The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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11, u.nnnMr "Mute •* IntailnUli.*.'* or Morning New*; In your !m !h' Mil -n • new* Rem you tive tlje m* which I will tndeevof io *n- Tne Mississippi Jury m *h* case rwlirowd accident. Mi correct In ir verdict: ~ the Jury, find that the decreed , . to hie dee h hy a etroke of er east I tra>n No SH. * * * he belli# in , tone ole etatr of Intoxication." It or intervMlnf to know Juat how s „ man may b-- and etlll be In a onable state of Intoxication ” re r*> different elates of in toxica ■ marked and poeltlve; Juet as in nee of Ineanity When a man I* unk he le tnssne more or leee. for the r ftßt >*•*. put into an ao.w.ina. • lion Just as a nmn when aroused eat anger. ii'*nui) and judgment •tethronni for the time being, .-unkenr.ese begin* flret, ae an exei'- , then aa a altmulanl. and then e de ni The whole system It at laat rd. frreh. brain, heart, liver, lungr. , , „,,<j the nervoue and muscular eye- Intexicatlon grow* as any other c crows r tjrst sta#e*.' eay* an author, "of ~ a ton in hown In the want of a mend over the lower ltp and lower Th nerve pulp of the spinal oord . ihi bed The muscles fee the torpor. T ANARUS: •• nerve pulp of the brain come* under • evil Influence and ihe control of Us rnent and the will dl.-apiiear When n. ’h liquor Is taken the man I* sai,| • - 'dead drunk.' , heart, the real of life, tolls on. but t i ary oa<a the torpor saves life, aa o s the drinker Just at the point when drinking would kill him outright." . ruin the above It will be seen tfiai J - line;* Is simp y progressive accord* i i the amount taken and the effect .o orsln end muscles Much depends u s a men** finj>eramert In and. Inking r. e months e.cohol'reechea the hraln, r ke food. It Is not digested. Where ruin Is Imenedlato y affected e man n o a hls mat.tai equilibrium. A o Joes not afTecJ the. hraln of all s I 'or It pays upon certain organs In (ji,., or or less degree. With one whe sorter le quiet and peaceuble. the si. . i p.aye upon hls organ of combative, r, - ad he le ready and many :Ime, . a flKhi. Again, ano'hei who Is by i „ .re combative, will be th. mosi peace tnd agre. able ami there Is no fight •n then. And so with eve-y organ as t l plays upon It. Kesso-- and Judg i ut have gotra to sleep for the time be. , If v with some. And ,galr. with others, thetr brarne arc j 1 .- ter end q ilcker Intellectually, serp.- at- snse and poets they can think le t.r ar.d write better when reasonably drunk Wet-s er and Byron. and many ihtrs. were such men. Byron • '.er. tod he w*ut a great poelteWt g -:.l* said: "The gt-r.lus of gin." To be r --.sonably drunk Is to know wbat one Is 1- ig. to be onscloue of words and act*. ■ i be a the same time Indlffe ent. T > k w danger, but (o be regard ess of < |;.' when one Is mad drunk there I* r.o reason or judgment In h to. He Is a n.< for th. ttmr belrg. A number : ' . iis ago there was a man who was dtut * very often. A lady neighbor said •r M. wife "I am sorry to seo your ; l -ome h me so often drunk ' "Oh! it." sad the wife for when he Is - Is kind and good to me: h,ut r he Is overbearing, unktrd and ~ killed on <he railroad no doubt danger, hut was Indifferent fo -i perfectly rations . but and and rot . n philosophy of drinking takes on bad.-s The man who can drink inl ue l othlrg fop It o-roorrow Iv il.e habit of drink. Hls will - under hls romp's e control. With a habit to suit hls pleasure when a man says dally, "I must k. my nervous system demands I'.,i man Is a drunkard, \ • m has been thrown ■ > ,n SDiHirma: condition by > n h drink lie Isa diseased man, m i : . a* one with consumption. • in :n or ar.y other chronic disease. . i 11 mum drinker, the opium eater, I n-r-hlna taker, arc drunkards In, t :*■ .liar line of stimulants. No ti-e mi e words or try to tie euphonic in . it: a disease. Trur-kaid Is ihe r l> .iuse those who demand such • uulari* are slaves to the desire the es|iy md the comfort II affords h-tn Ir trail. ? and minds are fully diseased, tlu-i they know It or not. or will ad mit It. 'in be “reasonably drunk" la to ( .•■>w your condition. hut dor'i ire for self or public opin ' To he unreasonably drunk Is :>e regardless of dir.ger. do not see of .' 'I SI. ar.d connot reason. R. M. O Five Favorite* Won. Washington, Dec s.—Five favorites won Hennings to-day. First Ra e—Seven furlongs Buffoon, to 1. won. with Fluke, 10 to 1. second, it I Handy. 8 to 1. third. Time 1:34. • coitd R-i'e—, handicap • md a half furling* Pigeon Poet, •n, won w th Quite Right. 3) to 1. sec • 1 and Snark. 10 to 1, Ihirrl. Time 1:15 1 bird Race—Hurdle, one anil one-halt le*. Magic Light, 7 to 5, won, with • I-ost Chord, 6 io 1, second, and raughtaman, 5 to 5. third. Time 3:00 3-5 i Race—One mile and fifty yards -nal ile. 6 to I. won. with Elsie Skip, 3 second, and Cogswell. to 1. third. T me 1:53 3-5. Fifth Race—Selling, one mile and e * '(**••-'h Mle Hanover, #Ten. won. iviti au Ideal, 6 to 1. ae ond. and Chara * ' > 5 to 1, third. Time 1:35 3-3. 'Xlh Race—Handicap. two-year-old* >’yd a;n-arda. seven*. Carbunc-e. won. with Humboldt. JO to J. see ' and and Charentu*. to l. third Time * *2 2-£. %ew Orient.# Hare Beenlle. ' "w Orleans, Dec. 5 —Only one favorite * v t'--dy ftummanea: ' Race—S ver. furlong*, felling s Furber. 9 to ?. won, with Jaek Mar -1 ■ to 1. aecond. and Be-n Chance, 5 lo third. Time 1:37';. >r. 1 Rice—B.x furlong*. Aere-n. 4 o • w th g-. Bluff 10 to 1. second and • r ra, Ito 5. third. Time 1 JJH. 1 Race—Six furlongs, selling Rosy i • 5-'- o 1. won. with Crystalline, *0 to _ "T-'d, and Jessie Jarboe, 7 io J. third. Time l:S\. rnurih Race—Hamliesp, ore mile and '-.ghth Monk M : avmaw. t'Co 1. won ' • MaJ XI inalr. 5 to 1. second, and 13 to a. third. Time 5 064,. i lfth Mace- One mile, selling Joe 9 to 1 won. with Sauber. 7 to 1. nod. ami False Lead, 15 to 1, third me 1:51 Vb. ktxih Race—Six fur!-o*. eelllng Orton. to 1. won, with Mtdaummer, 4 to 1. and Uhler. 9 to 1, third. Time >-tt Bernhardt Pronounce* f,'Alston From the New York Press 4 * ptonounce* R Leglohhhhhng. with I'* *ec#nt on 'he Le# and th* rent maaL s aettie a prob.em that has much dle “* "and society. Ora> beard la a family medicine with said a prominent business mon ys- Mr wife takes It. and 1 notice • l* enjoying better nea th than for s ,r *- The children keep well by taking • aytard may be obtained at all drug re* or writ* to us for it. Reepess Drug • ole prop* Savsnnsh. Os.—ad ' Fomfortln* Thought.—" They iy ssys will he scarce this Thankefiv. Then It's a lucky trlng that this Is th# \ r 9" "re Invited out."—Cleveland ‘•win Dealer. CASTORIA for Infants end Children. Thn Kind 'Von Have' Alttayw llouylil haw Ixirne the slgnn turp of Chaw. 11. Fletcher, and haw hoen made untler hiw personal wtiport iwiou for over 80 years. Allow no one to fleeelve yon in thl*. Counterfeit*, Iniitatioiiw anil “luwt-aw-ir<MKl ” are hut Experiment*, und entlaniier the health of Children—Experience aguiuwt Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OFFICIAL. ORL)IN ANCKtj' By th# F,nance Commute#. An ordinanc# to iqea and ,#vy taxes and raise revenue for the city of Savan nah; for the i •gul.ition of certulti k.n.l* of bui.res* In the certiorate and jurtsd.c tlonal l.mits of sad city; Ilx.n< pera.ll lor the viola.ton of th* revenue ord.nanc#* of eeld city, and for other purposes con nected wlih taxes and revenue of autd city. Section 1. The Mayor ar.d Aldermen of tn# city of Savannah. It. Council as sembled. do hereby ordain. Tnai from and after th* first day of January, 1901, the in habitants of *j.d coiporat* and juried.c limits of raid city, and ih Ml who no and taxable pr> p rty wttr.ln the aime. and ihoee who lrar:act. or offer lo transact, bualne*’ therein, excepi such .is are ex empt from taxation by law avail pay to ward the support of t c government of •aid city, and for the safeiv , benefit, con venience and advantage of aaid city, the taxes hereinafter prefer.bed Sec. 2. Every p> reon ant;HrSt|->n owning real properly .n said city. me.lad ing lmproverrw n.s, shall pay a tax to be aesoased by Counc.l u|ion the value of wal l property by ihe first day of April. 1901. at Ihe rate of per centum upon the value there of. except oi such pro;ert> a# may be ex empt from taxai.on under the laws of this state Sec. 3. Every person ar.d corporation owning or holding In irut or con* gnmem hou-#ho|d. kitchen or office furnl u e, prlv ate or prof*ssio’nal llhrjrl-s. watche jew *lry. plate, musical Ineir ments l>l.Hard tables In private re-ld n -es, stocks 'n money corporattem#. bonds, notes, or other evidences of debt, money, solvent debt*, etock In trade, and every oth'r kind of .ereonal properly whatsoever, shall pay a tax at the rate of per centum on the value of such ptrsoral property whateoever owned Jr held on the first day of January, 1901. ind If any person or partrers :t|> shall en gage Ir. business aa a wt!'.o!-ul* or retail tea.#* In goods, wares or merchatidlie of inv description hats.-ever nf er lie first day of January. 1901. they ahall pay a tax on the value of such goods and morchan -li*e (*s they mav l*e possessed of on the day of the due of th<lr heel rlr g business in said diy). which lax suit of each pro|iorllon of sad tax as th-- tlm* left In said y. ,r Iks 1 ar to Ih# Who# year, ex cept such as may be exempt 'rom iaxs l'.•lr by ill* law* of *his stale or of th* I'r.lled Sta'es. Sec. 1. Every shipmaster captain, su percargo. agent or other officer of any ve#- -el. or othr persona wno -hail charier or offer lo i barter hls veeeel. or who shall sell goods or ortlcFs of any kind from n-iy vessel or wharf, personally purchase cargo or collect freight, except through a li censed broker or commission merchant shall be consider*.] a commission mer chan: ansi *.ay the rax hereinafter pre scribed for commission merchants. Bec 5. Every I-or son transacting or of ferir.:' to Her act, .ny of the kind* o* h'jelnce* heielnafter epeclfled (whether in Connection with any Other bu*lne*s 4>r non shall po> Ihe lax herelrafter r-re •crtbe.l fo- every separate place In which he shall traneocl or offer lo transact bus viz.: Aucitoncci* (doing a xeneral auction bu*in*"M and commission merchant or auctioneer (doing a general auction i>u-l nrssi ane. broker, two hundred dollars Dealers In goods, wares and disc Including dealers In drugs, etc. (In addition b> l.quor tax or ilctnae). a# fo lO^'l* - Dealer# exclusively retail except Ihoee conducting a department store, thirty do.- lars. Me iters conducting a department etcre one hunJre<l do lars. Dealers exclusively wholesale or retail dealers selling at wholesale, one hundred dollars' those conducting deparim-n sioree m no event paying a ema 1-r tax than that provided for In th* preceding pvragra h. . , , . Dealer* m liquor doing a wholesale bus iness iwo ImnC.rtd dollars. Broker* In liquor, two hundred dollars. Bank or bank agent or agents of hang er* er.gatec in buying or selling exchm* Including every person or company Joins x banking business fifty dol.ars; every bank wtiuoui a savings depanmeni ai ta -hed and every ' n F* bank, fifty dol- Rra- #’v. r> bank with a savings depart ment attached, seventy-five dollars Fv*r> pewon. firm or corporation, orb*' than those paying Ihe license Jtisi men tioned rcqurled of hunks, and bankers buying and selling exchange fifty dollar* Cotton tuckers, or broker* or dealers in stock* bond* and real estate, end everv produce, grocery, and naval gtore* broker and evrrj resident agent repreaen'fnx i on-res.dent dealer*, merchanis indtn ii ufaclur* ra. exclusive of broker* In liquors seventy-five dollar*. l'erwoov Idler than a pwwnbr-.ker en gaged In the bu!n**s of lending money o pero' a’ properly, three hundrcl an*l lift) dollar*. . ... Broker# or agents buying and selling fu ture* on margin, five hundred dol.ars Brokers or dealers In stock*, bond*, real estate and live etock. with the privilege of selling same at auction, one hundred do'la re. Broker* who mav handle or receive goo-ki on consignment, one hundred dol lar*. .... Ship brokers, one hundred dollars. In butter, lard ar.d v.i#s. eight* dollars. Dealers In tildes, wax and lallow. eghlt dollar# Brokers engaged In the tales of horses ca’.Ue or mules, who k*7> no stable* 'or Ih* sale of earn*, one hundred do lar*. Dealers In horses, cattle or mules, who ke-p no stable for the e*me. on# hundred dollars. Fawn'roker*. flv# hundred dollars. FroprtetOrs of each pool room kept or malt atn*d In h city of ftavamvrti for *h sale of pool* on races shall p#y tne sum of fifteen hundred do lai* per annum. Bu'.kl if and loan -i asocial lons on* hun dred do lnrs. Loan a-aoelatlon* do'ng a banking bus! nesa. or# hundred dcllirs Every fir* or life Insurance company d ing bush es*. whether dl ec ly or throug an agency, or through a broker, two tiun drvd dollars for each and ax#ry agency or broker f.v-rv agei.i or broker doing business in th# ilty of Savannah for every fire or Ilfs company which he may repre ssed In any way. including each company to which he may send buelnesi <d'#!i P*> th# tax o' two hur-ir-d dollar* In all r*#a where th* company doe* not pay the tax Itaelf- Broker# doing buslne*- under lb* act of rha Legislature of Oeorgla, approved De 14. 1894. and entli*d "An act to ptov de for and regulate the bualne** oj, Inaur i auce brokers In this atatc. and to author- THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER fi. lOOfi. OFFICIAL. a inaurewe to b 'iroourad by mem be yond the limit# of the etaie upon prop erty w.thln ihe iate. #nd for other pur poses, ' are expreely Inc.ud-d tne mean ing aid Inteni beta# to make the again* and broker* referred to responsible under the I'auit- aid per.alilet of (hls oriUianc* for Ihs speclfi tax of two hundred dol lars a* provided for by or 1 nance of the city of Sav„n ah wuopted on the Jilh day of Seruemhsr 1895. Ever) a a li e. surety or other Insurants comrar.y doing buslnera, whether directly or through an agency or through a broker cr an a Korney. fifty dollars foy * aeh and every agency or hroker or attorney Every such agent, r ker OT tt r-*y "'.rg u-h hua- Ines* In 'he city of Savanna.i for e # y such cor. p ny which h* may r p eeenl In any way, us pay a tax of flfiy dol ara In a f as* a whf* ibe c- mpany do * *ot ray he tax I self, and 'his . rovls on ara I apply o any tt ni, looker . r attorney 5i il**e* bualne* fra u a .iw ompauy on w bai I# known as ', pen io do " Every acckiem Insurance com, any do :ns h ah ess, wh Iher dl ec ly or '.hr U'h an i gsi cy <r t roign a b ker, <ne b n dr and do. ere for each nd e ery a ,ncy esr br. k r. Eve y lu-rson cho shall Iw swom hy the May- r twi.o I. Inr-h, aumorD-d io ad minlsitr lie - lh frr >uch puipose) as a l uMic wig: er t any g. *>•.#, wares or m r cbaisli-e, iwe, ty fixe < O lars. E e y av,rage or adjuaier for ccni,..iiles .ut whluh he I- no; Hi# tocel I urn • u e. '. fi i> do r-. K per# Of i loprl. lore of houil# hat #on lein eexel.lj-five room.- or upward, one bundled dollar# Keeper# or proprietor* of hotel# contain ing under eeveniy-five room*, fifty dot iar# Sewing machine agen.a or agencies, fifty dollars, the saute for each and every agen cy. Dealers In sewing machine#, fifty dollar* ueuier* In voai. one hundred dollars. Deal-re In eiallot.ery or books, eelllng exclusively at wholesale, or ai retail and wnoK-Mile, one bundr,xi dollar# Retail deakra In stationery or book*. Ihiriy dollar*. on mills, one hundred dollar* Manufacturer* of or deaiers in fertilizer*. noi paying tax as n commission merchant, one hundred dollars Owner*, proprietor*, leasee or lessee* ol cotton pres* establishments, three hundred doliirs, every hand cxyton pres*, twenty five dollar# Owner*, proprietor*, lessee or lessees ol a Junk shop, or Junk dealers, three hum drvd dollars. Cotton 11-genes, to be confined en- u si.ely to the purchase or gti> of .ot on. one lin' and liars; end all buxen ot 100 e cot-on wno buy ir m other* than <r,iton mercbanie. me hundred and * v • my no Hire. I r p i to # or owner* of c icon giri e ta n-h .-enis. ne b indr-d and line Every c mmt slon merchant or factor, one hi.n*. E,e y d*a er n Ive pou try nisi coun try p:oduce, one liui.d,e 1 dinars. Jon work, house Cleaning and upholster ing. ten 'Filers D"u.ler* ,n bicycle supplies and rcpulr • rs of bicycle*, thirty uo.l.irs, Ex|ior:cr*of i ottou.lunibiT, naval store#, or ol.'o r im r fiandlse. foreign or coast wise, agency or representative ot firm 61 exporters, two honor'd dollaia. Htevedore*. fifty*. Exery light* r.n e or river transfer. In dividual, firm or company, one hundred dollars. Proprietors or owner* of lumber yards. fifty do. his Dealers in brick or agents for the sale of brick, eexenty-llve dolais Dteix.r* ill Wool, tntity dollars. Keepti# of ware no trees tor the storage of cot ion. merchandise. g->d*, etc., lot each warehouse, thirty dol.ars. proprietors or owner* or k>epera of bll hard or pool lablte, other than those used n private dwel Ing . fifty doilarg for each table. Proprietor* or owner* of bagatelle table*, iw< nty-flve duller* for each table. Propr.etork or owner* of ten-pin al.eys, thirty* for each alley. proprietors oi owners of mw mills or planing rnil.e. with or wlihoul lumbet yards attached, one hundred dollars, and on each eavb and blind factory, or agency of Mish and blind factory, fifty do.lars On the owner or proprietor of every span, engine u*ed for hoisilng purpose.-, or any other business where steam is u##d, not regularly taxed. •• In this ordinance stated ami enumerated, twenty-five do., lars. t o'.ton shipper,.. do.lere. ' otion weigher# twenty-fiv*. Shoemaker* ten dollar* Mer- tiaut labors I.Urty dollars. Every circus, with or wl-hott: a menag erle, for ra ti and every day performing In Ihe city, two hundred and fifty dollars Itinerant show#, one hundred dollar! pet week or any part thereof: flying hora-a. twenty-five do.lars per month or any p#ri thereof; other minor exhibition.*, ten doi .ar* per week, or any part thereof. Dealer* or vendor* of goods, wares,mer chandise, drug* and small ware*, ee ling nr Introducing the some for axle hy means of publl exhibition*, one hundred dollaia per week, or ar.y part thereof. Hand organ*, or #4roll! g band of musi cian*. five dollar* per w. *k Every person, company or corporation engaged in the hue.nets of operating or running a theater for theatrical exhibi tion*. three hundred dollar* per annum e.rety theatrical troupe mlncrel troupe -ar other troup# acting oi performing in •ny public hall in this city othtr than a theater, shall pay flv# dollar# for each performance Every proprietor of a concert hall or va riety show shall i>#y a license of one hun dred dollar*. Fervor* or partnership# running a grist mill, thirty dollar*; ev*ry peron running a flour mill or flour and gritl mill, thirty dollar* Bread or cake baker #* carried on by means of steam, machlnry, or other mo five power, fifty dol ars; if carried on without steam cr o her motive power, thirty dollar* Mat#r builder*, mee-m*. mechanic* and other* taking contract* for work, thirty do’lar# Architect# civil engineer#, surveyor* comrecior*. thirty do'.iw# Heal eatar# co4 ector* and agent* iwn ty-flve iteUara; cut-rate ticket dealer*, agent# or brofc#r tnd ticket *ca!p#r*. fifty duller*. I’ropndor* or owner* of Intelligence of ficer. ten dollar# for each offh'* Mercantile or commercial agencies, one hundred dollar*. Dally newspaper# printed by steam or other motive power, one hundred dollar*; every weekly or other newspaper printed OFFICIAL. by steam, or oln#r motive power, fifty do,iar*. every daily rewapeper woiked by hand, twenty-five do lar* and every week ly nenapapet worked by band irn do lars, J.b prlni.iig offices worked by * earn ris water, or Mh*r motor, fifty doi.ara. If worked wlthou rein, ga* water, or other motor, twer.iy-ftve do lar* Every proprietor of a tw-ok tindery, without ■ pnnltrg office, fifteen dol ara Manufacturer* of wd* water, te ling from fount*, twenty-five dollar*, nod man ufaoturlr.g and • >da. fifty dol lar*. set Ing sx-xla water from fo.ui #. ten do, *i* for each fount. F .b'lc steam laundries, fifty do,lar* Fubilc laundries run w.thoui #:earn twer.'j-five*. Bottler* of beer or a e fifty do lar* Bonn boders eg lar n#r*. for each e-tab IWhment. ten dollar* barber ehup*. four dollar* f r each chair Fer#-'n* engaged In the bu*lrea of ft t* fitting or plumbing, or both, shall take out a itern*e. for which he *ha 1 pay ihlri> dol'ar*. and ahall comply with the prov * lon* of an ordinance adopted Feb 9. tx* ■ mended Nov 10. 189*. further amended April 19. Dealer# In palnl# ol * and builder*' sup piles, other than manufacturer*, seventy five dollar* Dag 'em an srtls'r photographer*, am brotyper* and portra t palmer*, twenty five dol nr*. Steamboat. vea*el or other agencß# flfn dollar*,. e,ery agency for o-e.iu steam ship#, each line, one hundr-d dollats. Itroom far or e lßv.rt -lollara Lampblack fa-iore* fifty dollar*. Mamifa-lurer* of p!a er or cement, flf ly do.htrs Coppersmith*, fifty dollar*, manufa lurer* of 1111, one htirdred dollar*. Ice fact rle* i-ne hundred do lar* Who***)* dealers In Ice. one hundred dollar*; every retail dealer In Icc, ten do) lar* Each and every museum, twenty five dol lar* Ga* rornpan'oe. flv# hundred dollars, every electric light company, five hundtet dollar* Re-tauranl* or eaflr.g house*, twenty five dollar* B ce pounding or Meaning mill*, w'th oi wl'hout grist mill attached, one hundred dollar# For une teller* p.ilmlsl or astrologer*, five hundred dollar*. Breweries or persons manufacturing anv malt liquor*, or agen** of warn* who have not already paid the wholes** liquor and wholes*! e dta er* tax. ihiec hundred dot lar*. Manufacturers of cider or vinegar, or e ther, fifty dollars Telephone compwnle# or exchange#, six hundred dollars each: each Independent telephone of two station* two dollars and fifty cent* Bireel railroad com panic#, whe her un der the control of another company or not. In ’.leu of the #pe-iflc tax here'ofor# required, shall pay lo Ih# city of Savan nah for the privilege of doing bualne** in Ihe city and for th# u* of the street# of th* city, al th* rale of one hugdre.l dollar* per mile or fraction of n mil* of track of Ihe main line, eliminating s i switch*# and double tracks and cot,forming the charge to one line of track# on each street used in the city of Savannah by said railroad company. #nd II eh#ll be the duty of Mreei railroad romtvtnle* to make a return under oalh. through the r proper offl- I<l of th. amount of the.r trackage In the city of Savannah; and In addition thereto twenly-flv# dollar* for each and ex ery car at any time used by tuch company In the city, tl shall also he required tliat each and every railroad omt-any doing bualne*- In thl* oily shall lake out badge* for all car* employed hy them, which badges *hall he furnished by the cliy treasurer, and whl h shall he numbered li shall furthermore be re qti red that e* h and every car employed by each and every street railroad com pany shall have auch badge a* herelnb* fore provided securely fastened In a con •ptcuoua place upon the Inetde of such car Froprle or* nr keeper* of a ck ttln# rink twenty-five dollar* Undertakers or coffin warehouse*, thirty dollars. Pvreon* engaged In loading or unloading ve**< Is hy horse power, twenty-five lot tar* for each joining apparatus used E'xpre** companies, five hundred itodar* end. In nddlllt n thereto six dollar* for av ery .me-horse baggage express wagon, and twelve Oolinre (or every two-horse tmg gage express wagon employed by such companies Bill poster* or distributor* of blllt, of advertisements, I. n dolHt;* Blacksmith shop*, each forge, eight dol lars ,'ooper shops twenty dollars Carriage repcsltorl##. one hundred dol irs; every carriage or wheelwright shoo for manufacturing or repairing, twenty five rlollors. Cigar manufacturer* or retuller*. twen ty dollar*. Dye houses, twenty dollars. Millinery eetabllshmen'a. Irn dollar# Gunsmith esMbll-hments, ten W>li#re. Foundries.thirty dollars; machine ehofis thirty dollars; every foundry and machine shop, sixty dol.ars. Menagerie* fifty dollars per day. Marble and rtone yards, fifty doll'r#. Wholesale or retail dealer* or shipper* In fish croyste:*. d--ins business out-lde of cliy market, fifty dollars. Shipping master*, one hundred ’."liars Bhootlng galleries, "ne hundred dot's:a Proprietors or keeper# of green groce rle*. one hundred dollars. (Pencil cutter* twenty 4-dtars. Tailors, nol registered a* merchant*. t#n, dollars Proprietors or owners of marine ralt *■> or dry docks, fifty dollars. lies!, rs prying a i#x as wholesale deader*, and every green grocer, shall tie pel mated lo do any buslne*# hereinbe fore taxed, laying a tees tax than lax for a wholesale .haler, without paying anx other specific tax Every person engaged In the buslne#* of irar spoiling or carrying goods. wares merchandise passenger* or >agga#e *or hire by n"in* of wagons, drays, truck* carl#, omnibuses or carriages of any de scrlpilon. or of letting carrlagee or other vehicle# for hire, shall pay a tax accord ing lo the cumber and character of ve hicles employed in such bualnera, via.. Every person employing one-hort# cert or wagon, tlx do’lars. every person -m ploying une-horae dray or truck, elgn dollars; every person employing one-b-us cab. hack or buggy. or v*h cl-a of any description not -iherwise spec!" ally mentioned. #l* dollars; every per oti empoving one two-horae cart oi wagon, dray or iruok. twe.ifl. dollars, ex cry i eron employing one two-horse can hack, buggy, omnibus, carriage or vehicle of any description, eight dollars! every person employing one chree-horae drey oi truck, eighteen dollars; every person em ploying one four-horse dray qr truck, twenty- fixe dollars; every person employ ing ope four-horse omnibus, thlriy do.- lar*. m.d ihe tax to be paid by anv per son employ rig moie that one vehicle of the same or dlt.r*n( kinds snail he ac cording to the number of vehicles employ ed st the rates above specified. Keepers of sale and fe*d arable*, fifty dollars, but nothing herein conialned ghnl! authorise the keeper of such sa.e and feed sublet to sell any live slock of any other person without flret paying the brokers or dealer*' tax as required under this o dlnancc, every keeper of a public or Every •table. fifty dollar*. every keep per of feed stable only. fifty dollar*; end in addition thereto, as * par' of the mis* tax. accordlnk lo the number end choracter of eny vehicles employed In euch business, either by lei ling for hire or In (he transportation ol goods, passenger* or baggage al the rate# above specified for taxes to be paid by per sons engaged n the burin*** of transport Ing etc . f< r h r- Persons employing or using on* og more vehicles of any sort fo he drawn by one or more bore*# or mules In connection with any buslne#* In which he may be en gaged, for the purpose of delivering good# sold by them, or in any olner manner, ■hall pay. In addition lo th* specific tax required of (hem for arch bus.nes# ass pari (here f, ■ graduated tax similar to that her-lnbefore required of person* en gaged In ihe bus.nes* of transporting, etc., for hire, according to 'he number and character of such vehicles, at the same rate. Every owner of a wagon or other ve hicle used as moving advertisements, one hundred dollars. ome I AL. Every push-art or barrow used mm- It.* adx • rtlu menlt, Iwenty-flve dollars. Mi k.-i'i- 1t.u.,11 g dcxlrrs in Ice cream, fruii, small paint shop*, vendors of small wares, and keeper* of a cook aioxe or cookahop. trn dollars. l'erwns sellk# from pushcarts or other vi i> - sxcopt oountry i * eU'Og thttf own pioduce, one hundred dollars, upon pavmcni of salt tax ilie ue.i-arer shat, furnish a badge, which shall la- placed |g a conspicuous place on such pushcart or vehicle Htrrn dr* er* In poultry, far which a hadg. - al be Ison-sl ten d-dltrs Manufacturers of patent niedl me* not engac and m the business or a druggist one I hundred dollar* 1 '-cy* at law, or oibat per •oiif# i tgo’tH'in* totns on ♦.! (Mak, t • v #niy-ftvt d> I ir 1 ,r *• * r *inpn.r§ or int> .flv# dol .irp IV.ilrrt i> t> i'v.’lm. or ageni# f>r ei,t! of trlrfy dot atm. MinufavMurvrp or taking powders, ot Mif -I* k flour. *r both, flfiy doll.ini. Ivttail deem wi'lrr j>ouitry or free’* nuait* in Addln*>n io th# m a retail duller, eeventy do Ur. AgenoiOP and oi her hniinfifi* f>o( h*f..:e spe. tally mentioned, thirty dollar* i very drummer, runner or other parson * trade '*r onlrri. or biifintii for mother or f**r hirowif, whether reoldervt of (htacti> re *ewhere, and having no fixed P *e of butinea# in (hi* City, .ind every peddler and ittnernut tranien( trader. nd every trani.en* person or vf* lerlng i a*.l by sample, aluilt pay the miw n% reijulrtnl ot r* rt lent and cuillon# ar>‘ dealer* In the ►ame irttclaa, and m m'er of ihe olty Bh:ii .*# authorised to re •luce or In (tnyaiae i-Imi ■ nueh i* required Olit '•hall tuch itinerant *e a.lowed to wII hie ware# under the license of any auctioneer, or under the name of eny factor or oomnnaalon merchant wno ia paid hta tax * euch imt.l he *hall have pa and a.I iax** reipilrod of htm y thl* rl nance: provitled. however, that *ny iranai*m per- n tirg or ng to tranaac?. any of the kind* of buar ea* mandoi.ed In thla paragraph, eelitug >r offering only to r*a. ent draiera or man farturera in the apeclftc aritcK* xom- TtodUy eo.d or offer* and by him or liar, and not br,ng:ng into or keep ng In (ho city any -toi'k for i>u r, omi of <\ livery, not b* squired to pay any tax or llcenee fe*> I'very i>er*on. oom|M,ny or cori*n an>n re lutrnl by thla re'll rv io pay a * peel Ac or t r-ipt. which *hali Hate tl> hu*!nea or oc cupation in which uch ptmui eompniy or orporatlon .* authorised io engAge, and vblch ahall Im* txbib ted to ihe city mar shal f hla deptWy at any time upon de mand. And If any peraon, comp.iny r orporailon *hal. eng g** In any hutne*a or occui*atlon for which auch llcenae or ecelpt la req jlr*M| without flrt inking out h# umc. or who h,ll f#• tl or refuse to xh bit tre name ti| n den and to (he city uaraba!, or hia deputy, auch perwn. cm *an> cr corporation Atoall. upon conviction efore the l’o ice Court of the i?y of Bvannah. lw subject to i fine not to exceed one bun •#d dollar§. and Imprlet-nment i ot to x ee*! thirty day* fl h* r or bolt). In the di' •teflon of the court. He# The occupant of any premlwe e her*- dog or dotta i or ere kept Bhal ay for evry log kept in nnnual i enie of one dollar Upon payment of this liccnbe • t edge -had Im* Uninl to the pv-raon paying the It ena for the dog. .nd every dog found runn ng at large w; bout Rtidi ba<lge nhall le impoundad ti and if not elflliad ;n foil ilglil itiall h* dhpnned f. rtec 7 The value of renl property to be tx*<i under the aecond teefion o. thl* or Hnance ilwill be aorta tiad hy mean* of the men! prov Mod for by the ordi ance of the clt* on that subject, or an> tdiiance amendatory thereof, the valviy ■f personal property to le taxed under 'he th rl eecfiof) of this ordinance, the : artlcu r 8 ond characfer of tne butne* for which a tax require#! under the flfih section of thl* ord nonce, end the number f dor* kepi, a* provide*! for in the atxth •option of thla or timin'*, who I) h#‘ ae or t lined hy* of the returns he. elnaf ti*r proscribed. Sec. b fcjvery porion ?nl corporarlon owning real property n aakl city on the ') ret day of January. 1901. ahall pay taxe* ipon auch real prop* riy upon the axaeaa men I thereof nwfuuy adopted Every per on and corporation o ■ nlng >r holding tn ruft or on *oi.Mignm* it. personal firop rfv In n I city on th* Urn day of Jami try. 1> 1. lit * t<> hi tux**d un*!er the third and fifth ee ttuti* of thl 4 ordinance, xcept ito kn In oank* and Imnking aaao i;ti< n 4)f|f i l/"l iifnicr tlt• I i**k of thl#- * ate or of the I'nitid otat tt*. nhwll make a return thereof, m* by an ordi natu < <)f tl, ilt \ of S;ivannah. p.xa***d Mart h I>!C. tou hing the liquid of Tax \'*eeMra for the city cf Savwnnah. and under th* rules and r ;ul.itions of anld honrd. The pretddcr.l or ncilr.g president of any tank • r a>aociatton locate! !n •ad city, ahall. by ••jih d.iy of Janu i ry. \vn, make a rot urn t.v the Hoard of Tax of the etock of wild bink or banking aaw’Ciation, and ?he value thereof, ar.j ehall le raxed upon he bawl*# of au< h value and In the event # failure or refua ’ of a prefldmt o ictlnr preeklent to ni'ke thl* return, then t ihall he ih*- duty of Ihe Hoard of Tax \fi-kl4'ln tO f|*eSS the jk.a.l BtO< K •a 11 ft the r*ower in tilt aakl Board of Tax A**u!*ra to double-tax the *ai! hoi.k or banking a-o iatlon. Every perron liable to taxation un ler the fifth tetlon of thl* ordi nunc* *hall make a return of the bu*l .♦■•a n wh u le la ** xared. and of the uml er nd J ara er of .r I lei by w hich ! is* la o le gra uat'*d hy th Boar! of 7<tx Ax*e -r by the 9Uth day .#f January, 1901, and every rerron <x* to carry on any of the •aid kinds of bualneax or In-re** rg the n mber of i.!a % abides, <r <*mm** to ard uc \<iil ha. Alter the fir t day of January. MM, ahall make a return hereof v. .thin ten day# fer w* c-m mencing or irtciwsslng Every pereon hv Pgad< g or og* cn he fit•( d.y of Jan uary. 19ul. ahall make a return th'veon to the Board of Tux Aaeeteore by the 3hth dav of January. 1901, and every r*eron h'l r rlrg ad*or and g* r.:o the cll> that and. *, to be k p h* re ahall rrske a emf<ir re * r*> wth n *n da>a a ter t>il i g n auch • gor o a Sec 9. -\.l laxca hereby r#r§ lred fo* real .md |>ertonal property held tn th* flret duy of Jnnuary, 194. and for buai n* •in wh! h ry # ton b>ll h- enxag nl at rna dte, and •> persona havinx • Icl a end dogs I * 11 c'y af tha* data * all le* c ni ih red aa ue on i e Aral a. of January. UK*! and all tax*r required of p* ra ns com trend g to iraranct any b • nea* or whi h a ax is rqul ed, after the flret day of January i9ul or commencing • Ter hat dM<e t- vehl lea ai.d *reet rtiilwey cats not t v *n In r ting nr any •' gor • oga r t al! city, snail le due In mediately p n the mm ncirg feu n hualrexjt. uting uch vehicles. <r hrb glr.g such do Into the cl% And all :exe* of exery kind -hail h# payab> to cl y treeeurer; pro dad. neverth l< ra. that ay tax ~p n i rop ty * e#l u.r rh * whole e *r t- ay fe id at the o t on fie taxiayar, con putlng tr m <ha fl at day of January, 9"!. hut In (he event that •ny quarter s 1- •ot ;*id w en the ean.e is (a abe, tb<n the treasurer sha I issue an execution for the amount of the tax for th#* year remaining urp Id, *• ere ra'f*r t rov ed. tut ay lers aor flffti e* rr> no ng ?><* in th • city after July 1. 1901. or running a'ter that date vehl i*a for he transported n of gejoda, wares or mr handla, r>r pass n gr. which were not run befo e that date, upon malri g r rr pi re rn of he iJtni wSthn en -'.a* a a er * ch bjslneaa has commenced or atfch v*bt le- hav* ben rua. he or l ey aha.l he taxed on*- half of the year y tax assessed by th a ordinance, prov and dak! lax b paid wth In fifteen daps slier *uch return ether wlae tha entire tax aba I be ©ot lerted. The vehicle, ax used In this section, shall Include sireei railway car Any real property. Including n#w im provements wolch shall become taxable after she ftrwt day of January. 19CT1. ahall le subject to taxation from th# first day of th month Immtdiaiety succeeding th-5 time when the same becomes ttxahle. an I the owner or owners thereof shell pay auch proportion of the tax required by th|4 ordinance aa tha time left in the year 1991 mt l tL shall bear to th< whole year g**.- i*> if eay peraon or corporation •bail refuse nr t, t 1 > • l tt. |>ay any tax re quired by this ordmanre within thirty and iva afur il.o -ha J be lu* ond i>-\ - able #8 abov. proMdrd or mhab ir.l ct or refuae to pa> any doubt# t%x auir *. 1. as atove provUlrd for. tw tv .la\* a't**’ noilr.* has been served . h or corp tat tons of m# b •••aiumu. th* *} - treasurer shall ‘•sue h ut .na ther f>- and tor tha further v um of one dc lar f(r Firsts. and the cliy #mti • n hull proceed with such . v •. u t , in the same manner o n trur' dfS under th* exet ut on* fn>in t *• Hu parlor Courts of ttib n ■ autd* t the jirovlfioti* of the n • .f • AsernWy of the state of Oeorgia. i<.xceed Feb 27 1A77. Every peraor or c*rj who ihall pay bl* or Its taxe *>i i* si *>r personal prop* rty. or both, promp y wi* >- in fifteen Uye after the tirat ut April,July October and Jtn‘ ry, the lime her* t •• for ifiexl tv>r the payment ther >f. shall lit entl lcvl t a deluction of- r 4'enium of the amount thereof. and fie Ctt> treasurer Is hereby directed to m iko auch deduett n up*n the receipt *f the tux and every person <r cornx>rai|on who a a I pay anv o'her taxes required by this or*!! nance promptly wtthln thirty dav# after the same shall hue ome due. shat! be en tltl*d ti a reduction of io |*#r centum >f the amount thereof ami the city tre >au n In heret'V d.reeled to tnak*- auch tleduclbw) utnip he receipt f th* tax Sec 11 Every |eraon transacting or of fermg to tnanen i. either *f the kinds of business herelnaitei t anv I who are tn bustneea on the first day of January. 19il shah, within Ihirt) days after the first day of January, 1901, take out a ! 'he* therefor, via . Every auctioneer. ev*-r> broker, every eommiaston merchant, • v eiy plumber, every Iwirber and i ot! -rs dome business without ary stock In Ira Je. every owner or ley see . Junk sh p r pxt pt- Ut f •'• f| Junli bal l 4 % (3 vendor of small w.r*s hucks*ers. hawk era. Ineludlnt k al**r m |r# cream. fr i* and poultry kn>-r ct a co*katoveot c ok aloi<; end It * lureby Ireland <o le he airanlns of this nl inane# that The li.* n grant* dto ny auctioneer shall iot gufti r j*e such au tl ner o •*! ft>r any lra slant dea er, ur.ess such ia ent ia!er has fr ( >1 si taxes j r I of h m bv thin ordb ence Every licenced a -t on. eer shall have the prv g* *4 a, p l ttne one as U*ant cr ar. s i se > ante a 1 I • record*d In ihe 'tea ur ra* 4' e n t cn tend on he 11 * ued. A-d no i rrsoa shab te jeinu td to be *u auctoneer or xen u maser t'n II ie ahall have to.n --p|t-d with the condition* out ne#l in toM'i on 1425 of the Itev's and Cvd of gla. known ae Ih# O de of And In exery license taken out hy the owner or ! sse* of a Junk shop or c. t it l k rv. or by a Junk ■ ealer it ‘hall 1# dt-tl’ic-iy ex r Mel I at such Junk chop or iotton pickery, or Junk dealer, sna'l s?w-i\a he subject to he at on o the tolct of the ttx and hat uch petwuia -h*ll i< ptirchaa*- fr m ne m er t e • f 16 veara. a dupllcat t I which I one * • and by the p* t son or persons lakinf < u# the same, und expressing hi* or thxdr assent • o auch >nd 'lons, •} all ne r#* ned l*v tli c-|y ireia ter snd on refusal to #ub mll st any t me o such v * tail u. on s>tivl tiun In the Police Cos .it of havltag i ur* bas#<J from *ny or# under lle age of 16 y* irs. auch license sh dl be rev k I and ■ i ch Junk sl op or ro mn pickery s >.. I in me it.i ely t*e tl s-xl hy ih" M or Aid e ery an h junk sh f>, junk aler .r i* t'-n |l kety Icenao had lie subject to 'he further coid.loti that the sine sha I e subject to rexoi'ation by he Mavor or He • ••rrler If. cn examination b-'or* him In he iNJlice Court, he • hall be . •sled and ■hall a pr* n xtince *hvt ?ny "t in r*M ♦•rty la fund In uch lunk no •. or I < the io i a*ion ot any junk ede*. ad #uc • condition shall be • xpresaed in the license of every such Junk rh p or *k tie** i xo v petw-n requ #d bv the pr*/iMcns of ii x •#ctl n. and by ihe ord nan.;t passed In <?ounill March 14, P 63, in rsltctn*o >ak | irig cut licenet’P who tiall • minei * o Iransa t or •fcr to trait# >• t n th e oil • I y of the kinds of b ameaa ment on and In ih.s aectiun. af er the first day of Jan uary. 19jI, shall take out license before ton enclng l u r as. na i*r v dol in ndd ordinance, ias >ed March 14, IPO. wh * h Ii : .11 (II ■ . ( fora# T • I MM h.relu pio\i and for al aif be I- *• Ib> h* city tresaurar. Aid if any tet*on ten •- dcllju, or to irjinnset In al l cite, • H er of the kli da < f I ualr •# In ihla ow - lon fpeoifl'd. Imil *e found wit out such dlsp4iyd n a • r.apbup'us m *f In hi#* her or their plar< of bu: In- sa ! he, she or they ahull, on conviction the* of In the Police Court, be fined In a sum not •Xcecdlng one hundred dollars*, or itn prison'd not more than tinny da;, e. oi both. In tha discretion of the court N •pacific license or i-iaiit to tl *ueln#ss (hall te tranxhiraide ly any teison r firm unless the transferee be nie Ihjiis Ad* <uccei*w>r at the place of ihe Iran# feror. and unless all Indebtedness due or said lice*use hy the transferor Is fully pain and u new t*ond given by the 4ran*f#tr xrherev#r a bond is reiuirc<l by ordi nance. Hut a person or firm ttiuy tr i fer his license or permit fioiu one pla * to another with the permission of Coun cil. Bee. 12 On and after the first day of January, 19ul, the price of • license lo *•*!! ina.t, vinous or splrituoua liquor n at r* mi within the corpora • and Jurisdictional 4mi!a of paid city for one year shall be two hundred dollars net, without discount, hut a license to sell At retail may be is sued upon paying one-four:b of the a<m due for a yearly li enae and upon giving notes bearing ft per cent, interest from Jan 1, 1901, when parties are already In bustneae. and from date In case parties I com men ring huidnis* th<* y#ar, with indorsements or sureties satHfactory to th# M yor. to secure the payment .f th ither three-fourthff of said sums in thtre equal payment*, on the twelfth of March, twelfth of Jur.e and twelfth of Hepteni ter. 1901: provided, however, that upon de fault a.I the note* ahall become due and payable, the said payments to be made whether the persons giving auch note# oi surety shad go out of business or not. ar.d the app l ant shall be required to sub mit aa sectirltlea, two responsible fr-- hokler# of this city, as prerequisite t> the lasue of said license (no officer, clerk or employe of the city shall be taker, aa ae curity on auch bond, and It ahall be th* duty of fhe Mayor to pass upon euch bonds before any license Is is.-ued herr under); and no license for th# mlc of mult vlnou* or apirltuoua llqor# shall cover any other business whs ever than the *ale of malt, vinous or spirituous llquora. and shall apply to but one pine for the sale of said lliuors. whether undt-r one roof or otherw Ise, * under a t<enalty of not more than one hundred dollars And no bar room shall be IP ensed whir-h has not an entrance to It separate ar.d distinct from the entrance to the dwelling, and the license may, in the dif'-retton of the Mayor or Recorder, he forfe ted for anv viola tion of ery atata law or city ordin xn t, aid in the case of forfeiture the h -t -• shall not lie renewed for the sp*u of tw.i years, except by permission of Council And If shall be tha duty of the Clerk of Council to publish quarterly an alpht helical list of all persona lighted to tell liquor aa aforesaid. All ouch li censes shall be taken out hy person* already er gaged In business with In thirty diva after tha flret day of January. 1901. and In the caae of persons wishing to commence business later In the year, before commenc ng buslne- 1 and any dealer In liquors as aforesaid, falling or refuting *o take out a likens to sell llnuor*. ax aforesaid, shall te llaht la a penalty of not morw than one hun dred dollars for every day any iu h per son may sell without a license, or )♦• im prisoned for thirty days, or both Bee ia. Every person transacting or of fering to transact, the bust nea* of trans port Hi# or carrying good*, etc., pa^sen- ! gers or baggage for hhe. by ro* in- of wagons, drays, trucks, street railway t*ars. or other v'h.olea and every keeper of a public or livery stable emp oying suen | vehicles In hls buslnesx and every ♦ ?her peraon keeping and using street railway cars, or other vehicle*. In other kinds of business, shall, upon pay ing the ta* herelnheftwe prescrib. *tl. take ou: a hodge. whirh mill b* fur *i shed hy h- c.t> trea* irer, for each street car or vehicle lo be employed In such buslne*# (the number of *tre#i car* or vehicles to be employed lo be stated on oath) which shall bo placed In a con- j apkuoua plact on auch vehicle cr atrc#ti OFFIf I %!#. car ev ep vetlUieff *y krpera of put*.l or .lx ery I- ■*> t t* i f-r hiro. and vdllr'es up“l f * pb**-* ir- or cob* and any !*• *■ * < sing or em* ploying an> vehicle ot strict car on such oualnext* wtsooui badge lift. .1 x epi as a for*-a# Kl shall be doub.e ixn-l, and on conv| tlon thereof to tiie !* • ; • ourf. mi) 1* Rt ,n \ sum no* r t •••ling on# nundre<l do ar# or not mure :h n thirty •’' .or both. U. tha .li c ret lon of the court Hut I The ordinance of Nov !* IMI. requiring h.vdgea t be taken out for logs, and p • i { ot er r-g .l itior# for d>g. “*9 far # p ovb . *t” 4>f B#me are ftoi mm ai*fet with this ordinance, I* btrb> r or r nrl ami dc dared to be n f (• • Every jterstHi fithng to take out a i •nr • r dog r fxtll fg to p#v *' requited by ctlon 6 and x ..f tb * 4ilirt*-t. shall, u;e con r.o* t!or I- : .rt U- l*o! • ourt <.f the city o' >*■- •! i • ! • r to a fine not to .\ •• i *i ■ wit t t•. site- native of impr. • *it t net to ex■ owd thre •tny*. xti lawful for the Mtv r I • -e I * I w th ‘he • (Mil Ut rrgt# of the b h (Nanrnltiee. to a- otnt w > n ‘ • tt.e flr day of January I ••!. . onipetent i*eraoa whos* du x t and U< ro report to tfi# Hoard of '1 n and diy ttcaeur*! t • tt if m time to tlm*. ail l** ! required to make ary reiu i ■ t v . inv M'enae hall n^g- U t or omit tod i I • property aub* . -o I*erform (•uch other and ole in ■ •xnn#*.*lon with the al*ve s my t • tequlied of him hy the a.3id Mn r and Finar •• rmult |t • x ■ t n the perform**n *of hie dull#- only am long • s bu *rvi . e • * I b- *-t m.Km. | nw'ea sary bx said Mayor and I’ln.inct* .m--m -m ■ ilull ii. they shall ppeclfy. st, 16 That the lerk of Council be. and he i# h.-iebv dire, ted to report to Council at th’ fust meeting tn every quar* ler ;he nmo mi of mon. y X|*-n le.l |jr •ech department up to <l*te of re-pot t, ao.| A i • ~ I< irtta#f • making anv dltburseoießts sh.ili have reached Hie lint- Its provide*l it* the budget, the clerk of Covin*'l; sha l at oiu n>tify the head of that deisirtment. Sri’ 17 This "idlt nce J\ " te subjeef to liter at inn anil repeal, in wtfiole or in lMri ♦ anv lime during #e year 19i*l should tt be deemrd adxflsabl- .nd io ■uch amendment or repeal lu any pa rtlcu# ler *h.*ll he oiistMj.Nl to im|>atr the right of Coun'li to a * *im! levy a tax for the whole of e.ild year 19*1, whenever made. He 1' All unlit litre* and parts of ordlnan'• f conflicting with the provisions of this tudlnaii* t are hereby tepcaled. pro vided, ♦x. rth* that mu h end ey h parts of ordinance# heretofore passed as provided f<r the luaukig and enforcement of executloeia f*r any tax ot assessment, or imM of tax *>r a* ♦at me tit, re|Uired by any auch ordinance and n w rctnoiuina unpaid shall ronilnu** ami nuts In of forco 90 a# to authorise the treasurer to issue such execution# and tin- rna r-nil to col lac t the same, until sm ji tax*.-- or shall be fuiiy p.M Ordinance rnul In Council. Nov. 2*. lh*\ and pub<isne<d lor Ji.t a aj.ilpui i VV. I*. BAIUBT. Clark of i oum u. I 111. Of HOP- R 7 HJ G S l Rf M HfcelX LIC For I#le ot l|(*pe Montgomery Thundar # I ' • 4Bg# without notice IBL.B OF IIOI'E. Lv. City for J of II L Il of Hops'* t3* mm Lorn T< nth j 6O* urn for Bolton 7 o utn fiom Ton to t v am for Tt-mli * *ni fr. n i <*nui 7 fid mu for Tenth .* iu uni frotn lio.roa l!i urn |or Tenth !•* in from iHMb lo >j oni tor Tout It 12 <■ n'n from Ti ni’i ,11 w uni fur Bolton 1 15 pm t r.,m 11 lion ,11 3 uni f.,r T nin 236 pin from Tenth , : w pm f<r Tenth 3 *> pm from Ton ID jI4O pm for Bolton I *• pm from T* iti 3 On pm for Tenth 6 Su pm from Tenth I 00 pm for T-nih *. an pm from tf 00 pm for Tenth 730 pm from Tenth '7OO pm lo Ten’ll a J*j pm from T*nr it opm for Tenth oio pm :r. m Tnrh , it opm for Tenth lu jii pm from Ten til in < in f-ir Tenth i i MONTGOMERY. Lv city lor M.'iig rjr j Lv. Moult; iner a a utn fr.>m Tenth j 7 lu mu for Tenth Z>• pm fiom i nh 115 | m for Tenth 630 pit fC/li# TsiAtk ,4 90 |mu fur Ten in CATTLE I'AIvK. Lv city for Cst.i'ajk Lv Cattle i'eirh^* b am Lota liwjo i. Io urn for Bolton * jo urn I; 01*4 Pu.u.u r*e ou mu tor Boiioit l or piu from Bo .ton t 1 ku pm iur Bolton ao pm float *<o.ton j 3 pm for Bolton 7 w. pm fn tu Uolum j 7 jo prti for Bonon e opm ii ru Colion * o>j pm lor Bolton i HLNLLItitOLT Cor leaves * Bolton sti-et Junction 6JO s. n> ana every thirty muitttes ther after until ll.Jop rn Car leaver Thunderbolt at <5 oo a in. ami e.ery thirty nunutea thereafter until 12:00 m.<init;<i!. for Bolton street Junc tion. I HEIGHT AND PARCEL CAR This car carries trailer for paft*ii#*rs on a!l trips and leaves west of city market for Is e of Hope. Thunderbolt and all intermediate taints at 8.00 a. m 1.00 p. m , &OU p n< Leaven h! of H*i>e for Thunderbolt, City Market .m l all Interim' Hate points .it 6.00 a. m , 11 00 a. m . 2:40 p m. v. EBT 1 NO CAR Car leaves west Hde of city market for West End 600 a m and every minutes thereafter darlnir the day until 11:30 p. m leaves \Y*s? End at :J) a m and er ffy to minutes 'hereafter during the day tint!! 12*0 o'clock midnight. If M LOFTOV Osn Manager. Bone Meal For Chlckan Feed and Far till*, r. NITRATE OF SODA InvaluabU (r " home-mixed' fertiliser. The ehrat*t and mat concentrated on the market Bend for partbular*. II AY. OH J* IN, (OH KCtl). lilt AS, BTC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, ■Phone 221. 114 Bay street, treat BRHNNAN BROS^ WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce. Grain, Etc. >l9 9911 STREET. Week This9wllß VUUXSELF! x /w*M\ I t‘m nur O for unastural f /m* n.\ I die hrgec, t;.fl*n. .tsu as, L .!*< VI irritstiuas or ulcarstioM rcj/ M 4 A .uMKtfi. if uiucijut Bait>rsaa. 1 ■ | NMo PatuleM. and net Mtrio* L jJlTminai OiaiUlOa golor potsoootM. utTi.O.rn 9®16 by UrncfUW, V V c. 1.4. / | or seat In plain rtnq, \ V yA I by eaereae. M , >v\l t' <w> - la.fa. u ClrrF - emfl J. D. WEED Sc CO U > LKl* 49 A. Leather Beltiot Steam Packing & Hose Aoi# (#r NEW lUHK mVUBKH bkltlnu and backing ccau-am. 7