The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Haall'i (irrat IM.covers. One amal: bold# of Hail a Oraal DU covary cures ail kidney or i bladder Iron blaa. remove. ftavd, eures dlabata*. am Inal emiarioiu. ivr.k an 1 lama boik*. rhaumausm and all irregularities of the kidneys and biadder in vo.ti men ana wo men, regulate. ii.aaui troubles m ca l<- dran. It not aold b> your Uiug.lst *nl be aent by mall on re- uii of H- bb* -* ll —* l bottte la two mouth* treatment, and will cure any iae abut* mentioned l*r. K- W, Moll, able rnar.ufa, turer. 1* O. Bov SZS. Bt l.oui. Mo. Henu for testimonials Bold by all druacsaia and Solomon* Cos, bavannah, Ua. Head Vhla. Cuthbert, Ga., April I. 1* Thla la to certify that 1 ** affartad allh crave) and that i took sixty drop, of Hail'a Great Discovery and it rom pletrly cured me 1( la worth 31.000 fret bottle to any ona needlnx It. J, T. STEVENS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. or the run status told I> FA HAORA ran. Millionaire to llulld a Winter Bfl denee at I pnlnlr Dodpr i*r < omea I p Agnln Con*mlaala*r Mftrraa \ol Think Ton '•im’li 4 ttO Will he Flaafed—K lal*- niee It it •In Hr n Slake a Hli*k. Floridan* lalrrealed In tienraln la old Stine*. Miron Now*: In h© Unit* and B’at©* Court thla morning Judge ftpeer took up th© case ol Norman W. l*dg© ' Kjrih J. Graham, auit tor ownership of land In Dodge county. The ©#•** * Marl'd, however, when it win tie Id- I to continue It until Friday on account of . nir* is another on** *f the fimni# Un*l car*©# of and If• fair rouiult’* and atisHit which there hs b*•• n so much trouble. Ill* %iic Inl n Klgne In It. Judge Fite at < artersvlll© has just handed flun a decision on motion fur a new trial In the ca-© of Mr#. Hyer t gainst the Western an 1 Atlantic Hull toad (’omj jny. Mr* Hyer I-* the wld**w of William Hyer. who* tiuatatnd was killed In a are k la>t year. Hie brought pull fur hi* death and recovered a vr di < o * !•- >*’ The ro *1 aiqwwled on a claim * hat It w,* ©v • Mi Hy#r wrap *d years .. J>• g* File h* Id hit under th* *v li* * • M H©i Im*l many rmre y*ar* to live, and alllmioi Die \ei uici Hr. \S . 4 . Moon* I* Denil, Dr. W. C. Moore, one of the oldest and best l‘Wol dtuteo!* of i larkrton, di*-d ar hi* home tn©r*' Monday afternoon after a pnotra ted illness. Dr. Moore %va-* for i.i i, . . i • of the I* ..d*ng phym rid.- aiifl nmeniih of A'iinla. but re tired from a *tlve practice and moved t .ark ‘ii ronii' twenty >• us •#<>, wtur. th© remainder of I • Ilf** war* given • |.tdi ti i* (or which little or no f* * were ever charge*! The #•"*■! he hae <lone i.* Ir.-airu Mil the lo- to the commmitv it repMi al* Dr \!**or a duug ter. Ml tiertle M > >rc. and . son. Mi liobeti Moore, of Atlanta. McKee Case \t lleard From. Atlanta News The prison Commission ha* no- presented the avid* nc* tak* n at the M Ttee invest .gatioti to Gov. Can nier. The lnv*©()g*iion va# held earl* In Ootooer The MGiee* w-re chirgel with cruelty to convicts and with lm l*r toning Inno- nt n* gr*.*©# without snv < barge n*.iin>t them The Investigation lasted ti week, hut so far no • (ton • been taken in the matter anl the M - lists still have chant*- of the c imp which I* located near Vaktoata. It i* **id i iat the Governor ha* not had sufficient tlm* fo make the Investigation owing to th* fact that ihe Legislature has been in pep*ion. and hi* tine* has been taken lip with other millers of state. S|i|||tnilre for I patnte. Columhu* Knqulrer-Bun T'jdaole. the first s’! at ion eifd of Colum'xii, on the Macon line of the Central of Georgia, 1* •o have a Northern ml ll nlr*- as on** f Ita ddieni, fr th* winters at least. Mr. 4\ L. Vnnlaem, a wealthy Philidetphtan. Is p *paring to erect a hands me winter h**n> at Ifiai plac* Th* t tra \ hi* been given Butt a. <*oo|er A C>. of th * city for 1?- er* tlon and th it Arm he al ready comment I the work. The house wl.l con twin twei.ty six r onu*. and wti. b*- modern In every light* 1 with ga, have a system of water work* w. be- n tlj uptw Aaiw. Mr. Var.lxcm will sp**ni the winters there with n.e (.ml.> H wili o if-> hi?* ti< r ■ * nr.d vehicles, and to • inmolaHe th -m a handsome bam and s-t tbio will be erected. loo 'lurli I OltOM. OommiH*ion#r of Afrlculture O. B §y that th cotton a*'re* next year mill not be any lartor thun tht-t planted this year. “The“ *jl 1 he. *’about pl.mtli k more cotton next year l.** rather premature. 1 am urc the num ber of acre* p tntel r**xt year will Im ho lartrer than thl* year. The firm - leive at Um r# alxe ! the emallcr the crop planted the higher the price Thl* year Is a fair instance that a uni ill crop bring a a higher price. t rope are beginning to tell. 1 ha\e Ju t returned from Houth Georgia and I Ami the farmer* are planting: large quantities tf wheat, more than ever Indore. Thin 2 regard as a gi>od sign, for It show • that the farmer* recognise the fact Unit they can raise wheat here an cheap, and If anything cheap**., than they can buy the flour The cotton In <• rgla ha** been nearly all poked, and now the • are but a few hundred Utles left In tin tiekU." FLORIDA. J J Durham. leading cltiion and farmer of the Riverside section, u.ur Tamt-u. ha Just soli 2.000 bom of from hl grove and har 2.000 more on the tr*. a. r.t.lf l.lnUa I onnlldalnl. The five golf links. consisting of the twie at Tampa the one at Bellealr, the one at Kissimmee, the one at Winter Dark and the one at Ocala, have been rimsolldated and a 111 he known as the Florida Wot Coast Golf Association and a aerie, of tournament. I. being planned try the different manager* of the club,. Ea h club will he under tile management of a professional golfer. To Have a Sew I curt llonae. The County Commissioner* of Dade county held a very Important meeting ot the Mtiml Court House Monday. The matter of Issuing bonds for tljO.U) fur ihe purpose of building a Aiurt nous*, and public roads was taken up and fie. ly discussed Arrangements were mad. <o put under headway the Immediate Is.ue of the bonds, and for the securing plans and spec mcatlons for rhe court house ai.. Jail The sum of 150.000 Is to be expended In building Dade's near court house Tul, will be decided at the riexl regular meet ing Chairman Lalnhari stated that they desired to get at work on the bullcLng within the next thirty or forty day* Business Men Are Mad. Kissimmee Valley Gatette: Th. butt ress men of Kissimmee .re kicking 17.' to two or three weeks ago their check* were received by the Plant Bystem for (inutht. Suddenly an order came retjulr- ing the payment of all freight In f ish Th* tMirliim men offered rheefca certified to by banks, but were met wilh a re fueal. It i* a case of cai*h or nothing A* a result of fhe new order, Is being drained of money. Freight t .>*• in* nte amount to several hunlrd do.iar* a week Thl* money Is a.I expr* v*‘d to Savannah, ai 1 tfie ss men are f.-r. *d ii Import fh *-**>• from eis*wher** to meet the cunstam <lraln, there tM*ing no bank here It has been the custom for >ear* • of front on the part of th** rallro-id *om pony 1* extremely Inconvenient an*l irri tating. Florida 4boll Miner*. Jacksonville Tlmeft-Fnlon ar.d Citixen: Cap*. Charles E. Garner return“d to the city yesterday from VU a IL< a, Ga., with L Fur. hgott, M Ilelser of Virginia. C. It Roger*, vv r White and W B. Owen. kholders In the Southern Klon •11k* Mining Company. The grnthmn have been viMting the mine* and the aiamp.r.g mill*, and are yreatly pi* l ted with their Inyeatlggtlon and the outlook. Therskwr** A Phillip**, who went wilh the party, remained there, and will not re t irn for several day* Cj|. C. K Owrt >. ter lay -i***ke Inter**stli gly of the trip, ar. 1 w Mat tn* mines ar.d m.ils were, and where they were ln< a ted C’apl Garner mi: I w. have Jum returne*! from VUla It: a. wher* w have i>- n (•> look a the mine** ii.d t; * mills of the 8- uthern Kion dik Mir ng t'ompany One of the min* * Is in t arroll county, the other In Douglas county. They are blocked out and ready to stupe -lawn in th* mine*-, and *n th** dump. rt-ady to go though the miila are about lk.Oi> tns of or* There are eight veins In the two mine* from three and a hlf lo neven f- ft in thi kness, and the f iw pecta aeetn to Ih ko*h! for a rich loJf.” 'tiller \\n* f'rinvirti 41. A portion of one of th© m>*t Interest 1m? trial-! ever hHd In Wenrt Florida has Just hern ecu limlwl at Mariannti. Ii was the ■.©of 1. D. Miller f*r forgery of s'hoo! In \\ t.-lilngum county, *ll *1 w hich look up four day's tlm* , Miller eventually being found guilty, and th© sentence of ten years* Imprisonment be ing passed Hi**! hint There are -ev# n **er other Intl. tments (*et)llng against M Her. but the*** will not le heard until the next term of court. The hb ory of ihe case teads m<*re like fiction than reality. Mil* l*T wris a county at his horn© and f*r m tiooi warrants to n value of be* 1* V. .<••* He disponed of these to a MuiUnmi bank, whbh afterward* phi <*d some of them with the First Na:tonal Bank of hn.ui u ,1, The forgeries w*r© wul to have leen excellent. The nami* of several officials In Ih© county had to al* U* .ir on the- w.irrantg, and the-** were all forg**) wntch made a comt-ll flon of < ♦ e> titx .In-t Miller. Tile grand Jury r*- turrved ig t*-n irvtionvnts Against him. After having unloaded a numter of boxus warrant-. Miller m.irrl'd n young lady of "**l family an*l ’eft. telling no tvne of hi* intended dent I not lon. Shortly aft*r his Je (•arture the * rc*ke*lr ess came to light, and the pnrtto* who had been victim* pro cured Del* ' tlve Thntmis W atts to a;t*r - herd Miller A vlk'l-sr.t >ean*h of c>wa *> that oftb lal located Miller near the M*x n t and rln Texas, whither lie had fb and 11 l by A h’Vfsh ex|*eMllture r*f nvmey and his high style of Hvlng had eommund -1 the respect of the people there. r>e ertlve Watt* soon spotted his man ami tils .irrr * was .iff* *ted. This caused a •ersailon In the Texas neighborhood. THE WEATHER. Foreran for Thursday and Friday: Georg.a and South Carolina—Fair Thtira -Iry and Friday; fresh west to north wind*. Eastern Florida—F’artly cloudy Thura- , •lay. Friday.-fair; light to freon norther- | iy wind*. Western Florida—Fair Thursday and Ptid#) . variable w ind*. Y *(©r*la\ # \N ither at Ba\ aniah: Miximum t©Tnp©ratur© 2JN> p. m SI dqgre©* Minimum temperature 7UO <i tn It dqgrr''* Mean tcmi©rAture IX degr©©* Normal lemia-rature ..... 52 degr* Deficiency of temperature . 4 dt'groe* Arriimulated excess since Dec. 1 X tlegree* , \cciimul it*'*l 'xce*a since 1. | ........ *4 degrees itainfatl inch N\ rma*i inch Excewe sine© Ik-'. 1. '.in itich Heflctcin \ sine© Jan 1 7*W Inches River Report --The hkcht of th*- Savan nah river at August . at k a m . (7&*n n©ritlit>r tlm©). yesterday, w•# 15.0 f**t i |ri*© of 7 • feet during th© preceding twen ty-four hour#. i'i• -*• i v.* 1 *n* taken nt th© same moment f tim*- a siaiiofiß, !>©*•. 6. 8 |>. m.. 76th meridian time; Nam© of Btatiou J T V. jKaln Boston, cloudy 8 | 10 | I N’t-w York dotaly 42 24 T Philadelphia, dear [ 4*2 in J .(# Washington, clear 42 ♦’ .00 Norfolk, (bar [ 44 10 j .w flatters*, clear |SO 26 j .00 Wilmington, pt. cloudy ..! 4 j $ j .00 ’harott*-. clear 42 *| L .‘O Rib uh, clear j 42 j L j .(■ Charleston, pt .cloudy .. 4; | 1 j .oo U/ltuu. pt. cloudy ..j 46 S .00 Augusta, pt cloudy J 46 | L J .00 .Savannah, pt, cloudy ¥'• 6 j .00 Jacksonvlle. cloudy | 4H 6 j Jupiter, cloudy j 00 * *■ Key Wist. pt. cloudy jl4 O) Tampa, clotidy 6) \ L .<■ Molille, cloudy v . So L J .00 Montgomery. cl><>dy 50 j L .*) Vicksburg, cloudy 54 j L j .Oil New l)ll-ns. cloudy 5o L j 0) Ga.veston, clinr | M j H , .on Corpus Uhrlsd. dear 62 i 6 ! O) Palestine, clear 5H L | .4* MemphL. cl-ar |52 I, j .00 Inci. inti. ou*l> jS* 6 T Pittsburg, cloudy 3* 12 .CC iuftuio, |>t 4 * ii, |v j 3i 24 T’ Detroit, cloudy 3* H j .02 Chicago, cloudy 34 10 .<** Marquette. sn*w j 32 13 (C St Paul, cloudy 24 \ L .On iaven|>ort, ••!• ar j 3*l -j L .tt> ’•t. 1 axils, clenr 4*5 L i Kanwa* City. pt. cloudy ..44 L 00 *kl*‘.nia. clear 48 L .00 I lodge city. pt. f'loiKly 44 I 1, j .02 North Platte, clear P L .08 II H Itoyer. Local Forecast Official —Five eehtors were chosen to sit in the Nebraska legislature at the recent election. STRICTURE and VARICOCELE. Twenty of the beat year* of my life have been devoted *o the study of chronic di ises of men and women 1 have b.n *u> essful because 1 have J v t. eii thorough!) up-to-dat*. md kc.p |,i . w::h *. attfa. . Hkw unnecessary as well as rue to resort to tin knife In treating Stricture or Varicocele I have per It-.-ted a I cure which Is absolutely painless, gentle, tun thorugh flkv R ly elfc tlve.l have Vested It In mor. than ten thousand V cases, an.l my experience wsrram* my saying that a wb failure Is Imp s-ltde In B'. i>ei ecru of ul> a-e* treated M> tre itmt nl cat Kir own tn ad iAsft duties I also cure w th the • in-, degree of success all prl- K/L vate or chrunc liteaes "f men and women If v u are affilcied with any form of skin Disease Bleod Pulg/n. % Rheumatism K dnev snd Bladder Complain:- L sa of * Manly V.g r. lemale Weaknes. etc , 1 Invite you to In- 1 vestlgate fully my exclusive methods of It i:!ng these .V. _..™ 11.. ha.... ve TV diseases I can show you whst 1 have done for others j Newton Hathaway M D an<l th , , up , riorl y my . , r e„ment to your entire satisfaction Call for free consultatioti or write for symptom blank*. Cot reapondence strictly confidential 25A Bryan street. Savannah, tta. v Officu Hours— 9 to 12 m.. 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. ra. Sundays 10 a. m to 1 p. m. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER r>, 1900. £GjLLMJ\ 'S ITCH IS TORTURE. Eczema is canard by an acid lium .i in tbr blutMt coming in contact with the .kin and producing great redneaa and in animation ; little pimtuiar eruption* fom md dix-harite a thin, aticky fluid, which .lies and scales off ; aonietimea the akin i. hard, drv and fissured Eczema in ary Mrtn is a torment ng, stubborn diaeas. and the itching and burning at times ar< almost unbearable; the acid burning; humor seema to ooze out and set the skin on lire Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do inr real K n °d> lor as louj; as the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skm irritated. O AO FORM OF TETTER. Her Ihrr* year* I hand* wh 1 • mJ[ of ih© lime th© cim'*** flp* ■ wtßthe fo-m • run* f rung *• if, v*rr puin* * *v* “ y fui. and causing mr V nuch(lurGnW')ri Pnur /Kjw’V loctor s*i 1 7 hid progre-- -d rhi* ii jrrnf* IS". And I have never •ioreeen inv sign of mv trotible." Mss I. II Ja a AOS 1414 M cittt SI Kanawa City. M S. 8. 8 neutralizes this acid poison, Cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy akin becomes soft, smooth and clear Ak igCt .4H* cures Tetter. Krv -SJ. Ki ' MIX S ;elaa, I‘vinasis, Salt Rheum and all skin M diseases due to a pois ' c ' oned condition of the blood. Send for our )Kx>k and write us about your case. Our phyai' iant have made these diseases a life study, and can help you by their advice; we make no charge for this service. All correspondence (a conducted m strictest confidence, rnr swirt SPECtfIC.CO.. ATtSNT*. OA. A.Ot'AI. I'KHSOKAU .Mr. J. E. Miller Of Atlanta U at the I'uUi'kl Mr W M Foy of Statesboro W a guest of th** Bxr©v©n. Mr ft. M. Clarke of Eatill l registered ai the 8. r. ven. Mr. I. It Wright of Maeon Is a xueat of the 8> r. ven. Mr. r> M Klnnon of Jerome is a guest of the I’ulasks Mr C c. Hush of Columbia Is reg.s tered ui the Pula kl. Cup 1. and Mrs W Godett of Sapelo art xuests of the Pulaski. August Schmidt of Dsrttn ts reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr A. It. Btewart of Columbia la guest of the De Beta Mr I. W. H iskall left via the Central yesterday f'r Atlanta. Mr VV C. Miller of Charleston la a gupflt <j*f ih© Mr A W M ilon© of Columbia l* r©g lattrrd al Ihr De Bot*>. Mr* K ehbourg of IMo>mingdalt 1* reg- Igit r©*l *• Ih© Pul i'kl Mr. A M. Chandler of Vablosta l* reg |*!©rrd nt th© Pulaski. Mr John M Waddell of Gr©©nvillf. P C . Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. K Hanna left via the Plant System yesterday for New Or tenia. Col. A. H L*wton left over th© Plan 4 sfmfrtn yesterday for New York. Mr. L H Roan left 'la the p***board Air Lain© yes**rd;y for New York. Mr. W J Q\irv4t>©k left via th© Plant Pvstem yesterday for Jackannvlll*. Mr. H. A. Smith left for New- York yesterday via the B*a|oard Air Line. Mr H F. Herrlngßm of Waycroa* among the arrival* t 4he Bcroveti yes terday. Mr. A L Tucker was © passenger via 4h© S aboard Air Lin© yest©rd*y for Per nandlna Mr*. C. Noel was am*sng th© pas*©n gers of th© Plani Byatetn yesterday for New Orleans. Rev. Kd F Cook left nigh# vln the Central for Cuthherl, where he •*** to attensl the Hntnml meeting of the South Georgia Conference. A cable mes*xig© was recHved yester day from M©#*rs. Stephen and I*etec Riibey, announcing their arrival it# Liv erpool. They wall*--d on the Oceanic, last Wednesday from New- York, anil made the trip to Southampton In rdx day*. They win vnit aaveral which th* v wfll make a short stay with relative* In Guernsey, returning to Sa vannah, Feb. 1. 0% AN 41FF14 IIL TO! 11. PvesMent R. (i. Krwm and Other* Out on th© Pin nt PyaHeni. President It. G FJrwln of th© I’lnnt B>st**m wa* in the city yeatewkiy, arriv ing from the North in his si* car Mr. Lrwln spent but a few h'>ur* in Sa vacin th. leaving in th© afternoon /or ;h South. He was acrompaniot on Ills trip over th© line by Gen. Supt W, 11. Den ham and Chief Bnglneer Tutwller. The * fti la © w ill b© owns for veral tiny*. Mr G Arthur Whitehead I* In th© city having com© down for a short vacation Mr Whitehead is asMietant engineer of th© TANARUS nn©■*©♦• Centra". :he netv r illmad which 1* building *etwe©n Knoxville an! Nashville Th© Rea board Air Lin© haw ahlpp©d ai>- other party of 10b r©gr.'*-s to J© 'ksonvl l© to work on the C yde Line <looks. si IM. FOR TUTU IH \4l lit F. \\ tlllnin J. Blocker NNh* l>e*erlel by III* Ulf©. A i*etltlon for total divorce, in which Wi.'.him J Blocker Is the plaintiff and Rosa he Blocker th© !• fendant, was flt*l yesterday In the Superior Curt. The plainnfT asks that a divorce lie g*rntcj on a *eount of his d** rtlon bv his wife, which has now* continu**) more th4i*i three year* She Is no longer a resident of Savannah. NEWSFROM THEWATER FRONT \YII%RF HIfiHUAYBPA MAKE TROt lILE DIR PHIPPPIG IN. TfCRBhTB. A**alC* on Sew men on Their Way to and From % e**el* at Ihe lzwer Hharve* lleeouilnK Frex# Mil. Yacht Roomer In PorM rew of llwrk Lflasle Carry Want Their %%*•©• Oof of I’rnrr©#* of Bale of the Wort-Roll PI reef Illy H©lnt Dredged—Maltora of Inlereot fo Shipper* wnd Mariner*. Ship broker* who frequently have vag ue la consigned 10 them at th* wharve* below the rtty eagerly hop* for the ap prehension of the gang of highway rob ber* who have been assaulting seamen iher© recently. Th© las# assault wa* com mitted <n the Mate Anfon Antonaen of lh Norwegian bark Bravo Tuesday night. The mate was on hla way to th* vessel • bout 9 o'clock when he was surrepti tiously wp|ro*ched from the rear by a negro and felle l with a coupllng-ptn The highwayman struck the mate repeated blow*, which fractured his skull and ren dered him unronac.oua. After laying out the mate, th* robber went through hm po k©ts, bit* filled to tlnd more than fifteen cents In money About all the thief got was a watch. When the mol© partially recovered con lousnes* tlic aisaltunt wa* making an effort to tttk© a ring from th© Anger of his rlgh* hand, but In this he al*o failed. The mat© was later picked up In a criti cal condition and taken to St. Joseph's Infirmary, where he wu given medical attention. (.’apt. Itlne* of th© Savannah schooner Hilda wa* the victim before the last of wharf high wav m*-n. White making hi* way to hi* vessel at night (’apt lUnew wa# attacked from Ihe rear arid stunned by a blow, struck with an Iron rod. Th© robber then w©nt through hla pock ets and relieved the captain of a iVmsld erable sum The#** attack* on seamen were Ihe sub ject of talk among enijgung men yester day. m I of whom express the hope that the authorities may b© able lo cofic with the troulde. Yacht Runnier In Tort. The yacht Roamer Is an interesting lit tle craft mo* red at th*- foot of Bull street, and Is the object of attention In that dls tri t. Th*- party Nmsi#ta of Mr 11. C. Room©, the owner; Mr*. H. C. Hoonu*. and Messrs. Walter n*l William Room©. Ttui party 1* bound from New Y*>rk for Mfml. Fla., and from there ex l*ect #o cruise In surrounding waters for om© time Later on th* party expectw to vl*it the Bahamas. The Hoamer la propel I*-d by gasoline engines. Bh© ha* ac commodallona for a party, and is equljM" I with every facility for ease and comfort In cTulslng 4ksal for Tnwltont Company. The Schooner The Josephine Is dlwcharg ing a cargo of coal for th© Propeller Towlioat Company nt the lower end of the Southern Transportation Company’s docks. The r*4l© of i , oal already dis chargetl renchen the top of the shrd*, ami th*-re Is ©till a lot of It lo he discharged. The towboat company consume* a con siderable quantity of coal on its fleet of tugs, bo that the wharf I* not likely to r>* long obstructed with #ha present car go. Bark Carry** frew Want \%ag©a Capt Landry of th© British bark Llx zle Curry. wbLli was recently aold to the • state of N Paulsen for 1*76 by #h© United State# mnrshal. expects his claim agalnwt the vessel to be adjudicated short !y f'ta Landry was not dismiss©*! by •h© former owners of th© Curry, hence I mm** his wage* up to the time th© vew m-; kh‘ sold, which makes the amount KUO. Two other seamen *laim wage©, rai© ■ sl7 and th© other I4*i. Th© e©#at© of N yanleen h# a claim against th© vessel for about $3,000, for supplies furnished *n*l money advanced while she was con signed to them as ahlpbrokers. The ques tion to he decided by Judge Spear at „Ma con. It Is stated, will be as to the priority of the two claims. ItrrdulitK Bull Street Slip. The null street slip Is to be deepened at once so that the Seaboard Air Dine .Hiding dork there will float at all stages of the tide. Dredge No. 7. belonging to I’. Sanford Ross, tied up at the slip yes terday afternoon, and made prep.irations to begin the dredging to-day. While the work Is being .lone, the dork has been tied at the lower end of the Beaufort and Bluff ton wharf. Ilredae Oglethorpe on Hallway. Tile Dredge Oglethorpe, owned by the Beaufort Phosphate Company. Is still on the mnrlne railway, where she Is re-deiv- Ing general repairs. Savannah Almanac. Bun rises al ('3O a. tn. and sets at 4:34 p. m. High water a4 Tybee to-day at 7:l* a m and 7:40 p tn. High water at Savan nah one hour Inter. Phases of the Mena for December. Standard lime—9oth mer. D. H M. Full moon 6 4 3* morn Last quarter 13 4 43 eve. New moon 21 6 1 eve. First quarter 3 7 4* eve. Moon perigee, 3d ami 30th. Moon apo gee, 12th. AIIIIIVALtt AMI UKPAnTCRBS. Vessels Arrived Yr.terdnr, Hark Altlllo Dapeto (Ital). Bertololto, (loot. A Cos. Schooner Annie F. A'on lon, Baker, Phil adelphia—Master. Freights and Charters. .1 K. dußlgnon. American schooner. 4(9 ions, Bavantuth to New York, lumber. 1C 7i. S hooner Iteberea M. Wells. *6 tons coal. Philadelphia to Pavannah, 9n cents. s|il|i|*liiM Memnranda. Key West. Fla.. Dec. (.—Arrived, steamers Miami. Delano, Miami, and sail ed for Mobile, Martinique. Dillon,, Miami and sailed for Havana; foot. Munson. Miami Balled, schooner Hollyhock. Bounders, Bonacco. prnsadola, Fla . Dec. 5 —Arrived steam er Blrathleven (Br>, Innla less Talma*. Bailed, bark Rlanrhetto (Ital). Martela. Castlemnre de Stahla. Clearest, schooner John S Parker (Be) Brnesl. Li (lu.ivla, Venesuela. Not. The British steamship Chatham. Capt. Hill, hound from Pascagoula for this |h>h for bunker coal, went ashore nl 6 3f> o'clock last night on Caucus Bhoals one mile to th. westward of the outer buoy Pensacola bar. The ve-sel draws sev. enteen feet of waler and she la now ly ing In twelve feet Tugs left the city to day to haul her off. New Orleans, Dec. S— Cleared to-day for Cape Town. steamers Langston Orange, with s*> horses, and steamer Hy ades. with 1.000 mules. Charleston Deg. (.—Arrived off the bsr. British schooner Julia E.lxiDeth, Sweet ing. Nasssu. bvund lo Savannah, and pro. rented with tug Waban. Liverpool Dee. 4 —Arrived. ateasiet Dromer Brunswick. Hamburg lire. 2 —Balled, steamer Finn land. Savannah. Fernandina, Fla.. Dec. (—Balled, steam er Bllvrrdale (Ur), Balia. Rotterdam, via Norfolk; schooner Flora Rogers. Will iams, Ban Fernando. Trinidad; barkentln© Jennie Sweeney, Taylor. Baltimore On the 4th schooner Freddie Ilelokec, Caviller. New Y’ork. sailed. Port Tampa. Fla I>ec. 6-Arrived, steamer Faults, Thomp*-‘n. Csrdenws. Jackson vll.e, Fla. Dec. 6.—Ent* r©*l. steamer Seminole Bears©. New York. schooner Raymond T. Maull. Smith. Phllade phla Clear©*!, steamship Waalover, John©. Philadelphia Philadelphia. Dec. 6.—Arrived, schoon er* Thomas Winsmor*. Jacksonville, Eva A. Danenhow* r. ( hsrie.-ton. Aotlce to Mariners. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation trill be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In I’nltM S' ite* hy drographic office In Custom lious* Cap tains are reques’eJ to call nt the office. Reports of wreck* and k relict* re -elved for transmission to th© Navy Deport ment. NVKDDINC.a AT AHERICT*. Two Social Event# (leeurred There Yealrrdn). Am©rlens. Ga., Dec. s.—The marriage of Mias Annie Belle Roney of Americas to Mr. Dobbin Holmes f Fltige.ald. Ga which wa# M>!*mnlxel at noox. to-day at the handsome suburban h- nv of Hv braie's parents, Mr and Mrs Joheph Carter Ron#y, on Brooklyn Heights, wa rn ot'caslon of much social promlnenc* It was on#* of the mqst beautify home wedding* of the season In Americus. and te arly a hundred guests wltn*©-**! thi plighting of the troth, the *o< ml promi nence of both pArti©* making the mir riag© on© of ©f|>C'la) Inter©-1 Tie brid was chtirmlngly aitlred In white organdy, trimmed in whit© satin hoars, and carried Bride roaes. Miss 14ela Hill, slmlinrly gowned, was maid of honor, while Mr F. E. Wayvnar acte*l ns best man Th* marriage rites were Impressively solemn ised b> Rev. L C. Birch, re* tivr of th* E|ls<'opal Church at Oor*k*le. TI © floral decorations were vary beautiful, the ro or schem©. green and white, predominating throughout. Th© I>rh)e Is considered one of the hand somest young woman In GeorgU ami ha been a reigning bell© here since her debut two or three seasons ago. Mr Horn©# la a prominent young merchant of Fitx gcrald. though originally from North Carolina. Mr. and Mr# Holme* have gon© • way upon an extended hrl la! tour l*©fre going to their lovely new home in FiU gera Id. Ex nnM-ltNlodrn. AI high nooct to-day. at the horn© of the brPle’A pirent#. on Brooklyn Might*. Mi*# Willie Hell© Bals*b*f.. the !*©atiT|ful daughter of Mr. and M#. Thomas J. Batsden, woa united In mir rlag© to Mr. Albert J Evans of Fort Valley. The marriage rite# were Impres sively solemnised by Rev. Georgu W. M iihewa. pa-tor of th© First Met..odist Church, and were witnessed by a larg© assemblage of friend# and relatives -d the hrida and groom, quit© a l rge party of Fort Valley people accompanying Mr. Evan* here. Mrs. John ft. M Gar ah was lady of honor, whil# Mr M'Garrah s** best roan of the Th© parlor decorations were elaborate and artl.-tl- al ly wrought, presenting a acene of rare beauty. Th© hr|.Je Is s'onslderetl on* of the roost beautiful young women in South G*orgia and has ever been a #> |al fav orite in Americus. A sumptuous w©dding feast was served in the spidotis an I handsomely de -orated dining room, after whlt'h Mr and Mra Evans left upon a bridal tour which will be ex ©nd*-d to point* of Interest in Florida and in Cuba. The groom Is one of Fort Valley’s m m prominent ar.d popular young buslnes men. having larg© mercantile Interots thera. I'ROFES!M)H’!i \\ IFE. MAY DIE. Struck and Aerloualy Injured by a Trolley 4'r. Columbia, ft C.. Dec. 5 - Mr* E. ft Joynea. wife of the prof* saor of modern languages of the South <’rodna College. v.H6 struck by . trolley > r to-day while on her way to the fun* r il *tf a friend, and seriously, perhaps fatally Injured. Mr#. Joynes Is advui© • 1 In years. 8!* #iep|k**d directly in fiont of live car 8U was picked up by th© fender, but 0..* l©g wa# broken, and her hea<l struvk and broke the headlight lamp. Professor Joynes in author of many German and French text books. ( 111 Bit 111 ITIEfI. There were no cases of Import*nee be fore Recorder Hartrldge yesterday. Nlc Faro, th© organ grinder, who with his “monk” whs look*-*! up th© day before foi doing buainesw without a license, wa* lined $5. whl.-h h* (Mild. , Th© Y*nfederate Veteran*’ Association m©mber i*rm to have taken with som© enthusia-m to th© plan for n picnic at Tybee In May next, and they will work as hard as they can to make it a suc cess. Funds are needed to help out in paying the rent for ihe ha.l that 1# used for ihe veteran#' meetings and for tho-c of the Daughter* of the Con fed ©r y *md the Hone of Confederate Veterans The Georgia Hussar* have had change© made in their aystem of keeping equip ment. Under th© direction of Quarter master Sergi Frank Burner the lo *©? have all been removed to the drill hall and Arranged around the wails. Si ! i|e uniforms and all equipment are t be k* pt by ©a.*h man In his lock* r. The arrange, ment Is regard©*! as wl* and It is expect ed the efficiency of the troop will ). !n creased by It. The Hu©.ar have In-gun their regular weekly and th* .on venlence of the new arrangement will bt* appreciated. Candy Esculetts Cares PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold under guarantee at following at or a*; Homllnskts, Jones, Masonic T<mple, Knight's, W K Held'a. Martoar a C. .e --land'a, Donnelly's, and \\. A. i'tgman a Savannah, Ga. IjmiAN IIROS. Savannah, da . and W F. KKU>. Savannah Ga , Dlatrtb tore arm t tu ARREARSTOR GROUND RENT. City of Savannah, Office Ctty Treaaurer. l>ec l, ispn. The following lota are In arreure for gtound rent, of which owner* are hereby notified. C. S Hardee, City Treasurer Brown Ward—Lot 51, 2 quarters Calhoun Ward—Middle 4 lot 14. 2 quar tr; eI 4 of * >4 lot 21, 2 quarter*; lot 23. 2 quarter*; lot 24 2 quarter*, lot 11! 2 quarters; let 4. 2 quarters Charlton Ward—Lot 1. 2 quarter*; e.,*t 4 lor 25. 2 quart'rs Chatham Ward—East 4 lor 1, 2 quar ter*; mobile >3 lot 12. 2 quarter*." east ■a lot 24. 2 quarter*. <-**t 4 lot 2- : quar ters; east A* lot 21*. 2 qua Her** Columbia Word—Lot I*. 2 quarter*. u.,t port lot 31. 2 quarter*, lot 2 quarters, part lot* 29 and 2". 2 quarter*, west 4 01 fast part lot 30, 2 qua * Crawford Ward—Wees 4 lot . :■ quar ter*. lot 13. 3 quarter*, lot 31, 2 qparterw; lot 99. 2 quarter*, lot 40. 2 quar ere n rHI west part lot tit). 2 quartets Crawford Ward. Cast—M.ddle part tot I, 2 quarter*, part lot 15. 2 quarters; part lot 15. 2 quarter*, lot 14. 2 quar'ers Elhart Ward—West 4 i u_ j quarters •cuthea*t paft lot 24. 2 quarters, east lot 29 Forsyth Ward—fast I*. 2 quarter* Franklin Ward—Lot 2. 2 quarters, east 4 lot 27, 2 quarter* New Franklin Ward—East 4 lot 14. 2 Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers arc always dissatisfied—always trying something new—or something differ ent, as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They arc always good. • Three hundred million imoked thu yer. Price, 3 for 5 cents PRINTING THF. Lithograph and Printing Department of the Mornrnj: New, is one of the largest in the south. It Is equipped to Jo the best work in all branches of printing. Its plant is modern and is operated by skilled people . • . BANK BOOKS- Bank Book# of all kind* !* our apaclalt Check*. Deposit Slip* and g-ner*l ‘ stationery the Morning New# do©* In v miperloi' style And no hank. It matt* not how inutll. ehould b© without u.if lithograph chevk books. MANUFACTURING PLANTS— We mnk© a epee laity of doing ©ut work a© well a# lithograph work for all man fa turlng {dune#, no# only In Georgia. In Ala Luna Florida and th© c.irolli. * . Under this head I# embrac'd Guano 1 tone©. Flow Work*. Turpentine Plants Raw Mill*. Foundries. Breweries. Mi Shop*. In fact ail klnda of enterprise.-, i thl* character. COMMERCIAL WORK .% husuuMi* man, no matter whom hr .V - can't afford lo br without n it stationary. If hr doea nothlnx hut .11 ex** hr ouxht lo hvr It Thr Morntnx hirwr makra a sped lity o( doln neat Job, for country mrrehants. And It ink-, l>tra,urr In srn.ttnx samples with tut e, from whk-h srlrctlons may be mndv COUNTY RECORDS- Record Rooks for counties. Tax Rook,. Official Stationery for towns and cltl.* 1.-X ii R.ank, and Forms of every descrip tion we are equipped to do quickly a.d cheap and well LITHOGRAPHING— Llthoxraphtna Is a branch of the buslne*. to which especial attention Is devote.) It b the larxest establishment In the elute and Is operated by the best artists in the country. We cheerfully furnish est.m >e and submit samples of lithograph work When writ ing to u, address the Horninß News Job De. partment. Do not think that you are consuming our time hv asking us questions and w-riting for estimates. Whether we get your order or not, we shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning I've vs .lob Department SAVANNAH, CA. OFFI4 111.. Gr*en Ward-East S lot 3. 2 quarters; a.-t part lot 4. 2 quarters, © >uth S lot I*. 2 quarters, northeast > 4 lot 2>. 2 quarter.* Jackson l—Lot 23. 2 quarters; nud ole > a lot 32. 2 quarters. Jasper Ward—lt 2. 2 quarters; west 4 l*t 2 quarters; lot 3i. 2 quarters; lot 43. 2 quarters; w* :-t lot 46, 2 quarter*, east lot 46. 2 quarters loifayette Ward—West lot 1, 2 quar ter#. west lot 6. 2 quarters; lot 44. 2 quarters Liberty Ward— Lot 4. *2 quarters, lot 8. 2 quarters; lot !*. 2 quarters; lot 10, 2 quar. ter.-, ©ant part lert IH. 2 quarters; ©a* Vfc lot 36, 2 quarters; est lot ). 2 quarter*; let 35, 2 quarter- Lloyd Ward—Wes? 4 lot 44. 2 quarters; lot r >2. 2 quarters; w-#t lot 02. 2 quar t J’lfl. Monxprt-y Ward—lC**t 2-5 lot 10. 2 quar ters; lot 27, 2 quarters, lot 2V 2 quarters. • Rulaskl Warrt- I.ot . 2 quarters; lot I*. 2 quarters; south lot 23, 2 quarters. Reynolds Ward—Trust lot 8. 2 quarters Troup Wrt—lot 15. 2 quarters: west part lot X. 2 quarters; lot 31. 2 quarters, iiorth lot 27. 2 quarters; east l, of south lot 27. 2 quarters; M to. 2 quarters, west part lot T.>. 2 quarters. Warren War.! Writ 10. 2 quarters, lot 16. 2 quarters. Washington Wnrrl- Ra*t tot 14, 2 quar tirs; west '? lot It. 2 quarters. Wesley Warrt—Hast lot IJ. I quarters All persons h ivli.x interest In the above lots are hereby notldel that If the amounts now ilue are not paid to the city treasurer on or Imfore I>e... 13th Inst.. I will proceed on the momlnz of I>ee. It to enter according to law. JOHN POWBR, City Marshal. LIQCOR LICENSES, city of Savannah, Office Clerk of Coun cil, Savannah. Ga , Nov. 30. 1900.—The fol lowing appll cations to retail liquor during the year 1901, were read nt meeting of Council. Nuv. 2*. 19on. and referred to the Committee of the Whole. W I\ Bailey. Clerk of Council. Anglin Tho* . 13* Bryan street, west. Anderson. Joseph N., No. 39 Randolph St reel. Abel. Chat., southeast corner Bay and Alwmorn street*. He wan. J. 0., corner Bull and Best streets. it idenhoop. J. 11., No. 523 West Broad n!rf*f*t. Bohn, II N. C.. No. 235 Earl Broad street. Connery. C. P., No. 110 8:. Julian street, west Denmark, .1 M No 147 Farm street, t'lerks. Wm C , No. 334 Whitaker •a-" Doyle, M. J , Market Square. Dersl. George. 79 Went Broad street. Ihers, William, northeast comer Liber ty and West Broad streets. Kn elman. A H , No. 71* East Broad street, corner Gwinnett street. Ei hhola K , ► uthwest comer Liberty atmei lane and East Broad streets. Eiehhol* S- g. No 1012 Ometery street. Groves, w C northwest comer Barnard and Bryar streets. Glides. Neil. No. 130 Broughton street, east tlillna, J A.. No 9 Drayton street. Geffken. Harman H , No. 122 Broughton street, east. Helmken J. H , southeast corner Liber ty and Whitaker streets. OFFICI tL. Hart. Francis, No. 11 Jerter- HiJtman. J F.. No *34 Brest !■ i ■ • Hermann * Berenthelm. No. 16 atreet. Ktene, Herman, No. 134 Bryan or Kelly, A. T.. liny lane, near Kill Lyon, John A Cos., northeast rr.'f Broughton and Whitaker street lame, N . No. If. Broughton str.-e’ larvan, ('has. 11., No. 11l < - ,gt street, wee: Melnoke. P. A.. No. 5*3 Bryan *"< w st. Manning. V . No. 23 Bay stree' i Morrison. Hanah, No. Ml* Ofleth avenue, east. Meyer. J. F\, No (41 Blms street McAlpin. T E.. No 34 Br|.-e treV Nell. Otto W., **> Brough on West. Ohslek. Chan., aoulheast earner Or thor|*e avenue and Reynolds str> ■ Dhslek, John, northeast corner 1* and West Broad gt reels Peters, Fred, northeast cor*cr l' ul toughs and Park avenue R.dUy, 1.. 12* Rryan street. *'•■• Iloentsch. Martin * Cos.. No 238 i ton street, west llegrpouolox. A. C. A Cos.. No 2D Hrr nn at reel. west. liehm, L C., northeast 4MVII and Alice streets. Repke. Jidin. No. 229 Drayton Rocker, J. W. Rro.. southwest v Went Broad und Jotws atret It,-km s •v.rftt-r W. Gwinnett streets Sampson. I’„ 3W Bryan street. •*’ Bchwan, George, 317 Coogrc- ■ west. . Bros., No. 44 W ! St reet. Steffens, Harry. East Broad *< * 1 thorpe nvenue. , Bchwars. George C., romer Concrr * Whitaker streets. Bchna.irs. H. J . No I'M Hl.f Schultes, O. No. 146 Price str. Bchever, J H . 127 Wesi Bro el Btahmer. John, 521 Bryan ittre. Taussatrt, Chan.. No. 502 C avenue. , Tlenken, Fred J.. M*. 63* Libert) east. Verukl. F.ll. No. 42 Barnard str Vollers. W., southeast corner and West Broad street. . Welt*. 8.. northweat comer Ev t 1 •> and Harris atreet*. , William * Orlce. No. 340 West ' atreet. DUCKO’S pH Alimentary Elixir i hifhir luni dli—f wi * Pf* . * tfpbo(l. roaUnal Ami Asests. m. rsogers A As.. STOPPED THE COUGH- Prather * Tr aod Cberrj Care 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO.