiar a |-(frt of ti e week, but showe*i nvre stH-ngth toward the closing. Activity pre \ ail#*! In the local market ax to several torkw. among them the issues of the drill of Georgia ami the Seaboard Air Line Railways, ats! the shares of banks aid building associations The fol lowing resume of the markets will show U. t*-i e and quo:atk>n# at the close to day and their condition during the week, laical aikl General Markets. Local Cotton—Firm. 1-16*' higher. Stock#— VV*ttk at the decline. Mon#>-Call steady. 3Vd* i**r cent. Tur# tfclltie —Firm. 39c. 1; pins-Firm, uiuiianged. Oort) Nov *ff s‘to; Dec. off Sc- -Dull. oats —Closed LC)\<* off. Provisions—tlos*d 2 u /*i* r *c to 17Hc lower. Cotton Seed Oil—Barely steady. C4ITTM)* Th# spot c<Mton m.rk#t closed steady to-day t an advanc*# of 1-14** above VV*-d --n* l*> s prices. There were xalea on the “lot of 150 i*lex. The demand was sat- Dfa t**ry throughout the week conslder- Ir.g the fart that there was not a great deal of business to be done except at prices below what holders were asking Th* interior * onttnuos to hold for better prices, and In orbing on the rises In the mark** iath*r than the decline#. Offer ings of cKtpn *■ in lo be witnheM when the market recedes. The following were the official spot quo tations at tne (lose of the markrt at the Cotton Exchange to-day: 1 This Last I day. J year. Oood middling 9 17-16 7 9-16 M hiding 8 11-16 7', low middling 9 5-16 7 1-16 Market steady; sales. 270. Receipt. Hast Week. Receipts of Cotton— | land.' Isl'd. j Up* | Sea Receipts past week ! 3*.932 5.1f19 Same rv ■ k I .si year | 19.735, *.131 Particulars of Receipts— j Central Railroad 26 7681 316 S . F. fc W j 5.2*5 1,130 Charleston and Savannah ...,| Smi River steamers | ,79] Carts .1 3| 2 Seaboard Air I.lne ~| :,*|9 1.661 Kxi>orts— 17xports Inst Week 1 29.331 l.*o Same W.ek last year 28 707 *.371 Movement— To Hsltlmnre | 535, To New York I 1,5*5 S9O Ih-slon : fi.nai Philadelphia | 351 I.lverpool j 7.860 270 Util consumption | iso Iliirned j io| Man.heMer j 5.1*0 jjo Genon | 4.J6t| Har.elona | .S*6 Slock r*. han.l and ships ~..| 75 379 19 866 day last year :1*r>.079 19.3.'d •tavann h. Receipt *, Export, and Btce’ta: Received this day r, on Ri- flvrd s me day |aat y<* S <m.. day year hsfo s last 2.,'S Hs.'d|<> l"*3 week J*'Ml Bam week liat year. 23.'em : s.lOl week year before last 23 "S3 R- Hv.,l ,tn e Sept. 1 ."41 47,1 Received same time loat year 505.4D Kxtsine l*nt Week— Kximrl, thl day. coastwise 6 177 Kxporta thl* diy, continent *751 Fxports past week, coastwise 8 tit Manufactured jygj Runted 70 Kxports past week. continent *.697 Kxport* pn,t Wiek. Fmnee None Fxports IMS! week, flreat Rrltaln.. 13 *> Total cxiwrts past week 30.821 Kxport, Slice Sept. J. 1900— T. Britain lfki.7t* To France sj nrr, To the eon linen! 23.". SSS To: .1 for. I- *77,, Total o.atw-l e 974-4 T“'l expet* 4SI I*3 |jrts Time Last Year— To <7 c t Rrltaln *1,199 To France 30.544 TANARUS the continent 21*208 Total fore lit, i 330 0.51 . a* " Total . X ..rt* 50\444 s k m hard thl* day 9 41, S oek on hand s ,me ,’av |a*t v*r. Its 7*'. Re elpts n t Stocks at Al' Porta— R~-lpt- this day 813 I This .'ay ’at e r It *ll TM day year before laat 60.747 Receipt pat week St’.sri Same doy* last year 225 411 Year bef.ate 1 at 392,59; Total recelpte -Ince Sept. 1, 1899 .. 3.36.3."51 Baiue time laat ytar ...1 8,882,662 j Ham, time year b-fore l.tst Stock at all i>ortr i Stock name day last ywir y, ",j (•ally Movement* at oilier I’ (talverton—Holl.Uy; net i. . Kroar reclpt*. 11..7X!: stock. 2t! I ; New Orleans.—Steady; ihi.M.luk • net receipts. 19,Sri; Kross rciii, * t I ralea. 7.a>; stock. 307.211. Mobile— Firm: rnkSlllna 9Hc; r - cripte, 196; gross receipts, 196. J.i. , stock. 25.116 Charleston—Btea<*y; mi Mil? e rr eel|rt. 2.916; gross receipts. 2.91. 19.992, Wllm!nton—Holiday; net rrcelp Stoss receipts, 2,1*9; stock, 9..'54 Norfolk—VJulet; mi.9l.tiiK. 9',c, i r ,. i-elpts, 777; Kross receipts. 777. st m. lialtlmore—Nominal. mliMllnK. lt)> rtM.'elpts. 1.956; ktoos receipts, 2,121 12.162. New Yorks—Quiet; mkllllnK, 10', ~.. receipt*, 1.375; Kross receipts, 3,5>.„. 2, stock. 49:t66. Host on—Holslay. Phila.lelphta—gulet; m!<M'.tnK. 10‘, r>t receipts, 2**, Kross receipts, 932. t < 3, *75. Ne|Krt Nesra—Net receipts, 2.*57. (rej rerelpui. 2.*57; stock, 10.066. I'al.y Movements at Interior T 0... AitKUSts— Steady; mt.klhnK. 9 ],V, • rete.pis, 2.iJ*r., h ioss receipts. 2,ul*j. .... • 1.365; stock, 53.597. Memphis—Steady; mkMUne. 9V; n*-t celpts, 3,616; Klore receipts. *.7<jp, 117.539 St. Isou Is—Quiet; mkkllm*. s\. r. r>. celpts, 2.62*; Krous receipts, 2.624, 60,738. Cincinnati—Quiet (two .lavs), m: , 9V'. net receipts, 2.065, frot* r< . >65; rtoek. 10.9718 Houston— Holklay; net receipt* ;i Kross receipts, 1* 592; stock. 101.075 Letuisvi.. weekly nrm; n„- | net recelpis. 520; gross receipts, 5. ~ *O3, stock. 566. v Pensaiola—Net receipt*. 8.301; gro?- r-- celpt*. 3.301; continent. 3.301. Export* of notion This Day: Ualveston—To Gnat tlnent, 10,272. New Orleans-Continent. 5.625. coar-y. , 2.143. MoMle—To Orent Hrltain. 2.1.72 fiavannah—To Great Itrltain, B,ICC. cei i. nent. 670; coastwise. 6.137 Norfolk—Coasawise. 7,223. Halttanora—Contlnint, 2.73. New Y’ork—Continent. 7. Newr-wt News-To Great Rrllslr. " Total foreign exports from ail pr day—To Great Hrltain. 20.776, to th tlnent. 2i),888. Toti.t foreign exporta fnen a.i port Rr|r n - - , France, 2*.753. to the continent, 9* , 7 Total foreign exports rince tiep; To Great Hrltain. 1,23*,>; to ! 275.*,m; to the continent. 850.41* Charleston. S. C . Nov. 3'J.-Cotto4i firm, mnldling 9S<-. sales. So. 4BA lLl\|) ( OTTOS, Price* about as follows: Fxtra choice Foirt Florida* 23 f-.t Kxtra choice ami fancy Florida# Kxtra choice and fancy (leorglH* Choice Georgia# Kxtra fine i}e*>rgias Pine Georgias (nominal) |. . . Me Hum tine and common Receipt* m*! Stocks— *it)o-01 1 Receipts |>sst week ....TT.T..! 2.325 2.27* Kxports past week | U*' Receipts this season j Su'Vo 4. Sales pa *4 week ( 2,ov| - 7 Btr*:k on hand | 22.132 Charleston. Nov. 30.—Ren lalan.l m 1: Fine. 22c; fully fine. 23c. fully exhi fine. 25c. Receipts. 558 bag*; eliiorie >7l: sales, 651; stock. 2.266. OOTTO* KITTHKfI. The CloaliiK Quiet With Prices I to 12 Points (Usher. New Y'ork. Nov. 30.—The sole feature * to-day's cotton market was It* str. ->' which obtained to a surprising degr> I was sustained In face of all obsu* r S*l*'culatlvely the market was one .. smallest of recent times and few trs'li 1 * were made that were for accounts •> f r than professional. The -public • a buyer. The market opened steady. ' twice* 44x11 points higher, and after th" call, worked on several points still - er on brisk demand from parties t* sentlng Influential Southern and (■ r- > Interests snd by local shorts Kx >t* ally firm cables and rumors that S ern spot markets were again higher *r the baala of the confidence of firs huyara. As the morning progr * • ness dwindled away steadily with > operations small, even for a . trade. Prices settled a few poll.' der e-ntterlng soles for profits, ot again sA-k high pitch of the dat In early afternoon cellmates for lie ' relpt* at New Orlcan* and Houston morrow. The private cables altrtbui- ’ Idvertsxd’s sudden strength to Am> buying. Increased demand for good* at Manchester from China a M 1 the firmnes* In genetwl abroad quiet, with prices net 1 10 12 points h Fl.lTTt iTIII\a 16 PTTtnFC New Yo'k. Nov. 70.—f*O''0n fu opened steady at the advance, anu . quiet. ITlcea a* follow#: | Open. | High. | Low ' January 9 *5 | 9*7 I 931 February .... 9.30 | 9*l j 974 | 9 .March 9.71 ( 9.77 71 '■> A pel. 9 <l9 6 73 9.6* Mov 967 ' 9.72 ! 9 ! t‘ June 969 . 9.79 9.66 | 9 July 9.62 I 9.6* 962 '* August 9.41 9.12 .*t ! September I I s December.... MU j 9 92 9** * 1.1 VKRPOOI. tOTTO9' 91 AItKET Liverpool, Nov. 8.l Spot. In fair 1 mend and |.|d higher; American - fair. 6 1-32.1, good middling. 5 - middling. 5Sd lw ml Idling, 5 7-' 1 -! * . ordinary. 5 3-16.1; ordinary 4 IJ-K1 rales of he day were MM> which DUO were Par speculai km an.l ■'> port, and Included 9.7 K) American, r .elpts, U.oao bales. Including *.®> Ant r can. . . , Futures tipened quiet and steady > ,-losed feverish. American middling • ml.ldling clauae. December. LC '• * value; Decemher-Jnnuary. 5,29175 30.1 <“> r; January-Februory. (27a5 2*.l *■ February-March. 52M buyer,; M , April. 8.23d aelleri; Aprll-May. buyers; May June. 818d buyers ■“" Rily. 6 16516d buyera: JtHy-AWgusL 87* buyers; August-Bepiemher 4-®d ' • Liverpool. Nov. 80-EtoglUh •P*"'I*’ 1 *’ takings were 106.600 bales.