The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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appropriations are made. i, )M *t: paoeo the bili. Arm a LOAU DEBATE. (niirnil; of Uri* Giron 9:33.- ,VH> Mil the T*t-hnol||4e*l Arlioul I4o,(NH*-Api>riipriiloii< for the .rbonl lor ihr Oral lat t 93.V --.ytit—Warm Drbatr Urr Appropri ation for (Male hnrtual School at tllirn#—lt WM Not (hiinai-tl. Atlanta. Dec. At 9 o'clock thi* after noon. the House paActl the General Ap propriation fiill by a vote of 103 to 0. The faction which had warred bitterly over more than one section of the meae . , btrlßH reconciled to the nc>e f |ty for the pa*.-.ige of Ihe bill as It had been oft hv th<> House, and when the ayes and ,>> called, there was not n dl#- terttlng vote. I nder the action of the House to-day to. two leading educational Institutions of the stale have been well taken care of The I'nlverstly of Oeoricla, at Athena, wht-h last year received not a cent from me Asaemhly, Is Riven $23,580. i 'ough the stroll* effort of the Iruslees , f the University an-l the member from < rl, ecourty. Hon. Wiley Burnett. The T.->.r.o|oflcal School, a branch of ihe L'nt isrsity. was given Mc.OOh. The entire day In the House was de c-el to the consideration of the appro ltlon bill, which lied the day before cant-l-Vred In Commit tea of the 1 „ r House. The final action of Ihe House changes but two recommendations tna committee. It reduces the salary < : the special attorney of the Western and At.antic Railroad, from S:’.■>'•> to 11.- i.n and p.aces the approprlatlosi of the <>l for Ihe deaf at Cave Springs, at rs.W, Instead of at 927.500. School for the Deaf. Tie morning session was taken up large i with Ihe consideration of the section appropriating money to the School for the Deaf. The amount wns originally fixed by the Appropriations Commtttee and the Committee of the Whole House at UT.Sfih Mr ("lower of Coweta mover! to amend In - ibMitutlng *20.000 in place of ETT.ioO Representative Hall of Bibb favored the t-mailer amount, saying that he hid been Informer! that considerable extravagance was Indulged In at the School for the D-uf Mr. firm of Wilcox offered an amendment making the amount of the up propr.ii i inti s2l. Ue Repneaeniatlies Jordan of .Jaipr, and Turn.ln of Carroll, spoke for the approprl ratlon recomtnended by the committee, large.y through theeffoitaof Mr Knowles of r.oyd, who strong I > advocated Ihe -si tat- of Ihe echoed for the .leaf The ap propnallon was flxe-l at 22.-i.OOft Mr Know e* declared that there was no ex - Irtia at the school and that the In st.tution was operate-! In a thoroughly business.lke and useful manner. He felt Dial the state would do the Institution an Is i: eif ihe nj p: opt ration wis cut to taj ig|, , llnril I'lulil on Normal School. " ‘if' h.irdf*t fiirht of th# ration mra* t .< t-n hu iriroprifition to th* State Norma! School t Athens*, foj- which th* *-omrr.itte* ha-1 provided 122.50) The l*r from Clarke. Mr. Burnett, took th fo r in I explained briefly the n#*d of * Normal School. Ho Mold the Inetltu rl m was valiublo io the statu *o lon* ,s f rovmnon school vraa proAorv # n training teacher# to Imndlu chil dren. inlePft you abandon the common ocl ayatrm.** “aid Mr Burnett, “do * ’ cripple the Normal School, which U i :o*e adjunct to the educational aya* f r m." Mr. Ha l of Bibb, was affriinat the ap propriation, a* It atood. Amen4fneru *'#ro offered. making the amount SIO,OOO. not her H nl u third. $20,000. Mr • of Walker. ♦VH'lared that who -1 ‘ver voted agalnxt the approprU wouM really vote ajrulnst economy. T -e a yea iin<f nays were finally call#*} "ith the rcfiUt that tho appropriation for t '** State Normal School was placed at the figure twniel by the committee. $22,50) Ml RDKHKK Bl LlOt K ( IHiHT. Kr*|wc| From .lull U hllr tnder Aeutenrr of Death. Portsmouth. Va.. Dec. S.-John Bullock, under -entente of death. for the murder of Chief of Police Walsh of Freehold, N. J was captured near here last night. The detectlvoe who have been on Bul lock* trail for some time located him near Quillen. Bullock came Into a ttore there about 6 o'clock last night and was immediately covered by the detective’s guns and ordered to hold up his hands. Bullock demanded to koow for what he *** wanted and advanced toward one of the officer*, as If to seize the muzzle of hla gun. Then he turned and darted out of the atore. Two volleya rang out and on the threshold of the door the ne gro fell. Two load* took effect In his hip and leg*, and whan brought eo the Jail •he prisoner was bleeding from many wounds. Bullock had been tried and convicted In Monmouth county. N. J. t and whlla awaiting execution he escaped from jail on Sept. 6. The prisoner fought to keep the officer* from examining hts teeth, several of which sre filled with gold. But to-day he confeased that he la tho man wanted. VERDICT AGAINST TORRE. Moat Pay ga.tliXl for Alienating a Wife's Affections. rnaeola, Fla.. Pee. 6 —ln the Circuit Court to-day a verdict for IS.W) tvas found against C. Torre, a wealthy Ital un ship owner, for alienating the affec tions of the wife of Peter K. Olsen, a tug boat captain of this city. Mr*. Oiseh Is s very attractive blonde, and In the complaint the husband charged that, during hi* absence Torre became In fatuated with her and that their con duct became the talk of the town. He Stud for divorce, which was granted He ’h*n rued for damages. After the Insti tution of the suit, It 1* alleged that Torre quietly left the coutitry, sailing lor Italy co one Of hie ships. Mrs Olnen left here, and. It is said. Is now In New Or leans. Torre whs ably represented by local at torneys. and they will fight to appeal tho ■e* in yie Supreme Court. Olsen hopes to collect the damages granted by seizing one of Torre'# ahips im - * h'egro Accidentally Shot. Dothan, Ala . Dec. * -John Crary, a repulsr citizen of this place, while out hunting Tn..!sy afternoon, accidentally •ho; Henry Ward, a negro. The load en •r*d the right knee a* the cap. The leg amputated shove hc knee yesterday • n 'l the chances art good for the negro •o revive. The 4ccldent was unavoidable • r.d Mr. Crary deeply regrets It. Towne facts Credentials. S', Paul. Dec. A—Ex-Congressman • e late thla . he official docu ment which entitles him to a aaat In the Inited Slates Senate unti Ithe Elate Deg islatrue. which meets In January an eloot ■ successor to serve the rest of the unex pirssl term of the late Cushman K Davis The Oleomargarine Mill. Washing,,,,. Dev. I.—The oleomargarine r ltl - wht, h was postponed to-day. will oma up for consideration In the Mouse ’"-morrow. BAPTIST PREACHER ON TRIAL Bev. AV. E. Johnson I With Murder of Helllngrr at llam hrrg-P.rllui u latrnar. Columbia. S C.. Dec. t> —The trial of Rev. William E. Johnaor., Baptist preach- I or. for tho murder of Wil.lam T Beilin gar. atenographor of tho Second Judicial Circuit, began In Bamberg to-day. Tho j court room was packed with tho best peo ple in the county, many being ladles. The killing occurred on May 4. last, and was tho direct outcome of tho painting of a lino fence between the pereor.eae and the Bellinger residence, but the bad feeling began several months earlier, when Johnson perlormed the marriage j ceremony for Miss Bellinger and Joseph j Brown The Bellingers objected to Ihe marriage, Threata and harsh words fol lowed until tha morning of lha killing, when the two men met near the parson age. with weapona. Attorney General Bellinger, a cousin of tha deceased: Judge. James H. liler and J. A. Mooney are representing the prose cution. while D. S Henderson, Robert Aldrich. B. G. 'Ma> field and Ingils A Mlley are tha strong force appearing for the defense. Dr. B. D. Bronson, tho first witness, testified to Bollinger's having received twelve buckshot In his r.ght side In ouch pos.tlon that his arm, not to have t>een struck, must have been raised or held cut horiaontally. Miss Verbena Brabham. student of Carlisle Kilting: School, testified to hav ing even Johnson come out of his house and fire at Bellinger, who then drew his revolver and fired twice. Johnson fired a second time, and Bellinger fell When shot at the flrat time, oho said, Bollinger wn walking; acroea tho green, reading a new spa per. Miss Lillie Bamberg daughter of Gen Bamberg, gave practically tho same evl danca. Rev. T. C. Odell, a Methodist preacher, was within a hundred yards of the two men at tho time of the shooting He heard two shots fired almost simultaneously, followed by several other less rapid shots H> thought the gun shot was the first. The trial will probably last three days. The county Is divided and there Is Intense feeling. HE dranlc carbou<Tacid. J. A. Ford Took Ills Life llet-anae He \Vn In Trouble— llnd Recently Lost AVlfe and Children. Griffin. Ga.. Dec. —This morning at 4 o'eiock at tha home of his eleter-in-law. Mrs. Ida Tillery. J. A. Cord, committed suicide, by ewallowing carbolic acid Ha was discovered Jus: about the time Ihe mill whlatie blew and n neighbor. L. A. Dawn, was called In as his eleter-ln iuw thought he was only 111 But It Rvac soon discovered that hie condition was more senoua than was thought at first and Dr. J. T. Gray was sent for. When :lie physician arrived antidotes were ad ministered but to no avail. He died a few minutes past . In hi# coat potjket was found n note presumably to his eiater-ln-iaw. Mrs. Til lery. saving "I am tired of living in the trouble I am In. You can havs all of my things, J. A. Ford." The coroner went out this morning and held an tnqueet. returning a verdict In accordance with the shove facts. Mr. Ford was a well known carpenter, and while be has had work when In good health, he has been ak-k a great deal, and about three months ago had the mw fortuiio to lose his wife and two children within two weeks of each other. Since then he has been living with hie aisle-- Ir.-law, Mrs Ida Tillery, near Woodruffs store. In the summer Mr Ford and his family were all sick at one time, and cl - irene of tliiflln at the solicitation of Col, W. D. Cbrhart who presented their cm so, contributed liberally to them. Ford was from The Rock. In T'pson county, and was about 23 years of age. He was In poor circumstance#. hut car ried a small policy In the Metropolitan lJfe Insurance Company which will give him a burial. IK Al'UlK ATION CHAIRMAN. Ceremonies AV 111 He In i barge of Air. John Joy Prison. Washington, Dec. A— Senator Hanna, chairman of the Republican National fommlttee. thla afternoon offered to Mr. John Joy Edeon of thla city the chair manship of the Inaugural Committee. Mr, Kdaon accepted the gender and will take rharge of the Inauguration caremonles. Mr. Hanna first offered the chairman ship to Mr. Theodora W. Noyce of the Washington Evening Star, who declined to act, atating that he could not give the attention which the duties of the office re quired. Mr. John Joy Kdaon has lived in Wash ington ever since the war of secession, and during that period he has grown from a clerk In the Treasury Department to the president of one of the largest llnanrlal Institutions In the District. Mr Kdaon enlisted in a New York teglraeni during the wat and served falthluily until discharged by reason of the expiration of the service. He then came to thla city and was appointed to a clerkship In the Treasury Department, where he remained for tome year*, during which he studied law and graduated from lb* Columbian University Daw School. M-antlm* he bad become Interested In building association, and was one of the principal mover* In the organization of the Equitable Co-oper ative BulliMng Association of which he became at first secretary and afterward* Its president. OFFICER* OF THE W. C. T. I'. Delegates Received by President and Air*. McKinley. Washington. Dec. A—At In-day's session of the Woman's Christian Temperan-e Union Convention the old officer* were re-elected, a* follows: | ■> President. Mr*. D M. N Bt#v#n; vice president at large. Anna A Gordon; cor responding secretary. Mrs Rosanna XI. D Fry; recording secretary Mr*,, Clara C. Hoffmsn; assistant recording secretary. Mrs. Frances Beauchamp; treasurer. Mrs Helen XL Barker The delegates were given a reception to-night by Presldont and Mrs. McKinley, several cabinet ladles being In the re ceiving party. A feature of the morning session of the convention was the memorial services in memory of members who had died during the year. It was conducted by Mrs. Stev ens Resolutions were adopted congrat ulating the nations, Prohibition party on its Increased vote at the reoent elect lor . favoring the total euppresston of the li quor traffle. opposing the army canteen, urging the enfranchlgement of women, ex pressing “sympathy with organised labor In Its just Ueinnnds for a living wage," and pretesting against the government regulating view tn any form in the Phil ippines Instead of auppteaalng It. Anqalttrd of Hanalaugbler. Philadelphia. Dec. A—Frank A. Din tall, formerly a towerman for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was acquitted In court- to-day of voluntary manela ughter In causing the deaths of George F, Daub and William F. Hlnchmart. engineer and fireman of two fradiht trains wrecked and burned' In the tunnel near Falrmount -Park last May. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. lflOO. Rico It is a good soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Florida Foap Worka, Jscilrsotiville, EGAN ON THE RETIRED LIST.J 9R*T£!VCB OB COMMOHAKV OF.H DIUL 1% HPHITTKn. ofllrrr Who llt-aprcl Violent %hne l lon lira. Mtlr* Rrslored to Duty anil Put l pna lleilred list So That He tan .Asaln Draw Pay From the flneernmeut—4 01. Jobs F. AVeeton Will nr Knnietl by the President as Ills Successor. Washing on. Dei-, g Brig P tsar, conun.ssary general of eubelst ence, who has been under suspension since Feb. 9. 1*99. by sentence of court martial, for intemperate ami abusive lan guuge concerning IJent. Gen., In connection with the army beef Investi gation, was to-day rcetored to duty and. nmedtately atierward. placed on the re lit ml list of the army. Tne story la told in two special orders, which were bulletined at the War Depart ment tala afternoon. They were issued by command of Lieut Gen. Miles, com ma n<Ung the army. The first is as follow-s: War Department, Washington. Dec *. 1900. In the case of Brig Gen. Charles P. Egan, commissary general of subelst ter..e. I'. 8 A., Ihe unexplred portion of the sentence as published in General Or ders No. 24. Feb. 9. IK>9. from headquar ters of the army Is. by direction of she President, remitted and he is restored to a status of duty wan station In this city. “Ellhu Root." The second order Is as follows: "Headquarters of the Army. Adjutant Oeneral s Office, Washington, Dec 6. 19fn —The retirement from nrive service, by the President. Dec. . 1W under the pro visions of section 1143. Revised fliatutes. of Brig. Gen. Charles P Egan, commis sary general of subsistence, upon his own application after thirty years' service, te announced by.lhe Secretary of War Kgan will proceed to his home. The Irav. el enjoined la necessary for the public service. By command of Lieut. Gen. Miles H. C. Corbin, Adjutant General. AAeetou AA 111 Succeed Him. Thei vacancy thus created will enable Ihe President to carry out his purpose of apisdntlng Col. John F. Weston, aeslsi un< commissary general of subsistence, to be commissary general The nomination of that officer has been made out at the War Department and will be sent to the ftenate In a day or two Col. Weston ts one of the most popular officers In the army and has had a long und creditable military oereer. He served with distinction in a Kentucky regiment of the volunteer army during the Civil War and was mustered out as a major He was appointed second lieutenant of the Seventh navalry In *IMT. end entered the commissary dejatmnent In November, lA7S. reaching his present grade of colo nel and assistant commissary general In April. 1997. During the Spanish war he whs made a brigadier general of volun teers and serve-1 with distinction In the Santiago campaign He has been acting commissary general of subsistence ever since the suspension of Gen Egan, nearly two years ago, hut has drawn only the pay of a colonel. ARMY BIITpASSED. (Continued from First Page.) Mr Mahon of Pennsylvania moved to etrlk-1 out the paragraph to retire officers below Ihe rank of brleadler general who served during Ihe civil war with the rang and pay for the ne*t higher grade Mr. Hull made an earnest plea against the amendment. Beoeueg thoec who wanted the provisions of the eecllot. extended. h. been disappointed, he said, this mer itorious section should not be eliminated. Mr. Hay of Virginia favored the amend ment. Mr Mahon said he would be frank. He wa.- gi fuvor o. rewarding distinguished service, bul lie was oppose-) to giving i. pay end rank to officers who were not entitled to promotion. The Ma hon amendment prevailed. Mr. McDermott of New Jersey, offered to make It mandatory upon tha President to reduce the enMated force of the army to 8.000 on Dec. 1, 19-/2 The amendment was defeated. Knoeked Out the Canlegu. Mr Littlefield ef Maine offered tha fol lowing substitute for Ihe canteen provis ion of the bill: "The eale or dealing In beer, wine or Intoxicating llquoni by any person In any post, exchange or canteen or army trans port or upon ar.y premises, used for mili tary purposes by the United Btates Is hereby prohibited The Becr-tery of War Is hereby directed to carry the provision* ef this section Into full fores and ef fect " The section for which the substitute was offered, he said, was practically a re-enactment of the present law Mr. Littlefield read a le-ter from Adjt Gen Corbin staling that 9f> qyr cent of the officer# of the army favored Ihe canteen system. Against Ihe present op.nlon of Gen. Corbin. Mr. Llttl-lleld road a state ment made by Oen. Corbin In 1*93. con demnlng the canteen system as not con ducive to Ihe discipline or Ihe best In terests of the soldier. Mr Klugeraid of Massachusetts oppos ed the am-ndrner.t and concluded with an attack upon prohibition as It obtained In Maine. Mr Orosvenor of Ohio declared that prohibition had been a failure wnwrwver It had been tried Nevertheless, he said, he would vote for the amendment. Mr. Hay of Virginia favored the amend ment. Aside from the question of tem perance he believed it wee wrong for the government to engage In tha sale of li quor. He wa opposed to throwing temp tation In Ihe direct path of young men who entered the army. He asserted that th evidence of Ihe army officers wee not altogether on one side of the question, t Apple usei. Mr Littlefield contended that problbl- Mon In Maine made for morality and tempemnets. The amendment was adopted. 1 to *l. Many members of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Unlot were in the gal lery and loudly applauded To t ut tiff t'onarrselnnnl Toddles. Mr. Fltagcrald than proposed an umand mem to prohibit the sale of liquor In the Capitol building. Mr. Hull made the point of order that the amendment was not germane. Mr. Fitsgeroid said that If tha soldiers were to be prevented from drinking upon the premise* of the United States, mem bers of Congress should not be allowed to firing In the Capitol. Tha Chair sus tained the point of order, whereupon Mr. Willlems of MtssiaMptl, asked unanimous consent that Mr. Fltagcrald be allowed to offer hie onMudmeM. "I object." said Mr Bhatiu- of Ohio. Aa la Shutter, Lrr and Wilson. Mr. Kluts of North Carolina, moved lo strike out the tection for the retiremenl of Oen. Bhafter as a major general H-- was opposed, he said, to (he promotion and r-ttrement of officers The motion prevailed, 131 to lft>. Mr. Jett then move-1 to strike out the next secton. which m designed to r* - tore Gen.Fttshugh Lee and Gen. James M Wilson as brigadier generals and It al prevailed. Thete was no division on this vote. This completed tho hill, which wee ihen reported to the House, where Mr McClel lan of New York moved to recommit the bill with Ineiructtons to report hack a ML extending the present law until July 1. 1909 The motion to rec- mmlt was o*t K to I4S Two Republican- Mr M'-Call of .\l-achu#ette and Mr Mann of Illinois, voted with sixty-six Demo rate for this mot lon Many Democrats voted with the Republicans against this motion. A roll cel; nae demand-d for the final rn.eage of the bl.l. Hon the Ante Stood. The bill was passed 1W lo 133. es fol lows : Yeas—Aldtlch. Alexander. Allen of Maine, Babcock. Bak-r Barney. 111, gi.ein. Blehop. Boertng. Boulel! of TJjltlSO a llowereoek. Brick. Bromwell, Brodua. Brown. Brown low. Bull. Burke of Booth Dakota. Burkett, Burton. Butiwr Calderhead. Cannon, Caproti. Clayton, Cochran, Connells Conner. C'-d-cr of Wis consin, Cousins. Cromer. Crmnpa-ker. Curtis. DahJe. Dalxell. Davenport. David eon. Dayton. Dick. Dovsnner. PrtwoU, Eddy. Emerson. Lech. Ferls. KleAciior. Foplney. Foee. Fowler. Gamble Gardner of Michigan. Gardner of Now Jersey, GlNsoti. Gill. Olllat. of New York. Olllet of Massachusetts. Graff. Greene, Orosvenor, Grout. Grow. Hall, Hamilton. Haugen. Hawley. Heal, wule. Hedge. Hemenway, Henry of fi>n rectlcut Hepburn. Hill. Hitt, H--ffeeker. Hopkins. Howell. Hull. Jack. Jones of Washington, Jov. Kahn. Kerr of Mary land. Kerr of Ohio. Kctcham. Knox. !<a cey, Landis, La nr. Lawrence. Elnney. Lltcauer. Littlefield. Long. Lortmer. Loud. Loudenslager. Lovering. Lybrand Mah--n. Mann.Marsh.Mercer Metcalf,Milter. Minor. Mondell. Moody of Massachusetts Moody of Oregon. Morrell. Morris, Mudd, Need ham. O'Gary. Oltnated. Otjen, Overeireot. Parker. Porker. Pavne. Pearce, of Mis souri. Pearce of Maryland. Phillips. Pow ers. Prince. Pugh. Ray of New York. Reeder. Roberts. Kodenberg. Russell. Beudder, Shattuc. Shew. Hheldon. Sher man. Btiowalter, 811.ley. Smith of Illinois. Smith of low-a. Smith. Henry C . Smith. Bumtiel fi'.: Bmith. William Alden, South ard. Bpal-ling. Sparry, Sprague, Steele. Stevens of Minnesota. Stewart of New J-rsey, ftlewttrt of New York. Stewart ol Wisconsin, Bull,-way. Tawney, Taylor ot Ohio, Tnotnas of lowa. Thropp. Tomp kins, Tongue. Underhill, Van Voorhls. V rail and. Watson. Weaver, Weeks. Weymouth. Wise. Wood. Wright, Young The Minority A ole. Nays—Allen of Kentucky. Atwater. Halley. Ball, Bankhead. Barber, Bart lett, Bell, Bellamy. Benton. Brantley of Georgia, Bresteale Brenner. Brewer, Broussard of Louisiana. Burke of Texas, Burleoon. Bumeat. Caldwell. Carmack, Clark of Missouri, Clayton of Alet-amo. Cochran of Missouri, Cooney, Cooper of Texas, Cowherd. Cox, Crowley, Cum mings fusa-'k, Davenport. Davis, De- Armond, Oraffenrled, fiougherty. Elliott, Finley, Fltxgerald of Massachusetts, Fltx gersld of New York. Fleming. Fox. Gaines, Gaston, flayle. Gilbert, Olynn, Gordon. Green of Pennsylvania. Griffith, Griggs of Georgia. Hay. Henry of Mls sisaippl. Henry of Texas. Howard, Jett, Johnston. Jones of A'trglnta. King. Kltch- In. Kleberg, Kluttx. Lamb Lanham, sher. Lester. I-ewla. Little, Livingston. Lloyd, McOsll. MrClellan, McCuUooli, M-- Darmott MoDowall, McLain. M--Rae Mad dox, Meeklnoon, Meyer of Ixiulslana, Mlers of Indiana, Mann, Muller, Naplien Noonon. Naville, Newlands. Otey. Pierce of Tennessee, Poik. Quarles, Rhea of Kentucky. Rhea of Virginia, Richardson of Alabama, Richardson of Tennessoe. Rlxey, Robb. Robinson of Indiana. Hoh- Inton of N- braska Ru ker. Rupp.-rt Ryan of New York. Ryan of Pennsylvania, Salmon. Shackleford. Shafroth, Bhepperd. Suns, Slydex. Smith of Kentucky. Snod grass Sparkman. Splght. Stark. Stephens. Texat: Mr. Stokes. Sulier, Sutherland, Swanson Talbert. Tate, Taylor of Ala bama. Terry'. Thomas of North Carolina, Turner. Underwood. Vandiver Wheeler. Williams. James R: AVllllam#. William E.; Williams of Mississippi. Wlleon of South Carolina: Zenor. Zeigler. At 6:05 p. m the House adjourned. SENATE MAD SLOW SBSSIOS. ilncnw'a Credentials PrwHf4 hr •railor Clay and filed. Washington, Dec. *.—'The Senate to-day transacted no business of Importance In open session. Throughout a’.moat the en tire afternoon It was in executive ses sion. The ship subsidy bill, therefore, re ceived no consideration. Mr. Hoar presented a resolution of the Massachusetts Legislature In frfvor of the purchase by the United States govern mant of Temple Farm and Moore house at Yorktoern. Va. Mr. Martin of Virginia expressed grati fication that the project had met with favor in Massachusetts and aald a bill would ba presented at an early day In tended to carry out tha purpose of the resolution. Mr. Clay of Georgia presented tha tve dentlaU of Hon. A. O. Bacon, hla o lexu. re-elected to the Senate for a term o! MX years, beginning March 4 Th*y were Hied Mr. Carter of Montane gave notice that on Tuesday next he would cait up the pending resolution relating lo the con tested Montana seat In the Senate, claimed both by W. A. Clark and Martin Maglnnia. The Senate then, at 12;|<l o'clock, on mo. lion of Mr Lodge, went Into executive session, and at 4:30 p. m adjourned BEIFF HS BBC* EJOiF.B 4TEO. Hal Tod Blaan la \o Wanted on the Kngllsh Tracks. latmdom, Dec. 'The Racing Calender 10-dav announces that Lestr Reiff. the American jockey, has been exonerated of the charge of pulling Richard Croker'a horee The Scotchman If. at Doncaster Tod Sloan. It I* added, has been Inform ed that he need not apply for a It os-nee next season Men T Itrmsnrl* Inslrmnlty. Washington. Dec —The Siete De partmcnt to-day received s formal pro test from R. H Mey. the American an glneer arno was forcibly detained In Guatemala, against hie seisure by offi ciate there, end asking JJ.CfIO indemnity. THE INDUSTRIAL CONVENTION. H*.mit:NMir num am uTATf; to hi; ii*MMirii;o Oml y >luuih*r I r*m il* *tntlirrn Miilfi, lloufipr, n ll<ll mitre. Work of liunilgriiflon t Hr I'utli* Ptl>lin|Mr(nttl lt***u*nl l> frumlarMt lei.. Will ft<f* tkr Arst I'lair—>atiie fMHrrm lo Hr I'lrrtrd. Npw Orlvutu Per. ti.—-Thr ihirl tuy ol thr induMrlA! oonvtnuon nttti thu , unuil Ifirgu tiiurwijntip. Thu report of thi* Committ#u >n Purirm* nent j.® ion urai tuktn *n<l ddoptH A* u'lojued It r rn*lt 1 •hip in the afooctattoo from any t*tu tit fhr - ooi lll y, Ixtt Itinltn 111 s* who •*n h 0.4 thu oflier of vie* prelsrnt to mm txia ltvintf to S utfteiii ►rout- Tht* Cummlttff on !mnUfiratU*n auhmlt a re|nrt r*oommnd!n| the atAtra of th South, throufh fheir rr-pe* live If jflpUiurap. to make ear.y ami am pi# provlpkmp for thf work of tnirntgra lon Tne flrpt number on th* programme wap the adlrc> of rreridrnt Ruppell of the Mobil# ami Ohio. Mr M J. tfamlfr*. prualdrnf of th Nr# Orluana Marltlmr Ap**orlatton. th#n read a I taper on drrp water at th# mouth of thr Mlapintlppl rivet Mr Banl*rp nail involution*, which were approve*!, ifktnK ( ‘njtr*-* t* make larger annua: appropriation* for tleep wntcr pur !►*#•► In the MlppiP*i|ifii river and aeveral Tcaa* anl Alalan;i utream*; for WArk on thu Jetties at Oalveptou and the dredging of Phlp if-land chai nal to a depth of It feet. .1 P Adam* Ihen rc*d ibr paper o dairying product* of th* South At the night e**loo Tr H K ftto'k bridge, of Fl'r da. told atxxit tho making of tarrh In Florida. G#n. Leon jAPtraopkl re id an able paper oti “American Trad* With th# laAtln-Amerlran OounlrUu ‘ W B Hmllh-Whaley of Birmingham Aly . road * paper on *'Cotton* Manufac tuiing in the south ’* W (\ l! Roblneon. of N>p t >r|eane deUvared nddrf*** on real oatato md tho magnificent future for Invetamenf In New Orlearte Among other thing* he paid •Real eetate 1* the hard* of all Inveet nient All other Interest* grow out of and are dependent upon It Manufacturing when undertaken look* flrat to th tk>n of a ‘.tf and then depend# uv>on the produ<-da of the earth for It* material ami deAulop merit. On the other ha ml e* tie |cptidp for Ite Improvement o:i the deve’opmetit of manufacturing and other luduptrlue. The more of the latter there it* the greater tha of real eetate. “Everyone realise* the magnitude i>f the development of commerce and the i*on*e duo nr development of everything that will follow the completion of the Ni*'ara iroan canal It w-il! not tarry for it* oom pletlon. bt the moment that the bill ha* |‘ncel Congre** and been a**lgne-l by' th* I President. the ruah will begin, which will make these Gulf |ortß the greatest mart* of commerce htvrylng throurhHit the ar terlep of tbe country to the revnotent pnr ! tlon. There will be a |erlod of prosperity and growth pin h h* can hardly In non* efved when the great highroad of com merce l* assure*!, roupied with the Im mensity of trade which the opening up of the Islands of tin* Hast and Ihe gr*at Mongolian empire to the products of thlp country will add.** 8 F. It Morse epoke on “The Agrt cultural Heeourctp of the South." In the f'ouree of his addreaa. he sakl: *The entire South ha* dr mount rated It* capacity for production. The valley* of the Virginias and the (hmdtnas, the hill side* of Georgia and Alatuamu. the afily loams of Mississippi, Tennessee. Mlssourt and Arkansas, the rich Held* of Ken tucky. the flat lands of Florida, the alht .ml bottoms and re<} soil# of Ixootatana. -nd tlu* Interminable variety of Te*t. havo each and all Iweti 'lcrthe*l with one or more of the chief prodrsot* of America, ; tid In many instances may many of the , prime cropa b# seen growing in friendly proximity in the same fluid. With these facta, face tt> face with the probable set tler. each n object lesson, the result muM speedily retkmnd to the IretieAt of the seweral part* of the country ttouth of the line Induce a prosperity th# like of which I* yet unknown." To-*i¥rmw the convention will durlde upon Waco. T#X , as the t ext place of meeting and will re-elect the present offl. c#ra, H 11. Margrave of Louisiana, presi dent. and N. F. Th*rimf>eon of AUtiama. s^re^sry. Many of the delegate* will leave to morrow i.tght, so tinge will not be any | night session. CHAMBERS KILLED TWO. shot Hons Hr. Thompson and idnm Halley, 13 ko Announced They’ Hail t nine to Kill Him. Fanlher. W. Va , Dec. -Dr. Tnotnp son of Williamsport, Pa., and A'tenf Bai ley, of thla place, were abot and in stantly killed last night Iby Jams* H. Cham lien*, a prominent merchant of Pan ther. Th* tragedy wa* one of the Moodiest that has ever occurred in this section. Dr Thompson came here from Williamsport st.venal months ago Recently he decided to leave town and return 10 Williamsport. He sold a porno* ot hit furniture lo Mr. Chambers. When settling the deal last night b and Chambers came to blows over an argument. Then Chamorro or dered the doctor to leave his store. The latter did so and returned noon after itvards with a revbiver He told Cham bers that one of the two must die right speedily. Chambers, without rising from his chair, fired. The doctor fell, but arose qu-ckty. shot hack over hi* shoul der and a minute later dropped dead Adam Bailey, a former htwines* part ner of Chambers and an Intimate friend of the Pennsylvanian, rushed Into th* store, boiling with rage, and pulled hts revolver. "That wa* a cowardly murder," crltd -Bailey to Chambers, "and you will have to kill me or I will kl.l you." Chamber* raised Ids double-barta-ed shotgun and fired. The contents entered Hatley* bre-tsl. completely penetrating hta body, making a hole large enough to drop an egg through. He fell In the store, but Chambers dragged Ihe body outside of the ttore and laid It beside that of Dr. Thompson, where he left them. There they lay In the street until after niM nlgt. when a coroner’s Inquest was held. WHY SUFFER? If you are troubled wnh Constipation. Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or any other, dis order of the digestive organs. Hostectar s Stomach Bitters will cure you. People who have suffered for years from "weak stomach" without obtaining relief have found in thla mad) -Ift* * sura cure. It is s lonic and a blood purifier. See that our Private Revenue Stamp cover# tbe neck of Ihe bottle. THE ONE HOSTETTER’S TRUE STOMAC H 1 STOMACH REMEDY. BITTERS. FOYE & ECKSTEIN. The ch.inccs are favorable for a Cold Snap and when you start out for church on San lav you’ll feel the want of a warm outer garm nt. We will anticipate your needs on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY when we will put on sale at very decided reductions: Tailor-made Suits SIO.OO, reduced to $ 6-49 Tailor made Suits 15.00, reduced to 9.98 Silk Lined Suits 22.00, reduced to 15.00 Kersey Coats were 15.00, reduced to 9.98 Kersey Coats were 20.00, reduced to 15.00 Misses’Jackets were 5.00, reduced to 3.49 Seal Plush Capes 7.50, reduced to 4.98 Nice Cloth Capes 10.00, reduced to 6.98 WARM BED COVERINGS. We are Headquarters for Blankets and Comforters. WARM UNDERCLOTHING For Men, Women and Children, also Combination Suits. FOYE & ECKSTEIN. A dnwil fathtral and flll#d the and Chamber* Immediately surremlrred At hi* pre;tnUnar> trial i<vt*y hu was acquitted Chamber* la a brother of Judge Chambers of this JudMaJ olrrult. an*l |* ove of the beet kowrn men of this county Batlv until recently ws a m kMMt men here I>r Th°mrwii * ru nKiiiMi were sent tu WtlU a disport for Inurment LABOR FEDERATION.' (("onllttusd fr*m Flrat rx) of thr South hats brrn hrouxl)' forward In srvrral Instanraa. liars and thara 4 •o-ail has rrfu#l lo ttroviM mrmhar# jily iipoii tha fround of thr color of th" I>|>ll-unt In such ca#aa. wlirra thr rtf *s a aulfi Irnt lurmbrr of color-sl work - rrs of on. trad*- or oaltlrix, llw Kuxxrattou ass mad tout thay ha orxtn l ***! i -)•■ .irate unions ant 4 council i-ofnjon-d of ii>l>r>siitallves of both oraantxaUotts la -11.1 mail todatrimlna itism im<l qursllonr. Thin haa xrnrrally l>rrn a quiasc.l In. and whara nltnlUr clrcunuCAiM'r# olitaln it* > inl-i|.llon ha* boar, recommend.*,!. "AiiOlhrr maitrr on Ihr sains Xim* rr qutraa lha coic-Wlnutton and a-'llon of thla cotrvontlon In #onw- jwrla of thr Srmih. I'rntral hodlaa rhartrra.) by tha Amrrloan Krdarallon of labor, hava rrfuav-1 to rr. ertve itn-1 accord -aril 10 drl-ttaira from local unlona .■ompoae.l of nrqro worker* To Insist on a drlraratlon from unions of colored workers liatmc accorded I ition 111 a central body would have nwant tha dissolution of that organisation: end thus mltlor the dretred nor any good en| would hava been accomplished, Thla matter haa bean one of considerable (-orraa|t*lence, with Ihe result that the thouicht lias bean deveFq-ed lor the toe II a; t Inn of cent re I laxllea romi.>ae-l of rei reeentmlvea or negro workers’ unions ex olnatvely; Hint they be permitted to work under a certificate of afftUation from the sn I*il.Tiitlnn of iJilHir: that there rhoukl be a xeneral council repre—ntina tiolh central loxjles upon any nuttier of lln|H>i Imn e to labor, locally or xonerally. Other fteports Made. Teraourer John H I-etmon read lit* re iwrt. which was referred to Ihe ptoier c<*nmlltee. Amonx other things he said; "The year haa been one of material progress lo union men and,women. Tha non-untonlrts remains practically In the same condition a# one year ago. To the member* of our unlona In great numbers has --omens a reault of union effur* an Jncrease of wages and reduction of Ihe hours of labor. lie retorted receipt* of 175.X73. and ex porters of 3hK.373 The total fund* on h -nd amount to 913.3*1. Tha chair appoints,) committee* on rule* and order of business, Freetdrnfs report, executive council'* report, treasu rer's report, reeolu(lona, laws, or*, Don. iabel*. hoy cola, grievances, aid lo •al mid federated bodies. Tha remainder of tha afternoon session tn devotml 10 lha presentation and ref erence to the Commit ter. of re.- uluilon* an<l th report of the Committee oti Rules. A spirited debate took piace over a mo tlon to seat the delegates front the un it ns. whose delegatee have been protewt ed. The motion was defeated, and the matter is still In tha hands of the Com* mltlee on Credent la la Kanda nsil Xflemtterelil,*. Tha report of Secretary Frank Morri son, which was unanimously adopted, showed that lha receffua were 134 B*3 more then last year, 31.732 having been added to the general balance. The receipts from per capita tax. M2.OM. were notable and encouraging The expense* had Increased 131.774. a large portion, 91*.!*9. hetng for salaries and expenaen of general organts ars. Charters wer* Issued lo 3,743 affiliated W i!l : n- ; ' - tl, including 44 M* In 7MI local trades and fede, 11 labor union* chartered direct by the American Federation of Labor. At S3# p. m. lha convmtton adjourned utt*H to-morrow, Charles F. Linde a Haakrupt. New York. Dec. —Charles K. Unde, Individually and s* a member of the firm of Lin le A Lawrence of New Orleans, which Arm wa# dlaaolved In 193*. filed a petition In bankruptcy to-dav with Ha ullltles of 9134.307: no assets Many of the creditors are In New Orleans and moat of tha debts were Incurred prior lo ISU. FIT OF ANfiEH WWED HIS LIFE. It Alone Wrapped lllrrosgh. From Which a Mss Was Dying. From th# New York Pres* Binghamton, Dec. 2.—Henry Allen owe. his life to the fact that a friend made him angry. On Saturday. Mr. Allen was taken with a fit of hiccoughs which grew worse rapidly despite all efforts to cneurk It. All known temediaa were resorted to. end several eminent physicians held a con sultation, but th* hiccoughs continued, and lha physicians gave up hope One of Ihe neighbor* thought if Mr. Aheo became exclied th# desired effect might be re* hed He accordingly pur poses made * sneering remark in the presence of Mr Allen that aroused hi* anger The hiccough* that had continued without interruption for two day* stop ped. and the neighbor smilingly took ihe "dreostng down the Irate Aden gave him. The affliction did not return, even when the patient's auger had cooled, and the ru*<- wss explained to him aixJ apol ogies offered on both side*. The physician* say that from a medical viewpoint that Hi of anger alone saved th* patient # Ilf*. • . STEWART IS BACK IN LINE. • si:v iron is triune momf a tItKMI H 1-31*1 DM CAN. Senator I‘lalt la Still l.ooklna tfts. Ills Frlende—llentot-catra lesster# Ire Indulalna In Same quiet (•rumbling—Tn.t Many People Ike Senate I'n > rail— Itrpreeeetetlve let, I.milting tint for Brenefs* In terest*—oilier tiassl,,. Washington. Dec 6 - Benalor William Rtewart of Nevada, wlto was one* the champion of free stiver and familiarly known as the originator of Ihe expres sion "The crime of '73" In connection wllh •h> demonetisation of silver, has scram bled hack Inin the Republican party and la now attending Republican caucuses. Il 1* understood that he depleted hta fortune 10 a cJuialderable extent while outride of the' nn breastworks leading Ihe crusade In behalf of free sil ver In the recent campaign lie came out Squarely for McKinley and all thai goes with the Republican administration, and la being rewarded a* becomes a prodigal by receiving mole desirable comm tlea as signment* and oilier iierqulslie* than ha enjoyed while nutald# of Ihe Republican told I'latt and Hie Friends, Senator T. C. Flat! never grow* weary In taking care of his political friend* when lie ••eti on >qit>ortunlty lo do *0 Yester day he Introduced In the Deuate an in nocent looking resolution providing tor an a.ldltlonal clerk lo lha Henafe i , nmmUl*e on Printing, of ahh'li he la the chair man The compensation designated for said clerk I* tl.kd per annum and It It understood that If lha reamution pass**, aa It probably will, a New York Republi can will be appointed to Ihe newly created position. In this * ofinecilon Ihe I >emocrallc Hens lor* are Indulging In considerable quiet grumbling because of lira addition* con stantly made io Ihe force of employees about Hie Henate by ihelr Republican brethren. A well-known Democratlo Henatnr who does not enjoy Ihe earns amount of putronoge he once had. when Ills parly sit In control of the Senate, complain* llutl under the present Repub lican regime, there are more than this# times ns many people carried on the Den im pay rod than there- are required to perform Ihe necessary dur Ira (n connec tion with lhal branch of Ihe government. It I* true, quilc n number of Democratlo employees are still retained In Ihe service of the Densle. but all of the recent ap potmnerla hive been Republican and there la a grndtml but steady reduction of ihe liemorratlc list at every available opportunity. The Tam on Boer. Representative Levy of New York la endeavoring to Induce lha Democrat!# members of the Houae to unite with Mm in urging a reduction of the war tax on beer He Introduced a MU on that llae In Ihe House at the laai session, but U failed lo rarelve 1 At tha | recent Democratic caucus, he urged tha Democrat* to come out boldly and lake a position In favor of a greater reduction of the existing war lax than I* proposed bv the President in his m.-esage or hy th* bill ihe majority of the Ways and Means Committee 1* now framing The liemo- rata of th* Housa sra not Inclined to follow Mr. Lavy'a leadership at the present time as they declare that It will be time enough for them to offer *'igge*ttons when they ascertain definite ly what Is cotitalneil In tha Kepubliran bill Mr Levy claim* lha credit for har ing predicted that Ihe war (ax would yield a surplus of over lafiOfln.noi). and ha point* with (wide to the annual report ot the Secretary of th* Treasury to verify hta prediction rntltv OF THIRTY *l*9l*o. Hells* cd to Have fleet, l.oet la Gal* vetlos Hurricane. Frovlncetown. Mas* , Dec. * —The quean of the Frovlncetown Grand Bank# fishing fleet, Ihe Cora 8 McKay, with all her crew of thirty souls. I* bellevad lo hava been lost on Virgin Rocks, on Ihe "Grand Hanks, in the Galveston hurricane. , Liverpool lotion statistics, Liverpool, Dec. 7 Weekly cbtton statis tics: Total sa.e* of all kind*. tS.ow bale*; total sals*. American. 42.000; English spin ner*' taking*. 98.000. liwel export, 12,900; lmiwrt of all kinds. M.(Mi; Import, Anttri esn, &1.(WI; stock <'l all kinds, 4M.880; *lO k. American. 423.080. quantity afloat, uli kinds 337.000. quantity sfioal. Amerl ran. aoi.'*#). *|w uieiion. iotal eaiea, *6O, total sales to exporters. I.SUO. Kentucky's date for Bryaa. Frankfort. Ky.. Dae. and —According to th* official count mode to-day. Bryan's plurality In Kentucky wa* 8,09*. Slot# Knocked Oat Finnerly. Canton. 0.. Dec 9.—Art Blmma knocked out ftqulrs Finnerty In eighteen round# to-night. EAT-WELL Ulllt m SILID DRESSING IS KEPT BY ALL First-Class Grocers. 5