The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. ■* nail's Grrat l)Urofrr. Pm sms:. bottle of Hall • Oraat P!*- covarjr curst all kUney sr.4 t suucr tro..- bias, rsmcvs* grave). cur disbsiss. Inal eousilciu, weak an] .ten rMur.s .tn. sod all uf ins klder>s tlal b.sJdcr ID ion B.SD sou ntc, regulate. t :: >„ ■ 1‘ t; “ urea. If not sold b) >o- ! -iTt l ** “ ‘ be reot by n.s.. _q ..t of I. 001 sins bottis Is lwo mo ft sr* tim r.t. sou "• ■ urs sr.> cstt sot lor kl W. Hall, ►. ofa :uir. 1 >J Bos . 6: Lou t Wo. b nc for teaUmoolalt bold by all dr„*. t sod 8 -om-ot Cos. Savsnosb. Gs Head Tbit. Cut-ibert G . April t. I** This It to tr at 1 wtt tfft-tad with! sod that 1 took t'.zty inps € f h . irsat I • pte'ely cured me It <, wertb 11.4*0 pai bot'lr to sry • r.rtdlri It J T STEVENS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. or thi: two *tatw told IN PAR %PHH. *ome (bmp land in HIHh fount?.— Talk of *hr *i*te Fair— Liberty (•■■rtli l*arate Tt*n**% lll**'* Electric l.iilil Work* Florida Han't \m Colo*? * h*iu“—Hnr) In Pineries— Pensacola I breaieaed U Ilk Inoihff ftlrlkr It now *n*t ** the rerefit Food eject kf if K-rn- th* r • *r tn U.irda vote dd not r r /• a ordir* to the ofitriw of *■ •* *£ *l isV 'fiti 2i nan thought nee Kip' to p>, t a **• t ”1* of t' *• num ber of ?hoe- a #. • • j>n ju* prior to the ■ •. But it is bed by provD-rei • lawyer* that rond* , i l+pm two-th:r i- of th* I‘tfW voted In thrtr favor w *•**#■ . - • prrly regi*trred Jr. the laet •**!. Thomas* I tie I lectrlc Works. T*-omasville T Mr R bt. Gwir • year er lay purhneed at revolver * tr.e Thomaavilla Wectric Light Works. wfau-fi also tnrludm th jras plant Mr (iiroW** a J ssirre chary* of tha property t ores The price paid arae S! • * Mr (iemMe w* seen by the reporter immediately after the purchase was nw b He stated that ft was hi* intention to rrestiy impro e the plant and ir~re.>*e it* rapa it' st core lr. far* he has already telegraphed for an expert to *n and kok over the pk*n: arid see win: improvements are needed It .* Mr <1 *r b intention to give Thom i- . —a ’ veoufhly up- o-d.*te light pant at the earl*cm day pra tica tie. The Liberty fisards. Liberty Herald The Liberty G’wrds ht-ld quite an : -*r*- e at Jotie* Creek on is-' W- ir,e*-j%y T' e inmnod C..jt Hu. • * m i Nautlful Itoid medal a* a token of * ;r -* ti The medal is aotnearhat tko the "Join| Mesial" of the troopp Tr.e ■ arm mad by Dr. Harr® to w h *p Il'ich*** r*p.i*d in a f-sr wr-.i • -i * marks In the * v. H I - the troop mesial tf a•• r of 4 Private Ft H Horne mm oral me a beautiful cake on i • r,-- of : Private N C Martin s.r the • / l r- x- on a av>re of 56V: ar>*f F*r:\are .** H Mr r the fourth, or. a aeon* of IT It sr ii*o decked to pure?**** para !* grown * t Johnston provided SUltJkbie fiaur i could be obtained t \n Kl1 1 or'• Fr^w^ll. Albany H*ral*l Th* Hikr NVwi ha* *Usp*fvVl j■jr * . * \’ •* l-a Mini: through all t * •: ■ .*V * 4 th* country w*-niy ar I l)T aMinr th* wav*p *>i 4 art* 1 - tor tour v (h* Fprhr.K" and bife ?lw pablK * <1 •* In thu cxjr>* f • - vnrnt or> lh** 1r >r t jm*:- of i-nt num* b*r, th* N>w* *a>* With tn exraptioti of *n lirhed n*xt moath by Mr W ft < ar' th N h | 1. -nr i th.n of ih pt*M. Nr*w l no- quit* four yean* of air* While aha <♦.* in tr.fanry. stir m vertheWw, ban h 4 the • sprr i**n e of mK h older j*p*r Our *-x|e rleiire .<* r*ot unlike tnat of M.ner country (hat have stone efort* u.* Ilm-ever, < have mar** cl to keep soul .tie) budy to gether thue far, .uvt are unite certain that w* oou. . live out thta year If were o!i1Ik1 to. land Hole! f'lirnii, Pome of the cheapest land bought In Bibb county for genera*lons j*at wan >ll Tuesday In Maron, when the* estate of th* Hm© D. J. liaer aas put on the bloc k Twenty-fue acre* of good farming land In the rtutlatid *Metrler, one of th* be? t farming aevtkwiw to t*e found anywhere a section where a magnificent coumry home adorns every lot. wa* *ul>l for $35. Pome other land l*- detrahlr sold tor •* centa an acre This property N easily j worth 110 to sls an s. re hn the niotmt of markets. Mr. Baer during his lt year* had a man to for buying up hinds wherever (hey offered for sale, and at one nme In* had about |7s.<mo worth of property. That was ihirlng the boom tinu-s in tto oar|> nlrs-tle*. When tb* depreasion etru k business his kind values s4um;*l and is saw him estate dwindle t nbout $49,000 lie. fore h* oouM unkwl This preyed upon his mind and gave him a gr*:tt deal of 41*- apfsolntment and worry. He died in a dingy room over a More in the city, si iwsi in w nt. although worth many thou •and dollars He was trying to live so •conomi- a .y as to up for hln loseew It would have broken his heart sure enough If In* hod wati e-s and the sacrifice of hla real s'ats ll was bought by v* nous parties. The \i*tt *tnfr fair. VsVIoMs Tm p S- rr.* of the k adlng Influence* in Havunrmh are making a very sarong pull for th* Slats F air next year, nnd it begins to look u* If that city will he Valdrmt Vs strongest competitor for th prise. If the fair Is to b* hakl at any other j4ace than this city next year, we would as soon see |t carr.ed to Savannah as any other town In the ;ie. The ar gument which was made f<.r bringing •he fair to Botith OaorKla applW- n wed per ha#* for the eastern i*art f th it. as it *k>es here. But there are entirely new reason* now why the ftir shou and come to South Georgia again next year No ©ns believes that this section had a half a chance at the fair last year Th fact of the business Is that the people hws breathed the breath of Hf<* into n fair that might not have been held at all. Atlanta had already decided on her fair; Macon wout of it. atv! we *l*. not know <>l another city In the Mt that was willing, at that late day. to take hold of the enterprise and |M#h it through. It must be remembered that the crons had pot only been planted, but tnoert of them were ripening for the harvest before it was known that the fair was coming to thla aecrtion of the state. FLORIDA. To show wha: JedVrwsn county ean do In th. why of farming. I. Wooten or Waukeenah. from an aero of con*. m* (£* gallon* of syrup Caait.rl.lla In rircalntlon, men are complaining conalder •hly over the fact that a larire number of counterfeit quarter* are In circulation In Tampa. They are a poor Imitation. but at Uw same time U a great (*<s! of trouble, ierauie one has to ways t-e or. the lookout for those imira t otton Faetsrr In Horids. FlonU ts to ha\s a cotton factory It is that wen E B Ba.’.ey of M rr w ■ t an wnom t .ere is rv more pr irr**Mve mar. In the state, vril. soon pot up a coven factory cei his pi an ta* on rar Waukeenah, j* JefTereon -ounty. which w be equipped with two thou- Mi.l liurdlea. Hseatlnn of (unrlrla l.ease. It ts understood t *t an important <-a* wiJ fswp he raxen up In th* courts at T It :s to te-M •• • valtdlty of in# le**> made b>* t w e County Commissioners for t nmi * This nss msde some !!*••• . . f # in two '***■*. and thei have l#en deliv eresf to ttw is******* The case has >een pS‘Wd ’n t*e h.ids of one of ?he h*.ding attorre'-s of t .t section of the state, and he ?vi e#n investl*tine the Ndvt*a> 4 :*r of r’ v. ;#t r. attempt to break the lease. % >m rlony Irhrmf. Tampo Herald Wt!Ua Myers, a well krown iwvtp*;<er man of this state, is r w* buev orranlxmc a coSony to go to uKa r 1 art?.* in a favored epo* and— **f*ie • r.d happy Tme of stie pre t quls!t** t] j nine thia rolotay is o |m !r. one ft<-usand dollars In cash All w have to s v about It Is that a man who ha one thousand In cash Is rlfh ar J p; > er ich to satisfy us, What we wran< is t colony r*r some c4h**r s* l.‘fn<' thot w !l confer tha thotusand dol lars upon us Another Wfrlke In Y*ensaeola. The members of the F*alnterW T'rvlon In rr.s*<J.i have notified contractors that If the s' tie of w.iges I. not Increased S cerjt> |er day they would strike The cortrn tors will hardly ncc#,p. to the re queer, wince ?he latter claim they .ire In oe notrspetitJori with unllc#-ne<l cotjrac. tor.-, w *vo take r-raitracft* lower th*n they can affrn*d Th* minimum scab- of I? LT per da‘. is ask*d One contractor slote-d the r.ew Myrf m*-rt with the in.'lersumd- Inc Ihai the uni will prote t the . on tractor* fr<m individual contracts. The T’nkm In IVneaooJa !ms a mem- of P.ftv three, all of whom will walk tait on call. flic 'bne* In V'ln-nfiples. Volusia (’oiitily Flecord Mr 1! Ft ft'e vens sold Tuesday last, hi* four-acre p n* ery at ftrlando He say* several year* ago he sold from u half acre in pines IT - 2>n In fruit, and shps or sucker* for planting The f.. 11 owing year the party to whom he sold disposed of over 11.vo In fruit and 1 p- from the km me piece of land. The 12,200 wa realised from the h* If a- re in eighteen months from the time th plant* were planted Mr. Rtrv. it * say* he In a- for the growing of pins apple* to bee.-me it great Industry about Deljand In a few years, as soon as the Drlxind people realise the great profit there is in It; nrxl most any family Van have from a half to on acre in pine* and with little trouble ran give If every care needed. i 4f. lIH:\T IT RKTMVI. Seseral Jfekr>s Thrown •! Not lnjnrel. Wa*~:ugfflw. Da 4—A card of seven *i n four of ah. h the fleiia ftr.erous * irr * and the sport at Bennir.g *<vday Foot favorite# won la ***e **Tfr .# wrto w wrell “w**d irl dn B HvflfM both fell Jrrkey*. ifcDannott and B.yic, eo •*- **]J apirr T-r-e* w*nr '■> fdwe •ymr a ttrcmg (t o r**e -ne *f* bi? w *#r. half way id- a*M> rr '. nr©ke and Jockey ' M .e wu ' "nmn. ta taa ground Baro man# F rs* Ra-e—Five and a half furlongs Feder is*, t so £. won. with Ilopbrook. A to 1 s ond. ar.d False Alarm. 20 to 1, , third Time !:U 2-5. H* n 1 H e—Five and a hail furlong* Kentu- ky. 4 to . won. with Uncle Jo.h, ! f. to 1. se*ond. ar.d Imperlaliwt. Jt to 1, ! third. Time 1 11. Thlrvi Ha.e—Two-year-old*, maidens el* furkir>KH. Halvaletta, 4 to 1. won. with Cogswell. 12 to i, second, and Flaneur. 7 to :. third Tim* 1:1* 2-4. Fourth R*r*—K-new*) ,of hunt*m cltamfion Steeplechase, about two ami a*j half mil** 8a ket. 90 to 1. won. with Tiv- ] er. * to 5. secotvi and Breach of F'romlse, | 4 to 1. third Tim*- 52* 2-5 Fifth Bar* '---Two-year-olds, six fur long* The Hogue. 3D to 1. wiui. with lYo \oet. 10 to 1. sec.fid. and Queen Carnival, sto 1, third Time 1:17. H.xth It ace—Belling, one mile and one hundred yarda. Oneck Queen. 41 to 5, won, with Alth**a, 15 to 1. second, and Miss Hanover. 7 to 5. third. Time 1 52 9-5. Heveoth Ro- liarxllcap, one mile an-1 a sixteenth. Klnniklnnlc, 2 to l, won. with Al*lke. 3 to l. *•• ond. and Borough. 4 to I. third. Time 152 4-5 Ae%* llrlrnni Hare Hfanlla. New Orleans. Dec • Animosity, Mo roni un i Triadita were the wlnniitg fa \orlte* Hummartes: First Ftace- 8el)lng, six furlongs Bara Camp 90 4 f> 1. won. with Klsle Del, 4 to 1, * ond. and Juanett, 5 to 2, third. Tlmi? I3Wa be -cnl Race—Belling, six furlongs. Anl moslty, 3 to 1, won. with W. J. Deltoe, f> to 1. second, T>lu ate. 4 to 1. thlm Time 1:21. Third Race—fine mile and A sixteenth, selling Carwil** Black. 9to 1. wxn. with AtlmeHim, 5 to 2. second, and Monk Way man, 3 to i. third. Titii*- 1 Fourth Ha- 8* ven furlongs. han'Ucap. Moroni, t to 5. w*m. with Qlen lxkc. & to 1. second, and ten. Mart Gary. H to 1, third Time I:3sVfc. Fifth Race-Six furlongs. Triadltxa. 2 to 1. won. with Joe Martin. 5 to 2. s*c oiel and Scrivener. 10 4o 1, third. Tim** 1:1k Sixth Race- Six and one-half furlongs, felling .1 mi Gore 11. f* to 1. won, with Lit tle Bailie, * to 1. second, and Uterp, 5 to 1. third Tim.- 1:90. J. \V Shultz of \Vlcfiltn. Kan.. time ago ground some alfalfa seed Into flour, out of which he made cakes. They proved, however, lo be too bitter to be palatable, and so he made a fluid extract from the seed, which he declares will make everybody fat. strong ami healthy. H*' Is not willing to take any money foi fds discovery. 20 YEARS A SPECIALIST. Piirlnr mv profession*! career of twenty year* T hnve myself faithful ly to tho study f those chronic diseases of men ami women with which mi many f " r ‘ •Mined Ai a result I haw |>erfectel a system of . treatment l.y which I hare cured more . .... than ,ry ten other physician* In the South. Every (v, rm , , hr ,,,,_ B ■ If dleeaae. no mattrr how obstinate or ootnplex. t . ■ thlglit ffiH K Ittdrt*! n t>y m. md tty pr -i- i treatment to p-omptiy < *' ff< - * It* It;tin- IT upon ihe \ tent Is mini, at- u. 1[ Jf ur ' lh ' la cot "f Manly t Ijur, Stricture. Varicocele, 111,,,,,) and Skin Itlsrasee. Kidney IHwcn see, Hie. irwl other private or rhronl- discuses of men and women * r lTsjT 5s ho haa not devoted himself exclusively to their study ... jffiy e ''' k T. I * irkahle success proves my uncspiabd ab.llty. My meth 'Jt are atrtctly up- - date nnd I rely sole \ upon the J.Keww . Hatnaway.M D, ] a test discoveries of science combined with my skill I do not resort to any fraudulent "free sample" scheme* so commonly prsetlced. Int -leal with my patients In an honorable professional mar.n r I extend a dial Invitation to i-onsult ms. either at my oflle# or by mall. All correspondence atrtctly confidential. Office hours—® to 12, 2 te , 7 to p. ra J NEWTON HATHAWaT. M D.. Sundays W a. in. to 1 p. m. £A Bryan sue*’.. Savannah, tj*. THE MOKMNG NEWS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, BKK). M^P] ► ® • IPW Look t your tongue ! If it’icoated, your stomach your liver out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy I tc operate. 25c. All druggists. Waul jmir yti of •> * . a ksAUUfUa '•t'-tri or rich i*isc it ’ Tt** r BUCKINGHAM’S DYE SKiSS* THE WEATHER. Foreegs* for Friday ar.d Saturday Georgia and South cv*ralina: Fair, warmer Friday. Baturday fair, fresh eisat to m .fheaft winds. FlorkU Showers Friday, ex cept fair In extreme Southern portion. riatui'Uy i .rtly cloudy; frth north to C'st winds. Wei*tern Florida: Fair Friday and Saturday; variable winds. Vestcnkiy s wenher at Savannah.— Maxlmtun t* m4*ernture 2 Of) p. m. . 57 degree j M'ninmm t* m;*era'.urs g;tt n in. 42 degrees M* an temiMTatur# 6*'* degrees Normal temperature 53 degrees Dehctesicy of tein|*erature .... 9 degrees Accumulated excess sin. e i 5 degree-s A simulated excess since Jan 1 degrees Rainfall Hich* s Normal inch F.xcesw since Der 1 Inch Deficiency since Jan 1 7.15 inch** River Report —The hlg' of the Savan nah river it Augusta, at 9 n m GMb me ridian timei yesterday, wa* 15 2 feet, a rise of foot during the preceding twenty-four hour*. oikffrvfltlons taken t the same mom* nt of time at all stations. Pec €. 1900, I p m . 75th meridian time Nam* of Htat'.on T V fililt Bowtof . Tloudy . T T7Vi ! L N**w York city, rtoudy ... 4* 12 *** HhtlAdelphla, cloudy 42 9 Washington city, clear 32 T. ™ Norfolk clear 42 l Hatteran. r ear 44 ! I* Wilmington, cloudy 44 L Charlotte, clear 1 44 4 .00 Raleigh, partly cloudy 42 1 la 00 Charleston, iwrtly cloudy 49 0 Atlanta, clear 4* { 0 on Augusta, partly cloudy 4t j L Hfivannah, cloudy j 50 L .00 Jacksonville cloudy .... rl 1. .> Jupiter, cloudy R 9 j t T Key West, rfenr t> 19 h Tampa, cloudy 52 \* j .?> Mobile, partly cloudy 50 i t> .00 Montgomery, cleor .1 52 L 0> Vicksburg, clear >. 10 o New trleans. clear 55 | L .00 Galveston. part<y cldy 51 L .00 Corpus Chrlsil. pt cldy . 52 5 40 Palestine, clear j Oi | fin Memphis cloudy 59 ! 12 T Clnc:rr.atl. raining 44 | 10 T Plm >urg partly cldy 39 L ( >0 Buffalo, cloudy 39 | L T Detroit cloudy 99 j 9 ft) Chicago, raining 29 19 09 Marquette, cloudy j 32 j 12 .01 Bt Paul <loudy •' 90 9 .on Davenport, raining 39 L <k Bt. Ixnuls. raining | 50 10 .01 Kan saw City, clou*iy .....j 42 | 12 (4 Oklahoma, cloudy s* j 9 o rodge 4’lty. clear j 49 J 9 J .00 North F*iatte. clear J 42 j 19 J T H P Ib.ver. 1/c*: Forecast Official GIVING Ilia FORTINi: AWAY. Alexander Jackson, a Rich Dela warean, Making III* Acqnalu tn n cca llnppy. From the New York World. Camden. Del., Dec. I— Alexander Jack son who has reached the age of 70 yeans, and la worth about 1900.000, is giving a pra ox leal demonstration that the wealthy should distribute their surplus while they live. Mr. Jackson has succeeded In giving away many thousands of dollars to hum ble friend* In an original but effective manner Mr. Jackson has no children or Immediate relatives, but he has plenty of • vjualntancew. Home time ago he conceded the Idea that if he lived to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. 1900. It would be eminently fitting to celebrate the close of his three score and ten year* of prosi* roue and untroubb and life by beginning th*> distribution of hi* rldiet among hi* real heirs at law' n*l hi* intimate friends. Thu* far he has succeeded In giving nearly SIOO,OOO a a ay. He began the distribution in a novel manner. One of his ■< |ualntance* is Ftank Ja kson, a cab driver. Juckaon owns a meek ar.d slow horse arid an an tiquated calx Toward him Ja koon, the rch man. directd hk attention. He appointed 8. J Bi*n! uti*l C. W. Ix>r*l we2i-knwn business min of this plate, i committee, conuniseloncd to go i* Philadelphia and eXf>eiKl 11.700 in the purchase of a fine pur of Western horses, a modern uph>lsterei hack, i harness and other equip ment for Frank Jacluson, c*:t| these were duly presented to the happy ! driver I Other presents to different persons ! range from $3,00> to 22 <).<.*> a pie *e I 8| • xkuig of hia act* of g*neroslty. Mr. I Jackson toalsy sakl "I di9t'M*4>d my ; plan freely with in>me of the I*m men |.? th** state }>efore putting it Into pna>- j tire. I expect to continue, therefore | right along with my etrxi so long ae the capital lasts. "Over 114.000 worth of paprr for money loaned I have destne| In th'e presen**e of my debtors and have given them a fresh start Ueopic who have not had enough to weather thla winter one I have given s2* and 23** in cash anl an order on the Mores ' I.bKMtM I* ( RITIC9MBO. failure lo Receive Kruger looked on as a Mistake. Berlin. Dec •—The German press con # . to disapprove crongiy F.mrerof Wi; ;im'i refusal to receive Mr Kruger. 1 .-n the pro-British H*r er regret# the "lo** to 4|erman> * prestige." ar.i tils *he Kaiser # r**fuia! a "grave poiltl ’el mistake ’* The Deutsc he Tages Zeiturg says: "7 ♦re i* no other for Ger rr~r.> dug Kr.giand th. f%vt rhan polM. i al prepaymema made by England." Tn* • have been pro-Boer d*moottra tlne Berlin, ewpcolally a* several r.**t theaters At the Apollo Theater w *i, an a or representing Mr Kruger app ar**l. ’h* en'ire e*l **o* e nrse and * **l "H** h. brave Boers'" an l Down *'• *• • ’ F.ngitsn" Tr*r* was a sltrat-ar 1* n. on si ration a the Ke:chs r*iie * von Buei<*w it is ©aid in authori *** • • quarters. wj4 soon tell the Reich#- jhw why Mr. Kruger has not been re- ACTIO* OF THE < %*F DITCH. It Is l>lsrus*rl In the lllne Book on Nnuth Africa. Ix>rwlor. I>*c 7—A blue book of the 8* .th Africa dispatches just ts ied large l>* ■ ,J ern* ih* <’ap* Colony rebel* and rr utii. law The conclusion drawn from |* the eagemaa* of the Cape Dutch * tk* up arm* and especially the will ** °* the i or*9er liu n to Join the ir\.i*r* without compulsion. S r Alfr* I Milner, writing to Mr. * r ii cq*t. 5. clue a s? **m# nt made - v Mr Wf-sseis of th* 'apt House of A *♦ m *ly. t'.at 455 per cent, of his con i u* nt-* )oi r*-*f jhe Boers of their own i . *rd It-infor ing tn:*. he wald: .Not onß *b*r I>ut h, but Dutchmevi i . our the colony, one by one. made their way to the Boer lines." THhKKINt, UOHHIK* DK WET. British Prisoners Taken at DeWela dorp Have Been Released. Allwal North, Dec. s.— Last night a 1 ritlah jatrol came in conta* t with De 'A** s outposts close to the placa where ht main force was Uagerei T*hev took prisoner, who s ved that I>e Wet g from continual trekking and .il ahaiuicified a Krupp gun near the >• >uth i*ar.k of tha CaJsdo The irif- ner also asserted that all the Bu*!.- prisoner* captured at Da Wets i rp had Un llbetatea with the sxcep •l* n of the c.fll^ers 1111 l \ N HUt l-D \OT D|!M I !M IT. K nows Nothing: About Proposeg Yew Pollttael Psrt>. IJiu'oln. Neb. I>ec. 5 —W. J. Bryan raid to-day that he knew nothing of the movement f. r the organisation of anew political party. He said he bad no knowl * lice of th** rming meeting at Indiana^ He l* .dined to discuss the mention of his nnm- in connection with the for mation of the proposed new party. Krugrr We *ll Hopeful. I/ondon, Doc. 7 -The Dally Mali’s oor r**?*|Knlcnt at the Hague says: "When I asked Mr. Kruger whether he would renew his request to Emieror Wil liam so offer arbitration, he replied: " ‘Yes. hut my faith remains in the Kina of King*. Houth Africa will save itself.' " Cotton Duck \\ .11 Go I p. Chicago. Dec. 6 —Seven prominent cot ton duck manufacturer* from different cine* met her*- to-day and as a result It i* said the price of cotton duck will be materially raised. It was also rumored that there w i* a deal on foot to bring the Independent c<mpanics Into the combi nation. but this was denied. linn* for 4*rrat Britain. Berlin. Dec. C —The Khrhardlen factories at Elsena i and DusseMorf are furnish ing Great Britain, through the British South Africa Chartered Company, with eighteen batteries of quick-firing guns. Home of the papers call ujmr. tha govvrn m*n: to atop this a?* a Germany’s neutralization. They Want to Get Gold. New York. Dec. 6.—Tlie New York Chambers of Commerce adopted resolu tion* to-day requesting Congress to adopt a bill directing the secretary of the treas ury to exchange gold coin for any other money Including silver coin whenever It may be necessary to do so. II U) FI N WITH % GUM EYE. PaMeMar of the Aritllrlal Optic Took Thlna* tiood halnredl). From the New York Tribune •'There U a certain resident of a city not trt' mile* frien the 'hub'." eoM l A <loo<lwln of Boston, "who In a.Mitlon lo a somewhat hlh aenoe of humor ic also the proud possessor of a (Class eye It Is a. wonderfully natural creation, and did not its owner publish the fact at his proprietorship fur and wide few would there be who would not suppose him to still be the possessor of both the optics wdh which nature originally endowed him "hem. lime asm the eye-shy man was at thot particular kmd of a dinner popu Urly lertne.l eta* Ills neighbor, It must In' confessed n a reprehensible spirit of pride, turned to him with 'What do you think of that for a ouratch. Blank?' at the same time scalptn* himself and re vralins a [site as bald as that of the men whom the late lamented Travers' one* advised to sugar his hewd and ko lo a certain bull In the character of a 111 llhink alanccd at Che shining surface thus revealed and th< n his hand stole to his face. 'And what do you think of that for nn eye?' waa the response he made, and from th* center of the other man's plats of soup the eye unblushlnitly challenged his opinion The owner of .he scratch did not stive It. He simply howled aloud for Trapped aid. "sAt another time a poker rams was In progress and the entire party were cast, ina -.bout for a bin k 'And how will this do for n buck?' was the remark that nc companled the eyo o the center of the table "It's last Individual appearance was brought about by Rolf It* owner had (roll aspiration* and hlr>l a high-priced pro fessional lo perfect him In .he puns Keep your heye on the Will. Mr. Blank ' was the burden of the cry the. wore out that person's patience. Finally, unable to stand It loniror and at about th* twentieth s tut-sons: reiteration of 'Keep your heye on the ball, sir!' Bl ink deposited the irlas* substitute on top of the Hitle round sphere, and with the query. 'l* my ey sufTlctettily on the tiall now?" started In lo make a lont drive, as his coach started hurriedly for home." —Anions the prisoners on trial at Ihs last term of the Russellville. Ala.. Circuit Court were two preachers, both whits One. Illchard Key. waa sentenced lo two years for blaamv; the other, W. H Holmes, was sent to the coal mtnea for 27 days for a pistol. —Political button* cannot be worn in Canada during th* heat of a campaign This Is due 10 a clause in the Dominion franchise act which says that no per son shall exhibit ny sign of his pmttl c.i faith after tbs official nr— on , ar* made. H VHINI: HTBbMOKRCE. Matter* of latrrrst to ah’pplng Urn Generally. Bavarnah aeems to be lr. a fair way of recovering her lumber trade with Bbuth American part* judging from the num ber of deep watrr ship* n->w k>a*l: -g f r those port* ar.d the r ;rr. K er f *ete . to ar rtva to load. Old ah.ipers reca.:. many years ago wher. tne harbor wa* lull of thlse ship* at this season to load pine lumler for South Amer: lt e ern* that the tra*le slipped away, as it <4 tfi other line*, and ha* been l-'ft sight <•( un til rocj|tly. A bark l* now I-vidkig e large cargo of ye;;ow pine S v* i v Four or five vessel* nr : r and for Savan nah to load for Hon'ft An.*r December \% • alher at The following fore* a* :•* given V v the government a* the pi *mi ► weather to be ext*eetrd by mariners at # * durlr s December "Frequent storm area* a’.o' g the t'S’ •- Atlaretc routes, moving nort •'easier v fol lowed by strong s*v and t. >rthw r as often extending south o? Hervnud.i and the Asor** *. ;...♦ :ng t e trade* Ga e*. frequent north, of thlrry-flfth par allel; oecssiooal latitude 25 legre* s. V* degree* north Oc'-asiona! r.*-rh*rs in the Gulf of Mexico T v e ni* r .It: * of ? • trade* |* shown upon th. - ar* H- me fog to the caat and * uthe.*: of New four l land, a* shown Ice no€ probable south of the fiftieth parale! The British floorer Ju FHivbeS C*pt. Sweating arrive*! yeMerday fiom Nassau with cargo of fruit consigned *<> the Iktvannah Grocery r*omj*ar\ Hhe will load ml*c*iianeous return cargo for the grocery company. I’Mirngfri t atenmalitp*. Paasengers per *feam*hip H*et# of Texas, sailing for Baltimore. In A— John Z Davidson. J L Wilson. Julius Graham. George Zorn. Passengers by steamship Knra *'ltv. New York for Hev annah. De- t F P Wade Mrs Dent. A H ar.d wife. J H. Bedel nd wife <\ II Hop kins and wife, W W Brown Mr*. A Rsssell. Miss A Hullivan Mrs M F. Leach, L Fonner E. R Derby. Miss F* B Atwood. Capt 8 A Joseph W Prentv C H Beers. 8 Ttte. M Hi * . J T Adamson. F. r Mclntyre. A E Ho 5- way. J. W Riter. Miss H Gray A W Jenkln*. F. W \ etg- and wife Mrs \! N Warner. W R Church, E F Hhop •*hire Ufa T HtIBtM Hall Miss 8 Kempe. Mrs I)enl, O. D Dent. Mr*. B:nuns Misa Burrows, It Osmond. Mies J V. Woodall. Matter Wood© 1. C. J. Nichols. L. D. Harrison and wlf* J H Morse and wife, A Harman I’ N FriMlander. Miss S Dan cy. Mi— K. I. Chaaa. Maater F Friedman. Mss K. Freeman. Mrs. C. I*. Chas* Mr F.edl r Mis* M Moody. Miss V Johnson, r M Gariar.d, J Mell and wife, T I* Yak H F Fastmen 8 W Weint*erger. T I* Voke. T McAllen W E B*a ; P. J Dhllbln. G. J Sousa. N#l :e M srthy. Agnes 8t John. J. Olaen. A Jansen. M Smulrofsky. C. F. Carlson, r. S Smith. J H. loiw. R. J. Davis, and thirty met* for Pensacola. Passenger* due to arrive this morning from Philadelphia on steamship Herk- I>r ,i Balbbold i II Mai Ii Martin, William Wade. H C. Purtham. Mrs. Part ham. C. W. Benaon. PaM-nK.r. due to .rrtv. from nltl mor- on xt.atn.hlp D. H Milter—J N Prl-strr. Mrs. Codd.r C Shrsrr, L. Oor ■lln. Mr. H R Phillip.. Mrs J ' Onr man. Miss Mary KVird. J. li-ind, J K Doleh, Q. Mssk.y, Mr. Codder H M Shleve. S R Phillips, J C. Cwrmsn, Mr •er Gorm&n. Muster J. Oornsn. Jesse Johnson, J H. Robinson, R Rockwell. Passengers hy steamship Vsrooehee. for New York yesterday—Mrs Kivlra Alves. Oen. Cherles HeysoOd, V Brill. IV. R Chlpman. J. E Kdcar and wife. Ryron Clarke .ml wife. William M Roherteon. H M Friend, J, II K Hoffman. F B. Rhonnard, A leeltlny F Goetchius. M J. Thompson, Mrs. Beckman. Ssaannsli Alntanar. Hun rises at 6:SO a. m. and sets at 4:54 p ra. High wafer at Ts bee today at 4-<M a m and 4:28 p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. rhaae. of tin- 'loon for December. Standard time—<*;ih mer. I>. H. M Full moon <i 4 S morn latst quarter IS t K eve New (noon 21 6 1 eve. First quarter 28 7 tt eve. Moon perigee, fcj ,nd jnth. Moon apo gee. llih. ARRIVALS A%li DEPAHTTRr.S. Vessels Arrived Y.atrrdav. Pleamshlp Ardhva tßr). .Smith, Man chester—A K Churchill. Hieamshlp Kansas City, Fisher. New York.—fceon Htesntshlp Company. Hark K.impflord Nor). Sorensen, Har row—Walter Coney. Bark PaoU Madre (Italy. SchlafUno. Ge noa-Hunting Cos. , Hchooner Julia Elliaheth (Br), Hweet lng. Nassau.—Master. Dae to Arrive. Hieamshlp I>. H Miller. Peters, Balti more—J. J. Carolsn. Ageist Vessel. Cleared Veaterdar. Steamship Atslahy (Br), Olsen, Antweri> —J. F Minis St Cos Bark France* iltal), Bancalarl, Har burg Htrachan St Cos. Vessels \\ rnl to Sen. Steamship Naooohee, Smith, New York Steamship Texas. Eldrrdge, Bal'lm -re Freights and t'hnrters. Bark Cedar Kroft (Br). Ship Island to Durban, lumber. 119 S- hooner A. K Manning Jacksonville to New York, lies, IS', cent*. Schooner E. B llall, Jacksonville to New York, lumber, Ik Schooner B. J Frenph, Brunswick to New York. tie*. ] cents Ss-hooner F. Inland. Jacksonville lo New York, lumber. IS. khlpplna Vlemorsndn. Key West. ITa., Dec. <1 Arrived, steamer Martinique, Di.lon. Havana, and sailed for Miami; Nueces. New York and sailed for (lolveston. schooner W ave, Ha vana: Elien Adams. Bonacco Charleston. 8 C.. Dec. S—Arrived, steamer Comanche. Pennington. Jackson ville. and proceeded (o N-w York, steam er i'arlb, Ingram. Brunswick. Sailed, schooner* Charles j Willard. York. West Indies; Tufa. Wlbon. Bruns wick; steam yacht Ihrtmcllla Pratt, Cuba. Pensacola. Fla . Dec. A—Arrived steam ship Vlvlna (Span). Lurartuxa. Sagu.i la Graivle. Sailed, bark Dora (Pori). Conde. Vene zuela and IXMinds. whisoner John 8 Park ers (Br). Ernst Daguyra. Venecueia. Cleared, bark Lulg (Ital), Buenos Ayres: brig Alice Bradshaw (Br). Beattie, Havana. Note: The British steamship Chathsm. before reported as being ashore off Pen sacola bar. after having four tugs ou; ing on her last night without avail, started this afternoon to Jettison her aft deck She is resting easy, but In an exnoaed condition Port Tampa. Fig . Dec < —Arrived steamer Olivette, Smith, Havana, via Key West. Sailed, steamer Olivette Smith Ha vana. via Key W'eat. Fanlta, Thompson Havana. ' , LINDSAY & MORGAN Are Headquarters for Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Vestibule Lace. Folding Door Portieres Lace Curtains, Silk Lambrequins, China Silks, Inlaid Linoleums, Straw Mattings, Carpet Size Rugs, Window Shades, Table Covers. BRASS BEDS. Have Just received some elegant one* with canopies. Worth looking at even If >oo do not vraat to hoy. Won't charge tun a rent to look DINING ROOM FURNITURE. We have or display the best ssaortmrnt of Mdebonrda. Chinn Cl©%„ cf*. Fttension Tables and Chair* that yon svlll ever have the chance to look at Macula. Buck’s Ranges and Stoves. 2.7 PER CT \T. OFF the regular price* this week. Kothlng off th** quality. What we *ay we do—we IK) DO, and we *ay that we aell onr gnruli • Not how cheap kind, hut how good kind," at the same price and often les* than yon get the Inferior grade at other Hons. BEWARE OF BAITS. One thing rlicnp. and make tt ap on the next thing yon ha?. We do not sell good* for coat. 4 an't pay exprnac* If we did. ho one e|*. rnn either. Nee the point f If yoa don't, come and *ee a* and we will en lighten i on. NEW STORES, BROUCHTON ST. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From the moat erlehrated manafactarert, both flre-proof and burglar proof antes and vaalt door*. We carry an linmrnae murk of Fire-proof nf*a. Oar stock em brace* a very elegant line from TUO to 4.000 pounds, inclusive, • Ingle nurf double door*, and a visit to onr establishment to In spect these elegaut safes will be a source of cunch profit sad In struction to oar friends. The price will be as low as any really Fire-proof Safe can be ■node, slid onr motto la Quality and Safety *f the first Import ance. fiend or call on ns for further particulars, catalogue and prices. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. McDonough & bALLANTYNE, w Iron Founders, Machinists, § | 111 ink •m I (ti. 110 ll f rum k*• ra. niMDufartarrra of Ntntlon- g,. n nnd Portable Engine*. Vertical and T**p Banning * urn Mill*, Nug a r >llll nn*l l’*n*. 4h fling, I'alley*. rtc. TELEPHONE NO. 123. Cape Vincent. C. V. I . Doc. 4.—Sailed, !teamer Hannah M. Bell. Pensacola New York. I*ec. 6. Sailed, tteamer Aqulieja. Tampa. London. I>e s—Bailed, atcamcr Avon moor. I'enaacola. Barry, Dec. 2. called. t*amer Carii*l. Per*acola G* lit**. Dec. 4.—Sailed. *teamer Arlo. Pensacola H ivrt Dec. 9—Arrived, Arcon. Siv.innah. Baltimore, Dec. 9 —Sailed. *feamer Ita.'- a. Savannah; Florida. Savannah. Arrived, *team**r rhathatn. Savannah. I’ftilsidetphia. D ' 6.—Arrived, eteamer Roanoke. Ja> kftonville. .!* keonville. Fla.. Dee <?._Entered, ecboof *rs Mary F. Godfrey, Wick*. Phll- Hlelphta, Edith arxl May, Kelly, Now York. Cleared, ateamshlp Seminole. Bear**, New York and Bo*tg>n. Kernandlna. Fw I>e-*. *team >ar%it Priocllli, Pratt. New York to Ha vana. Bailed, achoonem Si Tiioma*. Freeman. Philadelphia. Reb* ra R. Douglas. J.sjer, New York. Ntrtlee to Mariner*. Pilot chart* and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furrdehed matter* of ve- Ml* frer of charge In CnltM Hr.ite* hy ■ irt>graphlc oftii-e In Custom House. Cap tain* are requested at the Office. Report* of wreck* and derelict* toeelved for *ran*ml**lon to tha Navy Depart. mnl. Foreign Export*. Per British steamship A I*l*by. for Ant roln # 22.fU.SS UM ?4*n* phosphate rock. 271.475; 6,.0 bales cotton. 2^,019 —Cargo various. Per Italian hark Franceara. for Har btir*—f.2st> barrel* rosin, —v.irgo by Pat enroll-Ik) wring <*o. Coastwise Kxpnrf*. IVr steamship State of Texas for Bal timore— 7A9 twin upland cotton. 132.924 f**et lumber. 839 ixe* orange-*. 89 crate* veg etable*. 25 ton* pig iron. 191 sacks clay, lb* Mick* cottonseed. 290 pkg* mdse 296 tkgv domestic* and yarn*. 50 bale* wool, 3**o case* ranne<l goods. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Coetlnu-d from Hvrnth Pag*.) ..als >se lower. Provisions at the clot,® were 2'/t7 V Improved. The leading future* ranged as follows: Opening Highest.Lowest.Closing Whetl, No. 2 i Tl'* 7U* 7<i 7ots i J *h 71',f171>, 71>,37!H V*. 7pv 4 M *v u\a~t\ 7i' n'tirns tjs Torn. No. 3U- T>-r. 3TH 37S M 9114 .May >V ( f'* v s KVfMCU 36% Oatf. No. 2 E"* o 2*’ tn* Sll4 21 May 2 c, avoJt jjjl Mess Perk. per barrel— Jn *l3 '••J' 12 12H 12 H 12 06 12 10 l®ard, per 100 poiir.d Dec. .. 7 m* 73) 7 1214 7 j2u Jan. .. 6 92>* <r> gm 92t* May.. 97*4 7<W 6 SO* 7 of) Short Ribs, per MO pounds— Jan. ..630 636 6 30 g 35 May .. 37H 6 12 l 6 J 74 e, 40 C*sh Questions were as fellow*: Flour steady. No ’ sprlrg wheat. 071t4e: No. 2 red. 7207S>*e. No 2 corn, 37V~: No. 2 yellow corn. 37\® TT%c ; No. 2 oats, 22V 9 2P; No 2 white 2eV; flr to choice malting barley. Me67r. No. 1 flaxseed. ii.6Hri.ttis, Hot 1 Northwestern, 11.70, prime timothy seed, ft *>: mess pork r*-r barrel, til.SO: lard per Id) lounds. FIJI 7.3*. short rib sides iloosei. p' ' -j . 7' . *irv •ailed shoulders ihoxedi. -r rt clear sides (boxed|. fS.RfiCK; whisky, hosts of high wines. 11 2; suaars. cu* lod. .I.V; aranulated. 50c; <bnf< cl loners' V. SSJ.-, off A, S.IOc; clover, contract (trad. Io.ralo 25c. VIISS HOCKFKI.I.KH'S ueudimi off Postponed So That She Slay (• tlnne the *1 reatmeut for Her Ileal ■teas. From th* New Tork Sun. Clsveland. Dec. I.—Mias Alta Ro-kef*’- ler. daughter of John I>. Rockefeller, hsi I cabled lo her mother from Vlenn.i 'hit her marriage to E. Parmelee Frenilss. i Chlcaao lawyer, has been post(im I Is detlntely. and that sh* will not return to thla country at once as was plant'* l. Mr. Prentiss Is with her In Vienna, where she has been recelvlnif trealm r'- for deafness. Her hearing, which hi I been almost entirely lost. Is return:*-* slowly. Mr. Prentiss went over to Aus tria to accompany her to this counirj where the wedding was to have o :rrot on Dec. 10. Th* physicians urged that th* tr s' men! be continued and strenuously <T leased the plan urged by Mr. Prcnlls Ihs Miss Rockefeller come lo Amert a. n-J ry and then return to Vienna T- ' ■*■ tors pleadeil that there be no InSerrupu a* In the treatment, and sold that comp restoration of hearing depend**! up> i ,M " moat careful and constant care Jus: Acting on this advice. Miss Rockefel ler declared ail arrangement* for the in ir rtage off. —They have called to solicit the Arm assistance for a local charily. On-ene: ttuppoee we ask this gentemau that Is coming up the utale. Oray: No. he I* dressed too we'l and has 100 much the air of enterpn-- 1 •* activity.He Is undoubtedly an underline-- a email salary. We will lack!' 1 •' • Inur-hy.looking, woebegone little iruin a the desk. He Is sure lo be Ihe head e the sslabllshmenl—Boston Transcrtpi Candy Esculetts Cures FILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Bold under guarantee at following a tor**: Kowllnskls, Jo%e*', Maaonlc Temp'* *Knight's. W F mtd'f. Marlows Frys land's. Donnelly's, and W. A. Tlgman s Savannah. Oa. I.IPPMAN BROS.. Savannah ni. an I W F. REllb tiavnnnah Oa ■ PlaT.b i Hot Air Furnaces. W* make a specially of repoßl"* J, "f* Air Furnar<Hi Your orders wl*i receive prompt attention. K C. rACETTI A SON. Phon> s4l. WblK"* STOPPED THE COL'GH. Prather's Tgr and Chero Coo* ll Cart 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO.