The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 05, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 NEARLY HAD A ROUGH HOUSE. M|l ll.tY T 1 Hfu AT ATIVK cun RAt*n >lfrllnc Spurly Captured In Myers Supporter*—-The lHrr Ortnnl**-l ii t luh nf Their Own anil inilurifd ibi* Mayor—* ot***r% hi I x •* I*h rr*rrrilrl With IliHr Mating and IndnrarU Aldennau lunn-M)fra Mm ( uiiip Near the a rufiil, but IVppp On! MwwuvPrnl ljr HrMidnni ffruspect f Ironbl* lr n lr lONMI a? Labor H . I last ii gh? and fr *v#r an be .t • looked *i >fa m ► - nff '*e *n ♦ m >*t sr.y rnonver. r *• Fast r? *“ ** r .•ervwtive Club tia<l adr<t i rr>*w ng to shape f r a i#* rr: v.ralty • *#n *:vn • % •.! • r * nan * th* '>**•*' * -<•* <* 1 >• p'irpofa of h.dwtng \*dar ii.mi< Jam* - !*-xon fo*. Mayor, f‘ Il k -Mir* bad -e announced. T • I* * t ..r *i# y mi ini {Hat * • -*i i t * i \s an UfUi Uorlxed *Ut the *ub.*e t4 . <w* * f ftk'#* l♦ i * t tun <*d IflJl (.its W 4 * • rtr :#v*e( hale ns • iti in J..* WW#*' • * % l-ilga of th* ' i.o#r tmpor*r*y paralyzing th* j r ■f - O# (t)H COD^rMtK* 1 * tl>. tl AH* (iP'i < ~ or-) t Li a meeting of It a own **’gai • l/.ng the M jam' Fourth T* *n t; a Ciub a.- indorsing Mt*>or Myin f i re i .on The Myers’ t • pie had ev'denliy c* r*v * with toe Inten’inn of * on\ er’try a .xor rally ' r.* int-r *. an n f( from (he hr.*** hi I tn fa :, r.sey m.d*- i boar* r*f yi i* Ti# . e aUned that i* was a FVrjr-n I s!rlt meeting. -ud thj! all Pour'h Dm r -? voters h *•! h r.gfu to take part. It only by worn* vary a wort worn or ah** par* f Hr* -jden? Jo*. ;*■ Flgg and of r eartr* f thf on -■ •lie ( bib :■--♦** * , were fr.*n Wtlrtljf atampM-Mf th# club's tlMMAlng. m.' Mr F * Kf i xxd ri th<* -n'w.i a* choKly ** ha did • wrr v*v; .) a,na>M *r Ir ' . hnv i * r A uf ’i fKy * ar<l tro ;bi for mr. o; fl♦ r<r* ri’ * 1 WjiAji a lldftdrif .Win rafortrr nrr * nr .• i.rohaJsiy i.v* mn tr h** i * •nd n.. eoni Im ou bl4u Tlun w • bd fair of H3|>n **rd rx it**infr *r I ftwjf* i tier* :ra* -‘rnwrlilne mv t * •j- rr.j hi>p*r th*. tsr.jc .{•.-*! It h*p wr a* one# *h a number of thr Myrra |*ropte werr .v han*l. ir Ii aii •vl ient that their jnr* *t<-n w. to -,if, tur> the meeting Daputy M.r hal Hob. *• r! Creatr.rr, Jamff M *Hrld Alex >|an* le! H O *■ un i e runtibe- <f otr *• Mvera men Hera conapi in • vl* drrra I Th# ofll #rs irol m*mbn <4 th* c* n"- a#rv*tiv* ♦ luh war# evidently 1• t plead ed wiih the nut look They endeavor#! *0 Uniprt ns upon their tinde-ircd \ . •bar 1 i w*# *tri tl> c-lui. m#* riri*p an 1 that It Would b*- aro#|y improper for mny hit club rn*mtw*r* to urotomke *. ■> participate Th>v #v#n IroJnm'tr* I that th#y would prefer I hut th* n should leive th# hall, hut th# latter were to all hint?* of ihln chara-tar. Ak*x M*tulrl and #*h#r* of the <’nfim*rvitiv t'llib rn* ritbert* Who w#r# favorable 1, M*yo> M'. r ** *r otinftil thetr Mm4i 10 I heir plan was to simply turn th# nv#ffftfr into a Fourth district meet* ,n * * n hich all Fourth district vot**'* would h# eilowM to prtldra< F.ndin* that President Fig* vwni.4 ruU iUj*t them on th s point fh#y prepared to have all th# Myr* rr. n pr. n apply for member tip in h# • lub. in hi* fhey were **ktemt< k#d ki.*r ~v th * ***utr- Mi Fat who forest them •O th# sllerTuMw- of either aKlra ]*>- of th# m##tlnr bv for. . nr hold inir h separate ineedf)* of their own, They hoee the latter course 'JTw .Toml w k.-vt waiting naarty an lr Wdll.. th* -.rtf. *r of'tfw iuh debated among thm*<! • * what emir** 10 pun-.i-' N finally la • .d*.l (hat Bycryfiry Arthur I-ik h- nld got th- roll of m-in I— rahip, anti * .0: only m-ml-cr. of th, • . j!> rhouM parti- Up*'* in th- mating it *► atv-tt . 1,,. * when I'rnl.lo • Figg ■ allwl th. meeting to or-|.-r and explain..l tong* itutf th valwit report that the purpose of th- m—ting tmt to -ntlor*- Al rl-rman Dixon for the Mayoral-y w,. *u, error ft was the regular meeting l irh. of th- -hib, h* eat I. ;,nrt had etm- J ly h* celled to convab-r m(ter per tatnmr to the r]uh Tht being the r;,p. It would be errypdtiif ly lotto.per frg non* members pr-p.ent to entleov.rr to par*l-|- fgte In the m.Airig A. tt wap rrparf.l that ther, were a number present w-rto <leire,j t„ become membera h- suggest,*d that ffte beat plan to pursue w mild b< for • 5..1 1 i tire from the Mr Figg * Migg, niton was not kindly r-t -dved hv the nan- member*. They w--r m the hall and they did net. |>r •t r <—- to l— eo easily dlsp.aed of. Alex Mendel un dertook '• secure the of a list •if h|>|, leant* a be*e names he pre-.-nt. I Objection* were niade to this h\ John J S’affotd M a BtltUmsr arid others. W'.;# held that the appl'i eth'iu must take th, i eguler course Mr Msn.|e| contended fiat the Club hed no- been ao fi.rnia! In Its m-tfuels heretofore at*l that It pre oualv made n., cl i-vlons to having at> pllcnfKs present, electing th-ni ttsl at lowing them to tart t|wit, tn the mu. log After considrreble discussion the chtkli -* . Hi* r >u.J hr ..r r u • • * . .'‘l -t • ** r • ' - - 4 J c eo , a alicm J-.J 4>* Ho iii.O TUid (i)At -itpliCMiHii mine jr *# urtf:! ?!,♦•** n*i* iiUH.t *./ <d Im u.-n , *'* M IHMI WaiilMj un.l lln rowd Irfiin to tf* t rK>i>. T\. Kicattu iMit of ti.‘ \\a v'tied dn tl> lona 1-rtU‘Jw** Mlt-Uf.J !{* Urfiljt hilt .1 -v und rnthUHinitl< Imi I of Mvi-r nm, irathorrd v\np* up by th .stag** and Inai-t --• and oi miking lif* ur.h.ipp) tor th<* l*i •rs of h* club Tho < \a. I ve* kept quiet awl Jot their i* ahr do mmt of ?.; talking while on th** other haw! the M>- re men were vooirvmu- When the chairman made the ruhnt mentioned. (Mit of tl* crow 1 vlr>* the hall, but the bunch Uf> tinder the litirman’i none • \ up a about for Mv r* end their follower* to gather up nround them. Mr. \N . T Hue • . who is president of the Southsfde Alminbtru t tor <’luh, spokr on the Hit* (i Mr KUrgr. hut without effect leader Jimri Mcßride declared tnat the voter* •►f the F\>urth district had met to link* m iKimlnmlon and ho pr<i|ioied that they Vo ahead ntwl make. Mr !t<nb**rt Crwofnrr wan culled to tie platform and made u abort speech, a lvo- atlng jurty harmony arel |T<hhl feeling The trouble which hid broken out w h *ot un**%peeted. he said. The victory ut t e try six months axo %* ?• so jjr if nitM it wa* evident the* ih-it there would 1*• tw. wtnr if t*; party, lie begged the frlard* of ai<h candidate not to In dulge in NhuiM’ ami aid that he was ettUllsd Mayor Myeie and Mr Dixon would both i ipi* -rt th* party nominee, *o nui’ter who h* might I*'. Mr ('rta;nr * -;>ee* hlm Ii quieting of* fci t The Mverg p*ple did vt propose i< lose tne advantage which they evl •lently had, however komeotvr shouted. **onie over to the rear of th* hull and we’ll hold our meeting anyway.** and the summons was obeyed T i Mvers pc opl gathered the rou;h side of the hall wldia thalr o?*p<*nei\ts remained near the stag**. At first the two crowds were about evenly divided, but •*- some of t one near tht stag.* left the hall aid othsrs floated over o the Mvers ths lattes’ were soon In the majority (ConUßued on &ix\L lage.j 1 PO> VI.I. STATE €•• tNTEHU. Tiim Would lfa%e u Ik Paid fu ller the I rnnrlilif fllll, A prom’.nent rj broad a Homey, who is r* friend of the franrhlse hdl that Is P< /ding ir * e I>rgisaiturs. a!4 yestsrdav that It 1* pn-p.jNd in the hill to impn-* h 'o on y upon the ehnrter r*r fran e* .-sued by the state The various * ad irlvifeg#s }-*t"ied by mons’ipait' • n*<l ealje | franrhlsee are rot to be taxed. Nor <bv- the bill aim only at tallra*i' l-ut at a',l rorporatJon trd lrg lr. .us \'ew * to the limit *ion of the bid the at tame) toee not agree with Finn \V iMlam Harden, who tindere!<>od, he .4a‘d day before yeatenday hat all fran- hlses were to i>e tax-4| The attorney be,:evts the sta** would not make rbe wer(- |ng levy i4.a tifinn |c**4l franehts-a *• heil as ch *r •* Ix * fru* ' < • i u*<:al v given to ippl! ir*• wtthou* •'tiarge, ** tha* they mnv >e reganV-*! 1 ulUus i \n * a* I some agalnsr h* r taxn* -ii ■ f*’i i rr and ii * n**t co lected taxes upon e- * *.t !* *,® ils n* b- :d ir; re-- - mllor i * rat to do ► > Charter h*ar * a r* **n it <m upon their f*s * mu I * -%* If* * t t.M’-e he- I, m force fof \*i* in \W fs*. I (4* arn tine t fraic ; * l*w , heps* *1 T-!* iw tired t n *l.- retroacfiv** however, in the ►crii**’ *>i rnaJk . <*' )Ki'4 04 if |M * t* f* f l it!* * ed' fwn-1 it s tha Issuab* r ot ti c I ‘ • Httomey eabl Ids firm l* m iking t o flrh* ig ilntt *pe Mil. a* the tnj*auy he • ;► * itsytff* gnp>* yl in At l-*rt*4 in wh tn sirh work wnul-i he id v ► N- did • kr of w hether at . i • aII *-n b-ouglit to 1* again t tfe If e hi* fieiief he K4ld. that the h{|! !l get Its support from th* couti t-v rej•*■•■■ u * er*• th‘*re are hut f**w franchise* • *xl It is in •- lifM : i med t the . *•*.■he -sld. M** 'l?e of the many rorpcnfians th *f e\ist *n r-.e citk* and That would be affected by such a law !• 1 ,)<*• j * rose In ' Mr Harden W l—r |M k g of Ti e bill to have the •**,*.# ie-*v*'l from Its eofor en . *• g r j <1 a re|!t< Mon of the ad valorem *ax n.j* l*’ ?n *■ *•* The revet j.-fc h u*l ~ triply t e j*. and n i id!M‘n •- t‘<o ■ l* tetf| under the present sy/rm of t V, n to ilefr.i> t* ♦ < xjer. *'! of the * \ f stut- Ine ttulSone arc kn!ol the 4upfMrt that It i** holieve*! they should #• 4u-*e • • *>, mu ditty of the state to make the lHOi>riatir*ni tm 111-'. Atr.l*T% • OMI* IMKS, I Talk Inrtrtent to fin* Fllllni t p o •be Fir at Infa atry. Rom* ♦a’k In heard o # the aaticTtmertf I • r>* th- to'ir or.j :r Aufuata to 1< j | F'lrrt lnlar.try in the very probable avetu • f the tall m.ik n| the Vcrtufi *er Gu.irdn a battalion of heavy aril!- kry lnir the I.egtaiatiire rvi W rj I < hear. It . r>e'*?or ene*at rteonfia are I Troop*, would not ■ ommli hlmaalf In any 1 w;.y upon the matter when he wan In th !<•,•>• day trfore vesterdav, further thar !to tell two or three of th* ofh<er- witti j u fom he talked that t > Firnt Infantry i vv,.uhl not r*main a of • t t mixniee on joo(Kint of the withdrawal j of ihe M* fid ItaUailon. the Guard r*..| rh. \r Idea It* that f“rr m*r. • • !nfi!lca v% l* ad in and ted Into the >r- ; •(I f ’ va . h> the Guard- Tlieaa eompanle, . It l* undemtood, are to he attm hed to tte commands *f which they woul I eo prt iphleally form a |art With the a* oft he AufUKta :om|*atile to the a- li* tiw thought not ltnprnlabl. new distribution would have t<* t** mu le In that section In fact, a general change would have to ordered No intimation of Ju-tt what wmjl 1 he done in the way of attaching cotnpaiileti I would le* given by Cd Obear. he raid, jin advance of the u tion No dilfl ulty w.uld h .i in raising the fiwrr • otn i tan tea within ten days. i there are •lumUr of i!a * that are ateking to form military rKanlsatk>ni* The point In nude by some of the Fa nmh offi<m that It *eui4 *■ '■> th# Auaiwla comp-.nifi i<> th<- I'lr.l for th r. iron ■ ll* I** rr tl iiv nnrr maEi Tliominvl.l.', | .Jiit'man Hr.d Ofll *v- s €, f *(*- i i< jfitnrnt lo not regard it w.* u vary se rious objection h have the regiment own l of only five i ul < *mi*ud- . * remaintng seven l*elng locted in other pias ot e of them said yesterday. It is seldom that n* many an ihr*** *m ia*ntea of a regiment in the regular army j are found In one garrison, 'et the adinin- J i-tritlve work g< ! * • ot. mi I ictorlly j the same. A point in ti f propntsd hill for the r** j tnovul of the Guards fimi the Flr.u In fantry that |H not utidei t*<>d heie I - fivi ntenii • * menti Info he laff depleted by one battal ion. rendering It Irnposxlblt* to admit other ompanlcs to ti.l up tin va< ncle Col. Ole-ar d< !arsd that he Would luok Into ihi* matter upon Ids return to Atlanta ,nrt wou *1 • • r objection If he fouta.l that *h< hill won.*! change the Guards to he,ivv artillery without miking provision !<*r the r*-e-t j*U!t*h?nent of the infantry fri* ii o n full -trength o? five regimems, i a- U at |*r ent |rovlded by law. lie has no objection to the Guard* becoming h*-avy artillery, out he want* the strength ! of th* Infantry t remain It la. Mil It!a UIM. I trerun Jsstes li. Itouslas Met IVltli n Krrlnua AecSdent, Mr Jsrmw K Douglas, a noting a o. Oompai Vo 2 Wi,..4 i.l.d o:. .t; L V ' w-l - >23f da ..v •<* *. i *si may i c\ 40-- oT Lo right arm. Tfi* ixr. No was going sou h or. West lii.rjul sirin • tf (’(MidisUur It. 1 v'ie ut*l M<>t<riii.i i J. H Itol * r*, win it ulxiut l o ckxk, Ixdwoen t'h.rlto. ii I \V Hr*nut streeit, It wa* tsHitxiol >* IkMlghi*. slio jiifnpHl on th' front phi*- form; us he dbf no ill* cap fell off. n*l i *iid#*avoring to icrtib it, he b>ef m* t>alat.*'< •inl fci! with his right irm cii th- track. The front wheel went <* v *r his • rna before t *e c.r couM t i|;*psi, i>u. a t * cur \v:i* running rather slowly th • nrsotorman w.v* ble to stop it before the r* *r w • fd |M>'*x| over the arm. A? soon as the neddent o, -iirie*! doc tors w* re uunmofud and all |*edible M gi .Tti t< the injur*-1 nun lie n uk n to th* ftavnnnah H sp|tal. where t i * railway’s physician, !’>r. A H Hiinmoiu, attended him J’p to a late Imur lust niclil It sms not known wtu iher the arm would have to le amputated or not. Mr Itotigla* has been connected with tin* fir* department for a numlNM n \* ire. and 1;.~ bts-n tniet faithful and * f fi* lent in tin* discharge of his duties, lie was mlu> for a time a member of the Second Georgia H*-giment during tho Sfrinish-Anveri-.n War uni w.c- a g-snl soldier. No nspetidWlMy attache? to th** h*re> f • vtr emtdev* : . ac ttie was purely umivolUaNi' r th**lr put. II 11111% -I 111 %Kl .lt. 11. ( . lln r<| , Jr., mid Mias Mary I nr |*rr # Vierc \% edde| Inst \lu lit Mr H. O Hardy. Jr and Miss Mary Bello h v a raker were married last night .it HJO o'clock nt the home of the bride. No. 215 Huffy street, east. The wedding was quiet and unostentatious, only the im mediate family und relatives b* tng in at t* odtlltee. Mi Hardy Is wall known in K.vannah He employed try Messrs. E*ktnn & Vetsburg. HU bride U a young lady who has many friend*. They will b* wix,, | happiness by all who know thvxu. THE MORNING NEW S: WEDNESDAY. DECE3JBER 5, 1900. THE FALL OF AN ELEVATOR. IVII HKD 7 It* K MM > lh MEfMHIHD A M II % I I. HI ILOIKQ. Mr. C harles and Two i ol ored Porters. Vhram Hosrh and I dward Willis, the Victims—llea* > Hot of Cioods Was on the Elevstor at the Time—l he tall Was From Alftout the Third *tor> If* h- llasr ment—Physicians Were '■*••* li* Haste anil € nrnl for the Injur ed Writ—l let ator Hail Btrn In* s|icct*-l Hrgiilarlft. Th i **■ ir.* r iv. ?• *. n ••*■l hy the fall * f ;*n e!e\ ator *• 1 jo.ntly L . M >m. M* In hard A fchsu] uid the Mctropolttsih t'losh tig f'ompauy nbotst Trt n'clo k last t ght TTe injure*! are Mr. Charlc? - hsupr* clerk t r M-.t r l & H> iisul, At*ram Ilo.* h. i tr f r the Metropcdi tan Clothing Comp t- .ist IQdward WH I) . porter f**r M* .r. t... * - l A S haul Mr H* t t* tw * ulored l> r teu were In tf-.c * • vator. No other* were iti the sr, lit t♦ ’• i* .i a very hwvt lo* of .* ttK w.i t'teing lowerssl from one of the upper floors to th* ground flour of the taiiid'.ng, where It e to l> loaded r-*r li.|nient. Trie box, w|ih P * •*; tents, it h.* * a id. weighed close to >ju p.u: -N It wan of oorrr bulk and took up nearly the entire car, there t - ;rv: llMle spxce |ef• for th** mer. At the clsvator was des- **ndir.g and j a the third foor. momethtng became or hrek* Juc what the trouble was could not la* leaned The occupant* of the iii r t *wnFlvt did not know though one of them de la red tha: th i |a* Jmm! broken With nothing to ini*ede !• fall the • ar started on .f wav. and idy •mto a halt when it reached the bi!**nent. Th* t.r of tiie Mop was what injured . ipatiL* of th- elevator Th* fa’l * tciriftc, and the rsr struck the - ment with a * rash that could have i t.-en heard f**t two or three block#, and 1 with (onciM'.uti that shook the entire building. Is * i wond-r the occupant# , were not nil kill*cl. a*- it w i#, they et- I 1 with sex'—rc bruiser N-* hones wer* j brxftken, though they had an a* *#rtment of sprains Th* *-lwrk* ami nr bars In lh*f M* trop#>ll tan clothing ('omp&ny s?or*. ru*h*d lo assiftan*-* of *h** Injur#**’ m* n Tby war# lifted o'j# and rHrri*d to thr IVa'u *> r.upl*<| bv th** clothing fomr*ny. physh> w* r* r*l*phon#nl f*r If wi> desirsd to gain ntfr-1. il a* pp***slily as i * lHis. anl for ’hi* r*a ..n an ;mb*r fni - sxk mwa f* ( • rr R 8 Kenan was ths first io r* rnond sn*l hi *x w* devotod to Mr. 8< haupp. who was moat srrloua'y hurt. Hi- Dirt! Ju#? below th** knees w**r bdly rT-uahed. -he ffeah Ivung broken *nd orn. svkfontly bv in* box of gravis hav ing t>oiinrt*d Ugimef his \^T i Handa*s wore put upon the hurts and Mr hvupr* wui placed In • ht* k end iken to h! home. The iwn rtolored porter* were attended by pr M L Currie, who soon found that I hey had db bon* - broken. Both men wer* groaning with pain however, and It w** plain th*t they were severely hurt hr their fall The elevator Is fie ! e-itlrely for fr-iglt 1# 1s Inspected regularly, and It Is no# known what could hive happened K> It to have caused !? to give way Heavier weights than that which It bore at the time of the accident have been raised up on It without mishap. I# IGAIAst OfTEOPATIIV. / . Me|f-al s**tet* 1* %rrase#| A gnlnat the Hill. The Savannah Me lioaJ Society Is m k mj a fight ftk lnst the osteopathy MU tha# It Ts underatood. will be brought lefor** the Senate to-morrow*. The hill was le feulril some day- ago by n vote In the Senate, but It hu been agreed to re**on jider. I>r St. J R Graham, president of the * • iety. Las written several of the A lunti physlctana who are Interested in the fight agalnat the bill and has wired Hon J Fcrrlß (’ai.r, Senator from this <D*tr et, prott-ting amnlnst the rec**gnl#'on of * •**{.i#hy by the state. Dr. Graham Is hopeful that ’be propo-ed nu-asure will again te defeated Osi- p:itby 1* * e term employed fr*r *i •v stem of treatment of vnr o i dis* -* s ♦ ha# many physl- l*r< regard as unortho dox Dr. #rt *h*n' tld he was no? famil iar with Jub! w h t constliute osioopathy at:d (hat he did wt know how It Is pra< - #lccd. further, than that a message is cm ploy*sl. It Is one of the ts**ortment of ’lsinV 'oloKie* end 'pa?l**s.* that regular “*hoo4 phjTßk'lau - obJe*t to Dr. Graham said he would not object to nateopathv Ming stti'llH and pro fessed by a phyal* bin who hns taken *% four or six-years’ course at #*ome ot:* of t meill ul Whoola of the country for then he would be In a position t*> know when what merit -there ins' !•* In os. teopathy might M* u •**! to adv.inbige T? Is preposterous, though, he said, for on oßteoriAthlet to M* up|s-M*-1 to know with th *♦ ot two >•.•( -of train ~ mai i. ■.-.••! m• w to I I th fc'-iuad be prof*">*> A l|l 11-:T MOW \ IM* \% blllHMi. 11l Louis t Hmou! and Miss H este Ituio tho t ouittuiiSL Pc-rsou >l.. Luuio COopct Kaoul *. .1 Mia* be— Clifton Hose were married yesterday mottdng at o'clock al th** home uf th** brWt*'w intli*r. Mrs K I. K*e*c, N at* Ogh*thorj>o av* nu*\ ea t. Owing to a re- , cent !e ith In t * bride s faniy th* ftisr. r ic was a very quiet on*, only the ittiiiiedlate reluliven being preset*. K* v. j. u Bcully of Kb Taui'ti Church per fornn<\ the *i • tuony Immediately after tiie ceremony Mr iwl Mi?* liaoul ief* for Horida. and will >** ,*oy for a *•"11 t*ii days. Upor% their rt f' -i, they will be* nt horn* to th**;r friends [at No a- Ogle thorp* rtvir.uc. east The hr kit U n most charming young bolv. whose many charms, both of person an*l mind, have cnde<ir*il her to a large itch* **f friends. Mr liaoul \4 well known and popular voting man, who Is corn* tel with the t*ntiiil ltol Will PUI MMIS * HMITNifI. Ihr tniNtiniili l*Mllall Team Oef tiii 14 in for the 4*anae. The Savannah football tram U pt ictie i ing every night now so as to be tit and i ,n re-idfn*Hi fot the cntrie tbo? will *** ! played t*iu*s m.t*- probably with Ja k *atvllla oti it own gToinU Th* ;r i - Ices are begun * a night at Bla o .*• k at the Hussars* Club. ITtie management of the t* rim ht^ ( • Ivel a number **f en*-ajrag ug fT* rs ’ • piay gntiv j- both on Christmas aiel on N< w , lor'e. .mi*l iv I: * tnr f’ n .lk \ at game w.*i !*• i i>e.| on h h *>f th.* . •fays, all the metnoets of the team or* rc quested nul expected to b** present at these (irsi'tkts Hull Ihp \\tl lll** Police. Hiixlne*** with the police has Ken tin* j usually dull now for several days Yes* I torday there were only four arrests up to midnight and of them h€ only case •if mote than k'uaslng ln:er-*>t wak Shat j *if Mary llardy. ••oh*rt charged with J insanity. Hhe wres taken to the barracks . by rutioluktii IT.gar* PI Rld< * %!.*> WEHIi 4Lb. Pm Hldders and Tsrdi fliddlag Bc larr t surf ||usr floor*. The i : * 11. sale* of real etia’e bsfors n.* of the county Court House ys -t. t ia> w* r not accompanied -*y the live l> b.ddtug that had been anticipated. The rowd wsn nmall and did i.ot sppear to be #• n.iivh occupied with what ass hao* j- r.tng Mr C H. I>©rseST ,v*d the realiencs a? the northeast corns? of H er “am street and Og sthorps av enue far *4.460 The property sas part of she estate of the late Lr George II Htona sn*i was knocked down • > H. F ;iroeier Mr Uorsett s**ki . two lots, on West Boad atree'. fcw- V'#r. Thirty eighCi and Thirty-ninth f..i J 5 ' These 1> were bouglit u. f- r .* - te. hy W Woledge. Tw i ?\ -ix lots in Johnston ward. In the n>trrn section of the city were kt- k* i <J)*n by Air, lror -tt to Mr J II F'urtx r, Ihe purchase r*r c betn*. IjO per lot Tc v.n-room reslderv e at No. IT’O II 1 •>♦reh.iru street. k*.ite<| on a lot hav in. .*. ft*.■)! i|** of thirty-two f-et, ixmj* *4oid l-\ Mr. lo M I>ubolft. The sp*ir farm, containing nine acre#, .1 and ilt’Mittl n the Thunderbolt row*!, j*. - .if • .im of th** e.ty limit* w.* also l\ •!. and ir?-l offered for Thcr* was only one. hid and Mr Ltorsett with drew t ie property. \ •* ti i r tr i t of I in.l a*ljoinlr.g the * .r.*\ farm *,d sold a* jwrt of tle • tato of the ate L M. Warfield. was kno ked down by Air T>orsett to Mr. M J at U 0 per acre. The * t int ar.d eten k of the Forest City Varnish r-mpan) w.ik so<d under execu* ihi I v Sin 'iff Kdw rd J WheUn of rh Ity Court I: was hid tn by Mr Kmll> Seaman, i;ent for iK-crw* unknown par- Mr. Newman said bo did not know h'mwtrlf Jui to whom he wcu.d ha\s the • ised made. An ur.llvlded one-fourth Interest In th* latirur wharf wa. sold hy 4'ounty Sheriff belan The Interest In the wharf prop erty was iold bv virtue *f an exe**u ion the estate of The late G. D<lV*-- * I.arruir The principal .-lim sued for was Sl2 k&.Zit and th* intr-:>-t fr.m 1873 .*mount.**l to nearly twice ua much. Tiie rx>|>erty w. bought In by Mr Georg A Mercer, Jr., representing tlw plalnGffs in n f. for 1C art* Mr 1 I* hn I Jem h**m ids rhe only other real •.ale n** knoi'ked down the store and dwe ir.g a! the orner of Jeffer.-on stre*?*' •ii*' 14>lton lan- to Julius D Hlrach. the pue hare price being fl.7at There wer* •t -**! plects of property offered, but they w-re either avowedly or really withdrawn, in th# latter event being bought in by the owners. TH K ( M %Tlt 111 111 \ I* CL 18. Oraanlsed Last Mali# mt the De Xeto W tfli at Hnresh. There was n rousing meeting of tbs fox-hunters at the De ek;o last night. Tne purpose* of the meeting wns to or •ranist* *4 hunt club, similar to rhe clubs w ni. h nr** so popular in the North an*l F’ast onl in Europe. Amo# g the first thing* done wvs to r trne he club. A name whl*h suite*) evrrytwi* w.e The * Hunt C'lub, ir *1 this name ni given the n*'w orgunl / itlon its officers re; President Paul llaskell. First Vi> Pr- -lden; -It R Neal. Be* ond Vl* e I’r*M*-(it~J. H. Kurber. Secretary— CL. 1. Reei*ep Treowurer—J T Bhuptrine Master of thr* Hornids— M X Corbin. M hip—H L. Drake. 7 he club starts <afr with a yood mem *-e up Tii*- vlu** of the pretent pak •*f fox bound ' j*. |] 4##* The hounds onv bne (he b.orvf of (he fimoui Henry tog* nd the celebrated ibnlsong d*x?s Th-* Birdsong type have nuet# Gaoi uia fm -*h., so fr us fox fio This was • I*"* ided in a contest in Virginia a year -4>. when both breed of Itounds were put in th*- M**4*l The prise was borne ivav by iwo carriwi up bv h hunter from Waynesboro I we Je* ub- i at hist night s meeting that loi .v i*irlng next year mignt •e 'o(n# of ihe .Hub free The f. for gmtlemen will la* S6O. The following gentlemen were appoint *•l * commit tew to draft bylaws and rules by which th** dub may I** governed Z I> Keep*'**, p H Neal, M X. Corbin AppM* atlo*# from several non-resident iii wern receive*!. A <*Hnfnit tec was Hppolnt*‘*l to present to the club hu.(able huntltig costumes for gentlenvn utsl lalieB This will, however, he the • cguhftftofi re-1 |*a k**t suit which b g**n •r• 11 > adopKal by most hunt dub. The kennel will be eHt.thllftlift-d jus out* vide tlie city limits and the hound* will l*e put ursler the care of an expenetn *s| in j ivm iter of dogs The < lub ntM arrange 'wo (liases each week during the winter months. In ai it Irl pot ton of the organization of ihe l* Hunt Club Invitation.-- have neen received*by hunt ,-luhs fn adjotnlng stajes It la not likely, however, that thews- will he accepted, at least for the tu.'-nt season It Is the pun>ose of h -lub tu Increase the numlssr of hounds and get In full hunting trim before It leave, home territory. The hunters aJ, enthusiast!,' over Ihe splendid start of ihe new club and they predict great things for It. The first rhas- will probably Uk. t 1 • .1. Sandfly Thursday, the 13th In stall. this iit:i it i; of inohiA r.usi, BleychlU luinpOiaiita on the Amount of It I bat la lu tits Streets. Numeroua omrdautte are being made by bl<->- li t. *,t the otoouut of broken glass oil the streets, and the consequent damage that t- sults to Ihe (lies of their Stic, Is, There Is a city orJliiain-e uiwltist throwing nidi stuff In the etreet, but It ••cuts to U* violated dally. If one may judge by ti c number of punctured tire, that arc carried to the bicycle stiofei to he repaired os result of the riders be i . so unfortunate as to strike lots of n Oa of the city'* prlnetpU " As yet no c-mi|j|tlt of the matter has l„ ,n made to the police department, but ,st. c- nt man yesterday stated his In t, niton of doing wo. and said that he knew personally of at least twenty-five ,<ttut li.lei; who. having suffered from Ids s.iuic cause, were willing to send a rmuest to the police department. a-King that the police bo more careful in enfor. tu.t tt.e ordinance. The str.s-u that se, in to ptrtlcularly abound with this ireiutce to bicycle* are J. ft or* on. north of Überty. Idhetey, fr-sn \\bUk<t w, si. ami even Hull street, in a number of places. Not only Is .liss thrown hi Ihe streeis. bo- .ill -r materials of n nature llk-wl-e duugerou* to tires A few day* ago there was to 1> c. n It the comer of Whitaker i J'.tvan strt-ls the frngmenta of wtew ipjieared to l-c a InrNr'p mug, and be fore It had been cleared away which was not for a couple of days, no less than three riders had th- lr wheels punctured. The Late Million* Brown. The remains of the late Magnus Brown whose d-alh Monday night at the ham* of Ids son-in-law. Mr. Charles Brant, on McDonough wtreet, was announced In the Morning New* yesterday, were sent to New York by the ml 1-lay train for Inter tnent. in Ihe muoi#s irxl Joints In* fit* rheumatism. Don't djlly wkh it a minut# Takt Hjoli an 1 curt U.-*i WILL GIVE ROUTES TO BOTH. MHTHF.n * RTITIOXet 7>lt ItUU WAV FltA\ IlhH Mibb tiKT % Hey or Mirra (.ho flir Probeble So lution ot the xtrrrl Hallw> F*- rltlse Question—Prla-e Mital Mot ftomrr* the Only Two Available streets—l .sch Petitioner • H Allowed One of These Street*—'The Mayor Fxplatns I list <!*•* Malta's af Selecting a llontc lla* Hern Vert IMflicn It anal That Till* Ac rounti fare the f>ela>. There vs a prospect thai the* City Coun cil will e**on arrive at f m* d*.r e id* . ax to what |( propose# to do In th* malt*- of the stre-t nil wav frar- '-e# Mayo Afyers' gttaffttor. wh .* led yesterday t the unusual time taken by Council t dafiberuts u|a>’* the j*titw>n •: th* N*f nec. F.-ii Road 'anpan i * stated ii. the Murnlng News “There has *.r i.o intcn,;oi.a *b .v on the pait oi < ourv li, said (he Mayor Not a single member of Cuu: il If in fa'or of delay longet than le n* ■ - ar; ‘Tt Is a very *llOl uit ma (■ r f> * J a route for a n* vv a.d t! Mayor, "and wa on then ur* tv>* f tioners s-eking franc .-uses tne tt**: r . all the txv>re difTi uli If tr.e Mornii Nsrr# had been \ resent at :he r*a • ni mn ing of the Con.mltlee of the Whole would have seer, what x tn ß k ’here w before the committee The map pit'* * before It. show.nir tne r. it*-** i* sireti t lie two petition-re. mad* i*u t- - <l*fh rutty of the problem It wh - - -•’?> 'o i practically to give , er \ t:tloner o franchise for a be.* H*ne * . he a?r*-eui on whk*;. they *l* ire i- r re alr**ady as> fully taken up . ro i \ no room for other tr.i k We tti. I ?..*•. under the law w* cannot eompe an a j RUTig street railway line to allow • •). i r*et;ng iuie to m.ike us* of :*> imJ. *or an we comi>eS an estah -*hed .i * taka up **rd remove mv • fa for the benefit of an intending omp* *ot We will not !*• able (*> give elt ier f> utkMier a belt." said the Jut tn* ouncil tv ill piobnblv .... 4 ;<u.em f by giving each r•: * w will enable his line to reach the .lowt town section There mv on.y (W'o available. Alontgornsry and Price One !*etit*oner will f*robab!y l*e offei*-: ©* *'treet and the other tbvo:hr st*- ' a ■*> which will g**t which ! am u> *.*> t< 'ay. ’ITi- Street and Lane t'omtnittee >.f*w looking into the matter of rou *• ■ V which (he f*e , tl?loners can fin l streetw named " “How a Unit the matter of *'omrenr'i ’lon**" the Mayor was a-sk-d "Is it re,- i • wvtlon f*g the small remnant of streets :■ h..s left?" "It may he true that the city has or a remmus left,’ was the reply, ' but that remnant is valuable. Whoever ’he franchises will have to *xvmpensate the city. -Uher in ctsh or street paving Alderman I>lxon. when nk*! nhout the matter, "said shat his comm!' * w % 9 im Ply delegated to lr<nk in(* * • mutter of available street!* for sxi-ct railwav pur lowe.s md to report Kick to the •*e c*f the Whole He did n? ur d* **tM i ?hst his *'ommlttee wwe exper*t**-l tn d-Nig rte routes for the rival petitioners. "I agree with the Morning News raid .ki<l*rman Dixon "that the ma’ier t:as delayed long enough and that ! Is I time It were tak*n up and dispone*! uf My position as to compensation for us* jof the streets Is we4l known I believe ' (he granteeji should be required to pave whatever streets* grarvied them." I? Is understood that Mr D H Lester will have furth-s ergiiment# to submit to tlux AMerme.i when the matter t* g.i. , oprn*d for discussion. In lette r* r* < *nth "ent out t*> three or four metnl*-rs of th* Street and Lane Committee Mr. L*-sier states Matt the plan *f he company which t proposes to make us of hi* fran *h‘s* | include- a iiw* r plant for furnishing eje*-- I trie lighting uiul powwr to the public - w*-|| a 4 the mtor power for 'te street Midway line This company, he stated ' would be In position to bid on the city’s lighting commit and might brink’ about reduction In the price of lighting It is | expected that the Committee of the Whot* will be called tos-.-thcr In a few days *o receive the report of the Committee of th Whole!* on roit toM'KRC\ f t:. \ Number of Oth#r Mrob#r# \\ tin l*rtn >l y Will %tt#nl %!•. Th# (inniii) m##‘inir of th# So ;th Oeer- Ria Conferrnr# wl l legln t Outhhert to morrow. .Ml of th# Me of Snvintuib, with the ext epiton of K*v W. 8. Hoaih, 'nil! b# in att#n<)<m *e. nnd will pr#>nt reports of their work H* v J. A. Smith of th# Kpworl.i Mrthodlm i hureh left for CiMhbert Modty night. Rev. o*o<xi F <*ook **f tlrM**# Church and Rev, B*t** , om Anthony of Trlmt\ Church left Dt ulht **nd H#v Kri F i *k of Weley MomimaritiU will have to nlaht In addition to the niinl&teni. th# c<:ifer. ■ ence han atoo a miml*er of lay i hve from #uih district, ani o number of delegate*, who from rhHr ixMtitlon on ih# church lioards are #x-ofti to mvmwH. Th# iiy from So jiu .m it* M*>sr W U Huhba ami J N* McGil l# and Lr O. G. Mhi&icao/ff; • *.--o!ti .o in<„ **: a:< Mu.- M F. AO-izu:- <’ Li Dor—’t | • - . the :uajorUy of !ha# will ou prvnt at tna coafereoot for at !#ai a Osurt of ih uotc 'turlnK lla areeion. which will li*i mUm>! t\ ' v. TM minu•<#- book of |a: > c*u * conf r •n< # was not up hy U*\ J A Hmlth .m*l Hov. Idi !• Cos >k Thi* year # IxoK will tn* not up by I lev Mr. Bnn(h tU*no. Kev. Mi Cook l*ing too 1 to fllrvote any fltno i* It to* • (.(MIDWIN AltftlVi: TO-DM. Will He Nirt n I tlir Depot nt 7A'(*luek uiml I'sO'urlfd t the He Soto. At 7 ’dock this n.ornlnß Mr. John *1 i Goodwin. toputy jrrati*! #lr cf ho j Fellows. n\lll arrive from h* hom* At lanta. for i two day# xtuy w|f!* t . sa vannah n*inler# of th*> N-nl..r ll# ... s bo met by a commute- consisttne >i niem j lK r s of the different Savannah k-dkp .m j w i.l be wroritd to the In Sj'.i>, w*o-rc s headquarter# wli be during hh> x*, r An excellent programme of enter talc.m< i .ms been arr.inae.l for him. u copy of which was publi.-ti**l in >'*#;■ iJhv m.•,. .*v#r News. As Odd Felioiv h>#p ali > .e peclsll; in ikivannah, is wn known, it in safe assertlotN th.t Mr. wil. vf a pleasant Vseit. FIIUAIIA TO (.Ml-: A II %l,|. One for (he HenelK of I*.niton men I Fund (o lie (alveii Soon. Hnvaiitvjli Council No 1, Order of Am-r --1 an l*'ircmen. has de* !.i*i io r np m h w |j Mi she near future for the I-- -.t ~f • endowment fund It hol 1.. ,j. j p M j that the ball should t ik# nhu-* N- w Year's Fve. bits learning t at t . trs of the Confederacy )n; r. st> xiv# a I vail Jan. 1. thq Firemen’s • ommin... decided rus to embarra th. I*atii{hfers j in their worthy can#, and t t- *uh om- I mltteea are now ierr# arranaefn-fr# j to I>rtn*r oil their ball at a later date A fflfh-Oitd# Institution for I adits Shorter Collecs. Home. Us. Wilts for ( catalogue.-ad. LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTRACT of Beef simplifies sick room cookery. A cup of rich beef t .i in a minute, before the invalid's fancy for food has passed away/- . - c = • ■•* i/. ■ - <-s ... A " *"7 V PIIIMIM, i I’BESIDB\TI JUMIAUB How II W.I €>. In .*•*•••* ! ort>-trrrn Iran Ago. Tne prtnting of the Free.dent’s mes *ge in the Morning N* wi y.-sterdgy—a tii'tM* r of a little more than • couple of . r with the machinery of n l.m j-* espai r. from the Aao . , i Frr-vs operator's d< k through l.r.otype rou nines, the aterto \ e rooms nml the swift Hoe j.* . tr 4ie complete i*per folded and ;. f r the malla—re tiled > the vet .,f n* w. i*aperd iin In JtxvHnn.ih th* ; * wnk of printing the president * im* ige half century ago Cos. J H LatUl. Who forty*! • ,er. >tars ago. was the "of- | e devil." of the Daily Courier, j t. hs on interesting story of how th* ; eN t i*er -of that day managed to get u -ii 1 imen’s. The outfit of type I an I other mechanical facilities, to sa> nothing of the lack of extra typesetters made the printing of a President s mss. gc . herculean undertaking one which 4 ui * 1 not only the efforts of all inter . sn 1 in the iper. from the editor to the *. \ ' but tne help of outsiders a well, when It was obtainable. In i* there were four morning {,.(■• rs in Savai nah. the I*l*> r Favannah Itepublh an. Daily ■ it, ar.d the Morning News .u. verier was published hy S. T. k i w i.o was also siat* print* r i; - othi i was wail equipped with r.w material, as wel for the newspaper for printing the journals of rhe Gen , .ii Aesemb'.y. and large pre?>*w one i i|.>c v|ir..ler. printing four v>f a n*wspaper ; * one impression a wonderful . . .. ii m. r *- ry for thos* rkis** It .ad n tie custom for rhe four netvs *r*- to up the rr *>ag Jointlv, -a*h H • tukmg a part of It. The t>pe thus *. v. used in ei■ .i |aper The usual ;u rsryrr ment was made In 1803. but Mr ' apman. of the Courier, hav r.x the fastest prta*. demanded that he should be allowed the first use *f <h* type as it was set up. As e Courier was the youngest of the four pal* *. th!.* demand was con Wed prc. - 'mptuoue. and was ref used bv th-* others. Mr Chapman thereupon declined to hiu anything to do with the .irrang* meld. and put hi* entire off fl for . those on the state printing as veil * > those employed on the Courier. *-i w** "U the me-agtf. He *>re midnight w * In t\pe and the Court*? went to • re.*- w ?;:!* the other papers were srlil r... 4(ing to get up the matter. As roan i'* .■ firs? copies of the Courier were 7 rr . preN- voting Rstlll. who was ths • !fir* -b vi.." was sent with a <*opy to the • v 1 ofti **. with Mr iTiapman s com pllmenta. The Courier was published In a building that stood where the Favanr.ah Hank and Truj- 1 Coir.panj’s building now stands, and •ie Morning News was printed It n building ttto door* west of it Young Katill climbed up ? <> the e*litorial room of the Mornii. g New?*, but, fir.ling no or** iher**. went to the omposing room "rul pr*sentcd n copy of the Courier to • i*> for-min. Mr I umnlng who looked 1 over and remarked that It was a *reat ,i " levement. In the Georgian ofti e the t. ] aac F Clark .ts f*>reman. Mr Clurk was, as he always whs. ' “•■>*•* nnd cAnirleous, and returned I thanks to Mr Chapman for •ndlng him a copy of the Cou r; r The next office the then devil" visited was the ltepubli m There hi* reception was an\- mii k bn# cordial The foreman, who was . <ud for hts Irascibility, muttered n f* w wonis and the lad started down the ’ ’ 't* fas’ as his vaing leg* couM irr>’ him As he went, the foreman .-hied t mallei at him 7>r Issue of the Favann&h Daily <'our er marked an epo*'h In new*spapec life in Si\*nnah and Was i*ele!?rte| by . Mipper .it Pat Cody's place, a saloon nd r* .-taurant at the corner of Bay lane .i 1 Drayton street, where Hearing A- Hull now have their Insurance off! *, in the Provident building In the forty* vv 'ears that have elapsed be tween then and now ther** have been ► real changes In the art of printing Set ting up and printing a men age to-day Is merely a matter of detail. With th* linotype machines it is only a couple of hours’ work (o put it in type, .u and n t wenty-four-puge Hoe perfecting press will turn out In n few hour* enough papers to supply all the readere In the tate A newspaper of half a cettturv ago did not contain as much reading in it * entire Issue for a month as ih** Mo n- Ing News has in it in Its present daily Dt*ue. l’oß**rl of (.rorge* I*. Kray. U..e funeral of ii:*. Georgs P. Gra>. " w-ii la lac *lor;.- •ng News ystvr*lay. will take pkeo from W* Church this ruom tng. special Schedule to Tybee Ike. fith, IriHiutil t*l*l I'rlluwß Oyster Hnt. Tj Im— traJn which I. noh-ilul-.l to 1-avr S ivnnn !i dally at 3 no j,. m„ ||| ..I 3 *p. m Thui.H.lay, Lh-\6, (o uiV'ommo- Ihi* < ..hi Kt how. .ml tluHr frlrmi,. J. C. Ilalle, trcti Airenlad. Ilt.lrl ( lit,lon. Mr? C S Wrtjthl .le.ln-a to announ. -v 11..1 having |..iw<l the Cl,(on for ihi>!!it >■ ir. e’lf Hill endeavor to (five tin- tr.ivellmt l>e((er •o-unimoil*. t.otia Ilian i-Vi-r hi fore. In fa.-i, the l>et o lie had Make a polm of It to glop at t'iaxlun ovit nl”hd -ad. Why l>o t..u '<■ rnn-lif Whn you can cure youreeif for fifty <enl'? All ek:r, dlseaiea, ruch aa tetter, •alt rheum ringworm, e.-tetna etc, can be or. v curci i>> an odilmem call.a| Tetter- Ir.e Any number of leellmonlals ,hown for Ihe aaklnr N..lhln el i, aa Hood Un li ' • i ■ - I cr - i,i f,> , ,nm In .•ialß|>a to ih. manufacturer, J T Bhup- Irlne. Savannah, Ua . for a boa poetnald ad. •araybaard l * iumllv m-dh ine with u- paid a | comment t.umlri. r, loan ye,- ti rday. ■Mv wife taken It, an J I notice •ha i, enfoylnc better health than for*. The cmluren keep well by taking If □raybaard may be otnainad at all drur •tore* or write to u for It. Reepeea Dru* Cos., eole prop, . Bavannah, Qa. — ad. for Oyer fifty Tear*. Mr*. V." in alow . Booihln* Syrup ha* been “e-d for hlldren It yoothew Ilia ct, .|. eoftent the fumi. allay, all i„tn cure* wtad colic, and I, the hew remedy for D.arrtMea Ta unty-llve cents a bottle —ad Artistic Footwear. if it’s STYLE and FIT you are loomng after, don't fail to sec what we hav.' to offer. Sorosis Shoes. Evening Slippers. Felt Slippers. Everything for men, in all leathers, for dres6 and street wear. New and Original Sty les you will find only at SPECIALS THIS WEEK. Things you want, thing* w?int to ell, and 'hing.<( which are al. way* good value*. Prices around our way ar always below those on Br>u;hton street, and vou save by coming to us, Richard, son & Boynton's Perfect Ranges. Othello Ranges. New Process Oil Heaters. Hot Stuff Heating Stoves. Wood Heaters. Coal Heaters. House Furnish ing Goods. Ranges Put in Order. Cleveland Bicycles and Juvenile Bicycles make acceptable Christina' Presents everywhere. Never forget our low prices. \VM. & H. H. LATTIMORE. West Congress Street. J—!— 1 : * "** OUR Retiriiio from Business Is an absolute fact and not a fake sale. Select your Xmas gifts now and we will put them aside for you. JuHt Opened, a new line of LIBBEY’S CUT GLASS in the latest pieces, with all the new shapes and cuttings. Don’t fail to see our grand displav. Our stogk is alive with beaut)-, comprising the latest styles of popular creations. Ceo. W. Allen & Cos. Wedding Present* Specialists. STATE AND BARNARD STREETS. . A I A G.%9 IIKATKR. wi h r • k and tubing comishdc. 1 * m> ! * sM.I fo' ONDY 12.00 This licatcr mak*-s tlw bath ro<m p* rfct. It htats qu* •nd 1 cheap. UVTVAU HAS LIGHT CO.. 7 ua 1 9 OOW& M a ret. was' Hot Air Furnaces. We make a specialty of repair* ?, B 1 Air Furnaces Yoor order, will f prompt attentloti. F,. C. I'Af'ETTI 4 SMIN. Phone *4l. ii t\ h!l • • Ml IEKKITI. SAVANNAH THEATRE* THK KUMT-NEARN CO.. AT POPUIaAH FIUCfiS. Matin** • To-day. “TH B COMMODORE '* I‘rlcaa Aduii* Me. children I>. 1-nlaht *:>*. •TRIHRY.-' Prtoea— loc 30c and We.