The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 05, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 KILLED DEPOT BILL IT KAILCD TO GET :%< .M tilTi? IN Till. HOI |i. MAY RECONSIDER IT TO-DAY. A \RU FROKOMTIO* OfTKHEO TO BIILD IKK STATION. Btr BU'< Briro Kdocaitnn Iteoolu I'romiMlr KlllrA-MBlm' llonir I •mailllre Appointed—Ad|t. i.rn Hobtruon Take* • karts.- of 111. OBlir-U. (i. Kil*.nr Hr o. I lot tor of br A.|..t> < Hr Court. Hr llltrh’a Mill Passed. Alla; t*. Dr I -Th* Allards depot bill was kilted In th# Houm today. The \ete teoi| iji it il In fxvor of tn* mwr u-e, bu- eighty-eight vote* were required to sr.' It Debate on the question l#*t .d all the morning, and It was after 2 •'clock her, the r#ult armour, -#d A morion to reconsider will be mada to morrow and It la hoped to carry the measure throi.xh J. H Hail of Bibb led the fight again, l the MIL Following the defeat of the Nil. Al bert Coot, e prominent lawyer of Atlanta representing other parties, offered to buiki a elation in Atlanta on the state# property to cost I.••• provided the state will transfer to them the rented con tracts with tha various toad* entering said stat.on to. a basts of t> per vent. Tn - Individuals making the proi-oettkon offer to pay CH.on to be put tn bank ah! Used by the state ae needed, for Ihe de pot, without minor sttp ilation: at to In surances etc . provided the irate deposits WH.orn with a state depository, to be load by the purchaser, lo be returned within fifteen years, "to meet first poods of the atete faUing due." with Interval at 2 per cent p-r annum, said to bs secured by collateral. L a., said rail rood contracts fat aakl Increased rental, and by good personal Indorsement Whsi the Proposition Means, in* proposition Is tha same to tha state as tf the- railroad* subscribed! - cu to th* depot on condition of be In* charged to ln:rated r.ntal for eighteen f ears, from compleuon until the end the w.aerd Western and Atlantia lease. The proposition Involves only an *p f. operation of llOwttxi. II further pro vides for the slate laying aside at per cent Interest tlie sum of IStLuui. with Which to meat tha bonds maturing In 1915, .as tun: amounting, it no prior payments k. made, to on appropriation of Sl'.-O.tdu. adding interest , now paid by state depositories far eighteen year*, the coet of the depot at the end of the i*m ent leas- will be only $144.1*), un-1 11. Slate will liave propeity that ts easily worth gMlttO, awl at th* same- tins* pre asrve all the value of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Mr. Bell'* Resolutions. In tha banale Mr bell called up hi* r*oltattoos Introduced yseterday affecting ntgro education The resolutions In structed the t'ommPlee to Inquire beta th* propriety of confining ne gro education to manual training, ami of encouraging negro--# tn fainting Mr Bell Mated that tfis purpv-e w. not antsgo ul*:i • to the f 'trrtx He wanted t-ie n-aro elevated, and had listrialuc—l th rcolu- Ue>n In the imerrsl;. of both t<ete The wtiMae had been taaevt in a hopeless ef fort tu give the negro- tbo advantage* •f ortucwttou. but tliuty yuan- tied de m.,;*, aitd that they were untMU-d for education ami had bi-en benefited by It neither morally m.r Industrially. He in- | aisled that *n negro, wall# lielng edu eationaHy experimented U|am. had mor ally retrugeiled. Th- Senate w;i evident ly Vnode.) for Ihe rwofuMon# and promptly hilled them. eoldlera' Home Committee. Tae Senate concurred In the House f.*o.uUon to igv mt a Joint couuuiite# of five on the part of llw House sisl three cm part of the Senate, to examine and retort upon th* cunditka- of th-- flcddier.' , Home The* N itislru-Tc-d to ascertain Just what Is there, and now much will be needed lo put the establish ment Ut proper - tape should the Lag Is! - tore agree to accept and operate It for the oenefl! of Indigent Pie* dent Howell appeantod denatort Smith, j Chappog and Hardaway. lo act for lha Senate Adjt. Gea. fbobwi taa TmJxes Charge. Adjt Gen Rwaartaoc has takao ootn pstn charge of hi* of&ot and wwa at hie dosk to-day. exaeutmg the buatr.esa that caste up. Assistant Adjutant Gen eral Byrd ha* been furnished anew desk In the offtoc. which .e occupied by lu cre-ror General Ohear. sad from present Indicallone St would srvrn lie is in th office to slay. H- says, however, he will lea*., for Itom* 111 a few days, and will afterwards go to Boston Augusta** *olt<*ltor*hl|* Settled. Thu tight over the Augusta solteltorsblp l. bean settled * fat a* Gov. Candler i* concerned This morning he sent tn the name of D G. Forgarty lo be con firmed by the Senate for the oftt-v of oo litllor general of the City Court of Rich mond county. The n|poiuinwun has beet, held up tor a long time owing to tiie three cornered light which was on lor Ilia place. The other applicants were M I*. Carroll aiwi m B Oberuauf. Appoluf merits. H T Matthew*. It Is reported ha* be-n appointed ju t- of tn- County Com M fk-rcvetl county T >! 11-sisol. ju-lgt- of the County Court ol Gunman. T IV Oliver. Jr . eoliclior of the County Coutr. of beraven county, and \ K. ta--, -oil-- Her of the Cuunty Court of UuUoc.i county. Th# Senate will meet in executive #-*- slots to.ruel ruiv to lonllitu the appoint tuenia. .Newsom's Tree tgueallow. •bate Entomologist Scott and A. W. Newsom, the nurseryman. at Nsshvlll". Trnn , have reached an agreement regard |r-g the Shipment of New runt'* tr-.-e- into Georgis Mr gcolt offered to S-nd pv- i turn* ol Ihe trie# to another expert En tomologist w.Mi I* an aalhortty on matt-u, of tree dlsea*#* and to abide by i.* decis ion If tn* tiee* Wer* infected they vouhl cot !> ehlpiied Inio Georgia, atid if th en. not infected there ivould be no tie..l lor further reliure. Mr. Newsom agrv u to tlie proposition and yesterday Mr Stcoi; i<i.i th- specimen* 10 Dr. L* U. Howai l el teu ln-piitment of Agrt ulturv Ml Waeiimvton for examination and #U optl-- lon. M- Reott ha* *ue-l eeveral thotmafid of Newrom s tre- . which wet* iilptH--l Into that t*i# without th ncrs*ary t*g* mid oixw beoause he baltevod them to Imvc the Ball Jove rcale, a disrate which hie already done tttoueand* of dollars' worth of damage In title elate Dr. Howard will probahly make at.own hi* decision in a few day*. Tike Senate hue concurred In the action of the House, and haa passed the bill by Mr. Hitch of Chatham to provide for the print of the office of th* cumtnlrsloncia of Chatham county. Hurt Till. lUtliU M) WORKS orv THU COLD. Daxatlv* Brotao Huliilnt Tablet* cur* a .old In one day. No cure, no pay. fries 21 cants—ad. MUNYON’S RHEUMATISM CURE When Prof Munyon rays h.* Rheuma tism Cure will cur* rheumatotn their Isn't any gueeework about It—there l*n t any false statement about I- It lm.-> cure* It doe* Just cx*-tly what he -*H It and do. It cures marc quickly than f-eoplr expect. It cures without leaving any 111 effect*. It ! -plvn-Jid itonw'h and nerve tonic, a. Well as a posltrv* cure for rheumat. r.. All fhe Munyon ••tieil* are Just as re liable. Any driiggl-' . - vial The Guldi to Health is free. *o - m-vi. al advice. If you w rite to b: .' and .-itii street. New York riM.HIL miTITHIM. GRAY -The rrlstlve- and friends of Mr an-1 Mrs. George H. Gray and family, or* Invited to a’tend the funeral of Ihe former from Wesley Monumental Church, at 11 o- lock thu morning. Ml I t IM.S gEokTha^i7i Tim lb ytimT aT t A regular convocation of m ~, this rhepier will t*c held thls^ - y-tsc, T Wcdr.eadav) c-verng at Mx- / onlc Tcutpie at s I’* o’clo- k. Us W The R A. Degree will bo lAyil conferred. ivle| Vp-ltlnx i-ompniwtii freter- 1 I rally Invited to meet with * mmJ us. By order jf II b r-OIvDING. If. P. W R ROTKIVEbL, Secretary. PI DLIC MUKTIMI. City of Savannah. Mayor a OfTV -. Savaruian. Ga . Dec. 2, IIW It apjaarlng. from information received >y tue, that wiih pr-jper cfTorts Savannah cwn secure tae next State l air of th* Georgia Mate Agricultural Society, and i> befog advisable to ptace the inat'et properly before the clttrena of Savanr.jh, all interested in such a movement are herewith Invited to atter.d a meeting *t the City Exchange on Wedneeday after now. at t o'clock. If the matter of securing the fair Is then regarded with favor, steps to that <nd will be Imme dlately begun. HERMAN MYERS. W. V BAILEY Mayor Cleric of Council iixtpi i.ntNii: ho. i, I- o. o. r. A special meeting of Ihl* lodge will b* held this |WuiH-*dayi morning al 10.1a o'clock, for Ilia purpose of attending m* tuuerul ot our deccaaed or other. Gea. R. Gray. Ad uiuiU-r are urged to attend. Meruhrrs of sister 10-lye.. also invited Uy order of EMIL PETERS. N O. _VV. r VAIGNEt'R. Secretary SPECIAL hOTICg; A meeting o( the Sourth District Reyn olds Club wilt be held to-night al Labor Hall. Krorgautxalleiai will be had. and a general discussion of the political situa tion. pre (oratory lo municipal campaign. Ah voters of Ha- dls.rtct uiuat atl-nd. as hUklnese ol vital iiii|-oi lane--, touching wniliig election, will be transacted THUS L HILL. I'ltwidenl IV. I MACDONALD, Sc tetaiy. It’D l \l. NOTH i> BOTH K. We will sell to the highest bi-lder for , a*n at U o i 10-. kon Doc. ti. Ilex, lie Its hmon-1 County Distilling Cos. plant. lv ated three rniiss trout tha etty ot Au gust#, near l>an Howls. This Is a n-w plant, built after the pinna of an exi-ert Kentucky di-UUer. with the latest Un proved machinery, and all equipments to get the best resule- with the least unioul.t of labor. Now ntntuiig I<> husliela per day. but -an tw Incr-aaed to I<X) bushels wlihout extru cost. A five-year lease fOr one-half acre of land, tn eluding two of the finest cot-1 water spring* In the steiulh. go with the plant. A rare opportunity for distillers Hale fo lake place on premises. Nov. Si. lSOtl. K M DAVIS, Mgr HOI M. Mt alt It ILL, No 2SG ami 2 Broughton street, west. EXTRA ATTRACTION THIS EVENING. TOM CORCORA.V. Savannah * - turnip ion, will endeavor lo best two promlia-nt lae-al lighters lit two different huut.e of four round* each. Pro -—h tendered as benefit to Dele Mai.tie. Also a to 1 Mow of th Royal's All butt CeukblraUun. including Roberts and Bnu lax. with tha orJy bag punohtng. high aud long distance jumping, trained. fuH. blooded bull dug Its lit* world. Admission 2Bc for this srwntog THE SAVANNAH PUEPABATOBV MtltlOL. MILITARY. Harris and Rarnard streeta Ormond H ftirong tx'orneliy. Hea-I Master. Greek. laiUn amt English: ltev. B D Johnson A M iPrinceton), lately of Ht Mst tliewa Mllltaiy Acadcmv. History. Orog raphy anel Mol. m lamguatfes: John Stele, r. A U . Mnthemuta-a and Chem istry. lb Telephone ml. rut: LAND UK THE MIIIMCIIT SI N, ILLCSTHATED LE 'TI RE. At Ht. John's I’arlsh Hall, Thurs<lay. Dee. t. t o’ckx-k p m. Ity REV B T JOHNSON. Kor Oglelnorp* Monuineiit Kuud. Adtikl-slutt 2&c. B. IKK I I Al. NOTICE. Nellh< r the past.-r n.-r coiislgnees of Ihe Italian t-eik will lie responsible for any dents niniia list 1-y ihe ct- w RTK.achjan a C('. Consignee*. Havaimah, Ga . Dec. IBui. " NOTICE. ———— I will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name by aiie one except myself. ISA AC E MAU.LTTE. AA AMI D A flood en n i naaer. Address P, O. Bm dltll, wii Ins relrrcuce* anil sal ary rxpei'led. j, OT j' <k ; * Th* firm of Wallhour A Rivers having been dissolved by the death of Mr J L Waltbuur. l a undeirslgi.v-l have Ihts day formed a cofw:ineihlp lor the purpose of carrying or. Ihe real estate business un der the Hint r,ju. ot Rivets A Glhbei HORACE Rl\ ERH ('HAS. H. UIBUKB. Dec. 1. 1900. I INI. ME AT*. The best pork, th* U-at mutton, th* best beet. SOOTT ft DAVID. Phone 1173. Market. P. B—We carry frsslt hogs or beef brain*, sweet breed, tripe and all th* trimmings PREACH tarn, HKDTAt B AN r AND O YttTKR If lit e C Bull Bireet. Blue Points. Llttl- N'< K Clams by awry te*m-r. Native Oysters fn ail styles. Chops and steaks ala! game In season. Kverythlsig the i-eei Just reeelved. fresh lot live lobsters. M V ABRAMH. Prop 1 P. S.—Hot lunch from II to l every day. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1000. IN MEMOKIAN CHARLES U. BALDWIN To th# memory ot the lat# t'hartaa D. Baldwin this board, of which h* was #o long a valued member, devtre* to pay be aming An but*. Mr Baldwin was horn as Whltevll]# In Columbus county. North on the L-th day of July. IMV and died while or. * visit o his daughter tn Relreaburg Va.. on the night of Dot Jt lhsv Just as he was about to retire for the night, he suddenly fell upon that long sleep that In this life knows no waging. Vo*.l about a year prior to hts death ha was th* very pP-ture of health and th* em bodiment of physical strength, which seemed to assure to him au unuaua! length ot llfa He wof Scotch parenloge Hla father was wnilim M Baldwin and hla mother, prior to her marriage, was Miss Mar ga ret McMillan Before reaching hi* majority he en r*g—l In the m- r< anld* bustnes* on hi* own account |n his native town. In IBTS he way married to Miss Eliza. J Powel). whom he had known from her childhood and who. with their two chil dren, a sou and daughter, survive* him In IsTS he left hie native state and came to Georgia. He first located at Mcßae, In Telfair county, bqt In ebout a year removed o tlio adjoining county of Dodge, where ho engaged extensively lit the buaUu-.-a of manufacturing naval stores, w hi h he condu-te-i with eminent oucic--. In UE> he came n tsavapnsh and was aaaoctated with ihe firm of pea cock. Hunt Ac Cos. to which he we ad mit--id a patener during tlte following y>wr ll* buc*ute lu a very abort time web known to the business men of this city, and lu very few year* wa# reck oned as among the ablest of alhui. Ttus rtcognltlon ot hi* ability quickly led to the seeking of hi* advice and counsel in metiers of moment and to his election to oftt- lal position In many ot the large cor. pomllon* ot this busy city. Asa busi ness man he was progressive end con servative. aggressive end cau'aou* Around th* Director*' table he wished to know both side* of every question pr •eiited. His Judgment, inarufore. was sound— hi* suggestions prjcilcaL He sit cheerful, happy and hopaful. which ovade him eustiuntly comiointon abla to all with whom he came In con tact Ills approach *-h* the signal of cnaer and goad feallng He was a. re ligious man. a professed Christian, n member of the Baptist Church, and. while loyal and liberal In the- support of his faith, hla view* were broad and catholic. He was charitable— fnl! of the spirit of kindness and benevolence and guvs freely to the cause of the oppressed and tiaady, hut without ostentation. He was bald In the highest esteem by the meiutwr* of this hoard, and. In his death, each mem ber Is afflicted with a sense of personal sorrow. Therefore, be it resolved. That lit tlie death of C’harle* I> Baldwin the Citizens Bank of Hnvannah has lost one of its most faithful friends aud valued dirac tors. H- nut Tli.a the members of this tojaid extend then sympathy and enndolein-a to his widow and children lu this great be reavement. Third. That this tribute be recorded upon the minutes of OiLh honk, published In the Morning News and a copy lu- fur nished to Illy widow of thu decease 1. A true - opy of thu tribute and resolu tions adopted by the Hoard of Directors of The Citizen* Bank of Savannah oi, Nov. 3. A. D. 19** H A DENMARK. President. GEO. C. FREEMAN. Cashier. ■t*lA I XL Ml l ll t —cnrvMi *l*ll im.* < ti. Kind Krteewlw—f have g-Jl f.-tnc of ihe pc-qiW- hto thinking tls-rs must be wOtne thlng lu the tti-rlng 1 guv,.- a carboy to a poor man who ts tn h*l with Kidney trouble. tNo worse than 1 was.) I out certain It will help film If >o. friend# arc to send him and wife lo tin- Spring Mr. Pc*ock proprietor Howl Hartford In this city, with daughter and son U to go there as swuu ss liu cau fix huslmtss up A banker was hsre. also, two othsr wealthy met,; I told than, to go at txvoe tu fhxwanee. eotpkdned th# boatlt thorw. mora choc at hewso. *HU won tod th* vaor to ua* uatU ouch Ctoea a* thoy could gea swa* That Is w-by 1 oesK for the flew oortxy*. I have no Idas what amount of water I oan seil. but I will do what I coo. but I would soonor sew pvoplo go to Ihe Spring. Hdd * shcTt note, front Rev, T V ltr tlgsn He t* Improving, an-l nld my next vacsllot, will la- s|M-nl ut Suwanoc Tn a buslliv** letter troan Mr. Nstlien. he a|.l. "M> wife 1* fine. Hud she rcmaln-d at tlie Spring two weeks longer she would be sweet sixteen again." Well, It I* ovrialnly wonderful; all gel b. milt-*! bv tlio wab-r# Ctignce# are dunanec- will cut oh .ill again. Sincerely yours, P J DOUiUIBHTY. liurtiprd. Ctonn. 1 , All you n drink foi - at Licmgsion *. GOOD V> >CM. I maka that frusxlrd furniture shout as prettv us It ever was ut moderate cost Nobudv can tell thut It Is not new. I •arre the t*c#i line ot curtain uphuirtefy tso-ls in the cite DAVID -'LARK, lit Jefferson stteei. P. S— I make- ihv lam ou oi l tnalire** out of colton new muss or hair PR49MCHIPTIOR If Pecripili filled any time ot day or bight. The only up-to-date pharmacy m tk'jtfi davannsh PARK AVL PHARMACY. J. L Uraintn. Prop.. Cor Park Aw. and Barnard Phone IIH \M t PHI i - ilne sprue * pines for Nms- trees Any size ur.d all shapes ROUT. HLMLKK. Photic 911 llrayton sn-l Liberty ' ItFLI I lL > O I'iT k. We are low giving special attention lo house painting kalsomlnlng and pai<er hanging. *tc. With a corps of only first lat- workmen aid a comptttMi upi-r --tnWdnsnt >• can do your work promptly and satisfactorily Oat our estimate on anything 1n house decorating tine and sate money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. |. Mn |, BnTV OWARII*. Tf you want y -ur plumbing stork done reasonable and up-to-oate, call en the -a LJ Drayton street, In rear Lutheran Church Neither tic Master nor t'unelgucc* of the Mr. gtaamsblp “Arnivt-ta." 8---irf. Master, will be responsible for any debts evutfscud by crw of said vessel. J. K. MINIS * CO., Consignees. SPECIAL NOTH H*. STATE AND tOINTV TAXES. 1800. Offlc# Collootor State and County Tax**. Chatham county, Georgia. Savannah. Oct. I9t.—Th* digest I* row open for the collection of the above taxes on all prop erty, real and personal; th* specino tax on profession*, also th# POLL TAX 101 l EDI CATION AE PI IA POBES OX ALE MALAI RESIDENTS of th* ctly and county, helweesi tha ages of 21 and to year*. Office at the Court House Hour* 9 a. m. to 2 p m. JAB J MKJOWAN. Tax Collector C. C. BOTH ii In Rtgord to tha As-saerwent of Hast Property in the City of bavaurah for Taxation for the Year 1201 Office Tax Assessors end Receiver*. Sa vannah, Nov. . I9on —Vnder a resolu tion of this b arA tax payer* are hereby notified that tha assessment and valuation of property for th* year 1900 Ir. th# ab sence of objection., will be continued b* the barl* of taxation by the city of Savan reh for fhe year 19*1 ss to real estate. Including improvement* covered thereby, except as to Washington. Warreo. Rey nold*. Derby. Decker and Franklin wards, end such other wards as miy he re-as *ssed. due notice of which will he given through the pres* on Jan 1,1! Objection# If any, must he reed* tn writing end filed lit the office of the Board of Tax Assessors end Receivers mtthl.v FIFTEEN DAYS sfter the date of the publication of this notice. No objections will be eonsPtei-Ml unless verified by an affidavit made by th< property owner •- hi* agent, stating that th* property has '.-•en assessed higher than Its actual mar Let value In the absence of objections within the tmv- epcs-tae-| the aeseseinent and valua tion will be considered us snttsfa lory, end will be binding for the year 1901. J. II H OSBORNE. Chairman. Savannah, Ga., Nov 30. 1900 IHOXEN RICE niRD —at— t SCHtAABET CAPE. Greatest dainty of the sesioii. Oysters served In every style—prepared by the most noted cooks tn tbo South. Congres* and Whitaker streets. Open Day and Night MOW w 1 THE TIME TO ISE OETEH9IAE KLI ID. It will wake rest old elntblng loak like asw. gold la large botllaa at ka. BOLOMOXB CO. Hall Vtreet Stare Open All Nlikt. KNIGHT’S I’HARMACyT The Original All Night Drug Stare. Bulb dyring-s. guatanlird X-- Puuiilalu Syringes, guaranteed Sue Chest Prot-i>t on- Chamois V**l |i 7i ;uu Empty Capsules 5c Itasors. guaranteed *1 '• 6 yards Aseptic Gaua* 30c I- Alecrivnt t'otton k- Hot Water Mottles To- Hair Brushes (Adamst to. Hair Brushes. lmiwrtel 10c lo AS.UO IWlti Utuallu* so to Esc. guaranteed. II- ef. Wine and Iron The Rryar's Chill Tonic 3Uc AVe import out own Tuolh Blushes amt guarantee every one. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Mail orders sollciteif. M ason n Hill'll, ril ARM v i t. PRMCMIITIONH, DRUGS AND CHEM ICALS FIRST! Then i'omes Flrut Grade Medic ines. Per fumis. Paper and Envelope*. Ami Last, but not Least. Our High Grade CREAMS and SHERBETS Bend hour order early. PHONE M 2. H IT'S MCE. AV It HAVE IT. Feuoktuger * Cxtlfornt* Fruits. White and Burnt Royal --names. B.loed Agiri oots. Yellow Crasrfohu and Lesaou CUag Psaohss. Bari-stl Pears, and Oraao Gage Plumb* lti A-lb tins Also Waassn Salad and Cooking Oi). at HARDEE A MARSHALL?. Phone 90 MAIEI AIR KOII A AANr\ AH. We have every facility for making it an immense aU-'v-tcS' and our cuirgellc busi ness men will see cat It will he You can safety say mat 1 will have an abund ance of fine iiuai# *1 niy stalls In the City Market. I fis'c B now as well. To-day. Prime Reef Million atid Vaal. Lamb. Pork. Matchless Corned Bout. Poultry. Game, etc. Both Phones a-7. JOHN KI’NK- MELMILKV9 CAKE, Idherty siwl Whitaker The fashionable e-slo of *xv*rnah. Within a hloi-k of Ihe l>e Solo Every ,Mng In season Fat game Fresh oys. Isrs. Private i csru-y—dinner#. Phon# *t* AT UAHOkEdt'9. W lid Ducks , ~ | , Wild Turkey t. |j k Birds, frc.-lr snd fsl- | ,‘lliij \>get#hl#s. . I Fruit# Phones 575. M 8 OARONBR |*L AITUIIER9' Akll !lA*Oh' 911*- PU*9. (.-ament Unit. Plaster. Jlalr *n.J River Satnl Piompt -lotlvery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress Phone 519. MX'KIIJMT LAKE, 112-114 Whitaker Hired. Diamond Buck Terrapin Hicm scrv and any lime to order. Also gam- of all kinds, ind only tlio best meet* urv pro panol In tha b*-t style. Gulf -oast Oya b-ra recleved -latly. Wuersburgi-r Hoff Hrau on draught. Phon# 710. TUE WAI 'IH) t LEA h CAR PETIT. The only way to get your carpeus prop erly taken up. . lean—l and takvn care of for th* summer, i* so turn the Job ovsr to lha District Ales,anger and Di.iwiy Cos. Islephoru- 2. or call at 33 Montgomery street, ond they will make you an esti mate on tha -oat of tb* work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C. H MKLLQCK. Bupt and Mgr. ' LAJri) TITLI7* Abstracts ol Ike recorded land lilies of Hxvsnnah snd Chatbaos county Irom tn* sattlcmenl of Georgia lo date Money loaned at low Interest on city real ealal*. DUCKETT it BECKETT. Humboldt Cigars In Holiday Boxes of 25, Suitable as Gifts and Convenient for Travel. LEE ROY MYERS & CO., Savannah, Ga. Superior Laundry Work SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West PHONE 383 ~ THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. s-: TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. Full line of Duffy-Gordon Sherry and Claret Wines. BELSINGER & C 0„ 43 Wh s , „‘^ er st - 9Ptci\L horiCEib. GREEK'S SCOTCH WHISKY. This celebrated famous old -sued Highland Whfil.y is Imported dire t irnm th* dhitllicry by us This Gracr Scotch Whisky |j guaranteed to be bottled abroad and t* consigned tn us from Glas gow. Scotland, and Is la band '... th* United fiistas Custom Hou>* this city. This grand Id uretr Scotch Whisky Is beautifully mallow and mild to a degree end I* soft to the palate a* one coul l possibly wish, nnd there 1* a nuttlness shout It ihnt Is especially pleating. We are glad to let the public pur chase as small quantity a* they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant LIPFMAN BROS, Wholesale Druggists. Limeu , Block. Sole Agent, for the Greer lilt-ttl lertce, Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. lrelan-l. fvr their o oleh an-l Irish Whiskies t ItK ADS OP' Mllllt;*. MU'MBMI A SI! iio*i*rr ti..<t lit, It ever occurred to you that nearly one-half Jour life u n*-til Inbv-i ' Tic ma tress t# th* most abused article of turniture. and should he well made a>*t of good clean material, tt should l*> ptek od and cleane.d ut ,e*t once #a> h three vear*. We make new ones to order, and have Improved maebluery to and old ones. Our meeham-al work. 111. of tickings, an-l material for filling, first lan- Me-licuted Steam Rsnueatlon of Fcsthvr*. I lair. #tu. NATIONAL MATTKEM AND RENOVATING CO., Bell Phone 1134 331 11rs> ton. 11l V OSI.Y 1 111 ut * l it tii Tb* hast ks tb* Wheeler Brand ot Bel fast Ginger AU. mad* uy WheeUr A Cos. of Betfsst, Ireland, from the cslehratod Croaasc Springs of that city. The** spring* sr* th* proporty of Wbeeiar A Cos. har.oe no othor Ginger AU manufaetarer in Ireland has the** wavers hut ttioia salvos Th* Wh*#l*r Ginger AU It mads from pur* Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; on* .a deleterious—th other U n tonic. Kor Healthfulneag and Partly the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger AU is the best LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents, Savannah. Go. BALE OK STALLS. City Mar.-h it's Office. Savannah. Ga.. Nov *|. ;*vi. Th# stal s In the market building will be affcre-1 for re-.t at public outcry on We 1- nc.-lay. the Klflh day of Dcccmhar, 190t,>. at 10 o'clock a tn i’artlca desiring to retain th#tr *L>l a and renting by th# year will have the pr-f --crence. but murr be on hand and rei>orid promptly. By urdar Comniltla# on Market JOHN POWER. City Marshal. I'OR dale. On# W-lneh Htcam llhot Gun Feed, 3; feet long, one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig gar. 3 and 10-inch qy|indra. only used ibous tlitrty days; one filer and fitow. : l! Gang Edgcr. with three saw,; one full act of Filer and blow, li Lai he Machinery, eonstallug of bolter and Kang lathe jw mill; on# et of machinery for mating toaln barrel ttaves. also u lot of Circular Raws from Ik to >1 Inches diameter, from rh# mill of H P Smart A Hr- | n Emanuel county The above for aal* bv VALE ROYAL MFG CO. Ravsnnal), Q*. UtIYDN kXEII TED. By th* American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore- W* are author to execute Ue-aUy ilmmediairly uputi application). Oil hot.ds In judicial pra < -edings hi either the state or Untied State* Court*, and of administrators and guardians DEARINO * HULL, Agents. Telephone 331 Provident Rulldlng. MPSCIAL NOTH K. Now ts a good time to select ro a * plants to plant In your garden. Com# out and s* them at JOHN WOLK'S NURBERY, OR ami Anderson streets. 'Phone 2i RO l l< L. City of davancab. Office Clark ul Council. Nov. H jwo. All parties deairing to retail nquor dur ing ihe sear mi will n. c t n . ;i „n,g, c „. Won# ltn lha clerk of Com u at on e to that same can be referred to t'ouncii and action taken upon said application before the expltalkxi of limit provide I for by ordinance. WM p. R.VILWT. Clerk of Council. BI9IAES9 hOTICCS. It Is Impossible To enumerate la* \#t au- in on. stock t;y (or Christmas gift;. Wo have un elegant lot ot diamond., and other precious stones Long experi ence in purchasing mo.a gooda ctssblss us to oner a t-uptno.* quality of value. Special attention has been given gi.ts lor men. W© suggest a e!ec-tton now, to avoid the excitement of th# weeks later on. THEUS BROS. After Breakfast Try a FRANKLIN CIGAR. Contentment in it. PHONE 700 Office 307 Bull streak. Plson# TOO. GREENE & CO., 123 WLUaker The new Picture Pram* Factory Lnrg ost assonmenl of Moulding In the city. Prices reasonable. Call and ,#e new- rrol- fiPKt lAL htSTICM*. Mrssrs. bloat Bros. Cos., Xavnnnnh, Go. Gantleaien—d bnv# bees n great sufferer from ludigesllou and suffer a great deal. Heard of soar Yegr -I“hi* Bitters through a traveling salesman In Baltimore. I procured a bottle nnd find It glses me great relief. I certainly recommend It lo any one Buffering from Indlgrslinn tours respectfully, CUA9. A, ( ItANDAI.L, A iron polls. Md. 91’fXlAL .NOTICE. • Jt T IILC Li \ ED On# carload of Muyets' fin* work of Byracuse. N. Y . open and top buggies the most complete line ever brought to this clly. Wo defy com pet,i it,n on ihl* work I ak the put-lc on* and all who are In tha market for end and md.spring -asy-rld- Ing vehicles, that they can tie found at my repository. Abo a full fin# of deliv ery wagons, open and top. milk and baker wagon* You nuke no mistake by calling at once and m ike y>ur -election MARK APPLE’S REPogITORY. 3.-1 Broughton si real, west Kelly's Rubber Tirus, the only reliable tlr# on The market Georgia Phone No Jt* Beil Thon* No Mt. YV. t. I'll I t’P * co. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE* AGENT*. Raal E-late tsuiKht and sold on commls ilons, and Rent* collected. Representing Travelers Insurance Company Ufa. Ac eld- nt and liability Departments New York Underwriters Kira Insurance Com pan y Greenwich En# Insurance Company Th# City Trul Bale Deposit and and Oumpsny. Issuing Ronds of flurely to rentroceor*. administrators guardians, tic. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO R - ~~ President i . " 0n C. 8. ELLIS. BARRON Cx r Vlo* Preeldent a-.- cj,.'** Tlie Chafltam Bank Will he pleased lo receive ih of Marc ha tils. Firms, Indlvlj ' and Corporations. I-Hx-ral favors extended t'nMirpessed oollecUon faclliti,, in r r >init riuin' EY ON DEPOSITS Uh ' Rsfsty Deposit Rose, ,nd Vault. , rent Corre.pendence sr-lldted '• The Citizens Bank OF HAVANA AH " CAPITAL Ssoaooo Tren.ari. a General litillßMl. * Aeraßßta of loUlv,„ Mlt Merchants, M.nk. n.d other , rations. y Collections handled with cconoiuy a nd dispatch. *’ Intsrost, compounded qgarterl allowed on deposit, jg on , ’ Deparlmsul. * hofetr Deposit Baxes „ Vnnlls. * IR ANTLEV A. DENMARK. rr,. ld „, MILLS 11. LANE, Vice President GEORGE T. FREEMAN, C#,h|- f . GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Csthltt. SOUTHERN BANK of the Dial# of Georgia ('tatfi Surplus snd undivided profits DEPOSITORY OK THE STAZsS GEORGIA QT Superior facilities for transacting * AssVtrsl Sanxing ‘m Collectluns m*ds on all points Scctsslfci* tßough banks snd Ueaksrg Accounts of Banks. Hanker*. Jde.Tnxr.-.i snd others solicited. g*fs Depot;- Byia for rent Department of Savings. Interest ps.exi quarterly. bsil* Sterling Exchange *9 Ler.lan 0 and upwards JOHN FLANNERY. Presldert HORACg A crane. Vic* Hrt*;d#S’- JAMES aULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY WM TV GORDON' E A WR7IL W w GORDOS Jr H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH rER” II r SMART. CHARLES F t'* EDWARD KELLY JOHN J kffißf CAPITAL, SLbo.OOC. Are,.tints of banks, merchants, eerpav tlons and tndtvlduals solicited fisvlngs Department, Interest paid Tit.- terly. Safety Box** and Stsrsg* Vaults tv rent. Collsclton* made on all pcint* at m sonsbl* rates. Drafts sold on all th* chief cities of th* world .^sgJs- Correspondence invited JOSEPH 1> WEED, president JOHN C. HOWLAND, Vice PrssMeaV W K McCAULEY, Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga Capital U-kII. Idsd profits *• This bank offer# It* services to corpirs tians merchant* and individual*. Has authority to acx a* executor s-1 mlmtiratnr guardian, etc. Issue.- draft* on the principal cin-e Ores; Britain and Ireland and on ant. Interest paid or compounded quarts * on deposit* In the Bvvlng* Ix-i-s'Uwb Safely boxes for rent HENRY BLUN. Pre-Idem OHO W TIEDKMAN. Vtc* Pre.l'.tnt JOHN M HOGAN, nashler WALTER V HOGAN Ass't Ca.h'w. No. im. Chartered UK -THE HIS illll M OK SAVANNAH CAPITAL. Ruu.uuu. dUKPLLTi R W UNITED STATES DKPOffITORT. J. A G CARSON. PrasJdoj-.t BEIRNE GORDON. Vice Fresld-r.i. \V. M DAVANT. Caahler Accounts of hank* snd hanker* i*r chant* nnd corporations reccl-ed upoo th# mr-kt fsv-dub'.s term* conslst#nt #IH> ssfs and- oni-arvatlve banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STREET, WEST. • PER CENT, per annum allowed e* 0 deposit*, withdrawable on deensrul. Interest credit-d quarterly. 6 I'LK CENT. p-i annum allowed o* deposit* of cveu hundreds, withdraw able at annus.) periods. GEO W. TIEDKMAN, president It H. LEVY. Vic* President, K \V. BELL. Becretary C. O. ANDERSON. JR Treaeursr ro NewsoQper Ssi Kr rale, s Korsallh N**PP r FoW ' r: will fold sheet S7x It l In price 2100. It cost originally H-W* b ‘ w# have no uoa for It a-l want ih f**" l It occupies. It will bo an Invaluable adjunct l> ft newspaper offic*. Address MORNING NEWS, Sgvaauab. W- The Chatham Real Eslati and Improvement Go. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IK you Want good ** a TL BI .pa and work. or.IT your llthogr*po <,> t a> printed aisllonery and bleak “mo*’' Morning News, Savannah, G*.