The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 DIXON NOT A CANDIDATE. WIU. NOT Ot*PDK M 4 YOB OfYERfi ('OH THU MAYOR 4LTY. tir Manila l>> HU Fiiraiat Matfßral In tli#' 4t,rnti.g >i*n—Tbtnka (ha* bimilnallon ahnolH ll*- Tr ll*ra*l Mayor Mirra and 44 111 X Piii.rt Him Mrallr II Hr Irrrpla-1n.1i.-a- Hona rr Tkal Haiaor Mjrra Will Hrrrlir llio I nmilmouo linti nf HU rarla aaiial lima Hr Will Hr Wit bout Oppaaalllun In An> i|narli-r—lnnnaurrmrnl Will Hr llHnppaalntmrnl laa Thraar W baa Wrrr Harking lllrrnaa lllxon. Mayor wlil have no opposition nithln Ih* ritlxen*' iwrxy lor the may oralty r mliui or.. and ail the Indication* arc that !>** will h*v none outside. Ai iWrntn Jam-* M Dixon, who has brail proß-.lnrr.tiy upokmi of as a mayoralty poastb!MI >. will not l*r a randtdat* ao 1 ./o( a** Mayor Myrrs is In the fiall "Ti.rre wi;l bo ro split in the sratlon party. Of this you ran rost ab solutely assured I will not antagonize Mr Myers for tha nomination. I think tha- nomination should b- lrndrr.-l him. and If ho accepts 1 will support him It' • ally. This h*aa barn my position all tha lima. I so stated In an Interview more than a month ago " This was Alderman Dixon's statement to a Morning News reporter last night anal Is adeepted as indicating hi* reitrem nt from the ra e for the mayoralty. The statement Is In accordance wttn one Iroin Mr. Idxoh. to which he refers, published In the Morning News some time since, In whDfii he said that he was not a candi- I date for the mayoralty and would not u unless the m.rrii nation had first been ten dered Mayor Myers and declined by that gentleman. The atatemeriv was regarded at the time i aa a sons what peculiar one for a mayor- ' atty car.didnte. That Mr. Dixon has cher ished mayoralty aspiration*. liaaaa ban vary evident, and as the indications were that Mayor Myers would also he a candidate. It was ditttrut} to see how Mr. Dixon could continue lo permit his friends to urge hut ran-iidecy before the public While Mayor Myers hs himself made tio announcement In the matter, It hse become very evident during the last few dtyw that a large percentage of the mem bership. and probaitly a majority of the administration supporters, would insist on his again being a candidate for the party. This being the case Mr Dixon felt that the only course left open to him. nnd the only one which he could consistently adopt, was to abide by the. announcement which he had made oyer a month ago. and to put his friends and the public gen erally on notice to thin effect. Mr. Dixon dacitned, whan seen, to make any further statement than that publish ed above, ft |a known, however, that he consulted with some of his closest friend gw r son ally aid politically, on the subject yestsrlay. and that their advice ways to the effeet that he should make the an nouncement already given. In order that all dissension ant strife on the subject withsn the party ranks might be put an end |o. It has beer. -elder.'. since the first an n.uncemi nt of Me Dixon * candldacv.that besides his large following within the fac tion. there was a very considerable num ber of the former opponents of to. party who regarded Mr DDon's candidacy with favor, and who were Inclined to give him all the em-ouiagemrni possible with the view Of I.ringing about a S>|dlt In the ad mlnistnation (tarty. The leaders of the lat. lev isirty were quirk to iiercrfve this manifestation and to regard It aa an .**.- nous sign, and this, perh ips m ire than anything else, accounts for their decis ion Shat It would tie unwise to have i contest witii the party. There being a Very general demand in the party ranks for the continuance of Mayor Myers In office and It being apparent that the Mayor was not aveiae to heeding this call, there was only one thing left to <1... and this was to r*-tlie the Junior candi date. while II might lie dan* without pre judice to eUhrr parly. Mayor Myers is now In a fair way to receive the unani mous nomination nf the Citizens' faction Hiiould he de. line, Mr Dixon's name will again be brought forward. AM.fman Dixon's si nouncemcnt will be quite a disappointment to his backer*, some of whiwn h.ive liven quite enthusi astic In Ids behalf Among them are a number of city employes who have been very active In advocating the nandtdacy of the Ald-omuii There is some curiosi ty as to how thew will be affected by the ra w state of affairs, ft la understood, however, that Alderman Dixon Mi assured that hla friends will not suffer Asa further Indication of the harmonious ri latlona prevailing It Is staled that Aider man Dixon will again be a candidate on the Myar's ticket at the coming election OCK*T 4T t \ O V STKH It OAST. Mr. Goodwin entertained nt Ts bee by tbv odd Ollnwt. Hon John B Goodwin, deputy grand sire of the order of Odd Fellows, was the guest of the local lodges yesterday at an oyster roast at Tyhe*. With the commit tee and about eight member* of the qrder he left for the Island on a special train nt 2 o'clock. The roast with the usual nccompanl ■nenta. was served at the sooth end of <IM Island at Patsy Grogan’s nnd tt • thing had bean pr |mred before I lx- ar rival of She party they fell to with a vim. as noon as Ih* train stopped and en joyed tliern selves thoroughly until She trln was ready to slart for live city. There were no tipwch.-# or addressee, it was a genuine tad-fashioned roost, and everybody enjoyed It hugely, especially Mr. Goodwin. 11. turning she party reached the city at 6.50 o'clock At 10 o'clock Mr. Goodwin left over the Central for Atlanta He- was taken from the De Soto by she committee who es cursed him to tha depot where he was met by an Immense number of Odd Fel lows. a great number of whom shook hands wrtlh him and wished him a pleas ant return home. As the train rolled out of the shed h was given three hearty dinars. WATCH TTMBI.IXG WALLS. Small lloys Gather With Delight Aboaf tbe Academy llalldlag. A arowd of small boya viewed with huge delight, yesterday afternoon the work of demolishing tha ruins of the burned portion of Chatham Academy. Ji was a rare pleasure to them lo watch the tumbling waiia tha* rewarded the efforts of th* workmen who tuggwd at She ropes by which they were toppled nvar. The crasih of the brick and mortar, as they struck the ground, was music to tbs ear of the small-boy and. wit* she work of raising tha walks has bean completed there will doubtless be a knot of small, but Inlsrestsd spectator* on hand evary afternoon Tha partially burned lumber and wood work has all bear, removed from tha In terior of tha blacksntd walla, and only tha bviek will remain to be cleaned up by tha workmen and marked convenient ly at band. ✓Those of th* brick that are In th* boat coadwloo wall b* utilised is rebuilding th* Academy. 1 MO % I %IKN TO K 41*1.1 , W or Is Irk Hour* for (hr (omlm Vrar to Hr lMco*ai i|. Arrsng#m#n have been mart# for • rally of the union labor tit th* old , lord \ Oprra llmub* Mm day n!gL Th** rally will he held und#r th# #uftpi e of th# building irulin unions, but th# other unions ere Invited to pur?. Ipwte Non union 1 b* ring m#n ere *lo invited to be present. Th# chief question t*#fore th# m #*il nx | will b# th# position <-f the laboring nwn w*th r* *r*.ri to th*' labor day for 1901. Resolutions will l*# otter, and providing that j I runs hours shall 1*• th* standard day. and. that all Uhonng tn#n sort especially the unions shall emlsvor to mako their Mrrang-m*nt?* accordingly. Th# nine-hour iu> w.- on# of th** mi in ftiitur#* of th !• m.:n<l. of th* union non I which l#d to th# strik# Inst spring Th#y j were -u' f*sful In so f* 4 hat they m* ci r* 1 a lion by th** City Cour> II fixing t 'lay for th# city laborers I Mo*i tf th* union m#n *r# now s’ work i in*! *t ts claim*'! tlm’ th# rnsjorlty ar* w rktnir on th* nint*hour rt.iv syst#m un • l**r ial nrraiiK' u# n* w ith thlr #n pkv#rs. Th# unlms w hi* h will oflb tally t#k*- r#r? In th# rally Monday nljcht r# th# H r i k! iy* r-. Luil 7; l*!nt# rs arrt r* ora> ? >rs, an and 27; Hh#*t M* ?al Work#rs. 7t> nisi Mi. K!##tri'kl Workers. *l. Plumbers, (#ii# and Bt#am J-'ltters, Iks. I'UsT#r#r*. 15 Hiillrtin* lisbom- 7.7* Mr T J Naughton, district ontnnls#r for th# Am#rt#sn F#d#ratloi of !*.tor. ; ilst#d y*ster<Wiy that h# had r**<***ntly < ur*d th# placinji of th# ♦mtloy#w on th** K'.v#rnmmt work M T>h*-** n th# rijrht.hotir day provided for hr n#t <*f Coricrrss. ll#r#tofor# th# #mpk>y#s at Tyli**# hav# h##n worklnjt nln# hours dai ly klr. 8 .8 lj#onar4. th# rontrartor, r#- > r :l\ r* ffivrsl an ord#r from th# K##*r#- t ir> of War. Jnstru#tinK him that th# em ployes must la* worked only eljcbt hours daily. Ths m*#tini? Monday r.ljjht will l># #1 dr#ss#d by s#veral sp* ak* rs. amncr th#m Mr. M Hofflln. th# trav#llrnr r#pr#s#nfa tlv# f r th# f*ni< n Tobacco (’otnptny c 4 Richmond. Vi TWO HOtii. % iMhli V !!>. Inl#p#nd*nt Inlmr 1 luh lln \oml vtNlcd Two All**rm#n. Th# !nd**p#nh rt Party Club m#t list night at Chatham Hall, N>. 515 Mont jrom#ry str##t, un<l ma*!*- two n*>mlnntlons for s!krm#n. Th# club s caiwftt*kit**i ur** Mr. 8 Krouskoff nnl Mr. J. M Sulli van Mr Krou#koff |* a w#ll known m#r who has aiwnys taken a pr>min#*nt lnt#r#*t in labor matt#ra. Mr. Rullivon Is in th employ of the Metropolitan lothing Coropwtiy. Th# Igahor Party Club ha# b##n In #x :#nc# two or thr## m>nths. but has b#*n k>-*p4ng rather qui#< Mr T J. Nwugh ton, th# w-#ll known labor l#ad#r. Is pr#- .*l*nt. and I*. Ij. Chart rand. s#*'r#tsiry. Too club had a m#mb#r*h|p of 1(0 up to lust night, when tw#t>ty-fl v# mor# names a*-r# a ( W#*l, making a totul m#ml#rshl|i of 194 M#mb#r.-*hlp i# op#fl to all l.t>or ing m#n. whethar union or non-union This makes four labor candklatos In th# fl* hi. th** Tmd#s rnlonlst Club having rc*-ntly non*4nat#d M##srs. W 8. liar rl- an*l It. W. BUfhi>. Th# Bouthsll**rs h-v# Hoveral normnations, among t* m MwJ. W. Ig Grayson. Tt js #vld#nt that lh#r# wlil b# arnpl# from H'lirh to s#l##t th# ntw ald#rman*' tick#’, ni th# m#mh#rw of th# pr##il board who ♦ xq# t to stand for r#-#.l#atlon. h 1 •*#H#r h* looking about. Most of th# sn<ti<Vatfs announced so far, ara from sour h#rn s#ctlt>n. OKfr’H i:i(N MKKT Ta-KIGHT. Un)nr for fit# Third Vlniftlln of Klrsf InfMitfry 1% 111 If# Choirn, A m##timr of th# lln# offfc#r of th# First Infantry will b# h*ld lonicht at ih# Armory. The most Im- I sort ant matt*r t: at Is to com# up will b* Ih# h I Htig of th** vacancy anHmic th# fi#ld ofßc#rx. Th# rmijorlty of the Third lioi lailon, that ts comprised of Ih# ihr## out of-town rompanlcs. Is vsiani, and th© officers #lll -I*** id* io-nixht who they will • l* ct. To** matter has l*#n h#4<! ov r for Iwo m#rtin*H. ami it 1* #x|># t#*i that It wHi !•© !w#til#<l at thi# on# <*apt. G. A. Gordon of th# Ogl#thorp# Hlxht Infantiy has !*#< p, n nii#! prominently mentioned in omnoiion with the position. He has ina*l# an #x Unt officer for th# Oicle thorp*-.-*, and all his *roth#r officers or# • ontirtsnt that hta adminie(ration of th# aftaJr> of th# Uiitaiion wmili) 1m Junt a? aa has* b**#n his conduct of his company. The matter of flliinx th# vacancy that will exist when Lieut. Col. T. 8. VVylly. Jr., receive* his prospective l>rom*>tion to th# full coionHcy will possibly n*>t hrouaht up to-nlftht. Many of th# offi cers renaril such action as pr#matur#. and hav# advised iKstio!m**nt until after the vacancy really exists. liom OF UROIINU) NAN KOI NI). U*■ Vlurlrd \\ Ithoat Ills Identity llit \l*• u H#**n llls#OT#r#d. A drowned was foumi yetderday morn Ins under th# woarf b**twe#n Bar nard Whitaker streets. Th# boly was **cn by a * olond lioatman, Henry Wuiiarns, who, with th# aid of a boy, ic>wr#d it to the Market dock iul hml th# coroner telephoned for. Mr. Goett# took of th# body and took It to his establishment. Neither th# tlruien* of U>* tn in nor any one of tnos# that saw the body were nhl# to identify it. There w* re i*> papers on th# twtly by which the man's name or 4<Wtre* < oofcl be die- over • and aial as no on# cltiimal the body, it was buried yestenluy afternoon in the jßiup r • buryinx Kround. There were no mirks of violence about th* IsMly. Th** coroner ttynks that l# probably was a sall*r from (in count *r mm# of th* islands, and that h# fell overboard son# time last night unknottn to any otic, and for that r*t#on no .-#• port of th# matter has been made. TO (IAMHATK ITU VItTORY. %€ rood District Clnh Will Olv# a Torelillaltt l*rN*cslnn. The Second District Club will have a torchlight procession, probably th# early iwiri of next week to celebrate th# re***nt election of Magistrate I R. Nathans, and also In honor of Mayor Myers, for th# re nominotlon of whom the club is very much In fnvor. Tin* details of th# procvsslon, the night on which it will h# held, the line of th# nra.r- h. and such. thna will be settled at a mwrtlng of tt*** club member* to-night. It Is likely that th* Theater will be *#- cured. an*l that after the parade tbe club wiU be ad Install by iom of the well known political speaker* HtiLMhi Tin: itiuirr tu\. !*©•! lively Identitled as th# Man That Assnnlied rh# NaUor. I.ouls Holmes. Uiq negro arrested night b#for# last for an assault with iertont to murder, commit tad upon th# mate of the bark Bmvo, Tuesday night, was taken yesterday to the 9t Joseph * Infirmary, where his vim Is and there positively idontlAod st the guilty man. Holmss still doniss the assault, but besides the iden tification of the sailor, the detectives hare enough evidence with which lo convict turn. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1900. RECOMMENDS 28-FT. CHANNEL H>7 PORT Of Ml %HO OK i:\t.nri.RH a. % IfS HI.KORIC ( OM.HKU. It R##ntnm#nda a 'i't-Foot I hannrl from th# Old \\ m♦• r%% *r k • tn th# *-a. *l th# >**ril tinnnrl, With m W ll tti of to JMMI I'rrt— % a Ap lro|rlal!*• f*r th# \\ orW of •!,- .Vt7,TtM la It••#***tom#n<l#f. of W hl#h a.*HMt.tNM> la *4nt| |< lit- Now \%nll * hi#—Th# H#port Hoh#d Intro#, dlntely to the I'rlnflnst flfl*r for I •# of lb# River and llnrbor I - A Washington dispatch to *h* Morning News announces that th# of th* Hoard of l*7ng n##r Ofllcers, appointed some llm# ago to make a r#-#xanimation of th# proJ#> t of G#n GUlmor# for i 2k foot channel from Savant *h to th# sea. was laid before Congress y.*t#rday, and was immediately #nt to tbe fovemmrnt oflV'# to b# put In convenient shape for us# by the River and Harbor Committee. Th# report approves th# Olllmor# pro ject and r*nomm*n*ls th# >• foot chan nel. Th# further Improvement of th# tKrth chann#!. i* was provil**d for In th# Gi;imore proJ•• f. !? rerotnmen.ied, and not th# imrovem* nt of th# south channel, ns w *s generally favored here. The report recommends that a d* |kh of f**#t. witn a channel width of X'n to psi fe.*t, l># es tabllehrd frocn the old waterworks to the ocean This Is considerably higher up than th# present depth of Jb feet extends .*nd th# channel width recommended Is a‘so better than (hat which now pre vails. An appropriation of 11.567.790 r#com* m*nd**d. of which the M.rnifu: New** dis l*a(('b* IsVW.flfjO Is now available. This probably refers to the unexpend'-d * of at>out on th# old con tract which th# chief of engineers, in ha annual report to <‘ongrens. r- ommendi* b mad# nvanuhl# for itw further lmprovc ment of lhe harbor. Th# news will b# gratifying to Bivan njhiana and th# friends of Bvannsh gen erally. The ordering of thorough sur vey of th# lmprov#d portion of the rlv#i at Bbtviinnah by th# chief of engineer* taken In conjunction with the action of Kongreft# m ord* ring the rc-examtnati. n of the Olllmor# project, wer# loth very favorable indtcations. Th# very favorable expression# recently ma*l# by Gen. Wil son .the chief of engineers, with regard to th# further Improvement of Kavann in harbor, and the confidence with Which Congressman Heater haa been inspired by hi# brother member# of th# River and Harbor Committee, are both excellent In dications Of fUCCCM. On top of this comes th# favorably r#- port of the board of engineer* upon the 28-foot project. It tw true that a favora ble report was expected, but nevertheless •he actual fact is gratifying. It fds# un derstood that the only question was *•# of met and th# figure name*! by th# board in it s report Is much less than was antlc ipwted With th# amount r#|ort#d as svailaM# an appropriation of about fl.- ofii'i.ono additional la all that will b# re quire*). Th# r#-#mo*nAtlon of the Oillmore pro ject was mad# last month by th# board appoint'd for th# purpose, consisting of Gen. Peter C. Haines, chief of th# South ern division, Capt. Hanford of Charleston, and Capt. C. K. Gillette of thU city. The board only completed this work th# latter l*wrs of November, nd to Capt. Gillette was delegated th# work of writing the report. The report was completed and placed In th# hand* of the chief of en gineers on Nov. 23. Capt. Gillette was out of th# city ys lerday, and could not be ** n for details of Ih# report- The failure to re*'ommend th* Improvement of th# south rhantial will b# regretted by many, but no one will Object to a of 28 feet by Ih# north channel CAIsLFsO CUT 111 A MI\U KIRK. Kirrnifn Hail • n Knrl y Hun tn n Blase In liar .*•! to east keetloa. An nlurm of fire was turned In ai 2:30 o'clock yesterday mornlm? by Patrolman T. C. Murphy, who discovered that th# one-story frame house No. 21T Harmon street w.s obtuse. The al arm wa* turned In from Hox No. 125. and whm responded to by engines No. 4 ami 5. which quickly € xiin£U)*dicd the tire. The how** I* a three roomed bti lding. occupied by J T Kipp, colored. The fire broke out In the front room, which la practically the only one damaged. The fire created considerable excitement in the neighborhood, pistols being fired, and the bell of an. ar-by church rung to attract the attention of the police, al though Officer Murphy had discovered the blase before either of these m ans of at tracting his attention had been used. After the fire had been practically put out. one of the firemen was approach**! by an elderly durky, who inquired If he was "de chief.*’ lie wa* tld that he “had guessed right,” and he then ex plained that he. too. was it fireman and had done good work on the house by throwing bucket* of w tt*'r on the flam* * before the engines arrived, and o**ked that as u special favor le be "wrote up” when an decount of the “conflagration" was published In the paper. KLKtTWI YEW omtTIH, Hetnrna Hefrlvnl b> \<l|ntnnt ( ne> From Uni nmlmro I out puny. Returns from the election for captain and first lieutenant in the llurke Light Infantry at Waynesboro have been re ceived by rapt W. K Coney, adjutant of the First Infantry. The returns show that First Lieutenant Floyd L. Scales was elected captain. amt tbit H.rgt George A. Johnston was elected first lieu tenant. defeating Sergt. M C Cohen b> seven votes. Thirty-five enlisted men voted In the election Tlie last quarterly returns of the company sh>wi*d an enlisted strength of forty-live, and the perc* ntug of tbi-- voting was very goo*l The Hurk< Light Infantry has been regard**) for s*#n months hs In excellent condition, and it is believed that the company will im prove under its in w officer^ Orplinti* Home \utii **ile. The Episcopal Orphan*' Home is among the charitable Institutions which make only one aftpeal a year to the general pub lic, and that is in the form of i sale of Its wsres. This year’s sale will take place to-morrow afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock st the Home, at Liberty and Jefferson streets. Various useful arti cles will be offered, among them fancy ta ble linen, fancy linen work ar.d other things for which there is considerable de mand The kindergarten children will probably be present Refreshments will be served by tbe ladies during the even ing. \ AVIAII NUT rONNIDKHUi. M*>r M)rr Writes CoagTSMßra %t**ut Nimnl station. Th# anncMir. *#m#nt in a Washington 4lt'iat 'h In yesterday s Morning News • t Rear Admiral End.' wt. chief of the liar- ui of Docka and Yards, had Just nturt.ed from a flying visit to I’ort Koval .i.d Charleston, m*re t.ian ever impressed v. the wixdom of the proposed transfer of la# naval station fr**m I'ort Royal to <'bari##!on. uro>#d Mayor Myers to tha ne ulty ol taking some further act log in Havarmah s behaif In th# matter. Th# *ii - patch further state*! tnat Admi ral Kndt -ott would approve he iep*>rt of c* board, of which Rear .Vknlrai lto*lg ers I* chairman, which favors the trans- Ur to Charleston. Mayor Myers said yesterday that he was under the impr*>lon that t.e Naval w. uki visit Ba i onnah, and would give tn# advantages of this city som# con d* rot before making tip It# report. ll* was surprised ut th# announcement the r*t*rt 1# about to b** approved Miihout Ba\annah he t ng given any x>n •J# rat ion • mi In the hope that som#- tr. ng inigut b# effe* *d. even at this l*‘ day, Mayot Al>ets addressed letters on th subject yesterduy to Ht-r.ators liacon arnl C*<*y, at <1 Congressmen Ltsttr, i r.-fit -ir.d lAvum a. The following l tier Heii a tor Clay i#t. fv>rth the May 4*r - position in the matter: < ity of Huvannah* Mayor’s oflice, Ba v*nin,h. Oh . Ik**' >, 19# lion. A. 8 • l*y. r 8 Senator. Washington, r>. C.: i*ar He >• at or Clay: I notice In the press til -i-at■ he# of to-day that there is a strong jr e abi.Ky of the naval station now at I ort Royal being ordered r#m>v**d to <’.a;irl dun, without Savannah # udvan tages being con#l l* r and at all. It appears to m* that in a matter of such lmnort atic* th** i lalms of all ports in the vicini ty tdi Mild If cor aider >o. ami the station should be locate*! at that one which offers th* greatest advantages for such a pur* I m >(*•• Here In HdViitKMh we are strongly of the opinion that in harbor facilities we •r# superior to any other port In this section, an*l shat many other rtHOB> ' , 'uld be pies rued why this port should be selected If the station Is to b** re moved from Port Royal. Our citixens !>#•- ll#vo, and \i appears to m# Justly, that - *me attention srwmld at least have been tald to th.s city before any determination •V4S reached in the mutter. I whs un der th# lmiresion tho< th# officers in charge of th# matter woukl visit Sa vannah an*! consider Its claims before re porting to Congress. The dec sloti, however, seems to hive been reached without rgnrd to the claims of any other port than Charleston. Natur ally w# look to our Georgia senators and representatives to pronoto on r Interest* in a matter of such importance. I trust that, if it Is not too late. Hav.innah will not h# overlooked. Savannah invites com parison with any other South Atlantic lort when It comes to the advantageous location of a government naval station. Keeling that w# will hav# your valua ble assistance, 1 am very re# port fully, "Herman Myers. Mayor.** Considerable effort has been mad# dur ing th# last several months to have th# Georgia senators and representatives draw th# attention of the naval author ities to Savannah’s advantages as a lo cation for the naval station, but without any satisfactory results. The station seems to have l*en looked upon as B**nu tor Tillman** particular plum sine# the t ine h# m nag#*l to work In his resolu tion far th# removal to Charleston along with the naval appropriations' hill. UFA KING U %* POSTPONED. Atuesee of Witness Prevented Far ther investixstinn of £toef|*l| Case. There was no further hearing yester day in the case of Boiomoa Shaft ail. the S lYunnah wholesale grocer who has be en arrested ar<l arraigned before I’nited States commissioner Lewis on a charge of placing in circulation a raised stiver certificate. The hearing was to have been resume*! in the afternoon, but at the hour appoint ***l \V. H Lynch of Kin* on. a material witnot* for the government, had not op pea red Assistant District Attorney W. K. I.*kn, who is looking after the in tfrests of the gi*vernm nt at the hear !i g. requested th** commissioner to post pone furth*r consideration of the cn.*e until this afternoon, when Mr Lynch will be here. l>rf*utv Marshal White, It l* expected, with the wttne*s, will return to the city by that time. Mr. K. o. Futcii. the traveling sales man for the defendant. from whom Mr. Bl>eftaU said he received the raised hill, w in present before the commissioner, but his evidence was not taken. It was deem ed better to wait until ali the witnesses who were needed were on haisl and thus b* |n a iM>slt|on to complete the investi gation at r s.ngle hearing. I*KD lll** riPTOK % 'II.It It V ( HAH:. Lead-Pipe Thief Mml* n Break f*r Liberty. Three negroes. J*e Boston. O. Owens, nrxl Robert Gibson, were arrested yester day morning, charged with the theft of lead plj*e from the rums of the Chat- Iram Academy. Jwt as he wa about to Ikj put In the patrol wagon. Gibson made a dash for liberty, and came very mar m iking good his escape. He started down f'glethorpo avenue going east, but seeing I atnolman F**tvi*r waiting for him at Ahercorn street he changed his course and went down Floyd street Instead, thence down McDonough street. He made for and entered Colonial Park, went througii it to Habersham street, th**n down to Llbt rty. and *at on that street until he came to McMillan's copper works.through which he went, over the fence that sur- it Into Perry street lane where ha entered a house Patrolman Fender, who * something of a sprinter himself, sahl that it ha* been a long time since he has seen ho fleet a fugitive, but he man ur'd to keep hln In view and captured him In the house In which he had sought rc f uge. Ihe men appears and before Recorder Hart ridge and were by him remanded to the City Court. *T\% ILL ROCIY BECOME A LAW. ftlll Making; Guards an Independent Battalion of Artillery. The announcement In the Morning News dispatches tram Atlanta yesterday, that the .Hnotc bad passed the hill designating the Savannah Volunteer Guard# Battal ion as an ind pendent battalion of heavy artillery, armed with rifles, was received with pleasure by th** member* and friend* of that historic corps. The ehnlrtiwin of the Military Committee of the House has already expressed him self to Senator t'ann a* being heartily in favor of th* hil and It Is believed that It will |ni*-* the House with the same celer ity and with practically the same unani mity with which it passed the tfenato. In the Senate th*r% was not a disi>entlng vote. Gov. Candler too has expraaatd him s* If In favor of the bill, so that It is prac tically assured that It will become a law within the next f**w days. Fifty Cents Will Mop 3 our Aerate to la*. Whether It Is from tetter, ecsems. ring worm. salt rheum, or any other ekin trouble, uee Tetterint. and accept on sub stitute. claimed by the dealer to be "juet as good " Nothing ala* la Just ae good If your druggist can't supply you. send SO cents In stamps to J. T. Bhuptrine. Savan nah, Ga., for a box postpaid.—ad. FAIR MOVEMENT UNDER WAY. tX MMITTF.r* M1II2) TO t'4>VA FOM ST4TB F4IH ft Ml. The Various Inilnstrles. Business Lines nnd *rnlraalona Vnnluned to Snh-enmnilttees, fsi-b 44 Ith n t hstrmss Committeemen 44 111 itemize Voilee To-itsj 44Hli Me (ineal tn llrain 44ork Imntedlutel>. Lskensrnneo Hna DtmlUK-srrd ■nd Vow i:ier> hody Is IH-teriulued •o Get the Fair. It iM'em* jw>ur*sl that S.ivwntll 1U tiat only sA for the State Fair, hut. ns sisk ins ts praetFnlly equivalent to receiving. It srltl inks hoid of It and run tt tn >t etyie (hat this old Institution has not known In years. This ts Jislyms >y the rtdrlt with which the business nun of the city have taken hol.t of the matter itn<l no better tub wtlons couM be desirol. The lukewarmnees which Savannah nt ttrst tiv-fkiayeit towanls the fair movenv nt has entirely passxi ow-ny. The met-ttng held at the City Exeh tnee Turwdi)- aftet roosx. and the steps taken yoterday by Mayor Myers not hk ..tetants or. the 44'nys and Mi are romnutte*-. put the movement In seed sh.ife for a live work, which will bexin ut once. Mayor M>ers and the whom he had selected In accordance with the resolution of the merlins the pre vious afternoon, met at the Mayor's of fice at noon and proreeted at on '• to the work before them. It wa and., Ul and that the Mayor should remain tempoeii* rtly at the head of the commuter, and that there shouid be no permanent orsau- Izatlon until the stuck suht-cilidions have been secured A meetlnx of the sub scriberw will then tie called and a pci - manent organization effeemt. At the sugaration of he Mavor It wns dtchtid to divide out the work among the Canvasslnjt Committee nrcordiiiK to tt-.e various tines of tiueini-rs. occu(xittons and Ptofese.ons rather than by di.-tricts, tictnx akreed the work ivjul.l be more promptly an.l more satisfactorily a. ■ .>m p.lshed in this manner. The subdivision ol me work and the selection of com mittee. occupleil considerable time. The division was very carefully made as w.-,s also the selection of the committees, the Idea being to select men who could r.ot only render able as-lsunce, but KIM wenild cheerfully do so At the on u .-non It was generally agreed that the committee was one of the atib-M ever sHeetid for a work of this kind In rii vstnnah. The rubdivleton of |tkm| Interests, tn each of which a committed D .ts-lgned, with the , of ea.-h cominittee, u as follows: law-> ora and Architects—Capt. W. D Stevens. iNx-tors nnd fientlsts—Dr W 4V GwCr.s \4'hoe-,ia amt Retail Dry Goods. Cloth ing. She*-, tints. Millinery. Ilatdwate Palm* Oil, Glasawarii. Jewelry, I’hn <4. raphers and Retail Gro.-erte— HU Levy. 44 holesale Grocr-rics. Naval Stores. Dumber, ljqunm, Glgnrs and Tobacco—o' 44'. Tledeman. 44’hoisale ar.d Retail Drugs-Isalah Solo mons Hoists. Rewiaurants. Cafea. Thecitcrs— J V4\ Jackson. Banks. Cotton. Capitalists. Real Hstat* and Insurance—Leonold Adler Truck Planters. Sals Stables, Dealers ■md Manufacturer* Cart I lees 44'.ig..ns and Farming Implemrm Miscellaneous— Julius Kaufman, Faeh committee ror.riatg of from thrr to six members, seconding to the amount of work Included In Its detail. Some of the committee*. It will tie seen, have quit. extensive llnee to cover. The chairmen of these committees are almost without exception very busy men. ant care Ins (e rr taken to provide th-m with ah . as -ist.ints. It being no part of the plan that the chief work should fall upon the shoul ders of the chairmen of the several run mlltees. Mach chairman will receive n notice to. day. Slating the work allothd to him and giving the names of his committeemen with the request that he call hi commit tee together at the very eorleat comm, len- e of hlmse.f and the others concemad as the work ts otis wtach does not admit of delay Each 'isrimltti-.-man will l-o receive a notice. Informing him of his ap. (•ointment nnd tiie committee to which hr has been s-signed, and requesting lit hearty assistance and i-o-opi-ratlon In the work It Is (svssllile that some line- have heen |n making out the stgnments to committees, m.t these wll lie included later as attention is t (> tliesn. The memliers of the lommlttees will handy receive notice tn time to get to g.-tta-r to-day. hut It la ite.-lnst they should do so to-morrow, If possible, and that the work shoukl he begun without delay 44 hlle the sum named as the amount of stock to lie sulascrttsd Is BA.OOO. It I ble that aa targe an amount as this ma\ not he necessary. It |* considered the safer plan. however, to secure till amount, and as the subacrtptlons arc to he calleit |n by Instai ments, the full amount will not he called for If It be fours! not to he required. “LA Mil or TUB MlDM4.ll’l M\." Hey. B. P. Johnson IH-llsrred nn In. teresllnw I. entire at Parish Hall. Rev It P. Johnson hi, lllua traied lecture, upon "The Land of the Midnight Sun." at St John's Parish Ha l tail night. The hall was a.most com pletely tilled With on audience that lis tened with keen delight to Mr Johnson's dear exposition of the very mmy and beautiful view* that were diaj.layel on the screen. In form the lecture wae a description of a journey from New York to tin north .oaet of Norway, where the "Midnight Sun” la aeen In ail lta strange glory. The entire trip wiut described, bcirlnnlnK with Ihe voyage acroe. the Atlantic. the n ~p the cuaatw of Ireland and Scotland, the land voyage through the Liner country and England to Hull, and the voyage across the North sea to Norway. Mr Johnson described gracefully many of the t'.Mu’, of Interest along this tour, with special referen.-* to th. cathedral and other specimens of ar. h llecture In Norway the fiord, and K l,. fibre, the quaint ••Hie* and towns, 'he tumbling fads and mountain peak", that were pictured on the screen, received an milled beauty from Mr. Johnm.i', descrip tion of ih-lr Interest and charm The lecture wu* delivered under the a :a t'lcea of the guvannah chapter o' the Ihitightera of the American Revolution for the benefit of Ihe Oglethori* M-vu mont fund. The large alien.lan. .> served to make a material addition to th fund. FOR THH 4'HHISTMAa 4iIMF„ bpsannah Foolliall Team I‘alilna i„ Hard Work. The Savannuh football team ha* re. aurard lta practices, atwl la rapidly getting in good eh,|ie for Ihe game with Jack aonvllle In that city on Chrlaimn- The weak spots In the eleven ~r , t W | re strengthened by new material. tnotly re turning college players, In town for the i)Olidl)rS Changes will be mede from now on a, better men for the pu.ltlona are developed and a large number ef men are wanted by Coach Sauam at each practice ir. ord,- to taat the abllttlaa of each p ever. A gen eral practice and meeting w 111 he he.d to ntgtot at the Hussar- Armori and every body Interested In tba wotk U aaruasliy requested to attamk MIKtrrHBLS AHE HKHK.4HM46. llnssnrs Promise an Riselleal Per formance for Dec. IT. The Hussars' Minstrel Company, which will give a performance at the TTieater on the evening of Dec. IJ. to r the benefit of the King's Daughters' Freeh Air Fund jrul Imy Nursery. Is being steadily re hmreed for the event. For the last alx weeks rehearsals have taken place twice or three time* a week, but, beginning next Monday night, they will be held nightly. Darge additions to the company have been made since the very successful performance of Inst year. Hid special attention is being devoted to the music. The balladl.sts Include Mr. I>. McCardie, Mr. Jack Black. Mr. James B. Goodman and Mr. John Bank*, wtil.e the humorous songs will be render- I by Messrs. Connerat. Clark and 44'lll nms. The musical part of the perform ui e w ill Is* under the skilled direction of Mr. Kdwyn 44'oodhoms. The costuming and scenic effect* will ts on an elatiorate scale and the general effect, presented when the curtain rise# oi: tn. tlrst part, will Is- like nothing that imateur minstrel* have previously at tempted here. An attractive programme fir the second port has been made up, aid It w.ll Inchale a number of features of tar more than the amateur standard of excellence. The charities for which the performance w.ll tie given are certainly among the meet meritorious tn Savannah, being de igned to reclaim from lives of vice and '.me the little 1 hlktren of the city. That they have done much to a<s-ompllsh this '•lid. no one who has Investigated their workings doubt*. It ts altogether to lit • fie -feil tnat a very targe audienee will gri- t Inis second performance of tha Hus sar*' minstrels. FOM OKU DODGE KI.BtTIO*. After It the laiUge < otnpllmrntrd Deputy Grand .Hire. At the meeting of Oor.eord lavtgc No 17 of old Fellows last night, the follow ing off! er were elected for the ensuing term: Noble Grand—William T. 4Vail*. Vt • Grand—Walter H Kuhlman. Rie-ordlng iks-n lary—4V. H. 4Vlnn. Ftnatv-lai tb- netary—44". D. Flnlhorna. Tre,.<urer—H A. Auerim-h Past Grand K. P. Mason was electwi to succeed turns* If as trustee for the next three years. After adjournment the lodge marched tn a body seventy strot g. lo the Central Railroad depot to hid farewell to Deputy Grand John it Goodwin of Atlanta. I.txe Oak's Flection. Live Oak Ixstge of Odd Fellows also hekl Its ekctlon last night and elected the following officers: N. G—Elton 8. Osborne. \". O-F 44’|llett. Secretary- Dander Butler. Treasurer—Frank 44’erm. Trustee*—W. O Hawley. H. Blatlgny and K. S. Osborne. The past grand Is 44’. O. Hawley. Ilattpt Dodge's Officers. Haupt IxHlge also elected the following officers: N. O -Sam 44'llensky. V. G.—John Stahmcr. Secretary—Charles \'ettfr. Trustee—J. E. Bandlford. Jr. Mr. Sarullford was also elected trustee and organist. Mr. Emil Peters It past grand. OSTEOPATHY BILL DEFEATED. Effort to I.rgaliar Its I‘raetle* In Georgia Failed. Dr. Bt. J. B. Graham, president of the Savannah Medical Society, received a tel egram yesterday from Senator C'ann, an nouncing that the reconsideration of ths osteopathy bill had been defeated In the Sniate. Thia disposes for the n.-otwl time of the movement to legalise the prac tl-e of osqopathy tn Georgia. A Dill legalising oslepathy w.w te lore the last le-k-lntature. anyt was debated. It was r. introduced In the Senate at the iiresent sci-slon. aid defeated, but the osteopaths and their friends made a fight for n re censidaswuon. The me>lk-al soviet, . throughout the state took a hatid. and wlten the vote to reconsider was taken yi*;crday. the osteopath brllevers were I ■ gain defiati-d. In tin* Itcrorder's C ourt. In the R ecotder’a C>urt yesterday Mamie Pinckney, colored, charged with drawing a razor on Hattie Hondoraon. alao colored, was sentenced to $lO or fifteen <la ya. Lizzie Bkxon. colored, arreased for abus ing h small chili of which she was the nurse, and vlso with cursing and abus ing Mr. M Fried who remonstrated with her. was sentenced to 915 or twenty days. The beet that money can buy should he your aim In choosing a medicine, and this Is Hood * Sarsaparilla. It cures when others fall —ad Map of Savannah. Map and Guide of Ravannah. up to date. Price 25c. For sale at fOatlU’s Newt De pot. No. 45 Bull street. Savannah. Ga - ad. Paulding's Pippin rider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder, made In J/ong Island, can be had in pint of quart boitl-s, direct fi*m the manufac turer*. with their own stamp, at Lippnian Broa., Druggists. Havannah. *.a ad I nr Over Fifty Years. Mrs Window s Soothing Syrup has been us**d tor children teething. It soothe# the child, art ten* the gum.-*, allays all pain cure* w*nd colic, and l the T>, * remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bolile. —ad "Greybeard l a family medicine with *." .aid a | rominant business man ye,. I terday. 'My wife take. It. and I notice eh. I, enjoying letter health than for yrars. The children keep well by taking Orayheard may be obtained at all dm* •tore* or write to ua for it. Kespeaa Drug Cos., aole prop,.. Savannah. Ga.—ad. A Delirious Smoke, The Herbert Spencer I, an el-rant rig*, and It la truly n de||*hlfu| enjoyment to Inhole the fumea of this fine tobacco; h |. cxhllarntln* and delicious. gee that tho name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are *enulne. The ll.Tt.ert Spencer cigar* nr, only .old by th- to* of 80. Conchas at 12.(0.and I’erfe toa. H 50 at Ltppman Itros.. whole, n.ilc druggists. ltarnard nnd Congress atneta, of thla city.—ad. “It Cared *," ••Orayheard broke up rheumatlam on me." aaya Mr Cliaa. Tlioma*. the jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put mo In belter health 1 have enjoyed In a l.injr time ." Take Greybeard Pm, for that dlssy—Lost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It la al] you need. Restate Dru* Cos., acle prop. Sa vannah. Ga.—ad. A Hlgh-Orad- InaMtullon for Ladle* Shorter Oolle, Rom, aa. Write for catalogue.—ad. The kinds that give satisfaction. Hot Stuff Stoves. Oil Heaters that don't smoke, wm. & il H. Lattimohk. OUR Retirino Iroin Business Is an absolute fact and not a fake sale. Select your Xmas gifts now and we will put them aside for you. Just Opened, anew line of LIBBEY’S CUT GLASS in the latest pieces, with all the new shapes and cuttings. Don’t fail to see our grand display. Our stock is alive with beauty, comprising the latest styles of popular creations. Ceo. W. Allen Sl Cos. Wedding Presents Specialists, STATE AND BARNARD STREETS. CHIMNEY TOPS. FLUE PIPE. FIRE BRICKS. GROUND FIRE CLAY. n m s si 113 Broughton Str#rt \V#st u R nau f r Mnj.Aso. Frseldeat Vice )’res leu I lIcNRT ULint. Jr See r wad itsas I NEAL-11ILLAR1) CO.] Banders’ Material, Sash, Doors and Blinds, j : Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Brushes, ] EI’ILDERS' HARDWARE, ; Lime, Cement and Plaster. •m sa Wktnkw MSSSIK UtMHAA A- Wood Mosaic Co.'s Parquetry Floors Have been laid In many of the con *! fort a bit* home* in N w York, % . other cHlea. Mwr* cleanly and econoin* -** than earj**<* Plain and fancy floor* :il and poll*hod compile o\*r old *• making a aolld and beautiful impro' ,? * ment. Having a number of floor* to lay In *' • vannah thi* mowh wi nan quote ** figure*, f’a a-logua and eatlmat'-e n**y had by addrraelng J M APA Mb. 227 N Charle* afreet, BaMlmcr M• . -* ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. • > kinds. ■FED RTE. SEED OATS. HAT. GRAIN. FI < CHEESE, BEANS. Peas. Blcs Sira". c,c - W. D. bimkins & tHtICMESTI. SAVANNAH THEATRE. THE KLIMr-HEAKN CO.. Prawn tins si the Matins* ToW "TRILBY • Pries*—Adults Me, children l‘ v To-niaht at : oeso<l' "AN INNOCENT BIN NEIL Prices—loc, 20c and Ms,