The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1900, Image 1

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the MUKNINd NEWS I . ahllM.t.. <!■>’ • - 111. ..rporatod IttS J II KSTIDD. IT. nUl.nt, CONGRESS CONVENED or THE HEMUiB THE KViTE - * • ill EE m WAS CAREFULLY FOLLOWED. H,\.%Te i IIHIIII'.II Hlllill WT WITH I Mill 11. I’li;n*. Oinh of Bl*** A.lmiliil.tcl to l(r >,-o ..■niitnr A .*rnioiit. AA li -1t,,,,, P. IIIIIInKtinni —Arimu Ad journs nl ••- )••* <•# •*- It **M .11 nit B 11 Alnrk of llr ••* • *•••• Mrmttrr of Ihr Lair S, iiii■ or llavla nml Irnilnr lirar. , .rißton. lire. S.—ln the S.-nate to , • work of the short session of the V sixth < -oncrvss successfully J, i htd. r.plnal purpose of tbe Socmte to fM • .( t th#* death of G**r of , i<l Davie of Mirim Itnmedlote r rntding and then to adjourn tj ri Iv* the m* io of tin- I'rczi n,. rrow w.m put aeide in *rl* r to . day in a -lon when tha? mu h l i v In- iif imim iiH importance. \ from the r o llng of th* moaaag** ii. ' HdminDt ration f tin* oath nf , .to Wiihmi I*. DlllltMChafn. the n*-w ..r from Vermont, who auccced* the 1 i *t|n 8 Morrill, no Important final r - tran.*< acted. Th* other rn-a mem ,:f body, *i-H<*prt‘iientuUvp , m V. Polllver, who succeed# the 1 - ri.itor (#• rof lowa, win present, j u i iu -A<m In to-tn rrotv. in j th* Henate chamber w i .ii> brill.ant. From Hm celling ih* v .*: * r watc bathed in a suLfued lu*. I light . ihl the air w.m heuv> with < i t. in t of magnificent floral plec**# a\i : President Pro Thii. Fry** Brought (l ami navel at 12 o'cloc k declaring th f -peneri. the venerable M ml chap. ) , it. \ Mr. Mllfiurv), Invoke*! dlvtn# t paying tribute to the memory , . ,n- Senators Clear and Ravi*. Mr j , • (Vermont) pr rented Mr IMliin • ) 11 r brithil and th* latter w.> ad mu • I the oath by President Pr T* tr. Frye. iwax then notlflrtl that th* f. fyiilt %KU* ready to proceed to ItUllDW^ i t. . i w - :> t * t M t< Join represent a# ivez <*f th ..... formally Informing the Proalden Hi. • vra In MM* tin u i on fixing 12 oM ck no n e ach # : ... lir <f m*‘ i:g was adopted an . s of forty minute* taken to a" * < turn of the committee *ent to wait a: the Prej.-id.nt, r • I tr a comm tin lea i ion from ' ilr.ux* gov. notice It wa# ready for *• ln -* Mr Hour, for the ommlttec i reported that the President had **x- I- i.i his pit* azure that ('ougr. *a wn* . :n.*re in -■ and that he would f nm 11.1-in* with It forthwith. -*ai * v Ma J Pruden, assistant *t*rr * t.. the President, wan re*i>KnlJt*d. and Ii t.-si ih awaited in* oft• J Mtiii. . retiiry Brnneti of the Ben t>( ",in at once t the document, t r* .idlng l*tng eurefully follow***! nud * I*>■ !•i.r *K’.** hour anti tlfty-four min* I-: ■■ ■ M \lll-on of lowa then announced . fit i ;•■?!! s death anti offered the u*- r s* : it lon *f borrow. • r .\’* ls*.n of ‘MlnnnpoM. who had l ii t r turn'd from the of hi* .* • Senator Cuahnmn K. Devi*, an i i cl formally the death of Senator 1 i* b S. rmfp then, at 3:!.'. p m , upon mo. t t .J Mi, Ak Ivon. * an additional mark . ' i t for the memory of Senator * ir .ml Senator r>i*vl*. nljourwd. not **i: or m;riti>:\T%n\f.n. A li**i 11 iii ii f gpeetnele \\n* the openlim id'i!.ion, 3.—Oirdled by over l . a lb-rles. Uith.d In light from the n.'d window* overheail, the Hail i I; r.— ntaf Iv••* |>re*ent*l a brilliant t ti l. when Bpcriltfr l>*vld 11. Hen- •* ailed the second session of the i '-sixth Congress to order it noon, to il t y. T . desks of half the members wer* f id With flow, r w.allh and beauty of the capital. • *d in smart winter ffoc-ks, wre in t Kalltriw. " ril pieces were of Infinite v- Tl.e ureutet proportion was on the 1 Hdi.-an rale. th** hind* of the clock oppowlte the * *R • * desk pointful to noon. th> 1 •* vr a•*-etide*! the ro*tr\<nt and called * H to order. Then th#* blind chap* * if •-*! up hi* voice In prayer. a; i. referred feelingly to th. ' f the late Heprrsentativ** Dal* ‘ -V w J**rsy att l Hoefff. cker of Ik*l ' wkb h <p't urr**d during the r. - •*- ' ' r th*- prayer the clerk called the r t • confualon became so great that k coiiUl nc hear the resnon* 1 • t • ■ Sr * iker w.i* obi •<! several tirn** 1 i 1 for orilcr. The usual notification v re r. eived from the S -nat- tbut it v r* *d> f.r business and had appoint* 1 • i a*ors Jo wait *>n the President. *4aker announced that 27". ni**m * v bad respondtsl to their names; quo* 1 nd the !!ous< was rtMtdy f>r btisl fohowir.g membere-elect then a|>- I -1 it the bnr of th<* flous** and took ! ••'•h of office. Albert I> Hhaw. who • d* the lute Representative* Chlcker •>r New York; Allen F McDermott. ’ c.. ds the late lU , pre^ , ntatlv* Daly ' N' m J**rs*-y; Walter O. Ho‘ffecker, i.*,**-* the late Kepresentatlvo *• ker of Delaware; Kdwanl Dv. 1 rr, “M who succeeds the lute ltepr*sn* Harrner of Pennsylvania; William * if Ison. who succeeds (Jen. Joe r f Alabama; \V. H. Jackson, who i v I .w Smith of M iryl.uid; Bam -1 1 Woo.!-, who suece*-ds Reprt'scnta- Devrie** of California. *' Ratify of T< xav questlot'e.l the form ! * ‘ r * '•ign ition of Hepre****ntatlve Ih>l - sudeiior. Mr. J P. Connor, v ‘ |weeni. He said he doubted the | * of a m>mix*r to resign at a future dit !!< said he would not raise i int formally, but merely called at* •" to It *** that In future It could n*a *d “ a precedent. ? Ixslll ver’s resigns don, he sab), had ’• ndered to take effect Dec. 1, so Mr Connor had b er. elected to fill , -mey which did not exist at the f the election. He cited a court n to show that a rcslg/m lon to • fTect at a future date was not a nation la fact, but simply a no dll- gfatoiinmil) Itlornimj "CrHi cation of a r* -tgnatton to le n>ile In the future. Tin- Si* ik. r stat-d that ln.ismib'h a* objection had lw*n mad**. Mr. Connor would ►t*p asUle until th. prot -i hid b- n diix>s*< and of. Th. ftpeaker announc t the appditt* mem of Mr Babe, k of Wl-coitsln on t* Committ.*** on Way* and Moans to e • . I Mr. 1 *olll\• r. Th. Si**!iker appointed M. - • rs. P.iync, H' publl- uti. of N- iv York. <lr* v nor, R publi aii .it Ohio, and li* hnrdson, l)**m < fat, of Tefinease**. t.> Join the <‘ommlt* •* *• of ii. Sr; to wait <ii the Pu-U --d.-nt Tl; cU rk of th. Iloui' aDo lr* t*d to Kiv** similar n i • <<> the Henate. aft. which recess was tuk. o until J o'clock. On reavs.-mbling Mr. Payne announced the Prtsblent would crwnmunieali imtnc luiiely in writing. Then upon Maj. Pruden, on** of the | Pr vldei.t s rct i'ioi, .inn <un. > I the ni. ssage, by the direction of the Sp sik* r. was Iruni* dial* ly laid before the iI• - use The leading of the message wi> list* tl. I l" att‘flt|Ve|y. It (* l)|i. I two hour* ami ten minutes There were no demonstrations during the reading The deaths f the late Representative Hoe flecker of Delaware, the late Reprw s*utative Dab. of New J. rs**y, th** Dto < Senator Clear of 1- w. and <h* late Sein t*.f DnViS of Minn. ot.i. were announ **•! and. after th- a.i-.ptb.n of r* , 'OiuUonn f r* . ret. the House, as t further mark *f i* [*<-. t to the tin Kr\ of th d* ea>i slot* stneii. at 4JO p n . ljotirncd. Till! HOI SK'k FillbT HILL. If Provide* for nn !p|inrtlnnsirnf if lt* |re**Mlit 4% eln vngri'M, Washington, D- S.—The first bill of the *♦•>•'*# Introduce*! in the House of Kepr.-s. matlv. s w.i by Mr, Crumpuckcr. llepuhllcan, of Indian.i, "making an i poriloiiim iit of Repres nt.itiv* s <f ('on grs- under the *l. venth • nsus ” It pn vld** an inr r*a . *f membership from 157 to 3kw. Th** following states gain in r**|fresMittttloiv Arkansas, 1; Coh>rak>, 1; Oollfornln. 1; F>nn *h ut. 1; Florida. 1. Hhiuds. 2; M i a. iui.**ti-. I; Minnesota. 2. M.ssourl. 1; N*-w Jersey. 2; New York. 3, North Dakota. 1; Pennsylvania, 2; Texas, Washington. 1. W*- t Virginia, 1. Th. fol!owii.-r vt i. lo Kant 1; Louisiana, 2; Ml* b .|>il, 3; Nebraska. 1; North Carolina, 4. rtouih Carelli.a. 3, Vir ginia, 1. ißtn in i.i. in mum t kd. It \\ a* of Once Referred to the House Mllimry Committee. Washington. D* • 3 —gm-reiary Root's hill for the reorganlautlon of the army was aitroflucr*! to-day fy Chairman Hull -f the Military Cummin****, and at n*ferre*l t* that i*om'mlttee. Th** rneasun piooably will be i*i*)ri*d to ■Ui rrow and Mr. Hull expect.* th* llous will ro.s it week. Th* committee 10- d.*y adopted tin atiti-catite* n .tncndro**ni, ..frV-red i v Mr. Hay *>f Vine ma, pr hlb g the Mile of lluuor on military |ra|** ■ rty, transport a, tc. . i >it *. i HI i .*. \i in OM II \M> ttlver and llarlmr Committee Atlll U rklnu oil It* IIHI- Washington Dec. 3.—A1l the members of the Georgia delegation, excepting Hep r* . nadlve llortlett, were at the capitol to-day when Congress convened. Mr. Bartlett Is txpocted her** In n few days. liaewn and Clay and Re|reaen tti\• Livingston*-, wen r* • iplents of b* autlfu! floral r* tie mbnncetv from their frl**n*l. Representative latter says the River uh! Ilarlwr Committee Is still m work cm it' bill ami expecta to have it r. tdy for presentation to th** Hohie*- a? an • arly and te. He is not pr* {ar**l it this time to Dtewhat amount ih. committ*e Is likely to give In behalf *>f the promised improve ment of Savannah harl* r D is known, however, that the niomb, r* of the com mittee are favorably Inclined to give Sa vwnnah ample factlitiea for her commerce, m*l. In view of the fact that the Hoard j .f Fruir.eers who recently inve tlgat and the subject, h*s n-ported favorably the full estimate for the projerts. libera! ap *roprlation may le expected. It is i*v*- ,tble that Ih. • ommlt tee may not ** pre pared to grant the full amount estimated at the pending bill but It may com lisle to adopt what is known as th .*-mtlnu ng contract system, whl h would pro- IdiA nn i mum I ippropriatlon for h* work until th*- proj. t Is coinpl* led. This would take it “tit of the ri\r and harb*r bill, mu! tranafer it to th. sundry civil ipprviprlat.*n bill, in which nil th* !?n --provem.nts of th.- great rivers and bar tor* of th* cotmtry ore now provid'd for. IT WILL IIHb lilt.lll OF \\W. ship subsidy Hill 0 niaplnce the Nimonri- I*hlllpploe Messsre. AY;fhln({t<in. D.c. 3-Thr H.fuhllcnn S nat"rliil on onl. r of lln-l nr llii (!orni on .|. . 1.1.m1 the *hl|i -utility bill *houll fllupte' e the Spooner Philippine Wit ■ ,h *‘ unflnlehed hustne,. p aim) <i<<i'lei thut the Hu>-P.iutv-Pee treaty .houlJ rev-elve alternate ntteniton With the ehlin-lntf *ill. The arr.umem.-m l*r.A-hle* that he eiilpplnK Mil *ha!l h ue treft retire, but ihn when no one I* pre ,.ir> I To make a eiieeeh on ll the H- ntie -hall HO Into executive for the *onsi'ierntlon of the treaty S.nutor l-'ry- to-morrow will move 10 tak-- up the bill, an.l If thlr morion pr. valid, is Itk. ly. the effpet will lw to tl‘*-ll.'iee th< Bia*ner hill. Hen nor ledtte of the rommltt-e nn Eor-Um Itelnlhaie. who will have chare.- cf th treaty, probably will tn-'V' ' •*- ecutivc aeaaton lo oonalder Um twoty. an n*ement t trther pt v W - •* •* If Um army Ml) readies the Henare prior f the ahlppit 'treaty . her 01 both of Iheat n ■ he t, .-. I ti mpnr.irhv In or.h r to |e-rmlt the prompt eonshh ration of that measure The ram. tin.lcrstamllna prevalla rettard- Ina the appropriation Milt* S< nalor Murian < NlcaraKuan can il hit. rec. Uni some comtkhrratlon. The opinion was Rcia-raUy eapresrel that It aliould wait upot, tin- H' note a action on tie- Th. ommlttee also <li* tiaei the jh.s. „lt, l; |ty of Democratic oppo-'IUon to the oIU k.-tm of ih. mnftlars who hel talk. I with Democrat I- enatoo <-- pr. I the opinion that there w-miM he, no -ffort topi - rent this ;-i:llatlon hy - li.ois ojipoltlon. I hough they .-xiss-t it number of .js.-h<s against It EEI.I. *A GHOtl AKH AAII I*KOAA MED. AA I Ilium 1.. t. rti nl >f renaneola Loaf nn n I'leasore I raise. Pensacola, Dee. l-WIUIam U Oranl. I ~ prominent youny business man of .Ms city, while on a pleasure cruise up the Choctawhatchie bay, fell from the .|e k of the schooner yacht Harry late yeater ,lay and was drowned. Tbe uody baa not yet bvu found. SAVANNAH, t!A„ Tl KSDAY, I)E(’EMRER -4, MINISTERS TO MEET niIIRKA i:\Ddx IIUR (IF \lt I I'ROM THKIII tiOVKHN UK AT*. PRINCES ARE AFTER PEACE HIT DON'T 1.1 Ii 11 THK I'oRI.K.N IR Ml INI 111 1.1. ll* Prorscf Make* l!* Problem Harder lo **ili*— I inliifNetnr) (oneltulon nf l'-la>'* Hi-rllus Doubt fnl— ilfaaionurir* a ntl iMli.r* \\ lt llnilurnl 11*- 'li-ki* l*roi*4 \uuiii*f Lclct*o>— llli&b (Mtirrm, ll**|)oi)M Ib l* for OufriM***, *liottlil Hr* Ksrrulrd. I*. km. Ik 3.—AH the foreign envoys have now hetir! from llulr -• •verwn* ri> rrgar*iing the Joint note to th*- f’hltu**c llrni|K)tei)liarl'j*, anl a meeting w i.i Ik* held to-morrow. Tin* tnvoys lire n*w commtinl* alive, but enough i* kiH.nn with r* fereiu *- lo th* obj.vtlons of di fie rent g*>\ *Tini* lit j* l< make it seem bubtful that th* meeting v%S.i have a -ati factory ■iui**;ufi*i). Prince ('hing and i.i Hung (’hang both say that they are anxiou.dv aw ailing th* demands of the l*i*w-r.-. I'a. y *iclare (ha? Filina d* sirca |* are nt an> |*r * *wum. n- Miraie with the digi l > of an iid- nt nation, hut they i .int out that so long ih a I irg* foreign army .* . uju* the pro vince of Chi 1J Hi* problem will t* hatder to solve. The missionaries and other** who went through the m* g- pi>i< m bitterly against any suggestion of leniency. Th* \ urge parttcula?ly that tho*-** who ir* high in office ami who were really i< (*** siblt f r the outrages to foreigners Hh*iil*l l e *-x --**cuted; and they In.-ist also Halt ■ uf ficient force should I** k< pt in China to guarantee order and to k **t for*! mm Indepcnd* nt of the* chines*, de*-la ring it at if this is not h repecitlon . f the troubles is Inevitable. STORY OF AWFUL SLAUGHTER. f.nvprtmr of Mint* At .ntd to Hate 11-i-ii tlic Author of ai.m.l Atrooion. IMiiraa.-.. Hcrlln. !>•-•■ 3 A |H*ci,il <l|.|Nttrh from Cbliui to tho Volks ZcltutiK r>-!>txx u fearful mleelon eluuKht.-r In the province of Shan 81. The tlrst victim., the dl*- Itch kajre, wer. a t'athollc tilithoi' an.l hi* coadjutor* and f-.ur Euroi-. an priests, Francis ips, Italians and Flench. T:p- ap’vrrnnr lnvre*l ;lieni t* ht* for ser pt tecUon; but on arrival ;h- tr hands were tied. Then the governor him self potenarded them all. Next the *n urnor went to the Mabop'e re- . lene. with a nuroh- r <f soldier* and sclx.- 1 etx M tr sellles sisters. He promised them money* and *ll -i Incutsh* * I husbands tf they would renounce Clirtstlnnlty. whleit offer they unanimously reji-cted. TloTeopon the Kovernor pSipiar'lel them no.I ,-ilf. n number of Chinese priests, thirty Chinese si-ters nnd two bundreal orphans from 3 to 16 years of mre. ii. ■ t - I 1 - T themselves In a cistern, were, the dls patch says, tic.! to slak. sand force! to drink the blood of the first victims. They were then killed. A Chinese priest on 1 two Christians who attempte.| to escape were auKlit and put In a small hut, when- they were burned. OIT.K ATIIIAX IN t IIIN A. field Nlarshal Hrports * (frees, fill 1-1 x pert It lons. Berlin. Deo. 3. -A rtltpatch from Field Marshal Count von Waldersee. comman der-in-chief of the International force# in China, sent from I'ekin under date of Saturday. Dec. 1. says that after iahst |HK the (iermon M.ik t the Minn Tombs and punlehlmc several in chhortni! vll laaes for ttw* murder of Christians, the late fed. Y.a-ck's detachment, commanded hy th n. tiayl. returned to Ivkin In hair columns hy way of Yang F.iiik, Chen Flen T.-henn. Than* Hiian and Nlu Dan Shan, .m il alsait u day’s march north ward of I'ekin. The. Kalcan expedition, the It also say- wns very *ms-e-ftil. Several thousand Chines, regulars, under th- e-.m --tnan-l of two were driven in wil l ttißhi from the province of 'hl 1.1 to Shan SI. The remains of the late Col, Yorck have arrived t Fekin. I’D At AHIIN 111 and Nt. I'tMlTEf*. Anll-f-'orelan tiatbrenl* Said to He Inimlnrnl at Tien Tain. Lcn-km Dec. I —"l*l.i aids are aimlti Is n* posted. ’• says the Tien T*lu rorre si-ondent of tin* rt.ainbird. wlrlntt Sun day. “unnouneitiK a r-newsl of the anil fore an outl-r-ake as lmmln.-nt The ShniHthhl correspondent, of th>- Manana lost says tne Hankow viceroy told Vice Admiral Seymour durlnu th. latter'* recent visit that the court wo-.ild n-ver return to I'ekin: hut. as th. corre ,-p indent l-ani. the Nat.kin viceroy holds just the contrary opinion. Herman Troop* hi riaht I'laee. Tien Tsln, Do . 2. - - Four companies nf German troops a'- rejiort.d to I- serious- Iv menaced ihlrty-tlv- ml-s w-t of i'ao Tins Fu. elaht eompenh of l-'r-nch tr.siio with thr*<- day*’ ratlun* have it it to go to Ihelr relief. THAN* ACTION IN tOAI. I AMU. E’.*-etitor l>sils anil Benotor El kin. Hu > I I.IMMI Acres. Baltimore, Dec 3—lt Is understood that Wilton Dee Camden of l a lilth-r - has ne gotiated Uie noU to ex-Ber.aior Henry <D liavi* md Senator Stephen 11. Elkins of West Virginia of a tract of M.OOO acres In Barbour and Fpshur lountles. West Virginia. It Is said that the property n tolns rxtenulve coal de,sjlt. and that the purchaser* will open th. nun Th* Baltimore and Ohio Ksiiroad ex. tenils through a portion of the fled, but it Is eatd lo be more than itke.y that toe West Virginia Central Railroad will !-*• extended from Belins wnen operation# are begun. The tract adjoins the prupvrty mi tho Century Dual Company SURRENDERED TO GEN. YOUNG R% tr Tw Tlioiioii ml llnlotnen llr nun*t* lnurrci’ilnii aut Ink** Hnlh f tllriilNKcr. N iHr 3—The War I'epart nirnt Uwla>’ m*. Ii <hl th> following fii**- |gu h telbnß of the voluntary Mirrvn.b r of a large number i*f lnurr*-A t?* ti (.*n Young at Banti Mans. Tin- amittAiun In th* telegram com®* >f faulty tmfi>mil!t>ioii or n li ability to pi .ualbly det ipher tle ml mi tig wohlm *‘M iDi< aimi. Man la- Adjutant General. W.r ilnglon —Two fln>UMnd *ie bundr* i an*! ‘eighty Katlpunan liimirm'lor whom Conslqun enroll** I (bolMiH ni eanie fr>m mount.iln® finl mut* ti.u r* .1 to G**n. Bam u* 1 Jt. M Young to-day at HMi tH Marla. They renouin * 1 iruiurrertlon an>l swore allegiance to the I’nllfd States. The oath w i.lmlnlrtcr* *1 by he |* (|rlm?) at tla* church wath lmir a#lve rellgl ui* cere munlo (Jen. Young aitrihiit*s the reni r to the l*reallent , a re-eleciion an*i vigorous jr> -*cutl *n of (he war. Although i. rifl.n Himti l* ie| thin ii* lmi*ori.nt tiiDlr idng a ret*, ' midoox the J>eo pl** • • • • • Movstae columns under Samar, fanny, comtm*m<l Twa-nly-eighth Regiment t’nite*! B?at*w Volunteer Infantry g**? to Mimbitmo. * M o Arthur." (•unni Hrßtnrn(lon U irk. W mhh.gton. I*f. 3—The foil cabl. iiiw.s ag* has been i**etv* I at tbe Nwvy I >. ;artmeni *• ,v|te. D*c. 2.—lkdrtchtnent m.arlns ami a*an** Y'uaenille’* **r** •rrlv*l by Gen A lava t#efi (Juarn >i inat Re-uora non Wi*rk th re progr* .-sing fav.naily ’ Renu y." A di:u<m it %nr < tl n i II *•• lii i •**• I'rnpuinl Hrlullir (o Irani Heorixa!**•*l* 1.. gUIMlim. \\ ißhlf'gion. I>**.- 3. A rauoua of the D* fit* '•(!• u*ml>ei> of the Ibrtr.*** of R ;r* . i (atiV* - w.i?* hel.! ill tile h.ll *f Ih i Uu>* fit the clom of the Nensioti to* .lay to consider tin* course to lw taken on army legislation. R* pr. . illative Hay of Virginia, a nieni r *f th.* Military Committee, explalne l the etaiiH of the army bill |ro|***ed hy H.rrrt ry Root ami urged tile deidrublllty , .*! i t 1* gin a ting until the * ourae id tin* go\*rnment . to the t'hlltpfrine* had he**n u.*r* definitely <i**(erminel. lie projM*s*the following renoiii*iun, "Kt*olve*l. That I* h* the reuse of this .au that the law now In exlsl*ne < to th army t>* continued for two years from July 1. IW>." This ltd io extended db u*o*ioii Mr Si,i>*i|en of Toxar. of th*- Military nmiitltM*.. amend, and th* tlm** toon*. v**vr Mr. Jones *>f Virg n*a ft* r*-*l a subslitule r* '•olutlon cxfM .F- iig th.- op|>oeJti.*n * f ihr v AurtiH to he army r*<rgttm*4itUKi bill nu built ted by (be War De|Minnu*n*. R*j* tcrnttivai Hlchardeon. Hailey. Cnrma* k, VewUsoda. Oox are! others made e 4 *t. i* how ing cormldeeable diversity of opinion hh to what stxMili! t>e done. Mr Hay finally went over hi* resolu tion and the other |roi>oftU|o?ni were not lrw*el, the caucus adjourning wlUkmjl actio tv. to hinh:m; ru-im. Mnn> Deleuntea t Southern Indus trial ( .iinenlloti nt 4 ImifMitootth N* w Orleans. I>ec. 3 —Yh* Sou h* rn In *!u>trial convention will meet ber. to morrow, and several hundred delegat.n are exrp4*cted. Including th*ne fr*>cn Iluf faio. fblta.lelphia. Pittsburg nnd alm iet every city of importance The Georgl i delegation, bended by ex-Benator John H Gordon, will arrtv** 10-morrow moniim: Tcxae an*l Alatiama gave espe**lally xtrong delegAltofix. Gov. H.-nnl i here from Raton Roug** to deliver the wel comt* add t ecu*. Th** .Nltwrmjrna canal, cotton factories, textll*- e)ucation. lmi*rovem*nt of Gulf compulsory arbitration, deejienlng of th- rmiuth of the Mississippi river, railrosids and >tner FUbJeets will la <|| vid! up among the dexgates (r un ill etai* aiwi inch subject will In* acted ui*oii separately. I*• ly visitors will he entertained by til • Itxal t'ouncll of Wometi. WIDOW IIINHFN LI URL MIT. It In Naitl Thnl I apt. Drr> fit* I• ll 111 I*|| NN N WlllieMN. Paris. De* J.-s The hearing of the filed suit brought by Col. H.tiry's widow tgainst M Joeph Reinach, who. In r -ibdr.** publish*.! |h the Sled., Accused Henry of i*citit; the real traitor in the Dreyfus ease, and sax! Katerhazy wax his u • ompilc* . uf*ene*l to-day In the As h.z. Court. Th* - ludlence was small. Th* . i • • Mu - . t of IV .r < . valgroic and 4l**ns M rcler and Hofit who are am* ng th** wtin*sses, numbering altogether about Sn, and I not lead t*> ni)> Incident worthy of note. It is sail that M Reinach has sum moned Dreyfu- -a wltrcs- The public f*r* * .t<.r submltfe*! that the Ahhlz* vouit w.i- not *ompet*nt t* try th** ms#-, an*! assc*rted (twit th** cor rect lofiu I <*urt whs t’ie |#r* |H*r irihuiial The court decided n was romi*#*tont and th** pro**. ut##r iu;n uincrd h* would ap poAl to th* Court of ('sssntton. Oa*tClN4. OK I* AH LI AMR NT. It NN nn n Formal MTslr of Little • *blle llteret. IsOVidon. Dec. 3 The opening of th#* In itial session of the Fifteenth f’arliamerH of Quren Victoria oc curred at 2 o'clock this afternoon. M wan m formal afTalr and j of little public Interest. A small crowd a stem bird lose.- the "b*e fen ter*.'who car* ( rled out the usuml s*-ar h for possible con spirtor* in the vaults 1. n.*ulh the IgMises f INrllam*nt. with the custom ary c* r# m#sdal, and with the customary r* *• nit There wss likewisr* the us-ia! . cmp**tltli#n of itou* m**mbers of I nr ||am* nt to be fi*i on the seen*, one ar riving ut nitdntgM In the Hot!** of Commons U'llltam Court Gully M no opposition f.r re election t * tblnl term as i*ukvr. i npt. t liester Nt ( *n •mi 11 n|t e. Constant!not*i* D**. 3—C#pf. Colby M 4*hester and Me officers of th® United MtaiA* tiatib -hip Kentucky, now at Smyr na, Arrived In Constantinople to-day. T AV fin't fio ■ Hums or Tirana. Dondnn. Ore. 4 -Ths Vienna rwrsspond. *nt of Ihr Dally <Tironlels wires lhe< Mr Kruser will not visit either Vienna or Rome. BIG BOILER BURSTS N FATAL IM’l it'K'N IN I (1114 Nt*4> l*4N> I II tit• I **i:. PASSENGER TRAIN PASSING. l,Pr TWII 4 Nib *111(4 H IIN KU • IN 4 e DCIIIiI*. 11 • l*NNti(*nß*r* *truck by Splinter* or I it \ 101. till) to the Floor Fife Persons RHled niml Twehe lii|iiret to tli* Dtsoster—< bun.- ut lh|diNiun *• Mystery ••rop**rt> I.Uh* t tlit* ItiiilroNd I *ll Ml oi * #1 ut Chicago. D c 3 F*ur men and one Iwn urc In* .mtt\ kii*d h l* peopli* injur. .! by th* # \|k‘bti of a UdU t Jt tl |kw* r hous* i.| ilii > h'-.ii' ui*i Non h w. stern Hen! fli evening S* verul of the Injured ar#* hurt •* ba*ll> that th* ) may #l# Tli* !• -! arc August Clamtrwui. ..lon foreman, ennde-d hy falling w ill . Anthony Kraus, fireman, intern* !y injure*!, .11. and on the W v to •he b e,Gt.)l, A I- V\ I tiM hand. atrn*k l\ holler; J>. pn Hh* < fit. ton b ind, ittgiit un*l**r to|Ui H*nr> S< hnur, IK \. u • old. cl* i k In audit ing offii .* #.f N'orthw.■•*?* rn rKid, be* k broken by flying debus. Th#* It jure' .if.* John Itutt* HWortli, chief * b tri ian *f the |swer h#*u--e. skil l fractured, in-.timl itijuili will pmbthiy die, \ugnst |L . K Mi,\*. i ik** In jured by part of roof of parlor *ar fall ing on him; Mr August It. Milwati k#** thrown against * -at. in .iinlly In jur**.! may die. William Hi k* S . *.v gan. N\ i rev*r**lv truD* I, Mr 1; i. i It* ker, Bh*- Miyg in. Wl . slightly bruis -d; .Ml*-ha. I M< Gr ••* . aov* r*ly burn I. may dl* J*. * pti K*v-.Hki. s. v* •Iv burn #hl; G*org. GifiD. m v.-n ly bunnd. Joan Brown, severely burned; Carl !Vt**rs. arm broken; August lb>ltx. ®bb* and arm bruised; Kug-n Qlrtgeiich, blow throug i • ls>r of pAw* r house, slightly bruised. The |swer hous. w ®- tw* ?■tory stru* - tur* . whlh el***! w.'t of ll>. t i *nn r station and north of th- tracks hading into it. on the first floor w *m the Ih4 * r room. The raus* f th* • xpl*#*ion l *• myatery. is everything In th- liolisr rs*ni secuiwl in excellent condition. At ii f* w mhiu< m past .i o* I k *>n# % *f the hoi <r * in tti . n • of t >. row of four burst with a #!• i*?a I*hi that wa plainly heard at *.nt ami #ll firm. One •ul of th** holier ti- w tow I the *k ;s>t tracka anl lanc).*l s verity ft.ei away, TbA boiler Itself, which w*2ghd ten tons lies to-night six fct from th# boiler h >u*e Just as th#* explosion occurred the Ashlarn! limit** I train was pulling out **f the station. The iart two cars were caught. The l)olier struck Ih* i**ar car, while h • tioilcr-h# ol plow *. I through) the one im* m#*)latcly In fr* C I’ortunafely is.tti ft. w high, carrying aw ‘V |Mrtlons *f the rooT an l vestibule Th injure I passenger* w*i€* stru k by flying apllnt* rs, or thrown violently to the rt.wr. Traffic was inter rupted for several hours. The .lest me lkn of the elect rk* lighting plant plung ed the dc|>ot Into d.irkn* -h anl th* plla of and brls which was thrown ui<> ■* th** trucks temporarily blocked the sulHjioan traffic of the road. The wounded woro COOVcyal as quickly as |sss|t>le to l.#>-pi ai . The prv|***rt' lo - to the road will not lit? far from 91UMMD. 1111 IT PIG.V4 ( OttmiVTK. Il*% IsiMilnn Isillom llegnrfl Presl •leui Hell Dairy '* '. *•.#*. London. Ih*. t —Cummint iiimii I'wi dent McKinley rn to (Vmgreaa la chiefly devote I to the refeteiicea to Arncr i<\*'a pobc> Th#* Daily Grapbk says “The policy of th#* I’nMcd Kf.*t# s regarding Chins i not heroic, but It is c*rtalf ly pra>-?i * .ii,d there is ample r-."ii to believe that it wdl prevail." Th#* Tunes says: "Th#* meswige rnik*** i near fjott on the vital of insiat- Ing u|>on punishment f#r the out rugs Mr M* Ki(>.i v r.main- firm W r* vl to see mat >n th'* aubj#*# t #f gu.iraiile# s for ('hrlatian converts th< l*r# -in* nt m ik*e a row proi*osa in mivar.* * •f my put f#rrw.irl #*.?*• wher** In reganl to tha U'bmnlty <|Ut-stloii f“ I 111 Igit .ne :i. with roiia* of the Isat opinlisi In King land." The Tlm#*s’ .#fitor-iil ... lud with the expression of m hop* thit Mr. M- Klu ,ev a • *onl term mav ♦ mark'll by i "eat hi fa# tory *tt:#-m(.‘ *>f all on stand >ng #|ii--1 lone !*#?,... a (Jr* .i l’riwin and Amef |ca Th# Dally New *iy "The contains r.othlm ..* aid nothing very ilium mating on matter*? sha 1 are old. It w ill b very * !os#dy >* ann< and for lb r#*f •r*nr - t* < hioa It l*k ? > thouyi t!)*• American form * a w.r* Cat L<* f’"W rs a r* to p p#-< Ify th* culprits and the Chi nese government t# ep*. liy the mird'di n*r*t. On me h t#*rtns a #-.*iv stt!e menf W'did titidouid* dly b t ibl* . but would It be effective?** Th#- Btaniai I. whl#*h agreed with *he Times In thinking that If all ih#- I'owr* had withdrawn after th#* bgador wer* relieved to th* *‘.n* extent as th# I'nltird Hatv#*, fher*- would not now Is- much • hrtnea of obtaining ntlsr.c ilun. remark "Th* excessive anxiety i#> r# 1 -. xtaNbli trade with China Is p* rhaps the r#*a. ex planation of some |smts that linvc not MM ined satisfy# n.ry io trie r> .t policy of the Unit#**! Hi.if# In the opinion >f th* Ht uslir ! the Washlngion g .v# irn i h "acted as a drigon Rurofs-.ui dti-l-nn.icy." Ttw* Dally <'hi#>? • ■••-■••** "Cl# arly the Unit#**! Btaf*** gov.-rnrn* n Is a’l#* to Issast of an aggregate f Itnioitß aid #*i. fs.rts tw. Wlll#.n- and to pro |s>se a reduction #*f r**v*i <i taxatbat to the extent of TJm.Oism*" Tt, i ltnlnietra tion has a fair Justification, even If th-v# I#e no very obvious n#ei. fer further en couraging the American m#-r infllu ma rlne ’’ ■ e ■ fol(>rniio < i Presidenfial Note. Denver. Col., Dec. S ~The official can* vim of the presidential vote in Colora io was fine*] to-day Based on the hlgheat vote received by the electors on each side Bryan received IC.M4 and McKinley 83,141, making Bryan’a plurality 28,5*0, HE HAD BEEN HAZED. Dctifli f 4scn r I Itiior Vllt*u#*l f* llmr •<- sii 11 • <1 •-*riin (hr Treat ••*•-111 nf Fellow numlchin. rhi nd# ipbia Dr-c 3 -Os ar R /.. a fotiin r * at \Y. -t J’olnt Military A a.b ny who had been lying at the (saint of and ath at his home In Bristol. 1\ -ufferlnig ft. tn Injuries which hie parents claim were th. r**ult t hazing it tin* rt fl. u. ma r tw. v*Mr-* i-;>• it*-1 to-vliy in gs .* i ,miv Ti.*- •. t • f iliuih wa thr*.u .*iiMimpi(**n. ’lhr >oui'g mat • father allege* tluit t.iiwisco M ir. w.i {*urcd d*wn hi** son's thrmt whil* th*> a. lets w.r. hazing him; : t i t-*t pepfe-r w• thrown In hie eves. t.*t :. ,i-*• t<ui. *1 an his Luc Reta l.xith kiuvkcd ut aisi othr fiendish fun Indulg .l in. rthortly aftr this the father says (Oscar. P. nils** of his c*.iidtiun. was .••mf**lU#l i bdui lit** ndiSuhlf* and st'iidll) grew w.. . but n* v r would <li viiig#* in* ram. * of the c,*.b*ts win* lll tnates! him 11410/ *N ••!!%/ iN4.” % BLIND. 1 4 l. HIIIm ) flic 4 imraes trr In- Irwr iiiml Itlll4*ulon. \Vct I’ottlt. N 1 . Dc 3 4*d A I. Mills, sup**rlnt#*nd. itt of Hie Military Academy,** a Mim* it to-night r* th** R*xr. a!ligsl hazing case in will'd) he says t >•* charges of atrocious h •/dug ar* untru.' uh! ridiciilotis r 'of. Mills r#*vi w - llooz'v ariH-r at the Afukmy atul sn>** ■ The bason given for his resignation was w.iik . >ea Ills r.* #r l shows he was In th*- I*k s*#tl<Mi In inalh>*matlcs '.l L murks !i* r ■ • ive*! l* flat*- *f I!h r -tgna- I ?ton si lt* ! Ilcl# nt I bt-lleve th**rlo lb h i tin* i*.| c;uiD' of lib* i*. and I S think it meet |r. bai.;* that stories of | ilia al . g.'l IB tr .. in* 4 atl hi* ftottt t.t# ut# nt - to has in **l‘* In #*n*b • in- t# ex ' plain to !*!* f .•a d'* why !• I*ft til** A* al any H* mad* no * iNiiplalnt f 111 tr* at j Hunt "From llbjuirl.* made I am convince I that tills i-articular • * • d-t was very Ilttl* !i • rf**ie#| wit!) or in l*>tel by oth*r .•!*•( s tin liny his entire stay at th** mil! - taiy ai ad* my." A 'I I ’.lt It I Dll. INPLONinN. fiver .‘Hit People Killed In a Powder I *%pl#s|on Nt NNlthln. Ta<ma. Wash. Ihv. 2—The steamer Grurgl.i, arriving yesterday, brings dr tails of the terrible powder eiplowon at Nankin which killed over i**opb I.t fia.Jtiib. During . viol# nt thunderwiarm ligliti rig * > ruck u | w b r magazine *on aiidng half a million * odd.-* which ex j i*w|cd, 'fio* result was to oMltf*nt* th#- -tiiali vall'-y where tin* magazine was lo ( aicd. Throng ut tlx d.stri t wer* fount j• S off mangled and twisted bndlta Th# K'scuing of the ins lie- was carried on for a w --ck by ('bines# sold.ers, #>nc huielreo Pep i- recovered the flrM *lay. A high Chine*#- official reports at Bhang liZi tDast while With tle ('hlfies#* .**urt tl Till Tung Fu he neither saw nor heard of tlt heir apparent, l*u I'hun. Frln# • j ’I lian’s voting* X son The .>ffi -lal was -*hi v iii- • and that the he.r apparent was slain r died during the flight from I'ekin. OKN. I.KK N TO (RI Nil!. Does a* t Think Many Troop* Are Netted In 4 nils. r hi ogo. D. 3. (Jen. Fltahugh 4/f. late roinmarulnr *f the Havana Depart-* merit m Cuba, left her# o-nlght for Omaha where he will si on * assume com maud of tbe D* isiMment of the Mis souri. Before leaving b# saai; ‘ln cam? th#- Cubans fall t establish n -table republican government, and in .■.is#- th<* Fnitvd Hi*t#*s is for* sl t* occu py the (-(juntry |* rmanently, I *h not think more than 3,<0 or 4.(*s United & ... tn# |#s will I*#* needed f* r the mill tary • - tin n? in Cuba lh* Island is po situate*! Rat tr#ope from the fnlt ,,i gtiits could L* i-ourcd In v<*ry easily in casf- of necessity. ‘•Whether the Cuban ronvrnti n n*w sitting will succeed In establishing a g v ernmeni which can protert life ,((!,l trop ir> 1(1*1 !'* s* - urliy cai'ltal ■ c.m ,Iy j,r. a.-r, h-i knows’ N*,. I r-innoi . |r> my ,*ianion u|-n th*- ,-s.liilty." l-IU.MIM'T IA TEAR**. llr Still Mas .hr I Kiio-I Cnal#Sßfs In Emperor AA llllnm. I'arls. D< 3-A special rtls(.(tch from r'olonr says Mr Krusrr. after hr hart received Emperor WlHlem's trlrram. ink,- os follows to a rtrpina.lon style# “frier.,ls of the ItrsiV': ”1 hope with all my heart thot the rlr rumstani-e which prevents Ills M.*J*-sty f,,,m rr, elvliut me 10-,lay will become more favorable later I shall never erase ,„ have conrtrt.-nee in tie- spirit of Justice of lit,- Kmisrnr. wlio, without knowlns („, . amt me four y, or* x„ s (trtlll unt cn, nt I shall stay s..rne tlm.- at T ~- 11.,/tie end will then renew my re t , -t |ii,i hi time th, Emin-ror will i.ot 111 , KI user was very -art. anl after aarils reiir.rt to hts atsirtments In teum. lIEkl UITIUA 111 AA IHt R AT TAAAI’A. Inlernallnnnls Willi Uni lleeanae ol Da Resistrneta's Aomberl. Tampa. Fla . Dee t —AU of Ihe trade,’ unions here this m„rnln work anrt everythin* is --sin* smoothly except with th. Is.xensk.-is The International tuarmakers are >llll out. beinit c-ompelle-l to remain away from the factories hy the superior numbers of the Da Itoisleii cla. i KTIII < R RA I AI.I.IAt, ITAIIIKIT Dletttrtinnt I ommnnirr Hall tlas 111, skull Fractured. .N'ea York. De--. 3 Com- ' mender ReynoJd T llsil, aeel-tsnt rn pluee-r of the Brooklyn Navy Yanl. was j struck and probab.y f.tlallv Injur,-,I to- j ,ksy lry a piece of timber rtistoise.l fr*m, the roof ot the new engineer |ni tnilidlnt. j under which he was passing Hl* skuil was fractured. He taken to the Na val Hospital. Heath of a Minister. Harris -or*. I’a . D*- 3 —Rev, AVUttam Howard Day. A M L) D.. cnersl .sec- | retary of th- African Metno.llt Eplsoopal j •/.svn Church, died this moiui.ifc- utai 11 j years. ~~ * DA II Y I* A YEAR, i CENTS A C< PY WEKKDY ; TIMES-.A AA EEK.II A TEAR ASSASSIN’S FOUL ACT'lllT aiMMh SHUT mow Tim HARK AT TIIIIAI ASA 11.1. E. SLAYER USED A SHOTGUN. FOI II II I N lit K 'HOI I’RNF.TRAT- I.D Till VOI \(. H IN'I Hold . Il* lln#l Jnnl I’m 1.1 n 4** 11 on h Inn !••#• and Uns Hdiirninx IlniMr NN lien He* Uus I'lrctl I |hiii—Nn( K •)•%% n to Dux#- Hail nii Kiii'Ni). 11c Milter of I'rominrMi llrooka tonai tx Family. Thog)avfllf. (l,i . Dor 3 A m<%#t di tardly murder x.k <t)fi)inlU(*il in thl* city l't itiglil at 10 in . io k. Kinni* tl Ktmm*. a young nwm, juM grown. n • it# victim. Il* win the ►••) Ir* Bimni *f llronkz txNinty, and wi r***ltl ing t.i?f*rarlly in Thomzt'Gllo, having #HiiN her. ii idly [run VaM-niz n-l L ing ti vtudciil at Ht4tii*y a ItualiicMN Pol iK* ll* wll foully aNMi>plnzinl within . f#’W vtepa* of Ilia lajatding -uuee, one block frtim Iho bu >tn* .enter of Ihe city, a lul. returning from th*- liome ##f z young la*l\. whom li* had b* *n vizi ing •luring the evening. Th* , f.t Kin rttiMhl ■ >nceil#**l In a alight re#’*"’. In th** fencing nl>>ng tho all**watk until hla victim *u aithin forty f**t of bun. wh#n h* fir*#! lotli lMir*D t>f a aho gun load ot I with lu* kflhrH into llie atom ach of ihe uitNiih)iectlng \amiiik man. Four toon ah*t p#-n tra toil Ida taaly. H* crlo.l mui'br Miveral time*, and whut a crowd aaM'mbicd the wounH min lial Imit # .4ia<do*)an*)*a aid !l*d In twenty rnlnuP *, without H*aking any furlbor w.r t Tin uiurderor haw! madn hit #n i |h- wKlkhk Ling M#-n l*> any on a, . arrylng off hla wcitiam. A myniery zur. rouitda the .hel, z tho murdored man larro lh In at character ar f wz not known to liavi* an enemy. ll* wza a in*tnbr of a prticulnent llrooka count y family, and Mme of hla rGittlvcz am** h* Gila city to-wlay to In iulr* into th. !gi ‘lhe liodv vt • taken to hla former homo, wliero I tie burtNl took pia* r ihb aforttoiifl, Ling accompanied b >m Lmljt *•( atudenia from I‘rof. Htnuley'z zetuad. Effort.** wi*,f hiicn* dial* l> mad#* to catch the murderer. 34cRea*a dog* were z#*nt for. lan RIM io follow th#* trail. Ho far I-## elue to iii* rt.Hwaaztn i known, ur ai ocit n#ne t.- hr* -41 given out by the fiu thurltb*** A coroner*# Jury wa tmino .and but adjourtigMl over until to-morrow with out ifiaktiig up any v#rd|ci A alnguiar clrctHitatance ccmnecled with ihla ate* irtb davd In th* fact that th# man who had Ji In hiz henrt lo W> trda icrrltde l/tlog won lying In wnlt for hlz victim wh#*n z meteor expiodad over the # lty. TTtz ahooting occurred ten minute* after the explozion. THK I*NBfB %DY %Nt ’Vvl). |tlnm<ire-i;\|r NN I nnipinf twe Ket for Fet*. gfl. NVzahlngion. Ik*c. 3. The hcvirlng In the ertec of Dlnamore iig.ilnzt th#* Houthern Fxprc.-* Contimny and other-#, including the Railroad Comm zaioaerp of Georgia, w.m to-*tay ttdvan .#1 by the Unite! Hta-#*w Hupr# nn* t*#Mirt an( net t*r Feb. %, after the dlNpoaai of other oaatMi on (li#* calendar for th* i-y. The *eae la ;• tezt of the right of llallroo#! ('omnvla •lon.-rz to require expruza •* inpanDa alon* in pay the revetiu#* ztamp :nx on recelpla. depriving th • #*mtunl. of the right to contract with th- ralboni <* m pa?ii.*N to |ay It. .Nn <>nl#*r Imn teen ta il u* I by th#* Georgia txntid m king thla requirement under th*- law nf its ap pointment. and It I* claimed by tne *!• pr#z company that zuch action lz threzt eiud In other iUtz Till; t)NI*M( N4 \•• HILL. The Judiciary Hill *cmln in a Fa • on# lil- Report. VV.ixhlngton, !*••# 3-—Reprezenfatlve fdutch* Id uf Maine from thw Judiciary Committee of the llouz*. to-day prew-vit ed favorable re|*rt on what i* kn*wn za the "cotM|*iracy" l#ll, iiniUmg the iize ot reniralnlng or*lerz and injutin<mz In dlz puteß between employer and employed tn pbi*-e ti?j#Urr federal control. The report favor# two rltaog# m In the blit. One atrlkea out th#* piovmion which would have the effect of ex '<pMng combUiatlociz In trad#- dlefMJtea from the iteration of the Hherman antl-truat law # rhe other amend# the bill *o It will not #*/ver n -■tnn#- of threat# to Injure !*er#on# or proi*erty, Iwizltv - or o**cupitlon, or to overt act# of interference with the right# of other#. NN (K 111 D lll'l H4IDT TO DE NTIL THrprzlln#* PozrrH *• an Ex-tou ■tnble nnd a Hhlcli applied. liaiua, Tex.. Dec, 3.—ln a zaloon In Bzit Daiizz t*alny fiolicemen found ex-Con ztzbl** Fat Rain eiting he I pie# # in a chair a ma## of flame#. The officer# wiy Eu iicne Faulkner anti J. W. Chapman wero #tan#ling L htnl the bar zni#>kmg cigar# and w.aching the unfortunz man roaat to (b ath. The offi • n declare the irfen refu#!**l ali aaatatance. It iz CiZlmcd ty the officer# that Bain ii* drugged and a# !#• reclined in a chair unionzeiou# *• quantity of (urpeatlne wiz (toured over him and a match applied. TWO MEN KILLED AT MMtW. Fatal llnratlng of *t#-#m IMpe I* z riNuing Mill. ktron. De.* 3.—A zleam pipe burzt at the Mazzee A Felton burner Comp§ity*l planing mill# here to-#lay and killed two men anl zerloualy wounded another. En gineer K. R- Hathaway and hlz negro fire man were calded from head to foot with hot water znd they died zoon after being taken t the hoapital. Another negro waa badly kMirned. 4 \II MI ND OF INN\Ni: .fOLDIKRk. They I'niiril Ttiruuzli El Yea trrdoy Fit liite to NN nlil>igt<ti. El Faao. Tez.. Dec. 3.—Another carload of Inzane United Btatea zoldiera from the Philippine# |ed through to Washing ton to-day. The lunatic# had been un der guard zeveral month# In the Orlen before they were zem home. The preva lence of tnzanlty among the zoldiera !a attributed to an intoxicant brewed by the ziativea and to expoautezs