The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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financial and commercial MMKIT!* TtHPEVTINE KLII LOWER AFTER THE CLOSING. miiiKctakb Tradlug Done on the tlai nl 38V —Houm Firm amt | ni‘liaaiiH*'d, With a Mmlrrnlr llaat. „, Dolua—N InlfrMltng Devel opments In tha Oolloa Mrku. Mock* CIMC ;•>-Local and Tele graphic Market*. The Morning New* Office, Thursday. Deo. 6. Xn i Irli* turpentine market to-day ( , owt A the decline in rosin* yesterday. n,. official market opened steady at ja*c. closed unchanged, and sold after oaing at 38',e. There was under ,-1 to tie good demand for supplies , the price, though the larger trader* and and not seem to car# for anything at tha n prices. Rosin* closed firm and , hanged, with a fair demand prevail .;,g but with a moderate volume of bual ness reported Nothing of great Interest developed In the cotton market. The matter of chief ,merest at present Is the Indifference of l-mners In taking cotton, which doubt meant that they either do not care the cotton, or that they are using , . holding hack tactics to hammer the market. Savannah spots dosed quiet ,vi unchanged, with soles of 582 bales, t ..ton futures closed barely steady with r ~ i |>tnt higher to 2 points lower. - wholesale markets closed steady and , hanged. Stocks showed some strength It the opening, giving pronilr* of scoring advances. particularly the railroad Issues. The closing was easy, however, with the g reral snowing anything but favorable for the advocates of a higher market. The •ollowing resume of the different mar kt)tt V ot ,how the tone and quota.lona at tie c loslpg to-day; Local sail General Markets. Local Cotton—Quiet, unchanged, rot ton Futures— Hteady. 1 up to 2 oft. Stocks— Closing *•*• Money—Call, tins, 4054* per cent Turpentine—Quiet. 2s*ic. R elns —Firm, unchanged. Cotton a-ed o.l—Barely steady, quiet. Wheat—Weak. Jan. Tolc oft. Corn— Closing rhade to tic up. Oats— closing V*n lower. Provisions— Oloetng 2H@74tC up. COTTON. The closed quiet and >m ctinged today, with sales on the spot of 5K hales. The demand U very light , ptesenr. with nothing to indicate Jus. when wilt be actively revived. Spin , ers are apparently indifferent about tah lr.g cotton, and as a resuJ- trading has ,orne to a prwctloal biandsß.L day s receipts. i,vfl. aaatnst 6.082 I*® l vear. and 4*l vest before last Much of tha col on which la now being received Is of course, pi Ing up the etock. The stock ts no' yet equal to what tt was this time last year. _ The following were the offictal spot quo tations at the close of the market at the cotton Exchange to-day; ' — 1 ‘ [This | Last * | day. I year. Good middling s 19 *J* ■'* Middling * S' l * 1 ’* Low middling i *•”< Market quiet; sales SIB Kevarnah Receipts. Export* and Stock*. P. sen pi a this day *•** Receipts this day last year M 2 This day year before last 3 *l Receipts slnca Sept. 1. WO 575.7 J Rams day last year 538 - I ** Foreign exports coast exports ,25 stock on hand this day 114,528 Same dav last year ••••• 133,8.14 Receipts and Stocks at the Porta— Receipts this day 48.114 Receipt# this day last year .U Receipts this day year before last.. 55.53 Total receipt# since Sept. 1, 1300... .3.809,887 Ssm. time last year 3.235.738 Year before last 4.894.2*8 Stock at all ports to-d;iy 806.9.18 Rto-k smi“ day lae year 1.045.012 Daily movements at other ports— G ston—Quiet; middling. 911-16 c; net r elpts. 16.81S: gross. 16.918; sales. 577. ttock. 193,018. New Orleans —Quiet; middling. 913-180; net receipts. 11.488; gross. 14.483; sales, 3.- 950; stock. 221.942 Mobile—Quiet; middling 94*c: net re ceipts. 295; gross. IX,. sales, 500; stork. 30,134. * Charleston—Steady; middling. 9>>; net r. celpts. 387, gross. 387; stork. 13.955 Wilmington—Firm; middling. 98*c. net r elpts, 858; gross. 854, stock, 9.880 Norfolk-Dull; middling 9*e; net re c. ipta, 3.489; gross. 3.4*0; sales, 2M; stock, 3,357 Baltimore—Nominal: middling. 10Qc; net receipts. ; gross. 434; stock. 13.391. New York— Dull; middling, 103-18 c; net t'celpt*. 1.061; gross, 1.051; sales. 180. *'ock. .084. ' Boston—Dull: middling. 10 8.16 c; net re ceipts. 2.818; gross. 5,159. Philadelphia--Quiet: middling. 10’4c; net receipts, 92: gross. 92; stock. 4.186. Daily movements at interior towns-. Augusta—Steady; middling. 9%c; net re ceipts, 1,275; gross, 1,514; sales, 797; slock, 54.877 Memphis—Steady; middling, 913-18 c: net r-c#lpts. 2 377; gross. 3.928; sales. 2.000; Stock 119,915. St. Louis—Quiet, middling. 913-18. . net rece pts. 2.4*8: gross. 1,4*8; stock, 84.981 Cincinnati—Quiet; middling. 9%e; net re ce.ptt. 97J; groae. 971; stock. 19.385 Houston—Dull; middling. 9U-18c; net receipts. 11,594; gross. 11,594. sales, 91; stock, 104,198. Louisville—Firm; middling. 9 T c Exports of cotton tht# day— Gelveston—To Great Britain, 40.877. to the continent. 10,583; coastwise. 3*13 New Orleans—To Great Britain. 15.857; to France. 8.950, Savannah—To the continent. 8.990, coast w ise. 78. Wilmington—To the continent. 11,598. Norfolk— Coastwise. 1.181 New York—To Gres! Britain. 1.925; to Prance, 100; to the continent. lot Total foreign export* from all ports •his day: To Orest Britain, 5*.*89; to Prance, 8.950. to the continent. 33.339 Total foreign exports from all ports thus *r this week To Gr-it Britain. |09.,2; ’O France. 33,888; to the continent. *s*o* Total foreign exports since H'-pt 1. 19W To Great Britain. 1.34*.022; to France. 291.. I**: to the continent, 936.052. *r.t ISLAND rtITTOhi. At the lower prices there is a marked improvement tn sea Island rollon trading ‘•ln -* {he closing of the week last Friday • U estimated that considerable sales '*'• >ccr made, approximating l,*m hag*, 'ith he demand such a* to promise llh rr* sale* for the present week. Buyers n ’id factors have apparently come to t rm* as to the trading basis. Sales of round lot were reported this Monday. Brices about as follows: Pxtra choice F.orldas 22 022', Pn*y Georg! is 3044021 Pxtra choice Georgias 19 io Georgias 19 ■tra fine Georgias 18 ne G org.aa 17 Receipt# and Stocks— 1909-01.: 1839-4)0 I eeetpts past week 2.33* 3 318 Export* past week 1.490 6,115 Receipts this season f-. 6 42.835 Sale* past week 3.094 2.3J7 ■'OCk on hand 32.198; 18,6*5 COTTON FUTURE*. 7|| Market (loan Barely Steady W ith Prices I U> to it Oil. Mew York, Dec. *.—A virtual true* **- MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trod# Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON. STOCKS AND GHAIN. New York office. No. SI Broadway. Offices in principal cltle* throughout the South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing tnn unions for traders isted Hi to-day’s cotton market between bulls and bears, while the speculative public maintained lit altitude of master ly Inactivity. As Influences at work were not of vital Importance and left no room for the formation Of new conclusions, no effort was made by either ride to domi nate prices, which accordingly followed a narrow rut. The market opened steady with initial sale*, showing an advance of 2 points to a decline of 1 point. For a long time there was barely one point ad ditional variation, and up to rnl-May the market waw sadly neglected by the trade tn general. In the early afternoon the situation was brightened a little by room buying ami scattering purchases for out • Ido account, on which prices Improved several points. Spirited trading however, a- no time obtained, and at most flue- Umtions were slow and destitute oi spe cial significance. The English cables were something o 4 a stand off. Very Ut il'- budiies# was contribut'd to tne lo.wi market by the foreign contingent. The bu.l faction here wet bad.y hampered oy con tin Bed heavy receipts at nearly ail point*, and by reports to the effect that holders of spo; cotton South were yield ing to demand from exporters tor conces sions. Finding receipts of next Monday * government crop estimate, local opera tors were disposed to loliow a defensive rather than aggressive policy, and many devoted attention to Iha settlement of straggling account*. The clearances lor export for the day far overstepped toixl port receipt# The market clos'd barely steady. I point higher to 2 points lower. FLUCTUATIONS 13 ITTIHRS. N’*w York. Dec. 6 —Cotton futures open ed steady and closed barely steady. I'rlees as fodowe. Open. High. iw. Clo*. January 9.71 9so 9.74 9.78 February 973 974 973 971 March 9.s 97* 9g- ggf *prtl 963 9,65 9.63 962 May 958 962 95* 957 J u*>e 9.81 91 9X* 955 July 9.55 956 952 9..51 August 924 9.a 9.23 9,71 September j De-cmtwr 9.94 9** 993 n,< UVKRl'lint, COTTON MvrtKOT. Liverpool. Dec. 6.—E|iot, moderate bus iness: prices easier; Amerlc <ll middling fair 5 31-S2d, good middling. 5 21-rtd; mid dling, 5 9-l6d; low middling. s*,d; good or dinary. Mtd; ordinary. 4‘d. The .-ale* of 4he dsy were 7/nq bales, of wla h .•< were for speculation and export and In cluded 6.3(0 American Receipts 16,0tl bales, all American. Future* opened quiet and closet steady: American middling, low middling clause. December. 5.99®5.31d. sellers; Decembcr- January. 5 27195 3d, Imyers; January- Februwry. *.A5.1, buyers; February- March. 5.23d. buyers. Mar k ti-April 6.d. buyers. April-May 5.18 to 19-1. buyers; May-June. 5 16dj5.1?d, sellers; June-July, S lid, buyers; July-August. S.Ud. sellers; August. September. I.ud. buyers SKW ORLEANS COTTON >1 tllhKT. New Orle-<n. Dec. 6—Colton futtifcs barely steady. Dec'mber . 9 5799.59 April 9.51953 tanuary 9.53'ti9.,j4 Mai 9.50319 51 February .. 3.>209.M June 9 *Urrh 9.52139.53 July 9.4959.fr0 (OTTO* LETTERS. New York. Dec. 6.—^ Murphy & i'o. ray: Cotton tn Dver.iooi l-32d lower on spots; middling. 5 ®-lfid, •< a#. 7.99(1 bales. Future* at 2p. m. shout 1-84,1 higher, but closed at a net advance of 2-64d (o 3-BFI. although port receipt* ■re free end likely to ** compared with game time a year ago. the d'sperlty tn purchase with southern quotation limits offering to liquidating wi t. Borne new buying cause 1 an ad vance of 3 to 5 point* here at opening. Ex cepting H<rf*ton to-day. the Interior move ment is small. Manchester reported firm owing to good bustnes* from China. There were practically r,o new feature# in to day's market except that burin*#* was more restricted than for the past few days transactions being approximated at about 125.000 b d'-e. Every one appears to he walling for the government reports on the 10th. It doubtless wl I have sortie surprise* in store While It I# geoera’Jy expected to tie bullish, fo tlio unexpected may hap pen. Their report will be considered good authority, particularly as last year the estimated yield, tt.soo.oai, which was with n aliout 2fM.(X) tat,- of (he final figuTf*. Their estimate of yield of lint cotton per acre was about 135 pounds, against 2'-9 the previous year. Estimated port receipt# 43,009. against 29.661 New Orleans expect# to-morrow 13,090 to 15.900. against 5-439 lest yeai; Houston (9,9)9 to 11.383, again*. 10.578 last year. New York. Deo. B.—-Hubbard Broe & Cos say; Our oahlegnim* repor’ a be'ter d-- maud In Mono fierier for China, notwith standing the small pot demand tn Ltv. arpoo- which should reflect this liureaae In burinert Th Liverpool futures mar ket showed a recovery of the decline of yesterday, ciotlng steady. Our market ha been very quiet but steady, with little de position to sell. In face of the anticipated bullish bureau report* on Monday, open- Ing at yeFterday’s cloring prices, the mar ket slowly improved C,>mmissi<>n heuse* ware without burin*-#* transaction*, pr o clpelly the transfers between ill# differ m dellverle#. New Orleans reports a le* spot demand, but the temper is decidedly opposed to th# short side despite the large receipts as compared with last *eavm. Ths trade are boding with tenacity, be lieving the spinner# must buy after the turn of ths year, and that then the move ment will fall off enough to bear out all the small crop estimates. DRY GOODS. New Y’ork. Dec. 6.—There bos been a generally quiet market to-day tn all de scriptions of browxi cotton# on home ec cc-unt and nothing further reported In the way of demand for export. Prices iru unchanged in brown sheetings and drills. Bleached cotton* firm, sale* moderate. Buyers find some difficulty m placing or der* for course colored cottons to ans' extent at prevailing prices Print clot'.i* continue inactive. Cotton Ilninge quiet, prlcre without mete rial alteration. NAVAL STORES. Thursday. Dec 8 SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen tine market opened sisady at 3*a t c, with sales of 463 casks art this price, and closed quiet and unchanged, with further sales of V> cask* During the early hours th* demand waa reported good, hut It moder ated until after tbs closing, when If rprunv up again after concessions were mad* on th# official price. Sales of a big lot were reported at 3S4*c The day's re ceipt* were 1.338. and the export* non#. ROSIN—The market eloeed firm and unchanged to-day. with sales at th* open, ing call of 2.613 barrel*. Th# demand was fair throughout the day, though It was considerably las* than on yesterday, when business was done on a large seal* after the drop In price* Th# day's r#ce‘pts were 5.318. and the exports 7.250. Price* as follow*. FIX 4SCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Itsek and Rond Broker, AUGUSTA. GA. Write for Lla*. I’HE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1900. A. B. C R 30 I 31 D 1 30 K 1 85 E 1 40 M 1 70 F I 45 N 2 W 0 1 50 W O 1 Mt H 1 5* W W 2 55 Bplrll? Rosin. Receipt* Thursday c R. R 155 73* 8. F & W 7W 3.181 B A L 471 1.401 Exports— B. B 8 Atslaby. Antwerp 3.000 1, bk. Franceses, Hsrburg .. ... 6.230 Naval Stores Statement— Spirits. Rosin. Stock April 1. 1990 2.197 142.506 Receipt* 40-day 1 32* 5 31* R< celpts previously 298,13 740.760 Total since April 5 ........290.854 *88.581 Expor * to-day 7,250 Exports previously 262.133 733.406 Exports since April 1 262,133 748.055 Block on hand to-day 37,521 142.529 Stock last year 31.118 IK 28* Charleston. Deo. 6—Turpetln# market firm. 3*4,0. Rwin firm ard unchanged. WKmlneton, De 6~Sp!rh* turpeottne. nothin gdetr.g. price* unchanged; receipts 73 casks. Rosin firm. 31 1 25. receipts. 485. Crude turpentine stesdy, |l to and E 40; rorlpt*. 6(V. Tar firm. $1 49; re.-elpt*. *Ol New prion it*. Dec 6—Receipts. rt.n 38v. ttarpenia.a 30 Lxporia nous. TIIE RICE MARKET. No Material Decrease Net Been la the Movement. The movement of rice continues of fair proportions. Naturally dullness might be exp* ted just prior to the Thanksgiving holidayv but as the result of the tem porary let-up. the days follow big su.'h generally afford an agreeable contrast, by im leased activity. Holders of domestic sort* ar<-, In the mom. firm, but there are tho*e who give any staabte customer a bit In the way of concession. At the momem price* current are relatively low er than the South, trade t* com mand'd for tht* point, which ordinarily seek* supply from primary source*. Advices from the Hauth note fstr ac tivity ami firm condition* tn all larger milling centre*. Ir. New Orleans receipt# are considerably behind those of last year, the lack of rough working *0 the tem porary advantage of cleaned. The falling away In receipts as previously suggested. Is not Indicative of reduced growth, but due simply to the lack of cars tn which to ship rough Avery considerable quan tity I* under engagement, by purchase and advances; suffl-len* to afford a lib eral milling supply, hut lt comes In slowly, keeps the current offering# each week less than requirements. Cables and correspondence from abroad note that while firm condition# maintain on spot goods, there Is hut 14*tle doing In wsy 0/ forward shipments. Talmugc. New Orleans. telegraph* Louisiana Prop Movement to date: Re ceipts. rough. 663.825 sacks; last year TJS.- 965. Sales, cleaned, lest). L53.47S barrel*, last year 166.665 barrel*. Market very strong; demand acslvo. Talmtge, Charleston, telegraph* Caro lina Movement to date; Recotpi*. 23 ■ barrel*. Bales, 2h,B*n barrels. Market firm, fair Inquiry. FINANCIAL. MONEY—Active demand, fairly sup plied. FOREIGN EXCHANOE-Market barely days, ftisn’t. ninety day*. $4 791.,.. francs, part* and Havre, sixty davs. S.2IH. Swiss, sixty dsy*. 5.24*x; Belgian. 6 21; marks, s.xty days. 84; ninety days. MS DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Bteady, banka are buying at 1-18 discount and selling a* follows: $26 and under. 10c pre mium: $25 to Jjf. 15c premium. SSO to $W 39c premium; SIOO to IX 25c premium. S3OO to $1.90®, >4 premium; $1,009 and over, 75c per M premium. SECURITIES—The South appears o lie selling t'entral securities. New York lertles buying them Stock*. * Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah B R .110 110 Atlanta and West Point 130 do 6 per cent certificates 10* Augusta Factory 84 ** Cltlxens' Bank ...135 ... 1 hath itn Rank U 1 112 Chatham R E. A I Cos., A 57 5* do do B 66 57 Emtle and Phoenix Mfg Cos 103 1* Edison Electric Ilium. Cos 107 119 Enterprise Mfg. Cos I* l * 10* Germania Bark Wl Georgia and Alabama 26 2* Geofgia Railroad, common 216 319 Granltevllle Mfg Cos I*o 1 J P. Kin? Mfg Cos 193 !"6 Langley Mfe, Cos 118 l* l Merchants National Bank 116 116 National Bank of Bavannah ....153 157 Oglethorpe Savings and Trust .113 11* People's havings ami Loan 191 W3 Seaboard, common 1144 BI do preferred 28 30 Southwestern Ruilread Cos ROQ 111 Savannah Gas Light Cos 2444 Mil Houthern Bank 16* 109 Savannah Bank and Trust ....... 117 Sifilev Mfg Cos.. Augusta ki 8* bavannah Brewing 103 106 Ronds. Bid Ask Char., Col * Aug Ist Bs. 1904. W® 1W Chat. & Ouif R R 5 per cent. Ist mortgage M 2 104 Atlama city 4*. 1923 .102 109 Augusta elty 4#. 1922 I<B 193 do IV. !2i l’> uo 7*. 1903 102 do 6s. 1913 123 Ala. Mid. ss. Ind'rt I*. M * N.IWH lOSH Augusta Factory. * per-cent . 1915.111 U3 Brunswick A W estern 4s. 193* .t* *8 C. R R & Banking collateral It 96 C of G Ist mol* ss. 1945 F. A A U 0 121 C of Oa con. ss. 1345, M AN. 88 C of Ga. Ist income#. 19*5 53'4 s*4* do 2nd incomes 17 1* do 3d Incomes, 1945 8 9 C of G (M G. A A Dlv.) 5* 1917, J. A J 97 99 C of <3. (Eaton Branch). 6# 1938 J. A D * *® City A Suburban R R Ist 75....110 ... Columbus City ss. 1808 107 Charleston city 4*. 1900 100 W Eagle A Phoenix Ml Is 6s, 192* 10* 110 Edlsoff Electric Illuminating 6s 103 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1902 10* Georgia Railroad B*. 1910 116 UT C- S &F . 1945, J. A J Itt U 4 Georgia A Alabama Ist s*. 1945 106 107 Georgia state IV l**o, J A J -150 113 do 344*. 1915, M A N 10 W 7 do 44*s. Uls 119 129 Macon city 6*. 1910, J. A J. ... 114 118 do 4V*s. quar.. Jan W* • Ocean Steamship s*. 1930 10ft 101 Savannah city ss. quar January j)! U 0 Ut do s*. quar . February. 180* !o*% 109< South Carolina state 444*, 1933 117 U 9 Sibley Mfg Cos, ft#, 1903 1M South Bound 5* **'i I*9* g , F. A W gen mfg* 6*. 1934 135 198 do do Ist Be. gold. 1934 11* 114 do St. John Dlv., let 4# 19*4... 13 38 New York. Dec. 6 —Money on cell firm, at 406>4 per rent.: last loan 5 per cent. Prim" mercantile paper, 404*4 per cent Sterling exchange heavy, with actual business in bankjers' bills, at |4.Bs4*ff .Bf, for demand, and at It *1 *4 for elx'y , poet and rates 34.83 H J 4 34 96*4 Com mercial bilk. M.30*494-31 ■*; silver certlfi -o#tee. 64065. Bar eltver. 6*4ci 58exlran dollars. 6V Government bonds wesk; state bonds Inactive; railroad bond, strong. STOCK* AND BONDS. Early Shew of 84# agth Fetloweg by Feey ( losing New Tork, Dec. 6.-A determined effort was manifest In tha stock market to-day to attract a renewal of sjwvdlaUon for a rise. In tha early dealings there w a fair degree of mu.-cot attending the ef fort under the tnfiuen es of striking gain* tn a few stock*. Strength persisted in a few stocks throughout the day, but N was offset during the latter part of the day by equally striking losses In some of (he leading specialties A Urge part of the list f*H tuck to shout last night’s level and wavered In an uncertain way until the 1 losing, which waa generally eas> The ra.iy lit this market late yesterday was taken a* a cue by the London market this morning For eign market* have ahown a growing dis position of late to follow Wall street # lead and the rally yeetrd*y afternoon was pronounced by some ob*ervet* as due to manipulation with tne purpose of In viting buying of American* in London to day. If this was the purpose It was uc* eswtul. for Loudon bought stock ■r# at the opening, helping on the rise. T or# was a considerable short Interest as a r<- sult of the weakness of the market earlier In the week, which proved vulnerable 10 the rather Imposing show of strength this morning, and the covering movement helped on the rise Even among*! those stock* which were afterwaid* the weak est there wei* some considerable gains during the early strength, and Sugar and Tenneseee Coal getting up about a point, tgulte w number of important ato -k* achieved gain* of rear a point, but tne movement ah day was on* of special slocks The tlow-prlced. non-dividend paying railroad slocks were the favorites es pecially the Erie* and th“ Wabash Is sues. both stocks ami bon I# Nothing au thoritative ilould be. learned to explain tht* movement, which rumor attributed both to buying for Vanderbilt control end to Joint part* for consolidation and through traffic arrangement* of the two Hues The rlw extended to Rver 2 point* In Hr|. first preferred and f'y In the second preferred, and both closed at about the top. being practically the only stock* In Itc U*t to do so. Besides the*e stock* there were upwards of thirty stock* selling under 4 which were advanced from a to IV* per cent. Bi Joe and Grand Island first pre ferred Jumped 5 points on pruapecta of a dividend increase The Green Bay and Western Issue* were strong though the principal activity wo* In the debenture B* Sugar was active and feverish all day. and apparently the trader* Were seeking (o retrieve their losses on the bull side by a bear campaign. They circulated a re port of the* serious nine** of the president of the company, which was denied The stock# fell an extreme .V, and closed only slightly better at a net ** of 2‘, Ten iieseee Foal was even more acutely af fected and fell altogether 5-S to 61 riot ing at the lowest, with a loss of 4V, on the 'lay. The* report was confidently dis seminated that It had been determined 10 pass the next dividend on the stock The Imrease In tha dividend rate for th# half year on Denver and Rio Grande pre ferred from 2 lo 3Vi per cent, caused a Into advance In (hat stock of 1\ and on the common stock of H,. This caused u sym pathetic hardening In the market, but price* did not hold in face of Ih* renewed weakness in the spe laities. There was no appreciable change In money market conditions The bond market was active and con sistently strong, many low grade Junior and 'omlugcni Interest bond* advanr nut strongly. Total par value. 96.425.0U 1 United Btate* new ts declined 4* pec cent, on the last call. To-day * total stock sale# were 762.3 W, Including Atchison. 16.300; Atchison pre ferred. 27.10(i; fheeapeake and Ohio, 15,910; Burlington. 6,900; Denver and Rio Grande, 16.10C*. Denver and Rio Grande preferred. 31.000; Erie, 28.200; Erls first preferred. 50- 400; Manhattan. 17.#00; Metropolitan, T.iflO; Missouri. Kansas and Texas preferred. 7.00. New York Central, 5,180. Northern Pacific, 14.700: Ontario and Western. 11.- 190; Pennsylvania. 16.100; Reading, 27.800. Reading first preferred, 47.600. Reading se.ond preferred. 7.10t>; t Louis Botith westem preferred. 6.100; | Paul. 15.400 Southern P* Ifir. 25,100; Southern Hai - wav. 28.800; Southern llai.way preferred, 9.300; Texas end pacific. *,jou. Union Pa cific. 17,M: Wshagh. 15.300; Wahash pre ferred. 14.700, Copper, 18.300. American Steel and Wire. 19.100; Tobacco. 6JOO. An aconda. 6.3(0; Brooklyn. 19.100; Federal Steel. 19.900. People * Gas. 7,901f; Bugor, 49.100 New York Block List. Atchison 3$H Wahash **, Bo |gf 8344 do prf 4y B. * O m% 4V. A L. E i*v Cen Be do do 2nd prf 17, c n No Jttj Wls Cen lot, C. 0 o 37S Third Avenue .114 O. W 14*4 B. A t> prof *t\ f . B. A Q I,IV I , Nat. Tube 604, C.. Ind. A L. .. 231, do prf. .103 do do prf .... 57 Amal. Copper . 92 CAE. 111. ... 97U .Adame B\ 140 C. A Nw 167 V, Am Ex 180 C, R. I. A P. ..IHH U. I*. Ex 50 C. C. C. it 8t L. 68', Wells Fargo 1S( Col 80 7 Am Coi 011 ..30', do do Ist prf. . 43 1 eo do prf $9 * do do 3nd prf 174, Am Malt 5 D. A H 1158, do do prf .... 3544 D.. L A \V t*3 'Am. Fmolt A R 53 D. A R. 0 2iV ‘f® do prf 98 do do prf. ... 79\ Am gplrlts Ifi Erie 164,. do do prf. .... 17 do Ist prf (J 4, Am S Hoop 2* O, N. prf I*9 | do do prf . .78 Hock Coal .... 158, Am. 8 A 4V . 42 * Hock. Vxl m*, do do prf 48 111. Cen 124!% Am T Plate ... 42*i la Cen 19 7 do do prf ....*7ij do do prf 4-4 vm. Tob IbVS L. E AW 3* do do prf W do do prf ... 1417 |Ana Min. Cos. .. 47*4 Lake Shore . . 2124 B. R T .... Tb’* L. A N B iC, F A Iron .. Vl4 Man L l<g*4 Con Tob 344 Met. Bt. Ry 167 do do prf 91 Me* Cen 13 Fed Steel 49’i M At L 65 do do prf 76 do do prf 80*, Gen. Electric lift Mo. Pe ... 598, Gluroee Bugar 5244 51. A O 414 do prf ion M . K A T . 13 Int'n'l peter 23 do do prf 371, do do prf 72’i N. J. C 1464 Lm lede Gas ft. Y. C 1424 Nat. Bis r\ N A W" 424 do do prf SI do do prf. ... *! Nat Lead 134* No. Pa W 4 do do prf. ... *24 do do prf .... 824* Nat. SXeri 344 Ont AW 254 do do prf 93 Ore R. A N .. 42 N. Y A B .162 do do prf ... 76 iNo Am 19 Pennsylvania 1434 I*a Coast 5* Reeding 20*4 do do let prf 3S do Ist prf 694, do do 2nd prf.. 87 do 2nd prf ... 314 Pa slail 464 R G W 6’. People s Gas 9*’, do do prf at'. I*. F Car gt L A 8 r 194 do do prf U do do I#< prf .76 jPull Psl Car 199 do do 2nd prf 47'( 8. Rope AT . 54# Bt. L f*w- 158, Sugar 1254, do do prf 3844 0c prf. 116 81. Paul 13W,T.. C A Iron ..84 o do prf- ...177 U. S. Leather ... 13 Bt. f A Om ..UO do do prf 7544 Ru. P .. 41H U. 8 Rut/her .. 29 go. Ry M do do prf **S do do prf 67',,West. Union *F T A Fa 204,R I. A S 151* Ua. Pa 714, do prf 844, do do prf *1 P C. C. A Bt. L 57 Bonds. U 4). 2s ref re* 1044a do Ist ire M | rtn (ffoup 106 I do 2nd Inc. 17V4 do 3*. reg .109** N. Y. Cen. lu 10H do 9* coup W*3i N J Cen. gen. 55.137 do new 4s. reg 137*4 Nor Pac 3s .... 7044 do new 4s. c0u.137*4 do 4s 108 do old 4*. reg .114*4; N Y . Chi A St do old 4*. eou.. 111*4'. Louis. 4# 10744 do fte. re* ....111 iN. A 3Y con 4s 99i do s#, cou 11l (Ore. Nsv. Ist*. .11l D. of C. 9 * • l**4s do 4a- ......109*4 Ate. gen. to . IWH Ore. B L. 8# ..!27V, Ate. sdj 4s 4* do con. 5s ....117H Cen Bou. 2nd* 10*44 Reed Gen 4s 91H C. A 49. 4V ..104 IR Gd We* l#s 10<y dn 5* >2o*4 3t, Louis A Iron C ANg eon 7# U9 1 *: Moun con B*. 112*4 c A Nw. B. Y 1 at. Loul* A Ban Deb to H* *■ 2en. to .. .123*, Cbl. Ter. to .... WVt.'B*. P- coo 174 Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Tima—On* Hour Blower Than City Time. Bchadule In Effcsl Nov. 25. .9" rt®AD'NNfKfl to Till; EAST ~ jj READ UP.” No 34 No. 16 , (t ant'aPium 1 12 55pm 13 2(6im l.v .. f*jy*iinah Ai 5 Wain 4 is.tu (Easiern Time.) )| | 4 21pm 4 23am Ar B.ack villa L\ .3 aatn| l OTpm 8 ( 6 loam Ar > olumhl* Lv laum tl 2~>m 9 19pm 9 sam Ar Charlotte Lv | 9 Kptn * Ornu U 44pm 12 23t*m Ar Graensttoro Lv 7 ivpm, i 49am fikal ...,||Ar S.irfoliT Cv . 9ivm 13 Ham bpm Ar . . Dauvlila Lv;l 5 49pmi 4 3*om 8 00am 6 25pm Ar .7... ' Rlhmon t Li 13 opm U <Wpu 3 44'am 49t*m Ar ♦ -**ni 5 aopmf.Ar Chariot t#vtl|* ..... Lv 3 (kipin U 54pm 7 cam licpm xr Waohlngton Lv HI 16ura 9 Scpiir 9 15am 11 35ptn ,Ar Balt more l.v 9 22am •3 pm 11 .15am :.64tn Ar Philadelphia Lv I 50am, 6 05pm 3 U3pm 6 23am Ar N-w York Lv 13 10m 335 pm j* lupin 3 Ar Bo.ton Lj| 3 (dpin.lo 10am No. K I To THE NORTH AND* WEST 1 No (Central Tim* > _l! 12 Kam Lv Sav.innah Ar,. 8 Ukuu (Easiern Time ) li • .'Mm Lv Cos urn but Lci ' 9 smmm l.w .-part ■ nbutg Lvjl 3 l&pm U opm Lv , A*h*illle Dv! 106 pm 4 02pm Ar Hot Spring# Lv||U 45. m 730 pm Ar Kmxillie i,v 3 23#m ft 10am Ar Lexington Is*! :0 h)p.n 7 44am Ar Clnelnnstt Lv 8 00pm 8 00pm Ar Ft Louis Lv 9‘Warn 7 50am Ar Louisville ..... Lvj 7 All tra.n* srr.vs and depart from the Plant Bietem Bisri. n TtIKOI'UH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 32 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vagtl huled limited trains, with Pullman D awing Itomn Bieeplog Car* between Savsiv nah and New York Connect* ai Washington w.ih Colonial Expras* lor Itofton. Pullman Bleeping Car* between Chari->tte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining t ar# B*-rve ail maal* b*-tw*n Bovannah and W ashington TRAINS j AND 36 DAILY THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbul-d limit'd trains, carrying Pul man Drawing Room Bleeping Car* Iwtween S.ivinnh tnrt New York Dinh g Car* serve all meal* between Savannah and Waan!ng:on Also Pullman Drawing Room bleepin' Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through AshevUle and "Ti a Land of t;io Sky " Bor complete Information # to rat w schedules, etc. apply to P S GANNON. Jd V P tOk J M CULP. T M , W A. TURK. O. P. A . Washington. D C. B H HARDWICK Ass' Clen'l Ps** Ag-nt Atlerta Oa. R C BLATTNER. Ticket AgerC. Plant Bioeni Hiation JAMES FREEMAN, C I* A T. A . 141 Rub street. Savannah, G* . Phones 850 Col. Bou 4s 84 |St. Paul. Chi & Den. R G. 4*..hfi‘. Pacific ll l! Brie Gen. 4# . TSS da do h* 121** FW. A Denver |Bou. Pac. 4s— 62* cm. Ist 77'g! Boil Ry 5# ti:’, Gen. E'ec. 6s 138 B. R. and T B*. 79 lowa. Cen. Ist*.ll4 TrX. * Pac. lata.ll4 l-ou A Nash do 2nds *• Unified 4s 101 Union Uu' 45..1*7, Ml* . Kan A Wsbaah I®** 118 Texas. 2nd* 71V 'by 2nd* ••• do do 4s .. 83', W. H 4s 114 M &O. 4s. .. 984|Wl*. Cen. Ist* L C. of G. con is. SW’si V|r Cetv _ •- New York, Dec. 6 -Hturvlard 011 796® New York. Dec 6—Coeisolldaie.l (.as closed 1331* Ben hoard Becnrlllee. Raltlmore. Dec 6 -Seaboard common. preferred, 28. bonds 4s. 73’, Murphy a Ca*.f# Slock letter. New York. Dee. ft -The stock marker otcne.l exceedingly troig and anlmaied material advance# appearing in virtually every quarter The railroad list sgoht 011 rwfta.lowed (he rest of the market in ail respects There were exceedingly heavy dealings at advanritig prices in the Erie issues, the Heading share- Ihe Southern Railroad stocks and At hi*te, Northern Pacific. UtWon Pa Ific. aid Southern Paelfi. were lews a- live than o! la;s. but were ail very firm Amona tne high |.|b od sb> ks PctMtxylvaifia *d N*w York Central were notably strong The Industrial quarter was comparatively neglected, but a firm tons was evident thsre, also principally for the steel 111- .tnstrlals Bugar was rathsr weak on light 'leafing* Th- 4ocal iractlosi Issuea were likewise steady, but were compandlvely dull At infiuenca of no little weight In me marks; was (ha rsvsr#al of tone shown in the lain don market for Amert can stock* where malarial advance# were common Thera was no prkictfMl cxi-ia nation of changed tone of llm London market, hut a derided revival of strength and nilmatioei tn American etork# was reported there. Aswh' from this feature of th* situation, there was llltle that was really new pieserrted for comment ut tha opening of buslne#*. Th* dealings in the bond market were very heavy. MlltELUsl9nil MARKET*. Note—Three quotation* *ra revised daily, and are kept as near as possible Pi accord with th# prevailing wholesale prices Offb i*l quotations are not used when they disagree with the price* whole salers ask Country aud Norther* Produce. POULTRY—The market I* ateady Quo tation* Broilers. KW36c p#r pair, had grown. 45®aOc. three-fourth# grown. 44a 89c; ben*. 657. V; roosters, 49fl!r; duck# MfTSr. geese, 7s< <ff*l 0 BOGR—Fresh candled. 224123 c, cold stor age. 21® 22c. BUTTER—Th* ton* of th* market is firm Qurwation* Cooking. 21c; tonlla tlons. 29c; New York atate dairy, 24><4c; ex tra Elgin*. 27c. CHEESE—Market firm. fancy full cream eheeoe, UVc for 2h to 22-pound average. 2*®F-pound averages. 13c. Early Veaelublea. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. 3190 isck CARBAGB-ftffftc per head ONICR4B—YeIIow In barrels, 32fi9. crates 80c; red 12 o> llrradstnff. Hay aud Drain. FLOUR—Market steady, patent, 34, atrslght. 13 8; fancy. *165; family. 33 40 MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 12 90, per sack. R 15. city meal, per seek, bolted. *IOB. water ground. I! 12H; city grits. *rk*. 11 15, pearl grits, Hudnut*. per barrel. 12 80; per tack, $1.30; sundry brands. 1115 CORN—Market firm, white Job lot#. B*c. carload iota. 62c. mixed corn. Job lota, 63c: carload lots, 59c. RlCE—Market ateady; demand good, fancy head. 6c; fancy, 5Hc. Prime flood 4H® 4*4 Fair O4M Ccmmon 3H OATS—No 2 mixed, carload. 33VF. Job lot* 25®28i;, white cltpfied. car*. J*c; ,ob. 40c. RRAN—Job lot*. 35c; carload lots. 90 HAY—slarket steady. No. 1 timothy. 90c; Job. 9fie No 2. 90c )„b; l&c. cars. 4iig,r and Coffee. BUGAR- Cu! loif 6 !9 Diamond A 5 *4 Crush'd 624 Confec'locerw A .Ugt Parwrle ed S.B ! White Extra C..5.M XXXX pow'd ...5.M Extra C 5 23 .Trsmflated 5 4fioli*n C '. 00 Cubes g Ye|.ow# ~*4 Mould A 6.0® COFFEE tlocha 76 e Prim* No 8 .... URjc lava 38 etaood No. 4 10t*r Peabarrv 16 e Fair No 5 10 c Fancy No. 1 ...lIV Ordinary No .. Hc Choice No. J ... UAic’Common No. T e Dried and Evaporated Fruits APPLES— Evapor*tad, 7®7He. *un dried, sH9*c. APRICOTS— Evaporated. l#c pouarl; nectarines HP RAIBINB—I- L . 12.10. Imperial oablnata 12 74; too**, ki-routid boxes. pound PEACHES-Evaluated, pealed. 17%~l unpl*4 B®4#9c. PEARS— Evaporated *H- Hardware and Mull.lln Supplies, LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND Cement—Alabama and Oaorgia lime In fair demand and sell at > cents a barrel: special calcined plariar 3MB per birrei; hair. 4®sc Ro#clil* oment t Sbfiil.2B: carload lota, sptclal; Por:l#> and cement, re tail 12 25 catload lots, 32 4MU3O. LUMBER. V. O. B VS7SBELS. SAVAN NAH— Siinlroum, yard sloes, Ilfl.iaftU.W; car sill*. tU.4G®U 0. dlffi-.uU .*. H 4 Ou ®l* (10. ship stock 116 90© 18 09. sewn ties, Wfßffhi', hewn tie# DCSc OIL Market steady demand fa r. Ig nsl (...111. . West Virginia back. 9(312c lard. Me. nea,afoot. fc®79’. nch!ncry. 16 C*ls : lln*ee,l oil. taw-. 76','. hoilod, 73'g-; kerosene, prims white, 12 . water white, 12, . Pratt's astral. 14c. d.swkMii'd *tova gaeollne drums, 1148 c. empty oil bairv-10, delivered. 33c SHOT—Drop |1 50, P R atvd large, 1 75, chilled. 11.75 IRON—'Market very ateady. Swede, S4BC NAILS—Cut. *2 30 h*e; write. 33.39 base RARBED WIRE 5150 per 190 pound*. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack allot. (I (. half kegs. 12.39; quarter kegs. |1 24. champion ducking, quarter keg*. 12 24. Dupont and liasard smokeleu*. half kegs. 51125. quarter kegs. 85 75. I pound, eanlatars. 31 00. let* 25 Pr cent ; Trola dorf smokelea* powder, l-pound cans. II; 10-pound cans, Itk* pound t niton Itawulna and Ties. RAGGING—Market firm; lute. 9*4- pourid SHc. large Icdv. 94ge; umall lot*. 2 pound. 714 c. sea Island hsgglng, 124*c TIES—St alula rd, tSfonnd. arrow, large lots. 31 *0: small lots, 3! 93 gall. Hide* and Wool. HALT—Demand I* fair and the market steady; <urtad lots. 109-pound burlap sackr 47c. WO-pound cotton sacks, tic. UO-pound burlap sack*. 51V*'. 110-pound cotton sack*. 424*c: 123-pound' burlap sacks. 1348 c; 125-pound cotton sacks, l3Vgc; sn potind burlup “c|i. *|c Hlltlfii-Market firm, dry flint. 1948 c; dry salt. U*yc; green salted. 6c. WOOL-Nominal, prime Georgia, fre* of sand bur* and black wioot. 19c; black. 18c; burry. l*r. Wax, Jsc; tallow, 3V*c. Deer skins, 2Ur I'rsllt and huts. APPLS7B Northern variety, ORANGES-(Fla 1, 92 Vfii i on per box PRUNES—4Os to 50*. Its 1 ; 50* o 60s. 144*; 60s to 70s. 7c. 70a to 39a. 6V. Mis In We, 6c; 94k to KBs, My< BANANAB—2t.2SC2.OO bunch LF.MONB—starkt steady at 92 50 rorOANUT(A-34.25 f>*r 1011 PBANI'TB Ample stock, fair demand market firm, fanry hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 45c; hand-picked Virginia, ex tra*. 4QC, N C #c*d pnanut*. 4c NUTVB—Almonds Tartago.ia. 17c; |v c*C 14.. walnut*. French, 12 , Naples, H4*. . pecan*. 12c; Rtuslls, 12c; filbert*. 19c; as sorted nuts, So-pound and 25-pound boxes. 1348 c. Bacon, llama and l.ard. BATON—Market firm; D. B C, R sides 79*0; D B Bellies, 844 c (Eawern). accord ing to average wise; D B bellies. 34*c (Western), smoked C. 34 sides, 144 c. llAMS—Bugar cured, H44013'v IaAHD Pyre, tn tierce#, 344 c; tn 59- pound tin# and ID-pound tub*. 844 c. compound, In Heroes, 644 c; 80-pound tin*, and 39-puund tubs. 644 c. MIOCKt.LAKICOUB KlßH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No 1, I*. No. 2. POO, No 9, $5 75. kits. No. 1. 11.39; No 2, II 10; No S. *V Codfish, 1-pound hrlck*. 2-pnund brick*. 644 c; Smuktd hernrig, per box. 17015 c Dutch herring, in kegs, |i 10. new mullet#, half barrels, B 75 BY RUP—Market quiet; Georgia •*! Florida syrup, buying at 23®99 ; sailing at 92®J5c; sugar house at 10®lie. HONEY -Fair demand, at rained, In bar rets, 55060 c gs lon. High wine* bast*, t! 27 04EA5 FRKIGTH9. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, par ewi.. 25'. to New York, p#r cut!., 99d. to Philadelphia. pr bale 21; Baltimore 4|. FOREIGN DIRF.CT-Bremen, 40c, Liv erpool. 40. ; Hamburg. (*c; Gn* 51*. Barcelona, 86c; Manchester 46. Ha re. 40c. Antwerp. 40c; Reval, We. R tte dim, 40c. Trlest* 59c INDIRECT-Llverpool 954136 c. Hamburg. ¥tp. Gothanhurg. 69 . U JlliEll -By Ball—Freights steady; to Baltimore and eastward. 94 50 to 95 75 por M Including Portland LUMBER—By stanm-Bavannah to Baltimore. Km. to p, R R or B nd O. docks. 3580; to Phllada phta. 184 c itar cwt. (4 pound- to root 1 to Nw Yor*. 310 per M. *7 26 to dock, lightered to Boston tt.hi NAVAL STORES—The nsarkri Is firm; medium ise vessels Rosin—Cork tor order., 9* Id per barrel of 310 pounds, A'd 5 per rent primage Bplrltt 4i 8d 40 gallon* gross, and 6 per cent, primage. Large vessels, rosin. 3s; sprits, is 31. Steam. 11c far 100 pound* on rosin; 2144 c on spirits Savannah to Bua or., an.l 9440 on rosin and !*c on spirits to New York GRAIN. PROViai(N. WIN. New York. Dec 6 —Flour market was let# active and u shade easier, without actual change Ry* flour dull, fair to good 92 990310. Buckwheat flour quiet and unchanged Cornmea. sieudy Ry# Arm. No 2 Western. 56*4# Barley steady. Barley melt dull. Wheel—Spot, steady. No 3 red. TkV. Options loot a good part of their recent improvement to-day under disappointing foreign advance*, general local un oading. Northwest e hug. a fibers Interior move ment. poor apecuiatlve demand and light clearance.. The depression lasted ahoqt all day. closing the market weak at 4*o %c n-r decline Januan eloeed at 77V: March. 7V. December. 77V Corn—Spot steady; No 2. Op tions at firs! developed considerable firm ness on heavy clearances small receipt# and decreaalng stocks, local covering and resnficed ofrerlng# of December Rubes quently, however. It eased off with wheat and cU#d earv a: un hanged price#. May. 42N043V. clo#*d 42V: December. F.‘4c Oera-Hpor. steady. No. 5 3844 c. Options slow and about ateady. Beet Arm. Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by 9th meridian tliao On# hour alower than city tuna. In effect Nov, 25 isun Ail ——— Lv flarantiah Dally Ar Savannah Between” - i 18 am( Bxvannah 113 10 am 5 M tin Waycoa* j 1 uu am 6 U) am Jjok'.xnrilie tlu 15 am 3 :d> pmj and Flotda JI3 4u pm 1 3 pan Pmt* j 7 39 pm Bet ween t 99 am Bavannah ........ ‘2 46 am i W am Charleston |7 Id am 1 9.1 pm (nri East 13 35 pm Ar Brunswick Between 6 ai am* Bruneortik |3 (A am 9 Of. |tm Jeetip |6 33 pm i . 8a 1 in: ih said |7 13 *Ol Jacksonville 9 95 pm Connection* at I'ori lampa with Pen insular an.l 0. ideiilai steamers leaving for K<y 45 it sn.l Havana Monday#. Thursdays and S.iturday*. 11.00 p. m. Call at Ticket Offi. to for further infor mation J. Jf. I*o LI IEM US. T. r A.. WARD CLARK. Clot Ticket Agent. De Bote ilotet. I’hone T 9. R W. WRENN, Passenger Traffic Man aged. ■■# < '-ah. Oe Behadul* Effective Bept . 1905 Trains arrive ai end depart from Central Btstlon, Weel liroad. foot of Liberty street. 90th Meridian Tin* <>ns hour slower than city lime. I-cave’ AfTt**' " Savannah Savannah Augusta Macon. Atlanta.| •9 Keen ''ovingion, MllledgevUl*:** 99pi (end all Intermediate polnts| Augusta. Macon, Atlanta.! lAthana, Montgomery, CM-| •9 OOpm’lumhu*. Birmingham. Am-:*6 OOem 'ertcus, Eufaula and Troy.) tg (ipm| Dover A.commodetlon |K 46am 12 00pm Guyton Dinner Train :14 10pm •Dally. (Rx.-ept Hunday. BETW’EEN BAVANNAH AND TYBEE. 71th meridian or Bavannah city time. LEAVE BAVANNAH. Monday .mly 625 a m Dally except Monday A) m Dally 3:00 p m. LEAVE TYBEE. Mnndav only 715 a m. Dally *gc*p Mon,lay p>: a. m rally 590 p, tn. I'onn*. none mad* at terminal point* with all train* Northwest. West and Southwest Bleeping can on night train* between Bavannah end Augusta. Macon. Atlanta and Btrmlngnam. Parlor cars on day trains between Ba vannah. Buret and Atlanta. For complete InfornasUan, schedules, rates and connection*, apply to W O BHEW Klt Uliy Ticket and Pane, anger Agent, 107 Bull straat. 1 or W R Mclntyre. lerot Tlekot Agent J C HAILE. (JeneroJ Paaeenger Agent r. H IJINTON. Traffic Manager THEO. D KUNE. (}a riuperimeodanL Savannas Oe. Ooubie Daily Service Tim ar trt line to Norfolk Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and the Lear. ARRIVAL Or TRAIN* * FROM No 27 North and East 800 am No. 19 Denmark and Local Sta tions 10 II am No 91 North and East 13 W pm No 44 Jacksonville and Florida... J 89 pm No 72 Montgomery and West I Pm No 74 Helena and Local Point#... I 4& am No 66 Jacksonville and Florida...ll to pm DEPARTURE OF TRAINB~™ FOR No 27 Jacksonville and Floiida... 303 am No. 31 Jacksonville and Florida.,.l2 U pen No. 44 New York and East I 58 pm No. 94 Denmark and Augusts 3 56 pm No 71 Montgomery and W'ast ?95 am No. 73 Helena and Local Station*. 8 19 pm No 86 New York and East 11 13 pOk Magulficant Pullman buffet deeping ear service td YVsshlngton. Baltimore Phila delphia and New York, also to Jackoen vllle and Tampa. Dining cars from Bavannah to liaariat and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cam Savannah la Mont gomery For additional Information apply ta Ticket Office Bull and Bryao Greets. Phone XI Cut meats easy; plck'ed shoulder*. M4O 6c; pickled ham*. 4440*Qc. Lard i#ly; Dri-ember riooed P.SD4 noenlnal; refined quiet. Pork steady Butter firm, creamery 13038 c; faciary. 1203544 c. Cheese firm, large September. 1144 c;, •mall September. U44p: large mad*. M 440 Soic; small lat* made. lie. a Egga firm; state and Penneylvanla. 250 30c; Western rrgular packing at mark, 9tg 234%c. Potato** quiet. Tallow dull Petroleum quiet. Rosin quiet. Turpentine dull. 420424]* Rica steady. Molasses etaodv Cabbag# steady Cotton by steam to Liverpool. 2®e. Coffee futures opened steady and 5 point* lower under tight room and foralng *#• Ing the Incentive of which waa poor for eign market new* and burdn#o*n* crop movement In Braall Tha market ruled quiet all day. but a i;ad>- firmer In the afternoon when short* took profit*. Lata French cable# were favorable, Tha close Han quiet with prices 5 point* net lower Total sale* 22.280 bug*. Including Decem ber at <c. January, 6.10 c; March, 530 c. Br-ot iffe, Rio nearly steady; No. 7 In voice. 74 c. ml and quiej, Cordova. 84401344 c. Huger—Raw, quiet but firm: fair refin ing. 914-!c. centrifugal. 88-twt, 4 9-Ms: moiaaae* sugar. 3 Jl-lftc, refined steady. (OTTO* SEED OIL. New York, De, 4 -Cotton **ed oil barely steady and quiet, with offerings of Dacamlur a< 3144 and the best bid. Prime crude barrels. 3901644 c Prune summer yellow. 31c; off summer yellow. 3914 c: prime winter yellow. 17017440; prime white. 54093 c; prime meal. $36. CHICAGO MARKET*. Chicago. Dec. 6 -Wheat was weak to day oi lower cable* and a poor shipping demand. January oloemg 4.01 c lower. Com closed a shade to 'to htghec and (Continued on Sixth Paged 7