The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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TRINITY’S SEMI-CENTENNIAL (Continued from Tenth Pose.) \,..i have acoompUvhad, read any iceiu ~t - record of hi* achievement* So hot . tn the Church of Kng.aud were too , . for aim. Had he been mi ambith*)* ~ or a selfish man. ecolesl.istic prefer ,nr of the blfhfii dignity could easily i 4 >. been NCUfnl by nl great lutell *ct unconquerable will. Put he car and % for human honor* To use again lv iiage of M i'Malty, "lie devoted i.l i . pn*rr* lii defiance of obloquy and , l-i n to what he sincerely ©onshleted • IHgfceat good of hie MptdM." T?d* is t literal truth of a great e .ioiat and i, great man capable of great possibilities A ,,idly achlevametit*. of wlumi Mn iii ,,v rf )io ©ay* (and Mu* k.e the skeptical o of ;he "History *f Civilisation in . d.” think* the estimate “hardly xaggciwtlon' >. that hi* ”g©niu* for ,rri.merit was not Inferior to that of ♦ llni.’' When ouch : man devote* hi# .*m life with unflagging seal djlty to Che good of other* "in the ie th of clenched tnttKonltm*." despite H _ -**. trtion, abu*e, derision and contempt, o'n-ij misunderstood und unappre* latod. ~ 11 by his friend*. It I* no wonder that ♦ gnat and g*Rd of a!l churches row ,• him one of the most exalted piae# if tne nnnals f tun*. and such reverent , ,u|* as the Church of England Dr. I, .vih. the Bishop of London, w • contemplating his career, "Mr V■*. • * may I he found ut your feet In n 'l.4ner world!" Wesley** ro-Lbori>r. i;t cvlohorer* were many of them, naghty men. great In learning, in Intellect i iti character. In calling your atten ton briefly to them. 1 can bent employ • nguage of a celebrated Kngliwhtnan: Methodism wa cradled in the rectory nt l vorlh and rocked by the hands of Bu ii !* Wealey*; *nd it* early youth whs i ,;turel In tile I'lSMlc hali* of Oxford. . t> Wesley. Charles Wesley, George W Itefieid. Wir.lam Morgan. Jam* Iler \**\ iiiml her scholar* lit Oxford were It* earliest prof*sors It afterward numb-r --♦ 1 imong It* followers John Fie#, her. Adaro < larke. Joseph Beneon. 111. hard Watson and Thom*# Coke And who are theae? John Wesley, fellow of Lincoln ullage, presbyter of the Church of Eng iand—the eminent scholar, profound lo- K an. with talents for organization an I government, tha# would have <iu.illflc<l hsm. had he been born a prince, to be * greatest monan li that ever *at or. the throne of Alfred—to plan and develop the * N* n, and to orguntze and direct It • f re**. Charles Wesley whom Dean Stanley call* ‘sweet pgalmlst of the Mjr *!i of those days." but w hom we call r ♦- weetest winger In Israel since David. I •Tael's great lyric poet. swept the cords i.f his tuneful harp—to write It* songs; Georg© WhitehekV the greatest pulpit *r . '-*r. living or dead—to preach it to the multitude; John Fltlchrr of Made ley, prit * of polam lets—with wit welld©mi*er e i and keen ah a blade of Saladin. and with logic ponderous and crushing a* snare wielded by arm of Coaur de Is-on. but with heart a* fender and loving an a woman’s to rlefend Its doctrines; Adam i *1 irke. the great ©ncyvlopedlc and Orien tal scholar of his day. and the learned II hard Benson—to write Its com tne n •it lew; Richard Warson, who ‘soared.’ e.itl the great Robert Hall. "Into regions of thought where no genius but his own n penettnte,’ and who wan ‘the only e#t*mlz r.* said lir. Alexander of Princeton, ‘who in theology apprai hel i*. eminence of Turret In. or reasoned like Pal*v. and descanted like Hall’—to write I** Institutes of Theology; and Thomas Cok* of Jesus College. oxford, dot*tor of ♦ :Ml laws, and the father of modern m!s --t ut -to carry Methodism ‘lnto the re gfnti* beyond." Much were the authors and illustrators of Wesleyan Methodism. M * I may It challenge the churches to present h greater array of various and pe culiar gifts!” Methodism Politically. What did Methodism do for Bn gland ; rditicnlly? I fully share the belief of many thoughtful men that the preaching f John Wesley and his successor* saved Kngland from the horrors of the French revolution. Th© times were* ripe for revo lution. Corruption m church and state was deep widespread and hopeless. All authority was fast becoming contemptible. Infidelity permeate*! and saturated all rank** and conditions of society. It had b-.*ome rampant and derisive It had be. come unfashionable to believe. Scholar* generally, and many who affected scholar ship, held anything like an orthodox be lief In contempi. The clergy of the es tablishment, with some notable and hU rlous exceptions. were Irreligious trtflers. knowing nothing of experimental faith, did not rise above cold and mean !r . !• ss moral essays; did not understand or profess a single doctrine of vital and v i\lng faith, and many of them would 1 uigh in private at the doctrines which they sometimes perfunctorily preached In public. At this critical time, when the wholesome, conserving and conservative do. trines of Wesleyan Methodism were I reached, society was Just over the crater of a vuloano and the danger of a horrible explosion was imminent. Strong testimony from high and non-Methodhrtlc s.airces can be adduced to establish mv proposition. All historians now agree with Macaulay in consigning o merited contempt tho*e books called Histories of Kngland. under the reign of George 11.. in which due Importance is not given to the rise and Influence of Methodism. Mr J. the author of "Ennland In the Eighteenth Century," himself a skeptic, with no sympathy with the Methodist church or It* doctrines, gives a "promi nent pines" to the Methodist movement among the causes which saved Kngland ftem the m.ielstrom which engulfed France. The Rnglish Church and Kngllsh so • ' \ were large debtor* to these Metho •' *1 preacher* who then excited only lh©!r contempt. It 1? difficult now to tinder ** nd the prevalence and magnitude of •he corruption of that unhappy time w b#*n the spirit of God aroused Wesley and bis followers to earnest and uncom pramlsing denunclatloiui of vice and crime and solemn warnings of the wrath of f ; In he langtnge of another: "Among poor and rich drunkenness was nearly universal, nearly everybody sold gin, till i v#rnment Imposed a heavy license cm !* sale and then numbers of men lived bv turning Informers. Kverywhore men * 1 their votes Just as they would sell •gir* rr shoes Ptibl'c Immorality w r * tying scandal anl Walpole declared that • n enemy In the field might buy the •untry, an 1 that every member of the Ifoi*-.. of Commons, had his price. T*rl ' te hfc was fouled at Its fountains and • ' tipper eiasse* w< re specially diatln gul*b 1 for their llcentiotisness. the rc -1 i‘on of the de*|ls of which modern t i re does m>t |ernvM. Things of or of pride were so Inverted that fashfon flble gentlemen hlushed crimson when a•- eused of purity. • • • AHORffhrr f lal tncrnllty stank Ike . ce*- l*o. *1 and those sunk deepest In the •na** of Impurity were the people J .Mt Wesley ret himself to regenciate.” It• formed (lie t htireli. The Kngllsh C'hurch was dying of the dr> rot A care'esr. worldly, dram-drink ' ~ gnmlng clergy furnlshnl o break water to the fearful tide of Infidelity and Immorality, but on the contrary acceller ••e.i |t M fearful progress. * The simple 1 th then Is that the Kngllsh government, ! • society and Its churche*. are more In •b *:e#i to John Wesley than to any other n ‘ n of his or the succeeding century A#r Kngdsliman and as men he and his hroth- CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Signature oi your Defence @\ The biscuit baker is waging a battle against damp, dust and odor. His weapon is the “In-er-seal Patent r'A ' ry'Zv' 2 \ Vk\ Package.” His object is the fer'd • \ \ 'l jfe \Vi \ preservation of the crispness and HnTl\ \j 'rW\ ' \ \ freshness of biscuit, wafers and | v , ’ v U\\ fj\ crackers. The result provides P, ’ f 1 /j you with the finest product of the li \! a IJ ' I \\j_ //// bakers’ art, packed so skilfully £- 'yt that their freshness is preserved S :*• until \uu need them for the table. I Iliscult. Milk Biscuit, Butter Crocker*, ■L rifE- rlH”” I HiltUici, It** viM Waltn. hultAim Fruit <trah*in HeCyßSi > 1 I Bl*ull, Hea ‘'a-mra, hl*,'ilL Glnter nttapt, f Handmade Preirrletiee. *u*l V anilla Wafer*, tfcj f j / ran uow in* !>ought iik ttila wondorfkl pa^’kag©. 1 P: BriTilii 1 \\ / / l*>ok for trad*mark on each cod. HHm gOMmiH \v/ / jess.**— IV/ MBjgMM j I err well deserved the place given them • t Westminster Abbey .mong England’s honored ded, and the eulogies pronounc ed at the unveiling of their monument by lenn Stanley and other distinguished Englishmen. What hn** Methodism .lone for America? 1 venture to say that If the whole truth COUld l* learned uul stated ;h to the debt this country owes to the Itinerant Metho dist preachers, mos* devoted and en thusiastic among >ou would In* amazed. It* au*e they were not leaders of earthly armies, held ik> civil office*, wrote gen erally no lookt>. iiHunlly died poor and ob scure. their deeds .id I often their ntw*H are forgotten, and America dtw*s not rec ognize its tremendous obllgathm An*l yet ti se men. m.tny of them humble and ot*- scure, were large and tmtK>rtant fa. tors In the conquest of the wlhlerness In this new country. In the establishment of low and order. In the preservation and conser vation of society. IMonters like Coke an I Asbury and Je*se Lee ami Hop© Hull wer< men of heroic mould. Neither rivers nor the trackless wUdernees. nor hunger, nor cold, nor the savage Indian, nor neg lect. iwjf persecution gave them pause. Many of them capable of large auccesn In any worldiy undertaking, they trampled under fool the good things of life, th- soft and easy things, the allurements of place and wealth, and. with a burning zeal for souls, d* voted themselves to a work which would have appal ed !!•■ heartaof in* n not poj-sensed of more than luanan virtue These pioneer Methodist preach* rs found a front It r society frequently* and reckitss. They brought Into It the gospel of peace and good order and a vital prac tical Godliness, establishing churches, soon to la* follow, and by school house*., and were mighty exponents of law and order and th.* fundamental principles of g<*>l citizenship. When w. read of their priva tion* and their sufferings we are remind ed often of Ihe worthies c I. braled In the eleventh chapter of the Epistle t< tt© Hebrews, "who through faith übdu i kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtain ed promt s<*s, stopped the mouths of ilonn, quenched the violence of fire, esenpod the edge of th sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armb * of the atlenH • • • of whom the world was * not worthy.” Men Who Honor l.rorgln. If character aiul virtue, the preservation of th. hom.* and Its Influence, of the homely virtues, of genuine piety, of n religious and. therefore, sacred regard for law and order constitute the real lory and at length of the state, rather tlian mere material prosperity, If righteous ness exalieth u nation. ' then the state of Georgia owes mor*- to men like Hie Hulls, the Andrews, the fierce*, the Speers, tne Park sea. the Hotvarrls, than to many times their number of so-called states men and politicians. Withdraw if you can from Georgia the influence for good o' the Itinerant Methodist preacher, and how the goodly proportions of the true Georgia would shrink and shrivel! Wno was the foremost tit loan of Georgia in hi* day and time, the >*t beloved, the most useful? I unhesitatingly answer the princely, the symmetrical Georg* F. Pierce. When I so answer I *k> no In justice to the massive and magnificent KUlott of another communion, his intimate personal friend, (Who was brought io Christ, as h* was always glad to acknowl edge. at a Methodist meeting under Meth odist preaching), because Bishop Eliott’* constituency was comparatively small, and th* sphere of his Immediate Influence, therefore, comparatively limited I>?t me Instance again. For many year* the late James I> Anthony, the honored father of the honored pastor of this church, labored in that section of th** state sometimes called tne "Wlregrass. He went up mis I down among those people exhorting, teaching, leading and blessing. So potent became hi* Influence, that he was affectionately called by his friend* the "Bishop of the Win-grass." No politician of his .lay ever had anything like his Influence In that section, and every particle of that Influence was thrown Upon the side of right and righteousness, of good government and n stible and virtuous society, with ail utter disregard of all selilshness and self-seeking Is not Georgia largely indebted to James I>. Anthony? Mefhotllam’a Characderlatlce. What distinguishes I l *® l of Chris tianity commonly called Methodism which thesc men preached ro faithfully, mol *n the preaentna of which they did so mu 'h good not only to the men who hewiert them, hut to eo tety and the elate? 1 answer in the language of a prominent ez pounder of Ita doctrine-: "It la it dellver ii e from the aevere dogmas of t'alvln lam. from antlnomlantsm. from ;if*lc* forme, from th>' fiction of an unbroken aiKieiolb atucceaalon. from pnartsal blgo iry and Intolerance and from bondage lo the mere letter of or*Mlaneea. It re stored tnd sanctioned lay-preai hlng-say ing with Moaea. In eplrit. "Would that all the Ixird a people were propheta. and that the Lord would put hi* Spirit upon them." I; hue organized un Itinerant ministry constrained by the love of Chrtat and wilting to be nil thing* to all men. If by my mean* It muy nave nome. It en!end for a |>ure nd worahlp. bcllev ing that all timer, ail plarea. and nil torma are acceptable to God, being sanc tified by the pcayera and faith of the worahiper. It hit* revived In a reetrlcted form, the ancient agnpae. or tove-fensU. I* haa reatored. under the name of claaa ineettnge. the meeting* In Which the ea-ly •hurch apoke often one to another o edify one another, and to provoke unto love and good work*. It encouraged and promotes revivals of religion aa vital to ilie health and growth of the church It preachee a free and full salvation, Juatl fhatton by faith alone, carefulness to maintain good works aa the evidence of the genuineness of faith and measure of reward through grace, the Wltnes of the spirit to the believer's present at .tptanee with God. holiness of heart an 1 life, devotedneaa to Christ, a burning lov fr souls, mi*lonary seal, a true cat bob' tty toward all who bear tire image a Christ, and an entire reUanoe upon the THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 3.1900. Holy Ghost an<] hi. (lift, , the only source of .piritu.l pow*r." No llrrimo, Knriunl I'nllli. l>o, not (hi, <i.-r rl|>lion of Melhodlem elevate anl <1 irnlfy your ♦hou'tht ' !■> pi oiwrlv iiii'ler.t.ilHl att.l u|i|ire4 .ate it. '1 Mlr.gul.hlotc feaiure>? An nlive t, them” Are we true to them” Inn h not tlie lir-wehlnc of ,hl' lot m of Chrtetlanlty ne.- e.f-irtly conf**r tncateulehle c-eni not only to the bodie, amt ,oul, of men hut to pooh ty arnl ko<vl *ov.mmett" No dreamy, formal or *l. ut fatth I, .Kir,. It i fuietamental, vital amt vitalizing It e ‘,4rne>t. hn I i>ro(tri,ty e. It 1* folth, hn filth with work, A. the ill,- eiplltie teache,. "althoimh jroo<! work, which are the fruit, of faith an.t follow after Juptllli atlon. i .tnnot pul away <>ur plin* atal endure th.' aeverlly of 'Jo.I • Juilumeiit, yet are they |.|.-a. iik atal ae rcptahle to God In Chriiu an.l sprllnt out of a true nnd lively faith. Ineomucli iltat t.y them a lively filth may la an evi dently known a* a ire. I, dineertied hy lie fruit " The only condition r.'.j. 'ritl of memberzhip laid d,vwti In thi, lip- Iplln*. ! ,f thoee -, ho dt zlre admlaelun Into there aoeietiep" Ip a “deelre to flee from th.- wrath to come and to I* paved from their pine." But the iteeeral rulep are careful atul explicit to and "whenever IhW l reollv fixed In the pout, It will le shown hy Its fruit " No m..n can be a true Meth odist, ol.p-rve the rules of the church ate I not bV a rhrldly hoin-pt and truthful man. a Rood citizen, r.nd a Itenulnely reluttatip man. To the extent that we are la kins In the fundamental principles of true re l. aiwl ttu. chara. ter Jupt ,o far httve m, de|>arted from the (e i. hirer and the *pirlt of the Methodist Church. Methodism Plandt for education Chrl-- tlan education. It to-day In tin re I'nind Stater hus* more school, anil toliez.e, more |Mil>llhlnK housi an<l periodical, 'than has any other denomination. The Methodists of <Seor*t established the mother of th- colleaew for women, und to day the old Wesleyan, never better .|alp pd thun now for Its >enetl.ent work, en joy i- the unique distinction of i“ It.a the oldest female colle#cc In the work! nl.e this I* true. I am triad to know that many of Its mighty men have tarn welcomed Into the ministry without tnu.h of th>' ■ducation of books, that • veil plain, tin lettered men have been anions Up need successful pioneers. I am glad that Wee ley despised "a ministry that dealt In perfumed handkerchiefs and felt tnort at hom** In Pond street and the liullr.*nm the perfumed poplnjayr of their profes sion: or one that, emulou* of the fame of Nimrod, that mighty hunter le-forc the i-ord. aurrllUrd clerical duty to the starts of the field, the reputation of ?e --rurlnc the brush before that of helns a R,*od shepher*! of th* ,he*'p. an*l *|e*m**t music of ihe Tally-ho or llunnnjr Chorn, Infinitely more me’.odlou, than the Psalms of Havld; or. uzatn. ore composed of the faslldlous stu'li nt, of .*ver-r* tin* 1 s.tielbllltles. better a*-*iualnie.l with the modes of thomrltt of |wst Keneratlons with the actual habit, of the pie ent, dell eae r*lues and nervous men. the ha's of aorlely. who shrink from the sunshine of busy life into the congenial talllzht *.r !-,■ l r Mhrarieo, who,, o*w*educatad auseeptlhllttlep would prompt the strain— ■‘O lift me as n wave, n leaf, a cloud! I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed"' VV Coley', t ..-ml Juloro. John N’elon. a stone-mason: Thoma* Olivers, a shoemaker: William Hunter, a farmer; Alexander Mather n baker; peter Jaoon. a Cornish flshr-rman. and Thomas Hanby. a weaver, were among Wesley's hrsi and moat trusted ruadju lor With looks e* nerally these m*-n ha*l but a sllsh, acquaintance. But they were familiar with VThe Hook;" they knew men ami human nature. Their splr tlual discernments were acute and ac ur ate. They had been consciously torn Into the heavenly klngdomand knew and lovol ll laws They preached "In the i*osr and demonstration of the spirit." and any one of them did more real miod for God and the world In any one year than a hundred of the |*olislied. witty, j* stlnp. pleasure-lovln* clergy, which then >o fte qoently dlsgra. * and the Bogush church, ac complished In their entire live. This leads m*- •<> observe that I ini de voutly tlmnkful that the Methodist Church has always been, among the Protestant churches, the church of the inases. of the plain people. If you will, of the • la.-p that h. sr.l the Master "glad ly." Among the proof* conveyed to the inquiring John the Itajdtst ai the Instar* - of the Savior of Ills Messlashlp w that | "the poor have the Gospel pre irhe.l unto them. This characteristic of our church Is a mark of 11, divine mis sion and of a genuine "Apostolic Succes sion" by tts faithful preachers Brethren. Is there any danger of this glory of our church behie dlmm-d or lost in the fu ture? While no man will ever be too learned, or coo well-edu* ated. or too re fined, for our communion, and while there Is abundant rrom and welcome with us for all classes amt conditions of men. yet It will be a ead and Ignoble day for Methodism w hen a poor man does not feel absolutely at home within her walis. or when he feels In the slightest dezre discriminated agilnst. or flighted, or ne*. lecied. because of his poverty. A Methodist preacher, if one there be. who Imagine* that he Is an "Apostle to Ihc Genteel." Is of a!l men the most con temptible To the Alt-searching Eye the humbug, fraud and hypocrisy of his pre tenses must seem a large as bis poor soul must seem small I see danger on (Continued on Second Page.) Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following store,: Howllnskt’s. Jonea", Mascnlo T.mple, Knight's. W F. Reid’s. Marlow s C . ve .und’s, Donnelly's, and W. A. I’tgman "a i ivaim.ib, Ga. LI PPM AN BROS . Savannah. Ga and W. F. REID, Savannah Ga., Dintrtbutor*. CLASSIFIED AUVtHIISEMENTS. ncusotiu. "I'llttlSTMAH NIGHT HI'HH AVOtll ed t*y leaving a >ms!l on that goll wat h. aid imi I* time will be had. lo regulate It. to the minute and engrave It, with any name or motto de. I red. ibat lin ger ring t>sr tie engraved In litre; tbe-e gold stieetai les can tie set aside, the prop er focus can le found hv th* *l*l ones, so no guess work needs to be done at the eleventh hour: old gold, piatl mini, stiver and hair taken as *a*li Be gear 2* Bust Broughton, hid”, j wel-y and shaving supply house; h" place to have a t ew pin In your brooch si and poll h- I like t ew for Hk-. and sure to be reidy for Christmas. anv:ini^KMrvts ifirf in cap ita Wia HE PtIINTED IN CGAft- SIFIRn AOVERTISEMENT COLUMN F'dt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AP- V BUT! HE ME NT TAKEN FOR IJ-i.HS THAN oi'. HOT HOT’BE VIOI.KTB AND \AR clssl are how on sal. si Woman's Ex change. under Ouards' Armory YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Pprmgtteld Dairy; it's rich and pure; try It. WANTED, JSJJCO C&AL T* i BE used in all grate tires Try It and see a cheerful ftre A S t ohen Teleph-vm* iw "(HINT FORGET THAT MILLER ,<lls dolls and toys. Come and see our holiday sssortmeni. 307 Broughton, west HYACINTH ANT> NARCISSUS Bt'LBS palms, rubber | plants, cut (lowers ami floral designs from Oelschig's Nursery, oppowlte Cafholle Cemetery. J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton street, eas*. UM FOR AKT SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, alt grade* of art squares, ruge, mats, porileres. t*. P Miller, agent. CHOICE LINE OF WII.I/1W AND cohhlcir seal rockers for the tvdllay*. At Teeple* 317 Broughton, west. YOU WILL NEED A FIRE; USE JEL lleo coal. A H. Cohen Tel*'i>li',ne A I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST RrougMon; ring up 11M If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or along*. I guarantee prbes the same as I do the work that's given to me. A S. Orlffli.. 414 Broughton street, west; mailrseses made to onler KENSINGTON FARM MILK 18 UN surpassed for richness; delivery la per f .-ct; ('hone. 2.,46. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU “CAN get them cheaper from McGlllls. II FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they last C. i' Miller, agent. SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS oUlec tables, oflicr matting, offlee shades. F>7 Broughton, west. JELLICO IS THE BEST GOAL FOR grates. A. 6. Cohen. Telephon * 48. 'WHEN YOU SEE M'OILLW BIXTT- Inch -eeni rugs, you will buy Ihotn. Just can't help It; will ael! In any quan my. TEEPEE IB SHOWING A NICE LIVE of carpets, matting, rugs, shader lino leum; cheapest In town. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," I* a specialty with McGlllls. “M'GILLIS- LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your paMor. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT tresses renovated, antique furniture repot Irhrd. furniture pa.-knl, and shipped In beet manner. Send me your orders. C. P Miller, agent KIMBALL'S ANTI - RHEUMATIC ring every rheumatic ought to wear. J. Gardner agent, 12 Broughton street, east " M'GILLIS 18 CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS lace curtain* hammorks, water coolers pillows, picture*, mover, bedroom suits, and furniture of every description. “GO TO JOS II BAKER IN MARKET for line men's poultry, game, bruins, sweetbread, tripe; 'phone ZSS 'if VIII' DON'T FIND WHAT Y** t' want where you are dealing, suppose you lr>- Miller. Ills assortment la the beot In town. WT Hroughlrn. west. FOR A PRETTT REDROOM SUIT. IKirlor and dining-room furniture, you should go lo Teeple's. KENSINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation In the country, fre.. from etty drainage Impossible for ml k to beooriie contaminated, hy Impura odors; If you want pure Jer**ey m'lk. phone 3*45 De livery prompt, ratlefactlun guaranteed. M'GILLIS MOVES. PACKS SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture: beet work only; r,o "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cbaap- John" Jobs “canary birds GOLD fish wX ter grms. hone flour at 1! Broughton atr©*t. SEE MILLER'S SKW STY I. K 8 IN rt>ri*ets. mattings. Ilnolrusne. window shades. All work done In flrst-rtass style. Gt our estimate. 207 Broughton, west. M'GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 rents. “TEEPLE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON stoves, steel ranges, oil hca'ers and hot stuff heaters 117 Broughton, weal BEK MILLER'S NEW STEEL STOVES and ranges, oil Reateis, wood heaters, best makes, reliable good*, reasonable prlcea. 207 Rroughton. west. ADVERTISEMENTS BET ~IN~CAP ITAIjB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LKW THAN 9C PHOTOGRAPHY. FINEST PHOTOS. MOST REABON abIe pri'-ee. one with each doom cabi nets mounted o*i a lovely Xma- and New Years card; I am making a ep-clal tun on crayon, pastel and wstercolor In hand some frames nt very low prbes fo the holidays; a fine pnweitt: km mv e egm* tine of frames, etc. Wilson'* Studio, tl Bull street MEDICAL HOW ARK YOUR FEET* feet are troubling you. tail on me and l will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of Ihe teal without pain, rhnrte* reaeonahle; can | i'll! tne besi references In the city: b*- tlulls Healed at residence*. orders e.*n I be left al Livingston's drug store. Bull arid Congress streets; le ephone 2W. Lem j l'svis surseon ehlnrq odist — HELP M tATKII AiAI.E. HA. K DrTvF.RS W ANTED AT XV. Ka*i HtudKl *lr©*t. V. ANTKI' TWO GOO| SoHKft liAU : I**!*!* A|iy>l> No. 4© Writ Droail itrr#i. (*. A Dottvhanl. SALESMEN WANTED TO el U SI S j goodn h> >4mplr to wholfMl# and r*tail I radr. n<• .*ri th# l.irx*>t only man tifarturer* in our lina .n th* world liberal Blr\ *alil Addra#*, fan JVx Mfx Cos., ofllo©, 2* roar*) of Trad© Uulidlng. fla\ati rah. Ga YOKNG MKN Of’R II.M’fITH ATKD - xitaloffiir ♦•xplalna ho* a♦* t©rh harbor trail** in “xht wifkh maul'll frr©. Molrr Dariirr Coll©xr. 8t Mo •iki * w \%u:n— *• n % i.k. WAN*Ti:i.?VM IKTKNT MItAK orl* I lo oar© of 2 chi dren. 30f lluntliqtdon f4I \\ \ NTKIV KX V KTI IKNi:D rx K>K . mum ha\© W id mi rit AT'YKRTIftr sXTKNTfI fIITT IN KAF BIK IKI APY BHTISKMKWT rOU’MN ron TWO CKNTS A WOHD NO AD VKHTISKMKNT TAK ION FOR UFB9 THAN 3©‘ i Mfi.ovMKM* iv %qrr.o. foMI’KTKNT HOOKKEBrKn AND nflir© man w<mta rooition inomm-n ■ lion* alvon Addr#M Coflipctml, c<in* NV*!l offle*- MAM: HTKNn.iIIAIMiKU AOK HKV rntfin. d©lr*N hlf Im> inorniux , r afternoon icood kih'iml .mil *rll rxp©rD ©fir*d. Aiklrroa Wlillnx. car© Morning I New* REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS MEN In want of r©li.W© ik*ii( or col Ih to iin tv r©f*ranco© Apply la© T. i ford. Mfi Hnv *tr*'**t. a*t WANTKD. HV an KXPKHIKNfKi* n©w* *‘l Job priikttr. *iti.t!on, either In cH> or cotimry town lt©f©r©u*©* ox * Ym n*i and Krn©*t \V. Warrantoii .N %\ iNTKO-MMrr.u.oinni *. a m - •<! to borrow ©v©n duNMand rtollur* <t?. for i term of thrfr year* with the privilege of r<M|iicinr aim cvi*rv #wUp month* Will *lv© collultral on© bricii block wtsrtli flv© or *ix tlm©* a* much a* tlir loan. Th© |r'P©rt> l* ©ntrally located in on© of th© lw*t town* in South Q©or* ala A'l-lr©** ’ Utl#in©K,” !' O. liox S>. Waycroa*. Ga WANTKD TO m*Y A GOOT> HK‘‘ONI band |h*>| iabl© AKtr©aa le K. Calhoun. Tlftmi, Ga IF TO! WANT (jonn ViliiK OP*T IT from infflt'ld Dairy. It's rich, pur© and whokwm* irroi want a Furl tcTditilF ©artii. dirt. rand, manor©, ©tc fro© of charge. Just at city limit*, hauling over hard road writ© or t**l©i>h*n* Drown Hro* . corner Anderson and Hast Hroad j rtie©l*. ADVKRTIHKJik.VTfI HFT IN PAP ITAIjH WIM. RK PniNTKD IN n.AH > I Y IKI A D Vf7ltTlßf9M KNT (’OU’MN j FOR TWO CKNTS A WORD. NO AD VKRTIPKMKNT TAKEN' FOR DKBH THAN *H‘ FOR ft I. NT—lt OO It*. nMrFqrY^T^RNlHdoTr^^ and co:d wafer. 3uS Barnard *tr©et. near Liberty. NKATKY FURNIBIIED ROOMS. ALL convenience*. 116 Drayton street. PLATA roll It IDT. FLAT OF ROOMS TO RENT KN ©outhern part of city w##li roupi© without children Add re** W II . Moaning New©. FOR KKAT-HOI'MA. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE No 217 Waldburg street, east, between Abercorn and iJncoln, firM-Hami otder and condition; every ©onvenlenre rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. West Hroad and Rroughton street*. TO RENT; 221 AND 273 HOLTON • tree!, en*; the*© ar© good hou*©* nnd I*u anon excellent Apply to C A Moln tlre. R >ard of Trade Iluliding ron RENT SEVERAL DESIRABLE rewldenre*. thoroughly renovated Apply A Wylljr, agent, 12 Itrymn etreet, e.-ist FOR RENT. %-ROOM HOUSE. lllS marrk. ner Rurrough*. 17 80 |>er month. C Mendel, 6SX Fast Liberty. *UR HUNT THAT DF.BIRABLR RKB lden©e No 3io Ogletliorpe avenue, west, near Barnard; immediate po‘ < *"- , * , ln. Ap ply within. "for RENT. HOUSE, 409 JONES. ea*d. $lO i>©r month. C. Mandel. Bl East Liberty. FOR RENT. A SMALL COTTAGE with ©hop attached; southern part of city. 94 peter Reilly. FOR RENT NINE-ROOM HKI -with stable and e©rvant*‘ room© on lane, near huslne*.- center; choice neigh borhood Peter Reilly. FOR RENT 313 It ALL EAST ~ 6 room*: hot nrd cold witter. ***#> 714 Hab er -h.irn all In first-©!** condition, imme diate po*session. Apfdy W W. Hwinton, 2* Eighth street, cast. FOlt RUNY—STORKS. FOR RENT STTIRIS AT LAND'S ENT). St Helena Islan 1 Beaufort county. Ju*t outside United State* government r©©r vatkMn, wher* ©* *ta;k>ne*l *i ortliWry garrison at Fort Freemont. good chance to merchandize. Th© proprietor having another ©tor© in Beaufort prefer* devoting hi* undivided attention o it Apply to Key Box 170. Beaufort Postofllce. l Oi 111 r—MISf i I t IRKOI ■ LARGE WAREJIUI HE AND OFFICE FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST RROAD STREETS, FOR MERLY OCCUPIED HY TIIK SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P SMART "‘MASQUERADE COSTUMES FOR rent for parti©*, ball*. ♦•!<*. Mr*. Hetlerich, lit) State, west, near Whitaker. FOR RENT. ON THE OOBBCHBB road, between three at>d four-mli© posts ftro!ley car* nearly lo two-mile pot). lanl In lot* ftorn one acre to on© hundred, nani© can b© bought In large or small lota on ©ay term*. C. II I*or#©tt. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD .NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. * ATII USD KIT^OI ton pasture. Ogetch©# road, one small black hor#e mule, blind one ey*. Re ward If returned Thomason A Harvey. 110 Harris, wext BUtDKM CNINtYi. ADV EftTISKM ENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISHMVVT TAKEN rOR LEMS THAN IOC. row aai.i:—Hß%ie mtatt. AI'V mui.-JWMI.M.s HKT IN cap -11 AI j WIM. HK PRINTKD IN CDAP BIIIKD ADVBRTIBKMKNT COIjUMK Ktlt TWO CKNTR A WORD NO A! VBHTIHKMKNT TAK BN FOR LESS THAN ItC TKUDKNTINK KANT) KARGK tr‘t for *aie. Gifford A Cos.. Jack*on vlll©. Fla *"kOM fIAKB. A Lot FOR TWO HI'N dr©d ©*y term*, on Ninth ©treat, near Kaat Rriaid, no city taxation. C. II Doreett. FOR BALE IXITS ON NINTH BTItFET mar Ka*t Droad. no city t.xxe*. at ©ch. twenty-flv© dollar* raeh *n<l easy monthly payment*. (’. 11. Dotoett. FOR FA I.F I .OTP ON NINTH NKAR KnM Hroad, a* S?W ©aih. will rood bt Nilvnnral to 122?. wh©n a lot lias been pa li) for T ran arrange to g©t a hom© built. C II Doraett FOR SAKK. THOftF. DOTH ON NINTH afreet, rear Hroad. have been ioM to flt*t rla** pirtlr#. who will© good neighboi*. ami none other: ran b> The term* are very e*y. and th©> ar© cheaper than any other# In th© vicinity C H. Doraett RMIDFNCK AND RtTKDING KOTR for *ale all over the city. Robert H. T.itrm. real e*tat© laler. No 7 York *tre©t. are*t. ADV’KHTISI MFNTH STT* IN CAP* ITAIaS WIM. DK FRINTKD IN CKA.N ?*IFID ADVKRTIHKMKNT COKFMN Folt TWO OF.NTH A WORD NO AD VKRTMFMENT TAK KN FOR IJ&&8 THAN 300. I’Oft Ml i:->tlU t&I.t.AAKOt 9. It KM. TUB COKGII KING! TRY It when your favorite rrniidy f.iils, at Uc bottli- m i lrtl to a gtll of honey tnak a •plendid imxiure for infnnt* and children RK.N/.OIN HALM M \KKB TIIK HKI.N Ilk© velyot, for r.ila hy ilruggi*t or at ll©n ry and Abe room Per#*© Drug Btor©. Whitaker atul lav lor ©fleet* WOOD. WOOD WOOD. AM* KINDS •ni lt* : re©*otiall© pri . *.i#t faction guaranteed Hi own |lro . And* i -on amt Kurt Ilroari Mtreet* FOR HAKK. HALF INTBRICFT IN patent. every farmer uae* on**; ran be ntaie for f#v. R W. Alford. Rlveralie. A!m FOR HAKK TOP HRKW9TKR BI’GGY. with pole and aha ft*, in gmM order Chat. K St ul fa Foi; HAKF AT YOFNGKOVF A flip pie’* ami am. Tuend.iy on© half-Mtandnrd lr**l marc, i year* old wi II broken • her nrk and paildl©, can Nltow u .i vnlntit© gait, trot or puce PIANO FOR SWsK, CASH oft KARY term*, bargain Apply 24 liberty. w*at. PIANOS FOR SAI*K; ONK PVRUJU Grand idlchtly u*ed. ©x*‘©ll'rt qu.ll:y of ton©, high-clno* make, rare !.* gain; al*a -©veral upright*' at n eairlflr© Apnlv J4n \\ iifiiiisi. 21 Weat llarrla rtreat. FOR HAKK. TWO (‘AHKH CAPACITY I7* gallon* ©Hull Cha*. K rttulta A Cos. cows. WITH YOFNO CAKVRO. FOR aale Call 471 West U*un<lary *tr©et, wf them FOR SAI.F DWARF GOKDFTN AR lor Vila©, for cemetery lot* and lawn© at John Sullivan **, 16 fongr©*# atreet w©t. FOR BAKK ONK Ml!KB AND IIAR nee* and truck Apply Screven lloua© Cigar Htaiwl FOR SALK. A SMALL LOT CHOICE fruit ire*-*. as<rt©d. at auction, Monday. D©<\ 3. at C II Doraett'*. WoOD. WOOD. WOOD; ALL KINIH atul *‘lz©m. r'a*Habl© pri •*. satisfaction guaranteed Brown Bros.. Anderson ami East ftroud afretla FIRE PROOF SAFER- WE CARRY A flue line of fire ptoof safes in stock at all time* The fiartlea an #ee exactly what they are getting Onr price© are aa low Ms manufacturer* © II it. with freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe, will do wall to Inspect our stock. Ll|i rnsn Hro*., Lippman block. ag*nta for manufacturer©. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sal* I* crop* first year boxes; 12.011 ra* round llmtrer, at II fid i*©r acre. ter thousand boxes for leased titnlef; plenty of timber to he got; in flv© mll't of rail road. will give posse©*kin now or ©t ©nd of ©e-ason Addreoa Ruund Timber, cart Morning News ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN CAP ITAI.H WILL HK PRINTED IN CLAB- Si FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CBMI9 A word no ad VERT I SEME.NT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 89C. LOUT A SID FOt Ml. LEFT ON CH A RLE* AUGUST H place, Thtmd* rtolt. Ncn 14 double-barr and • nor-gun s* reward Jf returned to 715 Meeting street, ©am. ~1/ >nr " I too ~F R ENCH POODLE, heavy black curly hair Reward paid If returned to 112 Harris street, east I/YflT. ON HARERHIftAM OR Llß ertv streets, going to Plant Hy*t©m lef*ot, gilt i*©;t with turquoise h* ad hncg'.e. lib eral reward If left at No. East Rroughton street. “FOUNr>7\ GROWN IBUNI PUPPY; owner can g©t asm© hy|r g on John F. Cor|ew Montgomery* end Whatley ave nue and paying expenses. BOAIIDIkG. GOOD TABLE. COMFORTABLE room*, central liH-ntlon and re.isnnable rates, ut 322 Harris street. ©t. "BOARDER* WANTKD. ONK OR TWO nice c tipi©© or three or four young men rn secure large sunny room* with board In private family; close In; in a block of Bull street house*; strictly modem. An swer Modern, this office. I'Li Min.\a. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL I4E to your Interest to let me give you an ©o ninat© on your plumbing, near or old work; repair work a specialty, a* I am a practical plumber. No guaa* work to endanger your life Wiggins, ‘phon© 907. Georgia or Bell. HISC KLLAVICOia. DON'T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pet* or matting Perry A Benton will re lieve you of ai) (hat trouble. DON’T FORGET WHEN IN NEED OF plumbing work. A. C. Price St Fo. can do It cheaper for you than any on© else. State and Jefferson street*; ’idiones 4Vi. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOll sewer pip* , fir© brl k, flr- clay. oD an I varnishes, give us a cull. Adams l'.*lnt Company. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN ©r> people at th© Hou them Grocery Com pany, 114 Ibrnard street "OUR GERMAN READY MIXED paint Is sold under a ©urant©e; have you housr painted with It. Ad unit I'uint Com- F*by. _____ PERRY’ A RENTGN. B FTATi: Ntreet, west, will move. ship or store \our tmmfam Xt short notice, ren ovate your ok! rnsttrensea at H4tls coat, lieli ’phone. 1124. WB WILL FURNISH YOU WA R ACT If for the winter; try one of our Hot Stuff heaters; cheap©*! in town. A (*. Pri*© Sr Cos., comer Htate ond Jefferwon streets; t hone© CM. "more THAN ONE HUNDRED FENTS in ©very dollar of your hard-earned hard earh at tha Southern O roc try Company. 11l Bat nerd t'bft “advertihement* Set in cap ITALR WILL BE PRINTED IN FLAH ST El ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENT* A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAK BN FOR LE9B THAN 30C, Ai crioq a a i.k* Tin* day. AT AUCTION. r*mpET. uit-rt niis. ttrangg. mot tari.h, n hmti hk. rrrr. H. mintlETT. IsVtli.Ufsr, Will sail MONDAY. Vt, at K < ongroa*. west. 6 <'*r|i*la, 1 b.atrs Hall Rug. hi I'ortlsrss 4 Fumy Chairs • It* gon<| I’lrlurr*. I'arlor Organ, Chsfry Mid*. iMMr.t. RurtMT's Chair. Gral*s. offlea Btovra. Kaugva. Gas Stova, l Fin* I'arlor B*l. t v*ry gno<l Carp*t 6 B*wlit* Ma ohtn** % l*Ming*a. Hsria’sads. luirge Mar bl 81,ib. It*4 44prtncs. Iron Ohs, Sofg. Oil M.iixigatiy 81*l*buril. Bookkrspar'a D* k. llla. kltig. Lirg.. French Flat* Mir ror. trvrral volumes of Books, and a book Table AUCTION SALE^ MONDAY 11 a. n W will o©J| YO pair** of oil wool fin© pant*. 2i fine flan n©l ©uitM (blue), ©howr <•.'!*©*. *hoe*. piueK c*|h'm tvliisk'W "limlM. lounge, organ. ae*r Ing machine ©atin ©iipperw. neckwear. 4 m-ttido in'* K'diarw lor© < urtaln©. etre In-i,* >• p| milUitery, furnl ture. clock*, ©olid go and ring*. All without reaenre. Mavannah Audi : nnd * *ttn|Miiy, A \VINKItIGHT. Au©ttonoor* 111 Whitaker jiireet. AUCTION At 223 Congr© *tr it. *♦# at 11 o'clock, A K W 1 IjBON, AucGonoer tloree. Wagon And llarfieo*. Pony, Rugg.v and Harm .1 variety of fiouxrhold Good* Hal© poat tlve. HIM 1.1.1.tM Ol # A FFKK KINiTTTf received will aell any of th© i imra#© part- Alame Paint Company, 101 C-q* gr •*.•’ ©tree!, went. IF IN NKKD OF A PtMT-OUM rang©, we an *ttit you In quality ii\d price, our PterMng ranges are g>iar:inte#l. A C Price St Cos,, Htate and Jeflunaai ■tree**; 'phone© BB RFDVCE YOUR KfVINO KXPKNflfca bv ln\etlng voor l ord-©armd hard catte with the Routharn Grocery Company, 111 Rarnard atreet NORWOOD’S BOOK. ‘Mill GOOSE CUM." For *al© at all N*w* Htandi In Kavannah 1 J I.Ct.AI* NUIIIU NOTICE TO DKHTOItsH AND CREDIT ORB GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice I* hereby given to all p©r4ion*i hav ing demand* agiln*t Margaret Collin*, lal© of aald raiuiity. ilfcfaeil, to pr©*en# them to me. properly mad© out. within tin* tim© pre#4 rttwd by Dw imi ae to *how their rhararter nnd amount. and all p#r- AotiA Inilebte*! to imM l©<*ea*ed are re quired to make Immediate payment to n©. JOHN T. COLLINH. Executor. Savannah. Ga . Oct. 31. !**> GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Wlierea* Franri* Tillman ha© applied to Court of Ordinary for letter© iliml**ory a* admltdMrator with th© will annexed, on th© ©*tate of Frond© Tillman. h* ©a^ed. Tlie#© ©re. therefore, to cite and admon* Irh ail wh**n it may cottrern to b© and ap r©ar before aald Court to mak© objection <lf any they have) on or tefore the flrat Monday In Jartuary. next, otherwlae nald letter© will te granted Wltneae. the Honorable Hampton I* F err ill. Ordinary for Chatham ©ouiity, thin th© ©erond day of Octoiier, iiOO FRANK K KKfKIIACH. Cletk Ct. onllnary, C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas. Jordan F. Brfwks ha ap|4la# t Court of ordinary for letter© dismissory us MdmlnDtrator on the estate of Friday kllilcn. decease*l, These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern lo be and appear bef**re said court to make objec tkm (If any they have) on or before the first Monduv in February, next. oth©r wlae said letters will be granted. Witness, the lit#) Hampton L Farr 111, ordinary for Fhutiiam county, this tha 31s( day of October. IWO. FRANK E KEILBAFH. Clerk f’t. Ord'y, C.. Cos. GI-;t*RGiA. • HATHAM COI/itWU Whereas peter H Redmond has apfdlwd to Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmla sory as idmtnheralor on the estnta of Ellen E. Redmond, deceased • These are, therefore, to rdte and ad monish all whom It may ooncem to be and appear Iwfore said court to mak© objection (If any they have) on or hefaiw the flr© M' tulay In March, next, other wise *.!d letters will 4*e granted Witness, th© Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, ti ls th© 30th day of November. IS**) PRANK K KEILBAFH. Clerk Cl. Ord’y, C. Cos. "lEORGLL CHATHAM ~FOI NTY ~ VVherei* Jordan F Brooks has uopHed to Court of Onllnary for letters dismis sory ms ii>kntrustrwfor on the estate of IMht Bourke. l*--*a©ed. These are, therefor©, to c4t© and ad monish all whom It may corv v ern to h© and iippfiir l*efrrr* said court to make objection (If any they have) on or befog© tit© first Monday In March, next, other- said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the JlMh day of November. Mt*. FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C. Cos. "GEORGIA” CHATHAM COUNTY.— Whereas Jordon F Brooks ha* applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* and smts aory a© administrator on the estate of Fred I*. Mauf*f. deceased These are, therefore, to fdt© and ad monish all whom It may concern to ba and appear In fore said court to mak© Objection (If any they have) on or be for© th© flrat Monday In March, next, oth©r* wise sild letters will In* granted Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham >* runty, this the flrt day of December. 1909. FRANK E KEILBAFH, Clerk <?t. Ord’y, C. Cos. lti.noo fr*. yf Awanlrfl at lrt / Quina \ [LAROCHE) I WINK CORDIAL I \ H<ehef reeommendttiou* for curt of Fooroctt I 1 of Blood. Stomach trouble! and (<eatnl De / \ blfliy. lacrcattf the appetite, arrcnglhcnt / \ the aervea tad build* up tbc entire ayatem. J \ • rar braaat / PARIS / \ K. Faafpra A Ga. X JOHN G. BUTLER, -DEALERS IN— lWtnla. Oils and Glasa. Hash. Doom Blind* and Butldera’ tiuptdlea. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Foreign ad Do mestic Omenta, Lime. Piaster .md Hair. Bole Agent for Abewttne Cold Water Paint. *> Congress street, west, and St Julian •treat, weal. .. Cri.Ls, at Jiusintas Office Morning News, 3