The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GOSSIP OF WASHINGTON. M ILL TALKIN4I OF Till: PRl>l- DFNT - ' SECOND < VIII'KT. Tkr Disappointed •!*• Aspiration* nl Or*. ( u*hmati tv. Ilm I*-'"' •* Her 'tartllna * young tilrl to Hr Second to l.t* ot ftlotr It rrr |t loo* —1 hr Preel t)rMt'* MUMM* *tloO Rook. Wa*blr.g:or.. tit 2 -There is no "'•**• tlon to tht ti ip on rrnloj the *ol net of Pr.-M. • M Klnlt; , *■ otd trrtn Th bunbo'i' of off. tad m wat h care , It* . •• I.iom* thi* *ay *i.d 1 i on tbo breath ot go,alp Ju-t Vbo n. > i P Into t e At ti.rnr. Gener.l ><> ■< on the t-U t.i ot £vj . , , • . i. of deep into;r*t , tti. n. ri an; -ja*n ot Wtuhl g'.oi.. Jf Governo: Me n-m the p cent Dr c< tor of the Ctn-ui. I* proutaud into th nblntt. tt.ii* t* liitr.j' to be ■ sen* • i . ... a Jver.ttnen; o' ,-,m< a'mu who .. w *..ffi . h.rj end lourtn n:m era * off. .el to. t,o whet I l.e tub.vct cl I r<< e .rnt U at vital Inteieet tun* lr. mourning for Iter mother, th* wife of the P* reury of St' l * alii .tot receive In th* Prert-entlal line at tbi whin || mm lunette • f"t —me ttme Mr* Hei w.l - re re er .<1 however, to her daughter. end It will he nov rieht to nee this young git. t .n-lmg n-*t 1., Mr* M.’Ktnlej at. i * hi. g the oth r i ahin' I.i i> Mi M Kin ey never e-nnde and very ari-ly siak * hanle anl ► (ranger, from *bro and may aeil •- *’tt priaed to a 0.. r 1 th< fir.t Am- loan torrn of greeting at the Chief nxemjtlv. ', offi , tal ie.-ej.tion tu . aoman eo young In >fin t Mi H*y % n lii 1 1< n C ul Short. |tv the death of her dlstlngutahad hus band. one amMtiou* aoman i* out 6t tn* race tor social advan iffi-nt Tht* t, Mr*. Cushman K Dav.s. at ft of the tat*man ano ha* la: red ro untiringly tn hi* aen atortal aortt and who** ia*t utterance • u that he regrette.l to die while '.her* an attil work to b- done for hH iouo try Kerely ha* there he*n a wontin more M.ked about, mor- purp>ly rotupi * on* more amhitlou*. tn offi. ;a! clr.-le* than Mr* Davie Through her husband’, i-01-llon -llon .-.he aa* eotltiod to much *oclai con tile ration, but a,ide from that he found many obstacle, in her path toward bad erahlp when the tlrst came to Washing ton. and If *h suimounted none ot ih m It ae due solely to her untiring effort* and not by reason of tht er.roura* ra* nt received from the wive* of Senator Davia' friend* and associate* In the Senate Mr* Davia la of the type Junoesquc Her massive beauty d*.ighed to enow itself in th* mo*t startling of cortume* and in giving entertainments. this woman * aim sit to achieve something oul of the or dinary Cm her reception .lay Mrs. Davis has been known u wear a Grecian cos tume comp.ete. and with on* rounded arm expaaod. she aouid entertain her guest* wlta selection* on the harp. A Startling Did. Lae' winter she made her first really startling hid for popularity when she took for the winter a large mansion on Par ragut Square and entertained Incessantly far one solid month Every night there was a dinner, card party or Informal dance: by day there were luneneona and treakfasi* galore, and the climax was reached when 3.900 invitations were sent out for an evening reception It proved to be the crush of the season nisi sub seanttaied the statement that a Wash ington crush can he a thing to marvel at and dread I went to this reception at II ;J0 o'clock when hundred* had already' left and were departing In throngs, but at even this late hour It took exactly twenty mteue* to reach a dressing room Many arrtvtng guest* turned from t.i* entrance tn despair. unw.lltng to penetrate so dense a crowd, and others arrived at the scene of gaiety but did not attempt to greet the hostess of the even Ing The house was cleared of furniture, and the confusion tn the room* was well nigh pitiable, so great was th* devastation of cosily wraps and gowns Dellcat* v*- - * cloaks were toyed sever rows deep upon th* floor, the r owner* wading through the bilkw, of finery In a tain attempt to And what belonged to them Several women faint'd and dozen of them carried flounce*, tutiles, ini <*vn gauze ,leevt, home In their arm*, thetr costume* having In-en literally loro to piece* In ih* crowd. Those who reach*.' the neighborhood of the supper table were deluged with m!*ds and, and I beard on ail sides that condition* had been Indefinitely worse an hour curlier The Davises engaged an equally roomy house this season, on 11 street, opposite the French Krebattsy. and ck< to the Metropolitan Club Mrs. Davis p.urts and thoughte for the future covered a area It was her dream to attain to first place In Ihe official set. end had not dewth interven'd It Its not improbable that Senator Davts would have become Secre tary of State In Ih* event of John Hay's resigning. To-day all these aspiring dreams are shattered, and if Mrs Davia returns to Waehlngtnn. she will find that the poet tlon of wife to a stTateeman deceased 1* far from the pleasant one of wife of a living. active politician. Mr*. McKinley ladlspoaed. Mr* McKinley lias been -omewhat In disposed during the present week, and on account of the tabor attending the writing of the President s annual me*,age to Con are**, the ha* been deprived of the daily companionship of her husband Mr*. Mo- Klniey'* friend, have been very gener ous of their time, however, in (tiling the invalid* days with fdeasant chat*, and these ladies take (urn, tn visiting the White House A most devoted friend I* Mr*, flmlth. wde of the Pnatmaater Gen eral. and thla intimacy of the two ladle, ha* glv*n rt*e io the report that the Post master General may become Secretary of Male. President's buageatlon Hook. Few perron, seem to be aware that Vroldert M-Kbley keep* j suggestion hook. In It are recorded all the sugges tion* that have been made to the Presi dent in conversation wnh friend*, and those that have been gleaned from news paper* and letter*. This book ! kept with grem care, and when any topi.- arise, demanding the rr**idenl'* consideration, he hu, only to consult the book of aug gesllon* to find that the topic msk one In troduced by Mr. Bnilth, or Jon a. and straight way thla gentleman I, summoned to furnish all Information and data neces sary for the complete under*! tndlng of rh* subject. The suggestion book ha tie come quit* a* Important an affair as Ihe presidential scrap book which occupies the entire time of one clerk. Mnumu Displaces the Chef. Th* President Thanksgiving dinner was cooked by an old Virginia colored "marnmy” who baa been Installed In Ih* White House In place of the French chef recently discharged The numerous tur kaya sent the presidential family ihl, year arrived In Washington alive, which was an Improvement ou th# od method in tending there offering* Already dressed Ueglnalua of social season. To* soclsl life of Washington had tta birth during the werk in th* numerous debutant* tea, ard she brilliant weddings that have assembled the beauty ami wealth of the city daily Quite th* mo*' ornate of th* wedding, was that of Ar thur Pue German. Jr., and Mias Norris daughter of Democratic National Com mttteemai Norris, who ha, been call*d t.~. foundation stone of the Dt-irld Dem ocracy. It was a church affair with a pageant of maid* and the floral decora tions were magnificent in ihe extreme Next week bogins the gay round of dln btia to cuotinu* unmtai i upledly ueU! lj*nt There mill b# a lar** &,nnrr mi tn# White Houpe in honor of the Parih Kano •ition ComeriMionem, end a nerle* vi din. n* r *iih * brilliant r* ceotlort g.v<*n by Mr and Mr# Th<*m* Waiali, th* former t .* m .Itl-fnliSionairr from Colorado wiu*- were among the known o Panp t. r uxhoot the peri>i of the <xaition TRINITY’S SEMICENTENNIAL. (('ontlnurd from Third ) thtw tin# in our mar*ri)il p v ,erU> >n ftr.e rhurchea and ft n# . oir* io *V> o*ir •lnc.t r We tut;! pjv a t pri- et; ne ga.n ii 4 InAueno* numberp by the *a. rifle-# of our jrp.rito ihty ou im* (s,i *)(), or our ear ♦#**.• * i> other iiurchep. if they a:... rent their r wp aod tiiup put a premi ;m a<4) a diPttn ticai upon taa po*#eior of tne rn in *ufT. -ei*i 10 pay lh ram <1 auMlfr nut tire M *;er P \ to near the prrarhing of iia Oopt:i), * lKri ?4ke domr. the mii anl let n * *.c- worldly and the caretm ou whom chur rt vowf nu lightiy. meanaig oo;.iir*a not dUtingui*hirg them In the least from t. • people of thr world, let them cultivate . hfdfly the eatketi *. ignore or forget all h* etern requ.retr.enu of th# g>#rl to ac.f-demai ar.d cre *s-ta-a . - .r* g, • to '•paraMon from a w. r j. i* the M< peopia. happen*>*'hat may. dem* onairate a did their father* that Uietra i* 'religion n eartief!." >* It •< for Po|tlnlMa. T.ier# ough* *e be no room In our rom munion for popinjay*, or trifler* or r?- tigtoup dil.ettautl Infinitely netter that our pru brn enouUi rude atd ur. outh t. <fwarled by etericiilim lnio :he putty proport ion of fop t idio jp pa t*< i.r mop talma tn dietinctlnn rept upon their f*|#rt* -qii aarb and manner*, iheir ability to i-rform nice y and J %ve#tly tne ‘ iptiam. marriage an t funeial cerc-monie?. the r t riorougn rcqualntance tri;h i;te latest fa<ls lr. pronunciation, and ihrir ntlr accrptsblllty to the free-thinker and the skeptic, who comp.tment them with th* terms ’broad" sr.d '’iinergl." ahen they ■ire only :r*r!ers in * ho.y profeasion and traitors 10 their Lord s cause. Let u* nor forger thet ours ** a preach ■ r.g enurch. that or* are not a ritualistic church, and that we mike ourreives rid! - u. when w* p* thiu* wto are I aym ptihlx* si<h Warren C'—<l know that he in a bishop o' a church that ha. more than a mi.lion 0.,d haff whit* commurp ant* hut hig though hie office I* h* Is bigger than the riffle, arid to the ••tel of the chapter h' will remain Warren and.ei 1 thus refer to him os I would speak of the great Episcopalian as I’hll.ipe Brook- rather than Btehoft Brookst. when on u re--n. O'Caatoß. in a certain Methodist Church he objected to being ••* numlter on a rou- cal programme.” I do not wish to pose us an eld fogy Good choirs, when lhc:r nt-miters are grrulrwly religious men an l women, and wh'n they do not substitute ecngn gatlonal ringing, may tie worship ful Borne leading muet tw had But th* glory of M.tnodism will have le.wtiei ur. I flic rest on for Its srt.sra'e exis.enee ■sill have ceased when we are si.riih.lic I to depend largely on fin* Hinging for on* congregations. If our people ever low* iheir willingness, to hear earnest, strict, uncom promising gotpel pr- aching, then w. ought to disband and go to .1 church where there is sortn.* and ease and .tail fort and "eociaxyan.] where our com pUn.-ncy ard our worldllncss will never ># dislurjicd by references to the terrors of the lew.” O my brethren, let us cultivate a love and a sympathy for the pwcpie. the plain people, the el..** among whom the Naxa rene catpenler w is botn and reared, from whom meet of n * disciples came, and tu witom th* wo: 11 I- more indebted than 10 any other class In historic Bivarnah where the gr -at John Wcsl y walked bare f-.oted bfcuuse some of hi* flock had no -t.oes to wear, where great things have t*-cn don# for * tori * cause by devout Mctbodtat men arid women who “fought,'* In an unfriendly city, "a good right and kept the faith.” let us, Iheir auccessors. be true to M.dhodism. its genius and tnl ton, and let u* not be unmanly enough, r small enough, fo compromise our Jtleth 'ilium for any kind of worldly advance ment or gain At thi* good nour. within ih### #arr#<l Mali*. I#t us rcn#w our .ill#giatK*# to Methodum. and resolve, let the world, or its* maxim*, or It* ctialom*. or acl*nr#- ' faU#ly *o c#!l#d"—l#vnand what they may. we will not lower Itn ptaixiard*. In i>#if#rt keeping with thi* Allegiance, let ui. with entire harmony, and with t*n plete fraternity, a# *MI our bro<! and catholic W-*lay. j* ir hand# with all Chris tiana, whatever th#.r or dcnomlna t*on. who proft-aa to love ih# Lord and seek to advanc** Hi* gracious king Join AT IHE THKVTBH. til Inn—ll car n C’o’a Knaagrinent Ur gin' To-night. The Kllmt-Hcorn Company will open a week* engagement to-ntghi with th* pastoral lomedy-dram.i. "the Nutmeg Match." by William Haworth, author of "The Ensign." "A Nutmeg Match" Is a play somewhat on the order of the "Old Homestead." "Way Down East" and "Shore Acres." Jacob Lltt, who purchased "A Nutmeg Match" from WiHfcim Haworth, and who also leased the sole Southern right, to Mr Klim!, recently produced It at New York, where It scored a run of 300 night,, with Miss Annie Lewi, tn the leading role of “Cinder*." and It Is said thal Miss Alma Hearn even excel* the former In ihe role of "Cinders." Mr. Kltm* ha* fulfllled hi* promise of each year to return with a much better company. In fact. Mr Klimt and Ml,* Hr am have surrounded themselvee with :ome of the l>el performers ever seen with repertoire companies. Mr Klimt has not onlytengiged n better acting com pany, but ha, actually invested largely In scenery, royalties, electrical and me chanical effects, making every play a omplete production. Vaudeville acts are interspersed throughout each play, with the motion picture machine In llke-llke scenes of Interesting evert*. THF. PAMK KATK3SIOI. Some lag*r,tloas Helntlee to An other Name for It. Editor Morning New*: Will you allow a private cltUen of our great city of Sa vannah. who Is In no sens# connected with the military, on account of *ex, to make a suggestion In regard to a name for what ta now known a* the Park Ex tension I see lhat Jackson “Square." or park.” or "place." or "quadrangle." as a distinctive application.lia* been received with some degree of approval by the out er* of our military companies, as a com pliment to the Confederate general*. In the plural, of that name It seem* to me that the stranger* visit- Ing our city, should that designation te • cepted. would wonder a little why Jackson Park" should presert m bare and unadorned an apinarnnce. relatively to the park Juat below. Remember there are two Jackson square* already, one In Sew Orleans and one In Washington. D. C. Now. would not ".Ml lurv Park" be both •tmidr and appropriate' That would tell plainly to what use thl* treeless ard* s>rt of "the park” Is pul. When I was n child In New Orl'ans many years ego there was a "Piece J Arms." which in English is mtatary trk or place. I offer this vary timidly aa a mild rug. gas tlon jjj Headache Biliousness, aour toma.-h. constipa tion ar.d all liver III* are cured by Hood p s Pills The uoe-trrlfating cathartic. Prir 23 cent* of all druggist* or by mall o> C.L Uoud A tu. Lowell, Maas. THK MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1900. LITTLE STRESS ON ANGELS. iio*r* i% hi:iyi:> dim tieo n\ Hi;\. im. j<no%\ M I•gtl*" t\aa hr ?k*l|#rl of Ilia *#r- RiOR at thf avaiMflti Haplial ( horrh l.aal Mfthf-U iillr If % ll# Trtf, ll# ••Id. f bal < lkollrini llaa Lwld 100 %laarh atrraa I |ina thr Idea of tnarla, It la Trnr That l*rot#Bln it 1 iant Ha* l aid I Mill** I pon It—\alarr. f hararl#rlilra aad \\ ork of • onld#rrd. Angels.’ wa# the rajher strikiog sub j.'cl tiisf 00* i-.i.**s#n night by Rev lr John D Jordan, paster of <h# Ba vantun Bapfj* - Chur#b. Cor hiF vrirwr. A at th# morning yfrvie#, the (aotor l • ached to a ;ir. > .^T.gallon !!♦* #x* pressed hii> ;• **<irt thf auaptclouv t*jjHuer ;n whi * <**♦ n< w century of fht church of*- tir<l. a* at the morning rarvl •• there were quit# a many in •tlt&dhtU:* as there th# Sunday Iwfora, whan the centennial <!ebr.aft>n wart h#!d Th*- t#xt for €.• iaight itrroon wa tak en from A ta 1J il Ti.v Lord Hath Hi* Angel and Hath Ltiivercd Me ” Th# eermon related to iiu nature, marketer 1?- and work of Pr Jordan rpok# ur pari, at follow*. Th# do- trim of angela is ancieai and frur only reiiabl# source of authority 1# tht word of God Tn# Phar isees laid great jtrfM on thr Idea of an gel* while th* rtaddu* #e* den.#d their #x iaten e. otu# think that Catholicism ha* laid too much stress upon th# klea of ut|dr Whil*- that may h# tru* it 1# ident that Protes;antism ha." 4jM too lit tle stress upon it. ’’Angela are real created helng> and n#*t lmp**r‘ int ti.fliicm • They at# with Abraham, led Lot by the hand, accepted>. refused to b# worshipped, bui wurshipped God in aor.g ard praise. Paul spoke of th*n •# having eloquent tongues ar.d having ability to preach. While tn#y ars rpoken of frequently in genera* terms •onutimet- certain a*ig#L are m*nt.oned aitd their name" are given **Our glinip f* of th#m lead us to regard angels as youthful, active, strong, com manding ami sometimes majestic Jacob was om*.j a cripple by an angel'a touch. nartas was “truck dumb al an an gel's word and th# s..#pherd* wer# filled with i \s at th# glory of their pr###nc' aW think of angels as a com pan y, and not as a ra •# They neither marry nor die. arc neither old nor young, neither male nur fstna * They are spok#n of as spirits, but they have bodies Th idea of spirit dc* not dany th - idea of cor poreallty Sp:rlt ilone does not #at and is Invisible. Angela ent. and may b# seon. ••When a boy 1 frequently heard a song that ran thus ** *1 want to be an ang#l. Anl with th* ur.gel* stand; A er wn upon my forehead And a harp within my hand.’ “The* sentiment that gave rise to the## lines may have bean harmless but It wis not tru*-. nor wl.- Mankind never be com# angels, and angels never b#<N>fne m#n Thev at# craatlooa of different or ders. We may have a crown upon our head, a harp within our hand, and stand among the, angel, and the atigels miv serve us. but ange’s we cannot be. W mav think of our loved oi es. not as an gels, but a redeemed, precious ones, dwelling with flol and th# angels. \\V note th# moral division An gela are of two kinds—th# good and the evil. This* division ha> uot always exists ed. Originally, all angels were pure. Ju*t when *nd how tha change came we knos not. neither need wre to know, ekw Ond would have rev sailed it. We are told tha’ some 'sinned/ ‘kept not thetr first estate but left their own habitation.’ were 'cast down to hell.' and are reserved in ever lasting chains, under darkness, unto th judgment of that great day ' They an mentioned as The Devil and his Angels Others have not 'sinned/' but 'kept' thetr integrity and are rpoiten of as 'elect an gela/ 'holy ones/ watchers.' 'minlstenna spirits/ ‘Angels of the Lord.' angels In neaven/ 'heavenly hosts’ and 'mornitw star.* They ar# characterized by rapid and notselex* transit, but not necessarily not probably, on wings. Why angels are always painted with wings I do not know Th# idea l# as ground,#** a# palntlnc Jesus with i woman’s face and a mans heard. We have no ground for the and of iiaby angels, or four or slx-year-od ngels. There ar# other things that dis count such an ld#a “Angel* have knowledge, u superior knowledge. They obai rve and lake an In terest tn what I' k Ing on In the universe of God. They note the 'lnner'* repentance with Joy a rat the eatnt'a Itid fforone* or aln with grief Their whole life and service I* one of rare knowledge and Intelligence. Via. their knowledge ha* a limit Peter describee them a* desiring to look Into some thing* aliout the plan of salvation Though the angel* announced hi* con ceptlon and Hl* birth, guarded III* In fancy, succored Hl* temptation, strength ened Him tn Gelheeman*, attended Ht* r#*urreotlo. witnessed Hl* ascension and are to accompany Him on Hl* return, yei ' not even the angel* of heaven" know th time of Christ'* second coming. Angel* minister In heaven a* priest* of God, and on earth a* messenger* of God They are messenger* to guide "The an gel of Ihe Lord spike ur,lo Philip, saying Ailae. and go toward the south unto tin way that goerh down from Jerusalem to Jericho." Philip went, found the Eunlch. pleached to him and baptised him. "The angel* are benefactor* to xuccor Thl* they do physically, mentally and spiritually. It an angel that brought food to Elijah under the Junlpertree, that ministered unto Jesus after hi* forty days of temptation. In the wlldemea*. that stood by Paul In the voyage to Rome ar.d assured him that nothing should be lost save the ship, and that strengthened our Lord in the Agonies of Gethaeman*. Angela are protector* tg defend us. It was an angel lhat closed the mouth of the lion* for Daniel, that delivered Peter from prison and death, that delivered the Infant. Jesu* from vidou, Herod It Is not fancy to think of each child of God a* the center of a constant battle evil angel, seeking to cripple or deitroy while the angels of God hold them In check or at bay "Angels watch the cmgregstton, and church*"—are lookcra-on from Zion's wail* They do thl* as defender* and a* Interested worshipper' We arc not here o one, God Is here. III* angel- ate here to not* even the thought* anil Intent* of out heart*. "Angel* shall accompany Christ at Hl* second coming and take part tu the tlixal lodgment Jesu* taught that In the end the world send forth Ht* angels to sepa rate tha wheat from tha tare*. He fur ther taught that He would descend from heaven with a shout, accompanied by all ill* holy angel* at III* final coming In the final judgment the angel* that watch over our live, thl* day shall appear to hear testimony either for or against us. What shall Ihe testimony be?" MR. AV. F. B AILEY AA Oh THF. MED AL. 'old thr Greatest Number of Ticket* to the rollee Ball. While ihe committee having In charge the recent ball of the Police Benevolent Association, ha* not yet got it* affairs so straightened out as to know Just what amount was cleared by the affair, it has found that the gold medal, offered as a reward to the person that should sail me great**! number of tickets, wa# won by Mr William P Bailey, and It wa, given to him last night. Mr. Bntlry sold M ticket*. It Is thought that when all tne returns nt the ball are tn that it will be (ound that between and L>m wa- the amount cleared. it* i until mom nciTivAt. Cg|t>)ahlr Rvrst al at. Joha’a i knrch I a*l Vl* ht. Tn# tnird *hoJr festival of ft’ John' Church was h#id last night. Like its **o yr r**i###hnors. th# fntlval proved a very enjoya**ie one Th# aarvlc# begun with the pro *lonal. # March We Marsh to Victory.'* by th# vested hotr This wa fi'uosei by the g#n ral confession, ataolution and Lords piayer. and r- by the {* oi and vongiegaiion After the leading of ih Thirty *s# or.d I's.i.m the Magnificat and the '•Nunc himiiti* wer# sung by the < hoir. This was followed by tne *#ciiation of the Aie>#!le* Creed and th# hymn. ”Tne H n of Ocl Goes Forth to War The fol lowing wa* then rendered by (he choir. Sob, s. ted - Mr. Gordon Solo, ’ Oh. Rest in the Lord from “Cltjft MJs* Allen 'Turn Thf Face From My Pin*.” Pir A Bulitvan Th Choir Solo, ' From tha Depths of Our Contrl ixon. • Caropatia Mr. l>.oi ’Gloria.” from the Twelfth mass Mciart Th# Choir ergan offertory *n D minor Uatist*.* Mr Wood!*ams Solo. O. Divine Gounod Miss A ban Rofe*ici>al. Rejol'*#. 0 Pur# in lletirt." •’••0* Or**n poettltd*. • Grarul Cho*r. Dubtrt# Th* r*n<lltion of th# rr xramm- w.i I xc*il#n n l ** *r#ti> *nJoy#<l by th t'Cngrr gallon 4 Ci*K OF 14HI MAWITT. F. n Ire 4#gro Fawilly Too Mark ©f ■ Load fur a •Msrved Horae. An In<-I4*nt on Emi ev*nu* y** r<ly aft*rnoon atlrzrt*4 th* att*tition of meny oi tho** who wer* out enjayln* th* fln* weather wr.d the driver An entire negro family, oonetettn* of th father, mother and aeveral black hopeful*, had evidently decld*d to b* In atyle. and take a drive on the avenue like the whit* folk. The horn* with which they attempted to *• - cure th* motive power for the drive micht have been one of the lot ieft behind tn SavamiAh by Sherman'' army. Judfiin* from hla ancient and woe-begone appear ance. H>w much of a drive the party anjoyed i, not known, but rtiortly before H.nviow the horee wa eeen lying down bell* th* roed with the entire party around him trying to get blm on hi, fee* Th - opinion of tho** who aw the eight ww> that the artma! had dropped from pure ezhauttion Tne poor old w% literally * bug of bone* The ruty hid# hung over a very rugged frame, and the hip bone* atood out like greil knob* Many Indignant com ment- v #r- mal* by he pa - *erebv *n>l reveral <lenlare<l that the entire party or at leant the older member*. *houM be ar rest' 1 far .-ruelty to animal* for attempt ing to drive *ueh a decretwt beagi When laat H*n the harneea bad beeu remove.l all but ill* bridle and the old mao had the horre by the head, while the old wo man wmb utdng the whip from behind trying to get him off the ground. AAVANNAH-t HAHLEFTON LINF.. Pulllna for Through Freight* From the North. The new Savannah and Charleston steamer line Is attracting oonMdorabH at tention Capt. Phillips of the steamer Pilot Hoy Is *n exp-rtenced steamboat man, and tn establishing th# line he ha* -he assurance and haHtlng of buatnaw men that he will be successful, It It is will run Under Ihe present schedule ihe Pilot Boy will leave Savannah Baur .lay* at lu a. m for Chirleston, touch ing at tb*. naval nation. Port Rjyal lieaufort and way landing" The chief purpose of the line 1* to handle, in competition with the Plant Bya !#m, through Height from Baltimore and Philadelphia to Charleaton. via Savannah The Philadelphia Record editorially rec ommend, th* Im* to Philadelphia shlp pw* as an economical and convenient lout, to Charleaton. There ha* been ome talk already of an ipposttlon line and If It I* undertaken ihere 1* a prospect of a lively tlm*. Cheap freights and quick *icambo*t service be tween Savam-nh and Charleston 'TOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OPP THE COLD. I-axallve Bren, Quinine Table,# cure a old in on* day No cur*, no pay. Price cents —ad. lAC AL PERSONAL. Mr. J- j Foote of Atlanta Is at the Screven. Mr. BenJ O. William* of Atlanta is t the Pulaski. Mr. J T. Adams of Brooklet Is a guen of the Pulaski. Mr. W U. Vaughan of Hanford la a gucat of th# Screven. Mr. A. 8 Bevllle of Jacksonville Is a gucat of the Screven Mr John T>. Stellln* of Macon Is reg istered at the INilaskl Mr. W R Crawford of Waycross I* registered at the Screven. Messrs L H- Herrington and F. A. Dates of Waycrosi *t th Screven yesterday. Dr W F Brunner left yesterday for a ten days' trip During his nhsence his office will b# looked after by Dr. L S Osborne. Bishop Kelley of Savannah attended.the POt atiOfl of the now Sacred Heart Church in Augusta yesterday, and preach ed the a- llcetory aermon at the morning service H* will probably return to Sa vannah to-day. but 1* expected to go North chip *•#♦!( with Bihor ' w '** Vyver of Richmond, to preach at the consecration of a church at Norfolk. V* CITY BREVITIES. The semi-annual meeting of Ihe Chatham county Road Commlsaloner# wtit b# held at th# Court House at noon to-day. Patrolman M McQuade. who wa* accl dentallv shot some time ago. has steadily mproved since Ihe bullet wa* extracted from him Thursday. Yesterday he wa* > much better that It la thought within a few days he may be able to sit up. ■ hough he will not be able to leave th* house for some tlm* yet bosne days ago notice appeared tn the Morning New* of tb# dangerous Hints* of Mr*. J. O. Branch, wife of Rev. Dr. Branch, well known In Savannah Boiti Rev and Sir, Branch have many friend? tn the city who will be pleased lo learn lhat *he has practically recovered her usual health, th* hemorrhage from which ,he suffered haring been checked and fear of It* return removed. WHY SUFFER? If you ate troubled with Constipation Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or any other dis order ot th# digestive organs Hostetler's Stomach Bitter, win cure you People who have suffered for years from “week stomach " without obtaining relief have found tn thl# medtclne a sure cure. It Is a tonic and a Mood purifier See lhat our Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of Ih* bottle. THE m HOSTETTER’S TRIE STOMAC H STOMACH REMEDY. BITTERS. Haalebarsl's Kleetloa datet. Kac.ehurat. Ga . Dec. 1 —The election for Justice of peec* p-ieH-d off quiatly here Saoirdav A large lot* wn polled. Forty line* were drawm ' ,hn H Boiine, i- *tnui*t'r, wen known ri*pobtt#an her*, received IK vote*. K. T William, Democratic nomir". 4t ■ 11 ■- ■' - '■ HKETW.I ut.oitbU The regular meeting of this aoclety will be held this (Monday) evening at I o clock at Hodg*on Hall T P RAVEN BE. Recording Secretary. KOTUE. The annual meeting of rh Board of Road CommUetoner* of Ch.tham c<amty will be hel l at lb* Court Hour* on Mon day. Dec J, ifirn, al lfl o'clock a m O. BOI'RQI'IN. Chelrman JOS F HARTV. Secretary MIUT tit l IIHUKHV Irlh J**ficr Green*. Savannah. Ga . Dec. 1. 1900. Order* No. Jt- A drill of the corp, wiK be hell thl* (Munday) evening in cltlien* drew,, after which * meeiing will be held for the trjr.tartlon of bu,lne,i! The company will be formed promptly at g:JO o'tAock A fidl alter,dam. ii d'Mred P F GLEASON. Captain. iai. mu ii 2 NOTICE. The annual rental of the pew* In fK John * Church wll; tak* place to-mo row Advent Monday, between the hour, of 10 . m and 2 p m A committee of ih* vetry will tie In attendance. By Order of tne Vestry. NOTICE. Th* firm of Walthour A River* having been dteeolved by Ih* death of Mr J L Walthour. the underMgned have ihl, day forme-1 a copartnership for the pur pot e of carrying on the real eetale bu,lnea un der Ih* firm name of Rivera & Gibb*, HORACE RIVERS CHAP H. OIBBES. Dec. L lino Nonrt In Regard to the A**'Bm*nt of R*t! Property In the City of Savannah for Taxation for the Year HOI Office Tax A,*„or and Receiver*. Pa vannah, Nov. Iv. l>o l’nder a retolu ■lon of thl* board tax payer, are hereby notified that the a,*e,*tn'nt and valuatloi of property fer the year IWiO tn the ab *• nee of objection*, will he continued .u --:be barl* of taxation by the city of Savun tah for th* year 1901 a, to real estate, including Improvement* covered thereby, except as to Warhington, Warren. Rey nold,. Derby. Decker and Franklin ward,, and ueh other ward, a, may be re-ae -eaeed. duo notice of wbtcb will be given ihrough tha pres, on Jan. 1. Ittl Objection*, if any. mu*t be mad* In w riling and filed In the office of tho Board of Tax Ae*or* and Receiver, withl.v FIFTEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of thl, notice No objection' will bo considered unies, verifled by an affidavit made by tho property owner ' hta agent. ,’a:ng that the property ha, been a*,eared higher then It, actual mar k*t value In the absence of objeotlons within Ih* Mm* specified the assessment and valua tion will be cona dere-l as satisfactory, and will be binding for thr vear ttttl J H H OSBORNE, Chairman Savannah, Oa.. Nov ID. 190n SI FFERF.D WITH DTNPEPSIA. Having suffered with dyspepsia for a long time, one week's stay at Suwanee Springs h* entirely cured me. and I may eat food that I could never think of eat ing before, and I feel better than I have for years I also suffered with catarrh, and from the effecta of the water and •tin. I know that If I could have remained three week* and followed direction*. It would have cured me of It entirely also, and I take pleasure In recommending ihe springs and It* wonderful watrr to those suffering as I have If they will only follow directions, and use the water freely, they will be cured. I have gained seven pound, In ihe week, and Khali never forget Suwanee Springe. (W H. F DONNELI-Y. Druggter. Liberty and Trice Street*. Savannah. Ga All you can drink for Sc at Livingston, FROZEN RICE 01 ft DA ACHAVARZ'S ( APE. Greatest dainty of the season. Oysters served In every style—prepared by the most noted cook* In the South. Cong res* and Whitaker streets. open Day and Night. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE DETERSIVE FLt ID. It will make roar old elatbtag took like Bern. Sold In large battle* a( She. SOLOMONS CO. Rail Streat Store Open All hlgbl. lUK WAY TO CLEAN C ARPETS. The only way to get your carpal* prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken car* of for the summer |* to turn tha Job ovar to the District Messenger ami Delivery Cos, telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery •treat, and (hay will make you an esu mat* on th* coat of the work Price* reasonable They al*o pack, move and *:ore furniture and piano*. C. H MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr ae RECK M ANN'S CAFE. ijjLUC 112-114 Whitaker Street. Diamond Back Terrapin Stew ,erv-d any time to order Also gam, of all kind*, and only th* best meats *rv pre pared in ihe bel style. Gulf coast O.# tars recleved dally. Wuersburger Hoff Brau on draught Phone no. rANCY AND HE-PItBAJED BRICK. We manufacture and sell all kind* of fancy and r*-prced brick, dm ting and building brick, Our common brick are in* best for building purpose", being larger than other kiln* make, and che*ti er. Fee sample, and price*. savannah building SUPPLY CO Pongresa and Drayton tr-et* LAND TITLES. Abstracts ot the' recorded land titles ot Savennsb and Chatham county from ta* •attlement of Georgia to date Money loaned at low Intarest on city real aslaie. BECKETT A BECKETT. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Ncv H isoo. All parlies desiring to retail liquor dur ing the year MM will fl> (heir applica tion* with th* Clerk of Council a once, to lhat ram, can be referred to council and action taken upon said appa-ation before th* expiration of limit provided for by ordinance. WM. P BAILBY. Clerk of Council. Bl VINES* NOTH HD. A I Ijjy FINEST FR Avika. FINEST LF.NSEN. Our Good* are the Flweat In the Math. \Ve are Hie only Optlelna* In Sevaanali. One Work Shop •• Our Ifraug Feuiurr. We grind all pre srrlptlun work oa Ih* premise* ar day received. Repairing done while yon wall. Eyes examined free. DR. M. SCHWAB A NON, Nn. IT 801 l St. n. Fbone IIU4. PHONE 700 ffqunclrt/. Office 2CT Bull Nlreel. Opposltr the De Nolo. Telephone Ton. ■MOUI, NOTICn*. GREER'S SCOTCH WHISKY. Tht* ce!ebra:ed famous old vatted Hlghlaral Y.'hl,ky Is Imported direct from th* distillery by us This Greer Scotch Whisky lx guaranteed to h* bottled abroad and Is consigned to u* from Glas gow. Scotland, and I, In bond In ■.he Vnlted States Custom House tn Ihl* city. Thl, grand old Greer Scotch W b.isky I, beautifully mellow and miid to a degree and D soft to th* palate a, one could possibly wish, and there 1, a nuttiness about It that I* especially We are glad to let the public pur chase a* small quantity a, they wish, ever one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant. LIPPMAN BROS , Wholesale Druggists. Ltppman'a Block. Sole Agent, for the Greer Distil leries, Giaigow, Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for tiiair Scotch and Irish Whlskle*. v RENOVATING—MAT TltES'E* RES OV ATI.NU. Hair, mors ticking. flbar, feaibar*. Our stock ot material and manufa.:- tuiau pruuu.t, aie up .o uan uur reno vating and rim-iking nas d-l.giuwi many prominent resident# Auk your acquaint ance*. Material sent us la picked, steam ad. c.waned and medl aied by modern uia cnlnery Making dn.e by mechanics. We confine our work to m\ttre*,es and bed. d:ng general.y. We -e.l ticking of al kinds, mo,* hair, cotton, finer, feathers, or any aiU.-ie needed n mattr-s* iloe. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND liLNO VATINO r-o Bell Phone 11M. 231 Drayton aireet. EXHIBITION OF A LADIES’ PHAETON The Itaadanmeet in thr t atted 'late* The winner of blue ribbon at the Horse Show, now to be seen at Feeley's Stable*, back of ihe theater. Mr. Kobt. H. Frigg ,ay*: My Chadwick Perfect Two Wheeler I* an Me*; rig. es pecially for ladter. there being actua ly no horse motion, and a- the smart ap pearance of my outfit was recognised In stantly. I drove In the arena at Horse Show, not only evidenced by ihc applause received from the large audience, but by the awarding lo me of first blue ribbon LIPPMAN BROTHERB. Sole Agents, Wholes*.* Druggists BUY ONLY THE RENT GINGER ALE. The be,; I, 111* Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belt*,!. Ireland, from the celebrated Crotnac Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Whee.ey A Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer m Ireland ha* those waters but ihem eelve*. Th# Wheeler Ginger Al# Is made from pur# Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are: one ,s deleterious—(he other la a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity th# cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfau Ginger Aie la ihe h**t LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Bole Southern Agenta. Savannah. Ga. SALE OF STALL'. City Marshal's Offle*. Savannah. Oa.. Nov. 24. I*oo. Th# Malls In the market building will be •ffered for rent at pubic outcry on Wed nesday. the Fifth day of December. 1900. at 10 o'clock a. m. Parties desiring lo retain their atapa and renting by the year will have the pref erence. but must be on hand and respond promptly. By order Committee on Market JOHN POWER. City Marshal. FOR DAU;. On# lft-lnch Steam Shot Gun Feed. 32 feet long, one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig' ger. 9 and 10-Inch cylinders, only used about thirty day: one filer and Stoweii Gang Edgar, with three saws; one full act of Ftler and Stoweii Lathe Machinery, consisting of boiler and gang lathe saw mill: one set of machinery for making roam barrel naves; also a lot of Circular Saws from IS to &S Inches diameter, from the mm of H. P Smart A Bro. In Emanuel county. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFO CO. Savannah, Oa. BONDS EXECUTED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to exe-ute locally (Immediately upon application, all bond* In Judicial pro ceeding, In either the Mate or United States Court*, and of administrators and guardian* DEARINO A HULL. Ag*nt*. Telephone 324 Provident Rulldlnc SPECIAL NOTICE. Now 1* a good time to *elect roae plant* lo plant tn your garden. Com# out and **• them at JOHN WOLF'S NURSERY. Olt and Anderson street*. 'Phone AM. SPECIAL NOTICE. W# are now giving ,pedal attention to house petntlng. kalsomlntng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only first class workmen and a competent stiper tntednent we can do your work promptly and satlsfaciorlly. Get our estimate on anything In hou*a decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLOv President. Caahi.f C. S. ELI.IM BARRON CARTER Vic# Preeldent. A,*!. Ca,h|,j ‘ The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased io receive m. *-eo r of Mervhanl,. Firms, Individual, 11,0*' and Corporation,. *’• Liberal favor* extended. Dnsuri-aased collection ficlll-.v,* lni Ing prompt returns SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST COMPOI NDED OI u LY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Box** and Vau t, rent Corresnonrtenc* aoHTted. The Citizens Bank OF ZAVANNAH CAPITAL $500,000. Tranaacta a General Baakln. Obßl#u. Solicit a Account* Of ladiei*,,,, Mrrchaala, Banka and oiber CorpoJ ••Ilona. Cnllectlona handled with a*t,„, economy and dlapntch Intereat, compounded quarter!., allowed oa deposit* la oar Raving, nrpariinrot. Nafety Uepoelt Hose* aad Ntaraae Vaalta. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Pre.ld,., MILLR R. LANE. Tie* Drraldrat. GEORGE C. I HI.E H AN. ( ashler. GORDON L. GROOTEH, Aart. *a*hl*r. SOUTHERN BANK ul id# Dido.* ot Georg.* r *P"l Surplus and undivided proffta j v DEPOSITORY OF THE UTATE b GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting i,eiirr.l imne.iqt itualn*,, Collection* mad* on all no n, " " acceaaibje through banka and hanktr,. Account* of H• nk*yßatikr. ii#t , and other* solicited gat* Deposit Boat, for rent Department of Saving*. Interest pavabi* quarterly Fed* Sterling Exchange on London 11 and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President HO PACK a crane. Vtca President. JAMES BCLLIVAN. c'a.hler DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY WM W GORDON r. A WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN I.EF Roy MYERS JOREPH FFRST II P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRRY SlMillWtl CAPITAL, *350,000. Account* of bank*, merchant*, corpora tions and individuals solicit'd Saving, Department, Interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collection* made on all point! at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all th* chief cities of thy world. , . Correspondence invlied JOSEPH D. WEED. Freatdettl. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* President W F McCAI'LEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. UA. Capital I'ndlvlded profit* * Thla bank offers Its services to corpvia tlons. merchant' and Individual,. Ha* authority to act aa executor, ad ministrator. guardian, ate. Issue* draft* on the principal CHI', In Great Brttaln and Ireland and on h" Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarter y on deposit, tn th* Saving' Department Safety box*, for ren*. HENRY BLUN. 're.*tdent. OEO W TIEDEMAN Vic* PreGlent JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOOAN. Asa't Cwhler. No. ie>. Chartered IMA -THE- Mils iiH it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. Lw.vuu. SURPLUS .# UNITED STATER DEPOSITORY. J. A. O. CARSON. PraaldenL BEIRNE GORDON. Vice Prratdent. W M DA V A NT. Cashier. Accounts of banka and banker*, m*r eh*nt* and corporations received upon th* most favor*b'e lerma consistent with safe and con#rvatlv# banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION U YORK STREET. WEST SPER CENT, ptr annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Intereat credited quarterly. 6 I'fc.K CENT, per annum allowed an deposits of even hundred,, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY, Vice Preeldent. E YV BELL. Secretary. C O ANDERSON. JR . Treasurer To Humor Piste For sal*, a Forallh N*wp*p*r Folder; will fold sheet 71x0 It Is In good order priev 800. It coat originally L.W) kut w* have no use for II and want tha room It occupies. •It will be an invaluable adjunct to *T newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms, IF "YOU WANT GOOD MATKRIA^ •ml work, onlur ytm printed ataltonery and blauk book* ‘ to “ Morning N*wa, Savannah, Ua