The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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MELL to BE TRIED MONDAY. SLAVER OF JVMIM RIZBEB TO FACE A JCRY AGAIN. ut . grcnnd Trial fndcr Supreme r# „l'a Decision fo Take Place >r*t Week-W. E. Meadford'a Ad rtlellna lo the Morphine Habit GM Him OR Elnbt on a Chnrpre "I Horplarr—Baraaa, Allan llmaaan. to He Tried To-dn> for Murder ol John Wollrader. William R Mcll will he tried, for the f ,r,<l ilme. for the murder of Jamee purbe*. on Monday next. Mell's appeal !. the supreme Court for a reversal of judge Falllant‘ decision denying him a trial tea* granted by that tribunal -n 4 Ihle aeeond trial, to secured, baa l i assigned for the Brat day of next t l * will he remembered that Pur bee the t killed. aa only about 16 yeara old a was the brother of Mall’* wife. The ,/iv<e Interposed at the former trial v , Unit Buxheo was endeavoring to force n entrance to Mall's residence at the of ! pistol Judge Falilxant chars ‘f ~,-tlon 72, of the Criminal Code, which , , supreme Court decided has reference c • , uses of mutual As the :t further held that there was no mu , -mliat before this particular assas , Judge Kalligiint's decision was , , r l .J_ nr- evidence for the stole showed thot ii ■ y had Uelt'ii child In hip arms v n the latter tired his first Phot. This } ; d th# mark and the hoy’p moth , •, n had snatched the child from hiP At (h© dime tim#- M©H*s wife threw f before h.m ami he fired affair. - lull papel directly over her heod n; truck young Buxbe© in hiP stomach. I, . ) within half an hour and in great was stated yesterday that there T i.o some necessity of poatponlng t : *1 of Midi because of the absent© o f i terlal witness on the part of the This Is Miss Lula Taylor, who has j . - married since the first trial, and v |*rcpei:t residence Ip a matter of f \ iparcnt doubt, t’pon her evidence t ite s case rests in very large part, a ,5 the trial she proved herself an i: witness For the matter of that f t | a Morning News reporter the -ame viory of the homicide that she told th# trial, within an hour after th* f..ral -ho? was fired. TO JAIL l*ll HIX MOYTH*. III* Infirmity 4 ■ami n *ll titration if \\ . h. >1 eftdford'n Urnlrnn*. In the Superior Court yesterday morn- It g IV. ! ' Meadford. n young white man, w is arraigned upon an indictment ch&rg -Ir>r him with burglary, lie was said lo have broken and entered the store of the J! ff's Uh irmary Company. Meadford plea*led guilty to the indlct tn*nt and Judge* Falligant sentenced him to six months in Jail. He is addicted to the us** of morphine, find it la imld that he endeavored to effect an wlmme to the store for the purpowe of satisfying hi* craving for the drug. It may he that his period of confinement in Jail will he the best thing for him. Pallas Roberta, who was on trial for a ft ilt with intent to murder Robert P Rush. waa found not guilty. Roberts Is a r* gro and Rush is u white man. The evi der e disposed the fact that the alterca tion had orcorred in a low sailors dive in the northeastern section of the city, ami the jury evidently came to the conclusion ft vat in going there Rush took the chances and if he chanced to get a little bit cut op, *;ot no more than he deserved. They turned Roberts loose in a very few Willie Jackson was found guilty of bur. * ary, with a recommendation from the Jury that he be punished as for mlsde r. a nor. Judge Kaluga nt sentenced him to jay a fine of <IOO and costs or Serve twelve months on the eluting gang of the county. J.i 'k on was found asleep on n bed In the house of Henry Wilson ll© told the court arid Jury that he bad been parading with hi* company on the occasion In quee t;f> and rlmf lie took several drinks of 'd l Rob " He thought then the best thing to do was to get In a house and Ic down. It appeared that this Is a pe culiarly virulent Intoxicant, and the rest of Jackson's story did not stem altogether Improbable. *1 l!MO 111 ail AM) FOR ALIMONY. lira. OpH, Ilarbot Adam. Allpsp. IV.*ary tilnma llaa Daaprlad liar. 'lra (>p(> Hnrhol Adam, bird ult In fha Superior Court yeaterday axalnat I!ry P. A.tam*. nskinc that the di- I'ndaW. har huabund, b romp'll—l by the rourt to iwy a reaaona'.ilo ond proper amount * alimony for th* aupport of h*r elf anl h*r child. Tho |>etltlon r tt*a that tho partlca ware married In January. 1597. The child * !rn the fotlowinß November. Mr.. A ima aay* that for more than a year i r husband haa contributed nothlmt to the aupimrt of heraelf and the child, and !.. deemed and a.siiwlored them both. 7' :ntr A-ititn, ia eald to lie a nodical atud * in Ih* medical .Vpartmemt of the * II Tnlvr*My. ul Augusta Thu PaintilT e.iye that th* defendant his ampl* means within hia dhpoul to 1 t*v Id* a auitable and proper aupport r his wife ,iri4 child, and she asks that tke court compel him to do *o. MIRDBR TRUE OS TO-DAT. •liman llnrnea IVill lie Tried for the Murder of John Wollender. Syltnan tiames, alia* Sam Slmmona. aha* half a doten name* besides, will E placfd on trial In the Superior Court Ih:* mornlne for tho murder of John ih-nder. At the tlma of th* homicide * defendant had been piloting Wollen •l' m l his companion* about Yamacraw * iwl lie.-ame dtasaUafled with the le*- ho f i. l for this service, \ ... . t,dr Was walyold and shot from ‘h. after Rarnes had left the |mrty. R* llnjrered for about thirty-six hours *'d and > 1 at the horpltal to which he had i*en carried. VERDICT AOAlm “SAWDrST." lit. Wife la Granted a Flrat Verdict of Total Dlvorer. A first verdict of total divorce wns Dented Adelaide Smith, against her hus b>nd. Joseph H Smith, in the Superior r urr yesterday morning. There was no c f*i oittr*ti monifef ?#h) to th© grant of a divoroe. anl the Jury returned Its verdict * f lUt*funir to the ©videnct of tne Pontiff. e liu©bund and deferwkint was a mem fr the B©v'Orul Georgia Regiment dur th© B;anish Atnerk an War, where he K ned and enjoyed considerable notorle tx Jtukr the ©obrtquet of "Sawdust.** He Com run y B of the regiment. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ito Kind You have Always Bought fair on© of the companies of the Savannah Volunteer Guar#!©’ Battalion. The petition ll*d by his wife, and her evidence givei in court yesterday, showed that they had been married in December, IM<*. She sab! that since th© marriage he had become a habitim! drunkard, and had frequently treated her with cruel severity. She said tnai while living fit Tybee. with her husUind. he had struck her over the head and had treated her in i most beastly and inhuman fashion. I‘nder the evidence there w*i but one verdict that the jury could have rendered, and this was rendered with great celer ity. It was for th** plaintiff Under the law of the state it will be lie,.r ary for the pl.tintift to secure u second verdict, at another term of the court, be for*” she will become entitled to a ib rec of total divorce. Lucy Powells secured a #©oolnl verdict of divorce and was grunted a decree by Judge Falligant. divorcing her from her hue band. Joseph Pow< lb. The plaintiff sold that after her marriage her bust an i had frequently beaten, unused n. I oth erwise ill-tre itc*l her. and finally had f r - ed her to leave his home The decree Is tn the usual form, are! permits both par ti*** to marry* again at their pleasure. A first verdict was granted in the core of l*tnlcl A. t'arr against Homi Farr. 'Hie testimony for th plnintlfT showed that soon after the marriage the wife had d#*- veloped an uncomrollii le and vicious temper, and that for a space of time she hod made ilfe unendurable for Ikiniel. When to annoy and torture him in this fashion ceased to amus- h©r, she h l de serteil him ami iaku up lie r res Id* nee In the house of another min Carr said that he had every reason to believe that hi* wife was leading a life of total deprav ity, and that he really <xhiM not stand for It any longer. The Jury, by the grant of a first verdict, started him ©HI on the way to a final, complete and legal separa tion. THRLF. ACQIITTRD OF ROBBBHY. Koran, Coombs and Heifer Fonnd %ot Guilty of llighoay llohlirry. John Koran, William Coombs and Charles fbdter. three young white men. were tried in the Superior Court yester day afternoon for tho offense of highway robbery find were found not guilty. The Jury required less than three minutes to reach this eminently proper conclusion. Tho young men were accused by Charles Ballard arid Andy Oudeden, two negroes. Gadsden was the driver of the cab in which the alleges) robbery* was said to have occurred, and Ballard claimed to have been with him at the time. Gadsden said# the defendants had robbed him of 12. SO. Solicitor General Osborne prosecuted the case for the state, while Mr. R. L. Fold ing represented the defendants. The stories told by th© two negroe witnesses contradicted each other in<l each wwness contradicted himself. They managed to get so tangled up the solicitor gen eral became disgusted and refused to argue the case. The statements of the defendants and their evidence, on the other hand, were clear and consistent and the Jury needed just time enough to write a verdict to return It. EXTKfIT \I\ED EMPLOYES. Mnnatrr Koladiorn Complimented Anlii'nFr-l)n-h Korea. One year ago Henry Kolshom was installed as manager of the Anheu aer-Busch plant of this city. To celebrate tha event he had all of the employe* at tend a small eollation at John Carr’*, corner Bay nd Habersham street* yes terday. Mr. Carr had arranged a fine spread, and an enjoyable time tvas sf*cnt by the entire force of the Anheuser- Busch establishment. Those present were Capt. Henry Kolshom, Messrs. W. F. Courtney. A. lairsen. <ieo. Clarwes. M. I. Ilnnsen. F. H. Hair. Andrew Paul. Han Mahoney. John Otn.n, Simon Karsm m. and Chas Hitman. Among the invited guests were Mr. John Carr, * apt, 11 Campbell of Ida Leiwrenee. Mr. S I. Justrg. Mr. J C Schwans. Mr Paul If. Lynah. Mr. John Morris and Mr. Ja*. Jvannett. Capt. Kolshorn pndo a short talk, thanking the force for their loyal sup lort during hi* hrst year s administra tion Short speeches were made by Mr. John Carr. Capt Campbell, Mr. I-yniih, Mr Sehwnni and ethers, all predicting an. other successful year for tin Anheu- r- Buseh Brewing A*soeal lon. The colored emidoyes were also remembered In n sub stantial manner by the management. CITY lilt I'.VITIES. ftp to midnight last night there were hut si* arrests reported at the barrack*. None of them were for any serious charge. In the Superior Court yesterday Judge Falllgant appointed John H. Cutter, a commercial notary public for a term of four years. The ship masters whose vesee * are ly ing at the lower wharves want better po lice protection for their vessel* oral their officiis ami crews going to and . omlug from thalr vessels The lack of police hi that part of the city has resulted In the circulation of a protest against the dis crimination. In the lack of. and an ap peal for. police* protection for themselves and their property. A basket picnic, the first of a series of unique entertainment* to be given under tho auspices of the Y M. H. A., will t* held Monday at Masonic Hall. Jual what form the entertainment will take has rot been given out, but a I poaslb e attend ants have been notified to wear picnic oiothei, to bring a lady, and to be quite aura that the lady bring* a basket with junsh enough for two. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7.1900. ARE AFTER NAVAL RECRUITS. HOARD WILL HE l\ SAVANNAH TO DAY AND TO-MOHHOW. Applicants Will Have Their Abili ties* Passed I pon av the Custom tlonoe. Where iluarters Have tleen Esin lillslteil l.teut. Com nin nde r ( oIIIum, In < liiirite of tlie lleerutt inu, Was Here Some Three Yeara Amo % board the W lluilimton—Hat ing* That Aro Open hr Enlistment for llo)s and Men—ltatca of Pa.% noil I'ulure to Which They May Look. The recruiting office for the United Stalin Navy was opened yesterday in Lie old court room of the diatom Rotate on Buy street. ThJ I* the first time, for some years, at all events, that a navy recruiting office ha* been opened in Sa vannah. An army recruiting office ha* been in existence hkrc for some two years, ond about a year ago one for tße United State* Marine Corps was eafah iished, remaining open for scene week*. It remains to h© seen whether any b§- vannahUut* have been awaiting an op portunity to get service In the navy. li©u:nant Com month-r J. B. Colhns is in charge of the recruiting party. This is not in* first vtelt to Savannah, as lie was in till* port some three years ag> aboard the gunboat Wilmington, of which he was executive officer. Tne Wilming ton, It W'ill be remembered, was sta toned off St. Simon's Islat.d whlla the nival mhitia of the state were encamped there. Tne vessel was ordered to bring the two Savannah division** hack hom**, and for two or three days after her arrival the Wilmington remained in port. Surgeon D. II Morgan i < also on officer of the party, and there art* •*© or two warrant officer* and enlisted men a* the other member*. The party will remain in dnvanmh to-day and to-morrow, leav ing for Birmingham, where they will r trnin for some six days, after which they will go to Atlanta, enlisting recruit* wherever they stop Next February Sa vannah is to Im* \ i.dt©d again, when a week may he spent in the City. A number of applicant* presented them : elvef yesterday. The requirements re strict, however, and are choser, •he government offers a good service for ap plicaints for the Navy and, expeefi* in re turn that those admitted be of sound mind and physique. From the number who appeared and were anxious to g* into the Navy, it was ch ar that the artnv anl marine corps had not already secured all who are desirous of service under Uncle Bam. Boys, as well ds men, tiro enlisted. They must be from 15 to 17 year.* old, and sworn statement from a parent or guar dian must be shown before they can le enlisted Then, too, they must be per fectly sound and free of dloeare. Their enlistment Is iu apprentices. Men having experience in *lw|* and qualified mechan ics in the m*s il-wirking trades are wan*ed. especially machinists and cop persmith*. Electricians, also. *r© neoiled, as in fact, arc men of almost all trades. To those without training in trades, if they arc acceptable, the navy is also open. Young able-bodied man between the **■< of fi* and -1 will 1h received in the rating of landsmen for training, while young men with a knowledge of stenography and typewriting will be enlisted ** lands men for yeomen. Immediately after enlistment the boy* arc cent to the training .*Mttlon at New port, It. I . *cd the mechanic* to Nor folk or New York for further instruction to fit them for service on board a man of *v.r. The landsmen for training go o toe same places for immediate transfer to n training ship. The landsmen for yeomen arc transferred to the receiving ship© ut Norfolk or New Y'otk to await detail to a cruising ship a* yeomen, third The tr.*nsiortation of all the re cruit* is t the ex pens* of tho govern ment . The pay of apprentices ranges from W to 121 a month. are paid Jl6 a month, but are n#. kly promoted o a higher rating. Y>om*r pay ranges from s3'* to !♦*> a month, tiuil of machinists from $!• to FT and that of otner n**- ©haul s from to <65 a month. Only American eltdten* are sccptal. In Hpenkinf of th* advantage* of the rival service, Lieutenant Commander Collin* said yesterday that no effort I* fpar©d to natn the men rapidly, and well , t:i! they may* quickly r*a*h the high er rivtings and correspondingly higher pay. Th© term '‘common anIIor” *mi r.o longer te applied to the American mun-'o'it man, for, to handle th* powerful, quickly-working engines, the high-power guns and the destructive torpedoes, some thing more than the common man i* re quired. One who looks o\*er the gradation of pay received hy men in the naval service are struck hy the marked difference be tween the remuneration received there and in the army. Th© difference l* decid edly In favor of the navy, and the pay received will compare favorably with that enlisted men would tarr. In other r:s purities The training, too, is regarded a* of great service to one receiving if, and It is often recommended to young men that they serve a term In the navy sf only for the physical and mental im provement to be received therefrom War rants as officer* are ambitions enlisted torn may entertain and gratify by faith ful and capable service, and the highest warrant officer receives <1.99 a year, be sides rations and allowances that are made He fares, in fact, better than the commissioned officer of low rank in the matter of remuneration With the re cruiting party Is a boatswain, thirty* eight years old. who enlisted in IM7$ and now receive# <1,600 a year. Enlisted men In the navy receive ra- tion* and medical attendance without cost to theniH'dvv*. and they may IV without fear so far a* their future is concerned, as, If injured In the line of duty, they wMII receive a pension, while, after thirty year* of service they may retire upon tbree-fourth* of the pay they receive at tho time of their retirement. —Benham—*'l n* afraid 1 11 forgot to mall your letter*.” Mrs Bcnhanv—"l don't believe you will; I pul them In tho pocket where you carry your cigar <■**©."—Hr.iokiyn IJfe. L U I. Of HOPr n MD G l l R'f tit IIKUI Li-; For 110 of Uojio. Mont(jO!WTjr, ThumM boll, Cattlr l*rk and W,,l Ind. I>nUy Hun days. Hubjrol U>^ •vhlMiut notice. ISI.E OF HOPR, L,v Clly for I. of H.| Uv. l*lc of llopo™ 3n am fiom T>mh | <am for liolion 7 SO am from Tciitn | 0W am for T.-nth * 30 am from ! *nth j J uo am for T- nth 9 li, am fiom H ..on | K 00 am for Truth 10 30 am from T-nth lo it) am for Tenth 12 00 n’n from T.-nth ;11 tt) am for llolton 1 13 pm from Holton 11 hi am for T.nth 2 30 pm from T>'n<h j 200 |>m for Truth 330 pm from Tenth , 24u pm for Hnltun 4 30 pm from Tenth | 300 pm for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth j 400 pm for T.-nib 6 W pm fiom Tenth | 00 pm for Truth 730 |>m from Tenth j 7on pm lor Tenth ft 30 pm from Tenth j*oo pm for Tenth 530 pm from Trnth ; 9> pm for T.-nth 10 30 pm from Tenth jlo Oi pm for Tenth ________ |ll u i*n for Tenth MONTGOMERY. I.v city Ii 31 *uk*i> i., Moniscmary 3Su am troni Tenth ~7 U. am for Tenth 2pm f.otn Tenth 1 13pm fo. Tenth *Jo pm fiom Tenth , 6ou pm for Tenth CATTLE FA UK. Lv city for Cat.Fark, Lv Cnttle l-ark € So am from Holton ; 7 00 am for Holton 7 M ...hi from Hottnn j $ uo am for Holton 1 W pm from Hot ton j 1 3v pm for Holton : 30 pin from Ho.ton , 3 Ut pm for Hutton 7 Ut pm from Holton j 7 JO pm for Uoiton a oo pm from Holton , s 30 pm for Holton THUNIJEIUtULT. Car leaves Uoiton street Junction (.30 a. m and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11:30|>. in. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 0:00 a m. and eiery thirty mlnul.-s thereafter until 12 (0 midnight, for Holton atreet Junc tion. FREIGHT A.\T> PARCEL CAR This car carries trailer for pasaenneri on all trlpa and leaves weat aide of city ! murk-t for ls.> of Hop*-, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points at 9:00 a. it). 1 00 p m . 3 ti) p in Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate points at £.OO a. m . II 00 a m . 249 p. m. WEST END CAR Car leaves west side of .-tty market for West Knd 600 a m and every 4" minutes thereafter dorlnit the day until 11:30 p m Leaves West I-ln.l at C2O a m. and tv/* ery 40 mlnuies thereafter durlntr the day until 12:00 o'clock mtdnlptit H M I/IFTON Hen Monatr'f- ergae StOTIt ES. IN TUT fU'PKHIOR COURT OF Chatham County, flearxia. March Term. IjiOl Hattie E Washburn vs Itoliert How ard Washburn, IJl**: for Total Divorce. To Robert Howard Washburn, defendant: You ore hereby reejulred. personally or by attorney, to b* and appear at the next 'March term. HOI. f the Sti|*erlor Court of Chatham county. Oeorglo, to be held on the flr.-t Monday, bat tw-lna the 4th day of March. Wl. liexl. then atwl there to answer the plaintiff on the merits of the foretjolntc petition os In default of such appearance tie- court will proceed as lo Justice shall p|iertln Witness the Honorable Robert I'llEurnnt. Judge of slid Superior Court, this #th day of December. A. D. 1990. A HEX AN HER A HITCH. Plaintiff* Altorneya. JAMES K T. CARR. Clerk S. C. C. C.. Ga. Nt. rl • i; i " ? !:Ti d:o AND CREMI TORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM <'OI'7VTY.— Notice Is hereby tcß'eti to nil (>er*ons hav- Inir ih-mands uyaltist Ellen Morsan, late of said county, deceased, to them to me. properly made out, within th* lime prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all persons Ind,bred to saltl deceased nr* re qulred to make Immediate payment to me. M A O'BYRNE, AdmlnHtra tor. Kttvannnh. G* , Oct. 1, 1900. NOTICE TO DEHTORB AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notice Is hereby jtlven to all persons having? demnnds axalnst Lawrence J. Dunn, late of said county, darcased, to present them to m*. propt rly made out. within the lime prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount: and all peraotts Indebied to saW deeeoseil are required to make Immediate payment to m , M F. DUNN. M. I . Administrator. Bavannah, G*-. Nov 5, 1100 J. D. WEED & CO UVAMAH 44A. Leather Beltiog. Steam Packing 4 Hose Axanta loe NEW YORE UVUBUH BEETENG AND PACKING COMPANY. Empty Hopsheads. Empty MulAaPwa Uua3r,4a fas •alt br C. M. GILBERT & CO. CLASSIFIEO AuVcRIIShMENIS. rmnnan al. AS N IGHT iil ’SI 1 "aVOID sd by leaving a small depo tt on that gold t *i'd dmi'l* time will be lva*i. to regulate it. to th© minute and etigTav© It, with ,*r.v name or motto dedred; that fin ger ring c*i. be engraved in time, tho*# gcl l spaet*' !#* can be set aaide, the itojv er focus can b© found by tbs old ones, so im guew>*rk nerd© I♦ ba done ,t he dr\enth hour ; old gold, p atl nwn. silver and hair taken * -ah K© goaa. Eaat Broughton, hair, j* wairy an I ahaving supply house; ihe pine** hav* anew pin In your brooch rd p>ill h ©d like new fur 10c. and sure tn be isitly for Chiisima* ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN CAP IT A lab WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERT!SEMI* NT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. HOW A no ITT TOUR WINTER clothing'’ let u* put It in shap ; II per month Sterling Dressing Club, 11 York. w. TRY HETTERICHR CANDY Doßl lively pure; crystallsed fruit, assorted, 45c pound cherries and ginger. *im* prt e; chocolate. a*sort#d. 25c poniHl, anwr si fin* -atidy, 2.5 c pound. 110 State, wo t. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy, It s rich and pure, try it. DON’T FORGET THAT MILLER sell* dolls and toys. Come and see our holiday assortment. 307 Broughton, wed. IIYAtTNTII and narcissus bulbs. palms, rubber plants, cut flower© and floral from Oelschig'* Nursery, oppoalte Cat hollo Cemetery J Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton street. -aa* <2 60 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big assortment, all grades of art square*, rug*, mats, portiere* C- I* Miller, agent choice LINE OF WILLOW AND cobbler seat rocker* for ih*- h> >ll lays, at Teeple’a. 317 Broughton, wept. r AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton, ring up 11H6 If you want to have your fun I ura moved or packed for shiprpent or storage. I guarantee prices the same a* I to the work that's given to me. A H. Griffin. 414 street, west, mattress s made !* order KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN surpass*-! for rlchnea*. delivery is per f*ct; phone. SUL HOW ABOUT TOUR WINTER clothing'' let us put It in sh*p . I per month Sterling Pr*r*ing Club. l. York w GO TO If ETTEJHUH'B F* U CANDY mint wafers, cinnamon iTaf*rs; for the si k ilettevich *. 11 State, weat. ir ITS BUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlitls. <1 FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE they last C. I’ Miller, agent SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, office table*, office matting, office shade* 2U7 Broughton, west WHEN YOU SEE M GILLIS SIXTY inch Ebcent rugs, you w*l!l buy them. Just can't help It. will sell in ar.y quan tity. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CAKE," 1* n specialty with M >lllll*. TEMPLE IH SHOWING A NICE LINE of carpet*, matting, rugs, shade*, lino lettm; cheapest tn town. M GILLIS* LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your joirlor. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT trr**eg renovated, antique furniture re|*ol Irhed, furniture packed, shipped In bst manner. Btnd me your orders. C I* Miller, agent KIMBALLS ANTI RHEUMATIC ring every rheumatic ought to wear. J Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton street, ©fist. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing** let ua put it In *hp . < p r month. Sterling Pressing Club. 19 York w ~M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS lace curtams. hammock*, water cooler* pll'ow’s. picture*, atm©#, bedroom suit*, ami furniture of every description. ~IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU want where you are dealing, suppose you try Miller IBs assortment Is the le-oi In town 2*l Broughton, west. FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM HITT parlor and dining-room furniture, you . < FARM IS nS AN elevation in the country, from city drainage. Impossible for mhk, to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey m;lk. phone 2345 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’OILLIB MOVES. TACKS. SHIPS and store* piano# * and furniture, beet work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "C'heip- Jokn” Jobe. "CANARY BIRDS. GOLD FISH. WA ter grttee. lione flour at 12 Broughton etreet. cast SEE" MILLER'S NEW STYLES IN carpet*, mattings, linoleum©, window shade* All work done In flr*t-cl** style. G“t our estimate. 2h? Broughton, west. M‘GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH HUGH —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cent*. “TEEPLECAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON stove*, steel range*, oil heaters and hot stuff heaters. 317 Broughton. w*t FEE MILLER 8 NEW STEEL STOVES and rang©*, oil heaters, wood heaters, best make*, reliable goods, reasonable price*. 2f17 Broughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIjS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJSSS THAN IOC rito %piiy. FINEST PHOTOS. MOST REASON abIe price*; on© with each dox*n cabi net© mounte<l on a lovely Xma- and New Year* card. I am making a ©racial run on crayon. pu©t©l and wotercolor in hard ootne frames at very low price© fo the holidays; a fine present, *©© my ©i**gnm line of frames, etc. Wilson'© Studio, 41 Bui! street. MEDICAL. stOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feel are troubling you. call on me and I will give you red f, I cure Ingrowing nails, and all disease# of the feet without pain; charge* reasonable; can give the best ref -rencea In the city; pa tient© treated at rtalden-'-s. orders can be left at Uvingstons drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davl*. surgeon chiropodist. HELP WAXTED—MALE. ’ r^y'nv\<7 l*llelt AND typewriter, mtif-i b© good penman and quick at figure*. Address Hilton A Dodge, Ochwalkee. Ga. WANTED, GOOD MILKERS, ALSO A young, quick man who can manage steam washing machine on tnllk Jar?*, watch engine and boiler. Vale Royal Dairy. WANTED! A STENOORA PH ER, youth or young man. familiar with gen eral office work Addre**. with referen ©-. Stenographer. Morning News office. YOl Nil MAN CORRKdPONDENt h I net It (Re of America. Scranton, Pa. will teach you illustrating free; tuition |ey abl© day* after position tat secured. Write to-day for particular**. ‘ WANTEIb~AN EXPERIENCED GRO c©ry salesman for flmJthwM fJeorgla, and Northern FJoDda. Must reside in a cen tral portion of that territory; addresn Wholesale Grocer, care of carrier No. 20. Charleston, 8. C. SALESMEN WA’NTED‘TO SELir6UR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest and only man ufacturere In our line ,n the world; liberal salary paid. Address, Can-Do* Mfg. Cos., office, 2 Board of Trade Building, Savan nah. Go. hr li* %v ivritn-Matc. phn Mutual Benefit Aasoctatlon. 15 West Twep! > eighth. New York, require H vannah reprrsematlirs; **©) |w>*ltton t ootnpetent part* HELP W ANTED— FFHALF WANTED. CAPABLE GIRL FOR hous©w*>rk Apply with references at 425 Bull street WANTED A HOUSEMAID APPLY with reference* between 4 tied * * 'Uv-k, this Friday afttmonn. Id# Taylor street, WMt. WANTED AT GNC|: LADY DEM twistrators on Ivory Starch Apply in r'f ■ Him Koitni No. 3. Marshall Houi* t* tween 12 and 2 p m or S and 7t m j fotkl salary and permanent position to rig) parti**© Mr*. W L. Fitch. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAItS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLA* HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 90C. nin.nimAt' %\ ima IZZmZr i 11 wTiLu edit.sited >:**Mi lumber Insp tor Ai dress stating salary, "It ?|h tor,” care of the News. A FIRSToCLOHH DRY GOODS de*nvi (German, want* n p*eltioti as clerk b> Jan 1, Pk*l, ts -t f references Ab)rcn© Box 391, Canulen, 8. C. WANTED, IhSITION BY I'RACTI cal machinist n-> * nglneT. elth**r matin© or stationary A*lfres W. II II . car© f Morning News U 4MIP-MIH4 I 1.1. % M X*l © IF YOU WANT A PI*AOK TO DUMP earth, dirt, eand, manure, etc free of ihatge. Ju*t at city limit*, hauling over hard road write or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson and Last Pr*H*d streets, IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from S|*t ingfwld Dairy, It e rich, pure and wholesome. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALK WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS HI FI ED ADVERTISEM KNT COLUMN FOB TWO CUNTS A WORD NO AD VFIITIBFMFNT TAKIiN FOR LKHB THAN 30C. Fill! IIIAT-ROtMK. SOUTH FRONT K< or two gentlemen, every convenience. 22fl West LB-rty NEATLY FI HNIBHFT* BfnMB.“AI.L convenience}# Barnard street near LI berty. IT. A t* i nil IIUIT. Foil RENT, ELEGANT FLAT OVER drug eton*. Montgomery atid Ulwtty street*, hath room. g**. electricity. Foil RENT, FLAT 4 ROOMS. USE OF bath. 3*© Hail fdrect, *•*. FOR HIM -Hot ©42©. FOR RENT, COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 W aid burg atreet, east, between Aberoorn and IJncoin, first ni a©a orle r and condition; every convenience VtLht rent to right tenant Estate Falomon Cohefi. West Broad and Broughton streets. KOR R<!NT. 114 HOUSTON BTRKET. Uit'ly rnt>vtrl A,*piv lo Mrtt. Ilyrnon. ■>'*.* Ht)H4litit*lo(t .trout, oast TO RKNT. 221 ANI> 223 Ht H.TON ■troot. *t; rh.xe aro r<m<l hotiara an<l Ir,ration rxraltrnt. Apnlv to O A M In Itrr. 4H R'tarrl of Tratla Ittilldlnir Kf)H HF.NT, DBVRRaI; nRBIRAmTk naMtarn. thormignly rrtiovatal Apply A Wylly, aaent, 12 Bryan atrert. -tort. HB3T-4tI3CBLI4AMItI. L.AKOK VVAHI.HuI.BK AND OKPICK FOR RENT, CORNER llltotlOHTON and west rroad streets, kor- M Kit I.V OCCIFIED RV THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON Cos. H I> SMART. FOR RKNT. ON TIIF. OOF ECU EE rotiil. t*rt w m throe and four-mile poata (Irollry rara nearly lo lto-ml!r poall. In lota from ono acre to one hundred; name ran be Uoiintit In lorxe or email lota on eaay terma. C II Itoraett. Vfi\ krtisf.mknts BET IN OKF ITAI/J VVII.I. RE rniNTKD IN CUAS SIFIED ADVEItTIBEMF.NT COI.tJMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR HESS • 30. FOR kU.E—HC4I. ESTATE. AI >\ ERTIBKAIENTB HET IN CAP ITAIN WILE RE PRINTED IN CEAS HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CKNTB A WORD NO AD VKHTIBKMENT TAKEN FOR USAS THAN WC. TURPENTINE LAND tret for sale, tllftord 44 CM,. Jackson ville Fla Full BAER. A IktT Ft>R TWO HUN dred dollar*, easy terms, on Ninth street, near Fast Broad; no city taxation. C. ii. Dorset t, FOR BALE l/lTfl ON NINTH STREET near East Iboad. no city t.ixea, at t*t> each; twenty-live dollata <a*h. atvl easy irHinthiy twyments. C. H. I>orett. FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTH NEAR East Btotd at I2'o each: will soon be advanced to 122*: when a lot lull been paid for I can arrunife to act a horn* bulll. C. H. lM>rs*t "for SAEF, THOSE LOTH ON"n!NTH street, near East Rroad; hava only baen sold to first-class parlies, who will make yood neighbors; ond none other, can buy The terms are very easy, and they r cheaper than any others In the vicinity C H. Imraett. RESIDENCE AND BUILDING IA)TH for sal* nil over th* clly, Robert II Tatem. real eitota dealer, No. 7 York street, west. ADV ERT fTT. MRNTH RFT IN CAP ITALS WILE ME PRINTED IN TEAS SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN KOR USAS THAN WC. FOR MALE—Mllll It when your favorite rtundy fail*, at 2 bottle udded lo a g.ll of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children itEN/OIN HAEM MAKER THE BKIN like velvet, for sals by druKttitt or at Hen rj end Abercorn. Per, Drug Store*. Whitaker and Taylor streets ’ RieycEE NEARLY NEW; ALSO new drop head sewliut ntachlne; cheap for cash. 4l>> President street, east. "cows, WITH YOUNG CALVES. KOR sale. Call 471 Wul boundary atreet; nee them. FOR SALE. ONE MULE AND HAlf nes* and truck. Apply Screven House Cinar Htnnd. FIRE PROOF BARER WB CARRY"A fne line of Are proof safes In stock at al! time. The [airtlea ran see exactly what they are neiuruf. Our prlcrw ore aa low as mwnufacturera acll (t, wlch freight a'M *d Parlies Inlereat**!. who wlah a good fir* proof aate. will do well to ln*[iect our stock. Uppnian Rroa , Llppman Mock, arm's for manufacturers. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR •ale, IS crop* Brat year boxes; 12.b®' n ra round timber, at 3130 t>*r acre. pee thousand boxes for laased t mV-r; pic ty of timber to be got: In five mil a of rail road; will give possession now or at .nd of season Address Round Timber, car* Morning News. ADVERTISEMENTS SET'"IN 'CAP ITALS WILE RE PRINTED IN TEAS HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEA* THAN *9C. Alf Tine aI.ES THIS DAT. AUCTION SALE At 11 a. m w© will ©ell H Fin© New Im ported Limp*, large gl. be*, a beautiful Christmas present. Wheels, Plan#**, La dle©' B hoes. Musical Intr imento, Bltvrrware. HAVAN.VAII AUCTION AND CO MM I*. HI ON COMPANY, A Wlneright, Auctioneer. 11l Whitaker street. I.OiT AID l onto. PIUKNCB POCDLK doo! b. k • urly hair, short fall Return lo 112 Ivim Itairi; and i>#* rewarded. lIUAHItIIQ. HBiGli i I’Ll A ANT "iiOuMH WITIf t t r*l i t ivr family dcMrablS I -atiorv. 207 Charttem street, weot. Ilt ©IALSH li IIK RL AiYi.imH! mTnTs sTrr In caiT -ITAIJ9 WILL ME PRINTED IN CfJAS -BIFIKI ADVKBTIBFMKNT COLUMN F(lt TWO i’l NTfl A WORD NO Al>- VKHTDI Ml NT TAKLN FOR LL.HB THAN *X\ Ml*4 •.I.■. % Mi nt 4, IIOT AIK \NI• t • v\ v i ? "TfKVY KUB; AlaMo GHAT 1 .8 AND I'AKTV PUT IN AND KKPAtRUD I* II KIKH NAN, Id BTATK kTHKKT. WF3BT. WB GIVB YOU KITHKR \K iMFBTIC or |k - # tlnlah. work Forest (Hy Lauitdry, Park avenue. BI3FORK You PURCHAfIR WALL |wiper. kw‘l frK'4 Taylor, hia new stock •inl 14IW prices ©III plea*., you. 141 Bar nar.l THU IU?BoRCLVK ANTIBKITIC I’BO- v* I* th. 111 ,•*! *a4(-factory to clean < lo*h< dune . nly by New York Ft*©m Dye Work*#. Whitaker ami HloSe NF.W DOMKfITIC. WITH BA Lid tiearing-. tin #ey terms; try one; buy ons| d-al with >our people Penlon A Son. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETB. KTCTT go to Cornwell A Chipman. ‘ DON'T TROCHEE TOCRSEEF Allolf? moving your furniture, rciiiying your car pef* or matting Perry K Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. DON'T FORGBT WIIKN IN NFFD OF piunitfing work. A. (V Price A Cos. can *l© r di* ijn-r fir y#ju ihsin any one else. State and J**lT*r*on streets, 'phone* UA WR Aiu: HFAIHJt ARTRim FOR o#*wer pip*. fire brick, fire elay. oils snl varnlstt- give u* o > .ill A'bitnj# P.iltti Company WANTWf, ONK TIIOI’iAND Hlitf try people At h# Woulhem Grocery Com pany, 114 iUrnitrd *tr*t •PIIONK 1675 FOR FORFEIT rjTT lourvlrv They will all fur your Unao Immediately LAHOK ANt* N'l'W ffTOCK OF WAI,T* l*ipftr. Juaf riiv#l, will mk tr! *#a 1 1 atilt you William Taylor, 141 Hurimrd NF.W I>< iMKTf(’ FfCWING M A CUT NR with t all lirarlnfi, lock and chain atlteh; two machine* In one, !'union * *•. "wk are utrinu mow bt Tub new nmdyo (itnrfHH; ch|m ,-lally adapted for ladle*' fin** rn|mn anil tailor-made dreaaea; trnd im your work and you will l> |>l**ii rod N*w Vork Minim Hyt Work*. Phone M3 POH IIA It I > WANK AND fooiJTOO to Cornwell A Ohlpman'a Of II nr.RMAS RKADT MIXBD pflnt I* nold under a (Uiranlf*. have vow tioiuw* (Minted with It. Ad.itn* i’atnt • urn party, _____________ PKSRT A IIBNTON 1> HTATB atract. weal, will mom*. pa<-k ahlp or atora your furnltur* at abort notice; alo ren ovate your old mattrenaea at Itttla coat. Mall 'phone Hit WB WII.I. Ft'RNTRH VOC WARMTH for the wirttar. try on* of our Hot Snilt heater*. <h**,i|*t In town. A. C. Prlew A Cos,, rortiar State ami Jrffarwon atraata; 'phone* AS* MORE THAN ONB HUNDRED t ENTB In avary dollar of your hard-earned bard raah at tha Southern Urotary Company, lit Barnard atraat ~THK MOST ri' To'-DATK WORK IB ballot turned out by Koreat Ctly laundry. 'Phone 1675, FOR THIS MOST REFECT AND lory*- at Block of wall paper In tha city, k*i to Taylor. 1I Uarn.ird. PfNTON A RON, WIM. RENOVATE! your machine and guarantee It S*tl now or old rrai hlnao. ROB RANOES AND STOVES* OO TO Cornwall A Chtpman a m.L vink or orates .mar received. will aall any of tha a-parato p*rt. Adam* Paint t ompany. 101 o*B- Itrcoa at real, waat. if in need or a nitsTfiJiii range. wn* can ault you In quality ami price; out BtarMnc rarutea ana guaranteed. A C. Price A Cos.. Slate and Jeffereon ftreota: *|d>onca KtH REDtICB rot'll I.IVINO EXPENSES by lafMtlai your hard-earned har*l caah with tha Southern Oroeery Company, 1U Barnard atraat ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CATC ITAI/t WII.I. HR PRINTED IN CL.AB SIEIBD ADVEITtHEMKNT COI.CMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.EBS THAN toe NORWOOD’S BOOK, ‘llHfll lOSE CARVED,” For sale at all News Htands In Savannah. I.HCMI. HOTiriC*. ViTli K Tt! OHS _ OKOHOIA. CHATHAM 9 COCNTT— Notlce la hereby given to all persona hav ing demands against Pauline Devkoy. iate of aabt county. deceased, to present them to ua. properly made out, within ike time prescribed by hiw, so as to show their character and amount. atsd all per sons Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to ua. Havannah, Oct. 29. llwa.t laßWin I.KVKOT. DAVID I.KVKOY, B* ecu tor*. NOT ICR TO DBRTOHB AND CRIODI TOHH OBOROIA. CHATHAM COCNTT.— Notice t* hereby given to alt parsons hav ing demand* against Ptwrlek Cain lata ol said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out. within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all |,srsonn indebted to said deceased are re* qulrcd to make Immediate payment to me. M. A. OBYRNB. Bxeeutor. Savannah. Oa.. Nov. Cth, *3OO OWSROIA. CHATHAM POINTY— Notice Is hereby given that I have mada appll atlon to Court of Ordinary for Chat ham county for leave to sell two-*.vent ha undivided Interest In the couthern one half lart of iol Number twenty-eight O’Neill ward In the city of Savannah, with Improvement* thereon, belonging to estate of Annie and Julia Collin*, minor*, for the purpose of providing support and maintenance for said minors, and that said order will he granted at the January term. 1301. of *ald court, unless objection* are tiled thereto. JOHN T. COULINS. Guardian at Amu* and Julia CoUlna, minora. 3