The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 05, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ISUBSTITUT F.S FOR I.ARD OR BUTTER FOR I COOKING HAVE FAILED BECAI’SE OF THE ODOR GIVEN THE WHICH THEY T fcf ATII k Ik I (, tt M hMd •*•• •**• •*"* •*• BO** •■** **• I 4ri>p kM -••• • •??•*■ *•••• ■ -hi nil so 4 iliwiktt* f* • <* • •* I •u 4 u* fl*w •* **• f4 f*oks4 ta it I I hk DIVORCE MILL G 11191)9. Our Millie Tnnla With l.rirnl f'elrflty In llte Superior Court. ■ e t- Kalllgunt and two Superior Court jnri> cleared the divorce docket of the tjur i m hut IMtle more than two hours j -trrday morning For one reason or all .ther a good many of ttie canes on the , K n nere dismissed and this consider - i, luced the time. ~-. a nothing exciting about the i ,• ling*. It* hot alnglo case trlvd ! mere any contest, all the evidence i -red was for the plaintiff* and It. iso s verdict for the plaintiff fol -1 ... a.- a matter of course. Mi Ellen Virginia King, a very young Ml-I a very pretty little woman. wa> , ,r ia second verdict and decree of Tli .. aualnst Joseph II King She fold „ i jeal of her trouble* to the court, ] ... ir* and that King Iwd married her ,i,i the name of Keen, hast subjected t,. ~ numerous Indignities and cruel i had beaten and abused her on a ■ . ,i<r of occasions and finally deserted I . H> tlie decree granted In her as, 1,, r maiden name, Kllen Virginia Eller h, was restored to her. I•*t-r Mayo was granted a second ver (|, * and decree of divorce from t'luiney . The plaintiff sad he had married -1,. Uef< udant lu Pulaski county and mat she aad lived with him only a yeir -, L <me to Savannah, and without tl,. formality of a divorce from him - mted herself lu marriage to a man | vonnor, with whom she had since v<! The Jury tame to the conclusion a- state of facts entitled the plain ~n :.. total an.l legal separation und tm y (,-ave It to him hv their verdict. >1 I>avls was divorced absolutely and "or from Eltxa Davis. It Mpia-ar.d Ia- ihe i-artle* had been married In )* a ,1 tli.i! three month* after marriage the w— had deserted her husband. The de -.ii n has been continuous ever since, ,i tnls is the lirwt time that Jtavia has able to feel real free and untram nieied. nd verdict* and decree* were also tranted In the case* of Minnie I* Taylor against John T. Taylor, Annie Kerri *„ , t John Kerri, and Jerusha Howard t... - t Kmif Howard. -! verdict* were grantetl In the cases , h te Daly against M. J. Daly. Amanda N ntnan against J. B Newman. Id* H t\ir.| against George II Ward, Jack s oil against Martha Scot*, and LouPa A Patton against Amos Pat ion. Among the cas<-w dismissed were those l Mary A Pulton against Prank K Ful c. Minnie Daly agnlmit Janie* Daly and II- len Mastb'k against Edward L Mas 11* k Th* case of Bessie Heed Goodrum sc a lust Hoy Turner Goodrmn. in which a nrst verdict had alreatly been granted, sas dismissed because of the subsequent (hath of the defendant. "Tin: coMMoiMme*’ wkli, hoik. Kllntl-Hrsrs Co.'a Excellent Per formanee of the Play. The Kllmt-IJeam company presented The Commodore" last night to a large •nd delighted audlem-e. The play Is a rival melodrama—as the name suggests end. by the way it Is the bestmelodramat •lory of the Spanish-American War that has been played In Savannah. It Is a red-hot melodrama, full of tiro and the like, with bombastic dialogue enough ’ -took a prlxeflghter. but withal Ms a t *>d ploy and It was well done. he staging of It was excellent, the • iglne room, the deck scene, with the L > gun* '•actually firing" were reollstlc, • ire enough, true and true. A* * go! fr-rn the gallery remarked coming out of t‘e house "dat was certainly de real !'■ c “ And It was Mr. Kimball. Mr Klimt and Mr. Marble ' entitled to the major portion of prttlse. a all of the parts were capably looked •Her. The Commodore" will be repeated at a tmtlnee this afternoon. To-night Du lurtfr's great play. "Trilby" will be rented. Mr. Klimt *ay* the scenery I other aceeaeorle* for this production ‘ * eluliorate. while Ihe company plays better than any piece In Its repertoire. t>tWRHGI) FOR THEIR HIM u ishlOKton, I.ev> unrl tlrnwu Before Ihe Reeorder. !n the Recorder'* Court yesterday : mus Washington, colored, charged with • tult with Intent to murder committed n George Thompson, also colored, war • minded to the Superior Court, Jas D'ung. another negro, arrested for hav < had a hand In the assuali was ad • Iged not guilty ami discharged. Hob and Isaac Levy, arrested Saturday •he charge of creating a dlaturbance ih, street, the charge growing out of 1 row that occurred at the polls In the ' ond District election, were also dts ■ atged. • rtle Brown, nt white woman, rret -•• >r!y yesterday morning, on the charge walking ihe street for a licentious pur wvi* discharged upon her promise i . leave town. Vi Faro, an Italian, or some other "ign hand organ man and hla "monk" • run In yesterday afternoon because ro had no license permitting him to -.nd out antique melodies on ihe streets, 1 HTTEItt UlsttiasilHY DR.ITTBO, ■tualaeas Transacted by Jndgr Fer rlll In the Court of Ordinary. In the Court of Ordinary yesterday I*l - dlsmlssory were granted to M, A Byrne, administrator on the estate of : rl* Murphy. Letters of admlnisera wlth the will annexed, were granted Mrs. Alice E. Walker, upon the es of George W. Parish. l Susan Mulligan, as guardian of her or children, was granted *n order per r ' Ing her to compromise a claim agoinst ' estate of Catherine M. Mcßride, late 4f Port Smith. Ark Why rlo you call that speckled hen 'l* duff and the pig Barkis?" >beaus* Macduff lay# on and Barkis Is ' ,lin'."—Life. WILL STAY IN OLD HALL vbtbiayi a cna^ok moild da; nwme. C onfrdrralp Malt Man Its Dlm<!▼*.t -■I. * • Wlfrmn l>e* Merf K "*• Hotter for the !*rpmr to IVhlrh It \Yl'oi Thnn ln> Other !*!••** That Could Hr %r*urels I'lrnlr to Hr Given In Mar lor Ben efit of Aaaorlatton—Per i up It* Tax for lla% la Monaumt Directed raid-Heanlallona of Thank* to People of Aaaatii Were l*aed. Th? Confederate Vnlrrmi- Association, at a merttnif a< Contrdemte fiall Utt . olplit, decided that the association would | continue to occupy the hall for the en ! ►ulfiß year and ir lons in the future av ' manufactory arrarvifrnu nts for Mtt u*e could t>e made with the onnera. The hull Is now used by the association , and by Bartow Carnp of Sons of Vtter |an an 1 Charter Chapter of Daughters |of the Confederacy. It is not without Its 1 Mtrutw dlsadvantageii. but In the opinion ! of the committee these disadvantage? are | altogether overbalanced by Its a<top(aUon l in other respects to the purposes to ahich it is put by the Veterans and tha kindred Confederate organisations. Gen. McGlaehsn upheld in a brief speech the report of the committee, saying that the hall was th© association's own and Ihe meetings could not be interferred w ith by h<* meetings of oth*T organisation?. It has lieen put in reasonable aood ehajw*. furthermore, and the walls decoraetd with portraits of ConfedeTato heroes, war rel ics .iiid other objects. In Gen. McGlash an's opinion. It would be diftlcult to se cure another place where these various article* could be displayed to such ad vantage. The a'hOcUtion took th# name view of tho matter and it wa* decided to con* llnu the use of the hall Indefinitely. It is i xj>enslve. however, and the question of ways and means was necessarily con sidered In this connection. To rabe funds for the puriMMM of |*.tying iiall tent and for other purjMwe* it was decided to give t picnio at Tybee durlitg the month of May. Those of the veterans who are versed in these matters said that in this way the financial question could easily be settled. The trgggurer iva* directed to pay over to Capt. M I*. Umm. the Ireggurer of the U.orgla division, tho tax of 10 cent# |t*r capita levied at the last r#untoc. of th divi-ion. Thl# tax t* for ih# purpose of w-iming in the erection of the monument to Jefferson Davis and the .Southern Con federacy t Richmond. The movement to erect thin monument i# now In enthu all over the tknjth Capt. J. F. White presented to the ,i oodaMon a framed copy of tire original •all. Issued by (Jen. 17. 14. M‘Law# to th# Confederate aurvlvor# of Savanna)) to attend u meeting to organize an fiw*o cUition of Confederate Veteran? T'rl? call resulted m the organization of th# Confedemte Veteran**' A*?ockltlon At to* drat m**#ting only eeveti were prevent. Capt. White and Capt. John R DilkNi being of rtil# number. The avaoctatlon wih organized on July IJ, lWf? Cgpt White wan then acting *ecr#tary of th# ueeo* iation. nixl in pr#?enting th# copy of th** call, gave noro# xhort account of th# iTifYi ultje* by which the organization had lx#n attend#*! The * o|>* win re*'#ived by Prevldent Fai hgant on behalf of the a?oo iation, anl a vote of thanks tendered Capt. Whit# On Gen. M Gl.ixhan'a motion, a vote of thanks wan tendered the other Confederate organization? and the pcorde of Augusta for the manner In which the Jeleyitev of th* a?Hoclation were receiv 'd and enter rained during th# division *e union. Gen. McOlgahan an id that every body in Augusta ?eemed to be Inopirod with tlc spirit of the occasion. an*i that nothing had leen left undone to nmk • th* veteran?' ?ty In Auguata entirely pi* is int cik! happy. An ;r*'war received from a canq* of Confederate Veteran? In a town wi*l in th# f torm-sw*ept dlatrlot of Texy, sinking for financial aid. Th* appeal a#■ ?crl!*#u tlir lamentable condition in which the veteran?, in common with other cltl uni of the town, had been left after the ravage# of th# ?torm. Action upon the jppvxf w. • postponed until the next meet ing ft lire a**ociatlon. Vice President L Gourdlll Young re p*>rfed that he !iad h.d engron*ied a eop> tf the resolution? j?i*?ed by th# a??ociu tion last May. commending the work be ing done by the Children of the Con fed eiA;y and Miss AWie Roman). th#lr di re* treaa. Th# areorlatlon Indom-d thl? action and directed that the etigron? **l copy of th© resolution? he framed and unit to Mlm Barnard. I.KTTKH C lIIItIKHV OFFICERS. 4 hoaeii by llranrh 57* of WMleOtl AMnr In 11 on. Branch No S7* National Association of letter Tarrier* at Us annual election elected the following officers for the en suing year; President, F. L. Curley Vice I'rcsUlent, F. P. Edwards. Treasurer. George A. Lord. Klnan. ial Secretary. H R Camrftcl-1 Recording Secretary, P- A Dem-gall The branch is eompoaad of tha colon l carriers of Savannah Postofflce. LEGAL BOTICE*. NOTICE TO AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice ia hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Pamela Fitzsimmons lute nt said county, deceased, to present them to me proierly made out. wtthtn the time prescribed bv law, so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are re ntilred so make immediate payment to me EUGENIA CLARA FITZSIMMONS, Executrix. Care of O'Connor. O'Byme A Hartrtdge. Attorneys, Savannah. Ga Oct. 1. IS*’ ~GEORGIA?" "CHATHAM COUNTY— Whereas. E G. Cabantss has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmls sory as administrator on the estate of F.llxa M lot Roc lie. deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern o >e and appear before said reurt to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In January n-xt, otherwise said letters will b<- granted Witness, the Hon. Hamp ton L. Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of October. 1 FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct Ord'y. C. Cos. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Hattie Greene Waters, ha* applied o the Court of Ordinary for a twelve-months suppon for herself and minor children, out of the estate of Rev. David Waters, deceased. Appraisers have made returns allowing same. These are, therefore, to ct*e all whom It may concern, to appear before eald court, to mnkc objection on or before 4he first Monday In January. I**L ne*t, other wise same will he granted Witness, the Hon Hampton L. Ferrlll. Ordinary' for Chaaham county, this the third day of December, lOTV FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk. C. 0.. C. C. NORWOOD'S BOOK: “MOTHER GOOSE CURVED,” jTor sale at all News Blands In Savannah. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5.1900. KIDNEY TROUBLE PREYS UPON THE MIND. Women as Well as Men Suffer and are Made Mis erable by kidney and Bladder Troubles. ; i j Qh^J it ~" 1 ■ “ j] * t v*, ' _ " * ! Thousands of Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Ruepeet It. To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy, will do for YOU, Every Reader of the News May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Th# kidneys Alter and purify ihe blood tlmf is their work. So when your kldnaya are w*rak or out of order you can understand how quickly your entire body i* effected, ami how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or *'ftel badly." begin taking the great kalney remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo*. because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince any one. Women suffer as much from kidney and bladder trouble* men do. which fact Is often lost sight of. Many time.* when the doctor's services are sought he quh kly tomes 10 the conclusion that hers i* an other case of female weakness or womb trouble of omc sort Many of the so-called female com plaints arc* nothing else but kidney trou ble. or the result of kidney or bladder disease Among the many famous investigated cure* of Swamp-Hoot. €he one whi< h we publish to-day for the benefit of our read er? |eaks in the highest terms of the wonderful curative properties of this great kidney remedy. Mrs H N Wheeler of 117 High lU> k street, Lynn. Mass., writes: "About IS months ago I ha-1 a very revere epell of sickness 1 wan extremely sick for three weeks, ami when 1 finally was able to leave my bed I was left with excru ciating pain* in my back. Mv water #* limes looked very like olfee. I could pas* but IMtle at a time, and then only after suffering great pain. My physical condition was such that I hod no Mrength and was ail run down. The do- tor* said my kidnys were not affected, but I felt certain that they were ih© cause of my trouble. My sisser. Mix C. K. Little field. of Lynn.advised me to give Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root a trial I procured a bottle and Inside of three days commenced to get relief. I followed up fhat bottle with another, and at th# completion of this cme found I w.u* completely cured My strength returned, and to-day I nin as well *s ever. My business Is that of canvasser; lamon my feet great deni of the time, and have to use much energy in gening around. My cure is. there fore. all the more remarkable, and is ex ceedingly gratifying to me " Mrs. H. N Wheeler. LEGAL SALES. EXECUTOR'S SALK BY virtue of an order of the ordinary of Bibb county, Georgia, passed at Ihe December term. will lie sold, before the Court House door of Chatham county. Georgia, In th- city of Savannah, Ga.. on th- first Tuesday In January, 1901. between the legal hours of sale. Ihe following de scribed real estate, helotialng to the es tate of Henry G. Cutter, late of Blhb county, Georgia deceased, to wit: A cer tain tract of land situated In Savannah. Ga . known by plan of said city as lot No. 5, In the Helltha tylhlng. Jlenthcot* ward, commencing nt point of Intersec tion of York and Whitaker sireeta and running down the line of Whitaker street, dua south, ninety (0i feet, thence due. west sixty (*l feet, them> up th line of lot* four (4) and five (1) due north ninety (9*l fee(. thenca down the line of York street sixty (* feet to starting point. Said abnve de?crlbe<l real #?tat# I? to b# hoM for the puno?# of paytr.g th# d#bt* of said Henry O Custer, deceased, and tar distribution among the. legatees undet his will. Terms of aale One-fourih rash, one fourth one year, one fourth two years, and one-fourth three years. Interest at •he rate of six (*• per cent.) per cent, per annum on deferred payments Purchaser# to have privilege of paying all cash THE MACON SAVINGS BANK. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Henry O. Cutter. Dc -e-rd. By H. T. POWELL. President. ttiarELLABROt g. ’\VE wiLI Ft RNIBH YOU WARMTH for the winter; try one of our Hot Stuff heaters: che.ipewt In town. A. C. Price e, ro.. corner State ond Jefferson streets; 'phones &i*. 'THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS being turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1575. FOR THE MOST SELECT AND largest slock of wall paper In the city, go to Taylor. '.II Barnard. PENTON A BON. WILL RENOVATE your machine and guarantee It. Sell new er old trach lues. ~FOfTnAN<!l:s AND BTOVBS, GO TO Cornwell A Chlptnan. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-eerned herd cash st the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street A FI LL LINK OF ORATES JUST received; will sell eny of the leparkt* parts. A'la ms Paint Company. 101 Cott gtess etreet, west. Ijr in NEED OF A FIRST-CLASS renge, we can suit you tn quality and price; our Sterkng renge* nr* guaranteed A. C. Price A Cos., State end Jefferson streets; 'phones 4. REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSE* by Investing your hard-earned hard cash with the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnsrd etreet ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SIFIBD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THIAN IOC. If kuhiey trouble la permitted to con tinue. math Buffering with fatal results aie sure to folhm Kidn-y trouble Irrl istea the nerves, makes you dixxy. resi leas, ?leeple** and irritable. Make* you pise wafer often during the day and oh* lige* you to get up many times during th** night. Unhealthy kidney# cause rheu matism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ui the hA-k. Joints and muscles: innk-h your h-ai ache and tM< k ache, causes Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble, you get u -allow, yellow complexion, makes you feel its though you had heart trouble you tr.ay have plenty of ambition, but no strength, get w'efik ind waste awav. The cure for these troubles la Dr. Kil mer* g Swamp-Hoot, the. world-famous kid ney remedy. In faking Swamp-Roof you afford nat ural help to nature, for Swamp Root la the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical slefice. If your water, when allowed to remain undlaturbed in . glass or bottle for twen ty-four hours, forma a sediment or set tling. or ha* a cloudy or milky appear mice; if there |s a brick-dust settling, or 1f small parti- lea float attout In it. your kidneys and Madder arc In ne*d oi Immediate attention The gnat Kidney Remedy. Bwamp-Root, is pie. *snt to take. Is used in the leading hospital* re*?onmended by physicians in their private practice, ami Is taken by doc tor* themselves who have kidney ail ments. because they rerngmge in It the greatest and trust iwcessful remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles 8w amp-Root has been tested in so mativ tv a vs. and has proved so u cessful in every case, that u special urrangeme it has been mode by which all reader** of the News who have not already triad if may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mall. Also a book telling mote about Swamp*Root and containing sotn© uf the thousands upon thousand* of tee tlmoninl letter? received from men and Homes* Who owe their good health. In fact their very lives, to th# wotMlerful curative properttee of Bwjmf>-Root Re sure and mention the Savannah D*tty .Www when sending your addres* to Dr. Kiimer & Cos., Binghamton. N Y. If you are already convinced that Bwamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular 60-oent and $1 sis# bottle* at the drug stores everywhere. CLASSIFIED AUVERriSEMENTS. PEltsiiV VI "'"CHUIBTMAs'nIGHT Ri- 811"~AV OW■ ed by leaving a email deposit on that gold | watch, and ample time will be had. to regulate It. to the minute and engrave It, with any name or motto desired: that fln j grr ring oan he engraved In time, the*# gold spectacle* can be set aside, the prop er focus can ha found by the old I ones, so no guesswork needs to ha done at the eleventh hour; old gold, plati num. sliver and hair taken a* cash. Fa , seas, 3i East HrnugtKon, hair. Jewelry .ind ahavlng supply house; the place to have anew pin In your brooch aid polPh ed like new for Wc, and sura to be reidy for Christmas. "ADVERTISBMENtS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20C. GO TO JOS H BAKER IN MARKET for fine meats poultry, game, brains, sweetbread, trtpe; 'phone 23. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; it’a rich and pure; try It. THE FURNITURE" EXCHANGE. 11l Barnard street, buys and sella all kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. “lIOW ABOUT TOUR WINTER clothing' let ut> put It In shape, 21 per month Sterling Pressing Club. 19 York. w. TRY HETTERICH 8 CANDY: Posi tively pure; crystallxed fruit, assorted. Hr. pound: cherries and ginger, same price; chocolate, assorted, 2e: pound, aaror'.ad fine candy. 21c pound. 110 State, west. DON'T FORGET THAT MILLER •ells dolls and toys. Coma and see our holiday assortment 2*7 Broughton, west. HYACINTH AND NARCISSUS BULBS, palms, rubber plants, cut flowers and floral designs from Oelschlg* Nursery, opposite Catholic Cemetery. J Gardner, agent. 12 Rroughton street, eaat. M FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grades of I art squares, rugr. mata, portieres. C. P Miller, agent. I "CHOICE LINE OF WILLOW AND cobbler seat rockers for the holidays, at 1 Teeple# 317 Broughton, watt. Tam now LOCATED "if 14 wZOt I Broughton, ring up lltt If you want to have your fumltur* moved or packed for ! shipment or storage, I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that's given to me. A. 8. Otiffin. 414 Broughton street, west; mattresaea mad* to order KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN rurpassed for richness; delivery la per fect ; phone. 2344 “if“its'rugb You WANT YOU "C-N get them cheaper from McGtllls | tl FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they last. C. P agsnt. FEE MILLER FOR OFFICE" DESKS, [office table.*, office matting, office shades JOT Broughton, weat. WHEN YOU SEE KOILLMr SIXTY- Inch n-cdl rugs, you will boy tham. Just can't help It; will sell In any qoan Illy. ' FURNITURE MOVED"WITH'CARE," la a apectalt) with McGIUla. This Is the Christmas Month, THE WEST STORE If I r TO TH IT FAC T. Aever Itua there been tlioan auch n Superbly Beautiful Display —Of— Artistic Wares, —l%< 1.1 DIKG— HAVILAND'S CHINA. LIBBEY’S CUT GLASS. ART GOODS' LAMPS' STERLING SILVER. METAL NOVELTIES. CLOCKS. STATUARY. rBDEftTAL*, IXO % TNOt%*l othkh xmi st unnmoxi. BARLER OIL HEATERS. Thos. West & Cos., 11 BROUGHTON STREET. WEST. nMMON tL HOW WlNTtcn cloth lux' Irt us ltt It tu *h*P": t p.-r month Sterling I‘nsalug Club. 1* Yuik. m GO TO HKTTBRIdI'B Poll CANDY, nant aafer* rumamon wafers; Ilcloua for the >l h Hettertrh'*, 110 fme. w.-at. TEErLE IS SHOWING A NICR LIVE of carpet*, matttnt rug*, shade*, lino leum; ch*ape-.t In town M OILLIS' I.ACR CURTAINS WILL beautify your ;*rlor upholSteiued, mat tress** renovated, antique furniture rei>ol tshed, furniture, and *hlp|.ni In tw*i manner Snd me your ordeia C. I* Miller, agent KIMBALLS ANTI *- RHEUMATIC ring every rheumaih- migfii to wear. J Gardner, agent. II Hroughlon street. rst M OILLIS IB cheap ON RIT..-1. NKTS lar# curtalna, hammmki. water cooler*, pillow*, picture*, etovee, sulls, •nd furniture of every description. “if YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU want where you are dealing, suppose you try Miller Hla assortment la Ilia treat In town 107 Broughton, weal “FOR A I'HKTTT BEDROOM SUIT parlor and dlnlna-room furniture, you should go to Teeple'*. Hfiff ABOUT YOUR WINTER elothlng' 1 let u-. put It It. shsp- *1 per month Sterling Pressing Club, 1 York w KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In th# country, free from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impura odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone M 45 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’OILLIB MOVES. I'Ai'KS SHIPS •nd store* pkinoa and furniture; r-eet work only; no "Uheap-John" prices— no "Cheap John" Joh# “canary birds, gold fish, wa* ler (iw. bonr flour at 12 Broughton ■trert. east. SEE MII.i.ER'S NEW STTLEB enrpet*. mattings. Ilnoleuma. window • hades All work done In flrsl-rlas* style. Get our estimate. 207 Broughton, west. M’OILLIB SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS -Smyrna pattern*—far ** rents. 'TEEPLE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON stoves, steel ranees, oil heaters and hot stuff heaters 317 Broughton, went “see MILLER'S NEW STEEL STOVES •nd ranges, oil heaters, wood heaters, best makes, reliable goods, r.asonahls price* 207 Rroughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA Lg* WIDE BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20C rtioio).it trttr. FINEST PHOTOS. MOST REASON* able prlcea. one with arh dozen cabl nete mounted on a lovely Xma end New Year# card. 1 am making ■* apeeial mn on crayon, pastel and water-color In hand some frames at very low price* for the holidays; a fine present; ie mv elegant line of frames, etc. Wtlson'e Studio, 41 Bull street. mi.UK !.. '’"HGwTTtIT’YOUirTECTT’TeToUR feet are troubling you, call on me end I will give you re!W. I euro Ingrowing nails, corns and alt diseases of the feat without pstn; charges reasonable; can give the he*i reference* tn th* city; pa tient* treated at residence*; orders cun be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephon* 293. Lem Davit, surgeon chiropodist. HELP 1.. SALESMAN WANTED, BY OLDEST Arm In the trade, to aedl to physicians; permanent position; state experience fully. P. O. Box til, Philadelphia. WANT*®, AN EXPERIENCED GRO. eery salesman for Southwest Georgia, and Northern Florida. Must reside In a cen tral portion of that territory; address Wholesale Grover, care of carrier No. 20, Charleston. 8. C. WANTED. GOOD BRICKLAYERS apply at Drayton and Sixth streets; Little Sisters of th* Poor Building, Stewart Contracting Company. “retail clothing salesman can secure permanent position, address, Flor ida, this office. mechanics, engineers: ELEC trlclan*. firemen, etc. A free *. holarshlp In engineering will be awarded to a few well recommended applicants. American School of Correspondence. Boston, Mass. SALESMEN WANTED To HELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade; we sr* the largest and only man ufacturer* In our line In the world, liberal salary peid Addrers, Cen-Dex Mfg Cos., Office, a Board of Trade Building. Savan nah, Oa. 1 ■ ' ' HELP WASTED-FEMALE. ~wXNTKrT”'A7TNGET'TXDiKS""'TO demonstrate liberal salary; permanent po rt! lon to right parties. Call or address Ivory Starch. Boom No 3. Marshall House. “WANTED. RELIABLE WHITE WOM an, as nurse for one child, and to sew. Apply at M> Barnard street, Wednesday, between 11 and 2 odo- k _____ WANTED. a"< OUK REFERENCES required, 2*7 Thirty-eighth street, east “WANTED, 'capable" GIRL TO DO housework Apply with recommendation# at 425 Bull street. "WANTED! COOK 4! HENRY street, eaat. WANTED. OOOD COOK. LIBERAL wages. bring recommendations. Apply 3fß Gwinnett street, west "ADVERTISEMENTS SET ~l.n " caP ITAIJI WILL Hfi PRINTED IN CI.AN SI MED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. THE UP-TO-DATE GIRL Knows that our Mannish Boots are made for walking, wheeling or for bad weather. We have “Regular” or ‘‘High Cuts" in Box Calf, Vici and Patent Kid, with hand-sewed soles. . . . and $3.50. There’s no reason why the up-to- ■ date girl should wear a shoe that doesn’t please her —and / She Won’t if She ((SHOE Buys Them Here. . . . J. A. VARNEDOE, EMMETT MONCREIFFE, a. L w in. KMri.ol Mi l I* W IXTKD. PirrKNT THoßnrmT KX perletK'ed d©uble-*ntry bookkeeper <te ?irm to make x change in the near fu tan. object age ?7. refer enc*-v from f*rm r anl praoant employer# •a •* character and bueinea# ability For liartM'uinra tddrew. Advance, or* Morn ing New* WANTKuT’BY RIeSrEk’TAIILK COb ornt %v aaun. a pa#ith>n • ctwk; w >uM iike room ott pretni*## Apily * Imlian street lane ROOM# U 11TKI). WANTKD, FTHNIBIIKD ROOM, •nuthern exposure, with naaSern rwnveit lent'fH and bath by quiet bachelor, who can exchange referencee. n-ar Hull, be twreit Jone. and n*letliaf|*e avenue. I*. O. lUmi ITX - 11 ■■■■ u ixTKO-miit I*a * not ft. For iart)cular? al.fie* Flrgt ntreet. New* .rtl - VV ANTKD TO ROHKOW WANT ed to Iwrrow aeven thiMiitaiMl dollar* t!7.- Ut<ol for a term of three year* with the privilege of reducing ame every twelve month*. Will give a* collateral one brick block wt>rth five or nix time* a* much a* the loan. The property I* centrally Imated in one of the he?t town* lit South Geor gia Addtea* "liuainea*," I* O. Hox ii. Waycroe*. Ga. IF YOU WANT GOOD MII-K. OCT IT from Springfield Dairy. It's rich, fcjr# and wholesome. IF YOU WANT A PEACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. eaml. manure, etc free *f charge*. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or l.lephnns Brown Bros, cot tier Andsraon and East Broad .iteels. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IX WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN KK ir YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •nd work, order your lithographed And printed stationery and blank hooks from Morning Newa. Savannah. Ota. FltH It IIT-HOntflt. II Llttcrty, west, for married i-ouple or .Ingle lady. Applv between 9 and 10 a. m SOUTH FRONT ROOMS. FOR ONE or two gentlemen, every convenience 22* Weat Liberty. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent IZJ Oglethoriie avenue, west. Ml ELY FURNISHED ROOMS.'IfOT and cold water. 3tN Barnard street, near Liberty. I t. ITf PtMt MBIT. rent, furnished nr unftirnlshrd. en suite or single Apply at once, FOB RENT—HOI'IKS. FOR KENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Wsidburg street, east, between Abercorn and Lincoln, flrst-fdsaa order •nd rendition; every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estata flaloaion Cohen. Weat Broad and Rroughton .treats. FOR RENT. NICK TWO-STORT frame house, Lincoln and Anderson, fif teen dollars. D. It. Lester. FOR RENT. 1211 MONTGOMERY. IM' mediate possession Apply R. B Ulaghom, 110 Bryan, eaat. TO RENT, 221 AND XU BOLTON street, east; thesa are good house# and location excellent Apply In C. A Mcln tlr*. H Heard of Tradt Building FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE re*ldnr**, thoroughly renovated Apply A Wylty, agent, 12 Bryan afreet, east. FOR It MAT—STORKS. “for RENT BUY an: west: -tore, formerly o< '-tg>lrd by P. II Want, Immediate possession. Apply R 8. ('lag. horn, 110 Bryan, east. FOR MKU-MIV 111 IM.OII LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE FOR BENT. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD HTRKETH. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THK SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P. SMART FOB - BENT. ON THE OGEECIIEE road, between three end four-mil* posts (trolley cars nearly to two mile poet), land tn lotr from one sere te on* hundred; ••ms rsn be bought In large or email lots on easy terma C. H Dorset!. ADVF.RTISF.M K NTS SET f N OAF JTALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKBN FOR LESS THAN 2*C. FOIt v 91,1 . lll. tl 1 ' PATE. ADVERTISEMENTS HKT IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLA9 SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. “TURPBNTINE LAND. LARGE tract for sale. Gifford A Cos.. Jackson ville, Fla. I "It SALE A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Brood, no city taxation. C. H. Dorset!. FOR SALE I/VTB ON NINTH STREET near East Broad, no city taxes, at 1300 each: twenty-five do,lets caah. end easy monthly payments. C. H Dorset!. FOR BALE. LOTB ON NINTH. NEAR rs< Broad si t2*n each; will soon he advanced te S22S. when a lot has been pakl for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H looraett. “FOR SALE THOSE LOTb'ON NINTH •tract, near East Broad, have only been •old to first-class parties, who will mak* good neighbors, and none others ran buy Tha terms are vary easy, and they are cheaper than any others in tha vicinity. C. H. Doraatt. RESIDENCE “AND - BtTLDtNO“LOTS for sale all over tha city. Robert H. Tstem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York srreat, west. ADVEUTTHIU4ENTW -*f.T IN~ ITAIJt WILL ME PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVRKTIBEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. AUCTION WALES THIS DAY. AUCTION SALE. TO-DAY. 11 • m we will *#ll to tho htgheal bidder. 16 High Grnd# Wheel*, oil In perfect fotamion. 2 F|iMU-e f'Unom. Window Mhdtks end ia## v'urtatn#. ouw ler <'a*ea. <*ahler'a l>eek. OfTI-'# lawk too pair* of All-wool I'ant*. 12 Motorman eml I ’oidiM*loe' Cum* aWI Vest#. 4 Heeird Chair#, 2 new Queeii .Hd-wtog Mg chiller, laitl#i’ Ckfier. 1 Grand I'ianu original coat |MA SAVANNAH AUCTION A*Nl> (JuMMIlk HIO.M C<nil'ANY. A WINKKKiIIT. Auclleneer. Hi Whitaker *treet. - n ■■ 1 1 . . run IALK-miirIBUAXBO(;t. It when your favorite remtdy faila, gt 2*9 bottle ••t ied to a gill of honey make* a •pb ndid mixture for Infant* and children. ÜBN/eOIN ft AKM MAKKH THK ikTK like velvet, for sale by druggtvt or gt Hen ry and Abervorn l>r Drug Stares, Whltakvr eiwl Tgylor streets HBA mil NBW. lit I! P OAIOOkI rngiiu*. will run i*rtnting pr#MMMi cw eny light machinery; cost flio. price flor>. rash, t*hrt*toph#r Hlgn Cotnpany. Manufactur ers of Wood atvi Sign*, Cordele, Ge. FOII HAfDK. <fcwD. IIIG DRAUGHT bora# I2Y Apply 11& Fast York "cowirwiTll YOUNG CAIdVKB FOR aalc <*all 471 Weal Iknindgry street; •#• them. FOIt FADK. ONfc liUDR AND HA IT nr#e and truck. Apply Hcrevon House Cigar Htgiid hnr. proof safes we < arbt a fine line of fire proof safes In stork at all times The parties ran see exactly s.nat they are geitaig Our prlcea are as low a* manufacturers a*ll it. sitti freight add ed Parties Interested, who wish a good Are proof safe will do well to Inspect our stork Upptnan Bros., Uppman Meek, sgrnu. for manufacturers TURPENTINE IXX'ATION FOR sale |l crops first year boxes; 12.n*n ,-ra. round limber, at It W) par sers. t> par thousand bose. for la.xaed tlmb'-r; plenty of limber to be got. in five mil'* af rail* mad, will glvs posses,km now or at end of season Address Round Timber, rara Morning News ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN 'CAP ITAL* WILL BE PRINTED IN CI.aB SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO UENTB A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN rOR LEAS THAN MC LOST ASI* POl'XI). I/Wr. SUNDAY NIGHT BETWEEN Ire Su<o Hotel and Uathwlral, pair gold eye-glasaes. with chain attached. Return to D Hot fi. IXNtT. J D. WEED A CO * Strip ping lH>k . lost between 211 West Brough ton eud Savannah. Florida and Western Hallroad freight detnt. suitable reward given for return. “LOOT a imii <>r aOLO t:YE*itaAM es; finder will be rewarded If left at dsue sy A llupfont. 177 Bay street, east, or 401 Henry atreot, east. FOUND. \ GROWN HOUND PI'PPT; owner can get aame by calling on John F. rtrrdea. Montgomery and Whatley ave nue and paying expenses. HOARDING. OR two young men, to room and board; pri vet* family; modern house, phone, 111 East Taylor. m niKM cnigcKi! ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB -BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOIt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKBN FOR LESS THAN MC. MIM E1.1.9NK01 . vTTToU^I^ITn-'H^^orEitTp' or gloes finish, perfect work. Forest eny lAundry. Park avenue. BEFORE YOU PURCHASE WALL paper, don't forget Taylor, hla new clock and low prices will please you. 141 Bar nnrd. THE RESORCINK ANTISEPTIC PRO ceas la tha most satisfactory to clean clothes; done only by New York Bloom Dye Work*. Whitaker and Slat* NEW DOMESTIC;" WITH "BALL hearings, on easy terma; try on#; buy one; deal with your people Panton A Son. 'FOR riSHING TACKLE. NETS, etc' go lo Cornwall A Chtpman. "HOT STUFFS."OET THE~IGENUINE HOT STUFF, VITH HOT STUFF STAMPED ON HEATER AT P II KI HUNAN 8, 10 STATE ffI'KEBT, WEST. " DON'T TROUBLE TOtTRSEIoF ABOUT moving your furnltura, relaying your car pels or malting Parry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. DON'T FORGET WHEN IN NEED OF plumbing work. A. C. Price A Cos can do It cheaper for you than any on# else. State and Jefferson streets, phones 4£t WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR sewer pipe, fire brick. Are clay, otle an I varnishes, give us a call. Adams Paint Company , •PHONE 1572 FOR FOREST CITY Laundry They will call far your I man Immediately “LARGBAND NEW STOCK OF WALL paper. Just arrived, will make prices to suit you William Taylor, 141 Barnard NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE with hall hearings, lock and chain stltoh; taro machine* tn on*. Psntoa A Sotw *WE ARE DYEING NOW’ BY THE new nsadye process, rape- tally adapted for ladle*' Aim errpon and tallor-mada dresses, send us your work and you will he pleased. New York Steam Dy* Works. ' Phone Ml. “for" HARD war* AND TOOLS, do to Cornwell A Chipman'a. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HU>n gry people at th* Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Bernard atrsat. our German ready mixed paint Is rold under a guarantee: have your house painted with It. Adams Paint Com pany PERRY A BENTON. IX gflfl •treat, west, will move, pack, ahlp or store your furniture at ahort noth-*; slut ren ovate your old mattrmsae at IMtle cost. Mall 'phone UM. 3