The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 METHODISTS IN CONFERENCE. rnurHCHl GtTHr.Ht:n in om h (•EMION AT I l lit IIKIIT. 111. hop E. H. Henilrla of Knnit City T* Presiding—l here L an 1 niuil y Large Ano Mil *nre—Ma ■■ y Applt for Uuilitltm on Trial—ln- Itmlllf Krpurt Ihptrlrd on Wn leynn Christian Ail* ocatr—' sermon t>> HfT. Ed. T. • ook (.'uthbert. I> Th* Rouih Georgia Conference of th" Methodtat Episcopal i'Huron, South, met at 9 o'clock this morn ing to hold t(* thirty-fourth session. Hi anop B. R lfendrlx ot Kanttt Ct.y. Mo., was in thn chair and opened the conference, with a ahort and appropriate devotional service. The call of the roll nhoa-ed an unumial 1> large attendance, for the opening ses sion Hav. W. F Smith wan re-eleclad aec tei.try, with the following aaalntin f T H Thom non. J A. Smith. XV. M BUG n, O. F. Cook. W. XV. Seal* ami J. M (Mann. The .oenmlttees to look after the vorl ou Inletaata of the church, were ap pointed The-report of the Committee on th* Wealeyai, Chr.attan Advocate, which will probably come up to-morrow. In look'd forward to wita much Interest The adminnton of applicant* on trial In tna eonference In a tnattei of vital Im portance. Thin year there were eleven to knock at the door of the conference, not one of them being rejected. The aver age age of there men was over 31 yearv, which called forth sonic opposition |t > them The rvamen of the appllcantn are: S II Bryan, 8 J Davis. T F. Drake S I. Oardm*. J N Hudson. C K Jenktnn. I R Kelly. J IV Llilev. C. A Norton. J A Stale and John Swain Without un due hante Blnhop Hendrix han dlp*tch*d the work, no that the namen of all the underaraduatea have been called and theli reportn made In addition to the former auperanrtuatea the following were referred, for thin elec tion A M Wynn. D. K Riley, C, A Moore and C I* Adam* I<r C E. Dowman, offerad resolution*, of appreciation of the long mlnlnierla) la bor* of Hev. A M Wynn, which were a-lopted hy rtnlng vole Blalio|> Hendrix Invited all th nuperanntiared preachera to meet him tlda afternoon that they might examine the Journal of John Wa ll). which he kept whlio In Savannah at the beginning of Methodlnm H ft Hard* ell. Geo N Mae Dowell. T. F. Davenport and D F. Riley, have heen transferred from other conference* to South Oeorgta. During the morning section Dr. Jno. P. Hammond. Secretary of Education. ad dreaaed the conference In the Interest of the educational Institution* of tho church Rev. Ed. F. Took preached to the de l.ght of the conference, thi* afternoon, and Dr. W. C. Loveaa. editor of the Wea leyan Chrletlan preached a strong aermon to-night The conference I* receiving splendid entertainment front the people of Chtthhert. LUCKY CATCH AT TIFTON, A Shrewd rooßdenre Man Taken In to Custody. Ttfton. Ga.. Dae. A lucky catch was made by the Tlfton police one night thl* week. About midnight, and shortly be fore the leaving time of the north-bound Georgia Southern train. Night Marshal Saxon was attracted by the strange be havior i>fto white men. who evidently Intended going In the train. Both stayed off In Ihe dirk, party hid behind some freight cars, and carrying a satchel be tween them At last one of them came Into tho ticket office and purchased tickets for both. Thinking they over* burglars, trying lo escape with Ihelr booty. Ihe policeman ; arrested them, but not without come trouble as bo:h showed a disposition lo resist, and one drew a pistol. As he whs carrying them to the city Jai;. having one handcuffed and hla nipper* on the other, j the larx-r one Jerked loose from Ihe nit*, per* and ran. carrying \gith him ths satchel The other man wa* locked up. and later found to be W. D. Salter, warned by th* l otted Stale* authorities for using the malls for fraudulent purposes. The authorities In Thomasville were notified. *nd yesterday Deputy Marshal Dlsmukes came after the prisoner, carrying him be fore Commissioner Rodenberrv for a hear ing Quite an Interesting story devslops from the arrest. It I* sold that Salter had for some time boon working a gieen goods scheme through the malls ar.l during th* time, began correspondence with a man named B- alright. In Madl on county. Fkr. Ida. which resulted In an agreement to meet In Valdosta, where Salter was to de liver to Boatright Uno worth of the "queer." The parties met as agreed upon, and af ter a conference, retired to an o and shed near by to tnake the exchange Boat right counted down ihe Jfto In hard cash, and Baitr took up the roll to see If tire amount was correct No sooner had he got the money tn hi* fingers than he blow out th* light and ran. leaving Host right with only a grievance and an empty pock #t Ha was sufflclsmly enraged to report th* matter to the authorities, and they hav# been on fhe lookout sine*, until Kaxon'a lucky catch plac*<J the man In their hands Salter was raised in Worth county. n-*r Ty-Ty. ard Is well-known throughout this section He I# a brother of Hugh Salter, who was convicted of handling queer money in United States Court Ir. Savan nah four years ago, and given a two years' ser.Prvce In the Columbus. 0.. peni tentiary, which he finished laid year. ftllLLroX IX CAROLINA. N Extraordinary Slate of tlfaira In the Town of t'nlon. Columbia. 8 C., Dec. An official of Union county reports an extraordinary smallpox situation to Gov. Mcgwsntey The Jail, he say*. ,* a pesthouse Ii I* used as a "lock-up" hy the town author. Me*, and several prisoners with small pox have been sent there It was from this Jail a pattern was sent to the lunatic asylum here who developed smallpox In that Institution. Hundred* of cases are reported In Un. lon More whites are down than Macks, and It is said to be seriously Interfering with th* running of the cotton mill* of th*' place Fa'ient* are sent to the pesthouae and they com* up Into town to tper>d the night, returning to th# pesthouse for thair breakfast. The health officer saya (he Beard of Health will not alve him th# power to have a guard Th# Governor hat ordered an immediate Investigation. Married In Atlanta. Thomasville r;, , . D* t - _A TV •tuari of thlt <tty *nd Mrs. Edta Stuart of Ai ant*, but recently of Tlioßiaevllle, ware married in Atlanta thla afternoon. After Dinner To axslit dlrrea lon. relieve dislresa after eating ot drinking too hasrUiy lu prei-eri conitloatlcn. lake i Mood's Pills Bn. wonodwt. W eantib MUSCLE AND NOT FAT What Thin People Need to nonnd • the ( nratrs. What thin folk* need I* flesh or muscle, not fat. To be symmetrical and properly propor tloned every person should have a car tain amount of excess fle-n, t,ut to h" plump does not ne-• saarlly m- an to be fat Fat Is undesirable. It clogs nd r.-tarda the action of the run: - . interferes w.ih the healthy aetlon of the peart and lung* and when very excessive, predisposes 100 fatty daganerati I of vital or*m-.- to ca\ nothing of the discomfort resulting from 100 much adipose 'lst i* Common sense would suggest that If one wish** to become fleshy and plump the thing most ns- led would he flesh forming food—that Is. albuminous food*, like eggs, beef, oatmeal, eb . The kind* of food which make flesh are the lood* we have on our tables every day; hut the trouble Is that our stom ach*. front weakness or derangement of some kind, do not promptly and properly digest It. Really, the principal rca*on so many people remain thin Is because their stoni ach* do not prop, rly and completely di gest ai.d assimilate the flesh-reaming beefsteak and egg* we <al every day. There are thousands of auch people, and they are teally dyspeptic-, although they may not suffer any particular pair, or from their stomachs If ueh persons and ad thin people would take after their meals some simple and natural digestive, like Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablet* the food would he quickly digested and the proper degree of p ump net** very soon result because these late .els are prepared exactly for that pur pose They digest every variety of flesh forming food, which is the real reason why they so quickly bulM up and strengthen thin, dyspeptic men and wo men. Btuart’S Dyspepsia Tablet* cure every P rtn of Indigestion <>n this common-sen*-: plan, that they thoroughly digest tt<- prompt, giving• strength lo every nerve and organ In the body, and the weakened atom* h a chance to rest and recover Ita natural vigor Nothing further Is required to cure anv stomach trouble, except can cer of Ihe stomach "Hiey make thin, dys peptic people stiong. plump anil well Thl# excellent preparation l* sold SO cent* for full-sized treatment hy all drtigglste In I’nlted Stales, Canada and Great Britain. AT THE I lit V Kllmt-llearn Company In Two flood Flay a. * The Kllmt-Heam Company placed to two good audience* yesterday afternoon ar.l last night. "A Nutmeg Match" was given at the matinee, and at night the scenic melodrama, 'Tne Diamond Break er " Both plays were done in the com pany's usual good style. "Trilby" will he tho hill thl* afternoon, ami to-night Lawrence Murwton's play In which Lillian Lewis starred, entitled "An Innocent Sinner. ' will bo produced. The specialties are varied at each perform ance and will! the cm etna to* cope prove In ter*!! !ng features. The prettiest pl.iv evoked from the chaos of strife and sorrow of the cruel war. "Barbara Krietchle," will he pre sented at the Theater Wednesday even ing. Dec. 12. with Kffle Ellsler In the title role The play Is hy Clyde Fitch, who taking Whittier* poem for hi* Inspira tion. by lifting many years from the shoulder* of the Frederick dame, has evolved a sweet and Interesting heroine whose sacrifice* for love are beautiful and touching Mr Fitch's "Barbara Frletchle" Is a budding and glorious young woman of gentle and winning na ture. who falling In love with federal eflh-er. remain* steadfast In her loyalty to him. *!e#plte the opposition of father, brother and friends It Is a character which gives an actress of Effte Kllsler'a qualities splendid scope for the exercise of her art. And who that ha* seen Kffie Ellsler does nod know that when It eom.-s to portraying either Ingenuous maiden hood In the early tangles of Ihe lender pneslon, or lo rising lo Hie demands of a dramatic situation, she Is equally at home In her work, and never fa-ls to fully teallxe the emotion and picture called for. "Barbara Frletchle" had a run of over loti performance* in New York at the Criterion Theater where Charles Frobman produced It. It has also enjoyed long and triumphant runs In Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. The New York production Is Ihe one which will be pre sented here Scats go on sale Monday morning at a o'clock The price* are: Or chestra. tl W and cents; gallery US. * The fominr of "Mahal F-alge" and th* "Southern Stock Company." for a week's engagement, commen-Ing Monday. Dei'. 10 mill he looked forward to hy the ad. mlrer* of that clever "star ” This season she Is presenting a number of scenic productions of hlgh-clas* melo-dramallc and sensa'Ksnal (flay*, that have not been presented before at other than high prices Th* complete scenery I* curried for each production, and the company surround ing Mis* Paige. Is said to be hy far th# strongest she ha* ever carried Popular price* will he the rule during the engage ment. "The Captain's Mat*' Is announced a* the opening bill. The play Is a nautical melo-drama, in four ao*. which had a run of thref hundred night* In New York City. ON SEVERAL rttlRKB. Lonl* Kaminsky tp for a Number of Explanation*. Yesterday. In Magistrate G. Nobla Jones' Court Isabelle Jenkins, colored, sued out against Louis Kaminsky, a war rant, charging him with assault and bat tery. and also a peace warrant. The Jenktns woman claims that she went Into Kaminsky's store day before i yesterday to buy n cloak, bu* that she I wa* charted by Kaminsky, wt’h trying ! to steal It. and that he and another man I in the More had given her a heating and j then had her arrested The case was i heard before the Recorder yesterday and j dismissed, und th* woman then sued out : the warrants Kaminsky gave bond for ! his appearance before the City (Yttirt AO UNIT IN IMdN iVtH’ITY. Petition Filed by Forty Laborers Who NT ant Thrlr Pay. I Birmingham. Ala Deo. —A petition was filed In the United States .Court In this city to-dav by about forty laborer* employed hy the Jones Valley Iron Com pany asking ti*oo t the company be d— c’ored a bankrupt. Tne petitioners were employed at the Williamson furnace which t# operated bv the company ai I •truck som# day* ago because the No vember pay rotl wa# not met. They allege in their petition that Ihe company has during the lost four ntonihs while Insolvent gold and transfsrred to i Roger* Brown A Cos one of Its ,re*j|tots. 'with Inter'. t-> fifr: the great,-r part of Is eutpu'. The officers of tha company claim that th* situation is due to temporary embar raasment, and that matters will hs straightened out in a few days Some Florida I'naltitastert. I Washington, Dec The President to i dav set t to the 8- la e th" follow Insr nom- Ir.ntlcns of ;nstmasters v Fkttl'ia-J T Bassett, at Titusville; Ndwell B, Hull ar Statke Alabama—Joseph C. Manning. Alexan der City. a THF MOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1900. tot Al. I'EHMMtI. Mr Johr Hill of Atlant* I* a guest of th* D Sot*. Mr I'. M Reid of Atlanta is a guest of the Screven. Mr >1 J Young of Call. Fla . la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. A E Hold! Of Atlanta It registered at the Screven. Mr J Rice Smith of Auguita la regla trred at the Dc Soto. Mr. Porter Fleming of Auguxl* I* regla t.rtd at the De Solo. Mr 1- P De Otoot of Atlanta I* regia tere.l at the Dc Soto. Mr M M Hutton of Macon la regis tered t the Screven. Mr. Wtl.ljm J. I-oader of Atlanta It a guest of the Screven. Mr. G M. William* of Ada belle Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. If. L Groover of Quitman Is a guest of the Pulaski Mrs U E Wyrhe of Quitman is reg istered at ihe pulikkl. Air. J tv. Murphy of Atlanta Is reg leiei .ft at Ihe Pulaski. Mr II Rotenheln left via the Central yesterday for Atlanta Miss S Dancy was j passenger on the Kopmi City lust r-lght. Mr. J E. Sheffield of Mcßae registered yesterday at the Pulaski Mr aid Mrs. John Roberta of Charles ton are guest* of the Screven. Mr. J. Lelpsltx was a passenger of the Central yesterday for .Augusej. Mr N. M Breese left via the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Norfolk Mrs. W. R sailed for New York yesterday on Ihe Nwcoochee Mr J Chessman left via the Seaboard Air Line yesaarday for New York. Miss Burrows was among the passen gers of the Kansas City last night. Mr. and Mr*. W. G. Beasley ot Cor •lele ate registered at the Pulaski. Mis* J. T. Haines returned from New York last night on Ihe Kansas City Messrs. Dun B Harris and A Woiff of Atlanta are registered at the Pulaski. Mr. and Mis. Byron Clark were passen gers on the Nacoochet yesterday for New York Mrs Dens and O. D. Deni arrived on the Kansas City last night from New York Mr J Clark was among Ihe passengers of the Heahoard Air IJne yesterday for New York Mrs. T. Hunter was among the passer gers of the Kansas City, which arrived last night. Mr. II C, Cook of St Louis, managing editor of the Hallway Journal. Is among the visitors to Savannah Mr J. T Adamson was among th* pas sengers of the Kansas City, which ar rived from New York last night Mr. P. C. Roiereau. who has been 111 for tome time, hu* so much Improved that he has been able lo leave the hospital. Messrs. S. and H. Rosengarlen. and C Richardson were among she passenger* of the Plant System yesterday for Mo bil* Mr. Frank M- lntlre returned last night from Chester, Pu.. where h* has been at tending the Pennsylvania Military Col lege Mr. M, Inlire will have six weeks to spend with his family and friend* at home, as the Institution has been closed for that length of time because of an epidemic of s-arlet fever. Cards are out announcing (he coming marriage of Mr Waller R. Davis and Miss Noln Belle Porter at Trinity Metho dist Church. Wednesday evening. Dec. 19. at *JO o'clock Mr Davis I* the well known hay and grain Inspector with th# Savannah Board of Trad*, and hat friend# who will cheerfully congratulate him on his proapectlve happiness. REWARD FOR SIRS' <1 LAYER. There Are Many Rumors About the Fair In Thomaavllle. Thomasville. Ga . Dec. A—Gov. Candler offered a reward to-day of IMP for the ar rest of the mqrderer of young Sims, with proof to convict The coroner's Jury had another session to-day behind closed doors, and adjourn 'd over until -to-morrow without a ver dict. They have examined a large num ber of witnesses. Rumors continue to fly, some of them of a very serious nature, but there Is nothing conclusive as yet. STOPS TIIE hI'SII INI) WORKS OFF THF- ( OLD. Laxative Rrorao Quinine Tablet* cur* a cold In one day. No no pay. Prlc# * cent* —ad. ■PK IAL NOTin> NOTICE TO W ITKII TAKERS. Office of Savannah Water Works, Savannah. Ga.. Dec. *. I!SP The water will be shut off this (Friday) morning. Dc 7. for a few hours | n lhat section of the city as follows Jnd an street lane to 7.uh|v freer and from West Broad street to West Boundary street. I. V. KIKfIQY. Supt "ut. BCU'PMT, (Han. I.F.TON. , Steamer Pilot Bov leaves Bull street wharf Saturdays 10 • nr for Charleston, touching at the Navdl St a lon. Port Roy al. Beaufort and way landings Freight and passengers solicited. Fare Savannah to Chari eton 13 50. Q* Phone 354. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither ihe master nor consignees of th* Italian bark AMlllo Dapelo will he re sponslM* for any debts contracted by th# crew BTRACHAN ACO . Consignee* Savannah. Ga.. Dec t. ]#*> SPECIAL NOUfE. All bills against th* Italian bark Fran cesco. must be presented at our office before 12 o clock m this day. or payment thereof will he detarred. A CO., Consignee*. B*vannah. Ga.. Dee. 7. IMV NOTICE. Neither Ihe master, owners nor con signee of the British steamship Ardova will he responsible for any debt* con traded by the crew B v SMITH. Master. Georg.a Phone No 34* Fell Phone No ML 11. C. TRIPP A CO. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Real Estate bought and sold on commis sions, and Renta collected. Representing Traveler* Insurance Company Lsfe. Ac cident and liability Department*. New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Company Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. ' - Trust. Bale Deposit and Surely Company. Issuing Bonds of Purely to contractors, administrators, guardians, etc. *x * ,IR rirr. W 111 wnltsker Htraat. Diamond Back Tetrailn Hiear serv'd any tlm to order Also cam# of gij kinds* and only the best meats ar* pre pared In the best style Gulf coast O-*. ters recleved dally. Wuerahurgcr Holt Brau on draught. Phone TW. LAND TITLCS. Abstracts ot the recorded land titles ot M.-.vannah and Cnatham county from to* settlement of Oeorgta (o data. Money loaned at lew interval on city real estat*. BUCKEfT A BECKETT. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. ROBINSON.—The rsiatlvcs and friends of Mr. and Mr*. A E Robinson ara ir.- vlied to attend the funeral of the former thist (Friday! afternoon at 330 o'clock, from fit Benedict's Church. ■ . ■, SIKETINCiS. LASKIKIN 1,0 IIOK AO. 4b. F. AAD A.M. A regular communication of this Jk lodge will be held thle (Friday) ev- Xy •nlng at Masonic Tcmp.e al fc 30 O'clock. Members of staler lodge* and transient brother* cordially Invited to attend Hy order OEO T. CANN, W. M W. C. TRAVIB, Secretary. APEX I AL A(> I It MB. •TATE AND COI'KTY TAXES. 1 POO. Office Collector State and County Taxes, Chatham county. Georgia. Savannah. Oct. 5. HOD—The digest is now open for the collection of the above taxes on all prop erty. real and personal, iba specific tax on professions; also the POLL TAX FOR EDUCATIONAL PtR. I’OSM ON ALL MALE RESIDENTS of the city and county, between the ages of 21 and (0 years. Olflce at the Court House Hours: *a. m. to 2 p. m. JAS J. McGowan. Tax Collector C. C. HEADQIARTBH9 FOR CAKE MATERIAL. Cleaned Currant*. 1-lb. pkg.. 15c London Layer Raisin* per lb lie Fine Seed'd Raisin*. 1-lb pkg... 15c Fancy Corsican Citron, per lb 15c Fancy Lemon and Orange Peel per lb..2hc New Duchess Fig* per lb 30c Shehed Almonds per lb 60c New Dates per lb 10c Brown Sugar for Cake*. California Sherry for Cakes California Brandy for Cakes. New Almond* per lb .*. 30c New Walnut* per lb 30c New Pecan* per lb lie Crystallized Ginger per pkg 10c Cranberry Sauce per Jar 30c Fancy Florida Orange* Fancy York Imperial Apples. Fine Large Bananas Guava Jelly per pkg 10c Mlnca Mr per lb luc Plum Pu-ldlng, 1-lb 36c Plum Pud-ling 2-lbe. 0c -at— JOHN T. EVANS A CO, B. Congress and Barnard streets. 3 Fones 26U. ENGLISH. FRENCH AND LEHMAN BISCUIT for Traa. Lnseliroat and other F.u talaaient*. We have brought out some of the most attractive biscuit known. They ara dainty in shop* and delicate to the taste. We name a few: OLIVE. CAMBRIDGE. OPERA. RRKAKFAST. UNIVERSITY. DEJLI NER. DINNER KRIETfK’H'B SUGAR WAFERS FLIRT, ma le In France; the daintiest biscuit ever Imported. A. M A C W. WEST ffuwanee Springs Cos.. Suwatiee, Fla. Gentl>neii—Having been a resident of this and adjoining counties for flfty-aaven years, and a practicing physician aboul thirty, have had a favorable opportunity of observing rh* effect* of your spring as a remedial agent. I ran cheerfully tay that for certain rlasses of diseases 1 have ween some miraculous i-uro*. vlx: RAeu mutism, kidney nnd biolJer affections, skid diseases, crotilc dyspepsia, etc. Th# wuler has a tin* tonic and alterative ef fect. as evinced by ihe magic Increase of appetite, lone to ihe svsiem, etc. S. T. OVERSTREET M D.. Live Oak. Fla. All you ran drink for 5r at Living-ton's. •FECIAL NOTICE. J( AT HEt El l Ell One carload of Moyers' fine work of Syracuse. N. Y . open and top buggies, the most complete Una aver brought to this city. We defy competition on this work I ask the public ono and all who are to Ihe market for end and aide-spring easy-rid- Ing vehicle*, that they can be found at my repository. Also a full line of deliv ery wagons, open and top; milk and baker wagons You make no mistake by galling at once and make your selection. MARK APPLK’B REPOSITORY. CO Broughton street, west. Kelly's Rubber Tires, the only reliable tlr* on th* market. THE BAVANNAM PREPARATORY M lllini.. MILITARY. Harris and Rarnard streets Ormond B. 8i ron* (Cornell), lf*ad Master. Greek, Latin an.) English: Rev. R. p Johnson. A M (Princeton), lately of St Mat thew* Military Academy. History. Geog raphy and Modern Languages. John Stelaer, A B . Mathematic* and Chem istry. Ga- Telephone MIL PAL < I ' tI E. REPTATR ANT AND OYBTER HOI HE 43 Bull Street Blue Points. Little Neck Ciams. received by every •(seiner Native Oysters tn all styles. Chops and steaks and game lo season Everything the beet Just received, fresh lot live lobsters M D ABRAMS. Prop P. S— Hot lunch from 11 to 1 svsrv d*y PAINTS AND HOUSE PAINTING. We handle nothing but the VERY BEBT grade* of PAINTS and 01L8. and employ the very best painters to be had. Allow ua to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO. Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 51. • APEC IAL NOTICE. Now la a good time to select rose plant* lo plant In your garden. Come out and aee them at JOHN WOLF'S NURSERY. On and Anderson streets 'Phone M 4. UONOb EXKC(TEH. By ths American Bonding and TruM Company of Baltimore. W* are author ised to execute locally (Immediately upnti application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceeding’ In either (he stale or United Slates Courts, and of administrator* and guardians PEA RING A HULL. Agent*. Telephone 331 Provident Building. NOTICE. Th* firm of Waithour A River* having been dissolved by the death of Mr J. L Waithour. t e underw gned h ive this day form'd a copartnership for the ; trpooe u | carrying o. ih reel estate bu*lr,cs un der Ihe firm nuroe of Klvra*r Gibbs*. HORACE 111 VICKS. CHAS. H. GIBBEB. Dec. 1. lAW PE CI AL IN OT II F- W* ar* row giving special attention lo* house pointing kaloomlnlng and paper hanging, etc. With a corps of only first- G-s workmen and a competent super- Inlednenr we can and" vour wore promptly and satisfactorily. Gel our esilro-ai* on anything In house decorating line and save muney. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Humboldt Cigars In Holiday Boxes of 25. Suitable as Gifts and Convenient for Travel. LEE ROY MYERS & CO., Savannah, Ga. Superior Laundry Work SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street. West. PHONE 383 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE In Regard to th* Assessment of Real Property In the City of Savannah for Taxation for the Year 1901. Office Tax Assessor* an* Receiver*. Sa vannah. Nov. Su, 1900. Under a resolu tion of this hoard tax payer* axe hereby notified that the assessmtnt and valuation of property for the year 1900 in the ab .-nee of objections, will be continued -i the basis of taxation ly- the city of Savan tah for the year 190! as to real esta'e. Including Improvements covered thereby, except aa to Washington. Warren, Rey nolds. Derby. Decker and Franklin ward and auch other ward* as may be rw-as- H-wsed. due notice of which will be given through the pres* on Jan 1. 1901 Objections, If any. must be msd* in writing and filed In th* off!- * of the Board of Tax Assessors and Receivers wlthl.v FIFTEEN DAYS after Ihe date of the publication of thl* notice No objection* will be considered uni*** verified by an afiidavlt made by the property owner o his agent, staling that the property has been assessed higher (han Its actual mar kt value In the abaenc* of objection* within th time specified the assessment ar.d ' Alua. tlon will be considered as satisfactory, and will be binding for the year 1901 J H. H OSBORNE Chairman Savannah. Ga., Nov. *O, lIW GHITKR'fi ACOTPH WHIMSY. This celebrated fimoui old vatted Highland Whisky Is Imported direct from tha distillery by us This Greer Scotch Whisky Is guaranteed to be bottled abroad and Is consigned to us from Glas gow. Scotland. _and is in bond In tho United Sixes Custom House m thl* city This grand old Greer Scotch Whisky Is beautifully mellow and mbd to a degree and Is soft to tho palate a* one could possibly wish, ami there Is a nuttiness about It that la especially pleasing. We are glad to Ist (he public pur chase as small quantity as they wlah. even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing ihe best brand of Scotch whisky extant. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists. Ltppman's Block, Sole Agents for the Greer Distil leries. Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies * t * FROIEN RICE BIRD* •OHWARE'S CAFE. Greatest dainty of the reason. Oysters served in every style—prepared by the most noted cooks In the South. Congress and Whitaker afreets. Open Day and Night. NOW 14 THE TIME TO t'NE DETERSIVE FLUD. It will make your old clothing look like new. I •old la large bottles at Ur. . SOLOMONS CO. 801 l Street Store Open All Night. ItF.AON OF HOMES. HOTELS AND HOSPITALS Ha* It ever occurred to you that nearly one-half your life is spent tnbed? The maitrvae It Ihe most * bused article of furniture, and should he well made aral of good, clean material; It should be pick ed and cleansed at least once each (bre# years. We make new ones to order, and have improved machinery to cleanse and pick old ones Our mechanical work lire of tickings, and material for filling, first els'* Medicated Steam Renovation of Feathers. Hair. etc. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO . Bali Phone UK. Ml Drayton. Oil ONLY fHE UEST LINGER ALE. The beat |a the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos . of Reliaai. Ireland, from the ceieoiVird Cromac Springs of rhai city. There •prmgs are the properly of Wheeler A Cos hene* no oQier Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland haa those water* but :hem eelvea. Th* Wheeler Ginger Ale la made from pur* Jamaica Olnaer Root and not from Red Pepper, aa others are. on# .a deleterious—the other Is a tonic For H'althfulnet* and Purity (he cele. hr*led Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale la th* best LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Role Southern Agents, Savannah. Ga. TUB WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop, •rly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for th* summer. Is eo turn the job over (o the District Mes*eii*r and Ded rry Cos telephone 3. or cal! at 32 Music mary •ireel. and ihe) will make >uu ai. esi,. mate on rhe coat of th* work. Price# reasonable. They also pack, move and etore furoiltur* and pianos C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. Bt SINKS* NOTICES. It Is Impossible To enumerate the various articles In our etock fit for Christmas gifts. We have an elegant lot of diamonds and other precious stones Long experi ence In purchasing these goods enables us to offer a superior quality of value Special a.lention ha* been given gift* for men. W* sugge-t a selection now. to •void the excitement of the w-eks lat#r on, THEUS BROS. Are you Smokidg the FRANKLIN CIGAR. Try jtfst one to-day. FORTKE HOLIDAYS Show Cases OF ALL KINDS -AT— HENRY SOLOMON & SON No. l4b. Chartered ISM. -THE- Mil! 8111 l M OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, luo-.-v.' or. it PLUS 6100.00 U UNITED BTATEB DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON Vic* President W M DAVANT Cashier Account* of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon th* most favorab!* terms consistent with aafa and con-ervalive banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET. WEST. “ PER CENT per annum allowed on o deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. PER CENT, per annum allowed 0.. " deposit, Of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. OEO XV TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY, Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. O. ANDERSON, JR . Treasurer iFiSTiS. For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder will fold sheet 27x12 It Uin good order price 6100. It coat originally t .100. bu. we hav* no ua* for It and want th* room It occupte*. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, (.tv. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. M l.i I VI. wi| it m. " FOIt SALE. One ] -in b Steam ShM fiUn Feed, t: feet long one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig ger, Sand IP-Inch cylinders, only us* l about thirty dayi; one filer and Stowel Gang Edgr-r. with three aws: one fn set of Filer arid Stowell Lathe Machinery consisting of bolter and gang lathe saw mill; one set of machinery for making rostn barrel staves; nleo a lot of Circular 3aw* fiom 1C lo 5C Inches dlnraeier. from th* mill of H. P Smart & Bro. In Emanuel county. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFO CO. Savannah, Ga. We don’t practice thi* at our store. Our salesmen know *how to fit shoes properly. We are taking a spo t| Interest In our Children's and Misses' Department, as their growing feet n-M most attention. tsr 6 h 3 up-to-date -/m YU School /w A' v\ Shoe, JflCt Ij $ A tn kid or Is*l fl ,*£ \\ Patent l/ti IS U Leather / vi.. I \ Button V" T | or Lace, J a. $1.48 „ Bros. rOOTCOY£ff£/rs Manjt/ma We are showing a full line of Holiday Slippers. LEOPOLD ADI.ER. JNO. H DILLOX, President. Cashier C. B. ELMS. BARRON CARTER, Vice President. Ass! Cashtar The Chatham Bank savannah Will he pieaseu to reci-lva the act-o.Bi of Merchant*. Firms, Individual!, Belli, and Corporationa. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities inter. In* rrompt returns. SEPARATE SAVINGS OEPARTM£T INTitfIKST CO.VIPOI NDKD QUAIiIU. LY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Dpo*lt Box** r 1 Vaults far rant. Corraypondarc* aoll'ltad The Citizens Bank or SAVANNAH. CAPITAL 5500.000, Traaaact* ■ General ttasklag Boalnea*. Solicits Arcouuti of IndlvlilßSlt, Merchants, Hanks and ether Cere*, rations. Collections handled aalth sefetr. economy sad dispatch Interest, compounded quarterly, alloaaed on deposits to oor tsriip Department. hnfely Deposit Boaes and lirrai* Vaults. IIHAJITUSY A. DENMARK. Prr.ldsaL MILLS R. LANE, Vlee President. riEOROB C. FREEMAN, Cashier. OORDON L. ItRDOVEn, Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN UM ol tits oie.e of Georg.* > apltel *Sik! Surplus and undivided profile ... •eoi.t** DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE Of GEORGIA Superior facilities for Iranractlr.r a General bene in* Busin e volleoilons made on all points accestlble through banks and Account* oTßatiklT Bankers. M'rcM"-* end others solicited. Safe Deposit Bj* Tr rent. Department of Savings, Interest payaw uuarterly. a Sells Sterling Exchange on Loud* end upwards JOHN FLANNERY. Freetden' HOHACfI A CRANE, Vice Presto*" 1 - JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W GO**** 1 !. E A WPJTI.. W W OORP°> J' l H A CRANE JOHN M EO**!. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH TI P SMART CHART.ES ET.LIS EDWARD KELLY JOHN 1 KIRS* Sill) Ml MSI CAPITAL, 531V0.000. Accounta of banka, tnerehanta. c"rror*- Ilona and Indlvidunla solicited Savings Department, Interest petd < S' l *' erly. ~ Safety Boxee and Storage Vaults '*"* res- Collodions made on oil points at >unabl* rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities o world. *-*** Correspondence invited JOSEPH D. WEED. President JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice Prer w f . McCauley. c*M* r - __ THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. £*>/, Cefdtal y,** Undivided profit* ,1— io cofP o'*’ 0 '*’ ThU bank offers Its mtvlomi to con-' tlons. mer-hanla and lndlvtdMM Has authority to act as ei*ui mintatrator. xuardian. ec c .,|a i" issues drafts on theG* on th* Great Britain and Ireland m Contlnant. Intermt paid or on ilopoait* In the Savings I f> Safety hoxas for rent HENRY BLTN PresldcrD u,nl (lEO W TIEDEMAN Vice FT* JOHN M HOGAN. OasMW; WALTER P. HOGAN. A * IF YOU WANT POOP end work, order your fro* printed stationery and blank Morning News, Bavannah, ‘-*a.