The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 DEPOT BILL RECONSIDERED. .(TUM ( ll** I*IITHF.H III* VC ruH Hi ll PE r *1 IIBUC. lirliM i><l thr Will ll*** 1 *m* Ihoit of Caselna—*ldlera - Hill Nlen Hiromlfff*-11. Too. Has Briiiktrr Proepect*— lm |M>rlant (bang** la Toomrr'a Com |rl Hill —lloua** Deal* Mlib *P lri*rlitlon AUr. i D* —By a vole of C to *3 the House to-day decided to reronelder tha* i tepot bill, and in* probatll lll** f* arc liii t.i* bid will P**. Ai y aav t.■ rr will tv* > gria d-tl Of work d<M ** for ‘.f. Mr Ha l of Rlhb vigorously faugh* I motion to reoontWer. !u*. M *ffort *rt fit*t#r.<l th© motion to rooenmler prrvs. oil llnuar >!akri tppn|irltino tbon took tip th# bill *uo ##■ u<J } . t • Ap,*ropr.#tion# Committ* Tha u* -u. fugrte* for Governor. .-**a Hou* off flurrem* and fiuptr ir Court Judges w*r proven! lor. and then the at*'* * ere taken up The foH-'wtrg Hem**l in the appropriation, bill a .i< ray of the BUn-l InatHut* f r the I>*sf aid Dum *. ?27 Sftft. State Sanitarium I> W. Ti. nno logtral Inetltute 9* . ti*-*- -*!* Norma! aid Indus'.rli .* i *,-* IF >• h Oe.or c a Military ar.<l Agri* I’ural <o>*e at Dahlonega. IT tv... Noma) School at Athena. IE "Jt common - bools, WA. l **. bond* mat irl. t Red, litn.oob: bond, ma turing lie J I • •' In’ereM on public debt. 3>*l, EtT'SSi' l . inter**! or. publl debt. ;!bo—. PT ■- agr culturs' depart ment Sld.nir., P a*e chemist. g.ift(>. two aa alateni chemists ftI.MC each*. SS.MO; atat* entomologist. I: 00ft. -r. 11 ger.t fund R l ).- tu printing fun 1, tluOOO: insuring public pruperty, print it a Hjprera# Court lepor't*. 17.M0; Put* L'ntvorslty, ITUKA -—ldlers' Hiinn* Hill MrtnaiHird. The aoldiers' homa MU w-a* reconsidered bv th House this morning by a vote of 8? to 35. M*J Gary, the author, made a abort apeecti In favor of recontblera-tioti. There no opposition. In hla motion lo reconsider M*J Gary raid Tnere were forty member* abaert when the bill u voted on. and many nf three are here to-day. With a fu! Houae I believe the Mil will peai* " Tomner’a Coavlrt Hill. Tfie Penitentiary Committee has re|>r'- *1 favorably the bwl oy Mr. Toomrr ■ I Ware. It* chairman. to p]e*- mlademeanor ronvlrt* under the control of the Triton Commission Tne ronuglufe, however. a iepied a euhatiluia to make the bill In operallva In those countiew which now work their rocvlcta on public works, m in auch counties as may hereafier iki so The committee rtef-atesl a propoattior. lo provide for a print.pal keeper of tin penitentiary, and reported favoiably u prot-oelUot. to Increaae tha pay of feiony i onvlct guard*, from <4> minimum and maximum, to 13ft minimum and 11" maximum. Tne Toomer bill with r-lerer.-* *o mu-. . ■ meanor convict* wi.l not ado* p*.*. * Insolvent ootte order* now held by * nty officers to participate In the funds i, may arlae under tne operation of (re new ayatem The Mil will be made the special order for either Saturday ot Monday. THREE MIA MIMIIG. They Were Rrinalng a Boat From North Carolina lo Fori Royal. Beaufort, B C , Dee, f.—Grave appre hension Is fall here for the safety of Messrs. NVIIIIam Vanharten. Charles Ste phens and R Inane, who left hern some weeks ago for North Carolina to pur chase a .trial! eleatn tteael with which to engage In carrying freight hereabout*. Vanharten and Stephen* are well-known pilots of Tr.rt Royal and Ht Helen* bar* and Mr. Dnane la a carpenter. The men are all married The steam yacht Roitner of New York, wnlch came Into Ihl* port to-day reports that as she was entering Beaufort, N C , a w eek ago Sunday the a'earner. email craft, with the Beaufort men on board, was coming out In the leeth of a north east gale. Nothing baa since h#n heard nf the vessel or crew It la barely p*- rlhl* that they mav have run into iome place of aaftty, and fr *nd* he* cling to tba hope that they may have pursued auch a courae ar.d will yit turn upt CANNOT PH 1% A Tl, NNr 1. - Mraues Will Not Ilf Ulnwnl to Gile Honda; Co--rl. A'.uila. Dec. 5 —Chiif of Poll'** W. I’. Manly this aftern-fin notified Manager Her.ry JeGlve of th.i Orar.d Opera House, tli*’ the Strauee Sunday night concert would not :>e permitted Tne -hlef an notified t il* morning by Chairman W. H Pat’erson of the police board that the state je prohibited performance! in theater! on Sunday*, tl other Sunday v-oetlori were prohibited, ond he wouid ba expr-tod to enforce the law It la highly probab.e that Strauss' Or- Cfteatra a.', rot i>U In Atlanta at all. at, their dat-s are an arts—l for a tour of Bouthe;n cltlea. anl Sunday rditht wee the only date available for Atlanta. TELLPHON t (OVMHIII % riON. sonth CaroMna Comiinr leeam Control of Lar|r Territory. Columbia. 8 C.. D r s—The South Carolina Telephone Company ha Just se cured control of every Independent tele phone in the Pen Dee section Thia com pany, which begat) buelpe-e by putting In Mi) phor-s In Columbia, tan* controls ier,ty-iwo exchange- In different parts of the mate pruliem Miller say* arrangement* aro heir.* perfected by whten Ule company w. 1 aoon own aiel connect with every In dependant telephone line in the etate At ihe name tune he l! building direct lines to Charleston and Augusta. The consol, but lon and connection of theee line* will be of vast benefit to the pcop a In dozens of snail owne who have heretofore been cut off from their neigh bor* RIDLEY CHOIIiN t APTAIN. Will Ccunninnd the I ulvoretty Coot ball Team In 11)01. Athens. Oa , Dee. 5 —Mr Prank Rid ley was elected captain of the Ijoj 'Vare lly football team yesterday afternoon on •he camptm The election war made by th retiring captain. th roa t, th men. Mger and the fa-ultv renrex ntallve. to gether wuh a t-romliietii clitaen of Ath ens. Mr Ridley la lung warmly con gratulated. and h|s la hailed with delight by the entire student body. Scrofula This root cf many ev■ $ Gianduiarturn -rs.abscejses pimples ■r.d other cutaneous eruptions. lore ears, inf.anted eyelids, rmeets, dyspep sia. catarrh, readiness to catch cold and inabf.ity to get rid of it eas:iy. pa e ress. nervousness ar.d other Including the consumptive tendency— Can be comp.e’e.y and permanently removed no matter how young or old the sufferer. Hood • ."4rtApAT.UA * t'T*n th SAufhter of \>rno cj. N V . who bAd brokto out wttb •'•rofaiA torn Ail or*r htr fat€ Aad b<A>l Tbt* frit bottic h*r Acd wh#n h* bAd ttklt ti* the tore* tr#r* a!! ac*J fc*r f *i* tmooth Ha writ** t&At bAR n*T*r tbown abj tic& of tbt Atrofu*a rttQrtii&ff. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for It today and accept no substitute. NEW LIFE IN flfOOkTilT. (Inelnf-sk II ti minl ii a find People Prot perout There. G* . Da.-. 6 —Thlt oM t -iAt tAkeii oii nttv lift, *nd on 4 boom • 1 .1 *r.d he.d ifr |rtt ejection or i44tirdMV. Dtf 1. (or town ofTkft a hit h w* very •pifltA) The . 4t toWovur. T r Mayor. Dr. T. N Baker, aldermen. 1 D. Cdwtrdt P. T Jer.rvirirT. J. F. Skm* i W. Htmliton. B E. Warwick; all ol a hi-, n re cood dUiaoi TbOUfh they have 4 hard lot before them ;n tne fo mar ton of ordinance* they will n\e the of ai. good people bar*. Hlfgetoi. 4n of more aw mill* t ha n 411 y other little tnarn In the country -lAn* St Baker, Cot.tier Lumber Company • f.*l J J riimming.N a Co.-all of which r* doinjr a ir<v>d hunnai BincA the cotiAolidatlon of th< hrm of p H Cum m.nifM At Bpo . Pul,iky. Gm . and J. J umining* A Cos, nf this pU e. untier t’.ie Arm name of J J Cummins* dr Cos . \\ *• omea one ot the *tronae*t • tuner nr n tne They hove already com mer., erection of their dry kiln* and pawning mills, here, and hope by Jan. 1 .0 have rhem In full ojw-ration Tne merchants are doing a gor><l bui n* CoHections are very iar. conse tf-efitly they are happy. C ITII> or miohimippv. Population f I'laren of Over 2<*m* and I nder IM.tNNI. Usahtngton, I# -The poi uliiion of terrain In -orpocatwl pU ♦ |n Mississippi having a population of more than SCO) kUt 4e*g than 2S.OM. 1* an Aher leen. city. 3 4M. Bay .St t. Lou*, city. JA'7; Biloxi, city. 6,4*7. Brookhaven. town, ;*,C*; Canton, city, 3.FS. Coium U>. . jty. 6.4 M, Corinth, city. S.gKl; Green. • . wnwooJ. city, 3,034, ’ Jtenud*. town. 2..V4M, Hattiesburg, town 175. H*liy Bpring* city. ;-.8i5; Jackson it 7.816, Ko* .usko. town, 2.oft, Laurel. *wn. 3.ISQ, M Corn -, town. 4.477. Ma-on. 1 ii, 2.067. Merktion. city, Natche* "it3*. 12.210, Okolona. town. 2.177; Chrisilst), town. 2.1f1i. Port Gib****, 2.115 Sv ran ton. town. 2.086; Tupelo, town 3,1 n *‘ Vi kaburg, city. 14.U4. Water \ alley 'lt' 3 413. \Ve~won. town. 3.275. Went Potnt. town. 3 ill. Winona town •• 4 Taxoo. city. 4.44 The First I ronaer*. From Bt. Nicholas The fVret pantaloons or trouser* were rrvade in A syr!a In the reign of King tm siA B C ) horses were Introduced in the army a*- cavalry. Here resw was 4 problem. the cavalryman had to have some sort of a uniform, an.! ! *• - import*lhie f r him to wear 4 skir nnd ride astride n hnr< Tho tailor-, to j * ,,!l Majesty's armle* wagged their hea/l. long t*me over thD problem, and finally I !ecldel that tha only way out of the dlf I flculty was <0 cut the cavalryman's sktr j fiom hem to waistband in both front nnl I rar. letttng each iMrt fall on !th re spec■- 1 five eld* of the hors* As can readily be I imagined, this split skirt made *n ex. j e*edtnglv poor article of clothing Th* law of heredity, however, is full of sur i ;*r *s; this humble apology fevr a gir ! ment was destined to be th- fat bar of tie original pantaloons The mir*l of the • ailor has evar l*e#r a small one dt Is ikely that even then, as now. It took nine tailors to make 4 man.*' At any j rate, it took the nUor* of Assyria ©vet j 1 century to solve the problem of the iioiwnien'i clothing “Why not," said j 'n of these workers w:th tha needle anl shears, "saw together the edgrs of each ! r.vlfdon of the skirt and thus form s Bsparwt* skirt for each log?" or. In oth* , *r words, ha Invented a pnlr of panta loons % Killing tit finlnees llle. Gainesville. Os. Dec * -Mark Ho'll flel I wllte. was kl'.d by Ermet I**tnan. a i gto. at a dafve here last right. Tba r.egro escaped —A Mil has been prepored for suhms elon in '.ha next Minnesota Legislature releasing the Younger brothers from the pettltenl.ury of that state on parole. TO CURE % foil) IV ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druffsts refund the money If |t falls to cure E W drove's signature is on each box 2S r -ad snuiti, xoricw. "*N7Tr"I<"E'TO riTV (OIHT JIHIIHt. The p*tlt Jurors of the City Court need r.ot appear until Monday, Dec. io, 190 t, at 10 a. m n>- order ut tho Hon. Thus. M. Norwood. Ju-lge. WARING RUWELt- JR. Clerk C C. 8. NOTH i The play cf ''Capt Rtvlf*." to have been given for Daughter ■ of the Confederacy, bus been unavoidably abandoned In stead Ihe Chapter will give a bail Tues day evening. Jan. 1. lbtl Tickets bought for She play can b retlremol for ball tickets or money refunded, at Theus fro* ' until Dec. 1* SPlK', NOIKE. Neither t te master nor ,-inslgneea ot the Italian bark Marla RalTo wdl he re sponsible for any drbte contracted by rhe crew STHArUAM & CO . Consignees Sevan ah. Oa., Dec. 8. I'AX) ft" " ,: |'iun tin t v- ni iihtwstbl with IMs you car make your own gat. It gives i brilliant •white light of from ) to I<> candle i-.w --er. at a coal one-flfth ol a cam per hour CORNWELL Si CHI PM AN. 108 ongresa Street, we-i MBMBE - SS3E IT IT Nil I \1 • HAVE ir. New Apple Cider. 1. : and 5-pound fruit Cake*. Cleaned Currants, Heeded Ritlelns. CM run. l-emon and Oran** Peel. Whitman's Fine Candies In V I and a |>>un-l boxes, Mince Meat, Plum Pudding and Cranberry Sauce Phone 855. HARD®* A MARHILVI-L. THF MOKNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER G, 1900. Ill; HTERIhH DBF %RTMRVT. *nmr P>tnta of imprest From tbe 'eiTfisr)'* He|M*r|. Washington, l* 5 —Following are 4 few lose resting exiracia from tha voi uminous report of the Becrrtary of the Interior made public to-day. Tnere were disf©*ed durtr.g the fiscal year, ended June 10, !*• lards aggregating 13 463* v.n* k> <uwwflrd •# fol.owa: Cash mio 1.178,942-47 a-'res. miscellaneous en* •r'e* embracing hoir.a-eteads timber cul ture. land warrant- r p 1 * it.ons state selections, swam j 1.% r. t e railroad and wagon road selections Indian allot men*# e* , 12.2 U 4*: p aerr* and Indtar lands. 62.423 acres showing an Increase for 4 271 474 k* acre* :•* with the aggre*4te dlspoeals for the preceding hs cal year Tut * • urea of she pub. lands may 1* to be npprcxlmatel) 1.071 kl M 2 acres of wni h 917 136 M) acres are of and 164,745.783 acre* bv* been reserved f r various rurJ•<ee , • The freest po icy I'auguraied by tn> immedia • • predecessor in office has been contir ied dur.r g the year and the re sult# obtained in the ronservatlon of the nation a * fc eta ar.d the protactlor* of tim ber on reserved a well as unreserve! lands have demon.**rated the w!sd m of it* adop*ioii. and the neoeailty. In the in* tereo of the public for its continued e srd reas'd *ppr iations by Congress for the carrying on of the work TTie commissioner in his presents som#* interesr.r.g data on tha progress of education in the l.*n|ted St tea and its dependencie* The grand total In ill schonls •* cment iry secondary and high er. public and private—for the year ended July !. 1495. w s 14 734 VI2 cf which the number enrolled In the common sch o’s. e ementary and sec ndary, was 1&.U1.715. Twenty an-! one-half per cent of the en tire r*<rpuia:ion was enrolled !n the public elementary school- and high schools. The number of students ir. colleges and ui.iver-lUss i* given as Kd.251. f--Pools of medicine, law and theology 55.134. no • nn, sth*.ol#, 61340. the value of pubkc -chool property Is estimared at $624 6Mt ?6f. amcrunt of cunen’ racalpts raiseri from state taxet, 33*'19T.333. fom lo a ihx't 1:43 771 finds. fi.019.875; other sources. sls 429.749; total receipts being $* M 017.612 Tne amount expended for sites buildings furniture, sir is rejortel to be 133.249.949 teachers’ salaries $128,662 wo, yrher diture* fV. ;T.T74 total, excl \dlng pay ment of bonds. 8187.211.103 The general condition of the Indians and iring the \*ar has cont!n e*l to be sati* factory; nu disturbance# or aeriotii* trouble* have occurred, nn 1 a reasons hi > legr*-* of progress toward •'ivihsation ha ►•een male The minaxement of the In dian schools ha been good, and their ln cr*jfe in number so woi, as In the enroll* mer* and attereiunre rf p lpihi in'dicates n healthy and satisfactory growth The pop'd.idon of In Han* exclusive of those if, the t;ie of N**w York and t Os lo the Five ' , 7vlll*ed Trllee of the Indian Territory, nwy be ntale*! approximately o be 191.9.19. an increase of 363 over the previous v^nr. THE LITTLESICKNESSES W lilrh (iron Into Ilia Ahm. A little cold In th* head I* a trifle hut If neglect'd ar.d It hang* on from week lo week tol ft*'* Into the throat And lunar It It no longer a srtflc It t* than no lonaer n slight c old. but th 1 'ginning of ohronlr catarrh Do not make tho mistake of thlnklna you have no catarrh because tho hetb 1 and nora appear to I* clear. If there U couah. tickling in the throat hoarseness or a o* of oppression In the chest, you have throit and bronchial catarrh If tiac appetite Is isior. nausea. gtgg.ll* and dts u*t for food, especially In the morning you have ra’arrh of the stomach Tn# euros* and safest treatment for every form of catarrh is an Internal rem edy which acts especially on the blood and mucous membranes Burts a remedy la the new catarrh cure sold everywhere by druggists under name of Stuart s Catarrh Tablets, a medicine In plecisant. convenient tablet form and containing all the best and latest specifics for catarrh, whether located In nose, throat bronchial lubes or stomach. Smart'* Catarrh Tablets nre composed of sanculnarla. (tualacol. red gum and similar antiseptics, which destroy the serin* of catarrh In the blood, and no one who suffers from any form of starch and ha* seen the uselessness of sprays douches and powders, will ever k<> back to Ibem after once trying so •■onvenlent pkasont and harmless a remedy >• S’uart's Catarrh tablet” and one which gives relief In so ■ hort a time. Even In cases where catarrh has affect, ed the senses of smell and hearing, these tablets accomplish a cure b-ause the blood bslrg cleansed of ra’arrhal germ ‘ha mucous surfaces of the and throat no longer ring up the respiratory pageagre with catarrhal secretions. All dries- 1 sell flill-stld treatments of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for the noml nal price of V> cer’s ant the regular dally use of them will effectually cure this troublesome and dangerous disease tpht ni anTirns. Propr'etort of Suwanee flprlnjs. Biwanec, ITa Gentlemen—lt affords me great pleasure to be enabled to gtvt saprsesloti to my high appreciation of ths merl.s of the waters of your springs as a curative agsnt I was a miserable sufferer with rheu matism nearly all over my body Usd hart tt sty months Was reduced In weight, to ts rounds Suffered grest pain, and when down could not get up without as sistance. could rot step further than eight Inches. I rent to Suwsnse Spring and after uelng there one week I noticed that ! was getting a little hat ter. But. ohl what a chang- was wrought In me In a stay of six weeks 1 was en tirely cured of rheumatism, was sound snd well snd I continued to Improve after coming home, and In one month af terward* I weigh'd IST. rounds and though this occurred ctgni year* ago. I have never felt rheumatism since, and I attribute tt all to the virtue* of me waters ol Suwanee Bering* Yours vary truly. THOMAS I* PIERCE. Hawklnsvtllc. Ga. All you can drink for Sc at Divings ton’s. u til PAPER. PAPtlt HANGING. \Ve carry complete assuriment of lateet stylo papers, tend employ only c.j*i artiste Be. our goods and gel out estimate be fore giving out your work Our prices the verv lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congrew*. Phone 119 MOT VTI IT STOVES. Call and tee what have to say about them CORNWELL A CHIPMAN, It* ongrese street, west. NOTICE. Neither the Master nor Consignees >f the Hr. Steamship "Armenia" B-aarf. Mo ter will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vessel. J. F. MINIS A CO. Consignee*. LAND TITLE*. Abstracts ot ths recorded land titles of Savannah and Cnatham county from the settlement of Georgia to date Money loaned at low Interest on city real esiata. BECKETT A BECKETT. Ilf IH Mfflf. 4 Drives Frowns. Jos. A. Magnus O. MEETINGS. I, F. A A. M. A r-f il—r .ifnmui.i'•tlor. of tbt* as inrtgr will b* h*.4 at M** Tam- YY pi- rhla tThuraday) avanln* at S 15 / Nr u rlocX Th E A will b* ronf!rT*<l. Tranalem brethren and ratmber. of Ma lar lod*s frat.rnally Invit-d to att-nd JOHN W. TARKEK W. M. jab r Cain. B*ci*i*r>. CM CNN i ITI LODGE NO. I. K.OF R.A. Savannah. Ga. D*r ?.. IST.' Th- r-ifniar m-etln* of Ocean City I-ode# No 5. K of R, A . will bo h#ld at th* K of P Halt Deo , I*oo, at 5X> p m H E DREEBON V. C. W. F COURTNAY, Recorder 9PKCIAI. NOTH B*. Tvnr*nTtrvn rttn*. iwi. om3* <'oll#ctor :*■# and County Tax**. Chatham county. Georxla. Savannah. Oet. E. I*M.—The dlfest la now open for tlv* collection of the above laxea on all prop eray. real and personal; ihe ape 10c tax on profeationa. also th* POLE Tit FOII EOI CATION AI. FR POm ON ALL MALE RESIDENTS of th* oily and county, between the axes of 21 and *1 year* Office at <h Court Houae. Houra 9 a rr.. to 2 p m. JAB J. MeOOWAN. Tax Collector C. C. NOTH H In Regard to th* Aae*ament of Real Property In th* fitly of Savannah for Taxatt n for th* Y<ar I*ol “Bio* Tax Aaaeaaora and Receiver*. Sa vannah. Nov i, 1W —l'nder a resolu tion of Ihl* board lax payer* arc Hereby notlded that the aaaeaatnent and valuation of property for the year I*oo in the ab -enc* of objection*, will he continued a the I .avia of taxation by the Hty of Savan t ah for the year 1901 a* to reel estate. Including improvement* covered thereby, veept a* to Waahmifton. Warren. Rey nold*. Derby. Decker ar.d Franklin ward*, and auch other ward* a* may be re-aa e*ed. due notice of which will be given 'hr-’u*h the pr** on Jan 1. 1901 Objection*. If any mint he made In writing and ftl-d In the office of the Board of Tax A****eor* and Receiver* within FIFTEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of thla notice No objection* will be conatdered unlea* verified by an affidavit made hv the property owner ti ll la agcnl. atatln* that the property ha* heon ataeaaed higher than It* actual mar Ret value In the abwenc* of objection* within th* tme apeclfled the **<*ment and valua tion will be con* dere.l a* •atlfa-tory. atwl will b for th# veer 1901 J H H. OBRORNF Chairman Bavannah. Ga.. Nov Jn. 190 ft FROIEX RICE limit* —at— UCHAV AR/.’R CAEE. Greatest datnty of the seated. Oysters served In every sty le—prepared by the most not'd rooks tn tha South. Congresa and Whitaker streets. ‘Open Day and Night SOW I* THE TIME TO USE DETERSIVE ri-UID It will make your old clothing took like new. Sold In large bottles at Site. SOLOMONS CO. Ball Street *t#rr Open All Night. FOR * ALE. One 18-Inch Steam Shot Oun Feed. SJ feet long: one Hill Oscillating Hi-am Nig ger. 5 and Id-inch cylinders, only used aboue thirty davti one flier and Stowed Gang LJger, with three saws: one full set of Filer and Htowell Lathe Machinery, consisting of bolter ar.d gang lathe saw mill; one set of machinery for making rosin barrel staves; also a tot of Circular Huws from 18 to 14 Inches diameter, from the mill of II F Smart A Bro. in Emanuel county The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFC. CO . Savannah. Oa. BONUS CXECCTED. By the American Bundled and Trust Company of Baltimore Wo ere author liad to exe-uta lo ally (Immediately upon application), all bonds In Judicial pr->- -ecdlng- In either the state or United States Court*. ar.d of administrators and guardians DFARTVO A HULL. Agents Telephone Hi Prcvld*n- Building BPEtIAL KOTICE. Now ts a good time to select rose plsnts to plant In your garden. Come out and see them At JOHN WOLF S NURSERY. Ott and Anderson streets 'Phone OA NOTICE. The Arm of Walthour A Rivera having been dissolved by the de ith of Mr J L Walthour. tie undersigned hive this day formed a copartnership for the purpo-e of carrying on the real estate business un der tne Arm name of Rivera A Otbbes HORACE RfVERt- CHAB. H. GIBBES. Dec. 1. I*oo. SPECIAL XOTICB. We are now giving special attention to house tulntmg kalsomlnlng and paper hanging, et With a corps of only flrst c ass workmen and a competent super intednent we can do >our ttvork promptly and satisfactorily Oet our tallmate on anything In house decorating lloe and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO. VIRGINIA SECOND CROP SEED POTATOES. beans, Peas, Tomatoes, P(iO Pla |lt < And in W ar:anted Seed, suitable for market gardener*' need-. AA rite for specia prices. J T.SHUPTRINE, Seedsman, Congress and Jefferson Streets, Savannah, Ga. KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDIeS- Cures when aii remedies fail. LIVINCSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Conjires.'-. Branch 309 Bull St. Phones 293. Phones .182. Superior Laundry Work SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 BLAINES* NOTICES. Wait No Longer. Try a FRANKLIN CIGAR. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 700 WPmj/aiindwi OPPOSITE THE DE FOTO Ofllc© %Jl Hull Phm© 70i irun.iL noTim. ORBKR’tt SCOTCH WHISKY. This celebrated famous old vntted Highland Whisky I* imported direct from the dtstiilery hy us This Greer Scoich Whisky ts guaranteed to be bottled abroad ar.d ts consigned to ua from Glas gow Scotland, and ts tn bond In the United States Custom House in this city Tnls grand old Greer Scotch Whisky ts beautifully mellow and mild lo a degree and Is -oft to tn# isilate as one could possibly wish, and then- Is a nutth - about It that ts especially We are glad to let he public pur chase a* small ouandty a. they wish, even ore bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky extant. LirrUAN BROS . Wholesale Druggists, Lloptian's Block. Sole Agents for the Clr"r Distil leries, Giosgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish W’hiskte# HEAD* OF HOMES, MOTELS tvp HOSPITAL* Has It ever oc-urred lo you that nearly ana-half your life is epetu inoed? Th> traitress is the most abused article of furniture, and should bs well made and of good, clean material; tt should be pick ed and cleansed at least or .re e*;h tnrse years. We maka new ones to orde . and have improved machinery to cleanse and pick old ones Ottr m*-e..anu-a) work lin of tickings, and material for tilling, flrst claa- Medicated Steam Renovation of Feathers. Hair. etc. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO . Bell Phone U 35! Drayton. BAY MU NM UESI OITOM ILB. The best is the Whitler Biar.J of Be.- fast Olnger Ale, made by Wheeler A Cos of Belfast. Ire,and from tne celebrated Croma Bprlngs of that ,-lt> Tb'se epr,ngs ere the property of A Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufaelure- Ut Ireland has thos- waters but them selves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is mi le from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are. one .a deleterious— the other Is o tonlr For Healthfulr.ese and Purkv the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale kt the best LfFPMAN BROTHERS. Bole Southern Agents. Savannah. Oa m n,: ‘ K>l *" ‘ f v ' lIMM Wbhsker Street. Diamond Back Terrer-I;. Slew s-rv-d any lime to order Aisb setr.e of a! kinds, end only the ber mens ar p-.. pared in the best .Gyle Gulf -ot t O a tera racleved dally. Wuetgbjrg-y loff Brau on draught. ph na TW. THU WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop, arly taken up. cleaned end tak- n care of for the summer, is • turn the Job over to the District Messenger ar.d De.lvery Cos telephone 5. or ill at . Montgomery street, and ahes will ir.ik, you at mate on the coat of the work Priest reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and ptenoe. C. H MEDLOCK. Supt sod JJgr. GRAPHOPHONES and RECORDS m 4HE44 %OTII F&. WILSON WHISKY • THAT-8 A Lie." $1 bottle M S. I. SKI ft. (V*r BrouK .01 r,l Phone# 7 V/i Hy*** y/ FINEST FRAMES. FINEST LENSES Our Goods arc the Finest In ttu- Sooth. Wc nre the only Opticians tu Savannah. Oar Work Shop ts Onr Strong Feature. We grind all pre scription work on the premiers same •lw rccelvo|. Itcimlrluu don** nlille too tvnlf. Kje* evnmlneil free. Dll. M. M HWAR \ *OV \o. 47 Unit •. fin. I* It one 11!4. r=p ~I ft® •lust received 3 LIGHT TROTTING BUGGIES. Cull on<l see them, they are beautiful. Cohen-Kulman Carriage and Wagon Cos. Broughton and WeM Broad atreeta HOLIDAY GIFTS The intrinsic value of Jewelry. Allver. Cut (, ,j et- , Is part of their charm a- a gift The many new an I exoulsltc d,-signs shown here ire another part that add greatly to Its worth fulness—mak ing U doubly 4pfircUt<] HIMTER & KEUREN, JKWELERS. 1U Bull Street Ga Phone *9l SPECIAL NOTICE*. AO t It L. Ct;y of Savannah, Office C.erk of Council, a.. . * NOV ' 14 All parties desiring to retail liquor -lur ing the year k* 1 will i1.,. me-tr applica tion* with th* Clerk of Council at once, so that sam. can be referred to Council er.d action taken upon sal,l ppllcailon before the expiration of limit provided for by ordir.auce. WM T RAn-WY. Clerk oX Council. LBOJ'OLD ADLER. JNG. h PMtflßt c. e. ELLIB BARRON A UN Prealdent At* The Chatham Bank Will be p.-atui to (active tp. , of Merchxr.t* Firm*. Indlvij .. ’ an<l t’orpcratiuii,. Liberal favor, extended I'nsurpaaaad collection f,< .! y, Inr rrnmpt retuin* * VT ' sssnssmmss LY ON DEPOSIT}! Safety Dpo*lt Box-* r.| v, . , rent. Oorre,pordenc* ,51l l’*d ' The Citizenslank OF A\ANNAN " CAPITAL $500,000. Tranaacts m Gearral Baakl* Rbtlnri*. * Sollrll. Arconnt. ladly H „u Merchaut*. Uaaka ana oth„ r „ rß *; ration*. Collection* handled with cronoray and dispatch latrreat, compounded q0.rt,,,. allowed on dcpoalin In oar Saviaa* Department. * Nafety Boxr* and *, or ,-, vth#. fIR 9NTLEY A. DENMARK. Fre,!*,.. .MILLS 1,. L.A.N'E, N lee Frreld, Bt GEORGE C. FREEMAN.„. GORDON L. GROOVE!!. A*,t . SOUTHERN Ui \*t in oii.v oC Gee w * i'**’ 11 *' DXRI Surplus ar.d undivided profits DEPOSITORY OF THE STAT- Z GEORGIA Superior facilities for tranaacting General iu*n,u., yTTr ■ m ('ullrctl ,n ma.le on alPnoinF, through bank* aiid csr.s,.-, Ai counts of Bank,. Banker*. MrrTßaiits and other* solicited, gate Deposit Bus* for rent Department cf Saving*, Interest rarahe quarterly. he I, B erllng Exchange on London C and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY President HOPAOE > I RANE. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS JNO FLANNERY WM W GORDON E A WFTI. W \Y GORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MTERS JO6EPH FERST H T SMART CHARLES KELTS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY Sill Bill J I® !l CAPITAL. #350.000. Account* of banks, merchants, corpora, tiont and individuals sobcitad. Bavii gs Department, interest paid quar terly . Safety Doxea and Storage Vaults tit rent Collections made on all points at rse sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of Ua world. ~aai Correspondence invited JOSEPH D. WEED. President JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice President. W F. MeCAULEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. UA. Capital •••• n5 Undivided prom* _ *v This hank offer* It* service* to corpora tlor.s. nier hams and Individuals Has authority to a t as exe utor ■ mlnistrator. guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cltl** J Great Britain and Ireland and on ** Continent. ... Internet paid or compounded q on deposit* In tho Savings Depatmew. >x>x** for rent. HENRY BLT N Presld'nt GEO W TIEDKMAN Vtca Prasldset. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Asat Cashier No. M 46. Cbertered H r THE— Mils Nil i OE SAVANNAH CAPITAL. Luma* bt KPLUS UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR!. J. A G. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice Pree.der.t W M DAVANT. Cashier Accounts of bank* and barkers, w chants and corporations rec*lved ugwt the most favorab’e terms consistent vtO eaf* and conservative tankbg THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 TORK dTREET. WEST PER CENT, per annum allowed • O deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly 6PIK CENT, per annum deputlta of even hundreds, wltburew able at annual periods. GEO W TIEDE.MAN, President. B H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W. BELL, Secretary. C G ANDERSON. JR Treasurer Ti leiipef BS For sale, i Foraallb Newspaper Fdd*r, will fold atieet I7xG. It Is In godl dr4 * r price 9100 It coat ortgmady *-L* b '‘ we have no use for It and want tba Il occuptaa. It will be en Invaluable adjunct w newspapor ofllra. Address MORNING NEWS, tavaaaah, r **- The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. are prepared To Make Loans On Reasonable Tcrm^ IF yol’ want GOOD M *;r J ft ',ad and work, ordtr your !UhfWJ frc ai printed stationary hlank *-*>** 21*w, OovATsiiAb.