The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 \ TEXA> VVt,NDI k • Inll's tHaeorrry. One #mai. bottle of hail Groat Dis covery curt* ail kidney and i # l*'*' 1 If® ‘ OiO. irmovet gravel. cure > dliUCk ’. *•!; Inal *fi#s*i*na. weak a? *#ina ba. a iit :n)ti>tii and a.. *:r.* .r.’.*<■* cf tuc kloneya and b adde a. •* n ft * tbli. 4eg u *•.• •** t.d useii if i.M *4 > >uui . **-•“ * b fcrlU t> r.,,i.. i* of 4. • ****• bottle l# two uoi. h ttaatmont an i Wt ; care any a • .*•. inent. id br E \\ 42#, fl: Lou *. Mo. b r.d for te#;lmonkb boid b> u 4ai ~ * and biumjia Cos. UviAßai), Ui Hrad VbU. Cutnbert. Ga April 2. !* Thl# le to c f tif >• that 1 w* #flf© *d with r v end That i took sixty drop# ©r D, Dtimif) io4 it con- It * y jrr * rt© I: 1* a rth fl. O* p* lottl* to any o .© reeding It J T PTKVCVS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. M wt or tnr run *Tm: tom# 1\ put %GH JVuplr of foltiltt I onuty Unnt n Ni w I ourt ( Irrull-r.tHtlM I-Irr tlon hi Dupont—% limi *‘lit Id I'rom tteißliridur—lt< mini * ll* llflvred lor Mnrdrrer->*w*bo) School In Atlaala—ltrniß *f lalrr t-tl From Florida Mr# W A. Lvw i• ; u,< I at I> • fiiorrst. fl.\ wa* l!*e> *■' W A. 1 *- hr r© *nt y rk>t *f (ho To* a ll* ra i PetDirr llc|re-et*Mtnti%'r Dead. Funner K i • *" J*hn I fib- if p*rG>*l# flindny m'cntng at K :K 3i •! Me J* t\ • * n w If©, mao son* an t *n a stughier, t -1 i* a I src** frcl© of r*t‘- t.vr* and frier.-:.- II- re-*: !*<l at Ksrnatal. Va lv ill* ri In a '• mill While sawing f*r levari# Brother#, rear I',.l‘ior flat . L !. L. *“ •‘d * knee-rap #w©d oft. Tt * Injured nan w*i apparently getting ai-ng wG. after Ih© vs ir.d was *ire -ed. but Saturday nuht !* began alii king a r.d dt©d at 1 o*W*k. ll*- leave* a * f*j and child. \n I triling Uleellon. 8 . .1 ©ontt-9'©d * * ?t t* for ju#t e of th [** a < an t • ratable tO'k jdace Satur day at I* pa In many b“fe t*. the oi.ic-i v. a# remark Me. Two r#* fTK* r r a Poyuli.'t m n Kepu Hcau oppoaed •t% -h otiei. Ji.r 1. L. tu|ionf. the Hej.ubh n vis elected b> r ttafierlrv,'>or.i> 1 I. Ftrwsih iMpfiio tat, uiul Will, I.) Mm* Foptr.iU were el* lei too #t a 1 *)* b> k*k#J m.i taHtlea IM-nih of 'lr. C|ullllnn Mrs Men*a QulHiai*. on** of th** rfirislian wnmrn of Harmony <*r:*ve. *lt- i vit ► ul’enly Saturday Mre QutllNn v • #lMit 7*.; ye ir# *d*l arv*l leaver ix -on** t* mourn hei *l*-ath Ir. |l M. Jli in. I of I'tLn* Memorial t'hiir- hof a l.if.lH J A I*44^for <*f Aajury i*hur*h of Atlanta. F A QutUlae. niicr Dev at iaw, of At. . n? t. W V a*l .1 T Quilltan. n.* n ban t•, at llafne*n> Giu % <iiiinii t i Mftklrr Healgun. I*r Warren, for nine uel-t:int (m*iler of the Bank of fTamnwrc* • ARitrk'U#. Iva." r* igi * and Hint fioettlon *it . i,upt of ill In-alth, and will #lortly h by Mr IMwanl Hhatnel*!. the loud of the K. 1 She fit* 11 Company. Mi Sh*he|.l h aw h-ki An m**rchanf. and w‘l! f nn •<* flop* out hi- ni* i •ui’llt In fere t.* in onl.r to a *;(>• \ * ‘*ar p*x*f!kin tendered him by th* iuink *f 'ommciw >eehma Have* t hnnrr t l.rarn. A Naw#l<nye* InduatrlaJ He.h<a>l w .11 t*e o;rcd In Atlanta n* xt M ai*lay. M: Margaret Thornton, who projes’ted th* I Jan# to eri*illlh th© whool, tei win v ill la* t*t It* heud. #*<#!<! that nil tho ar tdrgomviiis for openlny th© inetituiimi lihv • <C'rnph*!©il. l>\ i* \: Monday everything tvjll l*** in rah!.*-' for a luoki *uci**-eaful openlttff. Ttie piiin** ohJ*'t of the school is to keep th© new*- tvs off the it raw t> hj muh an and at the Mine tlna* teach th#*n along • leniernaty lin*giving w#|hvi.*il an #> itan to indtigtrliil work. Want n Vrw t Irralt. It 1* the d* sir* of the peofb* of C*>lqtiltt county that the Legit la turn will do *om thlttg to rell* v* tne rongested condition of fhe court duckets f the Southern cir cuit Site© thr establiehment of the cir lrvMlt th* countte>* *fnp>*lt K tt have over •louble*! In popu.Mtlon and wealth. The al!rott*is have* opened up the country to eaw mills an*i naval stores manufacture!* A considerable amount >f It If a# lon h* sprung out of these buslne- *v, Involving ml** to the timber bring \4<ik*i It t v •r.d*rv*ood that th** r©f*r - entail v*s from the circuit in h* bti< to • htubllsh # n* w J i*lt- uil c!r> ult. Ji I# hop* 1 they will b*. Hl*- to get tt through. ; i, T• 4Hler n Ht^arti. Reprostntoftlve 11. F. Grllfln of Twlggv county was in Macon 6unlay on hi#* way ti A 1 iTja !!• • * • p***; i •>f I ounty are very mu *h worked up over the r* • er.t killtfig of Mr. Edgar Hl l It v > sild that a rifle cartridge shell was fouiid real tin* dead body of Mr ft 11*1. and although the body was lying within t ail ing distance of hi# reskeh nee when found. DOiNxl) s-ema (o hav* heard (lie shut. Mr. lirifllri ays that the t©opb of Twiggs ur* piepurlt.g to i#ln a fund to olTer a# a reward fr 11> apfireliaalaii and cap ture of the slaver. They regard tt a# a cold-blooded murder r a#■--##!nation, a# tli*- dr ©eiii to #bow fiat Mt. Hill Ul<2 iivt k:.ow w lnat killed him. A I'reroflifu* CliilU. Mi on Telegraph At the Union dei>o< thl mornlviv liftll** girl and h-*r father were seen to f. t off *>ne of th© ear*} craln# and make tliclr way to th* waiting room There was nothing in their appear* ui,, to attract anv unusual attention. T<e night watchman on fluty happen* *1 •o go into tin walling room and was In troduced to the little girl, wl. . i- only lx years old. and who.'* natn* I# lllam i Bax ley. and ware on their way to Ju keen, from their home In Balnbrldg*, O# 7'h© little girl, though only -lx >• .ir- Of *-*•. Y>4s unusually bright, and <*culd an#w*r any que-alo put to her. 10 matter upon what subject. flh*‘ could tell the mimbf of *oumies in the different ©tr#t-in the Union, their county ©< at *. the tpital of al 1 th* !*nt* iiopulatlon of **v rv state, could call off the !i*l of all of the *(!<• )- :n tii* army, tell al*out all the ft tit*# hd been fought by lhh coun try. and. it* fact, then- was hanlly any thing tail what #tk# ct>uJd rot tel! some thing nhout flhc has only been to school four nuw.ih* but she can t*-ad &v*l writ©, ©pell ai.’i work arithm**tlc. Ah* can -i- ll the Dom diffh ult words backward# or for ward# without the slightest hesitancy Thd* wr- quit* * tiuml>fr of i*©op!* 44) th dciKit .i th* tim**, and they were great ly Inter*-i* i If, ih* ehlkl. flhe 1# v©ry ftMht iuokirti find her wonderful perform ance wa# th> • -© *f much won i* r among them FLORIDA. News reached Liv* Oak Monday of the kflltng of young Harper by one radg‘*t In th© Little river neigh lorhood flun d.iv. Moonshine whlskv is said to have fcrtn nt bit bvtftsn 9 S t&t trotiWt. • wno t . tervel oi *• term in th© state prfc- .. i> etiil at large. riorliln a Oatrieh I'riMlsrU F Bur!on (Vwnvli. representing the Ffor *l.i o#ir. •• farm, i# in Auguatmr .pen me sto < for un exhibit and aa*e*ro©n **!** j* t .• Al* aaar arcale. Mr Tor.*;' ! w;.t rema n m * hare*- of th#- os* r * the pr*-eftt, hut later wll! g*> to Fain* Ik* \ to lake chaigr of :: e hran* 4 #toi ■ UI 1 'arm fhere He *ti. b* succeedel .* St Aug ratine by Hitchcock. n*wr at the ostrich farm * Jackaoc*vUle. Tu>it|n'* 4 itiiir T ie shipmeM# * f * u *r- from Tampa last week wen Into i I fT* rent state# •*f th** l*r a?;| .t trlbuted to !d3 dealer* thr. uk* ©it Halt territory. Of >o ! .me many ►!.•. f .n : a number of pia * *., V 4 g-ir# were s.lipped, wi.d th* .‘•ryhi.* ri i* \**rv th*r ouh from ev.ry * nl|<Nnt. The • - • •- i . • •■’• * th*> five >rder • ’ii hand whk*h *a • f ' lUh-.i l for* ]a *** in th* sfWiVkK r,.l tha* t'ere 1- every indication that th*- *u- ? * n xt year i* going to run i-■ v. i u prolHub.e incrw** wiruek I ui i. in 4 ulm. J 1 t'iarkton, a former wdMaowtt r 4 ©wpiper *•: J. k- vtlj* ha Mru k i ire.ik **f goiwj luck m Cuba, h* the fof -w 11.4 fr*m 4h Havana ..f *h© 17th ■df. will Mr J I*. 4 'liiksm, who * l *u t oitno’ii <1 will# the quarter i> L.ti ,i,o fi th* win • r where he ha* been !i|i|h4iU*’! -j sr*erin i**i r agent. Mr <* irksou hi l**~*-n In gmernnwivt employ •*.'•<*• h arrival h r*-. n*-rl\ two >• rs •go. arid Iw* lrt-n uie- of the moat trust - i aiet r . u j>rn#!?4© ‘tfliloy*.* of the and - lu-fi Imgii r the w;ni r lkub#fto •• *. tm ’ imj-Ttart j*oi:it " I of l.*uu 4 oimkra S*sfe ;;nt•*i■ 1• nt of the S’r**et d*-anli.* Dijaruivt.!. S L Kir!© ar *l a gong of w&rknicn were k* pt busy Httiur i-iy night • . .c , i str-*'ti of Ja k' ‘nville - opted by 1 OU th* Miake eater, they proceetbM tot*Tir It doiv After this wis flor.oths worktwn pro* *** 'll to r k up • i* 4 -draw -eft I- iv ai alien h tr* m* i f|m>* rattler ni It# spiei* is nee Kurle i-l no en.ik* irm**r in his gang, and • • tamp J# followed They finally sum motird enough -mirage and k lltd the rep tile. When ?!-v ha! sutelu*-! this snake ut.- ' te*i on*- api*©ared. and was Ilk*, wise killed * Keati h.*l ov*r ls* vnakte ,*• and w *n the • *\% brok* up he dM • mils th* >•* two, which had evidently • refuge in the etr.iw I** ie.ith*er Mnuuh'il t> t>**nlli. Ja.k-ivUle M*tropolis: Alfred G Italic, w■' oral engaieer ut the power )m>us< of the J ‘ k - *nvllle Btrc<et Hallway Com met "horrible death In the engine room of ih* hou*- lu.*4*d on th vla-luct. I.* Hui uay morning at*out oVJ.nk. Third Engineer Milford w-a* In r*r n the tim*' n*l ht# ittentlon wa* at rr * t* and- th* * * n*- f the .< Ident b\ in unusual noise, whb*h sounded Ilk* onu thlng falling from the in n hin* Going to the |*l e w!un © the noU* n©©nv*d to com©. Mllfrd*s • v-n m* t M.' it that w i iwf'i! to l**hf!'l Tii* !- he found th*' dttatl lnwly f Hah- tying **i •a* in l rn.iiikl* I •■■on*lltin ai ' hardly r* ognlxahie. Th* unfortunat* nvin'h brail!** h.*l b**en <1 -*hl out, an-l w* re y • tiered nhout th<- fks'tr and tif*o the < eillttg. *.•! from all appeartui* *- P-ath must have been Ine* mane**u - l*en#a**la'n Exports. Exports to foreign i#rt# from Pffiwtre iast moi.'h were valued at f1.771.1a*. an* 1 were tlfcdrlbiited h f** -*> Liverpool f7r.2a2; Clenoo. f.150.41f; Manchester. f-*T% w fhl.Sl*, i‘ui an I'Oii-. |7 •■* Antwerp. Hotter*lam ft* •***, Gll - s.*♦ AC; 4’a Imis, 124.00f). ltu'it*>e Ayi* v SSS 177. ‘c;;, Ghent. $16,240; Dover, $12..V0; llahlu H nnca. |10,22-*i; Hio 1' Janeiro, If'.oOO; Purt Natal, s>;*.-. Shar smews, fd.lir*; Ilavr*. pi. <*77: Algbrs. $C..3. f >9. H*rfl* ur. $2.58C. Cay* iitati licit* , grv Th* |*rlr ft;•1 items of 'X lKirt were 21 2*K,g4L’ fee: pitch pine tlml***r in.} lumber. M a fe**t walnut lumber, fin.- feet i*oflar luinU-r. if feet oak lum ber. <ik staves. 6M sH' kv shuttci blo.-ks. 71*.7T$ rtnin I and sqimr* boles * *- • )ti. 16.774 Ml'kH :iti) 22,4*47* (njunds cotton -til meal. N.341 too# phoep.uale ro* k, 3.- tons pig iron. $.256 barrels rosin. 1,7. r ** .-lP- turpentine. 7*o barrels flour, v-* tier* s* laid. 1,172 sacks hoofs 224.67* liuunds oilcake, '..315 m kn cotton wee-1 dulls, tici barrels cotton s*e*| oil During th iiioi.tli '••* ams/ib-s of o total tor nag** o? .m l Ik vailing Vtesrl** *f a total tonn *c*‘of !?,273 arrive*# from foreign iri is steumshifs# of a total ton nage *g 2M.073 anl 14 sailing vesm-ls of a t* -' a 1 torn-av* of ’ *1 hares) THE INIU LH UK ft '% It'll. 'n Interest Inn 4 use llelnu VI ntcbnl in loin re ns 4'onnl), Dublin. Ga . D 4 Ml Willie Me Dow*-ll of this city, who for a number of frsmtha past ha Inen suff**nitf; fr*m cancer of the hi east has apparently been mu* li benefitf*d by faith For some months Mil It has been known to her relative# and friend# that sin had n* t much longer to live. Ora l i ally the dts **•*• ate H* way and at lust he was forced to take to h*r bed Medicine availed her nothing unl an operardon guv 4- her no relief. The pain soon became #o excrutlatlng that she vva* kepi conwtanlly under thf* influence f noridilne flt w. almost 4n imi*os slblhty for h* r tti r* * •!: i\ nmtrishruent ind •v* t water .a i> v *l her naumu A few day# <4 go she requested her par - tor. liev V\. N Ainsworth, to visit her. Many times had he called i4t her home and found her weaker than on the oc ctisKUt of his previous visit, th*efoh .e was much H#to4i,Mtt*l to sc** her sitting up in bed find eating supper with much apparent ru**U. Bhe lad him. to hie own expression, ttmt ‘\Jihl had hmihl her that she would rwMVfr.” Bh© si!*) hat she was !*••© f*in fswtn for the tint *ll. in nvurths. and that **he hi 1 no is lid .1,■ iM vrt t uit Hi* would sram tv w•.. iiil irung again. Mr wa* *f coup***, n little skeptical of this, although he told her ;tiat <Jv**J coil a J reslur* tie itlli< !*sl to h* alth iit 11*ft do # when it suite*.! Ills purpose ll**iske*l aof'jf *n\ iHvitie h**al •r# ha*l Iwn to se* her. Sne anrw**red "No " but- I that she li.kl pr tv*d for i*-alth a I*l strength, and that G*l )ii answer***) her prayers Mr Ainsworth cullcsl to se© her on I /"▼HP I T When ii*kl • 1. almost it v rUbl> r-- I II 111 mJ Ih Miitit in a wore of xcrtoux *om plication*. I IV I 1 I\ L* Tt j ur nl< r sultitu; In dftth. Hindu rr, **v*n when JHtghf . .iker, live whole urinary qnd sen til otKxnlxm and the wholt* n>rvoU!> xyxtcm. Tin* ordinary inthod rcxoriod to for a cure are not only excruciatingly pain ful* hut frequently cauxx dlxordrrx a? nerioun an the wric- Ir Hathaway yearn ago dliNwitietl then* old-time l ir baroux nirthod* Mini perfected xyxtcm by which he re move* the xtrlcture, redurltix the thickened wall* of paxxajfc to u condition. There i* <> oiw-rutiofi k 't* treatment i | plinl by tht* patient himoelf, It in ••aiiilex?* nnd : ikra no time from lundnem* The cure el - :• -! i* iiernianetit and all otnptkNitlonx of tb dH x *d conditions are removed This method of treatment Dr. Hathaway, hy n similar method, cures \\*ii- J Nic .. haway MI. •!.• w|htif operation Ali Sexual. I’ llluod and other dlxmi*** of a chronic tixur* ir* treated by him by his exclusive ■yetern. which for 3' years has proved in triable In It.* result*. Write to h*m or call ai hi* orti- e for a 'r-e ccqy of his new book xnd symptom blank*, xnd fo free consultation and advic om. e Hours: *o 12 m. 2 to 5 and 7 Ip. m. Sunday. 10 a I•• m J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M I> HR HATHAWAY & CO.. ft A* 9RTAN RHI[, SAVANNAH, UA. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY". DECE3IEEK 5, 1900. . ii ii t. o. stair titles No 3 Van Nna Pi# e. New Tork Ir Itidwiy— Wth me your lieilef ha# marked w t r* P’or the last three year# 1 have hud frequent and *evtr# atta-'ks ,f i i.t4, a. sometime# extei.-ling fr*>m t iumber regions of tny anekle. and at tine # to both lower limb#. During me i nave been afflicted I • :.*d ©.most ail the remedies re com mended by Ue men and hoping nnd relief, but ah proved to be failures . tia * ;! **d var.i * k.r.d# of tm'.t - mar.ii uiatior.- outward ai*p!i atlon *f tirnmtiitf too numerous to mentiofi, and pre- ripttofts of the n*©*i eminaiit phy-i i .an#, ah of wu. h failed to give me re lief. la#t September, ( tne urgent reqme** of ** friend twflo had brn afflicted a# m>- seif), I w f a- it-tu si to try your remedy 1 was then suffering fearfully wtn one of my out 4urn To my aurpnae and de light the first application gave me ee •tier bathing arsi rubblig the part# at I. (! leaving the lifn #in a warm gl* w created by the He •* f If* a short time the pain p#w*i •titinly away. Althoug I have Might r** rs-ti al at ■- k# approa ;r t: a change f w*-th*r. 1 know nw how t cure mvs* If and feel quit© master cf th© altuator Hadw * * U v!y Relief l mv friend ! n vr t!,\ . without i N 4H* In my vu li4- Yours truly, G-.irg* Starr. Emigrant Cowimissiooar., RoM by all drug gists R A I‘W.V Y A Ci 4. Elm -t N©w Tcrk th*- fallowing day ami fotiiwl that she wan i .<i • m* *H* ;• *n the m*ni • in*-, and had * at*- heart fly of breakfast an*! u|p#r. On th© ti ,r ! .'ay Mr Ainsworth ' all**! ;n*l wa* told that the fsitn had returned nl that • *<© young lady had r* uml taki* -r m* ll ■ :*!*• and r>pi**t* v> *. She how**v*T, *! o si . \4>uld r* *-ov©r, ni lv Gol'e dire*'! ai*l. Th* In firing watched with much i • r* *. THE WEATHER. I* or* i't for Wednesday and Thursday: Georgia and South Carolina: Fair \v.di y *n*l Thursday; f *sh w-#t to north went wli.* Km irn Florida Partly cloudy Wei r * -liv. Thursday, fair. fr**.-h northerly w t rifle. V\. -rn V ilr or.) Thurwl.iv, llk *. r wuwlw. v...-tpnkiy’b Woalhci ut Savannah— M >xiitMUH twni|*rature. 11 >* a 111 dwT— Minimum tempwruture. * in ."•* .Iwr,.ws Mean trmpnratur- t!3 .Iw^rr-.*- Siumtl inpwralur 69 iloKrww- K*i. -w of i. uii—i ature 9<l**rce4 A.'iimul.lwl ,xip* ulnce I >,.. j 12 .leg rev. Accumulated exceea -ln<-> , Jan. 1 .. “•f leer.*-. U ilnfull 01 * ni h 5..MH..1 K\. .- wln.c 1 "-Inch I w ti. i. n. y w)n< n Jaa ) ... *i.M inehea lllv. r The hlKlit of Ih. r~h river nt Augnei.-i ,t K•> m "•* h me - ilitiun time, y.-ier-lay, i' >"> !• ••). I**., of *,.; f<*ol during Hu* proccJing twiv y-fuur hours. 4 4h!** rvatlqiw* taken t the aam© moment f .m© *H 4*l! slat.ion*. l* i. f* I* u , " meridian time Nme of Station | T. j V. {Rail i%Hton, mining ** 1 New York City, raining 52 18 1 *) l*hl)ifl©l|*hki, cloudy 41 18 12* Wi#hinglon CMV. dear 4* 22 72 Norfu k. cl©ar *d 18 °l ) iattertM*. • .* ar 6* 38 *d \\ liming toft). H©ar .'<6 24 T CharkXle. bar 46 j !*) J .04 Rah gh. cl* ar 48 j 10 | * ;Kirleaton. i*t. cloudy .... 5) 14 .**o Atlanta, cbaidy 14 16 T \ugus(a cb ar j fid j 8 j •*> flivannah, cloufly 54 l‘ j Ja**ksN*nv lll\ cloudy J 58 1° Jupiter. tt. cloudy J 8 .11 K**y West, cloudy 1 72 22 T Tampa, clear ♦* 6 .03 Mobil**, pt. cloudy ... 80 J 6 •* Montgomery, cloudy 48 12 T Vicksburg, clear * 41 \ 6 o# New Orlewns. clear 52 J L .0*) Gaivcston, dear 54 J L Corpus Tirlstl. clear .... o* f 6 .on Palestine, clear 54 L ; .*•* Memphis, dear 42 | .8 * .</ Cm. innatl. raining 38 14 T Pittsburg. cliMviy k* J 12 1.6< Buffakx rwmlug 36 j 10 j .6 I> troll, raining j 36 6 T 4*hiago. cloudy 38 | 14 | .01 M irnueUf. #Mvfr|ng 34 L T St. I ‘mil, dear 3> 10 j T lav riport. cloudy 36 j 12 | .•> flt. L*ui#. cloudy | 38 f 16 | T K ansas Cliy. clear 46 L m Okftahoma. cb ar I# L '■> po*lu© City, clear 42 . lm .#) N >rth Platte, pt. cloudy..) 4* ! f, | .*#> If B. Royer, Local Forecast rtlflcad SEH 8 AT IH III.IV % l(*M*k-Throw ina V|Urrenn(Tkr Flection for Jgitlrr. Dublin, On., Dec. 4 - Sunday last, about 5 hh o'clock, some on© threw a rock into tit© r**>r pasenger cowh of ih© Wrightsvilie *in) 'lVnnillc aftern<#n l#>lenger trait*. Ju?-i a few minutes after it had left Dublin for Ten nil le The ro k wa*# thrown by some on© who was stand* trig near the oil mill and Ice plant. Th* rock entered the coach just avc the head# of Messrs. H. M. Khk sik! li. M Gieir of this city, and shattered gia# lell all around them, but caused no dam age Every effort will be made to dl.— cover the rock-thrower. The election for justice of the pw*# r.*r Dublin distilct was hotly c*ontr#cl • .4*t Friday J K. Burch. Kaq . w a oiKtel receiving 74 mor* votes than Mai T D. Smith th# r unv.ii Mi J K II iwkiic* w also a <#ni||<!ati*, but r* I I uit of il (Di ll I cast. Sold nl Receiver'# *Nle. Thoinaaville 4*i . P* 4.—Thomasvllle • leetrie tight and ga# plants w j* ©old to- Kiy it rei*elveis‘ sale Th© prop©rt> wis ;n*>ckel down t* Robert Gam'd* of thle *\ at $!.• Bi*. R ui)*krsutod th* piai.* i I ! • reorganised and greatly improved f l expanded iMHlftl* IYTELLIGEMCTC. 'I n 11 r* of |#trrr#l to vh pping Mr# (tmrrnll > . T • Georgia Lumber Company (• still n **ve|y at work improving lt wharf I r- p riy, winch include# the #tret 'h be- rr Hut# aid Aber'on *gr**i Piling * h**tng driven near the Bull straet •nd of the wharf. As fast a# the piling Di * ©d trie wharf Pack of it is be;iij repaUed wuh adddiagia: supports. New floor!rg 1> i#o being laid. An i- f lumber Is handWl annually over • t *•♦■■ -rgls Company's wharf, oo that ■ wear mi I tear I* very great. A# regards th© sailing fleets of the world * 1 '. -f , Muds with h*-r xhl* **r far In *lv in- e of all the other - antrl*-© British shipowner# have again u* The past year considerably lessened r l , * Ing-ship property vis. by.lSO.'dO Mj Norway is the only country which a fo,lowed Great Britain s example in • t • 11 r 'tun. h©r sailing-ship tout.*?* having fall*-:- **ff by &8/SI) ton*. ** Tr • sailing fleet of the l*nfled States. o, :h* other hand, haw Increased by • and now, wlLh It* l 1.341.400 tons, am "ir * to more than half he British. But. of * ci*- •*. ii must b** taken Into -o*i- 1 r.i’i*r. that in h* o eof tmth st4-am • i ur;*l -atl* r# the v***-.-* is plying on the great American Lake* #r* inctuled In the latisTi* -, in ocean v**-*- m the merchant f;av - of th** I'nlte*! S*at*> l> of mu'li .illcr ImporLu.vv Norway stands third ium’ .41.1ng ton nag* . tii© Norse gian -.iiiing fleet attain©*! It# maximum irt th© >.ir 3#s. with 2 ♦*..■■ tn* aisl was th**i only a very little way b*!lf**l at *t t:.* lnltel St a let-. Hli. • then tli© Am*:.can ©ailing fl**-t ha** remain©*l I© - tty much thosime. while thtsl *>t Nor way ha- • en r**luced ctonslderaPly; In the la t tw**.v© months, m# already show®, it ha# l*een ma le smaller b> tons, and now *tnnda at 8H,fl)0 loin#. Germany take# th© fourth pkt**© (hut at h rather long distance) with UI.W) tons, a:. I h**r sailing fleet his only Increase*) P\ 3.**** lons In the j*#t year. Next fol low Italy with .>*,* mj tons (increase n.ion TM!si. Ku 4in witii 47m.-•# ton# (Increase #*• toitm: Franc©, with 341.< ttns (in ■ reas© ;;„•.*#'•* tons), Ss*- Ini. with 274,CM) ions. Turkey, with 24>.(M) tons, etc. Th© ttig Wm F. arrival ♦ Havana %•■*‘f**riny aftern*M>n at 4 o’clock towing the Parg© Carl von Dobeftn, lum h r la*l©n. from Savannah. It Is probable the full von Dubln will b© uld at Ha vana. l'H4 4f tiH* > rii by Ate© m#b t p#. rassenger* by wte.imshtp City of Au gusta f.r N©w York yesterday—A. New herger. E Mil M L*rney. W. A. Hilts nnd wife. D. laidrln anl wlf©, T Delevanty and wife. Vivian Graham. A. I* Carter. F, Kerbtiwr and wife. Mr Me* l* nald, C. A Washburn ani wife. Mrs. M* lv) dl ami doughter. Kahl*-*1 Mtdad and wife V*. B Thompson and wife. Joe Haag. Georg© Ifolght. N. Bnydwr and wife. M I rdm* n and wife. T H Leake. John Hlu<k. Philip (VHellly. Arthur Dalby, P. Nttiuelo, Phil Burk Passengers by ©(©aTmhtp Chatham, sail ing to Baltimore yesterday—F. H Chap man, Tom Wood. J B. Myers. le>ui© Wolf, L. P Biker. Passenger* by steamship Alleghany, ! sailing f. pntUdelphiu v*-*t* Mlhh H ! < 'hrtirPi** • limn:" lllcke, A L Myerson and <*Mi-tn. Mi- 11. Freeman and child. II W. Holt. *e \iiiimi Ii Almniir. Sun ns . It 6:4$ a m and sets at 4:34 p. m. High water at Tybe© to-day at 6 27 a m anl 6<n p in High water at Hav an nuli on* .hour later. I'liMaen of 4be V|o**n for Kirrrmlirr. Btandar*l tlm©—snth mer D. If M Full moon 6 4 3* morn Lust quarter 13 4 42 eve N* w moon 21 H l ev*e. First quarter 38 7 48 eve Moon jer!g©e, 3*l and 30th. Moon aje>- !g* 15th. .% It 14 I 8 IM AMI 1)121* % Hll RES. lettrU Irrlvrd isalrrdav. Ship Marla Kaffo (IihI). Kamondu, from below St ra chan A t^o. V •#• l# 4 lenred Ycatrrday. Park liravo (Nor). Andreaeen. Ham burg —47 hr. G. Dahl A Cos. I e#**©!# $8 ©Mt to He*. Bt**am hip City of Augusta, Daggett, N**w York. Ht*am#htp Chatham. James. BaMlfnor*. S'*anin2ilp Alleghany, Foster, I*hlla*iel- Bark Teresa !o Vigo (Hal), Tarraro. Ge noa. Burk Progres-o (ItAl), Am Pros a no. Ge noa Burk Cosmo# (Hr), Mullgraft. Pernum ' bum S< h*oner Aetna, chapman. Near York I 'retail*# iuiil 4 hnrtrr#. B* hooner Jeremiah Smith, Hrun-ni k to N* w York lumlier, SS*.7S. S* hot> * r l.k>ra Matth* rs, Brunswick to New York, lumber, $0.75. *liippliu 'lrmornnd#. IVnmndina Flu., Dec. 4 —Arrived. #t* urner balk Alkaline (Br), Leblanc. Phila-lelnhta. Cl*‘ut**l. steamer, 811 verila!© (Hr). Ball#, Rotterdam, via Norfolk, schooner Flora Rogers. Williams. S.n Fernando. Trim dad. flailed, inhoonera Charles D Hall. Gray. Pruvidcn* *. H. 1.. flu ill© lon, Gifford. lal tlmui . Gi itv *. D Buchanan. Harrington, New York Port Tampa, Fla . Dec. 4.—Arrived, steamer Thoms# Melville, lioott; New York. ©cliuoner Sarah C. Ra|H*r, Klg*-r Hu vu tin. Ma#cotte, White, linvanu, via Key West. I’ei icola, Fla . Dec. 4. steam- r Aquila (Nor). Andersen, lluelvu - -'.••.•Mttooa (Non. Norbo. 81 mder laud * * * j****l. l urk Tr (Port). Condo, fb n cut I * mid Lou tola, passed, bark Robert -t B • i.ui*l (Hr), fr>m Manchester f*>r Ship Inland, uil well, Non The Norwegian steamship AquiU. Capt. Andersen, which #rrlv*d th morning fr*m Huelva. r©|orts having l**t -d. in luUtud* IN N., l*ngitu*l* 77. the - >n* r Maty L. la rtnan. which wa a total wre k Her stern was burned to the w it*i # dg and her rigging was all gone, no oi> on boar*). J teksonville. Fla , Dec. 4.—Entered. • */in r John \N Hull. Boone. N**w York. < l ur*-*l. steamship Comanche. Penning ton. New* ) *rk. svhoonar Georg* Adel !- t Ann #. Do*lg* . New Y*>rk; Isaac N. Kt rlin, flt eimat), Ikrltlmor**. lov-r Pe*. 1 Arrived, steamer Ung fleid. Pensacola. Idverpool. I>* c. 4 —Arrived, steamer Barbara. Charleston. Budlmor* P* 4 —Balled, steamer De— uiur il Miller, fluvannuh, sclHMNier 11 p M.iMtn, Savumwih. K* y W* st. Fla Dec. 4.—Arrive.T. t im< r WhUney, New Orleans. aiti oail- 1 for Havana. Olivette, Smith, Port Tampa, and willed for Havana. Chari* Mon. Per 4.—Arrive*!, steamer flint nole. I burse, Boston, via New York, and pi * • ed**d ii) Jacksonville, sch#*nei P ur'ltu (Br). I'.rrv Hararoa. Sail and steamer Chstburn (Br). Wood. Bur*'elona. #cho*ner Anna L. Mulford. French, Phlla*lelphts. Dak* a Cr# k, fl C . De*.t 2.—Arrived, (earner Thrift (Nor), New York. Aotlee to Mlarlnera. Pilot chart# and nil hydrographic Infor mation will be furnl#hi*d mn#te*w af ves- , ?*U fro 9f clHtrft In Voiro ffutw by- j drognphlc offl e In Cu#t*wn Haul#. Cap tain# ars retjue#ted to taill at tne ©ffl**- Reports of wrecks and dare lets received for transml#s*or to the Navy Depurl, meat. Forrta© Kuor(* Per Norw©gk*n b.irk Bravo, for Ham hurg—4 OflO (#irre r*-***!: s!*• • ' 32. 1" ■ ■ oil, si6g*, I*B barrel* j h $431; !.*•* * •*- pitch, sM2.—Cargo by fl P flhotter Ox f on4in ii*- Fiiport#. Ter st**arn#hip Chatham ir Piltimor* *s4 ba.©- upland -uTtoti. >Af.* bbl- bbls turpeptin. 114 1V f. ei lumber boxes vegetable.* #a< ks a>, 26 -u#ks •>, rS pkgs mdse. 58 pkg 4 cl *nne#tl'W nod yarn#. 273 cases *ann*d goods, 1$ *u • railnietto fiber. 13 l>u.* -d < * t <u lumber for Baltimore, 17‘*2>4 feet lumber for Phftad.f-iphia Per #t amhip Ah- g .any, f*r Phiuid* l> bah*# upland cotton. - M 1* ro*ln. 1 hb!s turpentine, 454 tax©* orangrs. f& crate* vegrt..hle*. l.'t bblt* rosin oil, 30 bbls lOtton se***l oli. • * - k u>, 5,7*5 oak stave©. $* pk. rswiM --i pk dom* sties and yarn-- 41 Ki.* 2"'. Ija!e* rice straw. 251.8 Hf* i lunih*-r P* r steamhlp <’ify of Augusta. Ivr N -w York~?w bal* upintul cotton, 4 1 ** bul island cotton, l <l:n*- bbls cotton s*-* and oil j •• - • inn*<l gtwjds. kr. b *l# t' . 221*!;! * f. *q luni i ter. ISO.6QD shingles. 21 bids 4 71'.* ©v fruit, 3; Ufli vagatabftea 12 rrau taftdaa UD caaaa cigai * lan ‘•uses *otton#©‘d *i. i k • w. seed. 43$ pkgs tmk*. 5i Im!* ni**> THE THUMB! 11l 21* \ HT||:\T. Lxtrnel# From •!•- Vno mil Report •f Serretsr) t*nu*. Washington. Dec. 1 Tfollowlnc or* extract* lrom the annnul report of th*' fle**retury of th© Tre.nury Tlie Interritt linulnu I)**tt. The Inter©#t-l)©aring *l* i t July 1. !$•• Included unmutur*-*! United Sut*s b<*: ! outstanding amounting to |; there having iw-en u n ! i tjon m. . .1 1, 18$!(. of s22.'i£7,©ft | This was br*iigiit •bout by th* purcha nient of th© B©** ret ary of the Tr* - * ury ot Nov. 15, 18$$. of 4 per cent, bond.- funded loan of 1907, amounting to sp.3!o : • i: and 3 per cent. )K>n*h. loan of K*q, in th* amount of There w.-ra aho re deemed, under the fl, rotary‘a call of May 18. I$U). United Stute# bon-li, of the funded loan of 1831, oon?.nu©d ( r *’©nt . In the (imouttf <-f f *.v> T’• total reduction In th* -*> thr*-*- !<miis up to July 1, liaai. wna I22*X. # bit (he net reduction, an Mat*! abm * wi $22 7 .V>* tlKre hi*vlng l*en Issued !uriny the t.- .! year 3 pt*r cent, iswai*. lour *f amounting to s!l3,s3\ and SZ.Vit In 4 j*. r cent, bonds, funded loan of In con version of refunding certifl* ’•*. of w ii were Issued i paymenl of u ru*d Interest on sai l *•♦ itill-.4*© Fnrri#n 4 *iitni*‘r*©. Four great facta character!*© h© foreign commerce of he fiscal >-ur !>•* Fir-*, tt exceed*#! chat of any pr© , * < *liH| year, 4n*l fr the first time th© grund t..t i| *f imports and exports pa#*©d )h* tw** 2ii l(o*i dollar murk; scocxl. irMiiiiifs Ctircr muterluls tor if©-*) u turgor pt* -ortion •* th© mi#rts than ever before; third, mtin ufactur#l good* formed a kirgi r propor don of th© exports than ©vr hfoi fourth. ’XfNrts wr© larger than * v lef<r© iid.) were more widely distr. arte*! than m any year Tiie Imports of the year were $845.541.- 184. N57.148.45$ in 1595. an IncrwaA© of s!32.7s2>DT> This large In-'rea-**, h*w'- ever. Is chiefly in niunufa Turers* mate i rials Total fix poets. The total exports of th* year were val ued at $1.354.483.052. of whi h $5.370.73.:.71 were of domestic productioi * f this vase -urn. manufactures form***! 21 6.‘ per *-vnt., again bt 2S 21 per ©nt. in IW<, 2' 14 per cent. In 1835, and 17.87 p* r *eit. In Iv**. The total exi>ortatiofi >f manufuctur* - • luring the year was 14Xl.WA.~'A iwalnet $335.52.14(5 pi 18$$. un Incriwi.-* *t marly,tiuo, or aiiout 28 per *n*. Agri* ultural pm#lu*t at-, show < cr.iM fvlng gain over 183$, *.* t* f. r t year Is> being 8830.858.12 J. against $784,776,- 14*2 In while every other das*—min ing. forestry, fisher I©-, and mlscekimoom —also show# un In r*os* in 1900, us corn i*ar©d with the pre**e*Mng y* ir. I in imlk ration. The Commissioner (J©r;eral oi Imm rn* lion, in tin annual report of th* op* ra tion# of Ins bureau lor the fiscal year ecwletl June So. IsX>, submits tabulated statemenu showing tt* arrival in this country during that period of 448.572 ulb n Immigrimts. 425.372 through !>*>rt# of th United fltute# and *23 lh:o igh j Of I males; ;.4.t,2l were nnd* r 14 years of a .* 1 37© :;\2 were from 14 to 16 years old. and i 22.>j6 w re 15 aiai over. Marin© ll<#|i!lnl Srrvlrr. The surgeon general of the Murine Hos pltul H* tvl e reports t!at s*i. :.V. sick cml disabled seamen of the mer< hard m irin© w©rt treated during the IP a. >©r. of | which numoer 12.$M were treated |r> ho**- i pitals. Th.c© w©r© 1 :>© import,mt surgi cal operation* perform***! requiring th© | us© of aiMssthfllt'M. Ther are twenty-two United fltnt**# ma rine hospitals ii mi 115 additional r* ilef Nt ikms. The tmiane© of th Marin** Hospital fund Avattubli at th© fftmnvpemstii of th© ti**- cul year was s6*2 ".'i 33 ir.d th- r©* *tpt> from all sourr* - $916 ;bij •> Th© *x|h i tures wef. $8*:;. (477.5!. Th© balun e July ]. 13W. was 1773.313 42 ritoio*t*n in i \mi.i:. Meat. Stacey, \tw In Hnullia. to Wed Ml% Mnrion llrlatol. b'roLii the Atlanta Journal. % "Uw laugh* at kx.kxmHhx," isayx the i*oet, xnd he mUo has u few gixgiex up in sleeve lor o* her thing*—cable tolls, tor instance. This kilter ts.'t Is demonstrat ed by an engagement just announced In this city. The ttrutwwl came by cable from tar-off Manila; and the answer, a .•wen "Yes." went th* im* wi) m. bridegroom-to-bn pnld the cable l>ll The contra ting partis: r. J|,,. Marlon llrlstol, otic of the pretty girls wit.-, *A Milk White Flag." or hi h aplasti- I here '.as* Saturday evening and night, u n.| Isleut. Stacey, an army ottl.. r now on duly In the Philippines .Mi-. Hri-tol i to leav* the theatriral •-ano.inv In -■ than a mom it and start f. r M i |. |,, t , sh< Kill l>. me* h I.lcm. St.i . v . Miss llrlstol and the lieutenant have loval each otter for Severu vein. T* yearn ago trie a-- a- let* I to duty In the Philippine* an.l M ,„ , . t,. lf film* mere has ... i. .i few days ago Miss Bii-t-- lot. and on. .1 Ided that he would wall no longer and took the cable as the tl ke,t u ,^ Ing her whether or not he would ).,m him ahroatl. She replied In the atTlruia live. Cable tolb) he* wen her* aid Manila ar something to rontempkit. i j.,.-: tliit the |>to|K>al came that wa\ w . | cate hat U*-ui. Bla > Is ..ritf r| i idrta to wj> the least. Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Hclunded. WHY SUFFER? Bold under guarantee at following atoms- Howllnskl a. Jones Jlat 1.1 T-tnDle Knight's. W. F Retd's. M i-low f . ,v land s. Donnelly s, and W. A. I'.gman '■ Bavann.ih. Oa. LdPPMAN BROS. Savannah Oa and W. V. RUE’- bavutuijfc y , Dieirbutora. PRINTING THE Lithograph and Printing Department of the Mornin? Now* i one of the lrge>t in the .South. It Is equipp ! to do the best work in all branches of printing. Its plai.t l. modern and i operated hy skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS- Bank Book# of all kinds Is our #p* .r Checks. Deposit Slip* ar.d general stat.onery th*j Morning New# dor suserlor style Ami n Link It n. t not how vrruill. should bo wituout i . lithograph crieck books. MANUFACTURING PLANTS— We mak* a specialty of doing cut w as well 4* lithograph w rk for *1 m fu-tturlng plants, not only In Clears In Aial*Mtna Florida and th© Cnr* a 0 Under this bead Is embraced Guano V torie.-*. Blow Works. Turpentln* l ivi \ Raw MiNx. Foundries, Br. werle- Mt flhtjps. In fa t oil kind# of enittpn*.( this chariritf. COMMERCIAL WORK- A business man. no matter where he . bustn- s • iii't afford pv te* without t stationery. If ht* does nothing but eggn he ought to have It. Th* M* New# mnkt.s u sped illy of doing mat for country merchants. And n pb'asure In s©n*llng samples wuh p from which selections may be mad* COUNTY RECORDS- Re'ortl Itook- for oountl—i*. T.ix !: . oinriMl flunloorry far towns and .1 I,k il B.ank and Forms of evsrv .!■ s lion w. ar>- r d la do qui kly n .1 chrap and well LITHOGRAPHING— I.llhraphlna Is a h of ih* bur. ta Whl -h esfo..'lal ntl,n(b>n Js devolrd t* Hi© larK*'.'l estutdlshmenl In the ■ ... ai:d ir hy the host ar!!*.t.- :r t euntr> We cheerfully furnl*h eslm and auhmtl aamplra of llth<nrraph i When avritlng to us addreaa the Dorninj; News Job l)o. partment. Do not think that you are consuming our time In asking us questions and writing for estimates. Whether u t get your order or not, we shall be glad to offer the best \t have. Morninfl News .lob Department, SAVANNAH, CA. uri’Mi \ t.. ARREARS FOR GROUND RENT? Cl tv of Savannah. Offlo City Treasurer, !w\ 1. 1900 T • following lo** are In Arrears for ground rent, of which owner* are Iwreby not Hied. C. 8 flunks, City Treanurer. Brown War ! I,ot 51, 2 qrt'ij. *M <*uti Wand Middle V. lot 14. 2 quar t. * cant Lof w. *-t n, lot 21. 2 quarter* . t 27. 2 quarter? , lot 21. 2 quarters, lot I*. > quarter'; lot In. 2 quarters. C n W i:d Lot 1. 2 quarters; eaid ’j 1 l"t 25, 2 quarter*. C .if ham Ward—Knat 1 lot 1. 2 quar **!■>. middle * 3 lot 12. 2 quarters; east *.• "t 24. 2 quart m; east lot 21. 2 quar ter * ♦ a't >2 lot 29. 2 quarters. Columbia Word— Lot K>, 2 quarter?, east p„rt lot 21. 2 quarters; lrt 22. 2 quarters; j part lot.- 29 and 30, 2 quarters; west ** of east part lot 2 quarters. Crawford Ward W -a * 3 lot 6. 2 quar ter?. lot 33, 2 quarters; lot 34. 2 quarters ! • 39. 2 quarters; lot 40, 2 quarters; north west irt lot HB. 2 quarters. Crawford Wrd, Kant—Middle part lot 1. j quarters; i<art lot 15. 2 quarters; pun ! li t 15. 2 quarters; lot I*. 2 quarter* Libert Ward—West H lot 19, 2 quarters; itiuvist part lot 24. 2 quarters; cant h I 'l'vtli Ward I>>t I®. 2 quarters. Franklin Ward—Lot 2. 2 quarters; east L | lot 27. 2 quarters 'N • w Kmnklin Ward—Hast *4 lot 14, 2 quartet . w*-d H lot 14. 2 quarters. Given Wsnl-Last ‘r lot 3. 2 quarters. *.i i |iurt lot 4, 2 quarters; south '* lot I*. 2 quarters; uorth**st **♦ lot 28. 2 quarter;* Jackson Ward—Lot 13. 2 quarters, tn;d ' qie lot 32. 2 quarters. Ja.xper Ward—lx>t 2. 2 quarters; west l 3 j lot . 2 quarters; lot 3t, 2 quarters; lot 43, 2 q Miti?>. west l a lot I*;, 2 quarters; east . lot 4t. 2 quarters laifayotte Ward lo* 1. 2 quar ter.- went lot *. 2 quarters, It* 44. 2 i quarters. Liberty Ward—Lot 4. 2 quarter*; lot 9. _ q nu n is. lot 9. 2 quarters; lot 10. 2 qgar. i a-t jvirt lot 14. 2 quarters; cast lot 3k, 2 quartern; Vs lot sa. 2 quarters; ; lot 35, 2 quartet;-. Lloyd Ward—V\ st V3 lot 44, 2 quarters; lot *2. 2 quarters; west 1 3 1* 62, 2 quar- I lets Alonti’p'V Ward—Last 2-5 lot 10, 2 quar tets; l t 27. 2 quarters, lot 2*. 2 quarter*. Buiuski W ant—Lot 9. 2 quarters; lot It 2 quarters; south V- lot 23. 2 quarters. \\ ard—Trust lot 8. 2 quarters WHF* * W ard- lot 15. 2 quarters, west part lot S>, 2 quarters; lot 31. 2 quarters north 4 lot 37. 2 quarters, ißt of soiHh % lot 37 2 quarters; M 40. 2 quarters; west part lot 29, 2 quarters. Warren War*!—West c lo* 10. 2 quarters, lot it>. 2 quartern. Washington W an!—Last U lot 14. 2 qu.r t* rs west ’? lot 14. 2 quarters. \\ t*s]ey Ward—Kast H lot 11. 2 quarters All j*erson having Interest In the above lots an- hereby notllled that If tie* amount now due are not paid to tin* city treasurer on oi before Dev. I3tii met . l will proceed on the ni ti.liik of l>ec 14 to i enter according to law. JOHN POWBII. Oty Marshal. UQrOR LICENSES. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. rtavannah. Ga.. Nov. 30. 19uo.— I The fol • is\ i.c appl 4 at km a to teiafi liquor during t.n >• ir 1901. were r*’ id *t meeting ~f 1 ounoll, Nov. 2* I>>, ami referred to the Committe* of the Whole W. r Bailey. Clerk of C ounctl. Ar.gltn Tho*.. 139 Bryun afreet, west. Anderson. Joseph N.. No. 39 H.imlolph e t reel. Ahel, Chas , southeast comer Bay and A Im-room streets. Ih wan. J. 0., corner Bull and Best streets. iti tenhoop, J H., No. 523 West Broad street. Ih*h. II N. C., No. 225 Last Broad j *t i eet. Connery. C. l\. No. 110 Hi Julnn street, west. J M No. 147 Farm street. Plerk*. *Wm. C., No. 834 Whitaker street Doyie. M J . Market Sqttart. Perst. <•♦*!.•. 7T Wesit Bro*d street. l*v i>. Wtllhiin. northesst corner Liber ty iml West Broad streets. Ln f lman A 11 No. 71 Kast Bros*! str-*et, -orner Gwinnett street. Kichhoi* K lane and Lost Br<>.d streets. Liehhof* s*.‘hr. No. 1012 Cftn* tery strer Gr -\- . W •*.. northwcm cortn r Ikirnnrd tin*! Bryan str-*ta. Gikiea, Neil, No. 110 Broughton street. **4*St . ti.illna. J. A . No 9 Drayton street. Geffken, Harman H . No. 422 Brougnton street east. H* rnket j. if southeast corner Liber ty im| Whitaker afreet*. Hart. Frames, No. 11 Jefferson street. Heltman. J F.. No Q 4 President street. Hermann 4 Bercutheim. No i Barnard iirwt. omniL. Kiene. Herman. No. 134 Br\ t Kelly. A T . Buy nwir I 1 Lyon. John A- Cos., north*mi ■ Broughton and WWtaker •tr--* Unr. N . No If* Broughton Levan. Chan. H , No. ill < *lre*t %'•** M' lnckt. V. A . No. 583 B . <. t . Manning. P . No. 23 Bav , Morrison, Harsh, No. **♦ • av**tiu*. east M* v. r J V , No 541 B:rn ■ McAlpin, T E , No. 34 Pt . Nell. Otto W 4*si Brouci west. Ohsiek. Chas., southeast corner • thor|o avenue and Iteyuokb* *i- Ohsiek. John. northea.'T • i i* and West Broad atre*t^ Peter*. Fred, northeast • ■•r ,< toughs and P.irk avenue Beil:v. L.. 12* Bryan stree- w t H... i.t' n. Martin Ac <’o.. N** ton street, west. liegeiiouolox. A. C. Sc Cos. \* mi etr*et. west. Hehvn. L. C.. northeast ot J* and Alice *tree' He pice. John. So. 229 !>r.r *• n > lUv-ker. J W Bro . ou* Wet Wwf Broad and Joses streets Baskin. B . corner West Btoad ♦ Gwinnett streets Sampson. P 3f2 Bryan rtree- w**** S hw int. Gsorga, 317 Congrr west. Steinman, Bros., No. 44 Wet 1 street. Bteffen*. Harry, fwist Bros I ir I thorpe avenue. H.*hrnrs. tJeorge C . corner Cot Whitaker street*, gihnaars. H. J . N<* 4"! Wi - 0.. No !t Price S h* ver. J If . 127 West Hr and Stahmer. John 524 Bryan *••* Tauasuik. Chas.. No. a 2 • avenue. Tletikan. lYod J., No. 539 Lih#r' eat. Veriikl. Kll. No. 42 Barnard *t* Voller*. W., southeast corn* and West Broml street. Welt*. R.. northwest comer hi t } and Harris a:rents. Wihium A- Grice, No. We* # st rest. it’s < fiEmmun THAT Smilh’sChill Ti-n A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue. Typhoid, Intermittent. Malaria. And All Forms of Fevers. ALL DKirnOISTS SELL IT i> v * Ot’ARANTKE —Xli*nufi-(urf<l by COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. UA. ladies;^ The most powerful remedy f rp ’’ IrreKularitlea peculiar to the ■ < armaajj" MPfifj .‘ifß ~k i APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUt)- 11 Hnpi rtor U> Apk>l, Txfiny or I’> nnj ITicc, SI.OO ; bottle of Caporlw* I.vt* I>ruArlt#. P. O. Box K* STOPPED THE COl 1 Prather'* Tsr ami Cherry Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRU(i CO.