The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 05, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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financial ano commercial %0 % >CK I' HOSINk KETI HK Ot tUL LOCAL UtßKi;rs. 4 li. spat loiwn Ytwrket lleaii* and l nchan#cl, YY tik Fair IVemaud I'rcvnlltug —Turpentine Firm at , t -_t<n-k> IrrvKUlar, and Ulrr \t <ak In Sympathy With Drop In • naar—Lueal anil Telegraphic <larlt<*> Thu Morning Srs office, Tuesday, Dec. 4. Atl advance of 5c on grades K. F anil (, in the roln market mas (he only ~ gf of consequence In local quotation* , ,y While there Waa it fair demand ■ c advance for a part of the day .tier trading developed an eaaler un ion*. which *ai not promising for malntenanca of ptlc*r, though it war , ue Rrslood that any eransaettoris . made after the closing on a towel ,i , than quotations. The spirit* tur , t lie market closed llrm at 18c. with operate demand reported Spot not iced steady and unchanged. with r> cerate sales on the table A fair and ri< ,j was ruyiortad for fa. b. cotton. w; -., holders continuing the policy of f.,.. rg the market with the cotton It can _ .orb. at their price* The cotton fu- I r* market closed quiet and steady, v .in prices net 4 to U points lower, v. ... moved Irregularly, later snowing • drooping tendency In sympathy with i Itop of 5 full points In ekrgar trust which was the feature of the move r ,i)i The following resume of the dlf t,.,,nt markets will show the tone sol qa . at.ons at the closing to-lay: (.seal sail t.encrol Markets. I , ,| Couon— Steady, unchanged rcks—lrregular, weak Motley—Call, steady. 4k4'a per cent I . penutos—Firm. ike. K.-xw-f Inn E, I". G up is < .ii deed Oil—Nominally rosier < tVTTOS. •jna .otion market cioeed stetdy and v ttigfd to-day, with sales on the spot . ; ;•* tales. The demand for both rp°'u o b cotton was reported as rattr :j <>ry, and a fair business was doing at Colton Exchange throughout the day. 1 . lav's receipt* were 5,1*5 against ~ ■ \. u. and U.Cai year before lest . ,m k was W7.83U. against lll.’.** la*l ; ,e following ware the official spot quo. I. an* at tae close of the market at the , y.scnang* to-day Tou> Last .lay veal uJ. i ITi:-liUii. '. .. J . '-- ■ *'v 7‘. .Mi'Mlln* 3.' - tnl'idllns li!* Mirkrt pn<4ay; >•*!*# I*9. receipt*. c\port- and stock*. <-lpt* thij day .twwipis (hit* day U 4 year ~.Til t.\. u..y \'t*r btor Ust 13,'^ Hveipm ilniT 1. IMO Sjnm ly lu*t MC.iW •'• *t **\i*urtn I ®3 • • i u hand thl* lay i)7.>w • t . ,\,w ]*jt y***r 111. UK U. .• U*<' ;ihl dok at the port*— • *PU thl* d.y . f*pta thl day la*4 yvar 33.**96 •>• € in* day >ar fur* lu*t 7' 498 ! t-i|u aiiH * B<‘|>r i. 19**. t .'*T tiro* luat war . \, .• haforo U*J .4.te1§39 •' kat all |€3krla to-day ... 628.343 %am< day laat yrr .1,681.886 Mitvrim i a it otlifi |*ol*— ♦ loti Stt-u<l\ . tut* It llt ini' 9 11-H; i*t i ' j*t.,.!< aro-. 2*.M*; tock, 222. :*W. Oi l* j K i.-> . mlikilkdk. 9 13-16; i ,i.t- !.'.*?; #ro*s*. 13.? u; ,•> k 113.313. l * i’. St- ih nii*iiiltnK. 9 9-h net r* - - mmx* 1.919; stock, • *t. ; mi. mldtllititf. 9S; nei r * • *:*-► >5. ,4lock. 12 US. V\ tltnti *;tai Ktrnt; mitMUug. 9-*. net rc •*#. Norfolk rilt-mly; mt-Mitn*. l’, it** re in, u._ Kiok. 3,345, njltf. 2.127; .-ti*'k tiiiiiioi* Nominal. tiiUklliUK lo‘,. net ipM. trot . lull. to* k, 12.77i*. V. \v York Dull; ml.Min.*j to 3-W; fjpt. 1.V17, gro*. .1.3*1 **!*. 114, Mock, IWtoii mi'Mhiiu I<* 3-16. ih| rt*- I|U. 1.673. mioa*. 12.991 IMuUnhdphla Quiet; inUkilui*. ! 7-16; • re-*-ipti. Ito; n • Mov* menu at Interior Town*— Aunu. ’a -dtca l). mltitiliiiir. 9 7 *; i**t te* • p > 3.687. Ki eh-, 2.0i1 ; Miiti l , tJ99. stock, Memphis— 6tea<ly. middling 9 13-16. not Nd|6i, 4,670, groat 4.9T0, tola a. 3.70), •rock. 114,734 St Louia-idtaady. cxMdtfUog 9 13-16. net 4pia. 2.16 k, grata. 12.136. sale*, > t'ook. 63.576 :ncirrr,au—Qufe* . middling. 9V not re- Npu. 3.433. groat. 3.463 stock 10.4* Houaton—Htetdv mkWtltng. 9 11-16; net •celplt. ll.tkb; grots, 14.633. sales. HJ6; oek. 106.976 lA>uis\iH -Klftn; niMtlliiitf 9 T * imports of Cotton Thl* Da> Mobile—C<Miivue, 2. two .N HMIAH-riM.vlinßf, lilt < 'harltfton— Canunti.t. 6,662; . )a. Norfolk—Coa,tlM. t'H N*w rk—llonliHMif. >k>ion—To OrM*. Britain, 3 V.. 1 'lutal lorrlKii exiioru. from all por; thin ..—To Urcat Britain, S.Sil: lo tlie .•00.i.i .i.i foreign export* from all port* lltus loli week—To Ormi Britain. 41.W0; > I ian.-e to the continent. 4*.7U|. 10t.,1 lurrlin export, rli.i’e Sept 1. IMP— " tJreat Britain. to Franc. !2.- >o the continent •'Ciarle.ton, S. C., U. I —Cotton •<lv. niMdlmg, Wc; iu.l none. SBA I,UVD C4ITTOV. ' t th* lower price, there I. a nntrked • i ro. .-meeit In e, l.lanri rollon iradlng e th, oleing of the melt la,l Friday 1 eatlmatrd that thnaiderahh' *al ** he#u made, .pproximutiny 1.7. Q ■'"h the demand ,neh a> lo promtxe lih -I*l .lee for th, preedit week Itnjrr, *nd laclor. have up|Mienlly cnan to rm to the tradlna baa!*. Sale, ol ntind lot were reported this .Mon.lay. f*rlcc, about os loikiw,: Xtra (holes Florida, 12 ' V Oeoralaw xtta ehalat rteorgla, i'l n>. Ueorgtaa 1, Mr, Unr tleorgla, 14 •he laeorgiaa ../....IT Uaotlpta and Block,- IWO-0: lldiat) ■■elpi. po.t H ,..k I.ll* 'port, past week I.M" *ll - iht, *. ason 3o a'. 4S.<ai paM week 2.0X1 2 3*7 ''k on hand J 22.1 K!, !*.**• toil Ilk I'ITIHM. •he I losing Uutvt aud kleady 01 1.0,a ol II lo |t Point,. • N-wr York, Dec. 4.—The cot ton ntark.t t' .1 jord an It regular < ourso to-day and •* ulatiou allowed further contraction ro I'r a. the public was concerned übroa I ■ well aa hero and in New Orleans. Taa peeing wo a earn with near month, 1 to holma higher on covering by room ' rt*. fallowing better cable, than rx • •p-d, and rumors that Southern po'. IJ kata Wert uleanclng on .< live f*|ft 1 I domeatlr i|etn.m.l The more remote ton, were 1 io S points lowow uiwler ' '."'el m ltmg an model ate scale, and k almost total atj,cucc. <i( support from a >} direction. Boon after the call the MURPHY * CO., INC.. Hoard of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTON. STOCKS AhU OR AIN. New York office. No. 51 Broadway. Offices In principal elite* 'brought) it the South. Wrtu for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions f..r traders market was meadter and a trifle more a tlve. due to tlrm late advices ftutn Hie English market. But -till later at. sear turn developed under renewed goueral selling, the direct result of large eatl males fur to-tuoirow's receipts at port* and Interior towns, un.l a more bear ish aenu-weekly Interior statement than looked for Tnoug.i mat; report* from South spot markets re flected tncreae. .1 strength and some Improvement in Vaiues on urgent demand I roil: New England spinners ui..i tne export la. non there was a tack of interest In the market, and price* ra.tlcd but a few polm* ul most The market *” hnally quiet and steady with prices net, * to It point- lower. PI-1 Tt ATIOVI l\ l-'l Tt Rl.v, New York. Dec t -Colton futute* o|ene.| steady and cloe. and quiet and steady. Prices as fellow ••pen. High lav* I’loso. ial.uat v :* 4. ' n -| .; , Pebruary 478 lu 7; f j Mar.h 878 U |in *7 April ! . , ... 8.82 May B tJT 9 c, t i* 9.37 June *;• 9 tfl 9 a) 9ii July Sdt 9.t2i | Sil { 9.61 August * .'v 9 3* 9.9 9 31 September .. ... j B*W 8• Bai December ...| 9Sif9 Si i 9.54 951 Ll\ til POOL COTTON 'I tllkßl'. Uvrrponl, Dae 4 —Bitot moderate busi ness. prices firmer; Am.-rlcan middling 5 19-32.1 ITie soles oi the diry were law bale*, of which id were specqlalton and expot t. amt Included l iti American, ttc < elpis IS.OU bales, including lt.Wti Ameri can. Futures opened qutet and steady and c!o.l Steady: A mar lean middling, low middling tai.-e Dacctnbfr. 32165 J 2. sail er*: laeember-Januaty. buyer*. January-February. 5 f7d. seleis, Febru ary-Xlarch, 51*4j5 3d. sellers. Miroh- April. 5.234. sellers; Aprll-Mey. i 19d, buy ers. May-June. 5 Is-fl7d, sellers. June- July. i.l>gi 14d. sellers. July-August. s.b>tfi ltd, eellcrs, Augusd-Septembcr, 4.:-b>j t Md, buyers SEW OKI.FANS IOTTON MARKET. New Orleans. Dev 4 —cotton futurrs Pec .. .. 9 *24,9 1, April .. 9 ‘A’ Jan .. 9 6t- May J Mh'j 57 Ijfeb .. . 9 ;Adv Vt Junr . 9 . March . 9 4*69 9 July S iHjS it I OTTOS LETTERS. N*wf York. Deo. 4—ilurphy A Cos., -ay Cotton tn Liverpool closed J-eid to 4-*4d higher toau yesterday This market open ed about 4 point* higher, but weakened a to * points on rather general soiling. The summer mooeh> showed decided weakness on Liverpool selling. pTvtbably against pur chase* tn that market The large dis count ki Liverpool for the latte: positions will lend o check shipments, as expor ters . anno, tarry the cotton to advantage New York market Is so much below parity of the Houtb Unit holder* must look to American manufacturer* to all extent.all of which means that the Booth must an* way or future market.- come up 10 the partly ere long Estimated port receipts i-utkt against 99.879 last year. New Orleans egpvoi* 10-iuorrow Ikcwi to - I " l **| agalwat 17J17 last year; Houston ’71.11 to £,duo against 9,778 last year New York. IN* 4-—liublvard tiro & Cu. say: Europe r*-*i)islt-'l to uur 1111 prwvetnent of yeaterday causing our mar ket lo oi—n with a sharp dentalul for January but as the call prog less*-,! |h< mat ket bev.-im- vveaket unde I pr—ssul. to sell for lot*-an eu*ouis This sealing a* marked on August which was suM .11 d-cline of four to tlve point* Irotn the < lose t'omniissioti housi-s have Is-en sell er* of January ami March icplavhig by purchase* of -tlu-se diffeienl deliveries a. a discount. That August should sell a> sixty pouts under January I* anew f*a turn to tin American tia<b as they >ai mil see where Hie loss ef cullou ttiai , ~r t .in- ■■■ l- 111 cb up. 1-1 a loin >u< h a discount On the publication ol Ilia estimate lor llousloli and Now in ham The mark'l slowly eased on teat Tsu.g sales l*lt A 44084419- New York, lies' I B|aH busmes* la dav has been oil a dr Itledly limited scale. „wai* to bad wealhet and mail tnvb 1 d< niaisl lets lwen of about average extent on Intuit uccounl Export business <on tlnues vary quiet No change In lone of tliu market for cotton goods, ellher ia p> or fancies Print cloth* inactive In all makes, but prUws stead' While goods are llrm and roost descriptlia> Well *oM for spring naval store* T, j Dec 4 SI’IRITB TCRPENTXN®—Th turpan tliM naa-ker. opeoai] Arm al 880, wttto aata* of 157 cask*. aa<f otoaad firm asnl unchans ed, with no firrrhar sale* rapurtwl. Tha '.amat.Y u tnoAerat*. both for (oraiyit .uwl local acraum TTo-, ton. *x pr,'-s<s the rtl ellualtviik there lAioa no business .tone, a. .'Ortlius to laclors, -s .-.-pt st the market prl-m Ttu .lav's r - •ei|its were 1.1(6 .mil the .-sperte Ittit) KiißlNH—An a.lvance of so on lira .o L K. (i woe |W>H*e4 al the openlmt call al the Dusr<l of Tr.i.le to-Jay While Ibe ma i ket wIS curtettlly uialei**. l to le firm st the ,lvano ilurinK Lie rL hours, the un.l rtonc was reporial .s-ter laAer In the day. Ihoualt was ot un- Dwretoisl that ally business o( ''o"-s'l'iH' ' „ .tone ol other than quotation* Ihe u) s re.vlpls wen 4.943 in.> the . aiort, none Rrlccs us follow A- B. C. II I *•; e IF M 1 • i 3' I 45 N -JJ n 1 lo W (i 3 w „ IK W W - S Hi elpis MouJY— Hplrlts Bootm S K A YY' “* 1 g A L 1* "• !♦ hooner Ytary Everett Steamer Murchison Steamer Day ** Kxiavrts noue. Naval Stores Slock April 1. ™ lit .'tints tn-rtay ’■** Receipt*) 4-*‘. Total klnca April l ~m.H7 WS.IW Kxnorc 10-da v Kxiiorl* previously 280.31" iJt’Si' i. v. • M " ’ Stork on hand to-day ! 44 Sunk last >etr H'. 171 ".* * charleston, h Dv t Uim 38',' Rur‘t< firm (tiplien**-: Wilnii4>g44jn, i.- ripn li* tut p\ :, Eiir* Mrui. rccglpt*. vfk Hoxiu firm $l :>d*L2-. 312. ('rink* turpentine glrgd>*. ll.*o at*d $2 40; r** ci|itx. 2733- Tgr Uni*. IL'w; H* rii|i4i*, FIAAM I %E. MONEY’—Th* slcmxnd k*tp fal:ly Up with th# 6UpflN. riXAXCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Roek amt Road Broker, AVUtbTA, OA. YVrltc tor Lift- I'HE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER .5. 1000. roxu&jox E.XCHANOK Url> Uyi*. s♦'* .. ninety cUv*. $* . fiK. i'Aris and Havre, utv ,u>, b iY+t. sixty aU> ES44. iUy> nint> days. MS DOMEBTU KXCiIANUII H teddy, bunk- ire buying gt I*l<# lb ount anti Helling at followN p xml under. 10c pr iiituin. s2v. t* liv* pr % tnium |SA tn |VX) 30c infiiituiii sn> to >' pr*Hiiut j-' l ' to Ii <*%•. '• pi vtmuitt, i..W4 end uvei, 7jc |ei M |H:iniuiii. SE*l ’HITIES- ntcurttlen ur-* 'xrit*. e*pcil>y tMiik >to* k.- iVntrxl of Uargu lucoait • xre xgxiu xctlve xtui viruiii I •'!**. liid. Axk. bivuimxh K K - Ihi 110 A • i • i , do • per cent eerlltloxtee . ..1 ak Aucumx Yxclary W i’Uifllii' (yank i&*> * iuthun liuitk ill 11.' Chatham H. E. ie I. Cos.. A -57 do do H M W Ks*kl* xml Phoenix Mu luj ’"a Edison Elstric Ilium Cos 114 Knterprixe \\t*. Cos I*3 Oervnanlx Bank 131 Georgia and AUtMm-i 36 JA C)'ofkt.i H tilroad common 316 Grxi.uxvillo Mix Cos 16* Vi" J y. King Mfg Cos 140 I-ongley Mfg Cos lla 13' Mrrchtint.* NxtUxixl Bxnk 11 * 116 Naiioi ai Bxnk ol dxvanndh V-: li* Ogle thorp** xn*! Truxt 12 J 111 HeopU* dwivingx x and lamii 101 ltd omnion ll’i US do preloirvd 30 Southwextem H.iiiroxd Cos .. lib 1 * 111 dxvxnnalt Um l.iaht ro .’4S BIG douiUerit Bank 1-W Savannah lixnk aiid Trut 117 Sltle> Mile Cos., .\UHUt.i N* Saxxnneh Bn wing l"*f 145 tfoude. Hid Auk Char . Col A Au 14 &. l<d lia fc cluif H H a ler ctiß ii 4 rnongai;** 103 104 Atlanta city Is. 11CJ l 7 I<^ Augusta city Is. 1 *27 . .. .I** 1"9 do I'js. 1925 . HI .io 1. 10 I ft 7 do •* in ir: Ala Mi l s*. Ind and 19.8. M A N Wt'j IWJ AcguMx Faciory 6 per < ent lit 113 Bruns* i-k A Western 4>. %\ hi C H R A Banking collxtergl b* Oa C of <1 lit moc 3s, 16|o T A A l-*0 121 C of Ox von. t. I*4 \ M AN •§ W C of Ox. Hi incomes. 113 . M*i do 2nd m come b do Sd income.-. IM3 I 9 C of 4 (M O A A f)\v ) Sx !SM7. J A J . ... *7 C of O (Eaton Hrxneh). as 16i* J A V City A Suburban H R tt 7x lW •'olnmhux Cliy Charleston city 4e. Ik6 Ift* I‘2 Eagle A Fhoe.iU Millh 6*. W& \m lih Edixun Eixctric lllumiuating .Pb Enterprue Mfg. *>. lkJ2 . .. .I # ‘- Georgia K*llru*4 li. 1910 11a 117 C 5. H + K.. IMS. J A J IE 114 Georgia Sc Alabama let ot>. lfia..Ko k>7 Georgia elate !Wj. J Xc J...1U) ZU do jgp. m:. M 4 N 1* 1W uo 44. I*H H* 120 Mauu aity #b. J 4 J ... H ill |MI 1.. - 9*llß 8P (Joe a A tkeanivliiii b.. 1W IDS Snvximxh r||y 2* guar. January liik lie in ilo 3a. ijuar.. February. 1M . South Cxioiitta alalo 4'y. 1 -♦.Li H 7 119 Sjhley Mfg Cos. *., iIXKi #2 Sotilh Hound ox MK| Pen- S K X \V well ml*g )M4 13b l> do do 1G 3k gold. 14>4 111 114 do Si Joint Itv.. In 4* NVoi York, I*B*. 4 —Money on xl atea-ly -u lu4’t per cent . at l*an 4 |irr cent l* mercantile |Ki|a*r, 4*n i-* 4 |*er cent .girlinK exchange ui;et* •!>. aitii xniial in banker* bilk- at 14 for imiaitd and at $1 iS l*r eixly *l.iye, iuii-b, 41 j2’* .ilot $4 M**g; • mine r .al biiU. $4 V6(*j4 X 1V 4 . eilver ‘ertits*ate^ f • ; Uar silver. '4 : dollxn*. ciL* >• (jovernniMil Umhlb Mlronx. Mat** out: unsteady; rallioad (HKiikN irregular k rot ha %kli ikimis limp nf n |*n|.iin |n Sugar I eatiirr uf the Huiviaeel. ■\. a York. Me. I A lavotne paraikix it* W all strict la that a surprise I* ulw'gys • xpcvlml in btigar lit the pursuit ol titclr avocation, stock ttaders ar- nlways Infltg lo discount wliat they expect, aiul th" consequence 1, that 11. Husar they are Invartably aurptUcd and dlsapiiolnted ’l\>-*lay was no execution A'tion on the uuarlcily dividunl ha, been looked for at any liiuc fat* sev eral ilay* | Mist and the "news" a* to whai the dividend' would In* has Varied all the way from an Increase In the reg ular rate (turn H. to 2 ir cent and up to the regular 11, and an extra dis oursemai.t of 2 pr cent. Tbe agwcuta- Uon lias gut.u on right merrily or. that twit, Trvr price was run up to l*frfe this avurnlugr whan the tntlmwxdon mu* <Us aanunakatl chat no notion would be taken on the (BvHtead to-day. Otonsaquarrtiy. tbe aonouncamam a little latar that tha dl ractora had met at a private rw, I dance, of tbe j*rekW(iT of tba company, and da dared a dlvklend of onlv I', nat Ilka a bombshell upon tbe speculative contin gent In their rush to save los. -s they force*! tha pri.*a dowu by lapld stag# meeting no support, except from proles -leuul shorts, ou the way down The slu*k lou. 'had IfTlj In th. last hour, which Was * full laltnt* below th* hl*tl ist ami closed with a art loss of its The violent slump in tnls stuck bad a depiesstr.g Influence on the whole m *r ket. but the movement elsewhere at no time app*<ached demoralisation. In (act. there were point, of strength partial ns lierc and titora In the railroad list nota ble the Krle stocks and In the low-tut ted rixuthwiweins. but these yielded their aalna In the late rearttun In Hie ca'ly dcahngs the principal weakness wan shown h> the pe laities and aspr.dally the steel sto ks Tlie latter gt'*UP show - ed goo*l re*'ovaries ami ex apt for Ten nessee I'oal held well Is* the late we*k ners of the railroad list. T*e If, .II tt railroads grew gteadllV <l tnr the talto. part of the dav aikt a l.irge numb, i of them show net losses of '.ill a point f'hlcigu. Burlington and Quincy declined I‘. The erneml Weakness while partly due to svmpathy with th. viol.-tl d*' *llne lo Buaai. war undomstadly bas#d for the must t*rt on anxiety as to the ability nf me money niaik* t to * arrv afieculailva ii'counts safely ovar Hie n*-w un There was no evidence that iPyildallou was forced to-dai 7ut a spirit of caul! o ■re\-*|tel and induced iu*a.sure to avoid ■ nvihtne like forced lip I ilda l lon In clew of the large advene** l price- which ■be has e-doved l.wl**g to the ic newed niovemant of currency to the Ul terior attd the present low level of t*eu slon dl,>*ur<en.ents. the sub-treasury has already taken up from tk un*ny mar kt nearly It***" slnoe Friday T**- ,la. s iraoef* rs to the Interior Which unit tn New (It lev ns. wore WI"H com pared w-uh l-<> *•>** Another iißllceaMe f.ature of the ltuatlM le the .*eadli <' of t*t Una CX h.rnxe in ,|dl tf the firmness of the local money mar ket and the notable easier rate. In Lon don and Be-lln The foreign selling of our ae* urltles. which was camlHued to day to the ox lent nf about 2a.*r* share,. Is ati|*pose*l to account fur this Tha opinion Is expro***cd by some foreign au thorities that Ihlo process hos bean ear Hal ,o fur as to Iravit New York without futurr uowrr lo diaw grol.l from Kuro, peat! sources In Ibis , onstc. thru te-iley'g repttrt of a further shlmpem from Aust 1 rails to Ban Francisco of ll.iUdOU) In sold lias some slanlh* in* e iucuoilng steemei, ara hflnamg large shipn-eptr of American *cvur|tle recently sold by foreign hohlars and the iuoraaae In the supply of el****K availabla for lend hi* eaivaa to facllilgta bear market. The bond market shared In tha raac- tlonary (endeny of the etock market, but *x varie<4 by i -e points of etrength Total aalCe. nar value. Lulled Bia4*h nea 4e advxiucd per cent on the laet cgll rß*.<ky‘ tot 11 Mo. k 94 ri a ere 644 i-*' ira lulmg Atcblmfi. Ujr A i n.non pr* lerUHl. 1/ 4'hrsaiaak* Uil 4>lllO. 16 - Tw, Burlington 6.6 W). Ki riret put cried 9.J06, louls\ ille and Nanhvlllc. 7.10; Mail* Matiau. Tn Mlneuri Da.lln 12,7(91. N err hem Bavirk*. J*xitn>l\ enta IT.t 1W; Heading Orel preferred, Ht Isouia douthWisturn prrGrred I S: Haul. lj. JUO. Soulhern Bavin 31,300, Southern lUll(va>. Him. Ilouihttn liiil* way preferred 9.'*ut,*. T* x.m ami Pacific. K.iug. I'nion Bad tic, 24.100, \Vxb|iti. vxn. Wahaeli preferred. (\pi***r, 13 >*, Steel and Wire St.lOu: Brooklyn II TOO. Fuel. xoin. Con tiiieiital Tulmvov 7<w Bediml Steel 12.' 3UM; Nouh American 7.JCM; Bco| c'x Sugar. 120.Tuu, Temus>*e Coal and Iron 12.990. t'nHed States l.e thei, 7 0 Nee York luck laet Atchison JV. WmlmMi **>l •In |ref Jo pief 21 Hilt 4 Ohio h“ 4 Wheel, a l. E. h' Gan Ba Wt 110 2d pu*t w*? 5 ! **eui Hou ;g‘ 4 WiFi* 4'm rite,' A Ohio ’ 1 .- C, Ul U 14**, M. 4 ( pref 4. C., H A 43 n* 'Nall Tune 0., I 4 I* 2*> <W pref PC d*> pref i7 Am |par **l (*. AH 1 97' Ad ime Kx t4't (*. A Nx lei Amerbxn |6i C., H ! 4 B lJlVßntted Hae* 44‘. C. C 4’ 4 Ht Welle Fargo IS2 lauli 66 Ain t\H Oil A' 8 Col lk>u 6\ and pref 9" do Ist pief 42‘? Am Jlultlng 0 do M |ref 17 tk> |rrf . 2* Bel & Hud Hi Am S .v H M‘ 1> J* A U |ei B*.■ pref h‘.. f> 4 It Ct 24’ 7 Am Spints B,| and. pref 7(B, pref Erie 14V*Am lioap .’7 •lo let pref and pref 7.S (4t N pref I9‘j Am S A W 4l* llß*kirg Coal prel 9 Hocking V .iM*'Am Tin Biate 41V lilinole 4>ti ISB* *•* pref li’i lona Cen Am Tobacco paC, •ki pref 4. do pref he* K F A \4 JiV Ana Min rv> 47, do pref Biook H T >' 4 Shore 21b 4 Vi F A 1 IV , L A N HI '*on* Tot* ;f> Manhattan I* P 6 do pief 91. Met Hi Ry pH Fl* re! Steel 4V Mex Ci IIS do pref 7f** 4 M. 4 b( L 44Vg Gen Ele. 16n do pref M 1; dlun>t* rtugjr Mtvouri Ba* 1 k pref !•** Moblie 4 Ohio IlS'fntern Paper M. HAT 12* 2 do pref 7* d(> |Ffef Bfvt*< led* 1" N J ( * 149 I Bliiuit *7 N. T C lll* do pref . 91 N. A W 41 - 4 Natl I**td 1* do pref *1 | do pref M North Bn ? Nx I bteel do pref I!S do pref 92' 2 Opt 4 W 27* |N, Y A B 164 Ore- Ry. 4 N 42 North Am l*' do pref . B Paciht; Coe>t .. jJ Ptaua> 6VXUU 142 ! do lxl pref L> t do ad pi e* .... 00 do let pr 1 ... i; , : Baclho Mall ... 47 k SI i*r f .... SI People’* (Jae> .. 9* , HU* G W & Preaxed S C 49 . do pref 93 do prei a. ot. I. 4b. v. uv4'Pu:i- Bai. c. sji do Ist pu-f .... 76 !8. It 4 T. .... ‘i do 3*l pref US Huger 127 \ Ht. L*-. 8w 16 | tlo pref 11*G and. paef US Teo*. C. 4 I. d l j dt. Paul UV j B. S. la-uther . IPt do pref lii’.,- do pref .. i'i Ht. P AO. 12> V. 8 Rubber 29 Hou Ba* 41', do pref f* Hou 14v ITS*Wealern UiiKMi . hi do prr f ♦* * R I ft 6 • !•■>% Tex. 4 Bac 2)V do pief n* It.ion Ba 71 B (V C 4 rtt k pref el | !*ouif ... fti Buiwb l‘ 8 !> it-f [Ho K a *lVx r-g 104S. Stale ....... 71 V% •fto v-OUp. H6U d* 4a 94S Oo u* 4 ft 6 ll' N. A ' It* lli dii Se. coup II" E J C gab as 127 : g •lo now it* rog.UhSN Ba lfc 4.- 7tß* do now 4a do 4e ....108 coup .4139*4, N. V , C 4 Ht do old 4s leg 11$ | i*oUt.i 4> - l't7* do old 4: N 4 W on 4d 88\ OOUO .| In gif eg Oil Nav do C*e, r g 113V* HI do u. ivup 113*4 do 4> I'C. I> of (’. 2 Uk> 124* 4 M- 8. i* u. 1/7V Atehieoir g n do on. &*. H<>‘ 4> lit’. R' -nllttg Kin I SIS do A *4e Hk * VV 4xl s ltP* C. of (Ja . con kl. 1* 4 I. M to 97E ('<• •* ItIH du lal luc. . WVx I* A lean do 20l Hi. 17 E ran lk*u '2nd.' HUE *'BMl • 174 C 4 O 4Ws 101 B. * 4*. 4 d w ~k UUV l\oi late .. Il9a C. 4N. con 7x 138 do ‘rm 121S t* 4 N. 8 F Uu paolfli 4* lUh | i: U9lßon U> 4a 11IS i |ilc. Term 4s IMG 4 It nd T 6a. 7" Col Sou 4> 64 jex 4 B la4 113’ 5 11 4 Hio G 4 l"i do kwh 76 Lrl# G4L 4a 7$S * *<>* v w 4 V C Wxbagii }*§ ll*\ lm\ *** l ® Qari. Ellac. Ua ■ W tihur* U 114V6 [oex Can I*m Hi Wia Or. lata . L 4 N* uni 9elOO%'Vg Oamunae A. 4 O. 4e• •. 4H New York. Dec. 4 —Standard Oii 9*4^ mo Morph. A I t.’a Slocls l.etter. New York Deu. I -The slock market up* tied naxJerataly active lids mom ink. -howbig irregular chaua.s wlta tbraltiiea pridutnlaailng The Liattdoa market Mgaln luriiislKcl a inuuh iowei i.sip ol pit * - for Atnerh an sto ks and forvlgn house, continued to sdl her. althougn thne was lltt.e or *H*thiN In the news of the npvrnlug Which would ai'**ount part.c ulurly for the decline In American sticks in l-ondon i 'onsols were utt* n *wa* *l. an Indication that the waakm-si there wa* lax the reyuit of any mitowai*! dl|donia<tu ilt-velojiiie nts Th most noteworthy ex ceptions to the general lemlrncy of the market with the otw.*U| of business were Buaar and Facltlc. Mall. lioth of whl*n ..lowed tputaiial a*l*auevs Denver Dial Itio Oramlr ixclirreit waa •..<• Ilrtn *n.| notably aeitve notwltt.|..ii*lhi* Intima tion that the hop* and for edvanes m ik d.vhfatid rate woist*l a t Is. ordvt.d at tills lime Th* - pnti i.lai -Ircnktu sipiwn by Sugar war uf courar In advene of tha dlvl.lelMf de* laratkdl on (lie siock ... th* ( il a wa ■ untie ixnin-mlv * niert.iim-d rbat an a.ivan * would la ordcre.l The buy wig ol I'uv ihi Mall syrmed lo be *lu i u tbe president ie. umn. ndsiion regan|- .ng the ship subsidy bill. The steel In dusulaU were jhj.h notably Ame can btael nd Wire and l ielcial Blevl lailKle woe dun* 111 te la**al Ira-ink. slu* ks ivhg n *4Mtlnuetl sopiewhat fevel • th Tutal salra of tok tv-das*. sbares. MIMM.I tMl> MiHKKT*. Noto— Tl*** <|*M>tallon are ievls.-4 daily, and .lie k* t >t as near as possible pi a.sor'l wl:h li* piccalilli* wmdss*.. t,r|*'cs tilth *a. <|ii<d'lons are not used when they disagree with the prh re woioh .ahrs ask t in.,.try and Northern Predaee. Ft Ml. THY Th, market Is steady Quu |gHt>v llroliirs aoUJac J t pair, ha.f ,ioai> |f*|2c. thrcv-fourligi grown, **U M* , liens. luosiCfs ♦MijOc. duck*. aUrfTec, geese Ticfill (0. Ivtjtiß—Fresh candled, 22bSd *ol*l stor age. 21(f22* . IH'TTBH—The lone of the rnark*-: I* tirm QuoiiiliP'ie 'QOklng ;ic; Unite Hons. Zk; Nw York state dairy, 2il '. • ** r* fclgllis, I'HKIMK- Market firm; fancy ful. rream eh***- I*V’ for 2° •“ 22-pound ,v. —g- 1 2tMs*u- pound aveiagLs. IF. Bari y irgetabl,.. IHJBJf rOTATOHH -Northern, l P sack t AHBAGB- 'tti |>cr head. ONIONB-Yellov. In barrels, 12. W. cratrw (#c; red IS 00. Hrred,l*iff. Hi aod (train. FI.OFR Market steady; patent. IU), straight, *3 K>, fancy, *3 ; family. *!.*. Southern Railway. Trlti Arrive end Depwrt un 15mh Meridian Time—One Hour Than City Thus bwhetliiie lit Lflc.t NvW. 16. 191' V.LA- • Tt ~T]T E~yfAhT ~ ttADI’P Ku Na t< eiioa T.n , 12 Mi>m l; >llll |.v rT.iVer-e*l' .. At 6 Wieni J tii-m tlscr,, Tim. I I 4 2!t<m l :sem Ar Uisckvllle L. a u>ein| I dlpot • Hein . -v,i,i Ar ... v olumnie D . --un, ii aaeiii lui'ti, IK. 11l Al CherltHle . Lv '.>.cpm 6 II Ill'll. 12 23|mi Ar Isre.ovl'oro Lv 1 idpiu ■ Ram •i "" At . ' ... Norfolk Lv wim 1 6pm At l 'a... le ... I.V li.."*i.. 6 Slam V ' . ('.'ll Ar 111-llnet.*l I BMpa *’ ' - toau, E|.qi Ar Lyochbur,”' "ILv]]"! :*2|ui : .Oom I—Tin qim Ar ChariottrevUle Lv 3 WpmilJ Ml* . I*. Ar Weahh .teii i.v is • *i' • 9 loan, t! k.,-ni Ar lialliniote Lv ' 5 2Nnn 2pm ■ .it. Ar I" i, del Ms .. . Lv 3 *''i" *I” • ••• * Mam Ar N w Yolk Lv ;J tUwmj * 26pm ,m 6r IIA 1.. I.V s OQpiß l"am 'No K " To' THE NORTH A,NT* \VLf No 35 ] l_ (Central Tlot l ll i- Turn Lv '. BavanMah ' At 6 lOm (ba-tarn Time > 6 Jmiti Lv . . i o umMx . E'i! 1 •M* l * t* M'ani Lv .. .paitaihnrK Lv. 1 * itP"' i"i tn i.v Aek*villa U 6 tCI n Ar not • L* : 1 *■ • 36f**v. Ar KWOaville . |.v , * 3Um 5 I(*sin Ar Lexmt<Bv •• Lv 10 JOpu* j T ISdtn At Clnoinnatl Lv oopm 5r ht Louie Lv|| (aiu jjaam Ar L> I ‘va l '* All traloa i r>• . i from cieFiam Byadam Vtallon. TIIK'H 011 CAR HERVICE. ETC TRAINH 28 AND M DAILY NEW YORK AND kIA'HiDA BXPRBRS \ eMI hills,l llinlls.l tralne, with Ciiilinan Drewinu Room hissiatik Cars between Kavsiw nan an.) New. Yuk Tonne is at We nlni:i"n with Cukntlal Lxpi'r* (< llo.ton Cull in., n tiire|hi£ v'srv between ClMMiAte ei|,l Hiihmoßd t>l Clisrlotle etsl NOf folk Dining rare Herve .11 tiiesl-- b*|e 1-ell ttnvannuh t, *i YVa.bll'ftoi' TRAINS 35 AND 38 DAILY, ITIF t'NITED STATES FAST MAIL Y'ceUbuUl limiie.i trains, rarrvli.a I’ulimvi. Dtawlnn iluum HI, I|,l T . Car. between Sevsnnsb •nd Nw York Dinlhc t'*n> serve all niftb* between Hsvenue'i and Wsetili a o,> Also Culluthi Drewlna l(.uiti els.,|i|ita fats litlween .iavaniiati au-t Cmotiiiiall. tou*clt Asheville ami "The Liml ul t!>. Sky." For oonuSele information ea hi rsca .vhedqle et apply *o F S LAN NON. Al V. !' A U M J > •'ELI* T M \v A Tl RK. OCA, Wastiiucioi.. D c S II HARDYVICK At o*ll I lass Asnt. Atlanta Oa O OB<kTVER. Tt- kt Afsnt Flati< Stsßi' Station JAMES ERt'LMAN C P * T A 181 Hull street Savannah iq* . Fhone* 5.V* MEAL-Peerl. per barrel 53 hi per mk. 1115: city meal per aunk. koliad link, water around It 13*j, i'lly arlt*. ea, ks, 51.15, peat! grits. Hudnuis. per tairml. s:'St. pel >. k. 81 sundry brands SI IS CORN-Market tlrm. white. Job lota, i* , v.,i load lots. t<2 , nit.,.! lorn. Job lots, al . csrloa.l lots 556- RICE-Market e(e*>lv and. maml a,.si famy head, do: (anay. 3Ypu v*rln 5 dard . .. ..... IlituY Fair 4 Cl's Cummoh 5 ‘ * OATH-No • mlaad. istlMd o.*-, . jdu lot, 35|i5ti< : whit* clipped, vale. Me; job. luo. lIRA.Y-Jvil lull Sac: ■al loud lots. V HAY'- ktorket ,-teady; No. 1 tlu>>|lty, 80c; Job 85c: No 2. S*c Job; 85, care. sas>r and CoSe< dliltdß- Cut loaf a 18 Dlwmond A . ..*sl f’ruMi. and *B4 (YmlrullMun 1 A .5.8: Pow,leta,J 6.Bl|While Fairs C..4.U4 XXXX pow'tl ...5.• Kxtrs C S.'S Tr.tinilaia,l ... Svd leihlan C. . (Vi Pllbee itOYeliuwa ... ... 4 si Mould A U(W Ct (E'FEE— \I na .. -Ti e Film* Na I . in*,.. lava JB n-> i Hlii Pas hail) 14 c F|ttr No 6 Mu Kan- y No. 1 11‘, ' lTidim,i v No. 5 t'pi Choice No 3--. ■ liH4t'|t 'Otnntot, No 7 it C Dried end I.v up..rated I APFLEti -EvaiwratO'l, TuV~r, sun dtl I A l*H ICt >TR~ Eve|traied 10, ponrvl; liectet liter IK RAI-iINM—L I- .I: I". Imp. tisl ml.lneta {_■. 100-r l*J-|*mntl bases. s, ,kmii ,1 I'KAt ‘HI S KvslwuMled. pe.le.l 17** ; urn'ettieJ **4*t6\ I'EAItS Eva|>r*trßl. S-\c llntilvinrr end llulldlun v|t|illr, LIME, CAM'll M. I’LAHTEU AND Ccou-nt Al*be ms slid in ,r*u llm.t In fair demand and sell at Ot . —nt~ a l.irt. l; Ul wl Tiled Ha-lcr tl '■> |rr b.irr.,l; bah. I'*s> lloa'tlal# < enieul I XWi I.S; , arlned lot -. e|e, lal. Portland • riutnl. re tail |2 3.', carload lot*. IS.dwit.3d M'SIHKK I' <• H Vi-SSEIeI SAYAN NAlt Mm mum 'aid slat--. l">*! I! 00. ~j r s ,il |U5iS3i .lllh, -II sis--f. lif (St ~lu, ship stuck |is .0.41 It (si, sawn u*., 1a,0819 5" hewn tlaa AoriOS. OIL Mat kvl stead), demand lair I* i, ,t ~ West Ylraliil* bitit k. 88il3< . lard, ok., nats(oot. 6tr>i7u, , maehmer) I*l n j. , Ulisard oil. taw. 76‘r' ; holla.l, 76', ; k.ioern. prune while. Ii . w.tlt-r while. lA-, Piall's svtral ll> . deo-kirlu-d rlov* gasoline drum*. IHw. empty oil lair la d*llvaid. 55c. eiHOT— Drop., H H and large 1 to, ahllled. tl 75. IRON-tMarkel vary ateady. Swada, 6*.c NAEH—Cut, IS*) baae. wire. JSt bane IJA RBH2D WIKE-M ** p I pound* OUN PO YVD DR - Par k*s. Auitln uraok aliol. KOd; half kags. 52-25. quarter k**. UX. champion dusking, quarter kag* Rio; Dupont nd Haaard araokvlew half kags 111 *6: quarter kegs. 15 75; 1-pound, csulktara, 11 On. leas 26 per cant ; Trols dotf auiokelcas laiwtler. l.ppund vans, 81; 10-|waiui I v-wn?, 9b. iwuud- I ullnu liesslnii mill Tie*. HA ft *ll Nil —Market llrm, Jute, Hi' punnd 6*v large lota I'v*l atnall lot*, t-poniid 7*c. a. a lel.tnd bagging. Ills TIEH-dlarKlard L-pound. airow, large loir |i Jo, malt lot*, |i St dull. Hide* “and YY 001. HALT— Demand Is fair uwl the market nirs.iv . .rk>sd ki. Mt-pound bur.ap -a k-, 81c; luu-pouud cotton aa-'k*. IS. : 110-pouml hiirlgl' •“!•* 5H> . 110-iouiid ,-Mlion SJtacl Jf-iwuiid burlap -.nks. ‘A'a ; 125-pound .B.UOII sack*. iFyei jt)-jK>uiid burlai> *ek*. W illr>|-,A -Market him. dry flint. 14Y*-; di. suit, Illy; grean rolled. lUHIIr-Naiphiil. prime Heorgla. Ire* of solid burh and black wool. IBr. hlaJfc. lo ; hurry. It* Man. la'low. Hac Deer skins, 30. Fruit* mul >ut. ABBLF** .Nurihrrn vxr t> 12 A * iliAN'ihe (E*x ) ti MoI.QH |ki lw BH* NK4--4*’* *•* •’**'' •" • lo 7o*.T*. 7(4 to fto* tv . lo tor, fc; !& -S to iuo. BANA N A -f I 2V#2 Oi hum h LKAB *N ii Muiktf ul I-’ JJ* i < m OANt Th-Ii lir I*** f*KANI*TB-e Ami*l> ►(*/• k fair l nuii<J. cxMktfi llrm. rm* > hand-nick***! Virginia. |m r |a>tfml. I !r*4 IV N C •! I*'xnuix, It Nl T4—A lino ml x, T.irixgm.n 17 ; !v.x * !hi , (xxiiuiu, BiriiKh. R* .Nx|:ciY. 12V . |m xn. 12 . BruxU- 12* lilbfrlb. U* **^ 101 t‘(J IllltH, <•(>* tifl'l 2i'p , >Ull'l liiiiiu. llmim• uiml lard. 144F0K- Mkik* i firm; I* 8 i’ H 7S *; U H Bfllh '. H'i (LH-ftrri.r a or.l inx fi xvr4* *u*. I> H tMllUx. h\> fWmtfrn*. ►nok*-l C M xUI $%• IIA 314 iiifad JBxtfUV LAltl*-rire. in llarf. IVi hi 4 Hotnul Una ami h*pounJ iuh # IV . | compound. Hi ti rv*, H4L o*iwui4*J tififi nii*j B*f-poMn<J tul>. IV • MI6I i;i.u>Mi % KIBH-Mxckrrcl. hxlf*irral, No. !. M. No. 2. 17 *#> No —4 7*. kH*. No il. li fl; No J. tl I"; N<' 3 6 (*a4Hsh, I i-fxMimt hrickr 4*. i.-p*ouH.l hiickx *V'. ! Hrnokrd lirrrlng. |**r *ox. .7414* Imiah ! herring, in k#g*. f! to. im*w mulMa. half | hurrerir, ti n t*YKi;P Tjjxrkrt iuir. H"W gl* ! florM* ay ray, buying “t xalilug .ii 334(34*: migxr hou<‘ nt INIIV*. HOnBY -Pitr . krilnrl, In *4F rrt>. ga.'ior High wiltui bail*. •! T •4)8*1 PRMItiTH*. COTTOX—Bx vannab to Boxton. por •mi 3> . lo Now }>rk fer mi , 89c* to HhiUdeipfcio, por h#i Ii BoUiiihaio H KIRKKIN DINEO gi. . Liv erpool, 4'< UxuiUufg 4ft Gxm M*. Bxrr *• iotid .* *8 . klaiH hogtor 4fw lixvro. 40 . Antwerp. 4"> , Koval, 'n* |io(toid4in. 4**c. Tri* -i*. ;i.' INDIRBCT Islvn|M*ol io#3Bui 14 e< mho I* 4*w , (iothonburg. >* M MUlill-Ry gait i • olgfita •toady; lixiunuiiM aiuj axi*ar<t| u U> 7i po M Including Portland I*t MMKR -By Rieum - k.\nnn.ih lo Kxltimoro. *•. to P K H ur H or.d O. LOW' Isaiyl. tO fhiiftlillpllift. lo*a' mi. (4 |m>uuo to (uo(: tu Nxw YorU. *6.*o goi M lo dovi. !lghtrr4 o Uu. ton tl.iA NAVAL BTOKUk>7h i<iwrk I* Him; uiemuui elan vexxoix HohUl < 'ork. Cur ardorx. Im m |ur tarn! of 3io pound', xng • per (tot. ,uimxg Hpitlli, 4 90 *ot 40 gxi|oi> grouu, i> and u por cent priinHx*- lsxrgc vox wait), ix.i u 2•; f H 4* 3*. tttoxm. IJ‘ per 100 |iouml on roj in 21V un vptrltx. bviiitih to flM6<oi, xml V*o on rol(i iiml itu wi l Nxw York giuin, ••itoviaioftx. nr. ,\fw Yolk, I’m* 4 Fionr. nmr* than UMi'iliy u-stivx; •‘••illiix fiwlv xi 44 pilcro oiid liuoing firm Ry flour w* ik ilii* and ill. * *oiu nif.ii mill H)p a( udy Borlojr Mull. *Xfiey iii 11 ( dt|H boat H|r>l firm. No 2ii 79 , xc, fa Ii ii float, option* w•*i ** grn#ihy firm ximJ highei *|l lxy. ling a modxrwl* M ir> •mong ulturh, ttix otrongih m torn, m iibrt ttl do i• •• *•• in world M ulos k* h'tir *|H(*uia4ivo doutaiMl Mini iiwii* t*uillifi xott timn( iniong Irxdrr The B*|ior* kk*i Riroug x> **• lot advaiK'O. Juliuiiry c|oml 7SV it clcxunl, May. 79*ic; |. - i ffulter, 77\4*. <*on Hi** firm; N< 2. 4*s- npiuxm nvirkof tiK xctlvt* Miid xtroiigor )>• hy xhsirp ri** in In cuitwr on lovcring. iim nlrd hy higher i-xiifo*. moimouK i->4i iikmm iiiml 11 mi I q-ounny orr* riiicf . io.-4'd ■(im g n: "sflS l •• *lvtiri> • , May cloned 42’y , lH ‘- r *tnh*'i, 4.*v f NK>> fi*'Xiy. No S, 3*Vy . ofifhuio firincr with 8 urn. but olhorwi*** fjuli and fodtUfolMw Bnof quid. • u( tnoxfM (rily. . I I ' C t 4 fin* and flrtn. cofiiiift-nt, 97 o* Poik *t *,*<!> Bifitur firm; orrumory, 17/2.i | p’, mu. dairy, liknfi. ch4**so4* MMHig inrgt* Hxp4ember, ■moil BfptmN*r, 11‘y . large lore nxtd* I"** >inal! lute*. )1< Egg ►lionf elo(4; unl PniDoylvinifl, . Woaferr* i* guUr p.e kiiig, of 11683 c Potx(u*YA quioc, Jerory* tl dig! Nxw York. Ii *®6i HP.x. Long fxianu Ii 1 78 # Jarxxy xwxxLa. |i 75 TaM ow aaxy PotruHuw dull Hooh afaady. at rained, uotnmori to goo.l It 66#1 70 Turpxntinx <julot 4^43V Ri‘ firm, (ioniMtp fair o xxir, 4*|o 6’ t Japan 4*3*11 •• ftUudy, Now Orhaiig, mhi ketllo. good ii* choice, . Peotiuta famy hns)-aj.-kocl. 4 t *t ic; **4h*r domestic |f Cxbbggx •li.Hjy, *3 L’ytUHi U) •Uam u Livtf|*ool. 2<x Coflie " x(egt> wll Ii pt ice* un • hxng'tl to a i->iiitx lower and aeokem.i i-fl#r ttix aii undei room xeiltng Mi.d an .Wn< c of xpx* ulatlvx wikxiil Afi. r inWday. the market ** llrmor and * i# !J polfii' higher on i4vxr|fig H |pt light I' vietmuil buyitig, prompt 4*,) by r- |jy of 4 fraii* in llxvre. aml aiilkipidMi of *an l woi aJ'.-* v!,**lilt ftuppiy 111* iietdiog ua** LODifi.imlively light on*! ■ idpfce-mimJ. Toe maikxt . lox ti !' in ftilji uuoixi*ans unv.tMnxFtJ lo 10 polnis high* i Total ealt t we| I* nit?* tlHlu.Jifig !h exmber. Jft.-, Mor.h 4oa*4k>; poi •>.. Kio ipihii N#* 7 inv.n* . 7 >•*; mi?*> market quk l; L’*rJ*VM. l**.4lSi'* dtigxi. raw firm ixir refilling. 3 15-!••; • iiirlfugal. M text | 7-16* , iii<)l.i*f,(Mig hi 3 11-16. lefii 4.1 ukui m(4 ad> . So. 6, b 1 • t nrriiv *keii mi,. Nsw Yoik, D< t --Cottonseed oil |iu(Q nially easier akaln tlirouah ilulln**, ami further pr, fluff to <ii >)s,-, of bearby pr>|,- eeiy Rilinn ermt. barryls. 2Jwi'29',, iwnti tial. prime sumtne' jtllow off summer yatluw. . | M lm* winter yellow .T7rt37i, '; prime while, stn3ac, prim, meal, I?. ••-o3i> ./• I lilt 81.11 81 mhE'D. 'Titcoao t t - Argrtilin* .imu,,. rc l*t the close of iiovluauun on thu S"a of Aaov ami i.o . orn atrcnftb wrf* lavnl iiir factors in an a,lvat. e m wheat 10-. lay January B|oein over> |n veto tier .ul It i will, a Klin of Vn’a RrovFlotis at (j,, close were 2‘att 15*' hlylicr. la J.lmr fulutes iaiq|il ar follow- Ofienlnc Highest. L-.w. -i Clostr* Y\ ht-at. No 2 lien KVwwTtm 7l* pr), Tl<S Jail 7tM,7IHa 7146 7tA, Tl .til •, May tlShTl’a 747* 7.-w,7;;-, 71 .u 74—, Corn. So 2 De. ... 8H wiki, 371, 38 .-st'l Jan .... .3*4* iVB Us, Key ... 38%8486', 38*4 3tHa Outs, No Se- Ltm ... IH* 2D,4/2r. 21', JlStfll'r ili.y ... 3'* 23*, TT, Mess Fork per birral— Jan .... 51187V* tHOtVv til 11302'i May u*. HSff'r II 1187', latr'l, per It*' pountls Dec 4*B*6 7l 887*4 IM Jun ...... ITT 1 , 6 hi 77f, Bft May BY3 8 47'i 8 Si 8 T' Plant System of Railways. | Tram.* oi'erated by Stilt ii.sriilian tun—,. On# hour slower than city cm*. In effect No. A>. 19. Ail traitu. Lv Sa.aiuiah D'Ul Ar .-vavannSß Uatw. un 1 315 wtl.J fkivasnah .... 12 lo am 1 a :'i mu, .. Wavroee t 1 ts> ~m vlo a... .. .1 k oivtltr ,lw 15 ssa tt. not I loitia 112 a i-tu . '• lau )>aut* j 7 -' I’m Ret w -vti , lIS am! ... ■ , i . am 6 to atu ClurtoaKvii (7 Ft am l ft mu h„1 t,a ii imt I.v 1 ui ,i k Ar Urunewtcll Retween *• 6* am Hrutt.-witik (5 86 am | * "" pm. i. . ip . ... |* as pm Ravsnitah amt. *7 16 am 8 16 pm Conn-11bats si l ull Tampa with Pan i,l mil ste.mer* I'avtns ■I Monday*, Ttiwrs.Uye at <i Saturday*. Loop m Call a( In ket (in. *-e for further tnfar ] ma((ott J H. roi-HKMffS. T r A YY AR!' CLARK Ct(v Tlrkef Aaant. L>* Kvto IJotr.i BUonx 73 B W WRKNN, Bxxfcnger Traffic kin xgxr, Bxvxnnxh, CJx Vgeorgia RY QO.y R heAul# LfTeetlva Sept W IM Tixlo arrive i im) dxfMirt from Central HtxikMi. \Vei( fo-t of Lal her l v xirxtf Mrriditfn Tunx~-Onx iiour l<>wxc thxa !ty lima. la-g%x ArHvx Jkivjjiiuh: Bx%xniMfth: AnguM i Mas <■> Atlanta.! 4kxfln Co\ ii Mon Mll!*dgxvl!le *6 of*pm xnd al ii'.lxrmißellxiM i*>tiv(| Aug ixto M4'<-r< Ai.tinl i • Athene. Monigou^xr). Co-| •9d>lni lutnhu li niiiigbxiu Am- • o(hm Jriit u Eufxulx and Troy | t 2 Obpu liuyiOil JLnmifr T.xli ( *Dull> rp* SuteeUlY BitTlAklaN SAVANNAH AND TVRKK •B*(fi meruiixn o< Nxvaoiix'i eLy t!ii>a IsEAVE tJAVANNAH. Munoxv ouy 4J6 n, iMtly gopt Mow-txy f-96 - !jy Dxlly TOO r n. LEAVE TYkEE* Mo. dx> onL 7 E tn r -#Uy lav{M Morua> 10:iE C i Dali/ -M p u*. < untUM fkMtm umiJk xt terminal pwuua w **b all train* Northwxxt. Wxat xu Htlllfhw RR| Hl* ping i4i on night inilnt Im Iwxxh HxtaniiMh xml Augutta, Mvi<Xt. A'Unu Kii mitt*; jam Parlor tar a*i day frains betwexn ta vximxil Mnir) xr.d Aflxui* loi nMit|ilr(i* liifuritiftlinii, ■ Uediuixx, |M(X X lid i tMMjRf tIU-W. ii I*l*l • (O w a 810 W!>f( **||y n k 4 - gn.l Pa.x xiigsr Aaxnt, UfJ iiull i-.r ro*‘f or W H M* INTYRE Depot Tk'kat Agent. J * 14 AI i.t. • txnyral Baß***nger Agent E li HINTON Traftl. M..n***r TJ4EO. D KLINE. (Jen Sui**rinixialmt. Huy n null, Ga lIMITED “^^TbZins Double Daily Service Til. Short linl t>> Norfolk. Waaliingtan, llaltlinurv, FhiladeipliU, New Ywtk ,nd the Fast A KIM Y AI. OF TKAIKR FROM No 27 North and Fast a (ft am Nu. 22 l.eiunuik aiat iaaal kite Ilona la go am No 11 North aiuf Fast U 10 phi N*. II Jai k.vnvlilr a> ,| l-'lotld** .. 1 if* pm No 1 2 M lilgoroary and West .. kk Pm N* 7f Helena ataf tee al Points 44i an. Ja krnnvlile and Florida .11 Ut pm DBPARTLKK OF TK.YINH FtJ>R No. *7 JadmouvlUe end Florida .. g Og ara No 11 Jacilurmvllie and Florida 12 1* pm No 44 Now York and Boat 1 6$ pm No 24 Denmark and Augusta U pm No 71 Monlgutnory and Weal 7 X am No 72 Helena and Focal Btatlona. *i in pm No tki N w York and K.isl .11 M pm Macidti cut Pulllnaii buffet sle- ping oar servl* a lo U a-htiigtoo, lit It i inure Phila ihlidda and Near York, also to J .ckaou vllle emd T an*ia> Dining cats / l orii B*var.itwu lo ilamiat and Klchuiuiid to New York HulTii parlor car a b.ivui.niti lo Mulll gomary. For aildltloiuil Information apply t*> Ticket n*|<e. Hull and Ul>,|. streets. Flume at. Ktl.s, |>er hri I'hunda— Jan . 6 17>, x 22H a 17>4 * May am, am • am, am. Fast) Unotations were as follows Ftour uutet an.l stesdv Nn * spring wheat, (RkfgVi* ; No 3 red 7rtr*ffc No S corn, ;7. N., . pellow. *Tc No. 1 oats. 9W’. * : e via No 2 rye, tt hr. K.iir to choice malt in* oar ley .wt-d-' No. 1 tlax-a-ed. |I *.7*,; N. I Northweetwrn. >1 Tt*. Prlpie timo thy wed H I*l*4 *• Moss perk. i*er rel. 11l *.*,11 Ifv laird, per PS) pound*. 17 .BM'7 02'. rthoet rlta* sides loom*. 1* -A il7 in l.rv s.ittoii alu*ul*l,r,. hexed, f . (7 s , ns U‘a Hhort cleor s4des taued pi .*>#* •it. Whisky, bests of high wluce. $1.(7. Clover, contract glade. slv 0) “It l.srril Me.” "Uravbeard broke up rneumatlsm op m," says Mr t’baa 1 ontas. the Jew eler on VYldtaker street. And put m. In twlt,r health than 1 have enjoyed In a lour Uxii." Tuke fjraybeard Pilta for that dlaiy feeding--I-oal appetite, and fallow It up with e bottle of Uraylieunl It la all you nerd Realises Drug Cos., sole plops . 8- yebßuh (la ad A Iteltclwue (wskr, The If. rhert Bpi-ncer t* an elegant elgar and It Is truly a delightful enjoyment to tubal- the fume, of this Any tobacco, u la vxliliaruting and dell* lou* h-,: that Hi* natn*. of llerheri ■penoer l> on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none oru genuine. The Herliert UpvtMter cigar* are only sold by the box <rf W. Conchas at U u and Ferto*;toa, H-W *t Ftppmati Hrue., whole sale druggirf*. Bernard and Congress streets, of tkl* city.--ad. i*m•*tillnu', I'lvialu f liter. This celebrate*] pure, apple Juice cider, mudo ll* loong Island an b, had in |d|tt of quart bottles, direct from tlio manufac turer*, with tbclf own stamp, at l-ippu>sn Bros., Druggist*, Sava* teal* Ma -aid. 9